11 u r u uut i tun,! HR.14U piftHtuivpmiHimmwMn twwwsinjfliuiHwmii "t-t ' TWnj'V - "& r- W " fT tt- .--,, - " rQMrJW m-$ -stiWPLV '"' ')" "a$n EVENING LEDGER-PHTTMnTflTPTTTA. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 8, 191C- S L..ntEnC IN TIIK KOHTII SEA, eOMEWHJ" " Konnnlln Meet I 'IT", nek the UrltlBh North Son bnrt'Ct Zoppelln J19 snnk a tElnco in " ... nllnsl nn iina 'Sd m h naval circles. k ?i offensive Is regarded as not lm- 'll vwn on the Germans trying It. miSfJto Mritely n Zeppelin must uy amfc" . -.i.. frnm mo Bliu'iiiiuiiu ftuuo tor A ? 'V..1.1.1, i.nt1ililii) nro now so I m"T .r.ii gupiillcd, would soon put an tlM?ftei?. hTrnld Bombs might fall ,!i4 i.l Into the water within IB feet tr MllD ill WWW -" " '" -!. h&ttteshlp's deck, tho maximum l"XnwTf unlikely even to affect the H extremeiy .m-i.nev of tho victim. fflltat neet of six Zeppelin IT Simple, would stand an excellent fof M..pi,:i n( lonst 0110. Nevcrthe- ?. British battleships nro not exactly Sirt nht whon enemy aircraft hover ,r Englni. ' CRAFT EASILY MENDED. iMit one who has not actually boarded Ww rtnimhlll nf Vlrn ft.-Li sir David Ueatty during tho KJ .vufully a modern battleship may bo w. . . wu.. Tint, wnd nnmpwtint lmt- ISSd In this action, under tho conceit Sled Are of three German battleships. nt most serious hit was a. dent In tho Hrine-room armorplato which broke the HB, , ,,. rr.h,, ,), faef HKV wlc 'v mv...... ...u ...v. av - vArlMtAil frnm 30. Icnntn to IT, farF . i.i ,uA t Inn wna fnrrnd (n with. E,, inasmuch as 25 knots was tho Atattd necessary iu uteii mo iivi.ie, v,,- Euii within range. M-'Afalral Beatty then transferred hit .twig 1 uic -""' .....0... Xttoud with his flag commander from a Kjgtroyer which brought tho two ofllccrs Mttejslde at about 28 knots. Tho stories MC tAfl Lions injunua uuu uuuu iuiu; l German shell demolished Admiral Ktettr'a quarters, and how tho captain's talhroom was Diown overuoaru uy a. imi, ToJiy, except for one or two dents which tie proudly preserved as mementoes, tho lioa Shows no cwuences ui ino uogBcr n . WaU Am nil nnlnlltiir In tlin fn. etn' quarters Is pierced whero fragments tl i 12-Inch shell from tho Iiliiccher hMl IhrouEh tho deck, and the shell at li preserved as a trophy. : -Alter luncning aoo.iru me Tincess n.Mt wa fnttnn lhn T.lnn'n nnlnpr p-nth. J ahAnt a nhnnPV nnnl fl pn lilirnlnn' In I'jnte In the wardroom. Afterward wo ef put in an cievaior anu lowercu to the estlne room, where tho captain ox- Kt.lnl nnma ilmnln dntnlle nf thn mnpliln. . Trt nrnfontna rf thn T.lnn Ivnn thn Setftne room Is pcrfoctly cool oven when naa epeea 13 run up iu ox iiiiuis, wncn Iliere Is scarcely moro than a low hum from the engines. WORRISTOWN HEARS BIG ALLENTOWN CHOIR i IJppELIN RAID ON BRITISH GUNS WATCHFULLY WAITING lircraf t Must Fly Low, Say Officers, and Bombs WT)o Little Damage Battered Sea Fighters juasny JK,epairea xor service Dr II. C. SUYDAM Spocln.1 Correspondent niEMKa LsnoEB. Stories that the Lion was actually tor pedoed during the Dogger Hank fight ap pear to be without foundation, as tha nhlp's-nfricers, nfter minute examination, found no evidence to support tho charge. Tho lnglo correspondent wns taken to tho bridge of tho flagship Into tho actual position occupied by Admiral Heatty dur ing the rngngement. Not only wns tho ontlro fleet, oven to tho rim of restless de stroyers, clearly lslhle, but the Won It self appeared sn massive In bulk that ono mnrvollcil at such n typo of ship attain ing the speed of 31 knots an hour. Tho contrast between the llrltlsh nnd American typo of battle-mast li striking These newest models of HrltMi first-lino fighting craft nre equipped with a tripod mnst In stead of the American basket mast. Ono or two of tho three supports may be shot away, and the mast will remain standing for a period dependent upon the Bhlp's speed, and tho roughness of the sea. I believe thnt greater surety lies In tho American type. tighh, spick and span. Upon leaving tho Won, which retains but few battle scais, and hns the most honoied namo In the British navy today, wo wcro put aboard a fast oil-burning destroyer nnd "reviewed" the fleet. Standing upon the bridge with tho youthful lieutenant who wns In com mand, we passed the entire fleet drawn up In the very battle line which will meet tho Germans on that diy when the enemy emerges from Kiel. Tho Tiger, which has so often been sunk by German reports, was newly-palntcd. and looked as If It had Just gone Into commission Other ships, which had Just arrived from tho ceaseless patrol-work maintained In tho North Sea, wcro weather-worn and dirty. As our destroyer, veiled In thick smoke, rushed along between tho double lines of wnltlng wnrcraft, Urltaln's naval strength was spread out beforo us: bat tle cruisers, destroyers, mother-ships, torpedoboats, tiawleVs, nnd mysterious tinmps: each wanting only a slnglo word of commnnd to steam off Immediately to ward Kiel to engage the German navy as It crept out of Its long seclusion. A CHANCI3 TO DESTftOY. At a banquet given thnt evening to the visiting French Journalists, wo Americans wcro unneutral enough to drink the toast: "Au President do la Itepubllnuo Krancalse, j'al l'honncur do lever mon verrol" Tho Frenchmen gavo us in return "Hall, Columbia I" And to wind up our trip to tho llrltlsh fleet, a naval Commander explained to our French colleagues the attitude of tho Urltlsh navy: "K is not thnt wo have feared tho submarines of tho enemy, but thnt wo have feared that we should not destroy them!" This statement will be repeated to 10,000,000 French readers, and thero Ib no renson why a fow I3rooltlynltc3 should not understand that tho only thing the British navy fears today Is that tho enemy will not venture out to bo destroyed. "GOLD AND THE WOMAN" Chorus of 600 Aids Biederwolf Reyival Ursinus College Students Hit Trail ?K0niUSTOWN, Pa., March 8. Moro thin 600 members of tho Allentown fhorus choir, which sang during the Bied jwolf campaign In that city, camo to Korrfatown last night In a Bpeclat train. Bid participated in a great song festival W the Norrlstown choir. Tho combined chorus of 1200 voices Bang the familiar ampsJjn songs with enough gusto to shilse the rafters of heaven, as Doctor OWerwoli put It tlAbOUt ISO RttlrirmtH nf TTrnlntm rnllnrrn Ws CMhe down from Collegevlllo and Vtirrea the atmasnhflrA In thn tithnrnnnlft p meir ells and cheers for tho cvan- ,-ui aiiu ills n;iriv. :snmn nr inn rt,i We responded to tho Invitation, directed fPa&Hy to them, and hit tho trail at tho :p of the meeting itln choruses under tho direction of owh Mac" sang a number of selections ,e.5'r and D0ufiuets of rosos and car- HUOnS "Werfl elVOn tn Mtnll nf ihn mnni- f of the evangelist's party. It was yuu mai an nave been elected "HOrary memhorn nf ,hn All-ntAmn nv.nni Jy. Just organized, of which Mr. :."" win oe airector. fcPlUte''8 Question" was the evangelist's jnwn theme last night, and In tho most watte i manner at his command he pic F lt as a "weak-kneed, whlto nrta monster of iniquity, because ho nncea the Son of Qod for the nako of ftoajomiw. afternoon a great "baby sav H I nfc" win be held In tho taber ' la recognition of baby week. P SAVES MOTHER AND BABY Max Lubln nnd Infant Rescued ;K From Flames OtW?' ?uWn and her two-weeks-old K. ,",qB:r ea dwn a Bmoke and W trtiii et8JnTay ewly today when WhS',&(S $e two-story Way at nil t. i . "'anuiaciuring ffiui rSJ. T:09 .Polnt "reeze avenue. " tti rttamif.-.?1 l"e- bula'ne was used KbS ?"'actur t underwear by tha auriiva"An,ubn and his wife taw. . ?n ,ha second floor. When Pcrtcu, enea y the smoke and P Ptotl 'ih ani Fderal streets sta. Rtoitfe? Croko returned with Cythe policeman maheri n thn ni P cWM. brougnt Jwn Mrs. Lubln $142.50 ADDED HERE TO TOBACCO 'GOLD AND THE WOMAN' ANOTHER VAMPIRE FILM Theda Bara Has Her Usual Part in an Unusual Film on Fox Program A sceno from tho New Fox film showing Theda Bara and II. Cooper Cliffo 'TRISTAN UND ISOLDE' AT THE OPERA HOUSE Moving Performance of Great Love Drama by Metropolitan Total of $6183.34 Contributed - to Aid Belgian Soldiers Phlladelphlans nro making a hearty re sponse to tho appeal for tobacco for tho Belgian soldiers, and, as a result, $112.50 was contributed In this city yesterday toward tho Belgian Soldiers' Tobacco Fund. Persons In all stations of life, from shop girl to society woman, and from little children to aged men, have willingly mado their contributions In or der to allovlato tho suffering of tho Bel gian soldiers In the trenches. The total fund now reaches ?C1S3.34, as announced by J, P. Morgan & Co. to day. Letters praising the moveme'nt nnd Inclosing contributions havo been received from all parts of tho country. Tho plan Is to send a packago of 50 cignrettes, a package of pipe tobacco and n box of rrntches every weeit to each of tho 200,000 Belgian soldiers, It Is estimated that It will cost about 150,000 a week. A .lol lar given means that u Belgian soldier will get a full dollar's worth of tobacco, ror Amorican manufacturers havo co operated with tho movement in making advantageous arrangements. For tho first tlmo In two, perhaps more, years Rlchnrd Wagner's music drama, "Tristan und Isolde," was glen nt tho Metropolitan Opera House laBt night Tho nssurnnco of success wns Bet on tho per formnnco when tho Metropolitan sent for tho principal characters. Mines. Ondskl and Homer and MM. Urlus, Braun and Well. Thero couldn't, In any case, bo doubts as to what the singing would be. It was, In fnct, superb. Mme. Gadskl has been heard here be foro this season nnd her lovely Hlsa Is still a potent memory. KIsa, In fnct, more than Isolde, lies within tho limited rnngo of 'Mme. Gadskl'H powers of characteriza tion, but her singing of Isoldo line, last night, nn emotional depth, was suffused with a glowing nnd glamourous light unique In our expcrlcnco of her voice. Mme. Homer's Brangnonc was completa In both essentials It was dignified, almost majestic, In polso and attitude, and her voice, not darkened, wns both ringing and rich. In tho luoffablo second act Mr. Ur lus sang with lima Oadskl, and words noed not attempt to convey tho effect of a beauty which Iu Intended to be, and was, of another, lovelier world. Tho en tire performance was calculated to render criticism desperate It at least nbsolvcs ono of going Into details. Mr. Toscnnlnl's "Tristan" Is not soon forgot. Wo recti, tho tense, fcbrllo ex citement of It, the flro and the energy of passion In which tho drnma unfolded It self. Mr. Ilodansky's "Tristan" Is rot febrile, not electric, but there" was that of rnpturo nnd tremendous loveliness In It which made all other Tristans weak and unworthy. Whether by choice of tempo, by tho new relation between orchestra nnd singers, Mr Bodansky did mnko of his performance n new crentlon. The prelude nlono was nt moments unaffeotlng. Hence forth the drama of loe and disaster, of such loe which seemingly could rise only out of sin nnd could end not other wise than In tragedy, played Itself out in tho music, with a passion and a vo hemenco that left the auditor breathless and Impotent of emotion. Uvcry faculty of appreciation was demanded, every ca pacity for feeling exhausted. In tho end tho responsive listeners morn than tho acted Isolde, went through tho pugatorial fires of death As she sang, their spirits, no less than hers, rose In long spirals of beauty and tho llcsh nnd tho lusts thereof fell away as raiment And somowhero In the orchestra thero shot forth n bright and shimmering answer, nn Iridescent Incredibly dazzling beforo which death Itself could closo It eyes. It was, "Tristan" always Is, a glorified example of that dearest and deadliest of modern virtues: tho vicarious enjoyment through art, of the sufferings of others. Pear nnd dendly It Is, but rare. And Mr. Bodansky has our thanks for a memornblo occasion, for a wonderful experience. a. V. S. By (he Photoplay Editor "OOr.D ANtl TUT, WOMAN" A fox fllm In 0 reel, directed bv jAniofl Vincent. lteleuRO Monday, March 1.1 OAST. Juliet De Cordova Theilft TtAra Colonel rirnent Dent It. Cnnprr I'lUTfl tJumlil Uhnniio ,1'nrleton Mnry Chief Duknrn Chief 111 ick JMcle I)nknra Kciimw .lulln Hurley lelt tmnkara Carter H llnrkneM ! DuKknra Harrv llllllnrcl Heater Chnndns Almn Hnnton "Tho evil that men do lives after them." Well what nbout women? So It certainly was In tho case of Pugnld Clinmto From tho evil lie com mitted during his lifetime, trouble followed his family even Into tho fomth genera tion. Slnco It seems truo thnt evil llvei after one, wo may add It should havo a long and healthy exlstance following tho dcmlso of Col llrnest Hont. tho seco'id villain of the new Fox fllm, "Onld nnd tho Woman." For a moro despicable person would be hard to find. Then, when evil li j tottering on Its Inst legs from old ngo thero Is little doubt but thnt It will bo re juvenated by killing off .Juliette (Theda Barn)' which should ensure ex II a few moro years of Joy ThH new Fox fllm spans a space of somo 100 years between the opening reel of In dian times nnd tho "Fool There Wns," closing of our present-day civilization. It Is worthy of comment thnt the detail and atmosphere of tho pioneer days li quite ns renllMIc ns tho air of luxuiy nnd wealth of tho cloiing reels That Is pretty high praise, slnro Fox Is noted for tho elaborateness of his modern settings. Tho whole cast Is exceptionally good. Theda Ilera Is starred nnd her work is of her usual stnndaid of eftoctlvo pictorial allurement. She Is beautiful, nn nlwnys, with less of tho sneer, which sometimes In- The real acting Illinois go. howocr, lo Alma Hanlnn ns Hester Her portrayal of blindness carries with It u pitiful hclplcrs ncss without the unnatural gi oping which so often spoils tho effect when this nflllc tlon Is depleted II. Cooker Cllffc is well cast In tho rolo of the man who falls victim to the wlici of the woman In the ense. Ills death scene, strongly reminiscent of Kdwnrd Jose in "A Fool Thero Wns," was the best bit of work by him In tho entire picture. The photograph throughout Is good and the direction by Mr. Vincent excellent. Willie Collier's nett plcturo for tho Trlangle-Kcstono will be "Wife nnd Auto Trouble." Wlllnrd Mack, Gorda Holmes and Clara Whipple will bo seen In "Ills Ono Big Chance," an Uquitnhle feature. Marie Doro, ono of the most popular nctresscs on the screen, has left New York to begin a long engagement ns stnr of tho Jesse Ij. Iasky Feature Film Com pany. Her Famous Players engagement engugement tnded with the completion of "Diplomacy," Both I.asky and tho Fa mous Players Film Company release through the same distributing organiza tions. Lately Miss Doro has been nimbly leap ing from firm to firm nnd It has kept tho publla dizzy following hor. Within a moderately short tlmo she has hopped around the pioduclng maps iu tho follow ing ordor: Famous Players to Kino Arts, Fine Arts to Famous Players, and now from that firm to l,asky Will somo one explain the secret of pulling big money in the movies'' Chnrllc Chaplin has Just hlgned up for a half million a year with tho Mutual, whltft the I Paramount Corporation pays Gornldina Farrar nn cnormoui -um. Also Chnrlle i nets In "Carmen," ono of Mlsi Farrar's I (our error, Mrs. Tellegen's) greatest Yolo. ( Vet can you lmnglnc Chnrlle playing Doit i Josn to Farrars Carmen? But lor nn that, Charllo's Don Jos.o Is quite as good In his wny as Ml9s Farrar's Carmen In hers Hut w4y, oh, why, do they both get paid uig money for two things mai couiu never ho put together? Oh, well, you con fool nit of tho people sonic of the time, as wo all know. " Cleo Madison will shortly nppcnr In a new feature for tho Universal. Tho title Is "A Heart's Crucible." AKKE8T MOTOKISTS' TEUKOU Justice Weeks Accused of Extortics and Misappropriating Funds ATLANTIC riTW March 8 Justice Joseph Weeks, of Plcasantvllle. known nn the "nutomnblllsls' terror," 'was arrested last night, charged wltn extortion nnd mis appropriating money. Tho complaint wns mado by llobert C. Blickcr. and nlll davlts by several others will flguro In tb prosecution. Mnglntrnto Haughty held him In heavy ball for a further hearing. JITNEYS HIT THOLLEYS Harrisburrr Gross Earnings Show Re duction of $78,992 HAttniHIMMin. Mnrch 8. Tho gro-is earning of tho Harrliburg Hallway Com pany were reduced $"8,902,155, 00 per cent of which was duo to Jitney competition nccordlng to tho annual report of the or. . fflrfff PROMINENT OTOPLAY PRESCNTATIO -1 n -x1 jsvjim NSIP NM'fi illlil .: rrult and kArtolil: GroilnAln laiiciteaCbiinty 'iotiao W, .. i kf V Thinking i of going to SSA BoSm (hmomu TIIK follanrlng theatrim obtain their pictures (lironuli the STANIYIIY Booking Company, which U a gunruntee of early ftlitmlng of the flneat production. All pictures reviewed lxiforo exhibition. Auk for the theatre In your locality obtaining pictures through the STANI.IJY Hooking Company. ('HNTItAI. Chestnut St. Op. House &," MARIO MAJERONI in "PROHIBITION" tVKhT liIII.AlH:i.I'IUA ..... , 12th, Morris & Passyunk Ae. Al H AMRR A M&t Dully at -; Kg ,T i 0. HLllnlUUlVn voudo-vlllo tc ParanVt Pictures Mme. Petrova in The Soul Market rnmrNDT I1KLOW 10TH BIG PLOT OF GHOUND SOLD Thirteen and One-Half Acres at Oregon Avenue Conveyed Ellis D. Williams, representing tho es tate of Michael Bomler. has sold to Abra ham Kolsky a tract of ground, covering about 13 acres, lying between Oregon avenue and Johnson street, and extending from Ninth to Twelfth streets, This Is ono of the largest sales of ground recently mado In tho Oregon ave nue section, whero between two and three thousand new houses have been built In the last three years. This development Is In anticipation of tho removal of the railroad tracks from Oregon avenue, which work nlrfcady has been begun and which will be completed In the course of tho noxt two or three yearsl STEAMSHIPS W ?--JTEAMSHir3 s Z nr as j.wm ,i t. tt hiitiim. -m u FLORIDA $31,80 trip $31.80 JACKSONVILLE rrora rhllUdelphla every Wed, and Sat. Including meula and choice of atuteroom accommodattoiu. A11 outside roonm Flno teamen, Heat lervlce. TIcketa limited tp May 31. Merchants' & Miner' Tram. Co. dtr (Mice, 105 Ho. Oth fit, Phono Lombard 1001). I'onault any ticket or tourUt agent. 16 Days of Ta . f 1 r a Kesnui cruising Days of sunshine and soft tropic breezes from the scented forests of lovely Porto Rico Island of Enchantment. Here are the life, the customs and medieval buildings of a civilization that was old before ikft "States" were settled. PORTO RICO CRUISE, $94.SO u"pd , m . umJ u Incjudtna AH Expenses S B'atiCl& ?EjnlJ Utmea, built fcr Uoticil Krrlcf. Cuiwae, attommoditjooi and tquux lUa ud Millar X" ai your noma fa tha aotua cmiia lioca New Ywk lo ana aiouaj Porto sj. WuiiTo pnacipaifjom muioi every oaivuuaynoa ocw ) 041, uaociua runciKa wl rath; Rica Ciuita." tha amy d & tnchanling voyata. fe PORTO RICO LINE 'WW " Ttckat omc. 70t Ibtatnul Street. l'bllJ4cJpbU ARCADIA KITTY GORDON in "A3 IN' A LOOKING OLABS" AtriTir BD AND THOMPSON ArULLU matincb dailt Trancls X. nuahmnn nnd I'e.,y'.:D.'iy,iD i MAN AND 1U8SOUI" SKl'nfvitfrr "T1IU IKON CLAW." with I'BARt, WHITI. BLUEBIRD "00 N01lT" un0AD 8T- EQUITAni.p mKHRNTH Marguerite Leslie in The Question rr?i niaMVTT' eso above market BELMONT mu vf3n 3:so. joe. CLEO nmonLYoanudBWALLACB, EID In c1Jdauae. cedar "sssas MarrIffic'in0uower" LIBERTY VIOLET MERSEREAU in nnoAD and colujidia 'THE PATH OP HAri'INESS' Logan Auditorium ""SS,, JOSEPH KILfiOIJR in '" riling on tho Wall" V L. S. E. LOCUST 62D AND LOCUST JJKjai ilala lt30 an(J 3.30i 10J TRIANaLE TLAY DESSIB DAiUUSCALE in "Tho Golden Claw" Market St. Theatre 333 MASRT,?ET 4imNXSyAIXJ1i7...',PWAFTM No 13. -... .w. ,.,,.,. munf Aill TIIK WAH" ORPHFIIM onnstANTowN and wm 1JUU1H CHELTEN AVES. GEORGE BEBAN in "THE PAWN Or FATE" ORIENT C2D WOODLAND AVE ' " MATINEE 1 130-; FAIRMOUNT 20TU araye. "THE EYE OF THE HORUS" 4T11 FRANKFORD AVENUE FRANKFORD RH .rA'DA"aW,,lin,,ffiBRiassS if! ina !?,. Timnn An HHAMir llio " Jt,... -... 56th Street Theatre -x72i3on uva,a nelow Spruce Pauline Frederick in 'The Spider' GERMANTOWN oTave metro i"7Tunn Mme Petrova in The Soul Market -! riDF BOTH MARKET ' 2:18.7-0. (jLUBL $13,000 K1MIIALL ORGAN GEORGE BEBAN in THE I'AWW ui f v t. nin tnn AVENUE THEATRE GIRAKU 7TH AND nlltAUD AVE. PAULINE FREDERICK in Z A Z A " ft ,M iU- BROAD ST., ERIE A Great INortnern oehmant-n aves. , triT-rv nnnnoN in "A3 IN A LOOKINQ OLA8S" IRIS THEATRE 31" ffi5l$ nn T k KTftT .VL rp WOLF IIOl'I'ER In "Don Qui: D.b V.a PRIDE AND BHAM' ilzote" JEFFERSON 20T" i?ea8uphin MaTKuerite Snow in 'The Upstart' METRO PICTURE LAFAYETTE SM kenb,tnocn ave. 'The Battle Cry of Peace' 1 C Ar170 FORTY-FIUST AND JLCiALIC'K LANCASTER AVENUE DUSTIN FARNUM in THE CA1X IF TUB I DMUERLANDS" llnviD c....r.nnn . "Tin; SHRINE OAPPINESS" Colored I'atho Gold Itooater Play 3.30 P. SI, PALACE 12U MARKET STREET xlH' 10 A M to 11:15 P. 11. JOHN BARRYMORE in , "NEARLY A KINO" PARK nIDQE AVE. & DAUPHIN ST. mv MATINEE 2;1S MARY BOLAND in "THE PRICE OF HAPPINESS" PRINCESS ,01!TET "DEVOND THE LAW B. "Tho airi'and'Sha''very Thur.day. flRANH S2D nn(1 MARKET 8TS. VJ"'rtlNi-' MAT DAILY. 2 P. M , Bo "Secret Seven," 3 reel Vitagraph 'House of Mystery,' 3 reel Knick. OVERBROOK 03D """ko'u DOUHLE TRIANOLE HILL Willard Mack in 'The Conqueror' "A MOVIE STAR" COMEDY GARDF.IM MJ LANSDOWNE AVE. urtiu,n MAT 2 KVO Oi30 WILLIAM FARNUM in "FIGHTING BLOOD" EUREKA i0T" & jrAnKCT STS- Wm. Fox THEDA BARA in "THE GALLEY SLAVE" IMPERIAL Theatre ZUe,s7ree WM FOX Pp-nonlH WILLIAM FARNUM in "FIOIITINO IILOOD" BROADWAY 02D oreenway niXJJUYYl AdultalOo, children Se VIOLA ALLEN in "THE WHITE SISTER" NORTH Broad Street Casino n,,oPA,Dl0W GVENINO t IK Avn li MARY ANDERSON in 'RILL PETER'S KID" Olhera RIALTO QERMANTOWN AVE. ivxntj lJ AT TUU,EIJOCKEN ST. HAZEL DAWN in "THE MA8QUBRADERS" REGENT 163i MARKET STREET BARBARA TENNANT in "THE PRICE OF MALICE" RUBY MARKET STREET ", " BELOW TTH STREET The Battle Cry of.Peace' SHERWOOD 8mi AND . TT J J U SHERWOOD Valeska Suratt in 'The Immigrant' SAVOY 18U MARKET w "" v' STREET ADELE BLOOD in "DEVIL'S CLAW" TIOGA ,TTU VENKao sts. EDMUND BREESE in THE LURE OF HEART'S DESIRE" VICTORIA ?" ina I'lratea' Seventh hinlmcui nt Th Stramts Caaa of Maw 1-1. A"pnSr..iT VJTH STANLEY , MARKET ABOVE X,it?i7.rr " MAE UURRAY and WV.-, llfUUUO ... . ." ' . 11 15 A M to WAl.l.AlK UKI1I in 11 U6 p. M- TO HAVE AND To HOLn" CENTURY EnIE AVn MARSHALL V ii J .i. MATINEE DAILY 'THE CAVE MAN" in 5 Acts Featuring ROBERT EDESON If you mail the coupon below or a postcard i we will send you,' FREE, a beautifully illustrated 64 - page book that tells you the truth about the "Gar den Spot of Amer ica" ' PINELLAS AND MANATEE COUNTIES 77ie Land of Heart's Delight The counties known the world over for their record crops of luscious grapefruit and oranges; their big truck farms and sunny, semi-tropic climate flowers blooming the year around. Only a few miles from Saint Petersburg and Tampa. There arc health and happi ness here for the man with a little capital. -r"V 'i) 2l Wli BjJjBIZlIX Get the b o o k and road the itoriei of others who have made good here. Florida Gulf Coast Company SI-57 Drexel Building Phila., Pa. Please send me your free 64 nago Illustrated booklet about l'lnelltiH and Manateo Counties, Florida. hOUTIl PLAZA -DnOAD AND TORTER a n j x STREETS Herbert Kelcey & Effie Shannon in "The Sphinx," in 5 Acts NORTHWEST SusntifTinnnn THEATRE itth A juaquenanna husquehanna ave. Trlanele-Flne Arta Norma Tlmad and Robart Harron In "Mlaainic I.lnka." 5 parti Trlanle-Keytona SAM HE KNAR In "1IECAUSE HE LOVED HER." L parts NORTHEAST STRAND 1ST" AND amAnD Ava CYRIL SCOTT in "Not Guilty" "THE HAND OK PATE," EDISON 4-ACT DRAMA KENblNGTO.N 1UMRD FRONT BT. AND JUINDU QIRARD AVENUE "SIN" in 5 Parta "WANTED A LEADINO LADY" "JOE'S DEVOTION" Weeldy Programs Appear Every Moadajr lo Motion Picture Chart Nam . Address WINTER RESORTS ATLANTIC ciTV. y. J. ATLANTIC art. Superior location with an I unoba tructod v tew of beach I atandartrof oxoellence c.i.60d. mhrMMj.Bwua: board of directors, submitted tr Hie 8t6ck hordern nt tho ftnnuftl meetlnit hare. At ofte tlmo thero wero 400 licensed Jltnoyfi Ih ItnrrlPlmrff Under the nrsC Jit ney ordintihci1 These nutomobllen rnuat hixva been trcmendouslj' busy, for the de crenso In number of passeiiRera carried by tho trolleys In 1915, as compared with 1914, wns ),22f,?48. Wmm EiSi n'lii'iliwflSSil PUSBll a Jtlj' I'AJI ailSltB PcpI WES PllftSS Gomim P" Philadelphia THE ICADING HtSOliT 110 tl Of THE WORLD HDarii)otoii9iW5KniiiDi ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. OWMIRSMIF UNf UKHT JOBIAH WHITE SONS COMPANY fXatW ATLANTIC OITV a 'XARCE3T TEL caavnrreaa. w " "WObvo namrtaHK Westminster Mrfy- ". .11' Lia. u . ? , i ,.f 5? .?"' batha. run. watar. tl.OQ up dly. to tl2.SU us t,tilr Ciua. Uutira. sWAUriuiOKr. STJtATH HAVEN INN f." Juoa 34- f U. fak ULIBLLY n a mm .! Hill M4