Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, March 01, 1916, Night Extra, Page 8, Image 8

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New York Judge's Decision Thai Woman No
, Longer Has Status of Slaves or Chattels a
Knockout Blowfor This Individual
PEnSONAIAx, I tot very norry for the "dominant mate" Just about now.
Ordinarily, I don't havo any sympathy at ail for him. But Just at present
h la rt-uemblinp; tha moat pathetic- of all objects, a punctured balloon!
, Of course, you know nil about tlio dominant mato by this time, and tho
Bad utory of why ho is no longor ontltled to tho ndjectlvo "dominant." No?
Well then, tho dominant malo is that species of tho masoullno gentlor who be-
, lloyes and has believed slnco the day when Adam was a younjr man. that he Is
preeminent in his own household; that tho feminine members of his family
unoutq itowtow to him, If not actually and physically, at least mentally.
For a long, long time tho dominant malo hasn't boon feeling; as chesty as
was his accustomed wont in the nood old days. What with higher education for
women, suffrage agitation and tho broader feminism, lie's had a pretty difficult
time has this dominant malo retaining his somewhat slippery foothold.
Now ho has slipped positively. He's drowning nnd screaming for help, anil
there's nary an outstretched hand to rescue him.
It was Justice Sucarn, of tho New York Supremo Court, who shoved him
off his ancient raft. A most virulent examplo of tho dominant malo, tho Rev.
Burton Howard Lee, not content with tho Court's ruling In regard to his
children (It had boen decreed that he should havo tho oldest and his wlfo, from
Whom he is separated, the youngest, alternating them nt weok-ends), tried to
abrogate it nnd keep both of tho children.
His crstwhllo wlfo, howovor, behaved in a way that does not spook well
for tho brand of discipline exercised by dominant males. Sho took tho matter
to court, Tho Judge, too. In rendering n decision, demonstrated that some men
have ovolvod from tho dominant mnlo Btnge.
In a noteworthy pronouncement ho set usldo tho decision of 1842, giving a
father first rights to his children, and declared In favor of tho mother.
"Wo havo emerged from the Dark Ages," ho said, "during which married
women had tho statu of slaves and chattels."
Of courso wo havo emerged. Women havo known It for a long time, but
wo havo not had tho law with us. Tho eminent Blackstono outllnod what ho
considered tho married woman's proper Htatus when ho declared that woman's
very being and legal exlstencu wnH suspended when sho took unto herself a
husband. Other decisions havo emphasized tho dominance of tho male.
But all that Is done now. Not only havo wo women come to seo tho light,
but certain men, like Judge Shourn, have also emerged from the Dark Ages.
Strange as it may seem, a woman Is in tho futuro to hnc eijunl rights with
a man whore her children aro concerned.
Vogue of Simplicity
"Wear simple frocks this summer."
Thl3 Is tho ndvico that a now organization tho ..tu uil .Made In tho
U. S. A. League Is sending broadcast. Tho motlv'o of tho league is to holp
tho dyo and textile Industry, but many wlso maidens who caro not for dyos
or textiles or tho shortage thereof will give heed nono the less.
Simplicity no a stylo keynote Is more than good tasto; It Is good Judgment.
The average women If sho could only bo mado to realize It does not look
well in fussy things, and It takes a real beauty to wear tho bizarre. The early
Greeks, of course, wero the Ilrst to exemplify this, and although wo havo had
hundreds of years since that ago to develop a more beautiful fashion, has any
mode of any pooplo ever equaled tho Greeks for the charm and beauty of their
simplest robes, or any more becoming?
Therefore it is expedient as well as philanthropic to adopt tho advice of this
71 HTTr
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Hi JS531 cCnT' ( V
ULwS"i-'J2k-3' ft .JMSw &
wmM ki "' & 'mi 'SKKmtm
Marion Harland's Corner
Vive La Soap llox!
A pretty little suffragist orating on Gtli avenue ho charmed and fascinated
a cocoanut king from the Philippines that ho sought her out and marrying
her took her back to reign In his bamboo palace.
Isn't this giving the old-fashioned sofa a run for Its
Letters to the Editor of the Woman's Page
Address all communications to M'I.Nh, earn of tlip Utrnlns I-ccUrr.
xldr ot tho paper only.
Write on one
Dear M'LIss Pleaso tell mo about
amber beads and whether or not they will
really keep a child from having a pore
throat. My little girl has a weak throat
and a neighbor says an amber necklace Is
a sure cure. Can you find out fqr me?
Slrico. tho days of the early Romans,
u amber has been thought to possess cura
tive properties. By friction It becomes
strongly electric and this fact. Is largely
responsible for tho reputation It has
achieved for preventing Boro throat, ton
sillitis and even goitre. Perhaps because
those children who wear amber necklaces
usually go with bared necks, and naturally
havo hardier throats on that account, this
superstition has gained and held ground.
Of course, there Is no scientific Justifica
tion for It.
Dear M'LIss Will you kindly tell mo
how Mrs. Tellcgcn, who was Geraldlno
F.irrar, pronounced her last name before
she was married? Thanking you, I am.
I am told that she pronounces it with
tho accent on the last syllable both of tho
"a's" being pronounced like tho "a" In
HERU Is u smart Juvenllo mode, tho prlco of which Is very moderate. Tho material
Is a newcomer In the world of fashion a llnen-flnlshed chambray, a fabric
which combines all the daintiness of linen with the durable qualities of chambray.
It launders beautifully. Colors includo rose, blue and brown. The blouse Is cut on
Russian lines, featui lug tho popular yoko and doublo-bclt effect The neck Is square,
and finished oft with a white poplin collar embroidered In tones to match tho body
of the frock. Crochet buttons and loops to match are Interesting details. In sizes
from 6 to 14 yenrs tho prlco is $2.
The hat Is a simple stylo In Milan straw, with a Boft, pliablo brim, which may bo
worn turned up or down. A tailored bow of velvet and grosgraln combined Is used
for ornament. Tho model may be had In natural straw color, navy, brown or black,
trimmed In contrasting bands of colored ribbon. Prlco, J1.G0.
The name ot tho shop wheto these articles may bo purchased will bo supplied by
tho Kdltor of tho Woman's Pago, Bvcnino Lnooun, COS Chestnut street. Tho request
must bo accompanied by a stamped, self-addressed envelope and must mention the
date on which tho article appeared.
kUR favorite prescription for auto-In
toxication, biliousness, Blmplo nne-
, mla, that tired feeling, lack of ambition,
incipient obesity and cold hands nnd feet
all in one person Is two miles of oxy
gen every day, or, in other words, walking
to and from work.
Individuals engaged in sedentary occu
pations indoors are particularly subject to
the group of symptoms mentioned, and
nine times out of ten these seml-lnvallds
don't like to walk and don't know how to
walk. They really Imagine a mile Is a
long, long way to walk, especially when
the weather Is a little too cold, too warm.
too wet or too dry.
If your work Is JUBt around the corner
it Is somewhat difficult to cover the miles
rolng and coming. But here is one Way to
do it without wasting time running around
In circles. Try the gooso step.
Everybody knows what tho goose step
U from the pictures. It Is a manner of
walking with exaggerated extension of the
legs. Instead of allowing the leg to swing
forward passively and flexed, as In ordi
nary walking, you throw It forward with
the knee stiffened, so that you really step
much higher In the. air than necessary.
About 10 goose steps will set your heart
sthumplng and make you puff a trifle, It
Is so hard. Twenty goose steps will make
you pretty tired. Thirty will just about be
Y enough for the first offense. Try It some
??"", evening when nobody la watching Just to
snudde now. lt coes.
scenes, r rfce e003o step Is an antidote for "high
"As .tomachs." It calls upon the rectus
they Wjausclea of the abdomen in fact, it calls
The eb ipon a lot of muscles you have hardly
and tl4tnown were yours, as you will find the
lory Inlay after your first experience,
the gibj Ladles' skirts. Just now, fortunately, are
With C io bar to this exercise. They may Join
which (be parade at any time after daik in the
were nore thickly populated sections,
that; in Men's nether garments, however, have a
us. tf
tendency to Impede the free and untranv
meled activity of the limbs these days.
Thereforo, we advise any of the more
snugly dressed men if any of that sort
ever reads this column to go gently with
the exercise until ho Is quite sure of him
Fattening the Checks
Is there any skin food or preparation
which one can rub In for the purpose of
fattening hollow cheeks or filling out the
neck and buut?
Answer There Is no such agent known.
Certain fats may be absorbed when rub
bed Into the skin, but If so they are not
deposited locally any more than elsowhero
throughout the body. The only way to
fatten cheeks, necks or busts Is to fatten
the whole body.
Tonsils and Glands in Neck
I have large and Infected tonsils and
haven't the necessary funds to have them
removeu. Hut lately I notice Bore and
swollen glands under and behind the ear.
What causes them?
Answer The Infected tonsils Infected
tonsils aro the most common cause of en
larged glands In the neck, and decayed
teeth come next
To a Young Lady
Sweet stream, that winds through yonder
Apt emblem of a virtuous maid
Silent and chasto she stents along,
Far from the world's gay busy throng;
With gentle yet prevailing force.
Intent upon her destined course;
Oraceful and useful all she does.
Blessing and blest where'er she goes.
Pure-bosomed as that watory glass.
And Heaven reflected In her face.
W. Cooper.
Felt Initials
The latest "kink" In band-embroidered
linens, such as towels, napkins, bed
spreads sheets, tablecloths and even tho
Turkish towels, which some women have
taken to decorating of late. Is the felt
Initial. Tho Idea Is to supply a padded
Initial, like- tho papier macho stylos which
have been on tho market for tho last two
or three seasons.
The felt has been found very practi
cal, for there Is no possibility of crack
ing, thus Bhowlng a very ugly line be
neath the embroidery. They cost 6 to 10
cents, according to size.
One woman who had quite a number
of articles to embroider did not caro for
tho expense of buying the Initials, so she
went to a shop nnd bought a couple of
yards of heavy white felt and a book of
transferable Initials. Now she can havo
them in any size or any desired style,
without extra expense. She makes en
largements for her bedspreads, table
cloths, eta, herself and transfers them to
the felt .Instead of paying to have It
Period Hats
Second Umpire hats, llko those worn by
the Empress Eugenie, are In again. The
effect Is Incomparably chlo and demure, a
quality which Is qulto In keeping with tho
grandmother's frocks which young girls
nro wearing Just now. Tho hat In ques
tion Is small and sets low upon tho head,
with a rolling brim on cither side. Tho
trimming Is very slight, consisting of n
few wild flowers or velvot streamers at
tho back.
Embroidery Sueciut deslcne to match
the fashion of your garment. j
juffnvraaa worK ai iqw pricea.
Smorklnc, Ifcnutttchlnr, Sculloplnr,
Initialing and lluttonhollnr.
Knife, Accordion and glclrc rialttnr,
Novelty Embroidery Co.
1007 Filbert St.
I'artlcn ud to 1B0 person
accommodated at our halU
030 Market Hlrect and
1821 Oheetnut Htreet
Office, 734 Market Street
Cheap substitutes cost YOU same prtc
A Baby Set
Baby now hn3 his set of Initialed or
flowered French ivory. Just llko thoso
on mother's dressing table. Tiny seinf?J
box, baby comb and buttonhook, aro Si
orated with bluebirds in charming7 coibr-u
mgs. iney maKO a aeugntrui girtaroj1
the new arrival. uSl'V
Rosa Would Llko n Doll
IP TOU will please advertise It again
might get a doll, I received Mrs. V.
T.'s letter. I went to her and there was
another woman there, who said Mrs, V. T
had left town. ItOSB S."
Wo aro "advertising It again" that
llosa S. would llko to got a doll. She
asked for It before Christmas ahd Mrs.
V. T. wrote for her address. In a post'
script sho mentioned that she was chang
ing her 'homo shortly. Holiday malls
wore heavy and slow. Tho disappointed
little girl tells tho rest And sho Is still
doll-less! Headers will agree with mo that
this destitution should not contlnuo longer
than Is required for our Juniors to get
her nddrcss and send tho covotcd doll by
parcel post.
WantH Small Printing Outfit
"An old printer, past 73. having lost
all by being sick, would like to get a
Bmnll press with an assortment of type
and other materials that will enablo him
to print enrds, envelopes, circulars, etc. A
press 0 by 9 will answer tho purpose. Ho
can glvo good references as to sobriety,
honesty and Industry. -ny assistance
will bo highly appreciated Knowing thero
nro many peoplo who havo bought small
printing outfits with the Intent of doing
their own printing or to nmuso boys, and
Hint tho lime of their usefulness Is pnst
and tho outfit packed In garret or out
building and only In tho way, I ask would
not tho owner gladly glvo It to me? I can
mnko ttso of It. B. H. II."
Wo havo lot the old man tell of his
wants unreservedly. A discarded printing
press Is not infrequently pnrt ot tho 1m
pcdlmonta of a family that, onco upon a
time, hnd uso for It. If there be ono
within tho reach of constituents, hero Ii
tho best posslblo purpose to wlilcli ft couiu
bo applied. Menus of livelihood lossen In
number ns years gather upon tho old
man's head. Whon ono longs for work
ho knows ho can do, lt Is cruel to with
hold lt
Transferring Photos to GlnBS
"Referring to li. S , who would transfor
photographs to glass, I wish to say that
almost every summer sporting goods
houso has a demonstration of Just this
kind of work. Theso concerns do a largo
business In photograph supplies and havo
many froo booklets on Just such subjects.
I nm Borry I do not happen to have ono,
but am confident correspondents desiring
knowledgo along this lino can got informa
tion at placos that Bell photographic:
goods, H. S."
Hop Beer
"About a month ago I noticed a request
In tho Corner for a reclpo for hop beer. I
havo Becurcd tho following. This should
malto 1G gallons for 75 cents. Boll 5
pounds of ground malt and 1 pound of
hops two hours In a kettlo which contains
about six or Bcven gallons of water ; then
strain through a cloth. Tho malt and
hops which remain In tho kettlo aftor
straining should now again bo boiled In
0 gallons of water for about two hours,
then Btrnlned In tho samo mannor as pre
viously. After it has cooled to about 98
degrees P., stir In n gallon of molasses
nnd a cup of yeast. Next day tho beer
should bo drawn off Into alr-tlght bottles,
but should not bo filled to tho top, so ns
to prevent bursting. It would bo ndvlsablo
to put tills boor In a wooden, n!rtlght bar
rel, but not moro thnn 14 gallons should
bo put Into a 10-gnllon barrel, to prevent
lt from bursting. A. J."
Butterscotch Pie
"Mrs. M. J. W. recently asked for a
recipe for butterscotch plo: Take yolks
of threo or four eggs, two cups of brown
sucar. two tablespoonfuls of butter, a
pinch of salt Mix theso thoroughly, thon
ndd ono quart of milk and a tnblespoon
ful of vanilla. Placo on tho stovo, and JUst
beforo lt bolls add two tablespoonfuls of
cornstarch dissolved In milk. Stir briskly;
uso tho whltos of eggs for tho tops of
pies. This will make two pies and Is
flno. J. P. C."
Blind nnd Paralyzed
"I have a friend who Is totally helpless,
blng both blind and paralyzed, who
makes a meagor living selling lead pen
cils. .Ho Is unable to do this now, as ho
mbt with nn nccldent a short time ago,
lpV"v ch his wheel chair was noarly de
mu .ted and what Is left ot lt Is unfit for
xzpj Ho is poor and cannot buy ono. Ho
111 a child and wife to support. I. there-
All eommnnlentlon nddref tl to Marlon
"nrlnnd honld lncloe a Mnmrieil, fir
nililrcnaed enirlone and n clipping of tne
article In which roil are !n'!,'',-1,U1r:
nn wlnhlnr to old In the 'hsrltaMjJ
work of the II. If. t!. dlmnld wrllo Marlon
llnrlnml, In core of till, pnpe'i ' n''
ilrrnace of thone they wonlil like lo help,
nnd, lintlni- received tlifm, commnnlcate
direct with tlieae pnrtlet.
fore, respectfully ask you If you wilt get
hlrrt a Used wheel chair, or perhaps tell
him ot ono that ho may get. Wo would
thank you very much for It. If there
should bo any doubt respecting this man's
needs, you can Investigate tho case for
yourself. 3. W."
Wo havo not asked for a wheel chair
for a long term of weeks, This appeal Is
selected from a bundle of similar applica
tions on account ot tho peculiarly sad cir
cumstances attending tho case laid beforo
us. The world holds Up hands of admir
ing wonder nt Helen Kollor, who has con
quered fate. Itead of this hero; "blind
and paralyzed," who prays for means of
carrying on his dally labor.
Cleaning a Ilrcnd Board
"I do much of my own baking and nm
particular to cloan the kneading bonrd
overy day nftor It Is used. 1 scrub it with
hot soap suds nnd dry It on tho side of
tho range. For nil that, it Is nn ugly color
a sort of brownish yellow that looks
llko dirt. My neighbors say It enn't bo
helped, and that tho shortening used In
paBtry and rolls sinks Into the wood. Can
I do anything to keep it whlterf
"J. o. D."
Instead of soap and water put a llttlo
bnklng soda in tho water. Scrub with
tills, wlpo tho board nnd go all over It
with a clean, stiff brush and Dlentv of
flno salt, rubbing tho surface to a polish.
Somo good housewives uso flno sand In
stead of salt. Either Is better than sonp.
Dry In tho sun nnd wind when you enn
do It. You aro right to bo particular In
cleaning tho board. A musty taste Is
often Imparted to bread nnd pastry by
want of caro In this respect. '
Soiled Wolfskin Bug
"I havo a whlto wolf's skin rug which
Is badly soiled. I cannot sparo it long
enough to havo a professional cleaner re
storo lt. Moreover, tho cost ot tho process
Is moro than I can afford. Please toll mo
how to get somo of the grime out of it,
to say nothing of tho gorms wo must
scatter through tho nlr overy time wo
walk over lt Wo aro told so often now
thnt dirt and disease aro synonymous that
I am uneasy."
Beat out nil the dust on a dry day and
In tho open air. Hang tho beaten rug In
the wind for somo hours, lotting tho sun
carry on tho good work. Then lay tho
rug upon the floor In tho attic, If you are
so fortunate ns to havo ono. If not. lay
lt upon tho bared floor of a room you nro
not likely to uso for a dny. or two. Get
down upon your knoos and rub Into the
fur all tho dried and salted flour lt will
hold; work It down to tho hide, rubbing
tho hairs between your hands as you
would wash It in suds. Whon you havo
gone all over tho rug, shnko out tho flour
nnd rub in a fresh supply. Leavo this In
tho fur, cover with n clean cloth, and let
It alono for 21 hours. Forty-olght aro
oven hotter. Thon take it out of doors
and hong upon a line. With a stout elas
tic cano whip the wrong sldo until no
moro powder files out of it. Powdered
starch may bo used instead of tho flour
Perhaps finely powdered chalk lt best of
all but If loft In tho rug tho alkali may
Injuro tho fur.
German Books to Donate
"Havo any of the renders any vocal
Ver& -dl ju$t peopl
Ua tSi compose tKem
1 trvlnK. it queer how ue
Ourselves irs ,1
'- IIIIMII "-"'
- mt
e. 9
r IB
lilttqln tnr n tinsa nml l.arlln.... . -
ho would oxchnngo for piano muslelii
havo also a few German books thffli
should be glad to glvo to somo bne.HB
s Wo do not enre to negotiate exchaneSi
Wo do enjoy honrtlly Becurlng muslo S
books for thoso whose life lies ns mucn'h
tho possession of these ns we are asatifS
yours docs. Hold the music nnd OtrrfSi
books until wo hnve time to spreaasili
good news contnlnbd In your lcttor jtJ;J
put you Into communication with oUtf
Present in Absence J
Aliqnnpo. 1innr limit mv lirntatltn.. 'ft
Against thy strength,
Distance, and length;
Do what thou canst for alteration;
For hearts of truest mcttlo
Absence doth Join, and TImo doth seuj?
By nbsenco this good means I gain,
That I can catch h6r,
Whero none can watch her,
In somo closo corner of my brain;
Thero I embrace and kiss her;
And so I both enjoy and miss her.
HL tOlvcg You Added )vK
It Ij Dalntee Is a Uquld IJcautt- H
IM 1 n'r' which moans that lt u far Hr
111 I Bater and moro. effective than Hi
lljllll tho ordinary greasy or creamy Hf
J cosmotlcs. It Improves skin,
LIH clears comploxlon, adds beauty H
In At your druggist's or ha will H
I cot it for you. l'rlce 50c. Nil
II W. K. CRANSTON. Dlitrlbntor M
Ijljlljll 7 South 1'ront Street B
For the Corpulent .; M . n t j j
-slro suits nro being made by moffiy h VJVt. XV1U
Ovcr-slzo suits aro being made by m
manufacturers just now. You can get
and 18 bust milts, ns well as the ha!
sizes. Tho same innovation has been m
tlced In tho glovo and shoo trades.
Dr. Charlotte B. Martin
Tlio ilngle oloctrlc needle method Is
the only method enjoying professional
licensure and confidence for the perma
nent removal of superfluous hair and
other superficial growths.
70S Flanders Illdtr., 15th A Walnut
of Wrinkles
My marvelous "no - plaster
method" for tho removal of the
deepest wrinkles Is your oppor
tunity to rejuvennte.
Time 10 days,
70S llanders Bldg., ISth Walnut
EitaWhhed 1331
Kv& cK ISjRW fib
Sitfa Ffw!mis
own and Fur Shop
Cordially Invites you to its
embraolng an exhibit of the newest and
most aoDroved Spring styles In
Suits and Coats
Blouses and Dresses
Arriving dally from tho best
American and Ifrenoh makers.
Hetmonabiy Priced
Tailored Quits and Qowns-rnade to
order from the roost exclusive
materials-and modal.
J. UllicK Walnut St.
you servo your children.
The difference ia often a
matter of health as well
as taste.
Our meats aro as pure
as Government inspec
tion can make them.
There's a difference.
Do you get it?
Locust 70 Race 11B8
now aro not a luxury,
but a prc-season tasty
Mcriano Quality stands
for flavor in everything
we sell, from produce up
or fruit- down.
M. Meriano
Locust 3680
S. 'M"ma Ny
ViA, w
T) M S
reriir AllM P ."-"""
3!uSi MP,, J' Mill Jiw r"
' i 1 1 i - . .
Market at Twenty-first Street
Tailors to the Better Dressed Wome
Mado-to-order Oarnwots were ones considered a luiurM
w .he.y aro a ,n"lr to tho oorreotly-dreeaed womanSB
, " ""PU4B1UK3 ia aeiecc inaiviauauty from stocks ntuBf
uotiuc luuuaaiiue oi mrratnu exactly alike la line, atyle
treatment Your clothe must be made to conform to yoa
Advanced spring models and weaves t fj A
in fancy and sport suits, regularly $45 ttpOO
(OODTTlrtt. IWfl.)
iej ciMnn ir nnun i riiuiyeri.
U'mso 6 lap to see you, doctor .1"
- i - ! i i i i-t. er- r- -
i r
Tnother doctor!
whew! iMusTrceepj
swwrvvy'vw'v- j
' ' , J v-. i rtNCt.
I I M ,--.t , . 7 ,
I T -
XX & .- S "N. A fJi' ' 1. -"
m l. J-x i i m -x- v-n
X. .lfl AI A I 5fVl .---"'v7. '2&4f& 'nsA & N l VflX. ff T & -V i 1 r s-
v V'J-Wi- wr & Mf &$ t ' s &
m j j&aw-a wtr 'a i ui tm&jzzz .vrry JAsy r nn a . n i x &va w
R MiiiiiiiihMHitfWfwirjifTE J " "' ' IT Ir' '' r ' ' r nun m ""' nn hi iiiiiIliil.ijiih ' hum tin in. n n m "ui rT-nn-firri--r'BjBBijJLJJUL - - - t I I 'if '
Hs9iKhE'- SsaiBSEi r t X f IT n'liiiiiLiiWsLLLLLLLLMl K"'m'm''im&lHIBjtMiLUHmmfrmmmrmmmama..m I ,,m...m Mwni-tlMn'wg
Sb OSB iBSBiHMfaftniigitSfeamffKBg