'Tm'H,ig.imi w. ,-,. .igimpc-iBiByqBgTB-f EVENING- IiEPttBB PHTTiAD3ri.PttIA. WEDjnE8UA, MAlUIil 10. 1!)16. w ' uesmBefiemf'sem KbHY INCREASE OF 20,000 MEW IS AUTHORIZED Late Concurs in Proposal to iveciuiu w !-Strength fo DISSENTING VOICE B;ord Rollcnll Discloses Unan Ife jiv in Atlontinir Joint Resolution lUsltlXOTON. March 15 Nearly 20, Riyddltlona rcKUlnr troops for jenlco IdlD wi" ,., mi wrro plated nt BJ ii.no.al of President Wilson today. IS.1 So ranged the Joint resolution. Rlh was ndpled In the House late yes nwchwnsn Prcoilciil to re- Kll wwV organization-, U. to full K1"1 ?Lni h The icHolutlon. uddltiB lii MOOfl men t tlio regular nrm, Wait rubmltcl to tho ITc-liIenl at on.e Rr-hH WPI , , ' , order to n'"" " '""" " ..... .i-.-onHptl and not a ultimo 'voto was ISrf ksaln-t Ute u-solutlon SIMy-nlno gPtW1--n "" 15.. .- itrnnim of North Dakota, at 9ft objected to consideration of tho roso Son, declaring that ho wanlcd to know So about It. but withdrew his objection im Senator Chamberlain savo n brlot Jiplanatlon. V o,n(or Jloko Kmllll ni ucorsin, oiii'reu w i.-..i nmi iitlnir a. twovenr term nWncnuuio.il ,.. 'it enlistment for recrultB t it tho request of Senator du Pont or Delaware aon.uor buhui m .... nrpua hh ntnendment bceauso ho did K.i Vrln to embarrass tlio Inimediato IlLntlon tho lesolutlnn. Ho wild ho ii,m nrmv bill comes up Senator fisvirdiunan of Mississippi m ido a brief .m-S In support of Smith's amendment. f'Senator Ncwlands of Noiada delivered ."lengthy dissertation In faor of "co rdlnallnif" tho work of the committees of U3 Houso and Senate, which nro at ork en preparedness legislation, but paid noth r. ohmit tho nendlnff resolution fc teuton Sherman, of Illinois, Introducsd IF. ..,!.. lliMilllnrtil nu,. ,tn 1,-t 4ltn the recoiuuun iiiti" j,.-,v. ,..., ... .... Itiunn bv lccnrescntllivo urinei! UIIIUUHK Howlthdrtittlnfr of tho 12.000 troops now In Uie Philippines for ben Ice In tho Mex ican canU-alBti fc.Tor the purpose of demonstrating that We la no politics on this sldo of the ebamberVhen tho Interests of tho country Bid Senator GalllnRer, minority leader VtU cut oft debate and the roll u.is tilled. WILLA, RAGE-FROTHED, WRGED MEN TO BUTCHERY rtIocd front 1'ncB One tttL who wcro captured In McIco. IIo Vas an emploo on tho ranch of "Warren i Sons at Salto del Ojo, uiiinuauua, anu Ut been mado a prisoner by Villa's men a few days beforo tho Columbus raid. ; When the Vllllstas bejran their retreat, toencer escaped alone with Mrs Maud Pritit, of Pearson. Spencer, fearing he raid be Inlstaken for a. Villa follower, Sea (0 mama, men to Aiamo nueco una tience to the border. j? It was while ho was a prisoner that KcKlnney, William Corbett and Williams, i at Paloraas rancjt, IW Thiv hrvrl tipMi maklncr onn of tliilr flolclc Villa rldcB," explained Sponcor. .TTie bandits knew that there was a regi ment of Carranza troops at Palomas, so they made a wide detour of the place,. iTVhen they had passed tho town Villa lilted his men, and it was then that he nade the speech telling his men to kill 'Americans. VILLA IN RAGE It was the fiercest talk I cer heard. LtUla yelled at his men that the grlngoea ere responsible for conditions In Mexico. IWa tall; was filled with curses and tlajphemy. Villa got so excited that tho froth atood upon his lint. Beforo he cot Ithtoush, his men wcro screaming and tnnelllng upon tho ground, shaking their IWa toward Columbus. Villa kept yell- athls men and curslmr tho Americans. jHJl followers were crazy pure maniacs. II hope 1 never see such a sight agalh. '"Wheri the bandits rniln Intn rnliimhim !,& kept behind with 20 Vllllstaa who We caring for a band of reserve horses. i"art the first shot and then there came JvMur of sounds in -which rifle firing, Joile calls and shouting were all mixed JP. The massacre began as Boon as tho awlc&iui got Into the town. I told one m the guards we ought to move. "Go ahead. vnnVn t,dn ,& ,11, I ran' Info the darkness In the dlrec- 00. Of Hachlta nnH flnnllv aAfl tt.a put. y Williams and MpTffnnnv wbm nnn,lil n the Villa ttiti t,Anc.A i... i u peTOIIstas were Carranza soldiers. They JM up looking at the brands on the uS to,!es ,f any ot thelr horses were .thaoutnt Villa ordered that th mn Musd prisoners and this was quickly L tlfbt tllk nvtAnBB h . 1 a liJi ti,. i , """ "crD -rPPea naKea a th garments were distributed among the men. whd Immediately put them. on. T McKlnncy was killed first Ho dwhs hanged to save ammunition Tho men put a rope nrouna ins necK ana, without tying his handt, pulled him Into tho air with tho ropo over the bough of n, tree. Mc Kinney etutched at tho ropo with hli hands nnd they laughed at hli struggles. When they had pulled the body up a few feot they slackened tho ropo and thdn cnught It with a Jerk. Ito threw out his arms and legs nnd died struggling in the nlr. Corbett was choked to death before, his body was pulled from the ground." Spencer told of seeing Mrs. Wright In tho hands ot tho outlaws. He said the-v treated her well because sho wai brave and could not bo scared Most of the time, Spencer said, sho laughed at tho threats ot the bandits. '3IOH3IOX HANI) STILL SAFE, HUT "VILLA HOVERS NEAR" V.i PASO, Texas. March 15. Bishop It H Hurst, of tho local Mormon church, announced that according to his Infor mation Villa wns In tho lclnlty of tho .Mormon colony nt Casts Grandes, -with whom Bishop Hurst had communicated thin morning Ho sild tho B00 rolonlsts were safo then, but that Villa "was hocrIng In tho vicinuy The bishop had hopes tho Carranztata Hold lorn with tho nolonlata would escort them safely to Pearson, Chlhuahun, where n trnln on tho Mexican North western lino was waiting to bring them lo tho border Damage to the line be tween Connlllos and Sablnel, where Villa Was reported to have totn up much ot tho right of wit, has been repaired. Two freight trains stalled by tho break wcro moving toward Juarez .clearing the iay for tho expected Mormon train. Unconfirmed reports Insist that anti American sentiment among the tank und filo of tho Carranza nrmy in Chihuahua State was growing. VILLA NOT HUMAN, A rfUER, SAYS AMERICAN WOMAN Hli PASO, Tc.x March 1G. Fifty American refugees from Chihuahua City, toward which Kranclsco Villa nnd his out laws wore reported to be moving, arrived hero today. Tito train bearing tho refu gees reached Juarez late last night, and, after a halt of so. era I hours, crossed tho Itlo Grando to this city under tho escort of Anicrlcnn Consul IMwaids Tlio refugees reported a surprising con dition of quiet In Chihuahua City. They departed nt tho suggestion of Marlon Let cher, United States Consul. Cnrranza troops of all descriptions are being rushed toward tho border from tho South, It wa3 said Among tho refugees are Mr. and Mrs D. IX. Cramer, patents of Bart Cramer, who was recently killed by Villa's bandits With tho Cramers camo another son, Itobert. Cramer Is a sturdy rancher of tho pioneer type, Matwatt and ruddy, Mrs. Cramer, who has been at tho Bide of nor husband thtoughout tho troubles tn Mex ico, was ecreno and without fear. Sho had donned her best black silk dress for tho flight to tho border "Wo hao had our share of suffering In Mexico," exclalmij Mrs. Cramer. "But wo felt that wo ought to stay, as our property Interests were there and wo were nlways hoping that tranquil times would bo restored. Villa Is not human. Ho Is a terror. When ho grins ho has tho faco of a tiger. They tell a story about him sitting an a horso and shoot ing a man for nothing at all. Villa was eating an apple at tho tlmo. Between bites ho saw a man who seemed to offer a good target and, drawing a magazine pistol, ho shot htm dead. Then ho went, on eating his applo as though nothing had happened. "Ho killed Ornclns, who used to bo one of his generals at Laguna. Urnclas and Villa were on a train together. ' 'My friend, I see you havo a silk shirt on; it is a long time since I had a silk WRITE FOR Free Booklet ON Supplee Community Service The new plan of caring for your trees, lawn and gar dens. I Insures greater efficiency and guarantees far greater economy. Booklet Mailed FREE to any addreti. NORMAN SUPPLEE Professional Nurseryman Bulletin Building, Phila. 5900 Washington Ave. Phone Walnut 3138: Raco 1STS; Woodland J 601. Safety and stem (Hirst and last Syi j m-ftmatmaimamma ma Kssescss& THE filtA STFFI CAI7P. I ?. a place for everything and every- "ing m ita place. Less confusion, more con- STEEL SAFES A.dennar nrntaniinn f-.- -.,l..,L.l,. - : Lce or home. Various sizes and finishes. Call or Jm tor catalog. t SloWN&ttricite ?, Villa, the Elusive, May Slip Through Iron Ring Carrfinzn chiefs declare their warriors can catch Francisco Villa in 10 days. There are six Mexican genernla 1 in the Held against him KafacI Maldandado, Joso Cavasos, Benjamin Garza, Luis Hcrrerra, Pablo Bertani and Luis Guittercz. They cover an immense territory and theie are great gaps between the commands. Through thoso gaps Villa might not have great difficulty in taking his men. The man who can squeeze his, command through a narrow Mexican street nnd shoot his way to liberty ought to have little trouble getting through tho "iron ring" that leaves hundreds of miles unguarded. Villa is taking his cavalry over ground nt a rate that shows his re markable driving force. From tho reports of his notions, it is appar ent he is averaging 40 miles u day with his outlaws, nearly a hundred of them mounted on United States Army horses, driven off in the Co lumbus raid. Villn has been known to mnke 90 miles a day. shirt, exclaimed Villa Then ho shot Ornelas dead "Ho has had Bart, Hob and my other son Hoy penned up In a corral as well as myself. Wo woro sacd once because some of his ofllccrs In Madera wero sons of my boys When ho raided us again they couldn't sao llart. Villa took all our property nnd confiscated our lands" Among the other refugees wero Mr nnd Mrs, 8. O. Hunt and daughter, tho Rev. and Mrs. A. C. Wright. Mr. and .Mrs. I, 11. Frltts, missionaries; Mr, and Mrs Qoorge Urlggs, Mr. nnd Mrs James Morgan, Mr. and Mrs. J B Ott and children, Mrs Wil liam HUerts, Mrs. Mary IJlachley, a mis sionary; Miss Mary Iong, Mr nnd Mrs Oeorge Johnson nnd child, Mrs A C Nash, Miss Alma Myer, Mrs J E Hate, Philip A McLaughlin, Mrs. Mary Mc Laughlln, Mrs U. V. Taylor and daughter, A. H. DavlRon. Ilobert K. Lear. J. W. Thompson, P. Loo Cleavenger, John M. Murray, of the V M C A.; James Murray, J. D Anderson, Harry Ott, A, N. Klnlnger, Fred Potast. Mltz Uuotner, It. II. Holly, Dr. P C, Sawyer and son, Fred II. Wil liam", C It Hammond. Harry E. Wil liams, T J Hill, Dr. Ia E. Knopa, C. Merchanson nnd It. C. Newberry'. the general rejoicing In civil and military circles over tne peaceful dlplomatlo settle ment with tho United Stales bit the mat ters relating to the pursuit of Tranclsco Villn. Troops and civilians pirnded through tho streets, carrying the national rolors Big guns boomed and all the church bells were tolled. The tension of the last few da disappeared when news became gen erally known that there would be no ' In vnslon" of Mexico by United States mil itary forces. First Chief Carranza spent a large part of tho day In conference with his new Minister of foreign llelatlons, Ucnorat Candida Agullar Thcv set lo work early preparing a reply toSccrctary Lansing's nolo of yesterday. tlcnetal Agullar said It would probably be seiornl das beforo tho note was com pleted Officials In Queretaro express confidence that General Luis Qulterrez, who has been especially detailed to pur sue Villa, will speedily capture tho bandit. Cnrraiuistns Quit Las Palomas EL PASO, Tex., March IB. Tho Car ranzlstns hao eacunted Palomas. Mex . south of Columbus, Carranza Consul Oar ela announced today. Generol tlertnnt was said to be leading his 1500 Car- ranzlstns to Guzman, Mex. "331 SHIPPING NEWS CARRANZA EDITOR ARRESTED FOR ANTI-AMERICAN PLEA EL TASO. March IB Mexican news papers printed In El Paso became so bolllgcront In their tono that thrco hae bcon suppressod by the police. The El Paso Del Norte, a Carranza publication, was closed up when It ran oft an extra edition featuring tho threat that tho Mexican eagle would cat tho Htars out of tho American Hag. Fernando Banlochl, Its editor, was arrested on a charge of at tempting to Inclto riot. To prevent Mexicans from dynamiting the El Paso and Northwestern Itallroad between Columbus and El Paso cory foot of tho line nnd Its tunnels and bridges were undor heavy military guard today. Several small detachments of Infantry broke camp at Columbus last night and left town, correspondents wero permitted to report, but It Is known the Infantry did not cross the border. MEXICANS HAVE HOLIDAY TO CELEBRATE U. S. TERMS QUEItETAItO, Mex.. March 14 (via La redo, Tex , March IB). A half holiday was ordered In tho temporary capital of the Carranza Go eminent today to mark cPlants Fruit and Ornamental FREE CATALOG FULLY ILLUSTIIATED Over 200 Acres of Nursery Stock to Choose From I'Untln urn ic canon open March 20th a mtiiH mil mx wrrKa. Rakestraw Pyle Company Entabllthed 1806 Landscape Service KENNETT SQUARE, PA. Or Phone Woodland 1801 PORT OF PHILADELPHIA Vessels Arriving Today Sir Tonce. from Jobos, P. n Steamships to Arrive ntEIOHT. Nm From. Hallso. Tome ....Stornoway , ....Teb. 7 Klorea Amsterdam' . . .Ksb 11 sinoen tt.Vlncent, U.V.Feb Vi Dunbnre Vnrvlk ... ..Keb It nemlor Rombny .. . .Icb 21 H-lKoy Iluoltn Feb '.'.", Manchester Miller ... Manchester . ...Kcb. 2T Hawaiian ... . ... Itlo Janolro ...Feb 2S Ilia Coroeaba Harry Feb. JS Welshman Liverpool Ieb 20 Nancy Leo CanllnT Fb 20 Araotan 'JoDcjihuren . . . . Feb. '' nnden . . . . .. .Lerwlcli .. .. Feb 29 Thule Narvik . ....Feb 20 Vearby . .. ..Dublin Feb 29 Taxaa . .Chrlatlanla . .Mar. 4 Crown Point .. .. tendon ..Mar. r Crown of Leon Ilueha , ... Mnr. T Angola C'ardift . Mar, !' Ariadne Ireno . . . Otlo Mnr, 9 Tabor Daiquiri .. .. Mar. Is Santa Catallna . .. Rio Janeiro.. .Mar 13 PORT OF NEW YORK Steamships Due Today Xatne Prom SalleJ. Touratna nordeaux Mar r, Voordam Falmouth .. Mar. II Baltic Liverpool . . Mar. T Steamships to Leave N'ame. Tor. Date Stockholm Scandinavia. .. Mar. 10 Ileitis Olav ropenhanen Mar. Ill Zhlcairo tlordeaux . . Mar. IT bt Paul .Liverpool .. Mar. IS Movements of Vessels Motorshlp Olenpool. Tuxpam for Phila delphia. 27U miles west o( Sand Key at noon March 14. Htr. Toledo, towlnir achr. Delaware Hun, Philadelphia for Port Arthur, 50 miles east of Sabine bar at n p m. March 14 Htr. Henldton. Philadelphia for Rotterdam, paaned Ovcrfalla lightship at Q 43 p. m March 14 Htr, Barnln, Philadelphia for Spain, 1013 mllea east of Ovcrlalla lightship at 8 p m March 1 Htr. J. A Hooper. Philadelphia for Havana, six miles south of Foney at noon March 14. Htr urecian, rnuaaeipnia ror JJonton. passed Fire Island at noon March 14. Htr. Tabor (Nnr.). for Philadelphia, ateamed from Daiquiri Mircli 12. AN EXCELLENT TONIC FOn LADIES' AND GENTLEME.VS IIAin BALDPATE neclsterea In U. S. and Canada HAIR TONIC NEVER KAILS , Nourishes nnd strengthens the fol licles and thus promotes the growth of the hair. Relieves the scalp of unhealthy accumula tions nnd secretions. Gives a rich gloss. Is highly perfumed and froo from oil, makes the hair light and fluffy. Send 10o for trial size. Applications at all first-class Barber Shops. BALDPATE CO. (Dept. O) 4G7 W. 34th St. Now York Sold by all druggists, or send Jl 00 LA arra illl 1 1 1 ' r" 1 1 in 1 ill , 'T a 15 per cent m m gain "l owe my success to my wife and the Bell Telephone," wrote in a grocer from the northern part of the city. "It was she who firat suggested we try andxget ahead faster by using our Bell Telephone to ask what 0 u r customers wanted each morning rather than wait for them to come to us. "Each day an hour or so 1 was spent in calling our list of patrons. Just a pleasant 'Good morn ing' and an inquiry for the daily table needs brought a goodly num ber of orders. "The flrst month showed an increase of 15 per cent, in sales. Since then we have had an other telephone installed and are doing 64 per cent, more business." His experience can be your gain, too. Just try "serving" by Bell Telephone and watch the increase in YOUR trade! fPrAV' K.' II I Ft n p. u & i-vi m ' i-o' b-i m m i m te re $: i-1 i-M-m ? i--i KH vf i r:!.; fe o i m '11. 1 r: ft m m l; ?" ?" :. -i -'' ! '-SE Us.! :-'J ia is i y ;"...-;: i.'... 4.'.. .' s-., ..,, ,s, ,. ,,,.",. tijOliWiWww fv"- CopyrifiUt Hart Schaffner& Marx jWg pM f;fl i f 1 J -'---' i-'EjT i wk 4ti vmb KM 1 LvJ kBVemr Varsity Fifty Five Spring 1 HIS is going to be a Varsity Fifty Five JL Spring and Summer. Young men who like smart, vital, vigorous style will make it so. The suit shbwn here is a two-button coat with patch pockets; vest with soft roll notch collar and athletic shoulder; trousers have tunnel loops and cuffs. Look for our label Hart S c h a f f n e r & Marx Good Clothes Makers STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER SoIq Distributors of Hart, Schaffner & Marx Clothing1 in Philadelphia and Vicinity Varsity Fifty-Five Suits, frm $18M to $40.QQ. flqr?t haffner & Marx Spring Overcoats, 'from $18,00 to $35700, ' ' 1 1012 Chestnut Street WgfffUIP lfffll V