Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, March 03, 1916, Night Extra, Page 17, Image 17

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17 1
Covering and Reports of Export
Sales Helpful Factors.
Receipts Large
rHH'AUO, March 3. CoverlnE. reports
f exoort alP8 of 100 lectin and the ao
tlon of the Senate on the Gore resolution
brouBht nliotit a firmer tone In the wheat
market today, after It had dipped, fol-
t lowinff .,., ,,, ,.. , i.I3'4 and
itiiu for May ntid July, respectively,
Jwlnrt U 11 'i fr Mn' nm1 " 08il yes
terday's last nuotallon.
There was some buying here of futures
credited to foreign accounts. Advices
from Minneapolis said that thero had been
knottier good demand for flour. Winnipeg
houses bought here
Itecelpts continued largo and stocks lns
the Northwest are Increasing. It was
reported that the British Government had
bought 10 000.000 bushels of Canadian
wheat In the last week to go out nfter
the opening of navigation.
A firmer undertone also prevailed nt
t.Unmnnl Nervousness was noted In the
United Kingdom about supplies because of
Germany's latest submarine decree.
Hxports from the United States for the
week were 8.190,193 bushels, against 8.
432,806 huBhels last year; for the Beason
they amount to 288,222,0 IG bushels, com
pared with 270,836.303 bushels In the
ame time a year ngo.
The Modem Miller report was bullish,
Indicating that the general prospect for
the winter crop was far below tho yields
of the preceding two years. A light snow
over virtually tho whole belt, except
Texas, It said, had favored the crop dur
ing the week, but conditions revealed by
the earlj thaws wero not favorable
fcadlnK future rnnired as follows.
Yes'clas a
Wheat Opn. Mull. Low. CIop clof
May '" 1H. 1 11'4 1.13'stl.U'.
July 1 HI)', 1.11i 1.0SV1.I4' 1.084
Lorn mew iipii.ct
May :
July 1 1 1
7314 U414
734 'TIS
74 k
42'i 43'4 12 Js
40. 415 M1H
low tio.ni tlo.BT
10.77 tio.sr. tl0.77
11 r,n 11 7:! til n-j
11.72 tll.82 11 7r.
21 ir 21. ir. 21 20
21 07 21.40 21 1".
May JaX ,
May July
nid 1
WHEAT Receipt. 213.1P4 liusli There
' waa 11 good export tl.timnil nnd Itli bullish
peculation In the West priced advanced lc
' Quotations far lots In export elpvntor. No
2 red spot and March. $1 111 tj 1 22. No 2
.southern red, $1 17W1 2(1, steamer No 2 rod.
Jl 11101 IV, No :l red. $1. KIWI. Ill; rejected
A $1 ISHffl Ill's, rejected II. it.iaffl 15.
COHn ii'-ceipts, mill bush Demand wan
low and prices further declined 'ic under
reneral pressure to Bell. Quotations: Car lots
for local trade, ns to location No 2 yellow.
SOffSlc . steamer jellow. 78'i7ll'4c , Nn a
jellow 7l,ilfl'7."Hc , No 4 Jcllnw, 724 W
7314c i oh. per 7(1 Ihi . 78c.
OATH IletelptN. 22.11(11 hush The market
was dull and It lower Offerings were
ample Quotations Nn, 2 white, r,2.ri2Hc .
standard white r.llfir.li- No 3 while. -WW
.V0c . No 4 while 47W4Hc . samnlo out,. H
43c purifloilo.it.-.. Rrnded. 11114 luTilc.
FLOl'It Itccelpln Kim libls. nnd 1.3(14,772
its In s.uks The market was dull and
nominal Quotations per 11)1! lbs In wood:
Winter, ilcnr. 15 21) tt." 41), do . straluht. Jn.r.O
0.1 70. do patent .", so fell. 10. Kansas, clear,
cotton sacks. $4 8003 1 r, do , slrnlKht, cotton
sacks, S3 20(t."..'.0, do patent, cotton sacks.
J3.5O03 7O, sprlnu. tlrst, clear, l.'. IAO.1 40;
do. straight J3 .'llllil 3 .VI. do potent. (3 73
(l do favirlto brands, Sd 23iil.73: city
mills holce and fiino, patent. fit.2.'ll 7f.:
city mills reRular grades Winter, clcai. $5.20
5 4(i do slralBhl S3 50 03 70. do . pntent.
.") SDK II in
HVli Kl.lll II was .pilot nnd barely stead
We quoit' at $5 25fff 3 75 per bbl . us to i(U.lllt
The market ruled llrm with a fair Jobbing
demand Quotations ranged as follows. City
. beef In sets, Nmokcd nnd nlr-ilrled 24i92uc .
Wtstern beef, In sets, smoked, 244125c ; city
lf knuf kles mill tenders, smoked nnd ntr
drled, 2G1T27c . Western I eef, knuckles nnd
tfndrrs smoked. J01C7c . beef linnis, tiSU
30. pork fumll). (22.500:3, hams. 8, P.
ured loose, 1&4C1CC. do., skinned, loosd. It
91ic , do, do smoked, 17Vi18'4c.i other
hams, smoked i Ity cured, ns to brand nnd
nernBe. l(!ljW17c. hums smoked. Western
cured. l'i,$i17c. do. boiled, boneless. 27a,
picnic shoulders, S I. cured, loose. 10ic :
do smoked. Ila.tfrl21ir: bellies In nlrkle.
accordtnB to inernEi'. loose, 12'413c; brtnk
fat bacon, us to brnnd nnd nvernKo. city
cured lEOldu , breakfast bacon, Westorn
tured, 15lf,c s Inrd. Western refined. In
llerces ll'ic. do. do., In tubs, llUe.t
'? pur! c"y- Iwttlo rendered, In tierces,
iiCC ' io' ''ulc c"' lvCtll rendered, In tubs.
The market was oulet but firm. We quote.
Katrn fined Rranuluted, il..l.".c . powdered,
4 ;c .onfoctloners' A. (125c. soft urudes,
B.6U tl 2lli
. i CIlKHSi: Tho market ruled steadj under
43. 43.
411 41",
10 112 10. on
10.HJ 10 8.-,
11 m 11 72
11 HO 11 r.
Ut l!n III 17 :
ai L-j L'l ir. :
..hut uuviiiiKN. iiuc iraue was .juiei. Quoin
?o,nM, ..f!ew York, full cream, fancy, held,
18V.W18J.L du. do., fair to Bood. held,
,T.?.JKJC ,lu l",rt skims, llwlbc.
llUTTr.lt The mark, t ruleil llrm under
lisht offerlnBs and n fair demand Quotntlons
"eslern fresh, solid-packed creamery, fancy
specials 3. extra. 37c . extra llrsts. 33
Jijc , nrsts 33:i4' , swonds, 21)'32c i thirds.
I -7tr28c , ladles. 21021c . nearby prints,
i'.lC!:. We s-verage extra 3Hanc ; llrsts,
ItOMc , seconds, 3()32c . special fnncy
"KSSo11' fl"t" Jobbing nt 434f)40c
I . . '?, i'tfclpts wero liberal nnd prices de
clined i o. per case under Increased pressure
. "mn. Quotations In free enses. nearby
"'" 27c per doz ; nenrby firsts, J7 20 per
standard case, nenrby current receipts. I7.U3
' KL ':2e w.D"te.rn' extra I"'". 7 20 iier
ra.' in,iSjS,J,V.-,T-os pcr raBei Southern, per
' ??,. " 3u7 03, us to quality; fancy se-
t "cted ejBS wore JobblnB nt 2931c. per dozen
i1 fJili' wJh!i maVfeii ruI"! rm "" Prices of
i.7IIkff're.t'ici. higher with demand readily
'if t. ,V'"B. lng i mirea orrerlngs. Quotutlons:
V lne' Jfi'"1 "nd Su.aty. 182Uc, iteeso. 17
f JoSnV P)Seons', !!.n',r lf. 2HWHUC . do.
rb ,riuHft0Br Pair. 2U22c
Dim...i,'lYrln.8.IP.?,'.1et wo" nulet but steady.
r' iV hn,,1,n,ieJe,,!:k '? ry-packed rqwla, 12
5. rhVrtJSfi.,?. ,b"- l"". lc . weighing 4
ifie . uiiXT.'. ', .wwnirat aa lbs. apiece,
In hhS "VJI!1 ?Jb? ?plece' 'l 17c. fowls
b. ;Si,?ry;y,ck,d' '."": weighing 4H5
18Un Ln "V """Kning i ids apiece.
Jr&ked "lKe"1"",h.,S,8ci old rooiter..
broifcr. 4a?.n' fhickeiw Jersey. fano
er. o.7..OJ;f. ,othef nearby fancy broil
'' lbs i?,iUW"..?..!,roller"- welghlnir 1H
chU-kins tSiSS' -,7-'c.North'rn Illinois
owrlnbVixi 'mS."ow' waning 4 lbs. and
Northern inl-J:0!!Je ' ""ptlona lots higher.
oritiern Illinois, fancy, weighing 2H3W
fanev '"L-te?."' .?.Sl!,.c. I Northe?n Illmol?.
' - K ?f i i,!S. ,ghYnrg
Hi SJ . do fair f!nJf .youn?.h'n nd toms,
8p.wWteilt.iJ ,0..1- "" P81- dozen. JS.K3
13 SSOa ts hi.h,n V i l0 'b per dozent
1464 73, whWt.llei. .TBi',h,n ,8 ,'b- Pr """
n. J2.753. dark, la.so " "" Pr
Ai-P5iru.u lprW. twr crate, tl finftJH
fc-arsK Ti &",'''. 1-s.iaf?.
. ".SJ3 7a do ?LiSf w--7JonlhKn. fancy,
N ivl.!-i"3(I?.'. York JmperUI. 2j3: lien
V , ?'" No! 3 lisiii 8?". varieties, 11.511
100 lbs. 60J011 WBii80i?ple"'..n bulk' W
W' ti II SsS W?i?H- Apf!.8' Western, per
, ' isojo, da &"(:'ctf evi: pSf Vw ;
fc 3.50, HtrVwhorrlJi 'T..Tr'Ij00" r crt. Mt
h- -,'r, 20O5c rt ' flu'lda. Per qt.. refrlgerj
Utr V'M ' dq do . open crates, IBfflJOc
'-' Whli.
TS."A" .".. Western. 11 1 10.
'li- J.ViTi"'"' Jeriwy. per Lskeivn 1
f'-Wt N "JsnjV fewufe, upa
M per UskeT v-.". wi.'' .i'Tr
' 80 CeUr ifin"..Tv"" pr crate, )l -ja
'.Id bl. 1' Xl0Ji?,? Bfinle. 15l
a fiaas sv-ffi ,-. iima
hjiLsi " a- sr' - . "-
MiMbrvcwn. J ,
j -. 1 '. CT.CZ' 'IX .?"
' CI ft".. . 110. MP.ul-'K'.f'Si V.
, ' i) ,1 Aiit teturUu. ir emu .- was
'M Mcr nrln
.. ... nr1 -
'Dago Ernest's Home. Accusers
Say,, Was Place for Sale I
of "Misery and
Vice Squad Men Tell of Battles With
Drug Fiends, Thugs nnd
I.lfe In the riillnttclplila tinderworld
was rovcnletl mill n llrt dencriptlnn of '
Hie doings nnd litumts of "dope" llondi
plcttpockcts nnd times given, when Tiniest '
Percurn, nllns Krnesl O'.Velll. nllns "DnBo"
nrncst, wns arraigned before United
States Commissioner Long for ft further ,
lienrlng In the Federal Hulldliig, accused I
of being the nrch-pcddler of "dope" In
thli city.
United States Attorney Kane presented
the evldenco ogalnst "Dago" Krnest, n
ho Is more commonly known to tho Gov
ernment officials and the police. Hall
was fixed nt $9000 for court on sex era)
"dope" charges, which Is the largest ball
demanded for any alleged offender ngalnst
the Hnnlson nntl-narcotic law .since It
went Into effect.
Frail, small and boylsh-tooking, well-
dressed nnd scrupulously neat, Krnest sat
silent nnd heard the evidence pile tip
ngalnst him. Occasionally a smllo would
flicker across his face. Ho said nothing
even when Mr. Kane presented almost a
"dltectory" full of names of "dope" uiors
who have been arrested ns they left
Ernest's alleged former home, 220', 4 North
Juniper street.
"What's thut, a, dlioctory?" J. Joseph
Murphy, Krnest's lawyer asked of Mr.
Kane as he scanned the long list.
"It Is, almost," Mr Kane answered.
"This man perhaps does not realize tho
seriousness of the charge against him. Ho
has been peddling misery and suffering
for months Virtually ever slnco tho Har
rison act went Into effect Uio law has been
Wolnted nt that Juniper stiect house,
and the charge of peddling Is proved by
tho fact that dope u-tcrs and peddlers
have boon going there night nnd day for
months "
There was a decided stir In tho hear
ing room when n frail little woman, Mnr
garct Taylor, 224 Xorth Oth street, was
swoin In by Commissioner Long to sub
stantiate an allldavit she hud made ac
cusing llrncst of hnvlng sold her mor
phine on nt least six occasions.
Krnest was nrrcstcd on February, 14,
when a raid was made at 232 North
Camac street, his present' home, where
narcotic drugs were found hidden In a
secret place underneath a bathroom floor
How members of the vice squad bat
tled with thugs and pickpockets nnd drug
flentls near tho North Juniper street
house was told by many witnesses. Most
of the nrrests of persons leaving there
v. ere made In the small hours of the
Revelations wore made of how users
of "dope" concealed drugs." When ques
tioned, several women prisoners, vico
sqund men said, ."stuffed the 'dope' Into
their mouths and attempted to swallow
it " One woman even had a package of
morphine fastened around tho neck of
her wooly dog with un elastic band.
Men nnd wolnen wero found with co
calno sowed In the lining of tholr clothes,
while men, they say, almost Invariably
had "cellar" pockets, that Is, trouser
pockets with holes, ho that tho small
"dope" packages could be made to slide
down tho Inside of tholr trousers to tho
pavement unnoticed If a member of the
sqund came dangerously near.
Other testimony Included descriptions
or attempted "neat-ups." apt! the "frisk
Inn" rf .lplonnaru Innlii.ll.M nnA 1..L. 1.
Ing" of prisoners, Including one fight, In
which tho prisoner's mouth had to bo
forced open with a blackjack to prevent
him swallowing a package of "dope,"
which was not only Incriminating, but
which might havo been fatal had tho
prisoner been successful In his nttempt
The majority of evidence wns supplied
by members of tho vldo squad Among
those of tho squad who testified wero
Hart, Urendley, Applegate, "Walsh, Pal
mer, Pachelll and Hicks. When asked tho
occupation of many of tho "dope." Mends
they had arrested they replied almost
unanimously that .many of them wero
Accompanied by Mr. Murphy, his law
yer, l'rnest left tho Federal Building after
tho hearing, ns ball hacl been furnlshe'
almost Immediately.
Philip Wachter, Reading, Caught by
Police Posing as Clerks
ItKADING, Pa., March 3. Police de
tectives today arrested Philip Wachter,
"7 years old, charged with passing n
number of forged checks on merchants
of this city and Pottsvllle Ho was locked
up pending the service of warrants.
One check for J40 was cashed by Itefo.
wlch Brothers, clothiers, of Pottsvllle.
There were more than naif a dozen In till.
Tho detectives visited the grocery store
at which the Wachter family were cus
tomers and In this way landed their man.
They posed ns clerks In the stoie.
." Buys Site for Dwellings
Henry K. Hilller has sold to Wilbur F.
Forrest, for $21,600, a. plot of ground at
the southwest corner of Ontario and Jan
ney streets, 100 by 125 feet, assessed at
$7500, together with another plot on Jan
ney street, J20 feet north of Ontario
street, 100 by 636 feet, assessed at $6500.
Both plots will be improved by dwellings.
Police Court Chronicles
John Daly has been getting religion
dally. It appears that he either got too
much of It or mixed It with something
elso which was decidedly Incongruous
At any rate, his queer antics have kept
those who attended a mission near 8th
and Vine streets guessing, paly became
enthusiastic on the very first night. Those
who were aiding him to beq the right path
gave lilm the prlco of it few meals.
WhetheV tho money was, used for that
purpose Is a matter of conjecture,
Daly visited the mission every night,
and became so sincere In his enthusiasm
he Jumped from his seat and shouted In
joy Last night his sincerity went be
yond bounds. In a delirium of joy he
jumped from his seat and tossed a chair
through a window
Policeman "Waters heard the crash and
captured Paly as toe was In the midst of
a speech One glance convinced the cop
that Daly's enthusiasm; was due to some
thing damper than religion which U
usually sold by the pint or quart Not
until then did those at the mission realize
that Paly's Interest waa aroused because
of the touches he was able to make among
sympathizing member. He endeavored
xpiain 10 Magistrate ncmqir, at ma
ana winter streets siauoa, mil jm
actuated by noble Impulses, but the
Imlva c.tiM nof hA rlee,!.. A.1. find Hunt him
th County prison tot Ave day
fif j
HiHL sk. ?J 11. f
i.l smmimM i
Photo hj Uutelcunsi
Thomns M. Seeds, Jr., Was Director
of Colonial Trust Company
Thomas M .Seeds. .Ir a prominent
builder, died shortly before midnight nt
his homo In the King's Court Apartment,
105 South 36th street Mr Seeds had
beep 111 for a year and had been eonllned
to his bed for two months Mr Seeds
was 62 years old He was a brother of
Jacob Seeds, a prominent Republican poli
tician of aermnntown He Is survived
by his widow, Mrs Klora Kirk Seeds, and
two daughters, Misses Charlotte Dan
court and Alyse Virginia leeds Tho
family was at his bedside wncn ho died.
Mr Seeds had offices at 1207 Uace
street He erected seeral downtown of
fice buildings, many Main Line residences
nnd the npaitmcnt house in which he
.V member of an old Philadelphia fam
ily, he was a vestryman of Christ Church,
and he and his family enjoyed a high
social position. Ho belonged to tho Art
Club and tho Carpenters' Company, an
ancient organizations of builders, with
headquarters in Carpentors' Hall. Mr.
Seeds was a director of the Colonial Trust
Company nnd was Identified with other
financial Institutions. Ho was well known
for his charitable activities.
Pennsylvania!! Deplores Lack of Ath
letic Equipment
Students who are not good enough nth
letes to make the various squads of the
athletic teams at tho University of Penn
sylvania are left with no place but tho
street or tho "uninviting" gymnasium In
which to exercise, and no placo but the
card table "to glvo vent to their sporting
proclivities." This Is the opinion the
Ponnsylvanlan, the dally paper of the Uni
versity, today expressed In an edltorinl
by I'ugene Koutliwall, editor In chief.
Tho editorial protests because students
nre forbidden even to "have a catch" with
a ball on the quadrangle or In the dprml
torles, and urges thnt the University throw
open Museum Field nnd "the recently ac
quired acres" of tho college for general
student exercise.
The editorial observes that It was for
merly permissible to throw a baseball In
the "quad," but "because of an occasional
broken window, this practice was stopped
bj tho Parietal Committee, which apparent
ly failed to recognize that the benefit moru
than made up for this slight damage."
Tho editorial points to the danger from
passing tralllc to students who throw base
balls on Woodland avenue, and remarks
that tho students "who despiso the highly
uninviting gymnasium classes must re
sort to walking for exercise."
Rubber Co. to Resume Operations
SCW YOniC, March 3. Arrangements
have been made by the Intercontinental
Ituhber Company to resume operations at
Its factory In Torreon, Mexico. 4nt about
.one-quarter of Its regular capacity, or
approximately -jbu.uuo pounds of rubber
per month. It was learned from authori
tative sources today that the company
curing the last four months tins earned
approximately $300,000 from Its flvo
steamships, which are operating between
New York and European ports. This is
equivalent to about 1 per cent, on Its
$29,031,000 outstanding capital stock.
Gun Hursts, Injuring Manufacturer
Tho bursting of his gun, which shat
tered his arm, cut short the hunting trip
In Florida of James Spear, Jr., secretary
and treasurer of tho James Spear Stova
and Heating Company of this city. Mr,
Spi.cr has returned to his home In Wal-llns-rd,
carrying his nrm In a sling The
accident occurred on Monday Although
his Injury was quite painful, It Is not
expected to prove serious.
Official Forecast
For eastern Pennsylvania Overcast to
night, with probably snow in southeast
portion; Saturday fair and continued cold;
strong north winds
The storm that was central near the
Virginia capes yesterday has moved north
eastward out of the Held of observation,
while the one that was over southern
Texas has moved to tne south Atlantic
coast Light precipitation has covered
most of the Atlantic States and most of
the Ohio basin. The temperatures have
fallen in the north Atlantic States ami In
most of the great central valleys, the
changes being Irregular and somewhat
freakish Temperatures below zero pre
vail In tho plains States from central
Kansas northward
U. S. Weather nureau Bulletin
Observations taken at H u. in , Kastern time
8 Inst Itain V1-I01-
Hlallou am n't fall Wind. ty Weather
Atlanta, fla -IU 40 .00 NVV 3d cloudy
Atlantic Clt. 21 21 .01 NR 11- 1 Cldy
iiaitimoro - - .i
lllsmartk. N.II.MS 12 . W
14 Cloudy
. I'.Oldy
14 Italn
1- bnow
14 Cloudy
10 Clear
M Clear
. clear
ii Italn
ItnMton. Mass
.(is n il
Iluffulo. N. V
Chicago. Ill . .
Cincinnati, O
Cleveland. O
Denver, Col
Detroit. Mich
Hnrlsburir, I'a,.
llatteras. N C
Halifax, N S.
Helena, Mont
Huron, a 1)
Jacksonville .
Kansas Qlty
Knoxvllle .
Utile Rock
Los Ahiftlea
LoulsvlTls. Ky
Nashville .
New Orleans
New York .
Norfolk. Va
Omaha, b.
Dhnanlv Aril
ia 10 A2 W
(II US 1 nt HW
'.'II L'll Ul
III 111
18 111
lii In
IS 48
411 111
14 HI
B L'
II '
14 l'J
7'.' US
3H 3H
84 31
BO nl)
IB 18
. N
08 N
.41 NB
NVV ) Clear
NVV Cloudy
SW SI) P Cldy
NVV IS Clear
VV 12 cloudy
Siv 5 ouay
. ;. N.,v Clear
1 N 12 Snow
44 44
NVV 22 I'.CIdy
30 30 ,08 NVV 21 Hnow
Nv in ,'...
22 20
OS N 18 Clear
1H NB IS nlo
" Clear
04 aw '. fliar
N 20 Clear
VV' ?lear.
N Pl'dv
3il 311
inttibur'sb. I'a U U
l'ortiana. je
14 '.10 N 14 .-in,.t
u fl.nH Ore Su
Si J 74 B. R.in '
Quebec. Can. li
vv . . i cldy
NVV 10 Bnow
tit Louis. o J?
Ht I'aul. Minn. '4
a-.1l Intra HI
W 10 Clear
Saa Antonio 40 40
San Franclaco 4.S -4S
at StZ Marie 10 10
I Clear
jj W
Su-anivin.. S
froa Fla
ccu tthliifftari
Oi N
3d so
Winnlpinj tn 10i 1U
aeir w.
Benefits of New Form of Mu
nicipal Government Recited
in Reply to Taxpayers'
1 ATLANTIC ciTV, March 3. With the
etpenie of tunning Atlantic City ns 11 eon-
tlllllilllR slum fnr nillllnnu nf Ultlirs III-
unuous snow for millions or visitors in-
' creasing nv leaps and bouiui. tne uuy ,
' Commissioner hao Just authorized 11 r-
Mew of four ears of commission rlile nt
the shore which pictures that plan nf city
government in glowing colors
Notwithstanding allegations of Inigo '
taxpayers that promised economy has tint
been forthcoming, and that taes are In- '
creasing without bringing corresponding '
returns, the authorised review cites n a
fow of the benefit) of commission rule,
largo reduced prices for pining, the In- j
traduction of a dtalnngc sjstem that does '
Its work In a most clllclcnt fashion 11 I
vaHtly Improved water supply. lire sen Ice
that has the commendation of Insur.tncn j
underwriters, effective pollen protection.
. .v. ....,,..,,.. . jo u. u,... ,,,.,1,,-
tlon. creation of parks and pU.vgioiinds,
lrT.i,'L,aJ- v.,cr s,,;coo"'' ln,,".rt,, l,e"ch
tne adoption or a system of Deacli prater
pavilion, a sjstem of financial accounting j
111.11 is sain to dp tne nest, nmi a saving or
$27, .160 11 .vear in municipal lighting with
betor results
What friend or the administration,
which Includes two bank presidents and
flvo bnnk directors, regard as equally tin
pnitniit. Is that in spite of an excess nf
politics nt City Hall, giaft has been ut
terly eliminated from municipal business
There hns not been oven a hint In that
connection since Atlantic City discarded '
councllmnnlc rule, and It Is a reassuilng!
fact that, under the restrictions imposed
by the commission Plan nf government
upon building and nwaids of contracts.
prnft nnnnnl n.l.l Tl... lu l.l.. ...
graft cannot exist There Is nothing- In
the model law, however, to prevent Com
missioners from creating and filling need
less ofTlccs, nnd It is upon this scoie Hint
Atlantic City's model ndmlnlstrntlon will
be tnken to task during the weeks pre
ceding tho election of 11 new Commission
lu April . -
A building boom of considerable piopor
tlons Is about to bo launched nt 11 time
when, customarily. Atlantic City stops
building nnd turns Its attention to arrange-
iiiuiiim 101- cue- care unci cntertainmctu 01 1
tne summer multitudes Plans riled and
permits granted In two days contemplate
nn expenditure of $(50,000 for npartment
houses, cottages and other Improvements.
Lnrge additions to the St Charles and tho
Jludolf, new in progress, account for an
outlay of more than $1,200,000 A new
amusement resort on the downtown
Boardwalk will cost $C0,000.
When the stage Is fully set for tho
great summer carnival of fun by the sea,
Atlantic City will havo spent close to
$2,000,000 slnco the summer multitude
took Its departure last fall
Visitors from all over tho country will
have an opportunity to hear the Phila
delphia Orchestra when thnt admirable
organization gives the concluding concert
of its shore series heie on tho 13th of
March at a Hoardwalk theatre While
Phlladelphlans probably will mako up a
large part of tho audience, thore will bo
also Hostonlans, New Yorkers, Clilcagoans
and visitors from other cities which havo
orchestras who havo never heard tho
Philadelphia organization render a caie
fully selected program under the leader
ship of Leopold Stokowski.
William Gillen Takes His Protest to
the Courts
A test case of the compulse! vaccina
tion law will be made next" Kilday In
Quarter Sessions Court by William allien,
of 663 North 33d street, allien has em
ployed counsel and has the support of
several antl-vncclnntlon oiganlzntlons Ho
has refused to permit the authorities to
vaccinate his two children. John. 9 yenrs
old, and Mary, 10 jears old
allien denies that ho Is guilty of nn In
fringement of the compulsory education
law. under which net ho was lined $2 and
costs by Magistrate Stevenson, when all
ien failed to send his children to school
while pupils wero being vaccinated.
George A. Shoemnkcr Was Formerly
Bristol Manufacturer
Oeorfi-e A. Shoemaker, a former partner
of Joseph It. Grundy and a lo.sldent of
St. David's since 1300. died today In Cam
den, S. C. He had suffered from heart
Sir. Shoemaker, who was SB years old,
started to work for the woolen llrm of
Grundy & Campion In Ilrlstol when he
was 21 years old. He started nt the bot
tom and worked his way to the top, be
tomliiK a member of the llrm In 18SB when
Itlchnrd Camplpn retired nnd ndinund
Grundy, an uncle of Joseph It Grundy,
retired. Then the firm was reorganize I
under the name of William G Grundy
& Co . which name It still bears Mr
Shoemaker then became superintendent
He retired from business in 1900 and
moved from Bristol to St. David's
Mr. Shoemaker was piesldent of the
Bristol Cemetery Company, n director
of the Farmers, National Hank of Ducks
County and a member of the Bristol
Lodge of Masons. He belonged to the
Union League, the Merlon Cricket Club
and other organizations In this city. The
only survivor Is Mrs. Shoemaker, who was
Miss Nellie Thomas, of Ilrlstol, before
their marriage In 1897
George William I'almer
I'lTTyncilO, N V. March 3 Ux
ConEressman Ueorge William Palmer, one
of the founders of the Republican party.
Is dead at his home here He was 99
years old Ho spent an active life in
business and public affairs He was a
member of the Republican National Con
vention of 1856 and' was elected to Con.
cress In the same year and again In 1858.
He also was a member of the convention
of 1864, being1 a. strong supporter of Lin
coln In botlv- presidential campaigns. In
1862 he was appointed Consul to Crete,
and in I860 was made Judge of tho mixed
court at Sierra I.eone He was charged
with various important commissions
abroad In connectluu with our foreign re
lations during and Immediately following
the Civil War Later on, returning to
Mind Training
A Sprlnir Kvsnlnt Tm at (en vcrk.
for men and woman, opena 1'ueaday
March Hat, at ( o'clock The Inatruc
tlon tn I'ubllo paaklns; elvaa Oonfidsnc
and Fluancy Mind Training lmprovaa
Memory and Concentration and In
crease OrUlnallty Call, writ or
phona Sprue 8S1I ,
NEFF COLLEGE djffla,,,.
RTRAYFR'S Tb. Beat Boauuaa Bcbool.
S0t-60T CoeUit 6tmu
northern New York he engaged In tho
milling, lumbering nnd iron business. Ho
scrvfcl two terms in the Legislature.
Edward J. Koiirke
iMluain .1 Kourke died jesterdny at
1 bnmo nt Lnllrrd l!Mpl,tTa V r nil.,
a lingering lllne He whs '38 yours old,
nnd win linrn In 1 'nni, In,, 11. ,,,,. ,n
1 ..:...," .1 ,. . . . ua'',v',1
Known 111 ( nlliolio sot' nl e re et 11 Cam-
den. For many years he was n member
of the fatholl,- Lvreum nrnniilllr Asso-
uiaciuii iiieie, huh imrtiripateci 111 many or
the productions of that itmoclntlnn Ho Is
survled by a widow and one child.
j I These Notices Are Printed in the
j EvcninB Ledger Free of Charge.
1 - -
I IKIIOTI. "II Third Molllll 1st 11K, 1:i)IT
1 nAitmyov uiwrvr. need 6 enrs Heh
Ihos nnd friend nre United to nttend the
ruwrii ni resiuenie nr Charles 1; want.
4in lnrk ne Swnrlhtnrtre I'a runernl
lilll tin f.ol.1 m, tl.rt Ln, Anlli.ilnl Tt.lr.l
Month ltd, nt ; ir 01I01I1 Cnrrlnirc will I
meet Irnln leaving llnmd street stntlnn nt I
1 zs p 111 interment private
lli:illi:. (in March 2 1916. .1. IIIINHV. Inn.
hind nf Anns llelae (tico Hnlmus) nnd son of
I'hnrle nnd Kllxilieih lleiite Itetatlve ntnl
friend also .lames tl lllnlne Council No
8. Son nnd Dnuithters nr l.lbertv and em
hlovps nf llildwln Mnnurarttirlnir Comnanv
are Invited to nttend the funeral services nn
.vlondi.v, nt i i in nt hi piirenls rel
ilelice, f. I H W t,ehluh nve Interment at
(Ireenvvood h of P Cemnterv Item tins
tnn he viewed SlimUv . to 10 p m
lli:i,l on March J lull). JI'HSli: M,
nuniccst duuRhler of lioniild nud Ilnima
Hell. In her 11th venr Relatives nnd friend
are Invlled tn nttend ihe funeriil cervices, m
Mnndav nfternonti at a tn n'lloik nt her
parents resident e, 11,1 M Clinvvoml nve In
torment nt Mt Morlnli Cemetery I'rlends
mnv view rniniln on Ktindnv ..venlitc?
. iiiiNMi.Ki .cm vinrrn 1 isiti i;i,i,aiu;i 11
widow of diorcc 11 linssert. In the Md yeni
' Ti,WiN&"iiwv8!iS ",rss.
linsiaiT. On Vlnrrh 1 1316 lit.lAllUTII.
nrdiv nt 2 11. In . nrorlsolv. nt the resldenro
of her brother in-law Mr Charles A M.ihn.
10S N' 1M si Interment private, nt Mt
Pence ('emeterv
ItOW MAN On Mar. h 1 lt. m.IS'.AtUITIt,
widow or Moses How man, nuett 'in
venrs .Itrlntlves nud friends mo Invited to
attend the funeral services, ilitvirdny after
noon, at 2 n clot It from her late residence
111 N ltth st Interment prlvute
llllll. (In IVIirinry :9, 1116. AltCHtltAI.I)
nuslialld of the Into Slisill lloyd Itelatlve
nnd friend also rraultltit Lodite No tv
1, f) O I' . also eninlovps Slenheii Whitman
Compnnv, Inc. nre Invited to attend tho
funeriil on Hitiirdnv, ut J p in, from hi
late resided, e. IR05 rclcrnt st Interment
nt Mt Vlorlah c'enieterv Ilemnlns may hi
viewed Prldav from 7 to 10 p in Auto
(',l,'l.N,!i-."7:v,..'l.'lW.". Dll,sJlIITl1 - ,?."1,' .!:,-
VVAIUMI I'MNI!, Its M vo..rs llehltlvi
nun menu uiso empinves 01 cur room or
A v Alle'i Textile Mnuufnc turlnc Cmn
PHiiv and nil nrKnnl2ntlons of which he was
h member are Invited to attend the futi'Tiil
servlie on Saturday, nt 1 p 111 preilselv.
at .huvlers llrmd nud ni unonil ts In
terment prlvite nt -Mt IV.111' (Vtneterv
('KAMI. On March I, 101... MAltY. d nmhler
of the laio John nnd MarKnret t'rnlR llel 1
tlves nud friends nro Invited to attend the
funeral service, on Snturdav, nt 'i p 111 .
at tho funeral parlors of V. A Diml.ip.
northenst corner 19th st anil rnlrriiaunt nvo.
Interment strletlv private
II Will, On Vlanli 1'. 1910 nt Atlantic Citv.
X J. .1ANI5 wife of (lahrlel II n Id. Due
notlee of thi funeral will he Riven, from her
late resident e 27S ,H. Massachusetts nve
Atlantic fit j. N .1
im.NAMKHX. On March 1. 111B. ANN1I3
widow of John Don ildsnn ltd itlve nnd
friend nro Invltnl to attend tho funeral, on
Haturd.iy, nt 2 p .111 , nt r.sldenro of snn-ln-l.iw.
Joseph Waters, 1SS7 miner st. Inter
ment private.
IIOVI.i:, On IVbrtMry 29. 1916. I.AWrtnNCri
V. huslmnd of Mary MrCnITortj Uovle. need
4 7 3 ear Itelatlve nnd friends nre Invited
to attend tho funernl, on Saturday, at 7:.10
n. m , from Ills lato resld-nco. 24( West
Coulter st., Oermnntovvn Solemn Heciulem
Mass nt St Vincent do Paul's Church, at 9
n. m. Interment nt New Cathedral Cemo
tery. rAHKni.l,. On IVbruary 29. 1-M6. PrtAN
CIS huslnnd of (.'.ithnrlno I'nrreil (neo
t'rchr) Hchitlves nnd friend, also Division
No. .1. A t) II , II of 1: . nru Invited to
nttend the funeral, on Saturdiy. nt S 30 n
in , from his Into r.sldenco, 1725 N Orlannn
st MlKh Mass nt ht. Michael n Church at
10 n. ni. precisely. Interment nt Holy
I'ross Cemetery.
rillMMirril At Wllmlncton Del. on
March J. 1910. JOSRPIU.VU wife of I' A
VV rrlshmuth llelatlves and friends ur
Invited to nttend the funeral services nnd
Interment ut Monument tVmeter. Phila
delphia. Pn . on Monday, at 11 n. ni . with
out furl her notice
(.A!. Iir.lli:i: (DKl'MVI). On March 2 1910.
Steuher) widow of Daniel cl.ilheher Itela
tlve .mil friends, also I.adle' Aid Socletv
of Trtnttv Herman Lutheran Church, nro
Invited to nttend tho funi nil 011 Sundav, at
110 p ni from hi r lite resident o, .17-0 N
1 tth st Interment nt Nortllvvood Cemetery
MAM'i:. On vi.iirh 2 IMfi JOHN I. bus
hnnrl nf Marjtiret Dunnlcltff Iluncn and son
of the Int.. HtchurU ami Kllz.ihetli Knnce.
Iun notice of the funeral will ho ulven.
JIlMilNs. On rehruary 29. 1916. IIMKA
IIUTII C , wife of William T Jenkins nnd
dauKhter of Marv- J. nnd tho late VVllIlam
Crnlir. Itelatlve. nnd trienas nro Invited to
nttend tho funernl tjuturdn. nt 820 n. ni ,
from her l.ite residence. 219 N. 69th st Ite
aulem HlKh Muss ut Our I.udy of tho ltos..r
Church at 10 u m. Interment at Holy Cross
JIV1KNKZ. On March 1 101(1 nt tho Hotel
llonta. New York Iin.N'IUKTTA J , Jl.vi-
The picturesque scenes and won
derful climate of lovely, tropical
Porto Rico nre only Ayi doye from
New York. Go now.
16-Day Cruiio SQ. SO md
All Expenaei
Steamer your hotel all the way from New
lock to and around the island, stopping
at principal potts, and return 10.000-ton
teamen especially equipped for tropical
ervice. Sailings every Saurday under tho
American Flag Write tot illustrated booklet.
Cndalar Dcpt., 1 1 Broadway, New Yerb
Ilruncli 'lie bet fllllce
;01 Cliralnut Street, riilluilelphln
$31 .80 trip j3180
rrom Philadelphia every Wed. and Bat.
IncludlnE meale and choice ot stateroom
accommodations. Alt outilda rooma. Fin
teamen. Beat aervlca. Tickets limited te
Uav 31
Merchants & Miner' Tram. Co.
City OUlie, 103 bo. uth St. Phona Lorabar
ItKiO, Commit aur ticket at tuurUI axes.
ijuparior location wi
nnobstructod view of
and baardwalk Arecor
f standard of excellence
C.c..bOa lU&atJ,BU2B,
owHiaanif uaHaacMiNT
has set anew standard of
rv cq. cotniuTEandDcauiv
txmntff. iH raE 'wcgt:iLDjyioTi:c.aHin
UllOIVN'a MlLLij-lN-THE-l'lNEM. N. J.
THE INN " ' KNBS tli Wal
"J ;placa for recuperation! ur
V.tar-J)d fwM. Cltoxata dry aud warm.
I. It a U. S. UUUDEK3-
juef, W W MtllhlttiljY
i nr.ATllS !
- , .
, ,' ."''.'"IT, ftfb.r.. ""'"''V"" ' Jim'".'" '
sith st New York on Ssttirdov. nt 10 tn
I rmi!;'d;iphirli"n1' "' W0"""" "''.
I INO. Suddenly, nn Murcli 2 uin, Al.KX-
ANIinit W Kl'(l Vnllrn nt funeral lul
I ',i,,:!'!!; V,l1?1,1",n , '?' K,VA M
I widow of Wllllnm It lrds fte at e nnd
I friends are Invited In ,nttend tho fiinornl
serxlies nn Snturdav nfiermmn. ureriariv
?,1. 2, ."'clock, at her isle residence 34IJ
tJAris.-'JiirMari'irrTnl.. VWaIiijuttk it
VV lllOVC of Mnili h llll. I h.r ll.t.l ...a
tuiuriil services on Sunclnv nflernoon nt
'J .1(1 01 lock nt In r late lesldenie. 3405
Pnvvellon nvenue Interment prlvnle
I.OlKIIAItT.--Sud.1enlv on Mnnh I. 191C. lit..
j.KN I.Ui'KIIAin widow of loseph i.ock
bnrt Itrlntlves nnd rrlend nre Invited to
nttend the runernl, on Moudiv. nt 8 SO
n in . from lier Into rcslderu, 1S15 N
Urnid st Solemn Ue.uili'111 Vlns nt SI
Stephen's t'htirrh nt Id o'clock Interment
nt Holy Sepulihrs Cemetery. Auto funernl
Atlantic (ilj nnd New York pnpern plensn
f opv
MAMIN On rebnnry 8. 111(1. ANNIN HAY
MAN wife of William Mnson nnd daimhler
of tho late Collin nnd llllsnheth Cont.
Ilelallves nnd friend nr the family nlo
llethlehem UiptlM Church Sunday School,
are Invited to attend tho funeral services,
on Snturdny nt 2' o'clock from l.er Into
estdence Jm Muster t Interment nt
Mount Pence ( 'emeterv
.Vlrt'LAKNONOn Mnrcb 1 1110. MAIIY. vvlfs
of Jnrnos MeClnrnon nnd d uiehter nf the
late Mlthnel nnd Mnry ,T Mi Kcever. from
Parish or PnrlBlenone Countv Antrim. Ire-
Itllll itelnHl nn,t frl.tn.la nl.n Qnnrn.l
llenrt nnd Allnr Socletle of St ndwnril's
hureh, nre Invited to nttend the funernl, on
Saturday morning, nt S in o'clock from her
liuslinnd's residence. SI N lnih st Solemn
Itecmlcm lino nt SI IMcvnrd's Church, nt
in n in. preclely Interment nt New
Cnthedrnl Cemeierv
Mitlllimv. On rehrunrv 29 1910 MAUY
MrflllilltY Itelntlv.'S nnd friend of tho
rntnllv nre Invited to ottenil the runernl 011
Snturdav morning, nt 7Tn o'clock rrntti tho
resident n or her sister Mrs lllleti Qulnn.
Itn West Norrls t Solemn Ili'imiein Jlnss
nt St Mlihacl's Chur.li nt 9 o'clock pre
.Isely Interment nt Holy Sepulchro Cemo
terv '
I'AI'I.. On March 1 191 r. OSCA11. Iiiistinnd
or .loliinnn Paul (me Lnnce). need r.r, ."irs
llelatlves nnd rrlends, niso Tvpouraplilial
I'nltin, No 1 and William llrl. Venrlv lien
etli lal Anoclatlon nre invited to attend tho
funeral on Snturdav. at 1 p 111 . from hi
lite residence. 723 W Allegheny nve Inter
ment nt (lrcctiniount Cemetery Automobile
ItANKIV On IVhrunry 29. 1910. PIIOIIIII!
A . Hldovv of William VV Unllkln. need 80
venrs Iteliilven nnd friends nro invited to
nttend the runernl servliis Prlday. ut 7 10
P m nt the 1,ndt?cut Widows nnd Klmtle
Woinrn's Asvliim, 3(IK. Chestnut st Inter
ment at New London. Pi
ItH.ATT. On Minh 1. 1910. MAUY nt.t7.A
liuril wife of llli ham Itllntt. nited 70
ve.irs Itel.illv.s nnd friends or the family
are Invited In nttentl the funerni service,
on Monilav nfterroon, Marili 11 nt i o'clock,
ut thi nslclcnie or her liushnnd, 228 Cooper
st Camden N J Hi'imiln may ho viewed
Suml iv evxnlntx arter 7 Interment private
at Hnrlelnh (m't.rv
SCIINCIDI.It. on Vlnroh 1 Hlo. PIlKIl-
fe?r,:fir,,,v--fc ..
K. jr. VAN BILflylAKP
Horticultural Supplies
Everything needed for tho
Gardertj Greenhouse, Lawn and
Farm, including tho best varie
ties of Vegetable and Flower
Seeds, Lawn Grass Seeds, Farm
Seeds, Roses, Dahlias, Hardy
Perennials and other Plants.
Garden Implements, Lawn Mow
ers, Lawn Rollers, Fertilizers,
Insecticides, etc., all of which
..iv fully described in
Dreer's Garden
Book for 1916
together with useful cultural
, i luation for tho amateur.
t ' ni write for a copy FREE
Fnm 9C- wo will mail onoregular
Or CDC 10-cent packet (40 to 60
seeds) each of Elfrida Pearson,
a lovely pink, of gigantic size;
King White, the best of all White
Spencers; Mks. Routzahn, rich
bnlT, suft'used delicate pink; Ver
milion Brilliant, the most bril
liantscarletSpencer; Wedgwood,
a beautiful light-bluo shade. Also
one large packet (00 to 100 seeds)
of tho Burpee Blend ok Superb
Spencers for 191G, tho finest mix.
turoof Spencerseveroffcred. Pur
chased separately, would cost 60c.
Tfia Burpea leaflet on Sweet Pea cul
ttro ia enclosed with each collection.
Burpee's Annual fop lOlO
Ths Farticla Aaalisttsir EJilion if tit Lisdici
Amcricta seed cstslef U billler sad bcltsr
ttsa ettr b.loie. It is nailed fret. Write (er
it tedsi aad alette neatua lait ptlucatua.
Burpea Bulldinga Philadelphia
""""""" lllltimlllllHIIIIIHIIIITTTtT
Till; IIBVT (iHAI)KS Ol'
Cow Manure, Horse Manure,
Pulverized Sheep Manure
Ground Limestone. .
IU Ulriu-a Am . Win,, li,
iJl'll VCM U 1IUMI
Ktc b.n.i Ul ! i lu. - St? utt
CrnnUfer. Mum iwuivw.. M.ectii. N, J.
KL--. y3&?Mi2MM?Mz
Y March
I winds f VrT7
pl nQJ) ruin your J?
trees, too, m$ ,
unless weak jSM J
1a crotches ore ISf itti.
Wk immediately j& v
, l. &M I M$$tim i
&aB nn cavities illlf$lr r--Ji
kzffl Wk properly ffliW ' 5
U .UHTaiaiSi'n
& rn
I.II11-A M f lit., c hnflrg flcppeiilfli
In Hur Tlh vrsr Relntiixi ami frfend not
lnlfiwi la iii.nrf fh funeral spVAs rrn
Sntiird)r afternoon st J JO A'cloek mt lfv4
r"stilent nf 1 ri smi tn huv Jnhn ( 'onte.
IB. Niirth i It, mm s street Intcrmtnt
St'Ilt lt.Ktt. m March 3 1010 I.KOM. A.
son of Charles J nnd ihe late Vstlencfc A
i iiiijiit .iKfti ,i venrs, nt uiuriinRion rt.
J rtelniiv'S and friends nlil Mitchell firi
fomnnnv N" 1 rc Invited to nttend Jfil
nrrnl. on Monday nflernoon. nt 2 30 o'rloeft
nl his late rcHlnentp .1(1 I! Pedernl street,
1 Interment Odd Fellflwr
Hi:t:llS. On Alnr.h 2, Inlrt TltOMAH M
SKi:i)S. ,lr husbnnd ot Horn Kirk Red.
nt his residence Klnss Court Apartment
1(1." S 3(Ith st Duo notice nr funeral will
lie nlven later
HllKIJT.. Or Mnnh t, 1910. rAttOMNn,
vvlilovv or IMmund Sheet ItelMlvc nrttl
rrlends nre Invited to nttend the funeral serv
ices, on Mundn. nt 2 n m.. at her late
resldenie not Mt Vernon st interment
SIIIIU.DS. on IVhrunry 29, 191. JAMKS if,
son or Annli I! nnd the Into James 0
Shield Itet.illvc nnd friends nrn Invited
tn nttend Ihe funernl on Hnturday rrtorntnir,
nl 8 3n o'clock, from his Into residence, 189?
N lnih nl tllsh Mass nt tho fliuron ef
Our l,ti of Merc tit 10 o'clock Interment
prlvnto In St Dominie's Cemetery. Auto
mnhlle service. v
Slllli:M,IU:lt. on vinr.h .1 lnio nt rn.t
tell. S C. finomil. A HIIUKMAKGII of
St Dnvld Pa Nolle., of funernl Inter
MIIIV. Huddenlv. nn Vlnrrh 1. 1910. ADA,
wife nf Joseph VI Sobv nnd rtaunhter of
i:stelln p and the n(e Chnrles II Till,
Itelallves anil friend are Invlled to nttCiid
funeral servhes. Sntunliv. nt 2 p in pre
clely, nt the r. lttenii, of VV II, Weaver
Got) N Oth st Interment prlvnle.
TIIIItNAX. On tvnruarj 28 1910. ANNUS,
wife of Jnmi's 'llernnu (nee rlrlndon) TteU
live and ft lends are Invited to nttend ths fu
neral. on Snturd iv. nt M0 a, m , from her
late resident'.' 3(,S9 Melon st West Phil
Solemn It'iiulem Muss nt Ht. Aenthn's
church nl iq n. tn Interment at St. Denis'
TlttlTr. On Vlanli 3 HUH. IIMII.Y. dnuh
t"r of the Lit. Thomas and .Vlnrv Trott, nited
nj venrs Ileliitlv.s nnd friends nro Invited
tn nltetid the runernl services on Mondnv
at 10 30 1 ni nt her lute residence, 1'nT
West Itlllenhnuse street, Oermnntovvn In
tention! prlvnte
WATIIItS, on March : 1910 ANN WATIIItS,
nrnd 90 senrs u menilier or the fnmllj- of
tho Itev A II Herd Service nnd Inter
ment prlvnle
u iii:ai i.i:v. on .Mnnh : lDio m.stb,
d-viiBliter of John nnd the Into Marian
Wheiitle Itelntlves nnd friend are In
vlted to nttend tho runeral services, on Sun
di. til J n m precisely nl her Inle rel
dime. r.UlI I.nrchwood nvenue Interment
llllilir. On Mnnh 1 1110. JOHN, bus
hind or Mnrrnrot Wrlcht Itelntlves nnd
rrh nd or the rmnilc ulso Division No. 1.
A O II 11. or 11, and Holy Nnmn Hocletv
or St Mlt lutein Chun h nnd tho employes
or Thomas Devlin Mru Co nro Invited
In ittend the fun. nil, nn Mnndny, nt 8:11
a m . from hi lite residence, 17BS N
Waterloo st Solemn iv-nutcm Mass at St
Mlihael'n Chun h. ut 10 n m precisely.
Interment at Hnlv Cross Cemetery.
. 15QM
rouiTTD or
.Pigeons .
ttavn sour vnunir chick aturt
milli'ts l.utiiB earlier net mora
ikkh when cbcs p.ty ljcat-T-prepivre)
vour corkorola nioro nulrklvr for nen
or mnrlcet by recdlne thcao lveyatona
1 ooils
Tho properly balanced ration, com
pounded hy exports used by experts
anil nmiiteurs vvherover reaults count.
lHi:i; IIOtIK, Includes everything for
poultry. plKoona, farm or Harden.
at lorn nnAi.rjis, on
It .Market St.,
Cuintlen, N".
romforiublo handles, blutlptf
of food etecl: Itiernve la nuch
thnt little pressure la re-
mil red, iurranttM. ilepondable, Iter, 33c
lUttor do our prunlnt? rlsht Postage
away, before there la nny 5 cents
ilaiiser of tho sap h tar tine up. extra
Write for cntulot? of k'linlon requisites.
Our Annual February Tool Sale
Ends Tuesday. Feb. 29
Ilurr If uu Hunt to tur miner on
Timlti of nry ilftf rlntlon
.Voui ia the lime for Spring Repair
need material that will add to their value, beautify
tu well aa protect. Cover thcra with
and you won't need to repair, because they hold the
record (or loru and ethcient service. 32 yean' acrv.
Ice without a complaint. Economical tnprlc and
ratUy laid. Write lor our book. "Best Roof Under
The Sun." IT'S FREE. A comparison of roofiax
materials. It'a a revelation. Shows you how ta
red your house at least cost.
MsaircuMtUlRssHaiCeUl ErieSL.Caaid'ea.K.J,
Is Not Caustic Cannot Burn
Th tf4t unil most economical fonn off
Mino to unf
Full information us to tha moat feconom
lr tl way to pun has
471 Bullitt Bldg. Philadelphia
t h h t rcsb f i om yuUtf
Collins' Fruit Guide Free
shown ttus reroftr$8.ur pro-
son group ot straw to rf &Ud
raBoheriie. ia nACural colara. iOalr
requires garden, spae? II ft sa )
Arthur J. CulUn. Utx ?0. Moorttgwp. N. J-
4734 Duffield Strefit
Landscape Gardcnijig
iramt trlmiiiinc a4 Mmilnt ju -VSt
" Mao .- -. r. t 20t!W
t M
Garden Shears fiTiA