ISEING XiEt)GlD-PHILADl3LPHTA MOHDAY, MABCH 13, 191C, 8 . c ft u' m m- . fTr f lit r i I.. XttL.- P TP! t, CHAPLIN SAYS THE " ESSANAY IS BLUFFING e Claims They Have Only Two Unreleased Chaplin Pictures, lie Ought to Know I '' ' by the Photoplay Editor tiharjes Chnplln In on hid way to Califor nia to lMc charge of the preliminary work matting: ready hi atudlos In Los Angelei. Atr. Chaplin left Netf York Thursday ott the Twentieth Century, concluding the Broadway nojourn which brought him the World's greatest nalary, the Mutual' con tract for 670,000 n year. "In departing, I want to emphatically deny that the Usaanay Company In hold ing a largo stock of unreleased dims of tny productions with which to flood tho market," said Mr. Chaplin. "There aro to come from this company only two 2-recl reteafieq, 'Carmen,' and another which has had tho working tltlo of TsHce.' "the circulated reports that a flood of Chapllrt film was to bo turned loose on the market have absolutely no foundation in fact, and the spreading of BUch gossip cart do no ono any good. "I am gtad to bo on my way to Call- fornfa. I'-6 had a bully tlmo In New York, and I have enjoyed every minute of It, hut now I feel like going back to work , ntfaln. "As I havo so often said, I nave rcit that this Was to be my big year. I know It Is going to he. "t am pleased with tho terms of this contract beyond tho somewhat Important financial return. It means that my efforts will get before all the people, that my pictures will havo adequate distribution through the Mutuat's wonderful machine of OS exchanges. "It fa tho expert estimate that not less than 250.000 persons a day will see me In tho films distributed by the Mutual. This ought to bo art nnswer to some of tha folks who mako snippy remarks about my salary. If a Broadway star or an artist of tho opera can get, say, from one to two thousand dollars a night, as Borne of them do, for an appearance at a theatre, appearing before that small audl ence at a theatre, why may not tho man who can reach a quarter of a million a night recolvo n commensurato salary7 JAnywnjc. each party to this contract Is satisfied with tho bargain, and wo know that It Is a fair one." Gall Kane, who recently was nenrly Xrozcn to death while filming "Her God," wl(l be seen In a new picture, "Tho Twin Sister," on tho Equitable) program. Tho nexti picture In which Francis X. Bushman will appear Is "Tho Wall Be tween." It will be released on the Metro program. Henry B. Walthall, co-star with Edna llayo In the Essanny series, "The Strange Caso of Mary Page," never signs hlB name Without tho "B," Tho reason? Well, there are 13 letters In "Henry Walthall" And the additional "B." drives away tho bad luck. Mr. Walthall isn't superstitious, but ho doesn't bollevo in taking any chances. With the close of the engagement of "Prohibition," tho Opera House has closed for one week while repairs aro being made. The reopening will bo under new manage ment, which promises entirely new nnd novel stylo of motlon-plcturo entertain ments. March 20 is announced by tho management an tho clato when the newer policy will go Into elTect, and tho largest film-producing firm In tho country, which has recently signed up the highest priced star In the world, will probably first show their product' to I'hiladelphtans at this i n -i i, i I. IB' . MmL BiHHKIaB H sssssssssssssssssssssssMSissssssssssssssfi '-i'i MtBmMm "sssssssssssstsssssCRSPMssssssssVlax '$Jt. NUkjPH WILL SPEAK ON PREPAREDNES Stevens Heckscher to Discuss Sub ject nt Oak Lane Tonight Stevens Heckscher, attornay and prom inent member of the National Security Lcngue, will speak on "Preparedness" to night at a meeting of the Oak Lane Park Improvement Asoclatlon io be held at 8:80 o'clock In the Reformed Church, 7th street and eeth avenue. William C. Haddock, former Director of tho Department of Pub lic Works, will bo nnother speaker. Improved police and fire protection will be urged upon the city authorities In reso lutions to bo adopted by tho league. Ed win M. Abbott will preside. Zleafeld show by tho usual "IT'S ALL A BLUFF" Charlie Chaplin miRht use this expression both vocally nnd fa cially when speaking of the Essanay. However, wo will wait and see. thcotro. The local management Is ro decorntlng and Improving tho Interior of tho Opera House In preparation for the inauguration of this service there, and until plans aro fully complete, no further announcement will bo made. From the Mutual press agent we get this: Chaplin was Introduced to Caruso tho other night. "Ah I Zo Caruso of zo cinema, I greet you," exclaimed. Caruso with his charac teristic modesty. Chaplin hesitated only a second, advanc ing smiling nnd with outstretched hand. "Delighted tho Chaplin of tho opera, I congratulate you." Well, scoro ono for Chas, C. Gas Men Open 3 Days' Convention M. W. Stroud, president of the Ameri can Gas Company, welcomed tho 00 man agers of tho subsidiary concerns of tho company In convention today at 712 Lo cust street. Harry A. Mackcy, chairman of the Workmen's Compensation Commis sion, explained tho merits of tho new law to tho managers. A banquet will bo held at tho Bcllovue-Stratford tonight, at which H. J. Cattell, City Statistician, will speak. This Is the first of tho throo days tho convention will continue Theatrical Baedeker PLAYS. OAnntCK "It rays to Adverllso," with Mar Jorlfl Wood, I.ouls Draw, Ceclle Breton, Frances Wrlitht, Grant Mitchell. Will Dem Iwr, Hen Johnson. .Oeorie 8chaefTer, W, J, Brady, Clyde Fosel and Oerild Olive-Smith. A farce by Cohan and Harris, In which a eon, rent adrift hr hie father, hits on Me pet Idea of publicity to malta money. He and hie chum hit on a plan to boom n won derful aoap. only they have no soap. Father, however, taken by the scheme, comes to the rescue. A farco success of New York. WALNUT "Itrlntlna- Up Father." a tn adaptation of tlporae McManua' popular car toons. A musical comedy with plenty of laughs, , FOnnF.ST "Zlenfetd Tollies of 101ft." with lna f!lnr Tlert Wllltnm. ton Krrrtl. W. H. Fields, Ed Wjnn, Will West. Hero wo nnd the scenery by Joseph Urban and the usual sort of Zlenfeld sho people. t.rntr Th nMv rtirl " a inualea! romedv. by Victor Herbert and Henry Blossom, founded on a light play of n few seasons ago, "Our Wives " nnOAD "Pollyanns," with Patricia Colllnite, flffle Shannon and Herbert Kelccy. , The "Bind sjclrl" of tho "nlad booka" playlns tho "elad same" with sentimental thorough ness, Annt.ntl "Tho New Henrietta," with Will llam II. Crane. Thomas W. Ross, Amelia Bingham, Mcln Arbuckl" nnd Edith Talia ferro. An lulaptattnn of llroneon Howard's pUy. by Wlnchell Hmltli and Victor, Jfapes. A story of stock speculation In Wall street, In which a father Is sacd by tho son ho disowned. I'lIOTOrLAYS. 8TANLEY Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. "For the Defense,',' with Fanny Ward. A story of lh war Thursday. Friday and Saturday. "The Code of Marcla Gray," with Constance Collier AnCADfA All week, "nultets nnd Brown Errs." with Resile Itarrlsealo. A Trlanale Kay Bee, Inco-supervlsed drama of tho war. rAI-ACE Monday, Tuesday nnd Wednesday, "Out of the Drifts." with Mnritusrlle Clark. Thursday, Friday and Saturday, "Tho niack List,1' with Ulancho Sweot. VAUDEVILLE. KEITH'S Lillian Russoll. Harry Tlahe nnd Silvia Jneon, Marlon Morean's Classical Dancers. Trod Ardath nnd company, in "Tho Hiram": I.jons nnd Ynwj, tho Chief Cau pollcan. Paul Oordon and Ama lllca, Sher man nnd Uttry. Threo Floods. COLONIAL Paul Conchns, Stan Stanley nnd company. HI Klrksmlth Sisters. John P. Wnde. in "Mnrso Selby's Chicken Dinner", llddlo Foyer. McCabc. Loer and Pond, Ull lettl's Monks. Lorraine and Cameron, Dally llrolhera. Smith nnd James. NIXON Hnrrv Tata's "Flshlnc.".. Ton Im perial Japs l'onzlllo Sisters, vocalists; Maud Klanhopo nnd company. In "Buritlars": Juli ette, Lorralno and Cameron: Lloid nnd Whltehouso. GLOME "Sidewalk Cabaret." Joseph Wat son, O'Connor sisters nnd Corbln, In "On the Hlver Front": Ollmoro nnd company. In "Tho (Ilrl From Mary's". Tabar nnd Green, Three llcnntt Sisters Holden and Graham, Kubellck. Falls and Falls. OltAND Una Clayton and company. Stanley nnd Norton, Wonder Kettle, Fred nnd AUelo Astnlro, Jnck Lewis, Parrlsh nnd Peru. CROSS-KEYS rirst half of week, "In tho Trenches," Ford and Truly. Cooper Towne nnd company, Wily Morse, tho Threo South ern Girls, t.iehtnlni; Weston Second half of week. "In the Trenches," ndwnrd Ford. Jack Marley. Luclllo Tllton, Mooro and White, Hall and Hall. STOCK. UNtCKEnnoCKDn "Outcast." n drnma. by Hubert Henry Davlcs. The Knickerbocker Flayers. In this popular play, with Dmlly Smiley In Miss i:islo rrerBuson's rolo of Miriam, AMEHICAN "Tho Crisis." a dramatization of Winston Churchill's novel. Tho Arvlne Players, presenting this drnmn, with Ruth Itoblnson nnd GcorEo Arlno plnylns tho leads, mmt.KSQUE. DUMONT'S Dumont'a Minstrels, In satires on matters of current Interest. COUMDtRN WILL DISCUSS LOAN ITEMS T0M0IIR0W Committee Will Attempt to Remove $210,000 Varo Snag Further consideration of the various items of tho $86,800,000 municipal loan will be taken up by members of Councils' Finance Committee aba meeting scheduled for tomorrow afternoon. According to. Chairman Gaffney, a thorough understand' lng of all the Items will be arrived at nnd every effort will be made to remove the snag Incident to the finding of a $210,000 Item to repay Senator Vare fbr work dona prior to 1913 in League Island Park and for the grading of Government avenue. Tho Vare item appears In a provision of $1,250,000 for tho Department of Pub lic Works which Is so worded as to pro vldo payment for work "heretofore done." Chairman Gaffney In reply to criticism of this Item will make the statement that Senntor Vare will first have to prove the Justness of his claim before any bill Is Introduced In Councils to provldo pay ment after tho passago of tho loan. The Item, ho says, Is In no way defective. Should Senator Varo fall to have (tho nec essary legislation passed or fall to secure a verdict In n court of law, tho money In volved could nnd would bo used for other work. This Is a bill that former Mayor Blankcnburg and former Director of Pub Ho Works Cooke refused to allow on tho grounds that It Involved no just debt on tho pnrt of tho city. Chairman Gaffney hns denied that the Item was Included secretly and insists that ovcry Item of tho proposed loan will be closely scrutinized at tho meeting to morrow Just what will bo dono with tho trmislt Item has not been determined, but Chairman Gaffney asserts thnt tho Item in no way affects tho controversy ovor plans and should bo Included together with tho estimates of other departments with out question. HOY BEATS DUUfl CLERK AND SETS FIRE TO STORE Had Been Discharged and Wanted to "Get Even" SCRANTON, Pn March 13. -Arrested on suspicion of knotting something about two brutal assault"! on Ocorgo Teal, em ployed na a clerk In Dawes' drug store. 15-year-old Frank Munley, a former cmployo of tho store, ndmlttcd that ho had twice beaten Teal up with n. blackjack while ho was on IiIr way homo from work, lato at night, and that he had also set 11 ro to tho drug storo threo times. Illi object, ho snld, was to get oven be causo ho lost hli placo In tho drug store. Teal having Informed on him when ho stolo a feu' cents from the money drawer. Seek to Ilcautify Bala nnd Cynwyd Tho Neighborhood Club of Bala and Cynwyd, which hns accomplished no much In tho past for these two suburbs, has appointed an Improvement Committee, consisting of tho following men: Knrncst L. Kngllsh, 13. J. Hedden, A. II. Holcomhe, A. H. Hohlert and Patrick Diamond Tho committee has sent out letters asking tho co-opcrntlon of tho rosldentB In tho work of beautifying tho main roads of tho sub urbs. This committee plans to plant sweet gum trees along, Hryn Mawr avenuo. oak trees along Montgomery and Lancaster nvonues nnd to beautify the grounds sur rounding tho Ualn and Cynwyd HtntlonH. No Arrests at Yardlcy in Month In his monthly report to tho Ynrdley Town Council. Constable B. F. Wist re ported thnt "no arrests wero made In Yardlcy during tho month of February, and I attribute, this condition to the good Influences resulting from Hilly Sunday's campaign conducted In Trenton." EVENING LEDGER PHOTOPLAY CALENDAR EVKKY MONDAY SUBJECT TO CHANGE r ALIIA3IIJRA APOLLO ARCADIA BELMONT BLUEBIRD BROAD ST., CASINO BROADWAY CEDAR CENTURY EUREKA FAIRMOUNT FRANKFORD 52D ST. 50TH ST. GARDEN GER3IANT0WN GIRARD GLOBE GRAND MONDAY John IJarrymoro. In Nearly n Klnc Orrln Johnson, In Tha Price of Power Pessle Ilarrlscale, In Pullets and Drown Dies Dustln Fnrnum. In The Call ot the Cumberland Hazel Dawn. In My Lady Incoe Carter De Haven. In Tha Wrong; Door Triangle Playt Let Katy Do It Blanche Svreet. In Tho Wnrrens of Virginia Harold T.ockwood: The Other Side ot the Door Clara Kimball Younz. In The Yellow Tassport Itobert Leonard: win nine ot Mi Construe Florence Uockwell. In Daly and Soul Helen Ware, in Tho Price TUESDAY John Parrymoro. In Nearly a Kins; Taullne Frederick, In Lydla Ollmoro Dessle Barrlscale. In Bullets and Ilrown Dyes Dustln Farnum. In The Call of the Cumberlands Blanche Sweet. In Tha RaKamuRln John CoMsar. (n Politeness Pays Tho Itullnc I'asslon Marguerite Clark, In Mice and Men fJeonce Reban. In The Pawn of Fate Henry Woodruff. In The Uerkonlns Flame Mnry PIckford. In The Foundling Theodore Roberts, In Pudd'nhead Wilson Mary Poland. In Tha Price ot Happiness Tannle Ward, In Tennessee's Pardner Oeraldtne Farrar. In Carmen Carter De Haven. In Tho Wronc Door GREAT NORTHERN IMPERIAL IRIS JEFFERSON JUMBO LAFAYETTE LEADER LIBERTY LOCUST LOGAN AUDITORIUM MARKET STREET ORIENT -0Sri!EUU OVERBR00K FALACE PARK PIiASTA FRINCESS JtKGENT piipEr fc AY0Y Bw P ;mgkAm 1 WfWl RWOOD JH5JY mrnnx -'r.a '"3"'Myf IM&T gyri - 'ft'j'''"' ."giJMs Clara Kimball Younr In The Yellow Passport William B. Hart, In Hell's Dimes Trlancle: nesale Barrls cale, In Honor's Altar Dustln Farnum. In The Iron Strain Francis X. Bushman. In I'ennlntton's Choice Dlrl and the dame (81 What the River Foretold William R. Hart, In The Dlsclpla Mary PIckford. In Poor Llttli Pepplna Carlvle Blaekwell, In The Clarion Ida Rchnall, In Undine Virginia Fearson. In The Hunted Woman x Weber. In Hop, tho Devil's Drew HazM Dawn. In The Masqueraders Da Wolf Hopper, in Don Qutisto . Tht ncknnlna- Flame A Madera Enoch Ardtn Marcuerlte Clark. In Out of the Drift! Marmierlta Clark. In Mice and Men Tha Red Circle When ith MasUr Sullw Ully"a tevena Paulina Shay, la A Fvol ParadUe . Kitty Oordon. i Io o! Looktnc Olasa 1 J" u I H ii i n i i i , Mary PIckford. tn Poor LltUe Pygpfoa . Kilty Oordoa. In As Io a LookUic GUM Lofl Merrdlth, Ja Tha Wonua Fannie Ward, tn For tha Delenaa Marian Bayer, in tin Lur of Im LfichU Hntu O'Nell. la A Wowan'a Put Pauline Frederick, In Lydln Ollmore Jullua Steiser. In Tho Master of the Ilouia Theoilnre Tloh-rts. In Pudil'nheud Wilson Undine Fannla Ward. In Tennessee a Fardner Adel Blood In The Devil's Toy Constance Collier. In Tongues of Men So" of Satan (Fie reelsl William P. Hart, tn Hell's Hinges WEDNESDAY John Dnrrymore. In Nearly a Klnc Marguerite Snow, In The Upstart Dessle Barrlscale. In Bullets and Drown Dyes Blanche Sweet. In The Ragamuffin Mary Roland. In Tho Price of Happiness Carolyn Birch, In From Out ot tho Past The Home of a Thousand Candles Clara Kimball Young. In The Yellow Passport Lulu Olaser. In Lova's I'llgrlmsge to America Robert II. Mantell. In The Unfaithful Wlfa Lewis Gilbert. In Tho Sons of Satan Dorothy Olsh. In Betty of Qreystono Hilda Snong, In Divorced Fannie Ward. In Tennessee's Pardner Nance O'Nell, In The Witch Hamilton Rvelle. In The Frlce of Malice Norma Talmadge In The Missing Links THURSDAY Chnrlotte Walker: Trail of tho Lonesome Pine The Pawn of Fate Bessie Barrlscale. In Bullets nnd Brown Dyes Blanche Sweet. In The Ragamuffin Francis X. Bushman, Man and His Soul In Charles RJchman: Sur prise ot an Empty Hotel Thcda Rnra. In The Tn o Orphans Mnry Miles Sllnter. In Darbaia Frletchla Adelo Blood. In Tho Devll'H Toy Wlllard Mack. In Tha Conqueror Constance Collier. In Tongues of Men Clara Kimball Young. In Tho lellow Passport Lenora Ulrleh. In ThsDettar Woman Fannie Ward, In Tennessee's Pardner ntlDAY Charlotte Wnlker: Trail of the Lonesome Pine Gernldlno Farrar. In Temptation Resale Rarrlca!e. In Bullets and Bruwn .Eyes raullne Frederick, In Tho Spider Mnry PIckford, tn Poor Little Pepplna Cluv Oliver. In Tom Martin: A Man Henrv Walthall, Tho Itmen Constnnce Collier, In Tongues of Men The Life of Our Saviour Pearl White, In Hazel Klrke Hamilton Revelle. In The Price of Malice SATURDAY Charlotte Walker: Trail of tho Lonesome Tine Bruce McHae. In The Oreen Swamp r. i'V'6 Barrlscale, In" nulletn and Brown Eyes Pauline Frederick, in The Spider Mnry Tlckford. In Toor Little Pepplna Charles Malles; Oullt of htephen Eldrldge William S. Hart, in Between Men Marv PIckford, In Cinderella Gernldlne Farrar. Temptation Lillian Lorraine, In Should n Wlfo Forgho? Pearl White, In Hazel Klrke Hamilton Revelle, In Tha Price of Mallco Roliert Edeson. In For a Woman'." Fair Name . Tho Rue The Heart-breakers Triangle: Frnnk Keenan, lit i n Lowiru Paramount Feature; Tha Old Homestead fllrdn Ho!ms In Victory of Virtue Sons of Satan Ready for Iteno Mr. and Mrs. Catle, la The Whirl of Life Mary rickford, In Poor Little Pepplna Mary Roland, tn Tha Edge of the Abyss Bessie Barrlscale, tn Honor' Altar Orrln Tohnson. In Th Price f Tower Marguerite Clayton, tn Vultures of Society Sarah Bernhardt, In Jeanne Dora Do Wolf Hopper, in Don Qulzoto Jloberr Rwnrth, The Target In Marguerite Clark, la Out of the Drifts Clen nidgler. In Th Golden Chance Mary Poland. In The Prlca of Happiness La Paloma Canlmated Nooz No. S Paulina Shay. In A Fool's Paradise Kitty Gordon In A In Looking Olasa Mary PIckford. la Poor Little Pepplna Frltjl Brunette. In Unto Tboso Who Sin Geraldina Farrar, la Temptation Fannla Ward, la i"or th Defease The Struuse Case of Mary ! (No. 31 Richard Tucker la Ween Lore Is Kl$g BUnttSJ In Dw p.ajpusuijrte Holhrook Bllnn In Tho Unpardonable Sin Kitty Gordon In Aa In a Looking QUss Lillian Olsh, In Daphne and tho Pirates Mary Miles Mlnter, In Dimples The Little Olpsv Warriors of the Air Bessie Barrlscale, In The Last Ac . Marv PIckford In Poor Little Pepplna Harry D. Carey. In A Knight ot the Range . Kitty Gordon. In As In a Looking Glass Robert Eteson. In a Woman's Fair N For araa Carlvle Blaekwell, In The Clarion Alice Brady. Holbrnok Bllnn: Tha Ballet Cllrl Charles Iltrhman In Tha Rattle Cry of Peace Ble Rarrlsiale. In Tha Oreen Swamp Marguerite Claj-k. In Out of tba Drifts Adr'e Blood In Tbil Devil's Toy Sons of Satan A Man'a Work Ham Takva a Chance Julius Stfgtr. In Tha Blindneaa ot Love, Hazel Dawn and John Mason: Th Fatal Card BUIIa Burke, In Peggy Jane Grey, la Man and His Angol Geraldln Farrar, In TcTiptatlcn Fanule Ward. In For tha Defense ' i r " Mlanon Anderson la Mlleotonts of Life Marie Dore. la The Wood Ninph Mary PIckford la Pour Little Pippins. Vntll Valll. In Her Debt of Honor Mareuerlte Clsrk, In Mice nnd Men Diamonds Are Trumps A Life's Chasa Holhrook Bllnn. In The Unpardonable Sin Ida Schnall, Undine In Pauline Frederick. In Lydla Ollmoro . Lillian Drew, In Vulturea of Society Th Iron Claw (No 3) Ills Brother's Pal Carlvle Dlsckwell. In The Clarion Mary PIckford. In Poor Little Pepplna Kitty Gordon, tn As In a Looking Qlass Dorothy OIh. In Betty of Greystona Kitty Gordon. In As n a Looking Qlass Frltit Rrunette, In Unto Those Who Sin Jharles Cherry: Mummy and the Hummingbird Charles Rlchman In The Battle Cry of Peace Geraldln Farrar, In Temptation Blanche Sveet. la The Blacklist Mildred Gregory. In According to Law Jackie Saunders. In Th Shrine of Happiness Th flirt and tho Oam What Happened to Peggy Julias KUrer. in Th Blindness ot Love Virginia Hammond, lu Th Discard John Barrymor. In Nearly a King Virginia Pearson, In The Hunted Woman Vslll Valll. la To Turmoil Constance Colliers The Coda of Marcla a ray WucJ Rttd. in The Lost IIouso Frederic Ward, la Silas Marn.r . Chnrles Richmond, In Hero of Submarine D-? Marian Nesbltt, In The Citspnw ., Annii Held. Jn Madame I,a Presldento . Mollle Klnir. In A Woman's Power Francis X. Bushman, Man and His Soul In . Destiny A Chance Deception John Emerson. In The Flying Torpedo . The Battle Cry of Peace Ifothrook Bllnn. In The Unpardonable Sin .Frltzl Rrunette. In Unto Those Who Sin 0 raft (Fplsode No. H) The Doll Doctor Mary PIckford. (n l.lltle I'epplna Poor Fannl Ward, tn Tennessee's Pardner Mary Miles Mlnter, In Dimples Manruerlte Snow, In A Corner In Cotton Iilllle Burke, In Peggy Oeoree Beban. Ii The Pawn of Fata Mary Miles Mlnter. In Barbara Frletchla Bessie Barrlscale, In Tha Last Act Th Grip of Jealousy Blanche Sweet. In Th Blacaltst IJsxel Dvn. In My Lady Incog Th Oval Diamond Soldiers' Sons Her Bed Quarter-hour Holhrook Bllnn. In Tha Unpardonable Sin Lou Tellegen. In Th Explorer , Kitty Oordon. In Aa In H Looking Qlass Paula, Bhty. In A FooFs I'aradU Seasu Harakaw . la Th Typt"ia ilgry Pickjford. la Poor L1UU I'opplo. Constance. Collier: Tn Cod ot Marcla. Pray Pearl Whjto.lq ., Ttu Iron Clavr (No. H Wlllard MacLTlri Tb OjaquarvT Dustln Froujtu la Th Sail of lit Caintenandi it i Robert II. Mantell. In The(lreen-eyel Monster J' Brr'n Kerrlgnn, In The Pool of Flama Walthall: Strange Case of Mary Page Blllle Burke, In Peggy Florence Reed. In Theowardly Way u??rJS"JHrhmon"in Hero of Submarine D-3 Lillian Waiker. In J"H oiocKings Anna Held, In Madame La President -' ". I'ora, in The Wood Nymph .Frltzl Rrunette. In Unto Those Who Sin . Mollle Klnir. In A Woman's Power rpJhJa.n,m",ion' l The Flying Torpedo The Battl Cry of Peoc w'l!''n S.Hart. In Hell's Hinges George Bebsn. In The Pawn of Fata Th Fatal Introduction A Desperate Leap Mary PIckford. In Toor Little Pepplna Fnnnle Ward. In Tennessee's Pardner Charles Parley, in Th Mystery of Qrclval Marguerite Snow. Io" A Corner in Cotton Blllle Burke. In Peggy Francis X. .Bushman. In J' an ana His Soul .. Jane Grey, In Man and HI Angel Beaal Barrlscale, la " .. o-tt Pu'ln Frederick, la .. uiiiuvre BJancbe Sweat. In mo uiacaust A Fool's Paradi.e Mary Pag Oeorg Beban. In Th Pkwa of Fat m .Pr Poland. In Th PrU 8f lUpplne., iuioroo unnn.ln Tn Unpardcnabl Sla H'i'r!.1I,,Een'' Th Explorer Olga Eftrova. la ThsBoul Market Hamilton Revelle, In Th Price of Malic Constance Collier, la longue of Men Constance Collier. To Com of Mwcltt Cray Dorothy Oreen, la Th Persian Ruroaac liarle Empress, la Lev f Crcusroada Duslln Farnum In Th. Call ot the CuntisrUndj NOMINATION PETITIONS FILED AT IIARRISBURO Several Enter Contests to Be Held at May Primaries IIAnRISBUnO, March 18. The Secre tary of the Commonwealth haa received pe titions from the following persons for nom ination nt tho coming May primaries: Thomas P. Klrswell, Liberty township, Montour County, Democratic member of State Committee! Dr. Frnnk Judnon Hard well, Tunkhannock borough, Wyoming County, Republican national delegate; Charles A. Mltchel, Pittsburgh, Republi can, Representative In General Assembly; Michael Ilond Rich, Woolricli, Clinton County, Republican, Representative In General Assembly; Emmet Slfe, Dunbar township, Fayette County, Republican, Representative In General Assembly! John T. Trevaskls, Turtle Creek, Allegheny County, Republican, national delegate. HUNT BOYS WITH 'TUMMY ACHE' Cops Try to Find Robbers Who Raided Candy Cases in "Flvo and Ten" Storo Pollco of tho 26th nnd York streets sta tion today are hunting for boys suffer ing from "tummy ache" In tho firm belief that search along this line will result In tho rounding up of tho thieves who rnlded tho candy nnd jewelry counters of the All man Flvo-and-Ten-Ccnt Storo, 1601 Sus quehanna avenue. When A. I. Hpstcln, a clerk, opened the storo this morning, ho quickly discovered that all was not well with tho establish ment. Tho floor was littered with candy nnd many pounds of gum drops, peanut brittle, molasses taffy nnd other varletlci of mvoots were missing. Glass showcases woro covered with tho daubs of sticky fingers, giving ovldenco of a wholesalo candy orgy. Flfteon dollnrs was miss ing from a ensh register, and many "sparklors" wero absent from their accus tomed places In tho 10-ccnt jewelry case. Tho looters gained ontranco to the storo by crawling up a ratnspout In tho rear nnd climbing through tho window of a storeroom. "It Is tho work of boys," snld Samuel Altman, jiroprlotor. "It looks ns though that, aftor they had eaten all the candy they could hold, they had stuffed their pockots with gum drops and other sweets." Acting Detectives 'Williams and Wch ardson aro making tho rounds of homes In search of "tummy ncho" sultorcrB. This Is tho second tlmo that the Altman storo has been robbed wltMn two years. $2500 Loss in Farm Fire SHAFORD, Del., March 13. A largo dwelling on the farm of Louis Clark was destroyed by flro Sunday, with n loss of about $2300. Tho house was occupied by a tenant. " Several times nenrby out buildings caught flro from flying embers, but wero saved by tho hard work of a bucket brldgade. Nearly all the house hold effects wero saved. P. & U. Watchman Killed by Engine READING, Pa March 13. Cornelius Koch, CO years old, crossing watchman at tho Franklin street station of tho Philadelphia nnd Reading Railway Com pany here, was ground to pieces under neath n shifting onglno In front of tho station early today. Koch had stepped asldo to permit n southbound trnln to pass, nnd failed to seo or hear tho ap proaching shifter. Ho hnd been In tho employ of tho company many years. "JsssssssssHPMsHlssssSu r i .av m&. ,3 BSBBBBP svR 1 issssssf SSBbHF sHsBBsKfisBBBBBs! P ik At ' v ,t -' 1 SADIE GRAVER Sixtcen-yenr-old rjlrl who has been missing from her homo at 227 Do Lancey street since Feb ruary 15, last. 16-YEAR-OLD GIRL GONE SINCE FEB. I5j 0 I Sadie Graver Mysteriously! v ' Missinrr Fiimilv Prn. E for Her Return A 16-year-old girl, the eldest of J, nil Inft linr l,. .1 0r fOnf nnd haB not been noun sin,. n.. ary..ll nnd father pray Incessantlv . J??"1 turn; her younger sister. Eleanor, ,JJL old, wonderlngly asks what has J. 6f "sister," but tho days pass and qaSIJ Graver sill rnm.ilnn n.n f- 1. .Sadl. 227 Do Lancey street npm' wnetner tne girl waq abducted or vliftlhar alifl ran mint? nt u ur her mother does not know, "t hav. fhl n tint AOl,nrn,,., ,1 .V""0-i Graver this morning. "But I fwi ,' that sho did not leave voluntatllr ,.1 I havo heard nothing from her slfice .' disappeared, and If sho simply left I,.-! ' .. ..... ... ,.....,, ,,, ncigre mis,'' Tho description of the girl furnished th. pollco by her mother Is that sho Is 5 f.i ! Inches tall, with dark hair and blue eyet When sho left homo sho wore a blue sulL dark brown coat with fur trimmings and a dark brown leather sailor hat it.- father, Charles Graver, la a butc.W all , has two brothers David, 12, and HatrrJl 9 years old. v 1 TWO FIRES ON BRITISH SHIP Series of Explosions Prccedo Blaze on English Vessol ST. JOHN'S, N. R Mnrch 13. For tho second tlmo In 24 hours, flro wns discov ered early today on board the Drltlsh steamship Matatus. Tho flro was pre ceded by a Berles of explosions, which aro bcllovcd to havo been caused by calcium carbldo In her cargo, Tho flames spread rapidly despite tho efforts of the crow and firemen. Tho Matatus Is bound for New Zealand. Hor cargo, which Includes BOO automobiles and steel rails, 13 valued at (600,000. r Baltimore & Ohio Tours WASHINGTON $10.50 ALT; KXI'ENSCa Tintin: days MAIICII 10, APItir, 13, 10 nnd 37 Tickets flood lteturnlns; 10 Ilays Secure Illuntrntrd Ilooklets jclvlnjr Information nt Ticket Olllcrs 831 Chestnut Htrect, Wldener Illilir., Mo tion, 34th nnd C'lirstnot Ktrrrts; 30110 Mnrkrt Street, 60S Honth 3d Htrert, 7tl, strrrt and (ilrurd Avennr, 137 South llnmil Street, 1140 Nurth Sd itrert. V.. .J Muhlenberg Brewery Burns READING, Pa March 13 Fire ds.1 Buujcu mo i.tuniuiiuLTK brewery, ins Muhlenberg township, near tho city Hna.1 late Inst night. Tho loss Is estimated s5 ' J7B.000. Tho fire Btarted In the boll&r' house. QOLD FILLED Ladies' or Gentlemen's Sizes. Write for our 17fl-pas:e catalog'. q$WB'l fa5k?S In Huntinr S Cases 1.QJ 3 -."tlsscVw. cxtrn. f Yon muy rest nniurcd that these inlcnlli nnlehes nc-tunlly cost more than 3 to miks. nnd thnt this remarkable sale Is tha cllsux nf nil I. I'ress Sons' value oondriasltyii. These nntrlies ore not nickel or liraM. bet ' nre actually fin r.I) ril.T.KD, made to wtsr, nnd Ruarnntecd 10 rearsi also fins tlmo 1 keepers. Ana you Know mil tnat nea " '..BB PRgH&SOMI roa atAnauar''f1oiiZsV iJH Wt - ,BTB"ai irltiPKeroIUh nitOUlSfSS i ".un.iii'BRiii ii in jj: h2a NxnJZl "ii Y.irMantiSi lABKCT3i: OZSMAg jrt.W3m3!9Sr PROMINENT OTOPLAY PRESENTATIO tm imSsuf SoSin (hmrm Till: follonlne thentres ohtnln their pictures thrnuili the STAN'I-i;V Ilook InK Company, nhleli Is a cuarnnlee of early hliatrlncs of tho tlticst pro ductions. All pictures reviewed liefore exhibition. Ask for the theatre in your locality obtaining pictures tlirouch the KTANXI2Y llooklnc t'ompuny. WJMT I'IIIL,I1KIA'IIIA . ... .nnn i 12th, Morris & Tnssyunk Ave. Al HrtlYIKKQ Mat. Dally aiz; uvs..i y. iiuuiunv'M, vauaevni John Barrymore Vaudeville & Param't Pictures. In "NBAm-TT A KINO" CHESTNUT nrxow iotii ARCADIA BESSIE BARRISCALE in "I)Ut,I.BT3 AND nilOWN EVES" a D-iT I C S2D AND THO'SON ArULL.sJ MATINEE DAILY Triaiiole Besslo Barrlscale and Ilruco Mcllaa B In "THE (inEEN RWAMP'' rrlnngle-Keistoae 'LOVE WILL. CONQUER' RI UEBIRD "00 N0HTn nn0AD 8T' aSS HAZEL DAWN in r""nU -MY LADY 1NCOQ" tSEiLilViUIN 1 Mats 1:30 & 3:30. 10c, B2D ADOVE MARKET hlat 1:30 & 3:30, inc. EtRs 11:30 8, 0:30,lBc DUSTIN FARNUM in THE CALL OP THE CUMnERLANDS" BOTH AND CEDAR AVE. CEDAR PAltAllOVNT THEATRE Blanche Sweet ln ''"gAfflZ- PARAMOUNT PRODUCTION FAIRMOUNT MT" 1Sgano AVr, Doubts feature lay The Universal Film Co. Prrsents DOI1ERT LEONARD and ELLA HALL In "Tho Winning of Miss Construe." FRANKFORD " franae Florence RocltweU ,n "JKSvi.i. "THE 6TRANQE CASE OP MARY PAGE" 56th Street Theatre ; V3'a Delow Spruca Theodore Roberts ,n ' SSF 52d St. Bansoi Hansom Mats. 2-3 :SO Bo Ergs. 6;80 to 11 10o Helen Ware te PRICE" GERMANTOWN "Vw'ivS: Paramount Plctur nessee'a Pardner.' t range Case o( FANNIE WARD In 'Ten. Added Attraction. "The Mary .Fag." Oth Episode. CI fine WI A MARKET 2:15.7,0. ljL.JtJIZ, IfS.OOO KIMBALL ORQAN" CARTER DE HAVEN in "THE WRONQ DOOR" riDADn AVENUE THEATRE sjUaVrArU-1 7TH AND GIRARD AVE. Geraldine Farrar "Carmen" Hi-onr Nnrlriprri BRAD ST.. ERIE Vjreai iNormern qermaht'n aves. TRUNObB PLAY William S.Hart ta"Hw. IRIS THEATRE "" J5SSgg,TW TRIA1IOLB PLA Y8 DUSTIN FARNUM in THE IRON STRAIN." Kenton. Comedy-, "THE GREAT VACUUM ROUBEUY" JEFFERSON iVtn &&ivum FRANCIS X BUSHMAN and BEVERLY DAVNE la "PENNINGTON'S CHOICE," . METRO. . LAFAYETTE 29U KB1"'? Avn Trianpli Playi Vfm. B. Hart In "Tha DlKlpls," fyU CaapUt Io "A Bubmartii Plrata." Frl A at -Mary Fteltford la "Poer LJjtl Flaa." I FAnFD FORTY-FIRST AND LUrtUIiK LANCASTER AVENUE MARY PICKFORD in 'TOOR LITTLE PEPPINA" LIBERTY CARLYLE BLACKWELL in BROAD AND COLUMBIA "THE CLARION" Logan Auditorium "SMHve. S RANKIN DREW anil VIRGINIA PEARSON in "THE HUNTED WOMAN" I OPI TQT 82D AND LOCUST IUVUOl Mata, 1,30 and 3:30, 10c. i:gs, 0-30, s, 0.30. isc, IDA SCHNALL Unci1nc, Market St. Theatre 33i mabrtkret IlIueMrd Features Present LOIS WEDER and PHILLIPS SMALLEY In "Hop, the DeUI'a Urew." Sea "aitArT" every Weilnesday. ORPHPIlfVl GERMANTOWN AND V7.lTni-.UM CHELTEN AVES. TRIANOLU VLAYB DE WOLF HOPPER Irt "DON QUIXOTE" MA11EL and FATTY ln THE I1RIUHT LIGHTS," ORIP1MT 2D WOODLAND AVE. Xli-,l1 1 Dft)y Mat o jgi n.So to 11. ctiViT HAZEL DAWN in THE MASQUERADERS" PAT APP 12U MARKET STREET I flt,EA l0 A M lo jj.,a p, M. MARGUERITE CLARK in "OUT OF THE DRIFTS" PARK HIDGE AVE. & DAUPHIN ST. 1 X1 MATINEE 3:18. PARAMOUNT DANIEL FROHMAN Pre.enta Tha Marmur: r'l.vl- In "MICE Painty AND MEN" PDA Ml! 2I and MARKET STS. OKMNU MAT. DAILY, 2 P. It, B. CLARA KIMI1ALL YOUNG In 'THE YELLOW 1'ASSPOIIT" .1 Heels. "PEACE AT ANY PRICE" Vila. Comsdr. "CHAIN OF EVIDENCE"- 2-Reel Olograph. ' OVERBROOK C3D oniFo,RADVEAYa TRJAJfOLE FEATURES "THE BECKONING FLAME" "A MODERN ENOCH ARDEN" lL A DTil7M B3d 4 LANSDOWNE AVE. vjraiii,ii MAT,! EVa,6;3X MARY BOLAND in "The Price of Happiness" -a EUREKA 40TI1 & MARKET ST1 WOULD FILM CORP Presents CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG ; In "THE YELLOW PASSPORT' ', IMPERIAL Theatre lnXJ! TRIANOLE Presents BESSIE BARRISCAIH In "imvnn'H at.titi" f KEYSTONE Cnmely MACK SWAIN la "HIS AUTO'S RUINATION- BROADWAY S2D OREENWT DSS.JtU VV J I Adults 10c ; Chlldrta M ruiA.vuLi; plays "LET KATY DO IP' "THE GREAT PEARL TANGLE" NORTH Broad Street Casino moBVM MATINEE 2s30, EVENING T and 0. CARTER DE HAVEN in "THE WRONQ DOOR" OTHERS r'FNTi' IR V cum ave. & marsimu' VCri 1 UK I MATINEE DAILY THE OTHER SIDE OP THE DOOR' In B Acts Featuring Harold Lockwood & Mae AHistm SOUTH PRINCESS J018 MARKET STREET "WHEN THE MASTER SMILES" a ..-,.. ."f',UJ'Y'S REVENGE" Bee "The Girl and the Gams" eery Thursday, RTAI TO GERMANTOWN AVE. lumj '-' AT TULPEHOCKEN ST. KITTY GORDON in "AS IN A LOOKING GLASS" RFfiFNT 1M MARKET STREET ivjiit i uvitAH yoicb anon PAUUNE SHAY in "A FOOL'S PARADISE" R I I R Y MARKET STREET UUU ' BELOW TTII STREET MARY PICKFORD in "POOR LITTLE PEPPINA" SHERWOOD MT" AND w a U 1. VY J J U BALTIMORE LOIS MEREDITH A THEODORE ROBERTS in "THE WOMAN" T SAVOY mi "ARKET J n. V J i B7REET .,. WORLD FILM CORP. Presents Kittv Gordnn ln Aa ,N A ruiiy vioruon lookino gla?s" TIOGA ,IT" VENANao 8T3 Blanche Sweet taCTlnrm PARAMOUNT PRODUCTION" VICTORIA "ARKET 8T. WVlUIUrt ABOVE ninth ?y,?. ,Iit.'n."IJu'" ntngss." Win. Collier In "W and Auto TrouWea." K "TbaStSili Ca,a , Mry pa" ,v,ry Wad. aid Tows! 16TII 11) STANLEY p5KffigSrS2J MjSfiitV 1 "For 0e D(rfa PLAZA 'Dn0AD ANU SIS "THE RED CIRCLE" "FALSE FRIENDS AND FIRE ALARMS". 2-ReeI LKO Komedy, NORTHH'EST Susouehanna '""""SrSK J FOX NANCE O'NEILL In "A WOMAN'S Caso of Marv Paw." Vrtlnr IIKNRY V v AUfilAut. anq c.urtn. wm NORTHEAST STRAND ,STH AND QIBARD Ava MARIN SAYERS in srwc nna M rftir TtrttlTH" 0-Act Drama, OTtfEIW JlVKblSUTQU JUMBO FB0NT MS AVEK.3 "THE GinL AND THE OAME" -ChiP"a TOLD" In S Parts. ANIMATED WEEWi5 No, 10. "WHEN LIZZIE UiBAJ-rJMnt- YVeekly Progranu APPEAR EVERT MONDAY V Motion Picture Chs FAffiS J yam&&kh 1 ISsfe&i JBeSj '?. ta 82 "j&srjg1 Julia aHcgsr. In Julloj6Uor, ta , ! "SHwT-HsS Wt " a 'M't MjL.aa ili aJ.4 f"""""'"" .-aaar liUimuUiiiUUUiil .-,-, -. . , g;yrr n , ,, a fci jiii-t -& ..v