EVENING IEDGER.PHILADKT,PHIA. THURSDAY, MARCH 1G, 191G. IS I PRACTICAL HOMES FOR THE MAN OP MODERATE MEANS THIS cottnge dcslsn Is 3 feet square, Includlnc tho front piazza, which In HiM feet wide nnd comes under tho main R roof extension. Tho roof Is low nnd ipreadlni with wldo projected caves nnd Ui very Inviting nnd home-ltko appear nMt. The living room across tho front Is f tr largo nnd Is planned to bo used at tie left end for dining room In connection with tho kitchen at tho rear on tho left. There Is a central chimney with wldo fire place and fluo for heating apparatus. There Is ono bedroom on tho first door, with a convenient toilet room, tho main bathroom being on tho second floor. The basement Is full undor the main ) part and has a good laundry and furnaco ml fuel rooms. Tho cottage Is of frame a eonitructlon with wldo drop siding up to the flrrt-story window Bill, and above this t point the walls nro either finished with narrow elding or shingles. Tho finish of the first floor Is In oak, with mission stain, B . l-t U Infm ?yr- f""f riutr (I TA I a. ' ltM ' A LOW-ROOFED COTTAGE and tho second floor la finished In whlto enamel. Tho floors aro of oak and birch, with linoleum In tho kitchen. Tho roof Is shingled nnd stained and all outstdo trimmings either painted white or a light cream color. Thcro aro two good chambers on Bccond floor, with large, am pto clothes closets and bathroom. Tho roof being low thcro to very small attic spneo. It Is cstlmatod that the cost, oxcluslvo of heating and plumbing, wilt bo from 2300 to J3C00. HOW ENTHUSIASM AFFECTS YOU AND MAKES FOR GREATER SUCCESS Its Effect Upon You. You nlwnys find that enthusiasm is closely associated with optimism. Optimism is always safe and sane when it is supported by tho best of reasons. Its opposite, pessimism, is the dnrkencd vision of tho good that is in sight to optimism. Pessimism is illogical, while optimism is tho result of good logic. Enthusiasm is generated out of constructive thought, and helps to reach to greater excellence and perfec tion. You must be filled with imagination, faith and hope in order to bo a pood enthusiast. It gives to you the upcast glance to supplant what other wise would be the downcast and gloomy view of things. Baso your enthu siasm upon your knowledge of the truth. Its Effect Upon Your Customers. Humanity is all tho same. Your customers aro affected by your optimism, plus your enthusiasm, for these go together. You cannot fit yourself for satisfying your customers in any better way than by getting tho right view of things. Your optimistic enthusiasm is filled with persuasive qualities. Your good "reasons why" support your beliefs, and your customers will soon think as you think. Its Effect Upon Your Associates. Enthusiasm is contagious, nnd you will not remain long alone in your uplifting moods. Your elr tic step, hopeful manner and enthusiastic action will give now courage to ose who work with you. The sunshine of hope will burst forth in the .v p of all. Its Effect Upon Your Production. Sober indifference does rut produco Jjasincss, but overflowing enthusiasm does. Your real generating power is set into action by releasing your enthusiasm. Tho real measurement of your producing power as a salesman is determined by tho quality of tho enthusiasm controlling you. Its Effect Upon Your Other Mental Qualities. All lifo is enlarged by action. Your enthusiasm spurs you on to increased effort, and your wits and your wisdom aro improved. Your mind becomes clearer and your reasoning more perfect with tho brighter views you take about all things which concern you. Its Effect Upon the World at Large. OptimUsi, good cheer and enthusiasm create tho bright places in the business world. Without them, dark, unbearable despair would prevail. (CopirfoM. iia, Xnj .Basil L. Smith, Philadelphia) DKATIIS F LOCAL MINING STOCKS J TONOPAH STOCKS. I Jta Putler 87 r1- JllcNaniarji. ,nft 1U .18 .'J3 .14 4K 4 7-1 n KldWlY UUpah Extension . Montana Northern star Tonopah Ilelmont .. Tonopah Mining t) 7-1(1 iS."21l!.u" -a Wi End ....... .88 Atlanta tfiss.p,'n"::::::::: dOLDFIELD 8TOCKS. i Atlanta Blui Hull , Booth ........ O D ., Lomblnatlon Fraction SJarrr. ..?.."...:: Florence ' . H!4".)d Coniolfdated wvtuueia aierser .in .03 .as .Oi .03 .08 .01. .04 .40 ,86 .11 ,H0 10 Asked .81) .08 .18 .111 a-'! .1(1 4U 4V4 0 .31 .70 .17 .04 .311 ,o:i ot .08 .(I.I .0.1 .45 ,hH .11! .H'-l .1.1 ,(1.1 .or, .07 MISCELLANEOUS). Ot 01 .17 ,0.1 .01 ,-( .40 1.7a l NtYlilA 11(11 P Arlzan Ifn , Ntvada Wond'er' '. '. . '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. . 1.70 THE WEATHER Official Forecast WASHINGTON'. March 16. if Of efiJttAm D.niii,l.,nR. -,-! ... . - Kii4igvaillA UIIU ! Sfflday, far ana warmer: dlmlnUhlna: wnuweat winds. Vii"itorra that was central near tho Kjolnt off the coast south of Nova Scotia. fiTi, . nUo 8'atea from North Carolina anm , a ,ne anoyf was heavy In ome places (rora eastern Pennsylvania Mrthward. The cold area that covered JM central vallbys and the Lake region K!r ,S e 8tor", and the temperatures '.. " m tne western ha f of the wintry. Pmt 1. .... .i... 1 pn . . - -, . ,t,vi.o4 lino lliuiiiintj wiar south as central Florida. U. S. Weather Bureau Bulletin vnirvaUona tk.n .. ..... .1 "--. k H n. M,, .M..,lll (1IUV. . Low a In. a ., a...- !..!. H VII1. VIIGCa A.iitiTaV,. -5: n ii. 'all. Wind- liy. Wtath.r iflantio city!. Is gSiarck. N. fa. IB ?cfc.3:.,.'' , Bc&.HuuJ1' 01le 2 11 gwtt ifkh" . 2 fc SHtQO cinri; ivccian T- Kn aUfaz. N a. 24 . 8. D, . S 822 ,8.r.Jao in KfnlV".. J4 IS1!3" KC'ft i-. ai4. 22 in 14 2a 4 so so g so ! 13 fl 8 .04 ,44 ,18 .08 .34 1 18 12 IS SO 10 ?0 14 14 ii n u I 24 .14 04 1 NW NW n N NW NW W BW Nil NW W NB NW my BW NK NW NW NW H SW .. w NW ,. wB !? NH 10 NW SO f SI N1V i8 w :: N 10 12 12 14 23 Cltar unow rioudy Snow Clir CIar Cloudy Cltar P.CIdy P.CIdy Cliudy Cloudy CUar 8toudy loudy Clear Cloudy car tar ear Cloudy ClMr Clear CUar CUar Cloudy Cltar a.""' 8n)W Clear Cliar Cloudy Itala Cloudy PCliy Cloudy twSSSr fii. i! -S B, T-T" - !! B U4ir BArfJ,?. St t N Cloudy Kxi. if ,M 8 8I B ,-',"r lB'pi' l5 l3 N PCidy S,.,P -91 N '' W0- .IS. .8 SSLM j:'s?- '49 Tv ' -'m c LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS CHICAGO. JIarch 10. 1IOOS. Recolpta. 32.000 head: innrk't 6c. lowrr Mixed wid butchcrn. Jil.3llUJ0; K"od lit-iivy, tAr,tp 0.8.1; rnush henvy. In 10RO 40- lli:ht, lU.lOti 0.80: pUs. J8O0; lk. SO.I-000.75. CATTLl. Itei'Biitii. r.ooi) Iieiid: markt ateudy. lleevea, lO.WaO.0.1. cows and heir era. 3.7B8 0ii. Blocker" ond feeders. JB.75 8; Texana, 178 70: calvea, J0O1U.73. BIIi:i;l'. Ilccelpta, 10,000 head: market lOW 13c. hlcher. Nutlte and Western, MP 8.110; lambs. J8 15W11.IIU. NEW YORK BUTTEK AND EGGS NEW TOIIK, March 1(1 nUTTHIl Market, short supply with continued Kood demand: prices higher for all tirades Iterelpts. (1104 packages. I.xtrn creamery, 37037'4c., hlicher scorlne. 3SV38HC ; Htate dairy, UiHt'MVic; Imitation creamery. 23W02Bc. UOUa Market less active and bardly steady. Receipts. 20.101 cases. I.xtra nrsls. -3c; nrsts. 22W.!'l',i:.l whites, l'7V28c.; browns, l'4Ji'3c. ; mixed, 22 if 23c. BAR SILVER Commercial bar silver was quoted In New York today at 0811c. up Ho. liar alUer was Quoted In London today at 27V.U.. up 1-ltid. OBITUARIES DIES AT RECEPTION GIVEN HER Woman Stricken on Evo of Departure for Home In tho midst of a farewell reception which was belnu slven her on the eve of her departure for home, Mrs. Marlon Sex ton, of Monmouth, 111., mother of Lieu tenant Commander Sexton. U. S. N., ded suddenly last night In the home of Mrs. Harry T. Leedom, Bryn Mawr. Since last summer Mrs. Sexton, who was 60 years old, had been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Frank Fleck, of Bryn Mawr. Dr. S. It. Powell, who was summoned, ascribed her death to a blood clot on the brain. Her son, who la stationed at New port, B. I., will arrive today to arrange for the burial In Illinois. Mrs. Sexton Is survived by Lieutenant Sexton and her daughter, Mrs. Fleck. William B. Clark ALLENTOWN, Pa., March 16. Will iam B. Clark, 52 years old, of Catasau qua. contractor and liveryman, and wide ly known as a racer of light harness horses, died last night at the Allen town Hospital, where he was a patient two weeks for heart disease. His most famous horse was Major Wellington, with which he won JIO.000 In purees. Mr, Clark was fond of doing his own driving, and seldom rode In trolley cars or auto mobiles. IN MKM0RIAM MAYHAIJM. In lovlnst memory of LUDWIO) 1IAYUAUM. died Mrch l, IDOJ. entljs Thf Notiet Aru Printed ii thm Evening Ledger Free of Charge. ww, AKNOLD On March 14. 11, KATHER1NB AHNOI.O (na Hcfcaafar). wife sf the lata ilmry W. Arnold, axed 81 years. I.tUtlvts and frUnda ar Invited to attend the funeral cervices. 00 Friday, at 1 P m., at bar lata realdeoc. 121 North Maachtr at. Inter, meat prlvsU. Oreaniooual CtmtUry. UB!TTONOu Mirth 14. IBIS. WILLIAM URinON. axtd 81 year a. KaUtlvta and frltoda arc luyllad to attend tea funeral auryU. 00 Friday, at 2 p. nv. t Ine Oak Park UoHe.1 PrasbytarUn. Church. Slat and Pino ... Wtat Phlla Interment at Mount Mnrlah remetery Frlanda may ylaw ra mains en Tnuraday nanlng. al pl lata nrs r. 008 VfUInws from T to t Ulfcli U4Urc14 !l, UARY E. ldaw sit EhraVm Bah, -d 73 xr RIaUe and frlenda are Invited to attend funeral services. Saturday, ot 2 p. m.. nt her Into re-ldence, 12 V. Qr.ner'a lane. Chestnut HIM. Interment private. CAI.LAN. On Mirch 14. 101(1. ANNA U.. lfo of James II. Callan nnd ilnuithtcr of Snrnli and thn latn William llrown. nued .11 years, ltelathea nnd frlendi. ols Ladles Auxlliarv of tli American Star Lodco. No. 403, I. O O. I'.. and members of Pitman M. n. Church, nre Invited to nttend th funeral services, on Saturday, nt 2 p. m., ai her Into residence. 2(107, Dickinson st. In terment nt Mount Mnrlnli Cemetery. lie mains may bo viewed Trlday. 7 to I) p. m. CU'lallN. Suddenly, on March 13. 1010. IliIN JAMIN r. CAI'KHN, need 20 years. Rela tives nnd friends, nlso Independent Order or Odd IVllows. No. 1)3. aro Invited to nttend the funrr.il serWces, on Prldny, nt 2 p. in., nt tho resldenco of his father, 10 Trueman avenue. Ilnildonfteld, N. J Interment private. CAI'ITMAN. -Suddenly, on March 14. 191(1. HKNRr HOWARD CAtTKKMAN. In hll mill jenr. Relatives nnd friends, nlso mem bers of West Hopo Hlblo Class. 11. C. Stone, .teua l'eijouanip nnu empiojen 01 mo nmr rubllshlne Company, aro Invited to nttend tho funernl s'rv!rrs, on Saturday, at 2 p. m.. nt his Into resldenco, .1D41 Haverford ave. Interment private nt I'ernwood Ceme tery. Remains may be viewed Trlday, from 7 to 0 p. m, D1UCON On March 13. 101(1 EDWIN L. husband of Into Annie M. Deacon. In his 01th Jenr. Relatives and friends, also I.astern Ktar Lndee No. 180. F & A. M. and em ployes U O, I. Co. (Sprlnz Garden ofAce). and all orKanlzatlnns of whirl: ho was n member aro Invlteil to nttend the funeral services, on I'rlday, at 2 p. m., at North Tenth Street I'resbyterlnn Church. 10th st. below Cllrarn nvo. rtemalns may bo Mewed on Thursday, at IL'.'iO North Snrtaln St.. nftcr 8 p. m. Interment at Mount I'aaca Cemetery. Auto tervlce. DKLAr DUNI.AP. -On March 15. 1010. l.M.ENOil Dl.LAI' (Ullen Dunlap). nt her residence, in.!3 Catlowhlll atreet. Duo 110 tlco of the funeral will be Flven from tho Oliver II. Hair Ilulldlnj. 1820 Chestnut street. DONOVAN. On March 14. 101(1. CATII AIIIN'I.. wlfn of Daniel Donovan, Sr. Itela tlve") nnd frlenda are Invited to nttend tho funeral, on Friday mornlntr, March 17. at K .10 o'clock, from her latn renldenee. 8530 Haverford avenue. West Philadelphia. Sol emn llequlem Mass at tho Church of Our Lady of the Ilnsary, at 10 o'clock. Inter ment at Holy Crosa Cemetery. DUKIIK On March. 14. lnin. ANNH M.. wlfo of the lato Joseph Duerr. Relatives nnd friends nro Invited to atend the funeral services, on Friday, at 2 p. m.. at her late residence, "010 Oermnntown avo. Interment at Kast Cedar Hill Cemetery. niX.VCIS On March 15. 1018. WILLIAM II. I'HANCIS. Funeral services Saturday, at 11 n. m.. at tho Church ot Ht Luke and the Hplphany, 13th and Hnruco sts llelatlves and frlenda nre Invited to tho baptistry of Ht. Luke's Church at 10 a. m. Saturday. Interment private. Kindly omit flowers nAI.L.(IIII.R. On March IS. 1010. ANNII3 M.. wife of Hdward A. OallaKher. Relatives anr friends, also Sacred Heart Leasuo of St. Jamea' Church, aro Invited to attend tho funeral, on Friday, at 8:30 a. m.. from her lste residence. 3422 Walnut st. Solemn Mass of llequlem at St. James' Church at 10 a. m. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery. OKAY. On March 15. loin, JI.HSI. It . hus band of Anna Gray. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral, on Satur day, at 7:30 a, m , from hla lata residence. 260 West Haines St., Oermantnwn. Solemn Requiem Mass at St. Vincent de Paul's Church at 0 a. m. Interment private, at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery. GKIFl'IN, On. March 12. 1010. MICHAEL, husband of Ames Griffin (nee Woodland). Relatives and frlenda are invited to attend the funoral. Friday, at 8:30 a. m.. from hla lato residence, 743 8, Clarion st. Re quiem Mass at St. Teresa's Chuurch. at 10 a .m. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery KAXK. On March 15, 1010. PATRICK J. son of tho lato James and Ann Kane. Ilela tlvea and frlenda are Invited to attend tho funeral, on Saturday, at 7 30 a. m., from the residence of hla brother-in-law, Charles W. Lynch. 2201 W Columbia ave Solemn Requiem Mass at St. Elizabeth's Church at 0 a. m. Interment at New Cathedral Cem etery. KKLSH On March 14, 191(1. FRRDERICIC T. KI.LKil. husband ot Fredericks Kelah (nea Frey) and son of the lata Jamea T. and Margaret Kelah (nea Taenart), aee.l S3 reara. Relatives and friends, also Kqual tlKhts Lodse, No. 481, I. O. O. F , Active Order of Odd Fellows, Reliance Council, No. 787. Order of Independent Americana; em ployes of Provident Life Inaurance and Trust Company, are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Sunday, at 2 p. m., at hla late residence. 8242 Klncsesalns ave. Interment at Mount Mortal. Cemetery. LEE. On March 13. 1018. ANN LER, widow of tha lato John Lee. In her 8th yaar. Relatives and friends of the family are In- nnATiia vlted te attend the funeral on n jgi Marel. ner ."i'l"i, ,V--'i ram. 4310 Frankford Interment at North 17- n o n'elAeV. frAm dence, Mrs. Ellra Mottram avenue. Kranxrorti Cedar IIIII Cemetery, MASM.Y. On March H. .Intl., ANB MAS. SKY Relatives and friends of the family are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral, on Saturday, n 1 p. m . from her lalj resl denco. 124 N. .Id at. Services at thy Church of the Good Shepherd, Cumberland at, t. low Frankford nve., at 2 o'clock precisely. Interment at Northwood Cemetery. Mct.RATII.--On March 14. 1019, ISAAC M., son nf Robert and Lllen McOrath. and arand son of the late William nnd Sarah Jamison, In his 31th year. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend tho funeral, on Sunday, March 10, at 1.30 p. m . precisely, from the residence of his pirenta. 2880 Ja.-kson st. Interment nt Mount Morlah Cemetery MfLArtlHMV. On March IB lniB, PAT RICK .MCLAUGHLIN ad 70 years. Rela tives and friends, nlso Division No R, A O II.. are Invited to nttend the funeral, on Saturday, at 8:30 a. m , from his late resi dence. Sarah st.. lllue Hell HIM. German town Solemn Requiem Mass at St. Vincent do Paul's Church at 10 a. m. Interment at New Cathedral Cemetery. MfNr.ir.L. On March II. 101(1. IinNRT Me. NI;iLL (formerly of Hast Whtteland town ship. Chester County, ra.), husband of ,-wary j. . .MC.-sem, in nis inn year. ei Uvea ami friends are Invited to nttend the funeral services, op rrldsv. at !j, m,, at Hair liuuains, low vnrni- mermeni hv Aiouni th" Oliver II nut St.. Philadelphia. i.iorian v.cmevery. MflNTdOMr.KY. on March 13. 1010.. MAR THA, dnuahler nf Oeorco W. nnd tho lato Catherine Montrnmery. Relatives and frlenda ore Invited to attend the funeral, on Friday, nt 2 P. m.. from her late residence. 203d Turner st Interment at IleUavrue Cemetery MnnitN. On March II. 101(1, FRANCIS X.. beloved son of William .1. nnd A:nea (' Moors (nee Welsenbercer). fined 2 months and 10 dajs llelatlves nnd friends aro In vited In attend funeral, on Trlday. at 0 a, m.. from his parents' residence, 234 Wnt klns st Interment New Cnthedrnl femeterv NI'AVI.I.L. On March 15, lOlrt THOMAS con of Anna nnd tho late Patrick Newell, llelatlves and friends nre Invited to attend the funeral, on Saturday, at 8 an a m . from tho residence of hit mother. 2321 Sharswood et. Solemn Requiem Mass at St Kllabth's Church at 10 a m. Interment at New Cathedral Cemlery. rillCKr.TT. On Third Month 14th. HANNAH J . widow of R -lawny Prlckett. Relatives nnd friends are ln..ted to attend tho funeral on Sixth-Day, I7tn, nt in a. m . from Friends' Mtetlng House, Lake street, Had don field, N J. Itl'.HV..;). On March 14. 101(1. KATHCRINR jini.yi.S. d.iimhler of Lllv McLean and Franklin H ltevet need 18 veara Rela tives nnd friends nre ftivlti-d in attend the funeral services nt her parents residence I'll South 4nth street on Trlday the 17th Inst nt a p m Interment private. R(lsr..VTHAI,. At his resldenco. lion N. 41t ;t . Philadelphia, on March 13. 1010. PAUL II ROSI.NTHAI, aired (12 years Relatives nnd friends Masonic brothers, compinlons and knUhts and brethren nf I. O. O. F, and A. O. M. P are Invited to attend tho funeral aervlces on Thursday, at 7 10 p m.. at th Oliver It. llalr llulldlnr. 1R20 Chestnut st Philadelphia. Interment private. Kindly omit flowers. no?1. On March 15. 1BHJ. LAURETTA NHWLIN, wlfo of Samuel T, Ross, of Haverford, Pa,, aaed 00 years. Due notice of tho funeral will be aiven, from tho rest. odnco or her dauchter. Mrs. John S. Lenlz, 827 South St. llernard at., Philadelphia. SMITH. On March 13 101(1. nt ng Harbor. N.' A' S,J.','!AM " .H.MITII. M. I)., husband of Ida C. Smith. Relatives nnd friends of the family, also Meridian Sun Lodie. No. 168, !. i4 -' ,,M -.Oriental 11. A O No 181. ""."ii Tl!!m No .,84' Haska Haymakers No. -8l!4' -Nir"' I'hlla. Conclave No 1040. I. O. of II. ; Phlla. Council No. :03, Royal Arcnnum: 24th Ward Republican Club, are Invito. to attend tho funeral services, on haturday. at 2 p. m.. precisely, at his late residence. 4I.1H llrown st Interment private I rlenda mav call Prldiy, S to 10 p. m STAN.. On March II. lnin WH.ItnLMINA. wife of Georao Stanz. S083 Percy at. Due notice of tho funernl will bo clven. ST-.li.w),l,l.TtVfn. Mnr.h..,' 1010' JAMES MON1IUK, husbind nf Mary C Stewart, and eon of tho lato James JI and Jane Stewart nitcd 53 years Relatives and friends of the family, also I.odirn No. ,1 F. & A. M., and tho Tristram II. Freeman Chapter. No 24.1 Mary Commnndery. K. T.. No. 30: Lu Lu Tcmpe. A. A. O. N N. S . nro Invlteil to nttend the funernl services, on Saturdav. ot 2 p. m.. ot his lata residence, 203(1 N ,1.1,1 st. Interment prlvato at West Laurel IIlll Cemetery STII.T.IIIir.II. On March 14. 101(1. at Pal. rnjrB, IIARON FRANZ VON STILLKRIKD UNI) IIATIIIINITZ. nued 70 years Trlendi may view tho romalns on Thursday evenlm; from (I to S o'clock, nt hla late realdence. Columbia and Cleveland avenues, Palmyrn. N. J. THOVI 1.-On March 11. into. WILLIAM W THOMAS. Funeral services on Thursday evenlmr. nt 8 o'clock, at his lato realdence 101 Wnshlnston lane, tlermantown. Inter ment private, at Greenwood Cemetery, New York. UIlll .N-On March 14. 1010. ARMINA O.. widow of Samuel W. Urban, nsed HO years nnd 11 months Relatives and frlendn are Invited to attend funeral, Friday, at 1 p. m., from tho parlors nf llernard I" Hchroeder 4th and Arch sts . Camden, N. J. Interment at Cnmden Cemetery. VAIL. On March 13. 101(1. CATHERINE, wlfo of Thomas. Vn.ll. Relatives and friends aro Invited to attend tho funeral, on Friday, at 8..11) a. m., from her lato residence, .1101 Haverford avo.. West Philadelphia. Hlch Requiem Mnsa nt St. Acatha'a Church at 10 a. m. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery Chester papers please copy. WARE. On March 10. 101(1 REUnEN WARE iiusuiiiu 01 ino iaio Ann j. vvaro tnee ..ovej Relatives nnd friends aro Invited to attend tho funeral, on Saturday, at ! p m . from tlio rcaldenco nf hla son-in-law. .Mr Robert J. Kennedy, 2117 W, Dauphin at Interment prlvato. at Mt. Morlah Cemetery. WKYM. On March 14 1010. CHARLES T , son of lata Charles W. and Louisa Wry. man Relatives and friends, nlio Kensing ton Council No. 0, O. U. A. M. and Union Council No. 0. Jr. O. U. A. M , am Invited to attend tho funernl services, nn Saturday nt 2 p. m., at latn resldenco. 1127 V. Susque hanna avenue. Interment strictly private. YOUNO. On March 13. 1010, SARAH ANN. widow of Lewis Younir. Relatlvea und friends aro Invited to attend the funeral services, nn Friday, at 2.30 p. m , at her late real, dence, 310 Chester ave.. Norwood, Pa. Inter ment private. Friends may take 1 :51 p. m. train Irom Ilroad Street Station and Darby trolley. Friends may also call on Thursday, from 8 to 10 p. m. SUM.. On widow or March 15, 1018, Henry H. Zann. and frlenda are Invited to attend tho funeral ELIZAnETH jut relatives aervlcea on Sunday afternoon a. thai se.balftAw-af-i.a. r4 Kasb aAii A sat ait-af a caiuviivu a a atsJt puiii iuii 4 r .. itc- 2715 Federal atreet Interment at Mount at '1 o'clock. iter nun, Aaron ii. ..ane, Morlah Cemetery. Remains may ba viewed on baturday evening. mgmyg, "' '''" 'S.iiftpri Try Ul Uur traveling cranes do a 1(1 l V r traveling deal of work in our lumber yard. They may only hava one groove but they slick to it. And they deliver the goods. Edward F. Hensonfi Co. Structural Lumber and rimler Poplar St. Wharves, Phlla. 25 HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE Elkloi Park. I'a. Kllilns rark". r. tftkm& park Mmwt Colonial Residence, $8950 Course ot Construction H White stucco jcreen shutters and slate roof. j Large tot, 60x15; spacious porches and front terrace. II Central hallway large upstairs sleeping porch. i Four bedrooms two baths ample closets. f Highly restricted building sites, (800 to $5000. Attractive bunt-alow sites with extended view over Elkins park. We also ftna.ne and build, accordlo to your plan. RHOADS & PAUL '33 ,& . Ajutonwbila by Arpglntiaeiit I 111 I 3 T'oHejT'B Qen Far 7? JtaXat Dlly, 8J CU Ml izm WM W& Wmmilt . 1 , ThisB ooklet Helps solve the mystery of the cryptic cross. It contains five chapters of "Monte Crispen," the great new story of Philadelphia; an exact reproduction of the cryptogram, and an account of how it was stolen from Dr. Hochmeister in the Market street subway. You can get the booklet by telephoning Monte Crispen at the Evening Ledger office, Walnut or Main 3000; by request ing it on a postal; or by asking for it personally at the Evening Ledger office. THERE'S $400 in prizes for the solution of the cryptogram. And this booklet helps toward its solution, since it describes Monte Crispen, Dr. Hochmeister and the beautiful Countess Zeda. A LL PHILADELPHIA is interested in -L-this great new story, which commences in the Evening Ledger next Saturday. VOU HEAR the A name everywhere. HaJH alP'A BaH BlHHi KH cmsjE MHHI3.Mli..Hl RBI WiMfm . WMmz " mm mm mm 'ilium it.. linn W.nrt .1 ic