Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, March 17, 1916, Night Extra, Page 11, Image 11

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Erul of Efficiency Exhibit,
Worth $1UUU,UUU, in ruat.
Regiment Armory, Is
Drawing Near
only one more day remains In which
Phll"dlphlnns will lmvo the opportun ly
T, .eYlng $1,000,000 worth of onice equip
01 iki ' f hecauso the Jlrsl
",tnt.?"r,,,ittnhlit nuslness and 13(11-
,"""3 Show, now being held In the lRt
cncy snow, .,., nmt Caltowhll
ff will end tomorrow night at 10
L0C.'- ..,! wa of various ble cor-
-Jutlons and bustncBS houses are tho
Pr:l " h. hnw. It will bo tho sec
ond afternoon known as the Executive
nky This afternoon the doors will bo
1Ad to the public, so that the executives
nar have full possession and may ask nny
motions uninterrupted.
Although the Dlctophono hns been on
rS market for a number of years and
although many persons have heard of It
ihtre are thousands who have passed
through the Business Show who nover
Mwone before. Tho Dlctophono booth
r .. nMniiliir rtnlnt nf lnvnl Icnllnn
if the show, both for tho business man
And tnfl PUDUC IU Kvuuitii. noiiuin n u
much Interested, according to tho sales
1 - T T Wanltrvtt. vlin thov Vienr
Sat. by'the uso of a Dlctophono. letters
i minute, while under tho regime of dicta
tion by shorthand 125 words Is tho aver
age rate.
The Hammond Typewriter Company,
1 Mch has local offices at 208 South 11th
street. Is attracting considerable attention
with Its machines which write In several
languages without changing the key
board. For Instance there Is ono machlno
which wrltfH Yiddish, Orcclt nnd Eng
llih. To write Yiddish nnd CJrcck, tho
machine has to go from left to right In
stead of from right to loft. Then, too, the
the machine which enn bo used for
algebra Is causing much comment. Tho
Hammond people clnlm that they have
the only typewriter which does algebra.
The Corona typewriter, which W. L.
rrlckltt, a member of tho firm who Is In
the booth, cnllB "tho typewriter for per
lonal use," Is being Invei-tlgated by hun
dreds of people dally. Tho Corona Is
often lovingly called "tho baby type
tfrlter," bccaURO It Is the smallest at tho
big Business Show and weighs only six
pWnds. It can bo folded up and packed
In 8 grip or a suit case. Mr. rrlckltt de
tlires that It goes all over the world with
the writers of news, becauso It Is easily
carried nnd makes such clean copy.
The winner of tho highest possible
award In tho stencil mnchlno class nt tho
Panama-Pacific Exposition nt San Kran
elsco, the lelenl Stencil Company, Belle
Yille, 111., has a booth at tho exhibit
which has attracted crowds.
"Some peoplo have never oven seen a
itonctl machine." said tho representative
In charge of the booth, "and they aro
much Interested In It. The newest featuro,
which has nover been used before, la tho
alldlng table on which wo place our card
board for tho stenciling." Tho operator
jays that many firms fllo their stencils
and uso them for years.
Crowds also visit tho booth or tho
Itoneo Company, of Now York, to see how
fbonles of Iftters aro mado without water
' jmade on a vegctnblo parchment paper that
F' ' la na tliln na ttoa,,n .iinn,- ' rwl nu atmnt
Id ma .., .... ttk.uuu ji.tj,.. ...tu , '..utt
f m the old-fashioned brown wrapping'
paper. Copying of tho typowrltten letters
ti made posslblo through tho uso of tho
i Konea no-water copier papor, which Is
HTeol Iff air-tight waternroof . rolls.
B Visitors at the Business Snow aro show-
W In enAitlnl InlA.nat n Ilia Ti .P. It. nheit
k. .writers, made by the Hendihaii Manufac
turing company or uwcago. u. is, woig,
the district malinger for sales in this ter
ritory, calls his machine "tho only only,"
because It Is, ho says, the only one which
writes duplicates, tho only one which Is a
ft self-Inker, tho only visible one, nnd the
f only one which perforates and inks the
check on the back, so It cannot be tam
pered with. Changing tho amount with a
pen, using acid, or erasing any figures on
B. rhrlf U'Htfnn ii'ith n,i M A 7 t..tf.tt lea
R -impossible, according to Jlr. Welg, who
f vtemonstrates at his booth in tho Business
Br Ehonr.
Operators Said to Be Buying Up Big
Supply of Good3
The prices of wholesale silk aro ad
vancing so steadily that, nceordinff to all
reports, they will soon bo In tho "war
hrlde" class. Not only aro tho prices
J6rted this week much higher than those
of lout, but operators are said to be buy
ing" up a big supply of silk Roods for
future sales nnd a further rise In that line
u predicted. In some cases oven silk
roods are not on tho market. The same
ttory Is told by mill owners, importers,
wholesalers and retailers namely, con
tinued demand. Inadequate supply and
prices which nro undoubtedly "going: up."
The price of Japanese raw silk contin
ues to advance, while prices of certain
wunese pongees show a inaikeu increase.
The same la bald on Georgette, ono of
fh coming fall fabrics. Among tho popu
r, spring and fall color mentioned are
pay, Belgium, navy and black.
Her Clothes Ignited by Curling Iron
as She "Makes Up"
ft" ALLENTQ1VN, Pa., March 17 Norma
"rry, leaning lady of "Lovers Lottery,"
It the Orpheum Theatre, is lying In a dan
rerous condition at the Hotel Allen, her
clothes having caught fire from u curling
ran while she was making up last night.
Jler tights were consumed by the flames
W4 a large part of her body Is scorched.
Vertical Filing
Diuf Awsr With
Bod and Follow
Steel Filing
Bread and
eU8whlll Streets
American Steel
Furniture Co.
I a I
President Royal Typewriter Company.
Business Show Audience Hears
George E. Smith, President
Royal Company, Tell of
Trade Growth
Italians Hold Newly Gained Po
sitions at San Martino
Despite Assaults
nOMi:. March 17 Another day of des
pirate nnd bloody (lirhtlnR nlong the
Isonzo front, particularly south of Clorlzln,
1ms cone by without the Austrlans bclni:
nblo to rcgnln nny of their lost ground,
the War omco nnnounccd last night.
"There has been fierce fltrhtlng on the
Cnrso platonu," the report says, "for tho
possession of the positions wo captured
Tuesday In tho Han Martino zone.
"After severe artillery and musketry
preparation tho enemy Inunchcd two
strow? nttneks and succeeded in renchlng
the brink of our new trenches, but was
on ench occasion vigorously repulsed, leav
ing tho ground covered with dead.
"In tho morning the enemy artillery
renowed the nttack, maintaining It with
Increased violence until night, but tho
firmness of our infantry nnd tho con
stant nnd effective support of our batteries
cnaniea us to hold our positions.
"Along tno rest oJ tho front our de- I
tnehments continued their nttneks, wreck- i
ltig tho enemy's trenches with grenades
In various places. Inflicting' losses nnd i
causing explosions." ,
Tho ofllclal report also mentions some '
nrtlllery actions In tho Tyrot and says:
"A thick fog yesterday Impeded artillery
activity on tho Isonzo heights, but tho
firing was more Intense on tho hills west
of Gorlzla."
The v.otl1 ttnos Its typewriting on Amer
ican typewriters. In turn, the world Is
pouring Its millions Into America's coffers,
arrordlng to Hcnrge IMinund Smith, presi
dent nf the ltoyal Typewriter Company.
Now Vnrk, who attended the first annual
Philadelphia Iluslnosq and I'fTlclcncy
Show l.nt night nt tho First Itcglment
Armory Itroad and Callnn-hllt streets. Mr.
Kmlth ! n former newspaper man. Ho
was with the Chicago Tribune before ho
entered tho typewriting business a score
of years ago
"The I'nlted States leads the way In
typewriting nnd ofllce appliances," said
Mr. Smith. "It hns blazed the trail. In
the path nt the typewriter has followed
the American oflloe equipment
"And because tho typewriter people be
lieve In preparedness," ho added, "they
are now making ready tn handle the enor
mous volume of business which will come
to the I'nlled Slates as soon as the Euro
pean war Is over. Kor Instance, at our
plnnt, tho ltoyal, alone, we nrc building
an enormous factory nnd preparing to In
crease our output 25,000 typewriters a
"Speaking of the way the American
typewriter Is used In foreign countries,
It might be of Interest to mention that
wo mnke 18 1 different types of keyboards
Electric Calculating Machine
90Machine and 10 Operator
The Best Evidence Is the
Ensign Record In Business
ll.NNKiN tr.SKRS
Nmv York r.lfo Inaurume Company use, .fl
Philadelphia Hitllrnad' una 47
I). H. (!ot. (Various Dcpta.) uio Ss
11I To1n!inn Companies u IS
City of New York Ueptrtments uia 17
And hundreds of other equally promi
nent concerna tiro Enaltfn repeat-order cus
nmeM. Visit Our Exhibit at the Show.
C. L. METZGAR, Selling Agent
1416 S. Penn Square
Alexander Van Rensselaer Host nt
Supper Gifts Distributed
Alexander Van Rcniselarr was the host
at n buffet supper given last night In honor
of more than 100 persons, who took part
in .the recent performances of tho Mnhlcr
choral symphony, nt tho Academy of Mu
sic. The affair took place at Horticul
tural Hall. Mr. Van Rensselaer Is presl
dent of tho Philadelphia Orchestra Asso- I
elation. I
Gifts were presented to different mem- !
bcrs of the symphony. A sliver cup was
given to Henry Gordon Thunder, a grand
fathers' clock to Arthur Judson, manager
of tho orchestra; a dress suitcase to Louis
A. JIattson. assistant manager; while Mr.
Leopold Stokowskr received from some
unknown donor several smnll china dolls,
representing tho chorus.
Sec the
at the Business Show
Does your addressing ten times
iaster aim neater tnan
handwriting and prints
exactly lllto a
typewriter. In
valuable t o
any business.
cnurcn, ciuo or
$27 to
With Only Ten Keys
the Dalton Is the Simplest
and the speediest for adding, subtract
ing, multiplying and dividing with
a perfectly visible listing feature.
Whichever way you operate the
Dalton cithor by the old-style
"sight" method or by "touch"
operation you will find it un
equaled for speed. Tho small,
compact keyboard, with only ten
figure keys, enables tho oper
ator to maintain maximum
speed without trouble or fatigue,
as machine automatically takes
care of numerical order. It en
tirely eliminates tho burden and
eye-strain caused by other
machines. These nro provable
advantages that you will enjoy
only with the Dalton. In these
points it is entirely different
altogether better than any other
calculating machine. A com
parative teat will convince you.
Or Let Vt Put One In Your Office Without Obligation.
Room 102-1-6-8 Forrest Bldg., 119 S. 4th St.
;; ..
, . 1 v9 1
Executives' Day Today
For the busy executive who was unable
to attend the Show on Wednesday we have
made this another Executives' Day,
First Regiment Armory
Broad and
Callowhill Sts.
1$m5fcj&l Pen l p M t( io ? m. djglyB
tor th foretrn 'trade. W make some
that write from rlht to lett Instead ot
left to right Turkish, Jlebrew and Oreek
have to have special action In this way,
Kvery ship that comes from foreign lands
brines gold lo pay for American type
writers. '
"Peoplo of this nation llttlo realize how
much they have to be proud of In the
achievements of America In the realm of
typewriting; nnd ofllce equipment," con
tinued Mr. Smith. "I hopo nil Phlladcl
phlans realize that under this roof nnd In
this show they have the opportunity of
seeing tho best In the world In ofllce equip
ment and typewriters. I know this Is the
truth and, what Is more, these appliances
are the result of generations of work
tho achievements of the brains of Amer
ica." Mr. Smith raid the typewriter held a
unique place In tho history of tho world.
lie also said that ns the automobile hns
centred about the gasoline engine, and the
aeroplane hns centred about tho gasollno
engine, so the entire field of olllce equip
ment has ccntrod about the typewriter
and, as a result of the Increased speed In
getting out letters, so the rest of the ofllce
equipment haa followed to keep pace.
Mr. Smith nnserted that the American
typewriter, tho American sewing machine
and the American harvesting machine nre
In a class by themselves, and that they
have set new standards In tho world for
efficiency. Mr, Smith held that Americans
have achieved these successes because of
the claes of men who go Into the type
writing business. He says In Europe men
"dally with It." while In America men give
their whole lives nnd brains to the busi
ness, "Americans grow up In the business,"
said Mr Smith; "they do not trlflo with
It. They nro In earnest In this coun
try there Is $65,000,000 Invested In type
writing companies nlone, to say nothing
of the million" In olllce equipment "
Tho typewriter, lie explained, lias gone
through four stages: first tho Invention
Itself, then the adoption of n unlxrr-al
keyboard, next lo make tho writing visible,
nnd It Is now being made so It will last.
Workmen Badly Hurt by Fall of
Twenty Feet
WEST CHESTEtt. Pa., March 17. Ed
win Murphy and John Dclmar, I'hllndet
phln tile workers, who have been em
ployed on the Interior of the new Brown
Opern House here, wore badly Injured to
day, and nro In tho Chester County Itos
pltat. The men were working upon a
swinging scaffold 20 feet above the con
crete floor. On the platform was almost
a ton of material. A rope parted, nnd
the men plunged to the floor.
Murphy suffered serious ruts on the
head and one arm Is Injured ; Delmnr
lias a fractured elbow and was liijurrd
Internally by the masi of material fall
ing upon him.
Dies as Result of Hemorrhage
Investigation of the death of Samuel Mc
Williams, 38 years old, of 1131 Olive street,
who was found In n pool of blood last
night on tho floor of his home, today dis
closed that ha was seized with n severe
hemorrhage of tho nose, Tho body, which
was sent to the Morguo by Coroner Knight
for n post-mortem examination, wna or
dered relened after detectives of tho mur
der squad learned that death was duo to
natural causes
Policeman Saves Three Children.
Three children we'ro carried ont of
smoke-filled room to safely by tollev
man Long, of tho 3d nnd Dickinson rtreeta
station, when a fire before noon today
started In the home Of Hyman Coheh. US?
South Orlanna street Tho fire originated
In tho room whero the children, Pnutlmv
aged 7; Eenjamln, aged , nnd Nathan, 4
years old, were at play. JIrs, Cohen
heard tho chltdren'n cries and met th
policeman ns she hurried outaldo to give
the alarm. Tho loss was trifling.
The Great Interchangeable-Type Typewriter
Writes over 50 lancUatrcs
in all styles of type (all in
stantly interchangeable.
Two styles of type al
ways in the machines
"Just Turn the Knob" and
change from one to tho
Hammond Typewriter
Foot East GDtlt St., New York,
208 South 11 tit St, rhlla.
a farm t t&ct or
it behooves you to skin your eyes and approach the matter
with exceeding wariness.
The business of making small, low-priced tractors is
young. But it's popular. More than a hundred concerns
have taken out tractor patents in the last two years.
The infant tractor industry today resembles the infant
automobile industry of a few years ago. Some manufac
turers have rushed into it blindly. Some tractors will do
the work and some will not. Some farmers will suffer.
A man who has no ax to grind has been investigating the
whole tractor situation. He has learned a good deal that
you can profitably learn before you loosen up on your
tractor money. He tells what he learned in a series of
articles The Tractor- and the first appears today in
Also in tills mmiQt
A Fruitman-Shepherd
An account of a personally
conducted visit to the farm of
David K. Bell, with whom tak
ing first prizes for pears and
sheep has become a habit.
Pigs that Cost Less
A discussion of hog breeding
from the dollars-and-cents
viewpoint and it certainly
makes a difference whether a
newborn pig costs fifty cents
or five dollars.
Underdrainage of Farm
A practical, authoritative talk
on the classification of soils
and the manner of laying out
a system of tile drains.
Corn in the Classroom
In which it appears that a
farm-bred boy can go to the
right kind of a school and learn
a whole lot about making corn
raising more profitable. .
Stabilizing Farm Credits
Suddenly the country has
awakened to the fact that
something has happened in
Congress having to do with
rural credits. What?
And more, including
Building a Lath House; Eco
nomical Road Building; The
Gampines, by Judge W. H.
Card; Building a Workbench;
Curing Pea-Vine Hay; A Start
with Sheep; Treatment of Al
kali Land; The Cow on Test;
What is New in Embroidery;
A Reel for the Clothesline;
Dried Fish Dishes, etc., and
The Regular Farm
and Home Departments
out t
'news dealer
119 8. iTII ST,
I' I l Hi MH.