I i ?- I' P I IP 14 -taffiftsr; BYfyQ LJBPGEBPHlLAPaLPHtA, THtTRSDAY, aiARqH 16 191,6. r"" " - t i i ii. -!- i i v -i Tin n i :..-. FINANCIAL NEWS UMfBt WPE FLUCTUATIONS WERE AGAIN RULE IN WALL STREET TRADING , - ilative Element on Floor Gave Peace Talk as Rea son for Selling Liquidation Brought Recessions After High Levels KE Vfffii New York Stock Sales Last close. v if-V JHgh Points in Today's Financial News Loan of $7S000000 for Dominion of Canada arranged in New York. pte'w.Jerscy Public Utility Commission approved $28,000,000 bond issue of JStietltailroad, and Georgia State Commission approved $7,000,000 issue of Southern Railway Company. Prices of shafting and steel chain boosted. Wdtra dividend of $5 declared by Prairie Pipe Line Company. Ohio C&mpany raised crude oil prices 10 cents a barrel. French checks weak in forexgn exchange market. NEW YOnK, March 16. frith the resumption of tho bull movement, which 1ms been Indicated by the. feourBo of prices since tho beginning of tho week, tho stock market litis again, Ijecomo ono of nbrupt fluctuations, nnd realizing sales nro at times In laro",.volume, and when the supply from this source Alls the current demand, reactions occur. This Is what happened for a lime during the nftrrnoon: After high levels had been reached, the selling by the Hold-Moore party and other largo operators. Who were desirous of shaking out an underslrable following, coupled with pressure by tho room, caused recessions In somo stocks ranging from one to around threo points. The speculative clement on tho floor announced that they were selling the Market on penco talk, but outsldo of the boardroom floor thcro seemed to be nb' special reason for bearish operations. "Whllo the selling was In progress, however, lower prjecs naturally resulted. The Street concluded that Distillers Securities was Just as good without a dividend as with one, and nfter that stoclt sold at 47, It easily advanced to nbovo 48. Taking tho market situation generally, prlrrs of the majority of Issues worcj established at materially higher levels, Including the record-breaking movements mado In Inspiration and several other stocks. It Is now positively known, that a dividend will bo declared on Inspiration next Thursday, but It cannot to ascertained whether tho payment will bo 11 or more. In the foreign exchango market tho only feature was tho weakness In Paris exchange, which sold down to $5.97, npproachlng its low record of Jfi.05 made last 'August Alaska 1 OoM M DJf Alaka Gold Mine.... 20U AllU-Chalmtrj Mfj. . . . 32H Allli-Chal Mfe pf .... MM Am Ae Chemical r0! Am Ilect Sugar 72( Am Ileet Suear pf .... JWU Am Can cai Am Can rf 112U Am Car tc Fdy 72U Am Car A Fdy pf 110)4 118 Am coal rroduct! 103)4 IGS Am Cotton Oil KM S0!j Am Hide & leather... 10H UH Am Hide A h pf 60 61 Am Ire Securities 2W4 tilth. m 21 .3.1 't)H r,9'$ 7.T 05! i KM 111 74! i Low. Cloae. mi w 20)4 ?05 32 ..1'2' 80)4 80! f (VS i!l 72)4 73 0.Vf 03! WHEAT MOVED UP; CROP NEWS GOOD Buying of Good Character. Liverpool Market Turned Weak Am Unwed .. Am Unwed pf Am lieomollre Am Uxomotlro pf. . . Am Malt Corpn Am Malt Corpn pf. .. Am Smelt A Kef Am Smelt A ttef pf. . Am Smelt pf A Am Smelt pf II..' Am Steel Foundries. 02! 4 111 73 118 104 KM in)f 60 29)f 22 m4 HIS 10.1'i 101 S 8 :Vi . .r 04!4 111 73 118 108 M 10)4 CO 20)4 22)4 42 81 20!f 2l!f 23)11 . 40)4 42 . 8l!i 83' .low 101 . 8 h' a.-.u x .102X 10:l!4 102'4 102JI .1I2!( 113 113 11!) . t)3 01 IM ! . 87 87U 87!f 87'f Am Sucar Itef 10914 1I0! 109!f 110)4 Am Suear Ret pf 11S)4 HfiK Mii 11W4 $75,000,000 Loan for Canada &EW YORK, March 16. Arrangements have been made for a loan by Jocal, bankers to tho Dominion of Canada for an amount probably In the nelgh borhpod of $75,000,000. It Is understood that the loan will bear Interest nt the tu vt. u j;r teni. una win run irom nvc to ten and n years, while It was Impossible to obtain details regarding the negotiations for tho loan, It Is unacrsioou n puwic oircring or tnc new honds will bo mado about April 1. It is also- understood that tho prlco at, which the bonds will bo offered will bo a Uiflo better than a 6 per cent, basis. Tho purpose of this loan Is to meet latcrnal obligations of tho Dominion Government during tho current year. . J Eric Bond Issue of $28,000,000 Approved TRENTON, N. J., March 10. Tho Public Utility Commission today Issued nn ordeJ: approving a bond Issuo by tho Erie Railroad Company amounting to $'28.0,00,000. to be known as scries "D." Part of tho Issue will bo used to refund $10,000,000 series "C" bonds and tho remainder Is for tho. purposo of refunding $13,280,000 thrce-yonr 5& per cent, notes, maturing April 1. 1910, andjto reimburse the treasury of thn company for moneys expended from tecomo within tho lust five years for capitalization purposes. Southern Railway Can Issue 57,000,000 Honds ATLANTA, March 1C The State Commission today authorized tho South ern Itallway Company to Issuo $7,000,000 first mortgage 5 per cent, bonds. Tho proceeds aro to bo used for doublo-tracklng the line between Cornelia, Ga and Central, S. C, and other Improvements. Ln.cr,r,JIccs of Shafting and Steel Chain Advanced PITTSBURGH. March 1C Manufacturers or shafting have advanced prices 15 aton. They are now quoting 25 per cent, off the list as a minimum for car- load'tonnage. steel chain has been advanced $5 a ton. SENSATIONAL GAINS EECORDED ON CURB War Issues Again Leaders. Ciba Cane Sugar Up Five Points to New High l NEW YORK; March 16. Further sen Mtlohal advances, w.lth renewed activity, marked tho trading on tho Curb today, arid firhlle heavy realizing took place when high -levels were reached, tho reactions in mostcases were small. "Wir Issues were .again the leaders. Cuba" Cane Sugar again showed pro nounbed strength, moving up nearly 5 pointjt to a high mark, while the preferred waa more active, fluctuating at a range of nearly 2, points. MIflvae Steel was under good support and advanced 3 with only a small re Rctloh, Drlggs-Seabury rose 6 points on Increased dealings. St. Joseph Lead was active and rose to a new high. INDUSTRIALS. ..). Aetna Kxptoilvs Amerlcan-Ilrlllih Mfit . . Atl Oulf W I a 8... da pref American Marconi AJjuUubbcr Inq vr I... Canadian Car & Kdry . do prf ChevtoUt Motor Car .. CorUss Aeroplane Cuban Cane Hurar nrtjSTS-Heuburjr Kmervoa )laiktll A Barker Car. Jinnies JfenufacturlnK nter ' Mrr Marine .ao prer ... 111(1. . 28 U . t 3lW :-S 38 . fi.i . 411 . iiaH .141- . a . 44 . 2R . 1W U5. Kathodlon Uroiue pret 'I'iVi Manhattan Tranalt ...u. 14 Xatlm Munition ". 7I Mldrala HtMl Otla KUvotor Otto JUenlolir vr I . eo pref Tcerleaa Motor Poole, Knt Mach . . Ml Joaepn Jead a A Kreuca w 1 Stand alotora . Nut-marine lit r t c ctfa Trlansle Film v t ctfa 71 K 34 00 MTH ..! UnHe4 Profit Sharlns u n J.'.Jj 'ZU ..... nin Ill ::::: . . . . 4 'i Liant Heat. do prr ..,,,,.. JBTAHPARD OIL SUOSIOUR1B3. 6S 233 1H: 2.ii Aaked. ?o!t 1)0 1114 iii) u 144 lit" 24 V, l H Siw Sll Ml 2K 134 17 n i.i U'.i I White, Motors w I voria iim l'."-irf Ja allonal Tranalt . . . Ohio fin ,:,, H O of California . fl O or Nw Jerecr . a O at tiew York . ,25S ,820 213 (a f e . OTHEIl OIL STOCKS. Harnett Oil Coed(in OU Cbalmera Oil , tiousion uu .... Mldweat Keflnlna bapulpi ., MININO STOCKS, Atlanta. ..,.,., , Cerro da Paaco ......,,., Unite. O S5 v t ctfa , ,.,, Bulls A'.N T, ,.,..,.. jne9C7faiiouai copper ,, iMitiifia aierser fclB?JIlnlu .. jyiuUr rf3P-J fKxtn L.CODD Uitey.DarraKti : America . 3Ilne Co JWut i 4. tCo rpe r - qc America 1 1 1 1 1 t f t f xmwtnx ju.a uvjr . . . . Ktmtic Zlpo JlovtoV t ft 11K "5 17 i 'I 8t HII 17 W h M 13 B1U 2S 1H5 241 2.17 S2S 21S 12 22 20 ttK 14 1 as lp Ji 13 ! 83 BONDS. ::::: lll- n mi YORK COFFEE 3IARKET' IUKK. March 18 The conTee twas less active this morning;. First ,wtre irregular, ranging from 1 MvjMica to 1 point decline, but the i senay, rcuckiiuji mo aircnjf ia la tne eniauer receipts, bales on Vera 3800 bag. fipenuur ----- -.. Teaterday'a ctoae 8.1308.15 at08.21 !.? 8.2 O 6. 27 MBfg lil'fTlir 8.3008.40 8.3098.11 HjIlSIVTT 8.34. S.34S8.33 wBmm' 8!J,, 8.iaf8.io Hill... , H.H.JO L4-ii8.44 I" New York Bond Sales jonn A Iwfh Valley Is. . . :wwi Alaska cjold rv 0s. iiii(ii) ,io ret t iifd...? 7im Amr ABr ..... iliiuii Arsentlna n ijmiiiii Anio vr .-.H ...;;., ,1 4iMi Amer Tel tit In, 214000 Amer Tl cvt 4iH., 7000 Amer Writ Pap ,-,. 22000 AlchlHon iten 4... JtiMMI Atchison adj 4h , i. , i . 117 S 131 HUM, 112 IIS S 72 h lin IISH ll.-l t 107'. lot 103 llt'4 77 W 1)3 lllch. Low. UHil Dil i 10.-, lnl'.j 104 101 102J, 102J4 111 . Ill 114 U 114 112 !)1 10SU 11)7". OS us 1)4 ',4 0 1 '-4 :iuim Atchii.nn .... , tt'..i',.. . n .?.'. ?" 1v,u,'.m,c9.J'ln" clt ' ""W 'IH iioo unit & ohio 4 in', mi!: 4000 Halt Oh cv 4 Ha.! i)ii! ii'i! r.000 Ilto ! l.miVVts 8SI In? 2SO00 nalt Ohio r,a.... lCl'i lut'S 20UO lleth Steel lt r iiji ":i! 13'K" tent leather lt silloM loiS iwSo ceSMiTiNj3.::::iiV: 1.V)0 Chill Copper 7s". .iai4 20000 Chea Ohio cv 4 Via. "! i;;iChr&ohio4HH... o3 1000 Chi Itwya 3s Hi 2000 Chi (It Vcat 4s.. 72& iJ!l!!!! j:D! f. ?wn "" '"".i rr H',u.'X 55 ! Q Jln' "'i 2000 Chi 11 & n Bcn 4.. 113'i 1H00O Chi M & St I'cvB I 7 I)(XI C M II Ht ! rv 4', lOlVi .1000 Chinese rets .',s ... 77(4 3000 Cons foul Md lis.. 03 VSH. Pe Ilud ldio.imiu 1000 Del &. Hud fd 4l... 117 loon do 414a h3'4 l'"00 gU Secur Corp Us.! 72( lnoo Krle gen 4a.. ' 754 ilium Krle conv 4s Her 11. 7nS 2000 Oen Klen 3 Ha..... 82 C 1000 Ilud & Man in r,s... 31)2 BOOO Ilud & Man rfd 8s. .. 73U 110(1(1 ID steel deb 4hs... 01 i ,vti. iiiuiuiia otrai .is,. 23000 III Cent rfd 4s. .. Kol) Ina Con cv ria lulu iftn 40OO Interb It T ref Ss... o4 112000 Int Mer Mar ct 4Hn. 07'i 2000 Kan City Ter 1st 4s. 81) 5000 Lk K & w 1st oati ISOIIllO Lacks Steel Ss 1U.0. 03 0000 Laclede (laa rfd .Is.lolTi 400(1 Lk Hh deb 4s 1U31.. 04 1000 l.orlllard ,1 101 T4 2O0O Iula H Nash 4s... I)4? 0000 Manhattun Sta 4a. . . 112 S 14000 Ma I't Co s Mr C ra-.llsS 4000 Mo lac fla ,10oS 1 A.u, II.... " .T ' U.J-.U iuiii llllTVr US .... Ill 120000 Nat Knam & Sip Csj 07S 4(881 Nat TuIm 3a ..7,. .lol 2000 N V A llrakn ct Us. 104 4000 N V C L S 3Wl.... 77ti 0000 N Y.C t It 3V4s. . . 82! 7000 do 4s ".... o a 3000 do 4 Ha 03 2000 N v City 4s lu.17.. I)!)V4 nooo do tla ..'.. !.. ina?? hfinO iln it', m 1,im tii.itT 10(8) do H'.4u 10(13 Soou N V Gas II a IM OllA.1 K, ..... . a . .....-, . ,,,. IIS... 114-4 1(8)0 N V Itwy ref 4s... 711 10000 do adJ Sa (11 '.i 00(H) N y Tel sen 4 Hi.. 00 nn,., .-.ur. it i ocn -is. uu'.i Cloe. 1)11 10IH 101 losH 111 HI1. 01 1U7 S IIS OIH 87 101 8(1 4 0t 011 81 lolj, 103 os 101 00 117 131 hH 112 08 72 H llll 08 03 107 101 103 111 .i.l 07 77 S3 1, 72 75 78 824 ?s? in: 103 103 uiu oil H ion (ID 07 80 00 01 101 04 101 01 jl)'i OU'i 117 07 U 101 100 1011 07 78 8.1 72 73 82' 30 V ....102 ....107 IW 104 77 82 US 03 00 102 102 107 87 114 711 1 00 . A 73 f 011 103 00 llll 00 07 80 00 03 101 01 101 01 02 112?J r.ii 100 07 117 101 lot 77 82 02 03 Hull 102 102 107 87 111 7(1 IH vu 00 ....i.i nur w l.vii trv ms.llli 1-OVi 1201 37000 Nor I'ae prior 4s.. 03 03 03 20.100 Nor I'ac gen 3s.. 11(1 03 MBti BOOO Ore Short L ref 4s.. 03 03 93 1000 Ore Short L 1st Os. . 108 1081 lnH! r 00 102 . HILT 400(1 I'aclHc Tel Bs 100 100 8000 Panna 4s 1048 on Q'i KIOOO do gen ct 4a 10214 10-jU .??? Kenna en 4Hs 108 103 los nouou itaautnr sen 4a.... ua. mi all 1000 Hep lr t. S Sa 08 on 08 44 10! 2000 Kock Island rfd 4s.. 87 07 44 101 IV 5.8 nt 7000 Itock Island Ss 44 1UIH) H 1, I H HO OS.. 101 1001) Bt L I M 8 4s 10 1000 St Louis Swn 1st 4s, 78 3000 do en 4a (H 1000 Seaboard A Lull Sa H7 iiufju noutn lien oa 2000 South Pan cv 4a.. 12000 do cv ret f d Sa 3000 South Pac rfd 4a. . . , 00 """' WVIM t.Wf till IS.,, I hum uu con us. ,,.,.,, iu; oinnj imu io o. 1000 Third Ave ne 1000 Trt-Clty 6s... ...... 10(1 lou 2500 U H Oov aie...'. 1H?8 InS 560 U S Steel Ss a 1... .104 1()7 ITn an )' J l- L' .. 8 79 K8 OT ...100 100 100 ... 88 88 88 Sa.104 104 101 . ., J04 00 B0 I. - - 7 7 ft .,,.,...162 102 102 -....,,,10.11; iosU io.ig w 4... 82., 82 . 82 7B00 Union Fac 1st 4s ;. 07 1030O do rfd 4s...,...:: 80S 10OO0 Un Hwys H F 4s... 44 1000 Va Itwya Ss.....,!. 3 2000 Wabash 1st Ss. ..". .11.4 22000 West Md 1st 4s...,. 72 rV"V -v.." ..". c:-w.a w ""il1 1000 Wheel ALB 4a (19 1000 Weacon Cent gen 4a. 87 104 HIM UIM .85 4 72 72 140 IK T 87 lard Total sales. 13.725.000. S3.O30.OOO lesterdayt thus far thl. ueek lii.wiii tame penea usi ea with an 3.818.000. Exchange on N. Yr at Premium NEW YORK, March !. -New York exchange) ai; Montreal ruled steady today at a premium of Vt Pr cent The pecu llarltlea ot tho Snanclal situation at Montreal In connection with New York have been repeatedly referred to. Leading Canadian bankers have recently criticised sharply the circulation, of reports In New York of the probable. Importation 'here of I20.SOO.490 to 135,000.000 from Canada. f 76.uoo.uuij loan py American hanker a. powiuisu of vasau. 8asiBtd tu- Am Tel A CaMo nn't 07 Am Tol Alcl WH ly.l'i Am Tobacco MS in" Am Tob pf new lOfl'f 100' i Am Woolen &U, .:iS Am Woolen pf !W Wl'j Am Wrlilnu I' pf II 12,'f Am Zinc I, & Km R7Ji 01 Anaronda Cop AI 87J( SS' A.isct llcallMllon WS fi'i Ajsoclalnl Oil "()) 70' f AlrhTop&H K m'( 101 Atrh Top & S l' pf...xm 101 All Coast Line Itald Ico Wki Halt A Ohio Halt A Ohio pf Ilatopllas Alining. .. Helhlehem Steel.... Hothlohem Slrcl pf. Iirooklyn nap Tr. .11 IU Ml ,.111 ll.'l'f IIIs, lia't" OS lao't- !!). 1(1(1' J ftl't !l!l ll'l HH MS 10.114 llKIIS lOOJf 100)1 111 111 07 I2!l' iai lOfi'4 (.'" Vi K!l' 8K fill- fill'i Nli fi! llurns llro WIH lliille A Superior. Cal Petroleum Cal rctrolcum pf Canadian I'arlflc. ... Central Leather Cenlral leather pf . . Chandler .Motor CI111 A Ohio , Chile Copper Chlno Copper Chicago (It West pf . Chi .Mil A St 1' Chi A Nnrlhueslcrn. Chi It I A I'ae Cluelt I'ca A Co.. . Col I'll"! A Iron Col A Southern Continental Can Consolidated (las Corn Products Itcf. ., Corn 1'rnd lief pf . . . , Crucible Steel Cruclblo Steel pf Cuban-Am Sugar Deere A Co pf Detroit Kdlson Detroit Unllcd Hys.. Diamond .Match Distill Sec. Corpn Dome .Mines Krle Krle 1st pf Krle L'd pf (!cn Chemical... Ml .. 70!$ . .fil7!i Mil -.1.1.-1 UK KVi H.1'1 II Hi Witt 25i KM Ml 701,' 'J'i rii'i i:i.- 81 V.Vi KM 70.' i J'i fi'.) HI.-) K.-'i 81 11.1'f J Hi mi .10814 llSSlf 10.5U UWi 51M .111 . I'.'li,' . Oil'.' . s:t . ("i'4 . Hfitj . Mir .11!7 . 1SW . 71 . Hi', . 1!7' . SI .tIKHi . L1i . 1181 i . W4 .118U .225 . !).-) . l.'U'i . 87)4 .10.) . 17 r.vj 111 U.Vf IK)f 1KI Mi inn 00 li!7?.' ISIS 7:t mis 27ii 8.V4 137 'SIM (18! a IlOli 110 ii.) U0V( 01 CL! Si r,M :i7 !i:.' lL'7',s 1714 7i! ION L'7f SI'f laws ioii 08! j (111 117ii aim i'2S til's Ol'li l.TJU lll'.'H my, wry. . 37K . fl! . 10 .310 tien Chemical pf 110 103 18 23! j ISSSf 6Il!i' 10 310 101 17 0!4 ('enrral Klectrlc (ieneral .Motors General Alotors pf . . . Goodrich Ii K Goodrich H K pf.... Grcene-Cananca Great Northern pf G N cfs for ore prop, Guggenheim Kipln. . , Illinois Cent Int Agricultural l'JH Int Agricultural pf. . . . GO .1 1 UK!; . 7fl!i .110 . 30 .12214 . -lSJi 21 D.i; 1 10! 03 (UH 23 KM 37 03V 127. 17!4 73 18 27?. S3 '4 130 MM 08!4 W,H 118! 223 OIH 132),' 8714 103 1714 23 37J4 3314 10 310 170 180 Int Harv N J Int Con Cor v t c sh Int Con Corp pf 7314 Int Paper HJi 37U CUJi 10 113 1154 MflJi 170!4 103,'i ISO 180 113'4 U3'4 1I3!4 77' i 73.' 4 "fili 11(1'; 11014 um 10.' -18 -18 122H 122!J 12214 17,' J51J 17 20J 2014 20!i .103)1 10 III 10 IU 10 IH :o ioj; lou on; my 109! HOJs 110J4 1714 1714 17)1 7314 1111 4S11 1011 I0H 1714 18 1814 184 1011 7011 73 73 ioo;f 20)1 01 M'l 71 11 375 J 83 1 1114 18 lbH 4S 111)1 70)1 1 00)4 11014 17H 73 11 4W1 4814 48 lO;.' 71 73 10011 100J1 Int Paper pf Insp Con Cop Int Nickel v t cfs.... Int At AI col dp Int AI AI pf c of dp. Jewel Tea Co Inc.... Jewel Tea Co Inc pf.,100 Kan City Southern.... 27 K C Kt S A AI pf.... 0214 Kayser J A Co 81)1 Kelly Sprlngfd Tire Co 74 Kennecolt Copper 30)1 Lack Steel Co 8014 Lee Itubber Tiro 3114 Lehigh Valley 70!1 Liggett A Alyers 255 I.oow;.WIes Ills 1st pf. 80 Lorlllard 1' Co 10S Louis A Nash 125 Maxwell Alotors 021 Alar Alotors 1st pf.... 85 Alax Alotors 2d pf 40 Alcilcan Petroleum. .. .10014 11214 108H 108 Alex Petroleum pf 100 10111 10111 10111 20)1 01 81)1 71 CO'! SOU 51)1 78W IX, U 255!i 78 78 107 107 121)4 124)4 121i OOM OIJi 05 SUM S3 8314 4014 4014 47M 7014 2551 1 7S 107 0)1 01 84,'i 74 57)4 82 5111 7814 37 1014 70 20!1 07?i 1514 14UJ1 152 140 10351 100f 10511 20 20 20 37 , 1114 70 27 0714 151i 3714 1014 . 7014 28 091 i 10 Allaml Copper. Alo Kan A Tex pf. .. Montana Power Nat Knam A H Co. .. Nat Lead Co Nov Con Cop New York Air Iirake NVC41I It N Y 0 A West Norfolk A Western.. ..120!1 1215 j 120 Norfolk A West pf. ... S5!i 8014 SOU jsortnern racltlc... Ont Silrer Alln.... Pacific Mall Pacific Tel A Tel. Pennsylvania R It. Peoples Gas Chi 104 Philadelphia Co 43 Pitts Coal Co N J.... 20 Pitts Coal Co N J pt..l04 P C O A St L pf 00 Pressed S Car Co 5711 Pressed car Co pi Ity Steel SP Co. 37 1014 70 27 C81 153i 15014 10511 20 12011 80)4 11414 111)4 11411 11411 Oil Oil 0) 0)1 7 2811 27 27)1 30 30 30 58 575 i 574 104J! 1041! 104'i 4311 4211 4211 2011 2814 20 10-1)4 IOD4 101)4 30 57 J 00 57 .102)1 103 00 55)4 103 42J 24)1 87H 40)4 53i M Hi 30)1 37J4 5814 0811 188 113 00)1 21)4 00 4211 43 . 2111 2411 . 88 80 . 4014 40)4 . 5314 54)1 . 14 )4 . 4)1 4U . 37 3Gf . 37JJ as 58H 04 . 08)4 OSU 183 188 113 00) i O0!( . 21H 2IJ4 . 59!4 01 .1404 151M 147 . 57J1 50)4 5714 .201 203)4 100)4 100)4 8 714 7H 7.'i .108 100 10814 100 .8 SJ1 8 U . 32 32)4 32 32 . Olj OK 01 i 014 . 12 UH 1114 1114 .134)4 135 133)1 131 . 83 83 8214 82)4 .15511 157J1 154)4 155H . 24)1 25)4 24 25H . 6211 6314 S3 63)4 , 48 48)1 47H 48JJ . 15H 17 1514 1514 3114 32 3014 301C ,,,...146 14814 147 14714 6314 6411 63)1 63)1 00 50 103 43 21; 88 4014 54 H 4)1 3011 3814 50)4 OSU 188 113 0054 21)4 00 148i 58 Hay Con Copper.... Heading Heading 2d pf Hepubllc Iron A 8. , Hock Island St L ASF 2d pf.., Seaboard A Line pf Sbat Ariz Cop Sloss-Shef S A I.... Sloss-Sheff 8 A I pf South Porto It Hug. South Porto It Sug pf.113 Southern Pacific Southern Ky Southern Hy pf Studebaker Co ,. Tenn Copper Texas Co Texas Pacific Tobacco Prod pf Union Hag A Paper.. Union Dag A I' it... United Cigar Stores. . United ClgarS pf.... Union Pacific, Union Pacific pf. ..... US Ind Alcohol..,.. US 01 P A F U B C I P A F pf. U H Kealty & Imp. United itrs Inr Co. Un Hrs Inr Co pf. United fruit., US Itubber.. , US Rubber 1st pf... .10814 10811 10S1 lfwii" US Steel Corpn 8611 8714 SG( SOW U S Steel Corpo pf.. ,,117)4 117)4 117)4 117)1 Utah Copper 83 83)4 83)1 8311 rs-tira vnem.,.,.,,, 4Jt ui WUsn..... 1414 1414 WabasapfA 431, 44 Wabash pf B 27). 27)f Wells Fargo Exp. , . . , . 124J1 125 WestK A M ,, 7011 71)4 West K AM 1st pf... 70 78J1 Western Maryland..., 50)4 31)1 West Maryland pi. West Union Tel... Willys OrtrUnd. .. WUlys 0 pf r f P 4711 47)1 1414 14H 434 41 27)1 27J, 121)1 125 09)1 69)1 7814 7814 3011 3091 45 45H 45M 45M , OOJi 01 0J14 01 .235 240 236 238 105Jf 105M 10514 1D.1U Woola-ortaFW ..122)1, 122), 122H 122H Total sale. 837,700 shares, compared with 623,700 shares leattKfari thus far this week. SJMS,000 sbarest same period 1, X.90U snares. last k. RATES FOR MONEY Call ::.m ......, 3W04 4. iff?' lfr r Ji &&&, Tfe".; !Hu liaf CIIIOAOO, Alnrch 16. Hulllsh sentl. mcqt nredoiiilnnted In wheat today nnd tho market again cliowed strength after early weakness, which was duo to dlsap pointing cabled, continued liberal receipts and talk of a prospective fieparato peace with Turkey. All warmed-over news Items from nbronrt, however, had been dis counted, and preference wan given to un favorable crop news from tho winter wheat belt. This continued to como from all parts of the belt. The buying was or a good character, and commission houses ttenorally spoko In favor of higher prices after the recent lone; decline. First prices, $ 1.09 V., for Atay. $1.074 for July and $1.0S',4 for September, wero tho lowest. May finished at $1.11, after touching $1.12, ngalnst $1.10i,i nt the end yesterday; July ended nt $1.09, after reacnlns $1.10, against $1.0814 at tho close yesterday, and Sep tember closed at $1.08, after reaching $1.08, ngalnst $1.07?', nt tho close yesterday. Tho market 11 1 Liverpool, after display ing steadiness at tho outset, turned weak, with demand smnll. A lending romir.lsslon house 'received reports from Ohio, tndlnna and Illinois, showing that ther'1 had been nn nverago of 2.1 per cent, of winter killing. Other ndvlces wero received reporting bad con ditions, but not estimating tho extent of the damage I.enrllnir futures mncett nn follows: Vcsl'd's wheal Op IK nlKn. Iiw, Clrs elne". May I.ii'ij, I. fa l.lioU'l.iil 1.111'. July I u'lN l.lii 1.H7J, 1.niisl.uii Sept I. nil's 1.I(H4 1.1111 1.08 1.07i 1 nrn uirw iKiivrry;- .May "iiJh 77; Sales in Philadelphia S.I U S3 ISO., i-jv m in 10!) lllll 7 I .IlllV Kept. . . . Oats Mny . . , July ... I.nr.l Mny . . . July.. HIPS May 12 in July .. . .is.st Mey S2.S2 July ... 22 "11 Illd. tAakxil. !V!5 7N' 1.1 .'i I I '4 "!4 I70J4 ,77 77 77 j '77; 77'i 77'i IT'-; I. la' in.ti7 II 211 ll.nr, 11. .12 I2.ir. 12 .17 2.t. nn 2.1.02 tr,' i.-i'i il'.; tn'. 111.112 til. OS til. U7 11.211 Ml. .Ill '11.22 11.112 u.ir, ,,n bo 22:70 11.07 MS.!!) 12.20 I2..1U 2.1)2 2.HU 22.U7 23.7.1 PHILADELPHIA MARKETS GRAIN AND FLOUR WIII1AT IteiPlpta OS, as,", bushels. Tho markft wiis firm imil lr. hlnhcr with n fiilr export ilpmiilul. Quntntlnrm: Cur lots. In et jinrt lnlnr ,io. 2 rnd. spot unit Mtireh, II 17l 211, No. 2 Kniithern red, si.13ii.ih; eloiiimr No. 2 red. 1.1lt.1(l; Nn. .1 red. f 1 . 1 1 r 1 . 1 11 : r-Jeiterl A. ll.HUQI.llUi re Jertr.l II, SI KIWI. 1.1. Colt.W Itrrpipis. (1C02 bushels, nrfi-rlncs wero llBht and the murki't was 11 ehnd" llrni'-r under 11 fair dumnnd. Quotations: Car lots for local trade, iih to location No. 2 yellow. M'4K2c. : steamor yellnw, 7,4irH014e. : Nn. .1 yellow. Ttlla faT7.c: No. I yellow, 71,,4i 7.1'tic ; cnl, wr 70 His.. 7I)WS0e. OATS. Itccnlpts, 11.022 liushots. Tim mar ket ailvanrpi! i,4e. uiwlor llisht ofTerliiKs and a fair ilMiiaml. (junlntlnne: No. 2 white, ,VJ na'ie. . stamlaril white, .Mili ,"lc. : Nn. a while. Ilii.-,0c ; Nn, I white, l7WNe. : sample oats, 4 1 ffl l.-ic. ; purified nam, Kraileil, IHH J.'lc. l'l.Dl'll. IteeelptH. 7.-II hills, and 111(1,081) IIik. In sacks. The niarket was dull unit un rhnimcil. (Juntallons per 10(1 Ihs. In wooii Winter clear. .-,W.-i.2.-; do., stralBllt. .V2.-fft r,.r,D; ,lo.. patents, S."i.iy)1(-.N.-,: Kantm. clear, cotton sacks. tt.MMr.Vl.'i: do., slralBht, cot Inn sacks. .- 2IHf r,.r,ll: do., patent, cotton sucks. .-,.r,nH(r,.70i sprlnc. first clear, S.VJ.'iifO .l.r.o: do., stralBht. sn.Boe,,,","; do., patent. J... ,.-,iil; iin., favorite brands. !il.:!5tfil.7,'i: city mills, choice and fancy patent. SU.2.",iiC 11.7. i: city mills, recular crades Winter, clear, J.",i.i.2.-i: do.. stralBht, J3.2S8S..10; do., pat ent. .-,.ili)r,.S.-,. HVK I'LlllTIt was nulet hut steady under llsht offerlnBH. Wo quote at Vilio.M per bid., as to ituallty. PROVISIONS The. market ruled llrm with n fair Jnb blnc ilemiiml nml somo kinds were hlshcr. Quo tations: ('Ity beef. In sets, smoked nnd nlr drled. 2l02.-,c. j Western beef, In sets, smoked. JltfJ.ie. ; city beef, knuckles nnd tenders, smoked iind nlr-ilrleil. 2ilW27e. ; Western beer, knuckles and tenders, smoked, 2ilW27e. : beef hams. t2S3i)c. ; pork, family, 123.Mlfu2l; hams, H. 1". cured, loose. 1(1 017c.; do., skinned, loose. liltiRlTc: do., do., smoked. IHGrlHr.; other hams, smoked, city cured, ns to brand ami aveniKo, 1714'iil18e.; hams, smoked, Western cured. 17'4 (TO IHc. : do. bolleil. boneless, ,111c. : picnic shoulders, S. 1. cured, loose. 12'ac.i do.I smoked. ISIPltl'.ir.; bellies In pickle iii'cordlnc to averuBe, loose. 1 1 (s V 1 e. : breakfast bacon, as to brand and uver.iKe. ilty cured, 17MKc.; do., Western cured, 17flSe. : lard. Western, rellncd. tierces. 12V4C.; do., do., tubs. lJHc.; iio.. puro city. Kt-iui, renuercu, in tierces, do., lit tubs, r.".4c. lHe. ; do., do.. REFINED SUGARS The market ruled very firm and tho Pennsyl vania Sugar Company advanced list prices fi points. Wo quote: Kxtra lino Branulated. U.7SAfl.Mc. : powdered, il.s.tff (l.lKlc. : confec tioners' A. a.OSbd.TOc: soft erudca, (180.03c. DAIRY PRODUCTS , CIIKKSK. Demand was fair nnd the mar ket ruled tlrm under llBht otferlnBH. Quota tions: New Vork. full cream, fancy, 1KHU 1H.c. j do., do., fair to Bood. held, 17?itC lHMc: do., part, skims, HWlilc. HUTTKIl. OfterlnKS were llnht nnd tho market ruled llrm under a. fair demand. Quota tions: Western, fresh, solld.parked creamery, fancy specials, Ific.i extra, 3Hc. : estni firsts. 17c.: firsts, :i."iff .Tijc. : seconds. 33(i:ilc. ; near by prints, fancy. 41c.: uveniKe extra. 3!)p 4()e. : llrsts. asiilaTe.: seconds, 3.13le. ; special fanry brands of prints Jobblnir nt 44 47c. I.CIQH. Demand was fulrly netlvo and tho market further advanced inc. per rase, with supplies closely sold up. Quotations: In free cases, nearby extra, 2(lc. per dozen; nearby llrsts, io.iio per standard ease; nearby current receipts. 1U.43 per case: Western extra llrsts, SU.bO per case; do., firsts. 1(1.43 per rase: houthern. per case, Jilil.4S, us to quality fancy selected cess wero Jobbing at 27W2l)c. per dozen. POULTRY I.IVC. The market ruled llrm ofTerlnHa and u cood demand. Quotations: .-.,, tiiuict,, 1 1 n nc in c. under llsht ions: 124e 13c.; sprlnB chickens, soft-meated. luftni)c HiML'uy. nrvi3r.: iiiruevH iiiieks. as to slzn and quality, 18W2(ie. do.. , turke; IV. i l)c. ; plKeons, old. per pair. 28 W 30c. ; do. r. per pair. 20SV22C. KHSIJD. Tho market ruled llrm unde 20 is: Keese, 17bll)c; youn?. 'tBlBKI- The market ruled llrm under llsht ofTi-rlniia and a fair demand. Quotations: resh-kllled. dry-pueked Kowls, 12 to box, a.r,y'P,V:'f.'''i- fancy, selected. 20!4c: welehlnir 4'si)0 lbs. apiece. 20c.; welehlne 4 lbs. apiece. JOc. ; welBhlns 3(4 lbs. apiece, 10c; welsh Intt 3 lbs. apiece. 17 18c: fowls. In bbls . Irv-plcked. fancy, weleldne 4!i))!i lbs. apiece, 1 JJ H o. ; we I it h t njr -j lbs. apiece, lu4e. : smaller sixes, lll&iuc. : old roosters, dry-picked. Inc.; chickens Jersey, fancy broilers, 24 0211c: other nearby funcy broilers. 22i()2tc. ; West ern broilers, wetohlnz ,1M Jf2 lbs. upfece, 22 Oslo.; Northern Illinois chickens, fancy yel L'iVf'. welBhlns 4 lbs. and over. In boxes. 21 J022c: exceptional lots hlaber; Northern Illinois, fancy, welahlnir 23M lb", S Lol!et-, 1H.V,V.. Northern Illinois, fancy, welshlnie 2W03H lbs.. In bbls., 17&18c ; other Vestern . welshliur 4 lbs. and over, .'." f."'..,8lDc-i 'h"" Western, welxhlns 2H&3H Iks., In boxes. 1017c.; other Wfit. ern. welshlns SI4fMH lbs.. In bbls., ISOlile.; Inferior. 14c.; Cajwns. per lb Welahlna 84D10 lbs. apiece. 27028c; smaller alzes, 232c.; turkeys, fancy young hens and toms. 31c. ; do., fair tn choice 25030c., old toms 23e : spring dueks. nearby, 1820c.; do.. Western fancy. 17918c; do., do., fair to eood. 1201Bc ; Keese, 18020c.; squabs, per Jozen Whits. weUhlng 11012 lbs. per dozen' J5.8JW; a5st.e'JX?.1!hlH..?AI' lu.v..r dozen. H.-Ad aK: "v,.V.'""."''L'"'-'..'u'l r uozen. 14 -....., niiiio, nriHiiina i His. per uozen. ?(?! wnite, welshing Hl lbs. r ,ii; s.7s3: rijru rmfftn. B.Ai, .. Tr:: 2, 13.23 TSfta: iiiri.DU. FRESH FRUITS Wintry weather conditions Interfered with trade to soma extent and the market showed .little change. Quotations! Applet, Jlrbb" Ii! nil An wrnVHn ';! xY'WJ M.S2W-. i-o.-.T. oatirAi t.V.ws17J,".,u1''' J VVI'lllIti iia & rwts liui iiiss n. tSAt Ki. . ',..' .-' ' U.iafys.ZO. Tangerines. Klorlda! per at no Sj'.OOl. Orapefrult. Florida. UrcSfe.lf!?6 03. Lemons, per box, 1304. I'lneaDoles per crate Porto It co. 'l2.SO03.3O: Florida' ii,S'3-50- Cranberrle..' Cap? Cod.' m, bbS; 810; do., Capa Cod. per crate, 12.5003: uu., jcrwy. (wr iiui.. emia; ao,, Jeraey w...v. ;.vr.wv. Hnu.,iKI, xiorioa. 2.803; Wlnesap $804. Baldwin. 12.BO03; Ireenlng. $2.2507B; York Imperial $"8s ln Davis" $1,7302.80; other varieties 'il bo per -per tXlilTl1"'""'110"- -aM.j open crates, VEGETABLES generally firm, wuoiationj; but thr Whltfl Mln. $1.2001.23: $1.1801. 20; Choice stock was waa Hula tradlna-. toes, pr bush. Pennsylvania. New fork. $1.1001.18; Maue. weiierii. ll.iuui.io. vvmte poutoes. j,r. aey. per basket No. 1 Hose. 60070c. : No 1 other varieties, 60070c; No. 3. 30040c Bweet potato. Jeraey, per baskstNoT 1 45 0Oc.;No. 2.2803Oc. Hlweet wtatMS.'jer aey, Delaware and Maryland, per hamper No. X. 76c.$l: No. 3. 80&60O. )Jwt potatoes. Virginia, per bbl., tl.SO01.TB; Onions, per 100-lb. bag-J-No. 1. $22.33; No 3, 78c. 0$I.2S. Colorado, fancy. $2.7603 Cabbage, Danish, per ton, $13020; do.! Florida, per hamper, 750.011; do.. Soutn Carolina, per erats. $1.2301 50. Celiry. Florida, per crate, U.70U2.25. apinach. Nor folk, per bbl.. $102.50. do.. Texas, per hamper, $101.33. Kals. Norfolk: pi? bT DJQDOc. Lettuce, Florida, per basket: T5ca $2. do.. Uoutb Carolina, per basket. $102 do... North Carolina, per basket. 1101 bo. IisaiU. Florida. Per. Sslwt. riQS. Fti, Florida., per basket, ls, Pepuers. Flortdi per rrlar. l.9uaji'.BU. Eggplant, Florid. p M, iitiiw. -PTOiiwi, riorMa. p( KM&?.??rKf,A'iLl:i!JW.1ll i.jf -r iwvijft iSS ,B0 Allls Chalm. loo Am lxco . .. 20 Am (las . ... 5 Am Hwys . . 20 llnld loco . . 8 do pref . . . 1.1.-1 IlufT ft H t e 71 do pref . . 120 Prill J (I .. ' '.'.l r-hes A Ohio. I BO Cnmlirln Hteel HI 110 Crucible Steel 1)7 ino Chl It I A P. 18., 020 Kb") Htorase. niTi 3 Kast Penna. . 06., 353 (len Asphalt.. 37J4 in tn Co Kr Am. 281 ino Keystone T (J, 7R0 Kenn Con IPO l,nke Sun Corp lota iia 1-hie.n nsv . . in 77 I-ehlgh ,Val . . 70K 2.1 l,h Val Tr. . . 2J14 1113 do pref 14 20 I.lt liros II), 1110 Miami Cop . . .17 U "rt7 Pennn lift. ... T.R 100 Va. Salt. MfK.lOHt 187 1'n Steel pref 08 U .1(10 Phil Co c pf. 44 3411 I'hlla ISlec .. 27 10 P It T t c .. 10 2(10 Itep I A B .. 84 U Hlh, Iw. 3311 3.1 U .! r.iiH 43 M (13 28 S 07 lot 4: 43K 113 Ml tiOH lite .1(1 i 23 H 14i r,7ji 10H 73 Net h Close. 33'i 83(4 120., 1114 Km fiii 4.1S ii.i SnH lit 19 04 87 H i mu MS ? 'I it, 8 44 37Vii '4 111' 27-4 111 ni 1)7H Heading 88 R7i 87 J4 .140 Ton Ilelmont. 4'S 4 .I-IO 4 a-lrt 1-1" r,7 llll' IIN'.i . 27 M Id r..i4 4nli 22 4 111 37'i -f 87 J 101 H Id Ton Mining. .. flft n.i union irsc. . . 4; 177 II (las Imp.., 8!i ,1323 II fl Hteel...' M7U II Westm Coal.. H8 SO Cramp A Sons 77 duo York Itwy,. . . II BOO W N V A ba.. KlU 43 J 8HS 43 HIl' (1(1 n; 4aS t f? 14 Ml 811 111 II lll'l T-'i ".iiles, 10.0.11 slmrei. rnmiured wllli I0.fl.1J 'luires Jeterila.vt Huh far Ihlt vrrk, liiintlt oiiaresl same period lii't eek, 23,0ln share. IOXIK. , Illsh. inooo 'Am n A IS Bs Iia J4 I'.nno Hal I, 1st ris.1H34 anno lt 111 tins Bs.to.-.'s "lino Int Itwys 4s. 87 ? aonii I.k Hup Inc 4s .1.1 t oooil l.cli V grn Is na'4 1301)11 I, V Cnnl f,s. 10.11 2niio I'll Co Cons Bs Il.Tj llll () l'hllll i:iec 4s. Ml 12110 dn is lot till") Itendir Ren Is. Ill's 70110 Itilg-.Ier I't Is. ml lnoo Hlnnd (las its. nil niioii Pn Ity Inv Bs. 72H 100 Welsliiirli C 3s 00 I Increase. Decrease. Total sales, R8(l,300, compared with KIO.MO elenl,i.vi thus fur thl week, Sild.nooi winie period lust week, S327.Sno. Net Low. Close, dure. nai4 iia! '. in.-, ni.-,;4 ...,,. 10.14, 11134 ' 87 -B?' S .1.1. 33,, II.T4 H3'4 1II.1J, 1034 ..... IiaH n.Hi '4 N.I 81 llll llll. Il I Tfc II I ' ..... IH! llll "s Mlji ll!l"i ..... 72'k 72'i 41 llll llll 4 1 Local Bid and Asked llaldwln Ilutr A Hus t c do pref Drill J () Cam Hteel nice Htorage tlrneml Anphult do pref Keystone Tel do tr clfs do pref Lake Hun Corp , . . . I'hlvh Xav LehlKh Vol Lehigh 'al Trnn. . . . do pref Pennsylvania Phlla Illectrlc I'hlla Co do 8 per cent. pref. do 0 per cent. pref. Phlla Ilnpld Trail t r Heading Tonopnh luimnnt ... Tonopnh Mining Union Traction II (Iiir Imp II H Hteel York Itwys do pref Wm Cramp t c K dividend. Tndav's Yesterday's Did. Asked. Illd. Asked. II ',i Oil II 81 U (II .17U 7.1 13 18 OOVi 111 711 70 H 231. 2, fi 4.1 V4 41 I44 II1J4 5 811 8I1U 11 37 hi) 112. 112'i 111, II 14 42 104 BSlj ' .-ill .111 4.1 4 1 1.1 8lli HI HI lia-'i II I '4 inn 3ll 37 i .KS'4 72t 73 72 4 ll IIS 14i lit. IIs. Ilji l',!l 711 118 ', 111 HlH 10t4 73 711 73 78 1, 70 711 22. 23 2.1 II I IH 41 87 H 87 Js 8711 2714 27 . 27 J4 12 i 431k 42. 311 II 311 II II1) II 111'', 1tl'5 in 87 81 88 '4 11 -s 1114 nu ":1t7 4'.. 'K. 811 '4 811 K 811 14 811 8I1J4 8lljf 11 11 H 1i aii'4 37. aiiW 711 'a 77'4 7.1 Financial Briefs Not cnrnlnBs for Kclirunry of tho Tono pah Ilelmont DcvcloiHncnt Company wero $108,221 uml tlioxo of Jim Uutlcr Mlnlntr Company wero $25,512. TI10 Southern Itallway IiaH sold to J. P. Morgan & Co. nnd Ilrnwn Iirotherx & Co., $7,000,000 Atlanta and Charlotte Air Une first mortBago 5 per cent. hondH. Application lian hcen mado to tho New York Stock Kxchanse to list tho following securities: Minneapolis nnd Ht. Louis Itallroail Company. Guaranty Trust Com pany, of Now York, and Merchants' Na tional Hank, of Iioston, certificates of de posit for $0,105,000 preferred stock for nnd $15,344,000 common stock, and Virginia Hallway Company $2,500,000 additional first mortgago 60-year G per cent, honds, series "B," due 1062. The Indiana Ileflnlng Company reports for year ended December 31 net earnings of $700,703 and a deficit of $53,725. The halanco sheet as of December 31 shows cash $360,340, deficit of $928,073. Tho New York Subtreasury gained $102,000 from banks yesterday, making tho cash net gain slnco Friday $7,038,000. Tho Southern Itallwny ha3 ordered 1600 gondola cars, 500 from the Mt. Ver non Car Company nnd 1000 from tha Pressed Steel Cnr Company. FOREIGN EXCHANGE NEW YOHK, March 16. Tho market for foreign exchango failed to show any Increased volume of business In the first hour, but rates moved Irregularly. Krenci exchange was heavy, though no quotablp changes from yesterday's final low fig ures, G.93H for cables and 6.95 Vj for checks. This morning there were somo unconfirmed reports, possibly for political effect, that French checks had sold at $6. On the other hand, sterling was firmer, with cables back to 4.77. Demand was quoted at tho recent high, 4.76 5.10. Itelchsmarks wero rather heavy at 72', 4 and 72 3-16. Continued strength without business was again noted In Stockholm ex chango at 28.70 and 28.80. Vienna was a shuds lower at 12.50 and 12.53. Tho extreme low for this class of exchange was quoted In January, 12.0C. Other quotations were: I.Ira cables, 6.69; checks, 6.70; Swiss cables, 6.224; checks, G.23i; pesetas, 19.12 and 19.75. This Is a little better than of late for this ex change. Itubles we. 1 quoted firm at 31 and 31, Oullders wero unchanged at 42 ii and 12 6-16. Tho market left off quiet without spe cial change from the earlier figures, with the exception of a firmer tone In sterling cables, which ended ht the best of the day, 4,77- Demand finished at 4.78,. Other quotations were: HelchsmarkB, 72 1-19; franc cables, 5.95 !J ; checks, 5.96U- Guaranteed Income Bond $500.00 a Year for 20 Yean To any named Beneficiary, GUARANTEES $10,000 total pay. ment regardless of length of time the beneficiary lives after your death. At Age of 30 Cost $86.92 a Year (tiroes Annual Cost). Kates at other aces upon application. Address Illinois Life Insurance Company MARK B. LOCKYER, Manager Block Excbance Ilulldlnr. A SHORT TIME BOND Two and'oue-half year to run. Mortiase on valuable property. Earning twice charge. PRICE TO YIELD 6J4 Circular furnfahed upon requeat. MELLOH & PETRY Member N. Y, t I'blU. Stock Exchauie 336 COJ1MKUCIAL TUl'ST UUir.DI.NQ lllUECTOHY Of ACCOUNTANTS Ceitltlad PubllA A,..,R,nt. ' WKEKC M. IlHrtWM AiVk" M JBsa. sstatb tavan buiuw WBLSBAOH CO. HAD GOOD YEAR; MIDVALE STEEL BONDS ALL SOLD With New Securities Out of Way, Action Expected to ; ije TaKen ooon lowaru listing stock on Local Exchange Tho annual report of tlje Wolshach Com pany for tho year ending December 31, 1915. which was Issued today, showed cross nroflts of $779,370. nil Increase of $31,656. nn compared with tho previous"! year. Tho balance, after deproelntlon, bond Interest nnd sinking fund require ments, was $272,327. Increnso $21,231. The surplus for the year lotnled $1IG.I7", ngalnst $95,348 III 1914, nn Increase of 21, Ml. Trustees under the mortgage, says Sid ney Mason, In Ids remarks, have pur chased slnco the last report for account of the sinking fund, Including March 1, 191B, $284,900 of the company's collateral trust 5 per cent bonds. This makes the total purchase of theso bonds by the trus tecs to dato $3,B7I!,000. Tho board of di rectors was re-elected nt the annual meet ing, which was held In Gloucester. Announcement v.nn made today of tha closing of the Mldvnlo Hteel nnd Ordniinco Company syndicate for tho new R per cent, bonds. Tho bonds token, nccordlng I" letters sent nut, amounting to $21,730,000, have nil been sold. Now that the new Is sue nf bonds nnd tho $25,000,000 Issue of new stork nrc out of the company tho financial district expects that something will soon bo ilono townrd listing tho stock nf the Mldvnlo Steel nnd Ordnnnco Com pany on tho Philadelphia Stock Exchange. Things will probably bo In shape for such action nlniig tho latter part (if this month or tho first part of next, ns previously staled In this column. Trading on tho 1'hllnilclphln Slock Ex chango was on n very small scale today, tho activity which was thown In the market yesterday net being carried . night. Traders in this city ,!?Voea ,TJ of their time to watching Wan 5S? where trading was on tl largo scale m.1, business In tho first hour being on S. scale of more than n million and a ,,', for tlio full session. ",'' Price movements wero Irregulne t,.j The strongest of the distinctly local !..- was lluffnlo nnd Susquehanna tn , t cer tlllcates, which advanced IH polnl.T' fore noon. The preferred did not ..n during tho morning. N'clthcr (), ,? assented stock or the trust certified of tho Philadelphia tlnpld Transit Cor? pany sold during tho morning Z Tho preferred shares of tho lhlghv.1 ley TratiRlt Company dropped U and ii,. common U. '" common '.t. A block ,of 500 shares of Western New Wk and Pennsylvania changed han'S nt 10U. a gain of U. Lehigh Navigation wnn unchanged nt 70. Cambria si.i Rnld nt III ,l. .. l.-ie ". . . H,el i,i., ii,iii. nun inc prea which tho company wns taken) over by mu .uiiiiic mcci nnu urdnniico Com. pany. iiiu- (iivorniiic annual reimrt nf Pi.. (rln (.'Inrtti,., tlnll.. i-,.,. .cc-. ..... ...... ..,.nt:ijr, which came yesterday, showing more tlmn ?u cent, earned on tho stock during the 1 fiscal year, had no effect on that enm.vi which wns boosted on many rumors yes! tcrilny, which were set forth in this column. ' was not in ns great deinntid ntwl ,,., i.5 litiiig around the closing price of lam nhjM -H On a five-share lot Cramp trust certlfl. a caies ten t .5 points. I.chlgh Valley de. 3 ClltlPlI n fllll linlllt. Tim ttlnun I... '..,. US - " .,o ,)uici. I COTTON MARKBT SMALL; S03IK WALL STREET UUYIX(i Dcmnnd Supplied Krom Sources Scattered Sinv YOniC, March 1G. The cotton market this morning was a small affair. Traders nppenred cautious and what transactions wero made Involved only lim ited amounts. Thnro was somo buying by Wall street houses nml spot Interests, with tho demand being supplied from scat tered sources. The early tone wiih steady, prices being 1 to 4 points higher. After the stnrt Liverpool, which had reported declines of 1 ',4 to 3 points, ns compared with losses of 314 to 5 points looked for, sent In quotations showing nrt-vir-os of 2 to 2 ',4 points, nnd tills brought In nn Increased demand, with tho result tot prices hero advanced 2 to 3 points further before tho end of tho first 10 rrlnutcs. flio first reports reaching the ring with referenco to tho sinking of a Dutch pas senger steamship wero followed by a llttlo flurry of selling, but tho offerings wero absorbed by trado buying of old crop months and tho tono of tho niarket was steady. Thcro was somo further Wall street buying In evidence, but tho demand was much less active than It had been yesterday morning and general busi ness wn.i quiet with fluctuations some what Irregular after tho early advance of 5 or 0 points from last night's closing figures. Tho trado buying of old crop months wns Mipposed tn be partly for tha purposo bf undoing hedges ngalnst sales ui n,UL uuiw: III llie OOUtll. Mnrch Mny July .... Oclnlmr . Iietcmbor January Hpcjt .... ctoee. Open. II. hi Yea ... .11. Ml ....11.11(1 . ...ia.10 ....1L'.2II . .ls.an . .12.41 . .11.11.-1 1 1 .11.-1 12.1:1 la.i'.'i is. ai l'J.4.1 itmii. 11 Ml l'J.OI IL- 111 la n.-, is r,n 12 3 I.OW. ClOH, !J si 11. ui 12.(10 fijjg. I5... e CO PUBLIC SERVICE SECURITIES Public Service Securities arc a lien on the success of communities. C First mtrje. 5? Gold Bond. I, Ncttinrj over 5.602. G. Company is owned and operated ty one of the largest public utility companies in the country and serves a population of over 340,000. O, Earnings show a steady and satis factory increase in 1915 were 2Vz times amount required for all hond in terests. G, Tax Refund in Pennsylvania. C, Free Normal Federal Income Tax. C Full particulars personally or ty mail. Bkei? Aylirvg . Co. Land Title Dldg. Philadelphia. ELKINS, MORRIS BANKERS & CO. Land Title Building Philadelphia Scrariton Electric Co. 1st Ref. 5s, 1937 Nashville Gas 8c Heating Co. 1st 5s, 1937 Union Utilities Co. 1st 5s, 1944 Metropolitan Electric Co. of Reading 1st 5s, 1939 Prices On Application HOME STATE INVESTMENTS. No. 5 Wo Offer and Recommend for Safe Investment First Mortgago Bonds of a Pennsylvania Indus trial Corporation. The Bonds wero issued less than five years ajo, yet more than one-fifth of tho issuo has been retired by the Sinking Fund. Callable at 105 and interest. This invest ment will yield about 5 Tax Free in Pennsylvania Details on application BANKERS EsTiBUsnrD 1802 Jfemeirs Ntw York and Philadelphia Slock tSxchanoca ' HI04D AND ClICKTNUT BlS., IUIL10t. 30 1'INB STUKET NW YOSK Tl 0 REDUCE YOUR COST OF GASOLINE The tirico of cusollnu 1h uolns up. IVnitflylvimlii crude alt tins advanced tl J'J.r.o a liarrul. I2vory uar f oil nnil can should lwh oil nnd Ban tttock. Thus hla own con lumrtlon prnduceH dividends for him, BARNETT OIL & GAS CO. l'lfHWlt IHU S1.0IMMI00. Cat I till S.SUO.OUll. l'nr Vulue 81.00. No Itonds. Nu Outs! undine Imlrlitrdnetit. OfTera 'ununual opportunities on ac count of present cnrnln. Truded In on New York Curb. Write for Special Circular A'o. . E. H. CLARKE liiWfctmfiit Sernrltlrn, 7 Wllllum St.. New Vork Cllr. Ilooklet. "l'aat. TreBent anil 1'utura ot Iiiiletviident l)ll." on request if ARCHITECTS SulNfiicllan to Arrliltrrt. Otrnfr and lliilldcr 1 iihMirril ilifn i'linitiirilfiii JokrrH. I riiiiiiuinlPH. trniiM. nrranxe IioiiiN. Nu frill. , or renrri-fnt nnlr Bt Cet my milled unit HARRIS J. LATTA Pennsylvania Bldg. I INVEST IN MORTGAGES AT 5.4 Recommended by BEN T. WELCH . 1328 Chettnut St. MECHANICAL ENGINEER und ukblitunt la kale uiunutrr ..r I .ii.iiiifiif.(tirliiir raruorutlon urdrrrd to unolher olllre, delr ilmllar " j lion In thl. Uclnllr. Salary to ta -v. ,ddre. II 8J3. I.KUQKK CEMBAI Your Idle Money Should Earn Interest Funds for any reason lying idle may be deposited in a reserve account with this Company, subject to Check or on Certificate, of Deposit, and' interest will be allowed on such accounts at rates proportionate to the size and character of each. Inquiries by Mail Will Receive Prompt Attention Philadelphia Trust Company Main Office Broad Street Office 415 Chestnut Street 1415 Chestnut Street 111 I s -" 11 I -,.-, ; :... , -'.f' . . .. .. ... . . ,t- ,f- 1 -4- 4i rrTBiWr