"f'gg'gft? gfflitf',VTEf -VETTO KVMNIN OLEDGEll-PHILABELPntA, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 8, 1910. IS liJRRMAN RIOTS jfABT TURK REVOLT, P IC IJJV' nm TH ltHifUllT Lon and Rome Hear Hungry BE" ..i Una R sen En- vcr rasnu ivumuiw Assassinated fTBEETS BARRICADED LnMnnM. March 8. An Exchange If, t, Comnany message from tins says It is said there that Enver f !ne Turkish Minister or War, Lllr reported wounded by an as- Twain, has died. LONDON. March 8. f. .iionatcli from nomo saya thai A news oispaii.ii , , ., raslm W K tniinn Is rnRlnr? In Constantinople. wlul ten is raBiib 'M " ll"d when n mob fired on IbCfrt . . nt.t in nrmv sinrrfl. S'r cts ami dnmneed the -"f,i, The Herman troops aro re- ad roads. CTn'the rloth.fi with Ktinflrr. l.rKfl Turkish nrmy l not opposltnr th F ...Tin advance from Hwcrum. mu in SXe wwtwanl. ettlnK fire to vll !? ', "ml eTtte.. including Hlvn and Mo &f awarding m Athena advices. .. pna has nluincioneii pmns un " n Iffawfand ' conoentrntlnB her energies " .. h nil iiirniiiui iiim i in in. iiu- to information received from fllrtCMr has docideff to rellnnulnh tn- End to Ccrniniiv. ii iiccri.uj. "i...h i waiidad. n "large slice of T-.rklsh Asia i Ur and possthlv Constantinople. Manwlille developments In Turkey, &ih nre likely ti. lend to a separate k'-tt sooner than was expected, are con jured bound to hasten the Intervention of Russia, which l " longer conditional in tha Russian offensive In Gallcla ami Bukowlna. Uecauso f these facts Hnl rarla Is striving to Improve her relations with both Rumania mid Greece, fit Is declared In diplomatic circles that (In efforts of Germany ntul Austria to irrangs a visit of the Kins of Uulgarla .a nneharcst for the purpose of setting it rest the rumors of the Imminent Inter untlon of Runinnlii on the side of the Entente Allies have failed, owing to the in 01 I'rcmier jiruiiimo, ih nu- minla.' f An unconfirmed rumor has reached here tut Enver Pasha's life was attempted at Jerusalem, where troops destined for an expedition to Egypt mutinied. r Information has been received In Wash- jcjtoa to the effect that Turkey, her re leurces exhausted by tho I-hiropean com fllct and powerless to resist tho steady and rapid advance of tho llusslan Gail rislan army, Is anxious for n separate peace with Russia. Turkey's firm defense of tho Darda nelles and ncr long stand against tho advance of the Russian Caucasian army before the fall of Erzerum Is believed to have almost completely exhausted the military resources of tho nation. Tho fact that the Turkish people as n whole never were-eager for the entry of the nation into the war ls,one of the rensons why such a report gains credence here and aboard. The situation arising from lack of rraln and other foodstuffs In Turkey is also thought to have become exceedingly critical. Not only have tho crops in all parts' of Turkey been exceedingly poor recently owing to the smaller area under cultivation slnco tho mobilization of tho Turkish army, but also large quantities of foodstuffs of all sorts liavo been sold by Turkish officials to Germany. ,' Although It Is said that peace overtures hate already been made lu a roundabout war to Russia by Turkey, it Is exceeds Injlyi doubtful that Russia will pay' aKy- nreo io mem. sno is uoiinci oy a solemn corenant to the other nllles not to nr ranjo a separate peace with Germany or any of her allies. Her victorious armies are pouring virtually unresisted through Armenia and Kurdistan to gain the end for which Russia has waged war for cen turies an outlet on tho Mediterranean Sea. i jHUSSIANS TAKE ANOTHER I IMPORTANT PEHSIAX CITY Forwards Slav Plan to Relieve British in Mcsonotnmia wLONDfiV. MarM, Q HM, ....... 1... tte Ilusslans of tho Persian city of Cola, .unco west ot ivemanaiian. Is an- HOUnCrl In nn nfllnlnl ... , , .- " " .". OIULCIIIC.,1. 1O0UCU y Petrograd War Office last night. - " " -.:' --JVIUP tt tll 11ICI Ifll JerUnt step In tho attainment of the Russian ntnn tn ,!tla l.H....i. ... , Jferila and over to the frontier to take n in me aiesopotamlan fighting and U1U3 relleVA IhA Ttrlflol. nl T.... 1 A wa lies on the road from Uamadan to "juail. PllITISII FAIL TO GAIN ON KUT, CONSTANTINOPLE DECLARES Moslem Gunners Hit Two Enemy Crui sers at Dardanelles l"Th. T.T.i,V.r:i"' ua- iarcn s. lav tw iv . unico announcca to- Mrti.i-7 . .I"' UL u, "rmsn rener ex S n Mesopotamia to advance to- fT.i . nBra nas ueen unsuccess ful. . iurKlsl "atterles had hit two hostll. cruisers at the Dardanelles. tah 1 Jra.k front tl,e enemy 'ae Sk m!i . t0 nnProach Telasle." said 'Sat n ati B,at,ement. "The situation at r.Ama.ra-Is unchanged. rtnUM . Dardanel'e8 front our batteries 'Swre n't"1" warsnlps ana two crulB- WRITE FOR Free Booklet ON ouppiee Community oervice le new nlnn nf nr.,.;.. JfOUr tronc lo. .i peni. u' mwH "HU Bur jnaurea greater efllciency ,-- e,MniojHeea iar greater rWUUIliy, booklet malted on requett FREE to any PORMAN SDPPLEE ftofettional Nurseryman a00 WashwiRton Ave. Mm,. r j6Wi " wt(llil ltff. The War Today 4 Heavy artillery flphttngr con tinues on both banks of the Mouse. Tho situation on the Verdun north- j ern none remains uncnangcu. ino cannonndo was especially violent northwest of Verdun, on the west bank of the Mouse, where tho Ger mans arc believed to bo preparing for nn attempt to capturo Gooso Hill and Dead Man Hill. In tho Chnmpagne, east of Malson de Champagne, the French have recaptured trenches taken by the enemy on March G. They took 85 prisoners. Itnly has strengthened its forces, at Vnlona and has appointed n new commnnder for the expedition ary nrmy. These moves anticipate an expected sweep of Albania by the Austro-Hungarinns. Reports printed in London and Romo dcclnro that revolution hns broken out in Constantinople. The revolt was fomented by anti-German riots. Enver Pasha, the vir tual military dictator of Turkey, is reported dead; ono story says he waa assassinated, another Hint he died from wounds received in a street riot. Constantinople reports that the British relief column has been un successful in its progress to Kut-el-Amarn. Other advices report British advance in Mesopotamia and Russian advance in Persia. The Austro-Hungnrians in Ga llcia have won 1000 ynrds of trenches at Tnrnapol from tho Rus sians, who hnve been active in this zone for two months. At Karpilo seka the Archduke Joseph Ferdi nand's men have driven the enemy out of entrenched positions and lodged themselves in the sector gained. BRITISH WAR COUNCIL CALLS IN LORD FISHER Churchill's Warning on German Fleet Arouses London Papers. Some Support Him LONDON, March S. Matters of vast Importance with regard to tho Hrltlsh fleet ;uultlie anticipated clash with Germany's great warships In tho North Sea were dis cussed today at a meeting, of the War Council. Lord Fisher, formerly first sea lord, at tended the session. It was tho first time he was called to a formal meeting of the council, but it was stated that the Invita tion sent him antedated the proposal made by Winston Spencer Churchill In the House ot Commons yesterday that the famous sea warrior bo given a high post In the Government. Churchill's warning that the Kaiser's licet will mako a dash Is commented on at length by the London papers today. Those which have opposed tho present Government declare that the warning must be heeded and that nothing bo left undone to Insure victory for Kngland. Government organs, on tho contrary, nsinll Churchill bitterly, suggesting that he wishes to return to the Cabinet, and that he is willing to wreck tho Govern ment lu order to satisfy his personal ambitions. They flatly deny Churchill's Intima tions that the Admiralty, under the leader ship of Arthur J. Ualfour, has neglected to take the necessary precautions against the German licet. OLD CIRCUS CLOWN DEAD i "SJivers," of Bamum & Bailey, Sup posed Suicide NKW YORK, March 8. Frank Oakley, better known as "Slivers," liarhum & Halley's famous clown. Is dead. The po lice found lilm In a local theatrical lodge asphyxiated. Several gas Jets 111 his room were open and tho window and door cracks were sealed with towels. "SlIverB" both as a circus and a stage fool had made the world laugh, He was born In Sweden about 45 years ago. His mother was a prominent concert singer In European capitals. Brought to this country In his early childhood, he ran away at the ago of 14 to Join a circus. ( ffl 01 r v ' P I 3P6iht to Remember SO year 8 Ip7 of Service Point I Shirtmahine CTberi are features about ur bull sen wa acquired only throuih lone experience Terttlj, It's a common erTlce. dent ey u$ uncommonly well. Point 2 Furnishinga CAnother eutttaadlaf point ot our trlasfular enlce, we offer the fretnett and neweit itjlei, wall tKev art lrtt and new. Point 3 Laundry CA rolut that Is all tervfoe which ti one rei.on wbj we eicil la It. Toll U dlitlnctly I mtu'i noil exacting point, and It ti executed bet ti nli cjjoI iciirt: Eskleman & Craig Co. "Three-Ply Service to Men" 1304 Walnut St. "Leg Comfort Don't suffer from Varkoio Veins, Ik Ulcers. Weak Ankles. Swolliu J,es. or other lev troubles which need constant, certain support. Corliss Laced Stocking will mako you happy and eaiy. Throw uway torturing etaitlo or troubhaome bandsco. and forget tee troublo. Corllaa Stocklnra mado to measure, without clastic, wear for many month!. Waihable ii ad sanitary, I lent and durable, ('vat only SI. 76 each, or two for the same limb. 13.00, and you'd gladly pay much more) for the sup port and eaaa. Call and bo meas ured free, or wrlta for aelt-meas-urmtnt ltaulf No. 19 Hour 0 to 0 iUUy. Sat 8 to 4, Wo olao mako abdominal baits 'ui. 11 cluiiu to order. Ptaaa. Corliss Umh Specially Co l.:ii is-1 3 VUborc tic PbUa., Fa. BuUa if 0. 8U pbeiu, WaUiut tU. L'ORDINEDELGIORNO SOCIALISTA BATTUTO CON2.31VOTISU306 Tutta la Camera Vota la Fi- ducia nel Gabinetto Salantlra. La Turchia in Prcda alia Rivoluzione ENVER PASCtA' UCCISO? IIOMA. S Mnrzo. Oggl la Capicra del Meputatl ha votato still ordlne del glorno del soelnllstl unictall Mionanto sflducla nel Ministers Halandra. i online del glorno socialism ha raccoltn 2S1 votl contrnrll o 2S faxorcvoll. o la tenue opposlJtlonc, die nlcunl dlspnccl ihicii nccitratl nvevano Ingrandlto flnonfareap parlro lmmlnente una rrlsl mlnlstcrlnlc. e' svanlta davantl alia rlronnsclutn neces slta dl racrogllcre atlorno nl governo tutto 1p forae vivo delta naxlone nfflncho' la guerrn sla coronata ilalln vlttorla. Oggl o' anchc tnrnnto a noma II re. ma dopo nver conferlto con II presldcnte del Conslgllo. on. Knlandrn. c con II mlnlstro delta rjucrra, generate Zupolll, cgll si pre para rliartlre suhlto per la fronte. trnt tencndosl a Itonin soltano pocho ore. K' la secomla Volln II re toma Improvvlsn mente dalla fronte dl battnglla. SI dlceva In ccrtl clrcoll die II rltorno del re era do vuto alln sltuazlone pnrlamentnre, ma nllestn St n nlilnrltn di.1.1. . pena 1 ordlne del glorno del soclallstl o' n.uiu iiil-msu iii von. uggi ii gnblnetto Snlandra o' pin' rorte die mat ed ha plu' eho mill In plena lldiicln della Camera o del i-miBc. r.u e un iieue per la contlnult.v dclliizlone splegata flnora dnl governo ncl la condotta della gucrra. LA TURCHIA IN niVOLTA. Notlzlc glnnto qui dalla Turchia dlcono die a Costnntlnopoll Infurla la rlvoluzlono. I rlvoluzlonnrll hnnno fcrlto Knver pascla' ed hnnno ucclso moltl tcdcschl durante una vlolcntn dlmostrnztono nella quale furono Bncchcgglnto case, costrulto bar rlcato e dnnnegglatc 1o fcrrovle. I tedeschi hanno dovtito usaro pcrslno I cannonl per reprlmcre I dlsordln!. Un dlspacclo glnnto oggl da Ateno nlla Kxchange Telegraph Company dl Lnndra illco cho corre voce cho Knver pascla', che rcccntcinento era stato ferlto In un atten tato, o' morto In segulto alia ferlta rl porta ta. SI dice che qttestl avvcnlmentl ill Turchia, cho provochcranno la con ctURlono dl Una pace separata plu presto che non si creda, decldoraitrto la lUimanla ad aglre, ed a questo proposlto s fa notare che l'lntcrvento nimeno non c plu condlzlonato sut succcsso ilell'offenslva russa nelta Uucovlnn, ed e' per qucsto che la Uulgarla ccrca In luttl I modi dl mlgllorare lo sue relazlonl con la Ilumanla h la Grccla. 15.1 fonte dlplnmatlca nutorcvole si np prendc che gll sforzl fnttl dnlla Gcrmanla c dnU'AU8trla per rendero posslblle una vislta del re Kerdlnando ill Uulgarla nl re dl ttumnnln. alio scopo ill far tncero le vocl dl lmmlnente intervenlo della nu mania, sono fnllltl n causa dcll'opposl zlone del presldente del Conslgllo ru ineno. Uratlami. che ha messo fuorl II prctesto del lotto per la morte della rc glnn vedovn ICIIsnbetla. lntnnto l'eserclto turco non ostncola plu' nitre I'nvnnaata del russl verso Krzorumi ma si rltlrn In dlrezionc ovest lnccndlando vltlaggl o cltta'. tra cul Sivas e Mosul. I russl operant! nella Persia hnnno occupato la cltta' dl Cola nelln loro marcla verso la Mesopotamia unite portnre alulo alio forze Inglesl oiernntl nella zona dl Kut Kl Amara. nispaccl da Londra dlcono che lerl nella Camera del Comunl II mlnlstro Lord nohort Cecil Invito' I'assemblen p. cen surure quel glornnll che nvovano nttaccato l'ltalla tier non avero portato aluto mllltaro alia Serbia cd al Montenegro. II mlnlstro dlsse dl esero lleto dl cogllere questn occaslone per rlaffermaro I'lntcra flducla del governo nella lcale coopera, zlone del governo ttntlano negll sforzl che to potenze dell'Inlesii fecern a fnrnnno it rnvorc del duo stntl bnlcanlcl. ! LA CIVILTA AUHTHIACA. II comandnnte del plroscafo Glava, Slvlo I'otcnzlnnl. ha dato Intcressantl ' ,, ,, ..,. ,. .. -.n .11 Mu. IiuriicuiHri uircii i ituuiiuiiiucuiu ,.c, iuu senfo cho fu operato da un sottomarlno battonto bandlcra atistrlaca duranto II vlngglo da Llvorno nl X'lrco con pas seggerl cd un cnrlco dl cemento. II comandanto del sottomarlno rllluto' dl rlmorchlnrc 1 battelll nel quail si era no rlfuglntl 1 passeggerl o 1'cqulpagKlo nello vlclnnnzo dalla costa dl Mlla. Dato II uarlco, non si tcnto' ill Bllurnre II plroscafo cho fu Invece mandate a plcco a cannonate, dopo 4G colpl. II capltano dice che egll arrcsto' lo macchlne nl primo avviso. alia prima cannonata In bianco, ma it sottomarlno contlnuo' a spararc. Slccomo II mare era calmo, II trnBbordo del passeggerl o dell'cqulpagglo fu compluto senza troppo dlfllcolta'. I battelll furono pol trovntl da un plroscafo Inglese c portatl nll'lsola dl Mllo dove I suporstltt trovarono 600 persono salvnte neH'arfondnmcnto della Provence. Un sottomarlno nemlco stava per attaccare ancho II plroscafo Inglese, ma scomparve non nppena scorse giugere a tutta vcloclta' un cacclatorpedlnlere Inglese. EVERY HOME THAT LOVES REAL MUSIC SHOULD HAVE A f..rriimimaiiSin COLUMBIA GRAF0N0LA Every Music Lover Loves a Columbia Our Special Offer For This Week Only You may select any COLUMBIA Machine that suits you best, no matter what price PAY NOTHING DOWN and we will deliver machine at once, allowing you to start Easy Weekly or Monthly Payments after April 1st. COME IN AT ONCE WHILE OUtt STOCK IS COMPLETE Prices ranging from$15 to $350 Story & Clark Piano Co. 1705 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. lUflM , Store Open Monday and Saturday Evenings Bell Phone Spruce 4C5 PAHOEli POST PAHCEL POST notice 0s I Printing All Ford Auto owners reBldlnit In I'ennsyl- jrrst.cla" worn, eood itock, at folloivlnt vanla aro reqeatel o Bond namo nnd Drlc. " " address and mfinber of enr to our eastern lno'o Envelonea in nui i office and receive, valuab e Information of a jg,1" f.i, "f, rordi i"? with car you own- looo Hill Heads i.Ou American Ford Owners Assn 1000 staumenu i.n (I'ennajlvmila lleadnuarter.) ' x,hZ cow'niiiiii'ihVn V.VV.Vi,1"5 CIO Dreiel lllilg- Ilt No. 5. l'lilla. Mlrk "W Plainly when nrderlne- - .- . --t, --r- Keystone Proceai Company Three Typewriter Ribbons, S1.00 :t North Third st. camdm, . j. for any machine, any alngla color, ribbon - , KUaranteed beat on market. lfw.lni.Pl'nfArnn,nni,n -Sa BEAUTIFUL nUSAJ.L SIZES. rweysione rrocess company to 8av ihoji 34 to so?i Sl North Ttilrd St. Camden, N. J, SS.&0 LUTZ HUH CO.. U31 .111(11 s'lltKET HEAR EDISON'S NEW Diamond Disc Phonograph TONE REPRODUCED Thru a Diamond is different than tone reproduced thru a steel needle. . We invite you to make comparisons. Free Recital each Afternoon in our new Edison Rooms. SOLD ON EASY WEEKLY OU MONTHLY TERMS Prices $60, $100, $150, $200, $250 and up STORY & CLARK liHBSHiHir 1 1 '. .i' ; mi i M i' ; ; ly Ctin rinpn Mondav and Saturday Evenings 1705 CHESTNUT ST. Bell Phone Spruce 465 lyli CopyriBhtllnrtSchaWncr&Mnra iSlfeSlliiSssj Spring styles in overcoats YOU'LL find many smart overcoat styles in any store where you find our clothes; and if you find our label you'll know the style's right. You can get your overcoat single or double breasted ; with plain or patch pockets; fancy weave or plain color; for young men, older men, all sizes of men. $25 is a low price fcr ths quality you'll get for it. art Schaffner & Marx Good Clothes Makers You want these fine Clothes; you'll find plenty of them, ready-to-wear, at this Store exclusively. Strawbridge & Clothier MARKET STREET EIGHTH STREET FILBERT STREET f t j a r- a I 1 r it raj In 4 iiWilteiiite