Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, March 13, 1916, Night Extra, Page 11, Image 11

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.ySNIK" . nQW when my
IB" .. ,....n belter than on
?,wr::.,An my not ovorbrllllnnt
IK in had c.nltc.1 down upon my
111 Titers' raucous and reproach.
K'fJS Toi -'IcewaBon" anu -v.a.. -".
MSr. Li., wero gaining on mo rap.
WJ In particular, fleeter man ma
M. OW "' r.,i,.iv close.
$' " a, become but a rocky silt
gin'Z nt n steep angle towaru
HSS S pa's between two abutting
r?U . . - h.vond I could not oven guess
iWhcer drop of hundreds of
-Pthe corresponding valley upon
$r d" Ha I Plunged Into a
P11 .h Sagoths to the top of tho
"flfis determined to rls n an
i.MOS.1 .:.. iu. Jotnnnrnrllv. and
i"-151' 1j Sort unslung my rudely made
lueked an ar?ow from tho .kin
Mcn hunc behind my shoulder.
I f nd Sheeted toward tho gorilla-
"f-.u world of my birth I novcr una
(la tin worm o 0 from
kilTI ".".. J?i,nMw annulled with
litt'S by mean-, of my arrow, and
((njltpma ojr , d ,levcloped a
, thrown necessity. ... ,,in,M
OiAfliuk and I nau women "" "
''fSSnTwood of tho bow was ektromely
I'H tnd this, with tho strength and
-Atf of my new Btrlnic. gave mo tin-
&nd confidence in my weunu... ..
jit:- " u.a t irrBiitor nceu 01 j
'"V.vi- ti.n: novcr wero my nerves
ISTmnjeles under better control. I
SUm refully and deliberately ns
1 g, ,.t a straw target
MM moui .-; .." ;,,- -
ftw.pt over his dull Intellect that
Little I held townrd htm was sonic
Wrtinglne of destruction, for he, too.
(Zr;.t,k.t for a throw. It Is ono of
l n n nnn. Miiiuiuuitu'"j .. ...D---i
IZ wnr methods In which they employ
!?.. ,i (hn nppnmcv of nlm
Sfch they achlovo oven under tho moat
sATonoo hiwi"" -
T.r... .1,. Mrk lis full
ST anaii. ... -
Mb: my eye had centred Its sharp
rMbt cpon tne leu ureiiai "l '"'. 7 . .
fan' ina men hu .--tall
released my arrow. At tho Instant
tkt our missiles flew I leaped to ono
j,. v thA e.-ii-nth Rnrnnir forward to
nr..M. nitnrlc with a encar thrust.
I felt the swish of tho hatchet ns it
Read ray Head, and at tho samo Instanf
IbX etaft pierced the Sagoth's savngo
fkttrt, uid with a slnglo groan ho lunged
htort t my feet stono dead.
llCbM behind him wero two more flf ty
(fell la match up tho dead guardsman's
'iKeM, for the closo call his hatchet had
j(rt tiren me had homo In upon mo tho
tlioso which I had purloined nt Thutra
iWt D&U HOI UCCIl iiuiu lu uiiiib ...u.tt,.
leonua their slzo precluded our conceal-
L. imh .lthln thn ulrlna rtf thn ATnlirtrct
ttfch had brought us safely from tho
WKi the shield slipped welt up on my
Jen irm I lei ny anoinrr nrroiv. wuitii
liMn.hf Afnrn n aAnnml ffnp'nth. find tllfin.
u Ms fellow's hatchet sped toward mo, I
euwH u upon me sniciu, uim iiu un-
K "ear Uhildren it has Dcen a lonn umo ai"tu x uu.t. ............
I 4Mren, but not in Philadelphia. ...,...,. ,.
;2Kow, if you all sit down right now and while you think about it write
Stoat our dub hna 60,000 members. .
P&u letters in one day irom memDera anu uiw - """-
D members by the 1st of May. FARMER SMITH,
How (hn Rnio f nmo in Tin
l!ltt... II ,.,.. M . Iks
2ty of the Man In the Moon, bo tho
g-7 ftttt night ehe perched herself on
awui eUr (Just to be contrary), and
f&nfifF If.- 1- ..-- r t . tall
En. " iu ie oioon, inww
Mi i th flowers 'n my garden got
3 flower," said the M. I. T. M.
mm a about the rose, tha lovely red
El were4 Mistress Mary promptly,
BS1 Mrsell or a Dretty story.
JB&2V' besan the M. I. T. M., "just
h S fet"n dressed to come out for
wi oji '"ea lne sray snaao in my
.:77"i u mere, aa usual, ruiucr
a Mother Twilight were putting the
i -WW rays to bed. Mother Twilight
ywt tucked Paby Pink Beam IntQ Us
ftU T'1 wueu, uiefis yyur uc-iii.
pin' fcwthttr, Bright Ray, Jumped
So w awuy it carui.
"uwmaa Northwlnd." screamed
rY,U!bt. coma out and blow my
I title tn !,.,!
!!jJ'v,Ucman Northwlnd heard, and
-i .iun in a nurry, because ne
P uppose4 to ba out that night
H" the time he climbed out the
fiism iuy was all the way down
K! LIS viog a. lovely time, when all
j,Mcjj Northwlnd apled her. and he
lajiT lnal "6 few her into a
tWrht n" b0Wle4 tb Northwlnd.
K wud that the Flower Fatry. who
yu Marby woke ud with a aUrt.
V h tinkled, "what 13. the
4ard PoUcemao Northwlnd.
5 wiu sae
.isst vhat
the yjQwc fmo
BY EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS,author of'tarzaM11
other shaft for him ; but ho did not wait
to receive It.
Instead ho turned and retreated toward
tho main body or Korlllamen. Evidently
ho had seen enough of mo for tho mo
ment. Onco moro I took up my flight, nor
wero tho Sagotha apparently overanxious
to press their pursuit so closely as be
fore. Unmolested I reached tho top of tho
canyon, where I found a sheer drop of two
or three hundred feet to the bottom of a
rocky chasm, but on tho left a narrow
tedgo rounded the shoulder of tho over
hanging cliff.
Along this I advanced, and, at a sud
den turning n, few ynrdn beyond the
canyon's end, tho path widened, and at my
left I saw tho opening to a largo cave.
Before tho ledgo continued until It passed
from sight about another projecting but
tress of the mountain
Hero I felt I could defy an army, for
but a slnglo foeman could ntlvnnco upon
mo nt a tlmo, nor could he know that I
wns awaiting htm until he camo full upon
mo around tho comer of tho turn. About
mo lay scnttorcd stones crumbled from
tho cliff above. They wero of various
sizes and shapes, but enough wero of
handy dimensions for uso ns ammunition
In lieu of my precloui nrrows. Gathering
a number of stones Into a llttto pllo
besldo tho mouth of tho cave, I awaltod
tho advance of tho Sagothrf.
As I stood there tenso nnd silent, lis
tcnlng for tho first faint sound that should
announco tho approach of my enemies, a
slight nolso from within tho cavo's black
depths attracted my nttcntlon. It might
havo been produced by tho moving of tho
body of Bomo huge beast rising from tho
rocky floor of Its lair.
At almost tho samo Instant I thought
that I caught tho scraping of lildo san
dals upon tho ledgo beyond tho turn. For
tho next fow seconds my attention was
considerably divided
And then from tho Inky blackness nt
my right I saw two llamlng eyes glaring
Into mine. They wero on a lovel that
wns over two feet abovo my head.
It la truo tliat tho beast who owned
them might bo standing upon a ledgo
within tho cave, or that it might bo
rearing upon Its hind legs; but I had
seen enough of tho monsters of I'ollucldar
to know that I might bo facing somo now
and frightful Titan, whoso dimensions
nnd ferocity eclipsed thoso of nny I had
before scon.
Whatever It wns. It was coming slowly
toward tho ontranco of tho cave, and
now, deep nnd forbidding, it uttered u
low nnd omlnouM growl.
I waited no longer to dispute possession
of tho ledgo with tho thing which owned
that voice. Tho nolso had not boon loud
I doubt If the Sagothi hoard It nt all
but tho suggestion of latent possibilities
behind It was such that I know it coutd
only emnnnto from a gigantic and fero
cious beast.
As I backed along the lodge I soon was
paat tho mouth of tho cavo, where I no
longer could seo thoso fearful, llamlng
eyes, but an Instant later I caught sight
of tho fiendish fnco of a Hagoth as It was
warily ndvanccd beyond tho cliff's turn
on tho far sldo of tho cavo's mouth.
Ah tho fetlow saw mo ho leaped along
tho ledgo In pursuit, and after him camo
ns many of his companions as could crowd
upon each other's heels. At tho samo
tlmo tho beast emerged from tho cave, so
that bo and tho Sagotha camo faco to
faco upon that narrow ledge.
Tho thing was an enormous cavo bear,
rearing Its colossal bulk fully eight feet
at tho shoulder. Uo from tho tip of its
. -f
.-. . . i x ; t i.min eoifl onvtViinf to
m about our wonderful club and I merely want to aaic you xouuy u j
Mt think it is re-mark-able that wo should get nearly thirty thousand
wmwrs in tnreo montna.
; Soma days wo get as high as fifteen hundred new members, but your
A does not get enough letters.
If You know, of course, how pleased you arc when the postman brings you
R l-.i ... ... -i .1 !.! ,lnol- ond nnlv finds SlXtV
iKiier, dui wncn your ccntor sua uuwu t "" - -
Seventy letters from very nearly thirty thousand little children, ho some-
irL - .... .. , i. .i jA:nr rtMiMtfrli -fnr vnii-
gs wonders it he is woriung naru enougu " u""b ..... -
You know, we all want to bo helpful and wo all love to write letters
two all love to get them. ,
This is a great secret we arc to have this week somo stationery for your
... . . . .. i.u i ..., !, Si nnlniv n WTltQ On hiS
"wrana when ho wishes to write icu.cru w juu ,".
wjr own stationery. , . ... .,
M Yon. ou. i. j.,.i oo i,tffii nn S20 letters in ono day from Uttlo
E editor even a postal card, or a letter, no wm u ""
,-H received in Philadelphia over 320 lcttersin one day.
pBut never has your editor received as many new members in ono day
A M has in Philadelphia. , x , , , -, u
I When wo reach fifty thousand members, which we should by tho 1st of
&1 at the very latest and possibly by the 1st of April, wo will havo to take
FlllUl- i. . i i it.
Ajv rest in oruer to get our Dreum. , .
K n ,. ..... . i i. mamtto-pa lnt1 nlir ClUD
m oo, u you will try as naru as you can w KKk .............. .... - - --
Vthattimp. xv win i,nvn tn tni ii vacation of say a week to celebrate tho
PUt us all work together and seo if your editor cannot get uu u-
.tnmm.i. . . . . i.i i .... .. !, VIPTY THOU.
unuurciio launui, . ....-
Evs.siNo Ledoeh:
I wish to become n member of your
Rainbow Club. Please gend ma a beau
tiful Rainbow Button free. I agrea
Name , f
Addresa ,..,,,t...ttn.
Aga ,.....'...
School I attend
Mii. .a nnn. rtiflr" aha cried softly.
Tm going to tuko her homo and put her
to bed."
"You may have her." said the North
wind, "she la not worthy of her home In
the shy." and with that he whirled away,
So the Flower Fairy put the twisted,
crumple4 little ray Into a nice, soft earth,
bed nnd tended her faithfully until, lo
and behold I one night a week later I
looked out tha cloud palace window and
there, blooming in your garden, was a
beautiful red rose I
"My rose," breathed Mistress Mary,
who was so lnteresttod that she forgot to
be contrary. "And did Father Sun ana
Mother Twilight ever, ever forglvet"
"Yea." replied the M. L T. M, "When
they saw how beautiful their child had
grown to be and how much good she was
doing on earth, they forgava her freely,
and now each day Father Sun sends down
a golden blessing to hu truant child, and
each evening Mother Twilight gives to her
llttla daughter tha sweet good-nlght kiss
that only a mother can give."
JuT you wawt to earn pune? ftr
school und uu Saturdays wttt
FaurBuur Smith.
noio to tho end of Its stubby tall It wns
fully twelve feet In 16ngth.
As It sighted tho Sagotha It emitted a
most frightful roar, nnd with open mouth
charged full upon them. With a cry of
terror tho foremost gorlllamnn turned to
escape but behind him ho ran full upon
his onrushing companions.
Tho horror of tho following seconds Is
Indescribable. Tho Sagoth nearest tho
cavo bear, finding his cscapo bloekod,
turned and leaped deliberately to an awful
death upon tho jagged rocka 300 feet be
Then thoso giant jaws reached out nnd
gathered In tho next there was a sick
cnlng sound of crunching bones, und the
mangled corpso was dropped over tho
cliff's edgo. Nor did tho mighty beast
even pauso In his steady advance nlong
tho ledgo.
Shrieking Sngoths wero now leaping
madly over tho precipice to escape htm,
and tho last I saw ho rounded tho turn,
still pursuing tho demoralized remnant of
tho man-hunters.
For a long tlmo I could henr tho horrid
roaring of tho bruto Intermingled with tho
screams and Bhrleks of his victims, until
finally tho awful sounds dwindled and ho
Later I learned from Clhak. who had
finally como to his tribesmen nnd returned
with a party to rcscuo me, that tho ryth,
aB It Is called, pursued tho Sagoths until
It had exterminated tho ontlro band.
Ohnk was, of course, poslttvo that I had
fallen prey to tho torrlhlo crcnturo which,
within 1'ellucldar, Is truly tho king of
Not caring to venturo back Into tho
canyon, whoro I might fall prey either to
tho cavo bear or tho Sngoths, I continued
on nlong tho ledge, bcllovlng that by fol
lowing round tho mountain I could reach
tho land of Sari from another df?ectlon.
Hut I evidently becamo confused by tho
twisting nnd turning of tho canyons and
gullies, for I did not como to tho land of
Sari then, nor for n long tlmo thereafter.
With no heavenly guldo. It Is llttto won
der that I becamo confused nnd lost In
tho mazes of thoso mighty hills. What In
reality I did was to pass entirely through
them nnd como out abovo tho valley upon
tho farther nldo. I know that t wandered
for a long tlmo until, tired nnd hungry. I
camo upon a small cavo In tho fnco of tho
limestone formation wjitch had taken tho
placo of tho granlto farther back.
Tho cavo which took my fancy lay half
way up tho precipitous sldo of a lofty cliff
Tho way to It was such thnt I know no
extremely formldablo beast could frequent
It, nor was It largo onough to mnko a
comfoftablo habitat for any but tho small
cr mammals or reptiles. Yet It was with
tho utmost caution that I crawled within
Us dark Interior.
Hero I found a rather largo chamber,
lighted by a narrow cleft In tho rock abovo
which let tho sunlight filter In In sutllclent
quantities to partially dispel tho utter
darkness which I had expected.
Tho cavo was entirely empty, nor wero
thero any signs of ita having been recently
occupied. Tho opening was comparatively
small, so that, after considerable effort,
I wns able to lug up a boulder from tho
valloy below which entirely blocked It.
Then I returned to tho valloy for nn
armful 6f grasses, nnd on this trip was
fortunate enough to knock over an orthopl,
tho diminutive hoi so of Pellucldar, a llttlo
animal about tho stzo of a fox terrier,
which abounds In nil parts of tho Inner
world. Thus, with food and bedding I re
turned to my lair, where after a meal of
raw meat, to which I had now become
qulto accustomed, I dragged tho boulder
before tho entranco and curled myself
Our Postoflicc Box
Well, If here isn't Dennis Dolan, como
straight from Mauch Chunk, Pa., to join
tho Rainbows) A ringing handshako to
you, son, anil a
hearty wish that
your stay In our
land may bo a long
Oh, what do you
think. Mary Neary,
Coral street, told U3
the grandest secret.
We'll havo to whis
per, 'causo we're
afraid we'll walco It
up thero -the se
cret's out! It's a
baby girl. Just 3
weeks old. That
makes 30.001 Rain
bows I Whenever Es
ther Miller. Roxborough, feels blue, she's
going to read all the postals that the
Rainbows havo sent her, and then the
sun's coming straight out of tho clouds
and there'll ba a Rainbow In the sky!
Ethel and Edna Chambers, of Bustleton,
Pa., Esther's cousins, have just Joined our
happy ranks.
Mary Stlffel, Gloucester City, N. J.,
struck a novel note In the line of drawing
when sho sketched an Iron safo and
named tha drawing "Safety First." If
ONLY It had been In Ink, Mary, our mem
bers would be seeing it Instead of hearing
about It! Tlllle Dorfman wants to know
If tho Rainbow Club Issues a magazine.
The club's news Is our magazine, Tlllle,
nnd If you read It you will keep well In
formed as to what the club Is doing. Ed
ward Tractenberg, South 9th street, Is
working lata and enrly on tha pin money
squad, and wa know that his success will
measure up to hla efforts. Jean dark,
North Broad street, almost forgot us, nnd
then she read so many Interesting things
about the club members that Bho Just had
to write nnd become one of us again.
John Deppa and his brother Edward
are buglerB In Troop 1!5 of the Boy
Scouts. They have very kindly Invited
your editor to attend their meetings,
which invitation we are delighted to ac
cept W. Eugene Wilson, Pemberton, N.
J Is a very Industrious Rainbow, and lias
made enough money to buy a watch by
running errands and doing other things,
for which old folks are only too glad to
pay young folks.
Helen Dragos, Taney street. Is an
earnest little Pin Money worker, and
Rainbow headquarters extend to her a
hearty word of encouragement. Lazurus
Perskle, Poplar street, Inquires as to
when he may aenA, drawings In. Draw
ings may bo sent in at any time. Da sure
thav are made with black Ink on white
paper! Thomas O'Hara, Folrmount ave
nue, did not wait to bsk ne sent In black
and-whlte pictures with his application
hlank. KeeD on tha lookout for them.
KTom, In the art gallery! Herbert Meyers,
Erie avenue, i.n. .muhww unim
who has given 'heed to tha "black-and-white
law." Thomas Lockyer sent two
well-written stories, but failed to give his
address. WIU you please forward that
missing addiess. young man, so that It
may bo placed on our IndexT
Thlngfl to Know and Do
Hereafter question J will ba only for
llttla folks of 8 years and under to an
swer. This one answer each njjfht will
entitle lu writer to compete for the prfjea.
1. Write the history of sho.
j Msfce ns nn' wda as you can
from. Jerusalem. (Sent In by Florence
s. yo what wouW QU
micie WniT
Ve ctx say the worlds til
urorj tnd tlmost prove it j
We ctn spend our Kvi just
tandirvj peopla blues,
Or else ue ctri persist lr
I..! 1
Ue. rYwa. our
cKoice I know ( S
whicK vy
I ckoose..
upon my bed of grasses a nnkod, pri
meval caveman, ns savagely primitive ns
my prehistoric progenitors.
Tiin ucur one.
I nwoko rested but hungry, and, pushing
tho boulder aside, crawled out upon tho
llttlo rocky Bliclf which was my front
Uoforo me spread a small but beautiful
valley, through tho ccntro of which a
clear and sparkling river wound Its way
down to nn Inland sen, tho btuo waters
of which wero Just visible between tho
two mountain ranges which embraced this
llttto parndlso.
Tho sides of tho opposlto hills were
green with verdure, for a great forest
clothed them to the foot of tho red and
yellow nnd copper green of tho towering
crags which formed their summit. Tho
valley Itself was carpeted with a luxu
riant grass, while hero nnd thero pitches
of wild flowers m.ido great splashes of
vivid color against tho prevailing green.
Dotted oer tho face of tho valloy wero
llttlo clusters of p.ihnllko trees threo or
four together, ns a rule Ilcnenth theso
stood antelope, wllllo others grazed In tho
open, or wandered gracefully to a nearby
ford to drink.
' continued Toiionnow.
Director Krusen Urges Parents
to Adopt Preparedness
Against Disease
Director Kruson urges parents to ndopt
tho prlnclplo of preparedness by protect
ing their children from whooping cough.
Tills Is tho season that tho cough, which
la ono of tho most distressing dl.senses of
children, reaches tho height of Its prova
lcnco. Last year It caused twlco as many
deaths ns scarlet fover.
Tho Health Bureau records show that In
101 1 ono out of every 10 children who had
tho dlsenso died nnd CO par cent, of theso
deaths wero of infants In their first year.
"Thoso statistics," said Director Krusen.
"aro convincing evidence that whooping
cough Is not to bo considered lightly.
Asldo from Its high mortality, tho pnln
nnd suffering it causes should warn every
mother to keep tho Infection from her
To do this effectively tho Director ad
vises parents ni follows:
Instruct children not to play with
others who havo tho dlsenso.
If your child has tho Infection It Is
your duty to prevent other healthy
children from being In its company.
All discharges fiom tho mouth and
noso of tho sick child should bo re
ccled in paper' napkins or clean
cloths, which should bo burned, slnco
It Is through these secretions that tho
diseaso Is spread.
Separate cups, glasses, plates nnd
other eating utensils should bo kept
for tho sick child.
All cases of whooping cough aro re
a well ventilated room.
Tho bedclothes and clothing of tho
child should be disinfected by boiling.
All forms of excitement, laughing,
crying, overeating and drinking
should bo avoided to'rcduce the se
verity of the attacks of coughing and
tho frequency of their occurrence.
If the child Is well enough to bo up
nnd about, It may bo taken out In tho
open, either In tho back yard or on
tho roof, but by no means should
other healthy children be present.
Tho child should bo kept In bed In
strlctcd from school until tho diseaso
Is cured.
Children suffering from the Infec
tion aro not permitted to visit publta
places or to rldo In public convey
ances. "Obcdlenco to tho precautions mentioned
will greatly assist In reducing, not only
the Incidence of whooping cough, but also
tho high Infant mortality of this city,"
Two Accused of Forging Manufactur
er's Namo to Check
Feminine finery, consisting of spring
outfits, was found by detectives today in
a boarding houso after Beatrice TUch and
Amelia Tlscher, both 15 years old, both
of New York, had been arrested, accused
of forging tho name of n New York manu
facturer. Tha girls were arrested at the
requiist of the New York pollco and are
held at the House of Detention.
A week ago, the girls said today, they
decided to get pretty spring outfits. One
of them worked for a shirtwaist manufac
turer, Sho was Beatrice Tlsch During
the absence of her employer, she confessed
today, the police say, that ehe forged the
manufacturer's namo to a check for $76,
with the assistance of the Tlscher girl.
Elwood 'Wilhelm AVeds Bliss Ida Moore
SHAFORP, Del., March J 3. Just as
services were closing at tha Methodist
Episcopal church hero last night, tho
Uev. J, J, Bunting was called to tho part
nonage to marry Miss Ida Moore, of
Dover, and Elwood Wilhelm, of 'Wilming
ton. Mr. ana Mrs. Wilhelm, after a
short wedding trip, will reside In Wil
mington, where the bridegroom la en
gaged in business.
Seek Dead Man's Relatives
Relatives of B. J, May, 60 years old.' for
many years cleric at the Turks' Head, Ho
tel, West Chester, who died suddenly last
night In a hotel at 10th street near Ches
nut street, aro being- sought today by
Deputy Coroner McKeeyer, May, who at
one time lived here, has two sisters living
In West Philadelphia. Death was caused
by heart disease. Tha body was removed
to tha Morgue. ,
Heart Disease Kills Man In Street
While on his way from a church at
Colllngswood, N. J., to tha home of Mrs
C. H. Garrison, his sister, whom ho was
visiting at 137 State street, Camden, yes
terjlay, Henry Swing, 78 years old, a
printer, of Trenton, fell dead at Broad
way and Federal street, Camden. Coro
ner Schroeder Issued a certificate of death
from heart disease.
Gas Ends Woman's Life
Mrs. Florence Van Nortwlck, S3 years
old, of 6901 North 10th street, was found
dead In her room as tha result of Inhaling
Illuminating gas, Mrs. John. Hirst, her
sister, with -whom tha woman lived, re
turned home early last night and found
jreeta It is said she wss despondent and
lu , nervous condition owing to the death
'ibe body of Mrs. Nort-vfck 1a tha gas-Oiled
vf hex huatani last Nuvcrabtr,
n rA
3.-. Af 3
British Court of Appeals Re
verses Lower Decision in Bat
tle Over Child's Legitimacy
LONDON, March 13. The nppent In the
Internationally famous "Sllngsby baby
caso" was granted today by the Court or
Appeals which means that flvo-ycar-old
"Teddy" Sllngsby loses a Yorkshire) es
tate valued at $600,000.
The lower courts had established tho
status of tho Sllngsby baby as tho legiti
mate child of Mr. nnd Mrs. C. II It. Sllngs
by, making him tho heir of tho estate,
but an appeal was lodged by two uncles
It was alleged by appellants that tho
real holr was born dead and thnt "Teddy"
Sllngsby, a foundling, wns substituted for
the dead baby.
It was tho contention of tho two sons
of tho dead millionaire, fighting "Tcddy'B"
claim on tho estate, that ho was In reality
tho Illegitimate son of Lillian Anderson, a
schoolgirl. They charged that he as born
In Chinatown, San Francisco, nnd wan aft
erward adopted by tho Sllngsbys and rear
ed ns their child.
The court's dcclilon today ended ono of
tho most remarkable cnies In English
courts In years. The original trial con
tinued for weeks, 200 witnesses being
heard. Many hearings havo been held on
the nppeal.
Tho real name of tho curly-haired
youngster around whom tho battlo ragod
is Charles Eugono Edward Sllngsby, but
ho camo to bo known ns "Teddy." Ills
father, on his behalf, laid claim to tho es
tato of the He v. Charles Sllngsby, yield
ing an annual Incoino of moro than $50,000
n year.
Two brothers, Thomas William Sllngs
by and Alan 1'cter Sllngsby, made tho
chnrgo of Illegitimacy.
Mrs. Sllngsby admitted on cross-efxanv
(nation In tho original suit that a week
beforo tho day "Teddy" was supposed to
havo been born sho advertised In a San
Francisco paper for nn Infant :r adop
tion. There wns other cvldcnco against her,
but tho probato Judgo ruled In favor of
Teddy" chlelly on tho grounds that tho
youngster boro a remarkable resemblanco
to his father.
Chief of Police Orders General Clean
up of "Prophets"
Fortuno tellers, prophets nnd seers of
nil descriptions havo been compelled to
retreat from Camden ns a result of n
crusade stnrted by Chief of Pollco Gravc
nor. of that city. Ho issued orders today
tHat nil urn-sons who presume to toll what
H to hnppcn in tho futuro or sell good
luck charms must suspend business Imme
diately. Palmists aro Included In tho general
clenn-up. Tho chief has received many
complaints during tho last fow weeks from
persons iho found that several of tho
fortuno tellers had mado bad guesses. Tho
climax camo when tho chief learned that
one of tho professional prophot3 managed
to extract $3 from a "cop" for a wishing
bag. It appears that tho "cop" mado n
number of wishes that didn't como truo.
Finally ho wished that tho woman who
sold him tho bag would bo driven out of
business and ho mado his own wish como
truo by reporting her to tho chief.
Burns and Family
Down a Ladder
VINEL.AND, N. J.. March 13. Flro
early today destroyed tho largo general
storo nnd dwelling of Richard Itlley, Jr.,
at Willow Grove, near hero. Tho los3 is
estimated at $1000.
The flames, which started In tho store,
spread to tho houso nnd cut oft tho fam
ily's escapo by the stairway. They wero
helped by neighbors down a ladder from
tho roof of a pdrch.
Girl Coasting Victim May Recover
Slight Improvement In tho condition of
12-year-old Elizabeth Mangold, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Xavlcr Mangold, of Jen
klntown, who crashed headlong Into an
nutomobilo while coasting Saturday, gavo
tho physicians somo hope that she may
recover. Sho is in the Abington Hospital.
The nutomobilo which struck Elizabeth Is
owned by Charles L. Borle, Jr., of Itydal.
Two weeks ago her sister Mary suffered
a similar accident. Although she suffered
a concussion of the brain, sha recovered.
An Incident
1 . t' 81
The Business-Man's Newspaper ffl
II ' - 4 . H
II ' '-
II ' i ' B 4
if f ,lLi..il,iirs m Ml'm-"--"
Garden Supervisor Sends Battlo Out
line to Principals
Principals of every school In tho city
received today from Miss Cnro Miller, su
pervisor of school gardens, Instructions
on how to rid trees of pests Tho prin
cipals wero requested tn pass the Instruc
tions nlong to pupils
Miss Miller's Instructions read, In part,
ns follows:
"Enrly spring Is the tlmo to catch the
enemy sleeping Remove by hand nil tho
egg mnsscs within reach; thoso higher up
may bo scraped off with n sharp-pointed
hoe, or from n steplndder. Search care
fully tho crevices of tho bark upon nil
tho trees nlong fences, under window sills,
cellar windows, porches, nil nooks, crev
ices nnd sheltered places. Make this
search very thorough, for, ns stated
nbove, ono egg mass overlooked will later
hatch out hundreds of caterpillars."
Starts Down Hill nnd Imperils Abing
ton Blnzo Fighters
An nuto chemical engine Imperiled the
lives of 15 volunteer firemen of tho Ah
lngton Fire Company last night when tho
machine ran bnckward for 1B0 yards
down the hill on Susquehnnna road nbove
Rydnl stntlon Howard Nice, tho driver,
succeeded In preventing tho machlno from
leaving tho road.
Tho men were responding to nn nlnrm of
flro nt tho country placo of Isnnc Silver
man in Rydnl At tho crest of tho hill
a part of tho driving mechnnism broke nnd
tho flro engine, weighing flvo tons, carry
lug IS men. started backward down tho
hill. Beforo tho men had a chanco to
jump tho machlno was moving nt n speed
of nearly 30 miles nn hour.
j.. - M Nnttci
Igff'H- L JfELaM.KltLf ILV4JUA1.Z1V
"""-'"' " . --wr- iw.
r i iri
-. U
Here we give a partial list of the many money-saving opportunities
to be had at "All Our Stores" today, tomorrow and Wednesday.
Gold Seal are the
largest, freshest meat
iest eggs obtainable in
this city.
30c WM
Fresh Soda Crackers l&t1 6c lb.
Crisp, freshly baked crackers of the very best quality, at a very
low price. '
Gold Seal Borax Soap
Pels Nanllia Soap
Fairy White Floating Soap cu, 4c
Good Laundry
Starch, lb
A good grade of Laundry
Starch at a money-saving
You will find the same high quality groceries, the same low
ices and the same courteous service at every Robinson & Craw- '
ford store, whether it be located at
21st and Market Streets
-. . iTntnwn. Germantown. Kensington. West Philadelphia.
Manayunk,' Roxborough. Logan, Oak Lane. Overbrook, Bala, Nar- vTO
berth, Ardmorc, Bryn Mawr, Lansdowne, E. Lansdowne. Llanorch, tftt;
Darby or Media. SK
Robinson & Crawford I
r. ..., :i.... fnr Pm-lirnlar Peonle Throughout the Citv and Suburbs -W
55i ?.!? 2- .2-t
The other day a number of business-men were con
sidering the question of securing publicity for an
enterprise of interest solely to business-men, par
ticularly business-executives.
"Which papers shall we advertise in?" was asked.
Every man present answered "the Public Ledger.
Two-thirds of their entire appropriation for newspaper
advertising was placed with the Public Ledger
another evidence of the fact that Philadelphia business
men recognize the Ledger as "The Business-Man's
The Ledger can serve you, and your business. Would
you know how? Telephone the Advertising Manager,
Walnut or Main, 3000.
One Soldier Hopes His Dona
tion "Will Help Cheer Some
Boy in the Trenches"
The Belgian Soldiers' Tobacco Fund
has n"nrly reached tho $8000 mark.
Philadelphia contributed $m0 In the
two weeks of tho campaign.
Tho commltteo In charge of the fund
Is especially Impressed with (ho letters
which nccompany the contributions of
Civil War eernns. IMward Mngnln, a
n. A. R cteran of this city, told how
the soldiers, "hungry" for tobacco, would
trado their dally nllownnce of food for
a piece of tobacco two Inches long nnd
ono Inch wide. The soldiers chewed part
of It nnd smoked tho remainder. Ho sent
$2, expressing tho hope that It would
"help to cheer somo boy In tho trenches"
Other old soldiers. Inspired by Mngnln a
letter, sent similar amounts. A large
number of contributions camo from
women who renllzo that tobacco Is essen
tial to tho happiness of thoso who aro on
tho tiring line.
It Is hoped to ralso enough money to
supply each soldier with n package con
taining CO clgnrcttcs nnd two ounces of
plpo tobacco each wnck. It will cost
nbout Jf.0,000 weekly to send tho neccs
snry packages to tho troops.
Checks should bo mado payablo to tho
Belgian Soldiers' Tobacco Fund nnd ba
sent to Drexel & Co.
Vnre Lieutenant to Be Magistrate
Governor Brumbaugh announced last
night tho appointment of Uklnson Cos.
tello, n Vnro llcutcnnnt, to bo magistrate
In placo of David S. Scott.
Moy tn . rfiVVnViM ,i
- vf.p.w.i . ,-s-- .-"I T.TZrJ'
-. ; -mr "y ..'.Awv.wjvj
tolLilSf tS
Every egg guaranteed
fresh, and you can al
ways depend on an R.
& C. guarantee.
Old Dutch Cleanser on . . 8c
Snow Boy Washing Powder rk. 4c
Gold Dust Wash Powder m. 4c-16c
30c Well-made
Broom, for
A very serviceable Broom,
its good wearing qualities ap
peals to every particular
Which I
A Fact j
k? II
V" ii
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- SI
- SI