u M EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 29, 1916. u CIVILIANS FLEE PROM VERDUN BY FRENCH ORDERS German Guns Batter City to Pieces Noted Ca thedral Smashed ftONCOMBATANTS KILLED fcAttiB, Feb. 29. Tho city of Verdun Is being battered to pieces rjy neavy tfcr rnan guns. Projectiles from tho biff siege howitzers of the Germans are smashing tho historic twelfth century cathedral of Notra Damo and other historic buildings. Details received hero today from tho French front show that tho Ocrmans havo been shelling tho city of Verdun since last Thursday, and that many civilians havo been kilted. The remaining civilians havo been or dered to leave by tho French comman der. The heaviest fire camo from tho direc tion of Splncourt, which Is nearly 20 miles northeast of tho city and far behind tho battlo lines. Tho bombardment, which began at dawn Thursday, lasted until dawn on Friday without Intermission. At least eight 12 and JB.Inch shells fell In tho city or tho suburbs every hour. Klghty-seven ex ploded In tho streets during tho can nonade, tearing mighty excavations Into the ground and shattering buildings Into piles of wreckage. Up to Friday only 21 noncombatnut3 were known to havo boon killed. From Thursday on tho bombardment has been Intermittent, sometimes dying down to an occasional shell and ngnin rising to a perfect tornado of steel. J3eforo they were ordered out on Fi I day the civilian population lived through out the mighty German cannonade in bombproof cellars. Tho exodus was a sorry spectacle. Tho men and women tramped from their homes out Into the snow, leaving nil their household effects behind. As they nod from their homes shells were crashing Into tho city behind them and fires wcro raging. Tho rofugecs had to tramp three miles Into tho country to a railway sta tion. Thero they found they had to tracl In open freight cars through ley wind ami storms of snow. 200 AT WEST CHESTER SUFMAGE CONVENTION County Delegates Submit Their Reports and Prominent Guests Speak WEST CHESTER.. Pa., Feb. 23. The county convention of tho Woman Suffrago Party of Chester County Is being held In tho Now Century Club hero today. Mem bers or tho party and workers In tho , cause are present from every section of the county, probably two hundred persons composing the mooting. MfS. Louis Lawrence Smith, of Straf ford, the county president. Is presiding and Is assisted by Mrs. W. P. Sharpless. tho West Chester leader of tho commit tee, who Is the hostess for tho day. Guests of honor at the convention are Mrs. George Orlady, State president; Mrs. George Dlbert, State chairman of Woman Suffrage party; Mrs. Georgo Piersol, of Philadelphia; Miss Shaner, of New York, and Mrs. Orme, of Wayne. Mrs. George Hoffman, of West Chester. Is In charge of tho reception of tho guests, and Mm. Herman F. Wycrs was In charge of the luncheon preparations. Tho t.esslon was more of a social than a business one, and tho forenoon was devoted to receiv ing reports from delegates In various tcc tlons of the county. Tho afternoon session gavo the women , an opportunity of hearing somo stirring words from the prominent gues,t,s as well as from some of the local delegates. PIGS MAY BE PIGS ALL RIGHT, BUT WHO IS THE MARAUDER? Farmers to North of City Mystified Over Losses Who killed the pigs? That Is the ques tion farmers to the north of this city are Jrylng to solve. They are In contin ual fear that more pigs will be killed, but they have scarcely any clue to the identity of the death-dealing marauder. Within several days at least -5 pigs "who made their domiciles at various points between Rydal and Willow Grove have been killed. Who killed them? The only chie Is that In almost every case part of the carcass was eaten, Indicating, some of the Montgomery County amateur sleuths believe, that the motive of the Hlayer was hunger. fo one haa yet really Been the mys terious lover of good pork. Many de scriptions have been given, but none of them corresponds. Some have said a largo dog was the culprit, others attribute It to a. Wplf and still others say It Is a mountain lion, otherwise known In va rious sections of the country as a panther, puma, cougar or catamount. Zoologists In Montgomery County say they 'would not be surprised If It was the latter, for a mountain Hon Is a member of the cat family and so many farmers have Hhot at It that they think It must have at least nine lives. On the other hand, the Montgomery County police, who have reputations as crack shots, believe that the mountain lion or whatever It Is will be safe so long as the fanners continue to shoot at It. 972 LIQUOR LICENSES GRANTED IN LACKAWANNA COUNTY Six Applications Held Under Advise ment and 56 Refused , fiCJUHTON. Pa.. Feb. 29. Nine hun ted and seventy-two liquor licenses, Jn tludinr eight for breweries, were granted in Lackawanna. County today by Judges Edwards and O'Neill. Two new retail licenses, for places that lad bora until a year ago, were granted, tnd six other i)ew applications were held under advisement until Judge Newcomb returns tp the city, Flfty-slx new applicants -were summar ily refused, ' ' . i Found Hidden in. Saloon, Man Is Held William B. Cannon, 35 years old. of ztn tiozta Tin street, waa neld in 71000 bal for a further hearing by Magistrate Beaton at the Central Station today, ac cused of having forced an entrance Into the saloon of H, J Basenfelder, at $00 Race street, earlier in the day. Basen felder testified' that ha closed the saloon at 3 o'clock, and wfcen. he returned from a restaurant an hour later he found that tome one had broken a panel In the. door with cobble etone and had unfastened tttt taiiStcit Fattery Men Discusa Labor JUprwsntativea at sanitary pottery manuftn'tvrc-ra assembled today at the Bail vvw-SKrstt ford to discusa autfttaiu. iKutineat to their trade, tkWfly ilut labor :v..,kL( jn A. M MmftfBtfr, OX TreiWtMi. cr.di at t sau--a, wm Will V se- The War Today Actions In tho Cnucnsua and Mesopotamia fields arc closely re lated. The Turks arc evacuating Trebizond nnd neighboring cities on the Black Sea coast before the double Slav ndvance in Armenia. In Mesopotamia the British relief column moving to aid of tho force beleaguered at Kut has engaged the Turks on the Tigris. It has advanced despite the rise of the river. GERMANS PIERCE LINES SOUTHEAST OF VERDUN Continued from I'nitc One court and Blaneeo. clearing the enemy from tho wooded roirloii north nnd east of WntronUllo nnd Haudimont, and taking la voce cho I'ltnlla dlchlarera' probabll Manheulles and Champion. i mente In questa scttlmnna la guerra alia "Up to last night wo had counted these Ocrmnnln, prendendo occnslono nppunlo unbounded prisoners as 228 olllcers and dalla rlapertura della camera. II Pnrla 16,575 men. AVc havo also taken 78 can. mento dovrebbo cssero convocato domanl, non and 86 mnchlno guns, nnd war mate- j prlmo Marzo, come si stablll1 nel dlccmbro rial that cannot yet bo counted. scorso, quando li sesslono fu cliiusa dopo At tho foresters house nt Thliivllle, voto dl flducla dnto nl Ministers- Salan northeast of Uadonvlllor. a projecting por- ora. Hon of n French position was taken by us, together with a largo number of prison ers. PAULS. Feb. 29. Germnn troops have captured Man heuttos, a strongly fortified village In tho Wocvro plains, southeast of Verdun, nnd two miles northeast of Fresnes, according to today's official communique from the French War OJllce. Tho communique also admits a tempornry success for the Ger mans In Lorraine. In tho region to tho north of Verdun tho Kaiser's forces last night renewed tholr attack on tho village of Douaumont These wcro repulsed after hamlto-hand lighting. ltKPULSU TEUTON ATTACKS. The text of tho communique follows: To the north of Verdun the bombard- ment has continued very violently. In tho sector to tho cast of the Mouse violent local attacks, renewed during tho night at various times in tho region of the village of Douaumont and developing Into hand- to-hand conlllcts, were repulsed by our troops. "In tho Woovro, the Germans succeeded, after a violent artillery preparation, In capturing tho village of Manhtiellcs. A counter-attack Immediately carried our troops back to the west border of the vil lage, which we now havo under our lire. "In Lorralno tho enemy penetrated somo smnll trench sections In tho advance line, from which ho was almost Immediately driven. "Thero Is nothing to report on tho rest of tlio front." Whllo violent fighting rages nrnund tlio heights of Douaumont, the Germans are trying to drive homo fresh attacks at two widely separated points. In older to encircle Verdun and cut tho lines of com munication of tho French. Tho German attack in Champagne, In tlio hector of Navarln farm, was oldently an attempt to gain control of tho Ithcims-Vcrdun rail way, one of the chief supply lines feed ing and arming the French forces in the garrison. Tho assault was mado at a point where tho German lines are near est tho railway, and by the capturo of N'avarln fnrm tho Teutons arc now only six miles from tlio railway line. Hugo masses of men aro being thrown against tho French lines along the rail way in tho Wocvro plain between Clx, Manheulles i.nd Fresnes. IIIILIEVK FOE KXHAUSTHD. French military experts, who hold that tlio battle of Verdun Is drawing to a close, base their belief upon tho fact that the Germans havo nearly exhausted tho im mense supplies of men and munitions that were concentrated north of tho fortress for the drive. Tho fact that the artillery fire on both flanks of the Germanfront north of Ver dun was slackened was held to be the re sult of necessary economy of shells. In stead of attacking on an extended front, the Germans concentrated their lire over a front of approximately two miles from a point west of Douaumont to a point cast of Vaux. They evidently hoped to blast their way through tho French defensive works at that point to open the way for Infantry attacks against tho Inner French line. Standing on a hill four miles north of Fort Douaumont. Kaiser Wllhelm watched for six hours the bloody strugglo for pos session of the fort, according to German prisoners whose stories were telegraphed here today. A raw wind blew sheets of rain and snow across the eminence and staff olllcers urged the Emperor, on account of his recent Illness, not to expose himself. De spite their entreaties he lield to his post, field class In hand and protected by a great storm proof coat, until the Brand cnburgers charged Into tho French posi tions. Tho Douaumont guns did frightful ex ecution before they were silenced by Get man howitzers. Battalion after bat talion of German troops almost disap peared from sight as big shells tore their fronts. Tho slaughter north of Pepper Heights equals that around Douaumont. Every foot of flat land approaching the ridge is commanded by French guns. Steady sheets of shrapnel and shells aro break ing over this plain. N'ot evpn by de fending themselves behind parapets of dead bodies could tho Germans hope to advance through Infantry actions. WOMANLESS HAT CAPTURED Mystery Surrounds Millinery Creation Found by Gallnnt Cop A mystery deep and Impenetrable con fronts the police of tho northwestern sec tion of the city. It centres around a woman's white hat. The dainty piece of headgear, with the woman missing, was found clinging to the limb of a tree at Bldge avenue nnd Cumberland street. It was a white hat, and a plume which It bore wigwagged lazily In the breeze which blew through the tall poplars of Falrmount Park. As Policeman Bradley spied the mil linery, he thought It was a woman caught In the tree and beckoning to him for help. Always gallant, he didn't hesitate, but hastened to the tree. Then he saw to his confusion that the hat was woman less. By means of a stepladder he man aged to capture It and took the creation to the 26th and York streets station. The hat bore the name of Meyer, Jonas son & Co., New York, Altoona and Bos ton. As It waB rather conservative, the cops believed that the hat blew from Boston. It Is In charge of the matron, Mrs. Mary Long, Unless the owner claims It the police will present It to the matron. Cackle Scratch Feed To get the best results from your chickens, you must feed the best food. Michell's scratch food is the best grain food that can be com pounded. It is an ideal balanced . ration, fresh sweet grain without dirt; wilt put tne birds in healthy condition and start the Cackle, wnicn means eggs. Poultry Supplies Catalog Free. MICHELL'S Seed Houje 518 Market St. TJgi i miui J I in nwnrwi SICREDECHEL'ITALIA DICHIARERA' GUERRA PUREALLAGERMAMA L'Opinionc Pubblica la Do- mnnda e l'On. Snlnndrn Para Forse Dichiarazioni in Pro- posito alia Camera QUEL CHE DICE ESSAD ItOMA, 29 Febbralo. Questa scttlmann si rlnpro II Parla mento. e nel oorrldol dl Montecltorlo o negll altrl clrcoll politic! corre Insistento II fntto o' chc l'oplnlono pubblica do manda chn II governo dlchlnrl ormnl la guerra alia Ocrmnnln, ma non scmbra che II governo si sla declso ancora a questo passo. Ccrto c' cho l'on. Salandra sont Ira' quail sono lc dlsposlzlonl della Ca mera o del Senato cd aglra' In questo senso. I glnrn.'tli romanl dlcotio cho In un con slgllo dl mlnlstrl chc ebbe luogo domenlca II gablnctto declso dl portnro la qulstione davantl nlla Camera soltanto so la Ca mera lo rlchlcdora'. Ad ognl modo la rlapertura del Pnrlamento e' attesn con Interesso soltanto per questa qtilstlono dello rclazlonl tra Gerninnla cd Italia. T.A IUTIIIATA PA DUIIAZZO. Tuttl I clornall affennano rhe I'ovacu- azlono dl Durazz-i da parte dello forzo ' Itnllnno che I'avovano occupato tre inesl ' fa fu compluta scguendo I planl cho a questo propositi! crnno gin' da lungo tempo stall preparntl dallo Stato Magglore. Iovncuazlono dl Durazzo doveva Infattl avvonlro non appena fosscro statl salvatl 1 rcstl dell'escrclto scrbo, o cosl' nvvctinc. Lo sforzo mllitnro Itnllano suU'iiltrn spunda dell'Adrlatlco dovev.i svllupparsl c si svlluppera' soltanto a Valona, cloo' per la dlfes.i dl Valona, cho o' a circa 80 mlglla da Durazzo r chc ha valoro stratc glco per nulla affatto llcvc. II Glornnle d'ltalla pubblica un'liiter vlsta con Essad pascla' chc. conio snpclc, si trova a Ilomn. Kssad ha detto: "L'occupazlone austrlac.i deH'Albanla i puramente tempornnca o flnlr.i' senza dub blo con un dlsastro mllitnro e politico. Lo forzo austrlncho sono miuacclato da trlhu' ostlll o sono espuste nl pciicolo dl vcdersl tagllate lo loro vlo dl rltirata dagll itallani clip occupano Valona. K pol I mlel compatrlottl. Insofterentl dl un glogo come quello dell'Austrla si rlvoltcianno ben presto. "L'Adrlatlco c destinato a dlvcnlre un mare Itnllnno. c la vlttorla degli Itallani sugll austrlael o' ccrta. Tanto 1 montc iicgrlui qtiantu I .serbl sono profondamento gratl nil Itnlla per II geneioso uluto clio questa ha d.ito loro. aluto che II ha sal vatl dalla dlstruzlnuo o chc ha nccresciuto immensameuto II prcstlglo dcll'Italla ncllo popolazlono baleanlche serbc." l'ssad ha detto chc egli conta dl rltor naro prcHto in Albania. Si apprenclo cho II prlnclpc Alessandro dl Serbia fara' presto un vlnggln a Iloma, Parlgl o Londra per rlngrnzlnro gll al leatl deH'asslstenza data al serbl dopo la loro Hconlltta da p.uto degll austriacl. LA TUHC1HA TKXTEN.VA? DlspaccI da Ateno dlcono cho tanto I turchl quanto I bulgarl si Manno muo endo per venire nd un'Intesa con lo potenzo alleatc della Quadrupllce. La sola coha che Turchla o Bulgaria doinun dano c' dl rltenere la loro poslzlone o la loro Integrlta'. I tin cm avrebbcro visto chlaramcnto II perlcolo chc II mluaccla dopo la vlttorla russa dl Erzerum, coslc ehe' davantl all'aanzata del russi nel 1'AsIa Mlnorc ossi non credono pltf dl poter esserc adeguatamento protettl dalla Gcrmanla o dall'Austrla. Negll altl clrcoll mllltarl bulgarl si tome molto 1'ohtonslone dell'attualo fron tlera, c non si nasconde 11 fatto che, seb bene I bulgarl possano esscre a Monastlr cd In Albania, la loro capltalo corre serlo perlcolo. In questl clrcoll romanl non si prcsta troppa fedo a queste notlzle, cho sembrano uncora premature, ma si rlcon osce pure cho nella Penlsola Balcanlca comlncla a vedersi un po' plu' chlaro nella sltuazlone. Oggl si dice perflno che il governo bul garo ha avvcrtlto il governo dl Vienna che la restaurazlone del prlncIpe dl Wled sul trono nlbaneso sara' conslderata dalla Bulgaria como tin atto dt ostllita'. So do' o' vcro, lo relazlonl tra la Bulgaria e gll Imped centrall devono essero gluntl nd un punto dl tenslone cho dovrebbe far supporro una rottura. FOOD FAMININE IN GERMANY CALLED MYTH OF ALLIES Breslau Educator, Here, Says Only Babies Suffer Lack of Milk "There is no food famine In Germany and thero will be none," said Professor N. Eugene Kuhmnlann, of the University of Breslau, at tho Bellevue-Stratford to day. "I get letters from my wife, who Is now In Breslau. tho last of which I received only a few days ago. Sho mentioned an abundance of food there. Food riots aro myths which exist only in the Imagina tion of the Allies. "The only possible shortage of food is of milk for babies. The blockade has caused some German babies to suffer from lack of milk, but that Is the only effect." Professor Kuhnemlann has been In this country since a few weeks after the war began. It Is Impossible for him to get through the lines back to his country and so he virtully will be In exile until the conflict ends. DIXON Diitlnctive Tailoring lloune EnUiWshcJ, isec We're prepared for the Spring that's a-lurklng be hind this month's Arctic chill. We've a most unusual variety of new Spring fab rics waiting for Dixon Tailoring and Dlxon-Servlce to turn you out a suit that reflects your personality and good taste. 333 to 50. 1111 Walnut Street Ninth "We Are and Working Locust stU for Your Interest" Lowest Rates in This City Strictly Confidential Burglar-proof Protection FIDELITY LOAN CO. Etib. 1845. piaaoni Crvtwt an4 iloV -Lmttt Vvn4Ui X1jukJj. tte.. Jet tatt TURKS EVACUATE TREBIZOND; HIT ON TIGRIS BY BRITISH Removal of "War Supplies and Troops Continues Feverishly AYLMER'S ARMY ADVANCE 1'ETnoaitAD, Feb. 29. The Turks aro hnstlly evacuating the important Ulnck Sea seaport of Trczibond and neighboring cities beforo tho Husslnn ndvnnce, according to Tldis dispatches today. Removal of wnr supplies and troops from Trezlhond continues fcrverlshly, the Russian Wnr Office announces. Its report follows: "Husslnn torpedobont destroyers hao sunk four moro Turkish sailing ships in tlio Black Ken. A Turkish caravan wat bombarded and tho soldiers dispersed. Tho Turks continue, the evacuation of Trc zibond nnd other Turkish towns on tho coast In the path of tho advancing Rus sian fnrcot." Tho evacuation of Trebizond was mado necessary by the approach of two Rus sian forces, ono moving wostwaid along tho shores of the Black Sea through Rlzeh, and tho other In n northwesterly direction from Krzcrum. An ofllclal statement fiom tho War Ofllco Saturday night said that the Krzerum troops were within 50 miles of Trebizond. Unofficial reports havo placed the second attacking army nbout the same distance from Trebi zond on tho Black Sea uonst. Trebizond lies 1J0 miles northwest of tho fortress of Krzermn. recently occupied by the Russians, and is the capital of a vlllnyct of the samo name The city stands on a plateau, surrounded by an old wall It Is an Important trading centre and has a population of nbout 10,000. Xenophon and the Ten Thousand Greeks In tho great retreat reached the sea at Trebizond, nnd cried. "Thalassa ! Thalas- sa !" "The Sea! Tho Sea!") BltlTIKH REHKF AH.1IV ATTACKS TUKKS ON THiKIS Ilivcr Rising; Flood Expected Slavs Send Aid by Sea LONDON. I-Vb. 20. Tho following of ficial communication concerning tho opera tions of tho British in Mesopotamia was tunrlo public Inst evening: "On the morning of tho Slid General Aylnier bombarded tho encniy'H camp on tho left bank of tho Tigris to make him disclose his disposition and nt tho samo time to inflict tho maximum amount of damage. The enemy, taken by sin prise, lost heavily, and useful Information was obtained by our neioplanes. "A Miuill punitive column from Xaslr lyeh moved out against a hostile concen tration four miles north of thnt place. inc enemy lied after suffering severely. Our casualties were nil. "General Aylnier continued his opera tions the next day with tho object of securing a fonvaid position on tho right bank and to bring a revcrso lire on tho enemy's position nt Hannah. On tho 25th two of our aeroplanes flow from Basra to General Aylmer's force. "Tho river is rising and a flood may bo expected In a few days. "A f-econd disturbance between Turkish troops and tho populneo at Xnjf is re ported. A telegram dated the 20th, says on effectivo bombardment of tho enemy's camp nt Hannah is being carried out." Pl'TTROORAD. Feb. 23. Russian troops In tlio Caucasus aro continuing their pur suit of the Turks, an official report says The Turkish official report says merely: "Thero has been no important event In any of tho war theatres." The exquisite flavor of "S. S. White's" Tooth Paste encourages the tooth brushing habit.Therein lies the secret of sound teeth. Ask your dentist. In too or iSo tubes. At your drug gist's or mailed on receipt o) price. Tho S. S. WHITE DENTAL MFC. CO. K .A x. PHILADELPHIA "Since 18 U the Standard" li 8ffi BrlHE S.S WHITE DENTAL MFG.C0. U- PHILADttPHIA. PA. p 4 O'CLOCK TEA DANCING 4 P. M. at A DAIUV WATER TREATMENT BEDFORD MMMWATERJ FOR THB UVER.KIDNBYS AND STOMACH Since DIRECTOR KRUSEN AIDS CAMPAIGN FOR CLEAN FOOD Head of Hcnlth. Department Will Address Law Com mittee of Councils To morrow Afternoon FAVORS TRAINER BILL Tho careless handling of foodstuffs ex posed for sale by mcrchnnts nnd hucksters will bo discussed by Director ICruseii, of tlio Department of Health nnd Chnrltles, nl a meeting of tho Law fommlttco o Councils set for tomororw niicrnoon. rri,n nifiAi. nu tvMl nn Chief John A. Vogclson, of tho Bureau of Health, will urgo tho Councllmcn favorably to report a bill which has for Its object a serious effort to provide for tho protection of food stuffs from dust, dirt, flies and promis cuous handling. Tho measure was Intro ilnced at a recent session by Select t omi cllinnn Harry .T. Trainer, of tho .Id yard. It provides that no foodstuffs or edibles shall bo offered or snto unless protected from contnminntion, and when displayed shall bo covered with a tight container of glass, wood or metal, tho opening of which shnll bo not less than two feet above tlio sidewalk or ground level. Tho bill also provides for tho mnnncr of wrapping, an follows: "It shall not bo lawful to wrap any such nrtlclo of food In novvspaper, nor shall any paper bo used for wrapping such articles nt food except clean wrapping paper. This latter ro utrirtinn lines not cover fruits nnd vege- tables which are necessarily peeled or cooked beforo use." Violators of tho ordlnnnco can he lined $10 for each ofTense. The bill has tho ap proval of a number of health associations. L'ATTACCO SU VERDUN E' STAT0 ABBAND0NAT0 I Tcdeschi Attaccano Ora lo Linee Francesi nella Cham pagne La Battaglia Indecisa Tnttncco del tedcsclil contro la for tezza frenceso dl Verdun o' stato virtual mento (.pezzata dalla loslstcnza dello truppo della Rcpiibbllcn, o le forzo dal kaiser attaccano ora nltiovc, nella Cham pagne. I tcdeschi vedrndo falllta la loro formldabllo offcnslva frontarto rmitro la fortezza, tentano ora dl aprirsi II varco nd uvest della murnglla del nord. Un teiegranima dl fonto svizzera, trasmesso qui da Roma, dlco anzl cho I'attncco mi Verdun o' stato una mora flnta o cho I tedchchl tenteranno dl dare II colpo plu' podcroso alio llnce francesi tia Noyon o St. Quentln. su dl una fronto dl fiO mlglln. Su cpiesta fronto gll attncciii tle vrebbern cssero slmultancl. I,o stesso dls pacclo dice cho 30,000 holdntl tcdehch! sono statl uccisl nella battaglia dl Vordun. BtiildinR Operation for fiOth and Pine Jacob I-'eldman has taken title from Frank A. Harnett to a plot of ground nt tho northeast corner of 60th and IMno stiects, 100 fcot by Si! feet 8 Inches, which Is to bo Impiovcd with fctores nnd dwellings. Tho purchaser has given to tho Real Estate Tltlo Iusuianco and Trust Company a first mortgage of $15,000 on the ground : to Edwin Wolf n second mortgago of $10,000 and to F. D. Flem ing a third mortgago of SD0OO. Dies From Runaway Hurls TRENTON, Feb. 29. Edgar P. Smith. 00 years old, died nt St. Francis' Hospital as tho result of an accident last Thurs day, when his team ran away. Ho was formerly a resident of Newtown, Ta. WEDNESDAY Dancing TO CLOSING sal 13Qi At Dra(bt 4 tructtt, or Witt, (a 10T VVU.n HUUy, WW Warn Hrv-A m mm FRESH SOWING OF Fte MINES CLAIMED MAL0JA London Press Agrees on Cause of Recent Sinkings in British Waters LONDON, Feb. 29. Tho British press Is nlmost unani mous In nssumliig that the Mnloja and the other vessels sunk by mines during the week-end were victims of a fresh sow ing of German mines. There Is much speculation ns to how these mines Could havo been laid. Tho theory most frequently advanced Is that a certain class of neutral shipping was employed. "The 1'nll Mnll Gazette suggests thnt such operations mny drive England to still moro stringent supervision of neu tral shipping than Ii.ib yet been exorcised by tho Admiralty. According to Copenhagen ndvlccs, tho Gothenburg steamship Knlppla struck a mine south of Falsterbo, Just outsldo Swedish territorial waters, tind sank. Fif teen of her crow nnd two women passen gers were rescued. A German flotilla of mine Inycrs sowed several mines off Falslcrbo on Monday, Stockholm dispatches said. Many persons nro arriving at Dovor for the purposo of Identifying bodies. Tlio owners of tho Mnloja announced last night thnt the total number of per sons saved In the disaster was 30t. Of theso 72 wcro passengers, 02 members of tho European crew and 137 of tho Lascar crow. Clothing Strike Mny Be Adjusted Prospects of reaching n settlement of tho strike In tho men's clothing Industry may bo realized tomoriow when olllclals of tho Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America meet n temporary organization of tho manufacturers to discuss terms. Labor Shortage in Upland Mills Increased buslncs throughout tho Indus trial section of Delaware County has created a shortage of labor that dally Is becoming moro and moro sorlous. Fort several months none of tho mills in Up land hns boon running up to full capacity becauso of tho lack of workmen. brit be narngMii iHitriLLmnu inn, ,.iim,i,.aj tjnw sosm 9 v TJ"-iwi.)V"'hiW.j'-i. vs.s&.jrtei-jt!i',itek....izB&ztt-'mi 3 jEc& T 1 CZ KeNSinoi ooaD win improve your sKin many and many a girl haa a clear, healthy complexion today because some friend came to her with this sound advice, based on her own experience. Rcsinol Soap not only is de lightfully cleansing and refresh ing, but its daily use reduces the tendency to pimples, offsets many ill-effects of cosmetics, and gives nature the chance she "SH.MW mmmmrWmm SvW VT & rsm i PICTURE a thirty-foot giant stand ing beside a mere man, and you have the exact difference between the Royal organization and the average electrotype foundry in the United States. All told there are about 350 plants in this country. The average employs from 15 to 20 men and has an output of from $3000 to $4000 per month. The Royal Plant employs over a hundred men and has an output of over $1000.00 per day. The Royal night force alone employs from thirty to thirty-five men practically twice the number of the average day plant, In Philadelphia, then, where would you expect to "get the most for the money you spend for electrotypes? Royal Electrotype Company, Philadelphia. Walnut 1731 620 Sansom St. Main 4340 Detective Garth blun ders into the inspector's pet case, lets the most important wit ness commit sui cide and sees his sweet heart go into the gang's headquarters and fail to come out! Sohcgoesalono to "THE HOUSE WITH THE HIDDEN DOOR" and finds what you will find in this wcck's issue ot t? e o -wf n- m THE NATIONAL W BBKLT PLANS WILMINGTON WARAID' Dr. W. C. Spcnkman Moves to Form Ambulance for French n " '":"'ru wiiiiim.,, . oiiuuruiinu, nu nerveu Willi wo Unlver. J slty of Pennsylvania unit In tho American I Ambulnnco Corps at Paris last summer , llshment of n Wilmington Ambulance at the French wnr front. Ho made known his plan last night nt n meeting which was addressed by Dr. D. J. McCarthy, of tha University of Pennsylvania. Doctor Spcakmnn alms to raise a fund here, to provide, equip and maintain the ambulance, which Is to be manned by Wilmington men. Tho fund has been started, a number of organizations, hcadtd by tho notary Club, having contributed liberally. discouraged! I 'Hl'"' needs to make red, rough skins' white and soft. Hands protected by Rcsinol Soap rarely chap or roughen in cold weather. Used for the shampoo, Resinol Soap helps to keep the hair rich, glossy and free from dandruff. If the skin or scalp is in bad shape, through neglect or im proper treatment, a little Resinol Ointment should at first be used with the Rcsinol Soap, to hasten the return to normal conditions. Keslnol Soap nnd Rcsinol Oint ment aro sola by nil druggists, lor samples free, write to Dept 11:. Hcslnol, Baltimore, Md. y 3 r W V V H1 t I II I I lw tiftli Pill ' OMI wrm Ja 4 ml """f TTtmrn. pluI ij.-j.-Btgggg!; Ptfrnifffi -3.-53,' S mL-m-jM Z-En- x..rXJtJK.i.xjr..au.ij . t x jp