mmiimMWj)!iiWiywwii V" X- tt- "-visr,intj W-1 ffis y.'ryfHgr''f agwto-r-syyr -? -- -iawiMWHp T.mnri 'PTtTTrAntnr.P'FrTA xpmnAV. MAT?.riTlf 3. 1916. T BaKiiiii t "... i ; rf FTNAKrrTAT, M171W.Q '""lif t i i , j .i. 1 V. -FLUCTUATIONS IN STOCKS WERE NEARLY ALL TO HIGHER LEVELS American Locomotive Helned bv Statement That New v York Central Had Ordered 150 Locomotives Some of Railroads Showed Betterment in Late Trading High Points in Today's Financial News Lacfcaivanna Steel enjoyed a good year, showing a surplus equal to -6,93 per cent, on the stock, against a deficit of $l,0B2,U5 n 1014. No prospect of dividend on common stock of SlosS'Shcffield at next meeting of directors, hut preferred will be declared. Wall Street heard that Dis tillers Securities will be put on dividend list at 6 per cent, annual rate. Domestic buyers leading factors in steel market. 'Midvale Steel and Ordnance will be listed in Philadelphia the latter part of this month or first of April. Negotiations about complete for iew French loan of $250,000,000, backed by foreign State obligations as collateral. New York Stock Sales lllnh. 8J, 20M 27M 77 08 BO 111 ((H 101 Low. Cloift. bh m 10K 20H 27K 2751 70U 77 CO 07 67W 68H 1HW 111 (55 00! lflOM l8!i 4ft I8H 22 -UK 70J 47 28W 21 39J OSH 4S 2SH 22 41 70JS NEW YORK, Mnrch 3. Tho Interjection of politics In the spcculntlvo situation throughout the rabid debato In tho Somite was regarded with satisfaction by lending financial Interests, Mho havo long hold tho view that politics must enter Into tho mnrltct at somo time, and tho sooner Us Influence Is measured tho more contented Security dealers will bo. At tho same time, tho speeches mado after the tabling of tho Clore resolu tion caused hesitation on tho part of purely speculative buyers. Other buyers havo acquired tho habit of waiting for concessions before making any pur chases, and the checking of bear efforts gavo them little opportunity to add ft) their accumulations. Tho over-night news was generally construed ns favorable to the long position, and tho voto to tablo the Qoro resolution also strengthened speculative sentiment; but there was still tho samo disposition to pursue a waiting policy .' In many quarters that has prevailed since tho beginning of tho week. Where ' fluctuations occurred, which were worth noting, they were In nearly all cases In tho shape of advances, but movements oxtendlng to more than fractional limits wero confined almost wholly to a number of easily moved specialties, like Mexican Petroleum, Studobaker and Amorican Locomotive. Tho last-named stock wos 'helped by tho authoritative statoment that Now Tork Contral had given It a contract for 150 locomotives at fair prices, and that tho company now has on Its books orders for alt the work It can do for a long ttmo ahead. Tho pool In Corn Products mado that stock show a strong tone, and pool activity was noted at times In a few other issues, Including Central Leather and Goodrich. ' In tho lato trading some of the railway Issues made moderate Improvc- ment. and thcro Wero Inrilr.atlnrm Hint anriilnlvn Ininn.) I. -.,.i..n.. u.t lj devoted to this group. Tho conflicting positions taken by tho Rock Island directorate seemed to lifdlcato that tho company will not carry through its program to default on tho interest on J95.000.000 4s on April 1. At the close nearly all tho active Is3ucs ranged above yesterday's final prices, with the market tono hard and tho waiting list of buyers apparently larger than It hns been for a long time past. No important changes wero noted In foreign exchange. No Prospect for Sloss-Sheffield Common Dividend Now; Earnings Good "Within the next two weeks the directors of tho Sloss-Sheffloid Steel and Iron Company will declaro tho rogular quarterly dividend of 1 por cent. on the preferred stock, payable April 1. Thero Is said to bo llttlo or no prob ability of tho common stock dividend being resumed at that meeting. Tho report for the fiscal year ended November 30 last is now in courso of prepara tion and will bo presented at tho annual meotlng of stockholders to be held in Jersey City on March 15. It Is understood that It will show earnings equivalent to the three quarterly dividends paid on the preferred stock and a surplus of about $170,000. , , , tst close. ajssm J ooirt Mints. . 0 Alaska Gold Mines..,. 205 Allls-Clttlmcrj Mr..., 27 AHU-Chalmcrj life pf, 70 Am fleet Suear........ mu Am Can 07 Am uan pr HO Am Car & IMy , c.5 Am Coal Product. ...ton Am Coal I'roil cf. , . . . 1 if.if llfiii llfiM 115l Am Hide A Leather. . 0j nw oM DM Am nine s i, pr...... 40 Am Ico Securities...., 2814 Am Linseed... 21 Am Linseed pf 39) Am Locomollre fiiu Am Locomotive nf. ...tmi lnnit lniiK 1()0! Am Mult Corpn pr. .. 3.1 :nl 3Mi WU 00H OW Df.JS W8M 02? i).1 P2f I)J io! mu -wh now 109)1 ionf 1004 109'i 127U 197J I97lf 13lf Am Tobacco Ml 101U IM Ml'f Am imbacco pr new. . . lOSM 100J 100JI lllfljj Am Woolen Ir rct. ... MH r.ou f.5 r.-im Am Woolen pf t r f)8ij D8,' 0S!f OSjf Am Zinc 1, I. Sm 77'! 78ij 78 7Slj Anaconda Cop M S-lJj HoH F4H S.rtH Associated Oil 081$ 08 08 (IS Atch Top & S V 102 102'4 UUii W2'i Atrh Top ASF pf. . . 102 Ml, 101 H IM1 H.lld Loco Works 101'f 102' j 100 1024 liald Loco Wks pf 10!m 10'J 10!) 101) Halt A Ohio K,U kt)'i .v'(l M! Halt A Ohio pf 70 7fi'f 70W 70'f Il.ilopllas Mining 2 2i 2 2 Itcthlehem Steel 40t) 408 400 408 llullerlrk Co 20'J 20?i 20'! 20JJ turns iiros 82 N. Y. CURB PRICES SHOWED STRENGTH Midvale Steel Up a Fraction and Rights Also Improved Oil Shares Quiet Am Kmelt A Itcf Am Smelt pf A.. .. Am Steel foundries. Am Pimar Itef Am Tel A Tel l)uh Terminal 81 81 HI lliVi 111!$ HI'S 114!j Untie A Surerlor 02'f !).'! 02'f 025 Oal lVlrolcum 27'f 2S 0'i "S Cal lVtroleum pf C8 M',' r8 .'.')( Canadian .'Southern.... r7 o8)a flSJ tfiH Canadian Pacific 104f 100 10IU 1011 Central Leather r.-'U r,: aik r.t Liianuicr aioior 00 17.4 Chesapeake A Ohio.... 014 Chllo Copper 22Jj Chluo Copper fio'j Chlcaco at West 125 tm am st I' o:)4 ini iv .xonnuestern. Chi It I A Pae Cluett Pea A Co 7n Cluett l'ea A Co pf. ..Ill) Col Fuel A Iron 40'f Col A Southern 27 Comput T Kec Co.... 4fl4 Continental Can 70'f Consolidated Gas 132' Con G H L A P nal..lM Corn Products Itef.... 214 Corn I'rod Itef pf 00 Cruclhlo Steel 72Jf Crucible Steel pf 1)2 Cuban-Am Susar 182 ueiron united Hys... So uiamonu Match uistlll Sec Corpn 014 22T of 124 o:i; 004 01 124 0.!f 03 014 22,'i cn 124 ma NRW YOttlf, Jtarch 3. After n gen erally dull opening, with small price fluC'' tuntlons ns a rule, the market for outside securities developed a firmer tendency, with Increased dealings In spots. The fluctuations, aside from four or flvo Issues, howover, were within narrow limits. Atlnnllo Oulf nnd West Indian Steam shlji shnrcs developed considerable strength nnd activity after tho announcement of the dividend on the preferred stock, tho common moving up 1 ,4 and tho preferred 2 '.4. After high levels wero reached Blight reactions followed on prollt-taklng. United Profit Sharing was nlso active, advancing about " on rather heavy pur chases. Midvale Steel moved within a frnctlon. Tho rights Improved slightly, whllo bonds were unchanged. Chevrolet Motors, after an advance of more than 3 points, reacted slightly. Other motor stocks wero practically neglected. Maxim Munition continued Orm nnd fnlrly nctlve. Tobacco Products were In good demand nt nn advance of nearly 2 points; Haskell nnd Barker Car rose l?i.' Submarine Itont wns almost neglected, but steady. Knthodlon Bronze wns strong nt an ad- vance of nearly 1 points. Oil shares were comparatively with small fluctuations ns a rule. Copper stocks were steady. Bonds were quiet nnd unchanged. I.NDUSTMALS. Ifalea in Philadelphia )IIh. .Low. Close. ttiKf- 10 Alllsnc Insur llAi 19M 104 .70 m Lool 70 70 JO .-lu 100 Am Unn....i. 69 B8 .f.8'i n li quiet. ni.i 2 '4 '". VaM 120!f 120 I2fi!f 184 70 103 114 20 404 804 132 100'.' 234 08- 3 .10 Domo Mines 21 . 03 . Wi . II . 50H .100 .400 09 174 70 103 404 23 404 bOU 132 10S4 1084 21 U 234 004 07J 724 73'i lll'f lll'i 1U 1S34 183Jf 1S3.4 St 8.", R.ri 102.4 102.4 1024 1024 184 70 103 114 20 404 804 132 Klec Storage. Bat Erie Erlo 2d pf Fed Min A Sm pf. General Electric. . . General Motors... Goodrich II F Granby Consol 88 Greene-Cananea 41 404 214 03 304 44 504 1004 400 70U 88 414 45Ji 24 03 30 43 604 105!f 450 09 88 44!i 1204 1204 120.4 120Jf lOJf 414 405S 414 New York Banks Gained $571,983 on Currency Movement Tho movements of money for tho week ended with tho closo of business yesterday Indicate a cash gain by tho New York banks of $571,983 As hns been tho caso for a number of weeks past, tho banks lost on Subtreasury Account, this week J5.677.000. including $1,497,000 for gold bars withdrawn from tho Assay Office for export to Holland; but they gained net from tho country $0,248,983. Tho banks received gross from tho Interior by express this week SS,86D,649, against $0,895,903 last week, and they shipped $2,620 060 against $3,681,625 last week. Tho net inflow or money from tho country this week Is tho largest in about a month. Lackawanna Steel Had Good Year; Earned 6.93 on Stock Tho Lackawanna Steel Company report for tho year endlnir DeromW 11 gross sales and earnings of $27,792,935. an increase of $1,511296 over Net earnings wero $5,977,470, compared with si.ksi ire ,i, .... year. Tho surplus of $2,409,108 Is equal to 6.93 per cent, on $34,750 000 stock against tho deficit of $1,652,445 In 1914. "wou.uuu siock, -r - snows 1914. 214-102 01H Great Northern pf . . . Ot Nor cfs for oro pf uusson Ljpin 21 214 Illinois Cent 101 102 Int Agricultural of.... 01 mt intiiarvN J iosf lonu ion Int Con Cor v t c sh. 10J-5 104 104 jni uonsoi corp pf... 73 Int Paper Co 04 Int Paper Co pf 434 Insp Con Cop 414 Int Nickel v t cfs 414 Int M M c of dp 154 Int M M pf c of dp.. 024 104 21.4 03 304 44 504 1004 400 704 SS 444 Aetna TCxplnMp Amor-llrltlih Mfp All Oulf fc I S 8 tto nfd 48 Am Mnrrnnl 3 Aja-r Jtubbfr Inr w I , nn Jlnlto Tube , inn Cnn.idlnn Car A Fdy n do pfd S3 Chevrolet Motor Car 13H I'urtlxt Aeroplnnn ,.,.. AT. Cuban Cnne Husar ''H DrtiiKfi-Senhury 137 Hnnkcll ! Darker Car Kl'4 Henilcn Mfp 'J 11 Inter Mrr .Marine 1l',j dn pM no Keller Sprlnnfleld 117 '4 KuthoSIon Ilrone pref 23 i .Mnnhnttnn Transit .Mnxlm Munition n' Mlilvnle Hteel r,.1 Otis Elevator (13 Otto Kltenlohr w I r.l do pref flu Peerlenn Motor 24 i Poolo Kns H Mach Ion St .loftoph Lenil in H S Krense w I 1214 Htand Motorn 8 Submarine lloat v t c clfs 34 Trlaimln Film v t ctfs 3i l'nlted rrotlt Hhnrlnit 1 V4 U H l.leht & Heat B',i do ttref 4t4 White Motors w 1 World Film OIL 14 BUHSIDIAnlES 214 Asked 23 28 211 i ns ins 117 RS 138 nr. -ts'; 1411 48 3(1 ir.4 n.- iin "i'"4 7 n.) tt mi nn lot S3 4 103.. 13(5 8 4 3.1 4 11 n 48 14 ''O Am OK, ..j. ll!1 R3 Unld Ie prcf.lOK sun Hurt. & s t o. ii 2T Drill J (I .... . 3 80 Cam Steel.,,, ft nn I'orn Trml. ... 2. ,B0 Kleo Stor .... 03 H ion Krle 3(1 4 22 Hunt T. B4 2D flo prof,., 12 280 ln t.'o N A .. S3., 2.10 l,k sup O... in4 1113 IhlKtl VrI., 77'i 100 lh Vat Tr.. atU . 20 S'ort & Weil. .113., 1048 l'enna 11 U....A7U 4 I'a Salt Mftr.-lO'.!,, 310 Vti Btcel pfd.. ns 4 130 Thlla Cn .... 41 . 82 do pref .... SOU 1ni do cum pld 44., 3'I2 Phlla Ulectrlc 27 Jf 7nn PBTIr ctJa inu 17 l'hlla Tract.. 7n. nn liny Cona 214 133 Itendlns .... 1(13 Ton llel 30 Ton Mln 138 Union Trae. . , 830 Unit Clns Im 2833 U H Steel. 131 109 41 87 81 2.1, n.i !i Oil 8 10?! 121 109 41 37 Ml 23 113 8(1 nA it 4 4 100 Utah Con.. 2S War Ir ft St. 1(10 Wentm Coal., 10 W Cramp & E 82 S 4j (li 41 sn4 82.. 84 104 n7Ti 7(1 1 23 loti 7H m M - 07 U 2ri 4U II 44 Ml 4 8 IS 4 - i TO 4 73S T.TJi lTr. r.T JO-' 084 41) arm tin in sii4 I'm 43 mu F04 B4"4 1114 (17 4 70 MIDVALE STEEL WILL BE LISTED WHEN STOCKS AND BONDS ARE Soil Action to Be Taken in Latter Part of Month or FiW April New French Loan, $250,000,000, Secured 1 Dy foreign oictxu vuiijjuuiuiis Ji Total untei, 8.182 kIiucm. 0031 ahorri etenlal thus (10.(131 ahnrei sunie period Ii uliareq. IIOKDS. rompnreil v.llli tar lhl eeli at Hffk, 43,367 Illsh. Low. i.i;s Illah. I 1 . ..t ii r.a 1 03 4 ln.14 J400O Am O A r.l iftnn Rnlrl T. Int fll.lll .nn T W 1 Km lO'l 1 11 4110 Kl ZtPTr la.' 81.1,4 824' innn Kdlnon El ion noon tnoo 20(10 innn 2(10(10 Pa 1110(11) do "r.nnn T A DIIIII1 In I'n wnnm Km Ol V. ft Net Clo. chse. 034 1034 ...,,. 102 4 4 824 824 !(). HnrrHoii II 3a 0(14 Pn4 (4 -4 ltarwood KCIs 1024 H12J4 1024 4 .In F ft C 4 . 024 n.'J t24 4- 4 r, N con 44 1(124 1(124 1024 ..... Ben 4 4 a. 1(12., iic'jj i ;, lo ens 44s in.-.i 1()-.i linj & M St (la ld.14 1(134 HWji ..n n-a r.a 051 U. n 113' Ti .11 L M . inonii do lBt no ..loots innjl l(i4 innn t'hllft r.lee 4a 834 834 834 .... 30(10 Ileart'c Ben 4a 03 4 U3' B't J( filKMI Itend-Jr Ct la O.IJji 113. IL.S 4 2(100 Sn Am I (Is 1(12 1024 1024 ....... ..1 , r. ., ....111 tlflKZ ttl.U. I U H Steel fis.KUJi KHK 1" Ji . . . ,. 200U WNYftl'Ktl 4 814 83U H14 4- 4 2(100 do Int (V- ..Klli lllli 1041 1000 Wclab'h cv Ba I'S 1)8 PS Total aale-. SI33.IOO, comnnrnl wllli S7 1,700 .tfdtenlnTi thiia for tlilvMeck, I07,300 anme period lnt neek, 333TI00, Local Bid and Asked Tito Block of the Mldvnlo Steel and Ortlnnnce Company will bo listed on the Philadelphia Slock Exchange about tho latter part of this month or tho first part of April, it wns learned today. Applica tion will not bo made to tho Stock Kx change officials for tho llstlnff of the stock until tho new slock and bonds of tho company nro disposed of, when a flnan clal statement of the company will bo made tip nnd given to tho exchange with llm nnnllnntlntl The $25,000,000 of stock la payable on March 13 by tho present stockholders, who nro subscribing to tho new Issue or the persons holding the rights to do so. There nro $BO,000,000 of B per cent, bonds, both the stock nnd bonds having been Issued to pay for tho acquisition of Cam bria Steel, which nro not out In tho hands of Investors as yet, although tho Issue wns very heavily oversubscribed. The financial district heard today that negotiations wero nbout completed for tho new French loan, nnd announcement will shortly bo mndc. It Is understood that the loan will ba for $260,000,000 nnd wilt bo issued nt a price to net nbout 6 per cent. Tho loan will be Becurcd by foreign stntc obligations as collateral, but no American securities will be so used. Tho securities which will bo In back of tho loan will be tlioso of such coun tries as Sweden, Norway, Denmark and other countries, the bonds of which nro held in Franco, Tho new llusslan loan Is nlso under stood to be ready for announcement, but It wns said today that tho French loan win no Announced first The ti xM will bo for $100,000,000. lusslntoSJ With tho listing of Mldva.1 it , 19 Be"erot expectation that the local 3 win ihjuuimb more active, as verv in ,, ?SI been ttono on 'Change slheo p.iv,viuMfl tnkon over bv Mldvi. r.. m,anl mont nctlve stock. Although It ! I'l stood that thero nre 27.000 shV " stock which- hiwo nqtToV&M. i. ib nn. .lean, m very much. ToS74 instance, not ni sale of it n..r.?WfM lane durlnrr tho mnrnlt,.. ' 1 VI"? MtM noon nn odd lot bf 30 shares mm ffl unchnnged. ca 80''5 ;M Tho market In this rliv .. t . - quiet mood today, nbout the nnli '?? being United States Steel, o ? if '?.Q mo market was Irregular. On a in .fM lot Cramp cased of a half, whiii SJfl delphln llapld Transit trust crtl'3 moved up n quarter. On the nth.. J Philadelphia Traction Vvns off I hM Philadelphia Klcctrlc touched tXfi'm point of tho year, sclllnir ,! . ' but It was only oft n fraction H.W& nrst time this year Huntingdon i and &H Top was sold, dropping ltf brtow thSt previous sale. v ".BS Greater Interest wns shown n k than In stocks. Western Now va Pennsylvania general 4s on th ilfcB? iwo iiiociis. $1000 In each, advaneS irom mo last prov oils roIo wCr.MII Sinnfl Knld nf Bfll! .. ...1 ,1 .'. ln their being two Intervening bids Tb!$ tho transaction was consummated T& de phla Comnany first 6s foil tt .,! being sold. '"' "W LONDON EXCHANGE QUIET 73 41 45 4.')H c:m l!5!i 5-1 J i 3H mi 44 4IH 41H IS OHf 25H .riP Jsan L'lty Southern.... a'i nennceott topper sm Klncs Co E h & P i.acK steel Co 70 77J$ KUDDor & Tiro.... 48Ji 4!)f Lehljh Valley 77U 77H LlRcett &. Myers 217 249!i 24051 I.lKOtt & Myers pf 120 122 122 Lonnard v Co pf Uf)U 120 21K 1(12 am 109K ian 73H ou 14 45 45J 1B 03) i 25IS filW STANDARD Prairie Illlnola 182 Ohio oil : 22, Standard Oil of California 230 Standard oil f New Jersey. . ..304 Standard Oil ot New Tork 203 OTHER OIL STOCKS. narnett Oil Colen Oil Clialmora OH , Houston Oil -Midwest neflnlna- MINING STOCKB. 114 204 n 174 G Sapulpa Atlanta Corro Ilutte CZvl ctfa Ilutte & New York First National Conner Colrifleld Merger 14 114 17 334 .72 r.'.i iQ'-a 49Jf 77H Distillers Securities Will Be Put Back on Dividend List Gossip Had It today that within two weeks Distillers Securities will bo nut back on the dividend paying list with Initial payments at the rate of Tier cent per annum. "' Le"1, COTTON MARKET STEADY; OPERATORS HELD OFF European Selling: Orders Caused Scattering Pressure NEW YORK, March 3. The political situation was the predominating Influ ence, on the Cotton Exchange thlB morn ing. While sentiment was mixed, how. j ever, It was noted that some of tho Im j portant traders who recently wero ex , tremely bearish were not so decided In their views. The o'pening tone was j steady, with prloes 2 points lower to 2 ) points Higher, With tho exception of eome buying by Liverpool of October nnd selling of May by spot interests, the trad ing was without feature. There appeared to be a tendency to hold off on the part of many of the recent active operators. Whatever demand there , was on the call was easily supplied and , some Increase In the selling later caused losses of 4 to S points from the Initial levels. The market worked oft to a net loss of about 5 to 7 points during the middle of the morning. Tho relatively easy ruling of New Orleans and the appearance of email European selling orders around the 'local ring seemed to promote some scatter ing pressure and the decline carried July contracts off to 11.67, or about 12 points under the best price reached In yesterday's rally. The selling was not active, how ever, and the market ruled fairly steady, with prices showing rallies of 2 or 3 points from the lowest after 11 o'clock. The traveling man of a local firm, who has Just returned from a trip through the Eastern belt, says he found crop prepara tions well advanced, although the rains recently have checked work. There seemed to ba little Improvement In the general volume of business, but the market showed a steadier tone dur ing the early afternoon. Political advices rrom Washington appeared to receive a favorable Interpretation and some of the early sellers were credited with covering on the rally which carried the active months some 2 to i points net higher. The advance also was rncouraged by the' Mteudler tone of New Orleans and the -, favorable average of ihe little Bpot . riows that appeared to be reaching here from the South, but sentiment was still more or less unsettled and people around the. ring said they saw little indication of fronh buying for long account. I " New York Bond Sales Hlffh. 400O Alaska Gold cv 0000 do r f p loan 1000 Amer Asr 3s 102H 13000 Amcr Cot Oil Ss... 7i 117000 Anclo-F I, 5 04'i 1000 Amer Smelt Sec Os.lll Low. Clone. 103 10.1 103 103', 102 4 102i 07 'i 07 'i 01 tilVd 111 111 iA . Am" Tel cvt '.. ion nOOO Ann Arbor 4a ti3 (1000 Armour Co l'as... m s.ioil Atchison sen 4s.... i4'4 Bijoo Atchison adj 4s S7 loon Halt 4 Ohio 3,4a... 2! Bono Halt & Oh 4s..:.. T?i 44000 Halt & Oh cv 48.. 0(1 loojiiiii lieu, steel l!!t nS.. 103 1000 Ileth Steel rfd .1S...10'' 1001) Heech Cr 47... )5i 2(1000 Hr Itan Tr 5s 1017.101 ,'"" i;wh. Term Uldc Ss SS 3000 Cent Inth 1st fia.lfrj 0OOO Cent Pac 1st 4s... ol 3000 cent n a n j n. lis SOOO Ches & Ohio cv 41j 87ii 2000 Chi ti Alton 3H... 43 H Chl 11 & Q joint 4s I. 08 ti coot) do gen 4s n.tii g"C m VVtp'aii. : !!;& r.OOO do dlv 4s () 4(10(10 do cv .Is ! 1UUH 27000 uocv 4Ws... .! 100? 3000 do fd 4Mb. u"i 100(1 C .M & P H 4s. 01 -.J?' l M&OdebBs.l(l2V4 JU2H 1 WW JSS ! K1""?88. rc,s 8" 771 77! 77! 4000 Cumberland Tel'! lir'i in-'ii 1000 Del & iiud lonv? 10H.2 ,-.2 JH;b 2. 'AY. Jien & ,tl0 Or 7 SffiS R?irs" .!ius ; ITS Tn,.n i::7i""' .V'" I." .:: f" lo lunv -is oer A. 500 t!on Klec deb 5s... 2000 Hud tc Man In 5s 14(i0() Hud & Map rW-Ss 200(1 II M(AI jL. AS0.!! !" Antral 4s 1033 jf 111 Inn IVnus m Ho 105 t, (13 114 II 1H 7S 112". 01 4 llll'n 103H 102 mm lOOTn KS 78 'i Illl'i no H 118 874 13 1)8 113 Mi 1)2 l(IOI Oils 1)1 10.-.H (13 04 1)4 T4 87 02 "i llllj 11117, 103 T, 102 IIHU 101 88 78 Ti 1112 til UN H71; 1.1 118 i 11.1 MlVi 02 KMI'i 100i U I Ik.' 104 . 5,- 129 . 57'i . mi 95 Loose-Wiles Biscuit. Loose-W Ilia 2d pf. Manbat Kiev Rtd... Maxwell Motors.... Mar. Motors 1st pf. ftlat Aloton 2d pf. . Mcxlcin Petroleum. Mexican Petroleum pf. 9j -Minn & st Louis 5 M St I'&S SM I I.. 75 Miami Copper :to! Montana 1'oner pf 112 Nat Enam & S Co.... 2.-IJS isattonal Lead Nov Con Cop New York Air Urako N V N H & II Kvcj ii n N Y O & West Norfolk & Western.. rtbern Pacific... Ont bllvor Mln Pacific Mall I'enn Railroad Philadelphia Co Pitts Coal Co N J. Pitts Coal N J pf. . Pressed S Car Co 12SJ 12tH 128H 12S)i 49!f 77 24IIJi 122 120 HI 5fl HID t;o;i t:i 441$ 08U OoH 5 r, S3H 10 .r)0 l.'IO (i0'4' S-3 44H asu fioU 10'f 138' i ViO .. 07 ..104 .. 28!f ..llllf ..1I2U . . OH .. 2S'i .. 57 .. 40 .. 293,' ..105 19' Pressed S Car Co pf. .102 . 71H .1011 . 31)3. 73 U 01', 831 Tes close Open. Hhjh. Jmvt. Cloaa. lfrch .. . 1141 11 SS 11.43 1135 11.41 SUy 114!V 11.53 11.88 1140 11. 5o July It 1$ 1171 1177 11.117 1175 October 11 SO 11 3 11 Ol 11 85 11 01 DxaMnUrr 12 07 12 03 12.12,12 03 12.07 January 12 14 12 14 12 IT 12 10 12.16 tfput ... 1153 .. 11.60 Liverpool Cotton LIVKltruul,, March 3. Spot cotton' today waa In moderate demand at an ad- vRCi o 9 points, on the basis of 7.84d. 1 for mid uplands. The sales aggregated tMO bale, including 6000 balsa American. tmjKirui wero 27.0011 baltw. Ineludinz 0 bales Amrlcan. The market for rea otooed steady, at a net advance of po(jit8 to a deuline of H point Liverpool Cotton Statistics, LIfcJBFOOt March 3 Following are weekly cotton statistics, figbraa In Imports, IWT.OOO ; American, 57,000 ; 4. &M M. Anuurteaa, 6ii,00; for- i J,S0, Airicaii, ?0,eo4( ex- tt. f .Hfoi ii rw ouun jupaneoo new 4Vis. 8(1 ,2000 Kan City Ho Bs.T!.. 02 1VK!!i! --a '! Bs 1030. D34 10)10 l.k Sh deb 4s 1031. 1)4 I looo lrlllard Ss . .....uti 100(1 louls i Nash 4s... 115 l(ioi) Jlanhattan ata 4s .. 02 150O lira p Co Us Ssr C 107 100(1 Mllwaukefl (las 4s. 03 100(1 Minn SI I H H SI 4s 1)3 '4 1000 Mo Kan & T 1st 4sT" 74 100(1 do 2d 4s.. 4?,H 13O0O Mo Pac Bs 1020 88V? 300(1 Nat Tubu 5s in? 13000 do 4Vis... 0511 u.1 122000 N V Cent (Is 1134 iuu -." n X City 4 Vis 1003. 100 l(m2 XK "" p ."! .m K"l VJ ill 77'i 715t 71 'I Kit. .id"! 73!? 111 83 "I 1711 (? 73 'J IM1 IOJ 8(1 Ul M 1)3 til; in.' 1)3 112!; ion 03 03 ti 74 4B4 88 401 01 loavj 711 77 U 71 ;! 71 ii 101 f. T'tlZ Ol (J H5I IIIV4 raii .'I.. N If Tel nen '4 ''.';; uavi Norf t West 4s... I. U3V5 1 ua ; j ill !4 1)0 03 03 jf 1UI 170 73 l)(l 102 811 IOJ 11.1 1)24 lou 03 101 8(1 Vj 0.1 VI 113! Ml (I luji! IMS 77 tflVi 00 V 03 Vi 03 V! 1UI n.Ulll H.i a .... BOOO N V N 114 Vi Vs. '."J 14J Tftnn nn u.if'ri B400II 7000 10000 Nor I'ao wlor 4s. , 03V5 0000 Nor Pao sen 3a UUii 1000 Ore Short Une Ss. Iu7 luuu ran lt as..,,,.. ,,.io3V losit I6ii 4000 Pao Tel Ss......:::i00J 100 loo! fOOO renna met 4Hs.l02VJ 102C 1028 S888 WerLc,V,7S 5 ,8.i(!!H ,?h oovi im7. --." -j:v '"'.. yv.. 1"" " ;.ii if w a om... ... win UOVi juou hock isianq -Is.... 85 1000 do rfd 47. ..,.". B.1 SOOO da Bs 101 3800 St u lc S P rfd ot 4s 82 1000 St Louis Dm 1st 4s. 78 SOOU Sa board A U adj 0 00 37000O Sauth 1111 5s. ..... .101 100O South Pao ov 4s 87 owu UW V" P Ul..lU1b 3000 South Pao rid it . . . 80S 70OO South ttwy cm 4s.. 72 ouuu oouin itwy ton as .uz rullman Co Quicksilver Quicksilver pf lly Steel tip Co.... Hay Con Copper. . , llcadlns Itcadlnz 2d pf Itepubllc Iron & S. Seaboard Air Mno.. Scars Itoo ,t Co .. Sears Hoc & Co pf....l27 shat Ariz Cop :jil Hloss-Shef S & 1 55 South 1 It Sucar Pf...llO 120 10 CO 130 57U 82 42! IWM 93), fi 75 3o HIM 111U lll'f 2Hf 24 2IVf GO OdVi 1GJS m 139 139 07 07 lfM 101.' 27 27H 11m 115 IUU 112U G5( 75 27H SRJ-i 57 5711 39JX SOW 29i 30 104V5 103 49 50 ion iiWi 0GV5 10H 0: 1IMX 27H 113 112U 7H 29 57H 40 3'1 105 50 1017, 102U lO.'li 102if 102lf 44 7 39H 21. 82 45 50 10U Vi 00)5 20 Southern Pacific. . Southern lly Studcbaker Co Tenn Copper Toxas Co Teias Pacific Tobacco Prod pf Union Hag & Paper. . Union lias & P pf . . . United Cigar Stores. . United Cigar S pf HU United Clear Mfrs 59li United Dry Goods pf. 03 Union Pacific U S Ind Alcohol... VA 0',' OH 0rJ V8M 38), 3SH 245. 2 lit 24 H K.J4 kl'i 82" 44'' 44?i 44?f 511j :,wi am 111 10 10 175 1715 175 127! 127U 127U 30J( 30 31f 5-1 53)f 5-t lit) 110 110 97U 90M 07)f 20,'f 20 20)i 13ljg 13S)i 133M 138 54)5 54!i 54M 54J.' 10S 201H 108 201 7'f 7 7 7 103 101H 101!j 101H ni li'cla Mlnlns llowo Sound Jim Butler Jumbo Kxtenslon . . . MHRma Copper McKlnley-PnrraRli .. Mines of America .. Niplsidnc; Mines Co .. San Toy West End Con West End Extension 4Vi 5 03 on 17 44 2 (l' 15 74 1 217 18.1 230 2.1.1 B07 200 12'i 20H R lw. 00 12 18 88 7T4 .1 514 111 4'1 5 04 1)8 17t 40 S II '4 17 77 BONDS. Krle rts . . . 11 & O Bs Cerro (Is . . . Mldvulo Bs .101 '4 ..117 .. Oil 101U 120 U9H Financial Briefs 29H 0)S 7M VA 7w 29H S9H 29)5 9)J 9) O'i lUi 11JJ IDS 59 60 59 05 03 01 131)1 132VJ 131W 132W ..151 152)f 150M 151U UBCH'S F I0) 17)f 101( United Itys Inv Co.... 15 hj ijij uuiku nun lii 14111 11JJ4 141 U S Itubber 49 49)f 49 U S Steel Corp 80H 82 U S Steel Corp pf 115J( 110 SOflOO Third Av nw 4s iihmi -rairo 6s.. lv Adl 13006 Onion I'ac 1st 4s JoyO Union I'm. y 4 SOO Va Hwy 5s . . 1000 IVabasb 1st IM . 1000 West BlwtrU; Ss 10OO WMt Hha't rts 4s 100U Wt tfnkui ifts . m VI 1)3 U8K .104V 103 . Sl, 101 vt 00 'i 83 Vi 83Vi '13 V4 H.1V4 80 80 Ji Wltl lOIJi Vi iV U2V4 Vi 78 vi 78U ,, 3 03V V4 lOOS 1O0K S TH 87M tut 101: S 00 S 72 It ' .8SW 8JU 104 104 1)7 07K , 0.14 UAtL u7l "1 10IV4 10l M JStk Total sale. i.,0O0, compared ullh (3,311.000 jt.terOjl thiw. far thl? utek. iu.a23.10vj nuut perled ltt wctk, 13,: estM). Utah Securltle 18 17H Utah Copper 83 84M Va-Caro Chem 43 43b Wabash 13'f 13 Wabash pf A 42)5 43 Wabash pf II 25)i 20 West K & M 01)5 G3Ji Western Maryland 26 20 West Union Tel 88 S8! Willys Overland 210 210 Tolnl sales, 315,700 shures, romuared Willi 38.1. JOO klmrcs rterday thus fur IliU week 2,830,700 khuresi bauie period last urek 1,3111,000 shares, , S0) 110 175 81 42J5 l.'iH Mi 20) i 02 25 SS 210 17)f 14)j 143)5 40!J 81Ji 110 17)5 84i 43)5 13)5 43 20Vi 03)i 20 SSJi 210 PUBLIC UTILITIES The Pacific das and Electrlo Company reports gross operating Income of J1.7G2. 713 In January, a sain of $91,928 over the same month last year. Net Income of $874,314 showed an Increase of 179,010. The United States Public Service Com, pany reports gross earnings of 196,480 In January, against 179.840 In that month of 1915. The net revenue of (46,828 was $13,800 greater than In the preceding January The Heading Transit and Light Com pany' reports January gross Income of $198,616. as compared with f 179.191 for the corresponding month last year Twelve months' gross shows Increase of $47,151. Can Issue Bonds and Stock INDIANAPOLIS. March 3 The Pub lie Service Commission has given author ity to the Public Utilities Company of Bvansville to issue $1,105,300 bonds, which are to be sold at not less than 85, and to increase it capita! stock $320,000, Forty-eight vessels, totaling 26,108 tons, wore built In United States shipyards In February. Only one of these was admit ted to American registry. Tho Atlas Powder Company announces that the proper revenue stamps will bo affixed by the company to the proxies sent in for the annual meeting on March 21. A. Pomerantz, of A. Pomcrantz & Co., returned yesterday from a month's stay In Cuba. His office wns elaborately decorat ed with (lowers, in recognition of his re turn, and a large number of his frlonds called during the day to congratulate him upon his return. Tho American Snuff Company report for year ending December 31 shows sur plus avallablo for common dividends $1, 462.516. This Is an Increase of $22,290 over the previous year. The Wahash-Plttsburgh Terminal and West Sldo Belt Railway Company reports for January operating rovenues of $143, 918; expenses, $79,086: net revenue. $63.- 932 ; from July 1 operating revenues total $918,469; expenses, $496,716, and net rev enue, $411,743. A protective committee has been formed to conserve the Interests of the bondhold ers of the Tillamook Timber and Logging Company, of Oregon, which defaulted on the Interest due March 1 on $$,100,000 6 per cent, outstanding bonds. It is com posed of Emll K. Ilolsot, chairman ; Ralph Van Vechten, R P. Mack, J. P. Oleson and Clark L. Pool. The New York Subtreasury gained $510,000 from banks yesterday, making a cash net gain since Friday of $5,677,000. The report of the Osceola Consolidated Mining Company for 1915 shows net profits of $1,610,860. or $16.75 a share, against $353,677, or $3.68 a share In 1914. Tho cash and transit Items of the Chevrolet Motor Company, as of March 1, were reported as $5,377,079, The remarkable volume of banking transactions, as reflected in clearing house exchanges, continues to reflect the maintenance of active business In all parts of the country, the total this week at the principal cities In the United Sates, according to Dun's Review, amounting to $4,276,649,867, an Increase of 39.3 per cent, as compared with the $3,114,331,717 for the same week last year, and 35.7 per cent, as contrasted with the $3,160,566,750 reported for the corresponding week In 1914, The exports of copper for the week ended March 2 amounted to 3390 tons and since February 1 last 2217 tons. The Flsk Rubber Company reports for the 14 months ending December 31 net profits of $1,791,579. an Increase of $849,. 375. Surplus for the period is $637,128, compared with $432,204. The directors of the American Beet Sugar Company took no action on the common dividend at the meeting today, The entire block of $8,500,000 West Penn Power Company first mortgage 5 per cent bonds, offered at 95 te bv a. n. Leach & Co., Ji. W. Halsey & Co. and the Continental and Commercial National Bank, have been sold. Tho United Cigar Stores report an In crease for February of $233,000 over a year ago, This Is the largest February In crease in the company's history. Today Yesterday Tld. Asked. Hid. Asked. Huff & Bus t c 40 do pref BO nrlll J O S7 Ilaldwln 1024 do pref ion Cambria Steel HI niectrlr Htornce 113 Oenernl Asphntt .... 34 do rref 7(I'J Key Tel J3J4 do pref r.nko Sup Corp I.oh Nav r.ehlRh Valley . Vnl Tr.... do pref Pennsylvania . . Phlla i:iec Phlla Co Ho Ii nep pent. do (I per cent, pref 41 rmift it i do t c Reading- Ton Hel Ton Slin Union Traction V a I U S Steel .... York Hallway do pref . . . . Wm Cramp t c LOCAL MINING STOCKS TONOPAH STOCKS. "jlld. . .Tim Butler no MnrXamnra 0.1 Midway 1.1 Mlzpah Extension 10 Montana 2.1 Northern Star 1". Tonopah Belmont 4U Tonopah Extension 4s Tonopah Mining 0& Tlescuo l?ula 1(1 West find 71 41 4 41 oo r.n no :in so,, 103 101 1014 ioiiH .. ... , 4 2s; na'I .1.1 .ii .ir.., 71 71 71 U II 13 14 1.1 1,1'fe 14 . ... r.n 70 nn 7() .... io; it ins ion .... 7r.H 7(1 7fifc 7(1. .... 77U 78 77 77'i .... 21 Sli SI . 21 , ... 42T, 43 42H 43 . ... r7 r.7i naj4 r.7 ,... 1!7 :!7 27H 27M .... 40 41 40 II oref 8I1V1 .IS Sll'i 38 44Vi 44 4114 iu'i ii, n inr, ti. lll'i 1D& 18 ID 82'i 82(4 81"I 82 4 4t 4H 4li fUi nil (14 (l 4.1t& 44 4,1 H 44 80H 80V4 811 80(4 81! 82 804 804 1056 in'4 10'4 11 37 37(4 .1(1 '.4 37(4 71 7.1 71 7.1 sked. .02 .0(1 .10 .21 .27 .1(1 4 4H OH .17 .70 Amcricnn Group Without Life; Cana dian Pacific Steady LONDON', March 3. Tho Stock Ex cliango markets w1-?e dull today, A hesi tating nttltudo was noticeable throughout the house. Tho gilt-edged section wavered. Finan cial firms continued their preparations for tho now British loan. Tho arrangement for liquidation of French securities hero has not been completed as yet. Tho American group was without ani mation. Tho treasury's prices wero mixed, and Issues not on that list drifted Idly. Canadian Pacific displayed steadiness. Alterations in homo railway shares wero fractional and confused. Irregularity was noted In Soutli American rails. Thcro was a further ndvanco In tho French loan to 84?i. Japanoso descriptions wero In fluenced .favorably by nn additional pur chase off 500,000 Imperial Government 4 (4s for trio sinking fund. Mines wore dull. Johannesburg Indus trials wero Vhaken by tho prohibition of dealings In iVictnls, except by producers, owners and consumers. It was feared tho order might be) nxtended to other com modities, Including rubber. ADVANCE lk DRESS GOODS GOI.DFIELD STOCKS. Atlanta niuo null Donth , UulldOE c. o. n Combination Fraction niamondfleld IllJ .... Daisy Florence (loldfleld Consolidated . (ioldtlcld Merger .in .03 .3'-' .01 .0.1 .07 .0.' .0.1 .4.1 .SH .14 Jumbo Extension 0(1 Kcwanas 15 Oro 0.1 Sand Ken 0.1 Silver rick 03 SHSCELIjANEOUS. Fairy Aztec 01 Klmberly 01 Nevada Hilt 18 Arizona Un 43 Nevada Wonder 1.80 $100 BONDS nid. 03 i IIH'I no Anglo-French .Is 1020 City of llaltlmore 4s 111 II'-' City of Chlraeo liar C 4s 11117. City of N Orleans Imn Bs lOL'D.llin City of Vancouver 4Un IOL'3... nn'.i New York city reg 4 (is 10(1.1... 107 New York City reg 4'is IO1I11. ..101 11 & o o & 1, k lit r,s liiso ox; Cent Vermont lly 1st rec Is 1020 81 i C II & Q Pen Ext la 102L' 1)0 c 11 & Ht i a it c r,s ion 11111H C lIsHIF conv 4(4b 1032 1II1IH Col M Ko It Ex -1(4b 103.1.. H.l'i ;v v uentrai conv )ieo iih iii.i.-. , u.iu N Y fl I, (Erie) 1st Ha 10411.. Oil N Y N II & II C I) ctfs :tV4 W.10 72U STNII4II0D reg 0a 1018.. 114 Norfolk k West 1st con 4s 1000 113(4 Heub'd A I, 1st and con Ss 104.1.. DO'J South I'ac 8 F Term 1st 4s 11)50 8.1H Virginian Ilwy lBt fis 1002 IIHU Am Ag Chem con deb .Is 1024.. 08 Am Ice Securities deb Us 102.1.. Hl. Am T & T coll tr ctfs 4s 102U.. MS Am T & conv 4'.4b 1023 10.1 lleth Steel 1st and ref Ss 11)42. .101H Cent Leather 1st reg Ss 1025... 100 Cities Serv con notes 7s 101K...1005 Com r Ry ft ron lit 101N...1O1 Denver (lus & Ele- 1st .Is 1040.. 00 Oen Electrlo deb 3H 1042 70 O West I'ower con deb 0s 1D2S. . 07 I.acka Steel 1st ron .Is 1DS0 04 Laclede (las 1st Ss 10111 100'i I.IK A Mjers deb reg 7s 1014 12.1 T.lg Sl Myers deb reg Ss 10.11 102 1" Lorlllard deb reg 7s 1014.... 123 V Lorillard deb reg Ss 10.11 looVS Pierce OH con deb (Is 1021 8(1 Alont Power 1st and ref Ss 1043 lit! Vi -N Y Air Ilrako 1st con Ha 1028.. 104 VMS Kutson con acu us ivat .... van .18 .01 .34 .0.1 .01 .OS .03 .on .4(1 .00 .in OR .10 .on .00 .00 .0.1 .03 .21 .47 1.8S Offer. 04(4 102 llllt 103 10S 101 ; 8(1 K 114(4 lis 11.1M looU 8.1 00 H 88 112 10(1(4 102 i 101 U 102 10.1 07 K 811 'J 08 !i Oil 1112 127(4 127(4 11)2 87 'i 07 "i 105(4 Mills Have Withdrawn Quotations for Fall Material NEW YORK. March 3 In Its weekly review the Dry Onods I'crmomlst will say: Tho sold-up condition of ihe market con tinues. In many centred t he dally news papers nro printing interviews with mer chants, who havo just returned from the central markets, emphasizing tho shortngo of certain lines of merchandise and tho ndvances In price. "In wool and worsted dress .qoods tho shortage of fabrics Is Indicated bj' the fact that Jobbers who did not sulllclen'tly cover their needs havo bought goods from other Jobbers. All tho prominent dretfi goods mills havo withdrawn their quota tions for fall. "In tho cotton goods market there has been n slight hardening in prices ofgiay fabrics. Actual advances have been mado on dark percales for fall delivery. (Tho manufacturers of these goods aro unyviil Ing to state their prices, and tho aamo condition prevails with jobbers." FOREIGN EXCHANGE I NDW YORK, March 3. Dealings, in foreign exchange were quiet, sterling showing a heavy tone, whllo francs wftro slightly easier. Demand sterling w; quoted at 4.76, cables, 4.76 15-16 ; franc! checks. 5.88(4 i cables, 5.87; guilder. 42(4 for checks: cables, 42 "J : rclchtl- marks, checks, 73, cables, 73: llr checks, 6.70, cables, 6.69(i: Swiss checks. 5.23?4, cables, 5.23; Vienna kronen, checks; I3.un ; siocitnoim, cneciis, 28.10; pesetas, 13.02, and rumes, checks, 31. m COTTON TRADE CONDITIONS J a SATISFACTORY Tffi Collections Good Wool Mat onunK iiarawaro uusinoss Good? Conditions in tho local cotton a ton yarn trado show vlrtnniiv .i.w5. for somo tlmo past, according t $, Dun & Co. Conditions nro said to b.i sat sfactory. prices nro firm, owluS uuuvo nnu collections nro good. Th ,,r wool market continues strong nnd hd do not nppcnr to bo Inclined to sell jS ..... ...... ..,,,.... LU olm mgner prlca.t Tho bulk of tho sacs during week have been mostly In territory voS with firm values. Foreign wool,!.- rtctlvo nnd there appears to ba a rj demand. Domestic flocco wi.H'S strongly held, and denlers do notWnS to bo desirous of soiling. Tho rmitV oxceptlonajly busy In tho textile line in) aro consuming largo quantities ofw, terlal. Some in ifncturers ntar. ,v..' they could get orders considerably w cess ot their production, but nrn nnfuj..' handlo samo. -! From appearances thero exists nt'S tlmo a very optimistic fcellnir as tra ditions In tho hardwnro trade, and tMS" consulted report having a good volumfol .....,...., ... .i,.u iuiu wiiii prospects tot bright for tho future. Prices are slteke niglier. Collections, as a whole, ar"i ported as fair, although somo llttlsila; provement Is to bo noted In certain (rib LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS! chicaoo, March .1. iioas. ni -0.000 hentl market weak. Mixed and b3 en. SS.,..WIU,: uootl heavy, 18.8001 M. r?u ..".".i'AXf. J8.wi0S.75: Hunt, kedflh piHr t. lilies. .H): IIUIK, N.l)&()H.U.. fcjtft steady. IlecveH. J(l.nn7.0(l. cows anrlM. JJ)i "' ' " '" si"CKers ana leeueri, HR ii.,V lcxan"' JO.uowu.oil, calves, tw .iujji.i -. jvueeitHH, nnuu neaa: rnltbt stronir. Natlvo anil Western, J4.40tflUr (ui.iuo, fgufii.tin, RATES FOR MONEY New York . . . Philadelphia , lloston Chlcaso . . . . , Commercial adelphla, 3ViC Call. 14)02 .11? 04 '.'.;::!;;:; ii4 paper, thren to six months. P4 per cent. Time. , SSali 3W01 4 On l' 4 4'4 l'htl. GOVERNMENT BONDS 2a of 10.10 reclstcred ... . 2h of 10110 coupon l'anamn L'l replstercil Panama .'a- 10.IS registered.. Panama new .Is reentered 1'anama new :is coupon . :is of 1(118 registered .. .. .'Is of 1018 coupon Hid. Aild' 09 i -it 09 'M I oil, jejj NEW YORK BUTTER AND EGGS NirW YOniv. March 3. HUTTKIt. Market prices firm on nil grades, but rontlnued fair trade Receipts. B1B1 pkss. Kxtr.i cream ery, 3aHc; hlsher scoring-, 3737l4c.; Stats dalrytl 33930c. ; Imitation creamery. 24 2H4o. i;K!3. Market very unsettled; heavier supplies here and In sight: prices much lower. Jlecelpts. 11.712 cases. Bstrrf firsts, 24Uc: tlrsts. 23He'.'4c: whites, 31032c: browns. 20W27c; mixed, 2425c ' NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET NEW YORK, March 3. At tho opening this morning the coffee market was firmer and the first prices showed gains of 3 to 0 points. Sales on the call were 13,000 bags. Today's opening- .Marcn April May JURS July , AUKUSl Hepteinber 8,23 October ti.27O8.30 November December , H.88 January 8.3708,40 Bales. 13,000 bass. 7.0008,00 8.07 S.17 Yesterday's close 7,00447.03 7.00.07,08 8.02Q8.03 8,0708.08 N.1108.12 N.1308.1U 8.10Q8.20 8,2308.24 8.20 08.28 8,2t)QB,80 8.2808.34 BANK CLEARINGS Ilank clearlnss today compared with corresponding- day last two years: 101(1 1013 1014 Thlla ll8.imB.532 J27.t24.Bn7 J23.721.740 lloston . . . 31,070,013 2J.771.1B8 21,097,321 New York.B07.7(13.812 2M,044.4h5 2.12,233,1(18 Ht. I.OU15.. 10.0RO.IIOII 11.010.274 12,718.031 Chicago .. 70.:U2.I1S2 33,701,10.1 llaltimore.. 7.748.30(1 0.010,170 Money in London LONDON', JInrch 3. Slonoy, 4 4 '.J. Discount rates, short bills, 5!i ; tht e months, 5H per cent. Reserve Banks' Discount Rates lloston New York.. Philadelphia Cleveland . . Illchmond . . Atlanta .... Chicago . . , Ht. 1.0U1B,. Minneapolis Kansas City. 3H The Seattle Electric Co. 'j First Mortgage Sinking Fundi 5 Gold Bonds Due February, 1930 These bonds are secured by., first mortgage on all the prop-,4 erty, rights and franchises oK the Puget Sound Traction,;. Light & Power Co. in the city; of Seattle, subject only u $376,000 Seattle Railway ConK pany First 5s. They are foUf lowed by $5,898,000 Consoli-1 i dated & Refunding Mortgage! v. 5 Bonds due August 1, 1929.J Send for aironlar No, 32, tcAfcS' j trfues prfco anil particulars, gT WilHamP Rnnrir.rrif&ro DC ,, ,....... .-u.w,,,,...,,... r ORRIS WISTAR STROUD, Jf. II Manager , s 437 Chestnut St., Philadelpha New! Yorlc lloston DetroU Ixindon WMlitin l". HonLrleht 4 Co. il Cry I 1SJ Days. . ww l ftl 10 or Over 1(1 Over 30 Cher no " ll less, up to 3(1. up to 110. un to 00. I . 3'i 4 4 I 3 4 4 ;3V4 4 4 4U : s t i i , ti -1 4 4 t i 3 DARGI 3V i lli 1l4 At?l"lPIII. Tmrlit iiPMnlanna " Oter 00. Up to 00. GO to 00, modlty. f K. SS 3 " -V i Ru 5 L B 3H 4 3 ? 3H 3 J 3V4 3H 3 5 . 3 3 S 3 3 3 3U TarU .51 I nonbrlntC -M puliau s an J-'rauciico 3 New Yorit.' ! '. Philadelphia.. Cleveland ... Richmond ... Atlanta Chicago , . . . Ht. Louis ... Minneapolis . Kansas Cltv. llallaa f. Jit San Francisco 8H Up to 30 days: ever 30 to 60, uvcr uu m un, ?3 pf cent., ctnt. t nee Mnt . and over V0. A RAILROAD EARNINGS HUDSON AND 1IAN1IATTAN. December cross , Net Six months' gross Net 11)1.1 19011.433 "112.01S ?.n?.i ,DO..Ultl ... 1 OMAHA. ... 11,625.867 ,,. BIU.7B7 ... 11.480.188 ... 1,824.333 Increase. -(). 08 L',613 00.47X MO.UOT BAR SILVER 3Tdlrott"niria In4on todalr w" ouotdl at CommeccUl bar sllvtr in Jfow Voxk wu vt4 todlr t (&, sir gc. ,wr WM January cross ..,,.. 11,625.867 1102.823 Net ,,.. BIU.787 32 671 7 months' cross .... 11,480.188 462,080 Net ...,..., 3,824,235 262,735 LOUISVILLK AND KARIIVIT I T.- January cross ., 16,041.144 1914 712 Net 1.6711.831 820 642 Heven months' utoeh. . 34. Ken SHT t ir: TA'SZn'ZVI T'Xfr'-"'' .s ........ ..,. .. ,V.' uecreasc. 260.311 4.0U;074 1)1 VI DEN 1)8 AT A MKKTINU UV THK IIOAKI1 OF III. rectors of tha CDllnnUl-auUabl Title and Trust Company, held March 2. 1016 a Btmt-Annual dividend ot 4 (17.00 per share) was declared, payable March ti. 1818, to Stockholders ot record March 16. 191U. Check will ba mailed. JOHN . BKELLT, Treurr. DIVIDENDS DECLARED . Contlnental-Gqultabls Trust Company, regu lar semiannual 4. per cent., payable March 25 1 to lolil Mminir ("omnflnv. rulF nua.. of IVi cents u. share, payable March 31 Itmr viTiiiiniiiiuai i jri vcillii to stock of record March 15. share Apr; Tia Atlantic Quit ana Bteamshlp Comparr 11 0 un Viviciicu, li)rUUl9 ra oi recgra jiiarcn m. kim Oold Mlnlctf Compan: holders on Dreierred. nniiipra or record aiarn Yukon Oold MlnlDtf Company, regular to holders of record March 10 kst Penn Traction g 1st 5s 1960 t present prices net over Gco yAY. MOQRE S Gff & 125 So. Broad St. 1 CORPORAM IIIVIDENIIS KENNECOTT COPPER 120 BroadVuy, New York, February . 12! 1 UIVlDliNlJ NO. I. f The Board lor Directors or tno .enneco"ja.r per Corporation has this day declared f'""i dsnd of One TDollar ($1.00) per share. &. m...,ak .nrilJv Ulamh HI Ifllfl nflVAtlll MU". 1, 1810. to stockholders ot record at tb J ot business afi J p. m., Mirch 10. I"",,? cr OOOKS Willi vn'oc a.v o p. ill., iu,v, -.-rr and reopen Mdrch 20. 1010, at 10 a. n. 3 i I I By C T UUUCU Beorelr Tc miiEoronv of accountants :?-"'. . - - . r. ?a Certmea rubiio Arcountanis riljfted ViVBN r ifn1Mr'i t nir.irJ . fl. Ills niirUi ESTATB THUST builpBS These Men. Direct The MORRIS Plan T. (1. Ashton, II. II. A. J. Ilrexel HUdle H. W. Curuen V. H Edmund lVm. I. Jrorbea of I,oana and Iqvesttnents In FhlU-dslpbla,: John Crlbbel Tbss. JIurllndale , IlariT Nelke Howard II, Henry Arthur J. Morris Tbas. Now lull It, Io Haul Itobt. Mt-Keuty '..joseiih M. hteei Louis 1. Kolb J. It. MiAIIUWr Charltan Yanull ' H 111 I.... U,..ui ? UUClt D,nv. Over (90V.VOO m loan, averaging J100. made to data. Datails on request. Supervised by tho State Banking Diartmnt. LOVIS J. KOLB, tyet. HOWARD XT. ItBtTRY, V. Pre. R. LEO UVUT, V. Pre, and Treat. PENNSYLVANIA LOAN COMPANY 1507 Arch Street 'tvvVje