Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, March 15, 1916, Night Extra, Page 19, Image 19

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    m iii'juifiMi'wSwwjSB!
Scheme to Raise Popular
5 - ... TT T.fffln flVmr-irvo.
J,jOan XltlB JJiKuic vi.-v
of Adoption
Westminster and Lloyd's Banks
Undenvrito Development
in Italy
Editor "The Economist," London.
munntt. Mnrch 16 Accdrdlnir to a
Paris official report tho French dally ex
wndittira Is now approximately 17,600,-
M. .
The Stock Exchange in lirm, witn ruD
pjr .nd mining shares, prominent
. . iniitrv bond nronosnl for tho rata-
lk-L nonular loan will probably be
f"Srned down though tho Government has
k LT.t n melntr stud. Tho Spectator wit-
XTsiHr describes lottery loans as Captain
Et ... ,r,.uts floe belnc a famous tlnstcr
jWf horse racing.
jSt."1 The removal of tho Treasury minimum
Yb . il ?.1nnlnl rnttrnnfln hrcvilfrlit nn
on ceium .......-. -.- D..-
market activity.
rt, Indication from Washington that
&' Otrpiany might evacuate Franco and Del
t$ llimt In rotuni for other concessions do-
lyrics attention unei uiuy iiiuiuuiua luiuier
.. .. mm,.,... Innwa
S4 flllCUSSIUll ue ;w .,.,.
r- tvldentlv after the war nttemntn will
2s be mads to draw British capital Into new
rawL ...m. frt.M irrdAmnnl nf flirt IVaalmlnBtflp
neias. ahu (.-.. ..... . ..... .. ....... ..(
l'J Lloyds banks with tho Crcdlto Ital
ians alms to form a new British com
fair with' $6,000,000 capital to promoto
commercial and Industrial undertakings
In Italy. Similar schomes aro afoot re
garding Russia..
rgv -Company Earned 7.6 Per Cent, on
Common Stock
1' The nnnunl report of tho Electric Stor
2liw Batterv Comnany for tho vear -mlorl
f December 31, which was prcsentod nt tho
I' annual meeting held In Camden today.
JL compares with tho previous year as fol
1915. 1014.
"Orals tales, less cost.
nunufacturing, etc ..11.770,188 tl.30S.703
MI .
outer Income . ..
..Tottl net income
. 17.M30
.1. 300,747
, IMP. 110 1
Til) r.s.i
inn iMi4
401 27T
jKli dividends .,
ive-onrpiua . -
join surplus
,iu, .. .. i.tim. i n ... atiii,. ,im
Gousl. after nrnvldlnflr tnr nrfnpr.H llvli
dindf to 7.0 per cent earned on tl7,880 000
common stock, compared with U.l per cent,
uned on tl7.88J.0lio In 1U14.
The Board of Directors was ro-clcctcd.
l'Joaenh B. Wldencr and J. It. McAlIlHtor.
JKi-Vlio, during tho year succeeded P. A. B
U niaenor aim luuuipn J-,1113, ueccaseu,
were luuuy triccicu ior iuii year terms.
riTTSDUIlGII. March IK Thp ilmnnnH
-'J'1 Ifor pig Iron contlnuos hoaw nnd nrlcea
are hardening Bessemer for shipment to
Italy at nbout J21. furnace.
L Therdemnnd fnr steel nh.Atn I. unnr...
't'f edenled., Actual orders booked In tho
iJ)ru.t It' days exceed those ulaced durlnn-
i 'any corresponding period in tho historv nf
tr th local trade. Makors of automobiles
are clamoring for sheets, and nro taking
'l-sair that'the mills will rcleago. Books for
tae rourtn nuartep wero opened a few
tfiys'agonnd some concerns i!an get only
a third of their rcnulremcnts.
' Domestic manufacturers Of snlmrelelnen
tyiave advanced rprlces ?10 a ton to G0,
furnace, for shipment over tho last six
,.nwnths of tho year. Cleveland waro-
Eouse prices have been advanced $5 n
-"ton on bars and shapes and blue nn-
fiealed shepla nnH tin n An . i.
. 1 -wm M.v. vv luii un yiukca.
Bid. Asked.
llullr . d.
Samara. :.::::::::::::: :ci
B itidi
Ulinh V.I.V.lI- 'iZ
jtontana .......::::::::::: rj;-
Jjorth btar - 14
Jonopah Helmont .......... 4'i.
Jonopxh Extension ........I 4' !
Tonopah .:'ntn- ,,"" n'i
West End US
W Hull ...............
: o D
mti mcuiation Fraction ....
FsxrMs.'w ......;....
SBSHa'Si'.:::::::-! :8
f Kur16? :::: -sj
niTUt Hill Tt
Ofliclal Forecast
.. WASIIINQTON, March 15.
eVof eaBtArn PnnoirhmlA a j
IS SSS!f Jn,Eh.t wltl nfth to northwest
t inuraoay partly cloudy, colder In
outheast portion.
itr!8h ,,ko disturbance that extend
!5il?m ?ennaylvanla to Texas yesterday
v""? form and la n.ni .- .
! yZ?" Y,rs!nIa Pea this morning. It
"a Caused rain nr mnrvn, ., .1.- .
'hSZz ot tii" wintry during the last 24
iw. Jr?'- ?IonB tne B0U,h Atlantio
3. i a as been Allowed by a decided
"SoLt te!"Petura throughout the great
fTnVLyaIleyiL and th8 ka re'0", with
-U. H. Wo(l,. Tt n..,,..
Six, -t X-.UUIC1 uuicau xjuiteun
!,,, laatllaln. Veloc-
"lailon. a in. n't. fail, xvi TJ vr..tt...
gMerratloni taken at 8 a, m , Eastern time.
o. . . - J - z: "li..V"' "".'
tin TTA' Si s.f " jo yiouay
ttmore. ifd . at
13 20 Rain
NB , . Rata
NW ;. Clear
CfirlSte X" Ix 1? NB 2? Snow
-Soic tux:: a u ,-a s,"
BSBBS-""- 53 H :e? S.
30 !
ilfli':?- C. 80
88 .:
23 .04
20 ;;
14 ,24
eo '
28 :;
SO .28
r, "
8inn. ii D . 24
iManapolls .. ll
NW ..
NW 20
sw 10
N 16
nv :.
ejjaas City . 20
. 30
. 40
03 N 13
OU 48
FSramery1 52 JS 9 W ia Cloudy
otreal T-.n 43 42 -oi Cloudy
MEvui. Can g .9 ii NE 20 Cloudy
nw at
NB 10
tilZ ys.ans 46 48
Isans 4H ah n
Nil 12
a 20
N 12
N 14
tSjaaeiphJa, 84 II
fSftburJlh' Pa
? N
? 29 1
NW 18
if, City 4d si
Antonio 46 48
sfsneuico B0 BO
!?. u'lo 14 M4
-vi,n SS tt
Jfc i '
ii easiitlr
w1J,l?l;nffe,p," ."" 40 " Demand
E?? .J-"."1 'A8 m?.rl"t rued steady it the
COnN. rtectlpts, (13.B77 bush. There nits a
Quota! tans, n.." i. "i:.,,c"'.."'ie aomana.
fllAT7I'c,p, 2(,',2 bh. Demand was
fair and lh market ruled ., .,!.. ...!:!. .,
SreiiSSe,r!5S.Ri0J.tfJ. Jfe. .a VhiS,
ed. 4nftKnUf
clear, cotton lacks. 14 RO&s lBido straight
Mck.n lSC8nh1-X!,il ,Mi 1 P?ent.,r"8tton
IS?Bn".' IralftL.f.s 62Ro-Ji lo, patent.
mi J mil. -L' , 'ftvor brands, 0 2SW0 70.
As&vrni'hi' 2bob 8" d
.JiT,B.,.li?.R W ,'ul''. WL ady under
1 to quality qU0 at ,S B0 p,!r bbl '
Hl?.marA'!t,r?,Ifd nrm wUh 'lr Jobbing
demand. Quotations ranited as follows; city
tmof. In sets, smoked and alr-drled, 24023CI
jvostern Iwqf, In sets, smoked, 24 02nc. city
Sttfi kJ??-!?" ttn,d, l'"ler. smoked anrf air
JiiV 2027c.i Wjit-rn beef, knuckles and
tenders, implied. 2KJ27c.i !ef hams. J2SO
30. pork. famyV jj 00023. hams, s p
cured, loose, IB 1 no ! lo , skinned, looso, 10O
llV. ao ' taV moked. 17 4UH8HCI other
hams, smoked, city cured as to brand and
ftterare, 11W W17c ; hams, smoked, Western
cured. lflM 17c j do , boiled, boneless. 27c (
do, smoked, llVOlSUci bellies. In pickle,
according- to areraite, loose, 12Hj13c i break,
fast bacon, as to brand and averacn city
cured, IdailOc i breakfast bacon. Western
cured, lOjjplOci lard, Ucstern reined. In
tierces, llQe i do., do , In tierces, lHic . do ,
pure city, kettle rendered In tubs. ll'Ac
The market was quiet, but firm Wo quote
Extra flna sranulated, (I 70r i powdered 0 81c I
confectioners' A (103c,, soft irrndes, 00 BOo
Clinnsn Offerings wero light and values
were firmly maintained, but demand was only
moderate . Quoin t lone New York, full cream,
fancy. 18' 44 18 c . do do. fair to wood,
held. ITU 018HC . do. part skims. HOlOo.
IluTTEn Tho market ruled firm and lc
higher, with a rood demand. Quotations!
Western, fresh, joIldpacked creamery, fancy
specials 40c. extra. 88c , extra firsts. 37c.
firsts. .ISW.Itlc. , seconds 33$3lc , nearby
prints, fancy. 41c . average extra. SOOTtPc i
firsts. 35W!l7c. secondi 3Ti34c . special
fancy brands of prints Jobbing at 4 1 47a
J.OQH Hecelpts wero moderate and prices
advanced 10c per case under n good ilemnnd
Quotations: In free cases, nearby extra, 2Sc
per dos . nearby firsts, til 40 per standard
rise: nearby current receipts. 10 30 per rase.
i,iciji ujkhiu main, ,, ti, inir cti.u, uu , urnin.
to 30 per case; Southern, per case, to 40tft
western oxira nrsis, u n por case, uo . nrsis
o nu, as lo nimiiiy. luncy sciecicu eggs wero
jobbing at 2l)028c per dox
LIVE Tho market ruled firm under light
Adverse Crop News and Ex
tensive Covering Brought
CHICAGO, March 1C Good buying by
commission houses and cxtonsle cocrlng
by Bhorts, duo to adverse crop news from
many points In the winter wheat belt,
togethor with prospects of a smaller nrea
In Canada, caused conRldcrablo strength
In tho whoat market today after It had
been wenk.
Tho oarly dcclino wns duo to a drop
at Liverpool and selling of futures hero
by foreigners Many trnders asserted
that tho recent low prices had discounted
bearish conditions In tho iay of big
domestic supplies. Tho absorbing power
of the market today wns good
A leading commission house said that In
view of tlio cxccesslvo snow fall and tho
return at thlB late dale of below zero
temperature In wostorn Cnnndn, It aa
worth remembering that he Dominion
Government reported only 36 per cent, of
plowing dono last fall In Manitoba, ngalnRt
93 per cent In 1914; 27 per cent In Sas
katchewan, against 77 per cent , nnd 34
per cent In Alberta, compared with 56 per
cent. May, after selling at tl 07 H at tho
Start, mocd up to S 1 10 and finished at
$1 10M, against $1.08Vj at tho end yester
day, and July, after starting at l 06i.
rose to Jl'OOH. finishing at J1.08aj, com
pared with Jl.07 nt the close yester
Tho Prlco Current said that tho extent
of winter killing of the crop, which will
bo revealed soon. Is npt to be qulto ex
tensive, especially In thoso sections where
heavy rains fll last fall, followed by sleet
storms. Most of Kansas nnd nil of Ne
braska seem to bo the only Important
parts that havo escaped damage. A re
lval of tho green bug Infection Is to bo
expected. -Dry weather In tho Southwest
Is a Bource of apprehension.
Leading futures ranged as follows.
Ma'nrSS- VTd'j, ffiVfe noK i'BSm
1 01)
July l.Oofi 1 00'
l,on l oo4
1 OSI.'l 07'4
1.07 W l.OU
8e-'cmbee 1 01 J 1 n
Corn mew ueuycryr
7 il U
70 VI
7(1 Vi
77 K
May . ...10 03
July II. -U
lllba .
58B :::::iI:Ji
10.87 110 07 tll.00
11.12 '11.2J 11.22
12 83
12 10 12.17
12.30 12 37
23 00
22 03 23 03
22 78 22.S0
Uia !"'
Tho following securities wera sold at auc
tion today by ljarnea ft ioftandj
IU ana uniwttuiw uibhwuh-.-vii..
nlF I1UO.
uourse com.)
par, ISO...
Title, and
Oshs, Industrial Trust. Title, nd
riavines Co.i par IB0 .v'.vil'2
0 shs. Humboldt 01 Co.i par JS .. ot 2
0 shs! Oermanla Oil Co.) par,!23 .lot 2
3 .lol
shs', Taal Service Co. of l'hl
.i. irip. A. ho. of Phlla.l par
P,.col-.L,S &WK..A0isn
10 shi. Broad Bt. Dank: par $30
L. UttllAl '. wvtfBs
n -a.- Knna frt fftl- Infl. fin IlVf?
and brin'lng Annuities; par 1100.715
B3 aba. Ilear Estate Trust Co. com J
Dr 1100... ..... .-. 85
219 ihs, Caroden Fire Insurance Asso
ciation (carrying- ruilits to sub
scribe to new stock), par 15...... 10H
6 shs Homo Life. Insurance Co. of
Aroerlcai Par IIO,,, .. v,'!,- "
BO shs. Elmlra and Wllllamsport lull-
road Co. prjf.. par ISO.,... 08W
3 ah Unlte New Jersey Railroad
ana. uni hu, .- .', I '..li"- '
12 abs. JVankford
ranaiora u ouumnnis -UM.
- .?.,?!? SS?..' i.Ka.niKrK. Ht.V
6th sts ) l'asa. llwy. Co ., .341 H
J ' PasMnier.RallwayCo...... . .105H
20 shs. Phlladephla and Darby Taa-
aenger. Ilajlway Oo,,. ....... ... 33
23 shs. Philadelphia and Darby Pas-
senser Railway Co.. 84
2 shs John 11. Stetson Co. eora.j par
1100 .a 801
4 shs 'John B Stetson Co com.; Pr3g0
10Tihi.IL K,,M'ufford'Co'.Vpai36.'.,: OOH
Jibs Oils Elevator Co; prff.; par
1100 ...... ............ ..1,... 90
10 ahs Ksystona Watch Case Co.; par
10O ..-.j..-i.i.-...-?i-i.i---i- 70
k ha Vn,,n..Nmvtn.i,iaiii 1:0. nrer.:
M .u.. .---.- -T- --"-'on
Tshs, Pbtl. Boursa pref.; par Hi,. 21
266 shs Pratt Food Co ; par II. ...... 2H
200 ahs National Oil Co., Tamplco.
Mulco; par II. ...,......,.,,.. Jtf
1 3000 Fort Wayne and Wabash Valley
Traction Co 6,, per cent. 1st
mtae . coupons Msnh and Sep
tember, du 1U84 , . ,,. . .,., 63
2 shs S-ldellty Trust T20
12000 Parr fahoals Power Co 6 per cent.
faheri du IB,
20O rbtnt'i Camden Fire
X Sprioa- Evcnlns Term of ten weeks,
fcr mm and women, opens Tuesday
Marcu list, at 1 o'clock. Tba Instruc
tion a Publla Bpeakliur sivea Confidence
and Fluency Mind Training Improves
Memory and, Conoantrallpn and Jn
creaaM OrUldalltr CalL writs or
phone Sprues 321B. Offloo open avenlsa-s.
N5FF COLLEGE chia. si.
STBAYPR"? The Best BiulocM School.
aSV.fiJVi3 01-M Ctwatoift sHreat
to. on.,ii::.i risi .."? a"n, i iow
ecied A, 11.1014 01.I8H; rejected u, 11.00
offerings and a fair
; urn., vuoice 17 u
li op i ho s pigconj, old pi
uuuk. wr pair. UU22e
li.li l?i?.TT.h0. "arkft ruled firm under
IRSm?I1v" And. a. fa,r demand for de
JA,.S!!rcii. 9Jtl"nu Presh-killed. dry
IZtVXirtyJtt- ,2 ,.1'tb,'. dry packed, fancy.
5o?cte2r1.t?2tiS UwBJh,n. HtT'V lbs apiece,
al?"!!,. "5 4Jb" P,,fe. 2c,! weighing
f 4 t b J-. "Rir.' V" l, weighing; 3 ifis apiece,
i.Rl?5J J8"J& ,Ln bbl dry-plcked fancy,
weighing 4 4 5 lbs. nplece. lOHc, weighing
m"1- .a.phc6i 1IM? i.smaller sljes. 1010e i
?iJ?hlVn;.!rr.Mc.5Sd. ,8c chickens-Jersey,
fancy broilers, 24 q 20c , other nearby fancy
Vl2'i?S .k32 Vc-' Weste'rn broll?r " welghlnB
;&.?....""' 2pee. ,22f 24c : Northern Illinois
.kci28t ,ancX. jyiLow weighing 4 lbs and
M.JJ.l.n" 2,W22c.i exceptional lots hlgherr
Northern Illinois, fancy, neighing 2H&.1H
f.-i-'"-. A"1 oWftlln-l. Northern Illinois.
Jinc.r,.weM'.n 21x3 lbs. In bbls, 17
?-e-Loth!r.WA".,rn' weighing 4 lbs and mer
intmaff'iK. .Inci' other. Western, weighing
'Sli lbs. In boxes, ln17c . other West
ern, weighing 24 34 Ibi . In bbli , InOlHe .
nferlor. 14c, (Vipons, per lb Weighing 8B10
IDS. nDIece. 27&s2Re .nnllA. .1... ni!niM
tn.l... - .... .p.......t. .ill. uw'- t
-""w -niity youiiH nens nn,l loms :ile !
t"Vaofe.",,astfae ,'SSi VoT.. Soc!
tin .
i-lv. -W,u """''i rtt.ic.i uo , eniern.
fancy, 170JNC i do . do fair to good 12T10e i
geese, IS20c., squabs, per doxen White,
jielghlng ll12 lbs per doxen tSSlWO,
white weighing 0010 lbs per doien, to 20
5 ?S' ."i'l'.10' weighing 8 lbs per doxen ttjf
4 70. white, weighing 7 lbs per doxen. t1 2.lS
,2.,i5 SItV weighing 0004 lbs per dnxen.
WJ&Hfr ,arkl -1O03, .mnn nn(, No j
tl Ql 00
Choice, stock met with fair call and nlues
generally ruled steady, as follows. Apples, per
bbl, Jonathan, fanc. t4W0i do do , fair
I? ."WA '.- "3. Wlneeop, h I 111 dwln
t2BOa2V Oreenlny, t.' ;!li2 71 lork lm
Perlal. t23i lien Davis, tl 7002.00. other
varieties tl 002 10. No 2 l Jiwi 00 Ap
Pies. In bulk, per 100 lbs , 00c tl 00 Apples
Western, Per bo, tl 21W2 Oranges Florida,
per ernte, t2W3 Tangerines. IMorldi, per
inrini, .imim,. mhasKh ,urn.. . .. ... . :
sirap, .K B"W4 nrapefrult florldn. per
crate, tl 00J 00 lemons, per box, t3(P4
l'lneapples. per crate l'orto Itlco. t.'.0o4f
3 00, do . do . Florida, t2 SII03 on Cranber
ries. Cane. Cnd, per bbl . t810l do., do, per
crate, t2 fl0,1i do, tersej, por bbl t78,
do , do , per crnto, t2W2 00 Htraubcrrlca,
Florida, per qt refrigerators, 20030c . do.,
do , open crates, 18W20c
The general market was quiet nnd without
Important change Quotations White pntntoes.
per bush Pennsylvania, tl 20W1 21. New
York, II 10H1 10. Maine, tl JBW1 20 West
ern, tl 1001 15. white, potatoes Jersey per
basket No 1 Hose. 00B70i . No 1 other
varieties, C0t70c s No S H0tif4Uc sueit
pjitntoes Jersey, por basket No 1 40WO()e ,
No . 20tT;,10c i sweet potatoes Jersey, Del
aware and Maryland, por hamper No 1,
70c, tl. No a. fiOOnOc , sweet potatoes Vir
ginia, per bbl , tl BOl 73, onions per 101Mb
bag No 1, t22 31 No 2. 70c Oil 21, Col
orado, fancy t. 70W3, cnbbaBc, Danish, tier
ton, tl020, do., Florldn per hamper tii8
Hi, do, Houth Cnrol Ina, per crato, tl 21
1 00. ceiory. Florida, per crate, tt B02.
spinach. Norfolk per bbl. llM2r,n. do.
Texas, per hamper, tll 15, kale, Norfolk
r iiii
'''.. beans, Florida, tier basket. tJW I pens,
Florida, por basket. tlOll. peppers Florida,
por carrier, II.SOOS 21. cceplant. Florida, por
crato. tJ.'00i tomatoes. Florida per carrier
Fancy, SJOL' So, choice JI --ifl 75. mush-
luuilin. JUT - IU H1BKOI, i oC W 9 1 1U.
Government Roport Shows Dip; In
crenso in February
WASHINGTON, March 1C The Cen
bus Bureau of tho Department of Com.
merco today Issued a report showing cot
ton, oxclusho of llnters consumed during
I'cbruary, 640,711 running bales, com
pared with 463,307 In 1915, of which 102,.
174 bales wero consumed In cotton grow
ing States In 1916 nnd 2CI.C1S In 19in.
Llntcrs consumed during rcbruary, 98,
010 bales In 191C, nnd 29,401 In 1915 Cot
ton held In consuming establishments on
Februnry 29, 1,985,045 bales lu 1910, and
1,654,169 In 1915, nnd In public Htorngo
and at compresses 3,961,316 bales in 1916,
and 4,076,435 In 1915.
Imports, 72,331 oqu!alcnt 600 pound
bales In 1916, and 28,727 in 1915 Im
ports, Including llntcrs, 702,635 running
bales In 1916, and 1,501,701 In 1915 Cot
ton spindles uctho during February 31,
982,199 In 1916, nnd 60,748,919 In 1915.
Llntcrs held In consuming establish
ments on I'obrunry 29, 189,581 lulus In
1916, and 138,262 In 1915, and in public
Htorngo nnd at compresses 186,121 bales
In 1916, nnd 81,055 In 1915 Exported
15,327 bales In I9IG nnd 32,242 In 1915.
Union Switch nnd Signal Company, regular
quarterly of tl Stl each on common nnd pre
ferred, both paynblo April 15 to stock of record
March yi .
Lehigh Vnlley, regular quarterly of 2f per
cent on preferred and common, paynbto April
8 to stockholders ot record March .'5
New York Central ltullroad Company, usual
quarterly dividend of IU per cmt
Heading Company, regular quarterly of '2
per cent on common, payablo May 11 to stock
holders of record April 24
American Typo J uunders Company, regular
Juartcrly of 14 rer cent on preferred and
per cent on common panb1o April 15 to
stockholders of record April 10
Services for Well-Known Politician
Aro Attended by Prominent Men
Funeral serUces for Teter J Hughes,
ex-poltco magistrate, late president of
tho Hughes Termlnol Compnny and for
mer power in political circles, both of tho
city and State, were held this morning In
St Gregory's Catholic Church, 52d and
Warren Btreeta
Solemn Itequlem Mass was said by
Father Ross, who wa usslsted by Father
McDowell Tho preliminary sen Ice was
held In tho Hughes home, at B242 Park,
side avenue. Interment was In West
Laurel Hill Cemetery.
Among tho well-known persons present
wero Judgo Audenrled and Petcr J.
Hoban. The latter Is president of the
Holy Kamo Society of the church Mr
Hughes was a member of this society,
which attended tho services In a body, as
did Branch 77, Ancient Order of Hiber
nians. Mr. Hughes died last Sunday, of
heart disease, following u short Illness.
Many Lodges Attend Services, While
Grand Chaplain Officiates
Funeral services for Stockton Bates,
founder and lato president of Stockton
Hates . Son, and a Masonic authority,
were held this afternoon at the family
home. 7441 Devon street. Mount Airy, at
I o'clock. They were preceded by me
morial services In the Masonlo Temple,
Superior location with an
unobslruotod vwwof beach
anaqoardvvalk Arecotjnizd
innHnrd of tofcallflrvce
Cas.tv60a jmr&u.jwasy.
awatalMIs MlNiiiuisjT
Westminster E'&i.'&gZkt
$1 It 119 dhr. t I12.W us wtly. CM.
Bier, ts
Jr. demand Quotations
U01S14 pnAltiM 1'ttf)
dS ' lUJSi c" 7An. "ottmeatcd. ln20ct
oo stagry, 14W109 : turkeys 20&22c.i
ducks, as la sire and ousllir 1 i M 5iv .ritiiil
er pair. 28Uaoc : do .
t.r Ij "Jwuuc I leuuce tioriut, per iinsket
WQt2, do. South riirollna per basket
tl2. do. North Cnrollna, ir basket. tlC
ha ?t anew-atandanicf
service, comfort awbauty
which wero attended by Masonic officials.
Dr. William D. CTiatfnnt, Brand chap
lain of tho Grand Chapter of PonnsyN
anla, officiated nt tho exercises at tho
house. Interment was mado nt Mount
Morlnh Cemetery. Mr. Bates died on
Bundny following a ehort Illness. At tho
tlmo of his death ho was grand seefctary
of tho Grand Hoyal Chapter of Pennsyl
vania. Tho rorvlcci nt tho Masonic Templo
wero held under tho auspices of Morldltn
Sun Lodgo. No. IS, F. nnd A. M Tho
lodges inrtlclpatlng were Philadelphia
Council, No. 11, It. nnd S; Kndosh Com
mnndcry, 29 K. T. ! Lu Jm Templo, A. A.
O N M S ! Masters' Oriental n. A. C.
of Pennsylvania, nnd others.
Tho pnllbcarcri wero ".Vattor Vf.
Lowry, of nutlcr. Pa. : James IJ. Mitchell,
Thomas McConncll, David 3. Davli, of
Scranton, 12 B Spencer, W. Harry
Miller, Clinrleq Chlpmnn, Thomas R. Pat
ton, B A. Stockton, A. O. Crlsoll
Smlth, of Media; Joseph B. Qutnby, h S,
Qarwood and doorgo B. 'Wells.
Pastor of Second Presbyterian Church
Officiates nt Services
Funeral son Ices for Henry Sparks Cat
tell, lawyer and membor of nn old Phila
delphia fnmlly, wero held nt 2 o'clock
this afternoon nt tho fnmlly homo, 23 IB
Do I,nncoy street Tho Bov. Dr. Alexander
MncColl, pastor of tho Second PrcsbMo
rlnn Church, 21st and Walnut streotn,
oniclnted nl tho ncrx Ices
Mr Cnttell died Sunday Itst nt hl-i
homo following a thrco weeks Illness of
grip, nt the ago of 01 IIo was a membor
"of tho board of governors of tho Law As
sociation nnd of soiernl clubs
Frederick A. Reiley
News li.in been received from Water
bury, Conn , of tho death of Frodorlck A
Ilclloy, n former resident of this city, from
a hip Injury which resulted In cerebral
motilngltl4 Ho wns n win of Jnmes Mc
ICcndrlu ltelloj, of Buffalo, N. Y, and
after being graduated lu 1910 from Cor
noil liccntno acting superintendent of a
gaH concern In Wntcrbury. Ho was 27
jears old Ho In nun lied by his widow,
formerly Miss Anna Miller, daughter of
u wull-known candy manufacturer of this
Mrs. Mnrin Hulmc Levis
At the ngo of 101 jenrs, Mrs. Mnrla
Hulmo Lols, of Mt. Holly, N. J., died
nt her homo jestorday Hho was u daugh
ter of Gcorgo Hulmo and mis born nt
Hulmclllc, I'a, In 1814. Klio Is survacd
by ono daughter. Miss Kmlly H Lols,
who lUecl with her She wall Durllng
ton County's oldest resident nnd perhaps
tho oldest person In the State
RnchacI P. West Leys
Itachacl I. West Lch, 74 years old,
died yesterday at her homo In Chestor.
Kho was a prominent member, ot the
Society of Krlendn nnd a descendant ot
Ucujamln West, the noted painter. Sho
Is 8iirled by ono son, Dr .lames v.
Leys, n surgeon in tho United States
nrmy, nnd a sister, Kato D. West.
Thcie Notice Are Printed In the
Evening Ledger Free of Charge.
MtMSTKONO. At Riverside N T , on March
11 Ullll l.I.VIRA AHMSTROMl Relatives
nnd friends are Invited tn nttend funeral
'1 hursilay. at 2 p m . nt tho residence of her
brother In-law, Hurry Hippie. 203 llulllnci
live . Riverside, N J Interment at Mt.
Holly Cemetery, l'rlcnds may call AVcdnes
Uay evculnir
AllNUI.n (neo flLhnefer) wife of tho lato
Hanry W Arnold need St years Relatives
and frUnds are Invited tn attend tho funernl
services on Prltlay. at I p m . at her Into
residence, 1021 North Mnsrher St. Inter
ment private. Orecnmount Cemetery.
l!KISTi:it. On March 14 1010 AMKLTA
VIOI.A. wlfo of William C llrlster Kuneral
services on Thursdny, March ID, nt 2 11 m ,
nt her lato residence Ambler, l'a Inter
ment private Train leivis Reudlne; Ter
minal for Ambler nt 1 02 p m
BK1TTOV On March 14. 1010. WILLIAM
llItlTTON. aEod .11 Hurs Relutlves und
friends are Invltfil to uttind tho funeral
services on I'rlduy at 2 p m , at the Oik
Park United Prisbjttrlan C'hurih Blat and
IMno sts , West Phlla Interment nt Mount
Morlah Cemetery Frlenils may view re
mains on Thursday evenlnir at his late resi
dence. .1018 Willows ave . from 7 to O
imoAP. On March 13 1010 IIAIIRT S .
husband ot Orlnao Ilroid and son ot the
lato Horace and Isabella 11 Urnad Rel
atives and friends of tho family, also Orebla
Council No 13, u 01 J A , am invuea
to uttend tho funeral services on Thursday.
at 2 30 p m precisely, at Ills late residence,
2232 N Delhi st Interment American Me
chanics Cemetery Trlcnds may call Wednes
day after 8 o'clock
HUSH. On March 14. 1010 MARY V . widow
of Kphralm llush. aeed 75 years Relatives
and friends aro invited to attend funeral
services, Maturday, at 2 p m , at her lata
residence 22 W Oraver's lane. Chestnut
Hill Interment prlvato
CAI.T.AN. On March 1 1 1010. ANNA E..
wlfa of James II Cillan und daushter of
Sarah and the late AVllllum llrown. need 31
years Relatives and friends, also ladles'
Auxiliary of the American Htar I.oduu No
403, I. O O I' and members nf Pllman
M K Church are Invited to attend the
funeral services, nn Huturdny afternoon at
2 o'clock, at iier Uto residence. 11005 Dick
inson street Interment nt Mt Morlah Ceme
tery. Remains may -do vtovved Friday evo
nlnjr, 7 to 0 o'clock.
CAl'FKN. Suddenly, on March 13 1010. REN
JAMIN r CAI'KRN aa-ed 20 sears nela
Uvea and friends, nlso Independent Order of
Oild Fellovfs, No U3 arn Invited to attend
the funeral services, an Friday at '2 p m .
at tho resldenro of his father 40 Trueman
uvenue. Haddonflcld. N J Interment private.
CAKimiX!.. On March 4 lnin NKWTON
N.. husbund of Mary Cardwell (nea Mullln).
Under the Tropic Moon
Down here the nights are balmy. The air is oft
with the perfume of flowers and the spicy scents
of the tropics. Visit this Island of Enchantment
Porto Rico, Gem of the Caribbean.
16-Day Cruise, $94.50 and up
Including All Expenact
Tho steamer Is your hotel, from New York to and around
Porto Rico and return, slopping st pnnopsl ports. Comfoit
axiie. roomy accoixunouauoas oa iu.uui-ioa suutnsis. cy
ing the American Flg. A saJinf cvciy Sshuday
wm soc uiususxea dooucc.
Crusting Department
X I Droadwuy Now York
Branch Ticket OfBc
701 Chestnut St.
All Ford Auto owners residing la Pennsyl
vania, are reqysattd to send nam and
address and ninnber of car to our eastern
office and receive vuluabl Information of a
cairt co-operative proposition la connection,
witis car you own
American Ford Owners Ass'n
(Peunsylsanla Headquarters)
C49 llreiel Hl.lr , llfk No. B, l'hlla.
5s DE-AF .
ia nsUAsy rgu iu 4W1U-
hqil aro In ridw York.
Vfubiajtoa SU Ucitoa.
CnV Hitf I iv. I
nelatlves and friends are Invited to attend
the fnnersi nn Thnrail.v nwirntnr Ml S
:.i.:r. !" ",ii-1r r.'-.""""!.." '.
I 80
o'clock, from Ms late residence. 1804 Daly
street, stmve VaI .!' fM.n l,sm1Tn
Mass at St, Monica's Church at 10 a. m.
Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery.
CAtlROV, At his late residence, 237 East lth
s t .. llrooklyn, N Y on March 11. 1010.
Wlt.LJAM C, CAnsoN, aged 48 years.
DEACON. On March It. 'lOlO. KDWIN I. .
husband of Into Annie M Deacon, In his tilth
cir, Itelatlves nnd friends, alo Eastern
Ftar Lodge, No. 186, F & A, M and em
ployes U. O I Co (Spring Garden office),
nnd all organizations of which he was n
member are imtted to attend the funeral
services, on Friday, at 2 p m , at North
Tenth Street Presbyterian Church, 10th st.
below utrnrrt ave. ltemalns may be viewed
on Thursday, at 1210 North Sartatn St.,
after 8 p. m Interment at Mount Peace.
Cemetery Auto service.
DONOVN. On March 14. 191(1. CAT1I
AttlNR, wife of Daniel Donovan Sr. Meta
files nnd friends are Invited to attend tho
funeral, on Friday morning, March 17, at
8 80 o clock, from her Into residence, 0110
Haterford avenue. West Philadelphia, Sol
emn Itequlem Mass at tho Church of Our
l.ndy of the Iloeary. at in o'clock Inter
ment at Holy Cross Cemetery
Dfrnn. On March, 14. 101(1. ANNF! M.
wife of the late Joseph Duerr. Itelatlves
nnd friends nre Invited to atend tho funeral
eerlces on Friday, at 2 p m , at her lato
residence, 2010 Oermantown ave Interment
nt Dnat Cedar Hill Cemetery.
nt!. is iniii ceviin, ,t
I, ,,n,il, "l - '.I,, PI.1ULUVI,
Itelatlves and friends are InOted
to nttend tho funernl services, on Thursdav,
nt 2 p. m . nt his lato residence. "Atn
Dara. Lnnsdowne ave, Lansdowne. Pa.
Interment private Train leaves llrosd Street
Station nt 1 28 p m
r.CKH RT. On March 12. 1010 MARY
I.I.l.AlinTH nCKHART ased 00 scars In
terment at Chalfont Thursday at z .10 p m
in Tit. On March 13 1010 OEOROn A , be.
loved husband of Katie Hs-th fnee 8pth) and
son of Jacob, nnd lato Wllhelmlni Ksth aired
47 years Relatives nnd friends, also Kvc
nln Htnr Lodge, No 72, I O O K . nrn
Invited to nttend tho funernl services on
Thurada)'. nt 1 P m . at his lato residence,
3r31 North nth st Interment nt Northwond
Cemetery, Remains may bo viewed Wednes
day oveninir after 7 o clock
ri.t.T.ONA. On March 11, 1010 ROSANNA,
widow of Edward Fellona Relatives nnd
friends nre Invited tn attend ho funeral
Thursdny at H 30 n m , from her lato resi
dence 1020 Haverford ave.. West Philadel
phia Solemn Renulem Mass at St Agatha's
Church at 10 o'clock Interment ot Cathe
dral Cemetery
ntlNCIS. On March IS, 1010, WILLIAM
H FRANCIS Funernl services Saturday
mnrnlnff nt II o'clock, nt the Church of St
I.uko and tho Hplphanj'. 11th nnd Spruco
streets Relatives nnd friends nro Invited
tn Ihn Itaptlstry of SI Luke's Church, at
10 o'clock Saturday morning- Interment prl
vato Kindly omit nowcrs
mil IIMAN. On .March 13. 1010. MINN!!:,
beloved wife of Louis Friedman Relatives
nnd friends, ntso Ilymnti Iidxe. No 75
10 11 A . nnd oiner sonetles, nro Invited
tn nttend thn funeral services, on Thursdns,
March 10 nt 1 p m , nt her lato residence,
'2 is Morris stre.t Interment nt Montcfloro
Cemetery Kindly omit flowers
(lALLAtlllint. On March 11, 1010, JAMES
J husband of Margaret Onllagher Rel.
atlvca and friends, nlsn the Holy Name So
city nt St Udwnrds Church, and all other
societies of which ho was n member, nro In
vited to uttend tho funeral, on Thursday,
nt a. 30 n m , from his Into residence 2802
N Falrhlll st Solemn Requiem Mass at St.
l.dward's Church at 10 o clock precisely.
Interment at Now Cathedral Cemetery.
OAt.f.AOlir.R. On March in. 1010, ANNItl
M, wife of Edward A. Gallagher. Relatives
nnr friends also Sacred Heart League of
Ht James' Church, nro Invited to attend tho
funeral on Friday, nt 8 10 n. m . from her
lye 1 residence 3422 Walnut st Solemn Mass
of Requiem ot St James' Church at 10 a.
m Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery
fll.VAF.HIt. On March 12 llUfl, MATILDA
OKNAMIIt formerly of 1U21 Mifflin ot .
widow of nmll C Uenaehr Relatives and
friends arn Invited to attend tho funernl
services on Thursday, nt 2 p m , nt the
Oliver H Ilalr liulldlng, 1820 Chestnut st
Interment at Fernwood Cemetery. Friends
may view remains Wednesday ovcnlnc.
noilirv. Suddenly, on March in. 1010.
JOHN GOM)i:N, aged Bl yenrs Relatives
and friends am Invited tn nttend funoral,
Thursday, nt 8 30 a m . from his late resi
dence. 21 13 Oraver's lane Chestnut Hill
High Miss at tho Church of Our Mother of
Consolation Interment at Holy Scpulchra
GRIFFIN. On March 12. 1010. MICHAEL,
husband of Agnes Griffin tneo Woodland)
Relatives nnd friends nro Invited to attend
tho funernl, Friday, nt 8 20 a m , from
hla late residence, 743 8 Clarion at. Re
qulom Mnss nt tit. Teresa's Chuurch. at 10
a .m Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery.
IIAI.L. Suddenls on March 12. luirt MAR
THA II HALL,, aged til years Relatives
ant friends nro Invited to attend tho funeral
services, Wednesdns, at 8 p m , at her late
residence. 4720 Cedar ave Also services In
thn Methodist Church at lUlnbrldge. Lan
caster Co Pa Interment In adjoining ceme
tery upon arrival of train leaving llroad St.
station Thuroday at 0 10 n m
IIAYKS. On Mnrch 13. 1010. MART I..
widow of Edward Haves I'uneral services
on Thursday, nt 2 p m . at her late resi
dence, 431 West Chelten ave Interment
prlvnte. Train Icavea llroad Street Station
for Chelten uvo nt 1215 p. m
HI.MU.K. On March IB 1010. HARRIET A .
daughter of late Charles Gray and Eliza
beth llessonett Hlnkte Relutlves nnd friends
are invuea to niiena mo tunerai services,
nn Thursdny, nt 2210 p m . at thn resi
dence of her cousin, Mrs. William Warren.
1237 N BStli st Interment nt Westminster
LAHfiMAN. On March 14. 1010, DR SAM
UEL LARGMAN, son of tho lato Danish and
Freda Larcmnn aged 31 years Relatives
and friends also Rising Star Lodgo. No
120, V and A M . ltarbarossa Lodge No
133. K of P . Philadelphia Postofnen Relief
Association, nro Invited to attend the funeral
services on Thursdas. at 10 a m precisely,
at tho resldenco of his brother-in-law. II F.
Rose. 3317 W. Huntingdon st. Interment
LEE. On March 13. 1010. ANN LEE, widow
ot tho late John Lee. In her 80th year.
Relatives and friends ot tho family aro In
vited to attend the runcrai on pTlday. March
17, at 2 o clock from her daughter's resi
dence. Mrs Eliza Mottram 4310 Frankford
avenuo Frankford Interment at North
Cednr Hill Cemetery.
1VFAIS. At Mt Holly. N J on March 14.
toil) MARIA H . widow ot Samuel F Levis,
tn her 102d sear. Relatives and friends ft re
lnvltod to attend the funeral, on Thursday,
March HI, ot S P m from her lata resi
dence. 38 Washington St.. Mt. Holly. N J.
Interment at St Andrew's Cemetery
LOFLIN. On- Starch 13 1010 SARA A ,
daughter of tho late William J, and Sidney
Pennell Loflln Relatives and friends are
Invited tn nttend the funeral services, on
Thursday afternoon, at 2 o'clocK, at tho
resldenco of her brother. Walter Plerson.
Radnor, Pa. Interment private.
$31.80 trip $3180
From Philadelphia every Wed. and Sat.
Including meals and choice of stateroom
accommodations All outslda rooms Fin
steamers. Ueat service. Tickets limited to
May 31.
Merchants' & Minora' Trans. Co.
City Ofllce. 103 So. 0th Ht. Phono Lombard
100O. Consult any ticket or tourist agent.
si ceea.
Ftrit-dass work, good stock, at tollowtog
prices i
1000 Envelops! (No. H) fl.ts
1000 lluslnsss Cards .,. l.M
1000 Letter Hearts 12i0
looo mil Heads ,,, l.M
1000 Btaternsnti ......,,.....,,, 12M
100a Nots Heads l.tJ
Mark copy plainly when ordarlsg.
Keystone Process Company
(I North Third St. Camden. N. J.
Three Typewriter Ribbons, $1.00
(or any rnacsln. any single) color, ribbon
vutranteed best on market.
Keystone Process Company
tl North Third St. Camden. N. 3.
t?M XXtVi (UU J.O.. Ml AltCU UTU3CKX
At nj'Att i iiJiiKin,
IS, 191(5.
MAAS. On March 13. 1916 SUSAN P..wldow
ft Charles K Maas. Funeral services on
Wednesday, at 2 p tn , nt her lato resi
dence, BOOS Cedar ave Interment private
MANDFR. On March , 101 OEOROH
MANDER, husband ot Kate Mander, tn hie
02d jear. Relatives and friends arn Invited
to nttend the funeral services, on Thursday,
at 2 p m. precisely, at hlJ late residence,
northwest corner of Oak lane and Central
ave , Oak Lane, Interment private In Ivy
ami vcmeicry.
MASr,Y. On March 14. JOIft. JANr! MAM.
FliT. Relatives nnd friends of tho family
are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral,
on Saturday at 1 p m from her lato resi
dence. 124 N 3d st Services at tho Church
of the flood Shepherd Cumberland st be
low Frankford avo , nt 2 o'clock precisely
Interment at Northwood Cemetery.
MAY. Suddenly, on March 12. 101(1, tinR
NARII J. MAT, nired 03 years Relatives
nnd friends also Phlla. I-odso. No. 2, R
P. O E., aro Invited to attend the funeral
services on Thursday mornlns; nt 11 ..10
o'clock precisely, at tho chapl of Andrew J
llnlr A Son, Arch and 10th sts Interment
MffOIOAN On March 13. 1010. ELEANOR
ALICn, wife of William McColnan Rela
tives nnd friends nre Invited to attend the
funernl on Thursday, at 7 10 a m , from
her lota residence, 4011 Lancaster ave ,
West Philadelphia Solemn Requiem Mass
In St Aanthn's Church at 0 a. m Interment
In Holy Cross Cemetery.
MfORATII. On Mnrch 14 1010, ISAAC M,
son nf Robert and Hllen Mcflrath, anil grand
son of tho late William and Sarah Jamison.
In his 34th ear Relatives nnd friends nro
Invited to nttend tho funernl, on Sunday,
March to, nt 1 10 p m preclslv, from the
resldenco of his parents 210 Jackson
st Interment at Mount Morlah Cemetery
MeVFH.L, On March 14 1010. lin.Vtir Mc
NRII.L (formerly nf Hast Whltcland town
ship Chester , County. Pa ), husband of
Mary J .McNeill In his 7.Mh ear Rela
tlves and friends are Invited to nttend tho
funeral services on FrliH. at 2 p m nt
the Oliver If Hair Ilnlldlnir. 1B2II ( heat.
nut st Philadelphia interment nt Mount
Morlnh Cemetery
MINTO.V. On Mnrch ll, lOlrt jnNNin
Al.t.MOND Ml.NTON. widow of Joseph O
Mlnton Relatives nnd friends aro Invited to
nttend funernl Thursday nt 11 n m from
her Into residence. 1)27 S. i'3d st Interment
nv j.uen e;cmeiery
SlnVrtlOMKKY. On Mnrcti 1.1. 101(1 MAR
THA daushter of Oeorite W nnd the lato
Catherine. Montgomery Relatives nnd friends
aro Invited to nttend the funernl, on Frldav,
nt 2 p m , from her Into residence 2li10
Turner st Interment nt Hellcvuo Cemetery
PARRY. On Mnrch 1.1 11)10, at the Old Parry
Mansion, New Hope Ituika Countv Pn.
F.LLF.N niSAD PARRY, wlfo of Rlchnrd
Randolph Parry, L'sa, , and diUKhter of tho
Intn Martha J Rend and Hufus Rend Hv
nt Portland Me n:ed 71, jenrs Relatives
and friends nro Invited tn attend tho funernl
sorvlco on Thursday, March 1(1 nt 2 30
P m nt St Andrew's V i: Church. Lam
liertvillo N J Interment prlvato In family
lot, at Friends' Solebury Rurlnt Orouinl,
Rucks County, Pa Kindly omit Sowers
Portland Mo nnd Ilnltlmorc, Ml, pnpors
pleaso copy.
riliri(i:TT. On Third Month 1 ltd, HANNAH
J .widow of Rldswny Prlckett Relatives
and friends nro Invited to nttend tho funeral,
V.n. sltli taj, 17th nt 10 a m . from
J-rlends Meetlnit House, Lnko street. Had
unnOeld, N J
I,'ii,Inil?i;r0n. .H1!! ,,2i,l,ln MARTHA n.
RAMIIO. widow nf Wllllim F Itnmbo need
78 years Relatives and friends nro lnvltod
to nttend funeral services. Thursday at 1
V m at her dnuahter's resldenco, Mrs
Jennie Ennlss 1RHI Dickinson st Interment
strlctlv prlvato I ernwood Cemetery Friends
may call Wednesday, nt 8 p. m. Automoblls
ninX.,,X,.7r0n. March 14 1010. KATliniHNi:
!Sf'hy,1."s, .daushter of Lily McLean nnd
Irnnklln II Iteoven. aired 1R jears Duo
notice of tho funeral will bo nlven
ROSENTHAL. At hla residence 11111 N list
?! '.!lil.'ii.',"Inhln vn March I3 loin PAUL
II ROSENTHAL aired 02 jenrs Relatives
nnd friends Jlnsonlc brothers, compnnlons
nnd I knlithts nnd brethren of I O o r nnd
A q M P nro Invited to nttend tho funeral
services on Thursday, ut 7 10 p in . nt tho
fiL'.V. '.'... "ttr Hulldlnit. 1820 Chestnut st .
Philadelphia. Interment private. Kindly
omit flowers
ItYAV. On March 13. 1010 MAROARET M.,
widow of James Ryan (neo Lnnnlns), aned
J3 jearn Relatives nnd friends nro invited
to attend tho funernl on Thursday, nt B 30
n m , from tho resldenco of her datiKhter.
Mrs John McEvoy Mountain Hotel. Willow
drove. I'a Solemn Requiem Mass at St.
Luke's Church. Olcnsldn. Pu at 10 a. m.
Interment at Holy Scpulchro Cemetery
Sy.T,T,'rrSuJ(J.cnl.y. ,ou. March 13 into.
THOMAS, husband nt Mnrtha Scott (nee
Kennedy). Relatives and friends, also cm
Plojes P R it Co. nro Invited to nttend
the funernl aervlcca. on Thursday at 2 3U
n m . nt his lata resldenco. 1207 S. G3d st.
Interment Jit Morlah
SIILI.CROSS. On March 12. loin SARAH
A . wlduw of lloliert W Shnllcross. In her
08th j ear Relatives and friends nrn Invited
to nttend tho funeral services on Thursday.
March HI at 2.30 p. m . at her lata resli
dence, 4311 Pnul at , Frankford Interment
prlvato Please omit flowers
SMITH. On Mnrch 13 101(1 nt Ess Harbor.
N J . WILLIAM R SMITH. M D . husband
of Ida C Smith Relatives and friends of tho
family, also Meridian Sun Lodco, No 15H.
1' & A M Oriental It A O No INI.
1,,oa,",l1a Tt".l.b".No.,J.?4' Haaka Haymakers No
lHt'i, West Phlla Conclnvo Nu 1010
1 O. of H . Phlla Council No 2D3. Royal
Arcanum. 24th Ward Ri publican Club, nro
Invited to nttend tho funernl services, on
Saturday, at a p m . precisely, nt his lato
residence. I13S Rmwn st Interment prlvute
Friends may call Friday, S to 10 p. m
STEWART On March 14. 1010. JAMES
MONROE, husband of Mary C Stewart und
son of tho Into James M and Jane stewnrt
iiriI 53 jears Relatives and friends of thi
fnmlly. also I-odce No 3 F. ft a M . and
tho Trlitrain ll Freeman Chapter No "tl
Mary Commandery. K T . No 30. Lu Lii
limbic A. A O N N H. nro Invited to
nttend the funeral services on Saturday
nt 2 p. m , nt his Into residence. 2838 N
33d st Interment prlvato ut West Laurel
Hill Cemetery
A new principle, con
stant supply: 24 to 30
gals., lo. Heats Radia
tors, too.
Accept no substitute.
There Is nothing
"lust at good "
fiend for Free llooklet.
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' t. JT ! r." Pntented and
45 N. Second St. I'ntents pending
S. E. Cor. 9th and
ii Z
S. J. HENDERSON, Attorney
Morris Building Philadelphia, Pti
Do You Want A Beautiful
Home In Washington, D. C.
One of the few completely detached residences right in
the city, on grounds frequently described as the most beautiful
in Washington. 1 large rooms, 3 baths, brick, pebble dasK
house; 55 windows. Faces National Zoo Park. Can be'bought
at bargain. Might consider exchange for PmladtdpWa.
suburban property. Owner moving here. Address biia
BTll,r.F!Urcnvn irafeV 14, lfllikt Hb
V)lrA n.lCm.J2iAI7' ioft stiLL1Pri
UND RATIIBNITZv, aired 79 years IVlewts
may view the remains en Thursday evemHst i
from IU 8 o'clock. t his lata residency
Columbia and Cleveland avenues, Palmyra,
TAM.MVN". Cm March la. 1910 LTLLtAJi?
OILIIKUT, wit of William E TaUmaintjiii
.,i,ttii.,ui,. . , i mtoiu years, tieiatressi
l the be
l,. at m
neral services. Thursday, nt 12 m,, at
rrnmrncu Iti ner . Dioiner-in law.
beacon, 203 Oarden st. Mt. lolfy.
Interment , private, nt Odd Fellows'
tcry. Iiuflineton N J, Remain
may tm
vinwen vveanrwoay eveninir
Thatcher, .Relatives and friends arejnvlted
to attend the funerll services on Wednes
day, nt I 10 o
28f,0 N, 2Ath st Interment tirtrnts at W.l,
i. iroii, nr a. in rrainimi.
8f,0 N, 2ftth st
minster Cemetery, Shamokln (Ps.l paper!
pi-h copj
TIIOAHH. On March t4. 1916 WtLLtAM' W.
THOMAS Funeral services, on Thurs5y
cvenlnr, nt 8 o'clock, at his late residence,
101 Wishlniton lane, Oermantown. Inter,
ment private, nt Urcenwood Cemetery, New
THOMPSON. On Mnrcn 12, 1016. ANNB.
daushter of the Hie James n, and Annie
I'lsher Thompson, Relatives and friends are
Invited to nttend the funeral services otl
Wednesday, at 3 p m , at her late rssldence.
040 North 03d st. Interment private.
TRESS. On March 11. lnie, nt Doytestovm.
I'a , MAROARET TBAOER, wife of Matthew
Tress, need 24 years and 7 months. Rein'
tlves nnd friends aro Invited to attend thj
funeral services, at her late resldsnce.181
West Ashland at.. Dojlestown. Pa., on Wed
nesday, at 2 p. m Remains may be viewed
In Mount Northwood Cemetery Chapel, rhlla
delphla. Pa., at 3 30 p. nl.
URI1AN. On March 14, 1010, ARMINA. d..
widow of Samuel W. Urban, aged 80 years.
and 11 months Relatives and friends are
Invited In attend funeral. Friday, at 2 p. m
from tho pnrlors of Ilernard F. Schroeter,
4th nnd Arch sts , Camden, N.- J Interment
at Camden Cemetery.
ML. On March ,13. 1916 CATHERINE,
wlfo of Thomas
Relatives and friends
nro Invited to nttend tho funeral, on Frlday,
at 8 10 n, m , from her lata residence, 8109
Haverford nve., West Philadelphia Illg-h
Requiem Mass nt St. Agatha's Church at
ID a. in Interment nt Holy Cross Cemetery.
Chester papers please copy.
UEI.CI!. On March 1.1. 1010. ELIZA J.,
wire of Edward M Welch and daughter ot
the Into (1-orgo Ulenn. Relatives and friends
nro Invited to attend funeral services, Wed
nesday, nt 8 p in , at her late residence, 724
N I'lith st Interment at Apglen, Pa., on
MEYJIAN. On March 14. 1910. CHARLES
T , son of lato Charles W, nnd Louisa. Way
man Relatives and friends, ntso Kensing
ton Council No. V, O. V. A. M. and Union
Council No. 0. Jr. O U. A. M are Invited
to nttend tho funernl services, on Saturday,
dt 2 p m , nt latn residence. 1127 E. Susqns
hnnna avenue. Interment strictly private.
WINTERS. On Mnrch 14. 1016, at her late
residence, 1010 West Dauphin, street, ELLA
VIROINIA, wlfo of thn late James II.
Winters Itelatlves nnd friends of the family
nro respectfully invnou to niiena ins tunerai
services on Thursday nfternoon, at 2 o'clock
precisely, nt Schuyler's. llroad and Diamond
streets Interment private
OI!Ml. On March 13. 1010. SAJlAlI ANN,
widow of I5Wls Young. Relatives and friends
nro inviicu iu nuciiu mu .unerKi vrcrviceD, .-
on Friday, at 2 30 p. m, at her late rosl- fl
tlence I1U e.neicr (. ,urwuuu Aiuar
ment private. Friends may tako 121B p. m.
train Irom llroad Street Station and Darby
trolley Friends may also call 'on Thursday,
from 8 to 10 p. m
ZIMIKIj On March 13, . 1910. MAnT A.,
wlfo of Ferdinand 7lndel. and daughter ot
tho lata Eliza nnd Robert Carr. Itelatlves
nnd friends nre Invited to attend the fu
neral services on Thursday, at 2 p. m,, at
her Into residence. 82 West Irving St., Mer
rhnntvlllo, N. J Tnko Pensauken .oar at
Market street ferry. Camden . Interment
private, at .Mount Morlah Cemetery, Phlla-
NORTH LAUREL HILL grave lot. fine In- i
cation! bargain. S2U0. L 215. Ledger Office. gj;
332 Acres on "Turkey" Point,
Cecil County, Maryland
Suitable for Gentleman's Farm,
Country Scat, Club or
It is truly "Sportsmon's Paradise.", the
famous Susquehanna flats, home ot tho
canvnsbaclc duck, being noarby. Bordering
on Chesapoako Hay nnd Elk River. Over 3
miles ot Ray and River frontage.
Modern mansion, 0 bedrooms and 2
baths, farmer's house, barn and numerous
outbuildings. Prominent men from Phila
delphia, Ualtlmore and New York awn
neartiy farms.
Prlco Is low to Induce quick1 sale.
Make appointment for Inspection.
1821 CHESTNUT ST.. Phlla.. Iu.
Attractive Homes
$5500 to $8000
Dywood Is within walking; distance
(on Garrett road) of the HBth St. Ter
minal ot tho Market st. aubwny, or two
minutes' rldn on tho Media Short Lino
to Bywooel Station.
ISO LOTS 80x150 rEET
Fully Improved Garage Privilege
Send for Price List
Mall Address, Upper Darby, r.
Frank W. Stout, Sales Manager,
Telephone, Lansdowne 830
Sansom Streets
Iteady for occu
pancy Jnna 1. 1818.
Especially designed
for printers and.
heavy manufacturing;.
10,750 iquare feet
per floor. Floors
easily divided or
rented lu conlnnc
J mi with adjolnlnc
offlce building fadnr
Walnut street.
High ceilings, light
on all sides; "Fire
proof construction,
sprinkler system,
Four elevators, hot
and cold water, pull
chutes. fireproof
vaults, etc
Vibration taken
care ot by special
construction. For
particulars apply
.. t