'")I ""vr,w' EVENING kEDftERPHILADELPHTA. FRIDAY MARCH 10, 1916. 10 Tafc " APARTMENTS jit ArTII AVtM 111 1 '. om.Mtn avii rrMO APARTMENTS orf'i'J'" :- 7, "77 teSoP ARE SavmvAij lflERBQ ni? SECURING I' AN APARTMENT , tan look " nft" nnolh" Un'" VIw'J'm r-und to the different agencies ITOPfJVmi tke one 'can Call, Phono or Write sT to This Office .4ltOAJ?.i through us . ' Mf w rtn ... in our now orafiWw." I ."cWtPf" Attractive, i" "'" b", Bln 'nij Art'' i ArM e'n"'" B,,rvlco ob i StomolUf , I; fWir JSIJ & ft sJriTWisf'" ' ys "ttci,y 5our K7fir,i ihe troublo you will .have p 01 '" .jail sou will no '".Rirr Y i IWIl'f"" Gorman s. sherwood fWlt UALNUT BT. nopoJ!2??i W AS!! at $60 per month. There 19 , Jl floor. nt'df ,, wt i Bprvn fe.-'wanted ' either In the mibllo din- 7TmWSSahaH J'lV ror law nn" "" (35AKiAn,iS5lnia5ft WaTiB ""or nnfurn npnrtmcnts. IJS ?M'V'b(.iK. and Tlnga. boo us first. i ffimFPrT ' "" "" .---7- mffi&$ c'Vl'l '.nn" -r rlto 'for k11' iTw IMri' 1201 Clustmit !ffS5-S.!,hP,l housekeeping-! fit WH 5rVfiv a : ii.th. $4 an iiniN.intn. .tr-iv""" -'. nnsT wiu.MiiLdL'ili- .... .nd r. 140 ANCORA tprrace '''ii Solern f. room side-sard npart ... WO. mo lorn r ... lights, nrb- ?!H &i. arches hlish I -anllur. fl. rvt o S$ ?.,e,fforrana .mlno loOW. Apply at rmI,0iVTrSt,'..rK''i uno. inc. VOL II . J'.init st sniSS.. "'.'.!., ''.i?li"Mi"i L Hon? nelmontjm r. I 1 1J .eei'st; "Sir tjmCHMONT HOC - " ' "l . Xrailt larite rooms (oil outside) recep Sags ? KfSj.KWv.Vi.Ktrii nmsvr.t. APAHTMRNTH fnu fcnuektcplni: ulto B rormi nml Vnth !K?i15 month, nubile dlnlne room mono I Wbroolc 5!8 - Ivim cill.STNUT, r. mom' nml hitli. nil l"-?!L...nn Unfit from i oatcd jiSk MITritr.T.T, 4nthnniljvrn.rl:t: iilf.l. CI1T-.T . ' Ji.'.'i'n.r. CTO '.JLsJfift.'". . ;"inVhViV.jnM. - nn to si n nioin -i r i:r rtoNH kersiiaw rnmvi, '.2ir. ciiotmit EcBKGfiASI APTS ln 7 ronml. 2 bit l. SJL R RCIP. 441S Wnlnut Bt. I ..... r.1 ... .tnnn.au 17.1 srv aiih nml rhfutnnt Jlontorey. I'M md Outer IWmnnt Tlth nn;l Hprlns nor , Innnlro Jinltor or Crosie. JOS Unlqjidir. I'tirnNliril RtNISHBD 3 nml " room hniw-kroplnB npt i!3 tnJ 130 riiono Woodl imlj 10 , t fifrmnntoiin tlUCUTLANn r. 1W-1 nml r. rooms nnd Ititt: bot-watr heil pr porrli $2 itoSX. APARTMENT HOTELS SrilUCi: AT 11TII f.T. HOlllI. I'OI.ONIAI. Nttlj dfcomied nod ri furnlHhril throuith. .n. Himfiwralitv fnriluhml rfi rli.r l.Pilrnnm tujbalh by tho di r k or month nt reji icubl rates sirlf 1111 1 rnlalno tinoxLellcd ALDINE hotel Chestnut and Seventeenth The best rooms and suites, .with the best table, in Phila. y.Week, Montli, Season, Year THE Iiri MAll MOIIHIH (IIIIUIAN'BIIVI W niEI.THV AVI! ST VTIOV PI'MNA. MIUtOVD ID MINUTUd l'l'.UM I1IIOAP IT TFIUIIN'M. ATTnciivi iv FUHNisiinn and un-fiKiisiii-n irirra and nousmvCKi'- M)APAinMl-TS !T THn fdVIVOTON V ciinsiM r n jttii sts JlMthe rnitlialdo II. irh Itncn. N J oaoirBTmi miir mmtus rnit URNr IHEGLAnSTnNTi,, "tji aniji'inu d .TT..T MKNina k iukjisiii'ii ut 1 Nri'nNiHiiiJu AJW)i i Tn y rmri'nocir K, TIH TItAf v iWUMANTNT Oil TitWiriNT aUE9T3 w stm AND t lirsrNf'T t REAL ESTATE TOR SAI.E w CIT1 !... 1509 LOCUST hT. UMiom. modern -t-story brownstone dwell P Plally fitted fur profeoalonnl offices, ' . . """ ,uy t:riii iur quiCK anie. ftnHOMl 17111 N 25TII t maonabl prh. wtll nnl.d giiyj.i.oyn THjVniniit taJi llT" 8T H'1- rooms sldo ynrd brown IKS 'iffiMS1 f,7?!'".."" r.iiB.innblo nfler ro jHKjLf OIIVN ni7 Columbia nvo let,. 1hE." S.T -." p,Ion" rri)h ronvonf 11S. fSmlfiS1" .!',.".".' ,.c"' lnc"tlon. prlco jLCamw.n 2S11 K. nalngtun nvo. If'phi?.1 LX.'yPi.W hou". . C -Zzmta,'"H OIF J nruTV?T; '."" -i tSKS ?,,'" .,ow" Do1t usk nljout It IllOOOOO prepared to co abovo iArATTEnsON 130 South 15th. g SjOMOHTOAOlSTTelJr-E f SEB TAi;,;.N.11 AIIOUT IT" - ,1ivujnui bi 1'01 (llllltnut Bt TRIDPNT" WATKIl SIKTEn I'm n . 1. . fgryJUu-al l-atato Illdr IB u9JWf IN PIJI.T JU' Kal l'atato Illdir rent. mL l th a,,a c:"tnut! SSUrhooaV m 0Ia "welllpss In Hood ffipTTEnsONT1308outh lath. lSt2lA-.?.droave 2-story. 8 roomu: aSUItM.' '" hy "w-'n" D- a: Ji. HTn. itmiT.z ltU"Va.!tHLANIi 15TII WAiin nnv. WMWRicK"r?r. (ffi, ,'! rrniTBua . QUI ri"lSHl"bT. i8ilni Ij,.. , ,... .. PALL3 OP SCHUYMCII.T. BWEri5na..8mall Tracts for K JCSrSi, i lAN(ji.'ACTunrNa IM J0IUI bn,?2r.HFan ' " ., !,, UE em B.'flRS "s . r&Mtawnu0 'ront S tret; ill city ISffia $" Inches; room PcrBOrffJ1 TX-J0EJ555 nidir. l!?t ft mJ?. H& aTSSrirTcU H. ," "tn.gtrut xiug. r7TigXJEillI.-AlKLVIII 1 taSLKSfi.-A dutiful 4: IMUf" S S ' f8Ut0 mu be set. lfe!Sr"ttnl-r heat. Bas and leo: m riiSffifiMi on KEira sfiSain1"-"-".. R? wiiuiS'iriiiiB?" iiLI"? nd dwslluia sub ttf W!.i",d 00U Address IMLa'SI'V "0ME3 REAL ESTATE TOR SALE vnr.sT iiiiTAm:r.rittA Mt'ST SnMi 4022 nnd 2 Olive nt.t rent JIRt price fllloo. Alio .1028 Ilaverford. Owner. .!J5 N. BJd t. ni.RAIANTOUN want to mrr a noMn? Mot nttrnrtlvo modern 111 room houae, lnfl 13. WALNUT LANII. luat romplctedi mod- enue priceijime caan rcquueu air.no iiTM.nu rnsr Ownor will nncrlllco a story nlde.yard rft dnco. cloetrlc llchtn. condition up to date. Am 1 uoomor iuiii w American bi. II' villi Attn T.llnKINIl mil n linmn In nr, mintown. Ml Aire or rhestnut mil, consult me. A. It Merlmn (1747. Oermnntown ave. Jinsmrjvr'ij siti: arniiml in boat B-ctlon of (lrmnntnwn nnd C'hoBtnnt Illll. It. D. tiI8TI.lt ft RO.V nets Oermantownjivc; NOW 18 Til 15 TIMIl to look for" that new house 1 send for list Mauran, Dolman & Co . 210 Lind Title Hide. CHOICi: IIOMI33 Tulpohorken Bt east of Oer mnntown ne. ,t. II, CIIADW1CK ft CO, G022 Orrmnntnwn ave. WII PAN BRalat sou to find that houao you are Innlilnc for. Oermnntown Trust Co., Chelten and Oormntown ne Tlonn COIt.Vrit I'nnpt'in - In Tinea, CTrellent loca- Hon for niufllolnn or dontlatj lfl rooma 2 lmthn Will conaldor echnnte for suburban propert on Hooding Itwv (I Tino Id Con. wn iiavii 'run iinnsn voir want IN TtOOA Oil I.OOAN icnNNnnv nAMiio. 3740 orumantown 1-oenn 4001 N. nnOAD BT.. a Sty. Torch front mod rrn dwelling, 11 rooma, enrage prlvltrres. llnrpaln to a quick purchaser. North Phtta. Trust Co T.OOAN HI". AT. IT'TATD BAM), IIP.NT AND r.xcitANon . M. ?I Smith, llrond Bt ,oppo. IoRan Htatlon. 1UJAI. KSTATn, mortBncos nnd eomcianclnir! wjr. n ciiAMnnns 4111 North llroad nt. Oak I.nne DKSirtAriLrj corner property, with tMo, lariro lot nnd wcll-nppolntcd house, belnc sold to cloan an eatnte price, $12, C00, WM. TIAItlt 8tli nnd Oik lane sniumiAN , nAnoArNS in sunutinAN nuNOALows I'enflold 8 rooma, modern S7000 Aldan, 7 roomo, modorn, ITiPO Itili, 10 rooms, modern, Jin lion These properties nro conitnlent to train and trolley. HTAN M0S Marltot Bt COlINniY nDNTMIMAN'B HSTATr!, ner looltlnc Mill Creele Vnlley, elaht mlloa from llrond Ht. Btntlon. . llrand new PunKalow typo; 10 rooma, 4 lmthn, tenement house, barn nnd irarni'n' $17,"00 W. T. HAimiS Nnrberth Pn . DRTJXrjr, IIII.I,, HTWOOD nnd other suburlw near OOtli St., liow detached homei, JD50I) cnniTnn oanortNTi, 11121 chestnut t. CIIOICU IIUILDINCJ blTHS nnd nrrrnce, ATtTTItm P. TOWNBF.NO, T.inchnrne Pi, RUiioniuN rtrAT. nTATn Any price. All locations Bale or rent, . ciiAm.nq ,t, hood & co . Morris iiidg BUIlUItUAN TinMri TOIt B M.n Oil 31KNT WEXTinMi fr MASM11Y Ttenl Tatnte Trust llldu i.ArtnH list or suhittiiian homus boii ,ir ront, on the Main I,lno or llendlnir It It. WM It WTI.tOV i CO Morris Tlullrllnr Sl'I.rcr Pnni'IirtTir.1 I'ountry s.Mts forma r.i-t or.i-r now i.uwis T imnnift! ft BOV. 1 414 Boillh Pcnn sn rotTNDRD 171. SrvRUAti choicest Imlldtne lots alone Tle-iiHnR Itv. In Onk I.ane nml Onk I.ano Parlt nt trictUn prices I.IomI 8th st . Oili Lane SUIU'ltHAN 'lI3slDKN'i:s for Bale or rent nttrnctlio locattonn: prlco rluht Maurlco J lfoomr Itial I'stote Trust Hide limr.niNO BITr.S nmr r"on. r,nn and S1000 per nrro W. T Harris. Nnrberth, Pa CITY AND SUIltirtHAV nrAT, llSTATC. MiiAnM nnowN. soj s lr.Tit bt. Amhler. Tn. rARMt roiintrv plnecs nnd suburban homes on III" Deaclliic's l!nlhlehm mil Doylestown branches II J Piper. Inc . Ambler Pa. CnlllliKclnle. Tn. PAnicnu Avn duiu.i.ings. cut-stono front, thtco Btnrles, Dutch hill: nil con enlences. 0 bedrooms, lot "3x12.1 feet: cost Jinon owner will sncrlllco for ctulek sale, vortni n pwr.p.s co , 2 s. lr.th st , (.oil) AVoodlond ae Dnrhy, I'n. 8 l'HANP N'HW C'olonlTl slle.jard houses Thev ore Kreit' T.ots 22'5xl0n Only 2 left. v;nn m. Sr irnii i.ih nnd Main Darby 120 K nnt ST Ten looms lot 20xl7n. price tr.inn Alhrccht'H. 2lll West Lehigh a 1'lklns I'nrlc, Pn mm.T-Tn ortnnn iipnoalowb KANRtoMn ortiniNAi. pnsioNa I.oIh r.OxlCO 55500 nnd hldher. Wo will Bulnult plans to follow your Idea of 11 home miOD3 S. TATTIj 135 B r.th at . nnd Dlklns Park NI1W 8INOL11 nWRLLINOS 12r 2 hatha: 3 mln. from station, rena price. MeCnrmlck ft MeCormlcK Kill riu-Ht nut wt A lllklns l'nrlc (llenalile, I'n. HOUSCI AND LOTS, cierv description. nCNNIVOnil - ItDNNINOEH llrond nnd Wnlnut stji lUclilnnd Park. n. 1IIOHLAND PAIlK 2 desirable lots: southern exposure, rens. Phone Lanpdowne tltfl It Lnnail lie. Pn. LANSDALI3 2 Rood Blno:la duolllnirs, 4 nreen hfuiHeH Blinded lawn '4 ncro Kround: all for la.'.On A II TYBON. Lanadnlo. Pi . Onkmnnl, Delnwnre Co , I'n. HUNOALOW. 7 rooms and bath, lot 00x225, Bhndc, linn for gtirdm nnd thickens, close to trolley: $1800 Ardmoro J lSLMnil WATTB Llnnerch Trooper, l'a AN nSTAnLISIIDD BUliurbin community: five, cent fare to Norrlstown: artesian water; cnntral FChnol. postoffiie. store, 100foot lot. S30U upw ir.l send fur leiflot BROWN & CLOUD NOimiSTOWN. PA,' Mjnnellelil, l'a. ALL-BTONR COLONIAL 1IOUSR, seen bed rooms two I. illis tlr. 1 (inul.rs of an ncru, fruit, leijptolilo pardons Tor terms npply J, W DOLTOLABB 211,1 N tij.l nl aiAIV II N 1:. PA- II. It. SlTHimiiAN lIOMrs country places and hulldlliB Bites lo suit nil requirements: Slain I.lno II. ( HUN mil Wnyne, Pa Nnrbrrtli 1110 11AHOAIN llrand new detached houses; 1 1-3-acro lot, old Bliado, all conienlences, S420U, otherB JSSOIH.IOOO upwards, HAH HIS, reil state Nnrberth. Pa. COUNLIt LOT StontBomery ae , r.OU by 110H. with Ill-room stone and framo house: cheap for quick turn WALTHH II SMITH. 0002 Drexcl road. NTIW and up-to-dato homes, J4200 nnd up ward W, D Bmedley Nnrberth. Pa NT.W .IKIISKY Ilaildnn Hclzlits. N. J. L1PPINCOTT IOTA AND HOMES HAPPOV HllllHl'lH. N J. W1LI.HT LII'I'INCOTT. M:aple Shade. N. J. ONK-ACIIR TAIIMS. neurest to Phlla. train and trolley, write for pamphlet. riAliT.OW a- CO Mania Miada N. J Jit. i:nlir;ilm, N. J. oNC-AcnK r.vitMs Ml. ISphralm. N J (ndjolnlns Haddon llelehts), only 5 miles from Camden (2 sta tions on tract) 1300 to 1000 per acre- title Insured: free deed, no taxes for 101B. CAMPliN COUNTY QATtDHN' I'AItMS CO. 1205 Ilroadway. Cimden. N J. SKASllOHR 1800 000 SnASHOnn PIlOPRrtTY, one of the finest and most popular on the Jersey coast having- an oreu of 200 acres, 4000 feet ocean front, 280 lots with all municipal Improve ments; listed at till 000 ono U Interest will bo sold for 133 000, prefer a party who can participate actively In the manaxemeDt. Address I. 200 Ledger Office COTTAUD at Cape May or Ocean City, erected to your satisfaction, attractive plana sub mitted free by the reliable builder. OTI3 U. 1QWNBCND Ocean City. N J. ri.ompA JIENSKOas MONEY TMs Is the combination you set when you purchase one of our Co-operative Poultry and Ekb Tarms nt Moore Haven, Florida. 1000 BINOLE-COMn WHITE LEaHORN two nnoop sow pias Membership In the Moore Haven Co-operative Association Write, phone or call tor our free booklet. WHUTAllftnHi:NKEL. 413 Commonwealth Trust llutldlnir, 12th and Chestnut sts , Philadelphia Pa Hell phone Walnut 8100. F1VORIDA FAIIM3 AND onovES . 2Vi. 5 and 10 acre developed farms and troves In Florida, on terms to suit; also some undeveloped land, all close to thriving towns, with schools, churches and best transportation facilities. . Postal oard will brim; full particular . Florida.. Gulf Coast Co.. 61-B3-8o7 Prexel Bldir.. Phlla. Pa. PENNSYLVANIA FABM3 a AGUES on Norrlstown trolley. 2000; 7-rm. brick house, outbulldlncs; 1500 cash down. Described In Jack's Farm Bulletin. JACK'S FAIUI AGENCY. SIS Stephen Ql- ram mm., j q. m at., rmm. Hir BAIIQAIN A real farm lo excellent con dition north ot Devon, S3 acres. 1200 !r ins will divide W T HAItms Owner. Narberth. Penna ii a Ki- Ooud, tAtt atutk and dairy farm. Sua 1 1 ar J V TilOMPS. in 1 i tester pa REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Nt:v .innsr.Y paums PltOriTAIlt.R 200-nr , farm on inacndam road, will dljldo. Bell 1(10 ncres with build Iocs $10 010 Albert Dreaaer, liurllnaton. REAL ESTATE SALE OR RENT tlUY A IIOMR Monhtly payment, M7 to .0i N. PhlK nnd Oermnntown. JIJOO to 1700 Merchants 1'nlon Trust Co 715 710 Chestnut CITY AND SI lIUItllAN prnnerlles for sale 51 r.cnn?i.i Lr,wf,r,i Ml,rl?n Itenltv Company. ..,.,,'. nun .milium 1 niminMrnia, i'n, CRl'TIIAT, PltOPRItTlnB ror lnle nnd Itenl JAMBB p WIS-Clint.L 17th ft Sanaom sts Mt. Airy, Perm anlnwn. NPW SAM! ANP ItriNT LIST ltriAPY Pellmm. Ml Airy nnd "heatnut Hill PRI.1IAM THUflT CO . 8740 Oe-m-intown ave Rt'ItritllAN Ilnjn-Cvtiwvil, Pn. LAnon I.tST HOH'snt. silo or rent, nt all prices SAMURI, C WAaNHll, Jr . Commer clsl Trust nulldlng, Uth nnd Market sts MAIN TINR. PA. It. 11. nniT i.inp or main linp norinq r.lthrr for Bilo or rent nt nil prices IIIItST ft McMITLLIN. West Rnd Trust Illdir. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE WIM, DXCIIANOn 2 family npirtmonts. furnished, Ocenn city nenr bench for r pns Bonirer nutomnbtlo nnd I20nn caah, or sell for 12800 cash, subject to J2000 mortiriiBO. M fins, ledger Ontril. LTIT MP nxctlANOn your property. Arthur T. Iiipold. 1218 Cheatnnt at. I IIAVT three Rid et. properties: will ex chnniro for anhurbin home Sco Mithlnn nbout It BIO N, f.2d st Pol 710 nxciIANOINO our specialty vhnt hno youT A Armstroni ft Co 020 Chestnut Bt. REAL ESTATE WANTED tP YOU Attn tho owner of n vacant dwelling or nny other rentable property, u will confer a fnvor upon this office, nnd nt the samo time secure nn liltnodlatn nnd satis, factory tenant for jovrsolf. by clvlns us full particulars , We nro absolutely unnMe to supplr the d. mnnd for nttrnctlo dwolllncn na wo uauilly securo tenants for eierj tiling Hated with ua within a few diss after It Is received at this offlco Cnll phone or write Our need Is urpent KmivAM B pmrmrnon 14I1 Wnlnui t Tlell rh Bpriiro H171 TCeistonoph Itaco 30J1 (illUAT demand for dwelllnra rent 5J.1 to $30. J. rim'Aiin i.i'iv, 210 N t7th Bt. hpnts anp iNTPitriT roi.i.rcTr.p mort races nnd fire Insurance plnced nuleklv See Knno for prompt results 2551 Tnsker st. . WANT rltv, Biilnirlnn nnd firm" properties II II. McCOLLI'M. Prnker 131 1 Walnut st. "Pon't Poriret the Number " ItrNTI AND INTPItP'JT COLLrrTPP Prompt monthly return' nnd efdclent results ninrnnleeil Prank T Miller, 1012 N, P at. Ililll.llng Tila. l'nrlnrv 'Ilea, etc. FACTORY wanted with railway aldlnit. 4000 ft. upward O Nin Ledger Central REAL ESTATE FOR RENT CITY 1(111 N PMlTrV BT 1-atnrv dwelllnr: pond order, 7 moms Inth rnnire, shed- side vnrdi anil nice colored fimllv low rent. VM I. CRAVENS SONB.ir.lON.7thet. 10111 N"l2TIl vr rine property, newly reno vated 11 lnrte Bunny rooms, lirso front, ride nnd hick Inwn .... MYPRB AP RTirnldBO nve ft inth St. CAYl'OA ST S r. cor. lr.th R rooms nnd hath: excellent conditions nn nltrnctlie home: mod rental VorrlaA Scott. 1211 rilhert. 2121 W PUTPIIIN. 8 ROOM1 22 Ouirnntee Trust nnd Snfn Pcpoalt Co 3in-aia.a20 chestnut st LOCUST ST 170(1 mi--2n2f!-2(i".2-210l: Spruce st , 17ni-2018-212H-2t2l-2r!l pprivn n rnots i m Wnlnut at S.121 1CPNS1NPTON AVI' Tine Btoro nnd dwelllnir S rooms Inth nnd heater: J21 Applv .1121 Kensington mo to thoip Tomcrvn ron a placd to i.tvi; ort to work on to tlay Pe It dwelling, nnnrtment, store, office, girnge. or nny ono of the mnny needs which bring sou to the classified columns of tho dally pipers nnd to n Reil 'Estate Iiroker Tuat suppose tint before -ou ro aenrehlng nil nbout the cltv using un n good bit of time nnd expending conaldenble erfort, you consider the method which we viscest of accomplishing tho Bolfsimo thins QUICKLY. EASILY. S VriSPACTORILY Cnll phone cr write to tbla office the InrgoBt most nttrnctlie end beat equipped In Phlladelphli devoted exclusheltf to oectirlng just whnt they wnnt for pirtlculir iieoplo who know wirT Tirpy prouinn anp MifST up i'Itt:p nnronp they rent or huy Tell us Just whnt jnu nro looking for, nnd since neirly oiery dealrnble property In Phllldelphli la either Hated with or miv bo secured through us m nro In a position to pllce beforo joil courteously, intelligently nnd efficiently eers thing there Is which approaches our reiiulrements nnd desires. Thus ou will by miking one cnll at our place have been cnnbled quickly nnd com pletely to go oier tlw entire situation as to everything mailable In this city really worth while to sou. Then nfter you have made n selected Hat of those most nearly npproichlng your exnet requirements an nppolntment will bo made nt sour pleasure nnd nn nutnmohllo will tako sou to these properties In order that sou may mike n personal examination again, quickly, comfortably and expeditiously. A member of our staff will accompany sou to nnswer Intelligently nnv queHtlnnn sou may desire to nsk 'there will bo no solicita tion, no Importunity, no bother of any na ture whatever. You nro extremely likely, nt a minimum of trouble, to find exactlv what sou require, but If by any clinnce, sou do not our entlro onmnlzatlon will lie placed nt sour disposal until your requirements nro filled. NORMAN S SHERWOOD 1411 Walnut st. Spruce SOU. Raco 3023. STORES ANP DWELLINGS In all sections of city. Peo our list In tho Ledger Saturday. SAMUEL T r(1K f. CO S. E cor 0th and Cnllnwhlll. SEND I OR OtIU RENT LIST THE LAND TITLE AND TIJITST CO llrmil nnd Chestnut sts. Huslnei.s Properties nml Slnrre ARCH ST.. 707 D Store nnd Inaement: largo window, eood space for manufacturer's agent tn make display. LEA 700 Sanson l'nctorles. Warehouses. Mfft. Floors MANUrACTURINd FLOORS ANP LABOR INSURANCE The Larkln sanitary, d is lighted, fire proof floors menna satisfactory help conditions. Reasonable rentals, large elevators cheap power free watch man service LARKIN PUILPINO 22d. Arch and Cuthbert fits "Send for PoBirlptlvo circular " MANUFAC'Tl'RINU floor. 3 fronts superior light. 11.100 Bq ft , elevator, heat. R It siding, low rate of Insurnnce, BiibpostofOco in build . CONV. TO FRPiriHT ft TEL. OFFICLS loe. 11 blks B of M irltet Bt. Ap C J. .MILNE ft SON 11th ft Washington qy ' 8J7 MARKET ST 3P TLOOR Heat, elevator sirvlee Suitable light mf(. MODERATE RENTAL 28x201 FEET, Eat. JOHN DOHSON 80') Chestnut st. FACTORY FLOORS nnd warerooms, large nnd smalll centrally located HARRY T. SAUNDERS. 31 B. ISth at. HAVE PARTY who will erect building, cen tral or other location, for satisfactory tenant. f DIUTElllCH, 7JT Walnut st. 1 4TH ST , N . 119-25 Manufacturing tloors steam heat and power Apply Penna Co , 617 ClitBinut st. BROAD AND WALLACE (Metropolitan Build logs Rooms. 800D to 40,000 cheap, power. Apply "S Oeo. F. Lasher. 147 N. 10th. CORNER HUILDIMI for light manufacturing nurpoaes; about Juoo tn ft : iM a month h K for 10th and Tioga itENrw. iists 5 S. 43d st 8022 Belgrade B012 Helen . . 721 S. Mole. . JSOS Lelthgovv 200 Cambria. ,20 Hl-'l Inuersoll Bt. n I 2J1 Orlanna , . . . 13 11113 French .... IS I .'-" Indiana II 11011 N Camao.. , 12 J-'IO Emerald. n ln,ll,l Cdlh.rlna .111 .10 .. IS . 1.1 . 23 u Aiyriie ALFRPD'" .WILLIAMS D-. ivumufc si OFF1CK3. IIUfelNKSS HOOM8. r.TC. illtFXEL BLPO OFFU-'KS Annual Rentals. SlniU rm;.ll20 $150 $200 $.'J3. $300, $450 SultM 2 rms.l$144 IIB0.I175 $(ll),$.'2B $.60. IS S 8 rra- $180.$J78 $400 $450 1600 $750. Corn" Suites 4 to 8 rooms, $830 to $1030. ELLIS D WILLIAMSl600 Prexel UulUIng 1 ilKED UUILDINQ i"ll-17 Filbert at , cent located, all con.; jenis attractively low, service continuous CENTRAI, OFFICES SI UDIOS ANP BUSINESS PBOPKRTIB8 J C. FULLER 10 S ISTH ST. . WE3S"iitni-PINO, 17TH ANP ARCH STS. W1afod.rnoHlce, R-rjnt K. A IlertHH" "" -'"" " ' PLASSA BlHLbTNa. 1503-07-09 ARCH ST. iA )mcs Rt -euaonable rental Location, light and convenience. unjurpaastJ OPFICES for rent; aulte of rooms adapted to lMurtnoo co?. imaller offices. FOttHEST BILPINOrito S- 4th at. Room 43S. Wanted weSdui1.?iJSb0cUlfatuh8I "" t'rofeulenal Office c:hVst'5T T 19'7SultiJ of offUs flrat fioor, "o-t r.ur '"liv-riut, AWl. V A Auitla. REAL ESTATE FOR RENl' CenHncaVrom rrcccrtlno' Column Priifcaalnnnl Offices rnot-E!StONAL IIUILDINO. 181-33 Chestnut " . 'v iuiv Billies IOr pnSSlCianB Or iirniioin J. T JACKgQNco .Chestnut nnd 13th. .UI.ST rillLAIIPI.PHIA 1 OR RENT THRPR-STniiY HOUSES. TWO STORY HOISE. Bble-snrd houaes, many ?;A'..!..n.r'!.r"'lce" m our nice nelghbornpoii PKMIIERTON ESTATi:S, N. W. corner B8th nnd Willow's avenue Elevated and surface ?nrs pias tree down !isth street . HERMAN I'Rnq- nnin StAllKET. Houaes npartmenta, storea Near nuril 11 "I," STATION. For rent or sale W.M H (11 If'K ft HIIO , INC , 8 S 4 DTI I ST. All i ? dOTifJ WESTPIItLAPPLPHIA' rnOPERTY RENT rensonnble large 1-atory corner dwell- mt. u rnnma nnths, suitable ror nparv ments ?102 Mnntua nve Key 3104 J. J Ji!I!lortli0.LhoatniitBtJ 'P' BIN rooms stenm hent, hnrdwood finish ?.''77alTJ"oorn" n"d bnth others 1 In 140 E 11 Arsi.EY. Bttli nnd Springfield nve . BTORP anl dwelling s rooms good business " ri rent III UYAN, iinilM ainTKet firitM WTOWN J30 DWELLTNO, II ROOMS ., . Send for List. . Contlnentnl.Eqiiltabto JTrustOo . 21 B, 12th, 160 Semidetached, 11 rooms 2 baths: garage: nnrdwool tloors, electricity, close to P ft It, and trolley A H Tourlaon 7011 Doyer Bt. Warne .Itinrllnn J21 CHEAPEST nnd moat deslrnhle a-atorv poreh-front house nt Wnynn Junction, all cnnveniences minutes' wnnt to station 413 i North 20th st . nbove Oermnntown nve Tlogn FOR RPNT, TtOOA Cn?y 2-story 9-rm, porch dwelling, nil conveniences: elegnnt nelRnbor hooili fill W Pacific at . near 22d and Erie ave. John ,T Turner, 1201 Chestnut at. Sfllt'ItllAN NIjNTl ROOMS nnd hath, electricity! tot 7ni 15n: near station: rental S40. U 430, Lod" ger Central. .117 TO S200 MONTH SEP LIST Suburban homes nil sires nnd Inentlnns . C P PETERS ft SON. COS CHESTNUT BT. Melrno Pork, Pn, FOR RENT Semidetached thrre.atorv stono nnd Bhlngln realdeneo, ample grnunda Blt nnted at 1113 Stratford nve , Melrose Park, Montgomery County, n mlnutea' walk from Jork road trolleja nnd 8 minutes from Oak Lnnn Station Reading Rnllrnnd Communl catn through P O Pox 2t8, F.lklna Park, Pa. MAIN LINK, PA. II. II, MORERN HOUSES. $10 to $200 per month, various stations Bend for special list, liar- "- i er . nimiorn, Ul inney iiuuuing. MODERN HOMES Furnished nnd unfurnlah ed. All prices, II. c. Hunter. Wnyne, Pa, Nnrherlli I11IAND NEW HOUSES, all convenlencea. $10, J2. Ml . Sin upwnrda. IIARRIS, Real Es tnto, Nnrberth, Pa, Ilnvcrford STONE house, 12 rooms 3 hatha hot-water heat, electric light Warnnck S. Enilen, Commerrlil Trust llulldliw FOR RENT FURNISHED SEASHORE Atlantic Cllv, N. .1. OCEAN FRONT VILLA, centrally locntod. compieteiv rurniaiieu, ror rent summer flea Bon Box 1101 Borland Agones-. Atlantic City. MORTGAGES MORTOAQE MONEY In nil amounts at low est rates anu minimum expense. PROMPT ATTENTION ARTHUR POSWELL. mmber Real Estate Hoard .33 ?oitii lain st unm pnones $ 0 ID LOAN ON HEM, ESTATE secur- (o Ity. Immedlito Btttlcment, pis.ible as l.uoo desired EPW M MOLT. 131 S 12TH ST MOIITOAOE LO NS NEOOTIATKD AIITO ANP FIRE INSURANCE WM II W QUICK ft llllt). INC 8 S. 10th Ht FUNDSF0R M0RTGXGES Northern Trust Company Mril 1 SPRIMS (IMtHEN MOIl'IOaE MONEY Sums to suit FlratB nnd Sttonda a C SEIPEL ft CO INC. -I tli and Co How hill Bts FIRST ANP SECOND MOItTGAOU JOHN n WILLI VMS SUCCESSOR TO LEWIS 11 REDNER 727 Wilnut st 1 IHIhT .FUNDS for first mortgages, It A funds for first nnd second mortgages Whltesldo . McLananan IGtli nnd PlnoBts MONEY I On VORTOAOES l.ARC.E AND SMALL SUMS QUICK ANSWERS W II HOOP 51.' W NORRIS ST CITY OR SUBURBAN 1st 2d and Bpllt loans on mortgage, no commissions, premiums or entrance f e quli K s.rvlce Illdg Aflsn Mil ting ot 118 Hoursi Tos II I'llst. Secy I It MASSP.V ft SON inni anii nriPEN sts FIRST ANP SECOND MOIITO OES IIUILDINO ASSOCIATION FUNDS VnTT?TT,T,T, punps for first and UIVIVIjAjU jjFCnVD MORTOAOES 511 N. 17TII ST HAVE JBOOO TO 1NVFST IN FlTIlFIt 1 Oil 2 FIRST MOHTOAOE3 APPLY.M 11J. I.FPOER OFFICE MONEY for first and second mortgages Quick nnswer Low rntes Wllllnm James Keogh 5115 Prexel nulldlng. DEEDS DRAWN $1 MORUIAOES. $1.60 WALI.ACL 1 1 12 Lincoln Building Bn-!h- Phones FUNDS FOR 1ST AND 2D MORTOAOES MORTOnES FOR SALE THEO E NICKLES 2113 C. mnntown ave I UWn PRIVATE FUNOS FOR FIRST NP SECOSP VlORIllAnES WM HVnil 8TII ANP OUv LANE MONFY FOR MORTOVUES $1000 TO IlOU Olin TACOB A 1-UIT7.. 11CI. Land Title PMg . BUTLPINOXfebO(MATION AND PRIVATH nonr.RT j nasi'l 'iqqi chestnut st. -MONEY-FOR ISTjANP 2P MOBTOAOES 700 WALNUTS T 1201 SPRUCEST IOANS (IV INTFUEST IN ESTATES RenBonable chirges JOIINJi-TiillL'V- jgU'ANP TITLE BI.PO EMiTRQENCY FFNPS plnied nt once: any sum Immediate nnswer lowest rates F. X. RIILANY 1112 Lincoln llroad and Tenn Bq ATl"AMOUN"TS 1ST ANP 2P MORTOAOES Qllek unKwer MAURICE II M VUSIN(II'RnlEatJTr Bld "FUNDS FOR 1ST ANP 2D MORTOAOES 1 A" ANY AMOUNT POTTS ft THOMSON, 2521 Frnnkford avs TRUST FI'NIW FOR TIRST MIlll'lUAUIJ LANP TITLE BUU.PINO LOANS ON INTr-REST IN ESTATES Reaaonablo Chnrpea LF.W1S ft CO 1227 W. Olrard nve T7KfANCrES"TO 1111II.OERS.A. SPECIALTY "" 1IA7I.ETT ft MOS3 618WAI,NI'THT " MONEY lYIirwELL-SECURED MORTOAOES TAOIESn FRANCIS 701 WALNUT ST READY rt'NPS for pood first mortgages; bring us sour application. ClfA8LlI?WNftCp L 2l7S!Proad St. IOANS I-vrge or small sums on real estate judgment notes or mortgages, loans on unset- lleiljstntes Dempsey ft Co , 27 S llllll SiONEY fur tlrst nnd second mortg ikcb ;'' Ine nas'n and Instalment mortgages Willi- Winchester Company. 1001 Chi stnut st rifNDS for first and second ninrtgages, any 1 amount quick answers CHVS W. MIL- 4U1-1VI iiiiiuitiii.v iuiii ..i'i FfltsT MORTOAOES for sale In various amounts on properties In this city l'EM RKRTOJF.srA.ES Harrl-on Building. MONEY TO I oaN on Ilrnt und ateond mort gages, building associations a apeclalts Any nIn0unt Ooolsteln 411 Fnlrmount ave MONEY FOR FIRST SECOND AND SPLIT mortgages, building association funds HOW AKD II VlLSON ft C012J2 Oermant'n av. OWNFRS If sour mortgage has been called I will tske It up also 2d mortgage money CHE-TEU D ROTTNFR 1420 Chestnut st. MONEY TO OAN " ANEW COMPANY LICENSED AND BONDED Ready Money for Housekeepers We loan from $10 to $204 on surprisingly Your monthly payment on $36 Is only 13 Your monthly payment on $7- U only $0 Wlllilnterest at 3 Your monthly payment on J1JJ Is only $11 Your n'b,.ffrAt.e?.t.taat,:2u4 u only '" See us, writs or phone Walnut 4363. HOUSEHOLD LOAN CO. 131 South Broad Street gKCOND FLOOR Next to Forrest Theatre. pn a a m. to U p m. Saturdays to U p m. YOU CAN BORROW MONEY ON DIAMONDS. JEWELRY. ETC. 23 AND UP a $73 " 4.... ft $500 " " P '" nnsDEips 128 MARKET ST. 1UDQ-- AVE. AND OXFORD ST. 22D AND SOUTH STS. $100,000 TO LOAN at .1 per cent.. 1W per cent, and 2 per cent : liberal advance made on dta-ttonil, watoOM, lewelry and all sood of value. Walter's Loan On Ice, S. 13. cor. I t5 Arch t llq-u-od to the city. JJONSY IJOANED to heir ot unsettled es tate. taterwiU bouht V iUAItTIN. .t si iH--- air-ra pus . :i e. im c h SCRAPPLE i in 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i iii - - . i t The Difference WPf" THE PADDED CELL "In Eomo countries fruit lies on tho 1 l? iS5x1 I 'Yes. but In Philadelphia, fruit l $$s3p&$ j&- . stands on tho corner." , ktf N l 7Oh.'' " Inexplicable )&'T' f " HrrrTir. iiiegsdffWft i A. I I'rofcseor What nro you laughing; at? Xot nt mo? Student Oh, no. ulr. Professor Then what oho Is there In tho room to laugh at? WELL SIR. 1 THERE'S 50RL1 CRLTSTPlEnJORfi maMOKiNG, rw..ifiFi TIHS1SS0H GUftR Sweet Girl What was the happiest moment of your life? Jolly Dach When the Jeweler took: back an on(ra;emont rlnu and gave mo cuff links In exchnnce. AND THE WORST &Q .o.riy r.- . i m zJ&V u2A&rr KVwJ J foF?oV W)s --Bi. 3vy?k Tsr:tS t la?;A -Bl - '. .'.rFNY JS' . -D, f- J-T "-. CMN8iifeL syrM-iit rsmo $? Hs-xS-Bi Sir saR. ---ifr.r-rr- mtMW ZZjz ---fSW m xmzr mmm m y omW&UW " ' " ' '" -jr5-w i& ' Ifw i ; ' jsPBb S St: -y , -frTcr"ny-l-rr BS- M.-. -3 1M, -.? 2Fmtii&r lfflrir''?T mrt pZffi ,mv TZzt" Ifrfl rirr "LffTCf P.s? iISsl &&r i5 " JG38rs& J (S'V1! IJZrS lF0rlor- f , ;i$vM33J md-: nttrK o-c l-u ,1 iR,iA'AW- iTO'ffii" - fT TreP3 Z71 funds Sf'v-ws- w) f i M DB?iWSS v82r 5lSii5fe'ifal l 1 lrr, Wn l WWryii0 " ip nf-t-'".--- Vrr i-sii - - I . vf&' ir i- , j -, im Very Likely If Only All Said the Same Positive Proof v i v "' I fca- "ttf--irc-:Tr 1 J E53 f . a TOTJ-lTJISW'' a, '' " -x & LJ cueam shirt; iu.iiiiiniHi--J JrSiti HitilA l J c-qjjfltSL rry' INS DID IT EVER HAPPEN TO YOU? London Opinion. Thomas Atkins (to Staff Officer coin? the round of the trenches). I'va been here seven months, sir, and as I'vo developed a conscientious objec tion to being a combatant, may I go home to my wife and children? IS YET TO COME "Yes, the autograph I Just shoTred you Is ono of the best In my collec tion " "Hut are you sure It Is Genuine?" "Positive; I cut It trom a telegram that his wife received from him with my own hands." The Easiest Way Penn State Froth. "Whnt religious preference did Joa put on his matriculation card?" "Ho Intended to put down Episco palian, but couldn't spell it, so he put down Lutheran." ABE MARTIN Ther's too many folks glttln' by on th' plea o" thoughUccsneM. W all e-cond th" motion when it coctw t n nujVia' -picture ) ffS 1 ni r V'- $Mf$Kl owSBW OTiilW-YvlvYvV UYl A ft SSraifr ... n-nin'.aaatt
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers