EVEjSTSNC L'EDERPHMABBLPIIj MONDAY. MAftOH G, IQiPj se- ll REE OPENS IN VOLLEY FROM CITIZENS' LEAGUE VnrBrumbnugh-Amblcr Fac tion Assailed in Dcclnrntion From Porter-Pcnroso Coalition f SENATOR VARE SOLENT The long-expected declaration of war ftgnlnst this Varea nnd Governor Brum bfttiah wait Issued today by tho Citizens' Republican League, which was orrrnnlzcd recently as an adjunct to the Pcnroso forces In this city, The league made public a lengthy Btnte Werlt, In which the efforts to extend con tractor domination of thejilepubllcan Or ganization throughout tho Stato were nrltlcleed, and tho presidential aspirations of. Governor Brumbaugh and tho can didacy of Spealter Charles A. Ambler for tho Republican nomination for Auditor General were attacked. Both McNIcliol and the Varcs were In cluded In the Leagues attack upon "con tractor domination," but Senator Mc 'Ichol was dismissed with the assertion that the Vares wero the agBrcssors now, and that, therefore, tho League would plats Its own ticket of candidates In tho field In 17 wards nt the comliiK primary. All Independent Republicans were called Upon to support tho Leaguo's slate. Sonator Vnro today refused to answer the League's nttaclc upon him "What IS this Citizens' Republican League: who mndo this statement?" ho asked. When told hat the league Is headed by Powell i;vanB antl Ucorge u. uorter, no nam: "I will not dignify such a statement with a reply." AMBLER ANSWERS ATTACK. Speaker Ambler, whose candidacy was attacked In the statement as "dangerous and objectionable," because ho Is a con tractor, made the following reply: "My attention has Just been called to a statement Isued by Powell Evans nnd Reorgo D. Porter, copartners In politics, trading as the Citizens' Republican T.eacue. warning the public that am In the contracting business I am not sur prised at thin labored effort, as I under hand they have been working on It for noro than a. month past. If this Is really the best they can do, they- can, no doubt, tarn their hoped for reward inoro easily In other fields of endeavor. The fuel ,, I am not Interested In any State contracts and do not expect to be. As to my bus!- ;' ness affairs. If they can show I ever re ceived a dollar without giving a hundred . cents -of value In return I slinll be glad K to have them publish It. Tho whole state It' meat Is BUch as Is usually issued by those w engaged In a losing cause." LEAGUE'S STATEMENT. Alter declaring that unity within the ft Republican party Is tho dominant Issue S to be worked out, the statement continues: Sf" IT-Vn .....n.V.! Ihm hlAnl, In nw,., ,.hII I in Pennsylvania is the pernicious system I of 'contractor government,' as exeniptlllcd !4T t -m.nnAli.l . .i. . ... . i i. . If. IIIIUUCIJJIIIU . IIIU tJJIUI I. VL. caii;iiii 11 11 the State government, nnd the furthering, through the Influence and the public ad vocacy of city contractors, of the ambi tion of the Governor of the Commonwealth to be the Republican party's candidate for President. Such a factional effort must be defeated If Independent Republicans are to realize their desire to express effect ively their convicbtlon In national Issues and at the same time preserve the princi ples, vital to irood government In Philadel phia, for which they have long fought nnd ror which they propose to tight In the future. To men who are determined to rid Philadelphia of a government by munici pal contractors, the candidacy of Charles a. Ambler for an omce of such great iwwer as that of Auditor General is ob jectionable and 'dangerous. Jlr. Ambler Is In the contracting business, has been engaged on Important State highway con tracts and Is In close Dollticnl relation ' jrlth the Vare contracting Interests. He t cannot nronerlv hold n Ktntn nftlcn u-hr K; he will pass upon the bills rendered to JfLtho Commonwealth by himself and his friends engaged In this business. "However worthy and honorahto ihn ambition? to attain the Presidency may be, ana nowever narmiess individual 'booms' may be under ordlna.. circumstances. such, a movement as Is now being pro jected fn this Commonwealth, linked with ana largely dependent upon a baneful political principle which Is seeking a Stafe Wlda Influence, furnishes Just cause for apprehension. It challenges the Repub licanism of Pennsylvania to meet an laano the decision of which may have a far reaching effect in -Ity, ttate and nation. ' SEEKS VIEWS OP GOVERNOR, "In this connection the league would be much Interested In an expression from Governor Brumbaugh as to his views concerning the propriety of any public official having a contracting Interest, di rectly or Indirectly, In public work, par ticularly with regard to the great and. Browing expenditure on highway improve ment throughout the State and the Gov ernor's well-known Interest in this sub. Ject , ""Independent Republicans are as op. posd to the domination of a McNIchol as of a Vare. But the latter Interests are the aggressors now; and, strongly ln- irencneu in me government or Ph nuclei. phla. are seeking to extend their Iniiu- l ence wrougnout trie state and Into the national convention. Neither the Citizens' Republican League nor any of Ha officers havo any alliance with any politicians. The league has planned Its own course of action and Intends to pursue It If any of the Republican party leaders In this city or State are In sympathy with it. it will welcome their support and eo. ,'operatlon. yn wesq nr.es inaepenaent Republicans are being asked to organize and co-ODerata tin their respective wards and districts. 'Alrea- meetings have been held In -wards where committees have been .appointed to effect thorough working or ganizations. This work will be continued In other wards. The large attendance at 'the jo meetings and the Interest displayed abundantly evidence tne zeai or the voters at this time tor tne weuare or. tne princi ples abpve enunciated." PETEYNo One Else Could Get in That Cute Little Suit CHILD DIES IN AGONY, VICTIM OF MAD DOG Woodrow Wilson Trice, of Fed- eralsburg, Md., Dead From Infection FEDERALSBURO, Mel., March . Woodrow Wilson Trice, 3-year-old son of Walter Trice, died a horrible death hero today. Six weeks ago he wi bitten In several places on tho fnco by n strnnge dog, Tho dog disappeared nnd It was not known nt tho time that It had rabies. Tho wounds wero cauterized nnd other precautions taken to prevent complica tions, but yesterday the child wns seized by convulsions, which continued until hla death. Mad dogs havo Infested this peninsula for several months, and many towns havo passed stringent ordlnnnccs Hgalnst dogs. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES EVENING LEDGER This HTVT.T1 TVPn Inr like this! One tlmo l.V per lino Thren times one week 124c per line Six times one week Ilic per lino Situations Wanted, threo times ono week, 10 cents per agate line per Insertion. Place your order for three or more times and it will be in serted in the daily Public Ledger at no additional cost. One or two time rate for llvrtn LrtxiKn nnd Pmilic LriMKn combined la 111 cents per agate line, with the exception of Help Wanted and Sltuntlon Wanted, which Is if, ccnta per line. FOR TYPE LIKE THIS (or like this) which la pormitted In all classifications ex- -nt Hi'n nnd situ-ttlons Wanted. Lost nml Found, Personnln, Hoarding nnd Itooms, mid I'.VI, l liNrs I'lIU AOA'IE LINK TO ANY OP AIIOVI3 KATES There is a drug store near your homo that will accept Lcdper want ads at office rates. LOST AND FOUND TEHniEH I.oat. Oxorbrook. Merlon. Boston terrier named lluster. Mrs. r. A. Halo. L". S A., on colnr Howard Phono Pres ton nnns WATCH Lady's amnll gold watch and chnln, loat on 13th at. between Oxford nnd .lefTer ann ats. Hewnrd If returned to 234(1 N". Tark ave. PERSONALS THIS CLASSITICATION Is for such announce ments as nro oi n purely personal cnaracter such aa children for adoption, nppeals for those In distress, for location of Inst rela tives, payment nnd nonp-nment of debta. etc Your needs when listed hero nro not confused with advertisements of n commer cial niture See '.'Business Personals" for Important trnde announcements HE IT KNOWN that the undersigned will not lw responsible for any acaounta opened, thnrges made or bills Incurred by nny ono uut meii ,v.i;m,t iujuuu.n. HELP WANTED FEMALE Ilelit Wanted Ails Kecelied Tuo I.nte for rlasslflcnllon Mill be round on 1'ngo 2 BOOKKEEPER Bright girl In manufacturing rnpiern to help on the booka;wlth knowlediw nf atenography preferred. Address A in. Ledger Bra nch. Hroad nnd Clearfield sta CHILDNURSB. white, Protestant: two chil dren countrj . good refereneo required. Ap plvR Vaux Threw Tuns, Pa. CLOTH WEAVERS WANTED Appl JOHN A JAMES DOBSON. INC. Blanket Mills. Scott's Lnne. Falls of Schujlklll. COOK, good, wanted In amall family: also good girl for light upstairs work nnd to help taking care of two children. D 31, Ledger Office. COOK Proteatant. exp., capable woman; ref erence. Meet employer Wednesday morning. It '30 o'clock, (ins Cheatnut at.. Room 203. COOK Flrat-claas Proteatant. 4 In family. Cull or write. 43 Cymvd nve . Ardmore. DRESSMAKER wants a waist fitter, one rapoble of taking charge nf own table and ilraplmr. If necessary, onlv ono nccuatomed to wurklng In large establishment and con fident lr eery way need applv CUNNINGHAM. 100.1 Walnut. GIRL to learn steady Job: amnll girl over in eara. J. to atart. Brighton Worsted Co . Tlogn nmlD ata HOSIERY Exp.knftters and toppers.rlb frame hands, loopers. examiners also learnern; puld vvhtlf learning t32 N.I.awrenco sL HOSIERY Experienced palrers. folders. Htnmpers. boxera. 132(1 N Lawrence at. INFANT NURSE, experlencedr wanted for suburba: Ensllah or German preferred. Call Monday morning, between 11 and 12. Room 205. Washington Tlulldlng. Mlsa Reed. LAUNDRESS Thoroughly capable white woman, to do chamterwork also; 5 In fam ily, permanent position; good wagea. Apply 2Llnwood ave.. Ardmore. MOTHER'S HELPER One who Is willing and rapablo, reference required M 247. Ledger Central. NURSE Experienced capable and willing peS aon. tn take care of two children. Iieat refer eneo required M. 2 if) ledger Central. NURSEMAID for 2-year-old child M. Cynw) d Phone 102 OPERATORS, .experienced on Singer embroidery machlnea . steady work and high wages. Leldlke Manufacturing Co.. f24 Jefferson at. OPERATORS" wanted on ladles'' muslin under wear, steady work all year, good pay. Ap- ply Harry ltaynaon. 1 8. 3d at.. 2d floor. OPERATORS, experienced on middy blouses; ateady work and high wages. I.ledlke Manu facturlng Co.. .824 Jefferaon at. OPERATORS on all parta of allk and'eotton shirtwaists; learners taken. Tho Hagedorn Mera Co . 3d and Brown ata. TELEPHONE OPERATORS WANTED Bright young women between 17 and 22 ears old. tu take up telephone operating, no experience necessary, aalary paid while learning; pleasant work; permanent position Apply In person. Bell Telephone Co . 40a Market at., between 8:30 a. in. and 5 p. m, i JP WANTED FEMAIiE Coslfntcrct from Vrcctdlfio Column SHOES Exiwrlenced help, learners, tip fixers, etc. In melon room Paventh floor, BIB N. I2th at WAthess, experienced, first cIiim, for out of towni English or Swiss pref i ref. Slln n?inoom12o;wiqa chestnut t WAITRESS, white wotniin, over 80 i-nii of ege. for temporary position. Apply ' On . wood are., Ardmore. WANTED, chlldnurse, white Protectant: take charge 2 young children: beat reference. Write or phone Mrs. L. I. Parley, Devon, l'. Phone ISO J, WANTED Two settled Protestant .women as rook, chambermaid nml wnltrems references required lfl2 Went Walnut lane, tltn. VOttNO LADY, between 21 nnd .10. bright ami Intetllgcnt. to assist In office: must tie ncrti rate nt figures nnd experienced In office work, permanent position; stale age experience In detail and salary expected 11 27. ledger Office. CONTRACTOR nhle to deliver big quantities crocheted Inrants' anrnues, made coarse wool, mall samples, t, Schleslnger, 1 17 II. 24lh sl.,NejfcYejrk. attention!!! stenographers, bookkeepers clerks Are you seeking n position or do you de. sire to letter vour position? nisht adver tising and personal service nro two of th leading factors. Hoth ran be found nt ledger Central. A largo number of ouns ladles have found theao of great benefit. "Mies Dean" will help you write mi at tractive advertisement, list jour ciuallflra lions nnd give von her personal nttentlon and ntd Hundreds of young Indies who havo had this service will leatlfv to the satlsfnc tory results obtained This la free to Ledger advertisers Ilavo n tnlk with "Miss Dean" nl oner her ndrlra la free. Ilrcacl nnd Chestnut sis. Mnrrh 3. 11)10. Miss Dean. l.e,lirer Central Plillidclphla, Pa. Dear .Miss Dean I beg In thank you for jour kindness In n saluting m tn get the stenographic posi tion I secured todat- with tho , nnd for vour promptness In sending me to secure same Words cannot express mv appreciation, and If there Is nnv no I ran help to ad vertise the good of vour Ucpnrtnvnt. I will bo only too willing to lend my assistance. Again thanking you for vour kindness nnd promptness. I beg to remain. Itespectftlllv ours. JSIgned) ANNVM DOYLE flenernl OOVnitNJIE.VT positions opi-n to women. J72 month Write ItnmcdliMv for froo list. I ranklln Inst.. Dept. Tlil M, Hochesier. NY. HELP WANTED MALE HASSH9 and tenors, Kplscopnl church: hlrhest ibjssmuslo. riirforMjmld V 3IH. Led Off. IiI.AriCM.MITH Stonily work for teoiperolo mechanic who tun aharpen and temmr star drills nnd shoe horses MATTIIHWS CON trHl'CTION COMPANY, 1'rlnielon. N ,T. 1IOV wnntcd emplner. In grocery store; reference last 17th nnd Ml Vernon CHAIH I'HAMnnn wanted ."til at Apply 244 N. CHAl'FI niR. nlao aom gardening, white. single. Protestant Apply 20 in Chestnut at todlvnnd Wednesd.ivat 3'.1l o'clock CHAl'KrKlTlt. married man. white: pprma ncnt position, reference required M 211. Ledger Central. Clinr. white; two waiters. Apply to 103!) Chestnut at., nhout 1 :3n p.jn. CLOTH WHAVHRS WANTED Apply JOHN AND JAMES DORSON. INC. Blanket Mills. Scott's lane. Falls of Sehujlklll. ENGRAVER wanted, tho fcest Conner Pinto engraver we enn secure; script and sbnde lettering Send sniuptcs nnd full particulars to vvrignt. Kay cn..peirnii, micii FOREMAN First-class man wanted tn tnke I tun rnirge ni ueei or auto cars; musr thoroughly understand rnrs nnd possess somq executive nbllltv Applv by letter onlv, giv ing full pnrtloi'nra ea to experience ge jiptls:ilarvoxpected P 12R Ledger office IRON- MOLDURS wanted, ateady work. Applv Wheeler Condenser Eng n ,('nrteret.N. Y. JtGGER.MAN wnnted- first class? rll.ilil man on cruilbles: good ilnlshca P 307. Led Off MACHINIST wnntiil at nnce Prat-rlias l.ilhT hnrbonlnl. boring mill nnd i bucking lathe bands. American Engineering Comnanv, Ara- mliiMinve arid Cumberlnnd nt Phlln MAN AND WIFE for general housework, woman must bo a good, clean, plain cook: no Inundry. Bleep In. prefer a mnn that can run Ford cir Applv 1310 Green at MAN AND WIFE Protestnnta. houseman and butler, and cook, amall family: no waahlng, country Applv R Vaur. Three Tuna. Pa ri.UMBER Wanted, plumber who inn do atcamflttlng. conntrv job. bonrd and room M 727. Ledger Office SM.ES ENGINEERS Wanted, several yoTini men with selling and correspondent o ciunll flcntlo.iM, desiring to become associated permanently with n large, successful manu facturing lorporntloii in one of the most actlv. elettrlcal flelils. atate fullv iiuallflc.i tloni nnd.i'xperlence r0aH. Ledger Cent SALESMAN CALLING ON PHYSICIANS "An unusual optmrtunlty nrcv'ra for highest grnda aaleaman with established connection nmonr medical profession In Philadelphia nnd Mcln lty. tn net as sola agent for old-established manufacturers of mercury nrc lamps for therapeutic use. Straight commission basis; very liberal terms, office In prominent ph alclnna' suite centre nf city provided one other line not objected to Reply to M 730 i.roner i.uiri- SALESMAN An experienced-vvnreroonV salei man for flrat-claaa house In pbmn depart ment, no othera need aonly; most liberal ajarywlll bo paid M 134. ledger Cent riil l?HOE.TIP FIXERS 7thnoor;3ir. X. 12th at. STRAWBR1DOE A CLOTHIER require experienced Salesmen for their Men's Shoe Depurtm.'iit. Apply Bureau of Em plojment. 4H floor, before It a. m. STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER require an experienced Doll and Toy Repair Man. Apply Bureau of Employment. 4'j floor, before 11 a. m. TINSMITHS, familiar with dairy supply works. Apply A H. Reld Company, uuih and Haverfordae WANTED Flrat-chas draftsman, on ileslgn Inir and sketching, men with rolling mill ex porleneo preferred. Tho American Rolling Mill Co , Mlddletown.O WEAVERS" WANTED" ON P"l4AINVORK! APPLY IMPERIAL WOOLEN COMPANY MAIN AND RECTOR hTS . SIANAYUNK. TOUNO MAN. 17 or 18. for work in office, must have neat uppearance good education and determination to advance. II 3, ledger Office. YOUNO 5IAN wanted for atock department" machine shop; state experience, age and aalary expected. P 310, Ledger Office BPBOIAIi AUTOMOIill.n Instruction given, day and night, by exnert mechanlra at the oldest nnd original Auto School Repairing In all Its brandies Tim. Ing. .wiring and 00 road lessons nt a Very amall cost '"" 1)11 NORTH BROAD BT. F. PETZ BUSINESS SERVICE COMPANY"" ' 13(11 LAND TITLE BUU-DINO FORUMAN. HARDWOOD FINISHER. OTHER POSITIONS OPENl CLEIUOAL SALES AND TECHNICAL? "1UAI" sWSSSSfliNffS SUCCESS V, Sbmc are born to success p others attain it through y discretion and good judg- g ment they avail them- selves of the proper y method of advertising their wants. An attrac- I tivcly written ad inserted I in the Public Ledger i will prove successful, be ll cause it will reach the right source, the pros- pcrous people of Philadel- ..t.: n-.. tUn limit in pillcl. mvt mi- yajr lu success with your ad to day. Phone or write Walnut 3000 Main 3000 ,.VSSOKnVn SITUATIONS WAN TED EEM AIiE TOOK, good, wishes n position; boat of ref. Phone Hryn.Mnwr 34.1.I MalnJ.lnnpref. COOK llxper. white Prot. woman wishes po- stlon. noodb.iler.(l3ln. Lcdner .Centrab COOK, experienced, wants position, private fnmlly. -133S Mirket si DAY'S WOHK Hnsrerlnbl" colornl nomin wants ilni'n work, ilcnnlng or lnundr Wrlln 132.1 Poplar si DIlHSS.MAKHlt nnuts engagements: K.M dilly. rofs snni.J'ilger Hr jjtuth & fllrard. IIOfHIIKHEPHIl. tmnagltm, hotel or apart mnt, experienced, ixcellent buyer nnd llnnn rler. Ii-st iff. Phone Walnut 12IHI. . IIOt'SnicniU'Elt, rompinwn. with cultured rjimlJ2naMshrrotestnnLjIJJI.edOtf; NL'RHE, oxp'd, dea. engagement, entire charge of Infant or nung child JjlngDjy . Ie?d 0fr PRACTICAL nurse, hospltnl ctperlonc. . either lnvnlld ndull nrchlld II 11(12. Leda-r Off. HEVMSTHHSS wishes enjagement from ') to i"i, J2 n dnv. experienced on all kinds of acw lug. I) :l2S.Leit8cr()fflce HirfNodllAPHIIK. J eara" exp , arcurale. r.ipld tplst, ileslreapos 1' 7 t7,Lcd.Cent WOMAN, colored, wishes ilav:a"work. m2:i H 17th at Dickinson 3llil .VL WHERE em I gel In touch with a flrat-claas atenngnipher. bookneeper or clorl7 This iiuestlon has been asked by business men iiulle rreiuentlv throitgli tho Commer ilal Department nt Ledger Central Is tho answer ".Mlsa Dean" Is Able to rend'-r sou vnluible nsslstnnre In locating Juat tlio right kind of help without publicity, unduo nn novnnre waste of tlmo and i nergy Tell her jour leiiulrements nt nnip alio has listen the quullflcntlons of soung Indiea seeking positions This aervlco will benefit you personal!)- It Is freo to LEIXIEH advertisers Telephone Walnut or .Mnln 3000. "Miss Denn," nt once. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE ACCOUNTANT-OFI'K E EXECUTIVE, 3d years of age. married, university grnduate. broad experience In corporation anountlng. Imports, exports, etc . correspondences nnd traveling nudltor, salary secondary to posl Hon offering good future I" 71(1. Led. Cent. ADVERTISING Young man, experienced would like to Join advertising department of manu facturer II 33. LEDGER OFriCE . ASSISTANT BOOKKEEPER, clericnl or sec tetnrlal position deHlrcd by young man with umisunllv good training. Including newspaper worn J17ju i.ettger yeiurai. . BOOKKEEPER. 3 ears' experience, desires connection whero nbllltv, steadiness nnd nc- curacy jlvlll 1 appreciated O 17,L.ed. Cent BOOKKEEPER'or tiast.. C. It. S.. quick "imd accurate at tigs . wlshea pos. P 322. Led. Cen BUTLER. German. 27 venra. wants position: Jiest refa.E. Grqth,Ilox 41. IIaerfonl,la CHAUFrilUR wishes pos ; prl fnm.. II leara, best ref coot) nnn rrnnn. B 17. f.eil Off. i-uuiv wiiiiin puMiiou. prilHlu llllllliy or uiilll- elor npartmenta: ref Address (10. Ledger Branch. Wayne andChelten EXECUTIVES Active joung man. 20. excellent education, character, appearance, married, no grumbler, making first connection, business, me rhantinl and electric ability, cnpablo intro ducing nrtlcle itulcltly. dearly, concisely: prefers It. It. or Nnv Co. connection, con alder nn) thing If permanent: no real est, Ins.. canvassing. E 737, Lodger Central GARDEXElt, married, wlshea prlwite place, thoroughly understands greenhousea and out side work, lifetime experience, Al reference. H34 N HUh at MAN AND WIFE, young, neat, colored couple, well experienced nnd reliable, w Ifo good cook: best city reference, no washing and Ironing unless very amall family Call 124U South 18th at. Phone Dlcklnann 3317 J. MAN AND WIFE. butler and cook, experl- enced. colored, reference 11 r,Io. Ledger Off MEN'S WEAR WOOLENS to sell for mill direct. D3.'lft. Ledger Office VALET, attendant, refined voun' man, ref- erences 1 H4't Ia?dger Central. YOUNG MAN. 21. dealres to connect with a concern mfg elec nnpllances preferred, ex perienced and capnbb of taking chnrge of work, 4th yenr atudent Drexel Instltuto Evening Engineering School I' 1)"3, Ledger Central YOUNG MAN. 21 Mars, deslrca opportlinltr: emploied at present; have Unnwledgo of book Keeping and commercial work: honest, trust- worthy nnd willing, retjs. O 140 Led. Cent. SITl'ATIONWANTUD In printing, engraving. designing, colortypo business by man of 40; experienced, good address; abstainer, capable of handling men. moderate aalari H 32. ledger tiff Ice FRENCH COUPLE wants position out in tho country, na butler nnd lady's maid or aeam- atrtss Call 423 S. HJth.clly JAPANESE vvunts nosltlon. butler alet. pri vate family. E. P. .Mori. 1031 Vino at EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES NICHOLS. 1020 Ilalnbrtdgii at . has that class butlers, huusemen couples. French Swedish. English. Irish. German cooks waitresses. parlormaids. chambermaids ladles' maids, nurses, etc Wanted. German unl other cooks $7 to 111), wultresaes. Iiouse malda Phone Locust 2130 V SIABX J,', .i"XruI. Christian Cath. male anu ;rlT """ m'."v. . "iniiio JHl-CiaSH JTOl t wantM 1 female ntrlp. ull natlonalitIr-. ni5 Help of all capm. wantnl and supni ed. . . ....... .-... . nui.-i .v . on., imiiuii uutier. CIIILDNUHSE wants position In country: alrl wants housework. Cynwyc! or Bala. Miss Roso Dougherty, 1313 Glrard ave AUTOMOBILES For Sills LIMOUSINES Suitable for funeral work or hiring of anv kind at all prices: touring cara at a big sac. llflce as vmj need the space these cara occuny IX3CQMOBILK CO. OF AMERICA P 2J14 Market at. Locust -ISO. II. A. J ENKS, Mgr. Exchange Car Dent PACKARD, cylinder, limousine and touring body. 11o0 " L. O'NEAL. SHI N. Broad st. VAIOE, 1015. fl-40; flrst-claea condition: drlien 40UU miles: will sell reasonable. I. 440. Led. . eer Central SEND FOR FREE BULLETIN ' op mnn ntiu " nnnqnv iivrhvvewiwnu. 111 , nnA. OORSON AUTO LXCHANGb. JJ8 N.BROAD Sfi&fiHSfillBWKS8$i ! ATTTnMOTlTT.-ES for Sals - " rantlsMrd from Preccitlnff column KVIJKY PAIIT TO IJfll.D OH nEI'AIIt A CK aciroRBn 3311111 MAnKET. OADILLAC.'tnm, touring cnr.overhauled and repainted: full equipment!. price fyftO. Ay HAI.K8 I'OHI'OHATION. lJajs'.Jlroadjiti COt.nr lnH, big six touring, t,. S. HOWKnH rOMPANY. 247 N Hroad at. COM: distributers . IIUDSONR nelmllt nnd guaranteed: Phjelon nnd rondsterat electric lights nnd startera. (iOMKHV-SCllVVAHTH. 2T..I N. Hroad at. Wanted STOP. LOOK AND I.tSTBNt N'nw garngo opened: cars Imught. sold ana exchanged: accessories. nw nnd old! cour teius assistants, expert mechanicians. Phlln. Auto Parts Co.. lilt S Hroad, Thlla. 6T,D AUTOS WANTI5II TOH PAHTS .rHlLA AUTO PAItTS CO. R23-2.I N. 13th St. I'ark J4IS AUTOS llOfflHT rbll Jl'NK. R34 N. 3d St. Phono 1'nrk nr.fl AUTO LIVEIIY AND GABACrES TO HiniJ (open day nnd night), brand-new fi.pnss. touring oir.wllh robes, tl.23 hr., nlo brand-new "-pups, limousine, II no hr., wea cllngs. funerals Poplar 1017 171a Olrard. retToy iiAtiAnr? MD. FKI.TON ANI tlllt.vnD. AVK. l'HU.Ni: niJi.vio.r i nil. TO HlltH. 3 nnd r. ton truck by hour, week. Telephone Tlngn 27no day. AUTO REPAIRING spnr.DoMr.Tnn Tnoum.Ea See HIM.Y. nt his new location. 610 NOHTH 1IHOAD HI OYMNDHItH HnilOIHID. nev platens and rings furnished, weldings and brazing. It. n. Underwood Co , 1025 IlnmlUon st Thlli. rOHDS pafntedr JIB: other cars nt reaannablo rates Unblo. 12S Heed Phone Mnln 2,'i32. AUTO SUPPLIES -HEARINQH- New Departure Service Sta The Clwllllnm Co. 1314 Arch st Phones JVnlnut 34t7.Hncn 3062 SMOIITLY t'SED. AM, SI7.ES. TIRES YOt'R OWN PRICES R23-2.VN. 13th st. IMrklltH. AUTO TOPS nnd slip rovers mado to order, tops recovered, body uphnlsterlng: renson, prices, work guar. M WclnHeld. 1408 Oxford, PARTS TO lll'IM) OR REPAIR ANY CAR. I'HILA AUTO PARTS CO., 82.1 N. l.ltll at. Park 14IK AUTO TIRES PULLMAN TIRES Guaranteed 400 miles Company prices. OHIM'S. 230 N. Broad at. BUSINESS OPPOHTUNITIES ONE INVESTMENT mndo with Judgment may fit ou. a lolling brother, bejond tho neces sltv nf the lifetime toll, poverty nnd harass ing worry that would otherwlso bo your lot. Nurelt this thought contnlns n stimulating inuueemoni to uso tne nenii as wen as ino hands to nnnl7e our proposition with tho view of discovering opportunity nnd to get In on one good Investment worth a lifetime of labor. If Interested, wrlto to Box L llt, Ledger Ofllce. GROCERY STORES. J2I00. II.100 JI000, JOOO. Meat, tlnilll, J.'iOO. e(c Dry goods & mn's furnishings. 12300. 31000. Clrara, candy it stntloncrv. IfiaO. SliOO. 1800. Ilnrber ahops. J80II, jnno, J400, J3."0. Enterprise Brokerage Realty Co., ( 111311 I.nnd Title Bu lldlng. PATENTS ARTHUR E. PAIGE. 714 Walnut at., Phlln.. mechanical nnd electrlcnl engi neer; registered patent nttnrney: established here 30 -vears; Intentions developed; patents, trademarks, copyrights secured nnd liti gated anywhere; rejected nnpHcnttons prose cuted . prellmlnnrv ndvlce free. PHOTOGRAPH STUDIO 1310 G Irani nu For rent nn old-established place. 2 floors fitted up with gallery nnd dark rooms, showcase In front: location Is dealrnble for llvo man. near nil hotels nnd balls for banquets: rent, $10 C. 1' COWARD CO . 20th nnd Jefferaon ata, SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY .1-story building, suitable for garago nnd ma china shop: locnted near Broad at ; cement floor and elevntor, must be sold to close an estate Applv P COWARD CO 20111 and Jetrersonjlta. J800.000 STASlfOHE PROPERTY, "finest on the Jersey coaat. 25 per cent glen to the man who hns force enough to promote suc cessfully part of the trnct, has every modern improvement, also hotels nnd counties. W. C.R.. 1472 N. C2d St. roil SALE Brick fnctotv. VS130 ft., on lot 83x237 ft. : suitable for foundry and machine ahnp or any manufacturing purpose, nlso rnr girage railroad siding on nronertv. ennt ern I'ennsMvnnia. cne.ip. Auorcss .vi Ledger Ofllce. .-..-..- ---.-. ---. .... .,.. .-t . -.--.. 17. WOULD A GOING MANUFACTURING FIRM DEALING IN FOOD PRODUCTS INTERUST YOU? INVESTMENT WITH OR WITHOUT SERVICES. INVESTIGATE. C 13. LEDGER OFFICE. HAVE WORKING CAPITAL ' Tor business house rated $50,000 up. CARL O. SPAHRWADT Confldentlnl Financial. Achlser. 418-13 Land Title Hldg. A RARE OPPORTUNITY for ono or two Tne?: getlc. entorprlalng business rncn tn tako an active part In a business established 40 eara; capital required $15,000. For full particular address C 323, Ledger Office; I WANT n gentleman or lady of largo fixed Income to bock mo financially In developing u copper-gold-aiher property. Thla Is a aplendld prospect M720LedgerOffh.o. HUSTLER with business ability and $3000 caah enn secure half Interest In eatahllshed nutnmobllo buBlneas. good aalary nnd half pjojlta. j-of exchanged G 142. LedgerCent FOR SALE American Mangoneso Manufact uring Company preferred stock nt $15, com mon ut $7 BO. Updike-Ward. Inc.. 01(1 Andrus. Minneapolis. MJnn WANTED $300(1 loan on'good security to ex pand bualnesa, will pay off $1000 each 4 monthH nnd pnv 10 per cent Interest. G 141, Ledger Central $fi A MONTH aecurea Interest in growing cn chard, will bo producing beforo paid for. HARRY DARL1NOTON. 1420 Chestnut at. POOL ROOM, thoroughly equipped. 4 tables. Including cigar atoie nnd dwelling, good West Phlln. location. L 354. Ledger Central. WANTED Good tenant nt very close rental for w ell-located central utnre. J.A J'ATTERSON. 130 S 1.1th. , PICTURE THEATRE." $1230; worth $3000; crowded nightly; strictly mod.; good bus. loco.: good sell reason L 441, Led Cent. ITOTEL. OCEAN CITY, for sale; near beach; good following. I' 226, Ledger Office, BUSINESS PERSONALS EVENING LATEST STYLE FULL-DRESS SUITS CLOTHES DELIV. & CALLED FOR FREE, CALL OR PHONE POPLAR 233 TO OPEN EVENINGS HIRE LEIDNER'S. 10TII & OIRARD VV, S W.Cor. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR lemo'ved by electrolysis, the only permanent way Evohrows nrched. MISS SMITH. 102 Keith Theatre Bldg Mies Hoppe halrdrea'r. faclul maasage. man leur'g. fornr Mint Arcnde, with Miss Smith. FULL DRESS SUITS Cutawaya, Tuxedos and Sack Sulfa Tn hire nnd mado tn order. NEUBAUER. THE TAILOR. 19 N. th at. Bell phone. Walnut 2018. FULL DRESS, TUXEDO FROCK AND CUT away suits to hire, all new, atyllsh goods; large assortment SAMUEL COOPER, 1010 Olrard uve.Phone Poplar 0342. EVENING CLOTHES TOHinE Latest Styles Popular Prices. Sulta made In our workshops nnd are aanl tary. KEEN TAILORING CO.. BO N. 12th at. DIAMONDS BOUGHT Bank reference. Appraisement. 1 p. c. HARRY W SMITH, 717 HANSOM HTREET CLAIMS f any description collected on per centage anwhere. We get your money for ou. AMCOSE AGENCY 1B09 Arch St. TUT.TIT'MO 1T A m-pTT A T.3 tixstj ATTICJ , . tr -"-;---;- "" --"" I,,,..,,,.,. j . . Z. T T1T7T "j;"c.iano cabea ior sate, cneap. Apply Phla. Bag Co.. Water and Tasker ats. ::: ::: j?. r a tminTiT TJIAMONJ3 AND JEWELRY lttntlKST rntCKS paid far diamonds, lewetrr and rvn tickets for diamonds Apply J ' J to 4:30 p. m . Wm Flick. Hoom . Durd Hldg . rorner th nnd Chestnut eta, DRESSMAKING AND MIIiLINERY M5ArtN DftCSSMAKINO and designing at the largest nnd best equipped school In the city, for home use or business. The McDowell Dressmaking. Pcliool. 30, Denckla Hldg., 1 HijjndiMark.el stSj ' Fottkh sciiooi, op. dhessMakTno DAILY AND BVBN1NO HUSSIONS 141S OIHAHD AVIJ. roPLAH 8374. DHBSSMAKEH. French, desires engagements: terms rens.: evening gowns a "J?rc;! "'L'.JJ model 11 0 Walnut st. Ph. Walnut DISS, TOR OALE HtMitAHD. POOIi. comblnnllon. second-hand, bought, sold, rented, exchanged; repairing: supplies. I.nfn Kenfer, American manufac turer. 320 Olrard ave. - un.MAnD- and PocKirr 'r"t''3ar,7r,il",'' howling alloys: easy payments. ..nav'5 WlCK-llAMtn-COM.ENDnit 'Q 1002 Arch, HIM.IARD, pocket, 2d-hnnd tables repalrbig, sunVlles Clnrk-lletd Mfg. Co,.242l N. Front, enteod The National Cash Register i-o., 730 Chestnut st. DESKS, filing cabinets, safes, telephone bootha and office furnlturo nnd fixtures of every do acrlptlon; uaed. but In fine condition, nnd ery chesti: free delivery nnvwhere IlUgtIES 11TII ANDJUJITTONWOpp DESKS, lafgo'nssortmentiTifso household fur niture Dullng t'entrnl Second-hand Furnl turo Company,, flnl-nnn-14 Cnllowhlll at . HEARSE Four-column square black henrsa, black nnd white draperlea: good condition: sell cheap. William Madden,Hrlatoh r. . NATIONAt. CASH REOTsTEH neaaonablc; retiring from business, D 322, Ledger Offlco.1 OFFICE PARTITIONS, nlflrn rnlllnga. wall cases, countcrn and show caaea designed nnd made up aneclnl to vour order; It will Pav sou to get our estimate. Phono, wrlto or call WEISS MANUFACTURING CO, ISO-fig N. 12th at. SAFES FlreproofTclosIng out slightly used: nil sjrea AjmnkehlgbaxJnSjOJJmirth. s5lOVVr:A8EH, wall cases, shelving, fine floor cnaesfor sale cheap. 2 19 Market at, TYlMiWlftTEH Paper Whltn. 311c. COO hretni yelloV 21? E. LEVINSON. 26 South 8th. T?l"ZT-m 2 A ..SU rl IIa 41aM ftAAliTA VlCTROLA records March list Just received. iir'KL'iiiv 11211 Chestnut. jn 20-PC. CHEST OF SILVER nnOERS BROTHERS. VALUE 12 30 JUEDERS LOAN OFFICE. 12BMARICETBT. COMPLETE dining room aulto nnd baby car riage: excellent condition, 137 8. 80th. Phone Bolmont 40(13. J2.1 DIAMOND RING PURE WHITE: VALUE $30 niEDER'S LOAN OFFICE, 128MAR1CJJTST. $20 DIAMOND EARRINGS BLUE WHITE: VALUE $B0 RIEDER'S LOAN OrFICE, 128MARKETST. "$22 VlCTROLA AND RECORDS iliVV I l.l.,lll I lUiN RIEDER'S LOAN Ol'-FICE. 12H MARKET ST. " J7 TALKING MACHINE NEW CONDITION: VALUE SIR. RIEDER'S LOAN OFFICE, 128MA RKF.TflT. $12 TALKING MACHINE AND RECORDS NEW CONDITION. RIEDER'S LOAN OrFICE. 128MARKETST. HEATING MAKIN-KELSEY HEALTH HEAT la bettor nnd chenper than steam or hot-wnter. Pura fresh air with nnrmnl mnisturo. MAICIN KELSEY. C N 18th st., Phlla INSTRUCTION WISE FOLIC learn a foreign language: ac qutro Spanish. French or Italian by quick nnd easy method, Wrlto Prof. Stono. 0000 Woodlnnd nve. MACHINERY AND TOOLS SHAFTING SAFETY SPLIT COLLARS AND YOCOM hangers and pillow blocks with fin ished boll nnd eockot benrlnga nro the best for all ahnftlng purposes SHAFTING AND MACHINE WORK. 145 North Second JAalljH vcjccj.Vf gc SON. POWER-PLANT KQUIPMDNT Dynamos, motors, boilers, steam and oil en- nines, pumps, nir compressors. FIl.V tAltv TOOMEY. Inc., 127 N. 3d at. MANY of the largest Industrial establishments In Philadelphia have been equipped with ahnftlng. hnngers, pullevn and belting by uiiAiti.i.ci iic.-Nu ;KjMrjM x. ozu Arch at. DYNAMOS, motors and machinery bought, sold nnd rented, armatures repaired Main 91. Mirkot 306S. Yenrsley Co.. 224 N. 3d Bt. INCLINABLE PRESS, No. 2 Rudolph & Krum me!, similar to No. 10 Bliss. L. F. Sey- fort's Sons, 437 N. 3d st. MORGAN nailing machine, l, i, 3. 4 spindle: sensitive, drills. 20. 24. 2R. 30 Inch drill presses. NUTTALL. 1748 N. Bth. riPE Second hnnd, all" sizes Phlla. Second Hand Pipe Supply Co.. 1003 N. 7th st. Phone. MUSICAL INSTHUMENTS PIANOS AND PLAYER-FIANOS HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES COR. 6TH AND THOMPSON STS. $85- CHICKERING UPRIGHT PIANO HOWARD VINCENT. 838 N. 0TH. OLD GOLD CASH PAID FOR DIAMONDS. PRECIOUS stones, gold, sliver, platinum, fnlso teeth, Phlla. Smelting & Hof. Co.. 128 S. ltlh at. OLD GOLD, silver, platinum, plated ware, old style Jewelry, teeth plates bought for cash. Est. 1870. J. L. Clark, refiner. 807 Sansom. CASH PAID FOR diamonds, old gold, silver, platinum, fnlso teeth Reliable Refining Com pany, cor. 9th nnd Walnut ata. HOOFING AND IEON AWNINGS U CAN OF OUR CEMENT will repair 50 leaks In any roof. Write for circular. AMERI CAN ROOFING CO.. 1533 Rldgo ave. STORAGE CONTINENTAL STORAGE WAREHOUSE 50TH ST. ABOVE CHESTNUT PACKINO. MOVING. SHIPPING Rugs, Carpels, cleaned, scoured stored. Uell, Locust 1000 Phones Key.. Race 4160. FIDELITY FIREPROOF WAREHOUSES 1811-1819 MARKET ST. TENN STORAGE AND VAN CO. 2136 MARKET 8T. ATLAS STORAGE WAREHOUSE Storages moving, packing shipping, carpet cleaning. JiLi!rL"i-! ".- tu' . raiiiiiace. aiaricet Bt ami. McCANN'S STORAGE HOUSE. 1748 N. Hth ?J .: moving, packing, shipping; auto vans Both phonea. Let us estimate, ' WEST PI HLA. MONARCH STORAGE CO. iYMX Ki!!!'A- "1,a Pioking nnd ahlpning WEST rllll-A, 3870 LANCASTER AVE. FIREPROOF Mothproof. Concrete Warehouse. N-.FhlJ.?- Storage Co . 2033 W. Lehigh. Tlo 7280. Planoa nnd Furniture Bought Sold MOVING and storage, prompt service; lowest r,atex",: TAVASSli' ,'W-. ?!"! Tloga 2178 .. .... ..w,,,,. uo.,-u Ai. UCII. 8TORAOE Moving by auto vana. packing. Hhlpping. Levin Bros., 2048 llldga ave. X'hone Poplar 0024. WANTED ANTIQUE FURNITURE, false teeth, feather beds, broken Jewelry, gold, sliver, diamonds bojigm;5Jiyfiinut.Wa,)nut 7020. Eat. 168(1. BROKEN JEWELRY, false teeth. pIstols.coInT ..win .,w,.ivD, wiiii uncrn 1. pay, maiiea.lDC. J B.Hoaad'eople'a Store),20a B. Hth. Wal.448( CAST-OFF CLOTHINO, WANTED Highest prices paid for. gentlemen's. Get our offer Bn?.'?..co?,v'nfe'SotiS!1 wrlte or Phone Walt nut 3683. Davis. S. W. cor, 12-Arch. 11m. U. CAST-OFF CLOTHING Hlsheat prices paid for ladlea' and men's clothing, hats, shoes, I c.b. , viiwuq vv, 901,1. umcaer, Jau I opiar. WANTED CoaKntird Jrmi. Prtctdtno Voti, Be--ior graae. .xrrttA m- i,k..'"Jl"ns HJK.AVSSS".'' "nrwhett fin? K2l SOliT CAST-OFr dMhlng bn.i,i. T.TrS-E". for men's goods: write nr ..'' Ml . rmnn, scitt)i,z. b? n6 n?Z g"" w?J CAST-OFT clothing, shoes and t. ..send postal, Snefdmnn-VSVP-M hootMr FEATHER. HEDS vranledt extr., ii JLrJcespaJdjjhnJr Mn , FURNlTtinn bn(, .i.. . -LJJA tuiifaiuns nougnt caah: parlor .i-. nfflce furij., stock Morra: wll MifJ'" W before soiling. Ilnnls. 21 Hmctrh'rJ.o consift FURNlTUnn. pianos, earpeta .niln,...4 or part houses bought tot VJSW1 f4 ' how large. .T. n..liJ . ' ABn:.na Mtti.1T MnnnuriT bought, d. ChamM.iTr"5151- vor buver and (! iWS eld in .,, - - ... ...,, n nM --,, , Ltr.nrttnxr i...i., . ,L . . r-I?; NmwsKmmsfmui OLD aOLD-Cldh t n nm n i ' sS'aaaBs nnjiquo ciorKu 1.AV 11UUK ti.ckot..l8nnFiibeTLgdnV"t.h!T?'Y EJto llimtnifr prices paid for aentii-riir' iHS lleios.soThVThDle?1? BCOOp 2D-RAND HARDnnfCK el'-5' ' stata prlco. Wm. 8tewnt. 83(10 li. sj"'! rooms ron bent CHESTNUT, U04 Very deslr.M. .. T rooms; nteam heat. Phono 73,".'!. ,ta' CAST-OFF Cf)TIUNa SeHtse.-""" pavs more than any ntnr. f,niAh RIm men a aurnmer nndy wintr" fflt.'Mlei'.'VsI of : - '"i CHESTNUT. 2043 Attrnctlv.lvr- . . or en suite: electrlo liiht.i 't.LT." "InUi OIRARD AVE., .3034 UllfuTrdnrJ noor. room, racing Park! nrini. T? ndults: owner. nor. Preston 2784 w?" mta" LOGAN SQUARE (237 N. lHTltlAii- ., single and double VoomsiVxV.iMer.A"fPy MONMOUTH., E.. 103(1 Boarding: rniS ?iVrll!' ffntlemen: private family: coir Ij3 yit'!luhfnpoau!KenalnRlon TAHK AVE.. 2107 Pilvaio family s.nil , 1 or 2 furnished rooms. ntiXtSS $$ M SPntlCE. 1337 Rooms, single or en suits, ir . hnthsi prof, offices: ateam heat. .1i! i 10T!ft. 8.' 5" topp. Clinton) Largs rtS . with private baths. Phono Walnul 1 HI. 4 "P" 11TH, N 1343 Dcsirnblo vacancies: rs. able: well heated: nicely furn. Po"'iia'a' 18TH..N.. 2004 wo 'Jd-sfoii. Ve.n, i fnmlly: gentlemen, Illamond Briiri J. u',, "iJiii."'!,;' ""Nicely furnlshedTmli: 10?1, sfaumli5rKnGr lOTIt B 83 Attrnctlve 2d floor rooms l rn ...ii Hum , itfivnto ontn. i-none Locust 80(1 20TH, JJ.. 2148 Prlvnto family will riri7 furnished bed nnd alttlng rooms, with k. ?-J,!lertFtlmen: breakfast optional 49TH, 8 219 A"nOEFimNI3HEDn6dii; gentlemen. Tlnrlnv 7B7B XV """ JVUUMI BOTH. N.. 207 Cheerfully furnished rooms JS Phong Belmont 4003. " 1043 N. 12TII ST. Two second front roomr communicating, newly furnished, for iffht housekeeping: running wnter. Dlam. 1888 W. TWO nice, unfurnished rooms. thlrdfloor: van rheerful: uso of bath: respectable iVmiS, only. Poplar 1300 J. Mrs. J. FLBflrilw TWO good rooms, near Broad nnd Locust, li quiet refined homo: excellent location. M 230. Ledger Central. Bnhnrbsn WAYNE JUNC. (4320 QreeneV-Nicely Jura room, southern exposure; $0 month: bit window corner room. $8. Otn. B3H4 R. ' noOMS and bath: highest reference, pnons, Garmantown 762. KOOMS WANTED TWO unfurnished rooms for "light houkei. lng. 2d floor, or small apartment, for 1 ndults: vicinity of 40th nnd Powelton an. M 242. Ledger Centrnl. COUPLE WANT two rooms nnd bath, unfur nished, for light housekeeping; central pre ferred; stato price: ref. F 840. ledger Cent KEFINED COUPLE wish tinfurn. rami "in suburbs; state price. 1" 847, Led. Central. HOARDING CATHARINE. B017 Nicely furnished sulti, mnn. HuiKio ruuiua; oonro. est inn A. DIAMOND. 2007 Large front room. ap single. South, expos., nome cooking: rea ' hie LEHIGH, 1313-15 Attractive room; permsn. ent or transient: excellent board. Tioga till SPRUCE. 1224-26 (Brlsmonde) Furn. roomi. single, en suite: private baths: table board. 40TJI. N 32 Attractively furnished, sunnf rooms; excellent tame: pnone. DESIRABLE vacancies; first-class table board: neighborhood Broad and Diamond. 27. Branch Ledger. 1034 Columbia ave. Suburban PLEASANT rooms, newly furnlahed, well htt' ed; excellent table; conv. to aormantown aM Wayno ave. cars; gentlemen looklnr fflf homo comforts will profit by phoning Otn. 305Z. or call Z40 vv. lmtcnnouse 01 "THE FERNS" (Gtn.. 104 W. Chelten) -I)j. rm.. near bath; excellent table. Otn. 33.8. APARTMENTS N. E. CORNER 17TH AND WALNUT STS. This 13-story concroto nnd steel fireproof structure reaches the highest point of de velopment as yet nttninea in aparinicm construction and may be properly atyled perfect place of abode. . . An enrnest effort has been mads to otTtr a matchless homo to thoae whoso first con alderatlon la not to count the cost alone, but to procure that which they desire, whero there Is only perfection, the alio and character of which may be selected tnd Bhuped nccordlng to the distinctly require ments of tho Individual. - Suites nre arranged from two rooms anl one bam to in rooms ana nve oaina. iuciu Ing several desirable bachelor aultes. The location la excellent, being conren- lent to tho business and shopping centrci and yet not too near. All things considered, the rentals an) mnitarfi tai Further Information, arransements for In , cpt'ctloti ana reservations may im ou NORMAN 8. SHERWOOD 1411 Walnut Street. RPntvn riAlinRtC lfl1HHTtin rnaml tad hnlh. aleeltle llfrht nnd Hteam henti teleohon4 ".( and maid service; refereneo required; newly 3 lurnianea. WAI.NUT, 1431.33 Comfortable apartmnU.l to 4 rooms, some furnlahed; let-class serv ice. Apply janitor, l'nona apruce . OXFORD, 1001 Three rooms, batb. hot-water neat; urignt. nttractive. exceptional g , WALNUT and 13th Suitable apartments for bachelors: 125 per mo. upward. i'n vyai.p THE PARKSIDE 40TH AND GIRARD AVE. OPPOSITE FAIRMOUNT PARK. Four lines of cara: convenient to at! sse lions of the city: all large outside roomi. Cuisine cartlcularly attractive. PHONE BARINO 221 . A'lTII irtPIUl' lartra llvln. fnnm herfrOOnL bath: all outside; unfurnished: alio slnllt room aajoining patn. mui uxiero si. JJOR RENT Second floor, corner apartment, ninr Ttllnehnrlcen Stattnn- three bedroOHU, two baths, large living room, dining fJJ1,- (VltljIlCli, niilBa-lllVluscu l'uic:il, tUti, n,, -, : BO. du. Ledger central. West Philadelphia I OFFER a large variety of apartments it varied prlcea and to meet olmost any re quirement. Call or send for Hat. AutomoMie service io inspect apartments if aasircu. . norman s Sherwood, mi walnut .it. Un,u QOTI ' n so?.1. Ardmore, Fa. TUB ATHENS 1 and 2 room sultea. Mir ' kltch'attei, fur, or unfur. rti. Ardmore l-- CHESTNUT, 2007 WELUlrnnC7m ' , ROOMS. PERMANENT Oir4tf.y.)ffiP ll :1 .i 1 m v i fejjyr.' ' MJU '-' ' rfjrxa