Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, March 01, 1916, Night Extra, Page 13, Image 13

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-"I-7VI Tr'
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' ' Squadron Runs, Race Meets
and Kecepciona uu nv
gram Starting July 22
The Chesnppn1e Day, Yncht IlnclnB
Association, composed of boaou clubs sit
uated on Chesnpcnko Hay. Hound Buy
nd WaBhlnston, plans to hold a week of
raco crulslnu during tlio last week of July,
besides the other club nffnlra
The clubs making up tho Chesapeake
nv Association are: tho Baltimore Yaoht
Club tho Baltlmoro-Corlnthlan Vacht
nub' tho CheBapeako Bay Yncht Club, tho
ramlirldKO Yncht Club, tho Shorwood
Yacht Club of Bound Bay, and tho Capi
tol and Corlnthlun Yncht Clubs of Wash-
lnTh"'floct of tho neven cllibs will form
at tho nnchornBO of tho Baltimore Yncht
Club on Saturday. July 22 On July 23
there will bo a squadron run to Annapolis
On tho 24th of July there will bo a re
edtta at Bound Bay nnd a reception to
iho lsltlng ynchtBmen by tho Sherwood
Yacht Club On tho 2Bth of July tho fleet
of boats will form In a squadron nnd
run to Tllehman'fl Creek. In tho after
noon a regatta, and raco meet will bo held
for salllnff boats as well as power boatB
Tho following day tho racing boats will
competo In a regatta nt Eastern Bay In
the oenlng, nnd tho lsltlng motorboat
men will bo glen a reception by tho
officers of tho CheBapeako Bay Incht
J ,.. oiHi nf fl.n mnnth fhn flpnt will
un mo -"" -- -
nartlclpato In a squadron run to Cam
bridge, which will bo followed on tho next
day by n regatta nnd reception at tho
Cambridge Yncht Club, Tho 29th of
July will find tho fleet disbanded.
O. It Lundgren. of tho Belmont Taclit Club,
, InstalllnB a now oiling system on his din
Blaorawnt racer, tho Nancy It. 3te Is also
overhaullwr tho engine. Tho Nancy II was a
feature In the apeeS-boat same In this vlolnlty
last year. air. Lunduren plans to enter tho
races of tho South Jersey Yacht Itaclns Asso
ciation, besides cnmrotlnir In tho special speed
boat 'nice of tha Delaware Illvir tho early part
ot September.
Edward Roth, fleot captain of tho Adclphla.
Tacht Club, has recontly purchased a dp-foot
displacement racer, which was launched last
(prlng Mr. Roth will lnstal a four-cylinder
Pope Toledo enslno of tho racing design. Tho
new craft will bo seen In competition In tho
speed races on tho Delaware IUer.
Ooorge C. Oelger. Jr.. was ro-elected commo
dore of the Wlssinomlng Yncht Club. Jlo will
servo with tho followtnit officers: Vice commo
dore. Itlchard Urady. vlco commodore. Ilenja
mln Ouonsen; fleet captain. Lester Hnydon fleet
surgeon. Dr. E. II. Thompson: treasurer, lid
ward Haulbert; secretary Harmi.ii .Maclit.
Deadlock in Collegiate Swimming
Leaguo Will Result Tonight
PIUNCETON, March 1. Tho tlo for
second place In tho Intorcolleglato Swim
ming League between Columbia and
Princeton will bo broken tonight when
the two colleges clash In tha Tiger tank.
The Uctor will then enter Into a deadlock
with Yale, tho leaguo leader. Should
Columbia triumph nnd then win the cham
pionship tho commltteo on athlotlcs prob
ably will Bond tho ! earn across tho country.
Herbort E. Vollmer, world's and Intor
colleglato record holder, has been primed
to. act as tho Columbia team In order to
Insure a victory over tha Tigers. Coach
Kennedy of course will send a full team,
but the mnrgln between victory nnd do
feat will depend on Vollmer.
Agreement Between Catcher and
Owner May Bo Reached Today
CHICAGO, March 1. Roger Brosnahnn
nd Charles Weeghman discussed terms
under which tho former's contract with
the Chicago Nationals could bo nbrogated.
Bresnahan's contract calls for an nnnunl
salary of $10,000 and has two seasons to
run. It was said that Weeghman offered
him $10,000 and his unconditional release,
If Bresnahan would surrender his claim
to any further amount
It Is believed here that Bresnahan haB
virtually arranged to take over tho Cleve
land Association club and transfer It to
Toledo, nnd that nn agreement botween
him and Weeghman will bo reached today.
tSddlo Morgan, of England. Is baok In Phila
delphia again. Onco more for tho fifth or
suth time ho wants to meet Irish Patsy
Cllne. After a sensational scrap recently. Jack
ucQulgan tried to bring tha pair together for
a return match, but each tlmo tha Britisher
backed'out of tho bout.
glnca returning to ring harness Frankla
white, who looks Ilka ono of tho most prom
ising lightweights hero, will make his third
appearance In 13 days. After stopping Jimmy
Gannon In two rounds and giving Larry Han
sen a vicious fight. WTilto will tackle a hard
Suncher In Krankte Fleming at tha National
sturday night. .
Johnny Meeley of flouthwarl:. Is ready to
ITlBlfsk nl rsannaaraniu In ilia plnn uflaa -t
- - vHvvai KiivB iita iiiii) atkei -,
sfort lay-off. Meeley is a good puncher and
,. ui me ot
ted It.
opponents in the past have admlt-
Tho next show at tho Palace A. C, Norrls
town, will be held March 14 lho promoters
tried to get Joo Dorrell and Jack McCarron
res that date, but whtlo some wrangling was
going on tha Pottstown matchmaker cinched
tho fray,
North Penn fans ara amlous to aeo little
fohnny Morgan In action. His mansger, Billy
J71.?- ,'.ays h my clinch a wind-up set-to
fur tho Morgan mauler at an early date.
L.el? 'woraan tried to derlaro herself la
", boxing game In New York last night.
li3ihAifi?Id 4n"ynlthtio. police compelled
.'"". "IWroth to leava the ring after she had
Jjipointed a mere man named Johnny Atkln.
!f?.iifl-on8.roun'1 PJ K tut scheduled for six
!?!!!"?.. V f" thB "rst tlmo a woman hag
attempted to box In a licensed club since tha
.i.aw!ly law. woa enacted, and it was tho ftrst
l y .Police have Interfered with a bout In
Ejy,Xor B,ate ,ncS th "PC wm placed In
cpntrol of a commission.
' jnuch dickering, a match his been
'i"hd between Joo Jlorrell. of Philadelphia,
i? Jack McCarron. for the ralddlswelghl
5 SS'.?Wb ..c Pennsylvania, to bo staged
?o?.t.utown Mrch 14, The Palace Clubjof
con?i0w.n'i "lo was after tha match. The
flngjldo, 'or " rounds at 158 pounds
tor?.i?IfIvIetrick',.fNew York, endeavored
I? 35lL,nt.t '!" K' - ml'ht. although It
Lunch.. .Sba-t.R,mnBer tares to swap
d?5 nS. Ket.r.lck was arrested tha othe?
SJ.0.'1 a5 a"gatlon that ha struck a process
"ltb.ranh?rirjDt. ,0 """ o'ce to .Sr?o hi"
pro?e.dinfr1? ia. ?Rpe.ar. In supplementary
atrtk. thf "-.Mdvc'rlck Insisted that ha didn't
ieVa str?unI1.nd ,al'1 ,he bl0,v rau" have
o?Kii.h'Vhn.vicirh"?on,iI,'hrtry 8tons at "
IrnCH?clKl,a "f1"18 - bl hit In Drook.
Baturdi? 8,ib?"i,"ianotnr b'"9 On
W"hVrVVound.W,U kg lW,t f'
fNw York irWhiR' l" "ght.Jack DJJkm In
tlrrhm l?.rl,f,r,,, " has "arrUod In Oelham
tfUrdrSfte P.f.u V '"wlaras'wm
V e.V. "ISi KSYl no. further for sparring Part-
Hi whila mrSitSS '?S Vuh Uiamplon
fK.taSor. preatln for b JadUnapolU giant
. sSriiaT;K?,f; w,'" iPut ?n "o"r of hi
t Thf. tiiJr f ufef ' Brooklyn TBday night
I Sockidn," V'U.mwt Henry WlUa who wa,
El 3Rr5;w. "t by the Tar IUbv In ih isik
Combination of Feds
and Old American
League Club Should
Make Strong Team
It has been f.o long since the St. Ioula
Brown? have had n chance for tho Amer
ican I.onguo pennant that tho fans of
tho Missouri city can scarcely betlove that
Fielder Jonos hns Just departed for Pales
tine, Tox , with a squad which apparently
has an excellent chanco for tho pennant
Tho morglng of tho Browns and tho Fed
ernl Leaguo teams nnd tho changing .of
managers has transformed St Louis from
n hopoloss second division aggregation to
tho "dark horse" of tho American League
Tho Federal Leaguers fit In wonderfully
well with tho few dcslrnble players who
wore on tho Browns' payroll last season,
and with tho brilliant Fielder Jonos to
load tho tenm, thero Is no reason why It
should not bo In tho fight throughout tho
season, with a chanco for tho pennant If
It gets tho bienki
Good Mnnngcr
Jones xvai recognized ns ono of tho
greatest managers In tho gnmo when he
was handling tho Whlto Sox, nnd his foat
of bringing tho tall-end Sloufeds from
seventh placo to a position where) It lost
tho pennant on tho last day of tho season
Indicates that his retirement did not caUBO
him to loso his grip Mack nnd McGrnw
wcro tho only managers rated abovo
Jones, with Chnnco on n par, when tho
ex-Whlto Sot boss retired, and ho Is likely
to bo back with tho leaders when mana
gerial wisdom Is dissected nt tho cloao of
tho 191C season
With another leader tho Browns would
look strong, but could hardly ho con
sidered serious pennant contenders, but
with Jones at tho helm thero Is no tell
ing Just how fast tho team may bo pushed
along While In Chicago Jones won a
pennant nnd world's series, and nlways
kept tho team up In tho raco, desplto tho
fact thnt ho had tho poorest hitting team,
barring tho Bed Sox of 1004, ever to win
a pennant
"HUIess Wonders"
Jones' ability to get runs without hit
ting and tho manner In which they won
close, low-scoring games, caused tho fans
to dub tho team "tho hltlcss wonders "
Jones apparently 13 certain to hao
another wonderful pitching stnff, but will
not bo handicapped by light hitting
Incidentally ho Is ono of tho fow man
agers In tho gamo who knows how to
switch his play properly. Tho old Whlto
Sox novor used tho snmo style of attack
on successive days, and Jones Intends to
"cross" his opponents In tho snmo man
ner this season. Jones' greatest asset Is
his ability to bIzo up his own pitchers'
condition, nnd ho not only builds his de
fense accordingly, but nlso switches his
offense to moet conditions.
If his hurler does not wnrm up well,
Jones will not solcct another man nnd
chnnge his wholo program for a scries
Instead, ho will chango the tactics of his
team. If the opposing hurler does not
warm up well, tho hit-and-run play Is In
order, but If ho looks unusually good tho
14i.U nW-rtVrfAJ. am Art v" - &
New leader of St. Louis American
League Club.
saorlflco game, with daring chances on
tho bases, will feature.
Tho St. Louis team this season will
hao many Federal Leaguers, and Jones
probnbly Is using excellent Judgment In
pnsslng up many ot tho BrowiiB, as thef
players who wero with him last Beason
will bo greatly Improved as tho result of
tho year's oxperlcnco under Jones.
Jones hns tho greatest collection of loft
handed pitchers evor gnthcrcd by ono
tenm In tho history of the gnmo Plank,
Wcllman. Koob, Slsler nnd Hamilton nro
flvo southpaws who could earn positions
on any staff Threo nro experienced vot
crans, whllo Slsler nnd Koob nro young
sters who proved beyond doubt laBt sea
win that they aro stars Just what Jones
will do with this collection Is n mystery.
Ho needs another strong right-handed
pitcher to team with Dave Davenport
Tho latter Is almost certain to bo n, star,
but another right-hander Is necessary. St
Louis scribes claim that Goorgo Uaunv
gartnor reported to Jones nt his normnl
weight nnd In perfect trim If this Is true,
tho Browns will have tho right-hander
George Baumgartucr
Two years ago Baumgartner looked llko
another Alexander, but ho failed to tako
caro of himself, and spent tho greater part
of two seasons in tho grandstand as tho
result of suspensions. Ho Is n youngster,
nnd if ho has mado up his mind to take
baseball seriously ho should be a great
Soierekl, of tho 19 1G Browns; demons,
from Louisville, and Grovcr Hnrtloy and
Chapman, from tho Feds, will fight It out
for tho threo catching positions, with
chances favoring Hartley for first re
ceiver, Sovoreld second nnd Chapman
third Clemonu was a hard hitter in the
American Association, but Is slow on his
feet, which Is a defect Jones will not tol
erate Thero will be threo fights waged for
Infield positions, with only Dorrlll Pratt
J 0 n e s' Managerial
Ability Will Also Add
Strength to Trans
Mississippi Bunch.
certain of a regular berth Ho will be
stationed at second base Babo Borton,
of tho Feds, and Gone I'nulette, formerly
of tho Glnnts who was with Memphis
last season, will trv for first base Bor
ton's experience nnd hitting ability make
him a fnorlto for the position
Johnson vs. Lavnn
Hrnlo Johnson, tho Pacific coast Ben
ration, who played whirlwind ball at
short for lho Sloufeds laRt Benson, proba
bly will tako tho shortstop position from
Johnny Laah desplto tho fact that
former Manager lllckoy claimed Laan
wns tho best Bhoit flolder In Johnson's
lenguo last year. Lavnn should bo a
great plajor, hut docs not tike tho gamo
enough nnd lacks ambition
Bill McKechnle, manager of the New
arlc Feds, was purchased by Jones yes
terday, and ho Is certain to give Charley
Deal a battto for third base, waivers hav
ing been asked on tho eternn Jimmy
Austin Deal is younger than McKcch
nle, Is a better fielder and hlta ns well,
but superior bnso-runnlng nnd hendwork
may nppe.il moro to n manager of the
Jones type
Outfield Talent
Tho purchase of Vincent Cnmpboll, tho
hrllllnut Kcdernt Leaguer, yesterday, gives
tho Browns n wonderful array of out
Holders and tho battlo for regular posi
tions will bo ono of tho features of the
training trip. Tho addition ot Campbell
gives Jones six gardeners, nit of whom
nro rated aboe tho average They are
Campbell, Tobln, Marsans and Miller,
from tho Federal Lenguc, and Shotton and
Walker, of tho 1915 Browns.
Prior to tho purchaso of Campbell,
Manager Jones had virtually decided upon
Tobltl, Mnrsans nnd Shotton for his regu
lar outfield, with both Wnlkcr nnd Miller
for utility work Walker probnbly will
bo Used when southpaws oppobo tho
Browns, If ho can regain his 1914 batting
in 1914 Walker was one of tho tending
hitters nf tho American League, but tast
J ear his batting and general work fell oft
horribly Walker wns III with typhoid
focr for two months prior to reporting nt
the training camp Ho attributes his poor
season to his Illness nnd Is certain ho will
comd back strong this spring
tleiy St Louis outfielder Is faster than
tho average nnd each has had considerable
experience Just how Jones wilt lino his
outfield up Is not known now. He has
been quoted ns saying that Tobln will be
n better player than Knufl this season,
bo It is only natural to expect till sensa
tlonnt youngster to nppcnr ns a regular
Mnrsans was always a great outfielder nnd
being n right-handed hitter, Is reasonably
certain to earn a position This would
lonvo Campbell, Shotton, Walker nnd
Miller fighting It out for tho other Job,
with rhnnco decidedly In Campbell's
fax or. desplto tho greater reputation nnd
experience of Shotton
It Is bnrely possible thnt Jones will
switch Marsans to third bsso If Deal nnd
McKcchnlo fnll to hit up to form. Mnr
sans plnjed ninny games at third and sec
ond nt Cincinnati nnd last season with
tho Feds, nnd handled himself well. It
would bo worth tho difference In fielding
to gle the tenm greater batting and bnso
running strength
With a stronger Infield nnd ono high
class catcher, tho Browns would be a
heavy favorlto for tho pennant, ns tho
outfield nnd pitching departments nro re
markably strong As It Is the BfownB
aro going to make every team hustle. It
Is a. team with a good chance, Its final
standing depending nlmost entirely upon
tho way the breaks go.
If St. Louis gets out In front with a
fairly good lead In tho first Iws montii
of tho season, It Is going to lie ft MM
task to overhaul It as Kleldef- JoneB la it
wonder In Instilling confldenco and fight
Into a team nhd will makft few managerial
'rgp2jtfmPn'riL' 1. ' ' ' "" $ "
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Now comes the new Case 40. Born and
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This new car is far advanced in its lines and curves still
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For 74 years Case executives
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The new Case 40, at its price of
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With its 120-inch wheelbase, new
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movable upholstery and numer
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May we show you in detail this
Tomorrow's Car Today? Your
time so spent will bring you good
results. ,
One great automobile expert
says, Juietiase4umotormaKes
extra cylinders unnecessary.
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BUT ALL THAT would not matter if
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So if you'd have the most ' luxurious
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Reo Motor Car Company
Lansing, Michigan
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