Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, March 08, 1916, Night Extra, Page 15, Image 15

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    !; Jfpw wtt Hjj iHjpfy&tyvmf jf ' "f- -'-wirinPsriiift' TprVi7T
A-li J
it.M rl
ilre t ffl
r mi.;
". ' fci
1 for yJM
i and iS'K'
0 ElltfJ
'"".an iB
liBrf j
jaSTwillard picked
.Jeff and Corbett Figure
t Titleholder Will Trim
Frank Moran
Keenlna Ledger Decisions
of Ring Bouts Last Night
nrHlINO Hitillo Kevolre, "hailed I.en
Hfflf mnkh O'Brien oiitfnur.lit Snllor
Sm!i'r'MIH Franklin outpointed .Yoiini
WlnU rrhnkle linker lost lo Hilly Mil
ktV TOKIf rrnnklo llrltt knorkrtl nut
tiKniTlnl In tlie nMMithi Anthony Mc
i" J.f.on from infl Paul. Itnrrj- Ills lie
?"!S f Km I.nnitfnril, IMilIf Uellr ntnl
If,l,rfii"rlriw. Henry Marshall knocked
JSftinr nnrko In Hie Jhlnl. I-ro Johnson
lUASTmit HIil Parker In the srcc-nil.
BOSTON Snllor (Irnmlo won from Jolm
n Howard.
James J. Jeffries anil James J. Corbett.
.... ...... ......nir-M tlinmnlnnn nnd twn
f tho urcatest boxers wlio over pulled on
cl V v. kn1tntna tjVnnlc Mnrnn Is tin
.1 ' J.ieh for Jess Wlllard In tholr bout In
WTB Kw 1'ork. March 2G.
0irJ5- Jeffries, who was champion from Juno
i t 1899 to July 4. 1910, says aiornn nas
little chanco to win title from Wlllartl.
f f-orbctt. who was champion from Sep-
7. 1802. to March 17. 1807. ex
I necta He fight to last 10 rounds, with
wuiaru Kti"" " -- -
f iiy J. .1. Jiirntics.
, ., inEi,rq. Cnl.. March 8. Uhquea-
tiJiiwtrieen Wlllard l thn best of all tho
iS'&KntVy nenvywclBhts. Just how tho title.
' ffir wonld "shapo up" with tho old-timers
WK years 1 halo heard rlmr followers do.
i.i. ''Wold 1'otor Jnckson In his prlmo
ttjf beaten Jock Johnson when tho Intter ian
Ji ! bMt'" This question tins never been
--...-. ii.. .miArni if in nnil rn mnn..
b'l'J' w .elect a, man from ono .porlo.1 and
ray wnat no mum ui .wuiv nUb ,.... t...u
J.r of another tlmo.
irVfiU may plaro me on record, thoush, ns
'fclhnW that Jess Wllloril hnH ncxer been
rntauled. The sportlnK : world cannot . rcnllzo
what a Slant ol niruiiKiu r-o .. " ...unm.-
.."" . ,.-. i.n nt.nvinln, line, novnp rntinrl
lS"ft,0?.i'.r'i.i. K' tho wil. Ha
tJrilfJ record Is full of caBy, slow-Bolns con-
rpmnrknblo feature of tho coming
lipiiti.j t.n.an i.n In mc nt lenflt. In the
Jaitoundl'ntr amount of money belntt nild for
l ,n.M..n nn.ilnetn nn f?n. In which thn chnl-
Sfcnmr. Frank Moran, stnnils llttlo chnnco tn
i- ,V ,l,l TM rnrfttinlv will Ret tin, nlrl-
II Will WW !"' ,,"" "
A timers to thlnkins ...
Jew Wlllard, nnd I take overy man as I
,,ltal him, strikes mo ns belnc tho Ideal cliam
i Hon. lie may not tight often enouch to suit
tin fault-flndors, but who Is thero for Mm to
Intel! Think It over. Jess Is it slant In size,
has improved wonderfully In his boxlmr, can
UJe the punishment and Is honest, conscien
tious ana cioan-minucu.
? mat's a wholo lot to say about ono youns
f Mow.
""' ny 3. 3. rOItllHTT.
HAFtTFORD, Conn.. JIarcli 8. Jesi 'Wlllard
. and Frank Moran are of the old school typj
fof Canters, slow, but same and ready to swap
cuncnes. ii a clover nian icinieti cmier ono
ae would be open foe any kind of a knockout
ponch. Felntln? Is n lost art nmonff tho present-day
crop of boxers.
Wlllard, hovccr. Is a hard man for nny
one to beat Just now Iln has Breat height nnd
reach, and his i.-,0 pounds and It's not rat,
tltfier nlvcs him a pre.it nnturnl advantage.
Fltzslmmons or Jeffries could havo stopped
him In my opinion. Fltz would havo feinted a
Eian like Wlllard Into knots, nnd Moran would
avo been Just as helpless before men who
Were adept In folntlns.
Oettlnic down to Moran, I want to say this
much for Frank, lie Is ono of tho best of
ear preaont-day heavyweights. As I pointed
out before, he's not a clover boxeri still, he's
Ulrlyiast, and ns Rnmo a man as oicr pulled
en; a rime. Add to this coolness In action,
combined with a eaod punch, nnd It makes him
a ralchty dangerous opponent for tho cham-Pica-,
H can take a hard punch better than many
pto&tr that 1 doa't ivnnt to. mention. - I
noneiiir oenevo tnat Wlllard Is ftbout trm only J lev is tho llrst crlnDle
man that has a chnnco to bent hramighVitS '' l crippiO;
k t. r
T trfillM Tint itn nitrnrtttoil If ttt Kniit
t!,llmlt ot 10 rounds, with Wlllard havlnir'
loat a little the best of It on points.
; Benny Leonard will find himself up aculnst
, tho task ot his llfo In N'ow York tonluht.
Benny has been gettlns used to trials of lato,,
cut this llttlo rumpus with Johnny Dundoo
mar be. tho turning point In Henny'a brilliant
, Mhtlag career. If ho loses to Dundee. It will
w & turning point becauso Dundee and
Jnard aro tho two .most likely contenders
for the lightweight title.
Jack ITanlon, emphatically nnd Indignantly,
ttwlca. that ho was preparing nn Olympla
, ahoir for March IT. "That's McQuigan's
fant f or a special Bhow and I wouldn't butt
B iV i". world. Wo will liava our night
Uarcn, 2'J." Two great shows llko last year
ilia- yrould put Philadelphia In tho llmo
tlare, jutlllatlcally.
jFrankle Drltt. the Tortuieso from Now
urelora, and who made his debut In tho rinK
Mrs Saturday night, scored a si.ven-rounil
aocjtost In New York last nlBht. Ho stopped
, Hopkins, although ho substituted for
nnmgVaener at but an hour's notice.
.Ad Wolsast is not colnc to retire, not by a
fir hot. Although Fred Welsh outpointed
tM Cadillac. I'lowboy nt Milwaukee the other
tlnt Adolphus announced after tho fight that
J Fas ready to post $10,000 that ho could
lifcu, JJnusner m zu rounus. Ana, -us
nil, Frederick will accept.
..."k Loughrcy has been keeping; rather
io ainco his return homo from Australia.
V Baa taken part In but two matches,
J?if, na5 "Krecd to meet Silent Martin In
J',"1"", Saturday night. Joe llorroll had to
ffinS,'.";" match because of his encounter on
ron ' at Nrrltown, with Juck McCar-
-,Si "77 ?"" continues that Benny Kauf
S?r.li.tn9J?cal tntt io 'ke Kid Williams'
SSAPK: Tho South I'hllly battler now is
RJ" .management of Charley AVelrmuller.
nnjr may get a crack at Lew Tendler.
iiuXSi Uealery ,va' Frankio White and Ed
ii i ?an.vs' Hobby Heynolds aro two match
aminS!L.i'?m "town Bouthwarlc way aro
U Ti"l1?w'Snt 10 see- The first would
Jtber RJ.-k1"' !'"!!? """I8 Boran, whllo the
8 deSSSSft f.r,bab.1r would resultln one of
cwvereat exhibitions seen here this season.
trah?J'0,i,"a c.heauled to appear In headline
lk!t. 5"! ths coursa of tho next
OTain italn,n.?. et Adam ltyan's, Johnny
M nShiXfm wl" Bhnw " his second scrap
ittS . ldJK!,ont, " Sm Ilobtdeau. matched
ttn dllisently.nard Bt ,h8 olmp,a- "a
Prr Va hli "fill1 uJai . ttcii7 S018.' w,in
ffi.uD 5hXt ln Bt' Louls wno J
T- up cgnter. I
1 mSu? ibM.ICaba,50't recently Invaded Ph la-
,' ultVy"0 circles a gymnasium character
. fftm l,a cartlny I a clever klddo. but
I C7i.J1,a.vi? change his namo to mako any
1 .L
PETEYPetey's Costume Was Too Real for
! ' fS. - ' IP nF iTN 11" yiL tEAv MYN , . y-OH 3iT ParTI 55 . Vo,"M
J i" )kCXoO( I -Bet Hide HK.MT HAT mcKT There iT WrN T Thru Th& ySI&v TT
I i- iffixXXXx. t X AKE A MT ( VWTHVou JACK., J N V NoBorrt'lC TOUCH ITA ;g- . ' ) A NVls'oR OF TWaY V J& C- FuMYA
Lee. Fohl May Develop
Good Team From
Young Material In
side of Two Years
AIlTtCt.B xtv.
ItTTLR Is oxpected of Clovcland In tho
I American Lcaguo rnco this season, and
tho fans will not bo disappointed It tho In
dians finish at tho bottom of tho ladder,
but they wilt bo surprised prcatly If tho
IndlanB climb ns hlsh as fifth place. On
form, tho Indians have not a chance to
finish so high, but don't bo surprised If tho
team of youngsters Leo Kohl Is collecting
como with a rush toward tho end of tho
It Is reasonably certnln that tho Indians
cannot bo as bad as they wore In 1915,
and thero is every prospect of Fold de
veloping a splendid young team within
two years with tho material ho has at
hand. Thero will be a few veterans In
tho llno-up this season who will havo to
be displaced In another year, but for tho
present tholr presence on tho team Is
necessary to tho youngsters.
Both tho Infield and outfield of every
team which Is built with youngsters needs
nn old head to coach and steady tho In-
experienced youths. Fold realizes this,
and will allow Terry Turner, who Is serv
ing his 14th year with tho Indians, to
play regularly at second, with Jack
Qrancy In left field.
Really a Youngster
draney Is a youngster In years, but Is
old to tho Cleveland fan" and Is going
back. When ho broko Into tho lcaguo
Graney was extremely fast nnd boosted
his average by beating out Infield hits, but
with his legs going back, tho llttlo left
floldor's hitting has fallen off. Ho also
has grown slow on tho basos. Last season
ho stolo but 12 bases and was thrown
out tlmo and 'again on tho bases on closo
decisions which ho would havo beaten a
fow years ago.
Chick Gandll will help In tho coaching
of tho youngsters If ho enters Into the
system with tho proper Bplrlt, nnd It Is
llkoly Tumor and Graney will both bo re
placed with youngsters after tho season Is
about hnlf over. Another valuable addi
tion to tho Indians In tho building up proc
ess Is Ivan Howard, recently purchased
from tho Browns.
Howard Is a veteran, and a mighty
smart ball player. It la surprising that
ho adorned tho bench In St. Louis so
long with players like Austin and tho
many first basemen tried by tho Browns
holding regular positions. He can hltny
kind of pitching hard; Is a clover, though
not fast, baso runner, flolds awkwardly
CirAnr.OTTCSVILLn, Va. Mnnagcr Orlf
flth called off a Bamo scheduled for today, be
tween tho rookies and Virginia U. Tho rookies
nren't rendy for Buch strenuous exercise, hu
MAItLlN. TeT. Rubo Shauer and Ferdlo
?chupn wero chosen to lend two sounds ot
John McOraw'H youngsters In farctal fray on
tho training: lot, and ychauer mado Bood with
a poke over tho wall that won tho gamo for
the Iorlcs. 7 to 4.
DATTON'A, Fin. Fish consommo Is tho
Dodders' diih today, nccordlng to contemptuous
veterans. The IJrooklyns aro billed to play
Stetson Collcgo and threaten to knock their
hats off.
MACON. Oa. J. Tranklln Hakcr chugged
Into tho Yankees' camp on a wheezy train at
midnight, completing tho club roster. His sore
hand It fit again, linker said, and ho will
play today. ,
PAT.llSTINn. Tex.-
Tho Browns tmunfled out
llUIIIVIUUd .,u,a , ...,'.'i ,.,.u ...uuu.n rf.s-
terday. In six Innings thn Iavana and the
Johnsons played to a 12-Up tie. Catcher Hart-
n.mnt.niii t,,mA nins trlt.lAa iiml rtnlihl.a vraa-
RAN ANTOMIO. Tex. With nractlcallv all
Cardlnnla on. Hugglns had two Inllelds going
full tilt with hnlf tt score outfielders prnno
lng under tho high ones. Huggins Is preparing
himself for tho bench.
TAMPA, Fla. The Cubs sweltered In 80 nnd
00 degree tempernturo hero today. Manager
Tinker waa Inclined to bo merciful, letting tho
nthlolcs ort with a light work-out,
SUNnrtATj WELLS, Tex.-Jim Scott was
working llko a Trojan today to get down to
weight. Tho White Hox pitcher weighs 200
and has six pounds to get rid of.
BOSTON. Tho champion Red Pnx will leave
this city Friday morning for Hot Bprlngs,
whero tho team will train for tho coming
season. Manager lllll Carrlgan says the cham
pions aro all accounted for except Wood and
MfAMI, Fla. Today's program for tho Bos
ton Braves consisted of batting practice and a
aovcn-lnnlng irame between the players.
NEW ORLEANS. La. Tho Indians will got
down to some renl stiff practice, starting to
day, now that Mardl Grns parades and the
races aro over. Pitchers Mitchell, Morton and
Klepfer are In Rood shape and tho regulars
are rounuing inio miu-summer lorm last.
Pitcher Douglas Under Ban
CHICAGO, March 8. Dispatches from
Tampa today s ild that Manager Tinker hart
announced that Pitcher Phil Douglas would not
bo retnlned on the Cubs' stnrf. Douglas was
otbnlned from tho Brooklyn Nationals In a
trade last summer. Douglas was Indefinitely
suspended by Tinker for falling to report tn
condition for practlco at Tampa.
Ynnts Baseball Games
The recently organized Kaywood Baseball
Club Is anxious to schedule games with all
Catholic and tlrst-class teams for Saturday
(.-nines In this city. Write Terence Carlsson,
L'Blo Wharton street, Philadelphia.
P. R. R. Five Has Open Dates
The P. R. R. Travelers desire a fow eames
for the remainder of the- season. Any second
or third class team, offering a reasonable
Kuarantee, address C. W. Crothers, 1130 South
Slst street, West Philadelphia.
Pirates Release Kelly
PITTSBURGH. March 8. President Barney
Dreyfuss, of the Pittsburgh National league
Club. haB announced that Pitcher Herbert
Kelly has been released unconditionally. Keily
waa obtained by the Pirates from the Univer
sity of Notro Dame team.
Bresnahan Signs Up Stovall
CHICAGO. March 8. Among the players
signed up by Roger Bresnahan, who Is in
charge of the baseball team to represent
Toledo in the American Association. Is George
Stovall. last year's manager of the Kansas
,., K,,a,.nla Htnvall will nlnv rtrnt hanfl.
4?" -&$& MY'
but strongly, and best of nil, has a great
Last summer Branch Itlckey discovered
that Howard was a mighty valuable
player. Jones probably did not think so.
becauso Howard did not play regularly
until tho last few weeks of tho xenson, but
ne would linvo been luvnluablo to tho now
Browns' leader as :f coach, whlcu will bo
ono of his main duties with Fohl If ho falls
to win tho thlrd-baso position.
Fohl hns two great pitchers and sevoral
excellent prospects, all of whom will 1m
provo B0 per cent, as soon as tho balaneo
of tho team shows signs of Improvement.
Guy Morton is unquestionably ono ot tho
very best rlght-hatidcd pitchers In tho
country. Last season, with a poor ball
team behind him, ho fairly burned up the
league. Morton will bo much hotter this
season becauso ho knows moro and will
not mnko so many mistakes In pitching to
Willlo Mitchell Is Fold's other star. This
young southpnw should bo a much better
pitcher than ho is nt tho present time.
Mitchell's disposition is his greatest handi
cap. Ho Is not a slacker, nor does ho fall
to keep himself In perfect condition, but
ho simply dislikes pitching good games
which nro lost becauso of tho weak work
behind him.
AVIth a high-class team behind him,
Mltchelt would bo a marvel, but until tho
Indians show some sign of Improvement a
wonderful nmount of talent will go to
waste. "When the break comes and thn
Cleveland tenm starts to Improve, Just
watch Mitchell Improve.
Of tho other pitchers from tho 1915
staff Coumbc, Hagcrman, Klepfer and
Jones should Improve greatly this benson.
If Coumbo can put on 15 pounds, ho Is
suro to be a stnr southpaw. Hagcrman
looked good last year nnd needs only
experience which ho Is rapidly gaining.
Klepfer will bo In better health this year
and should show tho snmo form ho ex
hibited In tho Pacific Coast League.
Jones Is coming fast. Ho has n glent
curve ball and when he learns what to
do with it he Is going to bo a hard man to
Four now pitchers are considered prom
ising by Fohl. They nro Jimmy Bagby
Routine business took up much of the tlmo
of tho members of the city association of tho
National Bowling Association at Ita recent
Four five-men teams nro nlmost sum to go
to tho national championships from this city.
Tho tourney la to bo held In Grand Central
l'aiace, rtow xora, tarcn in i .tprii j
Entries will close tomorrow at midnight.
Dunning, of tho Leopards, was tho only
bowler ln tho Mucko League series to roach
the double century mnrk. Ho scored --- lu
his second game.
Liberty Bell hold first place In tho Phila
delphia League by defeating Tioga two games
out of three.
Flck nveraged 203 for Liberty Bell against
Tloyi last night.
McDowell, nf Tioga, rolled tho highest three
gnmes ln tho Keystono Alleys last night. Betting
nil. his final game, 213, being high ln the
Philadelphia League for tho oveulng.
Cnmdon won only ono Bams from the
Pennsylvania Railroad squad last night, and
this was tho best five-man team score of tho
right squads. The Jerseymen ugBregated iniu.
In this gamo Mangency was high with 230.
Myers totaled 211, Mount 11H. Ryder 1H9 and
Price 18U.
Price contributed 007 pins to Pennsylvania
Railroad scores.
Several Individual scores of merit marked thn
Philadelphia Leaguo games. Robertson, nf
Suburbanites, finished up with 223. whllo
Richardson, a teammate, knocked down 21H
In his second name. Phillips, of Keystone,
began with a 223 score.
J. Moore, the anchor man on the Smith
Offer you the facilities of a perfectly-equipped factory and the services
of the highest class of workmen.
On new tops, tops
recovered) slip
reflnlahlnc In ull
Makers of Demountable and Enclosed Tops for alt makes of pleasure cars.
Commercial Bodies for I'ords and ull other innkea In stock uml mudo to order.
Call or phone and get our lUures. l'lione Hprtice 430.
Terry Turner, Veteran,
Is Nucleus Around
Which Indians Will
Be Rebuilt
from Now Orleans; Stanley Covnlcsklc, n
brother of tho Detroit pitcher who was
with the Athletics two years ago for a
trial ; nnd Clnrrctt and Carter, two young
rilants picked up by Jnek Knight for his
Cleveland American Association team
last year.
Llttlo is known about the ability ot this
qunrtct, excepting Covnlesklo, who Is not
llkoly to earn n regular position. Bngby
was a wonderful pitcher In the Southern
League, and ho cost Clovcland a largo
sum. Briscoe Lord, the former Mnckman,
and Johnny Dobbs, mnnnger ot New Or
leans, claim that Bugby will bo a sen
sation. They contend that he not only
has a wonderful curvo ball, but that ho
also knows how to pitch.
Tho Infield will start tho season with
namllt on first, Turner on second nnd Kay
Chapman at short, with a merry fight on
fur third base. Howard's experience may
earn him the position for a time, but It
Is unlikely that ho will bo nblo to keep
Barlmre, Boy Hvans or Fred Thomas on
tho bench long.
Barlmre Improves
Darbaro Improved greatly ns tho 1015
drew to a closo and ho should bo even
better this year. Mvatm played wonderful
ball at Portland nnd Is n wonderfully fast
runner. Tho greatest prospect for tho
future, however, I Thomas. With New
Orleans Thomas stolo G3 bases, lending
tho league. Ho ulso hit above .300 and
led tho lcaguo In home runs. lie prob
ably will be ii substitute 'for a time, but
Fohl counts upon him being u regular be
toro tho stitnemr Is over.
Tho 1915 sensnn closed with Blmcr
Smith In right, Bobby Both In centro nnd
Crnney in left, nnd probably will start
tho season In tho samo manner unless
Larry Chnpelle, purchased from Mil
waukee, where he was sent by tho Whlto
Knx, shows unexpected form. If Cha
pello has learned his lesson, he should bo
n star, but If ho did not keep himself In
better condition than last winter, hu will
not bo tolerated long by Fohl.
Tho only other outfield candidate Is Kd
mondHou, of New Orleans. Ho Is duo to
bo a substitute for a time, but Is another
player Fohl Is preparing for tho future.
Ilo Is slated for (Initio's berth.
O'Neill Receiver
Ktovo O'Nell will bo tho llrst catcher,
with Tom Daly, recently purchased from
the White Kox, nnd Josh Billings fighting
It out for scrund. The latter was with
Jack Knight Inst season, and Jack, who
Is wintering at Drexel Hill, In Delaware
County, declares that ho will beat O'Nell
for tho flint position beforo tho season
Is long under way.
Fold's seiund will be composed entirely
ot youngsters Ho has many promising
looking tecrults and if ho continues to Im
prove us manager as ho did last year the
Indians wilt bo n pretty good team at the
close of tho season, although not strong
enough to challcngo nny ot tho llrst di
vision clubs.
If Fohl fails to develop his raw mntcrltl
this season ho will bo replaced, ns Dunn
and McCarthy, tho new owners of tho In
dians, are willing to spend anything for a
winner, but a winner they must have.
Their willingness to upend money for play
ers has been proven and by tho end of tho
summer Cleveland should bo on a fair
road to a high-class team.
quintet, started off with 110,
nllh 210 and 215.
and concluded
Nock, of the Railroaders, registered
his lirst Bame against Camden.
131 ln
Topham pot going In his second game and
hung up u 213 tally for Pennsylvania Railroad.
Swisher nnd Rhoads each rolled scores of
138 In Liberty Bell's second game.
Crescent won tho second gnmo from T. B.
Smith tenm by 2 pins, tho totals being 012 to
lilo. Smith contributed 22.. and Bailey 201 to
Crescent's score, while Morgnn rolled 2U'J and
J. .uooro am for T, iimitii squad.
Twelvo of tho 21 scores by Philadelphia
Leaguo teams wero moro than 000 pins each.
Shaffer rolled 103 nnd did not roll tho sec
ond game, but cracked out 2J7 In his third
The Insurnnce League teams found It dlffl
cut to solvo tho pins on Terminal alleys.
One pin deprived Aetna, leader of the In
surance Lengue, ot a clean sweep In its series
with People's National, tho latter capturing the
final, hl8 to hl7.
Camden Fire squad trained a game oa Aetna
by boating Htundanl all three games,
Ayres, of North American, registered 118
ln his second game. Dunlap got a 210 count
tn his llrst Bume with People's National, and
llorter, ot Aetna, secured 201 In his Initial
Tho Artlsnns
alleys tonight.
will occupy the Keystone
covers, "upholstering,
lis brunches.
painting- nnd
Moran Sends Men Through
Second Day's Practice at
St. Petersburg
Hu a Staff Correipomlent
ST. I'ETCllSBUno, Fla., March 8.
When 1'ntrlck J. Moran's hopefuls begnn
limping their weary way toward Coffeo
1'ot Park this morning they resembled
moro n band of first trench hospital candi
dates than a bunch of light-hearted ath
letes preparing for tho summer drive Into
tho National Lcaguo ranks.
Roro nrms, Btirt legs nnd a general bind
ing ot tho muscles resulted from tho first
tloublo workout which took plate yester
day morning nnd afternoon. In spite of
tholr many, though not serious, ailments,
the Phillies laboriously wedged their way
Into uniforms and began to gently toss tho
ball around the lot In tho warm sunshine.
Tho populaco of tho Sunshine City wns
very keen about the antics ot thn Phils
lust season, but this year they nro al
most baseball rabid, having In their midst
a cotps of champions Instead ot tho pre
dicted tall-endcrs of 1915. In view of
these facts It was not unexpected that
a largo "gallery" was present this morn
ing somotlmo before Josh Dovorc, the
I'hlls ndvanco guard, emerged from tho
All during the morning workout tho
local fans kept up a constant chatter
nmong themselves with occasional shouts
to the players whom they know from last
Tho work this morning wns really
lighter than tho Inltlnl trials of yes
terday. Mornn realized that In their
present sore condition that It was better
that tho players work the stiffness out
gradually, rather than take tho chance
of developing permanent Injury to an
arm or a "Charley Horse." Bill Klllclcr
and Al Dcmarce, who did not arrive in
tlmo for yesterduy's work, were on the
field this morning getting their prelimi
nary warming up.
Whllo Klllefer was a trlfio backward In
making nny definite statement about tho
condition ot IiIb arm, It was easy to seo
that ho was extremely hopoful. Moran
stated that ho believed "KIII'" arm would
come around all right and that ho would
be ablo to start tho season In Just as good
shapo ob ever.
The veteran pitchers, Alexander, JIayer,
Bender, Dcmarce, McQuillan and Chal
mers, confined their tossing today to fling
ing tho balls back from the outllcd, whenco
they had been whacked In batting prac
tlco. This retrieving work, they consid
ered, was sufficient, and Mornn appeared
to agreo with them.
All of the players seem to bo about
down to weight, and tho majority of them
look to bo In tho pink ot condition.
Shortly after 11 o'clock tho players quit
work for tho morning, Borne going In for
lunch and others partaking ot their rustic
meals at the park.
Allison Brower
Sales Manager
Bell Phone Poplar 1211.
Attractive agency proposition to
a nil Ib3 sm n&& si '$at x vm TO-4Lre3Il
I h iHHE3uuuHiB (
Ill G
8, 1016.
R flf
--BHsfeu- - Pill
Disqualification of Throe Stars
Puts Philadclphian in
the Running
CAMBTUDan. Mass.. March 8. Dick
Harte, ot Philadelphia, may be chosen to
lead tho Harvard football tenm ne'xt fall.
This change has been caused by tho re
cent net of tho faculty In requesting Cnp-tnln-elect
J. A. Cllnian, Boles and Tom
I'ntwrlght to drop out of tho student body
because of their failure to pass tho mid
year examinations.
This mandnto from tho faculty means
that Oilman nnd Boles nro forever
through with athletics at Hnrvnrd. They
will bo allowed to enter Harvard again
In tho fall, but will not be eligible for
nny of the teams. Enwrlght, however,
has a chanco to rclnstnto himself by at
tending tho summer school nt Squnm
Lake, Now Hampshire but will have to
mako good In his exams In September.
As a result ot these disqualifications! a
new captain must bo chosen for tho 101 fl
team and this honor ln all probability will
go to Dick Harte, a Philadelphia, who
was second cholco for the captaincy at tho
fall election. Harto was the first Crimson
player to scoro a touchdown against Ynlo
In tho Stadium In November, when ho
picked up a fumbled punt and dashed
ncross tho lino.
The baseball team also suffers by tho
banishment of this trio. Boles was looked
upon ns ono of the most promising hurlers
In college nnd Is regarded aH an equal to
F.ddlo Jlahan. Knwrlght Is also a baseball
tosser of merit. Gllmau, Harvard's Iron
man, comes from Honolulu, and Is ono
of the foremost warriors that over woro
tho Crimson.
Quality Counts
A proven car of exceptional construction.
A conservative company of dependable in
tegrity. One hundred and more cars of 1913-1914-19
1 5-19 16 nnd prior models now running in
Philadelphia nnd adjacent territory.
Personal conversation with satisfied Davis
Finest of materials, accessories and finish.
Economical, satisfying and of distinguished
I009e performance always.
Light Six $1095.00
Big Six 1495.00
Touring and companionable roadster types.
We maintain a fully equipped service station where
present nnd prospective owners nro assured of
courteous and efficient attention.
Present owners are cordially invited to file their
names, as we are mindful of their interests.
Several carloads of latest models now on tho way.
"Service and Satisfaction"
G32 North Broad Street
Formerly National Motor Comnanr
responsible dealers.
Steamer Comanche Will
Carry Mackmen to Jack
sonville From New York
Ni:W YOnif, March 8. Connlo Mack's
ndvanco squad of ponnant chasers left
Now York today for tho Athletics' train
ing camp nt Jacksonville, Fin., fit 1 p, m.
on the good ship Comanche. Tho Mnck
mon were orlglnnlly booked to unll on
the Apnchc, but tho later boat was bat
tercd up by Inst Friday night's storm
nnd tho Comnneho took her place on the
steamship compnny's schedule. The play
ers slept aboard the Comanche last night
In tho squad that left in tho Ath
letic party wero three veterans nnd seven
youngsters, and they aro ln charge ot
Joe ohl, tho club secretary, wh6 will net
ns pilot until they reach Jacksonville
Tho veterans In tho party aro Wally
Schang, tho catcher, who took his brldo
with him; J. Weldon -vVyckoff nnd "Ilube"
Brcssler, pitchers. Tho youngsters were
Pitchers Moriselte, from Richmond, Vn,
Crowell, tho Brown t'nlverslty twlrler;
Mycin, from Bnlelgh, and Harry Weaver,
the local boy, who wan with the Union
Petroleum team; Catchers Perkins, 6f
Bnlelgh, Meyer, of Davenport, la., nnd
Murphy, ot tho Bnghnmton club, ot th
Now York Stato League.
Two new additions were mado tb the
party at the last minute. Ono wns Roy
G. Melllnger, from Lancaster, Pa, Ho Is
a pitcher who was with Cedar Itnplds,
In., last Benson nnd was drafted by the
Savannnh club. As Savannah will not
have a team this year, Mack bought him
anil will give him a trial. Tho other is a
young pitcher named Parnhom, who wns
with Bnlelgh last season. Ho Is a big
fellow and Mnck will look him over nt
Jacksonville, but will let him stay In
Bnlelgh for another senson's worlc
West Branch Wants Game
The West Branch Y M. C A. basketball
team l.s without n Rnmo for tomorrow night,
nnd desires to hear from somo live willing'
to play for expenses
I fy a good Jesters
Wm, L. Connor
In Chariie of Bervloa
era "-r:.'
! I