-5.- wtfeF-tyWi'" sna-trtfljpwjpw EVENING LEDGERPHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, MAROH 13, 1916- Ui TX'k''"mV J"' W fe: it1' I ft SLAVS IN PERSIA START MARCH TO BAGDAD GOAL Large Army in AdVance to Teuton Railway Terminus Captures Kirind TO BRING AID TO BRITISH Progress of Czar's Troops in Co-operation With Aylmer's Relief of Kut FRENCH STORM FOE'S TRENCH AT LE PRETRE Continued from rrt On The following la the text of the ofllclat report: 'The weather being favorable, the ao tlvlty of the artillery on the south sides over a great part of the front Is lloly. 'There la Increased nctlvlty (of the ar tllltry) on both sides of the Meuso. Kant of the river this Increased activity extends as far as the Motello Itlver. "Apart from patrol righting near tho Sommo Itlver and tho falluro of a small attack In Prlestwald (Ie l'retre forest), there have been no events of Importance. "Our airmen attacked railway stations and encampments on the Clermont-Verdun railway with successful results "Three more enemy nlrshlps havo been destroyed In Champagne and one In tho Meuse region." rirrnormAn. March is The Russians, who have been operating In Persia, have apparently begun a march Upon Bagdad. Tho ofllclal nrmy head quarters report says Wo havo occupied tho town of Klrlnd, 1'ersla, In tho direction of Hag- dad. Klrlnd Is 40 miles west of Kcrmnnshah, which tho Russians captured some time ago, and only 40 miles from tho Turco Persian frontier, almost on a direct lino to Uagdad, which Is 120 miles distant from Klrlnd. An advanco of 60 miles further west would bring the Cxar's troops Into tho Valley of tho Dlyala, nn eastern tribu tary of tho Tigris, which would glvo them an easy approach to the city of tho ca liphs. Military experts here have bcllbved for some tlmo thnt the relief of thu llrltish forces Isolated by tho Turks at Kut-cl-Amara was likely to be effected by tho Russians as well as by the British troops Under General Aylmer up tho Tigris. It was generally supposed, however, that tho big army which captured Erzcrum and then spread rapidly north, west and south, would detach a sufllclcnt force for an expedition to Uagdad, as It Was not believed that tho Russian nrmy In Persia was of sufficient slzo to under tako such work. Apparently tho Czar's forces In Persia are Btronger than was supposed or havo recently been augmented. The brief of ficial announcement made Is taken hero to mean tho beginning of a drive to tho relief of tho beleaguered British below Uagdad. SHIFTING SANDS BLOCK DESIGNS UPON SUEZ Teuton nnd Turk Mnrch Across Desert to Canal Not Prac ticable at This Season LA TESTA DIPONTEDI GORIZIA BOMBARDATA DAL GENER. CADORNA Ricomincia Forae, So il Tempo lo Permettcra', l'OfTensiva Contro la Linea Austriaca dell'Isonzo GLI ALLEATI A CONSIGLIO BRITISH LOSE 5000 IX VAIN' EFFORT TO RELIEVE KUT Unsuccessful in Fight nt Fclahic. Turks Win Near Aden niSRMK, March 13. The Urltlsli lost 6000 men In an unsuc cessful attempt to relieve the Kut-cl-Amara garrison, according to nn official statement from tho Turkish War Office, telegraphed horo today. The report covered tho battle at Folnhlo, southeast of Kut. The Turkish War Office also announced tho defeat of a British expedition In Arabia, near Aden, "On tho Yemen front an English do tachment of 6000 Infantry nnd 600 cav alry, with 12-ccntlmctro guns, htnrtcd from Sheikh Osman, north of Aden, and occupied tho town of Aflsch and tho heights two and one-half miles southwest of It." said tho official statement. They then attacked Turkish vanguards By WILLIAM G. SHEPHERD UOMK, March 1.1. Egypt nnd tho Suez Canal nrp absolutely safo from n Turco-Oermnn attack for at leaBt another year. While In Athens 1 obtained this Information direct from n rellablo Rourco In Constantinople. Tho Orcek censorship mado It Impracllrabto to cnoio this fnct riom Athens. Febiuary was tho last month when tho shlftlnR dciert snnds cast of tho Suez Canal cro llrm enough to sustain march ing columns. Movement of nrllllrry or i ujrjjjr niiHwim hli wnn tliu UUPI I I will bo out of question for many months. All stories nbout thn Hermans building railways nnd supply roads nrross tho desert nro mere fabrications They crcato n lot of amusement In Constantinople, whoro tho character of the soft sandy region oast of the canal Is well known. Oormans staff experts In Ber::n esti mated that camels, traveling from the end of the Damascus railroad to tho Suez Canal, could carry only flvo pounds each of ammunition or supplies In addition to their own forago for tho long trip. This tended to dlssolvo tho Arabian Nights dream jilcturo of long trains of camels moving enormous quantities of army suppllos to me sue. It ran bo stated definitely that Egypt nnd tho Suez Canal havo boon loft out of Gorman and Turkish plans for a year at least. EUROPEAN AVAR HOLDING UP U. S. MEXICAN PLANS Thousands of Cars Loaded With Muni tions Interfere With Expedition WAHtirN'OTOX. March 13. Tho Eu ropean wur Is holding up the American military expedition Into Mexico to get Francisco Villa. With tho United States on the verge of activities which may require tho Imme diate shipment of hugo quantities of sup plies to tho border, tuns of thousands of railroad cars are effectually tied up In Eastern terminals loaded with supplies for tho warring nations of Europe. j Tho Interstate Commerco Commission ndmltted today that tho situation wan sorlous. The plans worked out somo tlmo with superior forces, but wero stopped ago ,y railroad nnd Wnr Department of. Y .i . " flclals for the 1ulck moving of supplies "'"'"" """" "" n:my iviumrew, , nro set at naught by tho unprecedented only tho protection of hla Iong-rango ar tillery preventing a panic. "Tho enemy then tried to mako a new stand In Elcmeihnlc, two and ono-half miles south of Aflsch, In positions pre viously prepared, but was forced by Turk ish Mudlahlds to retreat into tho fortified camp of Sheikh Osman, under tho protec tion of tho guns of warships anchored In the Qulf of Aden. Tho Turks destrgyed the town nnd fortifications of Elmelhalo and captured all pioneer material there." SDLIUS MAY HAVE HIT MNE IS NEW BELIEF Norwegian Ship With Ameri cana Aboard First Reported Submarine Victim PARIS, March 13. Press dispatches from Havre today cast soma doubt on tho first reports that the Norwegian bark Stilus, aboard which were Bevon Amer icans, was torpedoed without warning. No submarlno was sighted, the dis patches said, though tho majority of tho crew believed a submersible attacked tho SJllus. Others expressed the opinion that tho Stilus struck one of the mines tho Qermans are known to have been sowing off the French coast. WASHINGTON, March 13. The Stato Department today had no new facts as to the sinking of the bark Slllus. The Consul uenerai at Havre has neon asked for de tails. Hla first report said the Slllus had bean torpedoed. Secretary Lansing was to leave tonight for a week at Plnehurst, N. C. In his absence Counselor Tolk and tho President yrjill handle the Stilus case. congestion of the Atlantic seaboard termi nal. Tho commission Is working on new plans to relievo thin congestion and send back to tho West Its quota of rolling stock. Tho American Hallway Associa tion Is co-opcratlng. rtOMA, 13 Marzo. II generate Cadorna ha Inlzlato tin nuovo movlmonto offenslvo stilla fronto dell'Isonzo, la sola del teatro Itallano delta gunrra dove operazlonl ill guerra sono posslbltl ora. Membra rhe quesln nuova offenslva sin II prlmo rlsultnto delta con ferenza degll alleatl. Iiimgn la fronto dell'Isonzo gll lltollanl stnnno hombardamlo vlotontementa II Rettoro dl Oorlzla ron grnndl masse dl artlgllcrla dl ognl collbro, o si sono avute nncho plecole nzlonl dl fanteria, ma o ovldonto cho slamo nncnra nlla prlmlsslma faso deH'offenslva. Nel tempo modeslmo nnrhe not settorl dl montngna, dovn o' posslhllo, nonostanto It tempo Inctemenle e la novo nlta, la fnuterla Itatlana nttneca le poslzlonl nustrlacho In moltl puntl. Eppure In molt! puntl delta fronto nlplna si Rnno nvitto vnlnnghn cho hnnno perslno seppclllto accintonntnentl dl truppe Nolle vlclnnnzn dl Oslavla I'attarco Itnllano o' stato rosl' vlolcnto cho gll alia triad doveltero Invlnro rlnforzl In tutta frotta ior salvnro lo trlncen dl prima llnea. Como nbhlamo detto l'offcnslva Itnllana o' nncnra alia prlmlsslma fnwe. ma si erode rho osia sla parte dl un piano ill of fenslva slinultnnea degll alleatl contro gll Impcrl rcntrall nel prlnclpall teatrl delta guerra. Sembra cho I tedeschl, avenclo niipreso ill qucsll plnhl degll alleatl lib blnno cerrato ill frustrarll attaccando Verdun prima rho vctilsso la prlmavera o qtilndl un tompo plu favorevolo. It Mlnlitoro delta Ouerrn pubbllcavn terl sera 11 negucnto cnmunlcnto ufllclnto In base nl rapporto del, gencrulo Cadorna: "Noltn parto alta dclla zona dl guerra, cloo' nclle montngne, lo nostro oporozlonl sono nncorn contlminmetito ostacolnlo d.il pcrslitenta cattlvu tempo, ed In nlcunt puntl dclla zona montnuii la neve c' alta flnn a 32 pledl. "En nostra nrtlgllerla c" stata In Interna cd efllcneo nzlnne lutigo tutta la fronto del medio Isonzo o dl II' at mate. Una pane ilnlto trlnceo ncmlche sono state danticg glato o lo truppe clic lo occupavano no sono ktato cnccliito o Bono stato scoutltte, montro le battorlo nomlcho venlvano ri dottn nl sllcnzlno. "Durnnto la temporancn crssazlono del fuocu la nostra fnntorln, passando sulU novo nbbnstnnza nlta o sul fangn cho loprlva I Ilanchl ilcllo nlturo nttucco' lo poslzlonl nemlclie hombardnndolo con grannto a maiio. niHtaccniuciiti ncmicl rho correvano in alutn dello forzo nt tacrato furono fatte bersngllo ad un ben dlrctto fuoco della nostra artlgllcrla a ilellu nostrc mltragllntrlcl." II comuulcnto ufllclale austrlaco pub. bllcntii ierl sera dlco cho gll ltallanl rlcomlnclnrono sabato a bombnrdaro vlolentomonto la testa dl pnnte dl Corlzla e la parto merldlonalu della cltta' o lo nlturo dl Doberdo". Como afferma lo Ktatn Mngginro nemlco it bombardamento duro' per tutta la nottc. Nulla ill preclso si sa qui. ma non o' Improbabllo clio II genomic Cadorna pre pari la nuova offenslva contro Ic teste dl pnnto dell'Isonzo con l'lntcnzlono dl for zarlo. Net dlstrettc dl Agordo c' preclpltata una enormo valan'ga cho ha Kcppellito parecchlo case. Da quanto si sa flnora pare cho vl slano venticlnquo vlttlmc. Tolcgramml da Parlgl dlcnno che si o' riunlto 11 conslgllo degll alleatl sotto la presidenza del gencralo Joffre, at quar- tlere generate Frances. lInghttterrn. vi e' rabpresentata dal venerate Halg, eo mandante In capo della forzo InslesI In Francla) la Russia dal generate Qltlnsy. ntutante dl campo dello czari 1'Italla dal generate Porro, eoltocapo dl Stato Mag Rlorej II Belglo dal suo capo dl Stato Magglore, a la Serbia dal cotonnatlo Panic, tin telegramma da Odessa dlco che si o' avuto un conflltto dl frontlcra tra rumcnl, hulgarl ed nustrlacl. Un vapore riimeho cho cnrlcava una barca purs rumena sul Danublo, nelle vlctnanze dl Itahovo, ed In aequo rumene, fu attaccato da soldati bulgarl I quail segnalarono ad una can nonlera nustrlaca dl nvvlolnarsl. Ia can nonlcra ordlno' at plroscnfo dl entraro nel porto hulgaro, ma nvendone avuto per rlsnostn un rlfluto, la cnnnonlera feca fuoco sut plroscafo con mltragllalrlct e con fuclll. I soldati rumenl rlsposero nl fuoco austrlaco a si obboro parecchl mortl 0 ferltr da ambe le parti. Tanto a .Sofia quanto a Dertlno si at tends che fra non motto la Humanla si dlchlarl In favoro degll alloatl dell'Intesa. iAcconno ini i,a humania. Un telegramma da Hucnrcst dice che tin necoido dcflnltlvo e' stato, firm ft to tra 1 governl ill Htlsala o dl Humanla. In base a qucsto nccomo la iiussia accetta in permottero II passaglo ill munlzlonl dl guerra per la Humanla attraverBo II torrl torlo dell'lmpero. Inoltre In Hussla, Bern tiro In base n questo nccordo, accetta dl fornlro nll'esorcltn rumeno, In csbo ill bisogno, BUlllclentc qunntlta' dl munlilonl c dl attro matcrlate iln guerra, tln'altra clausola Importnnto o' che la Hussla ha iicccttato dl ccdoro alln Humanla una parte del terrltorlo dlla llessarabla. So questo accordo o' stato flrmato o' chlnro rho la Humuida ha declso dcllnltlvamento circa II sun lntervento a. flnnco degll al leatl. It Mlnlstcro russo delta Oucrra ha an nunclato a Petrngrad cho lo truppa russo operant! In Persia hnnno occupato la cltta' dl Klrlnd, che e' sltuata sulla strada da Hamailan n Uagdad od n circa 150 mlglln da quest'ultlma cltta'. Un tetrgrnmma da Hln de Janeiro dice cho In Hegulto nlla dlchlarazlnnn dl guerra tra II Portngallo e la Clermnnla si sonn nvute grandl dlmostrazlonl nclla capltaln brailllana In favoro degll nllcntl dell'In tesa. KAISER'S PEACE TERMS KNOWN TO WILSON 'nntlmifd from I'wte One continue tho slrugglo was tho belief that (Jcrmany would keep Ilelglum nnd would demand Indemnities. Hut Hcrmnny will demand neither If pence can he brought nbout nt tho present time. HcganlltiR this, n high Oermnn official said that both sides "ought to protty thor oughly understand by now that there rould bo no demands, for Indemnities," nnd a h for Oermany retaining Ilelglum, ho added, "there Is no longer nny thought of It by tho German Government." Itegardlng other terms of peace. It Is the belief of tho German Government, ac cording to reports said to havo boon mado to President Wilson, that tho only wny to establish order In tho Ilntkans In to dis tribute the land Inhabited by tho Alba nians, Montenegrins nnd Serbians between Austria, Ilulgarla and Greece. That Greece would bn given a shnro of the conquered territory Is regarded as significant In Its possible bearing upon that country's re fusal to enter tho war on tho side of tho Allies. Three things nro pointed out by Wash ington ofllclal In support of forocants of un early peace being sought by Germany: Tho Kaiser has tho upper hand in tho war to data and could suggest pcaco with out appearing to cry "enough." The Turkish situation Is becoming somewhat ticklish nnd Hussla has a great now nrmy, well equipped, for activity In tho spring. RECORDS, 10-in. Double-Face !!orfnJ,M,,,r,v AQr Others at S3 nnd S3 Jtrcnnl nnlured to Alioot M EVERYBODY'S'lOO N. 10th JiiHt ,liote Arrli, Onfn KTtntnc ESTATE OF HETTY B. KINO IS VALUED AT $745,807 tfwo Nephews the Only Heirs Other Wills Probated The personal property of the estate of lly B. King, who died at tho Aldlne Hotel on December IS, Is valued at $745, 80T 13 lq an inventory filed with Heglster Sheehan by S, S. Garwood and Frank P. Harned. Letters of administration were irrupted to Clement R. Walnwrlght. of Chestnut Hill, and F. King Walnwrlght, of Uryn awr. nephews and only heirs of the decedent. Included In the Investments making up the estate are the following: t4hlch Vll(y II. R. Co. bonda 139.000 Ixiiari t.Uht and I'owtr Co bomli 3(1. BOO lUMwln Locomotive Works bond lil.uei) Ciltwlnu n. II. Co. band 13,44(1 CurraatittvsrR.il Co. Imnda o.jnn HsrwoocJ BUctrla Co. bonds ,, SU.iiHS northern Ohio Railway Co. bonda p.SUO Jaal'lvanU M Nw York Canal .toada ,...,,...,.. so. 100 Pubtlo- Sdrvlca Newark Terminal Co. Londa 1U.600 Bcauylkllt Rjver Baat Side R. R. Co. bonda ,,..,,. , 1B,7! S Joaapb Heat and Puwtr Co. bonda.. 20.000 Intarbqroujrh Con. I'orpa prefurrad 83,026 288 abaraa Iblzh Valley It. R, Co il.tttti SStt- hrM Nortbarn Central R. R 31. HJ (1 abarta United Railroads ct Nw fttitr ., ,,.. ,, 21,373 After making bequests to several rela tives. Barah W Fogel. 834 Dickinson street, by her wll, probated today, be. qpeathi t&a rfldue of her estate, amount. Ing. In the aggregate to 110,300, to the Presbyterian Home for Aged Couples and Ag4 Men. After lea,ving J1100 in private bequests, the will of Julia, Burke, who died re cently In St, Joseph's Hospital, leaves the ran&tndtT.of her J1509 estate to be di vided In equal shares betwecq tit. John's SJe Orphan Anylum,; Home fvr the Aged, vdx the cut of the Uttle SUtere of the psor, Oermantown; St. Mary's Hospital, and. CpnXereace of St. Vincent de Paul, attached to the Church pf the Visitation. ptber wills probated were those of HMV A Seal, J50T Master street, who S,R valued at. I0M Daniel C. Tyiwo, J00 Et Tabor road, JJ500; Ilan Wfo Sweenfy, UH Federal street, JJIOO, a Jpue 0Uif8P!? i Blaie , Ml GLUPECO HANDKERCHIEFS The materials are the highest grade offered in handker chiefs to be sold at popular prices. They are beautifully hemstitched. They are the only handkerchiefs offered to the public that have been thoroughly washed before being sealed , They are one of the very few lines of branded handkerchiefs offered to the public that como in a sealed package that assures their being delivered free from all disease-carrying germs. They are the only handkerchiefs laundered in the soft Troy domestic way. This means that they are ready for use, and are free from that shiny, slippery, hard finish common to ordinary, unwashed, unlaundered handkerchiefs. Four Qualities 10 cents each 3 for 25 cents 2 for 25 cents ami 25 centa each - I CIUETT.PgABODY & CQ.TricAefso Arrow Collar nd Shirts, TROY,N,Y. Tho War Today French troops stormed nnd cap tured more than 200 yards of Ger man trenches in tho Lo Pctre Forest, taking 20 prisoners, tho French War Office announced to day. Paris reported Intense German bombardment In tho regions of Douaumont, Bethlncourt, tho Woevre nnd Lo Fretro Woods, but no infantry attacks north of Ver dun last nlfflit. The German Wnr Offlco asserted that French attacks at Lc Pretre wero repulsed. The llusslnn march on Bagdad has begun. Tho forces moving through Persia have captured tho city of Kirind. Bevernl leagues be yond tho strategic ccntro of Kcr manshah, which already is in tho Czar's possession. Tho Persian campaign has a supplementary ob jective In a Junction with tho army of General Aylmer, moving through Mesopotamia to tho relief of Gen crnl Townshend's forces pent up In Kut-al-Amaru, about 100 miles from Bagdad. In this rone tho British have suf fered a heavy defeat, according to nn official communication from Constantinople. Aylmer's column left 5000 dend in a desperate brittle nt Fclahic, it is reported. The Turks have also won a victory in southern Arabln, near Aden, tho Moslem officinl bulletin says. Entrance of Rumania is forecast In dispatches which Intimate n pnet between Bucharest and Petrograd. Tho Czar agrees to glvo part of Bcssarabio to Rumania nnd will nrm nnd supply tho Rumanian forces, it is said. "Bulpars nnd Austrlnns nro re ported to have attacked Rumanian ships in the Dnnube nnd the gar rison on the Rumnninn shore shelled the hostilo outposts. This has added width to the breach be tween Bulgaria and Rumania. ITALIANS OPEN NEW OFFENSIVE ON BIG LINE Attacks Result of Conference With Altietl Chiefs. Shell Gorizla Express Company Employe Accused Henry Costln, 60 years old, a negro em ploye of tho AdnmB ISxpress Company, was nrresteil nt tho 18th anil Mnrltet atroets station of tho company, today, nnd held In $600 bait for court to explain how $600 worth of merchandise stolen from tho company enmo Into bin possession. ItOMH, March 13. A new offensive movement by tho Italians tho first decisive result of the Attics' recent military conference lias been opened over tho greater part of the front In tho Austro-ltnllan theatre of wnr. nn ih Tnnn frnnt the Italians nro bombarding Oorlzla with massed artil lery. In spite of Inclement weather nnd numerous avalanches in tne mountains ltntlan Infantry Is attacking tho Austrian positions at many polntB, tho Wnr Ortlce states. In omo localities the snow slides have been so great that cantonments wefa burled, causing heavy tons of life, nnd roads woro bloclyd. Near Oslavla the Italian nttnclts were so violent that tho AustrolIungarlans had to rush reinforcements to tho front to save their flrst-llno trendies. Tho Italian offensive, which as yet Is In Its Initial stages, Is believed In somo fiunrters to bo pnrt of a grand schomo nn tho part of tho Allies for a concen trated nttack on tho German ntlles In the western, eastern nnd southwestern theatres of war. However, tho Germans evidently learned of the plan nnd tried to forestall It by attacking on tho west front before tho rigors of winter gavo way to more favorable weather. Avalanche wnrfare, Inaugurated by Italian AlplnlRtB, Is now being waged suc cessfully by both sldcB ntong tho Tyroleso Alpine front Ily shelling 'the mountain sides, under which tho troops are en camped, or by exploding mines, opposing forces send thousands of tons of rocks and snow rolling upon enemy soldiers. It Is estimated that Austrian losses already total morn than 1000. A shell llrcd at nn Austrian redoubt high In the mountains started a grmT 1 of now and earth that gave i thf!?',!1 H ineir ursi inspirat on, Th ,.""' created nveJnnrn. ..j A" ttrHnllr talnslde upon an Austrian colu! m6,,,, I Ing Its way slngle-pie along- &: 1 steep curt and swept the Austrian ..TuV Into a gorge, 1000 f.it below" ,oMlet Starting nn avalanche by e.rtni. mine Is a more dangerou, feat i tl! sappers climb to tlio summit of a iilln tnln nbove nn enemy encamnmv;.mi),1N touch off the mine during the nttht" f ,tn succeed In escaping enemy sentries ,h''r Avalanche warfare has hf, .:' , pec ally effective In blockading 'rSSL?" and highways, preventing troon 4 mcnls. Three such avalnnchcs n..?'"" Ported In dispatches received here tod, "" Monitor Shells Dardanelles Por ofllclal communication Isiucd bv IItS.11 Ofltca sayst ' " r , "Caucaslon Front On some STAIRS Interior Alterations Get Eitlmatct Frank C. SnedaUer & Co. 9th nnd Tioga Streets there havo been skirmish, i..? "-"Ms connolterlng parties, ""vcen r. "lnri1ntiMt-i T,-rnnf Ah .1..11..1 rr-i.. ..:..". ?n?niy monl. tnf l,lla.l Tt, 17. ..... ..... ."V 1 "t ".. '"'""' u"llr lth. cessfully bombarded two transport, In iv bach Ilay." '" A" AV"TiGJi -3626 residents of PhiUrH phiaregisteredatHotal Astor during the put year. j. Single Room, without bed), pj.uu id j.oa Double fyoo to f Single Roomi, with bith, 3.00 to f6.oa Double 4.00 to fjM Pirlor, Bedroom end bith, 10.00 to ft 4.00 TIMES SQUARB At Broadwiy, 44th to 4jtli Stmt the center of New York lodd end btuineii activities. In close proximity is all railway ttrminilt. .Hun!.iu...u..M.m!iiumumiig 4, The House that Heppe built FOUNDED IN 1865 ADOPTED ONE-PRICE SYSTEM IN 1881 C. J. Heppe & Son, 1117-1119 Chestnut Street Gth and Thompson Streets ggSJW fif Roll Libra- v"Cssi h r!ir VU at.Hoppe'a ft yMSWlS&ir n PWodclpito Ij fg$K)r is the targ- Si yzy s in "' city. Ifl The Stroud Pianola other models of the Pianola are the Steinivay, Wheelock and famous Weber. The Mtisk' Roll Libra ry at.Hcppe'a in Philadelphia is the larg est in the city. i ! i ! Do You Get Your Share of the World's Great Store of Pleasure ? OT one of us but has his share of the worries and troubles they are the heritage of mankind and come unsought. But the vleasures we have them onlv as we make them. All about is the world's great store of the ma terials of happiness. From it we may choose and build the beauties and the joys of our lives as we will. The wonderful art of Music ! what material is here for tinting with rose hues the shadows of life ! Here is happiness such as all the world's treasure of gold cannot buy. And as much of it is yours as you will take! The Pianola, oldestand newest of player-pianos makes easy the path to the heights of this beautiful art. With the Pianola ycu may hear music and you may play it enjoy passively or experience the supreme pleasure of creating. The Pianola provides the great musical scope of the piano, and a technique a playing ability that is sure and efficient, comprehen sive of every pianistic effect. Such an instrument aa this will add so much to your own life; Pd lnetrn3tnfyH Uii ? friends, its value may not be estimat- ... ....,. v 4U 1Calu,j, iia coat ia very moderate. A First Payment of $25 Secures Immediate Delivery of The STROUD PIANOLA An tni(ruunt bttUr than any player-piano, of other make, rgardUs$ of prist. WWS&SXTFFSfSSXn I I I ! i i ! i i i i i i i 3jtJlM,Miji-xPitT n aiyana trMfljrJwfcsaat jtttth TTniVraaEWSBW Hlpfr Copyright me, Tin Atolim Co, j