- -. ft EVENING LEDGER PnXLABLPHTA, WEDNEBBAY, MARPH 8, 1916. jpymiln iiAtwiMtii M'LISS DISCUSSES SWEETEST OF ALL SWEET THINGS HONEY Pennsylvania's Bees Produce Finest Variety of This Foodstuff, the Many Uses of Which Are Not Known to Average Housewife HAVE you a llttlo honey-pot In your homo? I do not nsk this question frivolously! nor do I uso tho word "honoy pot" as tho term of personal endearment bo frequently employed In tho dally speech below the Mason and Dixon line. I mean docs there stand on your pantry Bholf,' along with tho sugar and splco and everything nice, a Jar of that sweetest ofc all sweet things, and that most poetic of all foodstuffs, tho nectar of Bwcct smelling flowers honey? I have Just been talking with a bee-man. Not with one of your baldhendcd theorists who keeps his hive on his study tablo and pries Into the habits of tho busy llttlo beo with his microscope, but a wizened llttlo man who declares deprccat Ingly that his knowledge of bees la "only practical," lie hasn't read Maotorllnek's "Llfo of tho IJcc." Ho doesn't believe, with tho I3elglan philosopher, that tho bees aro tho most charitably Inclined insects that fly tho air. On tho contrary, ho advises beo gloves nnd beo veils and all dis guising paraphernalia with which careful apiarists bedeck themselves. Ho has been overseer of a beo farm for many years, nnd what ho can't understand la why more people aren't Interested In these wonderful Insects nnd why tho product of their ceaseless activity Isn't on closer speaking terms with tho average liousowlfc. "Now, honey" (ho's mentioning tho floral nectar, of course), "should bo ono 6f tho necessities of life. And yet the nvorago woman doesn't half appreciate Its uses, In my mother's day honey was used for everything from sweetening cAkcs to fading freckles and relieving sore throat." Tho Very best honey in tho country, according to this expert, comes from Pennsylvania, Chester, Lancaster and Bucks Counties leading In tho production. Tho bees of tho Keystone Stato havo a versatile palate, and almost any blossom that bows Us head In a sufficiently low sulaam of wolcomo Is almost certain to havo a buzzing visitor. Of courso you know that tho very finest honey, that pale, amber kind, Which Is almost as whlto as water, comes from tho orange blossom, tho whlto clover and tho basswood blossom. Is It any wonder that honey has always been considered oa fit food for tho gods? Certain plebeian bees, however, havo an unconquerable liking for buckwheat fUtvor. This gives to tho honoy that they exude a dark color and a strong flavor, which Is preferred by many people, but which Is not regarded as tho best by epicures. Ooldenrod, aster, heartsease and palmotto aro also favorites of tho bees, the nectar extracted from these blossoms being of a medium amber shade nnd of a flavor not so delicate as tho whlto clovor and orange blossom kind, nor so dark as tho buckwheat variety. The beo man gave me a llttlo booklet with some of tho most dclcctablo recipes I havo ever read about. I will gladly send a copy of the most mouth watering ones to those of my readers who are Interested enough to send a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Consider the Epitaphs A letter today requests mo to say a few words in regard to tho present day tendoncy of girls to delay their marriage, if not until they havo attained a "rlpo old age," at least until they havo arrived at the period when only kind ness entitles them to bo classed as girls. My correspondent wishes to know If I can shed any enlightenment In this matter. In other words the question put squarely Is: Why do American girls no longer rush into matrimony ulmost In their Infancy as they did in a bygone day? The only answer to tho question that occurs to mo Is that perhaps the modern maid In her historical peregrinations has walked through tho old cemeteries where Ho burled tho women of several generations ago. Their epitaphs aro Illuminating. "Hero lies Abigail, third wife of John Hunter. Died in her 17th year," Is a sample. Few of these pioneer women who married when they wcro scarcely more than children, 16 being a popular ago for women to take up tho duties of married life and 14 a not uncommon ago, lived longer than 35 or 3S. Two-scoro was a pood nge for them. Obviously, from tho testimony of tho wonderfully Interesting old tombstones, assuming tho cares of a family nnd a household was not con ducive to a lpng life. Tho mon apparently grew patriarchal beards and waxed ancient; the women In tho plcturesquo language of the epitaphs were taken early "to tho bosom of their fathers." Fagged out, doubtless, and glad to bo taken. Tho spinning-wheel and tho old oaken bucket that hangs In tho well "tho U amT. a,nd ,pen stove, are romantic articles from the modern viewpoint, but n placed by tho sldo of tho vacuum cleaner, tho tireless cooker, the gas range and tno electric toaster, tney aro badges of drudgery. Indeed. Llko tho famous "ono hoss shay," which went and went until it could go no further, but Just disintegrated In tho middle of tho road, so the wife of a couple of generations ago went until sho could go no more. Sho wore out In middle ace or at n timn whon the "girls" of today, with becoming maiden blushes, stand youthfully at SEEN IN THE SHOPS H aW&M&l J ill 1 It i II ' , r. ' HUB Is a suit for the llttlo boy which Is simple enough to dispel any Idea of fuislnesi, nnd yet It has a smnrtnosi Hint Is Undeniable. The price, too, ought to be a (Inuring card. It romes In Fb.cs from .1 to 6 years, nml Is fashioned of clinm lirny. In copen and tan romblncil with white There Is ho necessity to dwell upon tho wcnrlng nml laundering qualities of rhambrny, for every mother who has used It known The deep yoke features tho season's favored trim ming, smocking. This Is l3ii( in white lloss. with a ta'isel-trlmmed tic to ninlrh. Double box plaits nro seen nt tho front of tho little contoe, giv ing tho required fulness , nt tho bottom. White , pearl buttons give a tin Ishltig touch. Tho price Is $S. The name of the shop where this article may bn purchased will bo supplied Ij.v the Kdltur of the Worn nil's I'nge, livening led ger, 008 Chestnut street. Tho leanest must be ac-1 ronipnliled by a stamped, self addressed envelope and must mention tin date on which tho nrtlclo appeared. THE CHEERfUL CHERI& - - I tfit like paopWs toJt yeo.r!s clotkcs are. neV I try to ltvcjh &i peoples sWlaold ioke.5: I -alwcyi think hov nice. this world would $eetn If wed be Jort of Friandly, dl vs, Folks. RnrANft ft 01. mwi.iwiiniitfifcAiwiw FOOD VALUES What Does Your Child Eat and Driiil By VIRGINIA E. KIFT Marion Harland's Corner .111 rnmmuiilrittlim nclilrrnl tt Marlon (tif-linil HiiitiIcI Inrlo'r n tnnipul. '!" nititr'''"!! rmrlunc nml h Hlpplnc or Hie nrllclr In wtilcli Jim lire Intcii itnl. I rf (inn iil.hlni; lii nlil In I he liitrlliilili onrle of the II. II. '. ulimdri nrlle Mnrlon llnrlnmt, In mrp nf lhl pupcr. for nil (Irenes of lhop Ihrj unillil lh.n In irlj. mill, limlnit rcrrheil lliein, iiiiiiinunUulu illrri't ullli Ihoe pnrtlo. Ucqiicst for n Typewriter T SHOULD lllm to have a typewriter JL hut cannot afford to buy one, being "TTY cIl"(1 cala cvcryth,n8!" JLVJ. This exclnmallon has a good and a bad Interpretation. If "everything" menus pickles, cucumbers, meat, cole slaw, pepper hash, kidney slew, cheese, rnffro nml lipor. nml tho child Is under Ls years of age, or even slightly over that mark, tno mother snoutti no asnnmcu m say It. If, on tho other hand, she merely mcana thnt the child cuts everything which she wisely selects for It, and Is not "finicky" thnt l will eat well cooked ceie.lls, rg ptnlile.i, fruits, nutrition:! desserts If this i wlit "overythlnft" ImpllPS, then the mother hns every right to bo proud, for such n child hns hcpn sensibly fed. A child nhoutd ho trained to eat every thing which you put before him, but do not put everything" beforo him which you youiself rat. A child's stomach Is much smaller than yours, therefore he should havo less iiravy and moro frequent meals than you do. In the middle of the morning or afternoon a child should havo some milk Mfltl llfei.1 . I ijtu uitim ur lurtir. rif .... xm A child hot onlv m,.i i.u?"eftBS u"f"P" ---- -..., .Hug warm, but must bulla new bones and Increase hf. lou would not attempt W inJ9S strength of UU back by i.S!?VktJ carry a trunk to the third ne?,' MS you sure you aio not acklhiJhu'Mi to perform Just as remarkfthi. Ato,1 feeding It twice as much 5, ,, (m, It will allow, and l?s 'jiS .llgest. mi Kgfn Your dlgestlvo system has U JH of practice In nsslmllatin,? JfSS food! your child hns only thr .WJ yearn of eueh experience 5', ?Pi How then can you expect' lit i4w tho same foods whlri,ctmJi3 cheese, pickles, cole slaw, cotttk.S1 food, so difficult for a chllS?4P handle? ""'waitij, Try to help your child's grown, W Ing him rjsiiv iiigrio,i fnort 'ti'Ws milk, well ronkeil v eRctnW.. tkW fruits and nutritious dessert. Conyrlglit lliio i,v Mrrln'n e. K, Crepe do chltio makes nno of tho moil satlsfnc- l,ir- inlprlntM fur llpirll- gees becauso It washes to kind-hearted Corner llnd mo ono? 1 am I a married man with a family. Could your PRACTICAL MODEL FOR YOUNGSTER perfection. A grny cloth costumo with gray astrakhan chok er collar and toque Is very smnrt. IF YOU OVEREAT TRY BREAD AND MILK CLUB FOR A WHILE A1: By WILLIAM BRADY, M. D. IlIUN'Dof ours, who Is manager for a tho altar. M'LISS. Letters to the Editor of the Woman's Page AddreS nil communication to 'J,","',,,"' thKienhnf J.clr. UVIle. on on. Dear M'LIss I read with considerable interest your entertaining articles, and It occurred to me that you might write some thing about the ages of those who are married nowadays. I havo always wondered whether you are married yourself. If you will read the marriage notices i fou will see that tho people are from 30 to 35 years old. Instead of from 1G to 18. as It used to be. Can you not enlighten us on this mat ter? V. n. Dear M'LIss .If you will publish the name nnd address of "Jlrs. F. II." I will seo that she gets a number of things I yknow will be of use to her. I have a baby valkcr, baby nursery chair and a Bloch loach, also a lot of baby clothes, all clean and free from disease, as my baby has never been sick. Kindly let me know soon. MftS. I. I will be glad to let you have this name on receipt of your own name and address. Shoe Tips High boots promise to be as popular as they were all winter. f.?.0me ,0.1, ,he fo"t'enr show gaiter cf fects In kid, with pipings and buttons of n contrasting shade. .JXveve' thly aro y nn "leans so chlckney" as they were last spring. All-white footgear Is to be tho first choice. Low-heeled again. They leather. Flat-heelc.1 walking shoes should be worn with tho sports suit. They may have leather or rubber soles. Colors In shoes are conservative, tans, Havana brown, grays, especially the gun boat and mouse shades, black, navy and champagne are good. dancing slippers are in may be had In dull or patent Sub Rosa The fashionable miss has to watch her Btep when It comes to choosing between panties and pettlsklrts to wear tinder the lingerie gown this summer. If her frock Is draped, and tho skirt features the full panniers, she finishes off the costume with a frilly lace petticoat which shows at the front, back or all the way around. So don't think something dreadful has or ls bout to happen It you see a fair lady's lacy skirts peeping three or four Inches below her gown. Parisian Touch Drecoll fits the waistline without lacing the figure, an accomplishment which Is original and necessary, because American women have demonstrated their unwlll lnuness to accept the wasp-waist, even If Paris has sent out her decree. The basque style was a step toward sllmness without discomfort, but Drecoll emphasizes the small waist by using a fitted back on the short Jackets of his tallleurs. To Celia Drink to me only with thine eyes. And I will pledge with mlnq; Or leaves a kiss within the cup And I'll not look for wine. The thirst that from the soul doth rise Doth ask a drink divine; Cut might I of Jove's nectar sup I would not change for thine. I sent thee late a rosy wreath, Not so much honoring thee As giving It a hope that there It could pot withered be; But thou thereon didst only breathe And sent'at it back to me; Glnce when It grows, and smells. I swear, Not of Itself, but theu ! Ben Jonson, & BOUGHT I All mke. HUbtat price tn city. I V EVERYBODY'S &Zi&J Sun Shades mlloq from here, drops In occasionally for an endurnnco test In conversation. He cause nf long practice and tho nature of his calling, he generally wins. But tho other day when he called wo were pained and alarmed to notu that ho has been taking on considerable welfht. and ho complained of funny little shouting pains hero and there, sometimes around the re gion of tho heart, again oer the epigas trium. In the back under tho shoulder blades, up the back of the neck. Also, he confessed, there was a great deal of gas, frequent sour stomach, tendency to bilious ness nnd moro or less vague abdominal discomfort at Irregular times. Now our friend Is much In contact with medical examiners in his district, and ho Is familiar with his own aim other peo ple's Interior anatomy. Moreover, ho prides himself upon his lino health, his endurnnco and his physical strength. For our part, we make no boast of physical perfection, but wo do endeavor, In so far as may he seemly, to practloo what wo in each, anil If our preaching Isn't nil merely vociferation, as our friend stoutly maintains, wo ought to keep In fair physi cal condition. Well, having talked us to a standstill he got gay and challenged us to a physi cal test. He tried the blind dynamom eter llrst and pushed her up to ISO pounds his weight AVe modestly stopped nt '.'00 pounds, 3B pounds more than our weight. Nothing daunted, our adversary peeled off his coat and did tho hand-and-toe 'raise letting his body down so that tho nose touched tho iloor and up again with arms extended 15 times hand run ning. Wo went 20. This somewhat ex cited our friend ho wanted to know If there was anything we wcro good at. So wo accommodatingly suggested a breath holding contest. Anybody can beat an Insurance agent nt holding breath. He stuck It out for 30 seconds. He tried three times, and 30 seconds was his limit. Our limit was 15 seconds without forced breathing as n preparation. Knough. We took tho poor, trembling, frightened fellow Into a quiet room and told him. firmly but gently, that no doubt he could thrash the daylights out of the likes of us with one hnnd tied behind his back, but owing to his serious state of acidosis he wouldn't be anywhere at all In a battle with pneumonia, typhoid or any of those things. His system was suffering from auto-Intoxication, plainly due to overeating. It was sad news for poor J. F. Up till then ho had always accused us of ulterior purposes when we told him ho ate too much meat and truck at hotels. It Is all changed now. J. 1". has joweu the Bread and Milk Club. Later on we hope to report a change for tho better In him. Quaintly berullled parasols, which are reminiscent of the 1830 styles, havo long handles nnd very small sun-parasols at tached, like those seen In old prints. Handles aro very modern, however, for they must conceal the wearer's powder case or moucholr pocket. A miniature or cameo makes a charming top for many of the Ivory-handled styles, al though Jeweled clasps correspond to those featured on the new handbags. Smocking, Introduced In diamond shaped Inserts, ndds a touch of orlg Inallty to many Paris parasols. One Must Be "Wired" Petticoats also are to be boned. Crlno line, featherweight braid and thin wire will be used. Of course, novelties In this Una are coming out every single month and It would be Impossible to estimate the variety of stiffening and wiring fab. r cs which have cropped up In the markets since the popularity of the crinoline was assured. Corduroy for Spring Corduroy trousers, with a linen blouse speak of winter and spring at one and tho same time, but the combination Is fashionable just the same on the new models In little boys' clothing. Patch pockets and ball buttons are the ordinary trimmings. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Treatment for Alcohol Habit fun anv hosnltal give tho Lambert treatment, or Is there some particular In stitution making a specialty of It? Does tho treatment cure, or does it only help to cure drunkenness? Answer Any physician can administer the Lambert treatment In any hospital It does cure most, not all cases. Alco holism Is a disease with a definite pathol ogy. The habitual drinker can no more resist tho craving, without medical help, than can the epileptic voluntarily stop having seizures. Goitre and the Old, Old Story My daughter, aged 15. has a goitre Just beginning. She has Just started treat- Wrinkles Arc Unattractive yet thousands of women look prematurely old With my "no-plaster. 10-day" method for the removal of wrinkles every face can bo re juvenated renardleas of Aire. Prices reasonable. 7?, I V Complexion 70S I'lamlerk HlilK.. loth ft Walnut Vstalilhhccl ISOt CHAS. LUCKER m SOUTH 18TII STUKiS I'tnuis Walnut ?3(j. LATEST STrrj3 IK HAIRDRESSINQ ghs,nuMtr. FO-im 4 ! TrUnnt IHrauttet HsJtWavtiur ff"v-l(iif to last TTwWr" tea, sijt " r - nWWV U own an dFurSh and Coats Blouses and Dresses for every occasion in the lat est designs and in all sizes. Arriving daily from the best American and French mak ers, MODERATE PRICES Tailored suits and frowns made to order from the most exclusive materials and models.' . Ulrica WaUt St. ment with the doctor. Whoro can ono get tho pure coral necklace to prevent tho goitre from getting larger? Answer Almost anywhere that Jim cracks are sold. Hut unless tho patient's I" .icr is a very silly, superstitious per son no beads will bo worn by tho unfor tunate girl. Nine times out of ten a slight enlargement of tho thyroid Is physiological nt tho ngo of puberty in girls, and It will reipilro no ticatment. Cancer Not Heritable My fnther died at an advanced ngo of cancer of the pylorus of the stomach. Two daughters aro approaching middle life. What are tho chances that they will inherit tho disease? Answer Practically none. There Is no good reason to believe cancer is heritable. Spring Hints An Innovation In the millinery Meld Is the predominance of largo flat or rolled sailor shapes. Tho sailor as an Institution has always been with us, but hardly, nt least since the Merry Widow era, has it had the prominence It has today. Ostrich feathers and fancies of every description nre used ns trimming A bandeau of tho curling fronds surrounds tho crown on some hats. It Is used as an edge on novelty ribbons, nnd balls, puffs and o.ueer llttlo ornaments of colored ostrich feathers nro featured on all types of millinery. Large, drooping hats trimmed with nat urally grouped clusters of field ilowers, daisies, popples, bachelor's buttons, etc., aro also popular. Another note which repeats tho ostrich trimmed craze, Is the now neckwear. Col lars of ilesh pink chifTon aro edged with curling ostrich feathers, high collars havo tailored bows edged with It, and tho In numerable varieties of tho coachman's collar, bo It double or triple, havo touches of ostrich in contrasting or combining colors. New Use for Wax From Callot and Chcrult comes the rago for waxed materials of all kinds. Shoe-shlno ribbon was tho first Indica tion which showed tho trend of the stylo in this direction, but waxed voiles, pop. llns, chiffons, satins nro confidently pre dicted for spring and summer wear. 'Tls.suo circs" tho I'arlslans call them, and smnrt novelty voiles In all colorings and designs aro shown for afternoon wear. willing td do calclmlnlng or paper hang' Ing for It. I would not nsk for It for noth ing. I cannot get together money enough to buy ono. I beg that you will consider favorably my appeal for one. C. T." Wo like tho manly "I would not nsk for It for nothing!" Ho offers an equiva lent that may appeal to tho householder or housewlfo who has a typewriter ho or sho does not use, nnd who looks forward to the expenses of spring overhauling and decorating. 1 enturo tho "cast" with this In mind. Hus F'iano nnd No Music "I nm a young glrj without any music nnd have a piano, t should llko tho waltzes nnd matches nnd other music of fered. Somo wcro offered a short tlmo ago. v. I,." "Our girls" havo stacks of music they do not care for any longer, or which they know "by heait." never thinking of using the notes while they play. Cannot they select a few pieces for tho girl who has n piano mid no music? Send to mo for the address, but do not mall tho music until you can send It dhect to her nnd earn her thanks. I guarantee them (the thanks) In advance. A Pleasing Fancy "I shoulilbc most grateful for pictures of all kinds' clipped from magazines, nnd will pay postago It necessary. My Idea ls to make scrapbooks, with a written story woven about tho pictures, and glvo them to poor children and shut-Ins. "K. J." That Is a pleasing fnncy nnd you ln dicato the task gracefully "with written stories woven about tho pictures." Somo of us grown-ups would llko ono of your collections. Will not mothers of families to which pictorial papers nro regular visitors cut out 'tho most attractive Il lustrations beforo throwing the papers away and savo up a "lot" for our mem ber? And let our Juniors do likewise I Twin Babies Want a Coach "Pleaso ask tho readers of your Corner If any ono has a twin coach sho does not want, that she would Into to glvo to a poor mother of twins. I havo twins over 4 months old and cannot tako them out be causo wo cannot afford to buy a coach. We havo flvo other children, tho oldest only 11 years of ago, and can hardly afford to keep them In clothes. If you Fashion Freaks Imaglno a Jacket which reaches to the hips on ono sldo and touches tho hem of the skirt on tho other! Add to this skirts which aro 5 Inches from tho tloor on one side, 3 Inches on another, and still a different height In another place. Imagine wide-outstanding, kite-shaped draperies, deeolletages which aro high on ono should' : and low on tho other, to say nothing of wing-shaped draperies on skirts Imaglno all theso and you see something of I'remet's opening In Paris. (Dr. Oaertncr's modifications) Ideal at Weaning Time Highest crnilo milk cnrofully modi ned In our Mpeclal laboratory to suit the normal baby's needs. Fresh dally In (S oz. nurslnK liottleB at r cents. Host nnd barest! It will help to keep baby well! Printed matter with vuluablo hints on feeding mailed (roo on request. Ask your physician. Abbotts Aldcrney Dairies hist s ni;.vr.M'T b-rs. Phone Daring 205. Dr. Charlotte B. Martin Tho Blncle electric needle method la tho only method enjoytne professional licensure and confidence for tho perma nent removal of Bupcrtluous hair and othtr KUiMTllnJal trroutha, 05 riamlers Hhlt:., 15th & IVuInut I! ow to Dry Gloves fllff Lace Curtains lifli Fine Waisls FTK5B5?d RfCSOi vans' . &! Laces, Nets, Embroideries, Ele, Dry cleaning s not really dry at all. Dry cleaning simply means a cleaning process where water is not used but gasoline. The dry cleaner puts the article in a gasolinebath and cleans it with a preparation that works in gasoline as soap works in water ordinary soap, you know, won't work in gasoline. Putnam Dry-Cleaner is just that kind of an article but improved nnd adapted to your own uses at home at but a few pennies expense and with cleansing qualities that will give results you can't get even by paying a dry cleaner a big price to produce. The great points about tho Putnam Dry Cleaning process are these Jt is Harmless The most delicate fabtlo, that would be ruined by washing with sojpaml water, cannot be imured in any way. the fmet lace, net orembroldery, are perfectly ante from harm. Won't cause any shrinking, wrinkling, losa cf chare or change la color. Jt is Effective All dlrty-the most tenacious can be thoroughly removed. Dry cleaning amounts to renovating adds a lustre to fun, sillc! and ribbons. Jt is Simple Just rubblns or brushing and rlnjlnc, and It's done. Dries out quickly, and (he article can be hung up or worn very toon afterwards. Fun and woolens after dry cleaning can be safely put away free from worry over moths. Jt is Inexpensive Allttle gasoline a little Tutnam Dry-Cleaner. Total cost ouc-elshth of the professional's charges. Us-PUTNAM DRY-CLEANER For Laces Votes Furs Satins Net Cuffs Woolen Goods Neckties Curtains Trimmings Ribbons Feather Embroidery Glote Silks Dress Goods and hundreds of other things. Don't acutl imitations fmi'if on jf.'fnj Putnam Dry-Cltancr YOUR DRUGCJST sells Putnam Dry-Clenei 2Sc nnd 50c bottle. If he can't supply you, write us we 'will send bottle, postpaid, for 25c Monroe Drug Co., Quincy, III. iSaktrt of Putnam Faddtti Dyes I0-X think I am asking too much, don't put this In your Corner. MUS. 1 II.' Honest, frank nnd conslderalo soul! Think nf five other children under 12 years of ago and the twins who aro facing tho doming of the second summer and teething. If her petition should move tho compas sionate owner nf a discarded double go cat t to think of fulfilling her wish, wilt Mio wrlto for tho nddross of the mother? Pennants nnd Music "I havo been rending that somebody wants to glvo away -pennants and music. 1 should like very much to hnvo them. Could you please ask If somo ono has tho pleco of music named "Moonlight on tho Hudson?" It ls about 20 years old. "NKLL.IE W. 8.." Both of your icrmests aro registered safely with your address in our books with the fervent hope that we may speed ily wrlto beneath "Answered." Collecting Used Stamps "I should llko to know If any of tho Comerltcs havo stamps foreign In de nomination? I havo a number of stamps, hut none of tho lato ones. Can you put mo In touch with somo one who can let ino havo somo of his or her collection? "JACK C." If thcro be a moro useless article than canceled postago stamps In tho house hold where thcro Is no "collector" I cannot nnmo it. Foreign and drmestlc go together Into tho wnste basket. In tho eyes of tho collector this Is "wilful waste" that leads to "woeful want" In his stamp book. Ilcthlnk yourself Of this particular "Jnck" whoso modest petition wo present now, and seeuro a score or so for him. Too Poor to Buy Them "Will you pleaso publish this letter and seo If somo ono has a pair of Ice skates he can sglvo mo? My shoes aro slzo 4. I'd lovo to havo a pair of Ico skates, but my parents aro too poor to buy them for me. ERICK M." I'm glad you want Ico skates, and not tho rollers, that endanger my life and mb "whene'er I tako my walk it Skating upon a smooth city &' a travesty of tho fine old llZ!3 "Erich" havo tho sum.. .... fp?rtl 'uu wtttx a now. Asks for Kontllnrf M.n "Pleaso put my nan on youf niS poems, magazines nnd hislnrtra . L.!V? my ohlldron and myself w n ,. .3 to supply them with reading maltJS' than that required In rommon $ school courses. We will SMl'J? postago or exprcssngo upon llKi1 will thank tho generous donors - "5!IlS,CltI' To no other class of reqiiMUA! best members more readily lncn i to thoso for mind food rnd mini itiS It is one of the hall mark" tt2? ho character and alms of our ",, ?$ lly. The mother whose appeal m JLISi herewith belongs to a class u? ' moro to roflno and elevate the comrTs' represented In o-r Cornei thSTSS Kumzcii institutions combine r'i -- t. ' lot her plend In vain. In Whittier's Pnom. "I should llko to nsk If anyonelnN, Corner has tho nnmn rtni-h.. .,?," or could tell mn wliprn in n.i u Vr value It very muUi, If I could liavei You may llnd 'the poem In any 6$L ! nf M-iiiitini.!, ....... .. ' ,,i ,1, , '""-'" ( mere if iiuuiiu liiu.iiv in j-uur town, in which i-nn rpnil nn,l rntiv M,n linn. . ,..i- to us, nnd somo one will send you a in .... ..u..... .. ........ .V- ..i.ik juu Bnowd nave it. ASK FOR and GET 1 HoRLlCK'S THE ORIGINAL HALTED MILK Cheap substitutes cost YOU aimtjnsl Breakfasts 'WT' mem good Rep rf Cords; Teacher knows that. She also knows about Cream of Barlej. She know3 that every morning Bhe faces two kinds of chfl dren. One kind thinks only of how soon they will have something to eat again. They are restless and don't learn much. She knows that the children of the other kind have good, sustaining Cream of Barley breakfasts in their "tummies." They think only of their work and learn a great deal. Teacher also knows all about the wonder ful food value of barley that it is the most digestible and sustaining food known. Teacher knows! And she wishes that all mothers knew that the most appetiz ing, delicious and sustaining breakfast cereal is Cream of Barley. (At Your Grocer's) 1 Is. lt'J,t;J ',l. J A!W xmtMrv y Nelpw Yam SafeSuatl Wb&nBuym wy -, ffTk.T'' tyjuumouyY The Indian Head on Lt plumbing is more than f.fli a marK 01 taentincation. s gX& against unsatisfactory material, "'fjj snip anci finish. Oenina eyjr rv, plumbing bearing the FJeck "Wrlf Fleck guarantee. A guarantee to" tt lutely assures your entire 6athHP3 every particular. Before you Wf plumbing get full particulars for Yovm protection. M Visit our easily reached showroom See the entire Fleck line InstalMjM easily reached showrooms. SIIOWBOQMS 4i lO 0 NOKTH I" l .. . ...juwmbw i, .-aw f m-nr r-mn n.jwa.MMmwnw.g. ."S: - IHa