j Irs ku r r SIRS. TELLEGEN A CLIP, ALTHOUGH MARRIED Romps Through Rofe of Wash erwoman Duchess in "Madame Sans Gene" tjverg of Bcpsatlon, wlioao "Hair" for posslhlo piquancies led tlifni to the Met ropolitan last ntslit In tho hope thnt tho l?rltte would do something; Unusual, had their trip for nothing. It may all bo that Mrs. TclleKon (Miss Farrnr that was, or "neo Grraldlne Fnr- rar." an they a.y up Lancaster way) slapped Mr Enrico Cnruso's Latin and -epaclicttl-fed lower Jowl, because his romance became too impassioned, the while Lou (Mr. Tellegen that is) ruined ' hid manicuring In a. proscenium box, his Gallic .temperament, which Is very much bo considering ho Is only a Dutchman, being so wrought up that ho simply had to blto his nalli, and a llttlo more would l liavo made him scream. Nothing lllto that happened last night, though cer tainly thero were two prbwrcs of suf ficient fervor to make a young husband nt least pea-green with Jealousy, ("and tho poor fellow would bo perfectly ex cusable, too, my dear, under tho cir cumstances"). Ono was whero Madamo Sans Gene, which by tho way is our sub ject, though In tho gosstp-mongcrlng and town-topical stuff what wan being writ ten about has been neglected well, whero Madame Sans Gene, who Is a. regular clip, chucks hcrsolf upon tho lap of Olo vannl Martlnolli, her stago husband, mado up as a marshal of Fiance, Iefebvro by name, and gives him a renl hug. Tho other was whero 1'asn.ualo Amato, dressed up and nctlng to resemble jsapoieon, prints a long, lingering kiss upon tho fair arm of the Duchess of Dantzig, to which high cstato tho washer woman of tho French Revolution had climbed. Ho qualified as n member of any chapel of tho Typographical Union. But Mr. Tollcgen was not "In tho house." Tho managers all said so. Kccn-evcd re porters scrutinized the boxes In vain. Tho Star Lady Reporter, who "dolled up" (In pink) to accompany tho reviewer in his ordinary or gardening clothes, with tho idea of getting an tntcrvlow with tho bridegroom, was terribly disappointed. "I had a wholo lot of questions I wanted to ask him," sho said, with a recretful notn in tho soft drawl of her Govanstown (Maryland) accent. So everybody had to be contented with tho performance of Umbcrto Giordano's lyric drama. It was a very good per formance and a good time was had by most everybody. For, although Mrs. Tel legen Is not really beautiful tho Star L. It. says so, and who aro wo to Judgo? 'there is nothing about her looks discom forting to the eye, particularly on tho 29th of February, tho day after her 32d birthday, at that. And, getting back to professional musical criticism, thero Is certainly nothing discomforting to tho car about her voice, which was technically efficient and of finest quality last night. Mrs. Tollcgen has an Infinite capacity for tho expression of femlnlno coquetries. The wiles, guiles and smiles of Katorlna Hubscher, -washlady, vlvandlere, Mmo. la Marechalo, wearer of strawberry leaves, eternal and indomitable feminine, were inl 16 awed oven by the majesty of tho Llttlo Corporal In an attack of temperament and temper. Her sense of comedy Is as keen as her tragic aptitude Is compelling and heart-reathlng as Mlml, Florla Tosca and Sevllllan Carmcnclta. Her acting de serves the episode "superb." Let It go at " that. Mr. Amato not only 'looked" Napoleon, but ho characterized his part subtly, com prehensively and bellevably. He had not much to sing, but ho sang that little, of music that Is a mero song to him, sur. passingly woll. - "The Marshal of Mr. MartlnelU was vo cally ringing and dramatically dignified " and the Count Nelpperg of Paul Althouse, a graduate of our own Operatic Society, was notablo for Its luscious songfulness. Giordano's score Is not greatly Impor tant, but It was "played" for orchestral "points" for all It was worth by Mr. Po Jacco. Thero are those who affect to think that tho musical comedy mado by Ivan Carryl and Lionel Monckton out of Sar ilou's drama Is more melodious than Gior dano's blend of old school Italian opera and modern or Massenet lyric drama. Bo that as it may. "Tristan und Isolde" will bo sung on noxt Tuesday evening by tho Metropolitan Opera Company. Tho cast wilt Include Wmes. Gadskl and Homer and Messrs. Urlus, 'Well. Braun, Schlegel, Bloch and Bayer. Mr. Bodanzky will conduct. VT. R.M. DANCES IN HER BARE FEET Mercantile Club and Guests See Miss Moeller's Interpretation The Mercantile Club held Its first quadrennial leap year ball last night and to make the affair truly artls tlo. Invited Miss Helen Moeller, of New Torlc, to present to the 600 men nnd women who attended the affair Interpreta tions of Greek dances. Miss Moeller In terpreted so successfully that countless white kid gloves were ripped In applaud ing her. Sho danced In her bare feet. The nine dances which she did give were entitled "Purity," "Scarf Dance," "Valse." "Pandora and Her Jar." "Bac chanal." "Narcissus," "The Bubble," "Pan" and "Tho Prisoner." The pur ple note predominated them. In the "Scarf Dance" and In "Pan" Miss Moeller waa assisted by Mlsa Emily Illlngworth, whose flying raven tresses contrasted with Mlaa Moeller's golden ones. Between the dances Miss Rhea Sllbersteln, also of New York, eang. A member of tho committee In charge of the affair explained that since Greek "dancing had been taken up by New York society the Mercantile Club wanted to do Jta share. "But," he added, wiping the perspiration from his forehead, "I will be glad when this is all over." "WINTER HESORTS ATLANTIC CITY, N. J, ri AiuTtf rrv superior location with an unobstructad view of hAnrK ; ji. ":j:..:ir. fc " " . v -v j anct uuarawqiK. recognizea 4 standard of excellence C..ttJOO. IWUZRJ.BUZBOr. w-.HMaMbnMHa0uaH.aM.Mfl. TttC LEADING RtSOKT HOltl Or fflE WORID nBarttoroiiii5iini ATLANTIl t"IT . N. J ownrnaHip MMa(utNT JOSIOH WHITE A, SON3 COMPtNri has et anew standard of cr ti k J rt Tin f i-v .Hanrii w A rivu. vwiiiiwi t.f-i uviui XAEHEST TIBZPnOOF HZSOHT HOTEL iMWinTSitwJ."' aI" """"'JVOBTICaHit Westminster t &, fc&r&.fcSltaX 4I.S9 ut dly. ta Jli.SU us wicly. Cb. Una.it. JROtt s UIS-IN-Tl'.-l'lM33!t X.J. mill,; INN ljN "Uh -J "" A.hJi s-414 Diaofl for rfcuto-rftlloo. duji imtM m-J tv4 ,'iiwjl in dm warm. I. I u. c uuuweiu. 3rw J. u '- - VJOOV, Nl OTLJVqGEjB iddl i Fl J.TtJLlTlC. CITY n STKAYER'S PARAGON CLAIMS CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG Popular Movie Star Is Under Contract With Them Until August By tho Photoplay Editor There seems to bo a misunderstanding concerning the disposition of Clara Klm necntlx- thf announcement was made, and ' nppnrentH In gond faith, that a corpora tion had !, ti fnrrmd fur the vnrrss pur pnxo of ,nilrclhg plml'M'l.i ' " wH" Mls Young ni thr- Mtnr Now Wiuriro Tour nnur cvmffl out with a Mint, t. tit that, no mnttur whnt ilnvtintetiti Mi i Young ban signed hnr services hel'ing to the Para gon fumpativ until Aiwt Tt it least Mr TourniMir Is studio director ln-chlef of tho new Paragon corporation. Ills statement follows; "May I step out from the serenity of tho Pall ndi"? for the first tlmn slnco I nr rlvod In America tvo years nf, 1 to correct an Imprecision that has gone abroad as to tho Pane m Corporation relations with Clara Kimball Young? "Miss Young Is now. and will be until August next appearing exclusively In tho feature films of tho Paraxon Comnanv We nre Just about to releaso 'The Feast of Life ' a new subject, In five reels, re cently finished In Cuba. What Miss Young's plans mny bo after tho expira tion of her contract with ua at tho time Indicated wo do not know, beyond tho Information contained In tho printed ad vertisements. "It will bo recalled, doubtless that It was tho Peerless Company, then under tho executive control of tho snmo entitles now directing tho fortunes nf the Paragon Cor poration, that first brought nut the emo tional qualities which, combined with Miss Young's unusual comeliness, have made her appearance In screen plays ouperattractivo. "Before tho expiration nf nnr rnntrnrr I with Miss Young wo shall present her successively in a number of big dramas now In our stock for her further ex ploitation and profit." The coming releases nmong the Uni versal features Include tho following Bluebird pictures: Juno Gall In Iliitwrt of Hentzau." ".ry r,!ll''r ln VT.ho Strength of the Weak." Ilntinrt IkiBworth In "Tho Ynqul." Mnrlo Walcomii In "Tho Flirt." The Bed Feather features will be: Ilotiart tloaworth In "Tho TnrBPt." Ji,SfnrrclUKerr'l,,,n ,n "Tll Poo' "t Flamo." William Dowlan In "Druescd Waters." Violet Morserenu In "Autumn." "I have met the enemy nnd they aro mine." Tho spenkor was Wllllo Collier; tho placo. Mack Bennett's private olilco at tho Kcystono Film Company, and tho time, a few minutes after tho famous Broadway star had Just taken his first dip In ono of tho famous comedy bathtubs. Of course Mr. Sennctt laughed as tho popular comedian of tho speaking stago stood before, him and twisted his pajamas ln an effort to find a few more gnllons of water, but no ono had any more fun out of the sceno than Mr. Collier him self. "You know I had a hunch you would not like that scene so I have postponed taking It all week," Mr. Sennett continued when ho was nblo to get his face straight again, "but Bill, It was great." "I do not doubt It was funny," tho comedian replied, "and you know It's not half as bad as I thought It was, but say. Mack," and Mr. Collier leaned toward tho director general, "what about the pio?" With two comedians like Mr. Sennett nnd Mr. Collier discussing comedy, one has no need to ever want to see one. Both have a fund of humor all their own and neither misses many opportunities to use It. But Mr. Collier had his fears set nt rest when Mr. Sennctt explained that a number of years ago ono hardly knew ho would meet a pie at tho Keystone plant, but that the pio Idea had changed with the present comedies. - "Then I think I can sleep In peace to night," Mr. Collier said as his man wrapped a heavy blanket about him, "but I was afraid you might like tho bathtub stunt so well you might decide to dig up ono of those pie acts to brighten up tho story." ' Charley Chaplin was really near to death ono day recently ns tho result of a spill which ho had In an automobile at the entrance to tho homo of Commo dore E. C. Benedict nt Greenwich. N. Y. In spite of tho thrills which he has ex perienced ln acting for the "movies," the famous screen comedian is said to have felt the nervous shock to a considerable extent. Chaplin was on his way to the home of Commodore Benedict as the guest of Clifford B. Harmon, son-in-law of tho famous yachtsman, and president of the Mirror Films, Inc. William C. Toomey, BEAL ESTATE FOB SALE HUHl'IUIAN w;-...-.'.l,-.v; .i .... .!t.Mf..l carrying you for 6 cents to any part of "i " "e innci t,eo3 iirne man Bywood Avenue Home with Garage $7500 Lot 50x154 feet 25 to 50 feet adjoining can be purchased During the winter street lights and Are added to Bywood's complement of Improvements. With the ODenlnc of Bnrlnir addl improved, affording further opportunities to prospective JUrcnasars to obtain choice locations. V. GILI'IN KOUINSON, .Attorney. I .iu. u.jDiuuj, oaies wtufir. Aiau duurtii, Upper TELEPHONE Lansdowne 8J0. EVENING LEDGER- PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, MARCH CO-STARS WITH THE. METRO trtWiK8esssim ms&mm&xvr y s'ummmx tiH jf.. -, i i",f r,':y..tft. general manager of the Mirror Company, was In tho car with them. As tho nuto rounded the curve lending to tho cntrnnco Into tho Benedict estate, j known as Indian Harbor, It skidded and , turned nbout onco before It slid down a slight Incline nnd smnshed into tho sldo of a rocky wall. Chaplin was on tho sldo of the car next to tho rocks nnd his ' hand was forced through tho window of ' the car. Fortunately ho was not Injured beyond the nervous shock. Neither Mr. Harmon nor Mr. Toomey was hurt. The party proceeded In another car to tho Benedict homo, whero Charley found great delight in the famous cats and dogs which Mrs. Harmon takes delight In col lecting nnd housing on her father's es tate. Chaplin remarked that he would llko to do a comedy with thoso noted pets, and threatened to come back nnd tako nway somo of them. Ttobert Mnntcll Is now working on his next picture for tho Fox Film Corpora tion. The title of it Is "A Wife's Sacri fice." Theatrical Baedeker PLAYS. roinnnsT "ziocfeiii Foiii of 1910," Ina Claire. Anna PcnnlnKton. Ilert with wm- lltns. Ion Hrrol. W. C 1'1,'Uls. rid Wynn Wilt Went. Hrre wo nnd tho Bconery by Joseph Urban. Hops and lyrics by Channlnt; rollock, Kenauld Wolf and deno tluck. tho scoro by I.oula IUrsrh and Davo Stamper. LYP.IC "Tho Only Girl," a musical comedy, by Victor Herbert and Henry IlloiHom. founded on n liEht play of a few seasons aco, "Our Wives." ADnr.PHI "Tho Two Virtues." with n. II. Sothern and Alexandra Carlisle. A comedy by Alfred Sutrn, in which Mr. Sothern takes It easy oer n. stazo "literary man." OARRICK "Twin lleds." with Ray Cox. A farce, by Salisbury Field and Margaret Miyo, which deals with tho comic ndven tures of pcoplo who mistake other people's nnartmentH for their own. mtOAD "Pollyanna." with Patricia Cojllncn, nfflo 8hannon and Herbert Kelcey. Tho "clad clrl" of the "clad books" playlnir the "Blad came" with sentimental thorough ness. WALNUT "Mutt nnd Jeff." Dudd risher's famous funny picture characters trans planted onto tho stage, with -musical trim mines and approprlato settings. PHOTOPLAYS. STANLEY "Diplomacy," with Marie Doro. A film adaptation of Sardou's famous play of love and Intrigue. Miss Doro was seen hero last seapon In tho nil-star revival, with William (Jllletto and Hlancho Dates. CHESTNUT STREET OPERA HOUSE "On tho Flrlne Line With the Germans." the North American's war pictures, showing scenes during the German offensive against the Russians. ARCADIA Alt week,, "Peggy," with Rlllla Rurke. A lilangle-Kay lleo production, dlrecud by ThomaH Inco. It tells a delight ful little tale of Scotland. PALACE Alt week. "Poor Little Tepplna." with Mary Plckford. The most diversified part yet shown by "Little Mary." VAUDEVILLE. KEITH'S Weber and Fields. Allen Brooks and company, "Strnlghtennl Out": Olym pla Desvall and company, Itert Melrose. Jo seph and Hetty Morgan, Ethel Hopkins. Brltt Wood. Bcaman and Anderson. COLONIAL Cleo Gascoyne. Ifal Stevens; BEAL ESTATE EOB SALE SUHUKHAN .....:: v.; v ."'u. .'.''.'ii Market street, connecting- with all railroad I ruin many points wunin me city limits. mains have been MEmwR MSHMffi7 m4B TJAeWJA-i.SMaMJlftNWCKM WWiMMWWWJUlliwiwlMwtiill vw - .!,& . , ', Mi Wrri"fZZ0fJ(.rt.i:!f, vf ,rl nrrWri'nivrfirn M-rY-iiiirtffmB.T C gSvAi.U'-.VJ 'fn.') n.-.'j.i.-M-.iii ;' ''W'lU'iv.iiwy ',,,,, ; ., ,,, , x . 2JE 1 i ii i i i i i . ' i r fim Couslderlng size, location and Improvements, there are no building lots offered as reasonable ln price In this vicin ity. Lots are 60x150 feet to 51x200 feet. Plan and price list of lots will be mailed upon application. You should visit Bywood now. There are many points' of vantage 4hat only a visit will disclose to you. Innal Birnas will h AI.11KBT T. DAMpN. Jr.. Francis X. Bushman and his lead ing lady, Beverly Bnync, recently seen in "A Man and His Soul," who are now working on a new feature soon to be announced. Trnvello Ilrothers and their seal: Dunbar's Syncopated HInRers, I,en Tons Fno, Pair child nnd company. In "Rough Ktuff": Ueau mont and Arnold. In "Tho Doctrine"! Uert nnd Petty Wheeler; tho Crclghtons; Pearl and Johnny llegayhave. NIXON "Tho Apple of Tarls," tho Tanel Taylor Trio, Uantwell and Walker, In "Tho Cabnret Singer nnd the Rounder' Tlny's Tov rircus; Lewis and White; Zeno, Jordan nnd Eeno. OLOnU It. O. Rolfe In "Ye Old Tymo Hal loween ( Uesslo Poison nnd company. In "Destiny"; Murray llennett; Carl Rossini nnd compan"'. Klntr nnd Hone: Jack Morley; Lightning Weston: Do Ranzo nnd Ladue; Moore und Elliott, tn "Tho Piano Sales- . man." GRAND "Luck of a Totem"! tho tfon. Fran. els R, Rent: Tryon's dogs; Sllbers anJ North. In "The Rashful Roy and a Maid": Oemnrest nnd Collctte. In "Nifty Nonsense" Gordon nnd Dt. CROSS KEYS First half of the week. "Kin. Itnld Kilties": "Tho Girl In tho While Mask"; Fox nnd Wells. Frank Morrcll, Ed Glngrns. Eldon nnd Clifton. Second half nf the week. "Klnkald Klllles": Holdon nnd Henon; Leon Stone nnd Mao Leer; Hanes and comiinny.ln "tto Found Her"; Kennedy and Farley; Tho Olivette. Moffctt and Clair Trio STOCK. KNICKERBOCKER ".Mrs. Wlggs of thf, cnunagp i-aicn. ine jmcKcroocKer I'lay ers In this famous comedy of rural life. AMERICAN "The Revolt." by Edward Locke. Tho Arvlno Players In Locke's drama, with Ruth Robinson and George Arvlno In tho leading roles. BURLESQUE. DUMONT'S Dumont's Minstrels ln travesties on matters of current Intcrost. 12 VOTES COST $2500 Expensive Election in Scattered Pre cincts of East St. Louis HAST ST. I.OUIS, III., March 1. It cost $2500 to have 12 votes cast at yes terday's municipal primary In East St. Louis. The votes were cast In scattered precincts. Slxty-flvo election officers wero on duty. Thlrty-flvo thousand ballots had been printed. Doy Skater Hits Auto; Is Hurt BUAFORD, Del., Marcli 1. By a col Ilslon, which seemed to bo unavoidable, Russell Wyatt had his right leg broken when he darted In front of tho automo bile owned by Roads Commissioner Wal ter B. Miller, of Maryland, and driven by Jackson Rounds, of Salisbury, on Monday. Wyatt was on roller skates ahd ran Into tho machine after It was brought to a stop. STAIRS Interior Alterations Get Ettimateg Frank C. Snedaker & Co. 9th and Tioga Streets BEAL ESTATE EOB SALE SlUUKIIAN ,.v.y.i" HZSE2ZE :W!.-;KV From a farm to a modern sub urb with ixtecn hornet in lei than a year's time is a record of achievement unequaled in the annals of Philadelphia suburban real estate. Further five more homes will be started in March. Answering your question, MR. HOSinSBEKEn, it's the wonderful location of BYWOOD that Is pro ducing such rapid growth. It Is just a ton-minute walk on GARRETT ROAD from BYWOOD to 69TH STRKET TERMINAL. W wnere a .i-nour irain service is operated by the Market Street Ele vated Railway, with trains running two minutes to 15 minutes apart stations, north and south bound street every nour 01 me uay ana Iiignt, 10 ROOMS Sleeping porch, 4 bed rooms, attic etore - room, hot water heat, open fire place, Hoosier kitch en Cabinet, High - grade finish through out. M ctrll and Ooasaltlog Engineer. Darby V. O. Agwt oa tha premiss Every Day. WELSH SOCIETY HOLDS BIRTH FEAST TONIGHT Will Celebrate 118th Anniver sary With Song and Story at Banquet Board Philadelphia Welshmen, their guests and tho Arch Druid of tho United States of tho order of Druids will sit tonight under tho Welsh drnRon, rampant on a bluo field banner, nt the 118th anniver sary banquet of the Welsh Society of Phil adelphia In the Clover Room of tho Hclle vuo-Strntfnrd The dinner Is nlso In cel ebration of St David's Day. of tho Welsh patron stint The tW T r nilwirds, pastor of tho First CniiRi Kntl.n cli ircli 'if Klnps ton, Pa., w 11 be the principal sp.'.tkcr Dr. Kdwards Is thr Deputy Aich Druid of the United States tho highest officer of tho Welsh order In the country. Tho ItoV. Charles Wesley Hums, pastor of tho First Methodist thurch of dormnntown, and State Senntor Owen U. Jenkins will be tho other speakers. Tho spirit of Wales, which will domi nate tho banquet, will show Itself ln tho folksonga to be suns during the dinner. Welsh IcekB, the onions worn years ngo by Welsh soldiers to distinguish tncm selves from their British compatriots, aro oxpected to adorn some of tho tables. ".Men of Harlech," tho old Welsh song, "Tho Ashgrovo," nnd "Forth to Battle," nil well known to every Welshman, will bo sung during tho banquet. John T. nichards, secretary of tho Welsh Spclety, has planned n surprlso for J. Levering Jones, president of tho so ciety, who has written a song, "If Only You Knew." The words have been set to music by JIIss Sadlo Jones McLean. Mr. Itlchards will sing the song for tho first time. John Owens, of tho choir of tho Epis copal Church of tho Holy Trinity, nnd Henry W. Lewis will sing several solos after tho banquet. Tho Canadian society will bo represented at the banquet by Dr. William Capon and tho St. Andrews So ciety by Caleb J. Milne. Among tho guests who havo been Invited aro Supremo Court Justices John Stewart and Henry A. Walling, Alba B. Johnson, William Mc Lean. Samuel Houston, John Gribbcl, Dr W. W. Keen, the Rev. David M. Steele. Sussex Davis, Howard B. French and i Bayard Henry. ARRANGE FASHION SHOW Walnut Street Business Men to Have "Salon des Modes" Something new In fashion shows Is scheduled for March 22 at tho Bellovue Stratford, when tho Walnut Street Busi ness Association Is to havo Its first "Salon des Modes," with a buffet supper and dance. So far as Is known, It will bo tho first fashion show over held by a business association. Tho ndvnnco spring styles in hats, furs, shoes and gowns will bo shown on 30 of the prettiest girls the promoters of tho nffalr can find in this part of tho country. Only Walnut street firms will show tholr offerings, both Imported and made-ln-America. Just to see how Philadelphia does It, MH ygmu Bovhm THIS following theatre- obtain tlielr pictures tlirnilsli the STANLEY IlnoUInc Camnanr, wlilrli In a irunruntcc of early Mitmlng' or tho Itnest nrodurtlons. All picture renewed licfore exhibition. Ask for the theatre In jour locality obtalnlne pictures through tho STANl.El Uuoklne Company, ALHAMBRA 12lh, Morris i rnssyunlc Ave. Mat. Dnliy ai -: iiVB.. a u. Vaudeville. Param't Pictures. Mary Plckford '" "0", ffig?K- ARCADIA CHESTNUT nci.ow 10TII BILLIE BURKE in p e a a y ' AOPkT I n B2I AND THOMPSON Ar ULJLAJ MATiNcn daily MDTno oFFrjns Valli Valli in 'Her Debt of Honor' RI I IFRTRD 220 N0RTn m'OA15 ST KQUITAPLn WtCSDNTS Carlyle Blackwell in 'The Clarion' nri nrIVT'T cd Anovn market DEiLilVlvSlN 1 Mats. 1 -30 & .1 :30, 10c. Evgn. 0.30, 8. 0:30. lBc. Maclyn Arbuckla In "The Reform Candldato" "The Btranee Case of Mary Page" OOTH AND PPnAR PAnAilOUNT CEDAR AVE. KAJIM. THEATRE MARGUERITE CLARK in "QnETNA QREEN" Paramount Production FAIRMOUNT 20T" ard AVn. L. ROOERS I.YTTON and HARRY MOREY In THE JIAKINO OVER OF GEOFFREY MANNING" FRANKFORD 4TU mM,KSm WILFRED LUCAS In "ACQUITTED" CHARLES MURRAY ln "Jllrt HEREAFTER" 52dSt. 5d & Mats. 2-3:30 Bo Bansom DvgH 0:30 to 11 lOo "The Victory of Virtue" GERMANTOWN 5508TaortAANvE Metro Picture MAROUEItlTE RNOW In "A CORNER IN COTTON" i- Cf nRf BOTH A MARKET. 2:15-7-0. VjLAJDEd tm 000 KIMnALL OROAN MOLUE KING in "A WOMAN'S POWER" CITt ADn AVENUE THEATRE VllIVrAr.L 7Tjt AND GIRARD AVE, MARY PICKFORD in r a a s !t-nt Norlriorn BOAD ST., ERIE & Vareai ixorinern oermantn aves, BILLIE BURKE in " p e a a y IRIS THEATRE 3H8 5,unfotov TRIANGLE PLAYS DOROTHY IHBII In "BETTY OF GRAYSTONE" JEFFERSON 20T" DEErpniN FRANCIS X. ntlSHMAN and HUvnitLY UAYNE ln "MAN AND HIS SOUL" METRO PICTURE I AFAYFTTF 20U kensing. Lrll . JL 1 X 1 J-i TON AVE MOLLY KING in "A WOMAN'S TOWER" I F AHFR FORTY-FIRST AND l.lin.Ul-l. LANCASTER AVENUE HELEN WARE in SECRET' LOVE" METRO PICTURES EXHIBITED IN ONLY ONE THEATRE IN EACH LOCALITY DISTINCTIVE CREATIONS Ask for Metro Picture 4a Absolute Guaraate ct Qaallt WVl I fvjn 1. 1010 Robert drier Cooke, president of tho 6th Avenue Association, will come over from New York. He Is expected to make an nddress. There aro RO parsons on the Goherat Commltteo Intere ted in th6 show. APARTMENTS APAnTatENTS 1 N. E. Corner Walnut: and 17th StreetS lp;tf fife 4; $ m pfr 1 feWrtW- ill km W'sMH Mm m 'i&&MfrfS $n?ii I f fife v i Wm i ho mv W $M 11 Mj MP !'4 ?& r 33 1 Mi m m 3 "iMi ' -i'ii y'vm -!! yro- j. JtiSBsS?f,Sj-flBI :q"fcJiA--'rf,M1'"1"-"'1 1 ' - ' - . 1 iVA V rrrr .Or jubi, a- i w( sKi If This 14-story apai'tmcnt house is built of concrete and steel, thoroughly fireproofed and of the most modern architecture. JI Suites of two rooms and one bath to ton rooms nnd five bath? including several desirable bachelor suites, and with ever modern convenience and facility. fl Building is now open and inspection is cordially invited. Reservations through NORMAN S. SHERWOOD, 1411 Walnut StreefJ PROMINENT OTOPLAY PRESENTATION npomu I IRFRTY HROAD AND - E - " ' COLUMBIA CLEO MADISON in "A SOUL 13NSLAVED" Logan Auditorium """.UtalS st. MURIEL OSTRICHE in "KENNEDY SQUARE" LOCUST 6'JD AND LOCUST Mats. 1:30 nnd 3:30. 10c. Uvea 0:80. 8, U:30, 15c, DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS in "Hla ricturo In tho Papsrs." Trlanpla Plan. Market St Theatre 333 "'"reet Marie Empress '" "L?Y,Sls roads- "GRAFT," 12th Episode, "Tho Mlllc Ilattlo" ORPI-IFI IM GERMANTOWN AND jirntuJiYi CHELTEN AVF.S. Mr. & Mrs. Carter De Haven in "THE WRONO DOOR" ORIF1MT C2D WOODLAND AVE. VAMLill 1 Dally Mat 2 KK . 0:30 to 11. PATII1J GOI,) ROOSTER TLAY RALPH KEI.LAItD nnd MRS MEREDITH In "THE PRECIOUS PACKET" PALACE 1214 MARKET STREET 10 A. M. to 11:15 P. M. MARY PICKFORD in "POOR LITTLE PEPPINA" PARK "IDGE VV Math AVE & DAUPHIN ST. Matin ?-1S Rv. Et50 In 11 "THE QUESTION'." Ft-iiturlnT MARGUERITE LESLIE PRINCESS ,0,StMr,et "Tho Despoilcr" "Artful Artists" Seo "Tho Girl and tho Game" every Thursday RIAT TO OEHMANTOWN AVU IMflLilV AT TI'LPF.HOCKEN ST. MARY PICKFORD in s "IlEHIND THE SCENES" RFHFTMT 1031 MARKET STREET "1-,VJ,-,1' lirilAN VOICE ORQAK MME. PETROVA in "THE SOUL MARKET" RI! R V MARKET STREET v-' f l BELOW TTH STREET DUSTIN FARNUM in "THE CALL OF THE CUMBERLANDS" SHERWOOD ,M5RAg?onn FANNIE WARDn RD THE CHEAT" SAVOY 'LVieet MARY BOLAND in THE PRICE OF HAPPINESS" TIOGA "TH & VENANGO STS. VALLI VALLI in "THE TURMOIL" VICTORIA MA"KET ST. V Vj X U IVlrl AROVE NINTH Triangle Pictures Pressnti Dorothy OUh i In 'Dotty of Grayiiton." "The stranae Cai Vt Mary rage." Slsth Epl.odg. 'S'Dep'hf"0' STANLEY MAnKET ABOVE 10TH CONTINUOUS MARIE DOR.O in ll:lti A. M. to U:li l. M. "DIPLOMACY" Weekly Programs Appear Every Moaiay la Motion Picture Chart m Executive Council having th . . , rga includ. i Lulgl Riens eCi. Mr no Hnr.es M.dnmo Herbst vk an. Louis Stone, Domlnlo w"!S rclngwny, James Kater, M. wi;"ll Madame tlnrtman. it. iieiiuiiRiviu, .Mimes lntcr, M, W "" and J, Low, ,Y"Kci CENTRAL Chestnut St. Op. House Sjj TIIV XOHTU AMEBIC AS'a " GERMAN WAR PICTURES, '; WEST PHILADELPHIA 'i C.Tf AMrk MD nnd MARKET STS. vii'r"'1-' MAT DAILY. 2 P. XL. 8&5 VITAGHAI'H I1ROADWAY STARS ' By Love Redeemed OVERBROOK 03D Bnd&nVD AVE Dnunr.E TRTANar.n nii.ir .iiuaia -ii,.-i u(.i: in "Till! MISSING. LINKS" "nECAUSE HE LOVED HER" GARDEN Md & LANSDOWNE AVE. MAT 2 ISVG..0IIM VIVIAN MARTIN in "MERELY MARY ANN" F IT R F K" A -10TH & MARKET ST&i L, u 1 L, 1 n win Fox Preaent WILLIAM FARNUM in "THE 1IROKEN 1.V" itDCDIAI TI 1 OOthRelow ii ai. j-,ivn.r-ic, jiucttirc walnut StreetJ CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG in "THE YELLOW PASSPORT" NORTH vS Broad Street Casino n,,0rmge" EVKNINO 7 11 .ND 9. HARRY-MOREY in "THE RUSE" OTHEM, PFMTI TOV ERIE AVE A MARSH ALL' Lllt x -HX. A MATINEE DAILY 'H V.L..D.E.. presents Chas. Kichman in 'The Heights of Hazzard' 5 acts HOUTll 13 I A "7 A 1IROAD AND PORTER "A Kniht of tho Range" in 5 acU teaturing HARRY D. CAREY NOKTHM'F.ST O 1 THEATRE lTthA ausquenanna hirqi.ehanva aveJ Triansic-t'ino Arts Jane Grey and rn74 Marshall In LET KATY DO IT. S Part,J i riaiiKie-4eyamne -nam liernarn in THE GREAT PEARL TANGLE. 2 Parte," - NOIITIHUST STRAND 12TI1 AND aiUAnD AVB "Unto the Ught" ;di John Lorcnl In ORMI HAWLBY LOVE'S WAY'' i KENSINGTON T 1 1 R7I R n f RONT ST. AND ,-i J U 1V1 D U gihard Avcmiaj " 1 he Wonderrul Adventure "The Beast of Society" Weekly Programs Appear Every Monday la Motion Picture Chart LT."lLi.U I HI' A IKK lYiaw r lDI 11,11 " Dally, SiS UUlllUli Bel Sprue Kru'lt'1 ' Hear the Kimball Organ TODAY and TOMORROW PARAMOUNT I'll. TL BE- BLANCHE SWEET in "THE RAGAMUFFIN" Fit, and Sat. RUPERT OF HENTZAW All Picture eeourbl L&rj Stanlrv Cli Tho Executive Council having th "V in charge Includ, i Lulgl Rienj.i i!:.nh zgg 1 litsmm 1 1TL. in imiKM iitt .rJ..vJtv'JJ;A.V:MMW-.'?tt1'ygyi':