I PIROSCAFI ITALIANI PORTERANNO SEMPRE i ILORODUECANNONI, IFt Turnstone del Hoverno di " i t T IS Romft Comtinicata ni uipurn- mento di Stato dal Conte Mncchi fj BOLGARI SI AGITANO?; nOMA, 8 Marxo t Min rhc. noncntnntc lo vlRoroso uro i.. .... j.i .vrnn 1pkII Stall I'nltl cho Hinllomnrlnl teilesclil timi dovessero nt- !lnia avere prima ndemnluto a tutto lo lro I pilsseiwerl I'ctlMlnnBRln. la C or mania ha mantontito II silo utinln .11 vista 5 uol sottomarlnl conaldcranno eoino TZ..H n.r nffcra tuttl nue! plroscan clio i Dortnho cannonl o II affotuloranno Ora I l'Si,.in Itallnnl oho commotio la tra- rsaTa cleH'Atlantlco sono tuttl nrinutl dl duo cannonl o pcrclo' dovrol. .ero pss-ro effondntl (tat sottomarlnl todcrclil so truest! II Incontreranm. o ll fcrincraiino. Ouosta declslono tlol Roverno tcdosco o' ntftta comitnlcata nl Roverno Itallano. o lri 11 mlnlstro (IcrII IMeri. on. Sonnlno, L" (eiegrafato iRtruxionl nll'ambnsclatoro W-whlnffton, conto Mncchi .11 Colloro. Strife' Infortnasso II Dlpartlmonto dl iinto he nonostnnto lo doclslonl del rov .' ,i tedesco ed austrlaco per qunnto rl mmrda 1 plroscan armatl, 1 vaporl Itallnnl SnU servlzlo tra I'ltalla o Bll Stall Hnltl contlnucranno a portaro como lianno fatto flnora 1 loro duo cannonl. Questl Jwmdlmcno saranno tisatl soltanto per Ierl stesso l'nmbasclatoro conlo Mncchi I a' recato al Dlpar'tlmcnto dl Stato cd ha. avuto un collocmlo con II scKretnrlo Lansing a cut ha coiminlcnto lo ilcclslonl S7l covcrno Itallano, lnformantlolo nncho che la rlsposta umclalo dell'Italla sit nuesto RORKetto sara' contcnuta In una nota collcttlva dcRlt nltcntl dcll'lntcsa. Ierl un teloRramina dalla I'cnlsola llal eanlca dlcova rlio Ghenadleff, ex mlnlstro degll Estcrl bulRnro o Capo del partlto favorevolo nRll alleatl, era stato nrreslnto e che probabllmcnto sarebbo stato con dannato a morto per l'nccusa dl tradi mento. Ora da nucarcst e da Aleno glunsono notlzlo cho dlcono cho la ult uazlone Interna In BulRarla o" crltlca, cho le popolazlonl si ngltano contro II ro Ferdlnando cd 11 prcsi.Ienlo del Conslgllo In segulto nl Riavlsslnio illsaRlo cconom Ico. Ie donne speclalmcnto lianno fatto dlmostrazlonl In moltl vIlhiRgl ' In par ftchl post! lo truppo sono dovuto lntcr Rfcnlro per sedaro 1 tumultl. V at Mie on Ifi Tlnlirrirln. trnvn. Imnncql. bile ormal proscRUlre la puerra o :ho I'escrclto hulgaro si trovcrebbo In una eltuazlone vor.imcnto crltlca so forso co stretto a far fronto ad una lunga of fenslva Tra lo popnlnzlonl bulRaro sono stato dlstrlbulto clrcolnrl nolle quail si annuncln che la riuMln, la Francla, 1'liiRhlltorra o J'ltalla marceranno presto contro la Bul garia e cho l.i Rumania o la Orcein l unlranno alio potenzo dcll'lntcsa alio scopo dl schlacelaro o dl soggloRaro la Ilulgnrla. I tedeschl lianno rlnnovato I'attacco contro Verdun con furiosi nssaltl, dl fnn terla nella rcRlono dl Douaumont, ma senza ottenerno alcun rlsultato tcnglbllo. Scmbra die I'attacco contro Verdun sla falllto del tutto, o do" enrebbo confermato dal fatto cho 11 kronprinz cho comandava le truppe operantl contro la Rrnudo for tezza o' sostltulto dal duca dl Wurtenberg. PLAN TO RAISE $1 00,000 FUND FOR HOSPITAL Civic Associations of North Penn Open Campaign for Grand View SEUiTillSVILLE. Pa.. March 3. Clvlo wsoclations of every town of tho Upper Aorin I'cnn navo merged In a campaign to raise funds for tho enlargement and extension of scopo of tho Grand View Hospital hero Tho Institution will bo made a community affair. Tho campMgn for funds was Inaugu rated at muss-meetings held at Quaher- town, Sellcrsvlllo, Tclfoid, Trumliauers vllla and nichlundtown. A meeting will beheld tonight at Soudcrton. The hospital enlargement fund was started with a gift of Charles X. Cress man and V. Frank Crcssman, of Philadel phia, of S12 000. Tho hospital staff will be comprised of members of tho Stato Medical Society from within a radius of 15 mllea of Sellersv lllc. Subscribers will bo members of tho hospital association who will elect trustees. The Ladles' Auxiliary of Perkaslo Is j heading the subscription fund .Tho Sun- Bmno uirls, of Sollorsville, have endowed a children's room. It Isexpected J100.000 will be raised beforo June. GROUND TO DEATH 11V TRAIN Father of Six Children Killed on , 'Washington Avenue ) Tleubcn Moltzer, father of six children, was ground to death beneath tho wheels cf a train today at the freight station of the Pennsylvania Railroad, lCth street nd Washington avenue. The body was Uken to tho Morgue. ijMeltzer was 35 years old. His wife died two years ago. Mcltzcr was a team ;r for Itosetsky and Sons, furniture dealers of 918 Passyunk avenue. Ho took a load of furniture to tho station this morning, nnd foil on the tracks as a gn was pulling away from the station. feWhen the engineer heard his cries, ho topped the train, but two cars had al ready passed over tho man's body. Meltzer lived at 10H South 5th Btreet. ur of, his children ara girls nnd two ra boys. They are all In homes. I p Aged Farmer Struck by Auto L PENtfLYN, Pa., March 3, Conrad tSS an "Bed farmer, who lives at "(Till WaleS. ImnMrarl rlnutn nnrt An1nHA.l unconscjous by an automobile that did not it th. "5? ?una " ""ch along the road vLVl ..m0" ,arm' JIr- Clemmer Is 83 re 0ld ar tho shock may prove fatal. JODAY'S MAKRIAGE LICENSES JSlfiklHh ,i??.5,lo.n' ??8 Cambria St., and Prosiaiu r ,.i.TVr', rranKrorU avo. and Vf&ttmMSl'.r& 2J!? N. iiancr raoa at., and ancroft st. dJSS feMrn Werba W-ftloyamennlnB ave.. J,i. 8tradii!:,J!;v.MgrrlVllle. Pa., and ii iiuiunan at 3(111) K at., and Sadie E. and Carrie lyw,. iotrsaiivru',',,,lckon' Pa" BnJ De,,a IgWrTu. Ta"',.?,4" Si " ' " (Hoi &?.". IM N. Md at. I- 8,aiih H.Mr.dV,!lu3 Arth aPd EUMd 2&na k ,"..,;.""" . BKH! KK.'&t1 I. ST", a'"1 Ifali V1??"-. rOl" N. Marahill at., and Solaria, fciMpB 3i N 2jm . an aMa077V,y..r3.8. rtiadwtsk at., an BH" S WuDd 'Siji- f HdwUlt at, KSSf J)SC:t"uaW'. ra., and Urdla i A lr..i. . !. iUoi xoit r'u.i.'sy1. " Hi! .. a . jl '"""'"HHlunumpnttwii mi. i. .n in wmrnaf mmm ! if ilk .mill fic'gf .. . zwswmsm WILL LEAD BALL Mrs. Theodore Griofzu will to night, with her husband, lend the nnnunl ball of the Photo En-graver-), of which organiantion Mr. Gricfzu is president. DIAZ FORCES DEFEAT CARRANZA GARRISON Kill 230, Take 322 Prisoners and Seize Many Supplies in Oaxaca NBW YOtlK. March .1. The forces of General Diaz have begun their march on Mexico City. Announcement was mado by tho Diaz Junta hero yesterday that a stiong detachment of his troops under CJcni-rat Hlg-Milo Amtilnr hid advanced In a northwesterly direction from Oaxaca City, and now control SO per cent, of tho line of tho Mdlcnn Southern Hallrond. Tho only omioslllon which thev met was nt Ciudad Culcntlan. After liehtlnir nn hour and a half, tho town, a place of about one thousand Inhabitants, wnB taken bv storm. Tho Carranza carrlson wai put to lllght. The Diaz forces counted 2.10 Carraii7a dead and ISO wounded. They took H22 prisoners nnd raptured 1000 mod ern rlllcs, t machine, guns. 1 field gun nnd 100.000 rounds of ammunition for machlnn guns nnd rlllcs. Tho announcement snld that n dispatch from Clenorul Diaz was received here yes terday afternoon which contained that news. After leaving the City of Oaxnca tho ninz foiccs, under Gonrnl Agullar, met with nn enthusiastic welcome In nil the towns until they reached Cludnd Culcat Inn, where) tho pilnclpal Cnrranza forco In Oaxnca was ganlsoncd. Tho surrender of the place was demanded. Upon the refusal of the Catranzt commander to lay down his arms nn nttnek was ordered. After an hour nnd a hnlf of righting Agullnr i.tormed tho place. Hand-to. hand fighting in the stieets followed. Tho nnnounccment said that none of the prisoners was put to death. From Ciuded Culcxitlan the Agullar forco continued nlong tho line of the Mex ican Southern Ilnilroad and established temporary headquarters at Aldama. News was received In the Diaz camp that the Cairanza forces which wcro or dered Into the Stato of Oaxaca to begin nn offcnslvo campaign have been turned bark to the city of Puebla, which Is being threatened by Agullar. Puebla Is ono of tho oldest nnd most Important cities In Mexico. It has a population of 95,000 and Is tho third city of lmportimco in tho re public. It was taken by General Scott In 1817. It is 130 miles from Mexico City. Aldnm.i, tho temporary headquarters of Agullar, Is 120 miles southeast of Puebla, "BILL RIDDLE MUST GO," AIM OF NEW ATLANTIC CITY CLUB Nonpartisan Committeo Forms to Fight "Open-Town" Mayor ATLANTIC CITY, March 3. Mayor "Hill" Kiddle's political stock took a droo today with tho permanent organization of tho Citizens' Association, a non-partisan combination of forces, with "Itlddle must go" for Its slogan, and a decision on tho part of a largo faction of tho Christian "Workers' Lenguo to get on tho firing line against tho Mayor. S. II. Morris, chairman of tho Progres sive County Committee, has been made prcMdont of tho lighting citizens, who stand ready to .sanction almost any nolltl- cal slat0 within reason that will insure ine retirement oi me uayor 10 private life Vlco presidents Include regular and Independent Republicans nnd Progressives. Walter T. Iteed, who has charge of tho campaign funds, Is a Democrat. Recruiting for tho autt-Rlddlo clean-up Is progressing briskly. Already more than 200 tnxpajors have been enrolled. It Is expected at least G00 substantial citizens will bo fighting the Mayor openly. Tho Rev. John MncMlllan told the Chris tian Woikers" I.eaguo, a StougU .campaign product, that It must work nlong practical lines to gLt results. "I'll work for any good movement with earnest men. even If some of them are half cranks," he said. MURDERER CHEWS TOBACCO MARCHING TO ELECTRIC CHAIR Slayer of Wifo Protests Innocence at Sing Sing OSSI.N'IN'G. N. Y., March' 3. Walter Watson was put to death In Sing Sing Prison today for tlio murder of his wife. In Brooklyn! two cars ago. While ho was being strapped In the electric chair Watson suddenly leaned over and spat fron his mouth a large cud of tobacco that he had been chewing. Watson entered the death chamber at 5:61 o'clock alternately murmuring pray ers and protestations of Innocence, Klght minutes later he was pronounced dead. Queen Victoria's "Nightie" For Sale LONDON. Mfirch 3, Among tho articles received for sale at the benefit auction for the Red Cross, nt Christie's, Is n night gown that was worn by Queen Victoria. FILM ADVERTISING An Important feature of our unique servlco la the Scenario De barment, maintained bolely for the benefit of our customers. Experi enced dramatic writers are em ployed to furnish advertisers with any character of scenario or plot desired. These will be especially written without charge and sub mitted for approval, and will entail no obligation whatever, If ac cepted, the complete picture will be produced by an experienced profes sional cast, just as carefully and artistically ay any standard feature picture production, and an oppor tunity will bo given for a scieen examination, under a written agree ment that it need not be accepted unless entirely satisfactory. Thin I only one of our many itrvlcea at the dUpoial of the rWENTIKTII OKNTUUV MEK C1I.VNT. DALY & COGILL Specialists. U'tf. 13th St, Phila, Pa. EYENIKG LEBaiSBPHlLABELPHIA, FltlDAY MARCH I JOBS AWAIT HIREE WHARTON SCHOOL MEN IN NEW YORK BANK Great Institution Offers Posi tions to Students of Finnnce, With Promise of Start in Career ) WILL BE SENT ABROAD Three sophomores In tlio Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, will have Jobs handed to them on a platter In tho coming summer by the National City llank of Now yorl;. the l.irgest bank ing Institution In the world. So will three sophomorcR from each of hIc other univer sities' finance schools and all for no other reason thnn that they are sophomores In snld universities and are studying finance. In tho way of "working one's way through college" nothing quite so Inter esting has ever been thiown before the path of a college student before; nnd not only tlo tlio lucky three gt $,"0 n month .ill summer nnd tho folluwlng Biimmr (if they make good) but alio they will ! -pt up for life ns hankers upon graduation, with salaries hither than many, rn!lcg Initructnrs get They will lis tent ubrnad by the New York bank to woilt In vailnui fnrilen brnnrhiH, starling with salaries of $1200 a year, Tho only troublo with tho plan Is that all the rophomotoi won't get tho Jobs. Tho plan was broached at n dinner which the bank officers gave recently to Instructors In finance nt Pennsylvania, Yale, Harvard, Princeton. Cornell, Co lumbia nnd New York t'nlvcifltv. As a result of the exposition of the plnn and Its hearty ncceptnnco by the Instructors, Doctor Conway will meet the Wharton School sophomores on March 15 nnd find out which of them nio most cnthuslnstlc about banking. At Banter ho will choose W of them and send them to New York, nnd (he bank will choose tho threo from tho 20. They will start work on .tiino 15 nnd continue tuitll October 1 at ?.".0 n monlh Then they will resume collego work, Inking up ccitnln special courses of study preset Ibcd by tlio bank. At tho end of junior year they -will again tnke up work In the bank under the same terms, nnd on graduation, which In these ensca will take placo In February instead of June, they will ngnln work In the bank, this llmo until Juno. Then they will bo sent abroad for tho foreign branch work nt $100 a month, and 5100 a month abroad Is worth a good deal more than $100 a month In America perhaps Uvlce as much. Meanwhile those of their classmates who tako up teaching at homo will bo plodding nlong at $800 a year or so. An Intel estlng development that 's !ooked for Is Just how the University authorities will look upon the preset lbing of courses fo, students by tho National City Bank, of New York, rattier than by tho dean of the Whnrton School. Hut tho students themselves nre not worrying, and 'hose who want to try for tho Jobs said today they would be willing to take the courses specified by the bank as extra work; tney also showed no fear that the University was belns "commercialized" by outside in fluences. "Collego men," remarked ono sopho more, "nro not turning down the chance of getting $1200 a year on graduation nowadays." WHOOP! BOISTEROUS COWBOY BREAKS UP PEACE MEETING Rebecca Edclson, of Hunger "Strike Fame, Surprised by Westerner The peacofulness of an anarchist peace meeting at 410 Wood street was uncere moniously Interrupted Inst night when Rebecca Kdelson, who Is nn Anarchist and proud of it, was verbally squelched by Oscar J. Buckalew, of tho Wild and Woolly West. Rebecca had things pretty much her own way throughout tho evening and had a most enjoyable time nttacklng the Kaiser, Rockefeller, Morgan, the Czar, Wilson nnd a few more of tho minor celebrities, and Theodore Roosevelt In particular. Hut tho peaco of tho peace meeting came to a sudden end when the privilege of nsklng questions was granted to mo auuicnce. Now. Buckalew Is n cowboy and has just had enough of city ntmosphero to mako him desirous of asserting his Inde pendence. Ho wasn't satisfied with the answers which ho received to his ques tions nnd then proceeded to lecture on his own accord. Whoop-eo! He's off: "I been In Mexico during three revolu tions." ho said, when he had Jumped to his feet, "and I want to tell you that I'm for fight any tlmo wo get rendy to hand It out. This talk of pcace-at-any-price makes mo sick. I' think that tno whole crew of you are a lot of wlshky washy hyphenates nnd anybody who can talk llko this " nnd he continued with some rough-and-readv stuff that mado tho aUdlenco Bcramblo for the doors. Tho hall was soon empty except for Cowboy Buckley, who continued to lecturo to himself for a while. Railroad Trainmen Hold Ball Pennsylvania Lodge, No. 511, Brother hood of Railroad Trainmen, held Its nn nual banquet, entertainment and dance In Kagles" Temple, Broad nnd Spring Oar den streets, last night, with about 000 persons In attendance. Following the banquet came an entertainment in which members of the brotherhood participated. G. W, Dale was chairman of tho com mittee which arranged the affair. Tho various divisions of the committee weie headed by S R. Krauss, J. B. Bloom, W. S. Glthlns, W. B. Vernon, W. C. Wnrfel, I. W. Nichols, K. D. Kitchen, S. B. David son and C. B. O'Neal. FRESH AIR i vented November Dtb. 1UK- WITHOUT DRAFT Tbrouuli the Ecr.em Adjustable PresseJ ileel Window VentUatof Sanitary Stormproet WILL NOT BUST. Hard baltrd cnanirl ilntah WILL FIT ANY SIZE WINDOW For IloniUt OHlcra, Apartmenta. etc. For eale by department and flrst- claxa hardwarn atorea, or 3ohem Manufacturing Co,, Phlla 1 WSBv I The Breath XXf&iI 0f Lifc i ''INlfiiaHSjr Jp - W. YOKKK STEVENSON JULIET OF 13 TO WED R0ME0 OF 28 HERE Romance of "Little Italy" Leads to Marriage Scheduled for Next Tuesday A man. with a naming toich over his should-r, night nftcr night has lighted the f.troct lamp In front nf tho homo of .Torcph DcOlncome. .1.180 Agnto .stlcct. N'lght after night, l.1-car-old Maria De Oincomo would press her nose against tlio window p.uio ami peer out Into tho twi light to watch for tlio approach of tlio lamplighter. It fa-ciliated Jier, somehow, to watcli the man as ho turned on the gas and Ignited It with the torch. She won dered w ho ho wni After a while she found out. tlo wns James Hgnnzpo, of S221 Almond street and he wns Just tilce as old an she Thcv got acquainted nnd that particular lamp post became n signal to him to turn from his route for a moment to murmur a few word.i Into tho Hilling oar .ir the girl. Sometimes, looking vp into the window, he would softly sing tlio words of n lovo song, as they do n "Sunny Itnly." James Kgnazeo won't light that lamp next Tuesday. Ho has nil appointment to lie 111 the Mater Dolorosa Italian Catholic Church, Paul and Rowan streets. Ho who Is lib cnrs old. and Maria, 13 years old, will ba man led there. Neither one nf them thinks that tho bride Is too joung. Neither docs MnrlaW father, for ho appealed at the marrl.tgo license bureau and told the clerk theio that ho gavo his permission. In fact, over in Italy, ho paid, It Is not unusual for a girl of 13 to marry. "They love each other," ho said, "so why shouldn't they marry nnd bo happy?" PHONE USERS WARNED Main Lino Subscribers Asked to Give Exchange in Calling Tho great dlfterenco between Ardmoio 2731 and Bryn Mawr,2731 maybe It's miles and miles has caused an S. O. S. to bo sent out by the Bell Telephone Com pany to Its subscribers along the Main Une. It Is In the form of a request to users of telephones to bo suie to glvo the namo of tho exchange as well us tho number desired. The request grow out of tho habit of giving only tho number,. If that number happened to bo on tho same ex change wire. This led to many errors and explanations. A subscriber on tho Ardmoro exchange, for example, steeped In his habit, might ask for "2731," when ho wanted Bryn Mnwr 2731 or any other 2731, except Ardmoro 2731; which ho'd get. House Wrecked When Boiler Explodes WILMINGTON. Del.. March 3. With a terrible report which btartlcd tho whole neighborhood, a stcumhe.it boiler In tho basement of Albert Serceant's dwellintr nt 817 Poplar strpet, exploded and wrecllcd i tno entire lower portion or the house thH morning. Kour persons wero In the house, but all escaped Injury. The boiler was blown to bits nnd stoamrlpes were forced up through the lloor. The cause of the explosion is unknown. i I IHilUIIINIillll NIIIIIIIIIIUIUIIMIIMIinilllllllllllllllMIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIllil ll Py n miilJiillilliili ;'';:itM '..& Illriiliitflin D illilulllNiiiiiniiiiiiiHiniiinii.iiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiitiitiiiitMiiiiiiNiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir WHEN a man says he feelsKike a two year old," he means he's as full of joy an' sunohine as that two year old called VELVET. Ift , for the music-loving borne that demands the best at a price consistent with the quality, Made by the old-established house of Blasius, which has built its enviable reputation on a meri torious product. Writ for Spfcial Player Proposition Varerooa, 40 bo. Ibth W.Y0RKE STEVENSON SAILS TO HELP FRENCH Clubman, Sportsman and Au thor of This City Will Join American Ambulance Hospital KNOWS COUNTRY WELL W Voiko Ptcvciiso.' club'iian. sports man end nut'nr. left t'ldav for New York, where he will sail nit thr liner Itocham beau of t'i" I-'ionrlt Mne. tomorrow, for the batt'eflelds of Not them t-'innce Mr Ktovcr.to'i lvv enlisted for four tnonthi In the American Ambulance Hon- i pltnl sen Ice nn an nut imobllo ntiibulancc drlter lie will join the largo colony of Phlladelphlans nt the American Ambti Innce Hospital, bended by Hr. James Hutchlnion. of this city. Ho will be sta tioned at N'ettllly. l-'amllinilty Willi the country over which lm will dtlve bis Foul nmbulance will make Mr. Stevenson a vnluablo asset tO tho HerVtrn. hlu fltntwla t,tn,1ll tin. fore the war he took a canoe trip with airs Stevenson uiwn the River Mouse, where the hrny lighting Is now going on. stopping at l.lego. Namur. Ch.irlevllle and other towns, many of which were de stroyed by the CJermntrJ He nnd Mrs Htecnsnn nli made a .too-inlle trip down the ltlvcr Garonne, fiom Andorra to Itor deauv. In a U'-foot folding canoe. One of the most versatile sportsmen In the city. Mr. Stevenson. Is a member of the Racquet. Philadelphia Country and Philadelphia Skating Cluhc. and the Tjoltn PsI Krntcrnlty Ho Is al a governor ot the Phllndnlphla ami Club lie was edu cated ot the I)e I.anecy School und thu Vulvrislty of Penusylxnnl.i, running on the. class of '09 track team. Mr. Steven- son has won more than 1U0 ttophles In snooting, innmrimai racing, squash, rac quets, pool and track sports. Including the "(irnnd Prix," at Dstciid. Belgium in 1902, when he competed In a field of more thnn 100 marksmen from all parts of the world. He has shot In London, Paris, Namur. and cities In this country. Is a niembjr of tho squash racquet tennis of the Racquet and Philadelphia Countrv Clubs, and has represented Philadelphia In Intercity matches. "Jos of Sport" Is tho title of a book by Mr. Steenson, who contributes sporting ai tides to magazines and Is also a writer on finance. Ills mother, Mrs. Cornelius SteAcnson, Is president of tlio Cilc nnd Century Clubs and an olllccr In liianv other lending women's clubs Mr. Stcen- son's wife, who Is the daughter of Sam uel Price Wcthcilll, was liefmo their mnr ilage In 1900, Mrs, Christine- Wctherill Rice. I--I-,' 'K5S5SK3 WlJSi35!ve? ratssssgasssaga $550 STEIN WAY Good condition. Easy terms. lF77fc tobacco "w&lr Factory, Woodbury, U, J, SPECIAL TO-DAY I If unnmihhmj V" PianoCa- 7 n & Chestnut Sis 3, 1916. DISCONTINUING Philadelphia Store 15th & Chestnut We much regret that the constantly Increasing cott of doing InisincBr, high cornar rentals and overhead expencea force u lo plve Up thia alorc one of tile main links in the ficorfics chain. Profits are impossible utiles the Georges standard of value is lowered or I'lau iiiui ta-i;ti onu (nia OPEN ionlfht till 9 Saturday till 10 P. M. The man or young man who rec ognizes the fad that this entire stock must be sacrificed regard less of cost or loss will seize this opportunity TO ELY AN OVER COAT WHETHER FOR THIS SEASON OR NEXT. Wc are placed in a peculiarly unfortunate situation. In spite of the steady increasing cost of materials and scarcity of dye stuffs WE ARE FORCED TO SELL OUT Our Entire Stock. To duplicate any Coat in this vast assortment NEXT SEASON you will have to pay $5 to $10 more than our original prices ffl&r Ifl if I ' Positively Nothing Reserved Even the famous ,Treble (x x x) Carr Meltons and the finest silk and satin lined coats in the newest materials both plain and fancies both single anddouble breasted models go in the final closing out sale. ALL SUITS If Wore 715 and $16.50, Now Were $18 and $20. Now $1 $12 All the latest one, two and three-button sack models. Sizes to fit men and young men of all proportions. Georaea Guarantee of Satisfaction Goes With Every Purchase. FUR COATS 110,00 M u n km t lined rout re. SOO Cfl ilucnl to utu 130.00 Jlarmot llneit now ,. utiuu And so nn up to the flnest S100 coou, eq en now ,., JStJKM Some exceptional bargains " In. Auto coats Fur outside. Also New York (2) Boston (PHILADELPHIA we reiuio 10 uoi ALL -- $18, $16.50, $15, $12.S0 Grades, Now $28, $25, $22.50, $20 Grades, Now $40, $35, $32.50, $30 Grades, Now hiced as follows: Wero f22.S0 and $25. l A Now l4 Were $2f. and $30. Now $16 TROUSERS 32.50 grudt 1 en Now i.OU v0e.r.a.u". '2.00 SS.30 craUea SQ fSfl Sow ,, ,, AidU $1.00 sradea Q f( Xuw ( OiUU AH higher priced trous ers reduced proportionately. Chestnut Providence Buffalo i