Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, March 10, 1916, Night Extra, Page 13, Image 13

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    iimvjiiMtw'WFmi1vi&iii tuwiij''11- M --y4?y'T " r ' ,
i?t p-rtg-or w-c jfrb'Fisa' '
" n-jfcil '!y-y .
"-teTjjF- j
fes3 Constance Binney, of
Specialty umaca u
Honor of Mrs.
tILADEdMHANS will have another
,L...tiv of seelnff tho gmcetul
opp"u'. ,.. ..,.- rVinnlnnco
W4 . vr. vnrl. In a vartoty o
Plf'jnrM at the dinner which tho
tt or this city w.U Blvo at tho
2mm Tuesday to Mrs. Georso A.
tftfm on -i m,Mmt of tho
&3 Suffrage party. Miss Dinner.
tfcm&na o rtauahtor of Mr.
K, you Know, n. Nn - fc
tfJTot M. George- A. Dunning, of
I?"!L nnd. therefore, a cousin of
UUJ ww .. rnvton. ShO 13 ft
Qltco of the lato Horaco Binney.
was Mlsa Qertrudo Miles,
E ,,M t
17 Tiers relationships here, so
n4 .... L ,n certainly ft decided
iwb-- , w nndertaklnga. nnd
ftlUUM - .--
MT BM . vi.nutv. charrr
charm nnd
fata, too, snu "" --'
' . -. . ...t .nn nnn urU? And
SO wnai iiiutu ..
lw.' : .. hiufully.
As floea urn...- .--.- ... ,,
tt is with rogrot tnai wo ceo w.
J " . .,..i,. trnm tho flold as ft
Sr In the auffrago ranks. Sho has
CTa.most efflolont president and ex-I-mm
and has had tho great adtnlra
t"i" -i,-ra in lm vrnrs sho
don of ner mn"""""
m served.
.. unmixed Joy tho absnnt-mlndod
.ron gives to his or hor follow beings
ino this time It is to ner renow
("STwb bird who told mo fairly
Choked with delight over the talc.
t One of our very attractive girls, who
iiu been at Virginia. Hot Springs with
lir sister and other members of her
fimlly, IS ceieuin. u o .-
the air," so to spoalc.
6he was going 10 a uaiiuu mac ,
fail decided to go down to dinner
dressed for tho occasion. Now, tho slstor
Lf Kild charming lad" Is said to sport
peertaln garments of slllc nnd lace at
Uhttlmo whlcli nro noc on view oui-
Slide of the privacy 01 ner own iuuih.
(j, tittentlvo maid. However, nau maao
'ill ready for her mistress' comfort that
iriit and tho said silk garments wero
laid on tho bod ready to don hut sho"
lit! not calculated on tno omer noscni
smlndcd mistress, and was certainly not
prepared for tho apparition of said
young lady In tno dining room witii
tot her cloak over her arm, oh! no
it tut sister's lace-trlmmed pajamas dang-
ii' lta's gracefully down.
Lent Is having its effect on society,
j though this old world goes on just tho
(jame. Tno only largo auuir in bibih bu
far Is the entertainment for tho St.
lulcholas Day Nurscy in tho middle of
ie Lenten season; then thcro are, of
Goursc, smaller things, but tho funny
ithlng about people Is that, though they
lentertaln and danco and pranco in this
season, they seem to want to do It be
plnd closed doors, which seems a slight
ly Inconsistent stnto of affulrs, does It
i XVw York women are ever leaders In
TJaImm lnlnKiitlnn llilnrra O , .1 illtu tlmA
iWlllH llliVicbiiiH utmt.0, ... .-, b....u
Ittelr Idea will certainly cost them moro
ftlian' mere money, for they will give of
iemselves and becomo saleswomen
pack of counters for a whole week In
ICImbels' store. Tho Idea Is to benefit
stfe convalescents, who nro discharged
ifrpjn tho Itellcvuo Hospital, and their
Ifamllles also. At least 50 women
Km he Scattered nbout through tho
ptore, and they aro to receive 10 per
pent of their sales for the benefit. Such
Ipromlnent women as Mrs. Nicholas Bld-
KCe, Mrs. Charles Dana Gibson, Mrs.
pMora PInchot, Mrs. Lewis Stuyvesant
igmler, Mrs. Frank Lyon Tolk, who,
w.tlie way, was our own Lily Potter,
pie' charming daughter of Mr. and Mrs,
gfimmle Potter, and numerous other so
Klety women will tako part.
Hr.' and Mrs. Morris VT. Stroud. Jr..
,tU entertain nt dinner this evenlntr. at
IWr borne In Vlllanova. Among tho
RMts will be Mr. nnd Mrs. Stockton
(Twnsend, Mlsa Nancy Scott and Mr.
Joseph P. Sims, of Chestnut Hill. The
enwment o Mla3 Scott to Mr. Sims
" annonnoea recently.
flfrs. V, M. Mitchell, af VIHnTinvft. In
ialrff a few days In Now York.
ilr And Mm Andinnv T T,-val
SjMl Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. Angler B,
fo their homes in New York on March 30.
; Captain and Mra. T.T,iivnri n Panitt
JJ ipendlng the week-end at the Ultz-
Mfiwn, New York.
kTbl ndXt Of thA BN.lAa n, ana .I.U.
J?J j1 held at tho Germantown Cricket
IrVjL11"- Charles Davis. Mrs. Joseph
Kr t ns "Wlmrt0n, Mrs. Joseph) Priest-
ti m .' "" toward Evans Dennls-
wa.ra. Autruatnn n Hrmii.h,nn in nr-ii
iJUUM Mn T..J ...... .". : '
itvu """" "wbo win inK8 piaca on
yrwiy evening, March 24, at 8 o'clock.
Klriatronesses wl11 Blva the class an
g dance Saturday, April 15, and the
" win do held on Easter Mon
' ivenlng. April J4.
' and Mrs .t Thnm.. t i. -.
K?i!:.da.ya thl week in New York on
&r war in snend nnmn frtma In h Qnntli
a veddlntF r T , .. - ,,. '
w itunk took placo last Saturday.
IMrt. B. Vail xr..i. Ti i.. a
wrtord : "r," wi ..;."'".'"'
Rwilr ' i -"""I'iiicu uy ansa niveiyn
E,.Uf!lverfor(' cUf. have left for
?' Until thA on.1 u, ,.
T .. w una weeti
inn,Pv,hl,S "aB SeIlt 0Ut fr
"CweOll to h &xtan u Tin- -ii
lea Monday, v i--it
u"S.M2-.tarii p'B" Jr:-.ot 180.9
i Vinri.i ?;""" "i icvb mis wee
iuwnla Hot Springs, where they will
- ...u.iiiuer o tne month.
tUi cv . 'uare Elle"dlng bBrae time
I iiivl ' ",H wauon. wr. Haven
J w. Haven will return to New
l2?fn Sfanamaker tag leased for
IB.. - "" u raim ueach which
VI- Occupied thl BMr,n "
i AHaro ae Heeren.
g4 U.8. riarenwr Hau, of Uuu-
iB $h euesta of Mn wmi-,
New York, Will Appear in
.uu , ywi sn
George Piersol
Hunk at Ilavorford Court, llaverford, re
turned to their home on Monday,
Mr. Gcorgo Kernley, whono marrlago to
Miss Mlldrod Bougher will take placo next
Wednesday, will entertain his ushers at
dinner nt tho Bcllevue-Stratford on Mon
day evening.
Miss Allco Jones, .of 721 North 20th
street, accompanied by hor sister, Miss
Carrie Jones, aro occupying their cottage
at Brant Beach, N. J., for a Bhort time.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Ji, A. Appolbaum are re
ceiving congratulations on tho birth of a
Tho Huntingdon Valley ITounda will
meet, weather permitting: Fox hounds,
at the kennels, nt 7:30 o'clock on Tuesday
mornings; tho drag hounds on Thursday
mornings nt the kennels, at 7 o'clock, and
the drng hounds at the kennels on Satur
day nfternoons at 3:30 o'clock. After the
latter meet ton Is served nt the club
house by the women of tho club.
The Itcv. William Porter Lee hns gone
to Knnsas City for a week.
Along the Main Line
OVratUltOOIC Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
II. Gclst, of Urexel road, who aro spend
ing some tlino at Palm Bench, gavo a
largo dinner In tho Garden Grill on
Wednesday evening.
The combined musical clubs of tho Uni
versity of Pennsylvania will clvo n con
oert tomorrow evening at the Ovcrbrook
Golf Club. Dancing will follow.
NAKBI511TII An rntcitalning mlnstrol
show and sketch will lp given this eve
ning In the Arcade Theatre by tho junior
members of the Kntigcllst Clrclo of the
King's Daughtt'iH Those taking part in
tho program will Include Miss Iluth Pres
cott, Miss Adah Durliin. MIbs Achsah
Wcntz, Miss .Maude AVIpf. Miss Linda
Jacoby, Miss KloriMioe .lucoliy, Miss Kdith
Humphteys. .Misi Jiihl.i Kincdley, Mlsa
Augusta Wlthrow, Miss Catherino Irwin,
Miss Kliznbcth Harris. Miss Mildred Har
ris, Miss Mutate .Simpson, Mlsa Helen Wil
son, Mlas Caiollno Justice and Miss Mary
BItYN MAWn Mrs. Benjamin C. Gilo,
of Bryn Mawr, will give a dinner, followed
by a thoatro party tomorrow evening at
her homo on Montgomery avenue. Among
tho gues'a will be Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Hushton. Miss Kimball and Mlsa Con
stanco GUI.
VILLANOVA Mr. and Mrs. John
Shipley Dixon have returned to their
homo In Villanoa, after bpcndlng three
weeks at tho Breakers, Palm Beach.
Mrs. W. W. Hepburn Is spending a few
days In Willlninsport, Pa.
ST. DAVIDS Mr. and Mrs. G. Win
tlirop Collin havo rent out Invitations for a
dlnncr-dnnco to b" given at tho Merlon
Golf Club on TucMlay evening, March 21.
Tho St. Davids Dancing Class will hold
a danco in the Saturday Club, Wayne, to
morrow evening. Among the members
aro Mr. nnd Mrs. Joseph A. Ball, Mr. and
Mrs. John A. TlllotHon. Mis. L. A. Itlt
tenhouse, of llaverford Mr. and Mrs. G.
Wlnthrop Collin, Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey
Howell, Mr. and Mrs. Plerson Conrad, Mr.
and Mrs. II. K. Mulford, Mr. and Mrs. M.
F. D. Scanlan, Mr. nnd Mrs. W. Allen
Bnrr, Mr. and Mrs. William II. Roberta,
Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mullcr and Dr.
nnd Mrs. Wilbur Horn.
WAYXK-Mr. ' and Mrs. Gcorgo M.
Aman will glvo a small dinner danco at
their home, on Wnyno avenue, tomorrow
Mrs. C. 13. Martin, of Poplar avenue,
nnd Mis. M. W. Ormo aro attending tho
spring conference of suffrage workers,
being held In Ilnrrisburg this week.
Mr A. K. Gibbs and Miss M. S. Glbba
have moved into their new homo on Up
land way.
Mts. II. J. Patton, who has been
spending some time In Louisville, Ky., has
left for a three months' trip to Honolulu.
West Philadelphia
Miss Jeanetto Gessner, of 3-125 Walnut
street, had charge of tho musical numbers
which wero given last night at tho Agnew
School, 11th and Cherry streets,
Tho students of the Pennsylvania Mu
seum and School of Industrial Art will
give a dinner and novelty dance this even
ing In the Phtlomuslan Club, 3014 Walnut
Tha Dalley Dramatic Society will pre
sent a sketch entitled "Forty-live Miles
From Broadway" on tho evenings of
March 17 and 18.
Mrs. William Langdon, of Vanderbllt
avenue, Brooklyn, is the guest of 'her
parents, Mr. and Mrs, Edward Xaylor, of
6072 Callowhlll street.
Miss Mary Walsh, of 62S3 Arch street,
entertained her cousin, Miss Mary Con
nors, of Coatejvllle, Pa., and Mlsu Eliza
beth Walters, of Mpunt Carrael, Pa., over
the week-end.
Mr, and Mrs. John Lemenske, of the
southeast corner of 6 1st street and West
minster avenue, are receiving congratu
lations on the birth of a son, John Le
menske, Jr.
Mr and Mrs. Frank Bauhaus will leave
on Wednesday for an extended trip
t trough the West, returning home about
April 1.
WTT9,'Vi,rTi'''r"'mi 'V&1ra&&illi!!i
The marriaRO of Miss Olive May Wilson, shown in the upper
picture, to Mr. Birchall Hammer, will take place on Easter Monday.
The engagement of Miss Mildred Taplinger, shown in lower picture,
to Mr. Harry Goodfriend, wns announced recently.
Along the Reading
A muslcale will bo held at the home of
Mrs. Henry Miller Watts, Meeting House
road nnd York road, Ogontz, on Tuesday
evening, March 21, at 8:15 o'clock, for
tho benefit of tho Paris Aid Society of St.
Paul's Church. Ogontz. Refreshment!
will bo served after a muslenle.
Those taking part will be Mrs. Charles
It. Wood, pianist; Miss Eleanor M. Ger
lach, soprano; Mrs. Archibald II. Hubbard,
soprano; Mr. George Orr, batltone, and
Miss Minnie T. Wright, accompanist.
Miss Frances Bobbins, of Webster ave
nue, Wyncote, has returned to her homu
from a visit of several days nt Trenton,
N. J. where she was the guest of lit r
Mrs Eugeno S. Stull nnd her daughter.
Miss Helen Stall, of Woodland aviue,
AVj in ot., have rctuied to their homo f oir
Easton, Md , wheio they wero tho guests
of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Itohrer for a foil
night. On their way homo .Mrs. Stull nntl
Mlsa Stull spent several days In Balti
more as tho guest of Mr. John Leu is.
Miss Edith Landell. of Webster avenue,
Wyncote, l.s spending several days this
week as the guest of Miss Jean i;iuo
mari, at her homo in West Philadelphia.
Mrs. Harvey Bothwell Allen entertained
at luncheon followed by cards this after
noon at her homo in Ambler in honor of
Mrs. Newton Firth Hill, of 1523 Erlo
Mr. nnd Mis. Fredailck Marsh Williams,
who were mairlcd on January 20. haw
returned from their wedding trip and aro
being entertained by Mr.' Williams' par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Ellsworth Flte,
of York road and Dak Lane. Their home,
which will bo completed about April 1. Is
nt 15th street and Oak Lane. Mrs. Will
iams will be remembered as .Miss Eliza
beth Dudley Fite.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bates will occupy
the house vacated by Mr. Krenger. at
Keenan street, and City line. La Mott,
shortly. a
The dancing class which meets every
Friday afternoon at the Gilbert Studio,
Delaware Hall, and is chaperoned by Mrs.
A. D. Warner, Jr.. will bo given nn at
tractive dance on March 17, to which the
parents and friends of tho members will
be Invited.
The Thursday night class, composed of
tha younger married set. will give a green
and white party on Thursday, March 10.
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Scott are homo
from a three weeks' btay at Birmingham,
What's Doing Tonight
a "riue and BUth street: 8 o'clock. Free.
Teachers' Club of Philadelphia, Adelphla
Hotel: 8 o'clock.
Interta' Theatrical Ball. Bal', Temple.
Hroad and Sprlmr (3urdn treetsj 8 o'clock.
Icturen thu European war, bjr Dr B. K.
TullUUB. Central Y. M. U A.. HJl Arcn
atreeU 1 o'clock.
MMtlnff ot parents of pupils at Filler School.
Oenmiiwwa fiojs' Club; S o'clock
cnrtv.elKhth annual dinner of 4ha Princeton
Club & rhlto Jelphto. Rom "ni. milevue
Stratford, 8 o'clock.
Dorotnlcun Sisters open retreat for women.
Dominican Coment.
fvintinuatloh school discussion, by Dr. J.
Ivoul? NEia oa.ph Shalom Synatrosue!
B o'clock. --
riaujihura of Eastern Star dinner, Adelphla
Hotel; 7 o o'ek-
Bscltal, llano Quartet, Wlthcrspoon Hall; 8
iJifaystte CoIl Alumni banquet, Ballevut;
0 o'clock
HaaioopotMs MfUval Suclaty, Kshaeminn
ElOMBdort lecture: on ;'3witsHM." jlo4-
Girard Estate
Dr. nnd Mrs. Jeffrey Stewart, of 2521
South Cleveland avenue, gavo a party to
celebrate their silver wedding. The eve
ning was spent with muslu and dancing.
Among those present wero Mr. and Mrs.
X. Clarko and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
J. Carroll and son, Mrs. A. Schmidt nnd
son, Mr.' and Mrs. C. Stiobcl, Mr. and Mrs.
J. Banks, Miss Murdock, Mr. Murdoch,
Miss Ituth Valentino, Miss Beatrice Jor
dan, Miss Louise Murdock, Mr. and Mrs.
J. Fiirman, Mr. Guy Grifllths, Mr. Douglas
G. Stewart, Miss Graco Stewart, Miss
Emma Ilose, Mr. Merrill Thompson, Mr.
J Mnce nnd Miss Margaret Leech.
Miss Winona S. Havcrstlck, of 47D
Monastery avenuo, was given a surprise
party In honor of her birthday, on Satur
day evening. Tho evening was spent In
music and playing games. Piano selec
tions were rendered by Mlsa Marie A.
Miller and Miss Allco McGranighan.
Among those present were Miss Marie
I .illller. Miss Sophia Lopez, Miss Alice
j v Jranlglinn, Miss M. Delia Martin,
! Miss Edith Walters. Miss Estclla M D.
Law. Miss Laura K. Mooney, Miss Sara
P.. Mooney, Miss Anna VE. Havcrstlck,
Mlsa Frances S. HaVcrsllck. Mrs. E,
Graham, Mrs. F. M. Stetler, Miss Ituth
E. Stetler, Miss Dorothy May Stetler, Mr
Daniel Anderson, Mr, Joseph Shaucrman,
Mr. Frank Faulknor, Mr. Randolph De
Wnld. Mr. William S. HaerMte!v, Mr
Charles Haerstlok. Mr. Arthur B I.us'i
Mrs. James Henderson, Mr Edward
Graham and Mr. Frank M. Stetler.
Mr. George S. Moyer and his giand
daughter. Miss Esther M. Durkln, of Man
ayuuk avenue, havo gone to Palm Beach,
Fla., for the remainder of the winter.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry West, of Roxbor
ough avenue, have their granddaughter.
Miss Florence Sllfer, of Spring City. Pa.,
as their guest.
Miss Margaret Sarge entertained the
Roxborough Fortnightly Club Wednes
day evening at the home of Miss Marian
Dodgson, Manayunk and Roxborough
avenues The members participating were
Mrs. Clyde Lever, Miss Helen Snyder,
Miss Ethel Sudders, Mrs. Wayne R.
Moyer, Miss Elizabeth Schofleld, Miss
Edith Kerkeslager, Miss Edith Xewhall
and Miss Dodgson.
A birthday party was given to Mr.
Georgo Shoemaker, of A street and Fish
er's avenuo, Olney, by his frlend3 last
Saturday evening, on the occasion of his
70th birthday anniversary. Among those
present were Miss Marlon Shoemaker,
Miss Ella Shoemaker, Miss Sara Perrlnod,
Miss Dorothy Stelr, Miss Kathleen Davis,
Miss Agnes Davis, Mixa Esther Roach,
Miss Myrtle Itoach. Mlsa Sarah Davis,
Miss Jessie Maul, Miss Margaret McGln
ley, Miss Mae Harris, Mr David Loeper,
Mr. George Perrlnod, Mr. Harry Hollertn,
Mr. Richard Davis. Mr. Georgo Shoe
maker, Mr. and Mrs. Eggert, Mr. and Mrs.
Seal, Dr. and Mrs. Evans, Mr. and Mrs.
Thames, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Shoemaker
and Mr. find Mrs. E. B. Davis.
The class meeting of the February
Class. 1012, of Olney Combined School,
lias been postponed until this evening,
when It will be held at the home of Mr.
Elmer Cornelius, of 3d street. Olney.
, Notices for the Society pace ""1 .be
Iccrvted uhd printed in the Etrulns
I.tUiEcr, but nil such notices must be yrlt
teu on one side of the uunrr, pi'ut , tie
shtned in full, with full ndureoa. unil unci!
possible telephone number mut be inn.
Head all sach coiwuunlcatlont to ."So
titty lillior." Krenliu; Ledger, 03 Chest
nut street. , , .
Unless these rmulreuuuts bis carried
tut, so ttut verlacatloa may k paeslsu.
M notice, will not Lo published.
Tho marriage of Miss Paulino Levis
Pearson, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Charles
Edgar Pearson, of 11.43 South B2d street,
to Mr. Milton Buttcrworth, of Logan, will
bo solemnized this afternoon nt 4 o'clock
In tho Church of the Atonement, 47th
street nnd Klngsesslng avenue. Tho cere
mony will bo performed by the Itov.
Charles W. Rehrlver, rector of tho church.
The bride, who ylll bo given In mnrriago
by her father, will wear a triuoling gown.
She will bo unattended. Mr. Buttcrworth
will havo his brother, Mr. Gordon Buttcr
worth, ns best man. Mr. and Mrs. Buttcr
worth will leave Immediately after tho
ceremony for their wedding trip nnd on
their return will live at 5412 Walnut
Miss Mary Goohorn, of Halt Wlster
street, will entertain at bridge today.
Tlicio will bo 10 guests.
Tho Wednesday evening dances at tho
Germantown Crleket Club, which were dis
continued for several weeks, will bo ro
sumed on March 15.
All the f'linpter llegciits of tho D. A.
It nnd their boards havo been Invited
to nttend a meeting on March 30 in tho
chapter rooms In the church house, 12th
nnd Walnut streets, to discuss plans for
the State conference, which will bo held In
this rlly In October. Mrs. Thomns Pot
ter will preside.
Miss Mary Goodwin, of 0330 Bajnton
street, entertained at brldgo Wednesday
in honor of Miss Emily Moftly and Miss
Dorothy Scott. There wero four tables.
Mrs. Henry H. Doan, of 153 Cmncnter
I streot, has gone to Sewlckley, Pa., for a
visit or several weeks.
Mrs. Charles It. Fulmer, of 1211 West
Allegheny nvenue, gave an Invitation
muslcalo and tea yesterday afternoon nnd
evening In aid of the Methodist Episcopal
Homo nt Bala. Tho Interesting program
Included vocnl ntid Instrumental solos by
Mrs. Edward I.eathorman, Miss Annetto
Baina. Miss Edith McClotman, Mr. John
U. Hall, Jr., Mlsa Florenco Brooks, Mrs.
llussell Wilson and Mr. Itussell Mills;
readings and Impersonations by Mlas Elalo
Khoyer nnd selections by tho Northeast
Manual Training School Oichestra. As
sisting, the hostess In receiving weto
Mrs. John O. Wilson, Mrs. Jnmea Whelen,
Mrs. William Ye.iger, Miss Florence Fen
nimoin, Miss Lorine Wilson, Mrs. Will
iam Leathcrman, Mrs. Carl Lee Felt,
Mrs William Bnteman. Mis. Morris Tlef,
Miss Francos Kilpatrlck, Mtss EIslo Xcal,
Mis. Harry Knck, Mrs. Geoigo T. (iraven
Rtlne. Miss Laura Firth and Miss Graco
Northeast Philadelphia
Mr. and Mrs. James McKclvcy, who
were man led on February 23, will bo at
homo after April 1 nt 24 10 East Lehigh
avenue. Mrs. McKclvey beforo her mnr
riago wns Miss lteglnn M. Stlnson, daugh
ter of Mis. Jennie Stlnson, of 2351 East
Huntingdon street.
A surprlso party was given to Mr. John
Ulery on his 70th birthday by his chil
dren and grandchildren at his homo, 2030
East Monmouth street, on Saturday even
ing. Among tho guests were Mr. and Mrs.
John Ulery, Sr., Mr. and "Mrs. Thomas
Fltzpatrick, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. John Ulery,
Jr., of Wlsslnomlng; Mr. and Mrs. Wil
llnm Ulery, of Atlantic City ; Mr. and Mrs.
Watson Burton. Master Watson Burton,
Jr., Miss Margaret Burton, Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Fltzpatrick, Mr. Thomas Fltz
patrick, Jr., Mr, John Ulery, Mr. Elmer
( Ulery, of Wlsslnomlng: Mr. Howard Mc-
Daniel, Mr. Itobert Moore, Mr. Ellas
, Moore, Miss Lorna Ulery, of Atlantic City
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Clothier, Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Glndlo, Mr. Joseph Glndlo,
Jr., of Aramlngo; Mr. Albert Moore, Miss
Margaret Batbeer, Mr. Joseph McCabo,
Miss Elizabeth Brownback and Mr. Wil
liam Crooks.
North Philadelphia
luia. Clarence D. Antrim gave a lunch
eon at her home, 1917 Xortlt 13th street,
yvsteiilay. IUr guests weto Mrs. Robert
Bagnell. Mrs. II. Thompson Cornell, Mrs.
Mary Ziegler Becker, Mrs. Gcorgo M.
Miller. Mrs. William G. Xnylor, Mrs.
Charles A. Bigler and Mrs. William L.
Antiim. Tho decorations wero pink sweet
peas, uilgnoiictt and asparagus fei n.
Miss Mabel Campbell, of 1303 Alle
gheny nvenue, will glvo a St. Patrick's
luncheon on Thursday, March 1G, when
tho decorations and favors will bo in
keeping with tho occasion. Tho guests will
Includo Mrs. Thomas J. Hare, Mrs. Will
iam Henderso:., Mrs. Charles Hinckle,
Mrs. Joseph Hoover. Mrs. Thomas D.
Bowes, Mrs. Vernon Ilasbrook, Mr3. Will
iam Flcmmlng, Mrs. Loula Troemmcr, Jr.,
Mrs. John Steel, Mrs. John McDermott,
Miss Helen Loughlln and Miss Rcglna
Mrs. Rodney R. Iredell will leave to
morrow with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
George W. Seagreaves. They will visit
friends at Havana, tour Jamaica by auto,
take n the Panama Canal Zone and spend
a few days In the principal towns of Costa,'
Mrs. Iredell, who is one of the most
popular young matrons of Allentown, la
a skilled horsewoman and motorist, and
was tha first woman to become a member
of the Lehigh Valley Kennel Clulj,
Camden and Vicinity
The 28th wedding anniversary of Mr.
nnd Mrs. George W. Hlnchraan, of 37
South 28 th street, was celebrated by a
box party at a Philadelphia theatre, toU
lowed by supper. Tne guests included
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Illnchman, Mr
William Hlnchraan, Mrs. Annie Bartltng,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morgan, of Balti
more, and Mr. Frederick Saumenlg, ,,f
Ulen Burnt Md
Miss Julia Nash, of 505 Cooper street.
Is attendtos school at HackatUtown, N. J.
Amusing Sketch of College Life Will Be Given This
Evening in Auditorium of Club Interesting Recital
Arranged by Widely Known Musicians
THE II. Y. P. V., of Germantown, will
glo Edwin Bateman Morris' collego
nlnv. "Ttio Ii"reot,iiinn " under tho direction
of Mr. 1'. Wnyno MncDowell, for the mem
bers of the Germantown Boys' Club, this
evening, In lite auditorium of the club, 25
H'nu, tin,,, dtmAi wiiiM, nil members
..Lib A-K,l .-.IVl.., t. ,T.l.,. .--.
are Invited. Tho cast la us follows'
John Wrtrden , .Mr. Itsrold.I'lrrstonr'
"flwnilllly" .Teromo, . .Mr. ltntiFoll Mnoaunli
"Hukr" Htetmis Mr. Iloltert t.unn
Owl" Orlaws Mr. Itobart I'ollnrd
"Tiny" MrQrnth Mr. Philip iwumheller
1'nifonnor Loclto Mr. Warren King
ltornce Mr. Walter Hufnoko
Mary LncKi- Miss MnHnrln rrnlnhm
Judith Illnlr Miss llnry aicweii
Miss Porter .....XIIns llvelyn Ciidwollader
Violet ...Mun Mnry Klrestono
Music lovers nro looking forward with
Interest to tho recital to bo given by
Mr. Kills Clark Hainmaiin, pianist, nnd
Mr. Hans Klndler. cellist, on Wedncs
day evening, March 16, In Wltherspoon
Among tho list of patronesses are Mts.
William W. Arnctt, Mrs. A. J. DallaB
Dixon, Mrs, Alfred Henry Pelffer. Miss
Helen Audenried, Miss Anna S. MoBurncy,
Mrs. Andrew Wheeler, Mrs, Arthur Jud
soii, Mrs. Hdwnril Bok, Mrs. Leopold
Stokowskl, Mrs. Thaddcus Rich. Mrs. Jo
seph H. llellly, Mrs. John F, Braun, Mrs.
Harold 11 Roberta, Mrs. A. W. Dnniicn
batini, Mia. Louis Benson, Mrs. Wllllnm
II. Folwell, Mrs. Daniel L. Ilobnrd, Mrs.
Charles D. Barney, Mrs. J. II. Converse,
Mrs. Georgo A. Fletcher, Mrs Leopold
Seyffcrt, Mrs. J. J. Boerlcke, Mrs. William
11. Severn, Mrs. Harry B. Rosengarten,
Mrs. F. B. Quackenbush. Mrs. W. W.
Watson, Mrs, Stephen Fuguet, Mrs. Will
lam Burnhnm. Mis. Robert Fleer, Mrs. It.
S. Drinker. Jr.. Mrs. John Smiley, Mrs. A.
Ill-Ill Riddle. Mrs. Ulcluird Y. Cook. Mlis
Hll:i J. t'olllsson, Mrs J. Gorgas Robin
son, Mis. J. C. Mooic. Jr.. Mrs. William
II. Staake, Mrs. C J. Matthews, Mrs.
William Kiinpnn, Jr., Mis. Bruce Ford.
Mrs. William Jay Turner, Mrs. F. I'axson
Bye, Mrs. James Russell Harris, Mis.
William P. Braun, Mrs. John P. Lelgo,
Mrs. Harry B. Hlrsh, Mrs. Rollln II. Wil
bur. Mrs. Joseph Leldy, Mrs. lCdward ('.
Dixon, Mrs, K. Foeiderer, Mis. B. U.
Mooie. Miss L. M. Wi Ight, Mrs. W. Con
stantino Pope, Mrs. Joseph lClias and Mrs.
Maurlta Leef.-on.
L'labor.uo preparations aie being made
by the members of the Children's Ward
Auxiliary of the Samaritan Hospital,
Broad and Ontaiio streets, for a muslcalo
and dance to be given on the evening of
Tuesday, March 28, In the ballroom of the
Bcllevuo-Stratfoiil, In aid of tho roof gar
den fund of the hospital. Tho small porch
used for the crippled children la inade
quate to the number caieil for and tho roof
garden is a necessity for tho cases that
need fresh-air treatment. The very at
tractive mid Interesting program Includes
a song octe. Cadman's "Morning of the
Year." as well as vocal an instrumental
solos. Tho artists who wl" ako part arc
Mlsa Mno Farley, soprano ; Miss Eliza
beth Bonner, contralto : Mr. Joseph Mc
Glynn, tenor: Mr. Russell Spruance, bari
tone : Mr. Carl Doerlng. pianist ; Mrs.
Doering, accompanist, nnd Master David
Cohen, violinist. The auxiliary includes
Miss Mary 15. Stone, president; Miss Sara
L. Gory, vice president; Mrs. O. C. Bruce,
secretary; Mrs. Klslo M. Ralthol, treas
urer ; Mrs. Laura M Southwlck, chairman
of the Hntertalnment Committee; Miss
Hleauor Bernstein, Miss Marian Bcrtolet,
Miss Anna Croe, Mrs. W. Gerhab, Miss
Klcanor Gill, Mrs. Frederick Herbert,
Miss Harriet O'Hara, Miss Mary O'Hara,
Miss May Petty, Miss Klslo Relger. Mrs.
J. Talln Spruance, Mrs. John R. Young,
Jr., Dr. Laura II. Cornell, Mrs. Roger II.
Horton and Mrs. M. L. Stone.
Tho Jolly Twelve Sewing Clrclo gave a
Dutcli'supper on Sunday evening nt tho
home of one of Its members. Miss Jennie
Ingber, of 1219 West Girard avenue.
Among those present wero Mlsa Rose Rice,
Miss Jennlo Ingber, Miss Bessie David,
Miss Eva Oxraaii, Miss Bertha Benjamin,
Miss Mary Oxmau, Mits Kate Rosenthal.
Miss May Rosen, Miss Reba Sadoff, MKs
Anna Sadoff, Miss Frances Roscnfcldt,
Miss Jennie Carr. Mr. Jack Weiss, Mr.
Meyer Gilbert, Mr. Benjamin Wclnstcln.
Mr. Joseph Snyder, Mr. Rlee, Doctor
Blum.; Mr. Max Plncus, Mr. Mux Ingber,
Dr. Harry Cohen, Mr. Albert Lelpslc. Mr.
Benjamin Davis and Dr. Maurice A.
Asher. The guests wero entertained by
Mr. Weiss at the piano with several vocal
selections by Mr. Gilbert. Dancing fol
lowed. The next meeting of tho sewing
clrclo will bo held nt tho homo of Miss
Bet tha Benjamin, on Tuesday evening, at
1208 Jackson street.
Miss Martha Sillers and Miss Frances
Sillers entertained tho Sigma 'Mou Club
and tho Knywond Mlnstiels on Tuesday
evening nt their home, 2012 Hllsworth
street. Those present wero Miss Anna
Corrlgan, Miss Margaret Whalen, Miss
Kathryn Coll. Miss Margnrot Corrlgan,
Mlsa Xona Mae Thomas, Miss Kathryn
O'Brien, Mr. John McCusker, Mr. Joseph
Bell. Mr. Thomas Campbell, Mr. Frank
f'onley, Mr. Charles Biawley, Mr. Frank
Farrell nnd Dr. A. G. Reld.
Mr. Armond Bencdlctls entertained at
his home, 107 Huntingdon pike, Rutledge,
to eclebrnto his 21st birthday. Among
those present wero Mr. and Mrs. Yuehlnii,
Mr. Bradley, Mr. Taylor, Mr. W. Bur
goyno, Mr. Uosslar, Miss Margaret Mu
t'uon, Miss May McCuen, Mr. J. McCuen,
Miss Naomi Relber. Miss . mni.i Roiber,
Mlsa Ruth Relber, Miss Florence Relber,
Mr and Mr". Weber. Mls. M, Morrison
Mi J. Bniinnn. -Miss M. O'Brien. Mi.'.s M
Kanuoii. Mr Burin,, All. and Mrs. urangers.
of Atlantio t'lty; Air. .1 Itezzo. Mr. Iti.'li
nrd DeUin. Mr. and Mrs GucrrazKo, Mn-i
T VRTf1, Tonight at 8-.1G Sharp
Uixvxv; Regular Mat. Tomorrow
JOB WUur.lt Presents
"The Only Girl"
By Henry Illosiom una luor llerheit
It's Almost Too Good to Be True
Just One Darn l.uutli After Another
Most Every One Sees It Twice
This i. Next Week. Evgs. 8:1,1
Matinee Tomorrow at 3 :10
Popular Weil. Mutlnces. Mc to JI..-.I)
TVinorvo MARKET nnl
V.U PfcTZ..i.'-Contlnuouill
A M to 11V. II luo. 15e. 25o
"A Night With the Poets"
Clifford Hippie & Co. '"SgW"
11 IS A.M to 11;15 P.M.
Mae Murray and Wallace Reid
Added Scento: Quaint Volendam ! Holland)
Aoota BEl, sbJ STUDIES (NO, 3)
10c 1214 Market tide
10 A. M. to 11:13 1' M
Charlotte Walker
tg. Trail of the Lonesome Pine
10 A, II to 11:15 P. M.
Bessie Barriseale
In The Goivkii Haw '
Knickerbocker "a'ffVS
Mt., -, Tlvr 8-
Paulino Strolhbeck, Mr. 74. J, Frederick,
Miss sr. Gallagher, Miss A. Esmond, Mr
Reynolds, Miss Ruth Reynolds, Miss Helen
Reynolds and Miss Mny Reynolds.
A delightful gathering was held at the
home of Miss Clara Wolf, 3913 Ridge ave
mte, on Sunday evening In honor of tha
Twentieth Century Social. Among thoo
present were Miss Freda Silverman, Miss
Frances RosotT. Stls-) Jcannctte Cooper,
Miss Eleanor Within. Mlis Esther Moore,
Mlsa Leah Strauss, Miss Minerva Feldsteln,
Miss Edith Prlnelvallc. Mr. Edward J.
Steinberg. Mr. Maxwell M, Farbcr, Mr. I.
William Gash. Mr. Joseph E. Segal, Mr.
Samuel Abrnms. Mr. Nathaniel Selbst,
Mr. Joseph Weinberg, Mr. Albert Gordon
nnd Mr. Maurlco Blausteln.
A cry elebornte Dutch supper wai
given by Mr. nnd Mis. Krakovltz, of 1921
Moynmenslng avenue, in honor of .the
engagement of their daughter, Miss Rose
Krakovltz, to Mr. Rosen. Among those
present were Miss Jean Baron, Miss Rae
Union, Miss Pearl Burnstlnc, Miss Sarah
(Irrson. Ml.-m Fannie Cohen, Mlsa Mary
Segel, Miss Ethel Wolf, Miss Rcba Melt
zcr, Miss Gertrude Silver, Miss Helen Mar
golls, Miss Matilda Lovit nnd Miss Mclbft
The nert meeting of the Unlquo Club
will tnko place nt tho home of Miss Mary
Sogol, E810 Clirlstlan street.
A euchre and GOO In nid of St Vincent's
Homo will bo glcn nt the orphanage, 20th
nnd Raco streets, tomorrow afternoon nt
3 o'clock. Those entertaining on the occa
sion aio Mrs. Abrnms. Mis. Maron, Miss
Hnney and Mrs. Thomas F. Tcrnan.
The Atnleu Gills entci tallied In honor
of their new members last Sunday evening
nt the home of Miss Jenn Rosenthal and
Miss Tilllo Rosenthal. 1103 Locust street
Among those present were Mr. Samuel
Abrnms, Mr. Samuel Fondrlch, Mr. Lewis
l-'lncbcrg, Mr. Barney Baron, Mr. SlnlcofT,
Mr. William D Holtz. Mr. Nathans. Mr.
Joseph Young, Mr. Joseph .Vcff. Mr. Sam
uel Got don, Mr. Robert Rosenthal. Mr
Harry Hlrsh, Mr. Lawrence Hershman.
Mr. John Kessler, Miss Lena Znngwtll,
Miss Reba Zangwill, Miss Grnco Kendall
Miss Tilllo Solomaii, Miss Rose Welsberg.
Miss Adele Simon, Miss Estolla Simon,
Miss Minnie Novak. Miss Sara Novak, MIsS
Fannie Jasper, Miss Eleanor Dcnkln, Miss
Bessie Flneborg, Miss Frnncea Klrshner,
Mlas Fannie Krasny and Miss Lena Fox.
Dancing and singing furnished entertain
ment for the evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bauhaus, or 44
North G2d street, entertained at one ot
a series of entertainments given to the
B. V. M. S. of the Church of Our Lady
of the Rosary on Wednesday evening.
The guest of honor wns tho Rev. Joseph
T. McDermott. Musical sketches were
lendored by Miss A. Gallagher, Miss D.
Peterson nnd Miss C. Joffre. A piano
solo by Miss A. Gallagher, accompanied
by Mr. Joseph Fitzgerald, was given.
Among tho guests were Miss M. Bond.
Miss E. Ryan, Miss M. McMennamln, Miss
A. Gallagher, Mlsa M. Walsh. Miss B.
Hurley, Miss D. Peterson. Miss A. Has
son, Miss Agnes Walsh. Miss It Hurley,
Miss 1!. Gold. Miss K. Joftre, Mr. J.
Lucy, Mr. J. Gallagher. Mr. J. Mooney,
Mr. A. Bauhaus, Mr. J. Fitzgerald, Mr.
M. Hasson, Mr. M. Flaherty, Mr. W. Has
soti, Mr. J. McKittrlck, Mr. J Morlarltjr
and Mr. J. Whit.
with her glad treatment, ni delightfully Illus
trated in Klnw & Drlnnger nnd George
Tyler's beautiful comedy presentation
1 Vigorously Prescribed by
tiiu nnv. dii. Joseph Kit.ursKOPF IN
"The wonder cures which Polly
anna effected by her gladness wo
might all effect. All around ua are
people sorely in need of that medi
cine and of no other. Let ua LEA11N
Ufrs. at S:13. Mats Weil, ti Sat. at 2HB
Best Seats 51.50 at Wednesday Matinee.
B. F. Keith's Theatre
A Whole Show of Laughs!
Will M. Cressy & Blanche Dayno
Last 2 Evgs,
Lnst Mat.
'"' M'lbl.'MY OK MUSIC
Tonight 8:15 Tomor, Mat. 2:30
60c, "Bo & il nt Henna's Amp. at Acad, 25o
Pl-mcrfmr Qf PEA HOUSE
OllUotUUt OU Chestnut Uelow 11th St
I'tnimis (1 Hpi I Feutui.' I ato-i-jimi
by an All-Star Slock Company & Ku.iturlns
AMAN. HURTON 1'LAKK and Others.
Seats. 10c. 15c', r.o Continuous t! to 11 p. M
LTuYutfe'Vim"' Hnensel und Gretel
Followed Pocrlionni Mme CAJATTi.
Conductor, Mr llAVAONOLI Seats, Jlpt
Chestnut. Walnut -HS1. Race 67,
A "ni?T PWT T1"8 N"' w'(k Only
iiUlilJUmi Reeular Mat, Tomorrow
The Ereat FUe-Star AesreeaUen
wm ii. crane thos. w nosa
EDITH TALIAFERRO and Capable Compan
hi Uronaun Howard's Oreat Comedy
Recital ti , ..Nfv SI". UUIll. -ji London.
..n- i Hi" 8- Aft Mf-' 11 a In
Tickets. 50c to tl- UnUerstty Extension Bo
Ojttee. Whjwrspoon IlMv.
TXrli-,-ii4- PoP- MaU- Tues. A Thura.
W Sill U Ti i!6c. (Uc Reg- Mat. Sat
Evgs. anc to tt nn higher
AC DBMY -Seats at Heppe's. HID Chestnut
Philadelphia l70 Tomor. i
r Orchestra I usASVt
nixon sniss-spii
Tonlsht at 7 and 0 I AdflaUe FairesUd
Co , CMataond Z. Oram. Lohaa terilns.
IJiU's II. unds Ulnars,
illUtiH1-"'' 'V.1 tH tU 'WB4f