W"Wfaw''' JP'Wpy! HHW1 u',,J-""lt " EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, MABOH 13, 1916. '-T-r- " '. ""'"wiwji IP a lit f 46,000 LENTEN VISITORS, MANY PHUADELPHIANS, SEEN ON BOARDWALK Best Dressed Matrons in Sun dny Throng Appear in Dis tinctive, Sharply Pointed Flare Hats HOTEL MEN ARE THRIVING Electric Illuminations Suggested ns Feature for Atlantic City's Annual Chair Parade ATLANTIC CITY, Mnreh 13. Plillailcl phln, women nntt Phllnrioliilila modes, ns smart ns nnythlng sartorial llonrdwnlk parades have evolved this year, dominated ft particularly brilliant review of 40,000 Lenten sennon visitors on tlio Honnlvvntk yesjterday. ijho best-dressed Philadelphia matrons hero have espoused tho llaro hat, tho dis tinctive millinery voriio of tlio senson. It takes Its namo from a sharply pointed crown or n flaro to right or left, front or back. Mrs. Leonard Flnlctter, of Merlon, woro such a creation yesterday ns nn nccom panlmcnt to n luxurious coat of sealskin nnd n costumo of rich simplicity, which mndo her n strlklnc typo of tho well drcssctl woman, nceordltiR to llonrtlwnllc standards. Mrs. Oeorfro W. Goethnts, who wnlked with Mrs. J. Bertram Llpplncott, wore ono of tho newest nnd most striking braided costumes. SOME OP THn VISITORS. A partial cnumcrntlon of tho exception ally well-dressed Philadelphia matrons aecn yesterday Includes Mrs. Thomas M. Royal, Mrs. Hamilton Dlsston, Mrs. 13. Sponcor Miller and Miss WHda llcnnott, Mrs. Nathan II. Davis, Mrs. "William Mo Lean Freeman, Mrs. W. L. Clark, Mrs. A, II. allrst. Mrs. Oeorgo Brooke, Mrs. L. S. Kelly, Mrs. William Popper, Mrs. 11. Franklin Popper, Mrs. Robert N. Fell, Mrs. Edward C Dcnrdcn, Mrs. Henry S. Paul, Jr., Mrs. W. II. Bromloy, Mrs. Owen Os borne, Jr., Mrs. Edward ITellman, Mrs. Lewis Cavo, Mrs. John F. Oarrlty, Mrs. J. S. Morrison, Mrs. Howard Ellison nnd Miss Elizabeth F. Ellison, Mrs. David U. Provan, Mrs. llobort C. Pnrrls, Mrs. Wil liam 11. llutterworth, Mrs. W. Whitney Bell, Mrs. J. Drysdalo Lee. Mrs. J. . Coulborno nnd her sister, Miss Kathcrlne Qulnn A. S. rtukcyscr. n hotclman with pro gressiva Ideas, who was larsely Instru mental In securltu? the Russian ballot as a sprlnc shoro attraction, offers tho sug gestion that Atlantic City's nnuual chair parade, a carnival fenture, bo held this Bummer nt night, with the chnlrs Illum inated electrically, ns well ns covered with flowers. NEW HOTELS TO OPEN Tho Hotel Cnrlton, In Chelsea, will open for tho season on May HO. Tho opening of tho Yarmouth Is scheduled for Juno C, Tho Philadelphia colony Is growing rapidly. Among the lato romer.s nro Mr. and Mrs. Uenjnmln Stokes. Mr. nud Mrs. D. IL Stroud nnd Miss Stroud, Mr. nnd Mrs. S. W. Foulkrod, Mr. nnd Mrs. f!. W. Hughes, Mr. nnd Mrs. h'amucl Ran dall, Mr. nnd Mrs. A. D. Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver S. Kolly nnd Miss Dor othy Kelly, Mrs. Clara Tetlow, Mr. nnd Mrs. E. F. Rogers, Mr. utid .Mrs. Henry 8. Wilson nnd Miss Wilson. Miss Hnzel Rowloy, Miss Margaret L. GUI, Miss Got trudo Mclntyre, Mr. nnd Mrs. II. M. Hunter, Mr. nnd Mrs. Rowley, Robert C Cookman nnd MIbs Cookman, Mrs. F. H. Van Court, Dr. nnd Mrs. Lewis Cave, Mr. nnd Mrs. Edward F. Sautter, Mrs. G. von Phul Jones, Mrs. W. II. Thomas, Mrs. Robert P. Shlck, Mr. nnd Mrs. Arthur S. Harding, Miss Mnry Crnlg, Mr. and Mrs. George II. Sherman, Mrs. S. T. Lino a weaver, Mrs. J. K. Llneaweaver, Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Robertson, MrH. E. Men denhnll. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. W. Ilarmar, Edmund W. Gilpin, Mr. and Mrs. Hamil ton Dlsston, Jncob Dlsston, Jr., Mrs. Uil wnrd Foerderer nnd Miss Elslo Foerdurer nd Mrs. E. V. Artman. Mrs. C. B. Noecker and Mrs. G. A Paget, of Scranton, nro nt tho Strand. Mrs. Thomas Cinrrlty, Mrs. John F. Garrlty, Miss Mario Garrlty, Mr. and Mrs. W II. Itromloy, Mr. and Mrs. Ed ward B. Roblnettc, Mr. nnd MrB. J. H, Klnley, Mr. and Mrs. Clarku P. Pond, Mr. and Mrs. D. II. Fowler, Mr. and Mrs. B. C. McFaddcn nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. Owen Osborne, Jr., are among tho P'lillailel phlans at tho Trnymoro. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES EVENING LEDGER This STYLE TTTE (or like this) one time ISo per line Three times one week..., 12c per line Six times one week 10c per line Situations Wanted, three times one -week, 10 cents per agate line per Insertion. Place your order for three or more times and it will bo in serted in the daily Public Ledger at no additional cost. One or two time rate for F.tcMva Linns a and Public Lramga combined Is ID cents per affate line, with the exception of Help Wanted and Situation Wanted, which Is 15 cents per line. FOR TYPE LIKE THIS (or like this) which Is permitted In all classifications ex cept Help and Situations Wanted, Lost and Found, Personals Hoarding and Rooms, add FIVK CENTS PER AGATE LINE TO ANV OF ABOVE HATES. There Is a drup store near your home that will accept Ledger want ,) nt nflleo -itoa MILLIE AND HER i - - imvig rg4gy te?gj (wnriH.T',T,,,,ONEp 3$ : g:5kg:-W. Z (this ric for miilion. , j jOM atlast suMMeRv-' s r AWcWft.r ' 7 7. NO,THATONE I TOOK OF MClrlTT . A TTfffl WTti h WS T &fo P?P) T J S H eewwY urr. IOST AND SOUND For Other Lost urnl room! Ails Sen Pare 1 RING Lost, Wednmday. March 8, plain ro1d wedding rlnr, Inscribed "11,' C, s. to M O.. July 18. 1001." between LUtln Theatre nnd tilth nnd Erlo ftc via, Route 21, reward 3710 N. 10th st MUKK I.ost. Wednesday afternoon, 4 o'clock. Heading Terminal, black fox muff. Upward If returned to Mrs Willing N Appol. 411) Hast King St., Lancaster, r. PERSONALS THIS CLASStriCATtON Is for uch announce ments ns are of n purely personal character such as children for ndoptlon appeals for Ihoso In distress, for lorntton of lost rela tives, jiasment nnd nonpayment of debts, ftp. Tour needs when listed here nre not ronfuseii with advertisements of a commer cial nature. See "lltislness Personals" for Important trade announcements. HELP WANTED FEMALE Help Wiinleil Arts Hrrrltcd Too Lille for Cliissincntloit Will Ik I'ortnd on Pace i llt'TTON SEWERS on ladles' dresses: wages til I". Horn . fo . (121 Chorrv at. CHAMIIHRMAIP -Wanted. Mipaliln S'oung'enl nre.1 woman, no washing, wages SO: refer ence Call or address in I H. 5lt. Airy ne., 1 (lermantown. l'hnne Choslnutlllll (102. CHILDNUHsE. otpcrlenced: nn washing; lies! wages, reference, (.'all before 11 or after ft 3122 Powelton nve. cloth WRAVnns wanted Apply JOHN h JAMES DOPsoN. INC.' lllanket Mills, Seotl's lane, Falls of b'chuslkltl. COOK Neat, exporlenrod while woman for small family: rcterenco requited; Protestant preferred. Apply aooo Paring st. Dltt'.SSMAKEH. one experienced, to do work liv diy, understnndlntr thoroughly tho making of summer clothing. Phono Chestnut Hill B28 DItESHMAlvElt wants experlenied waist nnd skirt finishers: also Wnlst trimmer. Apply 1301 Locust st. riONT"MAKEIlH.Vxp on Indies" waists and dresses; also learners: irood wages, steady workup. Horn & Co., 0J1 Cherry st. UENEHAti HOFBEWOllK OI11LH. ALSO COOKS, rllAMIIIlUMAIDS. WAITUESSES. CHILDNl-llSEH. JIOTHEIW HELI'EllB. j, ..v., nun it- ii,.ii,ii t',,.,ivi4', j. ij HITIONS AltE OPEN IN CITY AND SUII tntllS FOlt IIOTII WHITE AND COLOllED HELP. YOU CAN HEACH THESE EM 1'LOYEIIS TIlROIinil LEDORll WANT ADS. WHITE Oil CALL ON THE HOUSE HOLD KEOlSTIir IIUltEAU. MISS HEED CAN HELP YOU TO A HOOD POSITION BUITB 20,-,. WASIIINOTON HCILD1NO, 609 CHESTNUT ST. OIRL. white, experienced, fur cooking and downstairs work In small private family: good wages; referenco. 117 West lit. Airy avo. Phono Chestnut Hill 2n:i. HOUSEWORK Mlddlo-ngod woman for house work on farm; good homo; email salary. Apply 2200 Rlttenhouso nt. LAUNDRESS wanted n prlvnto family to sleep In: wages 7, ref. call or nddroas 1(11 E. Mt. Airy nve., Ocrmantown. Phono Chest nut Hill (102. LINOt'IST Wnnted, jotinglndy with knoivU eilgo of languages, of heo work and t. re writing; exceptional opportunity. Address "II IL," I'ostoflWo Ilox a.-idii. SiOTIIEtrn HELPER Olrl of good chnrnrter wanted a half dnH a week and occnnlon.il whole da, referenco required. Mrs. Robin- son, 33D.1 Hamilton sL NimSEHY CIOVERNESS for 2 little glrls."nl(?d 7 nnd 11; must bo competent. Write or cull Tuesday, between 10 and 2, 2307 North llroadnt. OPERATORS nn nil p-irts of silk nnd cntton shirtwaists, leainerH taken. Tho Hngcdoru- MerzCov3d and llrowii ORDERLY wnnted. experienced, to work In Inlionitory. Dr John A Kolmer, Polyclinic Hospllal. lfils Lombard st . 1 p m Monday SALESWOMEN FOR SHOES MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S SUITS AND DRESSES. I'NTRIMJIED MILLINERY Active, ulert young women of experience nre desired. Apply nt Itureuu of Employment, . i lloor. Ipefore 1 1 n. ni. STRAWHRIDOE A. CLOTHIER STENOGRAPHER State experience nnd en! nry expected; permanent position. Wrlto M 3111, ledger (Vntrnl YOL'NCl WOMAN to net ns cnshler and stenog rapher In brunch office of fnsiirnnce coin pans'. Address, giving ngo, experience, ref. erenee and salnry expected. (1 his. Ledger Centrnl. Phllndelphln. March 7. 1010. Miss Denn. Ledger Centrnl, Philadelphia. Mv iienr Miss Denn: I beg to Inform sou that I received the posi tion son sent me to this morning Mnrgulli". & Co., 12." South nth street nnd I thank S'ou for sour kind help. Very trul -ours. MAE El'STEIt. L'enernl WOMEN WANTED AS GOVERNMENT CLERKS, $il month: Philadelphia examina tions coming, sample questions free. Frank. Iln Institute Dept. 715 N, Rochester. N Y. HELP WANTED MALE PORINO MILL l.itho and planer hands wanted: stendv work. Apply Wheeler Con- denser and Knglnei-rlng Co . Cateret. N. J. ROY wanted to drive delivery wngon: lietween in and 18; must In bright and energetic nnd know the northwest section of tbn city. Ap ply How man's. 22d nud RliUn ne. HOYS wnnted. HI or over, to work In wolN paper famory. Apply nt once. Hiwker, Smith A Page. Water and Sns'der ne. CLOTH WEAVERS WANTED Apply JOHN AND JAMES DOHSON. INC. Hlnnket Mills. Scott's lane, I-alls of Schuylkill. DRILL TRESS HANDS; steady employment with uptown eiuilneertnc company, not en gaged in ammunition work; eoo.1 wages, p 425, Ledger oltlie. GARDENER vvntited fur vegetnblo and Dowers. to bo to plaie In Vlrslnl.i; lilarrkil man desired; statu expvrlenco and salary. P 115. Ledger office. (lARDENEH Ami. greenhouse" and outside, at nnco CallMon., ior2oth: Wlnsohocklng. HOUSEMAN and butler Settled, "white. Prot" estant. English preferred; references ro- qulred Mrs. It Haux. Three Turns. Pa. HOUSE-MAnT experleiic.d. for boss' Iwafdlns sihool; German preferred, no fires; wages $25 a month and found Yeatva School, lm caster. I'.i. Hull phone Oil I J. LATHE HANDS Steady employment with up town engineering company; nut engaged in ammuntlon work, kooi! vvhi. p 122. Ledger Office. JIACIHNIhT.S wanted at onco. Ilrst-class lathe, horizontal bnrlni:, mill and chucking lath hands American HngJneerln? I'mnoany, Arn mlngo nve und Cumberland at , Phlla. MAN. auout 40 sears old. wanted us janitor: one who understands strum lieutlng and office cleaning. Apply lietween tl and I o'clock, Curpenter's Hall. .12(1 t'lustnut Bl. SALESMAN wantrd with lletitele In Phlla to represent u well-known New York Inv.st. house, full particulars, fnclud. past connec tions, which will tin regardi-d as strictly cun- lldentlal. are requested. M MM. Ich. lilt. SAI.Kr.LN Ihiuil stu. k and b"nd salesman vvunt.il by llagtrstovvn. Md . firm, dravvlm. nc. niiiit anil expenses, riaht luirts can make s. .mmhiapiu-h' i-"r"i. with om k'nowT gooq ah. a -iu. iiox -ut, iiagerstown, Md. . dge of l-H.kketplng. lrni.ii.ent p-isitlon. Roy , Scout Hvadquarters. 0th and Chestnut. MILLIONS HELP JV ANTED MALE Continued from Precetttiw Column SALESMAN for city, used to calllnu on pro fessional men: steady work nnd (rood In come, aso over 30: state experience. Also one for central Pennsylvania and south Now Jersey. )' Q Max 12f. ToOLMAKms. for Jiff nnd fixture work, with uptown engineering company: steady employ ment: Rood wirres, not enffasred In ammuni tion nork I 421. LodRcr Offlco. WANTED Experienced marhln estlmitor of rood nddress liv one of the largest mills In the rnuntry. nld-estahllshml Ilrm. near Chl cairo. speelslllmr 1h large work, position demands absolute Integrltv. perfect familiar ity with drawing shop operations nnd costs: must lie enmpi tent to take all quantities accurately, and price and kind or character of Interior marhle work Intelligently: kIvh age. references nnd detailed Informitlon ns to experience Address II 21.1. Ledger Office. TOt'NO MAN. about Id. for operating private branch telephone nnd general office work: S! a week to start. Heo Mr. Shaffner at ledger Central Ynt'NCI MAN, is. understanding typewriting nnd to learn mechanical manufacturing bus. ness: small salarv to start. A IS. Id.pn TOI'NO MAN. nble to operate typewriter, t knowledge of bookkeeping A 7, Led Off. (icticrn! S P E C I A I. A t! T O M n III t, R Instruction Riven day nnd night, by expert moehnnlcs nt the oldest nnd original Auto School. Repairing In nil Its branches. Tim ing, wiring nnd CO road lessons nt ft very small cost. till NOItTIt nnnAD ST V PET5! HCHINESS SERVICE COMPANY' 1.1(11 LAND TITLE IIUILDINO PookUerpers and clerks, other positions open. EMPLOYMENT AOENCira MISS MARY T. MCCARTHY. 210T. Christian (Loc. 131)3). supplies A wants Ist-ctass Prot.. Cath. male and frmalo help: nil nationalities. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE COMPANION- (o Indr Rellned i:ngllsh Prot estant: light duties nnd sewing, will traxelj reference II (12."i. Ledger Office CONTRALTO experienced, desires engagements to sing solos In church or other eervlcesi modernto charges. M 80(1, Ledger Office. DRESSMAKER wishes engagements, day or Week. 1st class cutter, titter 11 22(1. Led. Off, aiRL wants downstairs work nnd cooking. RH1. Lena st , Uermantown. . GOVERNESS English woman: rertlflcatca for French nnd English, music: dally or resi dent; . Ledger Hranch, fllOO Cltn, avo. ilOUSEKEEl'l-.R Managing hotel or npart- ment: experienceu exceueni nuver ami unnn cler: best reference. Phone. Uclmont 1200. ilOt'SEWORiv wanted "by competent joung woman, lrotestnnt. whlto: sleep out. Apply by letter. IMS E Albert st , Kensington , iloUSEWOllKYoitng Scotch girl. Cnll (101 Chestnut st Iloom 203, Tuesday, II) to12. LADY WISHES to mnnngo lunchroom In tinnlc. Insurance or business houso. It 222, Ledger Office JLADY"S fAID desires position for eeanhoret Spring Lake, N, J., proforredl employed till finding auitabfn position; Intorvlewa after 0 p. in. or Sundays; English Protestant! expenenceq. it lllly linger i;enirai. HTENOORAPHER Thoroughly . rompetont stenoamphor, law ornco prorerreq; iu S'enrs' experience Penna. law: references If ro- quired. Add Miss M. E. Rex. Pottntown. Pa. ENOLIHH NI'HSEHY OOVERNESS. compe tent, speaks fluent French, deslrea to care for children from n yr. up. P 420, Id. Off. COLORED WO.MAN wants dis'n work or gen eral housework, homo night. 1211 Montrose, SITUATIONS WANTED-MALE ACCOUNTANT, ennhler. credit mnn. offlco manager, married, thnr. exp.. temporarily contKtted with mounting (lrin. deslren perm. pos . motlerntesulnry. A II I. Ledger of lice. ADVEItTISINO Young mnn. '-'I. hustler, good uppenrnncn, pernnnnlltv, nevernl yearn exp. advertising throughout East wishes pos. with mfg. offering opportunity. O 010. I,cd. Cent. HOOKKEEPUR with experience In smnll of fice wishes connection, will net ns nssistnnt Inlnrgo office; II 3.11. Ledger Centrnl. TiooKKHEPEE. six years" experience, first clnss reference, emplosed nt presont, desires lwHltlnn. II 2.'3. ledger Central. HUTI.UR. first class, speaks English. French. Herman: llrst-clnss refs A0. Ledger Office. CHAUFFEUR, mechanic," 3d yrs old. 12 yrs ' experience, strict abstainer. Mass . Rhode Island. New Jersey licenses. International pass cnptble, efficient, highly recommended, I! Hilt, Le.lger Centrnl. CHAUFFEUR, white, single, nge 37:" do not drink or smoke: 7 oar' experience: care, ful driver: llrst-clnss referencen. 11 11.", ledger Central. CHAUFFEUR wishes pos ; private famllv 0 ears. best ref, good repalr.A 13, Led Off. ELECTRICAL Prncllcnl man wnntn position as Holleltor nnd cHtlmntnr with electrlcnl contrmlor. 1IIII, ledger Central. GARDENER. 3S, mnrrled. one", hlld 22 s'enrs' Enff. nnd Amer ext In nil brnnrheR pcren n I a Is n spec .laiues Tusker. Andnlusla, Pa. (lARUENER. mnrrled. wishes prlvnte place, understands greenhouses, vegetables; llfe tlme .exp preference N3 1 North llltll st OAHDENUR. "mnrrleil. no children: chnrao prlvnte place, references I1 215. Ledger Off riARDENER nnd handy man single, settled and solier' references It 131 ledger Off MAN AND WIFE will take entire barge of ltoultry plant, unusually successful n rais ing stoi k. show or utility: ears of experl- ome. cnreiui alienuou to ueiaii. lenvo pres nt position April 1: no children; references. M Mil. Ledger Office. MAn".NI WIFE, whlto. wlsh"sltuatlons: but ler ani houseman: wife good plain rook: will do entlrn work of small family; references. A 17. Ledger Office IAN. s'oung. 27. Blnglo: 1(1 sears' business ex perience, wants connection: selling nblllty; consider anything If iiermanent. (I 310, l.edaer Centrnl. SLN AND WIFE wish nlncea: mnn flrst-clnBs houseman; vvlfe llrst-el-iss cook: best refer ence It 221. U'dger Office MAN AND "WIFE, rnlnrid. exp "butler nnd rook, philn nnd funcy. In private family; reference 10.11 S. 17th. MAN desires isisltlon as bookkeeper or ledger clerk. O 11.12. ledger Centrnl I MAN AND WIFE, white, butler and housemnn anq omik nn l riorum si . viermamovvn. NURSE and masseur, graduate, wants caro of hivutid now or later: .an run auto for jiaent preferences 11 55, Leiiger Centrnl. OFFICE "MANAGER nnd correspondent. grad Uate of Evo. Sihool U. of P.. 15 sears' ex-nerlen.-e. wishes position. II 124. l-f.l. Off. "SALESMAN Active S'oung mm open fur position of trust and responsibility, cullegu .ducatlon. quick llgurer. mech. and elec ability, prompt, courteous, tapable explaining merits of ur llclo quickly, clearls, cunclnely. only Al prop, considered; no truvellng Ins., can vassing, excellmt refs nud financial iu- BponslbllltS"- II 5.1, Ledger Centrnl. SALESMAN Young man, 21. with d years' experience, wishes vvurth-whllo connection, II 3111, Ledger Centrnl. YoUNG MAN, with knowledge of cost nc coutitluu. deslies position ns bookkeeper: can furnish good references. II J!4i), WPrat Yol'NtS MAN, speaking English. German. Hun garian and Sl.ivl.ih. two years printing ex perience, deslns iiosltlou. G 017, !.cd. Cent. YOUNG MAN wishes tKisttluii iih bookkeeper or clerk, experlenied, t,est references 413 Iverlngtou.ive Phone Roxborough 231 YOUNG MAN, 10. desires position In draught ing room, has exiierlence In mechanical draw Ing anil tracing. 21120 Cedar St. YOUNG MAN. 10. who Intends studslng law wishes to obtain n imsltlon with a law Ilrm. II 123, Ledger Officii JAPANESE COOK, wife Eng chambermaid. wishes sits In small fam , city ur country, goodrefB 111.11 Vino t Ph. Locust 270U W JAPANKSECObKvvunis posltlon.best refer encea. K. A . 30S N Iflth AUTOMOBILES For Sule SEND FOR FREE HUI.LETIN OF USED CARS fiORSON AUTO E.M'IIANIIE 23S N. JHJOAD ENCLOSED louring car. alsu roadster: guar anteed. OWNER. 1731 Hrundyvvlna st. ! ("Copyright. 1016.) wwvwvvv Today! Who "puts off until to morrow what can be tlonc today" is on the perma nent waiting list for ad vancement and never ar rives at "tomorrow." Kacli day of waiting is a day lost. Arc you losing time? Carve out your fu ture TODAY by insert ing a Classified ad in the Ledger the publication which reaches the pros perous business men who can help you make a suc cessful career. TODAY is YOUR day to insert that Want ad. Phone, JPriic or Call "Ledger Office Walnut or Main 3000 mvwtuuutnuvMntuvK AUTOMOBILES For Male Continued rom I'rcccdtno Column CADILtC, 1(113. tourlnrr car, overhauled and repnlnted: full equipment: price $7S0. AUTO SALES CORPORATION, 142 N, Uroad St. COLE 1011 Pig Six Touring. L. H. POWERS COMPANY, 217 N, nroad st COLE Distributors. 1 HA.iviiio. auii ;m'ui,i.ei F, L 1'AXSON. 3430 CHESTNUT ST. 1IUDSONS Rebuilt nnd gutranteed; phnoton nnu rnnosiers. oiecirio lignin nnu sinners. noMEHV-SCHWAHTZ. 2.13 North Tlroad st. HUPMOtllLn Hup 8!. 1014 tourlng.electrlo llshtei A starter. Hun, Model K, 1U10 touring, elcctrlo lights nnd Btarter. Hup Model IC. 1015 roadster, elcctrlo lights nnd stnrter. These cars nro nil In good condition. 332 N Jlroad HUPMOrTlLE. Hrond ti Tioga. LIMOUSINES Sultahln for funeral work or hiring of any kind nt nil prices, touring cars nt a big sac rifice, ns we need tho spnen these earn occupy. LOCOMOIIILE CO. Or AMERICA 2314 Market St. Locust 450. H A .1ENKS. Mar Exchangn Car Dept LOZIEH six cylinder. Lakewood body touring car. mechanically In nbsolulcly perfect con dition. Ens Just been repainted color a beautiful green with black Btrlplng. New top, Jiffy curtain, Presto light air tank. Klaxon and bulb horns, electric-gas headlight lighter Tires very llttlo used: demountable rims, one extrn shoo nnd tube; two extra rims, trunk ruck, electric side and tall lights, shock absorbers, foot rail, Warner speedometer, clock. This car In overs' way looks like now. Is a genuine bargain nt $80(1 Cost complete, tnsuo. Will give n demonstration nny new $5000 car will glvo. I'ostnfflco Unx Bill, llaverford. Pa. PACKARD 4-cl. 7-passenger Touring, $350. Slevons-Durven Limousine. $500 L.tTNEALL21H N. Ilrond St. 1'AKIE. 1015, it III. llrnt-class condition; driven 4000 miles, will sell reasonable. I, 410, Ledger Centrnl. . WINTON il. 7-p.iss., Al condition. $700. Pu laski Jlarnge, 3727 Julnskl nve. Tioga 5SI5. EVERY I,AUT TO "UILD OR REPAIR SCHOnER. 3311-15' MARKET Wanted STOP, LOOK AND LISTEN! New goruge opened, cars bought, sold and exchanged; accessories, new nnd old; cour teous usilHlantH. expert mei hanlclalis. COME SEE FS Phlln. Auto Parts Co , 1141 S. Uroad. Phlla. OLD AUTOS WANTED FOR PARTS PIIILA. AUTO PARTS CO S23-25 N. 13lh st. Park 1418. For Exchange WILL TRADE Oakland, model 33, body, for namo model touring bods'. S. (lehman. Soudi rton. Pa. roadster Forrest AUTO LIVERY AND GARAGES TO HIRE (open day nud night), hrnnd-nevy n-poss. touring car. with robes. $1.2.1 hr. : also brand-new 7-pass limousine, $1.5(1 hr.; wed dings, funerals. Poplar 11117. 1713 Glrard. AUTO REPAIRING AUTOMOBILE REPAIRS The best equlplied shop In W Phlla. Wo BtniUhten frames and nxles, make parts, burden and grind, rebuild, overhaul nnd re pair all makes, prices fair, ngencs for Master Carburetors Piestun 4033, West 4115. liUHllNSJIltOS.4212 Chestnut HEFORE THE RUSU"SEASON HAVE YOUR sturtlng. lighting. Ignltlun troubles corrected; nny cleitrlcnl jir mechanical specialties for nutos or boata altacheil or repalrnl. (Tioga 7251 ) Realty. 1130 W. Ontnrln St. SPEEDOSIETER TROUIII.ES See HILLY, at his new location. 610 NORTH JIROAD ST. CYLINDERS REHORKD. new pistons and rings furplshtd. weldings and brazing. H. H, Underwood i Co , 1025 Hnmlltnn St.. Phlla. AUTO SUPPLIES TO IIUILD OR REPAIR ANY CAR. PARTS PIIILA. AUTO PARTS CO., R23 !13th st Park 1-.1S. HEAR1N09 . New Departure Service sto. The nwllllam Co. 1314Arch St. Phones Wiilnut -(.7. Hare 3082. SLIGHTLY" USED ALL SI.ES. TIRES YOUR OWN PRICES. 823-29 N 13lh st Park 1118. AUTO TIRES PULLMAN TIRES Guaranteed 40(m miles. Compare prices. GRIMM'S. 2.1D N. Hrond at. DOGS, BIRDS AND GOLD FISH FOR SALE Irish terrier puppy, male, private home, allele $15. G 013 Ledger Central GOLDFISH, rabbits pigeons, guinea pigs, eto. PHILLIPS. I2S H. 52d st , Woodland 48114. BUSINESS OPPOBTUNITIES J. A MONTH secures Interest in growing or- chard, will he producing before paid for. H HARRY DARLINGTON. 1420 Chestnut St. PICTURE THEATRE $1250. worth $3000; beautiful, modern. SPleu.bus lora . good sell Ing rea. Crded nightly Harrlat.201 N. Uroad FOR SALE An employment agency: lno.000 population; etab. II sears. M 733, Ledger Oft ; A FORTUNE to Borne .apliultst. machinist- plumber. $230(1 required, no trltlera. no mull details; interview. 11 247. la-dger Central. HOTEL. Clean City, for sale, near beach; jroqd following P 220. Ledger Office. CAN sou Invest $tn per month? Investigate. M 334, Ledger Central. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES OonHnucd! from Preeeilna CoImi Promoter, with influential finan cial connections, In open for en gagement for proposition of merit, prefer proposition of going bus iness where nddtlonal capital s reoulred; will deal with principals only; references reoulred. M aau Ledger Central. WILT, TOIJ satisfy yourself ,2'," ..'A! that this l.uslr"s pay oer tHOi ill n't rnsn profits yearly and that sou ean run t with out Interfering with spur Brf,"!fi,'J,.iIi7nnd emplosment If ileslred?u Splendid trade nnrt nelghliorhood: present help, who hnvo run the business In most protltnlile wy. wnt to stay, owner retiring because of nKi. ii jniiiio cash: property for enlo or rent. 20. ledger Office. .. - SUMMER CAMP fnr sile In N. 11. lakn region Accommodnto 73. Full every season for 1(1 V"r". MfOO. rnusunl rhnnco to secure a fine i paslng im si pe.s for less than Imlf rost. II t.i. ledger Central. - MANUFACTURER, experienced, desires iJ'H" chase outright or hnlf Interest In Plant manu facturing full-fashioned hosiery, principals only. Address II 040, Ledger Central. pfStNERS MAN wllh J2000 n1,',lv1,1,,' i Interest In large theatro (not moving picture). M 4S3, Ledger Central. rOR SALE A corner store In good locality, with 2 rooms In rear: Rood reason- for "f: ing. Call or write J. NEIL, cor. 4th nnd Centre sts., South llethjehem. 1'n. , ' STORE FOR RENT . Fnltahle for nutomobllo tires nnd nuto sup plies; rormer tenant noio urcn nnu iiuihh-" their auxrters. Apply 240 N. Iflth st. 1JUS1NESS PLACES a specialty: quick sale of good proposition without publicity, no ad vance charges Enterprise ltrnkcrngo and Realty co,, lii.iu i.ann 'iiiio ihuk OOOD WATCHMAKER with $20(1(1 ran nr qulro half Interest In attractive Jewelry store. Enterprise llrokerngo and Really co , iii.iii i.nnu line iuok PRINTER, Btnrtlng now plant, desires to get In communication with advertising mnn willing to Invest some money In plnnt. O 857, Ledger Central. , POOLROOM, thoroughly, equlpcd. 4 tables. Including cigar store nnd dwelling: good West Philadelphia location. .., . WM;aHI JNKERT. 1 r,00Arclist. MAN INVESTINO $2000 "can secure genern. agency paying $50 per week nnd commission with largo security and good Intorcst on bis money. A 10, Ledger Offlco. $10,000 WOULD SECURE half Interest in go ing mfg. plant, wllh or without services: stnto church affiliations. O .07. Ledger central. PARTNER WANTED to tnkn chnrgn of ex- Sress offlco and furniture Btorc established 0 years: flno site. 2301 South st. BUSINESS PERSONALS SUPERFLUOUS HAIR removed by oleetrolysls, tho only permanent way. Eyobrows arched. MISS SMITH, 402 Keith Theatro Uldg. Miss Hoppo. halrdres'r. facial massnge.man Icur'g. form. Jllnt Arrndo. with Miss Smith. FULL DRESS SUITS Cutaways, Tuxedos and Sack Sultfl To hire and miib' to order. NEUDAFER. THE TAILOR. 1121 Walnut St. Hell phono. Walnut 21118. IIIAMIISIIS IIOI'CIIIT Itnn. rnl.r-ii.n Aniirnlsement 1 p. o. :Rt:rr HARRY W SMITH. 717 SANSOM STR DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY IIIOIIEST PRICES paid for diamonds, Jowelry nnd pawn tickets for diamonds. Apply 2'30 to 4 '30 p. m., Win. Flick, Room -H2. Hurd HIdg , corner 9th and Chestnut sts. DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY ANNOUNCEMENT OPENING SALE 111 reduction on all suits until March 15. L'ltest Paris, I .on.. ill. New York Btsles. Exceptional malirlils. Perfeit titling. NEW YORK LADIES' TAILORING! CO. S V, Cor (ith nnd Walnut sts. LEARN DHCSSMAKINlt and designing nt tho largest nnd best .quipped -chuul In tho city, for home use or buslie ms the Mcdowell dressmakinc. school 307 Dem kl.i HIdg. Hth nnd Market Ht POTTER SCIIUOI.'OF DRESSMAKING DAILY AND EVENING SESSIONS 1436 (IIRAUU AVI! POPLAR 6374 DRESSMAIvER. 1'r.nrh, deslns engagements; terms rensonuble. evening gowns u specialty; wlll remodil. 1108 Walnut Ht. Ph. Will. HI5S. HEMSTITI'IIINO. 5o S'd.; pleatliig.buttnns rnvT Plclulo. 2U S 18th St. 133 S.EIth Ph.l.oc.1130. FOR SALE MILLIARD. POOL, combination, second-hnnd. bought, sold, rentid, exchanged; repairing: Bupplles, Lafo Keafcr, American numufac- turer,329 tHrard ave. FURNITURE, dining table, 12 chnlrs, burfot. desk, locker, sofa; nil mission; :t-plcce oak htdroom set, tco box. nlmost new, kltchon tnhle, chairs: must sell this week. Wllliox, 25II7 S. Clovelnnd nve. UILLIARD AND POCKET TAHLES Also howling nlless; easy payments. IIRUNS-WIUK-UALKE-COLLF.NDEH CO. 1002 Arch. UILLIARD. pocket. 2d-hand tables renatrlng. supplies. ClarK leid Mfg. Co.,2121 N. Front CASH REGISTERS, new nnd factory rebuilt. New total adders as low as $30, on ens monthly payments. Call and seo our lJlQ models. All registers sold by us fuly guar nnteed. Tho National Cash Register Co., 730 Chestnut st DESKS, filing cabinets, safes, telephone booths and ofllco furniture and fixtures of every de scription; used, but In tine condition, and verv cheap: free ilellvery nnvvvliere lllTiilli;.i. 11TII AND HUTTON'WOOD. DESKS, large assortment, nlsu household fur niture. Dullng Central Second-hand Furnl- ture ComponsY IM1mi11 I'alluvvhlll st OFFICE PARTITIONS, office railings, wall cast-, counters end Bhovv coses designed and made up special to sour order, It will pav S'ou to get our estimate. Phono, wrlto or call WEISS MANUFACTURING CO. 150-5'.- N. 12th St. SAFES Fireproof, closing out slightly useiUnll sl7cs ft makes big bargains 2111 N Fourth SHOW CASES, wall cases, shelving, lino floor cases for sale cheap. 210 Market st. VICTROLA records llarrh list Just received. HEI.LAK. 1120 Chestnut. DELICIOUS extracted honev direct from bee keeper, tl.8,1 ier gal. (12 lbs.). Jit per "i gal. 1(1 lbs.): delivered by parcel post; satis faction guaranteed or money refunded, L, KIlostetter. It. F. D. No. 5, Lancaster, Pa. $12 TALKING MACHINE AND RECORDS NEW CONDITION RIEDER'S LOAN OPFICU.12K MARKET ST. $22 VICTROLA AND RECORDS r.r;vv i -i i.-Niinm;. RIEDER'S LOAN OFFICE. 12H MAJIKETST COMPLETE dining room suit nnd baby caiv rjage: excellent condition. 137 8. 00th. Phone .i-miuni -luo). 17 TALKING MACHINI. NEW CONDITION. VALUE $15. JHEDER'S LOAN OFFICE 12K MARKET ST. $20UIAMOND EARRINGS " III.1IE WHITE. VALUE $50 RIEDER'S LOAN OFFICE IS H MARKET ST. 15 2II-PC CHEST OP SILVER i(iHir;iiM ititii tjir:itM. value it" r.n RIEDER'S LOAN.OFFICE. 128 JIARKET ST $25 DIAMOND RING Plliti: wnrrii. VAi.m: i.-.n RIEDER'S la'SAN OFFICE 12H 5IARKET ST 8AFF. Large Iron safe, goml condition Cun lie seen 1700 S Hrond Dickinson 4402 HEATING MAKIN-KELBEY HEALTH HEAT Is better and cheaper than steam or hot-water. Purs fresh air with normal moisture. MAKIN. KELSEY. 6 N 18th st . Phlla INSTRUCTION LAD visits pupils to give piano, vocal and elocution les-uns; urti-tlc rebults frum well tried methods; terms mudtrale. JI 111. Led ger Central. MAOHINEIIY AND TOOLS SHAFT1NO SAFETY SPLIT COLLAPS I AND YOCOM hangers and pillow blocks with fin ished ball and socket bearings the best for nil shafting Purposes. SHAFTINt AND MACHINE WOnftsojS POWER-FLANT EQUIPMENT Dsiiamos, motors, boilers, steam and oil en glnes, pumpn. fttr compressors. FRANK TOOMEY. Inc., 127 N, 3d st. HANSOM concrete mixer, gasoline towjri also standard hoisting englno and 2 'levators, rubles and cable, only used on one Jobi per fect condition. P ri31,LedgerjOfflce. COMPLETE POWER PLANT, designed "nd erected: new nnd used power plant ma chinery In stork. Power . Equipment -o.. engineers. 121R chestnut St. SPOT CASH PAID for machinists', carpen ters and tools of nil kinds, machinery, met als, etc Pnncoaat. 2KH.1 Kensington nvo. Hell phorc, Kensington 118. . " PREVENT, ACCIDENTS Use Safety Appliances on Machine. CHARLES 1IOND COMPANY.r.20 .Archjlt. COMItiNATION punches nnd" shears for heavy work lot novver presses, different, sizes. drnwlng presses. Nuttnll, 174 N nth DYNAMOS, n nnd rented OS. motors nnd machinery bought, sold 'ntod; armatures repaired. Main 01. t 3005 Yearsley Co . 221 N. 3d st. .vinrneionu., irninre,vi. . - . -- ffoAD ROLLER 10-ton "Iroquois." 3 wheel mnCa'lHEVF,S?t,4'.7,',N,.Cl3u, -"."'" MUSICAL INSTBUMENT3 PIANOS AND PLAYEn-PIANOS IIEPPE'B UPTOWN STORES COR. Ti; iANDTHOMPSONST8. $85ClHCKEHINO UPRH1HT PIANO HOWARD, VINCENT, JL3SNJI,t: $275 H-N0firPI.AYER-PIANO. WITII MI-AKI', lll.,1!!! -..-f en 'iV ftniERKER'H n.in n.stil. FAMILY must sell Piano: good .make, upright! grand condition! sncrlflce. 1)01 S, 40th. OLD GOLD CASH TAID, FOR DIAMONDS. PnECIOUS stones, gold, silver. Platinum, fnlse teeth. Phlla. Smelting & Hef. Co.. 12 S. ltlh st. OLD OOLD silver, platinum, plated ware, old. stylo Jewelry, teeth plates bought for cash. Est;ls70.J. L.CInrk, refiner. 807 Bansom, CASH PAID FOR diamonds "Id gold, silver, platinum, false teeth. Reliable penning Compnns'. N. E. corner nth nnd Walnut sts PATENT ATTORNEYS PATENTS MAXWELL STEVENSON Evenings. 2007 OIRAHD AVE. ROOFING AND IBON AWNINGS $1 CAN OF OUR CEMENT will repair 60 leaks In nny roof. Wrlto for circular. AMER- llAV ItUUI' liU W ,, llli'l" mi. ALL KINDS of leaky roofB repaired, old tin roofs coated, slag roofsi guaranteed 10 years. Hock, 812 N, 4th st. STORAGE WM. RADFORD TORAOE FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS IN EPAHATE ROOMS. PACKING, SHIPPING TO ALL PARTS. VAN, WA(ON, AUTO f"011 D''WATER ST.. OLNEt NEVER CLOSED, rh. WYOMING 2808 J mSTIMKMTAI, STORAGE WAREHOUSE I0T1I ST. AHOVE CHESTNUT PACKING. MOVING, SHIPPING Rugs, CarpotB, cleaned, scoured, stored. Hell. Locust 1060 Phones Key.. Race 4160. FIDELITY riREPROOF WAREHOUSES 1-11-1819 MARKET ST. TENN STORAGE AND VAN CO. 2130 MARKET ST. ATLAS STORAGE WAREHOUSE Storage. moving, pacKing, snipping, carpel ci-nnms. Ph. Raring 7C2 for estimate. Market & 37th. l.cCANN'S STORAGE HOUSE. 1748 N. 11th st ; moving, packing, shipping; nuto vans. Unth phones Let us estimate. WEST PHILA. WEST PIIILA. WEST PIIILA. MONARCH STORAGE CO. Auto packing nnd shipping. 3870 LANCASTER AVE; FIREPROOF Mothproof, Concrete Warehouse. N. Phlln. Storngn Co.. 2033 W. Lehigh. Tlo. 7250 pinnns and Furniture nought & Sold. STORAGE Moving by nuto vans, pncklng, shipping. LeMn Druthers. 2018 Rldgo nvo. Phono Poplar 0024. WANTED ANTIQUE FURNITURE, false teeth, feather beds, broken lowelry. gold, silver, diamonds bought. 7U5 Walnut. Walnut 7020. Est. lSiiU. llllifl.l.N JEWELRY.falso teeth, plstols.colns. Coin books. with prices I pas, mailed, 15c..I.H. Hnss (People's Stornl.'JOII S. 11th, Wal. 4 1811. CAST-OFF CLOTHINO On account of tho big demnnd we have had for cast-off clothing, wo nro compelled to pay tho very best prices for theso goods In order to replenish our stock. Heforo selling your clothes It will pay you to get our prices. Wo call anywhere nt any time. Wrlto, call or phono Poplar C342. COOPER. 1 01 0 OIRARD AVE. CAST-OFF CLOTHINO Wo buy your old clothlne nnd pay more than other dealers fnr clothing hila, shoes, etc. PURE. fiiM Cnllowhlll st. Send postal. CAST-OFF CLOTHINO Highest prices paid for ladles' nnd men's clothing, hats, shoes, etc.: phone 1'op. 3801. Iliocker. 123'J Poplar. CAST-OFF clothing bought; beat prices paid for men's goods: wrlto or phono Walnut tlbliS. SCHULTZ. 241 N. Dth sL CAST-OFF CLOl'lllNG.Bhoes and hats bought; send postal. Sneldman. 022 Poplar Bt. Cl.ol'lllNO Men'H clothes bought, best prices paid Tel. Wal 1111 or pus 1001-1003 Sanson! FURNITURE, pianos, carpets, antiques; entire or part houses bought for cash; no matter how large. J. Hernsteln.1354 ltdffeave. Fl'RNlTUREliouKht.cash: par., entlrohouso. ollUe furn , stock stores: will pay to consult le'fnre selling Ennls. 212 S. 8th. Wal. 13311 FURNITURE Will huy part or entire houses. CFInneg.in.B444 Webster.Ph.Wood 1557 V MERc1'RY"H0UGHT D." Chamfiley, gold and silver buyer nnd retlne.r 71U Sansom Hell ph. OLD GOLD Cnsh paid for old gold, silver, nntlquo clocks: will cnll. Hell phono Locust 1210. ROGERS. 27 8. 17th at. HIGHEST prices paid "for diamonds, old gold, silver, platinum, false teeth: also pawn tick ets. Diamonds nppralsed. 1300 Filbert at., 2d lloor fronL Walnut 7471. SECOND-HAND ono-horso lawn mower: Btate condition, make, prlco. Wm. Stewart. 3500 N. nth. HIGHEST prices paid for gentlemen's clothing, Friedman llros 1444 South st. Ph Dick. 0153. 1I1U1IKST cash prices paid fnr old metal, rags, etc. Telephono Joseph Render. 2521 Rliigo uv. BOOMS FOR RENT UROAD. S.. 410 Desirable furnished rooms. all conveniences , hot-water heat. CHESTNUT. 1728 Desirable room, with and vyinium uq.n, ileum ileal; electric US. CHESTNUT. 2007 WELL-FURNISIIKD ROOMS. PERMANENT ORTRANSIENT. MT. VERNON. 18.11 2d-story front. furnT, business women onlprlvatefam.: jihone, MT. VERNON. 2011 Unfurn com. rma., heaT, light, plenty hot water; owner. Pop. 4037. OXFORD ST.. 1401- bath, unfurnlsheii l-urgu room adjoining POPLAR. 1132. 2d front, run. water, other rma . convs.. board optional. Pop. Stlltt N. SPRUCE. 1337 Rooms, single or en suite, prl. ..,g, I'm.. UHH.O, Biruiii iifai; eieciricuy. WALNUT. 1018 Handsome rooms, en suite; Krlvute baths, unlimited hot water, oteam eat, moderate rates. TTII. N , 2.1172 front rooms, kitchenette. ...... Huummrwiini Birmii ileal; uehirame. 10TII. 8.. 30d (Opposite The Clinton) Double or single rooms, with or without bath! well nentpH- nlonlv hm tun,..,- iirn I inn ' 10TH, S .33 Attractive 2d floor rooms; run- iim.i, wat.-r. iirivaio omn. i'none j.ocust aula 20T1I. S . 113 Attractively furnished single room, prlv ate bath, for gentleman. "J?.' y-u-'l3.1-, adJ- front rms . furn., un. furn . light hskpg op., also double sitting rm.. furn as bed und living rm Dla 1220 W. 40TH & TOWELTON AVE. (S. E, cor USk. ond and Jd-story tront. Ph. Daring 7733 W. TOO BAD, MONTY, BUT THE BOOMS FOR BENT Conllnucd from PrtceAlno CotmC t ..S., 1100 Desirable. snr, . i 4BT'.''..?" I ion Desirable. ee - """y "VAt hath. AUoTliana'J. lf S8TII, 8.. R4.1 2 desirable "d-fieTT munlcatlnfr, with rTri v or ."1 2 ?ms, rem. . ramlly; owner: reference Wood St 'JVJ4"! eoTir, N.. 07ci,., - ---iSiM. a in. 1:07 Cheerfully furni,v, or housekeeping: gas. electee 'iJ. rra -I I."i Phono Helmont 400..: """" tiftf J for OOTIL in, 1... luiip in storv room: lit... , hoard op;pwner, Phone w?od and 'aS? 1 ivp ItOOMS. wble ball nnd i.ttJV!jk I IVO ROOMS, wide ball nnd l.mv. 2J3l 8 Ished. north nnd south eVposire ,r.wi? J Phone Ilarlng, 7SU0 W . or vvrli,,i7,k'. $ Ledger Centrnl nnl M 4l 1 4I, i CALL DIAMOND 3Tnrfor TdeaTbo,rr -J business woman. lieaniif..iJS!'rfCT toTS: ue.niiiAiii.i; rooms n prlvnie VnT--i-S-s I COth nnd Walnut M S. Ted?reOT I OWNER win rent bachelor ,H,;.-t4 1 rooms, hath. nrcnlar;..no."cy' t ri J Sllltlirlinn 9 8IIAnPNACK ST , W , 148 Comf-i.n . '1 nlshed. well heated room -0.1rMr for. 1 able for light housekeeping nf CU'I ' 9 nice rending room nnd plnno Otn sjbjrg ' BOOMS WANTED J YOUNG LADY, ctnnlnvc.1 in Ik. ... T ofllce, desires room and board vv ith i,i,K' surroundings In private fnmiyVw.",,ImIi;ll. preferreii at sol. Ledger office h"'- BOABDING CltESTNUT. 4013-Slngte on doubleTsTsMT 2mlnfrnmI.good table Preplan VmVw1 SPRINGFI'ELD AVE . IJ20- Hxrlu.ni.1-21 lion; owner; pleasant rooms flno V!?'. right party. n0 niu; sntUCE. 10211 Furnished "or "" un7hTS rooms, prlv. baths, electric light hnti. beat, excellent servb e. ph.me tabl "'S? 7 SPRUCE. 1012 (HofmehurstV--llenulTriirTS rooms, private bath, wllh board tabln iBmS' 10TH ST.. N.. 1701 Well healed 2,nTf7n rm.Blttlng rm. : bo. expos Ph Dia m j' BOTH. S . 131 Attractively furnlshed",CMnA floor rooms: cnnien lent loeatbn exe.ii. tahln. Phono Helmont H7H8 """' on ni. N.. iiisii Gentlemen good tahiTV.i liented .rojim desirable neghborhowlLJr,',1 iiiu i-Aitivii.w lu.'ii ami Parksl, o aveT7 deslrahlo vacancy: convenient to Irala tmH-y; excellent table H. II phono. Klma" PRIVATE FAMILY" will' board and r.r. ..T neipiess invnlld reasonably Trained fair.,, ' In attonr'nnv o 1.17. Ledger Central. ' ' PRIVATE famllv wants 2 gents to board' tmM " homo; ref. required Phone Fox Chat. 81 w! BOARD WANTED CULTURED woman teacher wants two ehe.r. ful rooms, with board nnd uo of bath tn Chrlstlnq household, with other teacher, il possible betvveen 21th nnd Allegheny uj 21st nnd Lehigh: referenco exchanfod. s 43', Ledger Office. ' r LADY, unempios'ed. wishes room nnd bor In email prlvnto t'nthnlle fnmlly. btwen lSih nnd 10th. Arch to Spruco 11, I-edger BrancE Bflth Bt. nnd Lnrchwood nve SANITARIUMS DEAUTIFUL locntlont speclnl sclentljcar nervous, elderlyi every comfort! aurm Hooklet. Dr. Randal. City line, Chestnut Hill. APARTMENTS THE PARKSIDE 40TH AND mrtAnn avw OPPOSITE FAIRMOUNT PARK. Four lines of cars: convenient to all fee tlons of the city: nil lnrgn outside roomi. Culslno pnrtlcubirly iittrnctlvo PHONE RARING 221. SPRING GARDEN. 1010. Excellent apti. h 8 different houses: somo furn .. ltchen.ttf. ATTRACTIVE largo living room, bedroom, hath; all outside! unfurn. 1401 Oxford t. West I'lillailelphla I OFFER ft largo variety of npartmenta at varied prices and to meet nlmost any re quirements Cnll or Bend for list. Automoblli service to Inspect np.rtmontn If deslrod. NORMAN S SHERWOOD, 1111 Walnnt it Spruce 3071. Raco 30-3. , $30 CHANCELLOR APARTMENTS 2 Chancellor. 51th to 55th (lielow Walnut) nlrllto, 5 rooms, bath, porch. Office, 311 S. fi4th. BRUNSWICK. 40th nnd Walnut Newly pa. fiered and painted; first-class Janitor lerv co. Santlo Apts. 4(114 Walnut st. Ardmore. Ts. THE ATHENS 1 nnd 2 room suites, hath, kltch'ette., fur. or unfur. Ph Ardmore 1324. i9a FURNISHED APARTMENTS TO THOSE WHO REQUIRE nn absolutely cen tral apartment and at tho same time Insist on perfect furnishings nnd environment. 1 would recommend 225 S. ltroad st. Inspection will convlnco s'ou that here yoa will find overs' ndvantngo of tho most ex pensive hotel plus a degree of homelike com fort bo much to bo deslrod Theso beautifully furnished apartments will mako n particular nppeal to those who havn been living in clubs, central hotels and npnrtment houses nnd who deslro Bomethlcf Just n little different Inspection and reservations throuxh NORSIAN B, SHERWOOD. 1411 Walnut at. or on premises nt TEE LITTLE HOTEL, 22.1 S. Proad it. APARTMENTS WANTED TWO BEDROOMS bath, kitchenette, furnlahej; $20 a month. 1311 N. 10th Bt HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS THERE ARE" SEVERAL WAYS OF SECURING AN APARTMENT You ran look at ono after another until you flnrt one, or . , You enn ko n round to tho different n&enclei until In despair sou ttilco one, or You Can Call, Phone or Writo to This Office It Is quite true that nearly every dealraUj apartment In Philadelphia Is Hated with and may ho rented through us. ('nil upon us In our new offices; they are really nulto attractive; S'ou will be gives, tho most courteous and efficient eervlce ote tatnable. An nutomobllo Is waiting tn tuko you to tho list of apartments you designate, and II by any chance you aro not perfeilly sultea. our entlro organization will bo placed at sour disposal tn procure for sou exactly s heurt'a deslro ... .. Think of all tho troublo sou will nar; eased and how glad you will bo to no you lmo found tho ono apartment In l'niia delphla which moat nearly approaches your exact Ideal. NORMAN S. SHERWOOD Snroee ., WALNUT ST. HOUSEKEEPING PHILADELPHIA A .AIITVI!?VrM. svr: fill iii:itAiAniui,i UV. E EDWARD IIUTCIIINMIN, Jr., 122 . lain ur ill n. iui. . tmn Mn.rn furn. or unfurn apartment". -i-.- -"""v"' . ;' t ...-... ,.-..--... PJorinvvest l-nila. auu Tioga, see u "" ' BCIIOKPPV & CO., 1517 Montgomery.Jiy j HOUSEKEEPING apts , all parts of clly. rents 1 is to iju per inonin, caii.imono of -, Information Samuel Stern. 1201 gj4n SUBLET "HUIILINGTON" opt . 7 rooma; $100 per mo. .Merlon W Orelins Real l. tate Trust HIdg.. phone Loc""' !i-H-'. WEST PlIliaDEI.PHIA 6441 AND 844d ANOORA TBllRACE , Two modern 5-room aide yard P"j; $32 menta, living hall, elcctrlo Ilishts.Ptl- TO vate porches, high-class Janitor 'BTO $33 He aure to examine today. Arw ' 6404 Angora terrace, or ,mT, WM. II. W. QUICK & HUO.. INC. M 8, 40TH ST. 8. E. COR."3"tHCANDTRACB STS. Attractive apts., shower baths reaionajw- $32- 44 CHESTNUT, 6 rooms ond bain. u J nlences. one block from elevated Bt''an" JAS. N. MITCHELL. 4Ulh und Market- TRUTH MUST