Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, March 09, 1916, Night Extra, Page 11, Image 11

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f ...nn3 persons Will Leave This Week and Next for
LKo S,fq South and West-Society Shocked Over
Sad Accident to
, lh6 coming of Lent yesterday
1 " wivltlcs nro over, nml
e..5;: .nn-nnl the South will
rl SSer of the day for Society folk.
JrlrV Blrls aro all RolnB down
,I M(a wTth their parents, Mr. and
VHcjrd Myers, and, Goodness
.hfltwo younger ones must need
!r as I said onco before In my
t0,m to havo been, with-
IF .n Ion tlm '"0,t Popular plrls
91 re' season; not a tea. but
received, not a dance, but they
r . frt list of thoso who attended;
f.wSeon, but Sarah and Mnrga
fS wanted; and as or tho
and other entertainments, they
t tovo Been ovorythliw In town
.. wry Rratifyms to tho parents
"Wwhat favorites their daughter
"""It was bo when Marlon and
...,. mnfl their debut. Marlon,
Tknow. Is engaged to young Georgo
t!J repper. Jr., and I hear rumors that
'11 wedding will take place In the
,- aii if not this late spring. Tho
fESiri M. Cadwaladers nro going to
Sia Hot Springs this week, and
!tra the Walter Foulkes-
' ff.were all tcirlbly shocked yestcr
!h, to hear of poor pretty llttlo Catho
jm Coward's dreadful accident; and
Z trorst par' ot lt ls thclt 6h0 ls sut"
Itolneeo, In splto of all that can bo dono
for her comfprt. I do not think enough
L bo said for young Albert Kennedy's
'iruencoof mind and bravery in putting
-Sot the flames when ho finally got to
'la- It must have taken some strength
to (ear down tho hangings. What nn
irful experience for all tho members
ef that gay llttlo party who wcro pro
Mring for an evening of fun at tho
fcl Masque. I understand from tho
fcnllr that, though sho Is very badly
I turned, they do not nntlclpato any last
?tjj tears, and tho doctor gives every
tope of a recovery. Tho shock to tho
tart In such a fright ls always a tor
'rWo thing, putting aside tho suffering,
io vo cannot help but bo anxious about
ter, hut wo aro glad wo can safely
tope for tho best.
Its mammas of young Philadelphia
'"m greatly concerned over tho naughty
tttavlor of somo of tho chaperons at
fin various dances and subscription
ilalrs, for lt appears thcro nro still
Mamas In tho gay world who think
chaperons aro necessary personages
it these dances, and who allow their
young daughters to subscribe under
lUndlng they will bo well chaperoned
Jta troublo seems to bo that tho
pj young things Insist on dancing
Bolt of tho night, and tho much
wed and abused chaperon gets tired
eat Whether lt is duo to concerted
irtlon on tho part of tho said ladles
er ithethcr each ono has Just naturally
thought somo ono olso .was going to
itayjj hard to say; bo that as it may,
I h Georgo Monroe, tho fact remains
tilt at numerous dances lately tho"
chperons havo departed beforo tho
4and tho gay young things havo had
to end of fun, and lt has just
niched tho mammns' ears, and thoy
in exceedingly shocked. It remains to
j itm If tho daughters will bo nl
taeo; to subscrlbo to all tho classes as
Wore, when they start again next year.
Ulf. and Mrs. Edward T. Stotesbury,
tw Breakers, Palm Bench, gavo a largo
Iter last night at tho Beach Club prior
.wiMir departure for tho West Coast.
LJIa ? H Kaso' ot South 17th street.
l J tablo was beautifully tlero-
i, . u B,rlnK iiowers. Among tlm
IWKi yte Mrs. John T Towers Mrs
f.Tnh.P 0IIe- JI'" Doylo, Mrs. Molvin
IE1.' "? William Murel and Jim
J w. Jiende. Tho euesta later nt
KMM a skating party.
W.ll,.?Irs- IIonry B' Thompson will
wntaln 14 prominent churchmen at dln-
Sitm W,dJ1'arm' Wmlngton, Sat
,rm USty nishop wrenco will bo a
jwf-end. "" Mrs" ThomP3n 'or tho
I Iff. ftnA lr .
Wllri.f.7 V,rgo w. u. Koberts, of
'to DrtJS 17 J"aco- wl" Ieavo tomorrow
ffttrolt. Mich whero they will bo tho
Uriior several days,
"" "ttleton Waller Tazewnii wniir
Whem.? l"'08" this afternoon at
SmM" the Na-y Yard. Sho will bo
ifcuirY-i fce,VnB "y jrra. Louis P.
PETw h'evra ho tea tabl-
g Mdj have been eem
--... uw((, uub
receive at her
k"f I ovinrt, . , TV. 1' uua nuernoon
ifc In MarUckna'0 remaining Thurs
Jg March, rso cards havo been
this afternoon
&? -.?!. Wilbur, of Old Stone
ittls ? en,er'amea at lunch
t. Y'lon, Mrs. Frederic C Mar-
WS" $lUl Sou11' Mr8' William
ftotri &,," "erbert U Clark. Mrs.
1M w Rr . James Large, Mrs.
&".r7h,LI,.ra- Abram Winter
F'nMrsfariT"shman' Mrs. s. D.
ffi?!1 her 9onradl. Mrs. Will-
fftrfUBi.nlS Rnnur w. Sewall,
leant and Miss Mary Wlnsor.
5?uW? of the Agnew RecreaHon f-m.
Wtertiin! na Cherry etreets. will give
ttaASSiS1 t.h8 Bch0' tnto fve!
rCevfr?! Ccntra l3 ona ' the old-
WtM v ..uua0. and Still nnrl !
iKLW wnskt Prof; J- Wesley Foote.
m of mS'x P'?y. Kiven by the
fi lmS,iia,T Kurtz's dramatic
fetiui "fi',ui unbers will be given
Bk'ur' Charles Oranih.,, i,.i.
&ToreaceewuCr?p.,lo,nal" e "
Plfwtur.lrt3 css will give ev.
' BAl. -'- notices ntld ti.,n - ai ..
S Ulrtum ani will bo followed by
WS1"1 general and
:fSfir2?Bt.,?,p PreParedneSn
K. rt uuhn nu. "",'8-oiratrora
ifErr a th ;: " "r J-repareaness.
lm HiiLfi JudBa William W Por-
R . Qeor(f Quintard HorwiU
Miss Cassard
vlco president, and Mrs. t. II. O'Harra sec
ond vlco president.
Tho Southern Club, of tho University of
Pennsylvania, will hold Its regular
monthly dance at tho Wynneflold Country
Club this ovenlng.
Mrs. C. O. Gregg, of Itldley Park, en
tertained tho ovecutlvo board of the Bor
dontown Female College at a luncheon at
tho Union Lcaguo today. Thoso present
Included Mrs IMward Newton Hang,
president; Mrs Thomas C. Shrove, sec
retary nnd treasurer; Mrs E. 11 Semplo,
Mrs. .T. II. Cooper, Mrs. It. .1. Ferguson,
Mrs. A. J. llldor, Mrs. C. C. Itceves, Mrs.
T. D. Landon, Mrs. II. C. Marshall, Mrs.
O. II. Uarrctt, Mrs n. Nowoll, Mrs. AV. W.
Trapp, Mrs. J. S. Hlgglns, Mrs. T. S.
lilsbop, Mrs. C. S. Itldgway nnd Miss
It D, Shirk. Tho annual luncheon will
bo held in tho north garden ot tho Dollo-vuo-Stratfoid
on Wednesday, May 10,
Tho pupils of tho Ncff Collego of Mind
Culture will glvo a play and danco In tho
New Century Drawing llooms on April 21,
Along the Main Line
OVKHUIIOOK Mr. and Mrs. Davis
Pearson, of Ovorbrook, anuounco tho en
gagement of their daughter, Miss Mary
Lillian Pearson, to Mr. Donald Flanlgen,
or woounury, N. J.
Mrs. Fredcrlok C. Mencko, ot 0311 Sher
wood road, will cntcitaln nt luncheon to
morrow In honor of Mrs. II Clay Urown
Ing, ot Washington, nnd Mrs. Alva C.
Tho Pennsylvania Musical Club will
glvo a concert, followed by dancing, at
tho Overbrook Golf Club on Saturday
At tho card party given this afternoon
at tho Ovorbrook Clolf Club by tho Penn
sylvania Stato Chapter of tho Daughters
of tho Revolution, tho guests included
Mrs C. La Forrest Perry, Mrs. Henry T.
Kent, Mrs, Marshall S. Colllngswood, Mrs.
Robert Hebcrton, Mrs. George W. Urqu
hart, Mrs. John J. Hleglcr, Jr., Mrs. Charles
Wolbort, Mrs. Paul L. Wolfo, Mrs. Na
thaniel S. Keay, Mrs. James E. Morris,
Sirs. Paul Lowry, Mrs. E. D. C. Lynch,
Miss Helen Barrett and Miss Marlon Bar
rett Tho affair was In clinrgo of tho fol
lowing committee, of which Mrs. Harlcy
T. McDcrmott is chairman: Mrs. Ilornco
R. Anders, Mrs. Edward Price, 'Jr., Mrs,
Charles J. Shoemaker, Mrs. D. Wilbur
Taylor and Mrs. W. Constalno Popo. A
number of juniors also assisted.
Tho same Card Committee which Is In
chargo of tho tournament now going on
at tho Cynwyd Clubhouso will glvo a sub
scription card party on tho night of
March 22, which will bo open to both senior
and nssoclato members ot tho club. Tho
next meeting of tho tournament will bo
hold on Monday afternoon. Tho commit
tee in charge of both entertainments in
cludes Mrs. Robert Patrick, chairman;
Mrs. Martin P. Glynn, Mrs. Robert Scott
McCracken. Mrs. O. C. Mlrteenes, Mrs.
John G. Fleck. Mrs. William It Miller
nnd Mrs. William D. Kraft.
Miss Miriam W. Roberts, of State road,
Cynwyd, will occupy her handsome now
country seat at Bala, now In courso of
completion, tho early part of tho summer
The Women's Permanent Emergency
Association of Germantown since tho mid
dle of December has forwarded more than
thirty packing cases filled with articles
for tho needy In Franco. Somo wcro sent
to tho Queen of Belgium and somo to Mrs.
Duryea's headciuartors in France. Tho
Marquiso do Chambrun writes that not
only clothing but candles aro greatly
needed for those who sit in darkness and
tho shadow of death from sunset until
dawn, their only light that of a bursting
The Gormantown branch of tho British
Emorgency Aid ls headed by Mrs. Georgo
Ilenrlch, of 7148 Doon street. A group
of energetic young women meet every
Wednesday at tho homo of MrB. Honrlch
to mako bandages of every description for
tho wounded.
South Philadelphia
!& KWutllWMKtivXi.'uUMVV-'vW
yijflff't.r- .'.. ..'-v-'1Wil!rm!fi
Miss Rose McDermott took part In a
recent play given by members of St Eliz
abeth's Dramatic Club.
Mr. Benjamin Trultt, of Passyunk ave
nuo and Morris street, has returned after
a pleasant trip to Savannah, Ga,
lAn entertainment will be given by the
Class of the Baugh Close School at the
home of Miss Claire Gould, 609 Dlokln
son street. Among the guests will ba Mr.
Benjamin Bernstein, president ; Miss Rose
Winston, Mr. Nathan Lavltsky, Miss Jano
Braslow, Miss Sablna C. Chaplin, Mr.
Louis Bokolow, Miss Sophie Rosenberg,
Mr. Harry Cohen, Mr. Samuel Posner,
Mr. Morris Sodverarodsky and Mr. Hyman
Pot. The Fay Class has also been invited.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Raster, of 2246
Wlnton street, recently entertained a
number of friends at a reception, given
in honor of Miss Mary Lavelle, of 1867
South 29th street, who was their guest.
Delaware County
Mrs. W, H. White, of Droxel Hill, gave
a pink luncheon followed by cards at her
home last' week in honor of her guest,
Mrs. Charles H. Phelps, of New York.,
Mrs. White's guests were Mrs. Edward
Fay, Mrs. E. H. Wanamaker, Mrs.
Thomas Malloy, Mrs. Robert Simpson, Mrs.
E. Kauffman. Mrs, Edgar Thomas, Jr.,
Mrs. William Katz, Mrs. Charles Sonuner,
Mrs. Harry Davis, Mrs. Barton Potts, Mrs.
William Macuaghau and Mrs. Charles
5822222 PJ
S3 ii
- - lE&. vmSL. r$(3 iY'" i n iffr , y tfSv Z'' cU ' '
International 1'llm Sorvlco,
Rending from loft to riKht; Top row Mr. Morris Wood, Mr. Alexander Honry, Jr., nnd Mr. Jordan
Phelps, of New York. Bottom row Mrs. William Col email Freeman, Mrs. Morris Wood and Mrs. Alex
ander Henry, Jr.
Tho second annual concert, vaudeville
entertainment and masked ball of tho
Koran Grotto, No. 61, Mjstlc Order
Veiled rrophets of tho Enchanted Realm,
was held Tuesday night In Lu Lu Tem
ple. About 2000 thousand persons wera
present. Pollco Drlllinaster Harry Crow
fut nnd Asslstnnt Director of Public
Safety Harry Davis woro the iloor man
agcis. Tho commlttoo In chnrgo was
headed by Mr. Joseph Klefcr, chairman;
Mr. J. II. Snyder, secretary, and Mr.
William Hockert, treasurer.
Costumo prizes woro awarded to Mrs.
L. V. Ingles, Mrs. Harry Hess, Miss
Violet Llosec, Mrs. L. Stotz, Mrs. M. Tal
magc, Mr. William R. Bullock, Miss Mario
Ellber, Mr. William II. Lawbon, Miss
Ruth E. Schmidt, Mrs. E. Schmidt and
Mr. Harry Blum.
A special meeting of tho Tyrollennes
was held last week at tho homo of Mr.
J. Murray Greer, ti0t2 North 11th street.
Tho ofllcers elected for tho ensuing year
wcro Mr. William R. Gray, president;
Mr. Harry A. Corr, vlco president ; Mr.
J. Murray Greer, secretary; Mr. Chester
N. Shirk, treasurer; Mr. Wallace II. Dull,
Mr. J. King Jamison, Mr. Frank C. In
terman, Mr. Bertram 51. Mercer and Mr.
John II. Green, dlroctors.
The Sharswood Club held its annual
ball last week at Llederkranz Hall,
2721 Columbia nvenuo. Tho attendance
was tho largest in tho history of tho club.
Mr. P. Fcrlong was chairman, Mr. John
son Edgar was grand conductor nnd Mr.
William O'Brien led tho grand march. Mr.
Frank Cot-grove, Mr. Georgo Hughes and
Mr. William Bauhoff nro members of tho
bonrd of governors, which arranged tho
Tho Catalpaa Yacht Club, ot Dolanco,
N". J., held its second annual danco In the
gymnasium of tho Gordon School, Spruco
and 42d streets, on Saturday ovenlng. The
members are principally residents of West
Philadelphia and Gormantown.
A testimonial dinner was given to Mr.
Wlllam A. Kirk by tho employos of Sta
tion C, Philadelphia Postofllco, on Satur
day evening at Mayer's Drawing Rooms.
Mr. Kirk was recently promoted to tho
post of superintendent of Mlddlo City Sta
tion. Mr. Frank Corncen conducted tho
music, and Miss Virginia Baker was a
great success In songs and dances. The
Commltteo on Arrangements Included Mr.
L. F. McCIaln, "Mr. Charles W. Thompson,
Sir. William F. Bowers, Mr. William D.
Carrlgan, Mr. Paul B. Hcarroy, Mr.
Georgo W. Durang, Mr. John F. Meeson,
Mr. Frank Corneen and Mr. Charles S.
Maucher. .
A leap year party was given by tho
Phlllus Auxiliary on Sunday evening at
the homo of Miss L. Ackerman, 4t East
Pastorlus street, Germantown. Mr.
Charles Sllngnaum entertained with sov
eral vocal solos, accompanied by Mr. L.
Masters at tho piano. Among thoso pres
ent were Miss Dorothy Wedupsky, Miss
Ruth Nosscck, Miss Cecelia Nosanow,
Miss Freada Joseph, Miss Gertrude Ma
rlus. Miss Besslo Brown, Miss Bella
Lewis, Miss Esther Korman, Miss Jennto
Sldelman, Miss Sarah Kllgman, Miss Jen
nie Antlnoff, Miss Besslo Clark, Miss Lil
lian Ackerman, Miss Bertha Green, Mr.
Joseph Makler, Mr. Maurlco Rosenblelth,
Mr. Solomon Harris, Mr. Isadora Buck
baum. Mr, Dewey Kauffman, Mr. John
Stein, Mr. Manuel Bobaloskl. Mr. David
Ackerman, Mr. Abraham Ackerman, Mr.
Leopold Masters and Mr. Abraham
A party was given In honor of Mr. and
Mrs. J. Silverman at 4155 Leldy avenue
on Sunday evening. Thoso present wero
Mr, and Mrs. J. Silverman, Mr. and Mrs.
I Silverman, Mr. Joseph Silverman, Mr.
Barney Silverman, Mr. A. Max, Mr. Louis
Silverman, Mr. M. Silverman, Mrs. B.
Berkovltz, Mrs. It Cooper, Miss Anna
Berkovltz, Miss Rose Berkovltz, Miss Ray
Berkovltz, Miss Rebecca Berkovltz, Mr.
and Mrs, IL Berkovltz, Mr. and Mrs. M.
Shooter and Mr. Joseph Shooter. A few
selections were played on the piano by
Miss Rebecca Berkovltz and Miss Anna
Berkovltz gave several vocal solos. Mr.
Joseph Shooter played the violin.
Mr. David Rosen spoke on preparedness
nt a public meeting of the Young Men's
Hebrew Political Association on Sunday
nlsht It was decided to appoint a
coinmittee for tho charity ball to be given
nt Lu Lu Temple on March 24. at the
meeting to bo held next Sunday. President
Morris Qorln, Mr. S. R. Schatz and Miss
Roso Frank, of the Woman's Auxiliary,
are working very hard to maka the affair
a success.
Tho marriage of Miss Margaret M.
Bushong, daughter of Mrs. Edwin S. Bu
Hhong. formerly of West Grove, Pa., to
Mr. Laurenco B, Gawthrop. of this city,
will tako placo today nt 2114 Diamond
street In tho presenco of only members
of tho Immcdlato families. After tho cere
mony tho couplo will leavo for a short
wedding trip.
Mr. Qnwthrop ls tho son of Mr. Evan
B. Gawthrop, of 3810 Hamilton street,
and li advertising manager of a prominent
manufacturing concern In this city. Both
tho brldo nnd tho bridegroom spent the
early years of thoir llfo in West Grove,
Pa. Upon their return Mr. nnd Mra
Gawthiop will llvo at 2114 Diamond street
Tho marriage has been announced of
Miss Lydla It Bergner, daughter of Mrs.
Johanna Boigner, of 1744 North 25th
street, to Mr. F. Ellis Morris, of 1410
Thompson street, on Tuesday afternoon at
5 o'clock at tho homo of tho olllciatlng
clergyman, tho Rev. John R. Huggins,
assistant pastor of the Chapel of the
Prince of Peace. Owing to tho recent
death nf tho brldo's father, tho service was
a qulot ono. Tho brldo woro her traveling
suit of dark blue with a hat to match.
Upon their return from an extended trip
Mr. and Mrs. Morris will bo at home at
1C20 North 50th street, after April 1.
Tho marriage of Miss Margarot P. De
Ianoy, daughter of Sir. and Mrs. Edwnrd
Delaney, of 4104 Terraco street, to Mr.
William Reckard, also of Roxborough,
was solemnized on Tuesday night at 5
o'clock In tho rectory of tho Church of St.
John tho Baptist, Manayunk, with the
Row Patrick Maglnnls officiating. Tho
brldo was attended by her sister. Miss
Anna Delanoy, ns maid of honor, nnd
Mr. Augustus McDevItt was best man.
Tho ceremony was followed by a dinner
nt the home of tho bride's parents for
tho families and close friends. Mr. and
Mrs. Reckard will receive at their new
homo on Rldgo avenuo, Roxborough, after
March 26.
Tho wedding of Miss Anna D. Beach,
daughter of Jlr. and Mrs. Thomao D.
Monday, of 0006 Chestnut Btret, and Mr.
Francis M. Esmonds, of 855 Wynnowood
road, took place In the rectory chapel of
tho Church of St. Carthago, C2d and
Cedar avenue, on Tuesday morning. The
How Patrick V, O'Neill, rector, performed
the ceremony.
Miss Alice A. Anderson was maid of
honor and Mr. George A. Beach, a brother
ot the bride, acted as best man, A break
fast followed at tho Adelphla Hotel, after
which Mr. and Mrs. Esmondo left for a
trip through the New England States ana
Canada, and upon their return will llvo
at the Royal Ponce do Leon, 63d and Jef
ferson streets, whero they will bo nt
home after April 1C.
Announcement is made of tho marriage
of Miss 'Agnes Corlles, daughter of Mr.
Daniel Corlles, of 2703 Jefferson street, to
Mr. Cart J. Curran, of 833 North 20th
street, on Tuesday afternoon, In tha
Church of tho Most Precious Blood, 38th
and Diamond streets. Tho ceremony was
performed by the Row Dr. Fogarty, and
immediately after Mr. and Mrs. Curran
left on their wedding trip. They will re
ceive after March 25, at 2708 Jefferson
Along the Reading
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin A. Welhenmayer
will give a dance and supper on Friday,
March 24, at the Huntingdon Valley Coun
try Club.
Mrs. Jacob F. Potter, of Greenwood ave
nue, Wyncote, entertained a number of
the school set at luncheon on Saturday
In honor of the birthday of her daughter,
Mls3 Charlotte Potter, Among thoso pres
ent were Miss Eleanor Shoemaker, Miss
Evelyn Clark, Miss Florence Shelp, Miss
Kathryn Dletrlck, Miss Louise Garrett,
Miss Luctle Johnson, Mts3 Mary Lower,
Miss Violet Palmer, Miss Hannah Shelly,
Miss Doris D, Lovensteln, Miss Dorothy
Urannen. Miss Eleanor Spruance, Miss
Miriam Trettlnger, Miss Mary McBrtde,
Mtsa Veronica, Bennett and Miss Edith
Miss Susan Nice, of the Thistle. Ogontz,
has returned from Deland, Sla.
West Philadelphia
Tho theatre party which was to havo
been gicn this aftornoon by Mrs. Georgo
W. Urnuhatt, of 1217 Pino street, in honor
of Miss Luclllo Elliott Morris, daughter ot
Mr. nnd Mrs. James M. Moiris, of 1G01
Spruco street, has been postponed until
next week becauso of lllnes,s.
Mr. nnd Mrs. James Slander, of 6401
Cedar avenue, nnnounco tho engagement
of tbelr daughter. Miss Gertrude Maiuler,
to Mr. Carl Moore of 122 South 50th street
North Philadelphia
Miss Jan G. Peyton will take part In
tho mlnstrot show given by St. Cecelia's
Girls' Club of Mater Dolorosa Church.
Mr. Andrew Hatter, of Donaldson, Pa.,
has been the guest of Mr. and Mra. Mar
tin Gottshalk, of 1007 West Allegheny
avenuo, for the last few weeks.
What's Doing Tonight
Second concert by Curtis Orchestra, Curtis
nulldtner; 8ilo o'clock.
Transit protest meeting. Logan Improvement
League, llroad street and Wlndrlm atenuei S
o'clock. Tree.
Ljceum Institute meeting, Teller Memorial
School, Uroutl and Jefferson etreots, 8 o'clock.
Hconomla Club dinner. Ilellevue-Stratfordi T
UMlev Park Clvlo Association. It Idler Park
Auditorium: 8 o'clock.
nirertnr "Wilson fiDBaka at meetuir of 4Dth
Street Station Association; 8 o'clock.
Klnssesslnir Recreation Centre,, 60th street
and Chester avenue, 8 o'clock.
Costume recital "Kipling, Poet and Man."
II. J. Hadfleld. Wltherspoon Hall.
Lecture. "The New Spirit In Slnr Sing-,"
by Qeork-9 W Klrchwey dean of th Law
School of Columbia University nnd acting
warden ot Sine Sing Prison, under tha auspices
nt the rublto Charities Association, Clover
Itoom, Ilellevue-Stratrordi 8 o'clock.
Play by Olrl Soouts of Troop O, White's
Dancing Academy, 16th and Chestnut atreetai
8 o'clock.
Celebration of the 188th anniversary, ot
Robert Emmet, under the auspices of the Clan-Na-dael.
Academy of Musics 8 o'clock.
Founders' Day Celebration, Drops! College,
Broad and York Btreetss 8.30 o'clock.
Fifty-second Street and Lanoaster Avenue
Business Men, 63d street and Lansdowni ave
nuo. 8 o'clock. Free,
Haddington Board, of Trade, dlrard avenue
and 00th street) 8 o'clock. Free,
Chupln Home for Blind musicals. The Nor
ma ndle.
Eighteenth District County Sabbath School
Association convention. Fifth United Presby
terian Church.
Lecture. ''Elements of Chance In Sanita
tion." by Prof. Oeoree C, Whipple, rrankila
Institute. .,,., . , ...
I'htladotphta Stationers Association meeting.
BeUevue-Btratforil Hotel.
Uehrens Opera Club sings "Czar and Zim
merman," Metropolitan Opera, House.
Play, "Tho Freshman." Germantown Boti
Notices for the Society pago wD.1 ba
accepted and printed In the Evening
Ledger, bat all such notices must be
mitten on one side of the paper, mast be
signed ,ln foil, with full address, and
when possible telephone cumber most be
Sena all such communication to
"Society Editor," Evening Ledger, 608
Chestnut street.
Unless these requirement are carried
out so that verification may be possible,
the notice will net bo published.
The Philanthropy Committee of the Matinee Musical
Club Will Give Concert at tho Normandie
for Aged Blind
A DELIGHTFUL muslcato will be tflven
. this evening In aid of tho Chapln
Memorial Homo for Aced Blind, at 671S
Woodland avenuo, under the nusplces of
tho Philanthropy Commltteo of tho Mat
inoo Musical Club, at tho Normandlo,
80th and Chestnut streets, at 8:10 ooloclc
Tho program will Include:
PART 1. OT,ln
Plane. Nocturn. II .major F-hSEiR
bVYaUo, A flat U hJP "
o. Etude.U flat. ....... Chopin
Sir. 7.0UA.1I do riorvfith. .,
Soprano a. t Henrd a Thrush nt livAConMi
b. Homowhoro a Voice Is Calling. lalo
Miss lluth M. Duck. n.M
Contralto Two Cnnsnnetn. . ...Landon Ronald
Miss Knthryn Melslo.
Tenor flelcctod. . .. .,
Mr, Howard IC. Berry.
Violin La llnflailn Po1onn.Hu. . . . . .Vleuxtompa
Miss ninrenco Hacnle.
Piano-. Mnrurka ". . .' SL'g "
b. Prelude, r tnnjnr., kfiSKiK
0. Bchcrrn, O ahnrp minor. .....l-nopin
Mr. Zoltnn do llonnth.
Contralto-a. Tho Cry ot lj)clvriirn,r BMtr
b. Poat flonir. . . . ... . .Harriot Hnro
Atl9 Knthryn Jtolslo.
Tenor Selected. .
Violin o. Olpsy Danco WSffi!
b. Scotch l.ullnty Uunlts
Soprano n.Tho Hills o' Skyo .M,nr,r';
b. My Lnrtdlo ..... ., 'lhtter
Miss lluth M thick.
Accompanists, Mrs. Illchard C. Mad
dock nnd MIsi Illeanor Qulnn.
Tho Auxiliary Commltteo of Womon In
terested In tho Chnpln Memorial Homo
for Aired lllliid Includes: Mrs. William
llrnry Woodward, chairman, who Is blind
horsolft Mrs. Edward Faba Smith, vlco
chairman! Mrs Olln II. Purrltt, vlco
ohalrmnni Mrs. Charles L. Doollttle, sec
retary l Mro. Joseph W. Swain, treasuror;
MrB. Samuel II. Austen, Mrs. Joseph Per
ry, Mrs. Theodore 13 Ilenatlo, Mrs. P.U
dolph Plankonburi?. Mrs. Wllllnm U. Bo
dlno, Mrs. nilzabeth Powell Bond, Mrs.
Olin II. Burrltt, Mrs. Huso Bllgrnm, Mrs.
John Cadwnladcr, Mrs Georira W. Chap
man, Miss Anna Coleman, Mrs. 13rIo L.
Doollttle, Miss Hrnlly Duttlh, Mrs. Stan
ley G. FlnBB, Jr., Miss 13Ieanor Foulko,
Mrs. L. Webstor Fox. Miss Amelia Com
mit!. Mrs. S. Lord Gllbcrsoti, Mrs. W. II.
H. Glthcns, Mrs Helen V. Granlccs, Mrs.
Vlrglnlus F, Graves, Mrs. Thcodoro
Mitchell Ilastlnijs, Mrs Harriot Chapln
Hill, Mrs. William Georgo Houston, Mrs.
William D. Hughes, Mrs Charles L. Hus
ton, Mrs. Robert Johnston, Mrs. James C.
Krnyor, Miss Julia B. Lcmmon, Mrs.
Jcromo Longneckor, Mrs. Lewis J. Lov
Ick, Mrs. John Archbold McCnllum, Mrs.
Joseph MncCarroll. Jr., Mrs. Alfred Mar
shall, MIsi Joscphlno Mather, Miss Dor
othy Mather, Mra. II. McKntght Mooro,
Mrs Kdwln P. Monroe, Mrs. Thomas M.
Montgomery, Mrs. Herbert W. Orr, Mrs.
Howard M. Stavcrs, Mrs. Fulton F. Peale,
Mrs. Goorgo A. Plersol, Mrs. Harrlo B.
Price. Mrs. Ivan Prowattaln, Miss Mary
W. Schott. Mrs. Alice Powell Sellers, Mrs.
I3dgar Fnhs Smith, Mrs. Georgo A. Smith,
Miss llosnllo L. Smith, Miss Allco Steeli
er, Mrs Charles C. Stotesbury, Miss Hllz
abcth Thompson, Mrs. Floyd W. Tom
kins, Mrs Clmrlcmngno Towor, Mrs. Er
nest L. Tustln, Mrs, W. Graham Tyler,
Mrs Lewis L. Walker, Mrs. Charles F
Warwick. Miss Florcnco Wiener, Mrs. Da
vid D. Wood. Mrs. Slilney S. Yarnall and
Miss Eleanor Zwisslor.
Tho Randolph Boys' Club held Its an
nual banquet nt tho Starr Garden and
many prominent men spoke. Tho guests
wcro Mr. and Mrs. flrnzzo, Mr. and Mrs.
Green, Mrs. Lavan, Miss Itoso Llpkowltch,
Miss Ida Stlonberg. Miss Esther Miller,
Miss Esther Ilosen, Miss Ida Miller, Miss
Sophlo Shapiro, Miss TUllo Elsassor, Miss
Cella Slovak. Miss Sadlo Sharcff, Miss
Toss Comlnsky, Miss Pearl Field, Miss
Satllo Greenwood, Miss Sara Friedman,
Miss Nettlo Belner, Miss Ida Black, Miss
Sara Itosen, Miss Sara Cohon. Miss
Esther Taylor, Mr. Bernard Marks, Mr.
Harry Strauss, Mr. Harry Llpkowltch,
Mr. Samuel Krowngold, Mr. William Llp
kowltch, air. William Bnrrls, Mr. Charles
Llnsky, Mr. Albert Hnlkins. Mr. David
Sork, Sir. B. Shlnberg, Mr. Samuol
Schultz, Mr. Joseph Corman, Mr1. Arthur
Chorney. Mr. Samuol Welnor, Mr. Max
Baker, Mr. Mltcholl Barrlss, Mr. Meyer
Blumentbal, Mr. Mlohnel Coplln, Mr. L.
Fllttor, Mr. Solomon Sacks, Sir. Mnrtln
Borlsh, Sir. Daniel Jacobs, Sir. Joseph
Young, Sir. Goodman Isenberg, Sir.
Nathan Lavan, Sir. Irving Lavan, Mr.
Nathan Coltlman, Sir. Harry Borlsh, Sir.
Samuol Wolnsteln. Sir. Herman Sleyer,
Str. Louis Goldsmith, Sir. John Harrlsh
and Str. SI. O. Fall.
Addresses wero given by srr. Herman
STeyer, Sir. Louis Goldsmith, Sir. William
Llpkowltch, Mr. AVIIIlam Barrls and SI.
Carson Fall.
Sir. Joseph Young, Sir. Leo Hummel
and Sir. D. Jacobs entertained by singing
during tho Intermission.
Tho commltteo was Str. William Bar
rls, Sir. Harry Strauss, Sir. Jules Comln
sky, Sir. Alexander Cabot and Sir. Joseph
Corman, chairman.
Sir. William Llpkowltch and Sir. Ben
jamin Barrlsh, coaches ot tho Randolph
nthlotlo teams, wero presented gifts from
tho club In appreciation ot thai ',nd
Sir. Thomas A. Hannon and SllSh Ethel
SI. Zeller entertained a number of guests
on Sunday ovenlng at a "Night In Ire
land" party at 1714 SIKHIn street, ar
ranged In honor of Sliss B. Joscphlno
Sluldoon, of Clonnlteavy, liauymore,
County Sllgo, Ireland.
A capital and appropriate musical pro
gram was contributed by Silas Slary
Acnes O'Connor. Miss Slary Bernlco Zel
ler, Sirs. Georgo W. Zeller, Silas Anna'
Slorrlson, suss siary .Morrison, suss
Slartha Slorrlson, SIlss Delia Sluldoon,
Mr. Brian Green, Str. John Gllmartln, Sir.
Slichael Welsh and Sir. Thomas A. Han
non. Among tho guests wero Sliss Catharine
Rodlcan, Sliss Delia Toulan, Sliss Sarah
Stenson, Sliss Mary Collls, Miss Slary Nel
liny. SIlss Slary Spellman, SIIs3 Slary
Skelly, SIlss Anna Slorrlson, Silas Slary
Slorrlson, Mls3 Slartha Slorrlson, Miss
Agnes O'Connor, Sliss Edith SI. Galla
gher, Sliss Slae Cowley, SIlss Florence
Gallagher, Mrs. Delia Larklns, Mrs.
H-l nhp Theatre SIS '&,
Jl J V C VA UDV VILLB Continuous 1 1
A- SI to 11 1. M. 10c, 15c, Sin
"A Night With tho Poets"
Clifford Hippie & Co. T,ms1r,caVa'
11.15 AM. to 11:10 Pit,
Mae Murray and Wallace Reid
Added Scenlol Quaint Volendam (Holland)
"Iir A T TvTTTrP Pop- Uat Today, 25c, B0a
W ALilN U 1 Uvgs. 23o to II, no higher
lOo 1214 Market 20a
10 A. M. to 11:15 P. M.
(Jiiarlotte Walker
X Tiail of the Lonesome Pine
Leonard E. Auty, Tenor Song Recital
New Century Drawing? Room. 124 8. 12th 8t
Win. Silvano Thunder at the Flano
Tloket at the Drawing Itoom
iVf5inlP 19 A. M. to HilB P. M,
XllLaUia Rf.ctaiA Rnrrioala
Bessie Barriscale
In "The Golden Claw"
Knickerbocker upk'ldin fSi
George W. ZoIIer, Mrs Bartholomew Coen,
Mr Patrick Collls, Mr, James Collls, Mr.
John Snee, Mr. James Creg-gv Mr. John
Gllmartln, Sir. Bartholomew Coen, Mr.
Philip Coen, Sir. James Redlcan, Mr. Jo
seph Redlcan, Str. Thomas Gleason, Mr.
Michael Welsh, Mr. James Gllnchey, Sir.
Slnrtln Coneannon, Mr. M. Slurphy, Str.
Georgo Patrick Zeller, Sir. Augustine Zel
ler and Sir. George W. Zeller.
Tho annual dinner danoo of tho Epsllon
Chapter of Doltrt Sigma Delta of tho Uni
versity of Pennsylvania was held Tues
day night In tho Palm Itoom of tho Hotel
Vralton. About 80 guests wcro present
Tho room was prettily decorated with the
fraternity colors and tho affair was hant
died by tho following commltteo: Sir. Fnber
W. Croll, chairman; Sir .1. Douglas Law
rence, Sir. Georgo C. McSIullen, Str. Ash
ley B. Howes nnd Mr. J. Harold Greene.
An Informal dnnco wno given Saturday
evening In tho studio nt 1123 Chostnut
street. Tho next dnnco to bo given by
tho Studio Club will bo tho annual Post
Lenten srnsque, which will be held shortly
after Eastor SInnv novelties will bo
introduced. Tho nffnlr will bo under tha
direction of Slllo. Zoca nnd Sir. Irvln L.
SIlss Ircno Keating, of 2147 North Ubor
street, entertained tho Alpha nnd Delta
Chapters of tho Thcta Alpha Thota Soror
ity at a "BOO" last week. Her guests in
cluded SIlss Mnrjorlo Lewis, SIlss Dorothy
Wright, SIlss Elslo Wilson. SIlss Edith
Cntislcr, SIlss Elizabeth SrcGlathory, SIlss
Slarion SInsland, SIlss Oraco Wlngato,
MIhs Alda Ott, SIlss Esther Thackeray,
Miss Stnbol Kav, SIlss Eleanor Fnrloy,
Miss Ireno James, SIlss Anna Carnan and
SIlss Kato Fanning.
Tho membors of tho nuxlllary of H. L.
E. S. gave their monthly concert and
dnnco at their clubrooms, COO Pino street,
on Sunday night
Tho program consisted of a violin quar
tet by Sir. Arthur Blank, Sir. Nathan
Shapiro, Sir. Joseph Stargulcs nnd SIlss
Lllzabcth Oronofsky, vocal selections by
SIlss Besslo Oclirach, accompanied by Sir.
Irving Cohan; n piano solo by Sir Harris
Pctorzcl and a Uolln solo by Sir. Max
Hurowltz, accompanied by SIlss ICathcrlne
Tho committee In chargo included SIlss
Paula Bodck, chairman ; SIlss Anna Click
mini, SIlss Adctlna Cohen and SIIs3 Diana
A variety shower wns given for Miss
Ray Gomborow at tho homo ot Sirs. J.
Kalosky, of 71S South 10th Btrcet, on
Sunday. Tho house was filled with flowers
nnd plants to represent a tropical garden.
Among thoso present wero Sir. Sleyer IC
Segal, Sir. Solomon Charles Iskoy, Sir.
Charles Sultanoff. Sir. Samuel Sultanoff,
Sir. Bud Solomon, Sir. David J. Sharff,
Sir. Jack SL Kalosky, Sir. Jacob II Gom
borow, Sir. Slorrls Bogash, Sir. AVIIIlam
Fellers, Sir. Sidney Grcenbcrg, Sir. Bar
nett Fretgoob. Sir, Boris Saffron, Sir.
Samuel Welner, SIra J. H. Gomborow,
SIlss Eleanor Segal. SIlss Rosalie Segal,
SIlss Sarah Iskln. SIlss Eva Iskln, Sliss
Rcba Sultlnoft, Sirs. D. J. Sharff, SIlss
Betty Packman, Sliss Rose Berman. Sirs.
J. SI. Kalosgy, Miss Agnes Wlllot, SIlss
Roso Krulak, Miss Sarah ICruIak, Miss
Elizabeth Klllecn, SIlss Ray Lazarus, SIlss
Rose J, Segal, SIIs3 Rebecca Gomborow,
Sir. Louis Freeman, Miss Lilian Freeman,
of Pottstown, Pa. ; SIlss Jean Shapiro,
Miss Slaymo Abrams and Miss S. J. Sachs.
B. F. Keith's Theatre
Everybody Laughing!
Will M. Cressy & Blanche, Dayno
Garrick Last 3 Evgs. !g$J$r
T.YRTfl Tonight at 8:15 Sharp
xjj. -i.vj.V7 RcRUnr Mat Saturday
JOE WIHIEIl Presents
" The Only Girl "
Ry Henry Blossom nnd Victor Herbert
It's Almost Too Good to Be True
Just One Darn Laugh After Another
Most Every One Sees It Twice '
Tpn,,,,nof This i. Next Week, Eve. 8:1B
rUiIt.SU Matinees Wed. Sat. 2:1B
Topular Wert. Matinees. COo to S1.B0
Tomorrow Evg. 8:15 Sat. Mat. 2:30
Illustrated In Color, by Mr. Elmendort
Out of the Ordinal? Motion 1'lctures
BOc, 70o & ?1 at llepna'a Amp at Acid 2Bo
&!;." Haensel unci Gretel
Followed Pnrrlinriii !"" CAJATTX.
by X clgllclLCl CARUSO, DH LUCA.
Conductor. Mr HAVAON'OLI Seats, 1109
Chestnut. Walnut M2J. Race OT.
Pliocfnnf Rf opera nousn
Vilt'bLIlLlU Ot, chestnut Below 11th Bt,
Famous U-Rcel Ftuturu Photo-Drama,
by an Ail-Star Stock Company & Featuring
Beats, 10c, IBc, SBo, Continuous 2 tj 11 P, M.
Broad Last 2 Weeks $u
Klaw 4 Erlanger .and Oeorg Tyier Present
The aiad Play, Spreading; Good Cheer
Best Seats tl.SO at Popular Wod. Mathue
A "ni?.T ,PTTT roPVin mat today
tUEjLlL XlX This and Next Week Only
Tbs Great Five-Star Aggregation
EDITH TALIAFERRO and Capable Company
in Bronson Howard's Great Comedy
Actors' Equity Association
Members In Philadelphia Taks Nolle
Important meeting- to be held at the Hotel
Vtndlg, on Friday. March 10th. at 3 P. it Do
not Tali to come and bring your A. B. A card.
TUB COUNClL-Per John WiitaJ
NIXON OTiaartJ! ask
Tonight at 7 and 9 I Adelaida Fslrchlld
Co.; Diamond ft Grants Loss 4 Sterling.
Loyal's Hounds. Others.
AmflMinnal,,rt w Markets
VIIlfciriLUll Arvipe Stock la "Un4