Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, March 15, 1916, Night Extra, Page 18, Image 18
BVlSNINa LTiiT)tH3K--PIIILADBLPHIA, WEDNESDAY, MARCH IS, 1016. in V 11 k . h ( ft FINANCIAL NEWS Mil. ,- I I I I . ! ' . I I ! I MOVEMENTS OF PRICES MIXED; POOLS AND PUBLIC WERE ACTIVE Numerous Stocks Reflected Realizing by Strong Inter ests, While Others Advanced Specialties Moved Up Without Trouble High Point 8 in Today's Financial News Reading and Lehigh Valley declared regular quarterly dividend, the former & per cent, on the common and the latter i! l-'Z per cent, on the common and preferred. Rock Island 5 per cent, debentures extended to April IS. Protective Committee formed for Missouri, Kansas and Texas Railway of Texas 5 per cent, bonds. Lake Torpedo Company decided to sell 10,000 shares of T per cent, cumulative preferred stock. Llcclnc Storage Battery had good year, earning 7.0 per cent, on common stock, against 0.1 per rent, last year. February cotton consumption larger than last year. Demand for pig iron and steel sheets large. New York Bond Sales Utah l.w. Close. J2OO0 Al 0 let ret pJ s 104V4 ll'i'i ' tauift .1.. . -.k mi lilt 11)1 '""' . u,i u-i i im, ... Mi:i., ..;,, Dt II.! 107 " 1)4 114 R7 101 !IJ lia mi' . Jowl Atner Col Oil B. iif Jl H ulimu'j Anmo-Kr U On . ihh ,, Boon Amer Tel rlt An.. .91.. .1 l' 3MIIUU Atner Tel tvt ! liiiinn Armour Co 4U li)7"4 iujjt nil ink Tllon Atfhlnnn irMi tfl . . 114 114 '4 Biimi Atrhlnon ndj 4 . ,7'l ' MuiI Atrntenn ev 4 1111 lot liil noon At inn Co I.tne I at l l- I EOIMHI Hall A Ohio .(MR ,ll ,'',, SJiioo Hall t Oh .-is.. ...loi' lull i sonu imu a Ohio ! , '".r "'H .? win itnTi. smwi ii-vit i omo,cv ! iiiiij , "g 1 i 40(111 licth Hteel lot 101 lojj "MjJ Iimil ( ( C Ken ta . ,?s 7J 7BJ) Sinm Cent 1-enthrr In I . loljj IJJlJj ' ' .000 Cent IMP IM l. ,'' ,1'BJ VtV limit rent; H V ,t Bi 1 IT 4 MJh l"ft ll.Vin t'hlll Conner 7n., HUH IW't '32 lmll) Chea 2IOIMI Che . NKW YOIIK. March 1G. Mixed price movements marked today's stock market trading. Pool itctUitlcs ttnd Increased public liuylng mrtdo many Isstioi Htronif, whlto numcioiis Htuokn reflected reallzlns by stroiiB Interests and lchicil; sonic ssiirn advanced. Utile attention was pntd to tlio recessions, as they were- considered natural In a bull market, but tho movements to higher prices were regaidcd ulth n-onr-ntl sat isfaction. nehdltiB was bought by room traders during the llrst half or the d.tj on tho confident belief that something would bo announced at the directors' incctlnp and after It was nnnounccd that tho only nctlon tnken was the declaration of tho regular dividend tho stock acted well and Its miction wnS no greater than occurred In other Issues after early ndvanccs Specialties wore moved up without trouble, Cuban-American Sugar gaining moro than 20 points, but IJctlilelicm Steel was without urgent demntuK which wa In evidence prior to the closing of the books. In the last hour tho Mexi can group became most prominent, with aggrcsiKo buying forcing gains In Mex ican Petroleum. American Smelting and Southern Pacific. The advances In these Issues wcro without Influence on tho rest of the list. Pronounced Interest was attached to the demand for Westinghouse. It has long been Insisted that this corporation should benefit more than any othei from wnr-ordcr business and Important financial Interests look foi much highci prices for this stock. Tho St. Paul nnd Cameronlan, which arrived jestciday, are s.ild to have brought In tho largest consignments of foreign-owned securities that hus ever arrived from nbroad In n single day. There was some selling of the securities, but tho way In which tho market acted Indicated clearly that the accumulation of foreign stocks must Iinvo found permanent lodgment In some way without regard to. denials by bankers of reports of such arrangements. Rock Island 5?n Bonds Extended Interest duo January IS, 1016, on the 20-year G per cent. Itoclc Island gold debentures not yet having been paid, tho commlttco has arranged to extend thu tlmo to April 1C, 1916. within which any holder of a certificate of deposit issued under the deposit agreement of July 13. 1915, desiring such advance may obtain nn advance of tho amount of Interest, payable January 15, 1916, on the debentures represented by his cortlficnto of deposit. Such advance will constitute a loan to such certificate holdcrn, as set forth In the deposit agreement, and will bo mado on tho terms and In the manner set forth In tho committee's published notice of January" 15, 1916. The acceptance of such advance will be optional with certificate holders. CHICAGO, March 1G. I'cder.il Judge Carpenter will take up the ciucstlnu of the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Hallway Companj's dcbcntuic Interest on Friday. Receiver Dickinson has filed a motion for leave to file a petition for authority to Issue $1,494,000 certificates. A Ittitfi pv 4 I4ll MS on i) !"4 v: 4000 I'M (It Went l , 7SJI loon rhl ft Nn nn4n jta wij Wioil Chl II A CI Joint Ik. s loon Chl II l I) n In .. l J .iooo Chi ami ft s i; 'tiv.K -'; looo Chl Mil ft H I' tv " ll'7'l n.'oon Chl M ft 8 p ; IWMOIU .moo Col ImluMrliil uh -,7'j BOOH Conn rh cv in !-:? nnr'i uniutTitni'i , "" ..-. 101'i . 7HJ4 . H'-Ji 7THi HI liiVl no lN I IMI 71 n!i" Protective Committee for Missouri, Knnsns nnd Texas 5 Bonds A Protective Committee for the Missouri, Kansas and Texas Hallway of Texas first mortgage 5 per cent, bonds has been formed, with Jules S Hache. of J. S. Baclic & Co, as chairman. The other members of the committee are I-"roy W. Baldwin, president Empire Trust Company of New York; George C. Van Tul, president Metropolitan Trust Company, nnd Valentino Snyder. The Umplie Trust Company will act as depositary for this committee. Lake Torpedo to Sell 10,000 Shares of Preferred Stock BRIDGEPORT, Conn., March 1G. It has been decided by tho Lako Tor pedo Company, of Maine, to sell from tho company's treasury 10,000 shares of 7 per cent, cumulative Jlrst preferred stock, which has a par value of $10, and to giva stockholders of record March 10 the first right to subscribe at par. NEW YORK STOCK SALES Lait close IIlRh. Low Close Alaska J Gold M . 10 OH flJt 0' Alaska Gold Mines. .. ".Mi 21!i 20s-! r0? Ann-Chalmers Mfe... .'12 3.1! :J2JJ 33, Allts-Chal Mfc pf . . 70 81 80H MM Am Ac Chemical .... 09 003 i dO 00. AmBeetSuear 70K TSK 7151 72)4' Am Can 02h & 02h C2M AmCanpf .... llli 112WII2 1125J Am Car & Fdy . .. 74S 74H 72, 7JJS Am Cotton Oil . &4U 55H frlM 55h Am Cotton Oil pf 10IW 102 102 102 Am Hide & Leather 10M 10 10 IOJi Am nide L pf GO 50i GO GO Am Ira Securities ...30 20h 20JS 29H Am Linseed 22 22 2W 21U Am Linseed pf . 41JJ 41 10H 404 Am LocomotlTB .... 81JJ 82 81 Sl'i Am Locomotive pf ...103JJ 1031i 10.W 103!i Am Malt Corpn SU' Sh Mi S3S Am Malt Corpn pf.... 35U 33K 35'i 3GU Am Smelt i Rf 101 103U 10Ui 102M Am Smelt & Ref pf...ll2J. 112;i 112Ji 112i Am Smelt pf A 0:iH 035i 03M 03i Am Steel Found r to... G5 Gil GGH G5!i AmSucar lief lOS'i 100K NfcH 109 Am Suear Kef pf 110 1I5M 115i 115H Am Tel & Tel 123 129JJ 129f 1203J Am Tobacco 10SK 108 107H IDS Am Woolen &1 53'i 63H 63U Am Woolen pf 101 09J 09 D0JS Am Zluc L i. Sm 8G) &0 85H 87JJ Anaconda Cop M ...83 88V 87H 87Ji Associated OU 67i 7Ui 07 70H AtchTop &S F 101 lOHf 103H 103'S Atch Top & S F pf..U01K 10014 lOOJa 10OH AU Coast Lice 110 111H HI 111H Bald Loco Wks U15f 112H 110H lllii Bait & Ohio ......... SSJf 80 bO 80 BatopUas Mlnlns 21 i "2H 2i 2l( Bethlehem Steel 540 G20 517H 517H Brookljn Hap Tr &5H 85H 85), 853f BronsTiBR seo... lOtf 10H 10 10 Butte & Superior 04 Wi 0.1 OJ'f Cal Petroleum 21H 2.MJ 2-1J-J 25 Cairetroleum pf W Si G4 SGI 5 'Cinadlan Pacific 167M 16S5i 16SU 1G81J Central Leather 54H 55 MH 54Vi Chandler Motor 04 03J OJH 03a CnesAOhlo 02Ji IBM C2K 02Jj Chile Copper 22)J 23 22JI 2J Chlnp Copper 65 56) 55H 65 ChlcaEO at Western... 13 13!, 131f 13H Chicago Gt West pf ,, 30H 37 3GH 36H CMMU&StP 05 06Jf 05 053 Chl MU & St V Pf .. 120H 129H 120Ji 129M GGCAStL. ... 40 44 44 41 ChliKotUeatera.,,126)f 127 127 127 thtRI&Pac 17 18JJ 17 18 Col Fuel & Iron.. .... 4ti 47 4B H0 Col & Southern 20M i7 27)f 27K Comp T Ilec Co. , 45M 45H 45H 45) Continental Can . , 85H 8D( 84 & Continental Can of , 108 110 110 110 Consolidated Gas . ..130 138H 13Sf 1304 Cora ProducU Ref ... 22H 22 82) 22). Corn Prod Bef pf 00 08H 08M OSJi Crudbte Steel.. ...... 03)a 04JX SUf 93 W Cractble Steel pf .... HGJi 11 Sir 117 118U Cuban-Am Sugar . 2tft 235 221 225 Cuban-Am Sugar pf .100 105 100 108 Delaware ft Hudson... 150H 153 151H 152)$ DlstUl Sao Corpn . 4S)j 4S) 47 47 Dams Mines 25)j 25 25 25 Eite 37)i 38H 37J. 37Ji Site Jit pf KM 63J( 63)i 53 Brte 2d Pf . - 451$ 40 45)f 40 Fe4 Mln & bin pf 53J,' 63) 63 53H (Ha Chemical 310 310 300H 31U General Klectrlc . .17JH ITi 160H 170H Goodrlra B V . . . 73)a 76 73Jf 75H aranbxConsol 02X 93 0W 03 Orecne-Cananea ... 40)f 605 f 49H 60H Oreat Northern pf 123H 123 122M 123 a H cfi fcr ora prop. . 45H 40H 453- 45J flBjSntelm Eapui .. 21)1 2t 20J 20i, Int Agricultural 20M 20M I0)f 10) 1st Agricultural pf 004 60W CO 00 UaC&oCorTtesh . 17 17)4 17 17H in Coa Corp pf 73 73H 73H 73H m Paper .. .11 11U 11 Uh kt Paper pf .- -.48 iHH 48 48 5ConCop. -.47 48i 47 4SH ItKkil tck .. 4&Ji 40)1 4y 48X JatMSIcoldp ..17 17)( 16W I6)i l&UUfttot dp. 71M Ti 69 7lf jjsrf T Co las . 724 73 m 71 KM tr outliern 27). 2?i 37 27 XHIf epMBgM Tti LV 73 74. 75 i 74 JatWs:iM Cfewr 4fr S7 Zfitt 5bt 8 i H s a -a 4. twotvftr rm ia 4 v&n f.ast close IlUh I,o Close Lack Steel Co 70)' 81i 70!j 80'i l Kubtier Tire GlJf 31s. 51 Gl'5 I-eliish Valley . 79 SI)1, 77'f 70!f I.lssett A. Myers pf 122 12 120 120H I.ooso-WllPS Uis 1st pf. 80 80 SO 0 Irillard P Co .1J7 19S 107 197 Lorillard I Co pf 120 120 120 120 Louis A Nah . . 14 12G 1.'.", 125 Maxell Motors r,i W, it.' O-'Ji Mai Motors 1st pf . 85 5 85 85 Max Motors 2d pf . 17 401' 40 10 Mexican retroleum . .1027 111) 10,1. 10J, Mex Petroleum pf . M 100 100 10") Miami CoDpi-r . . 311'f 37 JOTS 37 Missouri Pacific ... 5 G'f 5 G'f Mo Pac tr cfs .. 5 r,H li UJ Montana Power 701$ 70 70 70 Nat Cloak & Suit 73 72'f 72) 7.)( Xat Cloak i Suit pf lOi'i 110 10") 10') Nat Enam A, 8 Co. . 27 27J 27 27 Nat Lead Co r,7Ji os 07)5 07'j Nev Con Cop ... 10 13JJ 1GU 1GJ, Ne- York Air Brake UWi HOVj 140X 11') i N Y X II A It ... 07)j 08 (17 (.7 N V C i II II . 10(1 107 laj'j lltt'f NY Chl A St I, . . 37s 34!f 3I' ,11'i N Y O A West 28' i Jh 29 2J Norfolk A Western iij)i 12)TJ 119). iJinf Norfolk A West pf ... 85) J SH', 81X 85'. Northern Pacific ....114H 111). Ill 1145! Old Dominion Co . 72)4 70S 701 70'a Ont Silver Mln . . 7 OJi li); fl'J Pacific Mail 20 27i 25lj 27 Penniyhania It It . . 57Jj 67'. 571S 57U Peoples Gas Chl . .105'J 1()5'S 101 104 PhUadelphla Co . .... 4 j)5 4 1' ui i;t Pitts Coal Co N J . 291? 2')!i 2S 20 Pitts Coal Co N 1 pf .101), lOHi 101 101 Presvsl S Car Co . .. 57)f 57Ji 57U 57'i Pullman Co 163 10,1 I02)f 10-Hj Quicksilver pf (Uj oj$ oij m$ Hy Steel SP Co 41 43 42if 42'S Hay Con Copper .... 21)i 21) i 21 2I)f Heading 80). S9)J 87 88 Heading 2d pf 48 40)i 451 40M Republic Iron- A 8. . . . 51 5Uf 53 63)j Republic I AS pf U1H lllh Ul)i HIM Hock Island , . , h H ii H ht h A 8 P 2d pf .. . 4". 4U W 4). Seaboard Air Line ... 15)f lMIj lfW 10f Seaboard A Lino pf... 30lj 37 3ll)i 37 bears Roa A Co . .. .170 177 177 177 fahat Arli Cop . , , 38 aS)f 37?f 37!f faloss-Shef S A I , , . G81f 59 58W flb)j Sloss-Sheff S A I pf .. 071 DSM 08) 08), South Porto K Bug . .181 185 18.J 185 South Porto R Bug pf.lOOlj 113 113 113 faouthern Pacific . . mn ioo)i 09) U9. Southern Ry 21H 21)f 21 21)$ fsouthern Ry pf, ... 5'J!( 69M 69Ji 591j Standard Milling pr , b0) 87 87 87 Studebaker Co 147)i 148 l40) 14iH Studebaker Co pf 114 IV'ii 112' 112)i Tenn Copper 58 58), 57)f 57)f Texas Co ,107K 201H 107H 201 Texas Pacific 7 8)J 7JJ 8 Union Bag A Paper ,. 8 8M 8 8 Union Bag A P pf,.., 3J 3JK 3l)j 32 United Cigar Stores .. OH OH OH OH Union Pacific .,,,.f,,131 134 13t 131H Union Pacific pf 83H S3 8.1 al U S Ind Alcohol .,,151H 160 152JJ 155U USC I P A F. ..... 21H 25U 21H 21Ji U 8 C I P A F pf...51 52).' 51)a 524 United Rys Inv Co .. 14)f 161, 14U 15H Un Rn Inv Co pf ... 30 31H 29 31M United Fruit 144H 147H 145 110 US Rubber 52)f f!),' 63 6J)i V S Rubber st pf . 108 10SH 103) 108), US Steel Corpn ,.,,, 80)1 6GJi 80 Si V S SUI Corpn pf . .WU inn lief,' Ji7)i Utah Copper 82)( 83H 83 83 Va-Caro Chem 6h 47)S 48H 47U Wabash 14)f 14lf 14)1 14), Wabash pf A 44 4 m 43H 43). Wabash pf B, . 27K 38), 27)f 27H Wells Fargo Exp ..125 124K 121), 12D West K AM ..60), 71H 00) 70) West E A M 1st pf . 77 70 78)i 79 Weatera Maryland 29 324. 28ii 30H West Maryland pi... . 44) . 46) 41 45 West Union Tel .. 00i OQJi OJHf WK Wulja Orerland ..235 236 235 235 WlUjni O pf a r f p 105M 105JJ I05 105JJ Woolworth V W . ISO), 123 120H 12). WoohoUi F W pf J24), 124) Ul ii Qioiea M dliWn Total fcult. SS8.5CO shares, tomjured wllU I.UUS.SWJ kharet uWrLyi tku tut I IJ wok, 2.3r.9M 1iatwi (HA vtlkd Uti w.ck, l.l, JW hjtf,. imkhi i & 11 i imii. t -U'lly 7IMMI leil A- Mln 11 rill . t"J: .limn Iltlrolt Kill lit fix IfliMMI lllit Serur Corn ," liiwnil l!rle rv M ir II isimhi llrle prior It ,,. 2IIIMMI lluil Mull rid ii 1IKIII III Stfrl im ,, -'IIIIO III Steel ileli l'i 4'iimi lnrllHnn Steel r.n r. 1 Him III Cenlril rM Ik flllllfl I4 Coll I l" '111 Hump Inn Cuiipir iv H "Him tnterli Met fin .17111111 iMtKrl, H I r-er 'it iiitiMi mi Mer .inir ei i'ii 12 -iiciil .lni new IIS fit 1 1 fillllll Jn,nnene l'4l 1", SOIMI hHM Cll Sn Tit IIJJ'l Iiihmi Kim ( IIN Ter Ifl In Wi! Idllll Mikn Steel !,n IIP.1 1 llllft S7H1II I,iiiUh SI, el fit 11IVI III', irilMI l,ui lr,l" (Iiik lit T'l'i'i l,k Sli ilel. In lull 17111)11 ,mlli H Nntli In 'noil Muitlmtliin tin It I mill M K T let It llliMI iln "it It swill iln fil 4t MIDI I Mu I'nc rol ,"t till 'JliiiHi Uo 1 nno 'In liiiiiHi Mnnt Tow "it Jiinil X I C li 1 ,'l'jt annn X V & II :H,t I I ii ii ,i j 7IMK1 1I.1 l'4t I'l'i iioon V T i'iil lit 1IJ I.'lllMI N 7 I' t 11 !, Itt 4t.lll llllllll N V N II II H ' 111(111 N V ') Vl Itl It M r,UIMI N Hw) ref It iil'i sinm ilo 111IJ "it . ni; 1)1)11 N Y Tol Ren IW" .! ! tli l',n 1 :i . mi Vi imiji Ml mil M i 7j 7,1 M. inji iin'i Ml't 1NH 1IMI 73 H HI'S H7 77 Ml I1J'. Hl,4 lll'l mi In Klip i" 1 U 11 1 l lll'i I'lJH iu' vih 71 7.1 1 j i- .1.", .".J'. in in. lnii'4 inn'i 1)7 liilj rn. tti. AlN I) 1 "j SH itt J tISji lJ J l)Ji III7U liiT'l Jill ' 1111 H im I) 1 . !'i 11SH HI Iimil Norf tr S aiMioo Nor l'nu Ken Kiini Nor I'nc prior It 111 It it'l' -,,,, r.. uh.1,1 I. ,f l lll'l 1411)10 return bcii et t'nt '';! RnilO do rn 4 'it . 1 '? iimil reiinn 4'jm IIU1 I'l-'l .-null Henillllir i:en 4b mfi Z I Hnilc Inliml rM It iij.'i HID') Hock Itlnnil Tit 41'i 11)01) St I. A H 1- Ben It 1 1 r.onn heiibo.ird A I, mlj "t il'IN 1,11111111 Kouth I'm r 4t MS " loon ilo e rrt f n , IJii nun South I'ne rM 4t 1111 '. llioo" South Hu f'.n I; -, liioii Texnt t I'ne 1st ,it nil 70IIII 'Iixnt Co Ot . 10 1 12 Iimil T Mini Ao new 4t - llioo Toklo "m moo Trl City ." mini I" M lluliher lit loiiou l H Steel St.. iiiiiki Colon l'ic lit It I iimil Colon I'm- rM 4t 1 1000 Co llwjt H F l r.oiio V11 ltt Tii l.-llil West r.fertrli 1" -.lino Went Mil ltt 4t r-.iiiin UmI 1: & M iv 110011 Went Cnloll l't looo Went Colon "t ."iUou AVition Cent Ken M I'J'i II l. !ll 114'4 HI 7IP4 III", (111 1211 lli nsli ltu' m-if inji lti" 1,11", H'l 17 1111V HS'i 111", III3, in-, in 7.1 lll'l lull1 ,-i'IJl 101 '- 7J 7.1 S N". .in;. III! IHH lllll IMI, L'J 77 Kit Ml' nn loll 11 1 J. IM J5 HJMi 7.1 IJ r.j', '". loo' IH14 77' HI. Ilj'i lll'l I'lS 111', ". 7S4 ill" II) ISO. in? on ii in U loji 10-14 10.' '4 in; 117 '1 if4 tm4 SS'i mi 004 llll l"-l'. R2 rul. 7kI. Illlit 1IIII .Ull'4 till llll". 1)7 !)'( "i1 IIHH 1'iJ, 7JTi 1 10 11 IH ..mi't 4 81 104 'i 1)7 j no 4 41'. IIS "4 111.!'. l-4 I. HI tn lot '. Si'. Tniiii iitrt. s. i.nia.tmo. Sj.ii.1ll lino yetlentio 1 . Unit iiiniimreit rur lint tin UH "4 2 7S IU'1'4 1.4 I'll', li" II" J Dsjv 141). lot'. h7. ullli Meek. .k!oi;,00(I: mime perloil luiit etk, SH.KHt.ODII. LZ Financial Briefs Kclwanl II JIorRun, 1, H Duncm, Itoliert D. Flood and Ilownnl II Kchmcltz hnxo been elected members of tlio ChkjRo Board of Trnde TI10 lion Trade IteUcw will say to niorrou "Manufacturers tepoit tlmt Ihev could be ready on nhort notice to begin inunitloii work for the United Slates A tremendous demand for plB iron continues in all sections of the coun try. 1'riee.s of all Krades mo hardcnlnK In the eastLrn, southern nnd central west ern terrltorj That several leading manu facturers of steel will he forced to enter tho market for requirements appeals likely. Ranks In New York lost to Subticasury jesterday Jl, 273.000. and since Friday last $7,530,000. Tho Baldwin Locomotive Works has received orders for the follow Ins locomo tives One 2-'J-2 tjpo for Industrial Lum ber Company, one consolidation type for Sierra Railway ot California, ono 0-0-0 type for Sun Company, one Mikado type for Ilumburtl Lumber Company, ono 2-6-2 tjpe for Mcllcn Lumber Company and ono 10-vvhccled type for Union Cj press Company. Announcement Is mnde that the net earnings of the (Julf State Steel Company for the month of February wero 1127, "20 31. nnd tho total for tho two months of the current jear was $210,193.00. Tho usual htiniannual dividend of 2 per cent, on the stoik of tho New York nnd Harlem Railroad Company will be paid April 1 to holdeia of record March 23. The I.a Uelle Iron Works repoited for the vear ended December 31 surplus avail able for dividends, S027.875, an Increase over 1914 of $051,630 In January tho Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad Company curried 2,214,471 tons of coal, an Increase of 552,801 over a year aco The tonnage ot seven months Increased 2.423.3J9 tons. Anglo-French Loan 5s and Westing house Klectrlc convertible 5 per cent is sues were the features of today's New York bond tuurket The former, although tleady, selling fiom 94 i to 91, v.ero taken in big lots Two blocks of $100,000 und one lot of $140,000 changed hands at 91 H. last night's closing price. Westing house convertibles were In demand, and sold to a. new high record for this year, 140'3 This Is an advance of 1114 Per cent, over last week's closing quotation Ten shares of the common stock pf the Victor Talking Machine Company, offered at auction today, were withdrawn from sale after 915 had been bid. The stock was offered at auction a week ngq at 890. Moderate advances ruled In the auction gale 017 securities today. Shares of the Industrial Trust, Title and Saving Com pany advanced four points to 176, Pennsyl. vanla. Company for Insurances on Lives roue live nolnts to 715, West Philadelphia (Market Street) Passenger Railway Com pany advanced 4',i to 195H- John a. Stetson Company common sold for 389, a decrease ot HV4 points. Liverpool Cotton LIVERPOOL, March 15. Spot cottpn today was in fair demand at unchanged price on the basis ot 7 S6d. for mldup. lands. The Bales aggregated 10,000 bales, Including 8000 bales American. The im ports were 10,000 bales, all American. The market for futures closed quiet at a. net advance pf 2405V, points. , KlfPlPi ;v' ; -- . . . - - - 1"- 1 . V Vir v Ks x" Georgia, Carolina & Northern R, R, 1st Mort. 5 Bonds Due Jul, 1929 Frl n Application rrv ritVA'iVrarSVN mm 5rjfli. 1 ra ,1 t. r n i lu & I SS9 OUTSIDE MARKET . CONTINUED ACTIVE Many Issues Reached New High Marks Oils Strong in Spots N Sales in Philadelphia IS All-crmln, 100 Am t.oco 100 BId toco 14,1 J O Drill 20 Cum Iron HO Cra Sleel NflW YORK, March IB. While specu lation In the market for outside necurltles today rontlnued rnther active In spots In Rome quarters, dealings BhowctI a falling .IT firm recent averages. Renewed strength set In nt thV outset, with several high marks being reached, nnd In one on two Instances tnc navniices were sinrp. I'hevrolct Motor continued Its sensation al rise, advancing nearly 10 points to a now high mark White Motors, Saxon nnd Peerless wero nil sold materially higher. Culm Cnne Sugar moved up to a new high mark nt an ndvnnce of nearly '1 points Midvnlo Steel was fairly active, and, nfter 1111 advance of t5J, cased ofT sllRhtlj St Joseph's Lead was In good demand, nt nn Improvement of nearly a point, due to the further ndvnnccs In thu metal OH slocks wcto strong In spots, especial ly Stiindnld Oil of Indiana and Ohio Oil The lower priced Issues showed the usual nctlvitv. with small thnnges. Copper stocks were dull nnd somowhnt IrioRtilai Honds were almost neglected IlALTIMORn, March 15 Moro than $180,000 of tho first mortgage 0 per cent bonds of the Sapulpa Refining Company were redeemed at par nnd Interest yes terday nt tho nqultnfito Trust Company This amount leaves hut $20,000 of the original Issue of $200,000 outstanding Thcj have been called for redemption nn of May I, but the holders nro given the privilege of receiving payment for them beforn that date After May 1 tho bonds will cease to bear Interest, Out of n total Issue of 5350 000 prcforrcd stock, all but $17,000 has been converted Into common. mil rtenernt Atnlmlt . Aetnn Plows . Amerlenn-nrllltli .Mfe ... All C.ulf f, IV I 8 fl .... do pref Amerle m Marionl . . AJne Iliiliber Ine w 1 1I0 pref . . C-innrtlMi Cir & foundry Chevrolet Motor 11 Cn n Cb 'UC Bteel .. K Ohio stormrc. Rich. M M'i lll'i 41 11 sin n j w rn m .is 71 '4 711 Low. Clot. 33'S 33'1 37 V, "Oil '. IS . 31 ",. 704 . S5 (17 .100 lll'i 17 .140 . It . II . 'jn 17 . Its Asked .1SV, ii s .11, ,iS 71 S I'll . OH. . 0J . m . nn. . U74 .no . in'1 '" :aV(t : Sji : ! . i' enr Culinn Cone Hurar . . Curtltt Aeropiann DrlBKt.Henluiry ... Ilmerton I'honoitrapli . lliii-kell A llirker Cnr ... Ilemlcp Mnnufiirturlns .. Inter Mer M irlnc . ... ilo pref Kiillniilton llronzo pM .. . Miintuittnn Transit Mnxlui Munitions MldMlle Steel otlt Ceviilor Olto i:itenlohr w I do pfd Peerlett Motor Pool" Cnic & Much . ... SI Jotppti I.eml S S KrrtKe v, I Sliimlnril Motors Siilminrlnn lloat v t r ctft Trlanule film v t ctfa . Culled Crntlt Shnrlnz . U 1 l.lubt & Heat .. . do pref U Mile Motor vv I World Cllin STANDAUI) Oil- HL'HaiUIAllinS Illinois ... m? Ohio Oil -J' Mliindnnl Oil of California "m .Slandanl OH if New Jertej . . . .r.jn Stnndant Oil of New York .. .JC! OTIIC.rt OIL STOCKS. Ilirnelt OH tl ' Comlen OH "i Chalmers OH .. Houston Oil IiVj Mldivitt Ttennlnc n Sapulpa It's MININO STOCKS. All intu Cerro llulte C . V t 1 tft llutto ANY Klrnt N Ulonal Copper iloldtielil Meruer . . . Ilec In Mining . . Howe Sound . Ilm Huller . . luuibo extension Vlnifmu. ?nnlier . . . .vleKlnley-UarraBli ,.... 40 vilnt 01 .vmerica Nlplttlne Mines Co .San Toy . ..... .., VV'eat I. nil Consolidated . . IVeet Knrt Extension ... Kenn.nc . . I'errii de Pasco lis llrle in . . Mlihlile .'a . . . 17 .IS lll'i r.' 87 Sll 17'i ; os . 1 . 14 . .lin . 87". . DO 1"-. rtl". r,2 141 u 41'i JS 17. 71 'J I : OS', ill no i"1.. as'i lar. in'4 la n'i 3S 3t s$: ,-, i; 1R1 J17 H 10H (.0 13 IK ,1S4 ;;: 13 . US ,v& ,t l.4 IH 70 14'i lift M OUU LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS IIIICAOO. March 15 HOGS Keeelpts. 10 0110 Market AfltUc '" ,er Mixed and hutrliert. I 31 U si. b;oiI .heavy. III Huil 11 si roimh nenw 111 'joiftli fi 1. IIrFiI. Ill iuw 11 Ml plKt 17 s-irR no, hulk tl) lllllll so. CATT.I.I3 Iteiilnts, IT, 1100 Market ateiidy. IleecH. M 7.14PII 1H i-owh and helfprn SI71w H llll ttorkers and feeders 15 75WH. Texuns, 7toS 71 iiilvea. Il)10 7.1 HIIi:i:l' Itccclpls. IROOn Market steady, 10i lower Native and Wialern. SI SOWS. "j. lambs in aoam ID NEW YORK BUTTEK AND EGGS NEW VOIIK. March IS tlUTTKn Mod erate receipts and fairly attlvo buylnK. prices Vj lent hltther 011 nearl all irrades Hecelpts Mil) packusea Cxtru rreatnerj, 30V4W:i7r , hlnher arorlnir 37V4M3M , Htajo dairies, .r.'x itmr . Imitation creamery. -.I'to'-'ile IHiuH Market steady, nittvu and receipts iliarlnic promptly at hlkher prices Ileielpts. in 017 cases Kxtra nrts. i3e , llrsts. l"J4(i J-I'ic, white ckbs, iSW.'Uc , browns. Jlifilc . mixed, 'JJW.'Si RATES FOR MONEY Ne York Philadelphia .. . . ltoston Chli aao ... Cmnmerclul paper. tihl.i. JV.01 per lent Call . Ii(ff3 . 3H (I I . :i . 3'jCt 3 to (I months. Time ;cti 4 uiv. 4 M4H i'hlladel- BANK CLEARINGS Hank clearliiBs today compared with corre sponuln day laMo eari. Thlla .. JlO.rtOll.l'OS S2fl.047.4(ll J27.437 .113 New York sni.mio.lilt JH.l,s4l.nil 347.7m) -an Ho. ton . till NS0,.S,ll L' 1.(11)3 IIS2 27..1NR.01U Chtcaco U3.U0.' tU4 4H.U7J.3I1T CII.II3J Uli Mellor & Allen announce that they have been appointed General Agents fo the Provident Life & Trust Co. in New York City with offices in the Singer Building 149 Broadway The "Mellor & Allen" Service in Philadelphia will be continued by Rowland Fisher Mellor under the title of Mellor & Allen at their old offices 709 Provident Building 4th and Chestnut Street! Philadelphia March It, lift. j'K. Mice, Jr & Co. Buy & Sell Aeolian weoer nantrttfianoia Victw Talking Machine Inquiries Invited J. K. RICE, Jr. & CO, Phone 1001 to 4010 John. 89 Wall St. K. T. cmEcrour oir accountants CcrlUterf FuUU AetcuaUcU t vwuKr?K m nnnvuH a en ' ' SMI BJkUX. gijXXS mVBT iiUlLHIW. .107 Illee ItlO I.rlA 1101 lien Asphalt loO do pref . ,. flin rinru1Hh It V 411 int Co N Am ai;. 1 Key Tele Co I4t loo do pref .. fin !)." Kenno Copper rtfl. IOJI Lake Sun Cor II .1 lhlch N'av. 7(1 (lis 1ihlgh Valley RO ill. 1 i.en vni 'ira 1 in do prer r.r.,1 VA.. ... I North Central RS 20 Norf & West. I2H 1 j (Norm renn . v 1 nil rennn Hall, .lis I'enna Steel ID? t'hlla n , lllll l'hlla niP ."4 Hl'4 41't 43 RIU 111 ?Iu 14 nn Net chiro, M S 1- H 4- 'i 'i A2H lll'i 43 . 41 Sl'i .. n2K 2 .. u I" ,i ?i 381. IT. 'i 73 4 S' 14 Itfi io4 inJ Jt 71.. 7" , 4 -' K :m a r 8 7JII l'hlla It T t 1711 Hep ir ti in ill Iteadlntc . lil 10 'Ton liel . ."ii Ton Mln 10 Union Trac l.id u tl I (,"0 tf fl Steel. 170 Went Clec liny pfil 100 York Itwy )OUO 110 "I.xdiviued 7i 41 'i ST llli 54ii 81) '1 (l II Jl 70 'i II .17 71) M N4 in "" tin'. 11 .Wjj n' IIJ4 Will ;'i to 11 37 m Hi , 17 '4 nun H VA tlU HI. ! r.4 Jfc . J 1 SHji J-ltt Mi t :; nji '4 Wv, ... M '4 70 t II 37 Total miles, 111.012 linre. eomparil ullli 1(l,ni ahnres esterdal thus far this neek, ,13,111 shnresi same period last uetk, 23,01,1 shires. ITOND" HlBh tlooo Am (I & 1; ,, 03" loonn Maid t, l,i .1- tni'4 tuoo 1. N is 4'4s r nil noon I'l Uen 4 '4s lOJ'J 4001) I'llll Co t. "is 04 ,10011 do 1st lis lot 12II0II Phlla Klee Is SI 2IOK do lis 104 1 V W & II 4s imu .'00(1 HUm! Gas lis 1)1) 1. r Increase Decrease Total sales. KID, 100, compared nlth S27.0II0 estenluvi thus far Ihls week, 1121,(1001 same period last urek, $337,300, Net Iiiv Close rlijre "3J. 0!f s 101 lilt '"-. I"- I, in'; 01 1 14 lot 101 . . m m v. toi 101 1 imu ntiu 1)0 44 0US4 Local' Bid and Asked Itatilwin Huff k hus t c do pr Ilrlll 10. Cam Steel Ktec Htorape . . (Jen Asn . . , do pref . . Key hel do t n ilo pref . t.oko Hop Corp I.eh Navl , .. r.clitffh Ynlfey I.eh Val 1 r . ilo pref . . PcmisyUnnla i'hlln electric i'nna co do 3 ner rent ilo II iwr cent, pref Phlla II T t c Iteudlnir Tonopah llclmont Ton Mlnlnu . Union Trac II 11 I ir a Steel . . . York Itny .. . do pref Wm Cramp t c . Ex. dlMdeml pref Hid to ,, .VI I.I HI lll'i Hl'4 14 a4 llji (IS4 IDi'J 73 71) 2.1 41 27-1 4.' "4 3D 41 111 KHlf. Today AsKed Yesterdaj 11" ll'j 1,0 41 ml. 111 37'. 71 in (10 '4 111 7(1. liVf, 27 1 ll'i ".. ,47 HI (5 HK 4 .1-111 "I 3-10 4 IP, 41 W'4 unit lo4 S"4 un 44 Mi Wl'4 11 37 SU 111(1 HI.. 4lli fill n Sig .1114 14. Oil 11) 71 7s 6V 37 S4 44 111 Ktl'-i .1-10 Askeil lll'i IJ no 14 lll'i 41 8t)'? kii '4 lnTs .1(1 01 J. 3(1' 71'4 15 '"'. liD'i 11 711 7i) ;t 21 Vi 1 1 '4 M'l 41 40 '"'. lll'l 'iu 4i"" ii 8(1 4 11'. 37 FOUR TO EIGHT-POINT ADVANCES IN COTTON February Consumption Figures Below Estimates NEW YORK, Jlrtrch 15. Business was comparatively Binall on the Cotton. V cliaiiBe this mornlnB, with supply cotiilnir from iili.it wat lielteied to be forelgp souices The demand was scattered. Consumption flRiires on l'ehruary wero below tho prciallliiB entimatea on the floor, and although somo Interests pointed out that the total way larger than that In January, a lonscr month, there was considerable hclllne after tho call on what some termed tho "dlsappointlnc Htatemcnt," with tho result that prices, after opening 3 points higher on May, July and October, fell C to 7 points. De cember started 3 points lower and held at that leicl. while the other options de clined The first tone was steady, but tho market became easy almost Immediately Later the market became more acthe, with oiery Indication of a broadening Wall Street Intel est. There seemed to be some Southern selling on the advance, and prlatelres suggested rathoi a re actionary feeling In New OrlcaiiH, but offerings here were readily absorbed and the inoro active months sold nbout 4 to 8 points aboe last night's closing figures after midday. SLIGHT IMPROVEMENT SHOWN IN THE LOCAL MONEY MARK v While It Is Not Great, the tendency Is Toward terment Many Stories in Street to Account for Strength in Reading Stock There ts some slight Improvement In tho money market In this city. Bankers say that while It Is not great yet. there Is a tendency toward betterment. This Is In part sympathetic with conditions In New Yorlt, although the larger amount of money needed to carry stocks and the purchase of raw materials has nlBO helped In Improilng conditions. Very lllllo has been doing In the com mercial paper market In the last two or three days. Banks at present, It was, pointed out totliy, have about all of tho paper they want around tho 3 per cent, rate which Is generally now rtillnir. and tt,o itlnf In Hint rates will work better In tho near future. Adilces from .sew V'ork said that after the extreme narrowness of last week tho market for prime mercantile paper there shows a slight broadening In character. The offerings of ory choice paper nro as limited nn heretofore, and bankers and trust companies hato been and still nro holding back from any other material In tlio hope of forcing higher rates of dis count. Tho supplies of money arc still so niuih In excess of tho demand that they hae not succeeded to any npprcclnblo ox tent As for some tlmo past tho very best paper Is readily taken at tho minimum of 3 per cent. On other than this gilt edged class tho rate now averages 3U per cent In tho country the aierago flguro Is 3U per cent. All reports from business quarters are moBt oncouraglng Tho most Interesting thing on tho Philadelphia Stock Exchange today waB tho upward movement In Reading, which rose moro than 2'a points beforo noon. Thero were many rumors going tho rounds to account for tho strength In this stock. Tho Street had a report that the Heading was buying, or wan about to buy, control of tho Western Maryland, and on this report Western Maryland stock sold up 3i In Wnll Street. People who are gen erally well Informed on tho affairs of tho Heading placed very llttlo faith In this report. Tho general inclination of tho Street seems to bo that tho real reason for tho adanco In Beading was the segregation of tho company's holdings a story that has been going the rounds for several Yes close Open Hlch Low. Close March .. 11 H3 11 HI 11.811 11.8(1 11.80 Mn . UOil 12 01 12 0S 11. 8H 11.1)0 July 12.18 12.21 12 20 IJ.07 IJ 10 October 1-' .14 I-' :l 12 .1(1 12.20 tj.20 December IJ .11 12 17 I J 40 1.' 31 12 3d Jaliuao 12.110 12 .11 IJ 3D 12.48 12 48 hpot ... 12.00 . .. ... 11.1)5 BAR SILVER liar slher today was ouoted In London at 27 1-I6d up l-Ifld Commercial bar HlUer In New Yorlt today at 50a4C, up Uc. FOREIGN EXCHANGE NEW YOIIK. March 15. The foreign cAchangc market In tho early dealings to day was featured by tho lowest quota tions for Krench exchange that hao been reported In some time. Business gen erally was icry moderate, owing to tho lack of an Immcdlato steamer, but firmness of tone was discernible In ster ling, Stockholm, Italian nnd Russian ex change, nclchmnrks and Vienna kronen wero n shado nboo tho low records reached on Tuesday. Stockholm cchango was reported In great scarcity. Quota tions follow: Demand sterling, 4.76 U ; cables, 4.7CT4 ; frano cables, B.03i; checks, B.94. The weakness In this last class of ex change waB partly attributed to the ic flcctlon of the estimated heavy war costs of France Just published. Other quotations wero: B'chsmarks, 72 'i 72 3-1C; Vienna. 12.55 ',.2 CO; llro cables, G G9 7,i ; checks, fi.70 : Swiss cables, C.23; checks, 5.21; Stockholm, 28.C028.75; pesetas, 19.10irl9 Ifi; guilders, 42'i 12: rubles, 319, 31?4. In tho afternoon tho market continued Inactive. Sterling held a firm tone and moved up u slight fraction to 4.7C'i for demand and I 7G (fj4.76T4 5 4.7C IB-IS for cables. Stockholm exchango was oxen scarcer than eier, though not quotably changed. Trench exchange after a fur ther recession recovered to D.93',i for ca bles and 5.94 ',i for checks, lletchsmarks wero quoted at 72H72I3-1U; Vienna, 12.55ii12.G0 The market closed dull, without ap preciable chango In quotations from the 1 early afternoon figures. Sterling, 4.7CVi; cables, 4 764.7G 10-16; franc cables. n,03'i; checks, 6.94U ; rclchsmarks, 72lS 72 3-1C. days Mnny wero Inclined to beiw,, i someth ntr nlono- it,-.. ,. lo D'revj i done at tho meeting o f th 1 diriS01 afternoon. Opinion seemiS .fiTT ti. that It anvthlntr U done .naw ment will be made, Mtat M?" present time. Still another rew, ? count for the strength wW&J feller was buvtnt- ii . "' Hod tho open market. Nethli-. Vm!. $A bo learned. In the afternoon n?. 52J somo or us ndvance. The onlv .e!,"li meni maun after the meeting of Th, nS ng directors this afternoon wm ,.S, mr mviuenu on me common i.i E the election of Agnew v. D? J3i dent, succeeding Theodore Voorhetn 2 j repon wine 1 go ned rlreu.i m Now York was that the rocM frj secured an option on the Ite.iintt.N owned by the Lake Shore niZ5M which totals ,0,065,000 par valuiTeS ." preferred, 114.265,000 Second wj& and 9,852.000 par value of comm 'rS Lako Shore stock represents 21 wr 3 of all tho Beading stock outgUndlnr 1 Aside from Beading thero wM ,er.',,i e to discuss n tho local market 5 tS Brill stock sold up ono point as am AM eral Asphalt common and th.'pM a half. A block of 600 shares of ffi Superior changed hands during th. mS Irig at 11, the same price UWS close. Union Traction gained a half .Jl York Bollways Vas unchanged. oJ, ua salo of 100 shares Philadelphia Comoi. rose 1'4. j On tho salo of 10 shares Cambria SM touched a new ton mark, m itu 1...? mlddny. This pilco Is 76 cents ibor- 0.' price nt which tho Mldvale Sleel and o2 nanco bought t ntrol. Steel and 0i' I HOME STATE INVESTMENTS We Offer and Recommend fn Snfo Investment First Mortgae'. Bonds of a Pennsylvania Indus-' trial Corporation. Tho Hnnd wero issued leas than five yean! ago, yet more tlian one-fifth o(J the issuo has been retired by the Sinkinpr Fund. Callable iU inn r,,i lni....i rrut. : . 'I iucf 4iiu """"' ": lavest.j ilium, win yiuiu uuuut 534 Tax Free in Pennylvan! Details on application ' ' EC WAK l? S M ITH &C0J AWKERS UsiAni.isiirn 1802 Jftnioira eto York and J'AUa.ttfpMi Pniuti. BnOAD AND CHESTNUT STS. 30 I'lVB STDEET Guaranteed Income Bond Tho Ideal plan to (.reals an Income. I'nys 8300.00 a Year for 50 lean To any named Boncflclary. GUARANTEES 510,000 total pir. ment regardless of length of tlmt tM beneficiary lives after your death. At Ago of 30 Cost $86.92 a Yef (Gross Annual Cost). rromlum payable Monthly) QusrUr ly, seml-Annuatiy or Annually, Kntea on ottier iisea upon apptlratba. Addrtim Illinois Life Insurance Company MARK B. LOCKYER, Man.jef HlocK j;xrllnnse Ilulldinc Brown Brothers & Co., Fourth and Ciitstnvt Stueets imiilaoblpiiia ' Deposits received and interest allowed For out-of-town accounts, instead of using passbooks, deposits may be sent by mail and we will furnish statements of account periodically or upon request. 1 IK mm w0' fil It li' Wt MI4I fill insra1 mTuM&t?Mii ' mi t III v-r SIi:'Kr Deposit Accounts Thi is in- Company vites the deposit I accounts of Indiyid' uals, Firms and Cor porations. Monthly statements, together! with the canceled checks, are for warded by mail. or Correspondence a personal interview cordially invited. Commercial Trust Company City Hall Square I I r t n