--- ef3gefpm-y 10 EVENING LEDGER PHIL'ADEIPHIA, THURSDAY, MAROH 16, 1916. I m it ORATORS IN CONTEST I Atwurnl Elocution Meet of Archdio tsan Union Takes PJaco Tonight Th annttfU locut!on contest of tho Catholic TounB Men's Archdloccssin Union will bo held tonight In the audi torium of tho Cnthollc a Iris' High School, 19th and Wood streets. -Tift contestants nro survivors of elimi nation contests held during the last two months. They will reclto In tho order named, uslnrr tho following selections t John Mynn, St. Elizabeth's, "Tho Dandy Fifth"! John T. Greene, Jr., St. Illlza helh's. "Tho Curse of Iteirulus" ! Kdmund It Kly, St, Columba's, "Tho Spell o( tho Yukon"! William J. McMcnamtn, Vlctrlx. "Sparfncus to tho Gladiators" : Herbert 3 Scholes, Holy Family, "Tho Polish Hoy"; Thomas J. Hughes, Vlctrlx,. "Tho lJcncdtctlort ; Martin Foley, Immnculato Conception. "Tho American Citizen" : Maftin McCann,' St. Columba's, "Tho Cot lego Oil-can." Tho alternates are Mat thew A. Fox, Holy Family, and Charles M Rellly, Enterprise. First, second and third prizes will bo nwarded. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES EVENING LEDGER This STYLE TTTH (or like thtsl Ono time Ufa per line Three tlmca one week ,... 12Ho rer lino Blx tlmca one week..., 10a per line Situations Wanted, three times one week. 10 cents per agate line per Insertion. Place your order for three or more times and It will be in serted in the daily Public Ledger at no additional cost. One or two time rata for Etkhiso Lxixieb and Public Lrman combined Is ID cents per aeate line, with tho exception of Help Wanted and Situation Wanted, which la 15 centa per Una. Fort TYPE LIKE THIS (or like this) which la permitted In all classifications ex cept Help and Situations Wanted. Lost and Found, Pergonals. Uoardlnir and Rooms, add FIVE CENTS PER AGATE LINE TO ANT OF ABOVE RATES, There Is n drop storo near your homo that will accept Ledger want ads at ofllco rates. LOST AND POUND Ir Other Lost nnd l'ounil Ads Bce Pngo 1 EAItniNO Lost, on Sunday morning, pearl carrlnir. with small dlnmond at top, set In gold claw: either In St. Jamea Church or In Walnut at., Spruco st. or Illttenhousa Square Finder pleaso return to 320 S. 21st at. Suitable reward. PERSONALS THIS CLASSIFICATION Is for such announce 'menta na are of n puroly personal character such na children for adoption, appeals for thoso In distress, for location of lost rela tives, payment and nonpayment of debts, etc Your needs when listed hero are not confused with advertisements of n commercial nnture. Seo "Business Personals" for Important trade announcements. TELLING Will tho friends of William Telling who are seeking next nt kin In America communlcnte with W Pottit, 113 Harrow road. Leytonstono, London, England. UNCLAIMED TELEGRAMS WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH CO. Lever lmr ft derrlgue, J. W. Putt. L. R. Ham merstcy Co., Export OH Corp : Mary Traw touakl. Helen Cnplso. I.lberman Uroa. Co.. A. L. Evans. Illanche Wolff, T. C. Utevena, II. C. Lnndwehr. Stephen Wilson. It. F. Eldrldge. T. II. McLaughlin Prod. Co.. Chas. Waslofeky. POSTAL TELEGRAPH CO. Mr. J. II. Denney. Wade 4 Co . Wm. Kinney. (. O. llennett. Oeo. F Hart. J. J. Koon. HELP WANTED PEMALE Help Wnntril Ails Receded Too Luto for Classification Will bo round on Pago 2 BOOKKEEPER, experienced, one who Is famil iar with the clonk and suit manufacturing business preferrcil Feldenhetmer ft Lelbo wit, seventh lloor. 821 Arch st. BOOKKEEPER aast. or exp. bookkeeper one accustomed to ledger work preferred. Apply Ilronner Mfe. Co.. 214'1 N. Warnock at. CHAMBERMAID or mother's helper, white: I'roteatant, light housework nnd assist with child, ref. required. Phone Germant'n 33U0. CIIAMUK1UIAID wanted, capable colored girlj no washing; wagea 0. reference. Call or ad dress 154 E Mt Airy ave.. Qermantown. Phono Chestnut Hill I2 CHAMBERMAID and waitress; suburbs: good reference required. Met employer 003 Chest nut at.. Room 2(13. 10.30 a ra. CHAMBERMAID nnd waitress wanted: Prot estant: small family, references required. A 32, Ledger Of lice CHAMflKUWOUK and sewing: French or Hcotch pref.: for city, ref. II 711. Led. Off. C LERIC . for payroll and general office work In mill office on outskirts of W. me Phlli state age, experience, salary desired. Cedger Offlco. P 530, DRESSMAKER Waist fitter to take charge of workroom In largo dressmaking establishment; permanent position nnd good salary to ono capable of copying French models; good reference re quired. I Arn.Y 2012 WALNUT ST. DRESSMAKER wants finishers on waists; competent In every way; one used to fine work. Cunning ham. 1U03 Walnut. DRESSMAKER, experienced, wanted: steady position. H. tlucksteln. 1031 South 5th. GENERAL HOUSEWORK OlRLS. ALSO COOKS. CHAMBERMAIDS. WAITRESSES. CHILDNUItSES. MOTHERS' HELPERS. ETC., ARE IN CONSTANT DEMAND. PO. SITIONH ARE OPEN IN CITY AND SUB-J-RBS FOR BOTH WHITE AND COLORED HELP YOtl CAN REACH THESE EM PLOYERH THROUGH LEDGER WANT ADS. WRITE C)U CALL ON THE HOUSE HOLD REGISTRY BUREAU: MISS REED CAN HELP YOU TO A GOOD POSITION SUITE. 205. WASHINGTON BUILDING, 008 CHESTNUT ST. ' GIRL, about 18, to tend telephone, make her self useful about office and learn clerical work. Address Regal, 1823 Wylle st. GIRL lor housework; good home: easy place; Pell phone. Wyo ml na 2555. 1601 Cayuga st. OIHL for downstairs work. Apply N. B. cor, York road. Valley road. Oak Lane. QOVEIViESS Gentleman residing In country acslrva lady of refinement to supervise edu cation of daughter and manage housa and . servants. Bog 51. Bryn Mawr. Pa. 1IOH IER Y Exp. loopers. menders and ex aminers; always uusy; best pay In city. Wallace-Wilson Hosiery Co., -1353 Orchard ito US E WORK Experienced white Protestant not over 33 years of age; good cook: Da washing, a adults. 27 Carpenter st Ger mantawnv Phona Qermantown 2330. ii-H'SEWORK Wanted, girl for general bouse, work, family of a: location city: very desir able and permanent plara for reliable woman. Address H.. Postofflce Box 1311, J? aftllstiUrU. MILLIE AND HER j : -r J'TuHS'Xr.aLii 'TJ THE PUTYOFDW NAM TO PUT HUT lIlWC MU5T BAND TOGETHER AN0 CURB I tlQH! rM50.LftOYtotfReBACH-.MONT IKjAntI I J it'c a. rt-c vipfT If1TH&HOM-OUR 6RAND MOTHERS UJ6RG FOOT OOWti IN OPPOilTONTpTHIS" OVR. WMEINVTiMY MUST NOT B c - ' vnoroTOLJ r ' $ AgAQgE YOU Re. -. I IsnvfMi uiffH coHofriorif as -ffleYueiwa fcu?MMXf,8Z Htp,9!rim) mnmowziwolu t -sjoo to my tvdu. r ,jQfN6 TS tJ)EAR in the) W I (.' ' i " nr - - 7 p ' ; , (kih hvmuvTswppsm SUFfRfG ' J I A6RE6 uirgi yoa, (rRfMferK (. r1JTir,we0oHT MfiT l-TQBe,ANgec? "p PARADenC7 'fl v " mm- i j- -T HfinuMinur.Lr..-,: ' - f ' "Mt '"" ' i , i n JWLJLL ?, , .,, , , f -- -BrP T"Hrmfli--i-Bftr " n mtori"t-wmift Tilf lili r"H-i TM-J-rfe.s -fSY , -.i- -. sfcssV-ftJflMfiBlteSir. ---. . --s,--47rT---"t' T- ---. . i rim rtr i iPll r i t, RY-fr -- - -.-s--- . -., .. . i. , - ---- j--r-LaJ-ig---: --fy., m TririTn nJn .. . . J- -.,(.. ,-- . . ..! HELF WANTED FEMALE Continued from Preceding Column IIOUSBWORIC Whit woman, about SSi fam ily una may, au one lady. Call S2S 8. 11th at., between . hi ana 12 o'clock. HOUSEWORK Young Prot. edderly couplei tww npnm. ktoi wages; guy, It tiiu, ea.urf. HOUSEWORK, genernlt settled white woman! Braangin in pummer. ll lui, ljeoger Ulnce. iiuuBr.num inorougn nouseworKIng; wom- wrii muit tw kpou cook ana cleaner. 7uo B. za. MANICURIST, wanted, young ladr of refine ment! manicuring- parlor. 423 Wldener RulMlng menders wanted. Apply Bhackamaxon . Mills. Hancock and Allegheny are. , ,, . . MODELS plrw of good appearance to display rone In dressmaking showroom: height A feet 4 Inches and 0 feet 8 Inches: bust 80 to 8 Inches; permanent position! good salary. Call rear ZOIZ WALNUT STREET OPERATORS Experienced plain stltchera on Wilcox A Olbhs single needle, union special twin needle and 8lnger buttonhole and button acwlne machine on knit roods: atendy work! rood pay; learners taken: paid while learning, ltoxfonl Knitting Co., nandolph ft Jefferson. OPERATORS Ep. on single and double needle nam nuirn ana ten. on musun nna nam aook underwear: ateady work: highest wages: learners taken: paid while learning. Apply Nainsook Dept., Roxford Knitting Co., Han dolph and Jefferson. SEAMSTRESS, Prn't.. capable: light duties i beat reference. 1R20 Walnut at. STENOOUAninn, competent. experienced! Snlendld nnnnrtunltv for ndvnnremenr At,. ply lirnnner M fg, Co., 21411 N. Wnrnpck st, STENOOIlAPltKtl for dnrtnr'a nfflee knnnl. edge of English mom essential than speed: Initial salary B: state age 4BB, Td Ten, STENOOItAPlinn and bookkeepr: experienced Jewess pref. Apply by letter, P 42T. Ld Off. TnLF.rnoNn opnnATono WANTUD Ilrlght young women between 17 and 22 ear old. to tako un tetephono operating: no experience, necessary: salary paid while learning: pleasant work: permanent position Apply In person. ' Tlell Telephone To., 40fl Market et , between 8:30 a. m. and S p. m. WANTED Protestant girl for cooking nnd downstairs work, no washing: enrfare paid. Applv between II nnd 12 o'clock HO N. Mnpiw ave . Mercnnntvnie. n, J WANTED Night lelephono operator: must be ateady wages $30 per mo. Apply In person, university iinspitni, ;muu cipruceai. WOMEN AND OIULH wanted to oprnto ma rhlnea, John P. Dalley Co.. Water nnd Tnsker sts YOUNO Oini,. white. Protestant, wanted to train for chamberwork nnd waiting! refer ence required, Call 030 Church lane. Otn., Friday, between 0 and 12. Carfare paid, CONCEHN desires services of young lady to fllo drawings, and office assistant prefcrqneo given to resident of Qermantown section! must bo well educated nnd rapablei atato full particulars, experience, eolary, eta Ad dress P flOO, ledger Office. ATTTTNTIONT? I BTE NOOnAPHJ-18. nOOKm JEPEHa. CLERKS. Are rem seeking a position er do you de sire to better your position? Right adver tising and personal service are two of the leading factors. Uoth enn bo found nt LedTor Central. A largo number of. youne ladles have found thpBa of great benefit, "Miss Dean" will help you wrlto an at tractive advertisement, list your qualifica tions nnd give you her personal attention and nld. Hundreds of )oung Indies who havo had this service will testlfv to the satisfac tory results obtained. This Is free to Ledger advertisers. Have n tallc with "Mlsn Dean" at once her advice Is froo. Broad and Chestnut ats. General WOMEN WANTED AS GOVERNMENT CLERKS: 170 month; Philadelphia examina tions coming; sample questions free Frank lin Institute. Dept. 715 N.. Rochester. N. Y. HELP WANTED MALE ADVERTISING SOLICITOR wanted by n leading publication for Phila delphia. Ono who knows finan cial advertising or has acquaint anceship In this field. A young, oggresslvo man, who Is looking for a big future with a present good salary, will find this hit opportunity. A 10S, Ledger Of flco. ACCOUNTANT Man having practical expert enco as a public accountant and system atlxer; to the right man a permanent and progressive position will bo offered! P 504, IjMkt Office ADVERTISING SOLICITOR wanted by a lead ing publication for Philadelphia. One who knows financial advertising- or has ac quaintanceship In this Held. A jounic, ag grossle man, who Is looking for a big future with a present good salary, wilt find this his opportunity. A 108, Ledger Office. ADVERTISING solicitor for special edition work; good leads and Introduction furnished; state exp.. age, ref If 758, Ledger Cent ral ASSIhTANT HIIlPPEIt for manufacturing con cern. youne man. 20 to 23 years of age; good position for right man, answer in own hund wrltlng. P 502. Ledger Office. ASSISTANT Janitor, vounc man with room; Protestant A 25. Ledger Office. BOOKKEEPER, ASSISTANT An experienced bkpr . ono accustomed to ledger work pref. Apply Bronner Mfg Co . 214l N. Warnock. BOOKKEEPER asst . capable, state salary and exp. B 232. Ledger Office. BOY for offlco work: must be more than 10 years. Apply Mr. Raleigh, Room 407, 008 Chestnut st. BOY wanted to learn the wholesale hardware business; must Le honest and reliable and between 10 and 18 years old; good oppor- mimy .ur mmiu wy. !. o-ll, ncuger irenu BOY of 10 years wanted for general offlca work, chance for advancement, salary to start. 14 per week, furnish reference. Ad dress P. O Box 1280. BOY WANTED Good ODPor. to learn optical bus., must ha willing and neat In appearance. Street, Llnder ft Propert. 1839 Chestnut st. BuY, bright, must be 10. Apply 4th floor, Snellenburg Clothing Company, Broad una Wallace sts . rear door. BOY wanted to feed Job press; chance for ad vancement. Ware Brothers Company. 1010 Arch st. CHAIR FRAMER3 wanted. Sth at. Apply 244 S. CLOTn WEAVER8 WANTED Apply JOHN ft JAMES DOBSON. INC. Blanket Mills, Scott'a lane. Falls ot Schuylkill. MILLIONS t HELP WANTED MALE Continued from Preceding Column CHEMIST experienced ' pharmaceutical chem ist! atat age and experience, with refer . once, M 812. Ledger Office. COOK Wanted a rolored man to cook occa sionally over Saturday and Sunday at a bungalow. A 107. Ledger Offlca. COST CLERK Young man wanted to figure manufacturing cost! state experience, are and salary desired. Address Cost Clerk, Postofflce nox 3078. DRAUGHTSMAN on JIggs and fixtures, and antomatlo machinery! atate age. experience . and salary. Address P 608. ledger Office. JOII. rHESSMAN familiar with halftone and coior work, r OU7, imager umco. LEAD 1IUHNEH8, first-class men wanted at once; big Job; prevailing rate of wage paid, r wiu. imager urcice. MACHINIST lst-oUss. A-l machinist, capable of assembling, repair'; and renovating lathes, etc.! no other need apply. N. Wi cor. loth and Huntingdon, today: ask for Mr. Ollbert. MAf'IIINIRTH wanted nt nnret flrst.elasa lathe. horliontal boring, mill and chucking lathe hands, American Knglneerlng Company. Aramlngo ave. and Cumberland at., Phlla. MANAUEIt'S assistant: must bo an exp. aisle nrtmnger. II. K. Dewees. 1122 Chestnut st. Mri.r.witiniiT.rTATH'ENTEit. Apply John A t Mills, Scott'a James Dohaon, Inc., Illankct inno.aiia or scnuyiKiii. OTFiCK BOY wanted In minufao. office! must tw. tirlnht ihil rnn(Antlmtii Annlv AlAv Metal Co.. Frankfonl nvo. and Ulchmond at. HltI!AltM AND HC'ISHOIIS finishers and polish: ers wanted, experienced: steady work and Rood wages. Address, stating full partlcu lars, Scissors, 810 Uroid st , Newark, N J SIlllTEn Wanted by 'arge yarn mfg. com pany, an experienced shipper: applicants must state ago, experience, wages wanted and If employed nt present: namo and ad ilresi of references required to receive con- slderatlon. Address SSI, Ledger Central, STr.NOGItAPHEU, young man, about 22, for genernl offlco work, must bo neat nnd nccu rate: state oxperlenco nnd salary desired. .vauresi Htenogrnpner, A'osioince. jiox iiuia. T(KI.MAKi:itH 13.24 to tl 18 per day of 8 hours, mtchlntst, $3 to J4, nsslstnnt ma chinist, 12 to 12 24: machine operator (male). 12 to 12.24, bised on experience nnd capnrlty. Cleveland nutomntlo screwmakers, 13 70. skilled Inborers tl 84, for outside construction work, building roads, etc. : mill wright. 13, nbln to do all carpenter work which Is necessary In mtllwrlghtlns nnd fa miliar with the different makes of chain driven nnd their ndlustments cltlrcns; higher compensation when on piecework: IB daya1 leavo nfter one yenr'B service; 7 holidays nnd Saturday afternoona during the aummer months, all with full pav. Apply Frankfnrd Arsenal, Tncony nna linage sis., uriaes biirc. Pa WANTEI Experienced marble estimator of nun hv one of tho largest mills In good addreaa by one o tho country: old-established firm, near .Chi- enco. specianxing in largo worK: position demands obsoluto Integrity, perfect familiar ity with drawing shop operations nnd costs! must be competent to tako all quantities accurately, and prlco nnd kind or character 01 Interior mnrblo. work. Intelligently! give ngo, references and detailed Information as to experience. AOuress ll xia, ur-uanr -..unco. "WANTED Errand boy Ware Brothors Co., 11): boy In printing offlco. in Arcn st. WINDOW CLEANERS (15). Cltv "Window Cleaning Co Annly Quaker uo nourse inag, VnirMfl MAM. 1H. afiaA nhnearflncn. wanted na assistant to supervising porter of high-class Chestnut street establishment! flno oppor- tunuy. neo air, unarmer. mager uenirai. TQUNO MAN wanted to handle mailing gal leys: ono with noma experience preferred. M Ml, Ledger Office. YOUNG MEN wanted. 18 to 23 years, for cleri cal positions; prefer those wttn exporlenco on payroll and cost work; stnte education. ix porlenro nnd aalarv desired. Address 'A. W" Postofflco Box 3443. ilO.OOO MAN WANTED Manufacturing corporation, whose product Is well established and nationally distributed, li seeking compotent man ns sales repro sontatlve for Philadelphia nnd eastern Penn svlvnnln: applicant must havo engineering education, cither electrical or mechanical, nnd must bo well postod on factory cost ac counting: wo prefer n man who Is able to tlnnnco his own expensi-s. although tho ab sence of this qualification Is not necessarily a bar: this position requires n thorough sales man, one who Is not nfrnld of hard work, nnd who la accustomed to meeting big ment to the man of tho unusual type It offers nn unusual opportunity, but It will not be at tractive to the "Jon seeker " Address In confidence, stating fullv use. provlous ox perlence. etc. M HOP, ledger Office General SPECIAL A U T O M O II I L II Instruction given, day and night, by expert mechanics at the oldest nnd original Auto School. Repairing In all 11a branches. Tim ing, wiring and 00 road lessons at a very small cost. Oil NORTH BROAD RT F. TETZ, .perii:nci:i price clerk wanted other positions open business service company 1301 land title bldg. SITUATIONS WANTED PEMALE BOOKKEEPER, first class. D. E., with 10 years' experience, capable of taking entlro charge. H 050. Ledger Central. BOOKKEEPER, thor. exn., desires lst-clasa pos.; take com, ch'ge. Ph. Belmont 3780 R. BOOKKEEPER nr assist., thor. exp., comp., accurate Al ref H 015 Ideer Centrnl BOOKKEEPER, exp,, oeslres permanent posl tlon: best refs. A 28. Ledger Offlco. BOOKKEEPER, experienced D. E., capable! Al references H 730. Ledger Central. CHAMBERMAID. German, wishes position. 120 W. Hewson st. (Mnscher belowNorrls), CHAMBERWORK German girl wants poal tlon as chambermaid; good references. H 551. ledger Central. CHAMBERWORK or rhlldnurse (older chll- dren);German;references. H 700, Led. Off. CLERK-TYPIST. 7 yoars' experience In flro Insurance, thoroughly capable of taking charge of detulls.(l MB, Ledger Central. CLERK, good penman, accurate at figures: neat; mod salary. It 044. Ledger Central. CLERK, assistant bookkeeper, quick, nccurate at figures, good penman. 11 058. Led. Cent. CLERK-TYPIST, accurate, exp. gen. offlco wqrk, desires position. It 748. Led. Cent. COMPANION to lady, speaks Spanish and Eng- usn. ugnt nuMesrerBu7Kidger Office, COOK, experienced, white, settled Protestant: city or suburbs, H 701 , Ledger Office. COOK. good, wanta place has good reference from laBt placo. 23U.1 Waverly st. DRESSMAKER, rolored. first-class work: homo or by day. 1531 French St.. Phlla.. Pa. ihh .ii.w.t.ri.11 -Managing hotel or apart ment: experienced, excellent hiu nn.i (,,.- cler: beat reference Phone. Belmont 1200. HOUSEWORK Polish Klrt. speaks English; rlAHl hAI1.awn.lr "HI. 1, ,.. . .. . ' ..--..... ..v,.. ,,... .,., uciin, Bt., uTiqwn. MAID or muld-compnnlon to lady or oung la dies; position desired by Scotch woman, 42. educated, good dressmaker, hairdresser; only J, "J.'a "I". ,n Xi!. courlry; recommended. II 710. Ledger Office. MANAGING HOUSEKEEPER, hotel, private or Instl : exper Prot 8Q3 N. 40th at. NURSE Undergrad . mental and paralytla cases specialty, wishes perm. case. II 837. Ledger Central, ' NURSE companion, wishes position; hospital trained, highest ref. Phone Qermantown 4593. "V."!,iT:Var5.' J. child or Invalid, Scotch ......--..-.. ,v ...ii -.-u.ir hi., jven-ingion N UitSU. xp . Knellsh. take entire rharge in- .,,. .g.nc ,, ,,,n. leaner uiucn. Nun.W3, N'oyAaf.rman' wants care of email children 2000 N. Lambert St. 1 OFFICE POHITJON Young English woman" well educated, with a working knowledge of stenography. French nnd German, desires an nflca position. II 40. Ledger Central. STENOGRAPHER, high school graduate, with secretariat training. 4 jears' exp., good Judg. ment, desires position with opportunity for advancement. H 737. Ledger Central. STENOG It A PHER, high school graduate: exp.: neat, compt.. rapid typist, desires good perm lorn t., beat ref. If 040 ledger Cent. oi.u..-xE.ji-DKpr.-gen. clerk, oxp. Ploied Part time, dealrci nnn fnp hale em. days. either morn, or afternoon.l I 054. Led. Cent! BTNOr,iupnEii.iinni;Kppnvn"q .. , '.;r competent, desires position where accuracy Is appreciated, best refs. II 314. Led. Cent. Oih.MJUUAl'lUJH. 7 years' o'S.'i . wishes nnal. .ion m uernianiown. ta 18. Led Cent. STENOGRAPH Kit, thoroughly exp . real estate and law, competent. 11 558. Ledger Central STENOGRAPHER EXP., INTELLIGENT CAPABLE. $10. H 117. LEDGER CENT! fCopyrtght. 1018.) -ITTJATIONS WANTED FEMALE Continued from Preeedlna Column STENOGRAPHER, .high school graduate. . five years exp,y oapaoie. n bii, qqger iemrai. STENOGRAPHER, knowledge of bookkeeping! 3 years' experience. 11 7Hu, Lodger Central. TUTORING Oer.. Fr Eng,,jspeo. backward pupna. Mademoiselle. du weigniman nmg. WANTED by woman of refinement pos. In good E&m. as noueKCcpcr. companion or moviicr n holper. A.. 1804 Claytonst., Wilmington. Del. WOMAN, reliable, to take care of home In ab- aenco or ramuy. ii -. iraifor uince. AS IMPnOVEIl on waist I am willing to atart for 0 a week. 22B 8. 67th at. VHKItE can I get In touch with a first-class atenographer, bookkeeper or olerkj This question has been asked by business men quite frequently through the Commer cial Department at Ledger. Contra! .Is the answer. "Miss Dean", la ahlo to render you valuable assistance In locating Just the right kind of help, without publicity, unduo. an noyance, waste of time nnd energy. Tell her your requirements at once she has listed the qualifications of young, ladles seeking positions. Thla servlco will benefit you per sonally It Is free to LEDQEIl advertisers. Telephone Walnut or Main 8000. "Miss Dean," nt once. SITUATIONS JWANTED MALE ACCOUNTANT nnd office manager, at present employed as such, doslres position! mfg. bus. preferred! moderate salary. A 104, Led. Oft. ACCOUNTANT Compt. experl. bookkeeper do slres pos. with roll. con. H 013, Led. Cent, ADVEKTISINO Toung man, 21, hustler, good appearance, personality, several years' exp. advertising throughout Cast, wishes pos.wlth mrr. onering opponunny, yr uw, "u, .'n BOOKKEEPER and stenographer, three years' experience, high school graduate, student nt Wharton Evening School, wishes position, H 042, LodgoOentral; , BOOKKEEPER, thoroughly, experienced, will open, close nnd wrlto up books, day or eo- . nlngi modcrato terms. 11 135. Ledger Off. BOOKKEEPim nnd ' typist Pelrce. graduate, age 24, severnl years' exp., excellent refs., reasonablo salary, M.Rayfld Filbert OS, J. BOOKKEEPING Small sets nnd temporary work specialty. II 7B4, Ledger Office. . BOOKKEEPER Man desires position. II 042, LdgcrCcntrnJ. CHAl'ITEUR "nnd coachman, married, no children: wifo nnd assist In house If neces- sa;yireferenco, It 713, Ledger Office. , CHAUFFEUR, single: 7 yra,' priy. rcf.i wlll- jngtogoany where. H 41LedeerCent CHAUFFEUR, exp.. 25, married. wlBhes post- tion at once, ll u t . Jjeugor emra i. OARDENKR.marrled.wIahcspos.l llfetlmoexp.l thor. understands greenhouses nnd out side work! good ref. Address Gardener. 10 B. Warner nve., uryn oiawr, i-a. GARDENER wants position! married, no chil dren! experienced In Bnrdonlnri first-class reference from iaet place. A 101,. Led. JDff. GARDENER nncfflorlst. married! experienced! rer,; wants noueo on pmco. n m, ;ti. u. QARDRNER and care of antoas young man! best reference. A 105. Ledger Offlco. GARDENER, slnclo. position wanted: best ref- A iiu, oqgcr miico. IAN AND WIFE- will take entire chnrgo of rioultry plant: unusually successful In rats-n- atnMr. hnw nr utllltv! Arn nf ftxnerl- enco; careful attention to detail! leavo pres- ent position .April l! no o-Udreni refer ences. M 801, Ledger oinos, MAN AND WIFE, both strictly flrst-classi butler, houseman: wife expert cook: excep tional references. II 040, Ledger Central. MAN AND WIFE, entlro work of small fam- liy; pest roierenco. ll u(, eugcr mnco, BALESMAN, cmployod. desires change, local or trnel. ago 82: educated: 12 yrs.' rxp.i good presence; references. H 047, Led Cent. SALESMAN HIgh-grnde mechanical specialty with present firm, 0 yonrs. seeks connection with responsible firm. H 783, Ledger Cent. SECRETARY, with wide range of bus. exn. and liberal education, ngo 22. wants respon sible pos. paying $1200 per yr.: knows Span ish: willing to tako up some South American proposition. 1 1 831, Ledger Cent ral. STENOGRAPHER, bill clerk. Comptomotcr or Burrough nddera. wishes good pos.: 5 years' exp.j lt5 to start. 11 053.. Ledger Central. STENOGRAPHER Experienced nnd cnpablq: good correspondent. II 548. Ledger Central. YOUNa MAN. 27. six yearn In rosponslhlo of fice position; well nlucnted; knowlcdgo of tonography and typewriting: rellahlo nnd energetic, beat references. A 20. Led. Off. IF YOU NEED nn expert stenographer, prlvato secretary nnd manager at $33 a week, take dictation 200 words minute, wrlto 125 words mlnuto on tpewrlter. add. M 457. Lod. Cent. JAPANESE COOK wants position: best refer ences K. A . .108 N. 18lh. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES NICIIOLLS. 1020 Batnbrldge St. Comp. but lers, housemen, cooks, $25 to $75, wait., chambermaids, nurses, ladlea' maids, kltoh en maids, eto. Phono Locust 2130. WANTED Cooks, chambermaids, chlldnurses, hnusowork girls and housekeepers: cooks and chnmbormnlds wnnt positions on tho Main uinn. .misi nose ijougnerty. laiii v. uirani. MIKS MARY T. MCCARTHY. 2107 Christian (Loo. 1303), supplies ft wants lst-class Prot., Cath. male and female help: all nationalities. WANTED at Mrs. Ka'no'a. nn 8 "loth st., llrst.class wnltresses, chambermaids, laun dresses. plain cooks. Call at once. MADAME ASHE. 1533 Christian St. ReTlablo neip Buppneu ana wanteq. all nationalities. WANTED at Episcopal offlco. 312 8. 12th, lst-class cooks, waitresses, chambermaids. AUTOMOBILES For Sale CADILLAC, 1013. touring car, overhauled and repainted: full equipment; price $730. AUTO SALES CORPORATION. 142 N. Broad St. COLE 1014 Big Six Touring. L. B. BOWERS COMPANY. 247 N. Broad st. ui,i-j uisirioutors. FRANKLINS. ALL MODELS L. PAX BON. 3430 CHESTNUT ST. OARFORD TRUCK. 2 tons; used for demon stration and In very crood condition; cost $3000 new. W. B. ALGEO, 2303 Chestnut st., phone Locust 210. HUDSON'S Rebuilt and guaranteed; phaeton and roadsters, electrla tights and starters. GOMERY-SCHWARTZ. 233 North Broad st. I.IMOIJRiNns Suitable for funeral work or hiring of any kind at alt prices; touring cara at a big sac rifice, an wo need tho spaco these cars occupy. LOCOMOIIILE CO. OF AMERICA 231 1 Market st. Locust 430. II. A. JENKB. Mgr. Exchange Car Dept. LITTLE GIANT delivery wagon, $430. W. S. ALOKO. 2308 Chestnut St.. phone Loo. 210. LOZIER six cylinder. Lakewood body touring car. mechanically In absolutely perfect con dition. Has Just been repainted color a beautiful green with black striping. New top, Jiffy curtain. Presto light air tank. Klaxon and bulb horns, electric-gas headlight lighter. Tires very little used, demountable rims, one extra shoo and tube; two extra rims, trunk rack, electric side and tall lights, shook absorbers, foot rail. Warner speedometer, clock. This car In every way looks like new. Is a genulno bargain at $800 Cost complete. $3600. Will give a demonstration any new $6000 car will give. Postofflco Box 2111. Haverford. Pa PACKARD 4-oyl. 7-passenger Touring, $350. Stovena-Duryea Limousine, $500. L. O'NEAL. 210 N. Broad at. PAIGE. 1015, 0-40. nrst-clasa condition: driven 4000 miles; will sell reasonablo. I, 440, Ledger Central. WINTON 0, 7-pass., Al condition. $700. Pu. lasm uarage. a 1-1 t-uiasw ave. Tioga 5845. 5T-TON OARFORD chassis. In ery good con dltlon; used for demonstration; cost $1350 new. Wrlto W. B. ALGEO, 2308 Chest nut st. 5-TON TRUCK, dump body; In excellent con dltlon; used very little; cost $5000 new. L 455. Ledger Central. CTRRY PART TO BUILD OR " J V Jl X REPAIR A CAR. 8CHOBER. 8341-43 MARKET. SEND FOR FREE BULLETIN OORSON AUTO EXCHANGE. 238 N. BROAD ENCLOSED touring car; also roadster: guar- Wanted BTOP. LOOK AND LIBTENI New garage opened; cars bought, sold and exchanged; accessories, new and old; cour teous assistants, expert mechanicians. COMB SEE US Phlla. Auto Parts Co., 111! S. Broad. Phlla. AUTOMOBILES Contlnurd from Preceding Cofunn Wanted OLD AUTOS WANTED FOTl TAIITS PHILA. AIITO PAIIT8 CO. 828-2S N. 13th at. Park 1418. HAVD fl FIRST-CLASS building lots; will con alder automobile or motorcycle for part pay ment. mu, N. i-agewooa i. WANTED 1010. 15 or 14. 7-passenger touring car: state full particulars, prlco. II oil, Ledger Central. AUTO HVEBT AND GARACrES TO limn (open day and night), brand-new B.pnss. touring car, with roboa, 11.25 hr.! also brand-new 7-pnss. limousine, ll.no nr.l weddings, funerals. Poplar 1017. 1715 Qlrard. ri'.r.Tnv rtAitAtm 03D, rr.LTON AND OlUAllD AVE. PHONB I1ELMONT 1101. FOIl HIllE TtlHEn AND FIVE TON TiincKs, iiy the noun, dat on WEEIC. PARK 407. Wanted OARAOB wanted, within 10 squares of City Hall: must hno space for 40 cars: will pay 1100 rent per month: In answering stato location, prlca nnd conveniences. Address A 100, Ledger Offlco. AUTO PAINTING FOREMAN PAINTER has private, shop on the side, fully equipped; highest grade work; can paint or rovnrnlsh cars third less tlmo ana cost than anv shop In Philadelphia; work guaranteed P 410. Ledger Office. AUTO REPAIRING AUTOMOBILE REPAIRS .. The hst equipped Bhop In W. Phlla. W straighten frnmes nnd nxles. make parts, harden nnd grind: rebuild, ocrh'iul anil ro pair all makes; prices fair, agency for Mnster uaruurriorn. I'renion iim.i, tsi i.j HIOOJNS BROS.. 4212 Chestnut. SPEEDOMETER TROUBLES See BILLY, nt his new location. 510 NORTH BROAD ST. CYLINDERS REIIORED, now pistons and rings furnished, weldings nnd brn2tng. It. B. Underwood A Co. 1025 Hamilton St.. Phlla. AUTO SUPPLIES TO BUILD OR REPAIR ANY CAB. PARTS PIIILA. AUTO PARTS CO., 823 N. 13th st. Park 1418. -bearings- No Departure Senlcn Sta. The Gwllllam Co, 1814 Arch St. Phones Walnut .1107, Race 3002 SLIGHTLY USED. ALL SIZES. Tnusa your own prices. 823-23 N. 18th at. Park 1418. AUTO TIRES PULLMAN TIRES Guaranteed 4uoo miles. Compare prices. GRIMM'S. 230 N. Broad st. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES PRINTING PLANT A good coins printing plant for sale In Phlla.: well equipped for large and small work; owner go ing out of town. M 332, Ledgor Central. PATENTS Wrlto for "How to Obtain a Patent," list of patent buyers nnd Inventions wanted; $1,000. 000 In prltea offered for Inventions. Send for sketch for free opinion nn to patentability. Our four books sent freo. Patents ndver tlsed free. Wo assist Inventors to sell their Inventions. Address Department A. Victor J. Evans & Co., Patent Attys . main offices, Washington, D. C. Phlla. office, 1420 Chest nut at. Bell phone, Spruco 11335. CAPITAL FOR PHILADELPHIA Est. mfg. or mercantile business. CARL O, SPARRWARDT, Land Title Bldg. BUJIMER CAMP for sale In N. II. lake region, accommodate 75: full overy season for 10 years; $4000; unusual chance to secure n flno ruling business for less than halt cost. II 457, Ledger Central. GOOD WATCHMAKER with $2000 can no qulro half Interest In attractive Jewelry etore. Enterprise Brokerago and Realty Co. 1030 Land Tltlo Bldg. $83,000 WILL IIUY quarter Interest In an $800,000 senshnro property; investlgato; n farty who can take un actlio Interest. L 17, .edger Office $5000 TO $111,000 TO INVEST with services tn a promising minufacturo ot specialties, which hnvn a ready market and can be mndo proOtabln with additional capital and business experience. Address, with parttcu lars, confidentially. H 751. Lodger Central. HAVE GREATEST opportunity for merchant In storo property nnd business; 30 mln. from Broad Street Stntlon; Includes postofflco piy Ing annually $1000. It Is n bargain. Not much rash. Sen MATTHIAS about It. 810 North 52d st. Belmont 7-10. BUSINESS MAN with $2000 to buy half Interest In large theatre (not moving picture). i -luJ, ledger ucntrui. SUCCESSFUL SALESMAN Business man. highest reputation, exceptional salesman, wide acquaint , desires to repre sent manufacturing hnuso In Now Orleans and Mclnlty, nal. nnd com. II 755, I.ed, Cent. MOVINO PICTURE- business, thoroughly up to dato. averaging nbout $175 n week, week ly expense uhout $105; this placo can bo pur chased for $1000. M 443. Ledger Central. BUSINESS PLACES a specialty; quick sale ot good proposition without publicity: no ad vance charges Enterprtso Brokerago and Beoltv Co . 10.10 Lnml Title Bldg $3 A MONTH secures Interest In crowlnir or chard; will be producing boforo paid for. HARRY DARLINGTON, 1420 Chestnut St. PICTURE THEATRE. $1250. worth $3000; beautiful, modern, splen bus, loca. ; good sell Ine ren Cnled nightly Bnrrlst.201 N Broad. PAPER BOX EXPERT would like to hear ot a concern Interested In manufacturing their own paper boxes. II Oil. Ledger Central. ANY ONE wishing to Invest $750 on 1st mtge. netting li'Ml wrlto me. 11 541. Led. Cent. APART, housu for sale. cent. loo. ; tilled with per, tenants. II, W Olhausen, 1605 Arch st. HOTEL, Ocenn City, for sale: near beach; good following. P 220. Ledger Office. CAN you Invest $10 per month? Investigate. M 354, Ledger Central. BUSINESS PERSONALS SUPERFLUOUS HAIR removed by electrolysis, the only permanent way. Eyebrows arched. MISS 81IITH. 402 Keith Theatre Bldg. Miss lloppe. halrdrcs'r, facial massage.man leur'g. form. Mint Arcade, with Miss Bmlth. FULL DRESS BUIT3 Cutaways, Tuxedos and Sack Butts To hlro and made to order. NEUBAUER. THE TAILOR, 1121 Walnut St. Bell phone. Walnut 2018, DIAMONDS BOUGHT Bank reference. Appraisement. 1 p. HARRY W. SMITH. 717 8ANSOM STREET CARPET CLEANING CONTINENTAL CARPET CLEANING HOUSE . I0TII BT. AUOVB CHESTNUT Bell Phone. Locust 10f0. WEST PIIILA. WEST PIIILA, WEST PIIILA. MONARCH STORAGE CO. 3c. PER YARD. $870-72 LANCASTER AVE DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY POTTER SCHOOL OF DRESSMAKING DAILY AND EVENING SESSIONS 1435 OlRAltU AVE. POPLAR 8374. DRESSMAKER. French, desires engagements: terms reasonable; evening gowns a specialty: ..... ......... .. ...... ., H...wV,j ... ,, o,. u mO. the Mcdowell dressmakino school Short. Or a ft Irnl Inn r-nl muruau 807 Denckla Bldg.. llth and Market sts. HEMSTITCHING I. 8o id., pteatlng.buttons cov" PIcluloSO 8.18th st, 133 S.13tTi.Ph.oc.D30; CALM YOURSELF, MONTY; WHAT'S THE USE OF GETTING EXCITED? DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY HIGHEST PRICES paid for diamonds. Jewelry and pawn tickets for diamonds. Apply J:J to 4:10 p. m., Wm. Flick. Room S6S. Burd Bldg., corner Sth nnd Chestnut sts. POR SALE BILLIARD, POOL, combination, second-hand, bought, sold, rented, exchanged: repairing: supplies. Late Keafer, American manufao turer, 320 Glrnrd ave. BILLIARD AND POCKET TABLES '.Ajse bowling alleys: easy payments. BRyNS. WICK-BALK E-COLLENDER CO. 100- Arch. BILLIARD, pocket, 2d-hand tables repairing, supplies. Clark-Herd Mfg. Co., 2481 N. Front. CASH REGISTERS bought aold, leased, ex changed, repaired, rcptated: supplies : new and factory rebuilt. New total adders as tow ns 30. Call nnd see our 1910 models. Registers sold nnd leased by .us on easy payments and fully guaranteed. The Na tional Cash Register Company, 730 Chest nut St., Philadelphia, Pa. DESKS, filing cabinets, safes, tetephono booths nnd offlco furniture and fixtures of every de scription! used, but In fine condition, and very cheap: free delivery anywhere. HUGHES, 11T1I AND BUTTONWOOD. . DESKS, large assortment; also household fur nlturo. Dullng Central Second-hand Turn! ture Company, 004-000-14 Cnllowhlll at. FURNITURE, dining table.. 12 chairs, buffet, desk, locker, sofa: all mission: 3-plece oak bedroom set. Ice box. almost new! kitchen table, chairs: must sell this week. Wlllcox, 2507 B. Cleveland nve. OFFICE PARTITIONS, office railings, Vail cas, a, counters nnd show cases cleslgni ilKnu nuu maae up special to your nrueri u win ry you to get our estimate. Phone, write or call WEISS MANUFACTURING CO. 450-52 N. 12th St. REFRIGERATORS, sample annual sale: solid ha MfnlMt tnrn in Iti ltnfri. rtl lined, cut.cork nsu- latlon. Mkt 0(10. Miller, 50 N 2d Main 1731 BAFES Flrepr f s closing out slightly used:all sires ma new, nig nargainw. jn. i niinn. VICTROLA records March list Just received. BEI.LAK. 1120 Chestnut. COVrLET- dining room suit nnd bnby ear rl'Toi excellent condition. 137 8.00th. Phone Belmont 4003. HEATING MAKIN-KEL8EY HEALTH HEAT Is better and cheaper than steam or hot-water. Pure fresh nlr with normal moisture. MAKIN. KELSEY. B N. llth St.. Phlla. INSTRUCTION LADY visits pupils to glvo piano, vocal and elocution lessons: artlstlo results from well tried methods! terms moderate. M 444, Led ger Central. MACHINERY AND TOOLS BIIAFTINO SAFETY SPLIT COLLARS AND YOCOM hangors and pillow blocks with fin ished ball and socket bearings are tho beat for all shafting purposes. BIIAFTINO AND MACHINE! WORKS, 145 North Second. JAMES YOCOM ft SON. POWER-rLANT EQUIPMENT Dynamos, motors, bolters, steam and oil en gines, pumps, air compressors. FRANK TOOMEY. Inc. 127 N. 8d st. COMPLETE POWER FLANT, designed and erected; new and used power plant ma- cninery in fiock. i-owor engineers. 1218 Chestnut st. Equlpmcnt Co., FIRE-FIGHTINO APPLIANCES Extinguishers, Hose, Hooks, Ladders, eto. CHARLES BOND COMPANY, 520 Arch at. DYNAMOS, motors nnd machinery bought, sold nnd rented, armatures repaired. Main 01. Market 3005, Yearsley Co.. 224 N. 3d st. STENCIL CUTTINO MACHINE for marking shipments. In good condition; bargain. W, H. Alexander. 1'hlla. nourse, Machinery ExniMt. WOODWORKING MACHINES 12, 10, 20. 24 Inch Jointers; 20. 27. 30, 80 Inch band saws. NUTTALL. 1748 N. Sth at. WOODWORKING MACHINERY Largo stock of new nnd used: standard makes, L. F. Heyferfa sons, 437 tv. un at. FOR SALE Farquhar portable nawmlll, with 24 ft. Dtsston Raw: compl. H 050, Led. Cent. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS PLAYER PIANOS $200 cash for $405 store price factory samples: makers' 10 yeara guarantee. WInkelman a Bamplo Piano Co., 1710 North 7th5 PIANOS AND PI.AYER.PIAN03 HEPPE'B UPTOWN STORES COR. STH AND THOMPSON STS. $85 CH1CKERINO UPRIGHT PIANO HOWARD VINCENT. 888 N, , 0TH. WITH $275 88-NOTE PLAYER-PIANO, SCARF, BENCH AND MUSIC. SCHERZER'S. B3U N. STH. OLD GOLD CASH PAID FOR DIAMONDS. PRECIOUS stones, gold, silver, platinum, false teeth. Phlla. Smelting ft Ref. Co.. 128 S. ltlh at. OLD aOLD. silver, platinum, plated ware, old. style Jewolry, teeth plates bought for caah. Est. 1870. J. L. Clark, refiner, 807 Hansom. CASH PAID FOR diamonds old gold, silver Platinum, false teeth. Reliable Refining Company. N. E. corner 0th nnd Walnut sts. PATENT ATTORNEYS patents MAXWELL STEVENSON Evenings. 2007 GIRARD AVE. ROOFING AND IRON AWNINGS $1 CAN OF OUR CEMENT will repair 50 leaks In any roof. Wrlto for circular. AMER ICAN ROOFING CO.. 1533 Bldgo ave. STORAGE WM. RADFORD STORAOn FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS TN SEPARATE ROOMS. PACKING, SHIPPING TO ALL PARTS. VAN. WAdON, AUTO FOR MOVING 5310 N. WATER ST., OLNEY NEVER CLOSED. Ph. WYOMINO 2305 J. CONTINENTAL STORAGE WAREHOUSE 10TH ST. ABOVE CHESTNUT PACKING, MOVINO. SHIPPING Jluxs wttrpeiB. cfcaneu. scourea. storea. Bell. Locust 1060 -l-nones Key.. Race 4110. FIDELITY FIREPROOF WAREHOUSES 1811-1810 MARKET ST. PENN STORAGE AND VAN CO. 21J8 MARKET BT. ATLAS STORAGE WAREHOUSE Storage, moving, packing, shipping, carpet cleaning. Ph. Baring 752 for estimate. Market ft 37th. McCANN'H BTQRAOB HOUSE. 1748 N. llth St. Moving, packing, shipping; auto vans. Both phones. Let us estimate. STORAGE Moving by auto Yens- . Packing, shipping. Levin Brothers, 2018 Rldgs ave. MILLER. NORTH BROAD STORAOB CO." ,,.wv4J. v ijl.lUUll AV. FIREPROOF. Mothproof. Concrete Warehouse. N. Phlla. Btor. Co., 2033 Lehigh. TIo. 7230. WANTED AIF,IQHF f DltNlTUnB. falseteeth. feather beds, broken Jewelry, gold, silver, diamonds bought. 735 Walnut. Walnut 7020. Est. 1868. BROKEN JEWELRY, false teeth, plstols.colna. Coin books.xylth prices I pay. malled.iric.J.B. Boss (Peonte's 8tore).20d S. ilth. Wal" 4488 CABT-OFF CLOTIIINO On account of the big demand wo have had for cast-olf clothing, wo are compelled to Pa the very best prices for these goods In order to replenish our stock. Before sedlnc in. w" Lii WJ" S5 ou.. get our Write, call or phone Poplar 0342 COOPER. 1010 GIRARD AVE. I'AhT.llI.'V t (VPIIIMn . Dul' y.ur old clothing- and pay mora than d paj hats. other fifii. aa fni.a. .. ' . . nlm tnt -tnViln PURE 508 OMilowhlll at. 'Send postal. shoes, eto. CAST-OFF CLOTHING Highest prices paid for ladles' and men's clothing, bats, shoes, etc,! phono Pop 3801. Blacker, 1230 Poplar! WANTED Continued from Precrdia. ciu CAST-OFF elolhtn ho,,.i,i. ....- . 0803.mcfitn?Vor,'V-phonyU.'lf , eoVwteAW?-rs3 F""N'XH'i5.'..;Lvf?rrM.;H'.?53i 5jj- aSSt.in TssTRi gnJ FnNlTURiTbouaht cash- t,. avCj omcofurn.. itoclc VfoVeV. SSn1 -J"ll" howa nrore selling. Ennls. ai n" ff eonrs'tg -i;'jn rennej, 7ln 8imViV,n"!.M silver" platinum fals'eeeKo'e.6"?: eta Diamonds appraised ! 13oo j?na. . 2d floor front. Wsii.f,7lT'1JUl Filbert tt4' "W-Vi81' Pld for gentiei V-iLV1iuB IQHEST cash f7TSsnT74i-a mom etc, Telephone Jnsenh' Bender. "521 nW n"i Mr. - , r"T 'i-'"-! Hints 1 2D-HAND one-hnrseawrmowVrr.Tir!tS!3 tlon, make, price. Wm.Btaw-ff.iira WATCHES AND CL0CK8 ''SffSIf FPen'Vdfher'Tnd hour alrlkn ,1 .,, II"Tr..l"!l mktt.T. WHWMmm ROOMS FOB RENT BROAD, H., 410 Desirable furnl.hej .! . all conveniences: hot-water hen" " roomij SM!? ir-rAiv LOCUST ST., 2121 Furnished rniZ !- , floor: hot-water heat; Tprlvata IlSSk. '1 heaprlvato family.1 MT. VERNON. 1831 2d-story fro7i7T" Phenyl POPLAR. 1432 5,1 f".... run. wattrrMi;i . rms.( convs., board optional. HI'IIWCE, kT.hC.?Pr7oTn,ccrWrS c- "rJ"'t,i a. lui,'.'.Lr." ?". ""roaiTn.V'TnircrTtOTrivKif - n-(. Ti '; - . i; Z' 'y,r-t IKilT. l uuiium or eingio rms., with or wltnoiit K,i! . well heated u'V,nlOj)waterWM. BjiVl ium ruHi,i,iui) AVE, (S. 15. C0rVa ond and 8d-story front. I'k n. .?6 4KTtr. a. Oln A ... . r -Ji-" -! T'Fi B",?l.7Apnrtment, one or twITriC1 tl bath adjoining, rreston 003-,: wo t0lm, it TH, 8., 1100 Desirable, sunnv rn., 1 - 5 iyntbViffi ) TH S 1133 Nicely furnlioielroOTM!i floor; nil mod, fonven. Woodland I.H. 8... 813-2 desirable M-nonrloon- , 58TH, munlrntlng, with prlv. of n homeV In Ti i family; nwner: reference. Wm . -V,,v9. P?T i? ;,,"- rib-"" """ " - fcN," ,2u7-ch,,trfu"y furrdsheT?1 housekeeping: gas. r ectrlc, ltneni n..J 1 i" phono Belmont 4005. "' ""' I P. I1.001'. w!? ""iL1 nn'1 'bath: nty 'fZ Ished: north nnd Rmith exposure: reinffi Phons n.Vni 7nn ' w '-. '..,.:".'.l'" write M 4 j Ledger Central. TWO BOOMS, furn.. hkng, wo booms, furn.. hkng., si: stnxls re? ' furn.. $1.50 up. 1101 N 10th st. Mn" J BOARDING CHESTNUT. 4013 Single on double vaeintWn'l 2 mln. from L: good table. Preston Wtltr. j rj(U-. 1UI Kurnlsheil ni ,inf,...i. rooms, prlv. baths, clectrlo light, hot-wt t hent. excellent service, phone: table bor onniTln ,n,n ,.,-, . .. r. .. . i 1 u. ,.u., a,n ijiiimienursi; lieautirul y far . rooms, prlvato bath, with hoard: tabls ioirt't WPnTTCn. I09in m.i.m..rf.L.u 1 single en suite: prlvato batha:tabl'e boirj' SPRUCE. 1230 Largo thlrd-storyfrraj J WALNUT. 403 1 Prlvatotfnmlly. scond.ftMr roons i excellent table; hot-water beat! lee BOTH. N 121 Communicating front reomi"' good hoard, party appreciating home con. rT.,.n.n. .,.. . n . . . . i PRIVATE family wants 2 gents to board: tmJ -home: ref. required. Phone Tox Chase 81 W. i tfOARD WANTED i CULTURED woman tcaoher wants two cimf. ful rooms, with board and use ot bath b Christian household, with other teachars tl Sosslbte: between 24th and Allegheny mi 1st and Lehigh: roference exchanrtil. r 432. Ledger Offlco. , SANITARIUMS BEAUTIFUL location: special (dentine cam nervous, eiueny; every comiori! nuriet. Booklet. Dr. Rnndal. City line. Chestnut KOL APARTMENTS M RPItTMfl nATinPM. miO. T!T(tlln nta In? 8 different houscai noma furn.. kltchenettii. 1 TO HUKMiT, nttracttvo npartmentt 3 roovrj nnd bath. Call or telephono Apartment 62, 'ino uiaanione. THE PARKSIDE 40TH AND OIRAnD AVB.' OPPOSITE FAIRMOUNT PARK... Four lines of cara; convenient to all tlons of the city: all largo outside rooms, Culstno pnrttrulnrly attractive. PHONB BAR1NO 221. . West Philadelphia m Tl I OFFER a largo variety of apartments i4 varied prices and to meet almost any re quirements. Call or Bend for list, Automotlli servlco to Inspect apartments If desired. ' NORMAN B. SHERWOOD, 1411 Walnut it, Spruco 3071. Race 8031 . $30 CHANCELLOR APARTMENTS JJ Chancellor. 54th to oom idciow .K.iouuj nlrllte, a rooms, 8. 54th. . bath, porch. Office, 19 Ardmore, Pa. , .nrXTT-.a 1 m n wAnn. ltfl. h.tlL 1.IH A(IIU,D A Bill. ,,,u. -m..--. rJ-. kltch'ette., fur. or unfur. Ph. Ardmore 1331.. FURNISHED APARTMENTS TO THOSE TOIO REQUIRE an absolutely ej ll tral apartmont and at tho same time uviut I on perfect furnishings and environment, 1 I would recommend 225 S. liroaa . . Inspection will convloco you that here 7"3 will find every advantage of tho most ex-j pensive hotel plus a degree of homelike caa fort so much to be desired. ..! Theso beautifully furnished. apart-MU will make n, particular appeal to "f, rl 3 liuvo ucen iivinK in tiuu.. tii.,". ".. r apartment houses and who desire sometUUI just n mue aiirereni. . -fs inspection ana reservations uu-uuw NORMAN 8. SHERWOOD. 1411 Walnut it or on premises at ., & THE LITTLE HOTEL. 223 8. Broad It, --al JJ.U u a ii i-i-'i rj u Ajr-utyx-x-i THERE ARE SEVERAIij WAYS OP SECURING AN APARTMENT You can look at ono after another tmtflj you find ono, or .. .,, , .-j You can so around to tho different ttnoaji until In despair you take one. r B You Can Call, Phono or wrltal to This Ollice It Is quite true that nearly every dejlrstoj anartment In Philadelphia la listed with UU may be rented through us. f Call upon us In our new ot'lc,,lS,!J,! really quite attractive: VTft'..SJo the most courteous and efficient servl " taASbutomobtl la waiting to takj mflj the list of apartments you designate. 4 by any chance you are not perfectly ui"S dupSairor8pfeDf0wrmyo- wr iS! "'TnVn'ko'f'fall the trouble ,JJW JS saved and how glad you will be ti "g"! you bavo found the one apartment In rw g delphla which most nearly approaches jowj exact Ideal. .-. , NORMAN S. SHERWOOD HU WALNUT BT, nu.m opracoou i - ZJ1 s.n lonltnF HnrvlrAt rcaflOtl-iDlB tt-.--s -.... r -ri ' Tinrxr APIRTI EMTS, !."' BEE EDWARD jrUTCIHNSON. Jr.. li-i a iqih . 117 H. 4Qin. FOR modern furn. orunfurn. apn.f-j Northwest Phlla. and Tioga. "'; BCHOEPPY ft CO., 1617 MonUomery