Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, March 03, 1916, Night Extra, Image 18
EVENIKO LEDGER-PHTLADELEHIA, FRIDAY, MAROH 3, lOtB. CLASSFIED t ADVERTISING RATES r EVENING LEDGER f'Thlw fiTtr.tt TirE (or like thin) n MnM . . . . I (fe per Iln hrm times on week 12He pr line Ix times on wwk loo tier line ,Bltttatf4n W'ahtcd, Hires limes one Mk, 10 wntr per acute lln p-r Insertion. PJacfl your order for three or moro times and it will be in fcortcd in the daily Public Lodger at no additional cost. One "or two Um rate for Kihm Losing end rrsuo I-msust combined is 19 cents tr sent line, with tho nxceptlen or lirlp Wanted and Situations WnnlM. which la ID cents per tin. ' for TYPE LIKE THIS (or, like this) which Is permitted In all classifications ex. eept Help and Situations Wanted. ! ami Found. leronals. Boarding ami Rooms, add FIVH CENTS PER AGATE LINE TO ANV OF ABOVB RATES, Thcro Is n tlruK store near your homo that will accept Ledger want ads at oflicc rates. THE) EVENING LEDGER MAINTAINS A atrlct censorship nf nil advprtlalnK to Ita col timna. Recnuso of this ic-ng-slnndln? policy, th public has learned to plat" tho Mini confidence In Its advertising us the nrivi This Is particularly true or the Wont Ad The Ledger Intends to safegunrd tli Irtlcrrsts of Its readers so they can respond to tax number advertisers with a feeling of fullest security. If at any lime you have evidence that a business proposition, offer of employment, etc . mads through tho I,dRor. Is not Irgltl mate, or la of a doubtful character, call It to our attention at wc. A thorough nnd Immediate Investigation will Ik made Picas help the Evening Ledger In lln efforts to help von. LOST AND TOUND JBr Other Lost anil l'anml Ails Sec Piier 1 HOUND Lost, old black nnd tan hound, with . collar. 931 N sth nt Heward Ph Mkt t.inq. WATCH Lost. I.vly'a watch, on ISth, between vino and Sprlnc On rden: picture nf cent on front and buck lln I,. U T on luck of enso; flft of dead mother: rennrd. Mrs. Mayer. ITlt Hnrlnc Garden PERSONALS eniS CLA8SiriCATION Is for such announce, menta im nro of a purely personal rhnracter such as children for adoption, nppeiila for fhoso In distress, for location of lost rela tives, payment and nonpiyment of debts, etc. your needs when listed hnn nro not onfused with aderMsements of a commer cial nature, fleo "ltuslneas Personals" for ' m fmnotant trade announcements WILL not bo responsible for bills unless con tracted by me personalty, Harry W. Paul, 1031 E. Hazxard st. JOSEPH D. SWOyim wishes to nnnouncs that Mr. Illchard II. Hampton Is no lonecr In his employ. HELP WANTED FEMALE Help Won ted Ails Received Tim Ijite for Classification Will bo round on I'mkq 2 ASSISTANT general office work: knowledge of stenography: statn walary. P 310. Led. Off. cloth wi.v.vrns WANTED Apply JOHN i. JAMES DOnSON. INC. Blanket Mills. Scott's Lano. Falls of Schuylkill. COOK, competent, reliable, whlto, Protestant, for small fam. nearby sub. II 005. Led. Off. DBESSMAKEn. wants a waist fitter: one capable of taking cliargo of own table and draping. If necessary, only one accustomed to working In lurce establishment nnd con fident In every way need apply. CUNNINGHAM, lf.03 Walnut. EXAMINERS tllrls over JiTTenrs onjersej"s mid bathing suits. Hygienic Klei-ccrt Undcr- . wear Company, ;tts N Hnuurd aENERAL HOPSKWOItK KHtLsi ALSO COOKS-.fHAMllUllAIAlnS. WAIThCSSHS. ClIILDNUItSES. MOTIIBHS- HELPERS ETC.. AltB IN CONSTANT IIEMANW. Jifjl aiTIOMS AltE OI'EN IN CITY AN1) S1TII UnilS FOR IIOTH WHITE and nWltEll HELP. YOU CAN HEAt'H THESE EM I'LOYERS TimoUOH l.EDOKH WANT A5? WRIXK 1K CALL ON THE HfllJHj: HOLD HEOIHTIIY IIUIIEAU, MISS rtEKIJ CAN HELP YOU TO A COOD POSITION SUITE 2115. WASHINGTON IIUILDINO. 08 CHESTNUT ST ! OENERAL ofrlco clerk, only those who havo wld ofnee experlencu need apply Address, stating ag. salary desired, reference. "(3. P.." I'ostofllcB llox 3500 UIHL. while, general housework, no washing; good wages. Phono Woodland 3091 W. 5103 Walton aye. UIRL. experienced In folding. Inclosing, mall Ing letters; good handwrUer217 S. Jlroad. OIRL wanted for waltlnfiTln private family. Apply 6107 Wayne ave ,Germantom OIIIU white, for general housework. Apply 1611 Preen at. HOSIERY Knitters nnd" toppers wanted on full automatlo machines, both Scott S. Will lama and Standard: steady work1 and pay good as any. Apply Walluce-Wllson Hosiery Co.. Orchard Im-Iow Unity. KrunKford. HOSIERY LOOPEItS, 11 Iso knitters and top pers, wanted on clean white work, sternly and well paid. Ap. 2d fir ElSGWakelleliLUtn. HOSIERY Exp, rib frame hands, bnlttera nnd toppers, loopers. also learners: paid whll4 learning. 1.120 N. 1-avvrence . HOSIERY Experienced stampers vvunted. 1330 N. Lawrence st HOUSEWORK Capablo woman" for Clifton Heights; omall family 8e Mlas Heed, Ituorn 205, 608 Chestnut St. Phone Walnut 3C00. HOUSEWORK (general). 4 lii family, rofer ence. 4622 Klngsesslng ave. HOUSEWORK Middle-aged womun who prof. good home to high wages 6401 Woodl'd ave LADY, young, wanted for outside position; must be well dressed and attractive; nothing to sell! abort hours. UJS4,I,edrContrnL HAIDS. two, white, to do entlro work of small family; no washing. Phone Merlon 406. NURSE or attendant who has had experience In a State hospital or sanitarium for Insti tution work: cay 32 a month and board, room and laundry. Address llox 701. Rys, New York. OPERATORS, wanted an fine ahlrts; can work name. 63S S. Stth at. SHOES Learner, room. 7th floor. over 16 yaara. In packing UN. 12th at. SHOES Experienced help In packing room. Seventh floor. 318 N. 12th st. SHOES Experienced tip fixers. 7th floor, lis N. 13th at. TSLEPHOJfB OP ORATORS WAJJTED Blight young women batween IT nd 33 years old. to taxa up telephone operating; no experience seoeaaary; aalary paid while learning; .Pleaaant work: permanent position. Apply In person. Bell Telephone Co., 409 Market at., between i:30 a. m. and 6 p. m. PETEY Anyway, It If txjNtoo V afST aic worr, v A'x? f s'PntP vrt MvPv-eA.-, 1 Tkiwit. That costume t ' V S .TPtx-rs h0t -Luuti-ti I !&&&& MftKtT A .Z? V is IHAJ KIV4D T& J I PAR IMG. 'f Op COlK?SK I BOUT VTt 4,ta . a PRtTSS -RALl -OjttT S VSlele jmA r 3 - VW::L' l"HOCOS POCUS- COSTUMCliAti- fi 1 " SPKI S W-fV!lpMW!SSWd' iauffTnhfill1iiril'XMaraia 'lBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaEa aLflaEaaBBBBBBBaalBaBBBBBBfiaaBBBBBaBaBBBBBBBBaBB K - JTil-felnifTInHBlliBiil?niallBMafipBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBBBBBSaBBBBBBBBBBBBr 3saBBaBeSlBBBBBBBBBBlaBBBBBHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBHBSaBaBnHBaTV4 eRjM1ytw8aiSajBafeiBBaiaBajaaaM aBBBHHHaaa B8g3nBllBBBBBE3BlBBB13B-aQB6SlakEr aHWlWyluaHJlKlM ilBlses.H..HHaaaEaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaH ahaMBElaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBaaaaaaaalaa W-jSaaaaaaaaaalBaaBaaaaaaaaWaaaaaBBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaM 11 HHaBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBaVaBaBaaBBBBBBasBBBaBaQaaBsaaaBaa wGssssBOlssisslsssssssslssssslssssssssslssssBssslsllsasssssssssHB 8swMwssisJvvxasWB3s W HBH)BHBilsssssinissssWiislsssssisssBBslBaaf v3BissBs.lBBBBBBlBBc9iBtscllIln(.IBaVHV HEJVPWANXED FEMAIE Oonltnunt from. brrcMlna rolnwrn BTBNOOR ATM RR Wanted. young woman stenographer, mast Im V' arammaflan. o,ulek, neat, permanent rswlllon; nlve refer ences, salary, etc , In application! Protest ant I- MI Ledger central WaTtTTeSs"" thoroughly "experi Protestant: English preferred. family. wage J; M lf0 I.c.1 nerleneed. white, . small pnvnio WANTKD Experienced" bookkocperTstnto P"i rorerence ami salary expeciTi. vvunams ,towrioliisscn , willlamstown, N. .T. WOMAN. young Prnt., gomi appearance, for .v-minir children; Inetl rcf. 13 741LcdCent. Tlil'Mfl LaTY wllh knowledge of fnngusges, general office work and stenography. Ad dress "L. Y ," iPnstofflce Jinx 3500, ATTENTION!'! STENOGRAPH Kits. ROOKKERPF.RS CLEItKH Aro J-nu seekinK n position or do you de sire to better jour position Itleht ailver tlfnsr nnd personal service are tun of the lending factors Iloth can he found at lrflxer Central. A larfre. mimlier of jnurm Indies liato found these of creat lonellt. "Miss Dean" will help ou wrlto an nt trnctlv. iidvertlsement, list your nuallfirn. tlons and alve sou Jier personal nltentlon nnd old. Hundreds ntyotin ladles whrfhsvo had this servlco will testify to the sallsfac. tory results obtained. This H free, to l,eder ndverllsers lloe a Inlk with "Miss IJenn"' at once her ndlco Is free, Ilroad and Chestnut sis. Oenernl nflVnit.VMIJ.VT positions open In women, J72 month. Write Immediately for fre list. 1'rnnklln Inst., ilept. 715 Jl. Hochester, N Y. HELP WANTED MALE iiooKKHRPUIl Ynunie . mm aa assistant, capable, slate aae, stlnry. expeflenco. llox II 307. leder OfU'-o. flOV wanted for . general offlce APBly work: some clerical t 1310 t'ommnnwealth nhl ltv. liuimms HOV WANTHU to learn allk huslnesl, lietween r yearn or llrnthcrs. 101 S. 13th. IIOVH wanted. 1! jears or or. to wortf In wnll pupit factory, apply at once Hecher, Smlth l'.iRe Water and Kinder ave DOW. hrlBlit, 1 to 11. for offlco work. So Mr. SchitTner t.editer ivntrnl HOi'R wanted over 11 years of age. Drown & ll.iirey Company. 10 N. 1'ranjilln. , CHAlIt IltAM"nitS wanted." Apply 214 S. 6th st. cilAUrKKltlt, married man. whito: rerma "nent position: roferencn rcqulreil. M !41, I-ilger Central - C'llllf', white, "two waiters. Apply to t039 Chestnut st atinntl :30p. m. , Clj:itlv,"lnetlllitenl"and cood penman, for Inree morcantllo house, with cood knowledge of liooltliceplng. D 316. Ledger OfnVe. CI.OTH WEAVKflS WANTED Apply JOHN AND JAMES DOUHON, INC.. niankct Mills, Scott's !an, Polls of Schuylkill. DRAl'OHTSMAN wanted on electrical Instru ment, circuit breaker nnd specially work Apply by mall, stating previous experience anil wages ueeireu. uniier-annui company. Ilethlehem. Pa PARMER Married man: tennnt house to llvo ln. I'hoenlxvllle. Pn. II 602. Ledger Oftlce OARDENER wanted for country place: state wages wanted, sire of family and reference. 1) 312. Longer unir IRON MOLDEIIS wuiited: steady work. Wheeler Condenser Enc. Co . Carteret Apply JANITOR Colored man. married, without children, to toko care apartment house; must Ik experlented: rcf. II 609. Ledcor Office JKUIERSIAN vvantcd. first class, reliable man on crnclblia, good finishes P 307. Led. Of LUMBER INSPECTORS Experienced on all grades of hardwood. 48-hour-per-weck schedule. Phjslcal examination necessary. Apply VICTOR TALJCINO JLVCHINE CO. ' Application Offlco, Camden, New Jersey. MACHINISTS wanted nt once: lst-cl.ias lathe, horizontal, boring mill and chucking Intha hands. American Engineering Company, Ara- mingo ave. nnu tumueriand St.. I'hlla. MACHINISTS wanted. Apply crane dept. of Nlles-lJement-Pond Co.. Mifflin and Meadow. MAN AND) WIFE, while, to do entire worl: of small family, no washing. Thono Merlon 401! MAN WANTED, wicker furniture. understands repairing Apply 244 S. 5th st. MATTRESS MAKER, thoroughly experienced, wanted at once for special work Apply E 749. Lodger Central MILL CARPENTER wanted Apply John tl James Dobson, Inc.. Blanket Hills, Scott'a lane, Falls of Schuylkill OFFICE BOY 16. Friday morning wanted In law office, sno Drexel Building. a ... a ,j.,., ,Mi,ru, pi,jU) YUr,. APPIV OC address Nim port; New a Shipbuilding & Dry- DockComiiiny. Ni wport News. Vn. PLANER, boring mill ami floor hands wanted: steady worlt Apply Wheeler Condenser and Engineering Co.. Carteret. N J. SALESMAN An experienced wareroom safest man for first-class house In piano depart ment: no others need apply; most liberal aalaryjvlll boimld.lIi;4LI.edRerCentral. SALESMAN Wanted, an experienced real es tato man, or Arm. to sell proncrtles In West I'Mladelphl. rtl4K, LedEer Ccjntral; SHIPPER Young man, experienced, ono with paper box experience preferred, but not nec- csary P 112. Ledger Offlccj SlIOEK-Experlenced tip lixcra. 7th floor. 315 N 12th st. TINSMITHS, familiar with dairy supply works. Apply A. H. Held Company. 03th and Haverfnrd avo. TWINS, male over 10: must look nllke: "to travel wllh theatrical company; good engage- ment M24U ledger Central. YOUNO MAN. atenogruphloand general dutlea steamship oftlce; mention ago. details, edu cutlon. experience 1) 230. ledger Office. 111 IWTI'IIU .. ..n.A.l .... ...I.. .. . . st ndy YOUNO MAN. Herman parentage preferred: stenographer and typewriter; atato partlcu lara D 311. ledger t)fflt WANTED MOLDF.RS FOR MEDIUM AND HEAVY DRY BAND WORK IN ORAY IRON. NO TROUBLE, APPLY. ADDRESSING BOX 462. I'lTTSBURQlI, PA. WE WANT a missionary aaleamsn of ex. perlenr to aell a auccessful line of goods to retail grocers In Pennsylvania, New York and New England) must be energetlo and u live wire, with beat reference. ' P 325. I-edger Oftlce. Was a Perfectly Natural Mistake, Petey HELP WANTEDMALE Cnntlntnit Irom Precedlvt) Column WANTED First-class drnimhtirnan. on de. alrmlmr ami sketching, men wllh rolling mill experience: preferred. The, American Honing Mill Co , Mlddlctown, O. A Oeneral nUSINCSS HEnVICE COMPANY jam i,a-u title niui.rjiNO rnODfCTIO.V MANAOKII. familiar wllh small, accurate, Interchangeable and dupli cate parts Et.ni'TIUCAI. llNtHNKBll, ex perienced In experimental laboratory. In csndesnt Ismps. aood otienlnjr IWT At COt'.NTANTS. evernl SAI.HSMn.". ofnee furniture adwrtlslna. metal products, etc. KctHKMAN. Interior wlnnrk "If"." KKKPKItS. several. CI.KIIKH. excellent openlnirs for young men. $8 toSJO. m Sl'tlCIAI, A tl T O M n 11 I I, B Instruction clven. day and tilxht, bv expert meihinlrs at Iheoldest nnd nrlxlnal Auto School llcpnlrlne In all Its branches Tim ing, wiring and BO road lessons at a ery will fost .. 911 KoiiTir nttoAD'ST. r. pr.TZ. SITtJATIOJMS WANTED -FEMALE, BOOKKEEPER, stenographer, etp , refined, iomietent desires pos. V SJsLedgeiePX BOOKKEEPER ntid slenngrntiher; B.yrs' exn. dnsprlv n te serrelary V Klfi, Ixlerj ent CHAMtiEllMAin nnd senmstr's. assist chllil'n; young cnl'd gentlewom'n 16 It njI, I1 oil CLERICAL or tv ping Young lady dependable . ncpiirnte. desires posltlnn. 1 34 7, Led.t ent COOK first class, Oerinnti Protestant, wishes posltlnm references 203 N WBrnock st. 1-00K Plfst-class rcferenie; city or country 'l,Jd'r Branch, 3121 locust st. tHUL colored, wishes 1 leaning or cooking by the rtnv 10.10 f'nthnrlne UOVHRNKSH (North (lermnn) and experienced Protestnnt nurse would like positions prefer- nbl.v together. 3217 Mndlson square. PMIn IinuSEKKEPEit "(working)," capable, settled' Eng. Pr.it , adult family 11 431, I.od OJf. florSPKEKPEIt. comtnnlon. vvlth cultured family. EnRllahProtestunt. II 430. Led off Hnl'SEKEEPER Ilellned. 'mlddle-aireirprol nbll.. lion., widower's home. 12H Fitzgerald. HorsEWnjuC Colored womin n IsV. s lln s vvork. vvash .Iron or clean Ph Dick 197IM. IIOPSEWORK flood cook, cnpnble. exp'd vvnmHn small fam . rrf. II B04 l-d iiff LADY, elderlv. vvlshlnir a gmid home In pref erence to large wages, to assist mother with rnrlpff for 3 children no washing Address tlox17jLMnlycrn, Pn . LADY, oung, of culture and broad education, wishes position as social secretary or visit ing governesB Plume llelmnnt "IBS W or write M 163. Inlgcr Central SirvrilER'S HELPER by the dav. experienced; i good needlewoman. II 501. ledger Offhe. NURSE!" practical hospital expftrKnce. flrst--mcItss city reference. Phone Woodland 4097Ri NITRSE. trained hospital -xp , desires pus , nny sickness orlnvalld I 22I,I,cd rifflce SAI.ESLADY."Tenned. reliable, exp. In Jevv elry, desires position. V 444, I.edger Cent, SECRETARY-Stenographer. expert, has several hours to spare da!l, work at home If pre f erred 1 010. ledger Central STENOGRAPHER, exceptional ability" com bined wllh Initiative, capable nf doing sec retarial work. E 715, Ledger Central STENDORAPHER, thoroughly exp , comp., de. slrf s temporary work F f.50, Ledger Cent. STENOGRAPHER? experienced, high school graduate, neat, jvecurate E 74. I.ed Cent. StevooHAPHEII. ripld, nccurnte. over three years' experience, r 5 IS, Ledger Central TEACHER, experienced, desires engagements; English a specialty. E 713. Ledger Central. TELEPHONE OPEIlATOIt clerk. 4 yrs ' exp : reliable: competent. E 781. Ledger Ccntr.il. TYPIST, general clerk: 3 years' experience: capable, best refs. I 540. ledger Central. WHERE can I get In touch with a first-class ' stenographer, book"cper or clerk This question has been asked hv business men quite frequently through the Commer cial D-partment at Ledger Central Is the answer "Miss Dean" Is able to render you valuable assistance In locating Just the right kind nf help, without publicity undue nn noynncp, wastn of time nnd energy. Tell her Jour requirements ni ome she has listed the qualifications of young ladles seeking positions. ThH sorvlie will tieneflt sou per son!ill It Is freo to LEDOEIt advertisers Telephone Walnut or Main 2000, ".Miss Dean." at once. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE ACCOUNTANT cost ntid thorough bookkeeper; 16 ye.irs iMtprrltntc. I' open for connection, temporary or perm. 1' 449, Ledger Central, ACCOUNTANT will" audit or keep jour books durlng spare time E 662, Ledger. Central. BOOKKEEPER (assistant) Young man of'nb- solute honesty and reliability; best of refer- nccs. r 258.I.cdger Central. BOOKKEEPER Offlco" manager. first""class7 7 yrs.' oxp : grad. U. of p Acts & Tin.: Al ref. . desires change t V 513, Ledger Central. BOOKKEEPER, experienced doublo entry, de- slresjuDS : mod. sularv D SM, Ledpi'f BOOKKEEPING Small sets nnd temporary work speclaUy F 65J. LedgerCentral CHAUFFEUR, mechanli , 27 10" years' ci perleni e, American and foreign cars speaks French German and English, wants chango Aprll E7 1S Ledger (Vn trill. ' CJIAl'TFEUR and ull-around man, 12 years' I'xperienio. vvlshen position, private; flrst- class references P JL .l,cdger Jentraj. CIIAUri'EUR Thoroughly rtl., nged so.mnr.. prue. C yrs shop rond exp., des situation. Phono Dlcklnhon 3o0j w, Chnuffeur CHAUFFEUR, single. 'h yenrs'" first-class ref erenco with privato families: will go any- where. F c 40. Ledger Central CHAUFFEUR and coachman, mirrleil. no ihlidren. .wife, assist In houso if necessary. II 431. Ledger Olflcn. CHAUrPEUIt. colored, wishes position with prlv. fnm : city or out, not nfr.ifd of work; lrfHtref. .lumes Krunl;leton. 4053 Ludlow st. CLERK. 16 vrs ' oxp.. desires work few hours evi.and Saturday aft. I 314, Ledger Cent. COACHMAN and chauffeur, wllllnu and oblig ing, 10 yrs.' exp., best ref.. wishes position in private family. D 212. ledger Oflice. COOK Exp. Catholic. single mnn: first-class reference. II 507, Ledger Office, DKAUOI.TS.MAN Flrst-iliss man In all branihea of an hltectur.il work desires posi tion. E 755. Ledger Central. J.L1.CTP.ICAI. Young man. 10 v ears' nrae. Ucul oxperient In general wlrinir nnd sell ing: also central station expenenco ami teen nlcal educatlun. desires position vvlth a flrst I'laas llrm: references. E S37. Ledger Cent. EXECUTIVES Active young man. 20, excellent education, character, appearance, married, no gambler, making first lonncctlon. business, me chanical and electric ability; capable Intro ducing nrtlclo qub kly, cheaply, concisely; prefers R R or Nav. Co connection; con slUer um thing If permanent, no real cat. Ins. ii,ii,.lni, K 7r,7. fj,lcf.,r f'entml. CIVIVCIAI. MAV of fxernttvfi nhltltv Hewlron liosltton nf trust as manager or private sec retary for gentleman of extensive business Interests; hus hud wide experience In tho banking business and in the promotion, financing and operation of large enterprises In the United States, Canada and England; only permanent position considered; oppor tunity a factor; salary 6000 to start. D SOU , Ledger Office. OAitDENElL married, wishes private placet thoroughly understands greenhousea and out aide work; lifetime experience; Al reference. 834 N. 19th at. GARDENER. Scotch, married, wlahea poattlon on prlvnte place. 19 years' experience In all branches, E 448, LedgeCentral; MAN AND WIFE, butler and cook; first claaa Main Line reference, II 606. Ledger Oftlce. PRIVATE SECRETARY Married man: 14 jears' experience us secretary, atenographer and general offlco work, dealres to change position: highest refa. F 653, Ledger Cent. SALESMAN .12 yra.' exper.. age 29, wide awake, capable, excel, record, connected de Blrea making im. change. F 652, Led. Cent. STEEL SALESMAN Open for connection. ' S years' road exp. In carbon and alloy ateela, toclmical graduate. F C49. ledger Central. YOUNO MAN, 25 yeara. clean cut, active and willing, wishes position aa aalesman or clerk, 9 years' experience. E 747, Ledger Central. vxJISSWyifsWWRsraWSwW, 7 Ability Have you ever' tested your ability ever given 1 it a fair trial? Every . one is possessed of dbmo ability. The way to test ! it is to enter the line of ; work you are especially - qualified lor. insert a Want ad in the Ledger; state your qualifications definitely and clearly; you will secure a position wherein the full strength of your ability will be displayed. Begin today with a classified ad. Phone, write or call LEDGER OFFICE Walnut, or Main 3000. vi.SSSffW''? vs " ' "w , SITUATIONS WANTED MALE ronlbitKiI from lrtcrlhia Column VALET, "nttendsnt: renned"youngrh'ini-ret. . e rences M 4. Ledger Central. TOUNri MAN, 22 desires position with future; trood business experience, excellent education. I' 410, Ledger Central YOt'NO MAN, 22. wishes position, with chnnce of becoming traveling aileaman. wholesale houte preferred D 314. ledger Office. MR. 1U-S1NESS MAN I nm desirous of living In tho EoBt. but am now emploed In tho Middle West, as assist ant superintendent nf one of the factories of a large corporation. Experienced In mahnclng factory nnd office detail, familiar with raw material supply, huvlng, shipping, cost estimating, etc I am not looking for a Bnap but expect hard work ntid responsi bility with n f ommensuritto salnry ns abil ity and efficiency ore demonstrated Al references on request E 730, ledger Cen tral. , AN UNUSUAL RECORD In sis work In New York city, both personal nnd by correspon dence, together wllh marked executlv'o abil ity, fits mc for a place in tho selling end of a cood organization Hnvo the punch nnd personality, as evidenced by the fact that I rose from stenographer to nssistnnt sales manager In one ear. Younr, ambitious nnd open for place where efforts will count for most F 554. Ledger Ontrnl. FIFTEEN YEARS nf business experience. In cluding seven vonrs of scientific mnnngement nnd efllclencv development, preceded by eight jears of sales direction, both personal nnj by 1 firrespondenco with luigest mnll order houses in inuntry covering thoroughly prep aration to execute sour demands. 1' 457. I.cdger Central. "WORK' WORK! WHO HAS SOME WORK?" 1 Young man. 2".. desires position of any kind. W. llnus.jelman, Berlin, N. J EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES NEW WEST PENN EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. 432 W. Penn st.. Oermantown. wants experi enced whit ami colored cooks, chamber maids, wnltress,.s mid several housework girls; good wngis: ref. req. Phono Germ. 4:'.0. Co:npt.help supplied at short notice. WANTED MRS KANE'S OFFICE, 511 S. 19th First-class waitresses, wages 38. whlto couples, (list class looks, nursery govern esses, chlldnurses. girls for chambnrwork anil waiting housework girls: references, character nnd ability required. Spruce 3401. NICHOLI.S. 1920 BAINBRIDOE ST COM PETENT HELP. ALL NATIONALITIES. PHONE LOCUST 2130 MISS MARY T. MCCARTHY. 2107 Christian (Loc, I'll).!). Ruppllcs &. wants let-class Prot.. Cnth. male and female help, all nationalities. MRS. MIN.LAFF. HMO Chrlstlnn st.. Dick. r,l.ri Help of all cnpic. wanted and supplied. Fch.-Gcr. nurs., Gcr. and Italian butler. AUTOMOBILES For Sale USED CARS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE TOR NEW "WHITE" CARS PACKARD, 4 cjl. Limousine and Tour- lng hoiiy. .... . FIERCE-ARROW, 51300 6 cyl. Demi Llmou sine STEVENS DURYEA. C cyl. 900 600 800 500 500 350 110) 1000 Limousine J'.i;iwVJ(l- J-1011 van jjuuy. OVERLAND. Delivery VIM. with Panel Body, used 3 months, KBIT, Delivery. MACK. 5-ton Dump Body FEDERAL. 2-ton Stake Body THE WHITE COMPANY 216 NORTH BROAD STREET SEE MR. L. O'NEAL A FEW USED CARS Of Exceptional Worth for Quick Sale at Reasonable Figures, 1911 NATIONAL Roadster. 1916 OAKLAND. 7 passenger. 6-49. 1914 HARMON, 6 passenger, 4-32. 1911 OAKLAND. 6 passenger. 6-60. Electrically equipped. Al condition, you would bo proud to own. Cars HAWLEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY 632 North Broad Street Philadelphia. CAD1LI.AC, 1913, touring car, overhauled nnd repileied. full equipment, prlco $750. AUTO SA1.ES CORPORATION. 142 N Broad at. CADILLAC. 1912, ele'ctrlc llghta and tlart-r: perf.it condition: will demonstrate. 1244 N lOih at. CHALMERS ROADSTER. Model 32 montha. L. II.. Baring 390. used two FRANKLIN CARS ALL MODELS F. L. I'AXSON, 3430 Chestnut at. HUDSON'S Rebuilt and guaranteed, phaetona and rnadstere: electric llghta and atartera, UOMERY-SCHWARTZ, 263 N. Broad at. LIMOUSINUS " Suitable for funeral work or hiring ot any kind at all prices: louring rara at a big eac rlnea as we nee I the apace these ere cccupy. LOCOMOBILE CO OF AMERICA. 2314 Market at. Locust 450. H. A JENK3, Mgr. Exchange Car Dept. PAIOE, 1918, 6-46. flrat-class condition; drlvsn 4000 miles; will aell reasonable. F 49. Ledger central. LARGE, roomy, powernu 5-paaaenser touring car. In excellent condition! new tires, extra new tube and ahoe. full equipment; will ; ci " demonstrate. 1103 lining Bun lane. evenings. 1?VI?PV PART TO BUILD OR" JllVUiIVl HEPAIR A CAB. HCHOBER. 3341-45 MARKET. HCNU FOR FREE BULLETIN OF USED IJAIIB OORSON AUTO EXCHANGE. 238 N BROAD 84X4 TIRES, non-skid tread, almost nw, 1 each. 37x6 tires, very little used. 116. 821 N 13th at ' AUTOMOBILES A CoaKstiM from Prccedlno Cotami For Sale FOR QUICK SALE These cars are In excellent shape and the prices are placed exceedingly low that they may. move quickly W need tho room. While they last BUICK Touring BUICK Touring ;J5 MAXWELL Touring 150 FORD Touring 275 FORD Roadster 20 OVERLAND, starter 475 STUDEHAKER, starter 4S0 1916 STUDEI1AICER 600 R-M-F 278 E-M-F 200 Severs! other fine values. PHILADELPHIA SALES CORPORATION Broad and Catlowhlll sis. AUTOMOBILE CLEARANCE SALE USED CARS AT BAROA1N PRICES 1910 COLE ; demonstrating car. 1914 COLE Cl seven passenger; touring. 1913 CADH.ItAC: touring 1913 CHALMERS Master 6 1912 NATIONAL: touring. 1013 TOUR.MNE: touring 1312 MIlllCKH: touting. U S. MOWERS COMPANY J'Ol.E Distributors ClItANT 246-47 NORTH BROAD STREET PHILADELPHIA Bell Ph'ine Kej stone Phone Wa I n lit 762 limp 4241 Wnnteil STOP. LOOK AND LISTEN! New garage opened, cars bought, sold and exchanged: accessories, new nnd old; cour teous assistants, expert mechanicians. COM I J SEE t'S Phlla Auto Parts Co . 1141 S Brond. Phlty Old Autos WANTED FOR PARTS. PHILA AUTO 7'ARTS CO , 823-20 N. l-.TH ST. Autos Bought VK 834 N 3D Phone Park 958 AUTO LIVEEY AND GAIIAGES ToHI!tE (opii dav and night), "brnnd-new 6-pass touring car. wllh robes, $1.25 hr.: nlsn brand-new 7-pnss limousine, $1.60 hr.; weddings, funenls Pop 1017 W 1715 Olr'd. TO liiHR-31 nnd r. ton truck by hour, day or week. Telephone Tioga S700. AUTO EEPAIBINQ SPEEDOMETER TROUBLES Seo BILLY, nt his new location. 610 NORTH BROAD ST. CYLINDERS BEIIOREO, new pistons and rlnRs furnished, weldings nnd brazing. H. B. Underwood & Co.. 1025 Hamilton st., Phlla. AUTO SUPPLIES CABIlURETOns. colls, windshields, mag netos, speedometers, mufflers, springs, horns, Prest-O-Tnnk etc. Phlla. Auto Parts Co, 823 N 13th st Park 1418. Tirpq slightly used, all sizes. ll- YOUR OWN PRICES. 823-25 N. 13th Park 1418. -BEARINOS- New Dcparturo Service sta The Rwllllam Co. 1314 Arcn st. Phones walnut ;nu7.iincn aoez. Pll'fd TO BUILD OR REPAIR ANY CAR. v PJHLA. Al' TO PARTS CO.. 823 N 11th st AUTO TIRES PULLMAN TIRES Guaranteed 400 miles Company prices. GRIM'S. 230 N Brood St. ' BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Capable young business man with from 20,000 TO $30,000 to invest, wishes to make con Bection with A-l responsible business house, in some execu tive capneity. No stock promo tion schemes, theoretical prop ositions or factories on papei will bo considered. Must stand rigid investigation and be able to show good commercial rating. Reply giving full information in first letter. Will negotiate with principals only. Address M 724, Ledger Office. SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TOR CAPITAL Moving picture machine for parlor use nnd advertising purposes. Can bo sold for one-third of those on the market. Uses standnrd Alms. Automatic, safe, efficient nnd no lire risk. Can malre 100ei net profits, and sell entire canacitv. VMarmne tested. constuicted. perfected and patented in laboratories of one of our leading universities. M 100. LEDGER CENTRAL. PATENTS ARTHUR E. PAIGE. 714 Walnut at.. I'hlla., mechanical and electrical engi neer: registered patent attorney: established here 30 ears; Inventions developed; patents, trademarks, copyrights secured and liti gated anv where rejected applications prose- c'lueq ; preliminary mivice iree. FOR SALE Brick fartoiv, 4SX130 ft , on lot 83x237 ft . suitable for foundry and machine shop or any manufacturing purpose: also for garage, railroad siding on prooertv. east ern Pennsylvania, cheap. Address 11 ,17. Ledger Office $800.000 SEASHORE PROPERTY, finest on the Jersey coast. 25 iwr n-nt given to the man who has forcu enough to promote suc cessfully part of the tract, has every modern Improvement also hotels and cottages. W. C. R 1472 N 62d St. ' WOULD A OOINO MANUFACTURING FIRM DEALING IN FOOD PRODUCTS INTEREST YOU? INVESTMENT WITH OR WITHOUT SERVICES INVESTIGATE C 13. LEDOEIt OFFICE. HAVE WORKING CAPITAL For business house rated (30.000 up. CARL O SPARItWADT Confidential Financial. Adviser 418-19 Land Title Bldg OENTLEMAN having secret formulas In paint specialties with good established trade wishes to meet party with few thousand dollars to take active part and charge of manfe. and flnanclalnd. D 301,Led.Jilce. PICTURE THEATRE $1260. beautiful, mod" ern. cood business location, crowded nightly exceptional opportunity, Investigation solic ited L 349. Ledger Central. POOLROOM, thoroughly equipped, 4 tables, Including cigar alore and dwelling; good West Philadelphia location. L 361, Ledger . CCllltAl. A RARE OPPORTUNITY for one or two ener. gttlc. cnterprlalnz bualncsa men to take an actlva pari in u i.usiiieaB ravauiinneu 40 yeara, capital required $15,000 For full pqrilculara address C 323. Ledger Offlca. I WANT a gentleman or lady of large flxed Ineorna to back ma nnanclallv in develonlns- a copper-gold -silver jiroperty. This U a splendid ptpijttsct M 7 2H Ledger Office. $6 A MONTI! aecurea Intereat in growing or chard, will 11 producing before paid for, HARRY DAKLINUTON, 1420 Chestnut at. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES CoslWticrfrom TrcctdlMO t.'ommn HOTEL, OCEAN CITY, for sale; near bechl good following. P 226. Ledger Offlco. BUSINESS PEESONALS evening ..Ji'sOTts cumina gBt;n- ftAnprnBB TO OPEN EVENINOS LEllJNER'fl. 10TH k ntnAnn AV.. S.W.rOR FUI.I DIlrinM uua . Cutaways. Tuxedos nnd Sack Sultfl To hire and made to order, NEUBAUER. THE TAILOR, 19 N. th St. Bell Dhnne. -Wnlntlt 261. . riJlLS AND FUR COATS alltred and rebalred; teasnnnhle pHees! wefli manhln cuarinteed. Bend postal or pnoneHei ment SSst W. CHAR J BOOSS. MVI Arch at. Will cnilandglvo estimate. . SUPERFLUOUS hair removed by electrolysis, the only permanent way: eyebrows arrijen. Miss Smith, 402 Keith Theatre Bldg Miss Hnppe, halnlres'r. facial massage, manicur ing rnJVIhTtrcae.vlthIlssmlthi EVENINO CLOTHES TO .HIRE Latest ntvles Popular prices Putts made in our workshop and are ssnitnry. KEEN TAILORINO CO , 60 Nl?lhM' ri'l.L DRESS, "TUX E&ori'ROCK AND CL'T awny Suits to hire: all new, stylMh goods i Urge nssortment SAMUEL COOPER, 1010 Olrnrii ave . Phone Poplar 0342 1iejiiMi'o ,,,uv.,. Bank reference. Appraisement, IP c. IIAItRY W. SMITH. 71 7S ANTOMJlTnl. ET CLAIMS of nnv description collected on pa rentage anywhere. We get vour money ror vnu AltrosM AOENCT 1609 Arch at. DIAMONDS AND JEWELIVi HIOHEST PRICES paid for diamonds. lwjlry nnd piwn tickets for diamonds Apply 2 30 to 4-30 p m... Wm Flick. Room 352, Burrt Bldg, inrner 9lh and Chestnut sis. DOGS, BIRDS AND GOLD FISH BOTOV hull pups, 2 mos ; highly ped : cllg'blo for regla A K. C : reasonable 4283 63d st. GOLDFISH? from 60c. 11 ilozen, nnuarlums, snnlls, tadpoles, etc, Phillips, 428 S 62d dIiessmakinu and millinery A VISITING FITTER A thorough dressmaker who recently arrived from .Now York, one who thoroughly understands the curves to fit each Individual figure, will fit your frocks by appointment. .For further Information call up Miss Oakley, r., . -,--.,ra imeeltT 6649 J. Poplar "POTTER SCHOOL OF DRESSMAKING DAILY AND EVENINO SESSIONS I 11, ItllWllll' . ,. . v.. ...... ,.. the Mcdowell dressmakino school Short, practical, Inexpensive courses. 307peckla Bldg. 11th and MarkctatSj DRESSMAKER from" N Y" wishes engage ments for high-class work. Ph Wnl. 6468. FOR BALE BILLIARD. POOL, combination, second-hand. bought, sold, rented, exchanged: repairing; supplies L-ifo Kcnfcr, American manufne - turer. 129 Olrard ave. -, BILLIARD AND POCKET TABLES Also bowling alleys: easy payments. , nnuN3 yjCKJlALKE-COLLCNDI.K CO. 1002 Arch. BILLIARD, pocket, 2d-hand tables repairing, supplies Clark:lle1ilrlUgJCo2421 N Front, BUREAUS, chlffonlersTilrcssing table brass nnd etnml licds nnd cvcrMhlng clso to fur nish the house from attic to cellar at a 40c saving. FEINSTEIN STORAGE CO.. S. E. cor. 9th nnd Spring Garden sts. Open oven Ings Free delivery CASH REGISTERS, new nnd factory rebuilt. New total adders as low ns $30, on easy monthly payments. Cnll nnd see our 1918 models All registers sold by us fuly guar anteed. Tho National Cash Register Co., 730 Chestnut st. OWEN DAVENPORT BED. finished In oak. covered vvlth green xelonr: also mahogany finished: leather covered davenport; both good pieces of furniture; can be seen any evening between 6 nnd 8, 1202 3. 52d. DESKS, large assortment, nlso household fur niture. Dullng Central Second-hnnd Furnl turo Company. 904-906-14 Callowhlll at. SAFES Fireproof, closing out slightly used.nll sizes & makes: big bargains ia jn. t ounn. fl'rnniviiiTi'n e.n,, TVhtln SK r,fiO sheets! yellow. 25c. E. LEVINSON. 26 South 5th. HEATING MAKIN-KELSEY HEALTH HEAT la better nnd cheaper than steam or hot-water. 'Pure fresh air with normal moisture. MAKIN KELSEY. 6 N. 18th at.. Phlla. INSTRUCTION WISE FOLK learn a foreign language: ac qulro Spanish. French or Italian by quick nnd ensy method. Write Trof, Stano, 3000 Woodland nve MACHINERY AND TOOLS DON'T FANCY YOU HAVE done completo Justice to vour machine bearings. It'a hard In this smnll spnee to more than hint of the values of YOCOM ANTIFRICTION METAL. IRON and BBASS FOUNDRIES. 14.1 North Second. JAMES YOCOM & SON. POWER-PLANT EQUIPMENT Dynamos, motors, boilers, steam and oil en gines, pumps, nlr compressors. FRANK TOOMEY. Inc.. 127 N, 3d at. COMBINATION punches and shears for heavy work, lot power presses, different elzcs; draw ingjircHses, Nuttall. 174S N. rth. GARAGE COMPRESSORS -I to 4 cubic ft. capncltv; "Caldwell" belt driven; air cooled. L. F. Seyferfs Sons. 437 N. 3d st. DYNAMOS, motors and machinery bought, sold nnd rented, armnturea repaired Main 91. Market 3065. Yearsley Co., 224 N. 3d at.- MILI.WRIGHT1NO Planing nnd moving mchy. . shafting erected. CHARLES BOND COMPANY. 620 Arch Bt. FIPE Second hnnd, nil sizes. Phlla. Second- Hand Pipe Supply Co . 1003 N. 7th Bt. Phope. ONE 7 by 10 double-drum skeleton engine. Allen Engineering Co .907 Pennsylvania Bdg. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS $63 CHICKER1NG UPRIGHT PIANO HOWARD VINCENT. 838 N. 0TII. PIANOS AND PLAYERjFIANOS Illl'l'l.'H 1'ITOWN STORES COR. 6TH AND THOMPSON STS. OLD GOLD CASH PAID FOR DIAMONDS, PRECIOUS stonea, gold, silver, platinum, falae teeth. I'hlla. Smelting S. Ref. Co., 128 S. ltlh st. OLD GOLD, silver, platinum, plated ware, old style Jftvvelry, teeth plates bought for caah. Est, lino. J. L Clark, refiner. 807 Hansom. CASH PAID FOR diamonds, old gold, silver, platinum, false teeth Reliable Refining Com pany, cor. 9th nnd Walnut sts. ROOFING AND IRON AWNINGS LEAKY ROOFS coated at small cost and guaranteed 10 years Let us estimate. AMERICAN ROOriNCJ CO.. 1635 Ridge ave. STORAGE McCANN'S STORAGE HOUSE. 1748 N. 11th at ; moving, packing, shipping; auto vans. Both phonea. I.et us eatlmate. FIREPROOF Mothproof, Concrete Warehouse. N. Phlla Storage Co . 2033 W. Lehigh. Tlo, 7250 Planoa and Furniture Bought A Bold. MOVING and storage ; prompt service; loweat ratea; estlmatea free. Phone Tioga 2178. R. M. BROWN. 3854-56 N. 6th. STORAGE Moving by auto vans, packing. uiyyius, tii .hid.., -vss uiago avo. Phone Poplar 60 2J MILLER. NORTH BROAD 8TORAOE CO. JvESTMflJLA. MONARCH STORAilD CO, KUS2 1 HILA. Auto packing and -flilpplne, WEST PHILA. 3870 LANCASTER AVE?. I'liwiu. vi.wvr. i,i,nnin AVE. STORAGE Connufrt row rrcccdlno rel0"in" ..Jjw ' "vAnn-n'ousr. 20TH.ST, ABOVE rilFSTWi-e RACKINCI. MOVING, SHlppHJrl rtugs. Carpets, eleane.1. .!i.LtiN0 IlCJJSj 1060 PhonesKey lilcj'"! FIDELITY. FinnPROOF WABPItn... 5 Ull-1819 MARKET ST?H0UaEJ TENN STOnAgr; ANDvVAN en 2136 MARKET BT. - ATI.A51 RTOnAnd TW ni,Mnr - . 3 ..-- .- ........ ,,M,r,llUI Nil . H VVi,vl,n;.i.,l?,,R;r(.'''nrlnir. carpet ei-Sl!"! '"" '" tor estimate. Market Ti .irfl WANTED A-rtnrtn i-tmvtitnn ". " - 3 heds-bfoken'jewelry.d'iire'.f?' nou-nt. 73ti WBlr.ut. Walnut 7020, KlrRHl bbok Kh3KiRJrkt l.'OII Bos ,'":.-? i"i.in n um xv.1-4-4-.n ' dt nro rsj n-tittmei n Why throw your nM c othes awaj'. Ji ur. V.w ttr.vr-.a-r rin -.... rm WRITE OR TELEPHONE MARKET JIM" An agent wl cs anywhere n.T"'it . UNITED SOCIETY, 616 N' tT $P4 CAST-OFF CLOTHING WANTEDZiJTT prices paid for gentlemen's. Get onl'i? nnd be conv need. Call, write or riheHI i?f nut 3633, Davis. 8, W. coV, 12-. elaetie , u i i , , . ")01V. ' ,-'", '"'"" ' Kheat prices -oi for Indies' and men's clothing. hi .vWt elc ; phone Poplar 3891. Blacker. lAVglffli v.ri.-ui.c doming bought! best prices .-il for men' goods) wrlto or dIiiib. w.H 6866. 8CHULT7,, 227 N. 9lh at ' W' m " " wJal tdATtirrj tiuna ,... .. " prices nnldi hnr mntlrv.n. 9-1 If t'ltlJ Vf frtttt 1- a-1 a. TtTltsmn : .i.j- - -? - n. Itii ' FunNiTURn "oF"-ArL'i? kiSiVf?' n8- Sth nnrl flprtng (UrAfti. lHinraffi r'ltlrr-'I'T'lTIJr') ,.. -ita I ' . " " W Iil1- ofilce furn . stock Mores, will pay IqVSi before sell na. Innn. 212 a. . -iTO"8? I - .- , . ,J. m,,, sr Hi, 1 Jill FURNITURE, pianos, carpets amiaues- J!r orpart houses taught, ?or cSJh To 'nnu how large. J. Bernstein. 1364 RlotsV"'" OLD GOLD Cash paid for old geld. .11V.T h,s;STo.',tsp?I'?.!:ofliw tick's. 1300 Filbert st.. 2d fl. frt. Waj. K1& "-" """ ' "all. IIIIJI 60.000 SECOND-HAND hard brlckTUisM state price, Wm, Stewart. 3600 N. ftcC 7jJ ROOMS FOR RENT BROWN ST.. 1120 Furnished rooms for aiM CTIESTNUT. 1904 ..Very desirable sifaj! .... ....... ,nB.u ,4!, CHESTNUT. 2007 WELIFURNISIIItnf ROOMS. I'ERMANENT OR TRANSIENT?! CHESTNUT. 20iS Attractively furn.. ,ntii or en aultel electric Ughta: hot-water fc.ttj c'"n Dwuiviirj gj in. 18IJIJ AttractiTil slnglo and doublo rooms! excel. locat.i Himifl INB. 1412 Largo-.djitory front; also Braui'S apartment! privato hath. J SPRUCE, 1337 Rooms, slnglo or en aulte: trial ""lo i" " "'nv"i "ivmii iiem; ciPCtrlCltTJJ WALNUT. 4322 Deslrablo furn vacsadM'S gents.; refined sur'gs.! reas. Prea. sill w' 10TIL S.. 306 (opp. Clinton) Large roomil with nrlvnto bnths. Phono Walnut G944. T 13TH, N., 2G39 Widow wishes to rent hana.1 somoly furnished room, with all modern! conveniences, for ono or two, next to tttltf lllllllllllll UI4,, ISTH- N.. inns .WHI fur., wnrm rl fl' - Tl .' ..,.. -11 -k-- 7Cl,--jr" -." tiulil .mi irnici . .m sJmtri. . UUttHling. UliX. iiJI3J,-1 ISTH. M. 20(14 2 hrlrrhf A trt-v . .. -J furn nr ilnfur,. gentleman nret . every conrll aoTii. h lmo wen furnlshM Inrje frontl uoiii. n.-n,-p(iuiie. huiniemeii preierrea. 16TK ST.. N.. 2C23 Ntrelv furnish. xitii'A lentnl. 2u story front room; reflnnrt rrotertJ witi. ihiiiiiv, uvin-rf uiiimunii fcOoi y. 17TH AND BROWN STS Room nnd prlnlJB bath, for gentlemen: nlso other rnomi; till conveniences, reasonable Poplar 4738. .u 10THS." .13 Attractive 2d floor roomsi"rmHp nlng water; private bath. Phone Locust 3011 jl zoTit. iv.. z j 48 Privato ramlly will rtrtl . furnished bed nnd sitting rooms, with HtnA to refined gentlemen; breakfast optional, -S 49TH. S., 219 IAROE FURNISHED 110011:1 PAnl1ntn.il TlnHr- Ttlltt W ..! OOTH. S.. 131 Hnndsomely furnished 2d-flMi euunv ruuiiis; eieciric llglll. lini-waier neat ;j reecricicu neignnornoon . privaie pnone. TWO good rooms, near Broad and locust, talj quiec reuneu nomo; exceuene location M gilO. Ledger Centrnl. Suhurbnn ROOMS- nnd bath: highest reference. Ph.n,1 uermantown 762. BOARDING DIAMOND. 2007 Large front room, alssa single, South, expos . homo cooking; reaa'ble.sj LEHIGH, 1313-18 Attractive room, pernwt. ent or transient; excellent board Tioga ml; SPRUCE. 1224-20 (Brlsmonde) Furn. reemsj BJngle. en suite; private bnths; table board. U4TH. N., :ii:i Fur'lshed or unfnrnlihtl rooms, with boarc. . hone Baring .1181 J' 40TH. N.. .12 Att- ctlvely furnished, lunnf. rooms; excellent lapie; nuone. BOTH. N.. 121 Refined neighborhood near! "L"; room nnd board for two gcntU-toeicJMKI ONE or two gentlemen: superior board; small prlvnto family; fine home; front room: stMH' ritant nil titlihfi i-viirlrtriL (iftnv nil run! lift IT. ft- like. Key. phono West 403'7D. . 4 Ruburbnn. WAYNE AVE.. 4562 (Gcrmantown) Room ana board, convenient to train nnd ironey; pnone. lT.niSAWT rnnms nnwlv t iimfslied. well heat ed' CYeetlen. tulile. ennv In Oermnntown snl Wayno nve. earn: gentlemen looking tot noma comrnrts will prntn ny pnoning uiiw 3U5Z, or ran Z4U vv itittennouss si BOARD WANTED Atlnntlo City. N. .1. GENTLEMAN, wife, elderly lady and corepaa-J Ion wnnt board for tha summer, with a iw xate family nnd where there are. no otlur, a . rsifi .. M, AM TinHnoiilivanla fV. uaaruera; i.ncineua ur u i rinmiimii'- ! States avenuo In Atlantic City proper! wftm Da near in ucacni reicremrtra. a.i'i "';- Ledger Oftlce, APARTMENT HOTELS HPUUOK AT 11TII ST s.s -. a a.l .l .'i.nlaknil t fl Ffltl-Tn. iewiy iircuiHifn mm nim "'. "vvj r"""! out; comfortably furnished parlor berwn sonable rates. eerlro nnd rulslne unexwlieO,! AL15TNE HOTEL ci:41neteI The best rooms and suites, J with the best table, in FJiua. Day, Week, IMonth, Season, Yea3 THE DELMAR-MORRIS "Lt'ANtuvv ,, ftLfiaaa Elites 'from imcuSl AOTIIACTIV ELY FURNISHED AND BK FUIINISIIED SUITES AND HOUSEKEEW io .n.nTUHMTS. 8 "Inor. eeiMMnTOM CHESTNUT AND 37TH STS. R. F. ENOLB. MANAGER , Also tha Engleslde. Beach Haven. N; J, Ji.7rtTr.i lewii-iinnvl hititth vnil BENT THEGLXDSTONE "TlvEErlJ ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF rmin TV A HfiTvnnn Beautifully furnlahed or unf(irnlshed rooaa uriYttm Mania. pai,om:a '"'-' inni-s niri a m TEHMANENT OH TItANSIENT OUE3T solit Anu vtiii.oiiT.u By C A. VOIGHT J