Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 29, 1916, Night Extra, Page 8, Image 8

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Nothing Indelicate in a Girl's Desire to Know
the Amount of Her Dress and Housekeeping
Allowance Before Putting Head in Noose
WHY la It that tho Girl who Insists on having a hcnrt to heart talk on tho
ntl-lmportnnt subject of flnanco with her sweetheart beforo tho marriage?
ceremony takes place, so that sho will know exactly "where they stand," Is
usually thought by her family and friends to bo mercenary and lacking In tho
finer sentiment.
"How crude!" was tho exclamation that one of my engaged friends allowed
herself when I asked her If sho had settled with her flanco on tho amount ho
was to glvo her for tho housekeeping expenses and what sho was to have for
her personal allowance.
"I'm buto John would think mo most unromantlc and preclpltato If I should
mention money to him," sho continued. "It seems to mo that ho Is tho ono to
open this question, nnd as long as ho hasn't said anything about It, I don't
think It would bo very good taste for mo to begin It. Of course," she added a
llttlo wistfully, "It would bo nlco to havo tho thing all definitely settled.
Somehow I hate to think of asking for monoy, oven for tho household ex
penses, and I'm sure If ho doesn't offer of his own freo will to glvo mo u fixed
allowance for my clothes and spending money, I'd rather dlo than over ask him
for It."
Sho Is making a mistake Tho tlmo to settle tho question of flnanco Is be
fore, not after tho wedding bells havo rung. Mon aro so used to having money
In their pockots oven though It may bo only a small amount they don't realize
tho uncomfortable sensation of not only not having a penny, but not knowing
IWhon or whoro ono Is to bo found.
This Is tho reason tho dowry system that obtains abroad Is not to be "sniffed
t." It takes Into account this peculiar falling of the mascullno mind to grasp
tho fact that his wlfo cannot ltvo on lovo and nothing a year.
I do not wish to Infer that I bellevo tho Amctlcan man to bo ungenerous with
bis wife. On tho contrary, ho Is usually splendidly generous but In fits and
starts. Ho has his fat and his lean moods, so that tho woman usually does not
know "whero sho stands" which Is tho popular phrase. Sho may have enough In
her pocketbook ono month to buy a Callot gown and Lanvln hat and not enough
tho next month to buy the baby socks. It is this sort of system that Is responsible
for tho American woman's much-talked-about extravagance.
Ono of tho most happily married women I over mot took tho bull by the
horns when her flanco had not mentioned money even so late as two days beforo
they wore married. Sho waited and watted, expecting him to tako tho Initiative.
But ho was living In tho clouds. Sho did not know whether sho was to havo
flvo, ten, fifteen or twenty dollars per week for food. She hadn't an Idea as to
Whether she would bo expected to learn tho gentle art of homo dressmaking
or whether sho would bo able to rotaln tho modiste who pleased hor so well before
she married. Sho was perfectly willing to make every sacrlflco that thu man's
Balary made necessary, but she wanted to know "where sho stood," So sho up and
"II.ry looked ns though ho had received an unexpected ducking on a cold
day," she told mo afterward, "but ho got over It and wo had a lovely time por
tioning tho monoy out. At Ilrst, of course, he was hurt, and said, 'Why, dear,
what's mine Is yours; I thought you knew that.' But I was Insistent that wo
get down to brass tacks. I told him I didn't want it all, and I was perfectly
willing to take what ho considered a fair amount. But I wanted to know
Just what I was going to get."
Sho has never regretted tho stand sho took. In my opinion it was the
right one. What do you think about It?
Sartorial Divcrtisements
Despite tho efforts of the moralists and certain of the sox whose ankles aro
not worthy of display, to make skirts come down, the indications aro that
tho short "chicken" model is still to be with us. Tho abbreviated skirt is a
Paquin pet, and tho Paquln influence is not to be Ignored.
The houso of Prcmet, which has been responsible for many notable in
novations, particularly the sergo and taffeta combinations, tho laced-up-the-back
frock and tho circular capo as tho distinctive blouse note, is also sanctioning
the short skirt This establishment, however, gives an effect of length to Its
models by the U3c of the lace underskirt, which shows several Inches below
the overdrapery.
A short ovening dress with a long train Is the curious perpetration for which
Martial et Armand aro responsible.
Altogether tho season Is not to be without its dlvertlsements, It would seem.
Letters to the Editor of the Woman's Page
AddresH all communication,, to M'l.Ns. run. f the Renins Ledger. Write on one
hide or the p.inrr onl.
im ''M 'I'M
fL VMM j
Wis j" ' ',:. . ?v'Hw
ril' ill nil, 1; jw lMy '11
29th of February Brings With
It n Prerogative Buttressed
by Honorable Tradition
Maid nnd Widow Alike Privileged to
Choose Life Partners Whom They
Know ns Affinities
Dear M'LIss I don't think the ques
tion of gallantry a debatable, one, for It
seems to mo the duty of a man Is to bo
gallant to a woman. Such gallantry may
occasionally bo misunderstood and re
pulsed, but such repulses should by no
means lead to tho abandonment of a
I travel at least four times a day on
street cars and Invariably proffer my
seat to a lady. for. to bo candid, I wottld
feel a loss of self-respect If I retained
It while she stood beside me. As u rule
I have been thanked by those ladles to
whom I havo been but ordinarily polite,
but If thanks were lacking In every slnglo
instance that fact would not deter me
from performing what I regaid as a duty
of my manhood.
Day after day I seo men, young and
apparently Intelligent, pretend to read
their newspapers while women cling to
the straps above their heads. Such men
I despise. A SOUTHERN MAX.
Dear ai'Liss Please glvo me a reclpo
for a quick sponge cake. CULIXAltY.
Two cups of flour, half cup of cold
water and one and a half cups of sugar,
three eggs, two teaspoonfuls of baking
powder and ono teaspoonful of flavoring
extract, preferably lemon, aro the In
gredients you will require.
Cream the yolk of the eggs and sugar
by beating. Add tho water, and when
well mixed put tho flour in gradually, al
ternating with tho beaten whites of tho
eggs. Bake In a quick oven for 30 or 35
Dear M'I,lss
"meerschaum," called?
-What Is tho meaning of
and why are pipes so
Literally "meerschaum" means "Kca
foam." It Is from the German "meor,"
meaning "sea," and "schaum," foam."
Pipes aro made from meerschaum, a soft,
clay-Ilko mineral, which Is light enough
to float In water hence tho name.
Marion Harland's Corner
Words of a Song
"JAM the Sunday school teacher of a
JL class of boys who bear tho class namo
of 'champion. Their class song Is, 'Dare
to do right, dare to be true.' I do not
know the words or tune, but am anxious
to know both. If I could get them through
the Corner I should bo glad Indeed and
will pay any expenses. I should like the
words, even If I could not get the music.
"SIRS. C. L."
Tour "champions" of right and truth
could not have selected a better rallying
cry. I pass your request along the lino
In which there are so many who will
commend tho sentiment and echo It, that
you will surely get the words, and prob
ably the music. Or, at any rate, you will
be told In what collection of popular songs
they may be found.
Starting a National Sorority
"I have -a question that I fear may not
be in your field, but any Information will
ba greatly received. A number of girls,
all high school girls, are desirous of start
ing a national sorority. We have enough
Klrla for three chapters, each ono being
Jn a different city The thing which puz
zles us Is what steps should be taken. We
hare a Greek name, of course, but cannot
claim It as our own until we And out If
there lu any other sorority by the same
name. How could we find this out? Also
All communication addressed to Marlon
Hurl mil Minolri Inclose a stamped, self
:idttro.rl emrlopr and u clipping of tho
nrtlcle In which ni aro interested. Prr
miii wlvlilnc to old In the rhnrltahle
"ork of the II. II. ('. should write Marlon
Ilarland, In cure of this paper, for ad
ilreses of thoxe ther nmild lllo to help,
and, hntlnj; recetied them, communlcuto
direct with these parties.
THIS handsome coat for general wear Is ono of tho very newest models. It is
equally serviceable for afternoon or ovening wear. The material Is a light biscuit
color, suitable for formal or Informal occasions. It shows a charming ripple
collar, with a high crush collar that may be worn as shown or In flat sailor style.
Tho belt Is very smart, nnd Is fastened across tho back with self-ornaments and
nmbor buttons. The cuffs aro quite deep, coachman effect, with buttons. The price
Is J03. It may bo had In any color.
Tho turban Is a model In pineapple straw. Flat straw rosettes appllqued to tho
turned-up brim form the only trimming. The model Bhown with the coat Is bronze,
although It comes In other color combinations at $7.50.
The name of tho shop where these articles may bo bought will be supplied by
the Editor of the Woman's Pnge, Evdnino Ledoer, G08 Chestnut street. The
request must bo accompanied by a stamped, self-addressed envelope and must men
tion the date on which the nrttclo appcard.
Itles and believers. Such works were
acknowledged by most Christians to bo
useful and edifying, but were not Included
in the canonical writings of tho church.
There aro fourteen books of tho Apocrypha,
and do not exist In tho Hebrew Bible, but
aro found with others of like character
scattered through the Scptuaglnt and Vul
gate editions of tho Old Testament, In
tho Anglican and Lutheran churches the
Apocrypha Is read for examples of life
and Instruction of manner, but not for the
establishment of doctrine."
Is there any book containing Information
relative to a constitution and suggestions
for bylaws? E. A."
We have scores of active coworkers
who consult us, now and then, with re
gard to sororlMes and who aro promptly
answered by members of such organiza
tions. Wo turn over your queries to the
latter class of correspondents and hold
your signature subject to tho call of any
who can supply tho desired Information.
Meaning of the Apocrypha
"Although I havo been Interested In
your Corner for a long time I have never
asked for help until now. What Is the
meaning of the 'Apocrypha.' and why
was It not Included in the Old Testament
canon? KATHERINE V."
I give you the definition set down In a
churchly .encyclopedia:
"Tho name was given In the early
church to a set of writings of uncertain
origin and authority, regarded by some
as Inspired, but rejected by most author-
A Three Cornered Dispute
"Please settle this dispute It you can:
A says that David Belasco, Gcorgo M.
Cohan, Eugene Walter and Sir Arthur
PInoro are dramatists and living. B Bays
they are novelists and dead. C says they
are composers and living. Please answer
tho above j also tell what is tho difference
between a dramatist, a writer, and a nov
elist or composer? 'Study your diction
ary," you will say? I have, but haven't
been ablo to see tho difference.
All the men you mention are dramatists
and living, unless some ono of them has
died recently. David Belasco and George
SI. Cohan are theatrical managers as well
as playwrights. A dramatist writes
plays In such shape that they may bo
acted upon tho stage. Tho novelist writes
fiction as ono might tell a story of real
life. "Composer" is a word usually ap
plied to tho writer of music, although It
may be used In the case of the dramatist
who composes a play or the novelist who
writes stories. Technically, It Is, as I
have said,, employed to designate one who
puts his thought Into musical numbers.
Mayonnaise Mixer
Has an oil drip at
the side so that tho
drip can be regulated
at will No danger
of adding too much
oil and spoiling the
dressing. Has a slow,
steady motion that
nlu.. jUca a smooth consistency We
lune these mixers In all the different
sti les.
ivk i)i:i.u:vi! in noon
1626 Chestnut St.
The House Furnishing Store
Do not apologize for asking tho questions
you have embodied In your letter. The
really good nowspaper may well bo
termed tho people's encyclopedia. And
In tho small part of tho mighty whole
known as tho Helping Hand Corner,
what one of us does not know Is likely
to be told by somebody else.
Pupils Denied Many Things
"I am a teacher In a small and partic
ularly needy rural school. My pupils are
denied many things nnd we certainly feol
tho lack of music. I would gladly pay
transportation on a phonograph and rec
ords. I can sincerely a&suro you that they
will reach those who will appreclato and
enjoy the gift. Surely there must be ono
for us somowhero. ANNA L."
She who pleads for benefactions for
others than herself should receive double
honor. I am suro that our Junior mem
bers can collect enough music for which
they caro llttlo or nothing to supply the
needy school for a few months. And
that phonograph cannot you Imagine
what a "Joy forever" It would be In that
village? Do not hoard a single one of the
possessions supplanted by Christmas gifts
of newer pattern. Keep them In circulation.
Thh.ls tho day that proves It Is leap
year. Leap year Is tho year that women
not only may chooso their own mates
without considering the desires of the
men, at they always have done; but, In
nddltlon, It Is tho year they may do so
frankly without waiting for tho men to
bring forward blushlngly tho proposals
which the girls have predoslinca inoy
shall mnko to them.
So It Is nn Important day It Is tho
29th of February, four times rarer than
Christmas. It H not marked by any
particular ceremony, because, ns a mattor
of fact, the famous leap year prerogative
oxtends to every day In tho year. It was
leap year, you soc, on January 1, and it
will bo leap year on December 31. And
when you pass next Decembor 31 and
draw n breath of relief In January, IB",
bocauso that dreadod leap year with Its
girl proposals Is over, tho girls will seo
no difference In tho times, but will go on
selecting the right man, willy nllly, Just
when ho is unsuspecting and thinks him
self safe.
There aro somo celebrated cases of fam
ous women coming out of cover nnd pro
posing directly ns well as Indirectly. Thero
is a legend to tho cftcct that Queon Eliza
beth proposed to tho Earl of Essox, who
thereupon developed such tremendous
speed that ho qualified for tho Bprlnter
class. Only second in Importanco among
women to tho Virgin Queen Is Inez JII1
tiniinnri tinlnnAvnlti. iii tho onlnlon of Mr.
nnd Mrs. Inez Mllholland Bolssevaln. Sho
proposed to Mr. Mllholland Bolssovnln.
Sho proposed to htm throe times beforo ho
guessed tho right answer. Sho lot It be
known some tlmo ngo that sho would con
sent to be Interviewed on tho subject.
"Do you beltovo that a woman should
directly proposo marrlago to a man?"
camo tho unexpected question.
"Why, certainly," brightly replied tho
Justly beautiful and famous young suf
fragette. "Tho ono who first realizes tho
affinity of heart and soul should make It
known to tho o'her."
"To whom does this realization first
como?" asked Mrs. Inez Mllholland Bols
sevaln. "In a majority of cases, among which
Ib my own, this realization comes first to
tho woman," replied Mrs. Inez Mllholland
Bolssevaln. Sho went on to say that sho
did not believe In wedding rings and
thought thoy wore relics of barbarism.
Relics, that Is, of tho days when women
were the chattels of men.
It Is n frightful thing to differ from this
Important personage, but it might bo said
parenthetically that tho master of tho
chattel is tho slavo of the chattel. Any
one who owns a houseful of furniture
nnd a house, too, can tell you how that
bunch of possessions comes in the ond
to own him. Ho has to stay and use It
If ho is really to own it; and If a man
has to stay homo in order to boss his
wife, where Is tho "maBtery" In that?
Ksneclallv when so many women enjoy
being bossed. Tho Sultan may havo a
thousand wives, but ho rarely has the
chanco to leave Constantinople.
Fully Intending to return to tho pro
posal phaso of leap year, let us talce a
look at the astronomical sldo of tho case.
Julius Caesar Is credited with drawing
up a calendar with 385 days and six hours
to tho year. That looked good enough, but
after about 1500 years December's silver
strands began to get entangled with the
golden locks of June, speaking, so to speak,
pootlcally. Tho months began to show a
tendency to overlap and got out of place.
If they had let It go much farther we
would soon have been eating Christmas
pudding on the 1th of July, or, what would
have been much worse, not eating ChrlBt
mas pudding on Christmas Day.
So the Pope, Gregory XIII, finding that
Caesar had overlooked a little matter of
11 minutes and 12 socondB, which was an
annual overflow, removed 11 days from
the calendar Jumped ahead that many
and established leap year. But that was
not all; even that was not accurate
enough. So once In 100 years we drop a
leap year, and leap years are only Buch
years that can bo divided evenly by four.
Now to return to tho proposal feature
of the leap year. Ono of the things which
Anitatmrittg Jfarmal Ijotumg
WX &?&lt
pmtg fgls
Exclusive Smart Models In
Demonstration dally on living models
by an expert Corsetlere, who will show
the figure lines of the coming season.
From Wednesday, March 1st
X204 (jfljesftmt ttt
Old-Fashioried Grandmothers Were vl
TT1J?J?i .i i TT.4-"U si-van r - rl T" - T.T I 'iW
1111 lUJ.fcJJ.10 ivxubncia auu jlvuuw X10W CO
Deal With Children
itj DOUBT If you could find a more
JLofllclent mother than tho good, old
fashioned grandmothers who have raised
a large family nnd know how to deal with
tho child," Is the opinion of Dr. Evclccrt
A. Douredoure, who has conducted clinics
on pediatrics for a number of years and
Is Interested In every phnso of child llfo
and hygiene.
"Then you don't approve of 'stjrlllzed
babies? You think tho modern method of
klssless upbringing nnd rigid hyglcnlo
lnensurcs are unnecessary?" she was
asked. ...
"No, Indeed; eacli ono oi tneso uhiikb
, 1...1 H...I. la n fArtnln nmnilnt
IS gOOd, ""t mum io "1 ."7 till
of personal attention which every child,
.. . .. . M .. .... M.lha H.,al
even tne nunnt oi iw """! ..."..
have, and ennnot thrive without. I am
stronclv in favor of the nonklsslng habit
children should bo cuddled, though.
Why, one or the. warns oi mo woman s
Hospital li crowded with Infants and chll-
. -..... it... ttlfln niiAa urn rmriilnrlv
tirCIl. rtUW U1UBU llkliu v.. ..w .0.........
and methodically cuddled two or threo
times every Blnglo day. It Isn't chance
It's part of their treatment. If tho nurses
don't do It, the oldor children nro taught
to be llttlo m.thcrs. Every mother should
tako this as a lesson don't bo afraid to
lovo children; It's a doflnlto part of ovcry
youngster's Hf ,.,,,
"I have been practicing mcdloino for the
lost 12 years," sho continued, "and during
thnt tlmo I havo had occasion to coma In
contact with nil classes of women and
children. For threo years I had chargo
of tho Northeastern Dispensary, and held
dally clinics, at which I taught ''oso who
attended the principles of sanitation,
proper caro nnd feeding of children, ordi
nary household cleanliness and other
things necessary for health and comfort.
You see, tho field of tho woman dootor la
practically unlimited. Sho can do moro
irond than nnv nflin a. '
If she chooses." "" perMn. I ttSl
"Did you encounter any m,jl
when you first started Into Sf.?
she was asked. t0 'reeM
"No, ns a graduate of th M
Medical College, and practienr'
tho shadow of Its walls, olmo,! t
wcro ordinary. Besides. Phlladi
a remarkable city In thlsT.-'M1
women physicians receive th i Jt
cognition as do Its men, I sun??,rl
Is becauso this city Is looked !S? "
medical centre, nnd tho Woman'S '
stands so well In the eyes of it,. "'
munlty. or i" win
"Then, too, women aro partlnil.d.
at anything which Ir to the blS?.1
their sex. And I have seen mV 'li'
women patients enter the materi!.?''
gynecological department of the w3?
College than any other Inatuutffi?'
treatment, because this Is " SIS
a -omon's work. A great tnnrw'
prefer to suffer and dlo rather tli.
to a man doctor, strango as It mirT..?
"Thero are plenty of good affl
opportunities open to women ehS,"
which weren't open In my tlmeIK
school examiners, dental expert! tiiS
spoctors of Institutions. Where tiT
faro of tho child Is at stake, oSea
tho proper ones to proteot It in mS
words, when wo realize that the rout
coming to us, sooner or later, It'Iinot
us to prepare oursolves to Use It with
tclllgonco and with tho maximum taJ
to ourselves and others. It Is fot fll
purpose and to correct an erroneous'
prosslon that tho Catholic Church U Z
posed to sclenco that the PhiladiltiS
Suffrage League of Catholic Women
formed last May, of which I am prMWsst
Used as it should bo used, luffran i iii
powerful weapon with which to chimtf
tho chllld'a causo." S
women will not have to observe in pro
posing, which men always observe In pro
posing, is to glvo a truthful account of
their ability to support a husband. A man
should do a llttlo something toward earn
ing his own bread and butter ; tho woman
should not havo to do most of tho work,
as sho has been doing for tho last several
thousand years. So it Is no moro than
fair that girls who proposo this year
should bo allowed to fib a llttlo about
their resources. If somo mon aro trappod
under false pretenses It will serve them
right; thoy oughtn't to cxpoct to havo all
tho easy tasks of life, tho loafing about
offices nnd making small salaries while
their wives aro pinching and saving and
croatlng In ono way or nnother tho equiva
lent of said small salaries.
So here's to the girl that trlcki a al
Into marrying her In the belief that ttt
Is going to loaf on her money or on le
cnrnlng and saving equivalent of moinyl
Thoro nre, however, certain leap
game laws. A girl should not exajnnui
her beauty by hiding some of Its limlu
tlons. Sho should hunt with a fact fat
tlrely clear of decorative effects. He
dress should not bo moro fasclnatlni titr
tho type of dress that sho expects to b
usually seen In after marriage. Under ii
circumstances It Is to be understood til
ths words "I lovo you" are the Im'
equivalent of "Will you marry mef" TtV
mean precisely tho same thing, and am
girl who says tho one and does not a!
Imply tho other Is unworthy -of mtIm
cither. .
Hot Biscuits for Breakfast
Only a few minutes to make and
bake with the use of Royal Bak
ing Powder, which insures supe
rior quality and wholesomeness.
Light and flakywith crisp, brown
crust, broken apart and spread
with butter, marmalade or jam,
they are delicious and appetizing.
Made from Cream of Tartar
Abaahetaty Pmra
No AIhbk No Pboapfeafle
1714 Walnut Street
Importer and Ladles' Tailor
Gowns and Wraps
Specially Designed and Adapted to Your Individuality byj
Our Fashion Experts
Suits and Dresses
The .Newest Models for Spring and Summer, Very Superior :
Garments: in Fabric and Tailoring, Superb in
Style and Moderate in Price
In the Millinery Department
Are Shown the Earliest and Most Fetching
Models in Spring Hats
(Copyright. 1018.)
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