Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, March 08, 1916, Night Extra, Page 7, Image 7

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K JIany Brave Slush, Snow and
K, fn A frond Revival
k ' in Temple at
f Terminal
Snow, slush ami rain coultt not keep
the people away from the Nicholson
Hemmlnger tabernacle In Darby for the
rmon by Evangelist "Billy" Nicholson
thin afternoon. Lon before time for the
services to begin many women had as
embled In the big temple at the P. It.
T terminal, ana when Prof. J. U. llem
mlnger, the choir leader, Btarteil tho pre
liminary song scrvlco there -was a falr
,Md audience from West Philadelphia,
Lnnsdonne, Colywn, Olcnotdcn nnd other
Delaware County towns, as well as tho
.,.iml largo Darby representation.
Mr Nicholson preached tho first of his
,?mons on i "Tho Holy Spirit." During
ih next two days ho will preach on the
Mmo" Pic Ho made It plain that ho
Snda a wldo difference between pet sons
who are church members and those who
rret the same time, filled with tho Holy
"You can't keep a person quiet when he
it filled with the Spirit," Bald the evnn-
n.. "You don't need n centrifugal
Sump to got a word of testimony out of
you. It Is like on artesian well."
"The Fulness of the Spirit" was his
topic today, and ho based the sermon on
Acts 2:4 and I'pheslans 5:17-18.
"Pentecost ought 10 vo a dally occur
rence In tho llto of every believer. If It
Is wrong to be drunk as a sinful man.
then It Is Just as wrong not to be filled
with tho spirit," ho said.
"It Is an absolute necessity that I bo
filled with tho spirit of God. The first rea
son Is that I may have a spiritual holi
ness. You can mako- a child moral, but
you can never mako It spiritual.
"There Is only one sourco of holiness,
that Is, the Holy Spirit. Wo can only bo
changed Into tho spirituality of Christ by
the Holy Spirit You can never llvo tho
supernatural llfo by natural means. It Is
' only as I am being fed clay by day that I
am being filled.
"Tho whole secret," he declared, "Is al
' lowing the Lord the right of way In llfo.
Christ must rasnion us anu present U3.
II Is an absolute necessity If I am to
i work. How can I perform these greater
o works except I am being filled, day by
(day? You lost heart; ou became ueary
S In well doing, nnd finally quit altogether.
By the energy of your resolutions you
i can never do the work.
"I supposo nearly nil the crazy things
today are In some way gathered around
the teaching of God." Here ho spoko of
i the extremes of the extremists, nnd cau-
tloned his hearers.
I "This fulness of blessing," ho con
( tlnued, "Is for every believer men and
f women. This Is my Inalienable birthright.
'This fullness of blessing Is for every
bellecr everywhere. I used to think It
was for tho preacher while ho was preaching-,
but that's not so. The common, or
dinary things of llfo aro tho reason why
we need to be filled with the Holy Ghost.
Many of tho 120 never prenched only a
few. The others scattered buck to the
ordinary pursuits of life and there they
were still filled with the Holy Spirit.
"Ever believer has the Holy Spirit,
but the Holy Spirit does not possess every
Believer. There Is all tho difference In
the world between a believer who has the
Holy Spirit and one possessed by the
Holy Spirit. At Pentecost they were filled
with It. I received tho Spirit at tho time
cf my conversion, but It was months after
wmd before He possessed me.
'There Is a striking analogy between
a drunken man and a Splrlt-IUled mnn.
First, he Is u. mystery. Second, you can't
silence him; he will talk. Third, you
can't discourage him. You may lock him
Up, hut ho goes back to the samo old
thine. Lift these three characteristics
Intu the realm of spiritual things and
ou hao a mystery.
"When I ran down that street, beating a
tamborlne, after I lecelvcd the Holy
Spirit." referring to that Incident In his
life which he had given In the tabernacle,
"it was a mystery Tho five elders and
my minister didn't understand me. You
can't keep a person quiet when he Is filled
with the Spirit You don't need a centri
fugal pump to got 'a word of testimony
out of ou. It Is like an artesian well.
'Out of the heart the mouth speakcth.'
"You can't dlcourage a person filled with
the Spirit Some are 50 years old and aro
Just wee babies. When wo are filled with
the Snlrlt of find nil tminVtin,.a vnnlulino
y When a man Is filled with the Holy Ghost
j, 1 m Isn't concerned about pleasing men;
t, 1 nes pleasing God You are indifferent to
I What Old MnttlPI- rtflmrlv thtnlrn IVI.km
filled with tho spirit of God we are on the
Job. and to be filled with God's spirit we
j must be emptied of other things."
! Then Mr. INTlpllMann I1lia...nwl M.o. .a
I tla'iUa thlnfrs a,e not necessarily Chris-
I Hwe.A 0e?ss,vf1i!::",B
(ix'a roe 7 f
.-. i. cue wituT' J J,V
mi fffiwu A":0'
Hl'A AtlOWlD TO TMt Hi rfcmw WITH HirA
. s&hfr
A ..'.'.'
STTw la. at V4k- -r
ct Lfct' -4k c s-
Uncle Sam Offers That Salary for an Official Apiarist
Willing to Undertake the Task of Subduing
Belligerent Bees of Arizona
$4.50 to ?0
Men Wear A
Comfort Congress
It Will rellevn P.illniisps
Rheumutlsm, Corns,
Bunions, Ingrowing
alls nnd other mala
dies of the feet,
This cushion shoe Is
made In 25 different
styles and all sizes. It is
an Improvement over
any similar one offered,
and la better In every
Sole Shoe 2
37 S. Ninth Street, Phila.
ui', nisi; utnoB
Sboeu aent to all parta of
me Unltfd Ktutts,
KT.,.',r,.ru," Ouaranteed.
Write for Cutaloc.
Open 8aturday Evunln..
MtM.w wtaclpta con-
"".'"too. "ea,', KBd1-
." no ulntut
TatM U noihln
JjW Second St.
Undo Sam Is having considerable
trouble to get nn ofilclal bco handler. It
li duo probably to tho fact that tho
avcrago American has a horror of being
To the man who successfully passes
tho examination of wrestling with bees
Undo Sam will glo $1000 yearly, provid
ing ho will go to Arizona nnd "work
among the Indians,
Incidentally, the one who la selected
can nllow himself to become known as
nn olllclnl apiarist, or America's own
honey boy. Word was received from
Washington today that two Phlladclphlans
were being considered for tho position, but
imtnes were withheld until tho final
selection has been made.
On account of tho prosperity rampant
In all parts of tho country there was no
lmmenso mob clamoring for tho Job. In
fact, It Is satd that the applicants from
all parts of the country could bo counted
on one's fingers.
In announcing that tho position was In
tho market. Uncle Sam pointed out that
all candidates would have to pass an
avorngo of 100. In this connection it was
stated that a mark of CO would bo neces
sary for training nnd experience nnd 40
for physical ability. Stress was laid upon
the physical requirements In view of thp
nature of tho task.
The bees with which tho bee handler
must contend are of the Arizona variety.
They nre used to living In the wilds and
fighting Indians Therefore they aro not
of the wrist-watch species, and aro hap
piest when In the midst of a massacre.
Thoy have dally revolutions for dessert
after their normal meal of pollen and
other ldous menus It Is to spread
peace among these belligerent Insects that
the apiarist has been chosen. The Hceno
of battle will bo at tho Indian ngency at
Pima, Ariz.
The bco handler has one consolation. Ho
will bo allowed to tako his family along
with him. No limit has been placed upon
Its size, and our generous Uncle Sam only
wishes to know how many.
But tho bee handler's lot Is fnr from
a sweet Job dcsplto tho honeyed words
of tho application blank. It was learned
that In past years many official apiarists
were stung beyond recognition. One
man who went on the job recently, It Is
said, received so many wounds that tho
Indians mistook him for the sphynx, or a
new god which had been thrust among
them to teach a new ghost dance.
Nnturally, tho Indians have always
greeted bee handlers fiom tho East with
a warm welcome. They recognize In them
a vigorous ally who will bo a great hu
man target and savo them many stings.
To make matters worse the beo export
will not bo ablo to wear a baseball catch
er's mask or a steel helmet, for lt'a
usually so warm that even a veil feels like
a fur-lined overcoat.
It will bo well, therefore, for tho man
who is chosen to bear theso facts in mind.
Incidentally, he might get in condition by
punching the bag and wrestling one of tho
elephants out at the Zoo. '
Finally, he must be under 50 years old,
for experlenco has proved that no man
over that ago can put an Arizona beo
down for the count.
The foremost example of high musical quality at
a moderate price. One of the preferred home
pianos; endorsed by music schools of highest aim.
Pianos, $275 to $350; player-pianos, $450 to $800.
Hear the new records on the EDISON Diamond-Disc
Phonograph in our private rooms.
January-checkinfj showed a loss to ono
Germantown meat market owner.
Not a big loss as business goes, but
enough to worry him. He knew at once
that something must be done to check
the decrease; things dragged along, how
ever, with only the worry to show.
February 1st he had a Bell Telephone
installed at the urging of one of his best
customers. She wanted, so she said, to
be able to telephone for her orders.
March 1st (he tells us) showed an in
crease of 10 in sales 7 directly
traced to the Bell Telephone.
Then the "big idea" came to him and
he found the way of many a merchant
before him of making business increase!
The first month was just natural Bell
Telephone growth: he's now pushing
ahead by using his Bell Telephone to
solicit orders. It has put him on his feet
and established a steady, permanent
telephone trade.
By his experience you
can profit. Work
- n
Bell Telephone hard I
Secretary Refuses Promotion
for Promise of Support
at Convention
WASHINGTON, March 8 Secretary
McAdoo last night made public a telegram
from Stale Senator James I. Green, of
Massachusetts, relating to promotion for
Mr. Green's brother In tho JJoston custom
houso nnd his reply. Tho telegram from
Green to the Secretary read as follows:
"An Secretary of tho Treasury you have
full power to create Immediately deputy
suncyorshlp Boston, just abolished, nnd
promoto my brother! or you can Increase
his salary to $6 per dayi which Is per
fectly satisfactory. My conduct as dele
gate national convention will bo gov
erned by treatment accorded him. Wire
my expense."
In his reply Mr. McAdoo satd:
"Do you rcallzo that your telegram of
Bth Instant places you In very awkward
position? You practically ask mo to bribe
jou to govern your conduct ns n delegate
to national convention by giving jour
brother the position of deputy surveyor of
tioston, which has been abolished becauso
It Is unnecessary, or to Increaso his salary
to J6 ncr day. Your offense Is n serious
one nnd deserves to bo treated with the
contempt I accord It. I shall not prosti
tute the public servlco ns you propose,
and you can act as you please nt tho
national convention."
Scott Paper Company Says
Chnrgcs to Jersey Points Are
"Unduly Prejudicial"
Mrs. Pearl Mailman, Chester, Mother
of Seven, Succumbs
CHHSTnn, March 8. Mrs Pearl
Mailman, of 3fi8 Fulton street, died to
day In tho Chester Hospital from In
juries resulting from a fall downstairs
last Sunday. She was tho widowed
mother of seen children; her husband
died in Ilussla Bluntly beforo she brought
her family to this country.
Tho children were all at the break
fast table when the accident occurred
Their mother wnn coming downstairs to
join them, nnd was seized by n fainting
spell half way down. She fell tho rest
of tho way, and was never conscious
Mrs. Mailman was 53 years old. An
eighth child, a son. was drowned In the
Dolawaro IUver two years ago.
Ill a Staff Correspondtnl
WASHINGTON, March 8. Chnrgcs
that nil rates from Chester, Pa , to Now
Jersey points nre "discriminatory nnd un
duly prejudicial" were made today by the
Scott Paper Company, of Chester, offices
of which nro In Philadelphia, In n com
plaint filed with tho Interstate Commerce
Commission against tho Central Railroad
of New Jersey, tho Pennsylvania, Phila
delphia and Heading nnd other roads. Tho
complainant says that In an effort to
equalize tho rates tho Pennsylvania has
Increased rates from Gibson Point nnd
Paschall, Pa., but that this does not affect
tho Unjustncss of tho rates from Chester.
Whitney & Kemmcrcr, of Philadelphia,
wcro parties to a complaint filed today
by conl operators In tho Kreeport district
of tho Ilessemer and Lake Krlo Itallroad,
charging discrimination In rates on bitu
minous nnd canal coal to New England
and operators which was to hava met
this nfternbon, announced laRt night that
It had postponed Its meeting until 2
o'clock tomorrow afternoon Tho meeting
was again deferred to nwalt n settlement
of questions affecting tho bituminous fields.
Steam Starts Scare in Printing Bureau
WASHINGTON, Mnrch 8. Steam es
caping from a broken plpo In tho Govern
ment Uureau of IOngravIng nnd Printing
Ilulldlng threw hundreds of work-bound
employes Into ft flurry of excitement this
morning, nhd" it fir alarm was turned iii,
Following so closely on the firo. of scteftil
days ago, it revived rumors of plots
against Government buildings.
Schooner on Maine Hocks
WASHINGTON. March 8 The Count
wlso schooner Edward Stewnrt Iia gon
on the rocks and Is breaking up off North
east Harbor, Maine, according to a dls
patch to coast guard headquarters Jier
New Terms Submitted to Full Con
ference of Soft Coal Men
NHW YoniC, March 8. Tho subcom
mittee of bituminous operators nnd
miners, who were drafting n new wngo
contract for western Pennsylvania, Ohio,
Indiana nnd Illinois, completed their work
Into last night and leported nn agreement
to the full conference here today. Ono
of the last things dono was to fix the
period of tho new contract for two years,
beginning April t.
It nlso was decided that nil Internal
differences shall be settled In tho dis
tricts, with the prolslon that nothing
shall be dono thnt will Increaso tho cost
of production or lower tho mining ca
pacity of tho miners
Tho demands for nn eight-hour day
from "bank to bank," weekly paydays
and that eery other Saturday bo nn Idlo
day wcro voted down, It Is expected thnt
tho conference today will ratify the
work of the subcommittee.
Tho subcommittee of anthracite miners
"HH wmci --- I 1 mob i Jl i IL
A -fj p H W m 9 I B off I 9 I m
itjl(! Rtfl It&I AH J9r M El F fj I fi U f3"
Wimk WA ?$ EaT Q U K a U P
tffl fi& KA Si zS WJB W "
aH f& Ml
r"& J4MT
Ai rr
V: 'S&Mur
You hare
watched and
waited for such an
IqO t& opportunity as this, and
'"'rffyC now our gigantic offer makes
ttL0 l4 possible for you to gratify that
.-yv lUll-Ull3.IU3!li:ii UCS1IC, 4U1I1K UI U
for only $49.75 you can furnish your
dinitipr room in handsome, massive, solid nuar-
tered oakl Note the extra heavy plank tOD on each
niece and the very large Colonial frames. At our once.
this superb three-piece suite buffet, table and china closet
paralleled in the history of tiie furniture trade. Don't miss
this grcnt chance.
BmffM ffamiwii ffw B
Wfflfjff SIM. Wff Of flr 13 ffffn u
Market St-
Model 86 f. o. b. Toledo
No Advance In Price
The price of the big, powerful Overland Six (Model 86) will
not be advanced.
Prices of other Sixes are advancing. Prices of Sbcea recently
nnnounced on new models, are higher. In fact, comparatively
figuring, prices of practically all Sixes are now far in excess of
the Overland.
On the basis of present prices of raw materials a Six of tha
Overland quality would have to sell at a much higher price.
But due to a little foresight in purchasing we escaped having
to pay premiums for raw materials hence the price of tho
Overland Six is not increased.
This in spite of the fact that prices of all steels are up from
100 to 150; that the price of aluminum has gone from about
20 cents a pound to over 50 cents a pound; that the price of
copper has more than doubled; that tires and other accessories
have had a sharp advance.
We cannot guarantee that this present price of $1145 will
hold indefinitely.
The serious condition of the material market makes that:
But the quality is not lowered; and for the present prica
is not advanced.
Just compare the size, power, flexibility and quality of the
Overland Six motor; the length of the wheelbase the seating
capacity, the finish, the equipment, the comforts, the con
veniences and improvements of the Overland Six with all others
and you'll find no valid reason for paying .nore than $1145 fou
a six cylinder automobile.
Deliveries now. !
Overland Motor Company, Distributors
323-5-7 N. Broad St., Phila.
Tho .Willys-Overland Company, TUed, Ohio
1 " ' .Mdia U.S.A.''.
, "
utesUd 4