Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, March 09, 1916, Night Extra, Page 3, Image 3

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"The Utmost in Cigarettes"
Plain end or Cork tip
fCopCa of culture, refutcinent and
education invariaolu prefer
U&ufs ro any
Maim nftht
Grade 2VrJtt's
Empttan Ciwreitce in the
Wisconsin Bishop Urges "Big
Brother" Acts at St.
Paul's Service
A ttlrrliiK nppeat for the church moni
tor to reinforce his prayers by RoltiR Into
the wnysldes of llfe to "avo ("""e by
headed for tho reform school wbb mntle
by the nt now (leorpe A. Heerher, Bishop
of Wisconsin. In n Lenten sermon today
at Old St. Paul's Church, 3d street below
Doctor needier severely censured cor
norntlons that compelled men to work on
Sunday. He nsscrtcil that theso corpora
tlons. by their example In breaking tho
Sabbath, were responsible for many boys
getting behind prison bars.
Using as his text tho biblical quotation.
"Jesus took lilm by tho hand," Doctor
Beecher said :
"Routine praying has little effect In
this world of accomplishment. Afler pray
ing you have Rot to Ret out and do some
thing In order to be pleasing in the eyes
of Cod. When you IndulRc In routine
praying you am Just passingly religious.
We don't want or need passingly re
ligious people The world today needs vi
tal and snappy Christian men.
"Be a Mg brother to some boy you see
headed for the reform school. You may
sec tills boy in your olllce or you may
Bee him In the street. Snatch him out
of his environment and put him on the
right trnck. There are. hundreds of boys
in our reform schools who could have
been raved it some big brother had hap
pened along at tho right tlmo and taken
an Interest In them."
The Bishop told how he had tnlfen n
boy out of the slums recently nnd placed
him In a military school.
"He Is getting an nvcrngo of 90 In ills
mark." said the Dlshop, "and has out
grown the evil tendencies which wero In
evidence In the slums."
Lenten Sermon at St. Peter's
The Iiev. Itohert H. Green, In a Lenten
wrnion nt St. I'eter's Kplscopal Church,
Third and I'lne streets, today urged his
auditors never to allow their bodily wants
to come before their spiritual needs. Ills
text was "The Message to the Seven
Churches In Asia."
Representatives to Appear Before
Naval Affairs Committee War
Plants Lure Workers
Munitions factories aro luring scores of
workmen away from the Philadelphia
Navy Yard, with tho result that a com
mittee representing the N'avy Yard Civil
Service Board will appear before the Com
mittee on Naval Affairs at Washington
to ask that the salaries of the men at
League Island be raised. At tho same
time a strong protest will bo made against
the small annual appropriation to the local
yard, which Is said to bo too small to
carry on the work.
The ranks of the workmen nt the yard
have become so depleted by attractive
salaries nlfered tho men elsewhere 'that
officials are beginning to despair of llnlsh
Ing the transport Henderson on time. Tho
main loss to the yard has been through
the leaving of skilled workmen. Klgbt
architects have also loft. Tho same con
dition exists in all navy yards along the
Atlantic Coast, according to officials at
the yard here.
The Philadelphia yard will bo repre
sented at Washington today by I.eo
Horan, dork of the Court-Martial Board
at Lcaguo Islam! and national treasurer
of the Civil Service Hoard. Norfolk. New
lorlt, Boston and Newport will niso bo
Crew of Trolley That Injured Man
Makes Dash for Hospital
. A quick run by the crew of a trolley
, car today In an effort to Bet to a hos
pital with a man who had been run over
railed to save tho life of Hastluo Hattori.
-9 years old, 1130 Amiln street. He died
in ht Agnes' Hospital a short time after
he was admitted.
BattOrl W.1H Nit-Ill'!- ltt. 1.a nn. ... .,.,
.i- and J,ns'unk avenue. Tho crew of
ne car which struck him placed him
f.Doa, 'no car nnd went at full speed to
tne 15th street nnd Snyder avenue police
tation, which tho line passes. From that
Point he was taken to the hospital In the
Patrol wagon.
'Tristate Association Discusses
Business Methods Elects
aP,Nn' Pa- March 9. Philadelphia
miiniCcte(i us ,l10 I)Iace of naxt year's
meeting and the annual election of of
10th hcld at lory's session of tho
vani, a"nual convention of tho Pennsyl
tal. r, v Jerscy "nd Delaware Whole
PhiiScf' Ali!foolatlon In progress here,
an inl"1.1 a was tlle on,y clty fom which
meeting Was recelvei 'or ne 1917
The nfiinau i - ..
I'rMM..; . '"" were as follows:
vfn dent; ,ArJay Pavls' Haston, Pa.
ImB.","'111""' John T- Porter, Scran
and to J " B'ackwell, Trenton, N. J..
Trrant 'Scllwartz, Harrlsburg.
Treasurer. Charles Y. Fox. Phlladel-
thJ.?".vn,ou ,,eld ')C" dlbcusslons on
ineeMni dolne buslnes8 and of plans for
ceuni. """I'ft'Hon. collecting "baa" ac
mov.m. !c; U Wila decided to launch a
meeti ifor th0 educatlon of retailers In
reiing the competition of chain stores.
8UDh.,n;?,'?tlon voted lt8 approval of the
"to ?? "'' "ow Pendlntr ln Congress,
idv.iti ct ,he 1ubUo aaglnst dishonest
SEw" ?Fand ,al8a Pretense In merchan
Mvsn'.v.160 slm"ar organizations having
a? measure their Indorsement.
el hnn"0 Uruibaugh will be the guest
taitehi fJi. annuul banquet to be held
fnum. Ir "uso OI lne convention, con
I IWn Pt """ ot Allentown; Judge
LEai . aeffer' of Reading, and Fred
FTfciri rJni V" Kara "' N- Y w,u spealt
. ? Will ha mna knv. aa .---.
- -w uvw umu vu nucsiu)
onw cicareturr
"Like a Woman," Prof. Hess
Tells Yachtsmen," They Will
Reward Man Who Is
Tho business man who lacks faith In
advertising will not succeed, according to
1'rof. II. V. tfoss, of the Wharton School,
University of Pennsylvania, In an nddress
today before tho Ocean City Yncht Club
in mo .St. .lames Hotel.
Professor ellss paid a wnrm trlbuto
to tho effectiveness of newspaper adver
tising, when he said, "If you will go to
tho Dlstnphonc Company they will tell
you of tho wonderful results they liavo
accomplished by advertising tho merits of
the dictaphone In tho newspapers.
"Business men who have faith In tho
power of advertising no matter what ob
stnstacles may block their path. They aro
bound to get the public Interested In their
product. The type of business man who
Just plays with advertising may or may
not get results, and the man who has no
faltli whatever In advertising is beaded
for business ruin.
"Advertising Is like n woman, nnd, will
In the end, reward tho man who Is faith
ful. Advertising Is really Just the 'put
ting over' of an Idea, and tho man who
keeps 'putting over' theso Ideas is going
to receive a big response from the public.
The result of successful advertising Is not
n selfish accumulation, but Is rather an
advantageous distribution of wealth.
"Itlp Van Winkle was the best adver
tising man the Hudson ltlvcr over had.
When tho history of this century is writ
ten, the dominant feature will be adver
Richard Carle, Without an Under
study, Forced to Piny Part
NMW YOIIK. March 9. Iticliard Carle
was merrier than ever before last night's
audience nt "Cohan's Itevuo" at tho As
tor Theatre. Stagefolk, stingy with their
praise, admitted they wero forced to
"hand It to Carlo" ; ho was outdoing his
usual comedy.
While the actor went through the lu
dicrous laugh-making situations, Mrs.
Carle sat hcsldo the body of their only
son, Lloyd AVheeler Carle, 18, who died as
tho father left for tho theatre. Having no
understudy, the nctor wns forced to go
on with tho evening show desplto tho
Young Carlo will be burled in Boston.
Man Who Advertised for Partners
Held for Court
Two men who answered an advertise
ment for "business partners with $300"
testified today against John C. Fay, COB
North 31th street, with tho result that ho
was held under $1100 ball for court by
.Maglstrato Pennoek, on tho chnrge of
swindling and misrepresenting tho amount
of business ho did.
Charles Haywood, 132L' Spring Garden
street, testified that he went In business
Willi Fny to sell a patent lire extinguisher,
but that the only order they received
after ho had paid his $300 was one which
Fay had shipped to himself. William Kuf
tlngton, G34 Knlghn avenue, Camden, said
ho had paid Fay ?350, with tho samo
Tailor "Pinched" and Must Explain
Blaze in Store
John Hogarth told the pollco he found
his tailor shop, at 1508 North 23d street,
chilly this morning, so ho built a lire on
the floor. By the time the room warmed
up customer's suits, cloth samples and
furniture, valued at ?800, had been burned.
Paulo seized Hogarth when tho (Iro got
beyond control. He ran to tho locked
front door and yelled. John Myers, '3d
street and Columbia avenue, and William
F. Clampffer. 2400 Marston street, who
were passing, broke down tho front door,
seized Hogarth and hcld him outside.
Some one turned in an alarm, nnd fire
men confined tho damage to the Ilrst floor
of the two-story building. Hogarth was
arrested by Patrolman Farley and tnken
to tho 28th and Oxford streets station. He
will explain the fire to Magistrate Watson
Says Former Director Cooke
Promised to Pay for League
Island Park Work
State Senator Edwin II. Vnre today de
fended his 1 -year-old claim to $'.'10,000 for
work done on League Island Park and
Government avenue, and said that Direc
tor Cooke, then bend of the Department
of Public Works, had promised to adjust
the claim. Payment of tho Vare claim
Is provided for by an item In tho $86,
800,000 loan ordinance.
In a statement made today. Senator
Vare says the adjustment promised by
Director Cooke was dropped during the
Councllmanlo Hght two years ngo.
"The work was done and tho material
was furnished, and It Is still on'tho ground
to show for itself." bald Senator Vare.
"Whether it is ever paid for or not is u
matter entirely for Councils and the
"Director Cooke promised to adjust the
matter In the presence of Alexander Simp
son, Jr., and Chief Connell, of the High
way Bureau, but before the settlement was
made the Councllmanlo tight of a little
more than two years ago was started be
tween the Organization and the ISlanU
enburg administration and Director Cooke
made no settlement.
"He did, however, send me an olllclal
statement of the work done and the mate
rial furnished which had been paid for."
The claim was resisted by the Blanken
burg administration on the ground it was
Vigorous Show of Life Over
shadows Work of Centuries,
Talbot Tells Worshipers
The "movlcB," with their vigorous pre
sentnt on of lire's activities, are more pop
tilnr thnn the art snllerles which contain
the lore of centuries of artistic effort. In
the opinion of Illshop Kthelbeit Tnlbot,
or the Lplseopal Hloce-!e of Hethlehem.
who spoke today at St. Htephcn's Kpisropnl
Church, loth above Chestnut street He
accounted for the appeal of the stnRe as
compared with that ot thoughtful lectures
in tho same way, that color In motion,
speech with meanings comprehensible to
nil. nppealed more definitely than abstract
"People feel that the slngo shows them
life, said ltishop Talbot. "The cheap
movies laud It over the art gallery, with
nil Us rich treasures of classic lore, bo
cause the pictures seem to have llfos thev
move. Tho people want to know nnd
to possess life.
"Tho ilcslre Is everywhere the same
Longing to get close to life, to see It move.
Is universal. I nm here todav tn tell you
that there Is hero (Hie to direct us In tills
senrch. Christ, who knows what men
need, recognizes this craving for life. In
deed, this desire Is witness nnd proof of
tho nobility of our descent. We rntne
from God, the fountain of life. In Him
was life nnd His Ilfo was the light of men.
"Ho declares to us today that the
supremo purposo of and motive of His
coming to us was that we might have
Ilfo nnd have It more abundantly. How
ever It came about, whatever theological
presumption mny be, we nil recognize the
fact that there was life without qunllllcn
Hon, Ilfo abundant, life eternal. He had
an abundant physical life. Ho had pros
onso and personality. He had mental lite.
Ho had spiritual life. He Is giving a part
of Ills life to us."
Bishop Speaks nt Noon Service in Old
Christ Church
Hlshop Hhlnelandcr. speaking today on
"Prayer Its Purpose and Its Practice,"
nt the noonday I.enton services In (lid
Christ Church, 2d street nbove Mnrkot,
said that tho purposo was not to Inform
flod of "our needs, as though Ho did not
know them, nor to try to rhnngc His
mind nnd mnke Him better disposed to
ward us and morn willing to help us than
Ho would otherwise have been."
The Hlshop hcld that "prayer was to
be considered first as a very solemn and
earnest pledgo or promise of co-operation
on our part for tho obtaining for our
selves nnd for those for whom wo pray
thoso good things which (!od knows we
need and means to give us If we ask."
"Prayer considered In this day," he con
tinued, "In a true sense liberates or sets
free fiod's will for our blessing, just as
by scientific discoveries we have appro
priated the forces and resources of na
ture which wero all the time waiting to
bo used nnd ready for our use."
Miss Edith Wilson Runs Down
Young Man, Breaking
His Ankle
Miss Krtlth Wilson, a 22-year-old so
ciety girl, while driving an automobile
with a companion, ran down a man nt
(i3d street and City avenue this afternoon.
Tho man was lifted Into the machine by
passersby and rushed to the West Phila
delphia Homeopathic Hospital, where It
was found his nnklo was fractured. Ho
gave his name as Joseph Haldman. 21
years old. 2033 South 1th street. Miss
Wilson wns placed under nrrcst and taken
to the (list and Thompson streets pollco
station, from which she was later released
on her own recognizance to appear before
Magistrate Stevenson for a hearing to
morrow morning.
Miss Wilson Is the daughter of J. Clif
ford Wilson, former commodore of the
Corinthian Yncht Club, and a wealthy
paint manufacturer, living at 212 South
13th street. Haldman Is a produce dealer
and was walking behind his team today to
get warm. Ho stepped out from behind
It in tho path of tho machine, the police
say. Miss Wilson throw on tho brakes,
but Haldman was knocked down, lie slid
off the mudgear nnd a wheel passed over
one of his legs.
Representative W. G. Brown, Jr., Dies
at Capital
WASHINGTON. March D. Represen
tative William G. Brown. Jr.. of King
wood. W. Va., died today from a stroke
of paralysis, Ho had been unconscious
for two days.
Itpprescntative Browji was a Democrat.
He was born In Klngwood, W. Vn., April
7, 1S5G. After receiving a common school
education ho went to the West Virginia
University, nt Morgantown. from which
ho was graduated In 1ST", was admitted
to tho bar and engaged in the practice of
law. Ho was a cousin of the late Sena
tor Dolllver. of Iowa, and they wero
roommates in college. He early became
engaged In the banking business and was
an extensive landowner. He devoted much
of his time to ngrlculture and tho raising
of thoroughbred stock for practical uso on
tho farm. He represented tho Democratic
party In many nutlonal and Stnto con
ventions. Ho wns elected to the sixty
second and sixty-third Congresses and re
elected to tho sixty-fourth Congress. He
is survived by a widow, who was Miss
Izetta Jewell, a well-known actress.
Houses Damaged and Area Is Expect
ed to Spread
WILKKS-BAnnK. Pa., March 9. Ten
homes In Avoca wero badly damaged to
day by a mine cavc-ln. The caving
started early, and within n few hours
the families were forced to leave their
homes. Foundation walls cracked and
crumbled. This made a few of tho houses
Workmen tried to check the cave-In
within the mines, but the work was so
hazardous that nothing could be done,
nobbing of pillars In the mine Is the cause
of the cave-In. It Is expected that the
cave area will spread.
Diitinctive Tailoring
House tablliif man
Most of our permanent
customers are men who
tried Dlxcm-Tullorlut and
plxun-Kcnlee as a means
of getting clothes-sutlsfuc-,
tlon without pocketbook
punishment. 100 have
found it a profitable ex
periment. Our New Spring
Fabrics have urrlved-
, 33 to 3J0;
1111 Walnut Street
- 'II a
! W 'I' .Illlll '
: ' me-, f JfJiSSi
I'IMl -
Retired Merchant nnd Veteran of Civil
Cnptnln John Cook Itrown. a cteran of
the Civil War. died today nt his home.
1731 North Kith street, after a short Ill
ness. As a member of the Cameron
Dragoons and the 1st Cavalry Itcglmcnt
organized In the State he fought through
nut tho memorable strugglo of 'Bl-'fiS and
was frequently commended for bravery,
ln n skirmish ticnr Williamsburg. Va., he
wns one of n party of six who were cut
from their regiment by n hundred rebels.
Tho hoys In blue fought bravely until they
received reinforcements In the way of u
dozen more comrades, and were saved
from rapture. In Ibis skirmish the cap
tain was shot In the right arm.
Ho wns made captain for his bravery
in numerous engagements.
Captain Itrown would have been 75
years old tomorrow. After leaving tho
public schools In this city ho entered the
University of Pennsylvania when It stood
on the site of the present postolllce.
After leaving the University, Captain
Drown engaged in the hardware business
anil returned to this business at the close
of the war. Until his retirement In lono
be was a director of the Supplee' Hard
ware Company. He was also a member of
Post No. 2, (J. A. I., nnd tho Loyal Le
gion, lie Is survived by a widow; one
son, John Itowland Itrown. and a daugh
ter, Mrs. II. W. Mm tin. Arrangements
for the funeral have not yet been com
Services for Distinguished Physician
to Be Held Tomorrow
Funeral services will be held nt 10
o'clock tomorrow morning In the Second
Presbyterian Church, 21st and Walnut
streets, for Dr. William L. Hodman, dis
tinguished surgeon and president of tho
American .Medical Association. Inter
ment will be In Frankfort. Ky on Sun
day. Doctor Hodman died ot pleurisy yes
terday, having been 111 for but a few days.
Tho Tlcv. Dr. Alexander MacColl will
conduct the services. Tho body will bo
taken for Interment to Frankfort, Ky., Dr.
Rodman's birthplace.
Dr. Itodinan was the son of Gen. John
Hodman, for many years attorney general
of Kentucky. After graduation from Jef
ferson Medical College. Dr. Hodman en
tered the medical corps of tho United
States Army, having previously taken a
course at tho Kentucky Military Acad
emy. After a remarkably successful en
leer In the medical profession in the
South, Dr. Hodman came to this city to
accept the chair In surgery at the Medico
Cliirurgical College. In 1902. Slnco that
time he had been generally regarded as
one of the leading surgeons of tho world.
The Philadelphia County Medical So
ciety today adopted tho following resolu
tions concerning the death of Dr. William
L. Itodman:
"Whereas. Tho Philadelphia County
Medical Society has learned of tho sad
ami untimely death of Dr. William L.
Itodman. for many years ono of Its most
distinguished and cherished members, nnd
whereas, his great work and high achieve
ments as an author, a teacher and a sur
geon wero recognized nt homo and abroad,
as shown by his election to the presi
dency of the American Medical Associa
tion ;
"Therefore, bo it resolved. That tho Phil
adelphia County Medical Society hns
learned with profound sorrow and regret
of tho dentil of Dr. William L. Itodman,
ono of Its most beloved and distinguished
members; resolved, that Ills society de
sires to place upon record its high appro
elation of his great professional attain
ment and his manly chnrncter, and re
solved, that a copy of theso resolutions be
signed by tho proper officers of tho Phila
delphia County Medical Society nnd sent
to tho members of tho family, ns well os
to lay and medical papers for publication."
I)lt. JOHN lt. McLL'.VN.
Experts, It Is Believed, Robbed Locust
Street Home
Kffort Is being made by tho police to
trace tho jewels stolen from the homo of
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Katon Cromwell, 1721
Locust ctreet.
It is e Ulent. tho pollco say, that tho
theft was committed by experts, who will
remove the stones from tho bettings and
alter the stolen articles ns much as possl.
bio to prevent their discovery.
Many of the stolen Jewels wero wedding
gifts, A cIobo watch Is being kept on the
pawnshops of several large cities and also
on many gold and diamond dealers.
Our Soda Fountain it a
crowded place indeed
after the theater
Many a chap envies tome
of our soda straws 1
Too Spineless, Says Dr. Bieder-
wolf, to Bar Booze nnd
Immoral Shows
N'onniSTOW.V. Pa., March 0. Norrl.i'
town Town Council came In for n sharp
inp at the hands of Dr. W. K. Blederwolf,
nt the Mnrkley Street Tabernacle, last
evening, when the evangelist, In tho courso
of his sermon on "Hxcuses," expressed Ho
little surprise at technicalities whereby,
he said, the Conncllmen sidestepped n
resolution which would have barred
"booze." gambling nnd Improper shows
from Cltv Hall, (his borough.
Town Council. Ttinsilnv nvpnlni?. sent to
j the Watch nnd Lamp Committee for con-
smerniion n resolution presented ny
C'Uiiicllmnn Thomas Kingston, wherein It
nan set forth I hat all forms of Intemper-
mice drinks, undesirable dances, etc.,
! were forbidden In the assembly rooms ot
i the Municipal Building.
The speaker denounced the present II
ronso inu of this State as being n dis
grace to the Commonwealth, offering
every temptation to the court, being un
fair In that It placed Judges ln tight
places, giving the court unlimited power
and opening the way for nbuse of thnt
The evangelist said the petitions from
Norrlstown for licenses about to bo sub
mitted to the court born the signatures
of many men who were brought to sign
these papers under various excuses, tor
social, financial, business nnd political
reasons, nnd that theso persons would
not otherwise have added their names.
Dwelling on the various excuses of
fered by man for his failure to answer
the call of tho Muster, tho evangelist de
clared "If you had Clod's spirit in you,
you'd rather please Him than please
yourself. If you nre not a Christian, lt
Is because you don't want to be."
Addressing the women, tho speaker de
clared :
"If some ot you would spend less tlmo
at your club, lodge, pink tea, or bridge
whist parties and put In moro time nt
your homes, your homes would be hnp
plor." Today the evongellst has given his
tlmo nnd aid to tho furtherance of the
baby-saving movement.
Widow of Camden Physician and
Active in Various Charities
Mrs. Annlo Mlddleton. prominent In
civic movements In Cnmden for mnny
years, Is dead at her home. 227 Cooper
street. Sho was 71 yearn old. Mrs. Mid
iltctnu was the widow ot Dr. Mlllhourne
F. Mlddleton, a prominent Camden phy
sician. She was one of the founders of tho
Women's Christian Temperance Union in
New Jersey, was the tlrst president of
the Women's Homo Missionary Society
of Camden County nnd was a member of
the ladles' board of managers of tho West
Jersey Homeopathic Hospital. Mrs. Mld
dleton was a charter member of tho Cen
tenary Methodist Kplscopal Church.
The funeral will be held Saturday. Mrs.
Mlddleton will be burled In tho Coles
town Cemetery. She Is survived by four
children, Kllzalieth, Mlllhourne, Jr.,
Arthur L. and P. Grant Mlddleton.
J. E. Calcktell & Co.
qo2 Chestnut Street
Important additions
to tne stock of
Jeweled Wrist Watckes
Silver Milk
Raised Him
Here is a healthy, happy New Jersey
kiddie for whose little stomach Silver
Milk was exactly right.
All babies will not thrive on one single
food, but Silver Milk has a wonderful
record for helping babies to grow.
is just pure, fresh, sweet, whole milk, condensed
and blended with pure granulated sugar. Fresher
than dairyman's milk. Keeps without ice.
HIRES CONDENSED MILK GO.,4 Chestnut St., PhlladoIphU
Also maktrs el GOLD MILK viporld-unwolnd
I 83
r o
i 3
! Ph
1 C3
Small Grand, $750
la Mahogany Case
All the artistic possibilities of the piano are only
realized in a Steinway, and are only possible in
a piano of absolutely solid construction perfec
tion of tone can be only produced from perfection
of mechanism
llllChestnut Street
I 111
Mrs. Evelyn H. Donaldson's Ac
tions at Law Part of Plan
to Regain Daughter
Mrs. Kvelyn Hunter Donaldson, "tho
million-dollar bride," whoso legal battle
for the custody of her daughter, Dorothy,
created a sensation In this city n year
ngo. has filed summons In threo actions
against her former mother-in-law, Mrs.
Mllzabeth W. Donaldson, with the clerk
of tho County Court In New Vork city.
In tiling tho nctlon the younger Mrs.
Donnldson Is carrying out her plans an
nounced In this city to tight to the end
for possession of her daughter and to seek
damages running Into hundreds of
thousands of dollars from lier mother-in-law.
Tho domestic difficulties of the Donald
sons have been nlred not only In tho
Philadelphia courts, but In those of Hcno,
where the "milllon-doltnr bride" obtained
n decree of divorce from Keith Donaldson.
One of the most sensational developments
of the case was Mrs. Donaldson's arrest
In December, 1914, when, she wns accused
of assault nnd battery on a innld. who
attempted to keep her from seeing her
daughter, who was then 7 yenrn old. Mrs.
Donnldson wns held nt the Central Police
Station for several hours before she suc
ceeded In obtaining her release.
In tho hearings which followed tho nr
rcst Mrs. Donnldson brought counter
charges ngnlnst her mother-in-law nnd
sought to substantiate her cinlms by show
ing severe bruises on her arms. Sho snld
tho wounds wero Inflicted by Mrs. Kllzn
bcth Donaldson.
The court finally ordered that tho child
should be placed In the custody of tho
grandmother, and thnt the mother be al
lowed to see the daughter every Frltlny,
between 1 and 5:30 p. m.
Luncheon, 50c
Business Men's
Luncheon, 40c
1024-26 Chestnut St.
-. i ,i ' ' cacnaxiBi
Inclin only tho charm of perfectly Manl-ruri-d
hnndi, which we can kIvo YOU.
MANNA S. B. Cor. inih & Snnaom
nlinrt. (0ler crano'a) nnd
Corn Itcmoicd, Me Kn. Manicuring, ;."c.
ly a
r I a
Spring Suits
$18, $20, $25
f K
m lV
m V
1 bvW
Velvet collar or cloth col
lar; button-tbrouBh front -r
lly front. Sometimes full Hllk
llnedt sometimes only skele
ton lined. Itlndc In cornier
vnllve colors und fnnej- mix
tures Common Prices,
Uncommon Clothes
C; Uncommon in point'
of value Volume lowers
our costs, and a mini
mum margin of profit
keeps prices rock-bottom
to you.
Q Uncommon in point
of Workmanship, Fit,
Style. Perry-made, in
the vocabulary of Phila
delphia, is the synonym
for Men's clothes that
show character in their
cut, talent in their tailor
ing, and the presence
and personality of style.
"N. B. T."
th& Chestnut Sta.