EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, MARCH 17, 1016. 12 M'LISS FINDS SMART LITTLE LADY LIVING IN LIBERTY HALL Interesting Inhabitant of Independence Square Is Nearly Two Hundred Years Old, But Very Modern Withal RECENTLY ono of the largo Philadelphia shops which lins n "branch" In New York presented the creations at Ha sprliip opening, not on live models, but In rnlnlaturo on tlni French doll mannequins culled "pnndores." "How novel!" said every one, and those who were particularly tnken with n certain costume bought tho doll that woro It for $10 nnd considered It chean at that. Novel, indeed! Do you know that the llrst mannequin eer sent from Franco to America come to the Quaker City about 200 years ngo? And do you know that that same French doll a little mangy looking by this time, It is truo, and minus an arm and some lilrsuto adornment is liclng picserved tor all posterity in Independence Hall? v Just so. It was while 1 was meandering through the west wing of tho hail yesterday In company with tho Inevitable Yiddish and Italian youngsters who haunt the place that I Raw her lying on her back In n gla.3 case, her red-sllppcrcd toes turned up to the daisies, an It were. But oven tho Indignity of her posturo (what lady, indeed, could expect to hold her own knocked flat In a glass case?) could not entirely detract from tho chic and altogether modern n)r of this llttlo French lady of proKcvolu tionary days. Sho wears a brocuded silk of most excellent quality white taffeta with trawberry-colorcd designs. Tho pointed basque might luuo been matla by n 131.6 modiste at tho npex of her Rartorlal career, so smart arc Its lines; and If nn added touch were needed to stamp Its modernity, thero It a charming llttlo apron effect of tan taffeta. Tho unyielding glass case and I ho stein eye of ft uniformed Individual on guard prevented u closer examination on my part, but ram quite sure there were hoops, up-to-date 20th century hoops! Tho French mannequin was sent to Philadelphia from I'niH about 200 years ego, it Is believed. At nny rate, history shows that she was given to Mrs. Snrah Duffleld before the Mberty Ucll had Hung out Its llrst Jojous peal. In 176J Sirs. John Pcnn, wife of William's grandson, who was tho last Colonial Governor of Pennsylvania, presented It to Mrs. Duffleld. This was In a day when Philadelphia was the Purls nf Amcilcn and Chest nut street its Hue do la Palx. The Quaker City couturiers weie without peers in, the western world, and the colonial damo or damsel who could afford to have a gown sent down or up from Philadelphia was In exactly the same posi tion as tho modern miss who lias her Worth, her Paquln or her (.'allot model. In marked contrast to this "anclent-modetn" Fieneh doll Is the IK tie Quaker lady of great antiquity, who also has her place In a glais case. Her costume Is supposed to depict that worn by tho Friends before the Involution, although Wilfred Jordan, the curator, whom I Rought out after "discovering" 'these Inter esting ladles, told mo that tho watch which she wears brand her as nn arrant faker, slnco tho Friends of pio-llevolutlonnry days did not wear such wordly baubles as watches. M'LISS. SEEN IN THE SHOPS EVEItY six months, or nt least every year, every adult should undergo a complete physical examination In all re spects as rigid as the most painstaking life Insuranco test. This Is a boost for the family doctor, of course Hut It It were the custom, Instead of the excep tion, the standard of public health would bo so much higher, there would be so much less sickness, that the poor doctor would come out on tho short cndol me bargain after all. Wn nuote from a letter written by a reader: "1 llio far rrom tho city on a rural route, but I get the paper cery "n nnd I cut out nnd save all your nitlcles. It Is hard to got a doctor to come where no enr lino passes handy by. Ten days ago J suffered h secro attack of colic soon after a hearty dinner. Tho cramps rtititlnucd more or less up to the present, though abating In severity. I mn now eating olilv broths nnd liquids Mm n day before jestcrday the kldne function Is extremely scanty, though no p-iln. I hac had lino health, am tnllier slout ami Hoi Id, the mother of three thlldicn (now giown up). Please let me know what j on think, as -soon ns possible." In reading the meager history the woman offers, we i think something like this! Ptomaine poisoning? No. more likely gallstone colic or mnjlie renal (kidney stone) colic. Or cancer! Yes. stout, florid, picture of health, mother of several children cancer, Just the type. Poor woman Why can't olio rcallzo tho ital importnnco of seeing her doctor at once? Whv docs sho allow a matter of con venience to threaten her safety, her life, perhaps? So we write a rort of frightful reply, Intended to scare that woman Into sudden action In her own Interest. She 'Is evidently an Intelligent, educated woman. Iter letter proves mat. i" "' rhc nnme of the shop where this article limy bo pun based will be supplied by j considers convenience liotore jnicij. nj . Hecnuse n urn m i....-w... .... ---; DOCTOR UKGES MEDICAL go To the Rose TEST EVERY SIX MOJNTHbi t-imj jw,,, . When I raromblo her to thee TW WILLIAM BRADY, M. D. ' w fair nnd "weet she seems to eiover tea is narmiess in iiseu, urn. n win A PLAY MOCK TIMS oiitnt for the iblld is becoming nnd comfortable. Made nf sumo scrvlcenblo wash goods. It can be mnde clean nnd tilg nt a moment's notice. The thess shown today opens all the way down the fiont, which facilitates tho laundering pioccs gicatly, and adds to the qualntness of the fiocl; Itself. Fine pink or blue ihnmbrny is tho matciliil of which It Is made, with smocking In white. Tho etnbioidery on the panel nt the ft out is also done In white. The hem has an Inch-wide tuck placed theie for utllltv purposes, should the llttlo one grow up unexpectedly soon. Sizes to j ears Pi Ice. SJ.nO Letters to the Editor of the Woman's Page Adore all rommunlratlonn to M'l.N. run- or the Ktenlnir I eilurr. lili of the imprr iinly. Write nn enr Dear M'LIss Can you find out for me the nanus of the physician who made re cent hot remarks about women using cos. mattes. I think he made this tho subject of a paper published In n medical Journal. I should like to know what he said about actresses using rouge. FIti:i: THINKER Tho name of tho brave man Is Dr Wil liam P. Cunningham, a leading dermatolo gist of Now York city. Ills article ap peared In The Medical llecord. In part, he wrote: "It is n curious commentary on tho whole wretched business that as men emerge from savagery they ceaso to adorn themselves with paint, and women begin to resort to It. Tho skin of tho habitual user of cosmetics, when It Is possible to get a glimpse of It at all, Is dry, harsh and coarse. Its natural Hues nre deep ened by the precipitation Into them of tho solid constituents employed. From pro longed abuse of Its delicate fabric It takes on tho repulsive aspect of precocious de generation, so that at 30, when a wom an's comeliness should be In full luxur iance, the bloom and rondure of youth give way to the Beamed and haggard mask of menacing senility. ,The skin which has been put to such unnatural uses has been made a mere parchment backing for the decorator's brush. It has. long been deprived of Its privilege of basking in the sunlight and feeling the reviving Inlluenccs of the with elo lug. clogging, clammy messes un til tho vitality has been squeezed out of It "The wan and haggnrd hue nf tho tin painted actress Is In startling contrast with the tinted Venus flaunting her manu factured charms In the glare nf the spot light. We wonder at ner marvelous pul chritude, forgetting In the fascination of the moment the sordid manner of Its pro duction. Yet Mimetlmes this actress has n keener appreciation i,f the fltneiw of things than hor lay sister nnd conllncs her facial decoration strlctl) to tho de mands of her business, thereby limiting the damage to her Integument to a very material degree " Hear M'J.Iss I am anxious to make no mlstnko In having a loom papered SO feet long, bay window at ono end, two win dows, plain wall opposite with two doors and two doors opposite bay window, 12 feet high, rieaso help me. J. C. The iclatloushlp of tho furniture, the draperies, tho rugs, the pictures to the wall covering must bo taken Into consul- I oration In choosing a paper. To advise you it would tie necessary to know all this. Never have a dark wall paper sup ported by a light floor covering This is a law which must always bo obeyed If good taste Is to bo achieved. For a stamped self-addressed envelope, I will tell ou the name of an Inexpensive little book that I think every woman Interested the Editor of the Woman's Page. KvrjNi.vo T.KimKn, BOS Chestnut street. Tho request must bo accompanied by n stamped, self-nddrcssed envelope nnd must mention tho dale on which the nitlclo appeared. Something Nice for Friday Tiy one of thc-e Friday recipes this week: Take a pint of oysters ; Hue a bak ing dish Willi good pie paste and put tho oysters in it Add n small lump of but ter, and, If wanted, u tublespoonful nf llnelv chopped bacon Season well with salt and pepper. Put n lop crust over nil. and bake for in minutes. Or, select a nice fftt piece of codllsh. and. when It has been soaked In salt water for nn hour or so. tlo It up In cheesecloth. Cook It In enough boiling w nter to cover It well, adding a table spoonful of vinegar to the water Ten minutes to tho pound Is tho proper llnio for boiling, nnd when the llf.li Is tender, remove tho chec-ecloth and pour tho llsh out on a hot platter. Pour u good cream or llollandalM- sauce over this, and gar nish with parhley and haid-bolled egg hiked Glove Mending "Stunt" When .von see the finger tips of your gloves begin to go. tutu tho glove finger InHlde out and stitch tho toin place nn tho m ichlne. It looks lots better than tho other way, and will last longer. beaven-born breezes, but has been loaded In her homo should possess. GOOD FORM Good form queries should be ad dressed to Deborah Ruth, written on one tide of the paver and signed with full-name and address, though initials ONLY will be published upon request. What to Say When Introduced Dear Deborah Hush Will you tell me what I should say when Introduced to some one or when a young man Is pre sented to me? My gentleman friend says you should say, "Pleased to meet you." Is this correct? I would be glad to hear what you have to say on this subject. A. P. M. A set phrase such as "Pleased to meet you" is not considered good form. The more, simple way Is to say, "I am very glad to meet you" or "I am so glad to meet you," Well-bred people are always very simple and .at ease in their Intercourse with one another, and such phrases as "Delighted, I am sure," and "Pleased to meet you" are i rather set and therefore not good form I The expression "gentleman friends" Is not good form. Theatre Going I Dear Deborah Hush Will you tell me ' If It is considered good form for a girl to ' go to the theatre at night alone with a young man? I am IS years old and (hlnk I should be free to do so. Just because I mother never did when she was 18 Is no reason why I should have to stay home or ' else make a man take her, too. NAN' Your mother Is right. It Is not good I form for a girl of 18 to go about In the evening with young men unchaperoued I know that a number of mothers have be come careless about this of late, but that Io not make It good form Why not let him take you to a matinee? Handshaking Dear Deborah Rush Will you please lpform ma as to whether or not it Is cor rect to hak hands among men on the street with gloves on, or in the case of a man shaking hands with a woman? If the man has a glove on his right hand at the time. Is it correct to say "Excuse my glove?" I have often heard H said, and a little information from you on the sub. Ject would be appreciated. F, O. McG. The usual thing Is for men to shake hands on the street. As In the question of shaking hands with a woman, she always takes the Initiative, Sometimes a man has J19l time to remove his right glove, and 1n that case It is quite correct to say "Ex cuse my glove." Usually a man Is supposed to shake a wornan'a hand with his right hand un covered, A Case of Slang Dear Deborah Rush How far can a girl use steng? Is it ever permissible to interlard her conversation, with slang (not too obviously so)? I would like to have your opinion. Sincerely yours, N. A, W. It ia not possible to give an absolute rule on this question, as so many words have become slang through custom and Vice versa, I should say that obvious tUng. ordinary commonplace slang, fcauld not be, used by a lady, but custom bas js&de the milder forms of clang per intawlhld in iome cases. l( is never to be TuwKended, .however a&hough goroe UmW tolerated. ! for Card Party? P,ar- peborah, Ruth I have been asked ' to a Kftr4 party on next Monday night, i art! not know what to wear. There ' -je tor ha bav sjcA sslxlx. ami wa ah tn , E- ..A-& I tt ill III . fA .it ... t.A.., knu Would that bo all right? I have known him a long time. I am 16 years old. JUAN. A white dress open nt the neck and mado with short sleeves would bo appro priate. If you have n llttlo low-necked frock, that would do equally well, and It need not be white; any pretty light color would bo suitable. As to tho oung man's taking you home: If ho Is well known to you, jour parents must, of course, know him, and they will bo the best Judges as to whether ho may take you, or they send a maid for you. DUBOUAII P.US1I Large Fine White Diamond in New Ml! nil rialltium Hrooch A Bargain at $75.00 Many hautlful ilontcns In nil Plati num llroocliet nnd Uur Pins ut rea Honable rri' es Wrlto or cull for Diamond lloolt STAB 1B01 SO STH ST THOMPSON. ASK FOR and GUT HOS3UCICS THE ORIGINAL MALTED MILK Cheap substitutes cost YOU same prlc STYLE 634 Suede Collar PRICE $25.50 Tyrol Wool ( a Knitted Fabric) LADIES' AND MISSES' Suits New Colors New Models for spring ana k3uramer $18.50, $22.50, $25.50 The New Polo Coat Suede Trimmed Designed and made especially for our exclusive sale $13.50 Our Tyrol Wool Mourning Suits make it possible to obtain suitable apparel quickly perfectly fitted from stock Mann & Dilks 1102 CHESTNUT ST. MANUFACTURERS OF SHIRTS. GOWNS, PAJAMAS, ETC. IMPORTERS Or UNDERWEAR, HOSIERY, CLOVES, CRAVATS iSBSU-TI-TQNB rCM -zK!?Zr" 1 4? fi m'flMM m WSkS? 'VI Aituret In Fverv Woman a Perfecl CamoJexlan f t Uoea rliht to the point docs what hand munastnr. ,1 vj vibration, electricity or preparation can ntver do. Tf Coca u at owe no ondleaa waltlur or vala hoping-, it remove wrinaic. (t.iuiv. uv- to iub .&w. iwi the skin clean and firm, gives to the cbeelu a delicate, joutbful bloom that la greatly desired. Take the 1 yeara on Immediately, and wm It tna maraa or worry, -" dl.MlDatlon. lUneia and 111 nature. CI At all i'tril i rtatorea a beautiful, clear complexion. ' Clata Pealer Uiu.n.'-ll-UINi; la a noma beauty triattient not . tr-at or plaatex t . I. ...I. h'.rmi-M If your dealar cannot auoDly you aand ua 1 00 and w will eud you full package loutalolug M treatment wltb complete direction All charge prepaid. GuataaUt i Sttulacian r PetekiU frice HtlwUtd Made Only by K. J. UOU Ul t,0- M(g' Ulgb tirade Ilcjuty 8ccUUlet 411 Lincoln Uulldisx. l'kaadclbbla. 1'a- Be" ( " lllbcrt tUr Cranberry Sherbet Recipe It's Iouk pa.Ht TlinnkxRivliifr, but tho lore fortiiu.il c of u-i uto likely to enjoy a meal of poultry at houio tlmo or ollior, so a cranberry Hliorhct iccipo la quite in onlor, for notlilnsr In quite no boo1 jih tho tart taste of the oranbeiry with name. Take four cupfulH of Hloueil cranberries, atlil the Htralnccl julco of Hl nraiiRCH and four LUpfulH of Hiipir Krcozo until mushy, then nilil the M-liltes of four orbs, beaten stiff, and finish freezing To Remove Scorch Stains Hub the scorched spot on your pet tnhtt'vlnth with a ihk so. iked In hydrogen peroxide, slightly diluted. Knllmr this li a prcsliiB with u moderately hot Iron, anil the placo will bo whlto a Bain hac a regular pUJ slc.u exnniiiiau uu. j .mt Is nil right for automobiles, engines and other valuable property indeed it is nec essary, from the standpoint of cnm'; Hut what Is a woman's life worth. Ih It worth an annual physical examination? What do her children think about It? If tho family doctor Isn't hero to pre vent disease, by detecting Its eaily or threatening signs, what then Is hia func tion in modern life? QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS The Hcd Clocr Tea Theory Recently I read nn nrtlelo by a well known writer iccommending led clover tea for cancer. Wlint Is our opinion? Would it be Injui Ions lit nny way? Answer If tho "well-Known" writer were as good a doctor as she is poet alio would never pcrpttrnto such an Idea, lied rH rr nun or uwa xm wm wess "Gettin tips for servin' breakfast food is hard as gettin gold dust outen a saw-dust pile. But I got the combina- Y hon. I give em a tip to eat Cream of Barley. And they eat pleased as can be, and leave a couple of jits under the plate to remember 'em by. I got the combina tion! ME and Cream ofBa nw35Sw7 K Mj& & 4 FraS&Vi ySMii ItCjf not cure or help cancer. Oats for Man or Horse Onts are homo food. Can man digest them? Answer Samuel Johnson nnld. "Oats ntp food for horses In Hngland and men In Scotland." "And where," asked a Scotchman, "will jou fliul such horsesn they have In Kngland qr such men as they have In Scotland?" Small H the worth Of beauty from tho light retire. Uld 1-cr como fdrth, Suffer hericlf to bo desired And not blush to bo so admired. Then dlo! That she, The common fate of all tlitntrs 1 May real'. In thee: B Ur, Iloiv small a part of tlme t,cy 8har That nre so wondrous sweM and flu? HlBUiJllllIM1"'"""li"ll-'"J,LL'"'t''"'J""'w AbsolutelyPure Healthful, reliable, economical. Used in homes where food of the highest quality is served. tftfo Phosphate I JM Misussn T WllBWS B CHOCOEATE 1 I "BVDS 1 SS They continue to be supreme in the art of If m chocolate making. M See that you get "W1LBURBUDS" M K not something that looks like them. It's M ,.jjk the chocolate, not the form, that . S Z&ffj'&jK taates ffS. feu f i Sold by Lendinc Confectioner, f' lfLffs&L jv DrugB't and Fancy Grocers. ifaS&ll r&ji vW H. O. WILBUR & SONS, Inc. Ja ,f--x. I X " &s- Sole Manufacturer MrSk V V " j?Jy Mile. La Parisienne (((JMi tries to acquire "lliat charming '111 VvSISS American figure" by discarding the I ;iij Y IIU confections of Rue de la Paix for V j jHj these delightful American corsets. HH In Smart Stores and Shops. mmljpj fj) Smart Set Ccmt Co.. A'es Yerk. w W Hj jKf (At Your Grocer's) Wr IV WCd 1- la ' h More beautiful creations in shoes than those com ing into these two big shops daily have never been known in the world's history. Thi3 is an age of wonderful pro gress in artistic footwear. Our designers are prov ing unusually original. Correct Colors TEN DOLLARS &he JarpBr Shoe Co. W2Z Chestnut St m8 Mark&t St. LUIGI RIENZI 1714 Walnut Street Importer and Ladies' Tailor Spring Opening ON DISPLAY Paris Model Gowns and Wraps Order Department Prepared p Take Orders for Spring and Summer Gowns French Hats and Rienzi Models WllllMIIIIIIIIIlM Children's Dresses, Coats and Millinery From the finest designers of juvenile wearing apparel. Clever conceptions in unusual variety. 1 BLAYLOCK &. BLYNN, Inc. - 1528 Chestnut St. iHiilTOWiillWllllllWlilillM ptt 1 ak e Moms -ftecward. J itZC2Pv---s'W3 v-i-----'eaaBjb1 ; Ctvify & Cmh Accounts Cash Account Only'