pUJ""PP!GP SZ 6 EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, IPBIIAY, MARCH lOjlOie. ENS 0MM CLUB REVIVES COMIC OPERA lUrtzing'd "Czar and Cnrpen- lor" Yiolda the Pleasures of Mirth and Melddy ' ORCHESTRA OF SCHOOLBOYS TO PLAY TONIGHT Thft ttelirens Opera Club renewed rhlt ndelphia's Acquaintance with Qttstav Al bert lrfrtilng last night by n highly cred itable revival ot "Ciiir and Zimmerman." KWibuld be "Ailed "Csar and Carpenter," In consideration ot the fact that the per formance, like that of nil given by thin organization of unselfish endeavor and, atdable purpose, was suns In Kngllsh The Metropolitan Opera IIouso this tlmo tne cene of the activities of the society, formed by his associates of many years standing to keep Brocn the memory of Siegfried Behrcn. Tho production marked an artistic advance. It was mado under direction of John Curtis and was tho 34th opra In English to bo written down to ma managerial credit. Surely In a whole cltyful thero should be an ample audience for such n romantic and tuneful work. Last night's "houso" Could hardly bo called scant, absolute!, but It certainly did not "comfit li" largely as tho meilta of tho cnterprlne. which Is strictly non-commercl.il, de served. Possibly only Mnhlor symphonies and Metropolitan Opera can "draw a crtAvd" here. Ther nature of tho plot Is fairly divulged lit th6 alternatlvo titles of "Czar and Carpenter" and "Tho Two Peters." It will bo familiar to those of tho older generation who wero taught out ot McOuffey's Third Reader. Tho Idea wag used by Boullly, Gretry and other composers. Lortzlng took as, tho basis of his libretto n onc-tlmo favorite German farco, 'Tho Mayor of Saardam, or Prlnco and" Carpenter." Tho third net, however, was entirely original with him. Ho him self sang tho buffo rolo when tho work Was first Rlen December 22, 1817. Ho I was forced to piece out tho meagre stl- ' ponds awarded coriposers of his day In tho German "Klelmitaatcrel" opera houses by taking a turn at song and corned'. It Jd of record that his honorarium for "Czar ' and Carpenter" was what now amounts to ttO. Still, that was moro than Schubert received for some of his Immortal lleder. i Previous to Its January. 1910. nroduc- tlon tho work Was tolerably familiar hero. Caroline Itlchlngs used to sing Mario In U In English. Tho German company which for years performed at Mrs. Drow's old thcatro In Arch street gao It fre quently. As produced last night It would havo pleased een tho critical Kaiser, with whom It wns, a favorite until IlussU got Into tho world war. The libretto Is founded on the well )nowtf tradition that V"'"r r " v called! the First and the Great In history, in an attempt to better himself frr his jolt ng tho Little Father, traveled about the World seeking knowledge In tho arlons arts and crafts. At Saardam, In tho T.ou- C 4h & C3 ffb -as, 1 rr iwmtfm'mmsmm GRAND JURY PROBES DEATH OF YOUNG BRIDE Body of Mrs. Emma Truesdell, Who Died as' Result of Operation, Exhumed Tho annual concert of tho ramphell Lyuns School w HI bo held tonight at Lu l.u Temple. .Spring Gnrdcn street below liroad street, to help defray tho expenses In curred by the various musical organiza tions of tho schools during tho last year. Tho orchestra consists of BO boys, pupils of tho Campbell School, 8th and ritzwutcr streets, nnd the Lons School, Catharine street above 10th. The munlclans, rang ing from 11 to 10 ycaiH of age, will be led by Mr. A J Kmerj. principal of the Campbell School ' Tho program Includes a Iolin quartet. neethoens "Minuet," played by Anlhotn Slnagogn, Xocholai Jlucolarelll, Jlnurln! Mnrgolls and Arthur AVclner, and n harp solo by Illlrabetli Trnffucante "Jocnln" it solo fur thi' 1'icnch horn, will bo played by Ch.trli'M route, and tho "Columbia Fan tasia l'ulka" by Itctijamln Hhrlcbinnn on tho cuiiipt. Tho orchestra will give sev eral numbers n.itk tow. loft t right Nicholas Huc clarolll, Salilni) Tito Mnnllo, Max Sol, I!L III Itcgcgbogen. Henry Moderskl, Harry HnsenwelR, Michael Matlno and Harrv Soiionbcig. Second kjw Angolo Itlc.trdl, Max Mll lor, Salwiliir Masaro. I'crdlnand Tito Manllo, Homcnlcl: Cjpoblanca, Maurlco MargnlN, D.tvld UcnJ.tmlu and Walter Scnlolla Tlilnl low Peter Chauglilulii, Scerlno i Tnrtnglln IJpiiJdinln Shrlbmnn, dlrectoi . ivnli J i:imtv, principal oc tno Campbell Sdiool. Loins Sosho, Anthony Hlnagoga and Atili.t Spatola Fourth row Charlc-J Conte, Jllch.tcl Flnelll, Hocco Stnnco, Joseph J.nraio and Joseph Cucclnnttl Fifth row Samuel Itubcnstcln jtnd Ar thur Welner Other members of tho orchestra not In tho photograph nro Joseph Vonuta, Jacob Goldberg,' Harrv Frank, Morris Freedman, N'lcholns llrlgll.i, Samiiol Uiodv Joseph tlagllardl, Peter del C'allu, JHnum Uold fnrb, Frank Atlll.i, Martin Ktelger, John Moiro, Jllcliael Farcucclo nnd Abraham Perlstcln. NnV YOntf, March 10 The Hi and Jury In Newark yesterday, began on In quiry into tho death, on February IB, of Mrs Hmma Truesdell, tho 21-ycnr-old brldo of Dr. Paul 17. Truostlale. n dentist of Mnntclalr, who died while undergoing an oiiratlon nt tho hands of Dr. John H ' Young Tho denlh certificate, signed by Deputv County Physician Herbert 31. Simmons. gao tho cause of death as "Hpodermle of HMC, four ounces of ether and shock " Tontrlbulory rupture" was also men tioned Tho Investigation was brought about through tho Instrumentality of County i Physician William H ' JtcKenzle An autopsy on the liotlv was perrormou iiy Doctor Young with the consent of Doctor .Simmons, who was present According to Dorloi 3lclen?le, his dentin leporled these farts to him the tint following tho operation, and he laid litem before Judgo William P. Martin, who directed that the Grand July lnitili.t bo Itiu, II itla.l Mnnlni. t t.n,i . In enlil lnr iw . .in. .....t.. ,'Ub.V. .11L.Itt-IIC.lU 1.1.1.. L.Utl.-l Simmons hud told him that Mtal orgima i i f the young uomati s body had been i perforated Tho body was exhumed jesterdny and examined by Drs. Washington, Itlchman mill Hicks, who told of their findings to the Grand Jury. The Jurors wilt hear further testimony next Tuesday. Dr. Truesdell i-atd ho was satisfied the operation was regular nnd did not demand an Inquiry. Mrs. Henry Wolf, mother of Mrs Trues dell. declared she was singing a few houis before the operation wns performs! nnd appeared to be In tho best of health. Doth Dr. Truesdell and Dr. Young re fused to tell what the operation was for, saying they would do so nt the ptopcr time. The Trnsedells had been married eight months after a courtship of three months , The young woman was a graduate or the Halllnger High School In Newark and nn accomplished musician. HtEFEtlS JAIL TO TAATl0!O! Chester County Mnn Cominttted fori .v.iiaiiiB iu x-ny (jig WIJST CHESTHIt. Pa.. M,... .. Clarence White, of West Cnri townshlf 1 Is In the Chester County nn,nn .TmN Indefinite tlmo because he refused to n tnxes amounting to about J12. n, r sent to prison nttcr refusing t0 I)aj. tnxes when repeatedly leqtieRted In ,u ' by the -collector. l0 '" w ' Tho matlei was before Justlrp nt Pence flrubli nt Wagontowu, nnd wi! wns sent here, to remain until fn"is Cittno to hln aid, or he arranges for tu payment of taxes and costs ne TRADE 'BOOSTERS' WIN ERIE TO FREE PORT IDEA JMerchants Promise to Aid Plan of Linking Great Lakes With Philadelphia III o Staff Correspondent SYRACUSn. N. Y. Stnrcli 10 The pkilge of Krle, Pennsylvnnla'H lake port, to aid Philadelphia's "free port" plan, was brought to this city early today by Phlln delphla'H Trade Hxpanyjoti Commlttcu In Countries, ho became a shipwright. Work- , their special "boosting" tour of Pettnsyl- t r In lha BMms ,,n Pil.nu.. IY.i... I..... r...1 . .... .. . ... lug in tne same yard 'ita H'n.ia' u or penter, also named Peter, who deserted the army. Considerable confusion of Identity ensues. This Is nromoted by In trlguclng foreign diplomats anxious to Inveigle tho emperor into alliances with their respecthe countries A romantic attachment for tho dunderhead Dutch burgomaster's pretty niece, Marie, on tho part of the humble Peter, adds further complications. Amid misunderstandings of the familiar, farcical kind, sentimental passages and agreeable melodies, tho nar rative moves to happy conclusion after the Inconsequent logic of comic opera. Old fashioned In comedy nnd composi tion, yet tho opera has a pretty mirth and a melodious scoro of nalo sort. Thetc Is a good duet for tho Czar and Mario, a lino tenor solo, and a sextet that Is really ,ji masterpiece of skilled part writing. IIuh salt Spruanre, u baritone of smooth, rich Voles' and pleasing personality, as Peter tho Great, and Kntharlno T, G. Ayales. a society woman, and founder of-tho Opera Club, of Wilmington, Del., as 3Iarlo, wero very effective In tho duet. Mis. Wales was sprightly and vocally Ingratiating John B, Becker was agreeable In toko and diverting In action as Peter IwanoIT Henry Gurney's tenor, of professional operatic quality, was a delight In the measure allotted to the French Ambassu donvand his fellow diplomats of P.ussla and'Kngland were adequately personated by Frederick Hackcnburger and George A. Mahl. Tho ludicrous burgomaster ful tilled the demand of comedy in the humli of Itudolph Sternburg. and Hthel Q Mult zell was good as tho mlstrchs of tliu thii jard Karl Schneider won desuved ap plause for his work as conductor Th ballet performed some picturesque and ap propriate Incidental Uamis. and- tho chorus, trained by Stanley MuMiliamp, ua admirable In e ery renpec. t w. H 31 STUDY TO BE HOUSEWIVES Am READ PRICES IX l'APEHS Temple University Girls Take Course in Training "Study dally newspapers for the prices In the wholesale and retail food mar kets," This advice is part of a course In home economics which Is being glten at tho Temple University to u class of young women who are training to become sci entific housewives. Much can be saed by a housewife Insisting on a dealer's compliance with tho prevailing prices, according to JIrs, Nevada Davla Hitch cock, the teacher, who glxes her class practical experience by visits to the raiding Terminal Market. Municipal control of the food hupply fropj a. central wholesale market, as Is done In Germany and Frnnce by tho Gov ernments, Is advocated by 3Irs. Hitch aack, to Insure a uniform supply of various ltlnds of foods. "The time will come when meat, for In stance, will be on our tables only once or twlca a -reek," said JIrs. Hitchcock. "Qrawer are 'hot raising as many cattle for the market as In former vears he. cuuw) there Is no regular outlet for their supply " PASTOIIS WERE NOT SNUBUED vnnla and adjoining Xcw York cities It Is a valuable prize to hae "landed," thp enthusiastic "boosters" say Tho promise, made by Hugh I-oid. piosldent of the Urlo Board of Oomm-ree, Mer day, gate assuianco of the co-operation of that body In the Philadelphia Chamber of c'ummercc'M effort:! to link tho Great Lakes with Philadelphia by means of a free port at Philadelphia. "Help us to ie-cKtabIlt.lt the tallro.td connection between tho two cities and wo will help ou to develop jour port," said Mr Loid Today Is the last da or the tour, and plans mo being made fur a bettor ma in tho futuie. Tho partv spent tho night at Itocliester and Is mi the way heie. To dny's Itinerary Includes Illngliainton and Hlmlrn, mid tho special train will return to llio.nl Street .Station tomorrow morn ing. A. C 3IcGowln, ch.tlim.iii of tho com mission, appointed a oninntlttie to finmo it report of the tilp, to bo lead at a meet ing to bo held after tho leturn of the commission Tho commlttoo consists of Charles 13 Trjon, 13du.tril IC Tryon Com pany chairman ; W N'orman Jlorrls, of tho Tiaymntp Tailoring Company; 1, N' Splelbergei. of the I'nlon Xatlonal Hank; A Held Mrlntlro of Mclntlre 3rageo X. Brown Company; C Stanlej French, of Samuel J I, French & Co.; 13. A. Kills, ot tho Autocar Company, and 3Iorgan II. Thomas, of Garrett A; Buchanan. I Inn Scil for Murder HA71TFOI1D, Conn., Marrh 10. Walk ing Httiiilfastly to tho scaffold. Pasquale Zuii).i whs hinged nt tho Wcthersflcld Slate Prison early today for tho murder of his friend, Antonla Corsl. whom he had Hist robbed. It reunited only 11 minutes to put Siuppa to death Hilling Elected (o President LONDON, March 10 Pembettou Bill ing who made his campaign on tho Isuo of Improving Hngland's aviation service, today was elected a member of Parlia ment In a bve-elcctlon. He will represent 13tst Hertfordshire av Kxci:t.T.nT 'I'omo run iiAiiics' ami oi:.Ti,i:iin.'s n,vin BALDPATE ItfElstcreJ In IT. S. nnd Canada HAIR TONIC NUVnil TAILS Nourishes nnd strengthens tho fol licles and thus promotes tho growth of tho hair. Itellcves tho scalp of iinncnltiiy accumula tions and socrotlons. Gives a rich gloss, Is ltlghlv perfumed and free from oil, makes the hair light and fluffy Send 10c for trial slr.e S - BONWIT' TELLER. &,CQ ft$e (Jhea'aJi hpcfOricfina!ionti CHESTNUT AT 13 STREET "Flapper" Apparel nf r ." rat tf Originated by and to be had Exclusively) at Bontvii Teller Gr Co. An English idea, originated and introduced to America exclusively by Bonwit Teller & Co. for the hard-to-fit girl of 12 to 16, who ha3 outgrown her years, yet must be attired in girlish fashion. "FLAPPER" SUITS .v 18.50 to 29.50 AFTERNOON AND PARTY FROCKS 15.00 to 35.00 "FLAPPER" LINEN FROCKS 8.75 to 13.50 If its delicious flavor was the only virtue of "S. S. White" Tooth Paste, your dentist wouldn't recommend it. He knows its other qualities, too. In tne or sr,r lubei. At vnur tlrnn- gist'a or mulled on rccri-.i of pi tec. The S. S. WHITE DENTAL MrG. CO. PHILADULPIIIA ymre :s) tho Standard" fi&5 fcrasatvrss-. 'SUsCr r5i i?"i ( "i . S Armllnfittrttia nt nil I of his friend, Antonla Corsl. whom he had i KfiTOfiSiS iiiit. elnss llnrheV (list robbed. It reuulied only 11 minutes '$W 1 Shops. "arber I to put Jiuitpa to death -hZts-zt J I -zzxzr t ba nPATP m I r ! 7W. 34th St., I tnut j New York i'""ua2r 8,l1' by all rtruculsts, or slk,3S' end tl 00. Hank; A Held Mrlntlre of Mclntlre I iu H!ranrTl"mZZ:3, XSH tSS?Tf4S XalUU??iS f P-l ! i ::ttzuaK3Ql3niIII53j iKvl JiJia( l 9fra IL 1 ri S3&jca M 7MWL ji ' yvi IB ' " SHORTER --AJ mWt y BY 5. JMm '' r M1JL,J&S and mijnumes v hW$'i ' AND BETTER TRAIN SERVICE TO WW' V ATLANTIC CITY y WWWiN 5jv "THE ALL-YEAR SEASHORE RESORT" I rj3mmw !$wWmm$j ssjjr-fsz&r s sss5 H "Jeunes Filles" Specialized Types J or the College Miss and Debutante ?g Fashions that arc distinctly Jcunerillc essentially girl ish and chic, interpreted with a verve and esprit that removes them many degrees from the over sophisticated and too l&jgfgdsgigfs mature types. HiSHWi' UfaiUlUtr Uifa of ihe new cloth fabrics, Poiret Cord, Gabardine. Callot Checks, Overplaids. White Gabardine, Palm Beach Cloth nnd Silk Pongee. iftfflaril' Haijtimp Sfmrlta, Trotteur types for morning service and afternoon wear of linens, voiles, tissues and the more formal modes for afternoon wear in chic youthful styles of Faille Silk, Georgette and Taffeta. ifttHBWi Stmtittg 3rTwrfcH. New silhouettes in bouflant and hooped effects, in exquisite silks, combined with cloudings and drapings of tulle. cloth surrs' ..... 25.00 to 165.00 silk suits 45.00 to 235.00 SILK AND SERGE SUITS 29.50 to 150.00 COLLEGE FROCKS 22.50 to 49.50 AFTERNOON FROCKS' 29.50 to 150.00 EVENING FROCKS 35.00 to 165.00 jyrmiitih,.ilf , i j, . r,M!fliiiii4iiiiyM HEPPE f MtiMM IlllWlifelllilfllililllill'Hl lllililUflllllillllf lilliillllliiW iitiiil Park Commission Tells Why It Failed to Receive Ministers "Any delegations of persona, may ob tain an qudlence before the Falrmount Yiik. Commission by writing an applica tion to the secretary," Thoma S. Martin nas made this an-t-Miruiiuient In answer to a chares of the ' Rar. Dr, William Towlck that a delegation of ministers had been refused , starir last Wednesday. "The reason thtv ministers were not received," cald Sir MArtln, "wraa because the session to which thmt wanted admission was a board meet tnr, and no one Is permitted to Interrupt the routine of the commission's business." HABDW00D FLOORS PINKERTOR Wjs.JmDters are; particular about uils. That is why shrewd builders Ait UJng hardwopd floors. Where Aufv&iKiy. beauty andfiygiene are, coa ifcid the hpuse with, Jurdwood ; Aooi-a i4 already half said. 11, I I. flU PllbP . liilllini'V . ... A' IIW'llill!illliliillHHI,l'l P"p Pianola The Steinway Pianola The Wheelock Pianola J the most fully developed instrument of its type When self-playing pianos first became a probability, the sole ambition ot inventors was to produce an instrument to render automatically every power of human fingers and every interpretation of master musicians. j i Tte ?IAN0LA became the first successful player to accomplish these So Patent after patent was procured by the Aeolian Company. Today 312 patents protect the PIANOLA. On the PIANOLA you can render in the most amazingly simple fashion exact reproductions of the best human playing. Through the ' Metrostyle and Themodist you can simply produce every accent, every" shading and every bit of melody. More amazing still you can purchase a genuine PIANOLA at prices much less than that asked for imitatibns. , The Aeolian Family of the player-piano world is on sale at Heppe's and includes Steinway Pianola (grand) $2100 Wheelock Pianola $750 Weber Pianola (grand) ; 1800 Stroud Pianola 550 Stenway Pianola JI50 Francesca-Heppe Player-Pianos." .','.' 450 Weber Pianola , 1000 Aeolian Player-Pianos..,..,,.,....,. 395 Settlement may be in cash, or charge account or our rental-payment flan all rent applies to purchase, Write for large illustrated catalogue, c. j. heppe & son a'a'sssaa The Weber Pianola i . t IgS! The Stroud Pianola m m II 1 PtT:KERTQW h' -"1u.,- . -1 t .j; '. -I '' ..sradWHr . . o34 W, Yfc St ma Nhmm
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers