Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, March 15, 1916, Night Extra, Page 12, Image 12

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he Man Who Permits Girls to "Work" Him De
serves Contempt and None of the
Sympathy He Solicits
lw '
WTTTRlf E something, please," request a correspondent, "about tho grafter of
Wtha femlnlno species sho who Is a combination of one part mushroom,
i' 619 part leech and end part clinging vine. She springs up when you least expect
ker, fastens herself on tho unsuspecting male, and When she has got all that
ho has to give leaves him high and dry with empty pockets and bitter soul."
To drop Into the vernacular, thin Is "some" indictment. To contlnuo In
the vfirrioculaf, my Correspondent patently has been "stung." Somo flossto
Hltlo beauty doubtless "lamped" him with her baby blues: IiIh masculine egotism
couldn't stand tho strain and he probably "went tho limit," spent his entire
"wad" on her and expects her now to pay up by marrying him and cooking
hla meals' and darning hla socks forever after.
IT I Bcem to sympathize with tho grafter It Is only becauso of tho supreme
contempt that I feel for tho breed sho victimizes. Ho Is truly of that class ot
Which there Is "ono born every minute." Any man who will deliberately allow
a girl to "work" him, na tho saying goes, deserves to l niched to tho last penny.
Not so Trcry long ago a big, husky man camo to me with tears In his eyes
or very near them, at any rate and quavers In his voice, and recounted to mo
tho sad story of how a girl In an unwlly moment had led him Into a Jewelry
store under tho pretext that Bho wanted to have a pin reset.
,0ncc In tho shop, thcro -wore many things sho saw there worthy of her
admiration; Indeed, thcro was a wrist watch sho simply couldn't tear herself
trottu Tho clerk" was but too glad to bIiow it to her. When sho got It on
her arm, It seems, the fascinations of tho baublo woro doubled. With lachrymose
Intonations she exclaimed:
"Oh, If I could only afford ltl If only some ono loved mo enough to buy
It for mo I"
To uso tho man's own words, he was "cornered tight." He wns on the
road to lovlhg her enough to buy her anything, but he hadn't arrived quite.
Bho precipitated a stago In his nffcctlons got tho watch, but lost his respect
for her.
"I couldn't afford to buy hr that watch, and am still eating pennuts for
lunch aa a result of tho expenditure. Hut It was tho fact that Bho had played
mo for an easy mark, .plus a feeling I had that a nice gtrl wouldn't have
accepted n watch from a man to whom sho was not engaged, much less havo
put him In a situation whero ho had to buy It for her, that settled her for me.
When 1 want to buy a girl anything I like to feel that it's because I really
want to do It, not because I'vo been mado to,"
Pity him? Not I. The person whom I really pity Is tho grafting girl. I
pity her because sho hasn't sense enough to realize that sho is playing n
losing gamo.
Wo wero standing nt tho corner of l?tli and Spruce streets tho other day
or, to be exact, I should jay the other midnight waiting Impatiently for tho
car that seemingly wouldn't come.
Contrary to the popular belief that tho wind dies down nt night and should
bo qulto moribund at midnight, there was a stlfT gnlc blowing. Two little old
ladies approached us. If they appeared to sway unduly, wo put it down to
tho, March lions doing their best to bowl them over.
Tho gray heads of the figures coming up to us were swathed In scarfs,
or (maybe shawls, and I was Just remarking to my companion that the shawl
on the head of an old lady Is tho sign of dissipation for her tho sign that
Instead of toasting her toes by the fire and retiring at tho customary 0:30, Bho
has taken tho night off nnd gone on n party.
It was only when they got qulto up to us that I know how truly, how
literally, I had spoken. Like swaying saplings they oscillated in the breeze.
They wero drunk, sillily and undlgnlflcdly drunk.
"We've been to my 'shlstcr-ln-laws,'" tho smaller of the two Informed
mo Just as if cho had known mo all her lifetime. "Wo'vo had 'sush' a good
time talking over old times." Tho other nodded her head foolishly In con
currence, and they babb'lcd away to their hearts' content.
garbed in hombro clothes, as befits old ladles, they looked so gentle, so
refined, that I am sure they belonged to that Great Respectable Class which Is
tho backbone of the nation.
How did they rvcr lot themselves go far enough to get Intoxicated? And
what will their feelings bo when they nro themselves again? Will they blush
With ehainc, or will they nudgp each other gleefully, overjoyed at the dis
covery that they arc not too old or gray to "havo the dlvvll of a time" In tho
rocking-chair period ot life? I wonder. M'LISS
TUnnn Is always something now and pretty for children to bo seen In the stores,
nnd ninny mothers who haven't tho tlmo to look them up personally will np
nreclnte this suit of rompers for the. little boy or girl. When children nro so
little It really doesn't matter whether It Is a boy or a girl who wears tho rompers.
The style pictured In today's illustration Is fashioned of solsette, in white, with
colored collar and cuffs of the same matorinl.
Smocking Is Introduced on the front nnd at tho cuffs, dono In pink or bluo to
match tlio collar. Tho patch pocket nt the side will take the youngster's eye. In
slzc3 innglng from six months to two years, the price is $2.25.
The name of the shop whero this article can be purchased will bo supplied by
tho IMItor of the Woman's Page, CvnNlKa Ledieii, SOS Chestnut street. Tho request
must be accompanied by n stnmpcd, sclf-nddrcsscd envelope and must mention the
dato on which the article appeared.
Letters to the Editor of the Woman's Page
Address nil rommunlentlon., to M'I.Ih, rare of thr lhenlnit l.rdwr. Write on one
Mlile of tlie iiaicr only.
Goad form queries should be ad
dressed to Dcboiah Kttsh, torltten on
one side 0 the paver and signed with
full name nnd address, though Initials
O.VX.V wilt be published xipon tcqucst.
The rofuinn will appear this week in
Monday's, Wednesday's and Fridays
Evening Ledger.
Dear M'LIss will you kindly tell inc
how I can elenn a set of white fox furs
before packing them away? CAKUFUIj
Brush well with clean brush, first
against the grain nnd then with it. VIe
over with a soft ilnnno), then with a wisp
ot co(toh tied In old sill; and dipped
lightly In s.isollnc; benzine or ether Is
really best for will to furs. Work quickly,
changing tho cloth w licit It tocamcH soiled.
Comb again and ulft over with hot corn
meal,. rub. It well thrmigli the fur, up, down
and crosswiso, shako it out nnd then
cover your whlto fur (you wouldn't do
this If it were dark) with a mixture of
powdered starch, v. lilting nnd powdered
dry bluing. Just a little of the last men
tioned. Let this lie for bovoral daya,
then brush out thoroughly and wlpo very
quickly with a clean damp cloth.
Dear Jt'I.lss Kindly send me tho name
of tho hook you mentioned In your artlelo
on how to furnish the home. E. C.
Stamped, uelf-addresusil envelope, please.
Dear M'Uss I don't nsreo with you on
the subject of the woman boarder as a
nuisance. Why particularize? All board
era aio a nuisance, but in some cases they
nro unavoidable. But I'd rather havo n
wi-ninn boarder than a college student
nny day. ONE WHO KNOWS.
SOMETIMES, writes a pchoolma'am ot
parts, I think you nro a .little too
hard, on the grandmothers and old
fashioned people. You aro certainly an
Iconoclast and your ridicule of these old
Ideas borders on tho discourteous. A
tjod doctor was railed t attend a case
of grip and the first thing he did was to
order n mustard paste applied. And an
old grandmother applied It. with tho hap
piest effect!
All o( Which is good and true.
Haven't we openly apologized to grand
ma right here In cold type for our slurs?
Haven't we admitted that her good old
flaxseed meal poultice beats any canned
mud ever invented? Hasn't scientific in
vestigation shown that one of grandma's
flaxseed meal poultices retains the heat
longer, gives greater relief and Is a whole
lot cleaner than the modern medicated
day Imitations? Haven't we harped right
along; on the same old tune how grand
ma a old-time cougn
We need more militant grandmas, and
less audacious nostrum-riongors. A house
hold blessed with a real Jive grandma
who won't be ignored is tery fortunato
catnip, chamomile and other "yarn" teas
are trie only Kind or home remedies wo
want to take when we are sick?
. No, teacher, you can't stir up a quarrel
between this department and grandma.
Wa Just wish you could read some of the
letters we receive from grandmas 80 and
more years young, and see how old-fashioned
they are. Few people attain com
mon sense until they reach the rrandma
era of life.
Now, a mustard paste properly made,
and watched to see that It doesn't raise
a blister one part of mustard flour to
four ot wheat flour, cold water and Just
u wee bit of white of egg (our own grand
ma Insists on this, to prevent blistering,
she. says), the paste, to be removed aa soon
41 the kln reddens up there isn't a
better pain, killer or a more effective local
antidote for internal Inflammation In the
.atteJUlJnatejia medics,
-WXOU young schoolteachers and house
kpera and merchants and workers would
!!&, to grandma, and not run oft to the
Artig store for some nicely flavored dope
every time you have anything wrong, we
doctors wouldn't have so much practice
to swell our heads,
When we speak of the "grandmothers"
t we- generally refer to those who ure
grandmothers Jn conduct only most of
aiq wear trousers.
Kerosene for Chilblains
The self-same teacher who started the
ahnvo harangue asks us to publish a rem
edy which she btates she has used with
unfailing benefit for chilblains, frostblto.
She says it Is better than rubbing on snow.
The remedy Is kerosene. We pass It on
without any personal knowledge about It,
Naevus on Face
Our baby, 9 months old. has a raised,
purplish mark on one cheek, as big as a
dime, with what looks like little veins run
ning out Into the skin nrnunri if it .....
seerup," boneset, j Peared right after birth, and seems to be
getting a little larger. What Is It. and is
there any remedy?
Answer Naevus, After the second year
electrolysis or surgical removal is neces
sari". The Soft White Hand
A short time ago you gave a formula
for a hand lotion which would keep the
skin soft and white. Please, dear Doctor
repeat It. and you will make many of us
poor drudges happy.
Answer One "poor drudge" uses It,
also on her face, and calls It the "Ponce
de Le-otlon."
Glycerin ,, .,...,.., ,....l ounce
Bay rum ..,..3 ounces
Oil of rose,..,,,, , ,,,3 drops
THC next thing to discuss about a tea
or carden party Is tho way In which
tho debutante should dross and who
should compose the receiving party. In
tho case of the debutante's having an
older sister. It Is always good form for
her to stand beside her younger Bister to
receive tho guests. The hostess stands
llrst In tho line, then tho debutante, next
tho older sister. If thcro aro several
sisters. It la only necessary for ono to bo
In the receiving line, tho others should
mlnglo with tho guestB, Just as tho other
persons who arc asked to receive with tho
dob aro expected to do. It Is customary
for the older women who are Invited by
1 the hostess to receive, to take turns dur
ing tho afternoon In presiding over tho
tea table. The younger friends of the
debutante who are asked to ruce'vo
should see that the various guests have
what they dcslro In the way of ref bail
ments. In recent years It has become
customary to wear regulation evening
1 rocks at afternoon teas, and the debu
tante usimlly wears a g iwn of white silk,
mi tin or some filmy material.
Why Is Lady Friend Wrong?
Dear Deborah Hush Please answer the
question why Is It wrong to say lady
friend or girl friend? I am. .". J. A.
It Is not wrong to say "lady friend or
girl friend": It Is simply bad form nnd
very bad taste. This sort of expression
puts a person down as vulgar, without
any further parley.
When Comes the Hors d'Ocuvre?
tlcnr Deborah Uush Can you tell me1
when the dish which I have heard spoken
of aa hors d'ocuvro is Served at a dinner?
And could you name some simple ones?
I will be greatly obliged. A. Q. P.
The hors d'oeuvre Is served first of all
at a dinner or luncheon. It Is already on
tho plate as the guests sit down. The hors
d'oeuvre Is Intended aB a sort of appe
tizer for the rest of the meal. There are
very many kinds of these appetizers; a del
icate piece of toast Is usually the founda
tion This Is cut In a circle, diamond or
little squares One delicious recipe la to
pound chicken livers and olives into a
paste and spread It over the toast; or
another 1b made with a hard boiled egg
grated and spread on the toast and in
the centre Is placed an anchovy or sar
dine. These are often garnished with a
slice or so of stuffed olive. Either of
these are very easy to prepare. A small
fork Is used for the hors d'oeuvre ; In fact,
one Is made now at the Jewelers which
Is much on the order of a salad fork with
a wide Bide prong to cut into the toast.
Correct Use of Napkin
Dear Deborah Bush Will you tell mo
the proper way to use a napkin? I notice
that some people open theirs out wide on
their laps, others fold them in half, and
on one or two occasions I have seen an
end tucked Into the blouse. A word from
you would be appreciated, GENEVA.
The napkin should .be unfolded and
placed across the lap bo that about a third
ot It la folded under. It Is not good form '
to spread it out full size over the knees. ,
and to tuck it into one's blouse is quite an
impossible thing to do.
Ab Man to Man
Dear Deborah Hush Is It considered
good form for a man to rise upon being
presented to another man? I know a
man who does It Invarlnbly, yet I have
heard persons crltlctso him for being too
polite. B. V. P.
Of course thcro Is such a thing as be
ing not too polite exactly, but too formal
and conventional. However, In answer to
your direct question. It Is considered good
form for a man to rise and to shako hands
with another man to whom ho Is Intro'
Please Explain "Temperate"
Dear Deborah Hush I see In your an
swci to a question, In Monday's Evenino
l.y.vauu. about a girl allowing a man to
kiss her You say this should bo only
when they are engaged, nnd even then
temperately. Will you tell me what you
mean by "temperate"; that Is, how often
should ono allow ono's fiance to kiss one
during an evening? ANXIOUS.
It would bo impossible to give you any
ruli on this matter. A woman's own
good breeding Is the safeguard for such
Should Girls Offer Scats to Older.
Dear Deborah Rush I nm a young girl
of 19 nnd I often notice, when riding In
tho car that a girl about my ngo will get
up and offer her Beat to an old lady, when
een the men In tho car do not do bo.
Is not this n little forced and over pollto?
On tho contrary, the young girls you
h.ixo observed have shown their courtesy
and good breeding in offering their seats
to un older lady. It Is astonishing, but un
fortunately true, that men do remain
seated when an older lady Is obliged to
stand anil hang on to n strap. You would
do well to copy the young persons you
have observed. DEBORAH PUSH.
Muffins and Dates
Cornincal muffins with dates is a new
way to fix up un old dish Use n cupful
of whlto cornmeal, 1 teaspoonful of salt,
4 tcaspoonfuls of baking powder, 2 table
Bpoonfuls of brown sugar, an egg, 2 table
spoonfuls of butter, n cupful of wheat
flour, 'i cupful of chopped dates, IV- cuns
of milk.
Cook together with meal, sugar, salt,
butter and milk In a doublo holler foi 10
minutes. When cool, add the egg, dates
and the flour. Into which the h.iktng
powder has been sifted. Beat the batter
thoroughly until light nnd bake In muf
fin tins In a hot oven.
"Try Out" Cake
A simple cake for tho beginner Is mado
by using two-thlrds of a cupful of sugar,
piece of butter the size of an egg, creamed
together. Add an egg nnd a pinch of
bait beating until light.
Then add two-thirds of a cup of sweet
milk, and one and two-thirds cupsful of
flour, into which has been sifted I heap
ing teaspoonful of baking powder. Bake
In 2 round pans, or In a square loaf pan
In a quick oven. Care should be taken
not to have the oven too quick or the
cake will not be light.
wmfr?frrrr rr
Tmsas&smi v w .D.y
"ssssssw v3Lk5 1
Latest Patchwork "Revival"
Marks Now Era in
Home Activity
Havo you a llttlo patchwork In your
homo? If you haven't, you are not keep
ing up with tho very latest "revival.
Staking tho summer homo a thing .or
beauty and a Joy forever has replaced
sewing shirts In the hearts of tho many
Sister Susies, who are taking up tho new
fad. Now poor, dear John In the
trenches will havo to lay his weary body
down on the snow nnd Ice, or roll up in
his sheepskins, for the girl he left be
hind him Is too busy quilting for her own
dainty boudoir, or planning new decora
tions for tho summer porch, alas, to en
snare a new beau lover. Such Is life I
Much has been snld about tho gossip
parties over tho clicking knitting needles,
but, if tho fair ones need encouragement
In this most nonular of all Indoor sports.
roport has It that nothing Is more con
.tiiR.n nt tplllntr confidences both ono S
own nnd others' than tho soft, Inslstont
nnd wholly restful sensation ot a goou
old-fashioned patchwork party. Some
how or other sowing theso quaint, weird
designs, tho drab, cream-colored back
ground seems to loosen the tongue, nnd
U10 dulness of tho penitential season Is
forgotten. Do you wonder why nil tho
girls like to "patch"?
"It's not tho kind of pntchwork that
grandmother used to make," remarked an
authority on patches nnd patching, "If ono
Is to rely upon tho comments of tho
older women who como In to buy tho
articles, Tho old-fashioned patchwork
was a tedious affair, a long, patient put
ting together of nny kind of pieces, just
becauso they happened to bo pieces, with
no regard for tho color schemo nt all.
Now modern art needlework Is no mis
nomer, nnd you couldn't sell tho old
fnshloncd pntchwork to any ono. Tho
llrst woman that laid oyoS on It would
call It hideous. It may look all right in
Wallaco Nutting pictures, but I really
couldn't recommend It for n dainty
'Tho 1916 patchwork is primarily ln
tonded for tho nursery. A sot consist
ing of creeping rug, crib quilt, baby
pillow and sides padded arrangements
to lino the four sides of a child's crib
N decornted with tho most realistic pus
sies, monkeyn nnd things. Theso aro
simply sewed on tho places indicated by
tracings on tho quilt Itself, which comes
already made. The figures aro cut-outs,
and nil tho worker lina to supply Is tho
cotton with which tho appllquo Is done.
"This compact nnd very cfllclent ar
rangement Is duo to tho fact that few
women nro willing to work on a thing very
long without getting decided results. They
want to see tho work grow. Now, when
you get n big bedspread, for lnstnncc, and
you havo a chart beforo you showing how
tho thing looks when made. It is an easy
task to place tho figures on and neatly
stitch them as tho design explains. You
know you are really doing something. Tho
modern woman who takes up n fad llko
this for her sun parlor or to harmonize
with the wicker furnishings In her bunga
low wants something sho can do quickly."
Marion Harland's Corner
Fashion Flashes
Linings nnd pipings of whlto are fash
ionable on spring suits.
Striped taffetas will bo worn again for
ono-plcce frocks.
Coats and skirts on spring suits must
bo full.
Tailored suits aro mado with boleros
and nhort skirts,
Walstcoata aro worn, particularly with
sports models, nnd showing beneath bo
lero Jackets.
Navy and beige aro tho smartest col
ors for street wear.
A stunning toque has a crown mado up
of shaded roses.
You can trim your separate skirt as
elaborately as you please.
Marabou scarfs, satin lined, aro pre
dicted to rcplaco the white fox tills
Plaids are very good this year, on
suits combined ""with plain good-), on
dresses nnd blouses.
Room Beautiful
Have you a crystal vase in your bou
doir? If you haven't, yours can't be
called tho boudoir beautiful. Crystal is
tho dernier crl for dressing table and
boudoir ornaments, and fascinating vases,
cream Jars, lamps, flower stands, and low
bowls of It aro selling in tho shops. The
favorite flower may bo tucked In a tall
crystal holder, the hunch of violets from
tho corsage Is sunk in n crystal receptacle.
The glass lUolf 13 a cloudy white, like
alabaster, engraved in scmo cases, with
exquislto motifs.
Another very new arrival in the lino of
household decoration Is the bellows of
carved Italian workmanship. These ara
copied from a very expensive Florentine
antique, and may be had In several sizes
and decoration, including the famous Lion
of St. Mark ,
Has Violin but No Music
iittte litVB five miles from ono town
VV and six miles from another, and
at this dreary tlmo of tho year money
Is scarce. I have ft son 13 years old.
A year ngo ho had a violin given to hlri.
We managed to let him take a few lessons,
enough to leach him how to handle the
violin. I taught him tho notes, etc What
I would like Is If somo ono had somo
lolln musto ho no longer cares for or
does not need ho would kindly let us
havo It. I would gladly pay postago or
express on It and bo grateful to the
giver. A. M. J."
, How much easier It Is for us mothers
to ask for what our children need than
for benefits for ourselves I This mother
tolls her story well and calmly, but wo
lead between tho lines whnt tho gift of
violin music would mean to tho boy
who can already handlo tho Instrument
nnd must finger It Idly during the long
evenings nt "this dreary tlmo of tho year."
Cannot our Juniors look up dusty violin
music In some rcmoto crnnny for him?
Wants Shorthand Manual
"I wonder whether or not It will bo too
much that I ask? I should llko to learn
Bhorthand, and as there Is no night schoot
or any place out hero where I could lcran,
I would like to know If ono of your read
ers would glvo mo a system of shorthand
Hint I could learn by myself. I will pny
postago. Best wishes and much bucccss
to tho Corner I MAIU13 11."
I press homo your request for a short
hand manual upon tho consideration of
tho great body of stenographers who are
as a strong right hand In our mission
work. Thoro must bo text books that
would bo of Incalculable advantnge to a
learner. I know ono stenographer who
became an adept In tho practice, of her
profession without other teacher than an
excellent shorthand manual. Sho prac
ticed nsslduously and unwcarlcdty, and
tho labor was soverc, but sho gained her
Reading Itallnn Books
"Wo nro constant readers of your Cor
ner, and wo notice the great work of gen
erous constituents. Wo read most of tho
Italian books In tho city library and wo
havo bought all wo can nftord, but Italian
books cost too much for us. Havo any of
the renders of tho Corner nny Itnllnn
books, histories, clnsslcal, fiction, etc? Wo
will bo glad to pay express charges.
"S. S. and O. 8."
Owners of Italian books they no longer
rend will do a kind deed by writing to tho
Corner for tho nddresscs of tho two exiles
who long for works written In their own
tongue. Thcro nro comparatively few
even In tho finest city libraries in our
Just Finishing a Quilt
"Seeing that you have helped so many,
I nm going to ask a favor of you. An
old Indy has requested mo to ask for calico
aim suit quilt pieces. Sho Is Just finish
ing up a quilt of calico and another of
silk, but lacks material to complete them.
I havo asked almost everybody I know
to help her out, nnd now turn to tho Cor
ner for more. Sho will bo greatly pleased,
no doubt, with any your generous readers
may care to send to her. "MAUIE L."
Will a fair pcrpentago of "everybodlos"
known to tho Corner contribute a few
scraps to tho quilt tho dear old Indy would
finish? And when tho mountain of love
tokens threatens to bury her, sho will let
us know? Don't send tho parcels to a
patient and long-suffering force In tho
newspaper ofllcc. Wrlto for the nddrcss of
tho quilt maker's friend and scribe, nnd
communlcato directly with licr.
When They Are Engaged
"Is It proper for nn engaged girl to
ask her flanco to call for her When he
knows she Is to bo away, or should ho
offer to call and tnko her home? M. Y."
The mutual confldonco of tho pair should
bo so perfect that neither ahould stand
upon ceremony In tho matter. If ho knows
she will bo from homo and will need nn
escort ho should offer promptly to call for
her. Should ho not do this thero is no
Impropriety In her asking him If It will bo
convenient for him to escort her at the
tlmo named. Sho would not hesitate for nn
IfVnn'n,VVn?eM";r MtrhJ
llfirljind. In enre
nnd hfivlnr
direct wlth"lheV pWftlej
Jnf wenlt Mm,' i! ."
Instant If they were married. TTT 'J
in aoaenco 01 mind, he might Am '""a
. raii
of it.
For nn Invalid Friend
"I havo 'noticed In , .
of Crochet patterns by c. C jJS r?.1m'I
have not as yet been disposed 5" t".u,U
appreciate much your sending M,?n""4S
mo. I wish them for an Invalid 'J2
who Is denied all other pV"sur f"1"1"1
1 regret to say that tho crochet i.i
were Klven clsowh,. wlet. WtterM
letter. Otherwise, von Wn,i,i.flllll.WJ
from us by mall. YoiSr reaueat 1. ..fieaM
In tho expectation that lZU HtltVl
attention and move the hear s of "EM
who can mako good tho KiSH
valid friend and I keep her crochet SN
busy for a whllo to tl, CrocRel MW
Fond of Embroldrnr
"So many peoplo have asked for ttii,i1
which you havo tried to g7t tL tt4
inrouEn VOUr Cnrnnr th. t .-,".. l
erty of asking you a favor m111
you will grant. Mv t!niiM i. . "P
and ask the readers If tw .S?.i
such an outfit that they do not n.?4
send it to her: also patterns aLf? 1
zmes along that lino of nccdlowork "3
, "MRS. k p.- 1
Again tt is a mother who pleads fo '
a ploasuro she would fnln hn k'T..
tor enjoy. Fancy workers who, to usf il
well-worn b ang phrase, "know how It ul
themselves," nro nnrtloi.lnri,, i.V..1 1 ."1
mako note of the letter and to see 'I
that her petition Is not fruitless '"fl
you will grant. My daughter l ft:!
embroidery and Is always asking 2 ?'J
buy her an embroidery set, which T.
unable to do. 1 halite dtaSSl? ffil
To Dianeme
Sweet, bo not proud of thoso two erta
Which Btnrllko sparkle In tholr Bkles
Nor bo you nroud that vn mk ... '
All henrts your captives ; yours yet frei'l
Ho yo not proud of that rlr.li hni- lit
Which wantons with tho lovesick air S
.. ..... .... w,Ui .u.,jr lulled you wear. a
Hunlt rrom tho tip of your soft car
Will last to bo a precious stone '
When all your world of beauty's gone.
It. Hen-kit.
On neennnt of tlin lni.tAm,N
wenthcr of lust unlt wn hti
.uiiwiiuu our ciprinir upenlnff
dikhih)- tintu next Saturday
Murrh 18th.
w omen s
T7' ii o .
iaiiieur -uuits
$30, $35, $40, $45, $50
Values that nro positively uncqualM.
Do not tail to tec this mauHiAcext
ai,u(.,ij uj i,v, uu,rncillj.
Benj. S. Victor i
& Go.
Tailor for
Wonim unci .Vrm
1115 Walnut St.
Dr. Charlotte B. Martin
Tha Rlnsle electrlo necdlo method It
the only method enjojlns: profesilonal
licensure and conflUcnco for tho twrnu,
ncnt removal of superfluous hair and
other auporfli-lal emu ilia.
703 Flundera Hide., 18th & Walnut
(Dr. aaertners modification!)
Ideal at Weaning Time
Highest ETa.de milk carefully modi,
fled In our opeclal laboratory to suit
the normal baby's needs. Fresh dally
In U oz. numlniT bottles at B cents.
llrst and Safest I It will help to
keep baby well! Printed matter with
valuable hints on feeding mailed (res
on request.
Ask your physician.
''Abbotts Aldernoy Dairies
Phone During 203.
Le Perle
Face Powder
tie and Hie a Box.
Particularly 'made-for tfco par.
(IcuUf; Dl14 S&4 matron.
Purs. iDirlilbi sod wquUltely
Mrtuttwil. Brunette. VV h 1 1 s.
H. Hnk SJ4 Mauve.
Qa sals at all better shop.
Jk Cowpleitoa
rm -lfcr,.Hl Wtwt
I I - - . .
I '
. 1
in Jrimmeel and laAovedjms
CommencnXs.Yck Ihirlecrdla
"I Think We'll Take Elgin Villa
The Plumbing Material There Is Perfect"
The sanitary conYcnJences are such an important factor in
the choice of a home that the shrewd builder invariably installs
Fleck Bros. Co. Plumbing Material. He has the absolute assur
ance that it will give perfect satisfaction in svery detail. He
knows that it is backed bv Fleck Rrai Pr aA
that the Fleck guarantee is ironclad. There are
many advantages that make Fleck Bros. Co.
Plumbing Material preferable to any other let
us explain.
Look over 'lis sntixa yUtk Un lo4jr In our t
easily rwwbsd showroom. Snos.Rooms
- Ft .-" . it,
Bradley Market
Fine cooking is the art
of choosing the right
Efficient housekeepers
use Bradley Quality
For "Qoodness" sake
try a Bradley roast I
Locust, 70
JUc ltll
served with the breakfast
food or served with cream,
will send "hubby" off to the
office ready to "punish a
day'u work."
The name Meriano is
synonymous with purity of
product; our poultry, vegei
tables and produce all re
flect that standard.
M. Meriano
Locust itli
Market at Twenty-first Street
Modes de
An advance exhibit of-
distinctive creations in
Suits and Coats
Blouses and Dresses
J. Ulrich Walnut St
"""""",'JWssjsissTsSsiss',," '""i" "
Yi I ) J .I
Tailors to the Better Dressed Woawij
Mad-to-order Garments were once considered a Wfjm
Now Uwr are a jiecesstfy to toe correctly-dressed 'emp14i
T. - , .. Ikl. .v ..I., InlvlnallfV from SLOCKS 4H
bertas thousands cf aarmenU exactly aUk to line, W3
treatment, your cioims must os in&9 i y""'" .- -m
not you to Uu clouw.
Advanced spring models and weaves
in lancy and spot' jwub, reguianr
yt 10 999 .,, vj t tx