Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, March 10, 1916, Night Extra, Page 18, Image 18
-ppTrWUiPitjjp(llll,?, 18 EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, MA BOH 10, 1016. CLASSIFIED ADVEUIISING RATES EVENING LEDGER n. BTTLB TTrE tor like this) gno tlrnn i,.imi.. lBo per line Thro time on week...,,...,, litHc per line Blx times ena week.,,,,,,,,,,, loc per line Situations Wanted, three limed one week, 10 eenti per gte line per Ineertlon. Places your order for three or more times and it will be in serted in the dally Public Ledger at no additional cost. On;, or two time rate for nnsiso I.nxmr. nd PpnMO Lupinta combined is 1(1 cento per agate line, with the exception of Help Wanted end Situation Wanted, which Is 15 cents per line roit TYPE LIKE THIS (or like this) which Is permitted In all classifications ex empt Help and Situations Wanted, laiat and Found, Personals, Hoarding nnd Rooms, add fivti cents per aoate ling to ant of above rates, There Is a tlruR storo near your Iiomo that will accept Ledger want ads nt office rates. LOST AND TOUND t'nr Other Lost nnil round Ails Bee Page I NECKLACE Lost. Pearl necklaco In Snellen bum's. 12th and Atnrket sts , or Bookbinders' Restaurant, 'Jd and Walnut sis . or around llroad and Dauphin sts Liberal reward If relumed to J. C Caldwell & Co.. DO'.' Chest HANDBAG Lost, Wednesday morning. In 4th st car. route 02, n black leather handbng, containing a ladv'a gold watch, coins and other articles, 15 reward 1811 W. Sus- qnhann ave. Call nionlng POCKETnOOK Lost on Wednesday after noon, between 2204 Walnut and corner 22d and Walnut or route 41! an nbleng patent leather pocketbook, containing $3. tickets for dance, small pocketbook cards, reward 4032 Spruce st RING Lost, between Flanders llulldlng and :nlT locust St.. nn fnrrh II. n aamihlre sur --- :-7t- -.-.- . .- ..!. ---. si., on .xinrcn t diamonds ring. rounded b; y diamonds ring, a iid. rewara Id If relumed to20l7I.ocust st. will be pa SCARFPIN Lost, lit WaMie or Phlla . be tween Deo. IS and 30 last, a ruby and din mond scnrfpln. mounted In platinum, stamped on back J 11 !'. A Co , V TAII Liberal reward If returned to J R. Caldwell A Co., 002 Chestnut st PERSONALS TUB FOLLOWINtl PKESOVS are hereby noti fied to pay stornge charges for their house hold goods, or goods w III be sold on .Mart h 23, at - p. m at our warehouse 3713 Apple tree st. HKRGi;n s sTortAoi: company Mrs. tlache. Airs MiCrossen. Mr .1 I'um J. ltnltrer. .T Immerninn. AValter Patter eon, A. t Dash and aner k THE STOCK nnd nVurcs of inn FlUwator St.. owned b John It nilllnas has ln sold Creditors present their claims m lUriihiml Herger, 711 Pnssyunk ae ,hefore Alarch -0 WILL NOT be responsible for am debts ex cept contracted by tn)slf Andrew S. Alonahan. 3121 Stlllmanst Tins CLASSIFICATION Is for such announce, ments as aro of a purely personal character such as ihlldren for adoption, appeals for tnose in distress ror loc.mon oi lost rela tives vament and nonpayment of debts, etc. Tour needJ when llstetl here aro not rnnfiid wllh iiihprMNrimint. nf ll. roinmel - ' rial nature hee "tluslnesa Personals" for Important trade announcements HELP WANTED FEMALE Help Wanted Ado llereheil Too Lille for Classlfleallon IfrOa lie Poiini) oil Page 2 BOOKKEEPER, iiejfi leiiced. oulcl,. attrntthe and Mnappy girl, tY oxceptlomilly good pet manent position: on4 out of the ordluar. no others need arply ; islvp age, leferem e. salarj qslred and phone. I? 732. Ledger Central DOOKKEEPKn and stenographer, experienced; steady position. Iil'-'il MnironiM. CltAAIBERAIAlD for upstairs work, to wait on table and assist with child. Call after t p. m., 11)28 Walnut CLOTH WRAVEItS WANTED - Apply JOHN & JAMES DOBSON. INC. Blanket AIllls, Scott's lane, Falls of Schutlklll. CONCERN DESIRES SERVICES of oung lady an stenographer nnd office assistant, secretarial position; preference glien resi dent of Uermantown section: must ba well educated and capable: state full particulars, experience. salur, etc. Address n 121. Ledger Ofllce. OltESSAIAKER wants models, G feet. 8 In . 38-ln. bust; blondes preferred. Apply 1317 Spruce at. DRtiSSAIAKEIl wants drst-class alst trim mers itnd finishers at once Apply 1317 Spruce at. DRESSAIAKER wants first-class skirt dra-ers and finishers at once Apply 1317 Spruce at DRESSAIAKER wants first-class operators Apply 1317 Spruce st EXPERIENCED OIRI. for Ice cream and con fecllonery store. Cull 2313 Prankford a e. GKNEItAL HOUSEWORK OIRLs; ALSO COOKS. CHAMUERAIAIDS. WAITRESSES. CHILDNURSES. .MOTHERS' HELPERS ETC.. ARE IN CONSTANT DEAIAND. Pol SITIONS ARE OPEN IN CITY AND SUII- biins von. hotii white and colored HELP. YOP CAN REACH THESE EAI PLOVERS THROUGH LEDGER WANT AlaH. lllltTt. MIJ C-ACF rVT re..i? ....A.- HOLb HEdlSTllY IlL'HEAU. MISS REED ' CA?-f HELP YOU TO A noon lViHr-ei.UJ I SUITES 203 WASHINGTON H17ILDINO U08 CHESTNUT BT. ' U' OIltL for housework, eood home: easy place 1HU1 Cauga. Phone AVyomlng 2.133. HOSIERY Experienced loopers on 18 and 2U polnt work: plenty work and best pay In city. UnV,&d"Mler5 Co' 0rLh"rd ""J HOSIERY Exper. knitters and toppers, rib frame hands, loopers, examiners, also learn era; paid while learning 1320 N Lawrence. HOUSEWORK White, no washing. gnodVook clean, with reference suburbs, jieet lady room 20.1. 608 Chestnut al . Friday. 1 u'ek. HOUSEKEEPER Wanted a first-class work Inir houaekeeper for Institution, must snealc Herman. P 4.14 la-dger Office "" HOUSEWORK Middle-aged woman fur bnuse work on farm, good home, small salary iMllw ..OA nill.1ll.nl1.. . ,.. HOUSEWORK General, white woman, refer- ence. 1737 Columbia ae. HOUSEWORK Allddle-aged wonian fur light housework, llox 3d. Pitman. N J. UOt SEWORK Aluat be good cook: wages 17: fie. Protestant. 3.131 N. Uroad LINGUIST wanted, soung lady, with knowl edrn of languages, ofneo work and type writing; exceptional opportunity. Address 'IL II .' PostnfMce Rox 3300 " AIODELi to try on French gowns and suits. "PP1)- l.il cw:uc i. NEAT, reliable colored Ctrl, for cooking and downatalra work. Phone Lansdowne 332. STRAWBRIDOE i CLOTHIER require uperlenced saleswomen for the Shoe Department. Apply Jlureau of Employment, Hi rtoor. before 11 a, m, m . MILLIE AND HER MILLIONS :j 11!! J MONTY IS TAKING NO CHANCES WITH THE MARCH WINDS f i MM-m,.,.. . p ;M gaMIIMiljjjjl - "'"' -- .-.A. . . ...j,, .,,,-- yi B58l ,ji rMHHHHHiHHlaaaaalHHaiaaaaaHaiHsaa MaaflH l(ilil HELP WANTED FEMALE Continued from Preetitlna Column 8TKNOGRAPHER, exper,, wanted for perm, poiltlon with large steel company; give full . particulars and exper. Al 343, ledger Cent TELEPHONE OPKltATORS WANTED Bright young women between IT and 22 sears old to take up telephone operating; no experience necessary, aatarv paid whllo learning, , pleasant work: permanent position. Apply In person. Hell Telephone ('o , 10H Market St.. between 8 3(1 a. m nnd G p. m. TTPIST. QUICK. , ACCURATE. ACCUS TOMED TO FILING. HILLING AND PIIONINCJiMUHT nil AIU.I5 TO WRITE 50 WORDS Phil .MINUTE: STATU AGE. SAL ARY.., EXPERIENCE. M Till, LEDGER OFFICE. W. T. OltANT CO. 020-24 .MARKET Salesgirls, experlenceil In various dpirt ments. Apply between 10 a. m. nnd 11 a. m. WANTT5D-To7retlii tn7jhnih"fndy" can vnsser. M 7.1.'. tadger Office. A HOOD IlOAIIi for ii woman wllh eldon ladyi light household duties to performi In. cation out of til). Address O "W. Led. off. flenrrnl WOMEN WANTED VS tl(i EHNA1ENT CLERKS: $71) month, Phlladelplitn cxnmlnn. (Ions coming snmplo questions flee Frank- In Institute Ilopt 71." N Itochester. N Y. HELP WANTED MALE ASSISTANT JANITOIt Yontu mini, wllh rooini Protestant, p i"-. Ledger ornre, AUTOMOIItl.K SAI.t:sIH.V Want two or three experlinfd men to Hell largelv ailier- Used popular price inp AI 317, Jd IVnt DOIltNO Mtl.r, t.ilhe nnd plmer hnmls wnnted, steady work Applv Whcider Con- denser nnd llnglneerlng ift,, ('arleret. N ,1. HOY wanted Maihlne shop. III centre of illy, for light work. H-hour da ; wages $il a week, mnko apptkntlnii In writing, staling expert cine. If liny, II Ian, Ledger Office, HOY To work In tlrnugntTngrooni for Ming and blue printing. Apply 5IAIUS IlltOS.. fillth and tlmy's ate. IIOY wanted: must Ixt 111 fears" old. to run errnnds At. (Irossman, 13(17 Market st. hoys, in ,s ii:sti:.V(ii:riH 1.St)t: 'I III! KTOItll GOOD CIIANl'lJl Plllt APY.N-f'i:Mi;NT APPLY. HY t.HTTIIH 0M,Y. 'lO .1. P.. CAl.nWIll.L CO nnj i'iii:.srNPT st HOYS wnntril. 111 or uer. to work In wnll paper fnclori Apjdy at omo, IH1CII1H, SMirll & PAOi:, Wnler and Smder liM'S HOS oer III, leference; good i hance for ml uncement. Ai.ply Sunt. Wngon Serlte, Adams llxpress Co , lsih nml Market sts HI' ri.LTt White. Prnlestntlt. "first iloss.'liest Phll.i references reiitiirid. I'.ill between II and I Is-' I l) l.nnce) st,. or bj letter, CLO'III WUAVi:ilS XJWNTIJD Apply JOHN AND .lAAIHS nOHSON. INC. Illnllkct AIllls. Scott's Line, Palls of Schuvlklll. DUAITSAIANr I'uperlenccil nia"ii"on" tnnk work Atiid i'rtie.Kc inner i'o.t Ambler. 1 v F.N(llNi:i;.lt, sober mail who inn iissls ,, rii.i !.' I'e1 r'lr'ren.'e" I- T-" ,' SS 1, I EtiPjojT:ome. 1 l-I..Ie;dgerOfiU" EVEMNtl VUtlK Cliesinut 'I corporation lias nil npenlng foi nilddle.aged mall, good peniiinii iiccuii-t.- In detail. cl-rliHl work and sales nbllltl In handle iiistomers' ordeis oer lelephnne hiuI sollilt ordra h phone, bonis '. t" P ' p m , ev.eit Snturda I lo t p in -l dress in own Iwndw rltltig. stating oxi rlein i. and where einploved during the di AI i,,i Ledger Office. OARDENER wanted, 5oun. married. egetnblcs. garden flowers. I'iwn. sleam heal: Beneriilly tneful 1. IIS. care i ow, l.ed- ger i enirni LA1IIC HAND- flrst-iluss wnnted for i en trnl tit slinn. no munitions, s hour d i . make application 111 writing, staling experl emejilld wngoHW jilted Il:i1 Ledger Dir MAI'lIINtSTSWlinled Tbreo soung men wllh two nr throe jenrs" experlenie on lithe or milling machine work, cenlinl clu lucntlon: s-boiir day. no munitions, make application In writing, state experlenie nnd wages wnnt- ed H 130. la-dger Office ALU'IIINISTS wiintid nt once llr't Insa lalho. horizontal boring mill and hui king lathe wilds Amerlian Engineering! omp-mi. Ara- ninBnnj- anil J'uniherliiid at Phlla. AIAN AND, WIPE. Freiii"h riolglinror'Snlss. for Hiimll family In siiburlin: references re iiulrcd ddi ss S 334. LcdgerJJeiltraJ MECHANICAL HllAVUHTSMAN. Appl 1200 Siephen illrard Hull-'tis: OFFICE ROY, careful, -f neat iippeanince, for, OUICe WOlll Willi'" H K , .'M'.-l n-ll.u ini ,,.- eronc e P 423. Ledger Offlc e REPRESENTATIVE WANT ED On i-ommlsl slou for Iho salo of billng presses: nil bUos for all purposes. Write full particulars Chi cago Haling Press Co.. 301 S Li Salle St.. Chicago. Ill SAt.EH.MAN Hood sto k and bond anlesmnll wanted by Hagerstown. Aid . tlrm; drawing anount and eM-euHes right pint iuii moke good Ail .-4MI.J1ox 2JI1, lliigerstoiuiAId SaI.ESAIEN to sell inrlion paper anil t-po-wrlter ribbon. straUht i oiumlssloii basis; only produii-rs wanted Call nn eenlng next week. 3-7 o'cloik, 413 Penu Square llulldlng SHOE-TIP FINERS 7th floor. 315 N. IStli st. SODA DISPENSERS WANTED AT HLANK'S, HMO CHESTNUT ST. SOLICITOR, Catholic: excellent oiiportunlty for young man to advance. 1)20 Chestnut. WANTED MOLDERS FOR AIEDIUAI AND HEAVT DRY SAND WORK IN ORAY IRON. NO TROUtlLU, APPLY. ADDRHSSIMI HO.v 402, P1TTHI1UIU1H. PA. WANTED CATHOLIC YOUNO AIAN TO WORK IN REFECTORY OP CATHOLIC INSTITUTION: AIUST HE ACTIVE INTELLIGENT AND CLEANLY. PIHSI'-CLASS REFER ENCE REQUIRED. iIOiil) SALARY. P 430. LEDUER OFFICE. WANTED Al Cottrell pressman, one wlllluc to work part time on Jobbers Apply by letter only llrooka i. Idler. SIS. New York ae . Atlantic City. N. J WANTED Experienced second tenor for male quartet In Catholic church choir. 11 132. I.edger Ottlce WANTED A competent, reliable chauffeur; state salary and reference 11 113. Led Off. YOUNO AIAN wanted for detail clerical work: must be quick and accurate at figures, in answering state age, referent ea und salary expected. II 113. Ledger Ofllce. HELP WANTED MALE Continued' from Frtctdtna Column YOUNG AIAN for textile cost work In suburban mill ofllce: stnto ago and salary desired I 4M. Idgcr Office. , 101 NO AIEN who nro Rood "tsnlsts" and pos sess a working knowledge of stenography; splendid future Address tjpcwrltten letter. ll H43, Ledger Central General HONI) SALESMAN Excellent opening for strictly hlgli.grndo man: must have experience nnd show pood retord salary according to man, no hi'sinesi service company. I.llll LAND 1 ITI.E BUILDING s p t: c i a i. A IT T O Al o n I I, I! Insirurlloh given, day and nlghl, by expert moehanlis nt the oldest arid original Atitn School, ltepilrlnit In all Us branches Tim ing wiring n tW HO rmil lessons at a ory muit'NoinitimoAtsT. p.pbtz SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE llOOUUI'.llI'r.tt, I) I. , eti client experleme, inp.ible of taking entire charge of oiflce and i nrrcspondence 11 31H. ledger Central HOOKKllllPllIt, IS rs ' pr.ielkal ex . rami). reliable Al ref. I' O llox till. Trenton. ,N . I. CASItlllll thorough! ntii .. ininihle desires position In hotel 0dl .Lcilger Centriil iTillltlC.) L pus In ofTbe. toniersant wllh gen ernl line clerknl work purchas'g dept , tiling system, turd Imlnx sistrm, stinog nnd lMe. ,t. ills i Htireiarlol work 0 ilid Led Cent. COMPANION or mmuiKliig liousi kiepcr, refined cxprrlcni'ed Amerl' in I'roti slant womnn, highest referenr,. IMH3. Lcilgcr Office COMPANION, lsltlnn, or cite of ihlldren "in parenta' nlen-nn It Hill Ledger Office ciiill'itllil'i:il om rntiir. gen ilefC. il rs; ft., ion. dnnend dnslres good prriu pos . Alrcf i Sit! II 73J Ledger Con I riu CON'1 KAI,l"o, cM'trlcmed, desires position I ) 3JH, t.ndrerinflie COOK Cnmpeient llermnn-Protcsliint woman wishes pnlllnn. refs infill N JtVarnmk at. DIlSHlNHIt and pattern ruller for women's and children s tlnthlng. Iieglnner. wlbea Posi tion L Jn2. lMlger Cenirnl . DItllSSMAKIIlt Ist-iliiss filler, desires eng.i"ge. moms l iIhs, . $1 ,"(). cur fare. 11 IBS, Led Off Pllisr nial soiond cook for en room, club or restaurant, no Sundnv wi,'k. Call or write 2H3I South t7tlKt OII1L, 11. d'Sfrea position ns i liambrmnfd; host lefs Address A L, 11(10 N 3dst. UOVIlItNIISS, nurserv. hospital Irnlulng. cn're of illllil, seashore pref II ll.ll, Leilger Offlie IlOfSi;Ki:i:init. elthir nmnag or working". Iielti In kitchen or companion It IIIN, Lerl otf Tlot'KRIi:i:pi:il working Tor snull ailiilt fiimllv no l.iundrv :i"il!il N .ludsmi st jfSKPIl . work P.i. Dull. Prnl woman, adult fain 1733 , l.lhdciiutind st West Phlla INPA.NTV M'llli:. inlHllile of taking entile iliiiri . Snitih I'rotisinnl 11 Jill Led Off LACNIlltLSS inlnnil w nits bundle or linniper wash Hlii'i I'tiiHtliiu Dli UlnsonL'il'J'i SIICIU'.TAHY llllslness wolnnli, i oinitriit In all lines of nftlie work Is flee In incept position capable of louduilltig corn-upend- once nnl inking cliiirite il iv. Ledger Central , SI-unihiiiaIMIIIII YiHiiw laih desires pes': , rs' .'Mi, ref il "In Lulser Cent ml. sri;Noilllplli:it ilm'tiil ofllie nsslstint. willing, iieiii: best ref it s ! Ledger Cent STIINOiillAPIIIIIt, bookkeepei. gen. ilerk: Ii Hoi gr.nl : will's noi. n s.vj. i,en icni. Tl lllllt domestic M lem e seeks public, prl- , W'te Intf lint Imiiil Inn ft: position: Minn enitli'iiti-: eperlotued P 737. Led. Cent THLi:pnoNi:"opi:iiA'ioit ihor. p . iomp. I d-iin-s prlinle brum h. l ."III. Ledger Cent VISITING liOYIIIINIlSH iii.iihes "baol.wnril I-iiiIh. sutienlces idano piactlie: Prctn b tit!', i omcrsalloimlH. Phone Itel. 7133 W c-l w Ite .M3!tl. Ledger Centriil I H'im W, 1'ieni Ii. i h.niilielliuild oi laundress, j iipiitd slut ulon hoiiref 341,7 Sansom st. .'.. ' ,;. " ".-. "tVimiiil. ire a .1 ' "mixli.n tl e .1 liens Addresn I) 71S. Led- i-1nch. I'.'th and cnliiinbl.i urn. COIOIMII) WO.MAN moMiii dn's work" wnllllig or pirl lime noil S. li'lth st. SITUATIlDNS WANTED TvTALE Aii'ot NTNNT ami i oiieaii' ei . expert In leal i -title nnd public icriloe i ortmratlon uork ileslres position n malinger or super- l-mr slate terilli G e.10 Lodger Cent rill IIIHH.1. EEPi:i:."2l jears of'age. In jcars oiiiie etierleln e. ll enis as double cnlr I nokkocper: best of reference.. tl SI I, Ledger Central lUlOKKEEPLit in i ouutntlt, tiiotoughly expe rbnerd. 1.1 is In mfg . maiuiglug. nccouut lug. Al reforein- t; .111. I,e,cer Centinl HOOKKEEr-EU s coars' ei . itinrried. desires po-dilon where there Is chance for ndcance nient. (I 3 IS Ledger Central , HOOKKEEPEIt or iiRslstnut, high sihooll illllck nnd nci unite at tigllres, wishes posi tion P I3l,ladg Offee ROOKKEEPEH. 20 eNperleniciPil) renl estate builnesH wishes . onne, tloir good references 071LLed5cr t'oiitral HUSINESS AIAN (13). "with cxpeHeuco of European markets ah Inner and Keller, tlt slris engagcuient with good men untile boiihn ns depnrlment nuniagcr or nsilstnnt to prln litml. willing lo trncei abronl If uoiossar. i-ccllent roforenii-H It 101 I a dger off fi e ACCOl'NTANT. Ilist class exp. rlom oil 111 fac tor in-Ma i reillts, maniigoment. willing to nuejit lemporar- i-osltion Howard. 110 1 Dree Hldg phono Lombard 14 in ' CHM'FFEI'R, English. in.irrld, !' ears' ex") ("ii-'iii. ii- . ueiuiiii'u m uini ii hi r .iceire iluilige, Aluln Lino per. ref P O Hox fifill, Ardr. ore CHAIVFEUK wishes i-nsltlon. sttlctl sotiei . w2Illrg rcreri iiiea, U 74s. ta-ilger Central. I)RAC"'OHT"sM.N, ineiliHiiii.il, socer.il jenrs' eterlenoe. bus two miming each week for extra work G 311. Idgei IVntral DRLlT SALE'S AfANVOER OR ASSISTANT PIo sears of tuition il experlenie with etandaid house; thoroughly fniniliti with Iradi-i ondltlons, will nlso lonsliler siieciilty for the drug. p)islilan nnd hospilal trade, moderate salar. remuner ate with sales productlie nhlllt.. 1" 32!), LedEir unite. EFFICIENCY ENGINEER AND EXPERT ACCOUNTANT 12 xe.ir.s- experlenie Holding executive nosltfon wllh largo corporation. Ins a few houra to spare. It would pay ou to hnxn us getjicctttalnted G74.l. ledger Central. ENGINEER, exp. Corliss highspeed engineer, elec. lighting nnd railway plants, xwints pus LI13AIi Clellnli Lt 11 I12vl.ed Office. ELEC'iRICAI. Exp man tei iiuli al education! litslies po-dtlon, re'eremes G h.13,Led JJen. GARDENER. Gerne-i Proleslaut. experienced, single, wishes position on private plnca: understands care of horses, iows, etc.: best ref. Phono present plaio Chestnutlllll30l GARDlNER. married, wants situation on prl ate place strictly sober: 7 ars' reference Addrewa P. Donoiiue. Walllngford. Pa. GARDENER .Married, small family, wishes position nB gnrdener. best referencis. VVrllo -123 Glenliroiik ae Ron Alawr. Pa. HERDS.MAN. llrsiHlass oil latlle or swine; 11 ears exi-eilence; best of referenies, 111117. LedgerOfllce. MACHINIST, feug exp. etpei inll boring. I hao operated automatli boring machines; ran take cam of mat lilnerj epcaks Eng . l.ltllsh. Rin-slan, Polish nml Indian. Ad. dress llll S :i1d si , Phlla .1 K AIAN. oung. 27. single, 10 sears' business ex perience, wants connection; selling ablllt; consider anything It permanent. G 319, Ledger Central. AIAN AND WIFE. exp. housemap.coachnun, and lfB lonksolored 720 S.Jlaucroft. orriCE .MANAGER and correspondent, grad" mile nf Ee School P. of P . 13 sears' ex perleiue. )Jhesjiosliloii. R12l. Led Off. SAI.ESA1AN to trtuel or resident representa tive: experienced selling architects and cen tral tors throughout the State, building inate- lalaLJamlllar with plans. G 01.1. Led. Cent STENOGRAPHER exp, gen. office asst.T knowl. bookkeeping, reliable, cap. taking en tire charge office In employer's absence, flrat class ref.. desires position. G 033. Led. Cen. STENOGRAPHER desires to do copy work," etc , In his own office; neat and accurate. 810 Heed llulldlng; STENOGRAPHER, rapid, with knowledge of bookkeeping and general office work, wishes position. G 73d, Ledger Central. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE foiiffiiucJ roi Prrcfdino Column WANTISn JOll AH DntT SITPT t hno had experience as draughtsman, machinist, loolnlaker, etc, on gun, sewing mathlno. bleele. tspewrlfer, special tools nnd special machinery, gauges anil tools of precision, mfc. of duplicate nnd Interchange able parts, familiar with wood and metal pattern making, foundry practice and drop forging. Installation of engines, hollers, pumps: some knowledge of electricity. Sal ary secondary to prospects nnd lielng appre i aleil Address O 74jl, LedgerCentrn WANTED AN OI'POIITPNITY. Young man. 28. clean-tut, nggressUe, pleas ing personal!!, all-around nftlio man 10 earo' expirleme ilerlcal. sales nnd pur chasing, mechanically Inclined: prefer manu facturing or selling: Al refs (t 41), lx-d Cent YOtJMI AlN Vvllli good rducatlon, Im lad- ........ 11 .niir.il niul n ut.Arlnl t,,,li ing mill "" " " - .-,.v. .... .i,... . of tischolog, wishes n mnneilloii w hero I Selling nnfl.oii'-'I'-'L-''e'- M-iiii'ejiwn-, .-nn ho best utilized 11 fil7. Ledger Central, YOPNO MAN w 1th c lerlca f piT, inciudlng timekeeping, wishes connection where thero Is chnnce for ndinncement. good education nnd references (1 SSI Ledger Central. lOPMI MAN. 2S. ileslies opportunlts: "in enrs' experlenie ilerlcal, nales and pur chasing: ctiiplnird Prefer purchasing or selling? II lS. Ledger Office. Ol'NO .MAN. '-'I college graduate, employed -J.iVS iv with large mfg. or business con. aS lllgll SI IN"" I.I..IK,. .irntim ll'nillTII iern best refs tl 1I3. LedgerCentral. Soi'NO AtAN 21 jenrs, desires opportunlts emtnoveu in PIO--OI ,.,- e,,i,,t.-ijH ". iiii- keeplnc un-l lommreclnl work: honest, Irust w nri binnd n llllng: refs ll 140, Led. Cent. Mil .Ml .MAN wishes iol Ion no .bookkeeper or clerk, experienced best references. Ill LeerlnB'en jie. Pbnneltoxborough 230 Vol 'NO .MAN. in. who Intends studying law. wishes to obtain n position with a law firm 11 121 Ledger Office , OCNO AIAX 21. o-jperlenced. wishes office position: best refcremes I MOD, Ledger orf. VorNO lltlSII.MAN wishes position of any klnil wltl prlxnle fnmll .1237 Sansom A TI-r-ltNli'ALLY trained, exnerlented inn- nt nn linn nmii Is desirous of locating wllh a, small lontrailnr In or nronttd PhllHdelphlni inn Invest innnej. O III), Ledger Central EMPLOYMENT AOENOIE J AIIIS. KANi: 311 S, 10lh at., wnnla position for Swedish cook, J30 to JflO per month) also Siotch Proiestnnt cook nnd chambermaid, Preni Ii nnd American white onupte-i. French nnd llngllsh butlers, Oermnn nurse Spruce :iti)l. . , MISS MAHY'T. AIcCAttTIIY. 2107 Christian lien. Ptiill. upiillcs & wnnts 1st class Prot., Cnth. mate and female help! all nationalities, W.WTIlll lit llplscopnl Office, 312 S 12lh st . first i hiss cooks, waitresses, nurses. Kitchen molds NICMOLT.S. Il2tl" llalnhrldge st Competent help nil nntlonalllles. Phone Lncut 2I3D. AUTOMOBILES For .siile I.OCOMOHILE SPRING SALE 01" EXCHANGE CARS All Locomobiles tebulU, repainted and Bold ultn guirnnlee. 1013 il ,'ls Locomobllo Touring lull 11.38 Locomobile 'louring 11113 II 3S Locomobile Touring 11)1.1 11-48 Locomobile Touring 1012 il-ls Locomobile Touring 1012 ii-ih Lin omoblle Touring 11112 1-30 Locomobile Torpedo OTHER MAKES IM I il oil Premier Touring, I'M I I oil Hiilrk Touring 1H14 ll tl. Maxwell Touring IP I 'I I ol. Mercer Touring lull i! il Cole Touring, 11)11 0 osl Special Chnlmers speed. ster. er racj , newly painted: At i ondillon 11)12 I cl. HnMies Limousine and 'lotii-hu: IP12 i! cl sieieiiH-Dunt-a Tourlns 1fi'- l' 3s Pcerle-t louring pill il-iit) Peei less Touring lull 11-18 Plerce-Arrow Touring, wllh oj.ir.1 l.'mouslnc body Alost of the iais listed aro equipped wl'h self starter and electric lights. HIE LOCOMOIHLK COMPANY OP VA1ER1CA 2311-22 Alarltot St., Phlla. Pa, JENKS, lgr. Car Dept Exchange Race 33fi0 TO .MOVE FAST 'I he following cars, in ecellent condition, will be sold to make room. We must hae spHce FORD I1U.1 'louring, starter 1310 IIPICK. 1 o Under, touring 273 OVERI.XND Touring tin sTItdeiiaker. 11)1,1. t touring r.no FORI) Roadster 210 STITDE1IAKER. Roidslel 2,3 S I UDEHAKER. II Touring 130 III1ICK 'louring sinner 123 M.F.I.L E Al. P. cars, 1100 to 27.1 FORI). Touring 273 oth'-r makes, wllh and without electrlu lights and starters PHILADELPHIA feALES COIVV RATION Hrond and Collowhlll fuels Greatest Bargain in the City As we have discontinued the NATIONAL we will pell our 12cltnder demonstrator most reasonable. In Al condition and used Just enough to have every part working har moniously; wo guarantee the service. HAWLHY AtOIOR CAR CO.. 1132 NORTH HROAD ST. CLEARANCE S LE USED CARS AT IIARGAIN TRICES COLE. 1015, Four Sedan i OLE, Fill, six 7-pass touring COLE HHil, Sl roadster CHALMERS. 1011! Pouring , STPDCHAKKH 11113. touring MERi'PR. 11)12 touring CADILLAC. 11)12. touring L S ROWERS C05IPANY COLE Distributors GRANT 243-217 North llroad htreet OVERLAND. 11)111 model, .1. passenger touring inr. 33-horsepover. brand new; never been run; n sacrlflco Call or address King Car Phlln Agency. 314 North Hrn.nl st WIS. SIX CLYINDER. 18 H P. PACKARD Limousine In flrst'dass condition THORNTON-FULLER AL'TOAIOHH.K CO. 2011 Alarket street 35 II P I.ANDAULET, 1012 PIAT model. 111 good order THORNTON FULLER AUIOAtOHILB CO L'uii .Mnraec street HUDSON'S Rebuilt and guaranteed; phaeton and roadsters: electric lights and starters. LOMERY-SCHWARTX. 2a I N. nroad at. PAIGE, lniB. 6-40; first-class condition: driven 4000 miles: will sell reasonable. I. 410, Led. ger cencrai. Hill, 30 If P. Limousine, PIERCE-ARROW In good order THOnNTON-FULLER AUTOAIORILE CO. 2041 Alarket street WINTON 0. 7-pass . Al condition, $700 Tu laskl Oarage, .1727 Pulaski ave. Tioga 3843. SEND FOR FREE HUI.LETIN in nr.ii i aiin OOnSON AUTO EXCHANGE. 23B N. BROAD J CADILLAC, 1013, touring cur. overhauled and repainted l full equipment, price Jf.730. AUlO SALES CORPORATION, 14.' N llroad at. FRANKLINS ALL SIODELS F. L. PAXSON. 3130 CHESTNUT ST. ENCLOSED touring car, also roadster, guar anteed OWNER, 1731 Ilrandywlne at. AUTOMOBILES Potfnirf rom Prrrcddii? Column Tor Sale Cl.l:.rtANCtJ SALE STIlAnN'S-KNKltIT, n-rjl. Touring . Jf.OO PACKAIID. 4-cyl Limousine and Tour ing body i'00 Plt;HCi:-AimoV, ilesl. Demi I.lmou- STlivnNS-DliftV'HA,' Vi-mI.' Limoiislne POllD n-passenger, excellent meehanl- cal condition TItlJCKS . PACKAIID. .1 ton Van body oVI)ULND. Delhery , VIM with Panel Hody. used 3 months port fioo flOO SOO 373 ,-,no 3"0 11 ill) inuil 1)00 IxHIT. IWIIIM) AIACK r ton Dmnn Hodi PIIDIiltAL. '-'-ton stoke Ho, .. UNIVF.ntAI.. 2-lnn chassis. , . . Till! WIIITP, tOAIPANY 21(1 North llrond Streft. Ask for Air L O'Neil Mnnleil STOP. LOOK AND LltTPVI New garage openrd. cars bought, sold anrt exchanged: accessories, new and old: rour teous assistant expert mechanicians. CO.MI1 BUR PS Phlla. Aulo Parts Co lilt S. llrond. Phlla AVANTIID Poril enr for rent SaluriW and Sunday will pi 13 per dn or "1 icnts a mile Phone Clernnntowii 20S . iiaVi: 3 FII1ST CLASS building lots, will con elder nutomobllo or motomole for inrt pnv- ment iru, m ijctnewoou st OLD API OS WANTI1D Port'PAIITS. 1'ltILA. APTO PA11TS CO. R23 25 N. 13tll st Park 141S . . At TOI pot llTlT FOIl .1CNK Sit N 3d St. Phnne Park n.'B. AUTO LIVERY AND GARAGES if) 1IIHI5 fopen d.iv nnd -light) brand new r-pass louring enr with robes !l,2" hr : nlso brand-new' 7-pas limousine. It 30 hr . w-ed dings, funernls Poplar 1017 171." Olrard FULTON HAIlAlli; (131). pulton and iiiiiaiid avp. piioni:iii:lmont hoi TO ifiniJ three nnd die ton truck bs hour, dnv, week Telephone, Tioga 2700 AUTO REPAIRING ADTOAIOIIILi: REPAIRS The liet enull-ped shop 111 W Plilln lVo stralghien frames and axles, make parts harden and grind, rebuild, oierhaul nnd re pair nil makes, priics fnlr ngencv for Atnstcr Carburelnrs, Preston 1011, West 101 JIIOOIN1 IIIIOS . 1212 Chestnut. LOOK' LOOK' LOOh.' CAR1ION REMOVED 10c- Per tllnder. CADILLVC IIHCONSI RFC l'lOV CO 2310 ls-20 North ir.th st ? SPEEDOMETER TROIIIILES 7 See HILLY, lit Ills new In, n lion. CIO NORTH HltOAD IT. CYLINDERS REnoREI) new pistons and rlnrs ftirnlslicd. weldings and brarlng. H. n. UndencooiliCo I02n llnmlltnn st .Phlla. SMALL machine aiinp wnnts intlie nud bench work Leniirt?. 3.141 N Ifllh Tioga ,1011 AUTO SUPPLIES -ItHAHlNGS- i New Depnrture Servile Stn The Cwllltnm Co. 1314 Arch st. Phones Walnut 3457.Race :1002 SLIGHTLY FSED. AT.L SIZES. TIRES YOUR OWN PRICES. , S23-2.1 N I.llll st Park 1418 I PARTS TO 1I1IILD OR REPAIR ANY CAR. PIIILA AUTO PARTS CO. 823 N. 13lh St. Park 14 IS. AUTO TIRES PFLLMAN TIRES Guaranteed ttiim piIIch Compare prices GRIAIAPS. 230 N llroad st. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES AIR RUSINESS AIAN ARE TOP SEEKING A STORE AND DWELLING IN A GOOD LIVE LOCATION" "Ho Hre offering two in East Lniudeti. N J. located In ii growing nnd progressile neighborhood, where there Is business, nml plenty of It. walling VARIOUS LINES OP TRADES ARE NEEDED Thej, are brand new. both houea nnd stores ore thorough! up. to dale Don't m oi look this, tbev will stand In estlgatlon. Call write or phone, TEE CHAAIER REALTY CO 34TH AND FEDERAL STS . Camden. N J rhone Camden 2.137 .1. SHIPYARD On AIFO PLANT LOCATION For sals on easy and lensonable tcrmi Tract of oer 30 acres, situated on New terse' sale of Delaware Hlver, opposite Philadelphia. hniug oer lono feet front and depth of more than 1100 feet, Thla is a business proposition. IniulsltUe pro moters without llninclal connections should not answer O 811, Ledger Central. Prnmotei. with Influential flnan i lal connei tlons. is open for en gagement for proposition of merit, prefer proposition nf going bus iness whore nildllntliil capital Is required, will deal with prim Ipals onl . lofereuees required. AI 3.11. Ledger Central GROCERY STORES J2I0U. J1300. 11000. SD00. Alenl. $11100 $300, etc Dry goods A men's furnishings, $2300, $1000. Cigars, cands .1 stntlnnerv. $.130 J300 $1uo. Hirl-er shops $8011. $500. $100 $150. Enterprise Hrokiingo & Ronlty Co., HUH Land Title llulldlng. MI'IAIn -Attl tlt'lt E. PAIGE. 711 Walnut St.. Phlla.. nie hnnlcal and electrical engi neer; legistered patent attorney; established nere 30 ears, inventions rieeloped, patents, trademarks cop rights secured and lltl gated nn where, rejected applications prose cuted : preliminary ndtce freo, PHOTOGRAPH STUDIO 1310 Glrnrd ave , for rent, nn old estab lished piaie, 2 floors fitted up with gallery and darkrooms, showcase In front, location Is deslrablo for llvo man, near nil hotels and hnlla for banquets, rent $40 C. P COWARD CO . 2fllh and Jefferson sts FORSAl.E llrlck factorv vsmjo ft . or. lot 83x237 ft : suitable for foundry and machine shop or an manufacturing purpose: also for garage railroad siding on property, east ern Pennsjlvanla. cheap. Address AI .17, LedgerOffUo OWNER OF A SFITARLE PROPERTY OV THE COAST OF .MAINE WANTS a partner or experience 10 join mm in opening u novs' tamp there llllll establishing n profitable season this summer. Aouress owner, 11 1) J Harrison Running I NEED $3000 in Hike nver llrst-elass busi ness, can pa ou 13 per cent, to 20 pep cent nn your Investment money secured; full par ticulars ut Interview. G 810, Ledger Central WOULD A GOING .MANUFACTURING FIRAI DEALING IN FOOD PRODUCTS INTERHSP YOU' INVESTMENT WITH OR WITHOUT SERVICES INVESTIGATE C 13. LEDGER OFFICE ' "" SrORE"FOR RLNT " "" Suitable for automobile tires and auto sup plies, former tcnunt sold tires nnd outgrew their qil liters Apply24ll N lltth at FOR SALE American Alnnganeso Alanufactl" urine Company preferred slock at $10, com mon at $7 30 Updike-Ward. Inc , fiio Andrus. Minneapolis. Allan 15 A .MONTI! secures Interest in growing or chard; will be producing before paid for. 1LMWY DARL1NOTON. 1120 Chestnut at. WANTED -Good tenant at very close rental for well-located central ctore 3 A PATTERSON 130SJ5lh. PlcrURll "THEATRE. 1230. worth $3000! crowded nlshtlv, strictly mod , good bus, loca , good sell reason L 441. Led. Cent. HRASS FOUNDRY and maeh shop. 1-3 Inter- csi lur a.iiv "iiinfit oil null... niiiait capilul required O 1131. ledger Central. BUSINESS man; experlented and capable will Invest $t0,ti00 with services In established business, state line O 5llL Ledger Central POOLROA1A1, thoroughly equipped 4 tables, Including clear store and dwelftncr: emulw.il Phlla. location L 147. Ledger Central BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Conflnnm Inm Preceltlna Column WANTKD A partner with services, who will nvest from 7000 lo IIO.OOO In a pnylnn rontrnctfnT business already established. II 12,-. I.edger Office. , iifvrnT. ocean citv." for sale: near beach: "?Ld following l'l22o?dgertJITIce CAN sou lniet SIO pot montr' Investigate At 3SI, T-dger Central BUSINESS PERSONALS SPPKltPMIOlTS ItAItt renuned by electroljsls. the only permanent way. 'brow, arched. AlISS SAIITH. I0J Kellh Thentre .'dj. Allss Hoppe. holrdres'r facial massage, man leur'g, form. Allnt Arcacle; w Itli Alias Smltlh PULL DIlllSS StTtTS Cutaways. Tuxedos and Sack Sultn To lilro nnd made to order. NnunAUiin. thd tailok. ais n. nth at Dell phone. Wnlnutjl. FCLL DIIP.SS, TllNUDO, PHOCK AND CUT nway suits to hire, al new. stylish goods : largo assortment. SAMUKI. coOPF.rt. 1011) Ulrnrd lue Phone Poplar 0342 DIAMONDS IIOfOHT Hsnk reference. Appraisement;, If. e, IIAIirtY w! SMITH, 717 SAN8QAI STIllinT DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY iTtTllll-JST PRICKS pnld for diamonds, Jewelry and pawn tliketn for diamonds. Apply 2:30 to 4 30 i) m , Wm Flick, lloom 36J. Uurd Hldg , corner Ctb nnd Chestnut sts, DOGS, BIRDS AND GOLD PISH poll MALI: Irish terrier punpv. male prhate home sale 113 O H13. Ledger Central DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY LEMtN DRESSMAKING and designing, at the largest and best ejulpped si hoot In the ul. for hom- ne nr bulncss The .McDowell Dressmaking School, ,".u7 Drnckla Hldg. I lib nud Market bis. POTTER SCHOOL OP DRESSMAKING DAILY AND EVENING SESSIONS 1435 OIRARD AVE POPLAR 6174. DRESSMAKER. French deslroo engagements, terms reasonable, eieidng gowns n speclait , will remodel. 1108 Walnut st Ph Will 0438. FOR SALE RILLIARD, POOL, combination, necond-hand. bought, sold, renlcd. exchanged, repairing; supplies. Lnfo Keafer, American mnnufac turer, .12'i Olrard no. ' MILLIARD AND POCKET TAHLES , Also bowling nlles. easy payments. 11RUNS- l C K -! I AL Kli-COl . 1 Ll INDER CO 1 0 1) 2rch. 1IILI.IARD. pocket 2i1-hnnd tables repairing, supplies Clnrk-llctd Alfg. Co. .24 21 N. Front CASH REOISTPRS. new nnd factory rebuilt. New lotal adders us low as 110, on easv monlhl pas ments. Call an I see our lylfl model". .Ml registers sold by us fuly guar anteed Tbo National Cash Register Co . 730 Chctnut st CON'FliCTr(lNERY"nlld8-rnom" dwelling. "vltll or without business 1427 Tlogn st DESKS filing cabinets, safes telephone booths nnd office furniture and fixtures of eccry de. s rlptlon useii hut In tine condition, nnd ery cheap free dellcerv nncwhere 1IFOHES. 11TII AND I1UTTONWOOD. DESKS, lnrge nssorlinent, nlso household fur nllure Dullng Central Second-hand Furnl- lure Cnmpanv, 001-00(1-14 Cnllowhlllst HEARSE Four-column snuate blnck henrse. bhiok and white draperies, good londlilon: sell i heap William Aladden,I!rlsloi, Pa. OFFICE PARTITIONS, office railings, wall rases, counters nnd show cases designed nnd male up special to our order. It will pay jou lo get our estimate Phone wrllo or call WEISS MANUPACTt RING CO., 430-32 N. 12th St. SAFES Fireproof: closing out slightly iised.nll ol?es A. innl.es. his bargnlus 2P) N Fourth. VlcrilOLA record" -March list Just received. I1EI.LAK U2'i i hestnut. DEL1CIOFS extracted honey direct from bee. keeper. SI. SI per gal. 112 lbs.), M per li gal. (0 lbs. I- delliered by parcel post: satis fai Hon gllnnnteeil or money refunded. L. 1C. llostotter. It. I D. No. 3. Lancaster. Pa, COMPLETE cll-iln room sulto and baby car rlnge. excellent condition. 137 S, 00th. Phono Helmont 1001 OOf) Ruro old xlolln 2 bows. In solid loath" rr ruse, plush-llned Xnllio S30. WALTER S LOAN OFFICE. 11th and Arch. HEATING AIAKtN-KELSEY HEALTH HEAT Is better ' nnd cheaper Ihnn sleam or hot-water Purs fresh air with normal moisture. AIAKIN KELIEY I! N 18th st Phlln INSTRUCTION WISE rOLK learn a foreign lnngunge: ac nulro Spanish. French or Itnllau by quick nnd cas method. Wrlto Prof. Stano. 3000 Woodland nxe. MACHINERY AND TOOLS POH ER-PLANT EQUtP.MENT Dvnamns motors hollers stenm nnd oil en. glnes. pumps iilr compressors. , FRANK TOO.MI.Y. Inc , 127 N 3d st. CO.MPI.ETE POW'ER PLANT, designed nml erected, now ami used power pi nit ma ihlnery In stock. Power Equipment Co, engineers. 1218 Chestnut st. SEVEN Warner Swasey tin ret Inthes, differ ent sins, eight Dresses turret lathes, differ- ent nlzen Nuttnll. KIR N 3th CENTRIFUGAL PU.MPS Full linn of new "Fulton" 1 lo ll In., low prices. I. P. Sei ferl's Sons. 137 N 3d st ASH CANS OIL TANKS Fire huckets. extinguishers and hose. CHARES HOND CO . .120 Arch st DYNA.MOS, motors and machinery bought, sold and rented urmaturen repaired Alain til AInrket 3nil3YoarseyCo . 221 N.3d St. ni'E Second hand, a"ll sizes Phlla. becond lland Pipe SuppIj Co . loin N 7lh st Phone. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS $83 CHICKERINO UPRIGHT PIANO , HOWARD VINCENT. 838NJ PIANOS AND PLAYER-PIANOS HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES COR. CTII AND THOAIPSON STS. PIANO Stultz 03-note plaer-piano, excellent condition: $130 cash. It 110, Ledger Office. OLD GOLD CASH PAID FOR DIAAIONDS. TRECIOUS atones, gold slher. platinum, false teeth. Phlla. Smelting ! Ref Co., 128 S. Itlh at. OLD GOLD, silver, platinum, plated ware, old. stylo Jewelry, teeth plates bought for cash ntlS70 J.LCIark refiner. 8C7 Sansom CASll PAID FOIl diamonds old gold silver, platinum, false teeth. Reliable Refining Company, N. E, corner Olh and Wnlnut sts PUBLIC STENOGRAPHERS EXPERT WORK done at homo or ofllce. A. R. Egee. 45311 North lfilh at. ROOFING AND IRON AWNINGS II CAN OP OUR CEAIHNT will repair 00 leaks In mi) roof Write for circular AMER ICAN ROOFING CO 1.135 Rldgo ave ALL KINDS of leaky roofs repaired, old tin roofs coated, slag roofs; guaranteed 10 eara. Rock, 842 N. 4th st. STORAGE cvgT. KiHM- SKWAncn STORAGE CO. WhHl'PHILA. Aulo packing and shipping. WESI-I'lllLA. J870 LANCASTER AVE. 1 iiL,t.Ll.V0l'o.3l0tn',C00'' A2n:r"te Warehouse. ?!..rhvia' Storage Co.. 2033 W. Ihleh. Tlo. 7250. Pianos and Furnlturo Bought & Sold AIOVINO nnd storage: prompt service, lowest inp"i -iMia.ii7t I (j, 1'IlUIie J, laca 1I1TM R Al HHOWN 3854-B8 N Bth. bloiiAGl. AlpvliiL by auto vans, packing. ?.tt.'pJ?'niViileve,e.,,.,lr08" 2 ld ivS: AHLLER. NORTH IIROAD STORAGE CO. HROAD, ABOVE LEHIGH AVE. McCANN'S STORAGE HOUSE. 174 N 11th sir innulna. wnAltf4 llH.lk . -.a .. - T . st : moving, packing, shipping; auto vans, I Both phones. Let us estimate. ST0B.AQE Continued hum p.f( ,n,,fl toTuniV . CONTINF.NTAL ,A RTOiiAon WAncnou.qp 20TIIST. AflOVl: CIlB.TrMi PACKING. AttlVl.vn airifcSKE. nugs. Carpets, cleaned, scouVrri . Hell Locust 1050 Phones Key rtae'JfS1 P1DKLITY VlllPPnooP WAnpltottapr4 Hll-1819 MAHKIJT st U8ES rEN'V fiT3enMRST'AN co. ATLAS STOnAtlt: WAIIKIIOUSK Si.-; moMng, packing, shipping. carpeTeii2Kr Ph. Paring 7C2 for est mnte ii.Vi;..c,:antn!t- Slth.- WANTED " ANTIqilE FL-RMTpilU. false leolh f,,,r. beds, broken Jewelry, gold, silver ,iiilh' hought. T.nWnlnut. Wlnut 702ti 1!$$ 11ROKEN JEWELRY, false teeth til.tni, , Coin books, ivltn prices I Pay ma lea iiT.01"! , It Hoss People's Sioro),2IIB s 11th V,V,?1 CJAH I Ul I C pays more F CLOTHING Setlgsohn Ihipwin lore than nny others for ladles- .15 summer and winter clothing It i grade Write or phono AtarEei "noV t'APfl nil iininhse. . '"'iei UB men a sum belter ernil SK J'Ali'!1R,.9,,ll anjwhere nns Itme Jli;j.1(1801JN, ror 8lh nnd Sn Vlar SoiW-cc,f"'8ihlindn',Gardeo.,. CAST-OFF .CLOTHING Highest prices" ru for ladles' nnd men's clotldng hati tSi. etc.: phone Pop, asill. His ker inq.r rglp- 'AS I -OI-1 clothing Imuant. Pest prion. .. for.men'a goods; write or phono v.?w Qlll.-.. SCHCLTZ. 227 N. Ktfi Jf w!nt FURNITURE bought cash, parlor cntrreR-T pnice Iliril., SIOCK Stores, w I pay to onn.nil before selling. linnls. 212 s 8th WM? is'1,1 FURNITURE, pianos, carpets nntlquesreiTti?; nr part houses bought, for cash, no matt!! how largo. J. Hemsteln. 1364 Hldm av"" AlEifFRY bought D Chambley K0ld andin" ei buyer nnd renner, 711) Snnsom iJi OLD GOLD Cnsh paid for old go"'T7"i."r" ?jftU-i.b,r.,HW!lP fi'MVH?;',' " &'f gpAWew xv,n" sarT HIGHEST prices pnld"for geniom7nTs"clothie; J"rledmnn tiros .1111 South Ph Dick fluJ' HIGHEST PRICES pnld for tflamon(pteI5 gold, slljer platinum fa se teeth: a so p tickets. 1300 Filbert, 2d fir, front WnT 7?. ROOMS FOR RENT CHEtTNUT. 2007 WELL-FURNISHED HOOMSJHJtMANENT OR TRANSIENT? CHESTNUT. 321nl-Fr -unfr. rms . 2 bathij hnt-wnter beat5lsq to L 6 W Phlla 8t AtONAIOUTH. E" . 1030 Hoarding hiaTThi couple, renllninen, private fnmlly, co?y rnnra , wRb soulliern exposure. Kensington 2837 J. l'AHK AVE.., 2107 -Private family wlFlfeM 1 or 2 furnished rooms. Diamond 3841 J, POPLAR. 1 132 2d front, run water, other rms . cones, board optional Pop 30111 N. SPRUCE, 1317 Rooms, single or en sulTe7iirT inmis prof otlcesstenm heal electricity. WALLACE ST.. 2013 Two lirge front conv munlcntlng rooms, cold and hot water for light housekeeping Poplar 1748 1 lorn, S.. ,100 (Opposite The Clinton) Doubis or single rooms, with or without hnth, well honied, plenty hot water Wal 0014 11TH, N . 1313 Desirable vacancies. rensenT nblo: well heated,liice1y fum Pop 7l20W. 13TH, N., 200t Two 2d etorv rooms, refined fajnlvgentlemon Diamond (1113 J, 10T1I, S . .13 Attrnctlve 2d floor rooms run. . ntng wjiter; piivnte hnth Phone lanust 3012, 22D, N, "2030 2 mil. front rms furn tin- turn , light hskpg on , also double silling rm , furn ns bed and Ihlng rm Dli 12.10 W 40ril,"s., lion Deslrnble sunny rooms, elee trlcltv: prlvnto lutli. AVoo-lland 2171 W. 00 I'll, N., 207 Choerfull furnished rooms for housekeeping, gas. electric, llton near -'I.'; phono Helmont 1001 (10TH. S.." 1010 - 2d slorv room latest idnvs.i boardop.j owner:phoiio Woodtnnrl 381IIM. 1043N 12TH ST Two'serouil front rooms communicating, newly furnish. d for light r Jinusokeeplng; running wnler Dl.am ISr.o w TWO nfee unfurnished rooms third floor er7 cheerful: liso of bath, respectable peoels only.Poplarir.on J. Airs J I'LEARNO, DP.SIRAHLE rooms In nrlcnte honn . vicinity r,nih nnd Walnut. Af 311 Ledger ('enirni OWNER will rent bai helor iipnrttnont two rooms, bath. Qtplnce 2022 Spruce st l'llrlllslieil CLINTON ST. !)! Altriiitlve rooms single or en sulle. Iiaihs open Ilros, retlned sur loundlngs gentlemen fsillmrlulll w SHARPNACK ST W. 1 18 Comfortably fur. nlshcd, well boated room. I winnows suit, nblo for light housekeeping; or board ue of . nlco reading room and plnno Gtn 5122 R BOARDING CHESTNUT. 101.1 Single on double viiinlliUx; 2 mln. fioin L. good table Pr ston 3js7 vv SPRUCE". 1221-20 (Hrlsinonde) Furn rooms. single, en suite prlvnlo baths, tnblo hoard i ltllll ST. N" 1701 Well hen tul 2d fl rront rm ,Hlltlng rm : so expos I'll Dla 5118 J 40TH. N., .12 Attrnotlvily furnished sunn? rooms, excj-llent taljlo, phone. SitTII N". HIS'i Gontlomcn; good tables" weTL . honied rooms, desirable n, Ighlmrhood phone, THE PAlUCVfEW (52d and Pnrkslile no ) a di-sliaiile vaianc. lonveiilent lo train or trnllec, cMellont t lble Hell pboie Helmont I1IH) PRcVATE FAAULY v III board and tare for hclpleMH Imalbl roaennabl Trained nurses in attonOnnie. G 137 l.edger Central Suburban "THE FERNS" (Gin, 101 W. I hellen)Dej. rm.. near balli; excellent table Gtn JITSJ; Allnnllc City. N. J. CALIFORNIA AVE. S, 27 It. lined and t tr.iilive a comniodatlons Lenten senson KNIGHT corrAGE llis lllh nls ave open fo- guests, spei lal wcikuid rates AdJress Mnunger. table first (I.isj BOARD WANTED CULTURED womnn teacher wants two cheer, fill rooms, v Ith board and us, of bath In Christian household with other ten-hers ot possible, between 21th and Allegheny and 21st nnd Lehigh, referent o exchanged r IJ2.cdgerOfil e i HUSINESS WOMAN desires single room, with or without board. Pino to Catharine. Ititn to 52d preferred, state terms and particu lars. G 817, Ledger Central SANITARIUMS BEAUTIFUL location! special scientific care; nervous, elderly: eery tomforti nurses. Booklet. Dr. Randal. City line,. Chestnut Hill. APARTMENTS WALNUT, 1431-33 Comfortable upartments. 1 to 4 rooms, sumo furnished. 1st class serv Ice. Apply Janitor Phone Spruce 4e10. SPRING GARDEN. 1U10. TlXLellent apts In h different houses: some furn . kitchenettes. 20TH, S . 115 Attractlveb furnished sh-gls in.prlvatehath1for gcnlleniaii ref house. ""LARES BACHELOR APvRT.MES'TS" 00.1.1-37 Ludlow street ...,,. Single vacancy: two rooms nnd private Bain. $30: furnished, electric light ho; water heat: cozv, sanitary, quiet Apply Janitor. or phone Alaloney. Walnut 003 l-UH RENT Second floor, corner apartment, near Tulnehocken Station; three bedrooms, two baths, largo living room, dining rom. kitchen glass-Inclosed porch, vacant April u $85, r 050, Ledger Central. ATTRACTIVELT furnished B-room apartment in Chelsea for short or long season, sous Atlantic avenue. Apartment 4 , :M West Philadelphia I orFBR a large variety of apartments at varied prices and to meet almost any 're quirement, t-au or eena lor imi ..l--",'" "' eervlce to Inspect apartments If dejlreo NOR.MAN 8 SHERWOOD. 1411 Walnut i. Spruce 3871 . Haco3023, $30 CHANCELLOR APARTAIENTS !M .. Chancellor. Blth to OBth (below Walnut), alrllte, 0 rooms, bath, porch Ofllce, -l a. os in. BRUNSWICK. 46th and Walnut New'J' pered and painted, flrst-class Janitor JCe. Santle Apts, 4814 Walnut st serv- i' 4 ,