Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, March 09, 1916, Night Extra, Page 9, Image 9

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CKArTKU X (Continued)
... .it i,v tirntidlsheil their long
TtPtara and yelled U' wild Comanchcs.
. ..u nnt tlie slightest Attention to them,
i.iwnr nulellv townr.1 them ns though
.m of their existence. My manner
Khe effect upon them that 1 had hoped.
H?.-.Mnie tiulto near toeether they
Sued I their savage shoutlnB.
tt was evleiom umi " ....................
I' "' i i n m nf thorn, thug
""t.'.ntlnc that which they moat enjoyed, a
Kfhln target nt vhlch to cast
.L.l. inailTft.
..what do you here?" ahouted one. and
v o. he recognized me, "Ho ' It la the
iho claim? to he from another rrorld
i,?who escaped when the thay ran
'"u'clc within the amphitheatre, nut why
5? you return, having onco made good
T0"reS". wano.'" t replied. "I but
n away to nvold the thag, na did others,
. mlnr Into n long passage I becamo
infused and lost my way In the foothills
f"..j tihiurn Only now havo I found
... I.ntr
Aml von como of your frco will back
Itjomi Phutra
tnfhutra1 e.xcmimcci onu ui mu kuuiuh-
""Whera elso might 1 go7" I nslted.
f m a stranger within Pellucldnr and
W M o her who. e than I'liutrn. Why
Kd I not lc"-c t" ' 1'lwtra? Am
? m well fed and welt treated? Am I
Jot happy7 What 1,otlcr lot co man
ilne Sagothi scratched their heads.
This was a new ono on them, and so bo
ln stupid brute they toolc me to their
miitcrs, whom they felt would bo better
filed to sole the rlddlo of my return,
for rlddlo they still considered It.
I had Bpoken to tho Sngoths ns I had
for the purpoo of throwing them ofC
the scent of tny purposed attempt nt es
cape If they thought that I was so
utlsfled with my lot within Phutrn that
t would voluntarily return when I had
once had so excellent an opportunity to
escape they would never for an Instant
Imagine that I could be occupied In ar
ranging another escape Immediately upon
jny return 10 mo my.
So they led mo before the slimy Mnhar
irho clung to a slimy rock within tho largo
room that was the thing's olllco.
With cold, reptilian eyes tho crenturo
seemed to boro through the thin veneer
of my deceit and read my Inmost
thoughts. It heeded the story which tho
Sagoths told of my return to Phutra,
watching tho gorlllamon's lips nnd lingers
during the recital. Then It questioned
me through ono of the Sagoths.
"You say you returned to Phutra of
rour own free will because you think
yourself better oft here than elsewhere.
Do you not know that you may bo tho
next chosen to gUo up your life In tho
interests of tho wonderful scientific In
vestigations that our learned ones uro
continually occupied with?"
I hadn't heard of anything of that
nature, but I thought best not to admit It.
"I could be In no moro danger here,"
I said, "than naked und unarmed In the
savage jungles or upon tho lonely plains
of Pcllucldar. I was fortunate, I think,
to return to Phutra nt nil. As It was, I
barely escaped death within tho Jaws of a
huge slthlc.
"No; I am sura that I nm safer In
the hands of intelligent creatures such
M rule Phutra. At least, such would
be tho case In my own world, where
human beings llko myself rulo supreme.
'There the higher races of man extend
protection and hospitality to tho stranger
within their gates. Being- a stranger hero.
I naturally assumed that a llko courtesy
would be accorded me."
The Sfahar looked at mo In silenijo for
somo time after I censed speaking nnd
tho Sagoth had translated my words to
his mnstcr. Tho crcaluro seemed deep In
Presently she communicated Rome mes
sage to tho Sagoth. The latter turned
and, motioning mc to follow him, left tho
presence of the reptile. Behind nnd on
either side of mo marched the balance, of
tho guard.
"What nro they going to do with mo?"
I asked tho fellow nt my right.
"Vou nro to appear before the learned
ones, who will ttucstlon you regarding
this strnngo world from which you say
you come."
After a moment's silence ho turned tu
me ngnln.
"Do you happen to know," ho asked,
"what tho Mahars do to slaves who llo
to them?"
"No," I replied; "nor does It Interest
me. as I linvo no Intention of lying to
the SInhars."
"Then be careful thnt you don't repeat
tho Impossible tnlo you told Holto-to Just
now. Another world, Indeed, where human
ueings rule r lie concluded In line scorn
cannot understand, I know that I am
not mad, nnd I am equally nuro that you
nre not! but how In the world aro wo
to nccount for the strange hallucinations
that each of U9 seems to harbor relative
to tho passago of tlmo alnco last we saw
one another?
"You aro positive that months have
gone by, while to mo It seems equally
certain that not moro than an hour ngo
I sat beside you In tho amphitheatre. Can
V pon tho left Ri.m.M., .. ...,. " l'c V.'at ?? " r Wit n,l a the
was burnpd n, ,., . ., .. . """" fame limo both nre wrong? First ten mo
".!Ttt time It is, and then maybe t can
slaving names" hoivo our problem, uo you eaten my
'ThnrA u .,.-., V - .... MneamnB7'
ii, " , , , " ""'er nimiice lor me,
.:.'.... sont l0 tne arena, and none
nt nil If the learned ones drag mo to tho
"You nro quite right." ho replied; "but
H V? fc,lcllnlc yourself too quickly
should you bo sent to tne nrena, for there
Is scarce one in a thousand who comes out
To my Riirprlf.? they returned me to the
samo building In which I had been con
fined with Perry and ilhak before my cs
cape. .At the doorway I was turned ocr
to the guatds there
"I to will doubtless lie called before tho
Investigators shortly." said he who had
brought mo back, "so have him In readi
ness." CHAPTER XI.
T1M2 guards In whose hands I now found
myself, upon hearing that I had re
turned of my own volition to Phutra, cvl-
"Hut It Is tho truth," I Insisted. "From letly felt thnt It would bo safo to give mo
wliero clso did I como? I nm imf i.f tvi.
lucldar. Any ono with halt an eyo could
sco that."
"It Is your misfortune, then," he re
marked, dryly, "that you mny not be
Judged by one with but half nn eye."
"What will they do with mo," I asked,
"If they do not havo n mind to bcllevo
"You may bo sentenced to tho nrena, or
go to the jilts to bo used In research work
by tho learned ones," ho replied,
"And what will they do with mo there?"
I persisted.
"So ono knows except the Mahars and
those who go to tho pits with them, but
as tne latter never return their knowl
edge does them but little good. It Is said
that tho learned ones cut up their sub
jects while they nro yet alive, thus
learning many useful things.
"However, I should not imnglno that it
wouhj prove, useful to him who was being
out up; but of course, this Is all but
conjecture. Tho chances aro that ere
long you will know much more about It
than I," and ho grinned as he spoke. Tho
Sagoths havo a well-developed sense of
"And suppose It Is tho nrena," I con
tinued. "Whnt then?"
"You saw tho two who met the tarag
and tho thng tho time that you escaped?"
ho asked.
"Your end In the arena would be similar
to what was intended for them," he ex
plained, "though of course tho same kind
of animals might pot bo employed."
"It la sure death In either event?" I
"What becomes of thoso who go below
with tho learned ones I uo not know, nor
docs any other," ho icplled, "but those
who go to tho arena may come out alivo
and thus regain their liberty, ns did the
two whom you saw."
"They gained their liberty? And how?"
"It la tho custom of the Mahars to lib
erate thoso who remain allvo within tho
nrena after tho beasts depart or are killed.
Thus It has happened that several mighty
wnrrlors from far distant lands, whom
we have captured on our slave raids, have
battled with the brutes turned in upon
them and slain them, thereby winning
their freedom.
"In tho Instance which you witnessed
the beasts killed one another, but tho re
sult was tho same tho man and woman
wero liberated, furnished with weapons
and started on their homeward journey.
my llhertV Within tlin lilllMhm, nn l.n.t l.n
the cutim before t had ramped, and so
I wns told to return to whatever duty had
been mine formerly
My flist act was to -hunt up Perry,
whom I found poring, ns usual, over tho
great tomes that ho waa supposed to ho
merely dusting and loai-ranglng upon new
Aa I entered tho room bo glanced up
nnd nodded pleasantly to mc, only to
rcsiimo his work na though I had never
been away at all.
I waa both astonished nnd hurt nt hla
Indifference. And to think that I waa
risking death to return to him puroly
from n sense of duty and affection!
"Why Perry!" I exclaimed, "havo not
you n word for mo nftcr my long ab
sence?" "Long absence" ho repeated In evident
nstonisliment. "What do you mean?"
"Are you crazy, Perry? Do you mean
to say that you have not missed mo since
thnt time wo wero separated by the charg
ing thng within tho arenn?"
That time," " bo repented. "Why.
I did, nnd paid so.
"Yes," continued tho old man, "wo nre
both right. To mc, bent over my book
here, there has been no lapso of time.
I havo done little or nothing to waste my
energies nnd so havo required neither
food nor sleep
"You, on the contrary, havo walked nnd
fought and wasted strength nnd tissue
which must needs bo rebuilt by nutri
ment nnd food, and so, having eaten nnd
slept many times slnco last you saw mo
you naturally measure the lapse of time
largely by these acts. As n matter of
fact, David, t nm rapidly coming to tho
conviction thnt thero Is no Mich thing as
"Surely there can bo no tlmo hero
within Pellucldnr, where there nre no
means for measuring or recording time.
Why tho Mahars themselves tnko no nc
count of such n thing ns time. I find
hero In nil their literary works but a
single tenso, tho present. There seems to
be neither past nor future with them.
Of course. It Is Impossible for our outer
earthly minds to grasp such n condition,
but our recent experiences seem to dem
onstrate Its existence"
It wns too big a subject for me, nnd I
said so, but Perry seemed to enjoy nothing
hetter than speculating on It, nnd nftcr lis
tening with Interest to my nccount of tho
ndventuros through which I had passed he
returned once moro to the subject, which
he was cnlnrglng upon with considerable
Muency whan ho waa Interrupted by the
entrance of a Sngoth.
"Come," commanded tho Introduer,
beckoning to mo. "Tho Investigators
would speak with you."
"Good-by, Perry," I said, clasping tho
old man's hand. "There may be nothing
but tho present and no such thing as time,
but I feel that I am about to tako a trip
Into tho hereafter, from which I shall
nccr return.
"If you nnd Ghnk should manago to
cscapo I want you to promise mo that
you will find Dlnn tho Beautiful, and tell
her that with my last words I nsked hnr
forgiveness for tho unintentional affront I
put upon her, and that my ono wish was
i -
Tni continual workirvj txvd
It just keep5 me
wondering vjkc,t it will
Dot then wKen you talk
it "fcJl over vou see.
Ttat life, in tke-
fc.b&trt.ct is quite ( (
u,y u iioy
Ex-Directors Porter and Dripps Urged En
forcement of Law Which Aims to Aid
Prisoners' Families, but Got No Results
flood form qucrtes should be nil
dressed to Deborah Hush, written on
one slrtr of the pnticr and stynrd with
full iinmr and address, thonnh Intllnh
OXLY will be liubllshcd upon rnucif.
On Tuesday c spoko on the subject of
dancing nnd the correct way for a girl to
place her left hand Now we come to the
right hand The holding of tho right
Herewith nre the stories of two deserted wives, through whose
poverty and misery the County of Philadelphia profits; and they arc
only two "of hundreds" who are waiting helplessly for the enforcement
of the stone nile act of 1913, throunh which imprisoned htishnttda nnrl
fathers earn H.'i cents a day for the support of their deserted families,
xvoi. one ceni of mc money ns uccn paut.
The simple stories were told to Miss Anna U, Hums, a social worker,
who has graphically transcribed them for this, her fourth of a scries of
iiinra.1 on Hucnii reurn jor tne nvcmiii neagcr,
"Sixty-five cents a day would help to pay for bread and coke," st
the deserted mother of nine children. The other, a nouna wife. nnua. "t
cannot cam enough to support myself and the baby.
The county has the bread, coke and baby money.
ii ' . ,. .. ."...... ... . . . .
hand does not depend upon the girl a4 it lu " ' l" Z?, ti , Z
(., ..I,,.! i.. ,. ...-.... i-.. i ii.... i.. one with the power
... cum.' 1,111.1 iiitut n ivu iitiiiiit iiui ik irt
nveryhody social workers, chnrltablo
organizations, city olllelala nnd politicians
apparently believes tho stono pllo law
man. I have but Just returned from tho j to bo spared long enough to right tho
arena. 1 ou reached hero almost as soon
as I.
"Had you been much later I should In
deed have been worried, and ns It is, I
had intended asking you about how you
escaped tho beast na soon as I had com
pleted the translation of this most inter
esting passage. "
"Perry, you nro mnd," I exclaimed,
wrong thnt I had dono her.
Tears came to Perry's eyes.
"I cannot bcllco but that you will re
turn. David," he said. "It would bo awful
to think of living out tho bnlancu or my
life among these hateful and rcpul.sltc
creatures without you. If you aro taken
away I shall never escape, for I feel that
I am as well off hero aa I should be any-
I , hnlv Ji,.v"T l',W T ' wllero wlthl" this buried world,
I have been nwny. I have been to other i mv t)ov . 00.i.i,.. i
within Pellucldnr. seen the Mai ars at I J,h?n ,hla, ,olct M"?1 T1 l"'0.';0'
Il,r.lr wnrahh. In thnlr !,l,l,1 . 1 ...! aml n ' "M 'l'" 'nCO III Ills lmtllll the
barely escaped with my life from -them ftf! 1SV .'.'S n" "M
nnd from n great labyrlnthodon that I
met afterward, following my long and te
dious wanderings ncross an unknown
"I must have been nway for months,
Perry, nnd now you barely look up from
your work when I return nnd insist that
we have been separated but a moment.
Is that any way to treat a friend? I'm
surprised nt you, Perry, and If I'd thought
for n moment that you cared no more
for mo thnn this I should not have re
turned to chnnco death at the hands of tho
Mahara for your sake."
The old man looked nt mo for n long
tho (moulder nnd hustled mo from tho
I chamber.
A moment later I was standing before
a dozen Mnhnrs tho ofllclnl Investigators
of Phutra. They asked me many ques
tions through a Sngoth Interpreter.
I answered them all truthfully. Thoy
seemed particularly interested In my nc
count of tho outer earth and the strange
vehicle which had brought Perry and me
to Pellucldnr.
During this npparcnt silence they were
debating through the medium of their
strange, unspoken language tho mcrlta of
my talc. At last tho head of tho tribunal
tlmo before he spoke. There wii a mn- ' communicated tho result of their confer-
zlcd expression upon his wrinkled face.
and a look of hurt aoirow In Ills eyes.
"David, my boy," ho said, "how could
you for a moment doubt my lovo for you?
Thero la something strange hero that I
Dear Children Take a comfortable chair, sit where the light falls over
your left shoulder (because you read from left to right) and hear the
Wonderful doings of our club last Saturday afternoon.
ve nan a rcul live entertainment. Everything was clone oy our memoers
nd we had, for the first time, a beautiful system which worked wonderfully.
Of course, one of our little boys so far forgot himself as to quarrel with
one of the girls, and we told him to go home and try to be a gcntlc-man. He
Another of our boys tried to get over into the trenches of another boy
ind there was war right nway. So we told him to kiss the boy he had
offended or go home.
He went.
With so many children to handle wo have to use different methods of
persuasion. If anybody gets mad we might just as well stop having our
When you consider that tho Rainbow Club started with a table and two
chairs and lias grown until we now have the entire half of the ground floor of
608 Chestnut street, you will see that we are progressing very rapidly.
We hope to have a piano before very long and also a phonograph. If
any of you children have a piano which you do not need, we wish you would
please put it in your pocket and bring.it down some afternoon after school.
We do not need anything except the kindly interest of our members and
of our good friends, the grown-ups, and just as soon as any ono gives a book or
anything else to our club, they become INTERESTED IN US.
When you put money in bank you want interest, and what we want, the
ame as the bank, is interest in our club. FARMER SMITH,
Children's Editor, Evening Ledgeh.
Our Postoflice Box
-- - viuiisij , jca, iv m- v until"
cap that llttlo Madeline I-arkln, South
"J street, has on her dark locks. She
is a" little swimmer
S'"Vto 1 mm to provo it sue
t''2fcW$tL ,n her bathing suit!
infill mr ii.... .... ......
nun iimuy iiiuiu
little girl athletes
have we among our
Norrls Longnker
writes about his dog
Snooks, Snooks gets
a bath every week,
and his coat Is a
beautiful reddish-
brown until hft goes
lum.... '- orown until no coes
It i. a "KIN ut t6 play, and then
g ',"" Plain brown. Please send
anv mi, plclure for th0 Tet Column. If
k. ,. ?r Rainbows have pets we would
(Net,"' uear about them and to have their
e nm 'Peaking of pets reminds me
iau. me,te "aney. of dermantown
UmVrt owns a ve"" cIever dB
rM Sport. This tlmo .Wllllamette
L 1 tW!u about Snort i slo wrote about
Hoytai iT1-her '"o'her Is thinking of
We'rnlkU'f for? M' f'or a Rainbow
d lwlnB Clrclj sn't tha '
hSJ,, dld,t wait for the summer
j 'e.Helr vacation. Thev ran inv
rlrht h! it fome salt alr uh'1 sunshtno
. Mfc iun-ii wiuus. vney
Evening) i.Epaun:
I wish to become a member of your
Rainbow Club, rieaso send mo a beau
tiful Rainbow Button free. I agree
School I attend
Zywi .
Uu .i" htt Ennll.l, l,ll ... .
Kn'rtnfr,,'b9 b?" r btwcn
Balnblw "formation ,to Joaeph Cat
iobow, la care of Farmer Smith.
&t. Jan, ta now" ' -
rT M COIODtta tar II.. i . ..
wrapped up a bit of Atlantic City in an
envelope and Bent It to your editor.
Wasn't that fun? CelU Blake Is working
very hard for tho Rainbows and desoivcs
much credit! Little Althca Baghuist, 7
years old and . In thu 2d grado at ner
school in Telford, I'a., Joined the Rain
bows last week.
Pauline Buuchel and Freda Antlnoiih. of
Euclid avenue, are seriously considering
forming a "Kindness to Animal" branch
of the Rainbows. We heartily Indorse
this plan and will be very much Inter
ested to hear more about It. Nelson
Nelms, Honey Brook. I'a., is an artist of
some merit, but please remember, Nelso.ii,
black ink on white paper! Doimto Dam
Ico, , Isemingei air -at. is another artist
whoso drawings might be marked 98 per
cent, but for the fact that they are madi
in pencil Helen.J.eltier, Catharine street,
S years old. Is a clever little story writer
and we were disappointed not to receive a
story about "Tho Newsboy" in her very
neat handwriting.
Little Jeffries Murr, i ycara old, Is our
first Media Rainbow. He lives on North
avenue and is in Grade 1 at school. Wo
suspect he knows how to draw, and we
would like to know If we are right.
Margaret Grundy, Franktord. and Eliza.
belli lluuu. Hollywood street, nave worueu
very hard at getting new members for the
club. Many thanks, little girls. Evan
Lewis. North 59 th street. Joined the I'in
Money Squad. Matthew Fainter wants
the Rainbow to make 'ii words out of
Rainbow Clb Mary Neary. Cora4 street,
pent In u. story with a very original title
Don't you Uka that AufiI Dovercaux
gallery. Roy Glllesnio drew a nlcturo of
your Farmer and we laughed and laughed
and laughed. Raymond Smith, Gray's ave
nue. Is a puzzle solver of tho flrst rank.
Catai.auq.ua, I'a., sends us n new mem
ber in tho person of John Llpsky, who
made a very good beginning by answering
tho questions of "Things to Know." An
other little out-of-town member. Esther
Judovlch, of Albion place. Atlantic City,
mnkes a good beginning by asking a ques
tion, which means, of course, that she is
willing to learn. She wants to know
"what wo aro doing In Philadelphia."
Will somo of tho heads of tho branch
clubs wrlto to tho P. O. box tho sort of
letters that answer Esther's question?
Speaking of out-of-town members. Morrell
JJovlln, of Couldnle, I'a., sent In a list of
61 new ones from tho town In which ho
lives. We would like to bhake hands with
this young man and thank him for his
splendid effort.
Mr. Fraas, tho kind uncle of Elizabeth
Miles, of North Peach street, wrote the
following poem for the, Rainbows:
A Rainbow Motto
Little words of kindness.
Kindly nets and deeds:
These shall wo do every day.
To All the world's sad needs.
So let oery llttlo Rainbow,
Shed its glorious colors and hue,
Let our motto bo
Faith, hope, love, for me and you.
Mrs. Maltese Cat's Bath
Tho cold March winds wero whirring
around tho barn when Dobbin, the horse,
began to get uneasy. Ho turned every
little while to look behind him, and sud
denly ho saw n shadow.
"Ha ha!" ho exclaimed. "It Is you
once more, Mrs. Maltese Cat, and why
nre you so wet? I thought you disliked
water ery much."
"So I do. So I do," said Mrs. Cat,
very meekly, "nut this bath was thrust
upon mo."
"How could a bath be thrust upon
'That naughty boy did it," replied Mrs.
"Naughty? Why he Is the sweetest boy
in the world to me and I wish he would
glvo me a bath, Why, do you know,"
Dobbin dropped his voice, "ho rides on
my back."
"That's all very lovely, but small boys
do not llko cats besides, he caught mo
"A tiny mouse will run away with you
borne day, if you don't watch out," said
Dobbin, trying not to inugli.
"Yes, and that Is not nil. His mother
asked him what waa the matter with me
and he told her that I had been washing
myself." iald Mrs. Cat. expecting Dobbin
to sympathize with her.
"You ior thing." answered Dobbin.
"PLEASE, get out of tho way I am going
to cry. and I might wet you."
"Such is life!" exclaimed Mrs. Cat, as
bho went out to the barn and seated
herself In the sun to dry.
Thingsto Know
J. What is the difference between
gambol and gamble?
2. Draw a picture of the nicest chair
In the house. (Black Ink on white paper).
3. Give the autobiography of a cup of
enco to tho ohlcor In charge of the S.igoth
"Come," he said to me, "you nro sen
tenced to tho experimental pits for having
dared to Insult tho Intelligence of tho
mighty ones with tho ridiculous tnlo you
havo had tho temerity to unfold to them."
"Do you mean that thoy do not believe
mo?" I asked, totally astonished.
"Belle-o you !" ho laughed. "Do you
mean to say that you expected any one
to believe so Impossible a He?"
It was hopeless, and so I walked In si
lence bcsldo my guard down through dnrk
corridors ana runways toward my awful
doom. At a low level we came upon a
number of lighted chambers, in which wo
saw many SInhars engaged in various
occupations. To ono of theso chambers
my gunrd escorted mo, und before leav
ing they chained me to a sldo wall.
Thero wero other humans similarly
chained. Upon a long table lay a victim
even as I was ushered Into tho room. Sev
ern! Mnhars stood about tho poor crea
ture, holding him down so thnt ho could
not move. Another, grasping a sharp
knife with her three-toed forefoot, was
laying open tho victim's chest nnd abdo
men. No nnesthetlc had been administered,
nnd the shrieks nnd groans of tho tor
tured man wero terrible to hear.
This, indeed, was vivisection with a
vengennce. Cold sweat broke out upon me
ns I realized that soon my turn would
And to think that where there was no
such thing as time, I might easily Imagine
that my suffering was er ring for months
before death finally rcle.ed me!
Tho Mnhars had paid not tho sllghcst
attention to me as I had been brought
Into tho room. So deeply rmmersed were
they In their work that I am sure they
did not even know that the Sagoths had
entered with me. ,
ery bad form for a man to hold the arm
up In tho nlr or twist It Into a stiff position
linir turned bark. In dnnc tic ns In many
other things, the easiest and most nat
ural position It the most correct nnd
graceful. I havo been observing u num
ber of persons who aro quite proficient In
the dance step, but present n most un
graceful appearance. Some men uto the
gill's right nrm ns a sort of pump handle
and keep time to the music by their wild
gesticulations. The arm should bo held
out from the sldo not stretched to 'an ex
treme length or held In close to the shoul
der These llttlo observations nro very
necessary to good form In dancing.
Service Plates
Dcnr Hcbaiah Hush Wilt you please
tell mo In tho EvnNiNn Lunor.u the uo
of service plates. Aro they used during;
tho entire course dinner or only for
oysters nnd soup nnd brought back with
tho salad and dessert. I nm very
nnxlotiH to know tho correct way. Since
we moved out of town, I linvo becomo
acquainted with very nlco people and
do not wish to maltu a mistake. Thank
ing you In advance. IGNORANT.
Service or placo plates are used under
linrs d'oeuvres, oyster plates, soup plates,
dessert plates and linger bowls. It Is cus
tomary to have a place plato which may
be put on tho table between courses, but
It is always icmovcd when tho meat
plate, salad plato or that used for any
otner course than those mentioned, is
placed in front of the person.
Hand Kissing
)rnr Deborah Hush Havo been read
ing your interesting column, and would
like to ask you to enlighten mo on a mat
ter which has been puzzling mo for some
tlmo. I have been keeping company with
a girl, who I always thought knew Just
what's what in matters of etiquette.
At a party some tlmo ago sho was
Introduced to a man I am miro sho had
never seen before in her life. As ho was
presented to her I saw him kiss her hand.
In fact, ho did it quito openly. When I
spoko of It later, sho said that hand-klss-Ing
under such circumstances wan quite
permissible I havo seen It dono on the
stage and In tho "movies," but, suroly.
hand-kissing under such circumstances is
nn undue familiarity. My girl friend nnd
I havo argued about tho matter. Please
enlighten me. R. G. DONALD.
Tho joung lady Is correct. It Is a per
missible thing for a man to kiss a woman's
hand on being presented to her, but It
Is quito a foreign custom and not often
done in this country.
It Is very bad form to use tho term
"Keep company" also the "girl friend" Is
not Used In correct circles.
Letters of Condolence
Dear Deborah Hush Will you please
advise mo as to the following: A married
acquaintance of mine has lost her mother:
In writing a letter of condolence, shall I
wrlto to Mrs. Blank nlone, or Miould the
letter bo written to Mr. and Mrs Blank?
It doesn't seem to bo quito natuial to
write to tho husband In this case, and yet
I know that in sending other communi
cations, such as Invitations nnd Christ
mas greetings, they should be directed to
both tho husband and wife. Your nnswer
will greatly relieve, PUZZLED.
Tho letter should ho written to Mrs
Blank. A communication nddressed to
both In these circumstances would sound
rntner rorced.
Should n Man Offer His Arm?
iJccir Deborah Hush Which nrm should
a man offer to a lady when walking on
tho street? I will bo obliged If you will
answer this in Thursday's Kvnvvi
LundEii? JACK.
It is not usual for a man to offer his
nrm to a woman on tho street. It Is In
fact very bad form unless tho lady Is lame
or tho pavements are very slippery, then
It Is a courtesy.
noner to do so has
been suillciently Interested to take the nec
essary action leading1 to tho enforcement
of tho law.
This law was enacted by the Legisla
ture of la 13, and provides that descitlng
husbands and fathers shall be sent tn the
House of Correction and compelled to
crush stone for the country roads, and
thnt out of their earnings there shall be
paid to their families the sum of fiK cents
per day during their Imprisonment. Al
though the law has been "operative" since
June, 11113, not ono cent has been paid
to tho families of these Imprisoned men.
George D. Porter, former Director of
Public Safety, when questioned concern
ing tho fnlluro to enforce tho law, said:
"Shoitly after tho enactment of tho
law I made n request of Councils to
appropriate sufficient funds to carry out
tho provisions thereof, but I havo never
received n reply of nny sort to this letter.
hince tho law wns passed J have writ
ten numerous letters to Councils, request
ing this appropriation, tn none of which
havo I received any reply not oen nn
acknowledgement of the receipt of tho let
ters Tills has happened to mo In many
Inrtnnces. During my term ns Director
of Public Safety I wroto hundreds of
letters tn Councils on different matters,
but they necr answered my letters."
Mr. Porter says that, tho act being
mandatory, he believes suit could bo
brought ng.alnst tho city by the women
to whom the money Is due, nnd that the
city could bo forced to pay arrears.
"I have not looked up tho law on tho
subject." said Mr. Porter, "but I believe
the city could bo compelled to pny ar
rears." Mr. Porter wns asked If an appropria
tion wns asked for In 191f, to which he
replied, "I do not know whether thero was
an Item In the budget of Inst year for an
appropriation. The budget was not fin
ished when l left ofllce, so I did not sco
It in Its completed stnte."
Robert V. Dripps, appointed Director
of Public Safety after Mr. Porter's reslg
nation last year, when asked about the
matter, said:
"Shortly after election I received a let
ter from It. M. Little, general -secictary of
the Society for Organizing Charity. In
which ho requested that I do what I could
to secure' an appropriation bo that tho
stono pllo law might be enforced. I wroto
no formal communication to -Mr. Little,
but did lake the matter up privately with
several members of Councils in tho hope
that .something would be done. Members
of Councils with whom I talked were very
noncommittal, and left on my mind tho im
pression that certainly nt this time no
money would bo appioprlatcd for any such
"Councils had ample notlco to mako an
appropriation In fact, tho mcro passago
of the act was milJlcIcnt notlco to them
thnt It was necessniy to mako an appro
priation. There Is no excuse for not hav.
Ing It attended to beforo now.
"I did not seo tho budget, ns It had
passed out of the hnnds of tho Director nt
the time I took olllce, but I bellovo the
Item for nn appropriation wns Included
therein I nm heartily In favor of having
enough money nppioprlated to mako this
excellent act effective."
At tho Department of Public Safety an
effort was made to ascertain whether a
request for nn appropriation wns Included
In the budget. OIMcIals thero did not
know, but called tin tho House of Corrco
tlon nnd wero Informed from thero that
no such item was included.
John P. Connelly, present City Solicitor,
who was chairman of Councils' Finance
Committee during the entire tlmo In which
Councils failed to appropriate money for
tho enforcement of tho law of 1913, wns
asked for his reasons for opposing tho
"Who said I waa not In favor of the
law?" responded Mr. Connelly.
"Thnt Is Inferred by reason of tho fact
that, during your chairmanship of Coun
cils' Finance Committee, Councils refused
to mako an appropriation under tho net."
"Who said they refused?" was Mr. Con
nelly's reply.
"Mr. Porter .stntes that ho asked Coun
cils a number of times for an appropria
tion, but it had never been granted,''
"Well," snapped Mr. Connelly, "you had
better get your facts straight beforo you
ask questions."
"But you don't deny, do you, Mr. Con
nelly, that Mr. Potter asked for tho ap
propriation?" "I'm not hero cither to nfurm or deny.
You had better get your facts straight
before you ask questions."
Pupils in School Panic-Stricken, But
She Saves Them
KITTANXING, Pa.. March 9. The
heroic efforts of Ann McGrcgory, tencher
of the Trultt school In Madison townshlPu
probably prevented heavy loss of life
when the puplln became panic stricken
nnd fought to escape through tho one exit,
when tiro destroyed tho big frame build
ing yesterday afternoon.
Tho lire was caused by coals igniting
the floor whon tho stove was Upset by
children trying to shako down the ashes.
Miss McGrcgory tried to extinguish tho
ilamc.s but failed. Then the children mado
a dash for tho door, whero tho plucky
teacher hanaged to clear the blockade and
get the children nil1 nut safely, but not
until many of them had been trampled
nnd severely bruised Many of tho children
who wero last to get out were seriously
affected by smoke.
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