Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, March 15, 1916, Night Extra, Page 7, Image 7

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    ft gfcy"9g w-y-ilU n-r"
Invade Nearly All Occupa--.
tioils in Heroic Efforts
to Aid Country
"An unconquerable desire to do
somcthlnc for their country and to
fill the places of the men spur nil
the women on. There's scarcely an
occupation in the length and
breadth of England that hasn't
been invaded by them.
"They are cleaning the streets
nml cleaning the windows, and even
as steeplejacks, they're- soaring to
the dizziest heights. They're light
ing the street lamps, delivering the
mail, grooming the army horses,
acting as town sergeants and only
the other day in n little Lnglish
vlllaec. I saw a woman net as
town crier 1"-Ellen Adair.
Written Specially for i:exinii I.tstMitit.
LONDON. March 4. "I haven't rend
the papers for months nntl months, ami
I simply couldn't tell you what'H happen
ing In tlio wnr'" ilctlnrril n pretty London
.i,i inilnv How stranno! Could nho
f- really ho Inillffeient to the Brent Ikbuo nt
etale7 Or WRB mio mcrciy muiimi
Then tho explanation wiih Ben. "I'm
i..i.iiiv ilmvn two wartime Jobs, nnd that
incan worltlnsr It hours a day," she said,
"so I'c no time left for rending. I'm
tilling a pecretnrlal position, which I took:
seven months oro to rolcnso n man to ro
to war. llo's married and has four chil
dren, so I Rlvo my wholo salary to his
family. It's $0 a week, nnd, ns there's
a new baby now, they need It badly."
"I liavo to ho nt tho offlco nt 8 every
morning, nnd stay till 4. Then I've Just
time for a hurried ten, nnd rush on to n
munitions factory nwir my own home,
where I do voluntary work nt the ma
chines till 0 or 10 o'clock every night.
Shell-making Is most Interesting, and late
ly I've been promoted to tho moro delicate
processes of the business.
"There's a certain amount of strain In
It, though, and when I Rot homo after my
long day I take my supper nnd tumble
straight Into bed. No newspapers for
me, thank you I'm much too exhausted t"
This valiant maiden was the only child
of well-to-do parents, nnd looked any
thing hut nu Amazon. Yot her strenous
war-tlmo career Is no startling exception,
for tho majority of women nt tho present
time show Immense enthusiasm in "do
lug their Lit."
In all tho a sirring countries tho women
are wotklng with u right good will. De
plto tho diatribes of sundry writers, they
hnic risen wonderfully to tho occasion.
It Is curious to note tho opinion of tho
, .ecntlcr sex held by Tolstoy, as evinced
in his 'Diaries' recently published. Could
he but see tho women today, ho would
surely retract his Judgments.! 'Women Is
an Instrument of the devil,' ho Informs
us; 'SIio does wonders of cleverness, fore
sight nnd persistency that she inny ac
complish some abomination, but when
abomination Is not In question, sho can
not understand tho simplest thing, can
not see beyond the present moment, and
lias neither endurance nor patience."
Ills muntlo In this respect bccms to
hac fallen upon some of the German
Journalibts of today, who arc constantly
carping nt their women In tho columns
of their papers. "Vain . ns a pcacoclt,"
as the Kummlng-up In the TnRoazcltung
the other Oaj, nnd the Frcmdenblatt, In
scathing tones, hays that thu German
woman Is utterly Incapable of understand
ing her duty In tho exigencies of wnr. It
Implores her, too, to abandon tho 'waste
ful wide cklrt ' What's tho good lady to
do? Will trouiers be the solution? I feel
quite boiry for her.
"Do tlicso women of ours," hotly pro
ceeds tho Frcmdonbltitt. "preening thoni
sclxes up In their overweening vanity
w(th all sorts of finery tiwl frippery and
een that mostly of fotelgn origin
never think thnt a day m.iy c mio when
en our warriors may bo put on n re
stricted clothing allowance? How would
tho women faro then? la It likely that
the military authorities would nllow our
soldiers to Eland against tho foo half-clad,
so that the fashion dolls at home may
array themselves In llnery? Certainly not;
wcro tho soldiers to go short, the women
would go shorter Btlll."
Sourly tho writer adds: "Whether our
counsel Is llkely-to bo followed, knowing I
uur ucrinau women, we regard ns very
jjiubtful Indeed."
The colistaut doctrine of economy and
more economy Is being preached all over
turope, One hears It everywhere, nt
street corners, at great meetings, at tho
theatres, "Save your money for tho dis
astrous times that are coming when tho
war's over nnd there's no money any
where: Is tho cry. And, though Urltlsh,
trench and Russian papers do not take
the extreme attitude of the German pa
Pers, they are urging on their housewives
the necessity for retrenchment.
The new professions open to women lire
sometimes very strange. Up In Scotland
the other day I saw two women coal
heavers! Their faces were blnck with
grime, and they bat among the coals on
top of tho cart, while one drove. Stopping
at a certain garden gate, they descended
and. lifting great sacks of coal on their
tacks, staggered through tho gurdon to
the kitchen entrance;! It took them 20
minutes to unload that cart.
One of the girls was the daughter of a
Jawyer, and had even been to college.
a,hers ns maa as can be tnat Vm doll"?
wis,' she said, mopping black rivers of
uirt from her perspiring face, "but I
wanted to do some kind of war-work, and
fi to $6
For the Man
With Callouses
Rheumatliui. Corns.
Bunion. IoiTimtnx
NalU and other
miladies of th (t.
ThU cushion ataoo
14 aa Improvement
over any "tmlUr coa
otTered. and la better la
every way.
y. ww.v. "iv Women
I? 37 S. Ninth Street, PhUi.
Blue uot to all part el
the I'ulUd bliU:
Ettry I'ulr CiuarntteJ.
"J!"1 Ofltn iiurUy Eveote-,
ns t hnto books and Indoor work nnd
ndoro athletics, this Is the best I could
find I But now I'm finding It a bit too
strenuous, so 1T6 put my application In
to be a bus conductor."
The bus conductor's life Is scarcely an
enviable one, cither. Tho RlrJ must stand
on the outsldo platform, exposed to such
cantankerous blasts nnd Inclemency at
only tho British Isles can boast, and she
must trot up and down thnt Jerking, sway
ing staircase to the roof at least 100 times
a day. The pay It cry Rmall, nnd qulto
recently two girl conductors were killed nt
their work, A great deal of balance Is
required to keep from being thrown off
while taking tickets outside, and until that
balnnco Is gnlncd the work ,ls really rather
dangerous for women.
Yet an unconuuerAble ilrslrt- to do mm.
thing for their country and to till tho
places of tho men spur nil the women on.
There's scarcely an occupation In tho
length and breadth of I'nglnml that hasn't
been Invaded by them.
They arc cleaning the streets nnd clean-
I Ing the windows, nnd even ns steeple-
i Jacks they're soaring to tho dizziest
I heights. They're lighting the street lamp'.
uciiverinu the mail, grooming the army
horses, acting ns town sergeants, and only
tho other dny In a little English village I
saw a womnn net ns town orlcr.
It's a queer old custom, this crying
aloud of village proclama'loui In certain
rural districts of nnglnnd "Oycz!
Oyesi!" shouted tho feminine town crier,
pacing slowly nlong tho narrow street,
nnd swinging u big bell ns sho walked.
"Oyer. !" Oycz" Who would be a bus con
ductor or a mere "chauffcuso" when such
a post of honor nnd prominence Is to ho
had I
Pel chert on the roof of various houses,
I have frequently noticed tho woman
tiler nt her work. Trouser-clad and tied
around tho waist by a lafcty rope, sho
looked remarkably elllclcnt.
What a strange rovolutlon nnd read
justment there will bo when war Is oor
nnd tho men como bnckt For these are
only a few of the occupations capably
filled by the Kngllsh women of today.
Accompanying this news letter from
Ellon Adnlr came a note to tho editor
from the writer, which said:
"A wire hns Just conic to mo from the
Wnr Offlco with the news that my llttlo
brother has been hilled by the Turks hi
Mesopotamia. He was only 18. He hnit
been transferred to tho Tigris lino after
having been mentioned for gallantry In
Flanders. Ho was so young to ho even a
sublieutenant! I can't believe It Is true.
'Killed In action Lord Kitchener sends
his sympathy,' Is all the wire says."
Famous Author Often Broke Down
nnd Hnd to Quit His Impres
sive Sermons
Klngslcy's llfo was a scries of up
nnd downs, lie would work with such
fury, writing letters, preaching, visiting
the sick, teaching, smoking nil day, nnd
nt night, after the rest of the house wcro
nil In bod. sitting up till the smnll hours
writing at one of his novels thnt after
several months of this kind of thing, ho
would have, a breakdown nnd ho ordered
to nultr
At first ho thought what ho needed was
physical excrclso, and off ho would go on
n long tramp or fishing trip. But soon
ho loarned that what ho must liavo w-as
absolute milet, says Hlldcgardo Haw
thorne, In St. Nicholas, and then he
would sit for hours In the sun, soaking
In sonio lovely sccno before him and
watting till his energy returned, ns peace
fully as lie might. Hery now nnd then
ho was subject to Intonso fits) of depre
slon, such ns men of his temper nro apt
to suffer, but his buoyant spirit soon
came singing home again, and tho boy in
him waked with a shout, ready for play
nnd for work.
Kinsley made a tremendous impression
In his lifetime, not so much from any
thing ho actually did, but becauso of all he
hoped and wnntcd to do and tried to
malts peoplo sco was worth doing. Ills
hcrmous were listened to breathlessly,
nnd though tho conventional churchmen
did not approve of him. Ills congregations
loved him. Onco he was preaching to a
throng of worklngmcn nnd when ho had
finished tho Incumbent, ono of tho digni
taries of tho church, rose nnd said that
ho did not believe In most of what Mr.
Klngsley had said and had expected a
ety different hcrmou. Klngsley mado
no reply, simply bowing his head. Hut
as ho walked bark through the nlslo the
men In tho seats near him stretched out
their hands to touch him as he passed
nnd murmured blessings on him.
IIo loved the poor, tho weak, tho un
happy, and he gave himself to them with
a fervor It is hard to realize.
The German Empress
Augusta Vlctorln, German I'mprcsa and
Queen of Prussia, was born In 1858 at the
cnstlo of Uolzlg; she Is the oldest daugh
ter of Frederick, Duke of Schleswlg-Hol-cteln-Sondarburg-Augustenliurg,
nnd his
wife, who was tho Princess Adelhold of
Hohenlohe-Lnngcnburg. Augustus Vic
toria married Prlnco Wllhelm of Prussia,
now German Kmperor, on February 27,
1881. Sho has been u patroness of many
charitable enterprises. In 1898 she made
a memorable Journey with tho Kmperor
through Palestine and afterward wroto a
book, "Recollections of a Journey In Pal
estine." Hetty Green
Hetty Howland Robinson Oreen, finan
cier, was born In New Itedford, Mass.,
November 21. 1835. Her father, Kdward
Mott Itoblnhon, died In 1805, leaving her a
large fortune. She was educated In Bos
ton. In 18G7 she married Edward II.
Green, of New York, and she has one t,on,
1 dward Howland Robinson Green, who
was born In 1868. Hetty Green Is said
to be the richest woman In America and
probnbly the greatest woman financier in
the world.
aassssssRSSsssssvxXN vm x.ts.-$fteMf;:i
We Ask Your Presence
To the Formal Spring Opening of Our t
Woman s Snop h
Today, -
fe? Friday
THE new Dresses, Suits and Coats
yill be ready in profusion for your
., LONDON, March 15. Allied aviators have raided Essen, home of
miu KruPP Run Works, according to dispatches from' Amsterdam today.
Other air squadrons have nttacked Munich, capital of Bavaria, and tho
cily rrf GImlbnch. the dispatches said.
The news has not been confirmed ly the War Office, but aroused
great enthusiasm here. vSince the beginning of the war, aeronautic ex
perts have been urging a great Allied nerial raid on the Krupp works at
Essen, which lies about 170 miles north of tho French lines nt Verdun.
The Germans arc known to have taken great precautions to guard
against air raids both on Essen and Gladbach, about 30 milc3 southwest
of Essen, where German machine guns and munitions are manufac
tured in large quantities.
If reports of the air raid on Munich are confirmed the raiding fliers
have made one of tho longest bomb-dropping expeditions of the wnr.
Munich lies nearly 250 miles cas of the French lines in Upper Alsace.
The city of Gladbach is also known ns Muenchen-Glndbach. Tho
German name of Munich is "Mucnchcn." It is possible that the Amster
dam cables to London mennt to say that the cities of Essen and Mucnchcn
Gladbach, within u few miles of each- other, were raided, but tho transla
tion to English and the cable transmission made the messages rend
"Munich and Gladbach."
Battle of Diplomacy and Bul
lets Under Way to Drag
Nation Into War
ATHENS, March 15. French
troops have occupied the Greek Island
of Mourto.
11KRL.IN, March to. The u-portcd ap
pointment of flcnerals Alcrcvru. Cotescil
nnd I'rcian us roimnnmlcii In chief of
tho Klrst, Second and Third llumaulan
Armies, mid particularly the date. Apt II
II, when the appointments to these high
est mllltnry posts become effective,
arouses tnoro than mem Interest In Her
man military and political elides,
especially taken In conncttlon with tho
return of the Rumanian Minister to
Sofia after live months' nbsence and con
tinued Ihicharest reports 'of tho Iiicicih
Ing activity of thu war rarty. All this
Is believed to foreshadow a Inst decisive
diplomatic battle In tho Ilalknns, with tho
Clerman western offensive as tho principal
While Halkan specialists here are well
satlslled that the (Jrrman successes be
fore Verdun liavo not failed of moral ef
fect on the Rumanians, notably Inllucnce
lug thu llrutinuu (lovernment to continue
clinging to Its policy of procrnstlnntlng
neutrality, the fighting In Franco has un
deniably also had the effect of making
the l'titcntc-'H friends nt Hucharest re
double their efforts to bring Rumania
Into the war by tho cud of spring at the
Conllmitil from Pace One
operation of tho standardization plant,
after it hnd been constructed.
"That depends on how much work you
wnnt to do," he said. "I spend $300,000
annually In thnt work, and I'm not much
compared to Uncle Sam."
Mr. Kdlson said he would work tho
Government standardization laboratory 24
hours a day. .
"Could you get hclontlflc men enough to
work three shifts a day?"
"Certainly, I can get muckers plenty
of them."
By "muckers" he meant c.pcrhnentnl
"What work would you take up first In
tho proposed Federal lahoiatory?" Mr.
Kdlson was usked
"Submarine and aeroplane engines," ho
"If the laboratory produced a submarine
engiuo that weighed 1000 pounds, and
about tho sanio time a piivato manufac
turer produced us good an engine that
weighed only 500 pounds, what would you
doV" Mr. Kdlson was asked.
"I would tako the lighter one," ho Mild,
and the committee laughed heartily with
I "How would you handlo tho strict gov
ernment Inspection of such manufacture?"
ho wus asked.
Wrll. milk wuum inuuiiui ucmj inu
two weeks. But It Is too ilgld. It Is too
unnecessarily minute. Do away with It,"
lie demanded.
"How would you deal with patented
"I wouldn't pay any attention to
patents. Settle that afterward"; and the
committee laughed heartily.
Secretary of tho Navy Daniels. W. L.
Saunders. A. SI. Hunt, pr. F. A. Baekel.
of New York ; II. K CcfTln. of Detroit, and
Dr. M. U. Hutchinson, of Orange, N. J.,
appeared with Kdlson.
At the conclusion of Hdlson's state
ment Chairman Padgett thanked tiim for
appearing and the committee rose nnd ap
plauded as the Inventor left tho witness
Etnnd. Ho smiled broadly und saluted
the members.
Interior Alterations
Get Eitimates
Frank C. Snedaker & Co.
9th and Tioga Streets
?KS S&,VS, !S,nNY5cVxN i x-Ci
rown SI
Despondency and Woe Every
where, Asserts Dr. Pacs, Ex
Portuguese Minister
PAULS. Jtnrch in. That the desire for
peace Is rapidly Increasing throughout
Oermnny wns the Information brought
to 1'arls today by Dr. Sldonlo Piles, former
I'ortug.il Minister to Oermnny, who wns
iccallrd when Germany dcclnred wnr on
"The spirits of the people aro drooping
rapidly," said Doctor Paes. "Kconomlu
conditions urc very bad. The recent Issue
of potato cards shows the desperate food
situation, l'rusrla is tho hardest hit of
nil the German States. The situation
there Is positively painful.
"At the outset tho war was regarded In
Prussia as a sacred enterprise nnd bound
to succeed. Great enthusiasm prevailed.
Recently the war spirit has nagged vis
Inly. The Idea that Germany Is God's
chosen nation hns disappeared. I'vcry
wheio Is lassitude and despondency and
woe. The whole talk in what wero oncn
I bellicose ollliial circles Is now the ncccs
I slty for peace."
China's Dr. Jckyl and Mr. Ilydo
Warned by Pictorial Satirists
"That Japan has never taken Yuan'n as
pirations seriously." says a writer in Car
toons Magazine, "may bo seen from the
cartoons nppearlng In tho Japaneso ver
nacular press. 'Tho tlomo Is too big for
tho foundation,' reads tho caption of a
Toklo cartoon in which a group of Japa
neso 'advisers' appears In tho foreground,
evidently prepared to offer their good
counsel to Yuan on the principles of build
ing construction.
"In another cartoon Yuan Is represented
ns a monkey trying to catch Iho moon
(throne) In tho river. Again, Yuan Is seen
just having discarded his presidential hat
and in tho net of reaching for tho crown.
Tho foreign natlops, headed by John Hull
nnd Japan, knock vigorously at his door
but Yuan, having, as It seems, a guilty
conscience, tells them to keep out.
"Thnt China, after all, is merely n shad
ow. 13 expressed by another Japanese
aitlst. who portrays tho yollow kingdom
(or republic) casting a lingo shadow on
tho ground but tho rising sun, which Is
responsible for tho phenomenon, Is labeled,
'Julian.' "
World's Largest City
London and New York nro the two
largest cities in tho world. The popula
tion of reglstiatlou London In 1911 was
4,522,964; of tho "greater" city, with Its
metropolitan and city pollco districts,
7,252,963. Tho population of New York
city, all boroughs, In 1915, was 5,253,885,
If you Include Westchester nnd New
Jcrsoy suburbs In a count of "New Yoik
city," the figures would be about 7,500,000.
New Skirtings
for Spring
All the choicest things in
te Spring shirtings are here A
the last word in shirt fah
fr rics produced hy American
O and foreign looms,
p The designs and colorings
are beautiful, and they are
all fast colors, too, despite
the dye problems.
Madras, cheviot, silk;
and wool, silk and cotton
fabrics are shown in abun
dance, and we have many
handsome effects in all silk
materials, including crepes,
broadcloths. Shantungs, peau
de crepe and .China silks.
Our representative will
call with samples if you so
1424-1426 Chestnut St.
Bayonet Charge Wins Posi
tion at San Martino After
Artillery Battle
UOMt. March IB.
The offensive on the Isonzo hns been
resumed on a large scnlc, tho Italians
meeting with notable successes on tho
Snbotlno slopes, between Sun Mirhclo and
Snti Mnrtluo del Cnrso and eastward of
An official statement Issued last night
Tho bct results were obtained In tho
San Martino zone (south of Clorlzla)
wheie, uftrr seveie artillery prepara
tion, a Queen's Infantry hrlgado
stoimcd with tho bayonet nnd charged
a strong redoubt, taking tho occupants
us prisoners. On their left other de
tachments entered und destroyed
enemy lines hi the neighborhood of
the San Mnrtluo Church.
Southeast of Son Martino wo look
Dante del Crovlgllo. which is tho
pivot of tho enemy's dofenscs.
Altogether we made 51 prisoners, In
cluding live officers, nnd also captured
two machine guns
IU'K'jIN. March 15.
Tho Italians have developed a strong
offeuslc ngntnst tho Austrl.tns on the
Isonzo ftont, according to tho Austrian
Hoadcpiarters report of today received
here. They have mado nttaclts with largo
forces on tho Austrian lines, but each
time wero repulsed. It Is declared.
The official statement says:
Great combats nro developing on tho
Isonzo front. The Itnllnns have at
tacked with strong forces, being re
pulsed everywhere.
At tho Tolmlno bridgehead, tho
enemy's activity was limited to lively
lire. In tho Plava section tho enemy's
attempts to destroy our obstacles
At the Oorlzla bridgehead two at
tacks ngalnst tho Doberdo position
nnd ono attack against the entrenched
brldgo of '..uclmlco failed, ns did like
wise several attacks against tho Do
berdo plnteau.
Near San Mnrtlno the Italians
stormed seven times. They wero re
pulsed with heavy losses by Infantry
regiment No. 4C.
Terms as Low as $2.00 Weekly
A famous Cunningham-made Player-Piano, beau
tiful mahogany case, possessing tone and action
unequaled in any Player-Piano selling for 25 to 30 per
cent more.
If you have a seldom used upright, we will take it as
part payment, allowing you full value.
Factory to Home Prices
Uprights, $235 up. Grands, $575 up. Players, $450 up
rg VJ P
llth and CHESTNUT STS.
Factory, 50th and Parkside Ave.
Philadelphia Branches
52d and Chestnut Sit., 2835 Germantown Ave.
Scranton, Reading, PotUville, Johnstown,
Shamokin, Girardville, Williams-
port, Lock Haven
If Defending New York, 8000 Could Make Fifth Aventfe ;
Safe From Fourteenth Street to Forty
second in One Battle
By J. W.
NKW rollK, March 15. Tho 8000
American troops, which It hns taken five
days to concentrate nlong tho Mexican
border heforo starting after Villa, could
hold about a mile and n hnlt of trenches
In tho European wnr for one battle. If
they wcro defending New York they could
make fitlt avenue reasonably secure from
14th Mreet to 42d street during a single
After tho llrst battle, If tho 8000 bore
tho brunt of the fighting, about 20 per
cent, would probnbly be killed, wounded
or captured, nnd would liavo to be re
placed by fresh troops. It there was any
delay In jumping reinforcements to the
front nnd If tho enemy delivered a
countcr.altnck, thcro would be nothing for
It but a bad defeat and possible exter
mination of the remnants of tho 8000.
With 8000 men on the offensive, the les
sons of tho Kuropcan war indicate, les.i
Specifications Show Immensity of Now
York's Newest Viaducts
Tho three newest bridges In New York
h-ivo tho following dimensions:
Manhattan Bridge Width, 122 feet fi
Inches; length of river span. 1470 feet;
length of each land span, 725 feet; length
of Mnnhnttnn nppronch, 20G7 feet: length
of Brooklyn approach. 1808 feet; total
length of roadway, 6855 feet; height of
cables at top of tower uliotc mean high
water mark, 14 D feet.
Williamsburg Bridge Width over all.
118 feet; length of main span, 1600 feet:
each side span, 596 fret G Inches; Man
hattan approach. 2650 feet : Brooklyn
nppronch, 1865 feet; total length from
Clinton street. Manhattan, to Now street,
Brooklyn, 7308 feet; total height of towers
nbovo mean high-water, 332 feet 9 Inches.
Quecnsbnrci Bridge Width over nil, 89
feet C Inches; length of Manhattan ap
proach, 1052 feet; west channel span, 11S2
feet: Island span, 630 feet; east channel
span, 981 feet; Queens approach, 2672
feet" 2 Inches; total length from 2d avenue
to Crescent street, 7449 feet; height of
upper balconies on towers on Blackwcll's
Island, 333 feet abovo mean high-water.
-"-"-r jv
S ?
than 3000 of tho enemy could sheces
fully check them. An offensive force Ikw
lo bo thrco times ns strong a- the da
fenders of the trans-Atlahtlo entrench
ments. If there Is to bo nnv hnnn nt mn
cess. This nppllc3 to straight fighting orl
comparatively level battle areas.
Tho conditions of wnrfnre In northern
Moxlco, howover, are different front those
prevailing along the European fronts, ex
cept In the Vo-gcs and along the Auatro
Italian frontier. The mountainous region
of Mexico suggests problems In offensive
starlcgy similar to thoso which the
Huropcan combatants In tho Vosea
mountains und tho Austro-Itallan Alps
have, not yet solved. Klght thousand sol
diers in tho Vosgcs or tho Alps would be
very strong If they were on tho defensive!
but should they attempt to take the' ot
fcnslvo It Is probnbto they could be
brought to a standstill by no more than
2000 of the enemy, If the latter wcr
properly equipped.
Northenst Resident Was Removing
Electric Company's New Stand
ard When Officer Camo Alone
A brand-now polo of the Philadelphia
Klectrlo Company, planted In front of
tho homo of George Ungcrer,-M 630 East
Indiana avenue, aroused Ungcx-jr's wrath
when he spied It late last night upon 'his
return home.
Believing that It would Injure the value
of his properly, ho got a saw In Iho cellar
and declared that he would saw the pole
into bits.
Ho peeled off his coat and "worked In
dustriously for fully an hour. Tho sound
of the saw attracted Policeman Ness. Ho
told Ungercr to atop, but the latter as
sorted thnt ho would not stand for an
Infringement of his constitutional rlghta.
To end tho trouble tho cop took Ungerer
to the Front nnd Westmoreland streets
stntlon. Ho wns held In $600 bait by
Magistrate Wlgloy on tho chargo of ,
malicious mischief.
RECORDS, 10-in. Double-Face
!,?"' AQr Others at
Itrrch-d 'Ti G9c
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