EVENING LEDflEB-plTTT.AnfflT.PTTTA. TUESDAY, MARCH 14, 1910, " ' Jforze austriache PROHTEADATTA.CCAREI GLlfTALIANIAVALOM Sg Attcndc Una Bnttaglia Da- vanti nue rnrae wijuic ui Difesa del Campo Trin- cernto sulla Volussa FuN RIFIUTO DEI BULGARI HOMA, 14 Maro. Nulla 1 BO. ClUCSin iimwi..... .... . .i t a)t rrnnJo dt battngtln Itato- InstflftCtt. del reat0 ,a ccnsurft savera. ., gl'Intulsce cho si comWto sul flwno. e l attends con vlvlsslmo Inter .. .4n tAi fonprntA Hatlorna. 6Lil"ia In in telrmm. lmnevra die 11 corrlspondento del Bund it lurna, che fll trova nl quart!? gen- Ijl giornalo cho le forte auslrlacho ', nntiil vrA nit ft dnnn .- AVflrrmu tirti mow ; roccupaitone dl Durazzo o cno bii ai nsniiu ---- . i. aun e ell Biuancsi Bi Bono rmrau su Pwtnni. doe' sulle opera dl defesa che r VHU" i.( .ilnrnn alln ulllo' o,1 X bala, tlopo aver fatto Baltaro I pontl ral flume Semenl o nul VolUBsa. 11 cor- rttDondente dice cho llnora nl sono avute tiiunto BChcrmngllo ma chouna battaella il attendo relatlvamcnto presto nel din- iornl oi varan. t lim telearamtna da Qlnovra dice Wfr'ch la Cermanla aveva domandato alia 3 ilia ironte francese, ma II govcrno bulgaro H-rlnuto' la domanda a causa dcll'lncerta v II corrlnpondento dolta nouter telesrafa it Atcne cho da Icttere prlvnte clunto da pncinntlnoDoll Bl apprende cho la popola tone dl Brussa, dl Konlch o dl nltro cltta A.n'iet Mlnoro ha Invlato un memorlnle all'trede presuntlvo al trono turco, prlnclpo Vahld Eddln, domnndandosll dl far pro suite al sultano la nccesslta' dl un cam tlahicnto nel Bovorno ottomano alio scopa il iplanare la via alia conclustonc delta pice separatamente dalla Gcrmanl o dal vAtntrla. ?. A Vienna si e' annuncluto ulTIclalnTjnto ( ,t, I mssl hanno Inlzlnto una nuova K- offenslva nella Bessarabia o sul Dniester 6 CnO un uuum:u iuuiuuu ncim nuiiil ui el, a nord dl Monfulconc, o' stato rcjplnto. Jfel loro van! tcntatlvl dl prendcro II forte dl Vaux 1 tofleschl hanno suhlto enorml perdlte. Como' o' noto, Vaux o' uno del fortl dclla piazza dl Verdun. Ora I pro" jrlung-o notlzla da Parlcl cho lo opcro dl veraun sono ai nuovo souo un vioionto bombardamento del cannon! tedcschl, clo' che fa prevedero cho lo Stato 'MagBloro del kaiser prcpara una tcrza oflcnslva contro la fortezza. Alcunl crltlcl mllltarl francesl rltcngono pero' che I'offcnslva tcdesca contro Ver dun ' stata deflnlttvamente rotta o cho non l puo' parlare dl una nuova offensive Ttra o propria. Pcro' I tedcschl stnnno nccogllendo forzo tra Forces cd II famoso Bosco dl Corbeaux, forzo cho sono state bombardate elllcacomento dalle artlgllerlo francesl. SI ATTENDE IIj NUOVO ATTACCO. Orco pol si apprende che I tcdeschl In- Tlano rlnforzl a Verdun mentro la loro y artlfllerla contlnua a bombardaro le opere dl dlfesa campale. Infattt la fron tier! syjzzero-tcdesca e' dl nuovo chlusa per tener segreto II movlmcnto dl truppe, cae pero' potctte esscro osservato da avia tor francesl, che, npproflttando del clelo sereno volarono dletro le colonno ncmlche. Ora al dice dl nuovo cho II maresclallo von llackensen o' davantl a Verdun, mentro alfre notlzlo tendono a far credero cho II kaiser ha chlamato alia fronto occidental II maresclallo von Hlndenburc. II bombardamento dura sla' da 3G ore e R- lMpetta da un momento all'altro 1'at- tacco. utile fnntcrle. SI credo che I tedes i'chl attaccheranno aullo duo rlvo della , Jlosa, cercando dl prendcro la Colllna dtll'Oca, a nord-ovest della fortezza, ed II : forte dl Vaux e quello dl Tavenno ad , orlente. I francesl ad oenl modo sono nrcnavatl j'aH'at tacco, ed II senerale Joffrc attende .Che eseo si pronuncll. "Q03IDR0P" DESPERADOES LAND IN POLICE TOILS Sweet Trail Scented by Detectives and Two Boys Arrested -A trail of cumdrons left bv tho "Am. peradoea" who robbed tho E-und-in.rcnt .tore of the Altman Company. 16th street 'and Susquehanna avenue. Saturday night, '.led to tho arrest today of two 12-year-old vya. accuseu of Delnjr the burglars. The toys are also charged with the robbery i? other stores tho samo night, V" , yulhful prisoners are Frank Speaker, 12 years old, H1C "Wllllngton treet, and Itobcrt Wallace, 1534 Susoue jayna avenue. They were sent to the rTanklln and nr nt v.a oe.i. ...i n i. 'Veets Btatlon, made tho arrests, It is said that the plot to rob the ""s was hatched while tho two boys nWL "'."""'"b moving-picture sliow .early Saturtlnv niv,f t i., . KllunP 7 1 7 SZf . " '" "" 'Twi'reu tones !nSB d.8 ,helr Plan3' U ,s sa,d- JeCld .K ?2l t0. "turn to their homes after fc&nanr .V. . Btay 0Ut aU nlght ln a oennce of their parents and the law. f TODAY'S JIAMUAGE LICENSES ?SSS!ISiht& " K. .& ave.. tBriSmi tCZT- j"-. VFm. jioonlon. MSS"ffiffi'!1..?8- oth .t. lifnniA, Hnb0r1- 01T 8. Btb at., and vmhny,e- lustr. JMkaon t.. and M.iliinca "Thompson. SO'M 8. loth at. OlovanmV i. 4as B-.. Jfalne (.. and uwvanntna Iloccanara. it E, Kiltenbou A KaSfmn3"!;--!!".0,, S,5 Bna FBnnl1 Viniirri fn. S?'2 Voodland ao. and,?-rt S"""; 1" W. JUttenhouw .quaro, Altllto iinJI.l.-DrAnker' South Hothlehem. Pa. ' BeTlnS.y'Vni'i'W Cambrldw it,, and Koo Sidii' ??a7n,S::1 Sprtna Garden at., and EV.r5 'i11?2 Bprina Barden at. .til .h Sold!ri ".'-- W- Hunting- Park w --. ... ..mug incsmr, joi uurror si. - to -Wfi Ni&S Vs4 N" I'ercy.t ' Fl0r' Hophl. Mowln. lSSlllalnbrldfV .e" ,". J., and income. Mans ftl MS KING Fine White Diamorrd System offers a safe and With Sapphires (jypty Setting monds. 'rti -.2 . L? OoU, a precfow metal l W !"ro oiul durability ; o Platinum, identical in op t trance, but coiMnj far le. nos A The War Today After 86 hours of continuous bombardment, the Germans !nst night launched henvy attacks ngninst Ilnudrcmont Forest, north cast of Verdun, and in the Lc Pre tre Forest, 45 miles to the south cast. These nttacks were broken up by French artillery, the French War Office announced this after noon. In the Wocvrc repion the ar tillery continues, The Crown Prince is reported to have received 100.000 fresh troops. New demands made upon Greece by the Entente Powers have been rejected, says an Overstcas News Agency dispatch. The Greek Gov ernment, Premier Skouloudis said, was not disposed to transfer to the Entente the administration of rail roads in northern Greece and Mace donia. Greek and French soldiers clashed on the island of Mytilcnc and one French soldier was killed. LA NUOVA BATTAGLIA -Dl G0RIZIA E' IMZIATA La Censura Italiana Diventa Piu' Severn Trincee e Reti- colati Austriaci Distrutti II corrlspondento romano del Tlnicn dl Londra telcgrafa cho II vlolcnto can-nonog-frlamcnto tnlzlato daRtl Italian! sulla front dell'Isonzo o' secondo tutto lo np paronze II prcludlo dl Importantl opcra slonl cho stanno per essero Intraprcso dal Bcncrale" Cadorna contro In Ilnea dl illflcsa austrinca, A noma si hanno mngKlorl partlcolarl circa nuesta nzlone dl artlRllcra o dl fantcrla sulla fronto ltalo-austrlaca, ma la censun vleta dl tcterafarll al l'estcro. In fattl la cennnra e' dlvcnulu plu' sevora del sollto In questo momento. II dlspacclo del corrlspondento del Times dice cho I'nrtlgllerla italiana ha dlstrutto trlncco a retlcolatl mctalllcl aus triaci per lughl trattl ovldcntcmcnte per aprlro II pnsso alia fatvtcrla, c eln' 1'arttKllcrla auntrlaca rlspondo ora tneno vlgorosamente al bombardamento da parte dcRll Italian). E' ovldente cho sull'Isonzo si sta prcparando una nuova grando battnRlla, cho forso a rjuest'ora o' ula comtnclnta. Clo' e' del rcsto confermato dal comunl catl austrlact cho dtcono dl un vlolcnto bombardamento da par to delle batterla Itallano lungo la fronto dell'Isonzo. II fuoco c speclalmcnto Intenso contro la testa dl ponte dl Clorlzla, ma ovldcntcmcn te l'attacco Itallano si va svlluppnndo su tutta la fronte del medio e basso Isonzo. RUSSIANS TAKE POST ON MIDDLE STRYPA Drive Turks Back in Caucasus and Capture Eight Guns in Operation in Persia PETROGRAD, via Ixmdon, March 14. Tho Russian Vv'ar pfflce Issued tho fol lowing statement last night: In Gallcla, ln tho region southeast of Kolkt and on tho middle Strypn, wo had successful encounters with enemy patrols, capturing a post of 30 men. In the Caucasus we drove back the Turks In tho region of the Karapota- 11103. In Persia wo captured eight guns in the operations near Kermanshah. VIENNA, via London. March 14 The Austrian War Office Issued tho follow ing stntement last night: In Bessarabia along the Dnelster Russians attacks were repulsed. Thero was an Italian artillery bombardment on the Jsonzo front. The enemy attack near Selz was re pulsed. SWEDEN PREPARING FOR WAR, IS REPORT Collecting Fund to Protect Stockholm and Mounting Anti-Aircraft Guns COPBNHAGEN. March 14. War prep arations aro being made in Sweden, ac cording to reliable reports that reached Copenhagen today. Private organizations, believed to have Government sanction, nre collecting a fund of 700,000 kroner, to be useu ior protecting otocKiioim irom air aids. Anti-aircraft guns nro being mounted on the hills nbout the Swedish Capital, and JO aeroplanes have been pur chased. It has frequently been reported that Sweden will join Germany and attack Russia, but as frequently denied. Ex-Congressman Out for Senate WILMINGTON, Del., March 14. Dr. Hiram R. Burton, of Lewes, former Con gressman, has announced that he will be a .candidate for the Republican nomination for United States Senator, Ninth "We Are and Working Locust for Your Sts. Interest" Lowest Rates in This City Strictly Confidential Buralar-proof Protection FIDELITY LOAN CO. ElUb. 1805, Diamond Broken, and Money Z.tndm Uarcdtemed Diamond, la, or tali rVAMOND owner sKip is easily accessible those with derate a moi Our Perfected Credit practical way to buy dia t Immediate possession; small pay ments at convenient interval?. HARBVRGER'S MI4 CrtEJ'TNVT JT. WMtrtm cttxorr has ths a a tit . tVficH4uia sow caoM CITY OFFICIALS TO GET EFFICIENCY LESSON AT BUSINESS SHOW TODAY W. F. Oswald Wins First Place In Typewriting Speed Con test, Wresting Supremacy From Woman ' GIRL NOVICES VICTORIOUS City ofTlclals and employes who believe In prepnrodncss. as far as offlce equip went Is concerned, today doubtless will visit the first annual "Business Show mid Elllclcncy Reposition." which Is bclmr held in the 1st Regiment Armory. Broad and Callowhllt streets. Today Is "Municipal Day" at'tlio show, and while special features will bo dis played for tho benefit of city employes, others will be made to feel Just as wel come, nnd It Is expected that tho at tendance today will eclipse that of yester day, when -nearly lo.OOO persons visited the many nttrnctlvc. Interesting and In structive booths to see and "tako In" nil tho latest wonders In business cfTlclency. For tho first tlmo In the Jilstory of pro fessional typewriter contests In the East ern States, a man -Has won first place. Tho contest was held at tho Business and Efficiency Show In tho First Regi ment Armory. Broad nnd Callowhllt Btroets. The show will continue through out the week. Tho man who won tho professional con test Is William I- Oswald, of this city. Ho Is a graduate of the Taylor Business School, 1002 Market street. Ho averaged 130 words a minute In a test which con tinued for nn hour. He has won a num ber of other medals, among them tho world's ntnntcur nnd world's novice) medals. Men also won second and third places In tho professional contests. In the past women have carried off nil trophies. J. 1 Noyt, of New York, won second prize with 127 words n mlnuto nnd Gus It, Trefzger, of Now York, took third place, with 124 words a mlnuto ns his record. The girls were more successful In tho amateur and novice contests, taking nil tho honors. In the nmatcur contest tho awards were as follows: First. Miss Bessie II. Mnaltz, Now York, 121 words a minute, writing a half hour: second, Miss Roso Bloom, Wood Ridge, N. J., 124 words a mlnuto (this was ko close that tho award was made on the fraction of a word); third, Miss Anna Gold, Brooklyn, 121 words a min ute. In the novice) contest Miss Genevieve Maxwell, 15 years old, won by writing 81 words a minute In it quarter of nn hour test. This Is one word better per minute than the record of Miss Margaret B. Owen, tho present world'HchainpIoii. Miss Maxwell Is tho daughter of Mrs. Jennie Maxwell, of Paterson, N. .1. Miss Colin Grcenburg. of Brooklyn, won second prize with S3, words, and Miss Anna Johnson, of I'nterson, N. J., won third with 72 words. All tho win ners used Underwood machines, except Miss Gold, who used a Remington. J. M. Kimball, who has Judged nil tho Interrmtionnl typewriter contests held so far .was tho Judge yesterday afternoon. There is it startling array of adding, calculating, folding, payroll computing, letter duplicating, copying nnd an endless number of other o'llco machines. Yester day tho typewriter reigned supremo as far as general Interest was concerned. Not only were tho speed contests for amateurs and professionals held: pretty and police operators aro eager to show tho wonders of tho latest typewriting ma chines. Any one Is welcome to recelvo a lesson In typewriting, and business men who have exhibits havo put in practlco at tho show one of the great secrets of success In business, namely, geniality and hospitality ns far as customers or visitors nro concerned. Tho booths showing tho Remington nnd Underwood typewriters were great cen tres of interest yesterday. Judging irom elllclcncy shows In other cities '.his Is tho llrst to be held In Philadelphia booths of tho standard makers of type- writers attract probably tho greatest In- j t Hazleton, Pa., who talked on "Mer terest during tho wholo exhibition. chandlso Sales" ; Georgo W. Tomsou and Not only nro persons given freo lessons In typewriting, but typewriting "speed kings" are always obliging nnd willing to satisfy publlo curiosity and rattle off more than 200 words a minute. Tho Remington people have a "self starter" on exhibition. It Is said to savo an averago of 30 kecohda on a letter. Domonstrators at the show prove with llghtnlng-llko speed how a good typist can write an average of 50 business letters a day, which means a saving of 25 minutes a day, or two hours and a half a week. Tho self-starter Is a simple-arrangement by which any ono can tabulate the exact position on a letter without all tho pre liminary "tap-tapping" of the old method. Instead of stopping at nil "way stations," as the old tabulator did, tho new "self- sx!sm -kl'w-v-; g3- n- SIMntft: Llf . XI INUI A J . f ' adi I lillif I f: J 1 1 'IBS Hi ' "I I II i ' i Lily U - i 'Hill 1 n 1 111 H Iff U IHfH 11 HI 5T vwyte?S"ssjJg3Pl m . Jacob Reeds Sons 1424-1426 CHESTNUT STREET wwwwww i mmpww wiww WILLIAM F. OSWALD Philadelphia lad, who was the first to win the professional east ern typigt contest for speed. He won in the contest at the Business nnd Efficiency Show yesterday with 130 words ii minute in nn hour test. starter" goes directly to tho destination. What Is more importnnt, It will reverse, nnd, without added work, will go back ward to tho correct spot by one touch of tho key. Among other features In the Reming ton booths, which occupy eight divisions nt tho show, thero Is tho Multiple Reming ton, which will mnko addresses on four sheets without tho uso of n carbon paper. This machine Is used by many bfg con corni which wish to keep duplicates In various departments for reference. GAS MEN TOLD TO SEEK ECONOMY IN METHODS .. P. Post Urges Greater Effi ciency to Cope With Lqwer Rates at Convention Tho practlco of economy nnd efllclency In order that the expected "fall" In the gas and electric current to the consumers may be coped with properly was urged to day by A. P. Post, general auditor of tho American Gas Company, In nn address before the 100 managers of tho various subsidiaries of the company, who today entered upon tho second day of their three-day convention nt 7th and Locust streets. "Everything lias gono up but gas nnd olectrlclty," Mr. Post declared, "nnd tho service has grown better nil tho time. Probably that Is because companies that are public ln naturo must now do their business to the satisfaction of" their patrons. Tho representatives of such com panies must never lose an opportunity to glvo clllclent service." S. P. Curtis, general manager of the American Gas Company, whoso address was on "General Business," Bhowed how tho European war was today causing a ' Market streets yesterday after ho Is al mammoth consumption of gas and electric ! loged to have stolen shirts and other ma current. Particularly In the towns where terlal, valued at $25, from a department munition plants hnve been established has I store. Detectivo Pennock told his bi other, tho amount been exceptionally great, lie ! Magistrate Pennock, nt the hearing this said. Mr. Curtis was confident that the present era of prosperity would contlnua after tho war. Further addresses were mado by Aus tin Burt, of Waterloo, la., who was chairman of tho meeting today; Charles Fox, manager of tho Philadelphia Su burban Gas and Electric Company, who snoko on "Gns Kitchens": J. II. Gaylord, : V. S. Flss, who gavo campaign sugges tlons: II. M. Blake, on "Contracts"; C. W. Taggart. on "Electric Ranges nnd Ap pliances," nnd I. I.. Craig, who spoko on "Auto Reports." Texas Militia to Guard Border DALLAS, Tex., March 14.-7Commana-ers of Texas militia companies have re ceived orders from Brlgadlor General C. A. Lyon, commander of tho Texas National Guard, to recruit their com mands to war strength of 150 men. In the absence of it call for volunteers tho order stated the depletion of the border guard 'bf Federal troops may necessitate the services of the Texas militia on the border. Clothes readv for you to put on 1 KffiLllrawnntiA , &sKr;ry" f. - ;.ssss"sm;&ss5S& raw MS-ftfC -asayr.. . l-t" - p , 7T77SZf?T7:Ta;S?-uj1 Our assemblage of Spring; Models in Ready for Service Clothing com prises a complete and attractive exhi- , tit of new styles. f Every fashionable innovation of value is akown everything that is proper in models, in fabrics, in color ing;, and there isnt a freak or extreme style in the entire assortment. Come in and inspect these new and beautiful garments you will be interested in seeing what Fashion has decreed for well dressed men to wear this Spring, Ready for Service Suits and Overcoats Fifteen Dollars and Upwardfl IlinArinrrrrnfrfiiiiMnrci B METHODIST PULPITS CAUSE MUCH Four District Superintendents to Be Appointed Also in Con ference Which Opens Tomorrow HISTORICAL FESTIVAL Changes In the pastorates of churches of tho Methodist Episcopal Conference of Philadelphia nro promised at the 129th session or tho conference which opens In St James' Church, Olney, tomorrow morn ing Prospects of these changes together with the appointment of four district superintendents nnd elaborate plans for tho work of tho City Missionary District havo aroused Unusual Interest In the meet ing. Preliminary to tho opening of tho con ference tomorrow, the anniversary of the Philadelphia Conference Historical Society Will be held In the rhurch tonight. The principal nddrcss will bo delivered by the Rev. Dr. John D. Fox, of Harrlsburg. Spe cial muslo will bo n feature of the pro gram. It will bo given under tho direction of W. C. Schwartz, choirmaster of St. James', by the church choir. Delegates from the different cities nnd towns Included In the conference and from other parts of the country are arriving today and the Row Edward F, Randolph, tho pastor, and his congregation nre bus ily engaged In arranging to mako their visit as pleasant as possible. Bishop Joseph V. Berry, of Philadelphia, will preside nt tho business session, which are scheduled to open nt 9 o'clock to morrow morning. District superintendents whoso term of olllco expires this yenr nre tho Rev. Dr. Georgo H. Blckley, tho Rev. Dr. Frank P. Parkin, tho Rev. Dr. It C. GrlflUh nnd tho Rev. Dr. E. It Burrls. Bishop Berry has partly confirmed rumors that two of tho new district sup erintendents would be tho Rev. Dr. O. 11. Burns, jiastor of Calvary Church, West Philadelphia, and tho Rev. Dr. Charles W. Straw, of Rehoboth Church, Frankford. Doctor Blckley, ono of tho retiring suner Intcndents, has been mentioned as n pos sible successor to Doctor Burns In Cal vary Church. Ho has also been mentioned for pastor of thu First Church of Potts vlllc. But It is nlso said that considera tion Is being given the ndvlsablllty of con solldating t'n work of the South district and tho missionary district, nnd tho nam ing of Doctor Blckley to havo charge of the combined districts. In such case ho would doubtless have nn assistant. Bishop Berry hns said that the pastoral changes would number less thnn 100. White the selections for Important charges have not been definitely announced. It Is unuerstood that tho Rev. W, Gray Jones will go to the Sarah D. Cooper Memorial Church, West Philadelphia; Doctor Parkin, one of the retiring district superintendents, to Grace Church; tho Rev. Gladstone Holm from tho Ctiurch of tho Advocntc, German town, to tho Rehoboth Church, Frankford, and the Hev. William II. I.nulerniutli, rrom the First Church, Pottsvillc, to tho Tioga Church, this city. Accused of Stealing Shirts Daniel C. O'Donncll, 35 years old, who lives at 2323 North 17th street, ami Is a druggist by profession, was arrested by Detectivo William Pennock nt 9th nnd morning that O'Donnell wns addicted to tho uso of drugs. Magistrate Pennock held tho prisoner in $500 ball for court. IN SPKED THE VICTOR IN MKRIT THE MASTER IN SALES THE LEADER --JEs . ' r-s Holder Franklin Institute Elliott Cresson Medal for Mechanical Superiority WINS AGAIN! Philadelphia Boy Heads the List of Successful Operators Official Records Tell the Story of Supremacy EASTERN STATES TYPEWRITER CONTESTS PHILADELPHIA BUSINESS SHOW, MARCH 13TH, 1916 ' MACHINE . OPERATOR RATE PER MINUTE Professional Underwood WILLIAM F, OSWALD 130 words for one hoar (PHILADELPHIA) Amateur Underwood BESSIE B. LINSITZ (NEW YORK) Underwood GENEVIEVE MAXWELL. . Notice 'SHAKESPEARE WEEK' PLANS FOR SCHOOLS DISCUSSED Committee Prepares Tentative Pro gram for Celebration Plans for commemorating the 300th an nlvcrsary of the death of Shakespeare In nil the public nnd private schools through out the city during "Shakespeare Week" were discussed today by the special com mittee on arrangements nppotnted by tor. John P. Onrber, Superintendent of Schools. While tho date of the week hns not been definitely ngrccd upon, the committee to day prepared n. .tentntlvo program of ex ercises for the schools. Addresses and readings from Shakes pcaro will be given by the teachers and by outside speakers In tho higher grades and In tho lower grades stories from Hhakz-spearo's works will be told tho chil dren and pictures Illustrating various scenes from his plays will bo shown them. The committee In charge of arrange ments consists of Dr. Clieescman A. Her rick, president of Glrnrd College; Stephen B. Kuolton, Prof. Ernest Lacy, head of the English department nt Central High School: Charles Lawson, Elizabeth Lodor. Abraham L. Myers nnd Armnnd J. Gcr son, chairman. Resents Alleged Insult With Ax Joe OnVca resented being called a "wop." He resented It by striking John Burns, 47 years old, 2310 Garrett street, over tho head with a plck-ax. Burns will have an X-ray plcturo taken of his skull tndny nt St Timothy's Hospital. Galeca, who gavo his address as Domino lane. Manayunk, Is being held without ball in tho menntlmo to await tho result of the Injuries of Burns. Both men were em ployed nt laying ties on the Reading Rail way at Shawmont, near Manayunk. T i i " PHILADELPHIA BUSINESS SH (JjJU methods and First Broad and Callowhill Sts. OPEN 1 P. M. to UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER IN THIS, THE CITY IN WHICH IT HAS SCORED OTHER GREAT SUCCESSES irAitMun, i. j,) UNDERWOOD I" imi-iiii urn. mi i i i i p .iirn mil i - mm tfThe Machine You Will Eventually Buy LONDON PAPERS RIDICULE ttEPORTS OF PEACE TERMS "Fantastic Dream," "Germany Will Not Dictate," Among the Commetiia LONDON, March 14. Tha London newspapers commented at length this ft ternoon on reports of German peace termo carried to President Wilson by Colonel House, transmitted In dispatches' froth Washington. They generally ridiculed th German proposals. "Peace mny bo made In Iho not distant future, but not by Berlin," said the Eve ning Standard. "Germany will not dictate terms of pence, nnd It will bo well for Washington to observe proper contlnenco when ths tlmo comes," said the Globe. Tho Pall Mall Gazette said the German Idea of proper peace terms was a "fan tnstlo dream." - 1 !.l n'.i.'iU PURE FRESH PAINT aclieve Me Cheap painting is poor economy. Wo never do cheap painting, but we do quality work at very reasonable prices. Kuehnle Painting and Decorating Get Our EtHmate Jrfrtl Both Phones 28 S. 16th St. m CMf Today is UNICIPAL DAY Every city official and department head is invited to attend. An interesting object lesson in efficiency and labor-saving devices. f Regiment Armory 124 8 one half hr, one quarter hr. - . $ o 41 r Jl UwUM iXiymtrt rmmwmmwMmitmmsMwim El