Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, March 09, 1916, Night Extra, Page 6, Image 6
t ,WW "VW (t en. Ke -, - )S sail D 3B .--' ; EYETIiGF (DBD'GlirK-PHIUDBEPHia:, TOTTESPAY, MARCH 9, 1910, rggggKCEgg?s. $s5U r55i&iS3ttL i:S aCSiPiKi ygsagggt XSS35s, .-r3- 5k!5n j-xtZS&Z&ZElzzs. WILLIAM H. ROCAP Public Ledger Sports Editor MULDOON Greatest of American Trainers Public Ledger Photographer W. C. BULLITT Descriptive Writer WEED Public Ledger Cartoonist Th From "E?0 T-4P 4- ignt Angles HO FANS! The Public Ledger has arranged to give you the whole of the Willard Moran combat. If you cannot watch the battle of heavyweights from the arena, you can "see" it through the Public Ledger's pages. There will be something in these pages for every newspaper reader, since the Public Ledger will have five men sportsman, trainer, photographer, descriptive writer, cartoonist at the ringside. ' XTJ3ll v sv w " .. k H MO RAN nR2 ' H ERE are the five men. (1) Rocap, the famous sports writer and referee. (2) Muldoon, expert on physical training. (3) Public Ledger staff photographer. (4) Bullitt, descriptive and humorous writer. (5) Weed, the Public Ledger's celebrated cartoonist. The articles will be made up into three complete pages the first to appear on Sunday, March 12th; the second on Sunday, March 19th; and the third on the day of the match, Saturday, March 25th. ROCAP Sports Editor of the Public Ledger has picked the winner of every world's heavy weight battle since 1892 when he nominated Cor bett to beat Sullivan ; was the only newspaper man to cable a complete story of the Johnson-Moran fight from Paris, in June, 1914, securing a special permit from the Minister of Commerce to get the story past the censors; selected Jess Willard to dethrone Johnson; nomi nated Frank Moran as the logical opponent of Willard. MULDOON William Muldoon i s recognized as the first American trainer; has built up the physique of popular fighters and famous men, from John L. Sullivan, formerly champion heavyweight, to Elihu Root, former Secre tary of State; is believed to have almost infallible judgment in forecasting the physical possibilities of men, especially fight ers; the Ledger has com missioned him to forecast the fighting possibilities of Willard and Moran. PHOTOGRAPHS The series will be freely illustrated with pictures taken by Public Ledger staff photographers. The pictures will have a wide appeal and will visualize the activities of the train ing camps; the progress of the two fighters; the work of the trainers and boxing partners; and the public's interest in the preparations for the combat. BULLITT of the Public Ledger staff. A descriptive writer whose racy and distinctly humorous articles have recently given a hearty laugh to all Pennsylvania. He will be at the ringside, and will write of the great scrap and scrappers from the point view of an amateur. Bullitt's por tion of the page will be written for the average man not the fight fan alone and will appeal to every' one who under stands the meaning of the phrase "prize fight," or ha3 sufficient humor to evolve a chuckle. WEED the Public Ledger's car toonist, will sketch the men from life. Every newspaper reader knows Weed's cartoons their essential accuracy, and the way in which they depict a man or an incident free from pose. They are as graplu'c as photographs, and full of those touches of satirical humor and emphasis which mark the work of master cartoonists. JL JlJlJL y Big tiO.. r 3ffCS Ilk l JSM Ty '.fosSaSlk .WILLARD The First Appears in Next SUNDAY'S n PT j . ljBBK3BB Mflfc. Ti SI JMi mmmmmMM WWmL ' t IjjLjJJijrJLiH w i' ' t 'vsBsaiBsmmmmBmmmmmmmiimmmmmrmi m (BHaBHaBUHU Ulli . hn lii,. .-