Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, March 15, 1916, Night Extra, Image 15
W 'tgi.rm -- EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA', WEDNESDAY, MARCH '15, 1910. I AtfCY WYNNE GHATS ABOUT THE The Emergency Relief Work on the Reading Is Being ' Considerably Augmented by a Number of New ' Members Mias Draper Recites This Afternoon T' n wrk of tho Emergency Aid Belief Commlttco of Jenklntown, htci, a of course devoted to tho war offerers, has bten greatly augmented Id recent weeks, and many members -. ,h vounffcr set have Joined tho h nkB of workers for tho sufrtrlnB .oldlers in ii !" .vt.. ...... just think 01 "( i .. ...... Could anything bo moro horrible? Tho meetings of the Jenklntown branch aro conducted from tho country place of Dr nichard Hnrte, at Ablngton, under the direction of Mrs. Henry Mlddloton Fisher I-ast month 4000 bandages, dressings and sponges were sent to a hospital In Belgium. To raise funds to carry on this mletidld work, It has been decided to rfvo a carnival In Jenklntown (tho end of this month, under tho direction of , the Academy of Talent. A number of women have given mcir immea iu patronesses of tho affair. They aro Mrs. Frank A. Hachmnn, Mrs. Joseph S. Bunting, Mrs. Georgo A. Bauer, Mrs. Robert V. Blrdsong, Mrs. Bonjamin T. Britt, Mrs. Lewis Brcmor, Mrs. Sumnor H. Cross, Mrs. Charles II. Cullon, Mrs. J.V. McDonnell, Mrs. J. Howard Ervicn, Mrs. Frank Flavcll, Mrs. Henry Mlddlo ton Fisher, Mrs. Robert Nowlin Fell, Mrs. John S. Onylcy, Mrs. George O. Ilaney, Mrs. Richard Harte, Mrs. Joseph IiUkens Jones, Mrs. Howard A. Loeb, Miss Mary W. Llpplncott, Mrs. William Nice, Jr., Mrs. John Conyngt ham Stevens, Mrs. Samuel I,. Schlvoly, Mrs. Thomas E. Shoemaker, Mrs. Herbert K. Taylor, Mrs. "William B. Thomas and Mrs. L. It. "Wood. Somo among tho new members of tho relief aro Miss Nhn Kent, Miss Mar guerite Sill, Miss Ellen Herkncss, Miss Isabel Stevenson Miss Mary Vlolc, Miss Katherlne Vide.' Miss D6rothca Jen nlncs. Miss Lillian Hunter. Miss Doro- thy Campbell and Miss Mildred Kot- teroir. The opera last night wn3 as usual . brilliant affair, for all tho stny-nt- II ' hnTTiMi nml tlinso who havo returned from tho South and West turned out ST.- . .- . H. J 1.- ..l.. ! .. in imin. nrrnv lor liiu .uv ui ui'uuiik H. C . . Caruso In "II Pagllaccl." Hackneyed though tho opera Is, there are thoso who will go any length to -hear the prologuo and tho famous "Rid! Pag llaccl." and certainly It was hard last t; ' night to rcallzo than Lent had really como upon us. Mr. nnu Mrs. Daniel L. Hutchinson, Jr., entertalnod a charm ing boxful of young people. Including ( Eugenia Cossatt, Lisa Norrls, Mary ' Bohlen, Danny Hutchinson, Evans Tucker and Penn Smith, Jr. They nil left for the Rltz for supper and dancing afterward. Thero were beautiful gowns worn, thmiph nnt rrmnv now nnn.M trrnppil tlia i " horizon, ns the season is well nigh over. .' IJ V'nruf ........... !. ...m i.nVAH -L1UB MlLVi 1JUW11 DU1.1CI .VWIII imatUU with happy feet to tho Llttlo Theatre, where Miss Draper, who Is 'tho guest of MIos Florence Caldwell .during her stay here, will appear in a ssrlcs of monologues. And by tho wny, I think tho posters announcing this fact aro among the most attractive ones I havo ever seen. Sho ia certainly n delightful person and I hopo wo will eoon be nblo to hear her again. I Iicar thn Wllllo Whelens had a bad time traveling In routhorn California: Indeed they went through a most thrill ing experience In tho recont floods. At ono time on a motor trip, tho water was threo inches deep in the machine, They had to ford strenms where tho bridges had been swept away. Mrs. Wlielen has been writing the most Interesting letters to a number of her friends about It all. They ex pect to return homo about April I. I understand, and are nt present In San Francisco. NANCY WYNNE. Personals Mr. and Mrs. J. Andrews Harris, Jr. Will present their daughter. Miss Mar taret Wlnsor Hnrrls, nt a tea to bo given on the afternoon of October 11 at their homo on West Chestnut avenue, Chest nut IIU1, Miss Harris Is at present a student at Weatover School, MIddlebury. .Conn, Mr. and Mrs. T. Charlton Henry." who ' ) we spending the season at Aiken, S. C, i i entertained at dinner there last nlcht. ."Amonp their guests were Mr. and Mrs. f v-narics A, Munn. Mr, and Mrs. John It. eu, Mr. and Mrs. F. Sklddy von Stade. Miss Hannah Randolph and Miss Christine Diddle. Mrs. Edwin N. Benson, of 155 Bethle hem pike. Chestnut Hill, gavo a dinner of eight cpvers last night at tho St. Regis, ew York, for her sister, Miss Anna M. wray. Miss Margot Ellis Scull, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Ellla Scull will be & brldenmilM nt V.A ml.plal.a r9 Tlaa jlrene Langhorne Gibson, daughter of Mr. -m rs, Lnuries jjana uiD3on, to air. Owrge B. Post. Jr., on Thursday, April J. In St Bartholomew's Church, New York Tho other bridesmaids will In gude Miss Ilarrlette Post, Miss Nathalie Wood, Jilsa Helen Crocker. Miss Ruth Pgood and Miss Evelyn Preston. wui be one of the ushers, the others n- wuiun r. Bayard Tuckerman. Jr., of 03tpn; Mr, Langhorne Gibson, Mr. Scujv r L. Parsons, Jr., Mr. C. Suydam Cut tr Mr Qwfton H. Pyne, Mr. Thomas rrothlngham, Mr. Oliver W. Bird. Jr., Richard Van Nest Gambrlll and Mr, A- Shaw McKean, of Boston. ,M"- Earl B. Putnam will entertain at puncheon at the Acom Club on Tuesday. Mn:h ll. in honor df Miss Uytendale fjird, later taking her guests to the re cital to be given by Frlta Krelsler at the adenw cf Music r li ' " "" tvesion ttosi ana Airs. fjest, of Summit, N. J., announce the en- r r -,"- v wictr uftunier, iuuus nitucr IJii rr9,t to Mr. Charles Custer Rock llow, Qf san Acacio, Col No date has en sot for the marriage. Miss Frost "4 a number of friends In this city. hav r- wimousiy, with her parents, mad? Sr home m aermantown. r Mrs. George Barnett entertained t " for tlu wves ol officers of the United !uatA XravlnA r . .. wir General Baruett and Mrs. Barnett kf01 car" ' month for wj la- . Soutb-era pclnu. ta mrtw ut U ASWj StsWtl purbln, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Robert II. Durbln, of Nnrbcrth, to Mr. Louis A. Wlnne, of Swarthmorc, will take place tho middle of June Miss Kathrrlno O. Lea will leave today for Santoe, S. C, to Join hor parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. LJa, who nre spend ing a month in the south. Miss Lea will bo a debutante next season Mrs. John U. Heaver and Miss Harriet C. Deaver, of 1634 Watnut street, will Ipavo today for Whlto Sulphur Springs, W, V. Tho Plays and Players wilt give an In formal tea on Sunday afternoon at tho playroom, 43 South 18th street. Tho next cluh night will lie held on March 22 at tho Llttlo Theatre, when "The Matter of Dreams" nnd "The llravcst Thing In the World" will he prriented. Tho Women's Committee of tho Hownrd Hospital will fjlve n tn ttimmi afternoon nt tho home nf Miss Cornelia Ewlng. 903 Clinton street, at .4 o'clock. A short talk on service work will bo given by Mrs. Martha Magee. of tho Pennsylvania Hospital. Dr. John It. W. Ithelti. of the Howard Hospital, and Mr. Henry Drinker of tho Hospital will also give short nddrcsscs. Along the Main Line ROSEMONT Mrs. Edwin It. Fltlcr, of Tho Tcrrnccr, Roscmont, who has Just re turned from Palm Beach, Is spending a fow days In New York. ST. DAVIDS Mm. Armltt Brown. 202 Orchard way, was nblo to return to her homo last week from tho Jefferson Hos pital, where sho had been HI for a month. WAYNE. Friends of Mrs. Ralph W. Emerson. Jr., will bo glad to learn that sho Is convalescing from her recent Ill ness. Mrs. Emerson will leave for her old homo In New York nbout the first of April to spend several weeks. Sirs. M. II. Orml has roturncd from Harrlsburg to her homo on Poplar avenue. Chestnut Hill Miss Locluvoocl's tlanclng class for chil dren will meet on Friday nftcrnoon nt tho Philadelphia Cricket Club. Mrs. Jay Oatcs has returned to her home on Moreland nvonuo from Now York, where sho spent several days. German town The Wednesday dances will bo resumed tonight at tho Ocrmantown Cricket Club. Mrs. E. Eldrltlgo Pcnnock will cntertnln 10 guests nt dinner before tho danbo. Miss Irwin, of South Carolina, Is tho guest of Miss Anna Law, of G449 Greene street. Mr. hnd Mrs. Harold G. Gaylord aro occupying their now house, 311G West Penn street. Queen Lano Manor. Mrs, Isaac Shoemaker, of 0010 Moycr street, will return from New York today. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Law, of 5409 Greeno street, accompanied by their daughter. Miss Margaret Law, aro travel ing through tho South. , Mr. and Mrs. Georgo H. Morgan, of 1G West Phll-Ellona street, will entertain Mr. and Mrs. Stanford at dinner on Friday at tnp aermantown Automobile Club. Miss Emily Ball, of S9 West Washing ton lano, will cntertnln on Friday eve ning In honor of Miss Margaret Mitchell. Miss Wesson has returned to her homo in Montclalr, N. J., nfter having visited friends for sovoral wcelcs. Miss Dorothy Green, of US West School lane, Is visiting friends In Elizabeth, N. J. Roxborough MRS. JOSEPH H. EWING Mr. and Mrs. Joseph II. Ewlng gave a dance and supper last evening at their home, 529 East Walnut lane. Pink roses and laca ferns wero used In the very at tractive decorations. The guests Included Miss Claire Francis. Miss Betty BardBley, Miss Naomi Blschoff, Miss Lorraine Jinnies,", Mlsa Edna Smeader, Miss Ruth Strobanek, Mr, Augustus Letch, Mr. Jame Brown, Mr. Harry Mers, Mr, Jack Pierce und Mr. Harwell II. Mayhow. Miss Ethel Lee will entertain at cards tonight at her home, -215 Qreen fane. Miss Marian Townsend. Miss Ellen Waldeck, MIsS Elsie Leonard, Miss Florence Prctsch, Mrs. Carroll Thompson, Miss Sophia Lackey, Miss Rebecca Leonard. Mrs. Will iam Haberleln. Mrs. Richard Farrand and Miss Mabel MJItenberger will be the guests. Tioga Miss Marie Schol. or Mil ford. Pike County, Pa.. Is spending a fortnight as the guest of Miss Ada M. Battersby, of 3418 North Broad street. Last evening the hostess gave an opera party' for Miss Schol and tonight a theatre party has been arranged tq her honor. Mrs. A C. Sllberman. of 21J5 West Erie avenue, has announced the engage ment of her daughter. Mlsa Lillian Sllber man, to Mr. Edwin Fischer. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Weldemann, pf 4(53 North Pber wreet, gave a dinner Sunday evening at their home Jn celebra tion of tho seventh birthday anniversary of their daughter, Miss. Mildred Welde mann. White spring flowers were com bined with, ferns and shamrocks in ttw at tractive decorations, and the favors were appropriate to the approach of St. Patrick's Day Their guests included Mr and Mrs. William T Yaeck, Mlsa Jos ephine Weidemann, MUs Helen Welde mann. Jur ana Airs. ucarK -u. swm, ur Henry A Weldeinano, Mrs, A, Sv.lft, Mwa Kyulvii Bullock MM Marian MMsbJUt. M1N hUiJWlxKU Shpjicrd, Miaa Kuth. Swift b.mI an Vtrg:ml Swift, mimamKanegmmsi!m 1 1 -ssasasaMsaBBsv -""v , 5jr PiPalsaaMs. -. i . ' 'M Hi wHHtttA im'w- i- v" Pill BBSBBKKKBSmaM I I MRS. Mrs. Cnrver, an attraetivo younp Along the Reading Mr. and Mrs. Henry K. Wnlt, of Bent road, Wyncoto, havo returned to their homo from Now Smyrna, Fla., whero they have been spending the winter months. At tho annual .meeting of the Ladles' Aid Society of tho Roslyn Chapel, hold nt tho homo of Mrs. Lannlng, olilcers elected for tho coming year were: President, Mrs. A. D. Groshons; secretary, Mrs. A. Johnson, and treasurer, Mrs. William Rolchert. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mclnncs, of Moun tain avenue. Oak Lane, will glvo a dance this evening at their home. Friends of Mrs. Savage, of Wyncote. will be sorry to hear of her nccideut last week. On her wny to Jenklntown station she slipped on tho Ico and fell, breaking her arm In two places. Mr. and Mrs. William Y. Clayton, of Summit avenue, Jonklntown. returned to their homo last week from Augusta. Ga. air. and Mrs. David T. Lowjs, of Elltlns Park, havo returned to their homo I on York road after spending several days r !iu Jlariuorougti-uienneini, ,iiaiuio City. Mr. nnd Mrs. Frederick Fitzgerald, of Ogontz, have returned to their homo from California, whero they havo been traveling for tho Inst lx weeks. Doctor nnd Mrs. Edwnrd B. Dewhurst. of Philadelphia, havo moved Into their new home on Waring road. Cadwalader tract, near Elltlns Park Statloft. Mrs. Edward Marshall, of Susquehanna road, Rydal, Is spending somo time as tho guest of her family at their homo at New London, Conn. i Dr. Sumner II. Cross, of York road. Jenklntown, is spending several days this week hunting at the Rose Tree Hunt Club, Media, Pa. Mrs. Henry L. Gallagher, of f.716 North 8th street, and her daughter, Mrs. Edwin M Sllvertree, will entertain nt tho home of the latter, on 70th avenue. Oak Lane, this afternoon. Among those present will be Mrs. M. Davis, Mrs. Charles Sparks, Mrs. David Meglll, Mrs. Henry Rlsley, Mrs. William Glllen, Mrs. John Feldman. Mrs. Edwnrd Marks. Mrs. Hnrry Passon. Mrs. John Milestone. Mrs. Charles Rothman, Mrs, Horace Kapleln, Mrs. Jo seph Manners. Mrs. Paul Prlmm. Mrs. Paul Snyder, Mrs. Benjamin Fisher. Mrs. Albert Kellerner, Mrs. Wnlter Berger. Mrs. Clark Morris. Mrs. llu-hard 1'iuvi. Mrs. George Black. Mrs. Edgar Brown, Mrs. William Fort, Mrs. Benjamin tort, Mrs. Watts, Norman Cooper and Mrs. James Kuhn. Bala-Cynwyd Mrs Dorothy Johnstone Baseler, harp ist; Mrs. Axel II. Wallem, contralto; Mrs. Frederick C. Newbourg, Jr., soprano; Mrs. Clara Yocum Joyce, contralto ; Mrs. A. K, Gregory, elecutlonlst, and Mr. Axel B. Wallem. pianist, are among those who will take part in the program arranged for the musical evening to be given at the home of Mrs. Wilbur F. Hamilton, president of the Woman's Club of Cynwyd. tomorrow. The proceeds of the affair will be used for charity work. Mlsa Judith M. Logan and Miss Esther L. Rhoads are at the LaureMnthe-Pines, Lakewood, N. J. South Philadelphia Mr. and Mrs. A. Spoltore, of 18th and McKean streets, are receiving congratu lations on the birth of a daughter. A pretty wedding took place last Wed nesday morning at the Church of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel. when Miss Teresa Gallen became the bride of Mr. John Joseph Rlsellng. Father McIIugh offlcl ated. A social evening will be held by the Literary Committee of the Sacred Heart Literary Institute at Its headquarters op Friday. Mr Frederick Dauden, of Broad and Moore streets, is visiting friends in Balti more, Md. Mr and Mrs. Abel Scbralt, of 10th and Balnbrldge streets, are making a pro longed visit In Coatesvllle. Delaware County Miss Lydla. Farrel, of Sharm Hill, 1 visiting In Washington, D. C. Mr and Mm, George Beaver, of Aldan, are o'ntertalnlng Mrs, James Woodruff, pf New York. . Mr and Mrs. George W. Atherholt, of Ridley Park, are spending a week In At lantic City. Mrs. Wlnfleld MacHenry, of Ridley yark. will entertain the meeting xil the .,i 1,inrd nt thn Woman's Clubf o.t cr home tal4 afternoon. Ma. Tspmaa SAvUle, ot H'fjUn4 Paris, i ja Bjfodlc several wli Is AtUstio Ctty, m mil' - . 111 . HMMI'lLiHi-. a J i H Mn ash- " 8lliMlMEMKfflKm " :jSySsBHB; E. ROSS CARVER AND HER CHILDREN matron of Gcrmnntown, with her little daughter, Gertrude Carver, and son, Emory Carver. Weddings FERNLEY ROUGHER Tho mnrrlngo of Miss Mildred Boughcr. daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. Hownrd M. Rougher, of 2340 North Park avenue, to Mr. George Atlnmson Fcrnlcy will take placo this evening nt 7 o'clock In tho Bothlchem Presbyterian Church. Tho brldo will be attended by Mls3 Helen E. Gormlcy nnd Miss Mlldrcd I. Child, of Troy, N. Y., nn maids ot lwnor, nnd her bridesmaids will bo Miss Elizabeth S. Cummlngs, Mrs. J. Wnllaco Hallowed, Jr., Mls.s Helen Gay, Miss Marguerite Hollo peter nnd Miss Josephine Fcrnley. Mr. Fcrnley will havo Mr. Ernest A. Stlfel, or PlttHbuinh. ns best ninn, nnd the uslierH will Includo Mr. Georgo W. Mc Clelland. Dr. .lolin R. Davies. Jr.. Mr. Georgo Eshrrlck. Jr.. Mr. William T. Buck. Mr. John C. E. McLennan, of New port, It. I. ; Mr. Robert M. Allen, of Roa nolie, Va. ; Mr. V. King Allen and Mr. Thomas A. Fcrnlcy. Following tho ceremony n reception will bo held at tho Ucllevuo-Stratford. DARi: CUSTER Tho wedding of Miss Margaret T. Cus ter, of CH'J North Sedgwick street, and Mr. Frederick S. Dare took placo yes terday nt 3 o'clock at tho parsonaga of thu Rev. Alexander I lent y, C745 Greene ttroct. MIos Custer was attended by Miss Sarah McCafferty, of Wilmington, as maid of honor, nnd Mr. Daro had Mr. William Woodruff, of Wilmington, ns best man. Thero was u small reception for tho im mediate families at tho bride's homo fol lowing tho ceremony. After a wedding Journoy Mr. and Mrs. Daro will live at 57 16 De Lancoy street. West Philadelphia Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Guy, of tho Marlyn, will givo n large danco at tho Manufacturers' ."lull this evening. They will bo assisted 'n receiving by Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Ounton Guy. Mrs. Louis Barclay Robinson will give a tea this afternoon at her home. 110 South 39th street, to meet Miss Eleanor Weir. The Larchwood Club, of West Philadel phia, will give n St. Patrick's danco on Saturday evening. Tho members Include Mr. J. B. Morris. Mr. C L. Morris. .Mr. Howard Hipp, Mr. C. Barnes, Jr., Mr. N. L. Phillips. Mr. William Humphreys. Mr. E.' J. Ijiwreuce, Mr. W. J. Ryan, Mr. Henry Rich, Mr. S. McDowell. Mr. J. M. McChesney and Mr. Harold Watklns. The marriage of Miss Margaret Tlds well, of 2030 South 60th street, to Mr. Earle O. Thompson, of 2127 South 04th street, will take place on Saturday. Lansdowne Mr. and Mrs. William O. Hempstead, of Gcrmantown. announce the birth of a daughter. Mrs. Hempstead will be remem bered as Miss Catherine Taylor, of Lans downe. Mlsa Florence Tome, of Stewart avenuo, will give a tea next Sunday afternoon from 4 until 6 o'clock. Miss Beatrice Kelly, of North Lans. downe avenue, has returned from a visit to Atlantic City, JJr. and Mrs. II. F. Grlftlth. of West Greenwood avenue, have returned from a short trip to New York. Northeast Philadelphia A coffee festival was held on Sunday evening at Hummel's, Howard Btreet and Susquehanna avenue, for the benefit of the war sufferers. A meeting of auxiliary No. 4 of the Ken sington Dispensary for the Treatment of Tuberculosis, was held last evening at the home of Mls3 Carrie Meyer, of 1211 Wagner avenue. Frankford An organ concert was given at the Wlsslnoming Presbyterian Church last evening, by Mr. E. Glen Haines, organist, assisted by Mlsa Emma Owens, soprano, and Mr. Henry W. Schmidt, violinist A miscellaneous shower was given for Miss Bessie T, Rawson, of SOU Dltman street. Holmeaburg. by the members of her ' Bewlng circle. Those present were Mrs, Lawrence Elsenhart. Mrs. Rodman Elsenhart. Mrs. Alexander McKJnney, Mrs. Fra,nk CbrUtlan, Mrs. Louis. Day. Mrs. Horace Roberta, Mrs. Autln Greer, Mrs. E Scott BannUter, Mrs. Alexander Ro berts and Mrs. George Ford. Camden and Vicinity The Phi Delta Society, of Haddon Height, will give a dance oa Saturday M ISrom Bourgeois, of. Pitman. N. J... entertbMd tha metnlxin of P Saf Cluhat a Uaaofeson at h Walton Hojei yatniU.y aftmoon. rhoto by Oray. North Philadelphia Miss Jcnnlo Brown, of Baltimore, Is vis iting nt tho homo of Mrs. Charles do Young, 1943 North Park avenuo. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Stern, of 1524 North 16th street, havo returned homo after n trip to tho West Indies. Miss Ethel Gattman, of 2302 North Park avenue. Is visiting friends In New York. Mr. nnd Mrs. M. Harry Hyman have returned from their wedding trip and aro living nt 2221 North 13th street. Mrs. Jacob H. Myers, of 2004 North 32d strvot. has returned from a visit to rela tives In Newark and New York. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Granger Kennedy, of 2027 Green street, havo Issued Invita tions for tho wedding of their daughter. MIhs Anna Margaret Kennedy, to Mr. Harry Leonldas Wyinond on Tuesday eve ning, April 4, ut their home, Mr. nnd Mrs. Louis Sickles, ot 3230 Diamond atrcet. will spend Bovcral weeks at I'iiiehurst, N. C; Mr. nnd Mrs. lCdwlu M. Goldsmith, of 2308 North Broad ntreet, are spending somo time In Boston. Miss Hortcnso Levy, of 1421 North 15th atrcet, Is spending somo time In New York. Mr. nnd Mrs. Ilcrnnrd S. Relchlln. of 3233 Montgomery nvenue, havo returned from a tour of tho South. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob L. I.nngsdorf, of 1128 i! Irani nvenue, hnve returned from Atlantic City, whero they spent February at their cottago In Chelsea. Miss Helen Jurist, of 916 North Broad street. Is spending some time In New York. Sir. nnd Mrs. Max Markovltz, of 3230 Oxford street, nre spending a few weeks traveling through Florida and Cuba. Wilmington WILMINGTON, March 16. Wllmlng ton society women, llko thoso of Phila delphia, nro adopting preparedness methods, and two first-aid classes havo been organized by Mrs. Wlllard Hall Por ter. Tho object of these classes Is to pre pare tho women hero In giving flr3t aid. Tho classes will meet twice a week, one on Tuesday and one on Thursday. Some of tho meetings will be held at the Delaware Hospital. Miss Cecllo Hund, a graduate nurse ot Philadelphia, who is spending the winter with Mrs. Wlllard Hall Por ter, will give demonstrations of first aid at some of tho meetings. Among those who aro interested In these classes are Mrs. Wlllard Hall Porter. Mlsa Annette Porter, Mrs, Wlllard Hall Porter, Jr.. the Misses Drapor, Mrs. W. IC du Pont, Mrs. Eugene du Pont, Mrs. Paul du Pont, Mrs. John R. Monro, Mlsa Constanca Moore, Miss Cecils Hund, Mrs. James A. Draper, Jr., Mrs. David Lindsay, Jr.. Mrs. C. Marshall Barton. Mrs. MacMUlan Hoopes, Miss Patty Johnson, Mrs. Walter C. Tatnall and Mrs. Walter S. Carpenter. Miss Evelina du Pont Invited a few friends on Saturday afternoon to meet Miss Hendrika van der Flier, of The Hague, Holland. A publlo meeting at the New Century Club was arranged for Miss van der Filer Monday night, when Il lustrated pictures wero shown of the Bel gian refugees coming Into Holland. The speaker was introduced by General James 11. Wilson, and at the close of the address Bhe was given an Informal reception. In the receiving line were Mrs. George Gray, Mrs. James A. Draper. Sr., Mrs. William S. Hllles, Sirs. Wlllard Hall Porter and Miss U R Hebb. Mrs. William Stanlar entertained at luncheon at' tho Hotel du Pont yesterday for Miss van der Flier, and Miss Winifred J. Robinson, dean of the Women's College, at Nowark, entertained at a luncheon for her today. What's Doing Tonight Ilulae Efficiency Show, First Rttlmtnt Armor)'. American Institute of Criminology meets. City Club. Philadelphia JlethodUt Episcopal conference open. Ut- Jamie Church. Olney. Philadelphia I-aunurymen' Aaaoclatlon dinner. Adelphla. Hotel: T o'clock. Motor Truck Aaaoclatlon dinner. AdelpbU Hotel; :30 o'clock. Lecture, "A Prospector and Hi Dor oo ttw American Desert,." by lu Weatcott Bsck. Sprlnz Garden institute. Lecture. "The Archeology of Jerusalem.' by Prof. X. A. Montgomery. I)roplo Colles. Ucturo. "A Statement on Ancient and Mod ern Art.1', by Henry McCarter, Academy ot tho lino Arts. Meeting of th class of .1011. University of PennsylYsnla. Hotel Adelphla . 8 o'clock. Lecture on Sir Thomas. Moore's "Utopia," by Horace J Urldsc. under the auspice ot the University. Satensloa Society. 1421 Arch street. X o'clock County, MeJlcal Society. Col ten of physit clans. 33d and Ludlow street. 8 o'clock. Goldfish Fanciers Society. Saul' Hall, 804 Olrard avenue. 8 o'clock. 1 Twenty-fifth anntveriary meetlAC of the t Thomas Potter achl AaocUtto57 th and ktudler-Hsjouiinn recital. Withers pooo IU1I: H 15 o'clock- tlintuiF. -2tftt Ward Itoaiid of TtAl lttn. tfcSi -utte COUNCIL OF JEWISH CLTJJBS' ,. -!jf TO GIVE PURIM PLAY- THIS WEEK , rAT-, Three Thousand Jewish Children to Be Given a-teht-ful Treat-To Be a Feature of the Annua'l " Purim Festival Other Affairs THE Council of Jewish Clubs, the larg est juvenile Jewish organization In this city, will present Its ntinual Purlin play and concert Sunday afternoon, March 19, nt the Alhambrn Theatre, 12th and Mor ris streets. Purlm Is celebrated every year on the 14th day of Adar by the Jews of tho entire world This year tho holiday will begin on Saturday evening, March 18, and end nt sunrct on March 19. On Saturday evening tho story of Esther Is read In i every synagogue. The feature of this res tlval, ns In past years, will bo tho Purlm affair given to the 3000 Junior members by the Council ot Jewish Clubs nt tho Alhambra Theatre Tho play will bo given by the members of Iho uptown nlllllated clubs, nnd the musical numbers by tho various members of tho other clubs. Tho Council of Jewish Clubs wafl or ganized In November. 1913, by Hiihbl B. L. Lcvlnthal, chief orthodox rabbi of this country. At the present tlmo thero nro 33 clubs, each consisting of moro than 25 Jewish children. All tho clubs send two dclcgatci to a Junior branch which holds separate meet ings nt the Young Women's Union, 428 Balnbrldge Btreet. Tho Benlor branch con sists of tho leaders nnd teachers. Thero nre also bIx Sabbath schools, ono Sun day school nnd ono frco Bchool of music maintained by the council. Tho olilcers of tho organization aro:, president, Mr. Allen A. Lcvlnthal j vlco president, Mr, Louis A. Milkman; record ing secretary. Miss Elizabeth Roscnmcn: financial secictary, Miss Sadie Miller, nnd treasurer, Mr. Bernard J. Markowltz. Rabbi Lcvlnthal Is tho chairman of the board of advisors; Mr. Louis E. Lcvln thal, solicitor nnd counselor. Tho hon orary members consist of Miss Stella Rosenbaum, Miss Jano Goldberg, workers at Young Women's Union, nnd Miss Juliet Greenwald. Tho Coterie Club will hold Its annual danco this Friday ovcnlng at Horticul tural Hall. The color schemo of tho decorations will bo bluo nnd gold, tho colors of tho club. Elaborate details havo been worked out by tho committee The orchestra will bo screened by an em bankment of palms and ferns giving way on either sldo of tho stage to two largo arches. Between tho halves thero will bo specialty numbers by Mr. Edward Uphoft nnd Mr. Normnn Crnnage. and n soprano t solo by Miss Muench. Unlquo novelties have been provided for the guests through out tho evening In conjunction with the dances. Tho following members constitute tho club: Mr. Clifford Kocllo. Mr. Horace Koon. Mr. Edward Pike. Mr. F. Edwin Poulterer, Mr. Edward Haines, Mr. J. Hor ace Gerhab, Mr. Stanley B. Vnndcrsllce, Mr. Haro Lodge, Mr. W. Harry Garrett, Mr. Herman Kauffman, Mr. Robert W. Pollock, Mr. Georgo W. Williams, Mr. Arthur II. Kinsley, Mr. Wlnlleld Turner, Mr. William F. B. Koelle, Mr. Jack Pcttcr man, Mr. Harry Dotts, Mr. Steven Man ley. Mr. Irvln Guldln and Mr. Jamc3 Bonner. A s'urprlso party was given to Mr. II. D. Dean at his home, 2937 North 3d street. Thoso who gavo the affair wero Miss Ada Colsey, Miss Mary Peltz, Miss Lillian Smith, Miss Dccima Mills. Mr. Harry Peltz, Mr. Howard McDanlcl, Mr. William Delssler and Mr. nnd Mrs. Sam uel Rowcroft. KATLIN In order to raise funds with which to help carry on the good work of the Mount Slnal Hospital, the "Friends." an auxiliary of the hospital, are maklnR final plans for a concert and dance, which they will glvo at the Parkway Auditorium. Parkway Building, Broad and Cherry streets, Sunday evening, atnrch 13. The committee In charge of tho affair has AMUSEMENTS ACADEMY OP MUSIC ELMENDORP FRIDAY 8:15 SAT. MAT. 2:80 NORTHERN ITALY Illustrated In Color, by Mr. Elmendort. Out ot the Ordinary Motion Picture. BOo, Too & fl at Heppes Amp. at Acad. 25c "" ACADEMY OP MUSIC TUESDAY AFT., MARCH 21, at 3 KRBISLER Tickets at lleppe'. T3c to tl. Boxes. 1I-18 Direction C. A. Ellis. Symphony Hall, Boston Globe TUionfvn MARKET JLIltitlLIt: JUN1PEUSTS. VA VDB VILLE Continuous 11 A. M. to It P.M. 10c, 15c, 25c. "THE SIDEWALK CABARET" COMEDT SINCHNQ AND DANCINO Joseph K. Watson I'cSun f' CONNOR BISTBBB ORBIN. OTHER8 MARKET BELOW 10TH U',5ftsV0DAV15P'm- PANNIE WARD Stanley In "FOR THE DEFENSE" ADDED ATTRACTIONS : BURTON HOLMES' 'OIANT FORESTS OF CALIFORNIA" "SOMEWHERE IN FRANCS" (NO. ) lOo 1211 MARKET 20c, 10 A- M to 11.15 P. M. IAST DAT Marmierite Clark Palace "OUT OF THE DRIPfS" Thure. Krt.. SM- UlANCHE 8WEET la.t'VrWMntatlonjt "THE BLACKUST" Arcadia s CHESTNPT beL ISTK ' A. -U. W 11J3 . AX. AJJU, THIS WEEK Bessie Barjriscale sHOOTNa BuJJeta apd BrownEye3 Tpnlcbt t T anl 9, 'laine '' Ouaireni Harry Batchelsr. 10 tapertal Jaes, t, MttU, Tut.. 7hsr.t sWL t.- fc - , ,y, ,,1 , .,., .. .fil j MISS ESTELLA S. worked hard, nnd n great success Is antici pated. Colored tights, fldwers nnd palms' will bo used nh n: decoration Toi the" hltlL New songs nnd solo dances will hi the principal features during thfr concert which will precede the dance. Xhe done mltton liaa htn Vftrtf fnrfttnatA In ttAfMlHh tl.A Mml,A, nt n t m l ....M A.... 4f. . '1 nre with tho musical shows how lh town. Dancing will commence nt II o'cldekvTwo orchestras will play the dance mustq dns brass and one string. A souvenir Wilt bo presented to overy one present. The Mount Slnal Hospital, situated nt nth nnd Reed streets. Is nt present In .great J necu or tunus. 11 is more man over crowded, and It Is found necessary to en- .tllKU UIU IMtllU 111 UIUCI ,U ,UI((l,IVIU(,kQ . tho urgent needs of tho surrounding Coni J mutiny, iieing situniea in a uenseiy pop ulated section of the city, hundreds of people aro dependent upon this Institution. Tho hospital caters to nil, regardless of color or nationality. It Is for this reasort that the "Friends," nn ntfxlllary composed ,' ul incijiuerK iiviiik in mo i;uiuiiiujuiy tuu making every effort that this be ort of tho most succcsstttl affairs this year. Tha commlttco In charge Includes; Chairman, MIbs Mlnnlo Rosenthaif secretary, "Miss Rose Llcbstor; chairman of advertising. Miss Estclla S. Katlln; chairman 6f re freshments, Miss Sarah Oruber. Miss if Gruber will be assisted by Miss Katherlne Largcmnn, Miss Roso Shapiro, MIsb Fan nyo Oxman nnd Miss Rose llalalty. The tenth wedding anniversary of Mr, nnd Mrs. Henry Goldblntt, of 3443 North Sydenham street, Tioga, was celebrated this week: The color scheme wad green and yellow. Among tho guests were Mr. Goldblatt. of Birmingham, Ala.; Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Novlck. of Tioga; Mr, and Mrs. S. Marker, Mr. nnd Mrs. II. Novlck, Mr. nnd Mrs. Grcenborg nnd Miss Green berg, Mr. and Mrs. Crnydor nhd Miss, Elsie Crayder. Mr. and Mrs. Lovlck, Mr. nnd Mrs. Gottlieb, Mr. nnd Mrs. Samuel- son, air. nnd airs. Cohen, air. nna Mrs. Haus, Mr. nna airs, snrtis. -ine taicni wns provided by air. atcNamaro, Mr. Rnnd nnd Mr. Fletcher. V A mirprlse party was given by Mr. and Mrs. D. Lewis at tho home of their son, ' Jlr. Harry Lewis. In honor of tho fifteenth wedding nnnlversary of their children, Mr. nnd airs. M. J. Wolnstoln. of 646 Soutlr62d street. Jtrs. Harry Lewis and Mr. P. : Ginsberg entertained with exhibition dancing nnd airs. Harry Berger and aihtfi M. J. Lewis with vocal selections. Among tho guests were Mrs. Clara Bcrkowltz, Mr. and airs. J. aicFnrlanil, Mr. nnd Mrs, Sockel, air. nnd atnt. II. Berger, Mr. Mor ris Goldberg, airs. B. Feldman, Miss Hartenso Wolnstoln. ailsn Dorothy Woln stoln, atlas Ireno Wolnstoln, ailss Evelyn Welnstcln, ailss Harriet Berger, MI3S Ger trude Lewis, ailss Edith JIcFarland, Miss Sadlo Sockel, ailss Kathcrlno Sockel, Mlsa Henrietta Sockel, Miss Jcnnlo aiayfer. Miss alary Gray, air. Ilenjamln Lewis, Mr, Ar thur Lewis, Mr. Joseph Lewis, Mr.Maurlce Lewis and Mr. Herbert aicFarland. AMUSEMENTS DR. BLACKFQteD Author of "Tho Job. the Man. tin I!oi." anil "AnalvHlnir Character" In n Series of Tlirtr lecture l.sop pn HOW TO JUDGE MEN At tho V. M. C. A. Auditorium, 1121 Arch St. Tues., March 21: March 2S; 1VI.. .March 31. l:en, ut H. "Tho mot nucctsful Ifctura under tbif nuplcpn of the AKOClatlon.".cime3 O Z,ud low. Prcs. llrldaeport (Conn.) .l'Vj. Ans'nt "The mot Instructive ndilrrx ot the year.' Purdue (Untvcrsltul Vxponcut. "A fltrlklni; rlcmi.Rfttrutlnn of how la an alyze diameter. " .Vcio Yorls Ki-rufutr i'ost. "A notable Incident wan an mldreas by Dr. niackford." Kallwau Aoc Oaselte. Hlnsle ndmlaxlon. 7.",c, Itcser'-eit Sent. Course of threo Itcturcn. t2.un, field by rnall, Addre Arthur Newcomb. Hotel Adelphla. BROAD Pop. Mat.Today - Klaw (t Erlanjrer and George Tyler l'nt POLLYANJNfA The Glad Plav, Fprtadina Good Ctoen Best Scats 11.50 at Topulnr Mat. TODAY NEXT WEEK SEATS TOMORROW MR. ANDREAS DH'I'EL, Presents PRINCESS TRA-LA-LA Tho Latest Viennese Operetta With Phyllis rartlnjrton. Emmv Nlcklajs, Georgo Baldnin Cat of 70. Frcan l'r.'Mi u 'Innmninnt Year In Vienna and Berlin. T.win Mat- Today. Best Seats ?1.50 , i -V-1-1 TONIGHT AT 8 115 'tf T1IIH AU NEXT Wi:KK ONUX , The Champion Musical Comedy of the World "THE ONLY GIRL" By Henry Blossom ami Victor Herbert l'our Last Few Chance fo See Tale Hott Deltahtful Combination of irrsltffBle COMEDY and 11. t7.VJ7.VO MELODIES "She's a Peach" J;.?a ? gfj. "And eerybody nerees this I true." SEE IT NOW I DON'T MISS JTt B. F. Keith's Theatre CHESTNUT k TWELFTH STREETS AMERICA'S LOVELIEST WOMAN I LILLIAN RUSSELL, "RESPONDED TO MANY ENCOnES," Etenlnir Ledger. Harry Tlshe & Silvia Jason Marian Mor gan's Classic Dancers; Fred J. Ardath. A Co, ; Lyons & Yosco. Others. GARRICK Pop. Mat. Today i COHAN & HARRIS Present THE FUNNIEST TARCE IN THE WORLD IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE Original New York Cast and Prpd'iictfon Best Seats II at Popular Matlnap TODAY A TYPYT ,PTTT Lan YlmeaTTonlsht flUoT flUllUrill La,t Pop. $t Mat Tqmor FIVE OF AMERICA'S FOREMOST" STARS WE II. CRANE Thps, W. BOSS Maclyn ARBUCKLE Amelia BINGHAM " Edith TALIAFERRO and Qreat Company in urunson iiummtub ueiixniliu Lpmeiiy THE NEW HENRIETTA' ANBAl) VVtJcrS TOMORROW , " The Smartest Musical Comedy of the Year "NOBODY HOME" FORREST Pop. Mat. Today ZIEGPELD FOLLIES Popular Mat laee TODAY, COo to 11.18, vrj rt.i;i oeruaktown i$Sk2; 10 BIG ACTS PollyannaWeek! rmT PAUL. CONCHAS JOHJUOWADSr Blcgest Show in Tom eEHION JiKVUS: Stan Stanley. McCab. Levee Pool, Wfiklsa Wllklns. Eadle Feyr, aod Olhr., METROPOLITAN OPERA HOITS METR01OL1TAN PPERA CO.. WKW OBS i,i UarlewlSft un uarnenioa. tui. n i-uc, , Securoja. Malaiesta. CosJ.. Mr I Stars 1109 Chestnut -Walnut Hit: , -Walnut pp- VfrJS'E-, BVENINOS- -SEATS Sue to, ft, SSa "BWNGIN3 UP FAfj - I UnaVtoritai ww"' irsl"