Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, March 09, 1916, Night Extra, Page 16, Image 16
' y-r TW nytgiM-VJiyggt-gg -. ,, 1G EVENING LEDGER PniLADEKPHIA, THURSDAY, MABOH 9, 1910 MS CITY ADDS $341 TO BELGIANS' FUND Subscriptions for Tobacco for Soldiers in Trenches Now Total $6382 The subscription fund for tobacco for tho BclRlnn FoMlorn jumped to $0382.59 today. Drejtel & Co., of this city, sent to the headquartera of tho fund In New York the announcement that the new nub Rcrlntlonn by rhlladclphlans amount to $341.76. It seems thnt tho plight of the smoker with nothing to smoke, nntl with no vis ible means of Rotting tobacco. Is a mis fortune that rocs straight to tho human henrt. Letters accompanying contribu tions are being received from people In all stations In life. They aro written by lawyers, clergymen, physicians, pro fessors, war veterans, Industrial leaders nml laborers. Llkcwlso they hnvo been received from little girls, from rbop girls nnd society women. Housewives who frankly admit that they must skimp In their household expenditures In order to make their contributions, declared that they contributed gladly because they know how their own men folk suffer when "out of tobacco." $20,000 BULL AMONG HKRD OF HOLSTEIXS ON SALE HERE Ono of 150 Thoroughbreds to Go nt Auction A bull valued at $20,000? Twenty thousand dollars, the prlco of 60,000 pounds of prlmo Btcak7 Tho owner, Alfred Walter, certainly says so, ond Is quoting the prlco nt tho William Penn Ilaznar, 3Dth and Market streets, where his bull. Pontine Fl.imboro, I Is one of 1B0 thoroughbred Holstelns be ing sold at auction; an auction, Incidental ly, that would renulro n capital of $r5,000 nt least, to purchaso tho entire lot of cows and bulls. Mr. Wnlter, who comes from Cavenngln. n. New York stato town renowned for breeding' purposes, quotes tho ancestry of the bull as a reason for tho price. The slro Is tho King of the I'ontlacs and is said to be worth $100,000, while tho dnm Is tho Plamboro Wltzydo Dckol, a cow with a reputation extending outside tho breeding field. A cow worth several thousand dollars is also listed for sale by Kugcno Itcnnett, of Easton. She Is Falrmount Crnddock Alcartra, whoso slro Is King Scgls Pontine Alcartrn and whoso dam Is Crnddock Homestead. The salo has attracted at tention from many breeders and enttlo raisers. CLASSIFIED ' ADVERTISING RATES EVENING LEDGER This STTLH TYPE (or llko this) Offo tlmo ltie per lino Three times ono week 1240 per lino Six times ono week 10c per lino Situations Wanted, threo times ono week. 10 cents per agato line per lrM,rtlon. Place your order for three or more times and it will H in serted in the daily Public Ledger at no additional cost. One or two tlmo rato for Kvr.viNfl LKPOEr. and Pcnuc Ledotr combined Is in cents per acute lino, with tho exception of Help Wanted nnd Situation Wanted, which la 13 cents per line. rort TYPE LIKE THIS (or like this) which I pcrmlttpil In nil classification"! ex rpt Heln and Situations Wanted Lost nnd Found, Fprponalfl Hoard Ins nnd Uoomi, nrtd five ci3nts vnn aoatc iasc to any of aijovi: ratj:3. There is a dru store near your home that will accept Ledger want ads at office rates. LOST AND rOTJND ror Other T.nnt a ml l"ciuil Adi Hpw Page 1 BCARFPIN Ist. In Way no or Phlla.. Iw tween Dec. 15 and 30 last, a ruby nnd dia mond srarfnln. mounted In plntlnum. stamped on back J. U f & Co , V 7.WJ Liberal reward If returned to J H. C'uMwell & Co.. OO'J Chwtnut st IXST Hetween 11th ami Chestnut nnd lfith and Walnut, oblonff idlver burUle pin with turquoise In centre. Upward If returned to Ilsa J. Oartman. 03J Farracut terrace. West Philadelphia. OIjASSS LiOHt, pair of bifocal rimless nnto Klaases. In Columbia ae. car. Reward. Re turn flO t Horner Hide.. 91!5 Chestnut at. Phone Wal. !M3S. OLAHSi;S lioat, Monday evening, pair of classes In black case (Wall it Or ha), at Rltz Carlton. Reward If returncdtojRltz-Carlton. POODLE Lost, white nnod!n puppy, maleT March t- Howard. 1033 Chestnut. Phono Locust 717 SPECTACLES Lost. pair. Thursday, bet. Oak Lane and Germantown High School. Reward. fl03 Lawn ton avo. Ph. Oak Lane U'J 1 W. TERRIER I-ost. strojed. Saturday, March 4, brlndle and hlte lioaton terrier, cut ears, crooked tall: anHuerstnnam Husle. Reward, E. Durban.." I S.r:td. Ph. Woodland l-iV. lOST On Sunday afternoon, demountable rim and shoe, slzo 32x3 H. on N. U. Houlevard. Phone Market 4377. Lib reward. Sl'l Oreen. PERSONALS WILL THE PERSON who saw tho arcMent to a lady at the elevator on the eighth floor of Wanamaker's on Saturday, March 4, at about '.:!& p. m.. please communicate with I31B Wldener Rullrllngor phone Filbert S87H. JAMES DOWNS, blind musician, who llVed In Philadelphia 25 or 30 years aco, or his heirs will learn something to their advant age by communicating with D. H. Harper, . 1054 Etlliott Square. Huffalo. N. V BKNJAMIN STERN has purchased this day the grocery business of Louis Olobeman. at B08 N. nth st. All creditors will present their bills at LlpshulU & Warzel, 7th and Olrard aye., before Friday at 12 o'clock. pJlU-ADA., March . 10KV On and after this date I will not be responsible for any debts unless contracted by msetf. Charles Gold r en berg. I'll 8th ave. Had Jon Heltfhts. N. Jf THE STOCK and fUturea of 143U Fltzwuter st , owned by John R. Ullllntrs. has t?cn sold. Creditors present their claims to Hernhard Perce r. 711 Pasayunk ae t before M ajrcha (J, WILL NOT be responsible for any debts ex cept contracted by myself, Andrew S. Monahan, 3121 Sttllman sf. MILLIE AND HER PERSONALS Confirmed from Frrccdtno Column THIS CLASSIFICATION "It for such announce." mrnts as are nf a purely personal chnracter such as children for adoption, appeals for those. In distress, for location of lost rela tives, payment and nonpasment of rtobts, etc. Your needs when listed hero are not confused with advertisements of a commer cial nature. See "Hualness Personals" for important trade, announcements. HELP WANTED FEMALE CHAMRERMAH) Wanted, a capable young colored woman: no wnsning; wages ij nest references required Call or address lri-1 13. .R.Aryjivo.Utn. Phono Chestnut HIIM102 CHAMHERMA1D For upstairs work, to wait on tnbio and assist with child. Call after p. m . 4H2H Walnut. CLERKS, having typist ahllltyi high school graduates preferred; good opiiortunllv for advancement, stato nge, salary desired and business references. M !l.i,i, ledger Central. cloth weavers wanted Apply JOHN & JAMBS DOtlHON INC. Dlankct Mills, Scott's Line, Falls of Bchuilklll. concern desires services of young Indy ns stenographer nnd nfllro asslstnnt, secretarial position: preference given resi dent of Oermanlmvn section, must bo well educated and capable, slate full particulars, experience salary, etc. Address II 121. Ledger Office COOKING, walling nnd downstairs work! white, about no enrs old) salary $Sl snbur bani references required. O 4!ll, Led. Cent. DRESSMAKER wants (lrst-clnss waist trlm- mera and finishers at once. Atinlv IfilT Spruce at. DRESSMAKER wants models. 0 ft 8 In.. 3S-ln. bust; blondes preferred. Apply lr,17 cpricnei DRESSMAKER wants first-class skirt drapers ami nnisucrs nt once. Apply low ppruco si. DRESSMAKER wants first-class operators. Apply 1,117 Spruro st, ELECTPOLVSIK Wanted, thoroughly comre tent woman for N. Y. office. M lIPC.Lcd.Ccn. general housework girls, also COOKS. CIIAMIIi:ilMAIIt. WAITRESSES cittLDNcitsus. .mothers hulpurs, r,TC.. Alii! IN- CONSTANT IIIDIANU, PO SITIONS Alti: OPEN IN C1TV AND SUII IltttS fOll MOTH WHITE AND COI.OIll:!) 11131.1'. YOP CAN UI3AC1I THESE U.M Pl.OVnilS THROUGH LUDOUR WANT ADS. VVItlTi: Oil CAI.I, ON TIII3 IIOUSU IIOI.D RUC.ISTRY lU'RISAV: MISS H13I3D CAN HIll.P lOI' TO A HOOD POSITION H17ITR i'll.-,. WASIlINdTON IIITII.DINO, llfis CHIiSTNI'T ST tllltl, wantrd to bair rnffee. Call great -.lflJernJlffeeandjreaCo., 202 N. Ith St. Olltl, for housework, good homo; ennv place. ttlijl ri,B. Phone'jomlns2iM. HHSflSItV l3xperlenc,Ml Iooihts on in" and 20 point work. nl nly work and best pay In city. Mnllarn-wilaon Co., Orchard and Unity, rrnnkford. HOSI13in !3tPTlencod knitters, toppers, rib frame hnniH. looprri. examiners, also learn era. paid while learning-. 132M N. Lawrence Ht)l'HI3Ki:i3PI3lt Wanted, a llrat-class work ing hiusck,'ep,.r for Institution: must speak Clerman. P l.'ll tipilgi-r Ofilce. HOI'SISWoitK Kamlly of 2. city: must be able to answer telephone Met emnboer. Konm 20.",:llllS Chestnut at . Tliursdiy. 11 to 12. fToirsKWilltlv White, no wnshlnB: good rook: clean, with refer, ncc, suburba Meet ladv, Jtoom 2ir,, iiris Chestnut Ht.. I'rlday.l o'clk. IHilSlIWOUK .Mlddle-iiKiMl woman for ho'use". work on form, good home: small salary. Apply 2lHI Itltti-nhniise st Iiopscwoillv MlddlH-iiged woman for light housework. llox .III, Pltm.in. N. J. MODI3L to try on French uowna andsultsT A'l'ly Kill! Locust jjt. NI'USi: Ilxp . while cii.irgo nf 2 ihlldren: good-ngeare Applv .sir, Pulaski ae SII013S llxperlenccd help, learners, tip Uxors, 'to.. In packing room. "lh floor, nir, N. 1-th st. SHOES (Ilrla over 10, neut, to lenrn coverlnR UOOCI llfeiB. !',;. L-i"' ,in I,nPv STEN(x;UAIMi:H Concern di'tlmi HorlnnH of yoiintr ladv us Hti nnirraphfr nml of lien ntsstattt; preferenco len tn resident of nnrtheat si-etlnii of I'hltiilflphla. reply In own haudwrltlnc. kMimt details ai to ex perlenr' and nnlnrv dnalretl I KM, Led. Off. STIIN'OCIIIAPIIKH Evnerlencnd.n u Irk. nttrnn- thf and nnapy Klrt for except lnU Kod pri iiiiiiit-iii iiiiii'ii. I'm- 'in i i up nnmiiiiy, no nthern neeil apply. !le npo, references. salary deMred nml phono Poplar ""21. STKNOORAPrfEU.i-xper ."wanted for" perm, position with l.irpre steel lomininy; ple full particular! and f Jtpor M 3I.'I, Ledger Cent Tiu.nrnoNi: opRiiATons WANTKP Ilrlirht ouns women lietween 37 nnd J2 ears old, to take, up telephone oiwratliip;; no experience necessary, salary paid while ten minx; pleasant work; permanent pntltlon. Apply In person. Hell Telephone Co., -IdH Market st.. between 8 .111 a. in, nnd " p. in. TTPIRT. OUICK. ACCPUATH. ACCUS Ti1Mi;n TO KIMNO. Ittl.MNO AND PHON- in(3. mitht hi: aiii.i: to wuiti: r.o woitDs ii2t minctk; stath aoi:. hai,. Artv i:xpi:i(u:nci:. m 731. m:d(il:k uitici;. WANTED To -To Ket In touch with lady can M 7.W. liCder Ofilce. vraser. WOMAN. actUe. cheerful, about 110, Protest ant, to assist matron In maternity home for plrls; knowledge of homework necessary; rehblent itosltlon; moderaie salary; state ape. refereni ts and nearest telephonu In llrst let ter. I! 11H. Ledger Ofilce. WOMAN. tnerRetlc. who can come well recom mendert. for position of trust: chanco for nd Mtnrernent. Apply personally. K. Crowley, i:tnployment Deju. 13I!1 Wulnut st. WOMAN. Protestant. cooMub and" downstairs work: assinl with washing. Hat pieces Mlven out: two In family, wapes $7. tiOOS 0er- brook ao.,J!)j'rbronk. WOMi:N wanted to sort raps. Apply" Keys t ono Paper Mills Co.. mith and Market. yoUNO LADV, comptometer operator and typ ist. Address application, with reference, to I, p. ir3T. Philadelphia. OOOD HOMK for a woman, with elderly i-ntion nut of city. AiMrcsa O iiM. ..Ht... iiuuBiiium iiiuipn in in-riorm: IO' I r.v. T n.l rf I.ecl. Otf. ATTGNTION"" RTGNOGRAI'linitS. IIOOKKnniTJRS Aru you seeking a position or do you u slro to hotter lour position? Itluht adver tlslnsr nml personal sorvleo nro two of the Ivurilng fnrtors. Iloth can b fountl nt lAslver Centr.il. A l.ire number of youne latllen hao fount thesu of great benetlt "Jllss Dean" will help jou write nn at tractive advertisement, llt your qualifica tions and eHo )ou her personal attention uad aid Hundreds of ouiik ladles who have hail this servlco will Ustlfy to tho satisfac tory results obtained. This Is free to lA-duer udertlsers. Hne a talk with "Miss Dean" at nnci her ndWco Is free, llroud and Chestnut sts. March 3, 1016. Miss Dean. Ledger rentral. Philadelphia. I'a. Dear Miss Dean: I beic tn thnnlc you for sour kindness In assisting me to get tho stenographic posi tion I secured today with the , and for jour promptness In sending me to secure same. Words cannot express my appreciation, and If there ts any way I can help to. ad vertise the good ot jour Department I will be only too willing to lend my usslstnnce. Again thanking sou for jour kindness and promptness, I bote to remain. Respectfully yours. (Signed) ANNA M. DOYLE. General WOMEN WANTUD AS OUVUHNMKNT CI.KltKS; J7U month; Philadelphia examina tions coming; sample questions free. Frank lin Institute. Dept, TIB N.. Rochester, N. V. MILLIONS HELP WANTED MALE AUTOMOIIIt.n SALESMEN Want , two or. , cxycnenccu men -to rcn mn--i-ii'ii-, Used popular-price car .JMjMT, ld cent. BACK TENDER wanted. Apply, Keystone Pper Mills Co.OOth and Market at. BOOKKEEPER, assistant, capable youn man. with thorough knowledge of bookkeeping, wanted In growing corporation: must bo ac curate. Address, statins nee, qualifications, refs nnd salary expected, H Its, led. Off. BOOKKEEPERS, stenographers, 10 to 22. Sen Mr. Shaffnor.Ledgcr Central HOY wanted with somo knowletfije of drawing, to learn the trade of lithographic artist. p -hs, iydcer ornce. HOY wanted, must l,o Itlvcars nld; tn run errands. .rarosmnmJ30JMarket-?ti - HOV In real estate office, applv In own hand wrlllng. II 11(1 ledger Ofnco . HOV. bright. In office printing company. Cutbbert St. Bun hoys. Annn in. ah messengers. inside Tin; store, .. oood chances von advancement APPLY HY LUTTUR ONLY, TO j. u caldwull co. 1102 CHESTNUT ST. HOYS wanted. Ill or over, to work In wall paper fartor-, Apply nt once,. I1I3CkI:H, SMITJ1 ft I'AOn. Water and Snvder nyes HOYS over til: Reference: good rhanco for ad ancement. Apply Sunt. Wagon Serilee, Adams )3xprcs Co , 1Mb and Mnrketstsu HOItINO "Mil.! "(.atlio and planer. In mis wanted: steady work. Applj' Wheeler Con denser ond ISnglneerlng Co., Carteret, X. J. liDTToN'HOtVlS MAKIUl, experienced on Iteero buttonhole machlnea 1 127 Vine at. cilAl'ITIJUIl wanled." competent, rellabTei stnto siiary nnu rererenco. n no, i.eii. vii. CLOTH WAVi:tt3 WANTED Apply JOILV AND JAMKH DOnSON, INO. Ulanket Mills, Scott's lane. Palls of Schuylkill. DKSIONntl wanted by n. large automobile, body norks on tools nnd dies for alnglo and double notion presses. Applications to re cede attention must state fully exp , refs. nnd salary des "II. 1).." P., O. Hox 3SIIII. KSTlifATOIl III contractor's offlcn out nf"cTtv": must bo No. 1 on lumber and carpenter work: no others need apply; stale salary nnd oxporlome. M :i."u. Ledger Centrnl. UAUDKXnH wautfd, young, married; cam egetJible. Rirden, flow its, l.iwn, row, Bleatn heat: penerally useful. L -UH, Led- .- KtT Central. . . MACHINE HANDS wanted by larRn PteI nil toinnblle boclv fnrtory to act an piecework rute-nrttera. thpe pnslttona require men of Intelligence fairly good personality, honest nnd v ho ore unquestionably qualified to per form the work upon which they set the rt. Operations Milling, drilling and Mrnlght eiilng cnntlng-i brake, nhenr, -lertrln nnd Kan welding or shpet steel; thin In stead v work: replies" will be held In confidence but to receive attention must stato fullv experi ence and silarv desired. Address 1J Z.." Postnrrice Rox ,1.(ill MACHINISTS wanted nt once: flrst-rlnsnlnthe. horizontal boring, mill nnd chucking lathn hands. Amerlrnrr Etigltieerhig Co., Aramlngo ne. nnd Cumberland st,. Phlla. MAN AND WIKi:. French. "iMglnn or HwlmiT for small famllv In suburbs: references re qui red. AddresH s a.ii. i.niger t'emrni. MAN AND WITH to il entire work "or prlwite house, four adults hi family. Telephono II 1. U Csher, Rherton. N. J MIICHANICAL DUArTOHTSMAN. Apply 1200 Stephen Olrard Ihilldlng. MIJN for detalllim relnforelnff steel for con crete, nlsn men familiar with reinforced concrete drfdan and ent I matins; statu age, experience nnd salary expected. CI 7ir, led per Central OITICn IIOT. careful, of neatTnppenrai.ee, for oflhn work: state ai;e, cxperlemo and ref- erence.I l-It, hedser Office. OITICi: flOV wanted; wflKPn $1 Aildrens. iitntlnK Hrfe jind rein.. H 117. IjeilBerOffl e. SAI.HSMAN Uooil stork ond bond s.ilesman wn nled bv HoKerstoun. Md.. llrni: drawlnn arcount and expenses, rlcht party enn mike Kond Ad. A-I1H. Hot -!. HiiK.T-itmvii. Md. HHIPVrcit Want lilKh-rlnss man able to hnn dle heavv shipping, for wholesale meat busi ness: wllllnc tn pav pood salary tn man who can prove he enn li.indle this position: must be willing to work long hours nnd rurnlsn itotui: sinie nge nmi wnewier eni Plood; cle full details of past experience. 1" I3.1. Ledger Ofllee. . shoi:-tipfini:hs Ttli Moor, nl.i N. 12th St. STOf'IC 'SAIiKSMAN tn sell etoek nf well estnbllslied mnnufmturliig company. I' 113, Ledger tinien WANTUD Marhlnlsts and heliiers, carpet! tern and helpers, coppersmiths nnd helpers, sheet Iron workers nnd helpers, pieckels Oo., Jleeil st. win rf. YOUNCl MAN wanted for detail clcrlinl work, must be nulrk and nceurulf nt figures: In nuswertng stato nge. referentes ami salarj' etpeeted It 113. Ledger Ofllee. A MANAOUR A lilahlv rateil manufiirtiirer, prom inent in tho automobile Industry, has opening for local ntan of responsi bility, with office, selling nr executive experlenre: an unusually profitable, nnd exclusive fonneition Requires moderate cash capital, to gether with highest credentials. Ap pointment by telephone nnlv. 11 W OVINUTO.V Hotel Adeiphi.l. mill C.eneial RUSINUSS KURVICU COMPANY, ISM LAND TITI.U lll'ILDINO. COST ACCOCNT. nliimblnc and steam fitter: PRODl'CTION JIAN.M1UR. small parts, milling machine experience, UI.UCTRICAL ilNOlNUUit. experinuntal l.ibnrntnrj'. iniaii descent lamps: good opening for man with brains I'ORUMAN. hardwood finishing PORUMAN. Interior woodwork: SALUS MAN. nu i h.inii al, bronzes and castings (I'xieptliinally good opening! metal products, affile furniture, advertising specialties. Manager jirt'mlum store. ROOKKUUPUIt. several 1S to $ls. Pl'Rl'HASINU AOUNT'S ASSISTANT. JIN C'l.llRKH good openings for bright jouug men from IK to 22 j-earu old. SS to Sl.'i S P IJ C I A L A U T O M O it I L 11 Instruction given, day and night, by expert mechanics nt the ablest nnd nrlginnl Auto School. Repairing In all Its branches. Tim ing, wiring nnd U0 road lessons at a very small cost Oil NORTH I1ROAD ST. P. ITITZ. SITUATIONS WANTED PEMALE UOOKKUUPUR (assistant!, experienced, quick at figures: salary S. Cl 3."ill, Led. Central. BOOKKUUPUR, IS jrs.' practical ex.: comp., reliable : Al ref. P.O Ilox 1 1'J.Trenton, N. J. nUSIN'USS position desired by woman of tact uml ability: the best of Philadelphia creden tials, capable of cumins JIij-."(i weekly. !4S3iI.edser Central. CHAMIIUHMA1D. waiting or chlidnurso Young girl wants imsitlon; references. Call Jl'hursdaylT H..luth. t " CHAMRURMAID desires position. Phone or write 111 U. Oravera inne. Chestnut Hill. HIT 3 W. CIIILDNI'RSU, experlemed; reference; West lnilla. preferred. II lllT;Ledger Olflce. CI.KRICAI. jios. In office; conversant with gen eral line clerical work, punhun'g dept,, tiling system, card Index svslem, stenog, and tvpe vvtg.; jilso secretarial work.Clil.1rt;. Led. Cen. CI.UHIC. tj-plst. 11 months' exp.: fair know ledge of stenography. 1T43. Ledger Central. COOK- Young woman wishes position private family: (lermnntown or Chestnut Hill, ref- eremei. 23 W. School lano. Germantown. COOK Uxperlcnced American Catholic, middle- aged vvumun. country pref. 200.1 .Wharton st. COOK Upstate woman as cook In priest's house; good reference H 1103. Ledger Odlce. COOK Uxperlenced joung Clerman; wages 110: best reference It Hull. Ledger Jftiee COOK and chambermaid wish work, city or country. 2052 Kernon st. COOKING and chambervv ork 2 colored girls want positions; go away for the summer: no objection to country. 1035 Puna ma st . l : (Copyright, 1010.) '. '. I Looking for Boarders? Scores of men and women are constantly looking for boarding houses where good meals and comfortable sur roundings nre provided. The Public Ledger is eagerly read every day by more than 65,000 of Philadelphia's better-than-average families. Utilize this excellent opportunity. A Ledger classified nd will fill your Vacant rooms. SSWSC SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE Contttntnl fiom l'rcccdino Cohtmn DIIftlON'KIt nnd pattern cutler for women and children'!, clothing, beginner, wishes position. L L'nJ. LedgerlntraJ. DH'TArilci.Vi: OI'nitATOlt. clerk, familiar wllh all office details, !l r. exp.: nreurate. depend ale,lifst refs Cl tl.'iT, Ledger Central. rlti:s.SMAKIUt. colored, first class, work homo or by day, 'jILJ'renehjiL l'hlln.I'n. DIIKSMMAKIIII, experlnnced, wishes engngo- !!VMlhshyjl.u gnttd ref. I) 3.12, Ledger Off COOK first nnd seoend cook for tea room, club, nr restaurant; no Sunday work. Call nr writ", L'll.'l I S. l.th st. . tllllf.. Is. dslres position ns rhnmbermald; best refs Aildress AJC., .1040. NJW Jit IIHKI'R., work . J'ii. Dutcu f'rnt. umniin: adult fam li.'M N I.lntleimiod st.. West Phlla. LSTANTS M'ltSi:. can take entire charge; . S.i.lih Prnlestant, ref.B.IH H. Ilancroft st. Nl'ltSIl, exti . d"s uig.igement, entire charge nf Infant or tming i hlld. Dug. D 'J27.Led.orf. STCN'OIIIIAI'llllll, expert, with 1(1 ears' ex tierlence. Ituludlng technical work: capable secretary, exi client refs. V Till, Led, Cent, KTi:.N'OflItAI'lli:n. In years' exp.. desires per manent position, central location prof.; SIB per wnl. l 1.1. Ledger Central. STDNOdltAI'IIUIl. thoro'ly exp.. ileslres perm, secretarial pus.; centrally loin ted. excellent refereni es. a (i,-,s. Ledger Central. STDNOUItAPIIIlll, expert; high school Briuf liate: II rs.' exp. ijefs. (1 12. Led. Cent. STIl.N'OOIIAPIICH, thor. exp.. reliable, rapid: in'si reierem es. u riiii. Ledger Central. STIiNOlillAI'llllll. Iiookkeeper. exp.: Inltlatlvo first lass inipusltlon only, l: Tin, Led. Cent. MIINOtiUAI'llUll Young ladv desires pus.: " srs.' fxii. . ref. tl Tin. Ledger Central. PTI:N0I!RAPIII:U and ilcrk, oer 3 srs.' exp.. uiiuble, lonsclentlnus, ; n,, Led. Cent. STIl.VOdltAI'lllJR Cenonil assistant, "thor. exp.. cnmpi'teut: best refs. 1' 7411. Led. Cent. TDI.lll'HONi: Ol'intA'rOIt. thor. exp.. comp.T cleslresprlate brnncli.tl.r4!I, Ledger Cent. WOMAN wIsheH Mashing and Ironing for Mon days or A edneml lyn. Call 1802 Montroso st. or phone Dh k, 3U21 R. WOMAN, Kreiuh. ch.imlicrm.ild or laundress, wants situation: best ref. ,'IIHT Hansom st. YOI'.NII LADV, lllsli'Hcl:iiiirKriiiltnbiC"fieVlr general clerical position I! sl.i. Led Cent YOUNCl LADY, high school education, desires clerical position. (4 HH, Ledger Centrnl. WIIURl: can I get In touch with n first-class stenographer, bookl. 'oper or clerk? This question has been nsked by business men quite frequently through the Commer cial Department nt Ledger Central Is the answer. "Miss Dean" Is aide to render jou v.iiiiilde nsslstanco In locating Just the right kind of help, without publicity, undue an nnMince. waste of time anil energy. Tell her jour requirements nt onto she has listed the qu.-illlliatlnns nf young ladles seeking poslllons. This service will benefit jou per sonally It is free to LUDOUR advertisers. Telephone Walnut or Main anno, "Mlsa Dean," at mice SITUATIONS WANTED- MALE ACCtll'NTANT. CRUD1T AND OPPICU MANAOUR. UXP AND " SlICCUSSKITL; JIRST.CLASS ,UU.'S (i I4T. LUD CUNT AcT'OI'NTANT. "nmpctent experlemed. de sires position with reliable accounting or m.inuf.ti turliig concern. (1 3.I.", LcdCcnt HOOKKUUPUR thoroughly experienced, "will open. I Iokm and write up books, dav nr eve. nlng; moderate terms I31s, Leilger. Off. HOOKKUUPUR, nicnuntnnt. tlinroiighly expe rleiue.l, 15 rs in mfg.. managing, necount- lng:. At references O 541, LedgerCentral. HOOKKUUPUR. S jours' experience, married, ilesires position where there Is chanco for qdvanicmi-iit t.5 is, Ledger Central. HOOKKUUPUR nnd stennsrnnher. exo.. best nf ref, quiel: nnd accurate. CJ 110. Led. Cent. ClIAt'Pl'UDR Thoroughly rel.. nged 30. mar., prae . 0 vrs.' shop and ro.nl oxn , des. sltua lluii Phono Dickinson. 3HH3 w. Chaiirfeur. CIIACKfUl'll. single, Prot. 31. T jears' exp. as driver and mechanic P 07 i,ed. Cent. CILU'KPUIIR wishes pnsltlon'strletly soberT willing; references. OTIH, ledger Central. CHUMIST several jenrs' experience as anal vlst and familiar with works management, d -siren position In nlnnt with nnimrtunitj' for advanteinent. Cl 151, ledger Cintrnl. COST ACCOUNTANT PRODl'CTION MOR, - 10 j-ears' experlcnio in foundry, mnctilne. automobile and engineering lines. Compe tent executive, prnittcnl mechnnti : 31 jcurs of age: excellent references. Services avail able at once. R 114. Ledger Of!lceL DRAUGHTSMAN, met linnli nl. several -ears' experience, has tvvn mornings eacii week for extra work, tl 551. Ledger Central. DRAUGHTSMAN." oleitrlcul anil niechnuical, desires change: 10 yrs.' exp. G 411. Led.Cen. "lll-TlCIKNCY UNOINBUR ' AND UXPKRT ACCOUNTANT 12 years' experience. Holding executive po sition with large fortmratfou. has a few hours tn spare. It would pay jou to have us get acquainted, G TI3. Ledger Centrnl. UI.UCTRICAL Uxp. man. teclmlcnl educa- lion, desires nos.: refs. G 351. Leilger Cent. UXG1NUUR exp. Corliss high-speed engineer, elcc. lighting nnd railway plants wants pos. 1313 McClellnn st. II 112. Led. Office. GARDUNUR. German Protestnnt. experienced, single, wishes position on private plac: understands tare of horses, cows, etc.: best ref. Phone present place. Chestnut Hill nutl. GARDKNUIt. married, want" situation on prl" vute place; strictly sober T j ears' reference. Address P. Danohue. WnlUngtorii. Pa. GARDnNUR Married, sniull family, wishes position ns gardener: best references. Write !I25 Ulenbrook uve.. llryn Mavvr. Pa. CIAIIDUNHR. single, wants pos. to take chg. of greenhouse, lawn und veg. 218 s. loth st. 1IKRDSMAN, first class on cattle or swine! 11 tears' .experience, best of references. II 10T. Leilger Office. MACHINIST, long exp, especially boring; I liavo operuted nutoir'ttic boring mschlnes; can take care of machinery; speaks English, Ltttlsh. Russian. Polish and Italian. Ad dress 11U H. S3d St.. PhlluUelphla. J. K? MAN. joung. 2T. single, HI years' business ex perlenre, wants connection, selling ability, consider anj thing If permanent G 340. ledger Cintrnl. MAN AND WIKK very highest class, butler and cook and baker, line references. O 543. Leilger Central SITUATIONS WANTED MAIg ConHnuti from PreeeAlno Column MAN AND WIPB. colorcl J'"'" .", S' flrttclnjs Mnjn.hino rcf. .11 no.i, I "Si MAN," rftiinbtc. hlsh rl.iM, wlrjl,. rimta" dcmondtrnllnn norH U Til. !1forcyiLHli .ft-rir hi:v- .;.. i..... IIL MnCHANtCAt. RNOINERII, rr?ctlca1.5hnu tlvp, open for pjprutlvo ronnoctlon;. ninnni ml llnis: travel nr Incitto anywhere. . n.,271 H.Krxler "1. -r orriC'K MAN, 42, bookkeeper. neeoiinlnnt.Al reference", .(enlrcn position where ; nM" ""J fnlthfulness will le npprerlnledi moiiernio Mlnry. (IJl.'n.Iiluer t'enlrnl dAMlSMAN. 31' yearn nf nite. rPjW, VV enerBetle. Irnvellne nr lor.il. w II h r,V'?,h''S mrtnufneturer nr Jobber, thoroughly iJ"VSlr,'I nml ejp'rt; best reftj nml ran llnnnee neir. ir neressnry l 3. Inper itir, SAI.nSMAN to trnel or resMent reprejenta tlve. experienced Mlhm architect" nnA eon; trnrtora throudhoiit the tnt?-rtn11J,,,!ln? 1? rlal-t. familiar wlthplrtng UjHy ljpl' ' nr- vanti:d .ton as dhpt. hi'pt. . . . ..i.ham nd ilritiialitsmnn. nnihlnlst. toolmaker, etc., nn K"n; ";'n,2 iniichlne. bicycle, tjpewrlter. "peelnl tool; nh.l special machinery, cnilges. nnd tnnls nf precision, tnrg. nf ilupllente nnd Iniereinngej nble parts: Fnmlllnr wllh wnnl nnd metal pattern making, fnundrv practice ami drop forging; Installation, of enttlnes lflllers. pumps: snme knn ledge nf ctectrliin sal ary seenndnry to prnspects nml being nppre elnted. Address H T4il. Ledger Centrnl. . VofNci MAN. wllh ohlllfv. Inlegrllv nnd Ini tiative, experience In salesmanship. I jrijrs bookkeeper nnd nfflco nsslstnnt, linnnledgo nf advertising, desires connection wltli cro Ing concern; now emped; Al references, n 844, Ledger Central. YbnXrrMAN. 20. thoroughly , fnmlllnr with pamphlet binding, desires position ns n'flst; nnt foreman or solicitor: best nf rers. PublloJeditejtjMropolllnnjrower.New York. YOt'Ntl MAN. 28. desires opportunity: Ifi jears experlenre clerlcnl, sales nnd pur chasing; employed: prefer purchasing or selling. It 120, Ledger Office . YOt'NO MAN. 20, four venrs" experience In shipping nnd Packing, desires position: goon references O fl.1j Ledgerrentrnl: YOI'Nfl MAN. aS. experienced, wishes offico pnslllon: best references. II ion. LedgirjJif; nvn THAns1 nxpnitinNcn .tn manaji; INfl AN Al'TOMOniLn AODNfJ ' VJTH I Mil rnit A I'OHITION WHTlllIl ni'si.V.'yS' SP.LLlNfl. MUCHAN1CAL AND IILIIC TltlCAL ABILITY ARU ItUOrlRllD, AND Wllllllll A YOr.MI MAN HAH A ClIANCU TO WORK INTO A Rltl .TOR. O Til, LUDOUR CUNTRAL. EMPLOYMENT AGENCir Z NICIIOLI.H, 11)20 IlnlnhrldBC st.. has (lrst clnss Ungllsh, Italian, l'rench. Swiss. Cer man butlers, second men. housemen, cooks, sun 7.": Trench. Protestant nnd Swedish cooks, tftn: touples Hwed.. tier.. Irish, unit, parlor, rhnmbcrm'ds. trained Infant nurses, Indies' maids, kltchenm ds, etc.: wanted, nursery gov's, S.tn.s.'n. and additional help: all capacities, with refs. Phone Locust 21, in. WANTUD First-class cooks olid waitresses and girls for general housework, girls for In stitution work, girls for public waiting, cook nnd housework girl wants position In Oak Lano nr Jenklntown. Miss Rose Dough ert 1313 W. (Urn nl ave. Miss mary t. McCarthy." hot" christian (Loc. 139.11. supplies & wants ist-clnss Prot.. Cath. male and frnuilo help; nil nationalities. WANTUD "lit Uplscnpal Office. 312 S. 12th at., first-class cooks, waitresses, nurses. kitchen maids. AUTOMOBILES 5"nr Knlo CADILLAC. 1013. touring car. overhauled nnd repnlnted: full equipment: price 750 AUTO SAI.US CORPORATION I 12 N. Ilroadst. COLU. 1014." bit six" tnurlne. Ij. S. nOWURS COMPANY. 217 N. llroad St. COLU distributers. liTtAXk'I.IXs. ALL 'VIODULS (. I'AXSON, 31311 C1IUHTNUT ST. HUDSONS Rebuilt and guaranteed: phaeton nnd roadsters: electric llchts nnd starters. OOMP.HY-SCHW VRTZ. 2.1.1 X Hrnnd st. ' ' LIMOl'SINUS Fuitnlilo fnr funeral wnrk nr hiring of nnv kind nt nil prices; touring enrs at a big sac rifice no we need the space these cars occunj-. LOCO.MOIIII.IJ CO. OK AMUIHCA 2311 Market St. Locust 150. II. A.. JUNKS. Mer. Uxi hanBOCiirnpt. iACKARD" 4eyllnder, llmouslno nnd tourtns body. $1100 !,. OJNUAL 210 N. llroad s. PAIffU. 1015. 0"lrt:"first-class condition; driven 4000 miles, will sell reasonable. I 140. Led ger Central. SUND POR KRUn nllLLUTIN OP USUD CARS OORSON AUTO UNCHANOU. 238 N.RROAD Wnnlcil STOr. LOOK AND I.ISTUN! New gnrage, opened: cars liouEht. sold and exchanged: accessories, new and old; cour teous asslstanls expert mechanicians. COMU 81115 IIS Phlla. Auto Tarts Co., 11 II S. Rronjl. rhlla OLD AUTOS WANTUD FOR PARTS. PHILA. AUTO PARTS CO.. 823-25 N. 13th St. rark ins AUTOS HOUOIIT POR JUNK. 831 N. 3d St. Phono Park uss. AUTO LIVERY AND GARAGES TO 1IIRU lopen dav nnd night), brand-new R-pnss. touring car.wlth robes, S1.25hr.; also brand-new T-pass. limousine. S1.50 hr.; wed dings, funerals Poplar HUT. 1715 Olrard. FULTON C.ARAOI1 03D, FULTON AND GIRARD AVE. PIIOXU RULMOXT 11111; TO 1I1RU. threo and flvo ton truck by hour, day, week Telephone, Tioga 2700. AUTO PAINTING rORUMAN TAINTUR nan private shop on tho side; can paint or revarnlsh ears third less tlmo and cost than nnv shop In Philadelphia; work guaranteed. 11 22. Ledger Office. AUTO REPAIRING AUTOMORILU RUPAUtS Tho best equipped shop In W. Phlla. We straighten frames nnd axles, make parts, harden and grind, rebuild, overhaul and ro pair all makes: priics fair, agencv for Master Carburetors. Preston 11133. West 4113. H1UGINS HROS . 4212 Chestnut SPUUDOMUTUR TROUIHJIS See HILLY, nt his now location. BIO NORTH IIROAD ST. STARTING, lighting and ignition expert, any mech. or eiec. spei laity for autos attached or repair. Really, 1130 W. Ontario. Tloga7251. CVI.TnDURS RKHORUD. new pistons and rings furnished, weldings nnd brazing. IT. n. Underwood & Co ,1025 Hamilton st . Phlla. SMALL machine shop wants lathe and bench work. Lennrtz. 35 IR N lClth. Tioga 5(135. AUTO SUPPLIES -RllARINaS- Nevv Departure Service sta The Clwllllam Co. 1314 Arch st. Phones Wulnut 3497. Race 3062. " SLIOHTLY USUD, ALL SIZCSl TIRUS YOUR OWN PRICUS. 823-25 N. 13th st. Park 1118. PARTS TO 1IUILD OR RUPAIR ANY CAR" PHILA. AUTO I'ARTS CO.. b23 N. 13th Tat Park 1418. AUTO TIRES TULLMAN TIRES Guaranteed 4i)iiu miles. Compare prices. OUIMM'S. 2311 N. llroad st. DOGS, BIRDS AND GOLD FISH FOR HALU Irish terrier puppy; male; private home: sale J15. Cl 13. Ledger Central. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES HOTEL OCUAN CITYrfor sale", near beach?! good following P 236. Ledger Office. LIFIl Insurance policies purchased, nay up to 50 more than companies. Q 512 Led. Cent. THE ADVOCATES OF tit.mt iMlr.lt ..vll Vtr!! i :kai YiiAiisv i!xri".mi;.Ni-v 'j ",",w., rllANlf.'AI. AND PTIltlfTUIJAIj L.ljJJJ.'jrj BUSINESS J)PrOBTTJNITIE3 Continued from rrcctilnoCe1tnn onociHvrsToKKS.Tzion. MMo. liooo. ooo. Dry .ood, 'AVnVCn.&OO .lOOg. Knicrprise iirnmTMM" "- v..;-- 10.11 1iml Tltjo llnlMlntr. tranemarrtn. rtipiiRiijn - "iirtilrttiq pated anywhere; rePctprl nprHrationg cuted: preliminary ndvlce free. 13in nirnrd bit. foP-.TSnMm with ml ftry llohet! Plnre: 2 floorfl Alt' u? rll.n?a Ion nnd cM rkroomfl . Phowease in front , inert linn in dRlrahle for r "lil"-tnnr nl1 nolPlfl nn" '1" Klffli) lraiW nn.t MwMt n lr.r. t-diTer Centrnl. rndMOTKIl with Infiuentlnl flnnnclnl connee. lh Induentlnl flnnnclnl eoniiee. for engagement for proposition er proposition nf going bti'lnj" innl capital Is required! will c psls only; refereni es required. lions is open ror or merit; preicr where nddltlon 1nl wllh ni-lnclm Jl ;ni. l.eilger irmnu. nWVCirnP A SI'ITAIILU PROPURTY ON TilU COAST OP MAINli WANTS a partner nf experience tn Join him In opening n hnjf ?amp there nmf osilnhlli-ninir n nrofitiihlo sensnn this suminer. Address OWN LR, liu. Hnrrison Running TvTTfiTn otir'd MANCPACTURlNn FIRM YOI77 INVI.yr.Ml.. I niiii. 'ifc ....w BURVtC US. INVi:TtaATi:. c n. LUDOUR ori'tca , PARTNUR WANTUD. to" Invest JpOtn'' iS30ini, ladv nr gent eimn. nn a newly pnt cnted medical nrtl.le! have liirge linsness piollis: nej: nn triflers: straight, legltlmnto business. II 1fl, I.edgerJIlfllee STOR11 POR RUNT Ftiltnbtn for niitomoMIe tires ana nulo sup plies: former tenant snjd tires nnd nutgrew their quirters Applv MIO N lfith st 2S-AClfU CHUSTUR COPNTY 1'ARM. 2H. miles from mnln line: nenr church, school nnd stn.i fine fruit, wnter: well adnpteil for poultry j-nlslng: bargain. Rox T. Lmdell. Vn,t POR HALU American Maimnnese Manufact uring Compnnv preferreil slnck at Jir, com mon nt iT r.O Ppdlke-Wnrd. Inc.. r.10 Andrus. Minneapolis. Minn 15 A MONTH secures Interest in growing or chard: will be producing before paid for. HARRY DARLLN'tlTON, 1420 Chestnutst. WANTUD- Onoif tonnnt nt cry close rental for well-located centrnl store. J. A PATTKRSON. RlllS JMh. , P1CTPRU THUATRt:. S12.-.0; worth $30001 crowded iilRlitlv: strictly, mod.; good bus. Joei.goodsoll. reason. LlljU Jlj?!! cent.. IlliTtSS POPNDRY" nnd maeh. shnp. 1-3 Inter est for sale orders nn hand, small capital required cl "1 Ledger Central. , POOI.ROMM. thnroughlv equipped, -t tnhles. Im hiding clgnr slnre and duelling: BnodWcst Plilbl. locntion. I. 4 4T Jl.edgerCenl ml . C.W xnii Invest JtO per month? luosllgnto. M nr. I, Ledger Central. BUSINESS PERSONALS SUPURPLUOUH HAIR removed by electrolysis, the onlv permanent way. Uvebrows arched. MISS SMITH, 102 Keith Theatre niiltr. Miss lfonpe. linlrdres'r, facial massage, man Icur'g: form. Mint Arcsile, wllh Miss Smith, PULL DRUSS SUITS Cutnways, Tuxedos nnd Hack Sulto To hire nnd made to order. NnURAUUR, Tllll TAILOR. 19 N. 9th ot. Hell phone. Wnlnut 2C18. PULL DRUSS. TUXUDO, PROCK AND CUT nwny suits to hire: nil new. stvllsh goods; Isrgo nssortment SAMUUL COOP11R. 1010 Ulrnrd ave. Phone Poplar 03I2. DIAMONDS HOl'OHT Rank reference. Apprnlsement. 1 p. e. HARRY W. SMITH. 717 HANSOM STRUCT CABPET CLEANING C O N T I N U N T A L CARPUT CLUANING IIOII.SR 20TI1 ST. AHOVU C1IUSTNUT Bell Phone. Locust 10(10. WUST PII1I.A. WIST PHILA. WUST PHILA. MONARCH STORAOU CO. 3c PUR YARD. 3870-72 LANCASTUR AVU. DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY IIinilUST PRICUH paid for diamonds. Jewelry nnd pawn tickets for diamonds. Apply 2:30 to 4 '30 p. m.. Win. Flick. Room 352. Durd Hldg , corner Oth and Chestnut sts. DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY I'OTTUR SCHOOL OP DRUSSMAKINO. DAILY AND P.VUXINU SUSSIONS 1435 CHRARD AVU. POPLAR 6374. T1IU McDOWULI. DRUSSMAKING SCHOOL. Sliort. practical, Inexpensive courses. 307 Hem Kin Hldg. 11th and Market sts. FOR SALE 11ILLIARD. POOL, combination, second-hand. bought, sold, rented, exchanged: repairing; supplies. Lafo Keafer. American manufac- turer, 320UtrnrduveJ MILLIARD" AND l'OCKUT TAHI.KS Also bowling nllejs: easy payments. RRUN3- WICK-DAI.KU-COLLUNDUR CO. 1002 Arch. Illl.LIARD. pocket. M-h.irul tables repairing, supplies. Clnrk-lletd Mfg. Co.. 2421 N. Front 1IOTULS. npartment houses nnd private buj' ers, take notice. Genulno leather rockers, direct rrom factory, selling out at whoicsalo prices; no dealers: call day on!j KLAUD11R. II st. nnd Allegheny avo. CASH RUGISTURS, new nnd factory rebuilt. New totnl adders as low as 130, on easy monthly pajments. Call and seo our 1910 models. All registers sold by its fuly guar nntecd. Tho National Caah Register Co.. 730 Chestnut st DUSKS, filing cabinets, safes, telephone bnoths and office furniture nnd fixtures of every de scription: used, but In line condition, nnd verv cheap; free delivery nnvwhere HUOIIKS. 11TI1 AND RUTTONWOOD. DUSKS, large assnrtnvnt; also household fur niture Duilng Central Second-hand Furni ture Company. 004-HOil-l I Callovvhinnt. 1II1ARSU rour-coluinil square black hearse, black and white draperies; good condition; sell cheap William Madden. Ilrlstnl, Pa. OFP1CU PARTITIONS, offico railings, wall cases, counters and show cases designed and mado up special to your order; it will pay jou to get nur estimate Phnne. vvrlto or call WUISS MANUFACTURING CO.. 150-52 N. 12th St. SAFUS Fireproof: closing out slightly used all sizes &. mal.es; big birg.ilns. 21li N. Fourth. VICTROLA records March list Just received" RKLLAK 1120 Chestnut. D11LICIOUS extracted honey direct from bee keeper. S1.R3 per gal. (12 lbs.). SI per 'i gal. ((I lbs.l; delivered by parcel post; satis faction guaranteed or money refunded. L. K. Hosteller. R. F. D. No. 5. Lancaster. Pa. COMPLUTU dining room sulto and bnby car rl.lgu; excellent condition. 137 8. 00th. Phono lleimont 1003. ONU WILTON HUNNrin. 10'i jnrda: 2 box springs; never used. H. V. PATCHI1TT. 2011 Market st UPRIGHT PIANO, good condition: nlso cabinet org in. Call Weil, or Sat . bet 12 and 5 n. m.. KmmnnueIlii Church. 1021 Christian st. CONFUCTIONURY and S-rnnm dwelling, "with nr without business 1I2T Tioga st. HEATING MAKIN-KKI.SEY HEALTH HEAT Is better and cheaper than steum or hot-water. Pure fresh nir with normal molsturo. MAKIN KELSEY 6 N. 18th st . Phlla. INSTRUCTION WSE roLK learn a foreign language: ac quire Spanish, French or Italian by quick nnd easy .method. Writs Prof. Stano. 0000 Woodland ave. MACHINERY AND TOOLS DYNAMOS, motors and machinery bought, sold and rented: urmatures rcpulred. Main 91. Market 3065. Yearsley Co.J!21N. d.st. B;V,i,NK.HT"uS' ,0.'S -! " new uml .'J-haiid. Immediate deliveries. -WS- SEYFURT'H hONS,J3T N. 3d St. I'IPE Second hand, all sizes Phlla HeenncL Hand Pipe Supply Co.. 1003 N Tth st. Phone. tiATrvTSAnTttUn n. 1'Ainn. Til Wnlnut i prose wvrixtlvn tTnrif RANCH, now operating at sultnlile for, mnn nf means rtejilrlnp t n ango of clltnnle: live stnek all Pure bred ""'.JR istered: fnr palo nt .n Imrgaln. Aiioress PREPAREDNESS WILL INDORSE WHlT MAOHINERY AND TOOtg contimirrt from 1'rcccrtfsa Crotf SHAFTING SAFUTY SPLIT on,. .-d YOCOM hangers nnd pliYoS. ?S 'JiAftAn1 Ished ball nnd socket b. nrlnr. .V." llh tjcl mr nu. ensiling purposrs nlf.L, cue 1UU1 MACHINII WOImV TO NorS lJ.lS ANrll -iraTOc-oSTsow r.:"2m"".'m.o,o.rfj !'?""rVVi;.,i?2J . 'I.axt tni4... iL-, "'.,.,;."!!,.l""i'..v."ir. lompressnr. ,u m h.1 ii'l". .rumps, nir rompressei.s FtlAM TnfHii'.v ii. "W .::::::- - - i " n uu 8UPPl.IUS.OF EVERY tvt.c, "i. c,rAR,i:!!sx,!ifJ1.syTR COPPUR Jnekeled kettles nltn "", ""ajH rnnner Include,! irAni. ..l;'in ralx.p. r Jncdet Kettles. NutinlT. ti 5 !'?'i "in, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 85-CIHClCEIltNG VpRIuitT PIANcT HOWARD VINCENT R.c, . I PIANOS AND PLAYER nfvv.i-Jla. "" -"" "su llinjIPSON sto PIANO Ktultz n.-i-nnto plaver m.. '- condition: Sim. ra., "W" PIANOS tuned, tl; player wnrb .. S lory experience, stclnhnrk, iiia w'W. tW OLD GOLD CASH PAtD. FOR DIAMONDt imt. i, cnld. silver, platinum' ,.!lEc'0Cl Smelting & "' Co . . j f5;uJli! stones, Phlln Hhi OLD GOLD, sliver, plitln .i uiji.ii. suver, pntlnum, platedwtnr: stvlo lewelrv. teeil. nia.M i ..'..q. ware. ftlA. Est. 1870, J. I.. cmrlciVnner " "ni'g.. ROOFING AND IRON AWNli Jl.CAN OP OUR CEMENT will r.TTTrT-r- in nny roor. wr to for rlrctiisir ...'" CAN ROOl'iNG CO., 1M1 ni,'. ERt ALL KINDS of lenkv roots reTiirr roors coated, sing roofsi hmti,,.li V! years. Ilnck, SI'J N n, ,fK "ariiWM lj STORAGE CONTINENTAL STORAGE WARUlfotlSn SOTIIHT. AI10V11 Cl IKSTNirp rACKiNii, .moving, sinpr Wa Rubs, Carpets, cleaned, senurefi .1 . Hell. Locust 1 ono Piioncsi.?y'ricftn,Jtorl. FIDELITY FIRUPROOP WAnnitntlae. 18 1 1 -1 8 1 3 MA R KET ST- TENN STORAGE AND VAY fin 2136 KAUKtlV ST. "' V. atlas storage wAnnifottsnBnr' moving, packing. shlpnlnB. enrpet cl.iUS PhHnrlnB TS2 for estimate Market, inf Mccann'k storaou norsiT-!??!-;);: st : moving, pneking, shipping; auin... J Hnth Phones. Let us estimate. Jt0 Mnl PIRUPROOI' Mothproof, Concrete "vv.f.h,,,.- N. Phlln. Stor-igo. Co . 2033 IV A ft T2G0 Plnnos nnd Furnlluro nought A alii' MOVING nnd storage, prompt serv ice lo - rntcH; esiimnies rree hon Tioci siii' R M. 1IROWN 3S.-.IJJ0 lN 5th. 8I"- a-jtiiiA iii Jiovitig i.y auto vans, icWnT slllpplng. .Levin Pros.. 2011 lildii , Plnme Poplar (.021 "'"" ,v- MILLER NORTH llROAD'sTOnAnE CO-" IIROAD. AHOVU LEH10II AVR WANTED ANTIQUE FURNITURE, false teeth", futiin beds, broken Jewelry, gold, silver. dlanwSi bought. 73 i Wnlnut. Wnlnut 7D2B. Est. hSl HROKUN .IUWULRY Coin Iionlcs, wnn priei'W l piy, mil eO. 15a. J H.llnss People's Stnrc).2l,ll H. lllh. v,V ? CAST-OFF CLOTHING Sellgsohn the KJI3 pajs more than any ntlu rs for ladles' ml men's summer nnd winter clothing of th. better grade. .Write or phono .Market 2090: 'IJJ ..iss.-l - s im ..i.s ..fs-ix- Itllt Lllllf'. SULIGSOHN, cor Kth nnd Sp Oai Sp Oarden tix CAST OFF CLOTHING. WANTED fiShm it in inr geniiemeirs. uot our nrt? und be. convinced. Cnjl. vvrlto or phone W.U Hill .i m i.nn, fi. cur I .-Arcn. Km. 11. CAST-OFF "CLOTHING Highest Prices mid for Indies' and men's clothing, hat., ..cm itc. : phone Pop. 3MI1 lllirker. 1239Pop! CAST-OPF clntlllng bought, best price rill for men's goods, write or phono Wilaa livil.-,. SCIU'l.TZ. 227 N 0th St. FKA'I'HUR HUDS wanted extraordinary bin prices paid; hair mattresses. 1337N. tth. I'URNITURE bought cash, parlor entlr. h'Jv office furn., stock stares; will pay to consult befnro selling. Ennls. 212 H 8th. Wal. 1HI. FURNITURE, pianos, carpets antiques, entlr. or imrt houses liought for cash; no mittsf how large. J. Ilernstein, 1354 Ridge ave. MERCURY bought. D Clnml.ley gold ancfsTE ver bujir nnd refiner. Til! Sansom. Hell pa, OLD GOLD c.ith paid for old gold, silvr, nntique docks: will call. Hell phone Locut 1210. ROGERS. 27 S 17th st t HIGHEST prices paid for gentlemen's clothlnc Urledm-in Urns., ltll South Ph Dick. IU. HIGHEST PRICUS paid for diamonds. oU gold, sliver. Td.ltlnum. falso teeth, atsopairx tickets. i30"."llliTt, 2d fir front Wal. TI7t 50.000 2D-1IAND II VRD RRICK rli-antl; state price. T.Vm Stewart. 3.100 N Oth. ROOMS FOR RENT CHESTNUT. 2007 WELL-FUlWISHtD JlfinMS PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT. ) MONMOUTH. II 1030 RoardlnB marrtrf couple, gentlemen, private laiuuy coxy rwci with southern exposure, Kensington W i PARK AVE.." 2107 Private family .will ml 1 or 2 furnished rooms, uiamona SPRUCE. 13.17 Rooms, single or en suite: jnY Hatha; prof, off Ices, steam neat, trenncw. 10TIL H., 301) (Opposite The'cllnton) )0U1 or slnglo rooms, with or without bath; Ten heqieii; plenty hot water vvai. mu, 11TH. N.. 1313 Desirable vacancies, rejsm. alile.vveli heated, nicely furn Pop. jjT fSTIirN.. 2001 Two 2d-story rnnms. rellarf fnmlly, gentlemen Diamond 0513 J. ltiTH.""s.. "33 Attractive 2d floor rooms; run- nng water, private bath. Phone Ucust JQii 22 D. N . 20302 adj front run '"".! furn : HkIi liskpg. op , also double ;"'? rm. . furn. e bed and living mi Dy4Wj lirtTir H 11 it ricHlrnhle sunnv roomsielc trlclty; prlviito bath. WoodlandJtfTJJiLil 0OT1I itii m "iit rhimrrn iv rnrnisnea rwui. housekeeping: gas electric, linen; near I nhnnn ICtn.n.if lllftT. I WITH. S.. 11)10 LM-storv room lalfl.cf!'il lionrd no.: owner: phnne Woodland 3S 1013 N. 12TII ST Two second front rooijs. communicating, newly furnished, f;t 'R. houseJteeplnK running vvnler Dlam.JsjiJir TWO nice, unfurnished rooms thlra floor:"? cheerful; uso of bath; respee tab Ki? nnlv. Poplar 15011 J. Mrs J FLKMija TWO good rooms, near Rroadand LocimI- quiet, refined home; excellent location. Ledger Central. - DUSIRAllLU rooms In "nrlvoto home, vldaW nothnnd WnInut.SI 311. IrfilBex.C!i TWO ROOMS, furn. hkpg . 13. lnsl r furn., SI 30, UOt N lflthjt 2 OWNER will rent bachelor apartment, ttj looms. Kith, fireplace 2022 fiorucs st .? 1'iimlklied Z CLINTON ST., 020 Attractive rooms, 'raw or en suite; bnths. open fires, reluiea twj roundlngs. gentlemen Suburban - SHAnpjJ. cic ST., w., i4-?n,I'0,r;?JK; ntshel well heated room 1 window", , able T" light housekeeping; or board. u" svUu vu3.i nre cirtm find lifltlin. Utn. 01- WAYNE J UNO. (4320 Oreene) Nll M rnnm soiilliern exposure. 0 rnoniii. i-m window corner i-nom. 8. Otn osinn- j f BOARDING SPRUCE. 1224-20 (UrlsinondeV-Furn; . roonl Blngle, en suite : private " """ "" IflTH ST.. N.. 1T01 Well heated MB- rm-sittnB mi. : so. expos PhUia."i.J 40TH, N.. 32 Attractively furnished. "" rooms; excellent tublo. phone. -, rj r.,'1,.1 VT lltLll I'-nll.Ht.n EIWI IftUl.,..- UUUl. 4I1DU -V.V. 11... .... ---!.- . UTH. N.. llibU uenuemen. C""?hJT JbM. heated rooms, desirable jJg2J-JggH l'lUVATE .FAMILY will .board ana "... helpless invalid rensonauiy- ;,"'",rr i In ullendance, Q 45T lrfdgerLen'ri . fSiiliiirlmn . ! THE FERNS" (Otll .104 W ,CnellHg til. ItVUI UJ,lt( I.VMVIII - 5a' i ma . nr Jin ,to ES I ,. 1 J -. mXffp feW )rLLrUR" CQLOeR ' EV! f6',1!! il