ftVEiriNO LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY MARCH 15, 1916. 20 HAKCIA GREY" HAS . A VERY Sillier CODE ltW Moroscc-Paramount Film Shows the Struggles of a No- fcle tyornan Against Fate By ,thS Photoplay Editor "TU COtfRtlP MAHC1A WIRT." n Morosco- JPstamouflt pf6djction. In lv jpnrty. Rt- m( a Tharsdur and snowlns; th nri of the ntk at to 8tsnly Theatre. Itevlevred at .tlm Fmeii Plarcra' projection room. Wards. Urejr ..Contnnc Collier Hrrr Orey. ....... .... Henry tie Vero Otlnndo Csstla... . Forrest Stanley gnker Amew ... Herbert fltsndinir rn.i..i.. .. . . Howard 1)Mm Crane's duuehten Helen Jeromo IWdy JMs Romslno.. .... .........Frank IJonn "When financial ruin stnres us In the fe, few of us arc brnve. Hut let us hot that none of us would bo tho coward that Harry Orey, millionaire banker. Jirrived himself when Ills Trash came. In "Tho Code of Marcla Grey." the now Morosco-Paramount release which will be shown the rest of this week at tho Stan ley Theatre, one sees a man of seemingly strong pharacter, revealed In his true light, by" financial reverses, due to. his own criminal actions. Ho shows that ho Is a coward nnd a crook at heart. Harried to a woman of exceptional strength of Character, he Is forced by her to face tho crisis. Her Jovo bears him up Until he Is released from prison. Then ho becomes insanely Jealous of the only human who has stood by him In his trouble. His ac cusations nre so Infamous that his wife leaves Jib. Ho Is Jumping bnll by run ning away to South America when he Is killed by oho of tho men ho ruined by his financial Jugglery. Tho story Is a straight forward, power ful one, full of action and thrilling In Its development. Constance Collier, who plays tho role of tho wife. Is developing ns a screen net- ress. Sho Is still a little uncertain or ncr gesturos,' a thing ono nover noticed In her work on tho stage, but notwithstanding this she is convincing and artistic Her facial Axnrenalona. whllo not beautiful. are always eloquent nnd Interesting. Sho can run the wholo rango of emotions by facial expression alone. Her conception of this part Is quiet, dignified nnd quite to the manner born. Henry Do Vcro as Harry Grey brings out the Craven cowardice of tho part won derfully. Ho rapidly- wins for hla wlfo the sympathy of tho audience, while ho gets himself hated with Just as com mendable rapidity. The photography Is clear. Tho settings of tho millionaire's homo are richly luxuri ous and oxtra.vaR.int, yet In such perfect lasto that there Is nothing ostentatious or cheap about them, a thing most unusual In the average photoplay. The murder i of Grey at tho end Is a ter ribly harrowing scene. Done in a decp-bluo light with a lack background, tho Is awe Inspiring. Bertha Knllch. tho new William Fox ctar, hs plnycd speaking parts in six different languages. New sho will be n screen star nnd It won't make, any dif ference what language she speaks. Within tho noxt six weeks the World Film Corporation nnd Equitable Motion Picture Corporation will release Robert Warwick in 'The Supremo Sacr""co," Jane Grey in "Man and His Angel," Adelo Blord and Edwin Stevens In "Tho Devil's Toy." Holbrook nilnn . i "Unpar donable Sin." Cha-Ies Cherry In "Passers By," Frank Sheridan In "Tho Struggle," Bruco NcRae and Gerda Homes In "Tho Chain Invisible," Or ' Kane in "Her God," Edwin August sn "Tho Social High wayman," Carlylo Blackwell In "The frH fSMa TItK, followlne theatres obtain their pictures throuxli ths STANLEY nook. Ine Company, whlrli Is a Eunruntra of early showlnca of the tlnest pro ductions. All picture revlened before exhibition. ,k for the theatre In your locality outalnlnc pictures throuch the HTANI.F.V Ilooklnc Company. ATHAMRRA 12th. Morris Patayunk Ave. I niiunu4wi von,iviiin & l'aram't Pictures. Mat, Dally al . . r.vp.. . j . , win In "NEAHLY John Barrymore a KiN-a- ARCADIA CHESTNUT ST. HELOW 10TII BESSIE BARRISCALE in -nULLETS AND UROWN EYES" APOLLO BID AND THOMPSON MATlWfct. UAIU1 METRO. PICTURES ,CORP. Prevents xfAnmiEniTE SNOW Witn uuuijuc i.u MARO CUERE in "THE UPSTART" BLUEBIRD 2200 NORTH BROAD ST. equitable MARY BOLAND in r,jntB VMQB py HAPPINESS.' ox-av It YZ-kTVIT" S2D ABOVE MARKET BH.L.1V1W1N i rfn. i -no 3:30. loc. Ega. O;S0. a, 0:30,15c Blanche Sweet In 'THE RAGAMUFFIN" CEDAR FARAUOUNT THEATRE SOT1I AD CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG lnTHB YELLOW PASSPORT" FAIRMOUNT IOTH AND OIRARD AVE. JSSISlSuFSS Rd Keather Fea- FRANKFORD 11 FRANKFORD AVENUE r.rpriV r?CU in "BETTY OF IKJKUiril V1II GREY8TONE" yxY nj MABEL In "BRIOHT HUHTS" CTUCT Theatre Sr 00 A B.L Spruce. Evg. 1 'to'll r AXfwJ n "TENNESSEE'S Fannie Ward PAWPNBif xn 1 . 8Jd ft Mats. 2-3 :30 5o 52aOU snsora Kris. tl:30 to 11 10c Hilda Spong "Divorced" G0ERMANTOWN 8503 GERMAN TOWN AVE. "? Hamilton Revelle in nB PRICE OF MALICE" 'f rVfC 60TH ft MARKET 2S13-7.0. KjkAJDiU J 15,000 KIMBALL ORGAN ROBERT EDESON in "TOR A WOMAN'S rAIR NAME" GIRARD AVENUE THEATRE ITU AKU OHlAJtD AVE. VBIANOLU PLAYS NORMA TALMADQB ta "THitMISSINO LINKS " SAM BERNARD 1ft 'WECAtSE HE LOVED HER." rm NntTiirn I"10!1 BT.. EBIE A (jfsJaK IMOrtnem aenMANTN AVE3. HOLBROOK BUNN in S "THE PNPAHDONABLK BIN" i miS THEATRE 3M JgV Ht,I,?AN GISH tartl?1gSp JEFffiRSON "" sATnDKurfllN MARY MILES MINTER in PUiri-ES- Mttra. Lafayette "& avB k 4'uam bUSS BARBJ&CALE la enu &. 1. l.-$rM fonwily, Krtigat Shadow of n Doubt" nnd Clara Kimball Young Irt "Tho Feast of Life." Tho big Ince feature in ten reels, w:.lch he has been working on for months has been named "He Who Returned. " "God's Countrj and tho Woman," the Vltngmph V. h. S. B. feature has Just been completed and will shortly be re leased. Marie Doro's first Lnshy picture will be called "In Service." It will be released In April. Harold Ixokwood and May Allison have Just signed with the Metro. Theatrical Baedeker ruvrs. dAnrttCK "It Pays to Advertise." with Louise Drew, Orant Mitchell and lien John son A farce by Cohan nnd Harrla, In which n eon. caat ndrlft by Ills father, hlta on hla pet Men of publicity to make money. FOHUBST "Zleafelfl Folltea of 1D1S." with Ina Clare, llert William. I.eon Urrol. w. H. Fields. r;d Wynn, Will West. Hero we llml tho scenery by Joseph Urban nnd tho ueunl sort of Zlegfeld snow by tho usual people. IjTIUC "The Only tllrl.' musical comedy. uy victor Herbert rt nnd Henry iicnry blossom, founded on a llitht play of a few aensona rtBo. "Our wives. IinOAB Pollyftnn,, with Patrlcli Colllnire, Kfdo Shannon and Herbert Keleey. Tho "(tlad Blrl" of the. ""itlad books" nlAlnir the "Rind game," with sentimental thorough ness. ADKI.PHI "The New Henrietta," with Will Ham II. Crane, Thomas W. Unas. Amelia Illnghnm. Marlyn A r buckle rind lMllli Talia ferro. An adaptitlon of Hrnnson Howard's . Play, by Wlnchell Hmllh nnd Victor Mnr-es. WALNUT "llrlnelnir tip Father." n, atauo adaptation of (leorpro McMAnus popular car toons. A musical comedy with plenty of laughs PIIOTOPIMTH. STANM:V Wednesday, "For tho Defense." with Pnnny Ward A story of the wnr. Thursday, Friday nnd Hnlurifnv. "Tho Codo of Marcla Gray," with Constance Collier. AHCAUtA All week. "Hulleti nnd llrown nes " with Uesslc llarrlscale. A Triangle Kay nee, Inco-supervlsed drama, of ths war. PAt.ACK Wednesday. "Out of the Drifts," with Marcuerlto Clark. Thursday. Friday and Saturday, "Tho lllacU I.lst." with Ulanclio Swoet. VAKDUVILI.i:. KKIT1PS I.llllan Uussell, Harry Tlgho and Hylvla Jnsun. Marlon Morenn'n Classical Dancers. Prcd Ardath nnd comtan. In "Tho Hiram": Lyons nnd Yosen, tho thief Cau poltcan. Pnut (Jordan nnd Amo Illca. Shcr- raan.iinn uury, 'jnree tloo.is wuu LONIAI, Paul Conchas, Stnn Stanley and enmnunv. .sit Klrkitmllh Waile, In "Marsc Selby'a Chicken Dinner". Kddlo Fiver, Mcl'abf. I.ewr and Pond, Oll lettl's otiks. Iirralne and Cameron. Dally . Hrothrj. i' nltli und James NIXDN Jlnrrv Tate's "Fishing." Ten Im perial Jnpa, Pnnzlllo Blslers, vocalists: Maud Flnnhorej nnd company. In "Burglars": Juli ette. Uirrnlno and Cameron, Lloyd and Whltehouse QLOIli; "Hldewalk Cabaret," Joseph Wat son, O'Connor Ulsters nnd Corhln. In "On tho ItHer Front". Ollmoro and company. In "Tho Olrl From Macy'n", Tnlmr nnd Oreen, Thrert Ilcnnett Misters. Iloldcn and Uraliam. Kubellck. Fulls and Falls. OHAND Pnn ,,,' on nnd compnhy, Htnnley nnd Norton. v.' der Jvottle, Fred and Adela Astalre. .Tack ..ewls, Irrlsh and Peru. Cnil-SS-KUYS First half of week. "Jn tho Trenches," Ford and Truly. Cooper Toune nnd company, Hilly .Morse, the Three .South ern Girls, Lightning MVstnn. Second half of week. "In tho Trenches," Udvrard Ford Jack Marley. Lucille. Tllton. .Mooro and White. Hall and Hall. STOCIC. KNICKnnnOCKETt "Outcast." n drama, by Hubert Henry Davles, The Knickerbocker PHycrs. In this populnr play, with Kmllv Smiley In M183 Hlsto I erguson'H rolo of AMKItlCAN "Tho Crisis," a dramatization of Winston Churchill's mnol. Tim Arvlna Players, presenting this drama, with Until lloblnson and Ccorss Anlno plalnc ths leads. nUUI.ESQUB. DUMONT'S Dumont's Minstrels, In satires oa matters of current Interest. Thomas Potter School 25 Years Old Pupils nnd teachers of the Thomas Pot ter Grammar School. 4th and Clear field streets, are celebrating this week tho 2Gth anniversary of tho school. Th- big meeting of tho week will be held In tho school tonight, when City Statistician Cat tell and Samuel Chew, District Superin tendent of Schools, will talk. PROMINENT OTOPLAV PRESENTATIO Sooi&m Corrmamu T p AT"J?0 FOnTV-FinST AND -- I.ANCASTEH AVENUE MARY PICKFORD in "POOR LITTLE PEPP1NA" LIRP R T V BROAD AND - A i- 1 JY 1 I COLUMRIA HARRY D. CAREY in "A KNIGHT OF THE RANGE" Logan Auditorium "S&ffiL. ROBERT EDESON in "FOR A WOMAN'S FAIR NAME" I fin I?T a:D "ND LOCUST LiUUJl itatB 1:30 an(. 3.30 10c 1 Eves. 0.30, 8, 0:20, 15c. Kitty Gordon In "Aa In a Looking Glass." Tomor Dorothy Glah In "Iletly or flreyatone" Market St. Theatre 333 "St WORLD FILM CORPORATION Presents CARLYLE III.ACKWELL In "The Clarion" "GRAFT" Episode No. H "The Iron King" ORPHEUM "TeTtenes. CHARLES RICHMAN in THE BATTLE CRY OF PEACE" HRIFIMT C2D WOODLAND AVE. Vn-lOlX 1 DaIly jrat.. 2. EiB . 0 .30 to 11 Alice Brady & Holbrook Blinn in THE nALLET GIRL" PAI ACT? liU MARKET STREET I Sl-LtsLJ 10 A Jt t0 1Jl,3 p- JJ MARGUERITE CLARK in "OUT OF THE DRIFTS" PARK" RIDGE AVE. A DAUPHIN ST. T.tt.IfY Matinee S.15. Eves. 6:30 to II. Adele Blood and Edwin Stevens In 'THE DEVIL'S TOY" PRINCESS 1018 MARKET STREET "A MAN'S WORK" 'HAM TAKES A CHANCE" Sea 'Ths Girl and the Game" every Thursday. RTAT TO OERMANTOWN AVE. IlI-il-' AT TULPEHOCKTN ST. Hazel Dawn and John Mason in T?IE FATAL CARD" OET'E'NT 1634 MARKET STREET JULIUS STEGER in THE BLINDNESS OF LOVE RIIDV MARKET STREET J D I RELOW 7TH STREET BIIXIE BURKE IN "PEGGY" SHERWOOD S&affi., GERALDINE FARRAR in k TEMPTATION" SAVOY 1211 MARKET STREET World Film Com Prent JAN1 ORET la "MAN AND HIS ANGEL" TIcTGA JTTH ft VENANGO STS. MARY PICKFORD in "POOH LITTLE PEPP1NA" VIPTORIA MARKET ST. 1 a I ""In ABOVE NINTH BESSIE BARRISCALE. In "Tha Ijst Act" Henry B. Walthall and Edna MayS in THE rflBANQg CASE Of MARY PAGE" STANLEY MARKET ABOVE Ini FANNIE WARD in "For the Defense" . VNTJN t . . . a II I A 91 la "llj! P M I $21 GOWN THAT Tills frown won a $1000 prize offered in Chicago for tho best Rown made by an Amcricnn dressmaker. Miss Marcucrito Morlin John son, a Chicago modiste, won the prize in competition with 200 Middle West dressmakers. One of tho conditions rrovcrninp; the contest was that the material used in the gown cost less than $35. Miss Johnson used $21.5-1 worth of material. Tho gown is a simple afternoon frock, minus frills, of lavender taffeta with pannier flounces, em broidery of silver thread. The following materials were used: Ten yards material, orchid faille, $14; two yards of chiffon, $2.50; mate rial for embroidery, $1.29; silver thread, 26 cents; lining, findings, cord, thread, buttons, etc., $3. Total, $21.5J. CATHOLIC CHARITIES BENEFIT IX WILL OF MARY HREOH Several Institutions Share in Disposal of $5200 Estate Catholic charities benefit to tho extent of f2'jOO through bequests contained In the will of Mary Gregg. 1423 Howard street, admitted to prunnto today. Tho testatrix leaves $2300 of her $5200 estate to relatives and the lomalnder In equal parts to the Seminary of St. Charles Borromeo, St. John's Orphan Asylum, Catholic Homo for Destitute Children. St. Joseph's House for Homeless Industrious noys nnd the Cuthollc Society of St. Joseph's for the Education and Mainte nance of Orphans. Other wills probated wcro those of Francis T. Itccd, 043 North Pencil street, who left property valued at 524,594 ; James Black, who died In tho German Hospital, $10,000; John M. Huogenborg, 2C21 West Glrnrd avonu.e $7300; Francis X. rtcuss, 885 Belmont avenue, $3000; Ed mund P. Burke, 2S18 Klrkbrlde street, $3500; Hettlo C. Seltz, German Hospital, $3500; Mary Whitehead. 532 Dupont street, $2000, nnd Augustus Sieglcr, 418 Heed street, $2075. Letters of administration were granted today on tho estates of Clara V. Stout, WEST PHILADELPHIA GRAN!") B2D nnd MARKET STS. VJlX.ll'il JIAT DAiLY , p M Sc (m"1"; RUSH 3-reel VltaBraph "The Heart Breakers," 3 reels "THE AllTKUL- ARTIST" Comedy OVERBROOK C3D androrIAEARVE. DnUULT: TRIANGLE BIM. Bessie Barriscale '" "TLl,5.a,SJ?EN "LOVE WILL CONQUER" " GARDEN 53J I-ANSDOWNE AVE. NANCE O'NEIL in "THE WITCH" EUREKA 0Tn MAnKET sts. WSI S5 8K3ffiv'iBriiWNT,5I'L "THE UNFAITHFUL WIFE" IMPERIAL Theatre &,., KITTY GORDON in "AS IN A LOOKING GLASS" BROADWAY .C.2D iee.vWay. ri.- ,7 Adults 10c; Children Bo "THE HOUSE OF A THOUSAND CANDLES" NORTH Broad Street Casino DROEArSHDe,ow EVENING 7.15 AND 0 CAROLYN BIRCH in "FROM OUT OF THE PAST" others CENTURY En,F..AnXa Marshall " vx MATINEE DAILY "Love's Pilgrimage to America" 5 acts, featuring LULU GLASER SOUTH P L A 7. A BRAD AND PORTER x - n xx STREETS "SONS OF SATAN" in 6 acts NORTHWEST Susnuehnnna theatre 17th ft ousquenanna susquehanna ave. Trlansle-Fln Arts Maria Doro and Wilfred i.ucas la'-ina wixiu nisipii." 5 Paris. Trlannle-Keystone Harry Grlbbon ft Allco uavenporr in "rerns or ens rark. 2 parts NORTHEAST STRAND 1STH AND Q,nARD AVE. MIGNON ANDERSON In "MILESTONES OF LIFE" 5-set Mutual Maaterpleeture Others KENSINGTON ! 1 1 1VT R n TOONT W. AND JUmOU OIRARD AVENUE. "The Little Gypsy," in 5 parts "IN SEARCH CIV A WIPE" In 2 carts "WARRIORS OP TUB AIR" " Weekly Programs APPEAR EVERT MONDAY IN Motion Picture Chart ai-V C 13Uk a i ywfl NS WON $1000 PRIZE Photos by international Film Servlci. S60 North lflth street, and Clnrn Abra Iinms, 021 North 8th street, which nro valued at $2600 ami J2000, respectively. The personalty of tho cstnto of Lily I,, McCandlcss hns been appraised nt $18, 24G.CB: Jntues F. Scott. $1414.02; Mary C. Kelly, $3781.60, and Julia Cannlnr, $3C3!).3C. Ice Company Buys Site for Plant Frederick W. Tetrl hns sold to tho Knickerbocker Ico Company a. plot of ground, 80 feet by 220 feet, on tho north sldo of Duncannon nvenuo 100 feet west of Mnscher street, for $5000, Tho pur chasers will build an Ico manufncturlni; plant on tho ground. The sale of tho lot was neeotlnted by Kuhn & I.owcry. .rf-" "' ' -, It Must $100 50 25 10x5 OXtlu Samtttra DOUBLE BILL GIVEN AT THE METROPOLITAN Metropolitan Presents Italian and German Operas at Poplar Street l'crhnps It Is because tho season Is waning nnd but two operatic perform ances remain In tho regular season J per haps It was due ui that Cnruso should sIiir- and sob again S perhaps It wns a matter of artistic necessity. At any rate. It was n success and "It" refers to the combination, In ono bill, of "Haenscl und (Jrctel" and "I Pngllaccl." Tho audlcnco wns of Caruso size, nnd It Is to be hoped that a Brent number camo to hear "Haenscl und Oretel" Th.it opera, first bU'ch, Intruded In Its cast no cstnbllshed star except tho Rood Otto Gorltz, who looked like a drunken T.nlrd and wns mightily pleasant to hear with his chuckllne beery has1). Ml. ciorltz, however, was a known quantity, assumed and counted upon for good en tertainment. The other niimcs. Mines. Mason, Mattfeld, Ilobcson, Warrum and Spnrkos nnd Mr, Ilelsa aro nowhere near so familiar, and yet' It was upon them that tho work devolved, nnd It wi" they who mndo tho evonlnR so nlmost delirious ly enjoyable. The amount of Rood slng Inu ery nearly coincided with the nmount of sliiRlns there wns to be done. Tho heartiness nnd fantastic humors of tho nctliiR were unlimited, and If Miss Mason excelled In them It wns probably becnuio her opportunities were Rreatcst. Hho literally danced rlnRS arountl Mine. Matt fold, who wns an nRrccnblc, If somewhat InRRard, Haenscl nnd the nmount of energy she could put Into her Irrespon slblo plrouottlnifs nbout tho stage with out prejudice to her singing was ex traordinary. Her voice Is strong and pleasing; In this optrn nt least the occa sion for nuance Is restricted, but Miss Mnson Rives precious little reason for suspertlnn her ability to discriminate. It was her evening nnd she made the most of It. Thoro wns actually somo Illusion In the scones In the foresi, nnd, with lis cir cumscribed sots and properties, tho Met ropolitan did wonders. lint what stood out after tho Hinging wns tho excellence of the orchCBtru under Mr. Itlchnrd Hago man. Mr. Hngcmnn himself scored the distinction of actually making the audl cnco shut up during the Intermezzo, nnd, considering Mr. llodansky's fniluic to do as much for the pivludo to "Tristan und Isolde" n week ago, It Is nn. achievement. The orchestra Is ono o" tho finest organ izations given to periodical visits to this city, nnd for whatever neglect they have suffered before, In these report!! of oper atic doings, let this bo recompense. Labor ing with n steadiness of public perform ance, under many different directors, nnd with a variety of conditions unknown to tho symphony orchestra, tho men of tho Metropolitan's pit have, acquired an ad mirablo and dcilrablo standard of excel lence. "Hnennel und Grotcl" Is not ono of YOHSAIHapi OSAOWUMUXp r$l ODUOAOJl : w oAflAasapa-j . -..- m t rf it Q Q fl i-fi- H U U 1 .u " XPOUSASHBU U a U'U fl S 3 A C T x T yfONTE fully solutions he offers gifts of gold ranging from $100 to $5. This is a bona fide offer. The crypto gram must be solved. If you would know its amaz ing history, get the little booklet containing the first five chapters of Monte Crispen, the great new story of Philadelphia. A copy will be mailed you free if you telephone Monte Crispen at the Evening Ledger Office, Walnut or Main 3000; or send him a postal requesting it; or ask for it personally at the Evening Ledger Office. The story starts in SATURDAY'S ONE the operna which would profit by having tho curtain hailed down at tho start, but even there the orchestra, save ample evi dence of Its temper, A Tonlo and a Neddn, new to Philadel phia, were In Leoncavallo's hectic nnd nlfcctlnsr melodrama, but In operatic mat ters novelty seems to bo tho first among coveted things. For there was a Canto, who was not new tho Canlo over whom we all watch nnd wonder, a little ghout Ishly, whether his voice Is what It was then. There wns n time, It Is Bald, when Cnruso sang nt tho Academy, and seats could be purchased ten minutes before tho performance, nnd nt tho "box officio." So let Mr. Caruso drink deep of his re venge. If thero was an empty scat last night the Fcalpers alono were fo blame. And Heaven knows, they tried f hard enough. O, V. S. HARMONIZED CHUllCH SENDS CALL TO IOWA CITYPASTOR St. Paul Presbyterian Pulpit Soon to lo De Filled The pastorate of St. Taut Presby tcrlan Church, Both street nnd Baltimore avenue, soon will he filted, nftor n long vacancy. At n meeting of ciders and congregation, held In the church last night, a unanimous call was Issued to the Ilev. uwlght V. Wylle, D .. postor of the First Presbyterian Church or lowa City, la. Doctor Wylle la not unknown to tho worshipers nt St. Paul's. He served there as substitute for, tho Itev. Dr. .T, Ilevcr Idgo Leo In Uie summers of 1913 and 1914. More thnn 400 members attended tho mcotlng last night, and tho Hov. .Tohn Urnnt Newman, D. D., of Chambers Wyllo Memorial Church, acted aa moder ator. Tho call for Doctor tt'ytlo mark-j the end of dlssenslonB that have raged In the church. Dr. J. Bevcrldgo Leo resigned from tho pastorate last June after many disagreements. Constables and Magistrates Dine The annual banquot of tho Magistrates and Constables' Association waa Inst night held at the ltlttonhouse. More thnn BOO business and professional men. Including tho members, wcro present. C. Scott Klck ards, secretary of tho association, acted as toastma&ter. Among the epenkers wero Charles A. Ambler, Alexander Hamilton Brooke, Colonel Samuel Hudson, Judge MocN'elllo, Daniel J. Shern, Chief John Vanco, Judgo Isaac Johnson, J. J. Murphy and J. Washington Logue. Boy Durns to Death Ralph Sergeant, two years old, of G30 Moss street, while playing with matches waa burned to death last night, his cloth ing taking fire. At the tlmo of tho acci dent tho youngster was In tho kitchen by himself. His mother, who was upstairs, heard his screams and entering tho kitchen, discovered tho child In llnmes. Sho tried to smother tho flames by wrap ping u shawl around tJie child, but failed. The youngster's clothing was burned com pletely off. C X i ' ; t v- h ( TT&&' Solved! CRISPEN needs the message, so skil concealed in it. For the first 43 correct ffieiger CENT IF YOU'VE MISSEDYWJR J TELEGRAM WE'LL FTNDlf List of Unclaimed Messages Can Bo Found in This s Paper Each Day A messenger boy laid a telegram . dressed to William Jones before th. m. eyes of tho hotel clerk. ne M "Not registered," he said Th. . "Front. Boy, page Mr. William Jones' But Mr. Jones didn't answer. Ann. ently. lie switched ni the last moment L a hotel other thai, that In whkhWj planned to stay. "w "Might bo something Imports.,!., grunted the cleric. "Looks as thoulh might ho instructions from the flrm'i tn-rH. was rigni. joncs was a salesman nnd tho teleernm mlirlif i,... . '". 3 missives from his homo or firm. ,led It might have been any ono of a hun. dretl messages and Important ones at thV And Mr. William Joncs, Mr 1h lad phlan, might havo been you. It mlaht l. In the futurcj Tho thine Is this- Bhl b(b ..u .., ,, i.uniii dune: phlan, might havo been In tho futurcj Tho thing A teleuram may bo addressed to you. A. mistake In tho address, tho tils. la marked "unclaimed" nnd you hav. missed well, lot your own imi '.IT figure the result. To forestall any InZ. , venlence to salesmnn. t.i.,i,, .. u" ' ' Just as Important, the plain rt,,cn tl. '1 pKNiMi LEDOEft nnd Pum.io Udomi i V " , a .. ,ncw uel"irtnicnt In th. ctnssltlod ndvcrllslng columns under thl heading of "Unclaimed Telegrams." whirl, dally gives a list of telegrams unclaimed at both tho Western union and Postal t1 egraph Companies. The list will It chnnged dally. '" " WOSIAN'S DURNS FATAL Believed lo Havo Inhaled Flames When Alcohol Lamp Exploded MOUNT HOLLY. X. J.. March 16- From tho effects of burns recelied y'c. torday, when a bottlo of alcohol Bhe was wnrmlng for her husbnnd's bath exploded Mrs. Martin H. Olrvon died nt her horns this morning. It Is now evident that she Inhaled somo of rho flames at the time and death was duo to this condition, com bined with ncvero burns nnd consequent shock. Mr. Clrvcn, who was burned at tho fame time, Is believed to be In a serious condi tion. Ho has bqon III for somo tlmo and tho double shock hap greatly affected him. Ho la tho local assessor and well known In this section of the county. House Sold by Church Tha Spring Garden Street Methodist Dplscopal Church has sold the dwelllnr 2033 Wallace street, lot 19 feet 6 Inches by 80 feet, to AugUBta D. Schmltz for . price not disclosed. BfflHPfl t. ' i-v ,i If; H iMtiiiriiiiHfMiniim,y IIJUUi s! 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers