h 4 BVBNIKG LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, TTtTTttflDAY. MARCH 2, 1010.. tAUSWlIA CONCENTRA F0RZENELT1R0L0PER UN'AZIONEOFTENSIVA JlepArtI Italian! Estendono o Cortsolidano le Loro Posizionl "nelln Zona Montana della Marmolada LA. DIFESA DI VALONA ROMA, 2 Mario. ' 11 Mlnlstero della Qucrra pubbllcava lerl sera It segucnte comunlcalo lirtlclnlo In bana nl rapporto del generate Ca dorna: "Atounl nostrl repartl lmnno esteso o consolidate! la poslzlone ila not occupata Rtl ovest dello nlture delta Mnrmolatla dopo aver tiupcratb r rand I dlfllcolta' of fefto dal torrono o dalle condlzlonl ntmos ferlche. 'JNclla sona del Monte Nero ultrl tioBtrl repartl lmnno escguito un'auducc rlcognl nlono verso la llnea ncmlca del Mrztl, con tro la oualo hnnnn gottato grannie a mano, causando coal 1'nllarme tra lo (lie aus trlache. "Netla lonn dl Clorlzta si sono avuto ar.liinl d'nrtlgtlera partlcolnrmontc vlo lentl. II nemlco ha bombardato luoghl nbltatl facendovl dannl materlall, ma nesauna vlttlma. "La nostra nrtlgllcrla lia elllcacomenlo bombardato alcinil rlpartl ncnilcl, postl dl 089ervazlono o eolonno dl truppe In mar cla." SI dice die gll atiRtrlncI stanno prcpa rnndo un'offcnslva nulla frotite Itallana nlla quale Inylano coutlmtamcnto rinforil fneendo credere chc es-d scrvono a rltn. plazzarc truppe csaurlto dalle fatlche In vcrnall e dalle malattlc. SI sa bene lnverc cho 11 mlllone dl nustrlacl die si trovano orn sulla fronte Itallana sono In eecoltontl condlzlont. Alio scopo dl coprlrc questo nuovo conccntramento dl truppe, gll am triad lianno chluso dl nuovo la frontlera della Svlzzora. ISssad pascia' cho da qtialclie tempo si trovava' n Roma o' partlto nltu voltn dl Klzza, dove pare si tratterra' per lungo tempo. Egll non rltornern' per ora In Albania. La difesa dl Valona c' nfTl data cscluslvamcnte alle forze Itallanc comandato dal generate Amcgllo Quete forze sono constltulto da uno a tre corpl d'amiata cd lianno potentcmente fortl flcato la bala e l'lilntcrlund dl Valomi. Kssad ha espresso la sua plena flducia Holla sconfltta dello forze nuxtriachc In Albania dovo esse non trovcranno ulcuna IJaorsa o dovo saranno nilnnncclato dalle hande albanesl e dalle truppe Itallanc. LA R1TIRATA DA DUUAZZO. SI hanno ora partlcolarl circa l'evacua zlone dl Durazzo da parte dclle truppe Itallanc. Mentre avvenlvu I'ewicunzlone la flotta Itallana era ImpeRtiatu a tenere la squadra austrlaca bloucata nellc Boccho dl Cattaro, lmpedemdolo cosl' dl usclrnc per attaccare I trasporti Itallanl. Un-nl-tra squadra itallana bombardava gli up procct dl Durazzo. lmpvdendo ngll nua trlacl dl avviclnarsl nlla clttn'cd ostncot are le opcrazlonl dl imbarco. Lo truppe Itallanc furono le ultimo nil Imbarcarsl, giaccho' dovettero prima pro teggere l'lmbarco del fugglnschl serbl o montenegrlnl c del matcrlalc. Oil Ital lanl non formavano neppurc una brlgata, mentre Rll nustrlacl crano In numero dl olrca 10.000 e forse avevano In riserva due division!. Per Blunta, mentre awe nlva l'lmbarco scopplo' una tempesta clic aumento' lo dlfllcolta' dello operazlonl. Le piccolo navl da guerra ltallane non pote- vano plu' tlrare csattamente contro le posizionl uustrlache cho crano ben celate e cercavano dl bombardaro gll Itallanl. Presto pero' qntrarono In azlone gll ln croclatorl Puglla cd l'trurla, die uuduce mente entrarono nolla rade dove le acque . ernno plu' calmo ed aprirono II fuoco uullo battcrle nemlche col loro pazzl da sel polllcl, riducendole presto nl sllenzlo. Nel frattempo 1'esploratore Agordat e quattro lncroclatorl auslllarll con alcunl cacciatorpedlnlero coprlvano col loro fuoco le strade dl acccsso a. Durazzo, immoblllz zando cost lo forze nemlche. Dodlcl trasporti entrarono nella rada o presero tuttl a bordo compresl 1 ferltl, gll. ultlml rifuglatl cd 11 materiale ed 1 vlverl. Completata l'operazlonc. I tras porti si dlresscro verso Valona lasciando a Durazzo nulla per gll austriacl. Durante tutte questo operazlonl la squadra aus trlaca si tenne prudentemente nelle Bocche dl Cattaro. La squadra austrlaca. sebbene avesse una dello sue mlgllorl bast a poche mlglla dnlt'Atbanla, .non 8" slalft capae itl tm pedlre II trXsporto dl truppe ltallane tlrtll'una nll'Altrft sponda detl'Adrlatleo od 1 movlmentl delle navl Italians ed alleate. Quests havl hanno potuto trnsportaro ben 260,000 Uomlnl tra 1'ltalla, o la costa al banese senzn quasi Incident! o sotto II naso detla flotla austrlaca, I partltl Intcrtenztonlstl, e speclalmenio I nazlonallstl, I radlcall cd I rlformlstl, dnmandano I'nllargamento delle ostllltn' nnche da parto dell'Italla, sostcnendo cho dopo la flrma del Pntto dl Londrn ' n. cessarlo cite 1'Italla dlchla la guerra tincho alia Oermarila. La qulstlone sara.' dlscussa alia Camera, ma si rltlcno gcncrnlmcnte che II prc'sldcnte del Conslgllo, on. Satan dra, dlmlna la sttuaslone o che eirtl rnc cogllcra' nncora Una grando maggloranza se sarajiosia la qulstlono dl tlducla. U.S. MAIL BRIDE, LUCKY, WARNS OTHER GIRLS Miss Bessie Nenry Becomes Wife of Califorrtian After Correspondence Wooing HONKtNO A PARIOt N'el conslgllo dl mlnlstrl cho ha avuto luogo lerl o' stato declso cho II barono Sonnlno, mlnlslro dcgll Affarl Katerl, si recliera" a Parlgl per parteclpare nlla conferenza cho gll alleatl tcrranno nella capitate francesc. 15' stato per questo che II governo non ha fatto alcuna dlchlara zlone nella scduta dl lerl della Camera del Dcputatl, sulla polltlca della guerra. SI sa che qucsta dlchlaraslono sara' fatta non appena 11 barono Sonnlno sara' tomato da Parlgl. UNA SQUADRA NEMICA INSEGUITA DA CORFU' Le Navi Austriache Prendono la Fuga all'Apparire delle Navi degli Alleati THE WEATHER Official Forecast , WASHINGTON, Starch 2. 191C. For, Eastern Pennsylvania: Snow this afternoon; partly overcast tonight and .Friday; somewhat colder tonight; fresh east to north winds. A storm that was over western Okla homa yesterday morning has moved with remarkable speed into tho Ohio Valley, and thence eastward to the Virginia 'capes, causing snow and rain throughout ,the eastern half of the country. The temperature has risen at most places .east of the Mississippi river, but the changes have been Irregular. A cold area . is spreading southward over the plains States with considerable severity In some places. The cooling Is accompanied by ' light snow In scattered areas. U. S. Weather Bureau Bulletin ' Observations taken at 8 a. m., Eaatern time Low S lat Rain. V!n,-. ", wlrnl. Ity. Weather ' Rtatfnn. a.m. n't. Atlanta. Cla.... 40 .Atlantic Cltv. , -Baltimore, Md. 3 BknMrclc. N. D.2t .Botlon. JIa. . :? Buffalo. N. Y, IS Cb&rleaton.S.t;, ,cmcao. ill Cincinnati, O, . uievaiana. v.. nnmr. Col. Itoirolt. Mich... Otivetton, Tex, HarrltburB..... Ilatteras. N. C Halifax, N. S, . Helena. Mont... Huron. H, U,,. Iodlanapolla..,. liolfannvllla. . .. i4nta City.... is IfnrtTVIIIA. '1PI1II. 1 I.lttla Iloch. Ark. 30 32 64 25 30 23 10 18 64 30 48 13 4 4 14 14 24 34 (4 S6 .34 .20 .00 .04 .16 .36 151 .20 30 .26 42 1.08 J .06 ljjt Anaelea.... Tultvilie. njr. Montsomcry. . . , Montreal. tn- Naanvuie, icu New Orleana.. Kew York.... Norfolk, Va.. Oklahoma . . Omaha. Neb. . Philadelphia. . . . L'UUUUIZ. AH intlabursh. T. 34 i'ortland. Me... is ortUud, Oro.. 38 Si n.ti.lM!. VBt. IUta. Mo. Can. 5S 6 34 4 30 40 'I 33 it at- Vaiil Minn t5a'lt.iIjike,Utah 28 San f, Antonio. .. a an Fi-aru:loo . 46 Kalt 8t ilaris. 4 8cnjilon.V. . . 23 -Vmi. Fl... JO Waabiutton ; -Vlnnlwa. Can. "Betew zero. At z: 38 3 46 31 64 8 34 62 28 36 26 30 46 32 12 38 6 26 6 28 fi 23 66 33 '20 .04 .38 .30 .44 .02 60 .28 .32 03 .18 .0t .04 .88 .14 .10 6: .04 HE ni: NIV N K N Nil N N NW N HK K SW NW V NW NK NW N HK NR NK XV I'alin M N HK NK my N NR N H 1'ttlm N N 1- w :T N H BIV N i: a w B 10 14 U 12 lloudy Clourty 4'loudy lear Hnow Know- t'loudy Know 4'loudy I'.C'My P.Cldy Fony t'loudy Clear Cloudy Pi'ldy Clear Cloucly (!loU(ly Hnow Cloudy Cloudy Clear Cloudy Cloudy Hnov tain Haln nnow Cloudy Italn Cloudy Cloudy Clear Cloudy Hnow Itain Cloudy C'louly Un tclogrnnima da Atcnc dlco che una squadra nuttrlaca comparvo lerl davantl all'isnla dl Corfu, che, como si sa, e' oc cupata dnllo forze degll alleati o dovo sono concentrate lo forze scrbc. T,a squadra mtstrlnca l diode pcro' sublto nlla fugn, non appena vide comparlre una squadra dl navl alleate che lo daa la caccla. L,c navl nllcato Insegtilrono II nemlco fin nello vlclnanzo dello Hocclio dl Cattaro. La notlzla e' confermnta uncho da un dlspncclo proonlento da Corfu'. Telegrnmml da lloma dlconu che parccchl prlglonlcrl russl, cho crano tcnutl dall'Austrla, sono rluscltl u fugglro cd a rirugiarsi in nana. Kssi riusclrono mlracolosnmentc nel loro piano dl fuga dal cam pi dl conccntramento nustrlacl. Un dl loro anncKo' montro guadava un Hume del Tlrolo, ma gll nltrl raggiunsero lo llnee ltallane c furono rlccvuti mentro erano mezzl mortl dl fame o dl stanchczza. SI dice che un nttcntatci e' slnto consu niato, senza successo pero', contro re Kerdlnando dl Hulgnrla mentro quesll si reenva a Vienna. SI dice pero' clip II re c' stato feilto. GERMAN RAIDER MOEWE REPORTED TAKEN BY FOE Conl hilled from I'licr One ported to have been seized by tho Mocwe before the Appam was captured. Sunk. The Luxembourg (Belgian), L'7S2 tons, from Newport January 18 for Jlucnos Aires. Sunk. The UelgetBelglan?) (British), 23CI tons, from Liverpool January 2i for Colon. Sunk. Tho Westburn was tnken into Santa Cruz do Tenerlffe and her passeiigers landed. Tho ship was then taken out to sea by her captors and scuttled. Tho depredations of tho .Moewe have been carried on desplto the reported pres ence of Britlbh cruisers In the waters she frequented. That tho raider was finally chased across tho Atlantic by a superior force of the enemy, as stated in i, 'Buenos Aires dispatch. Is at least plaus ible. I Miss licsile Ncary, who today became a "correspondence bride," thinks tnai sno has bad ft good deal of luck In picking such h "fine fellow" as sho did, but does not recommend a. correspondence court- I ship for other girls. Miss Nenry. who I lives at 3304 Haverford avenue, wan married at 9 o'clock this morning to Charles Kdson, a banker and bee rancher of Knight's Landing, near Calexlco. Cal.. In St. Agatha's Catholic Church. Sho was wooed and won by mall. The ceremony was performed by the Ilev. John Tuihy. Tho bridesmaid was Miss llessle Oatsman and the best man Stephen Shaughnesiy. The couple will go to Atlantic City for their honeymoon and from thero to California by way of New Orleans. After the ceremony there wan a reception at the home of tho bride. "Courtship by mall In most cases I should think would be taking n terribly long chance." said Miss Nenry. "In my own case It was perfectly all right, be cause you see Charlie Is such a wonderful man. But all girls couldn't be so lucky." Tlin correspondence couple will go to California to live, where they will settle down like "two little love becH," ns goes the song, on Mr. Kdson's bee ranch. Miss Nenry says sho thinks sho will learn to like California ns much ns sho docs Philadelphia. Sho becamo engaged when she went there last August. She mado the trip partly to see tho Panama J5posltlon. but mostly u boo tho man that wrote her such thrilling letters. Sho liked both erv much. Indeed. Sho says her en gagement was not Inimntnneous, hut that, on the contrary. It did not happen until fully six dnys after she had arrived In California. Then they bought the ring and all the stories began to bo printed In tho Sacramento papers. This Is the only thing that worries Miss Nenry. She Is afraid that she won't como up to tho pictures drawn of her. Uut sho seems to worry needlessly on this Bcore. Sho might very well be called nn "Imported California peach," with her blue eyes nnd pretty fea. turen. Miss Neary met her husband In Philadelphia, but they did not become well acquainted until Mr. lWson returned to California, and they wrote so many let ters. "I am frightened because tho people expect such a 'queen'," sho says. Miss Neary expects to write a book on sunny California some day and will devote no small part of It to landing thero after a "courtship through tho V. S. mall." TODAY'S MARRIAGE LICENSES ullil Kath- and and and nnd find Maurlep Ai-tnun, G2S S. llrond si.. rin iieiunnre, 4ZA i-.omimrd t. Morris V. Iloweri, S717 WyalualiiK ne. Kathryn K. Hill, Wllkes-Barm, l'a. Morris llymnnxon, 511 N. Marahiill at Jennie Itclnateln. 711 .V. 7th st. Hi'iijainln Blum. Atlantic city. .N". J Jennie Klein. 23 a. Ituby st. 1.. Thomas tlroailwater. 133U Kater at llll.i N. Fireman, I40C S.-mitp at. Amnion J. Wrlth. 3701 llnverfonl nv Oenevlen J. MnDnnlrl :i7nj lr,..fl-..i .... .Solomon St. Lure. 623 Addison St., and Mary W. Starke. 20S4 Annln at. ry Ch.irlea A McUrath. 633 K. I.lpplnrntt at and Cntherln,- 11. I'lelr. 437 i: Clrarllrld ni William Ilaurr. 3125 N 7th at.. nU I ura Weldmnn. Ri)2 !;. Imllanu live. William II lluntlns. 4105 Chestnut at and (lertrudr SI. Himril. 1511 ilarnet at Aaron Thompson. 1747 llrwhvvood st and i:iU.l J. Ulorr. 2403 N Knwn St. William Stranuc. 4214 Ludlow st.. nnd Chris tiana Lons. t,70 N. KM st. Jknios Tucclo. 1332 S. Ilk-ks St.. and Mary A. A. Dooloy. 135 8. Utli at. aty William C. Watch. 160 N. 05th st.. and liar. uaret JI. Ilunnum, 6111 C.illowhlll st. PHILADKTiPIIIANS PROTEST AflAINST U. S. SHIP MEASURE Maritime Exchange Submits, Conten tions to House Committee WASHINGTON, March 2. Tho Phila delphia Maritime I xchango has filed n protest with the House Merchant Com nilttco against tho ship bill. Tho Phlladelphlans alleged the bill would create unfair competition, that tho Government could not build the neces sary vessels with present facilities, that It would eliminate American-owned private lines, nnd would mean extinction of the American ship owner. FIREPLUG PLACED IN 1740 FOUND IN AN OLD MARKET Looks Like Large Spigot When Com pared With Present Ones Alterations being mado to tho old 2d Street Market House, running from Fair mount avenue to Poplar street, have caused tho discovery of un old fireplug which is said to have been placed there In 1740. The plug has only one outlet, and the top Is fastened with a piece of chain. It Is much smaller than the mod ern type, being nothing more than a largo spigot. It will ba presented to the City His torical Society, to be Included In Its Revolutionary exhibits. Robert Emmet's Birthday Observed Today is the 13Stb anniversary of the birth nf Robert Kmmet, historic figure and patriot in tho troublous days of Ire land. Irish organizations will hold cele brations during the next two weeks In his honor, the first tomonow night at the headquarters of the Ancient Order of Hibernians, at 1006 North Broad street. a.l V Geuting's Offer a very exceptional value in SPRING BOOTS In the face of an extraordi nary advance In leather, we offer these superb D-ln. boots of beautiful Ivory kid. new Mt New York fad. and in spite of their dressiness, with substantial sole and heel for street wear at .74 JT & .111 . y ' vr 1230 Market Shoes and Stockings for the family 7 -j rj thizs (eHOHOUHCID QYTINO) a 19 nth Tht Storei of Fexmous 3ioea. F oo. A quick Scj-vicc Men's Shop In Spite of the Big Reductions livery Foot Professionally Fitted Three GeutiniJ Brothers Supervising Clear Cloudy Clear Cloudy Cloudy 'loudy Clear Leg Comfort m iftr Yjg s ml ir.'' I 11a 'artaLm Vlna. lip Til...... Weak Aiiklee. buvllea Let. make life muerablef Tlunt la a maaaaBe of Jur for you In lu Carlos Laced Stocking A aclentlfle aupport and lejr treat ment thai uivya. louzutdlate com fort aiu. aure, help. Ko. eliatlc to ii lad adjuata to- over: vrUPQUF ruuwr LHuoderv u. u lly aa a, tunel. Keep aliamt wears for nuwtha, jUudo to your uiaaaure. 1.7J each. ir i ox am le. 1 3.10. Call and ba niaunk free, or write fur aU OU3UIUMMBt tluk No. t. v a uuit atabwaioal bU I to 4 ifat. peciiiiy ta. 'TSfflTClS& Fsmure'IU4Miv5i tiit-ii is yiiiMt m. rvbba. , I Train in the Field Artillery If you want to prepare to serve your country in this highly important arm of the service enlist in Battery B, Field Artillery, N, G. N. J. Camden, N. J. Visit the new artillery armory, 9th street and Wright ave nue, Camden, any evening, said by army officers to be one of the most completely equipped armories in the country, Battery B is equipped with latest model ordnance, has 21 horses, and, if you study, you can be trained for a com mission. No dues, but you must be a patriot, and of good character and intelligence. Philade.phians eligible Thursday evening principal drilj night Police Court Chronicles The fclght of ft chicken strutting nround always awakens thd farm yard memories of Kred Dcntz. Before settling In Ken sington he had a big chicken farm tip the stato which was talked of for miles nround, It Is said, because of Its thor oughness. So when Fred saw a homeless rooster promenading along Trenton ave nue ho took It under his arm. Thero was something sympathetic; about the touch of Kred, nnd the rooster knew by Intuition that he was In good hands. f"I r? JA 3 Dcntz carried him around until he camo to a feed store. He borrowed several flstfuls of corn and gave the bird a banquet on the sidewalk. The rooster wns enjoying the feast un disturbed until a stranger camo along with' another live rooster which ho had Just bought for dinner. Without any in vitation ho dropped It on tho sidewalk and allowed It to butt Into the dinner pro- ( Vlueu uy j? reu. Tho two roosters "squared oft" and then collided. Feathers nnd "squawks" mixed together and very soon a small audieneo was attracted to the light. Policeman Uradley heard tho commotion nnd fth Fred couldn't explain where he got the rooster, he was taken lo w Trenton nventio and Uauphln street po lice station. On hearing that Uie prisoner had really acted ns a good samarllnn without any Intention of wrong-doing, Magistrate JJIetz was touched, And to make mat ters better for tho prisoner tho owner of tho rooster nrrlved nnd claimed It. He, too, Was convinced that Dcntz was actu ated by humane Impulses. So In addl tloii to being discharged, Fred received tho price of a good meal. NEVADA DELIVERED TO Vt S. Supcrdreadnought Not Seriously Damaged by Explosion QltlNCY, Mais., Match 2. -Despite her nccldcnt yesterday tho United States sit pcrdrcadhought Nevada was delivered to Commandant Hush and naval officers nt tlie Charlestown Navy Yard today. Thrco men who wero seriously Injured when tho two hntchways on the water bal last compartments burst open wero In tho hospilnl today. Damage to the ship was easily repaired. Pays $2.50 for Spitting It cost Joseph Knglemati, of 1S2S North 10th stret. S2.G0 to spit In the eastern cor ridor of tho sixth floor of the t'lty Hall this morning (luard Dunlap arrested Dngleniaii. GERMAN FOKKER, SHOT BY AIR FOE, DROPS 7000 FEET; 2 KILLED, 4 HURT Briton, Flying Over Enemy's Lines, Sees Attack on Eng lish Biplane and Comes to Rescue LONG DIVE GETS HIM LONDON', March 2. How a German Fokker fighting plane, shot down by a Urltlsh nlrmali, camo tumbling down from a height of 7000 feet, wan described In a letter from tho Urltlsh pilot to Ills friend. The Fokker plunged through the roof of a Drtlsh dug-out, wounding four soldiers. Tho Urltlsh pilot, with nu observer, wns slnrtlng for a night of reconnaissance ovor tho (Herman lines, and had nscended to a height of more than 10.000 feot. Coming from the Uennnn front nnd several hun dred feet below him, he saw one of tho Fokkcrs pursuing nnd rapidly overhauling n Urltlsh biplane, fleeing back to tho Urlt lsh lines. "Down we went, almost vertically, said the Airmen. "Tha Fokknr t,.. , With h ltrl.1.1,.. ., ? CM gun at 60 yards. WetfEfaW 20 yards behind tl, n.." vVMm BeO US Until TOO nrionA.I -."' "no diiS "Twenty rounds, failed to (, ...I'lSi vital spot, but he quit the chn v TraT hla attention to 'tis. W&M describing clrculta nround ha fStt Vm time, while wo did n sort of IbV-."!Hi "Suddenly ho decided he hA .."'53 started for homo. After him i,wt Ing lustily. Wo were getting to &&'' expected the Oerman 'archies' t6 LlS,?MJl momem. men we got him. AlnS.w'vl found Its billot and tho FokWir'fey no more. " v"a "First ho turned over, wheels tin. K ho looped, then several noso dlv. 'U loops, several turnB on and oir li. il sldoways until ho ttruck. The nni.JJ head first through the top of "hi dAttli duiii oi ncavy logs and with thrr;m'l of earth on top. Tho pilot and ZmM clan wero torn to nieces." ,wj IN YOUR CLOSET" there are umbrrllns nfcdln rfni,i.'i or rrroverlnir. rtione or ro t. ri The Chambers Umbrella 1 Factory ) Is N. OTH HT. SD.1I .MARKET Rtt LamiLyszh'.itjti.hL srrrmMMiiiWlsmS!SSBSa u M Every good farmer knows that tile drainage restores wet land. But quite a number of farmers have proved that it also benefits land that's dry and hard. They say it brings larger yields yields that are uniform from year to year. It pays others. But will it pay on your farm ? What's the theory ? Does it work ? Can you tell beforehand approximately what underdrain ing will cost? Is it a sound investment or is it a gamble? These are some of the things you want to know before you sink money in the ground and they're some of the things told you by a man who knows what he's talking about, in Drains to Fight Wetness and Drought, today in Also In this issii; Fresh Air for Farm Animals A Cheap Water System Sanitation is the keynote of modern farm-building construction, and fresh air is the keynote of sanitation. This is an article for the farmer who be lieves in helping his livestock to keep healthy. It tells how to plan a venti lating system. The Lure of the Land It's high time somebody warned back-to-the-landers that there are un scrupulous land dealers ; that farming is not a romance, but a business ; that a business farmer doesn't put all his capital into land, and doesn't over equip. The Country Gentleman says this and more. Electric Lights from Water Power The " water power" is a stream six inches wide, that fills a six-inch pipe only three inches deep at low water. i . But he hitched it up to a dynamo and it does the trick. He tells how, and gives costs, A Page of Spring Fashions A page for the farm mother the home dressmaker, A number of attractive, simple patterns illustrated and described. A modification of the farm home water system worked out by the Government. It can be made and installed for from ten to twenty-five dollars. And Don't Miss this week's installment of Diana of the Moorland, the story by Louis Tracy ; the latest addition to A Game and a Gamble, about implement dealers, their credits and creditors; On the Road of Progress, by Herbert Quick ; A Stove-Heated Hotbed ; The Buff Orpington, by Judge W. H. Card ; Tomatoes in Cool Climates ; How to Balance a Ration for Farm Stock ; Getting Rid of Groundhogs ; Forty-Dollar Cottonseed Meal ; Going to School at Home, for farm children. And the regular farm and home departments JltIip -h em aw aewg dealer orboyagen j M ,-sa 4 ' K 4J0. Jfc-JTiAuu. Walnut m K3MfMMMBIjfMM7 fffilil . " -' .' . .... r" ' ' "J.B Tft r-itHrlifri iTmi'ii fftifrrn mm m jii)iiWlir.iiiii frflMlir n rrr ---k -. ..- . . HHHH i J