zmmmmmmmmmm Bf ?77T"wT5r EVENING- LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, MARCH 6, 1910. 9 !&ft . Hi-' . . i "a -t ft i k y " i r"" J819 - yewmw, n i ypN. IF8 I"" BY CIIArTEn VIII (Continued). " tytD AHB fishermen, inougn wo aa "W t,nirfl aa well, often Botnff to iA. mainland In search of tho game that Is thitnsmi .,.- lotonrln. Ant! . . ' .Mr. An well." ho ndded proud ly -Even the Sngoths of tho Mahars Lfe.?L.t when Pellueldnr was yoiimr, tho . .hi were wont to capturo us ror 'V. thor do tho other men of Pel :'S. it handed down from father to ion anion? i.i nnrl nlnw no many I W "aStho.o of ui that wore cap. ,- td MM" n..'l hey learned timt If! .,wn.r , hniter to leave us alone. I 't,r wmo tho time that tho Italian & -jyiioi v ... nv tn rntoh the r I? !?, except for nmuBemont, and then "".oa truce was made between tho ' Si NO thoy Klvo us cortaln things I Suat we are unable to Produce n re- ZZt, for thO IlSn Uini wo l-uiuii mm uiu tart jor u !,, 1 ve In poaco. . inS: swat ones oven eomo to our WJ5 It Is there, far from tho pryln tt their own Sasoths, that they , their rollBloua rites In tho tcm- 'wthlr have bullded thcro with our as- 'lllUnca- ..a vnn will flmiht. t "If J'OU ll " -" -, , 77" Luch l BtrnnB lndccd.' nnd mo9t, "n" f t esni ioi i" - to tlw part In " ,, . La w.' t. ..ivo I had an oxcollont onnor- fehmitr to Inspect him more closoly. Ho orrom fellow. BtnndlnK, I should fS"V lx feot six or eoven Inches, well de fr SoDcd and of a coppery red not unllko - tkl ofour own Norm American inuian, ior Vera his features dlsslmllnr to theirs. yit had the aqulllno noso found nmong .l- Llliii Iclltna tliA nrnmlnnnf t- diekbones and blnck hnlr and oyes, but V wi mouth and lips wero bettor molded. hindsomo creature, and ho talked well. ' rfls'go wo were compelled to use. Durlnp our conversation ja nau lancn L.v uaddlo and was propoltlnR tho skiff ii with Yigorous eiiutvuo ivnu ! mainland. The skill with which ho hnn- .. . li. ... nnrl nwtrrnr1 rmft nllnttnrl L my deepest admiration, slnco It had been 5'io h6rt a tlmo beforo that I had mado f kn?h pitiful work of It. I AS WO lOUCnea llio IHUliy, mrei ut.ii;ii, t J leaped out and I followed him. To- ? other wo arasgea xno bkhi iur up into tho buhes that crew beyond tho sand. "WO must niuo our Ciliiuos, uaiiiiuhuu Ja, "for tho irezop3 of Luana nro alwnya .lit- .. t viai11 nf Ant llinm Kf r it War Wlla UB UIIU umu Qui vai aa. H nodded toward an island further out itieft and at so great a distance that it wraed but a blur hanging In tho distant i IK7. ino upwani tunc ui "i ownj wi ; Ptllucldar Mras constantly revealing the r tapojiUDIo to tno surpnsoa eyes 01 1110 . outer-earthly. To tee land and wator curving upwnrd 1 . .L. JI.I.m.. .Ill I nm.wl tn olnnrl ja too uioiuiii;!: mini 11. .. ww o...... "on edge whero it molted Into tho distant ky, and to feel that seas and mountains hung susponded directly above ono's head ...... .;1 nimVi n pntnnlntn nf L ... ..I..a a .1 nn nn..l rv llfllllHna we perspcLiiva unu ituoMimib wm.i.- u almost to stupefy ono. Vrt irvinF hnrl wa tililclGn tho canoe than !k Ja Jumped Into tho junglo, presently II 1 !!.. Hn.nt Y...I nrnll-rlnflnnil cmerbi'ifi nu" " nunu" uww v...-..... trail, which wound hither and thither much after tho manner of tho highways cf all primitive folk. Thero was, however. one peculiarity about this Mczop trail which I was later to find distinguished I' FARMER SMITH'S TALK ABOUT SCHOOLS Dear Children Your editor had tho pleasure of visiting one of your L.wonderful school builUinKS tno oiner ' ... . ...... . i 1 is wonderful when compared with tho was young. Your schools aro light, airy and have school whero it was convenient to I we enjoyed an old-fashioned stove, into I cartridge and on which we deposited, 1 ..i.'.l 1.1-1. S j 1 i. i nMn11 wntiea wnicn weru not pieusuui. w aiuun vm." " "- a --- 1 Be thankful for an even heat. How things havo changed! Our teacher wa3 out enemy and ho always bad a nickname, such as "Plon" or "Gooberlegs." These are two names hich como to mind, as nlso does the instrument of torturo then in use, namely, the ferule, with which the delicate, soft part of our hands was smitten oy way of punishment. l The teacher of today is far moro of a friend to tho pupil than in tho 'days of which I write. Let mo quote from Doctor Croft: "If thero Is nnw nun Tiprfinn nn this earth to Whom I take off my hat and Pwait until they safely pass, it is a school teacher. Tho most obscure BteaeW. hnMr in flit, .mint hills, unknown, unthoucht of. unpraiscd, but Wjth loving patience unfqlding the secrets of knowledge to little frowzy- beaded boys and girls, can look into ijaee of an angel." Wanita and Kawasha CHAPTEIt XII. tWanlta thought wildlv nnd almost de- IP&lred. then KIlrirfAnlir n wnnrinrfill nlnn &wpea on her panlc-Etrlcken mind. Sho EuWQUld Watt until nil .till narhnni r twy would go to Bleep then sho would fiv xenl' nna Ul m0D' rescua L white man and on, on In her mind RWamta' built the beautiful plan. Sho BfOfeot the perils of the forest; only a dull gitalaa mumble reminded her of the Iramo- flSUte danger. 1?1nnllv nrn. n Innn tlmA f Bat too died down. 1 ttirf "'l'B brown maid glanced out over Er "W;a silver moon Bmlled down from ril..' u"u seemea to say, "Do not do filtrud. I nm nln.n..H 1 -. v ....- F'Ki, wnlta peeked out from her fifciTi plaM a1' was Btlll. The savaga "- uaa inrown themselves on the PWna. Wrapped up In their warm RltS thnw V.-.I .u 1 Ik?, i "d Peather himself had pillowed K htA on the stump of a tree his ISJ? closed I A stray beam of the won fell across the whlta man's face Pont was awake. lu Tie must not Bee mo," thought Wanita, j" teaat not until I have found the map tsSforw J?ever' never l6t ma riai my Qt4 b'Kh time to start out on her roo. Cautiously she stepped out from 'tanmM.i. trea- steP by BteP 8h8 8toIa h", the clumps of follago hiding her Sen.!i.Kakeful eyea ot Joln Marshall. Jul a ,"B brave, almost noiseless, f n,. . "unsea into the dark recesses tteW i'nt Th9 tent wa3 pitch black, n.!" &Y of the friendly moon. y" "aa promised to he her frlrnri i iJwy... ' .. '" nan thnt manV Yir-l! 1.-.I -t Ma . , II.IIIW UthU !V ua, yet aha riM . rj.. .. !.., on. mi;,,,. o,.r "."' "" ."""" lui. TT " B" woun una 111 uowar W KSeeS BhB drotimul nnil i-ramlul Wtiw V hMd' dalnD ground, feeling w 2Lh a ii,U9vthat woul1 help her haJ her "Mil brown hand was "uaer e stint, bristly mattress. finllf. --..M, W9- t?lLVI iai WUIded With the oil Ktnv Immn. tot hand un about la the nauca- EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS,author opTARZAT It from nil other trails Uiat I have seen within or without tho earth. It would run on plain and clear and well donned to end suddenly In tho midst of n. tnnglo of matted Jungle, then Ja would turn tllrcclly back In his tracks for a llttlo distance, spring Into n tree, climb through It to tho other side, drop on to a fallen log, leap over a low bush. Onco moro alighting upon n distinct trail, he would follow It back for a short dis tance, only to turn directly about nnd rotraco his steps, until after a mile or loss this new pathway ended as suddenly and mysteriously no tho former section. Then ho would pnss again ncross Bomo media which would reveal no spoor, to tako up tho broken thread of tho trail beyond. As tho purposo of this remarkablo avontlo dawned upon mo I could not but admlro tho native shrewdness of tho nnclent progenitor of tho Mozops who hit upon this novel plan to throw his enemies from IiIb track nnd delay or thwart thorn In their attempts to follow him to bin doop-buiicd cities, To you of tho outer earth it might seem a slow and tortuous mothod of traveling through tho Jungle, but wero you of Pellucldar you would reallzo that tlmo Is no factor whero tlmo does not oxlst. Bo labyrinthine aro tho windings of thoso trails, so varied tho connecting links nnd tho distances which ono must rotraco ono's stops from tho paths' ends to And them that a Mczop often roaches man's citato before ho Is familiar oven with thoso which load from his own city to tho sea. In fact, thrco-fourths of tho education of tho young malo Mezop consists In fa miliarizing httnsolf with thoso Junglo ave nues, and tho status of nn adult Is largely detormlnod by tho number of trails which ho can follow upon his own Island. Tho females never learn them, slnco from birth to doath thoy nover leavo tho vlllago of tholr nativity, except thoy bo taken to raato by a mulo from another vlllago or captured In war by tho enomies of tholr tribe. Aftor proceeding through tho Junglo for what must havo boon upward of (lvo miles wo omergod suddenly Into n Inrgo clear ing, In tho exact ccntro of which stood as strango nn appearing village as ono might well Imagine Largo trocs had boon chopped down 15 or 20 feet abovo tho ground, and upon tho tops of thorn spherical habitations of woven twigs, mud-covered, had been built. Each ball-like houso was surmounted by soma manner of carven Imago, which Ja told mo Indicated tho Identity of tho ownor. , Horizontal silts, bIx Inchos high and two or thrco foet wide, served to admit light and ventilation. Tho entrances to tho houses woro through Bmall apertures In tho basos of tho trees and thence up wnrd ,by rudo ladders through tho hollow Hunks to tho rooms above. Tho houses varied In slzo from two to several rooms. Tho largest that I en tered was divided Into two lloors and eight apartments. All nbout tho vlllago, botwoen It and tho Junglo, lay beautifully cultivated Holds, In which tho Mezops raised such cereals, fruits and vegetables as thoy re quired. Women nnd children wero work ing In these gardens as wo crossed to wnrd tho village. At sigh of Jn they saluted deferential ly, but to mo they paid not tho slightest nttontion. Among them and about tholr outer verge of tho cultivated area wero many warriors. Thoso, too, saluted Ja by touching tho points of their spears to tho ground directly beforo them. Ja conducted mo to a largo house In tho -Tt10 ifiJNj- uay, xie auya wiw ..... TT. ... t(.An.-In4tll'' hnftilion tr school ho used to attend when ho COMFORTABLE, while wo useu to put us. While you have steam heat, which wo occasionally throw a blank at sundry times, rubber and other tnTinH in n lini-Tiinrv pfinflitinn. her mirror at evening and behold tho FARMER SMITH, Children's Editor, Evenino Ledger. FAIUIEU SMITH. Evenino Ledqeu: I wish to become a member of your Kalnbow Club. I'leaBe send me a beau tiful Itatnbow Button free. I agree to DO A LITTLE KINDNESS EACH AND EVERY DAY SPREAD A LITTLE SUNSHINE ALL ALONO THE WAY. Name ........ .-....-...... Address Ago School I attend eager little fingers and-i-bang the sauco pan fell! Cashl Crash I Outside twigs snapped, angry footsteps rushed and What was she to do? Great Chief Red Feather was coming sho could hear his very toma hawk rattle! In a flash sho thought under the bed that was the place. In a second she had wriggled under the wire spring when bump something hard and black met her hand. A shoe tumbled over and a piece of white pa per fell out. Wanlta's heart beat high. She grasped It eagerly, It might bo the map) An angry grunt sounded at the door. Thero stood Great Chief Red Feather, terror of all the Mohawks, and there under the bod, bewildered, the little brown maid clinging for life and death to the paper that was to bring wealth to hei whlta man! CTO DB CONTINUED.) Our Postoffice Box Thelma Baghurst, of Telford, Pa., Is home again from the hospital. During all her Illness this little girl did not for get the Rainbows, and the Rainbows did not forget her. Thelma wrote letters to those who sent addresses with their pretty valentines and postcards, but to Marion Coyle, of Jefferson street, and Mary Kauf mann, o Lombard street, she wishes to give thanks through the club news. The! ma's mother saved all the club corners for her wasn't that thoughtful? Last but not least, Millie Oagllardl sent a very interesting story based on Kngllsh history, which is a little too 1qb to pib lUh, Will thl young authored plaasa write another vtory SHORTER, but Just centre of tho village tho houso with eight rooms and, tnklng mo up Into It, gavo mo food nnd drink. Thero I mot his mato, n. comely girl, with a nursing baby In her arms. Ja told her of how 1 hnd saved hli life, nnd sho wn- thereafter most kind nnd hospttablo toward mo, oven per mitting mo to hold nnd amuse tho tiny bundle of humanity who Jn told mo would ono day rule the tribo; for Ja, It seomod, was tho chief of tho community. Wo had eaten nnd rested, and I had slept, muoli to Ja's amusement, for It seemed thnt he seldom If ever did bo, nnd thon tho rod man proposed that I ac company him to the tctnplo of tho Moliurs, which lay not far from his village. "Wo aro not supposed to visit It," ho Bald. "But tho great ones ennnot hear, nnd If you keep well out of sight thoy need novor know that we havo been there. Kor my part 1 hnto them, and always have; but tho other chieftains of tho Is land think It best thnt wo contlnuo to maintain the amicable relations which ex ist botween tho two races. "Othorwlso I should llko nothing hot ter than to load my warriors nmong tho hideous creatures and exterminate them. Pellucldar would bo a better place to llvo In Wero tharo none of them." I wholly concurred In Ja's belief, but It Beemed that It might bo n dlfllcult matter to oxtermlnato tho dominant race of Pel lucldar. Thus conversing, wo followed tho Intrlcato trail toward tho tcmplo, which wo came upon In a small clearing surrounded by enormous trees stmllnr to thoso which muit havo flourlBhod upon tho outer crust during tho carboniferous ago. Hero was n mighty tcmplo of hewn rock built In tho shnpo of a rough oval with rounded roof In which wero sov oral largo openings. No doors or win dows wero visible In tho sides of tho structure, nor was thero need of any except ono ontrnnco for tho slaves slnco, as Ja explained, tho Mnhars flow to and from their place of ceremonial, entering nnd leaving tho building by means of tho apertures In tho roof. "nut," added Ja, "thero Is an entrance near tho bnso of which oven tho Mahors know nothing. Como." Ho led mo ncross tho clearing and about tho end to a pile of looso rock which lay against tho foot of tho wall. Here ho removed a couple of largo boulders, rovcaling a small open ing which led straight within tho build ing; or so It seemed, though, as I entered nftcr Ja, I discovered myself In a. nairow placo of oxtremo darkness. "Wo aro within tho outer wall," paid Ja. "It Is hollow. Follow me closoly." Tho red man groped abend a few pacos and thon began to ascend a prlmltlvo lnd dor similar to thnt which led from tho ground to tho upper stories of his houso. Wo ascended for somo EO feot, when tho Interior of tho spneo between tho walls commoncod to grow lighter, and present ly wo came opposite nn opening In tho inner wall which gave us nn unobstruct ed vlow of tho ontlro Interior of tho tem ple. Tho lower floor was an onormous tank of clear wator In which numorous hideous Mahars swam lazily up and down. Artificial Islands of grnnlto rock dot ted this artificial sea, and upon sovcrnl of them I saw men nnd women llko my ocl,f "What nro tho human bolngs doing hore?" I asked. "Walt and you shall Bee," roplled Ja. "Thoy aro to take a lending part In the cercmoTiIos which will follow tho ndvont of tho qucon. You may bo thankful thnt you aro not upon tho samo sldo of tho wall as thoy." Scnrcoly had ho spoken than wo heard RAINBOW CLUB An Autobiography of a Rainbow By SEIIENA ANDERSON. N. 53d St. I was born In this city December 5, 1906. When I was 14 months old my pa rents, both In tho theatrical profession, took mo on tho road. I mado my dobut In "Tho Golden Giant Jllno." I spoko about four words. At threo and bIx months I featured In the "Uaby Swallowed tho Nlcklo." produced by tho Essanay Company. Mr. G. Anderson, now popular as "Broncho Billy," would carry me on his shoulder from scono to scene. I havo Blnco then played In tho "Hand of Unclo Sam," "Human HejLrts," "Raised at tho Forgo" and "The Mockery of Fate," both written by my dear papa. Last fall my parents rotlred from the profession nnd sent mo to school I am now In tho llfth D Although I havo been a public school pupil less than a year, my SERENA ANDERSON. education has not been neglected, My favorite authors aro Hawthorne, Poe, Shakespeare, Cooper and Longfellow. I havo read all ot Shakespeare's dramas and most of the comedies, and almost all of Poe's works. Perhaps you have seen tho pictures of "Cupid Awake" and "Cupid Asleep." I posed for them, Tho realest pleasure I ever had was one Christmas while we wero playing In Columbus, O I heard of a oertaln little girl who waa ill and In want, so we made up a collec tion araongour company and took all tha (lowers my parents and I had received during the week, and I asked my mother to take me to the sick child, so our Christ mas morning was spent with tho ill and poor. I have found that being kind brings great happiness. Things, to Know L What State In the Union is an avenue in South Philadelphia? (Sont in by Madeline Cuneo.) S, Draw a picture of the dining room table. WANTED BOOKS 1 BOOKS I BOOKS 1 Houe-cUaaln tlraa wUl oon bo lure and why not btgla NOW? Out together all the old books you do not need and aend them to TUB KAIN4 BOW CLUp LIDKAKY, care of the Uvisinq US DOM. MONEY PRIZES The children who send in the ma wer of Tbln (9 Knew" are en titled to compete fur ti prlie of 1, BO $tul and the faux XS-cect prliei, to b awarded the.eJod et each week. m 5 Jlib&&$ 1 ffl$fflswmMfw& illaf fife v J&1&3W9 a great fluttering et wings above, nnd a moment later a long procession of the frightful reptiles of Pellucldar winged slowly nnd majestically through tho largo central opening In tho roof and circled In stately mnnner nbout tho tomple. Thero wero sovoral Mnhars first, and then at least 20 Inspiring pterodactyls thtpdars thoy are called within Pellucldar. Bolilnd these camo tho queen flanked by other thlpdors as sho had been when sho entered tho amphtthentro nt Phutra. Threo times they wheeled about the In terior of tho oval chamber, to settle flnal ly upon tho damp, cold boulders that frlngo tho outer edgo of tho pool. In tho ccntro of ono side tho largest rock was reserved for tho queen, nnd horo Bho took her place surrounded by her tcrrlblo guard. All lay quiet for several minutes aftor settling to their places. Ono might have Imagined them In sllont prayer. Tho poor slaves upon tho dlmlnutlvo Islands watched tho horrid creatures with wldo oyca. Tho men, for tho most part, Btood orcct 'and stately with folded nrniB, await ing ther doom; but tho women nnd chil dren clung to ono another, hiding behind tho mates. Now tho queen moved. Sho raised her ugly head, looking nbout; then very slow ly Bho crawled to tho edgo of her throno nnd slid noiselessly Into tho wator. up and down tho long tank sho swnm, turn ing nt tho ends ns you have seen captlvo scats turn upon their backs and dlvo bo low tho surfnee Nearer and nearer to tho tstnnds sho came, until nt last sho remained nt rest beforo tho largest, which lay directly op posite hor throne. liaising her hideous hoad from tho wator, she llxod her great, round eyes upon tho slnvcs. Tho queen llxcd her gazo upon a plump young maiden. Hor victim tried to turn away, hiding hor faco In hor hnndn nnd kneeling be hind a woman; but tho roptllo with un blinking oyes, Btnrcd on with such flxlty that I could havo sworn hor vision pene trated the woman and tho girl's hands, to reach at last tho vory centro of her brnln. Slowly tho roptllo'a head commenced to movo to and fro, but tho eyes never censed to boro toward tho frightened girl, and then tho victim responded. Sho turned wide, fear-haunted eyes to ward tho Mahar qucon; slowly sho roso to hor feet, and then, ns though dragged by somo unseen power, moved ns ono In a trnnco strnlght townrd tho reptile, her glassy oyes llxed upon thoso of her cap tor. To tho water's edgo sho came, nor did sho even pause, but stepped into tho shal lows bcsldo tho llttlo Island. On sho moved toward tho Mahar, who now slowly retreated as though leading her victim on. Tho water roso to tho girl's knees, and still sho ndvanccd, chained by that clam my eyo. Now tho wator was at her waist. Now to hor armpits Hor fellows upon tho Island looked on In horror, helpless to avert her doom In which they saw a forecast of their own. Tho Mahar had sunk now till only tho long upper bill and eyes wero exposed nbovo tho surface of tho water, and tho girl advanced until tho end of that fright ful beak was but an Inch or two from hor faco, hor horror-filled ryes riveted upon thoso of the repulsive repttlo. Now tho water passed abovo tho girl's mouth and noso, her eyes nnd forehead wero nil that showed, yet still sho walked on nftor the retrentlng Mahar. Tho queen's head slowly disappeared be neath the surfaco, and nftcr It went the oyes of her victim. Only a slow rlpplo widened toward the shores to mnrk whero tho two vanished. CONTINUED TOMORROW. WOMEN WRITERS TO DANCE Novelists, Poets and Journalists of tho Fair Sex to Entertain at tho Rittcnhouso A hundred members of tho Women Writers' Club of Philadelphia noiellsts, poetB, nowspapor women and "ad" writ ers together with tholr friends, will dance tonight at tho Hotel Rlttenhouso Since tho organization of tho club, tho headquarters of which aro at 1210 Locust street, tho membership haB virtually doubled. The Entcrtninmcnt Committee, comprised of Miss Agnes Reppller, 2d, chairman : Miss Emily Carpenter, Mrs. William Reed McGIll and Miss Rcbekah Elliot, will receive. D Spring Presentation Monday, March Sixth Tuesday, March Seventh Wednesday, March Eighth w g&fj&2: LUIGI RIENZI 1714 Walnut Street t Importer and Ladies' Tailor New Spring; Styles in Suits and Dresses Never Have We Been Able to Show Ready-to-Wear Garments Quito So Smart and Distinguished as These at Such Moderate Prices Gowns and Wraps The Order Department Is Prepared to Take Orders for Specially Designed Gowns and Suits for Spring and Summer Wear The Millinery Department Gives One a Foretaste of the Freshness and Beauty of Spring C5EAU-TI-T0NEi ssui3s to BEATJ-XI-TOITE la a hooe betntr tilptol, oet cream er pUiter. flptol, oet a cnam er plait nd la abaoluulr btrtaltei. IBI ifMfif Gaaraatfj SotUtaclor 9' f orcioi f tic RthttitA Uada Only by B, J. HOWAHIt I'O . Mtf.'a UIU tirade Beauty 8peclaltl t 424iceii DuusiaaT, "iuwapuh toSS35i!kes!S&0&m7l220 Marion Harland's Corner Friendly Letlrs Would Help "T AM lonely and practically a shut-in, A and havo nn Invalid son to cars for. I havo not been well for n year on no count of an accident on Injury to my splno. I should bo much pleased to rccelvo friendly Iotlcrs from somo 01 mo rentiers. It would bo n help and cheer mo to pass away some hours. MRS. R. 8." Tho Corner has proved Itself tho ploaa nnt nnd fruitful nureory of a goodly num ber of friendships founded upon corre spondence suoh ns you crave. Next to tho sight of a friendly faco In tho room of Invalid or housebound nnd lonely woman (or man) Is tho arrival of a bright, genlnl letter from tho busy, lively world beyond tho prison walls. If you have not lolsuro for writing, clip out a clover story or essay from magazine or paper and send to mo for tho address of Mrs. It. S. Running n Mnll Order Business "I am coming to tho Corner for help, nnd havo novor nsked for anything for myself before I hopo my request will bo graciously answered As I nm a widow forced to earn my own living, In part, I should lovo to ongngo In tho mall order bushiest, nnd so want to know how to go about It. I know of the wonderful work of tho H. II. C. nnd am sure somo ono will cnllghton mo. 1 havo sent a package of silk pieces to II. E. L. also can help In other ways. "MRS. A. L. R." And yet ngnln I turn confidently to my corps of co-laborers for suggestions con cerning a matter upon which I nm uttorly ignorant. How could you, dear woman reader or how could I acquaint our solves with tho particulars of a business by which hundreds of womon nro earning a livelihood. Wrlto for tho addreii of this widow and tell hor what steps to tnko. Or advlso her In general terms thnt may bo a guldo to othors similarly In clined, and wo will publish your direc tions. Hor donation of materials for patch work was worthy and wolcomo. Seeks a Brother "In rending over your Corner I boo you Bomotlmos try to find lost relntlvcs I am seeking for my brother, Chris Stark. Tho Inst tlmo I hoard from him he wno at Fargo, N. D. That was IB years ago. "MRS. M. 8." Fifteen years Is a long, ollent period. Still, stranger things aro happening dally than that tho wanderer should bo restored to his kindred through tho far-reaching and benignant Influence of tho Corner. Home for a Baby "I am again writing to you with regard to adopting a baby. I read n communica tion In tho II. II. C. of a homo for a baby boy. Wo can glvo a child a comfortable homo and a good education. 13 thoro a baby for ub somowhoro7 A. A. L." Tho child to whom you refer has found a homo nnd mother. Wo nro hoping to do ns woll for you. Tho thought of a child cast upon tho world at an ngo when It Is absolutely helpless nnd dependent upon Intelligent nursing for llfo Itself Is heait rending. It is a rollof to lenow that so many truo hearted women appeal to us for tho privileges of gathering tho waits Into homes that merit tho namo. May I Bharo with them and othor born mothers a sweet thought that enmo to me through tho right translation of n familiar text tho othor day? Do you know that tho promlBo "When my father and my mother forsako me, then tho Lord will tnko me up," should bo rendered "then tho Lord will gathor mo up?" Tho flguro Is that of "gathering" a young, defenseless crea ture Into loving arms, and soothing It thoro. STAIRS Interior Alterations Get Estimate Frank C. Snedaker & Co. 9th nnd Tioga Streets Importations of Millinery Exclusively Fashionable 1 lkf 1421 WALNUT STREET Every Woman a Perfect Complexion If you want a beautiful, clear, firm skin, free from wrinkles or lines caused by worry, dissipation, illness or any other cause, if you would have a delicate roso bloom in your cheeks, go nt once to any first-class dealer and order Beau-ti-tono. It Tour dialer cannot eapplr 70a eend UJ 1100 and w irUl Mod yoa la plala wrapoer full pam cootalnhur 26 treat ment with complete direction, all cbatiw DICMld. xw mw suuci r KITCHEN CHEMISTRY Is Your Butter Renovated? Is Your Jelly a Pure Fruit Juice? Is Your Candy Artjfiially Colored? Test It to See By VIRGINIA E. KIFT PUT a samplo of butter In n pan nnd molt. If Impure, rejuvenated or part oleomargnrlno It will sputter and boll noisily. If pure It will fonm and bubblo quietly. Another test! Heat tho butter In n. email amount of milk, stirring IhorouBhly until It Is melted. Next cool It suddenly In a glnes placed in a bowl of Ico wntcr. Keep stirring until the butter hardens. If Impure, rejuvenated or oloomnrparlno It will harden in ono mass. If pure It will solidify In flakes or granules scat terrd through tho milk. Somo peoplo still havo a mistaken Idea that oleomnrgnrino Is in some way In jurious, or not as pood as butter. Oleo margarine Is a beneficial mixture of anl mnl and vefrctnblo oils and differs only 2 per cent, in food vnluo whon compared NO OLD MAN SHOULD EVER RETIRE; GET HOBBY AND TAKE EXERCISE By WILLIAM Fnorif tho standpoint of arterial con nervation nnd thnt Is the great con cern ot everybody nowadays a vacation Is absolutely Indispensable nt least for ovory ono ovor 40. Tho only question Is, Which Is moro advantageous, a vacation taken In small, frequently repented doses throughout tho year or ono tnlcon In a slnglo hcrolo doso at soma particular sea son of tho yenr? Beyond doubt tho hnro, In tho fnmous fnble, took an ovordoso and lost. A courso of tortoiso scrum would havo been good modlclno for tho naro. Dy pcrsoveranco a workmnn, nlono nnd unaided, can move a cnrload of conl along tho track; a married mnn enn open a Jar of fruit; a faithful patient can recover fiom tuberculosis; nnd a grateful con valescent can sottlo n doctor bill. By porsoveranco great battles havo been won, woman has gained tho right of BUlTrnge, nnd Immenso fortunes havo been extracted from big business. But persovernnco can bo overdone. Tho good workman stops onco In a whllo to get a fresh hold. After 40, one's expectation of llfo Is considerably los11 than It was for persons over 40 a doendo ago. Overeating Is ono of tho reasons; nnd too much persover nnco Is tho other vacations too few and far between. No old man should over rotlro. Let him labor on to tho end nnd dlo with his boots on. Tho old mnn should shorten nnd lighten his work and spend moro tlmo with hla favorite hobby or recreation. If ho has m A A 4 - ROBINSON & CRAWFORD 1 J V?iW ' &. A "Bl'afSl '' C 'V A?S &'V&f tfil At the coming of the Lenten season, as at all times, the "Stores Whero Quality Counts" are prepared with seasonable goods. We have anticipated your wants, and are ready to supply you with the highest quality prices. A A 4 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A FRESH EGGS LENTEN Fancy Red Salmon Can 15c Choice Salmon can 9c Gold Seal Salmon 20c Gold Seal Salmon gj 13c, 22c Imported Sardines can 12c Gold Label Sardines enn 10c sardines SauM 0Bn c Four Biggest Bread Bargains in Philadelphia Gold Seal Bread cents Our Pan Bread Whole-Wheat Bread O Ioaf Tasty Raisin Bread Baked in "The Cleanest Bakery in America" nnd delivered fresh at "all our stores" twice daily. There are many other attractive OlurC. WtlCUlCl ll uc luwaibu ah 21st and Market Streets Downtown, Uptown, Germantown. Kensington, West Philadelphia Manayunk, Roxborough. Logan, Oak Lane. Overbrook, Bala, Nar berth, Ardmnre, Bryn Mawr, Lansdowne, E. Lansdowne, Llanerch, Darby or Media. Robinson & Crawford A A Grocery Stores for Particular People A $ ?kik.i k- - -s- 4' - v "- "V- -" "V c-;aai'7xsr.Cax?.x-ix:r JThe I Golden Present .A v , ' I to butter. Tils' only disadvantage about It Is that you may sometimes pay more for It than Is necessary thinking you aro getting pure butter. Test It to . If you pay enough for Jelly to rt pure fruit Juice, test It to boo that It l not artificially colored, Tho samo test enn bo used for penny stick candy, which Is frequently artificially colored. To test: Put a small amount In water nnd boll until It dissolves. Next add . few pieces of whllo woolen yarn to ab sorb tho color and boll again for 10 mln utes. Rcmovo tho yarn nnd rlnso It. If It Is brightly colored nn artificial dye Is prcsont. To absolutely provo that tha dye is artificial put tho colored yarn In a little water dlultcd with ammonia and boll. If artificial the color will leavo th cloth and color tho solution. Copyright 1010 by Vlritlnla E. Klft BRADY, M. D. no hobby but work poor fellow ha can at least tako walks or rides In the open, ttvorybody needs a vocation and an avocation. Tho avocation serves to bal anco tho vocation. For tho old man par ticularly nn avocatloh proves a great blessing, for It gives him diversion every day, and thnt tako tho poison out of porsovoranco. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Candy Versus Jlmcracka Is candy harmful for children of 6 or more? Docs It spoil tho teeth? Does it mnko worms? Answer Good candy real old Btlclc candy la good for children. They crftvo It, roqulro It nnd should havo It but not nil day; only after meals or at meals. T,et It bo dessort. Puro candy does not spoil tho teeth It makes hotter teeth. Tho "worm" question would look better in nn almanac. Nothing but worms will produce worms. Doctor and Dentist Should one go to a dontlst or a physl clan for treatment for RIgg's disease? Answer Consult both. They should work together. Oak Lnno Suffragists Giro Tea Tho Onk Lano Equal Franchise League will meet this afternoon, at tho residence of Mrs. William E. Orobon, Lakeside and City Lino, for an informal tea and recep tion. Mrs. Edwin C. Orlco will speak. Lenten specialties at money-saving Ei EGGS, 30c "Gold Seal" are the largest, freshest, meatiest eggs that hens can lay or money can buy. 25c Dozen Fresh eggs of excellent quality, second only to our famous "Gold Seal." SPECIALS Fancy Lobster Can lSc, 25c Tuna Fish can 13c, 20c Boneless Codfish Brick 12c Beardsley's Codfish rte. 9c Smoked Bloaters ch 8c Smoked Herring nunnh 10c Nova Scotia HerringBnnch 14c w w I values this week at every R. & C. "W Throughout the City and Suburbs .gk&iAi c-;r -: " "S- X' ' ANY time is the psycho jC"3l logical moment to ad vance yourself, but there's no time like the pres ent. Action brings oppor tunity. Today reliable employers are seeking your services through Ledger want ads. Look over today's columns, and if you don't find the exact job you want, insert your own want ad and at tract business men to you. You'll draw double atten tion by approaching busi ness people in a business like way. Why wait? Npw's the appointed time to 'vget that job. ty ,jW tym U& vrAtvt pret64 if