EVENING .LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, MARCH 3, 1016- MAJOR LEAGUE CLUBS MAY RETURN TO "FAkMING SYSTEM" WITOM1NOR ORGANIZATION 14 B r I;' it J sA faw lv. CHICACxO NATIONALS HAVE BLAZED WAY OF OLD FARMING SYSTEM Method of Keeping String on Players, Frowned Upon a Few Years Ago, May Prove Bene ficial for Short Period MANY crftlca declare tlio purchnso of a largo block of stock In tho Peoria Club of tho 1. 1. I. LenRue by tho Chicago Cubs will start tho old "fnrmlnB" system Which was so sovorcly criticised and. surely will brlnjr forth a howl of protest from tho Players' Fraternity as soon na Tinker tries to switch a player back to tho "bushes," and hold a string on him. Tho funning out of players has many disadvantages, but with tho major leagues overloaded -with "Ironclad" contracts, It is a great question as to whether tho'gamo will not bo better oft If "farming" Is permitted for a year or two, Tho National Commission should not permit a class H or C league team to bo used as a. "farm," however, as It Is suro to causo complications. Thero are many players who will refuse to go to a team In a class B or C league, and qutto a fow will Insist on being sent to class AA organizations. Tlicr.- Xoro It would seem wlso of tho magnates (If they Intend to return to the "farming Bystem) to havo working agreements with clubs of tho International, Pacific Coast or .American Association leagues. Cubs Will Pay Difference in Snlarics Manager Joo Tinker Insists that tho Cubs have made no agreement with Teorla, but that ho purchased tho stock as an Investment. It Is possible, accord ing to Tinker, that a great Heal of tho" excess Cub baggage will bo sent to Peoria, but In no caso will tho player bo tho loser. If a player has a contract calling for moro than tho Peoria Club can afford to pay, the Chicago Club will mako up tho difference As tho salary limit In tho I. I. I. League is $1500, It Is asking too much to expect tho fans to bcllcvo that tho Chicago Club will pay the difference In salary for flvo or six players unless Peoria Is being used as a farm. Tinker has fow youngsters on his roster, and It Is doubtful If thoro uro moro than two players on tho Cub payroll drawing less than $2400. Although tho farming system Is said to havo been extinct for years, It Is well known that several clubs had "working agreements" with minor leaguo clubs. A notablo instance of this was tho continual shifting of players between tho Clovctand Americans nnd tho Portland Club, of tho Paclllc Coast League. Cleveland also used Its American Association team for this purpose, but that was to be" expected, ns there was no attempt to conceal the fact that Charley Somcrs owned both franchises. Whllo It Is hoped that some of tho evils due to tho farming policy nro not repeated, baseball would suffer in no way if it was adopted for two years, ns both major and minor leaguo clubs would havo their financial burden lessened with two clubs dividing tho expenso of an "Ironclad" contract. Von Kolnitz Case for National Commission Another Interesting point for the National Commission Is tho Von Kolnitz case. Two weeks ago "Von Kolnitz sent IiIb resignation to President Herrmann, of tho Itcds, believing at the tlmo that ho could not make satisfactory arrange ments to leave his law practice In Charleston, S. C, during the summer months. A fow days ago Von Kolnitz learned that It would be posslblo for him to leport to the Ileds and notified Herrmann to this effect. It 13 said that Herrmann Insists that Von Kolnitz will havo to sign n now contract calling for less money than tho "wnr-time" contract, claiming that tho resignation mado the document void. There Is no telling Just how tho National Commission will decido this case; but it Is hoped that it will deal fairly with Von Kolnitz, ns tho baseball contract should bo kept out of court. Critics Believe Braves Look Best in National League Bill Phclon, tho veteran baseball writer of the Cincinnati Times-Star, can peo nothing but the Eraves In the coming National Leaguo raco. This sentiment appears to be strong in National League cities of the "West. The Cubs were favorites a few weeks ago, butChIcago critics now concede that tho Braves nro the strongest combination In tho leaguo on paper. In commenting on tho outlook In tho National League, Phelon says: "Despite all tho shifts and changes made In the ranks of the National League clubs during tho winter, nnd tho Influx of Federal leaguers, thero seems it reason to question the real superiority compared to nil other teams In the Tenor realty fTitr strongest In tho league last season, will take tho field in better shapo than over, and it is hard to tlguro where any of the other seven crews havo added enough strength to beat Stallings to tho wire. Hence Boston seems tho logical choice, accidents1 barred, for tho 1910 banner. "Tho Braves woro In all kinds of tuggh luck last season, nnd didn't help themselves any by their behavior and conduct In the game. They were so crippled that they wero shy n considerable percentago of their fighting power, and yet finished only 46 percentage points south of Philadelphia. Closo attention to business, less scrapping with umpires, less chestlness on und off tho field, might easily havo overcome that margin, oven though tho Braves wero short-handed. With a full team In tho struggle, how could they have possibly been stopped last summer? And how can any one beat them out this year?" Giving F. Jones the "Once Over" Any ono doubting Fielder Jones' ability as a manager should glance over his record. Some critics aro inclined to believe that Fielder has been overrated, but he has dono moro with less material than almost any leader in tho game. In flvo years as -nanagcr of tho White Sox he novcr was out of tho first division and won a world's championship. In one year In tho Federal League ho took a tall-end aggregation and developed a team "which lost tho pennant by a fraction of a point. That Jones has qullo a task before him Is evident, ns the Browns havo finished In tho first division but twice In 14- years. Jones declares that he has better material at hand this year than he ever has had, so ho evidently feels certain ho will be up with the leaders. Jias Admits He Is Out for the Money In one of tho articles appearing beneath his signature, Jess Willard, heavy weight champion of tho world, says: "Thero Is one particular thing about this bout and that is the $47,000 that I am to receive. That, you will admit. Is a lot or money. Still, when you consider that this Is the frenzied age, I suppose It Is not out of tho ordinary. . "You know Charley Chaplin Is going look like a piker. Boxing Is now icgulated on a business basis like everything else. Ouo Is compelled to make tho most of opportunity and earn every dollar possible. And especially In my caso, when I havo four children growing up who will ned every advantage to fight their way through tho world." Wlhard Is to bo commended for trying to look out for tho future of his children; but for tho good of the game It is to be hoped that the champion gets trimmed when ho meets Moron, If he entertains any Idea of raising his price In caso he wins. Then the fans will bo forced to read of Willard's stage doings Instead of his boxing. Evidently, Tom Jones censored tho article, the Whole tone of which would Indicate that Willard warns still more money or ho will do a maunee mol in the circus s!s over. Pitt Tightens Eligibility Rules Realizing that It will be Impossible to ask or receive recognition at tho hands of Vale, Harvard and Princeton (which Is its ultimate aim), the University cf Pittsburgh athletic association Is tightening its eligibility lines. As a result several Btar athletes have been barred from further competition until their scholastic marks aro Improved. It Is rumored In Pitt that several gridiroi stars will be dropped from college If they do not work off conditions before the close cf the present term. In connection with this, Karl Davis, graduate manager of athletics at Pitt, eays: "Wa are Damns men wno would "werrrant to prove to everybody that Pitt professional athletes. We are willing at ,n.thletea investigated Because ye know that our standard Is as high as any In stitution in the United States." Fpr the first time Jn the history of prohibited when Willard .and Moron meet. This rule will be enforced for tho benefit of the large number of women who have reserved boats, 'Throughout the Middle West promoters are enforcing this rule, and at the present time there it. not o. club operating in Milwaukee, St. Paul and Minneapolis which permits it. FRIEND, ROMANIAN, COUNTRY-MAN, CrAE ON MY EAK FOR RENEWAL of the Boston Braves when closely organization. This club, which was to get $500,000 a year, which makes me tor another lon strcteh after tho fight toe eligible at uny Eastern college, but Is aboveboard and Is not a centro for any tlmo to have the standings of our boxing in New York, smoking will be EVENING LEDGER MOVIES YES, ABIATHAR, THERE IS A iS IT (VOTATR-ULV is ?UCrlUSTC AUDITORS OP-CrAN? (RAILWAY TO PICK SITE OF REGATTA; Poughkeepsie Race Blocked When Trains Are Refused for June 29th or 30th MAY' ROW AT CORNELL A railroad company, rather than the Board of Stewards, will havo tho deter mining voice In saying where this year's intercollegiate rcgntta will bo held. Al though tho railroad company which con trols the observation train1! olotig the west slda of tlio Hudson river has twice refused to furnish trains for either ,1un 2D or 30. tho compromise dates migBCBlcd by tlio stowaids. the stewards have asked the company the third nnd last time to grant this concession. If the refiucst Is denied, as the Btcwards seem to feel It will be, the race will be rowed on Lake Cayuga, nt Ithaca, N. Y , Juno 24. This li the final decision of the Board of Stewards, according to the state ment of Pennsylvania's rowing authori ties today. it wni also learned today thnt vtlien no agreement could be reached between Cor nell. I'cnnsyh-ania nnd Columbia and tho inltroad authorities for a hultnblo date when the tlrto was running out. It vwis proposed that Hie raco be rowed upstream as Hanard and Ynlo firqucntly do nt New London under similar conditions. Thin ninnns.il. however, has been definitely abandoned because It would necessitate marking out nn entirely new course nnd Rttirtlnir far ilnwn helow the present fin ishing point. The raco has never been rowed upstream. The onlv objection to rowing the raco on Lake Cayuga Is its distance from New York and Philadelphia, which furnish the big majority of the spectators Tho length nnd expenslvcness of tho trip to Ithaca would keep down tho oltendaneo greatly. Although none of the stewards havo said nnvtlilng for publication It Is known that there Is considerable resentment to ward the railroad authorities for their ar bitrary refusal to run observation trains on cither June 2D or 30. It Is pointed out by the stewards that tho railroads are the only ones that make anything out of tho regatta. They h.iul from 3O.0U0 to 10,000 persons, many irom long ninnim-i-. mm they glvo tho competing crews virtually nothing in return. The railroads will get many of the spectators for longer hauls if the regatta goes to Lake Cayuga, but tho stewards feel that they should mako some concessions under tlio circumstances. The excuse, given by the lallrnnds for their unwillingness to have tho regatta on Juno 29 or 30 is that these dates como too near July I and would Interforo with their plans for taking care of their holi day trallle. Manager Jack Thayer, of the Penn sylvania crews, explained today that tho decision to have tho Quaker oarsmen llvo along Boathouse Bow, at least until after tho Yale race, did not mean that tho low ing authorities would convert tho present boathouso Into habitable bleeping quar ters. The Quakers' boathouso Is tho poor est along tho river and no one could Iho In it. What tho Rowing Committee Is trying to do is to get tlio consent of other boat clubs along tho rixer to permit tho Quaker oarsinon to llvo In their houses. "This Is being dono simply because, on account of hours, the entire squad cannot row together." said Manager Thayer. "It It not intended to havo the same men row twice a day necessarily, in order to mal.o lecture periods on time it will bo necessary for the early morning spin to bo taken at about 7 o'clock. Tho second will bo held late In the afternoon. "The men will eat at a house near Strawberry Mansion. This is more or less of an experiment, but we think will work out well." AMERICAN SOCCER ELEVEN TO PLAY ANGLO-SAXON TEAM Players Picked for Special Hatch at Tacony Tomorrow At the semimonthly meeting of th Ameri can Soccer LcitKue, held lust nlrht. tho dele cntes took up the rreater part of the meeting, seleetlnc the pl.iers from the various teams In tho leasuo which nro to comprise tlio All Amerlcan am! Anglo-Saxon teams tomorrow afternoon at Dlsston's Il-ill I'arlc. Stat., road and Unruh street. Tacony. On account of thero belnn so much rhulry rcsardlnrc wnether tho American-born plners aro superior to thoso who hao been tnught their soccer In Iceland nnd fc'rothind, the committee selected the strongest teams on that account. Tho plnxers who will appear in tho two teams and the club they represent aro ns fol lows: Anslo-Saxons Xess missions). Small (mis tons), McKeUey (Rethlchem), Klrhpntrltk (l)lsstons). C'l.-rl.e (llcihlehem). risher (Diss tons), Andrews (Dlsstnns), V. Uoblnson (Hi bernians), Ilodeers (Dlsstoni), Houlson (Diss tons). Scott (Hibernians). AU-Amerlcnns I'earco (Dlastons). McLnuKh lln (UlKslnni). Spaldlns (Illusions). McDon niiBh (Hois' Club) J. Wilson (Hibernians), Dutchers (DlH.iton'O. ("ourscv (Hibernians). Waltemate (Hlbern'. as). Hinlth (Hibernians). Il.irrett (Hibernians). Unjnor (Bethlehem). Ileservca: Anclo-Satons McKuen (t)lss tons). Ynuni; (Itancers), Ilrlj.-lmm missions). All-Americans Melnljro (ioa' Club), l'lrrli UIovh' Club) and Jones (Hibernians), John llcdfonl will munasc the Anslo-Saxons, nnd Johnny Geoshrean tho All-Americana, iter cree William Dean. HOLD BASKETBALL MEN Referee Charges Three With Attack ing Him After Game CHRKTKlt. r.i.. March 3. Scott Smith, I.oiran Campbell and Israel Brodslcl, mem bers of tho basketball team of the Penn sylvania Military Oollei;. have been held In ball hern by A!derrrn Molvlllo for appearance at court on a charge of nssault and battery, preferred by Ilobert W. Yates, of Phliadelolila. Yates ofllclated nt the rame with St. John's Military Colleuo Saturday, and St. John's won. Yates Eays ha was beaten by the three defendants after the same. NOTES OF THE AMATEURS Tho Wallace Iloya- Club dye. on Its own 'ior. won a decided victory oor tho St. John's basketball team by tho score of 44 to 18. Tho allace second team defeated tho Weasley Tho Olytnpla Boy' Club desires to boolc games with all second or third class teams In r. out-..0', ,own- HRndolph Hoys' Club. Ht. nita. Madonna Jtouae. Anulnnas and Ocean City please write Address Star Garden. Ctrl and Lombard strcett. Tho Parkway team, winners of the chain, plonshtp In the 1'hlladelphta Junior League llnlshlnit the season without a defeat. Is with' out tames for Friday nnd Saturday evonlnei and would Iku to hear from all third-class teams. Write Joseph P, Walsh. J5S3 iler" Schocn a Hockey Captain PRINCETON. N. J., March 3. William II. Bchoaq. of Pittsburgh, a junior at Princeton University, has been elected to lead tha hockey team next year. Schocn has played eon. latently on (ha -forward line for the last two stusons. it;not fKf l CAULIFLOWER ihVV YOU'LL HAVE A HARD TIME RECOGNIZING I Team- AJHO J I MV Kit)- I & . I (RIGHT-IT V ,t5 LOOK5 AwV- HtofitS 'fyS&y. W$ fffl&fW t (( rpiJ cam -t Tfci.i. "iHit Teams amy otmpr ujay. YOU CA1.I IDCUT.CV Trie 10 VETERAN PITCHERS WILL TRY TO AVOID DOWNFALL THIS "YEAR Rice Says Interest Is Not Centered on Young sters, But on Hurling Kings Whose Reigns Are Drawing to a Close By GRANTLAND RICE VARIOUS seasons hrliiB various shifts In tho doddering dope. Xo one would over clinrRO this remarkable statement to the brain of I'lato or Aristotle, but that doesn't pioent lis truth, nor Its ciuallllca tlons for n Jcadins paragraph. About Pitchers Year after year early sprint: Interest In baseball has been raised around tho prom ise of younj pitchers recruits breaking In or youngsters who have shown some thing after n year's trial. Xlnetecn sixteen Is another year. Young pitchers cairy but little Interest. The bulk of fnndoni Interest Is now gathered around tho most temarkablo flock of vet erans that ever reached tho last rims of their prime together. The game has never before known as many stars of Yester day In the box who aro so uncertain about Tomorrow's returns. The Record Crop Take a look nt the long list of thoso lifted to stardom who either had a bad year last season and hope to como back, or else hlive reached such advanced pitch ing ages that 191S is a most uncertain period for tho display of their wares: Period of nig Xante. Age. Leaguo Service. Matlicwson "fl 15 years Hrown 40 11 yeais Dank II 15 years Kucker 31 9 years Iiender 33 12 years Marqtinrd 2il 7 years Wood "It 8 years Cheney 30 ! years James 24 3 years Walsh 31 12 years Peering Ahead Thero nro two types nf cases hero. Mathewson, nrown nnd Plank have all crossed 35. They havo all seen over 12 years' service. They aro about duo to drop back beyond fame's skyline. Bender Is another; veteran who has seen 12 years' service, nnd so has outlasted tho averago by many campaigns. Moro than ono of these might havo a big year. But there would bo no great surprise if they should fall. The Other Type But thero Is another type hnnging In tho balance, rtubo Marouard and Joo Wood aro but 2C. Bill James Is hut 24. All threo nro big. powerful fellows In their early prime, In fluo physical shape. Last season, oven with a soro arm, Joe Wood won 15 games out of 20 Marts. Ills arm feels better this spring than It lias felt in two years. Thero is no ason, then, why Smokeball Joo shouldn't .'cturn to the land of glory. NOTES OF THE Antl-Cobden team Is two sames abend nf Mutual In tho German-American race, duo to capturing nil threo games from tho Kensing ton International llencllclal Association team. Lambert started his squad nuny with n :.T3 tally In his llrat came, whllo Wolter. tbo anchor, was consistent with scores of 181, 180 and :00. Mutual nnd Quartet had n battle royal. Tho champions rile"! un scores of S34 and 980 In their tirst two i,- mea, uhilo tho (lermantown avenue team reap tiled with 8S2 nnd 010, and mnnared to win mo llnnl bv sr.4 to Mutunl's 843. Every one of tho Mutual squad rolled a 2UU score or better. Jiallman. of Quartet, banged out a C3S score In the series against Mutual. McCoy, nfter a poor start, with Harmer. landed on tho pins for scores of 140, S24 und St;, uhlch was eomo recovery. ritxalls surely showed form Bgulnat tho Pirates last night, as they trimmed tha Key stone leaders In three straight games by Bcnrej nf 898. 922 and 993, to 800. 817 and S7o. llelnold was high for the winners with 1,03, his best effort being 258 in his last game. Pick once mora showed his ability to solve the Keystone Alios, when, rolling with the AgaBalz simad. he established new hlgh-acorfm; marks of 211 In single game and C9 for tnreo games ngmnsi 'lenninai. jua uig nrs; game, which far surpasses his best previous efforts. aided mi Mm in ceiling a iuus tally HI tha opening matcn, Hlcglns. of Wllmot, reached S In his three games against Uellcvue. It Is Secretary Dellof, and not Bell, of Koyal Arcanum League, who Is drafting the Indi vidual and two-man team schedule for tho Casino Alley tourney ut that ordw. Frank Wagner, of the Edouard nulntet. reached the 258 future In hU Initial gam against Rangers. Fhls better Maclatrhlau's AYE", BENVOUOANP (MUSICAL EAR. V AR.GHTfAUSlCAL -Tr ''WtM) 05ii$R$3fsfeBrbL- .PilI3sC w,ra, " AKraa5?5.iJu-35ss?. '""" ' " Jt:2ffi$e&gl' -Ss The futuro of James also depends upon bin nbillty to eradicate a kink In his right shoulder. James won 213 games In 1D1-I and lost seven; in 1915 ho won six games and lost four. Something went astray in a vital spot, and Bill hit tho chutes. Some times they get over this nnd sometimes they don't. The tccord of 191G alono can tell tho story. Marquard's Case Tho career of Bubo Mnrquard Is still another matter. Buhe Is only 2C. Thero 3 nothing tho matter with his arm. Ho takes good caro of himself. In 1911 Mnrquard won 24 games nnd lost seven; in 1912 he won 20 nnd lost 11 ; in 1913 he won 23 and dropped 10. But in 1914 nnd 191G ho won but 23 games all told, whllo losing 32. A drop from n steady averago of .700 to .400 Is qulto n slip. But other stars In the past havo drawn off seasons, and since tho reivncd Bubo's left shoulder nnd elbow aro O. K.. ho should havo no great worry ahead, especi ally with Robinson ready to take him back In hand. How About Cheney? Rohby has another uncertain prospect, but a posslblo return to stardom In Larry Cheney. Tho ox-Cub's caso Is like that of Mnrquard's. In 1912, his tlrit year up. Cheney won 2C games and lost but 10. In 1913 and 1914 Cheney took part In 104 games, winning a maiority of his starts. He was nn Iron horse for work. But In 1915 Cheney only won eight games against eleven defeats. If Mar quard nnd Cheney should return with their best stuff, Brooklyn would breezo in with tho best pitching staff in base ball. Of the Ten Wo havo named moro than 10 stars above who have all had greatness. KlgWt of the 10 have helped produco ilag winners nnd havo been vital factors In world series games. Ruckcr and Cheney alone have never been on llag-winnlng line-ups. Only threo of tho list aro now under 30 and only three nro over 35. How many of tho 10 will have old-time, sea sons nnd llguro up among the leaders'" Will Chief Bender be nblo to do as well for tho Phillies as he did for Connlo Mack? The Chief is only 33, and his arm has never bothered him to any great extent. But no ono can tell. But It Is tho list of problems of this sort that makes 191G ono of the most Interesting cam paigns to look to that baseball has yet known. There has never been a year before when so mnny pitching stars of tho past were hanging In tho balance. BOWLING ALLEYS previous hlnh single game score by a single pin. Wlndle. of Actives, after solving the allejs for scores nf 214 and 200 In succesalon, dropped back to 1S5 In his concluding came Rangers called on seven placers to battle n?a!nst Hdouard und managed to win tho lust game, 91& to 8C9. Franklin and Fourth Street teams. leader and runner-up. respectively, In tho National Rank organisation, suffered defeats last night on Terminal Alios. Glrard tamed Franklin and Corn Exchange uccounted tor Fourth Street. SPORTSMEN'S SHOW All Week 10 A. SI. to 11 l SI. Ends Slar. 4. INDOOR TENNIS AND GOLF RIFLE MATCHES and EXHIBITS I'lilcV ItKUIMIJ.W ARMORY llltOAP ANT) I'.M,I.0WI11I,L 8T3, Admission CO cts, : Children 25 eta OT VMPIA A A "road 4 Uulnbrlilse KJU I mr J . . narry Eiluurds, jier, JOHNNY C.VJll'l ,. JOHNSY KITCIIIE ....r-JV.'S J.ilU!5.1! WII.I.1U ASTY JJWi1.15 ""JKIIAN vs. JACK IIVIIIIARD Willie Moore vs. Steve Latio Aflm,, Met II il. Hm nflct An mm lies,, 75c, SI A IVOXnUKFUI. CAKU S.VTURH.W NIUIIT riTimiAY MflHT National A. C. National A. C. iiimitv Mri.i:oi vs. Joii.vNY uuirr i.f.0 mux , oi. imnwi ".DIHIS WAIXAOF. vs. FRANK McMAN'l S 1UANKIK ri.inilNd iu. 1'ltANK llllipi. Eddie McAndrews vs. Vic Moran DRUM IN YOUR EAR; SO BEAT IT LAST YEAR'S TEAM OF To6& OfJ TT(C SAMG OLD KID MID CALU IT A WIH Ml rJej COMBIMATIOrJ- fJE 5MM.L 5t?e 2WC PENN QUINTET LEAVES TO COP COLLEGE TITLE Victory Over Cornell Mon day Will Give Red and Blue Championship PLAY SYRACUSE TONIGHT . ronnsylvnnln's muid nf basketball plnyers left last nlnht from th" RcaiMnir Tcimlnnl for their trip through New York .tnte. where they will meet tho basketball IUe nf the Syracuse University nnd Rochester University, nnd on Monday wind up their most smcessful aeason with the Cornell University plujors In Ithaca. ?. Y. Tho hopes of ti-e Pennsylvania stu dents are centred In their team this jear. nnd when the tenm left Inst night for Us swing through tho lhnplrn State. It was accorded a henrty sendort by tho West I'lilladelphla rooters. The Syracuse and Rochester contests nre In slgnlllcant in comparison with the Cornell contest, and It will not matter the lenst If tho varsltv lUe falls to stop Uk ilrst tun oppo nenta. but It nlms to lower the colors of tho ltlincnnn for the second tlmo this season If the ijuakcia nn nccompllsli their nhn. they will have n mighty lino opportunity of winning tho Intercollegiate championship thla vear. and the worst tbev con do It to tie Princeton, should tho latter win all of 11m remaining gnmes. Coach Jnurdet tool; 10 men with him nn tho trip, und there Ih a possibility that a substi tute guard may tnke MoNlehoI's plain In cither tho Syracuse or Rochester mntrsts In order to rest un tho Pcnn lender. Tho men who en tratned for Syracuso Inst night were: Coach Jonrdet, c.intnln McN'lehol. Jefford. William son. .Mnrtln. Jones. Elile, Connollv, Tlarilwlck Robinson and Onlllen. Frank MrNlcliol nnd Joseph Whelan accompanied Captain Mc Nlchol's squad. Jasper defeated the D N'erl five last night In nn Eastern league gamo by n score of 17 to 13. In tho second half Dark charged Friedman Into tho cnge. spraining tho hitter's ankle, and Warl; was dlsiiualilied. according to tho East ern League rules Roth teittns wer off In their shooting, many lino shots going for noth ing. rc;Mrcq!.v 11 S The NewarK tl .l!url.e Kt.. l,ef 1'.l. Jt, 1,H 2IIB Hennliiutaii Ave.', between York und Cumberland Sts. "? Uerinantown Ave., 'between c,ut;ii Au'. nnv cmervct ot, .8 Sonth Ht.. penr rrt, h,. ft .,: . -;-'iz : '. - (-. Atrnmo-i 10 .iccommocaie our mmfinafvrnfmvmmKrmaii Jf A7 KV 1 1 ftrK i M M M S AWM V7V 1 3 i Ilk 3o llllilil 'j Copyrlcht 1916 MiKal HtwrkSrw5torsCo?rfjS3Sa' 1 i BASEBALL WORK WILL START SOON AT PENNOIARlERl Quakers to Play lnitiaJ uiime oi season With Bordentown Cadets OTHER SCHOOL NEYg3 Mnnnfrcr Wilson Durham, ot the. Per,,! Charter School baseball team, has , ranged. n, very attractive, schedule for mlj Quakers nnd as lias bo often been n.l cibo, the Icllow and Ulna nine win . V3 the Reason on tho diamond In this section. J iiuring listen me nnnual (rame with tw i& dentown Military Institute nt B4rdtaS B for tlio early date of March 25. I StudentH nt Pcnn Charter look tantrA to tho outdoor reason at the Queen !;. 4 plnylriR fields, io ball players and 1 trick $ squad will go out In the open at soon IV ' the weather permits, l.'our veterans ml i mnln from tlio 191B squad as a tiuclcli ' for this year's team. Thy are Canti Urendon D. Walsh, left lleld and plffi l" David Smith, pitcher; Hrown, catcher' nnd Darnell, second base. ' Smith Is an nll-nround athlete, havlinr played on tlio football team He is th J son ot Ainyor Thomas u Smith. Sltley, IU l UHUU1U IU IHiiy I.1SL Benson i, .; be one of the outfielders, l'lersol, another! llltcly looking outfielder, was quarterback". ot tho 1H1D football team Then there art Sliet7.llne, llogers, lnfleldcrs; Brotni catcher; Fleming, pitcher, who is a' left.' iiuiuiur wihi win ucnr wntciung, , 'J Tlio schedule follows: "i March 2B Rordcntown, nt Uordcntown. April 1 Pcnn Freshmen, nt Queen Ln Jsl April 4 Cheltenham High, nt Cheltenham. April 7 Friends' Central, nt Queen Line April 11 Itaddonfleld High, nt Queen JUm. Anrl! 1 "-.Vnr.tmnflt fttil. n t V..il,..u Anr I 1 4 ICnlsennal Aciidemv nf T-nU.-! V April 17 West Philadelphia, at renn CUr. !? April 18 llnddon Heights, nt Queen Ln "5 April 21 Ciermnntnwn Academy, at Qnut I.nne. , ", April 24 School of Pedagogy, nt Quern I,nnc. April 58 Friends', Central, nt FrlenJtf V Central. April 20 Chestnut Hill, nt St. Martin' May 1 Lansdowne High, at Queen Un! Mny 2 St. I.uko's Srhool, nt Queen Lane '' Hay r. RpIsLopal Ac.domy, nt Queen bans. -'J Mny 0 Swnrthmoro Preparatory, at SwaruWi more. ire May 12 dcrmantown Academy, at German- ' town. ', Unless the unexpected happens. Central HUk -will carry off two big titles this week. To Dutch Company trophy und tho hlsh tchocl championship In basketball has already bun cllnchid. Today Centrnl Hlsh will win the-, Indoor trnclt nnd Held title unless all lna tf point In tho wrong direction, JafTc Again Beats Janowski NV.W YORK, Mnrrh 3 Charles Jafle won the fourth game of tho chess match at-alnrt r. Janowski, of Paris, nt tho Isaac L. nin Progressive Chess Club yesterday nfter IS moves. Jalfe now lends, having won tbre games and Janowski ono. The flfih game li scheduled for tomorrow nftcrnoon. 1 GOTHIC rW 1 COLLAR Fits the knot of a four-ln- hand or bow perfectly. 2 for 25c Cluctt, Penbody &Co.. Inc., Makers 97Gft.es K MlliomMem And every man of the vast number of wearers of The NEWARK Shoe HAD to be shown the $3.50 value of The NEWARK Shoe had to PROVE 'itself and it DID. Enormous production, scientific distribution that's what saves the dollar for vou. i it, icrAirt-A.,nTT in. oir-ji-jjtuAivin. 5l HOEojrMEW $3$omLUE The NEWARK Shoe Mikeray: "$2.50 U enough to pay '"J ihoci- never pay roor--'37 style here Jul one price $2.50. Shoe Stores Co., hTORKS S3?a.?'' .lT0,,t Bt- " Pauphln St. ' N. ICIahth St.. near Cherry at. OOii fierinantown Ave., near Cfael ten Avo. Camden Rrunch 1120 Ilroadway. -....,. ,&,v Cuitomerj. When arderinn h,i mail n A PiERC ft&Psy5 v r v t o . i .r i "v i f i i j un i iivi iai i -t- i i i i.i Mini r s , 7- rz VN TOO J (ICO J " yrw, . ,,n i ij l-Z-rT!A . X & A,