artfir if m'titt" y 3 EVENING LEDQBRPHIEADELPHIA. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 29. 1916. 11' NANCY WYNNE TALKS ABOUT . THE VARIOUS SOCIAL DOINGS Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Will Give a Dance This Evening at tne jviasK aim vv ig- jiua in Honor of Miss Hare and Mr. Conger Other Matters . - a el 1. a . Ml tin trltlllH AVER IICMBIIH-U' J'lVl tjr mi. "u ivuu lonlffht by the Ilolllnshoad Tay lors for Knthorlno Hnro nml Jack Con W, nt Ho Mnslt ntut Win olubhmiso. Tha Tnylorn nro rotntcil to Jack Con rer. you know; hto mothor wan a Stock. ia mid Mrs. Taylor was Mary Stock- ton. TI'O onsairemont of Mlsa Haro nnd nff Connor was announced mei yc.-ir. I-Katlierlno is tlio olttor daughter of tho Ilobert Eniott nnrcs nrm u, msicr 01 pliyllis Yarrow. Sho hafl two brothers, nnn nnd Emlen, nnd Is liersolf an ex- itrcmcly popular membor of socloty. I hear she does qulto a lot of work In tlio various college settlements. Sho might have chosen a richer man 10 wiiom 10 jive her heart, but from all I hear of vouns Conger It would bo hard to And rtnany finer, though ho Is still very vounir. I bollovo tnero is somo question of their wedding coming off soon, but tha date Is not yot aecwou upon, xuero KLwill be about 100 guests tonight, mostly Rot the youngor married se. W Thero will bo a number of box parties this evening, whon Farrar will appear ''in "Madame Sans Gene," with Marti- jielll, Amato and othors of tho Metro- RTpolltan Company. Mrs. uonnor, wno is po-bcautltui, in fact, is ono 01 mo most beautiful women in tho city, will enter tain la her box. Then tho John Fred erick Lewises will havo for their Rguests tho Mayor and Mrs. Smith, Mrs. W.Min a. Oroomo. Mrs. Chancellor Eng- llali, Mrs. Charles E. Mather and tho Kov. David M. Steele. Mr. and Mrs. Francis I. Gowen will entertain In their box for Maiiana, and will glvo a supper party at the Rltz afterward. Mr. Sothcrn could havo chosen no more delightful vehlclo than Alfred Sutro's comedy In which to mako his plast appoaranco before tlto public, and iivhllo the tncatro uas not oeen jammeu u it would most certainly bo with any mcdlocro musical performance, tho audi ences havo been most representative I saw any number of familiar faces last night and tho understanding with which '.they followed tho thread of comedy, tit tering at Just tho right moment, must have been a joy to tho company. Seated in tho very front row were Mr. and Mrs. Blddlo, "Tony" with a healthy tan after his trip South, then a Httlo farther back in tho houso were tho "Joo" Nor rises, with a guest, and back of them Doctor and Mrs. Rnndall with their Kdaughtor, Miss Franconia, and her fiance, young Sam Fox, and then thero wtrero numerous others, including Mrs. Uatthow Semplo, Miss Helen Semple, fair, and Mrs. John Lyno Clawson and their daughter, Margaret Clawson, Ethel Huhn and Miss Letitla Wright. Prmluu ''""Kl'tor of Dr. nnd Mrs. ?'", on "utchlnson utton.Mlra 1 Mnrii S..a;rtr!", I'lnconst. Miss Helen ' Mnrslmll i;nBn Uobert II. Maury, V. In M- '"'.anrdlner, Jr., Mr. Unrclay l'bK. Ir;tc,mr!M JohiHon, Mr. William I-ucrly, Mr. nnd Mrs. Thcodoro Freed. Mrs. Hnrhnrf T.lni..1.. rM..l. i ....... EUn b,ox.nt.M,lUnmo Schumnnn-Hclnk-B recital yesterday nftprnoon In honor of Mailnmo Mtulo, of Paris. iiMr'i -,?na ,?IrB Charlton Henry linvo Aini tr8l,n"I;;'s ,1'arents, Dr, nnd Mrs. A cxander W Ulddlo, nnd Mlsa Christine rinrnatA A,'tCn' H- C- Mr and Mrs' Sini-2 A' AI".,m lmvo aIa iolned tho winter colony thore. urMr,8; Y.llllnm A Litton and Mrs. Clmrlcs W. Mntthows havo Issued cards for a luncheon on Saturday, from 1 until 3 O ClOCIC, nt tho Alilltln. Vl- n.,.1 TMV li-. ton have closed their lladnor homo and are wending- the winter at tlio Aldlno. Mr. Ooorgo D. WIdoner has gono to Aiken, S. C, for tho remainder of tho season. Miss Mary Mlrltll, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. Haselton Mlrltll, of 315 South 22d street, spent the wcek-ond at Ches ter as the guest of her grandmother, Mrs. Ilannum. Mr. and Mrs. F. Harrison Hutchinson, of Oakwood, Jobstown, N. J had Mr. Edward Fetterolf as their guost over the week-end. Mr. Fetterolf returned to town yesterday. Mrs. Samuel W. Woolford, Jr., of Clcorgo's lane, Wynnelleld, nnd her chil dren nro at Atlantic City for a week's stay. Mr. and Mrs. Josenh O. mtnnn nA their Bon, Mr. Alfred Illtnor, havo loft for a Southern trip. They will visit Cuba, Florida nnd tho West Indies be fore returning home. Tho cooking class which was started nearly 15 years ago on tho Main Lino is still n great success. It was organ lied by Mrs. Charle3 B. Penrose, and is F Mima Jltiu ifiu jiuuuib Vtuu mi men. t Mrs. Charles Piatt, Jr., and Mrs. 4'PhIHIpus Miller nro two of tho original ten members. They meet every other iTuesday throughout tho year, elthor at the homo of ono of tho members or at the Mill Dam Club. Ono of tho mem bers Is tho caterer each time, makes but the monu and Is responsible for all the food, etc., on her day. Tho present pnembors nro: Mrs. Ponroso, president! IMrs. Miller, treasurer and secretary; 5lrs. Georgo AV. Peppor, Mrs. Adolph Rosengnrton, Mrs. Ileldo Norrls, Bliss Edith Howoi Mrs. Thomas Nowhall, Mrs. Daniel Barrlngcr, Mrs. Howard Page, Mrs. Ned Pago and Mrs. Thomas Lahgdon Elwyn. NANCY WYNNE. Chestnut Hill Mrs. Charles B. Wright, who has enter tained so extensively this winter, has gone to Palm Beach, where sho has joined her husband for a fortnight. Among tho Phlladelphlans who nro eo Journlng at the shoro nre Mr. nnd Mrs. Nowbold Ely nnd their daughter, Miss Dorothy Ely. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred G. B. Steel, of S40D Navahoe avenuo, havo gono to v-anaua lor a fortnight. jraniL, nMvwraiHHB. .- a f?MmgmmimmmmTrf.itU, isiihmw 3f5- m-mmmmmm. " tv TjssjmmaammKms&gz vii it; s a u i a k it . bi 7Mjm?nm$mmmm&tL sa Hi I AA..ia?JVf .wsKMi mm&Mm? iwis s ''." - mmarisniv . mmmmt mmm& j li ' Sfflmml w i4W J5liil ' S COUNTRY CLUB AT LANSDOWNE SCENE OF LEAP YEAR DANCE Members Entertain Many Guests at Affair Which Reverses Usual Order of Things Mr. and Mrs. Heenan Celebrate Wedding Anniversary AN ATTHACTIVE leap year danco will XJLbo given this evening nt the Lans- downe Country Club by the members who have Issued GO additional Invitations. The hosts will Include Mr. C. Parker Boyd. Mr. Oeorire W. Statzell. Jr . Mr. C. Edwin Hunter, Mr A. M. Cnmpbell. Mr. Kdwln Grauley, Mr. Frederick W. Kelly, Mr. Joseph M. Kelly, Mr. J. W. Albright. Mr. S. K. Phillip, Mr. H O. Duncan, Mr. S. K. Phillips, Mr. II. O. Duncan. Mr. W. II. Evans, Mr. F. E. Sagendorph, Mr. Franklin Davles. Mr. II. L Henry. Mr. J. J. Keenan, Jr.. Mr Oliver Harris. Mr. W. W. Mayer, Mr. C. A Tome, sir. .1. a McKeon, Mr. John Galbrnlth, Mr. T. B. McLaln. Mr. E. M. Grimth. Mr. H. H. Knerr. Mr. F. M. Qulnn. Mr. H. B. QUlnn nnd Mr. J. J. Armstrong. Dlnimr nnrtlpq linforu the danco will ln- cludo Mr. and Mrs. Allen P Hoffcr. Mr. and Mrs. J. Pilling, Mr. nnd Mrs. Edwin Grauley, Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank II. Ma gulre, Mr. and Mrs. Harlan P. Statzell. Mr. nnd Mrs C. Parker Boyd. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel E. Phillips Mr. and Mrs. Webb. Miss Mabel Phllllns. Mr. T. B. Catholic Club on Wednesday evening, Feb ruary 23, was n brilliant success. Tho houso was prettily decorated with bunting nnd tho room was dotted with tiny colored electric lights. Dancing was tho main at traction of the evening. Solos wore given by Miss Collins, Mr. It. Kelly, Mr. Joseph McCann nnd Mr. L. a. Flynn- Amonffn those present wero Miss Grace Lovp, Miss Mario Love, Miss Margarot Clements, Miss Sarah Flaherty, Miss E. Flaherty, Mrs. Kdwln Galen, Miss Mnrle Burns, Miss Agnes Crosson, Miss Bessie McCarrfcn. Miss Genevieve Munn, Miss Sadie Herman, Miss May Bookman, Miss Collins, Miss Mary Mcdtono, Miss Eleanor McGlone, Miss Ethel Colbert, Miss Marie Hooy, Mlsa Louise Itudherman, Mrs. Burchlll, Miss Helen McMenomy, Miss Mooney, Mm. Ed . ward Gale, Miss Nolan, Miss Burchlll Mr. nnd Mrs. Jones, Miss Graco Brennan, Miss Margaret Kelly, Miss Catherlno Far roll, Miss Allco Splane, Miss Elizabeth Dougherty, Miss Mnrle Dougherty, Miss Sarah Trotter, Miss Loulso Schnoldcr, Miss Beatrice Dougherty, Miss F. Mul licrn, Miss Florence Langley, Miss Mary McDonald, Miss Helen Ansloy, Mian Helen McLa n, Mr. William H. Evans. Mr. A. ""BJ1fi,f8TIIe,cnrAn8ly JIaH "?le" .. miner, air. Ul u .. f-"K" .""-"" .Tn,o Tlnurn. Hf- Tf.iu w V.i. ii. .. -.wu4iU l. ItUHII If. WUllUDUIlf i MRS. CRAIG BIDDLE Copyrieht. International Film Servlca. of this city, is seen with Mr. J. Gordon Douglas, of New York, on the strand at Palm Bench. Personals One of tho most lmnortant weddings of the pre-Lenton season will tnko place on Saturday nt noon, when Mlsa Beatrice Howell, daughter of Mrs. Charles H. Howell, will become the brldo of Mr. Qullllaem AertBen, Jr., In the Church of the Iloly Trinity in Itlttenhouso Square. Ulss Howell will be attended by her sister, Miss Josephine Filler Howell, as nald of honor and by another sister, Miss Jeclla Fltler Howell, nnd Mrs. Georgo F. ryler. as bridesmaids. Miss Edith Watts. the younE- il.incMpr nf Mr. find Mrs. J. Murray Watts and a nleco of the bride Broom, will bo flowed girl. PMr. Aertsen wUrJiave Mr. John W. Brock, Jr.. as best man, nnd his ushers will Include Mr. W. Prentlco Sanger, Mr. 0bert H. Cox and Mr. It. Stuyvesant eropont. of New York: Mr. Chester C. Bolton, of Cleveland, and Mr. Sidney F. Tyler Brock, Mr. Georgo F. Tyler, Mr. William M. Elklns and Mr. Marmaduke Xllden, jr nij of this city. I The brldo will bo given In marriage by wr brother, Mr. Cooper Howell. A re ception at the homo of Mrs. Howell, 1623 Walnut street, will follow the ceremony. The marrlago of Miss Emily Wharton Bjnkler, daughter of General C. F. Q. Btakier and Mrs. SJnkler, to Mr. Nicholas Hoosevelt, of New York, will take place infEastcr week at Belvldere Plantatlpn. 3.C, if. jThe Committee for tho Preservation of ?lstlpg Records of the Pennsylvania Mclety of the Colonial Dames of Amor ea hag issued Invitations for a record Sw.on, Saturday, from 3 until Q o'clock. W the resldenco of Mrs. Alexander J, ".asatt, 202 West Rlttenhouso Square. k - sMrs. John Astor, who has been epend JJS a, portion of the winter at the B1U wwlton, New York, will Bfiil for England jwy on tho New Amsterdam. Wr, and Mrs. William M. Stewart, 3d, Pi J?3 Do Lancey place, wll give a dln r before the Bal Masque on Tuesday rtnlDjr, March 7. on of tho unique dinners! to be given ;j?i?" the Bal Masque will take place In f Domino Boom of L'Alglon. Among "g? who wilt be present are Mr. and . Caspar Wlster, Mr, and Mrs. John arown, Mr. and. Mrs. Arthur C. Colahan. arf and Mrs. Herbert Goodall, Mr. and Sga- William W Watsonf Mr. and Mrs. IJ Ki Strobing. Mr. and Mrs. Barry BMn. Miss Polly Graham, Mr. and Ja. Lerpy Richards. Mr. and Mrs. John j Whlttaker. Mr. Charles Jennings Mr. gr Sheppard and Mr and Mrs, yws Huiith Kelly. marriage of Mlsa Lvdla Chichester. lekvllle. Mil Tilc.M of Mr. and Mrs 'eltX dll Tr.n nn.l Kf Thllln T) Tjilrd lyajftington, will take placa Ju June, Bala-Cynwyd Tho fourth annual muslcnlo and lec turo given to celebrate St. Patrick's day by St. Matthias Parish, Bala, of which tho Rev. M. J. McCabe is rector, will bo hold this year on Thursday, March 10, In tho Bala-Cynwyd Auditorium, and promises to bo a.dollghtful affair. The Rev. M. A. Kelly, C. S. Sp., well-known missionary and orator, will deliver the lecture, nnd the musical program will be carefully arranged for tho occasion. Tho proceeds of tho affair will go toward tho new parish building, which will bo oqulpped with spacious schoolrooms, soclnl hall, reading and recreation room and everything necessary to mako it tho social nnd religious centre of a suburban church. Mr. nnd Mrs. Walter Scott Dctwllor, of City avenuo, Bala, accompanied by Dr. and Mrs. S. Morrill Weeks, of West Philadelphia, motored to WornersvlIIe, Pa., over tho week-end. Germantown Along the Main Line IIAVERFORD Mr. and Mrs. Claronco Hall, of Hartford, Conn., are tho guests this week of Mrs. William Hunk, of Havcr ford Court, and will attend tho wedding of Miss Edith Runk to Mr. J. Thomas Llggot on Saturday In tho Church of tho Redeemer, Bryn Mawr. Mrs. Wallace Cralglo and children nro occupying tho Sydney Bullcn Dunn homo on Sutton road, and will remain in Haver ford until tho early Bummer. Captain Cralglo Is stationed at Columbus. N. 21. Mr. and Mrs. Georgo S. Hayes, of Haverford Court, aro spending a week at Palm Beach, Fla. ARDMORE Tho members of tho Junior department of tho Holplng Hands Clrclo gave u classical and niuch-apprcclatcd muslcale Saturday evening In tho audi torium of the Y. M. C. A., at Ardmorc. Much credit Is duo to Miss Agnes Holllngs vorth, chairman of the Entertainment Committee, in selecting such nble talent. The program consisted of piano solos by Mrs. J. R. MacGregor, Miss Eelyth Mann and Miss Agnes Holllngsworth : mandolin trio, Miss Mary Ponnypackcr, Miss Marion Ralncy and Miss Frances Hadley, accom panied by Miss Holllngsworth at tho piano. Vocal solos by Miss Jenkins and Miss Mabel Lees. Tho accompanists wero Mrs. J. R. MacGregor and Miss Ralney. Miss Gladys Rutter gave a violin solo, nnd a recitation was given by Miss Mary Blair. Tho Helping Hands Clrclo Is a non sectarlnn benevolent hoclety and does much good work In a quiet way to allevlato the needs and sufferings of tho poor and sick In Ardmoro and vicinity. Miss Eleanor Butler Is president of the Junior depart ment, and tho other olllcers are: Miss Eleanor Hartley, treasurer; Miss Mar garet Butler, secretary; Miss Mabel Jack son, corresponding secretary, and Miss Ruth Morgan, custodian. BRYN MAWR Miss Lyllan M. Doyle, of 811 Old Lancaster road, will glvo a luncheon, followed by cards, at the Rltz Carlton today. Mrs. Howard Brown, of Morris avenue, is entertaining her slstor, Mrs. Eber Brlttlngham, of Locust Grovo. MRS. E. E. WALLING Mrs. B. E. Walling, of 400 Lincoln drive, will entertain tlio members of her Charity Bridge Club this afternoon at her home, Mrs. Walling has just returned from a trip to New York. Mrs. Perclval Tattersfteld, of Pelham road and Carpenter street, has Issued cards for a tea on Saturday, March 11, from i until 6 o'clock. Mrs. Andrew R. McCown, of 6214 Schuyler street. Queen Lane station, who has been out of the city for several weeks and was compelled to discontinue her days at home on that account, will resume her at homes on Wednesday and Thursday, March 8 and 9. No cards have been Issued for these days. Mrs, McCown was Miss Mary Adams Oroya before her mar Mrs. Francis L. Bacon, of 236 Winona avenue, will leave tomorrow with her father, Mr, William ll. Malneg, of Wayne avenue, ror a trip to uaiuornia, Mrs. T, Charlton Henry, of 5337 Knox street, has gone to Wernersvllle, Pa., for a rest 01 several weeiss. Mr. and Mrs. William E. Hacker, of Ta. coma, Wash., aro the guests of Mr. Hacker's mother, Mrs. William Hacker, Of o-O Y!5i" Bireei. The Rer. Frank B. Moore, accompanied by Mr. A. E. Brecht, of Hansberry street, has gone o riorum xur several weeifs. Mrs. Baltzar de Mare, of 6326 Greene street. Is one of the Germantown woraeji who is working with great enthusiasm for the 7th division of the Women's Division lor jMationai i-repareanesa. Mrs. de Mare has organized a largo claw which meets at the Germantown Hossital on Tuesdays and U ably taught by Mr. Frank B. Gummey. their particular study being feadlns the troops and the needy. Another class meets a., aira- uu mares nome and at the homes ox me various rambra. &nd &fL Thnmafl Ktimmarvilla fitow Wttl givo a thuatr narty, followed Uy Mr J Orme Godwin of Pelham road. Mr at flu. win-.'arii.,ri this ave&ioff. In soaat tiiu week-end. at a house mrty at ff Of alisa Mary De Hvw Eerouw, CoIWHUf, N, J, Chester Valley Mr. Harry Glllam, of Philadelphia, spent the week-end In Malvern as tho guest of Mr. Walter Cox. Mrs. Walter II. Lewis, of West Chester, will return home tomorrow after having spent three weeks with relatives In Orangeburg, S. C. Miss Sara C. Evans, librarian of West Chester High School, has gone to Atlantic City for rest and recuperation. Mr. Philip T. Sharpless, of Groystone, near West Chester, has gone to Boston and Rochester on an extended business trip. Miss Ellen Brlnton, of Tho Lindens, West Goshen, will rend a paper this weok before the State Beekeepers' Association In Lancaster on "Bee Keeping: A Hobby for Girls." Along the Reading Tlio "vaudeville extraordinaire," to bo given tomorrow evening at the Jcnklntown Auditorium for thf benefit of tho mater nity ward of tho Ablngton Momorlnl Hos pital, is being looked forward to with a great deal of pleasure. Flowers will be sold during tho Intermission by tho nldoi, who will Includo Miss Helen Nash, Miss Doris Wethcrbee, Miss Mnrjorlo Kent, Miss Clnr.i DePuy, Miss Julia Beck, Miss Mary Mulford, Miss Dorothy Mulford and Miss Eleanor Jonos. The following Is a list of somo of the nets on tho program: Trlplo quartet from tho Choristers' Club of Jcnklntown. Miss Julia Maliaby, of Ilcecliwood School, nnd a graduate of tho Lcland Powers School, of Boston, In a one-act play, by Edmond Rostand. Miss Myrtlo McKeo and Miss Helen Hcrr In a classic dunce: Miss Jenn Wilson, In piano monologue; Mr. "Tom" Daly, tho poet of "LIttIo Italy," In readings from his own poems; Augustlno Garcia, the wonderful boy soprano, and Mr. Robert McCrackon, tho well-known pianist. Tho Jonklntown Minstrels will glvo an entertainment this evening for tho benefit of tho Alumni Association nt tho Ablng ton High School Auditorium. Tho cast will Include Mr. Matthew McCurn, Mr. Car rol Grilllths, Mr. Harry Todd, Mr. William Dovlln, Mr. Edward Tlcrnoy, Jr., Mr. J. Butler, Mr. J. Mnhonoy, Mr. G. Plunkott, Mr. R. Potts, Mr. B. Devlin, Mr. C. Hlg glns, Mr. J. StcGenry, Mr. C. Winners, Mr. A. Fraley, Mr. E. Schwolger, Mr. J. Wa ley and Mr. C. Lewis. The director Is Mr. Charles Risker. A very good selection of songs has been made. Among them will bo "What Money Cannot Buy," "Loading Up the Mnndy Lee," "America, I Love You," "In Old Virginia," 'JDown Homo In Ten nessee." A ono-act sketch will bo given, entitled "The Touring Car Limited." Mr. Robert Roden spent tho week-end ns tho guest of Sir. and Mrs. William C. Kent, of Bent road, Wyncoto. Mrs. Edward Schellenger, of Bent road, who Is spending tho winter In Boston, Mass., Is making a series of visits nt Wyncoto for several weeks. Lansdowne "Neighbors," a ono-act comedy by 5Cona Gale, will bo presented at tlio Twentieth Century Club of Lansdowno this after noon. Tho cast Includes Mrs. Andrew S. M. Young, Mrs. Robert L. McLean, Mrs. II. F. Grlliith, Mrs. l'nul Lnchenmeyer, Mrs. Robert R. Taylor, Miss Mary Galbralth, Miss Ruth Wunderllch and Miss Alice Marshall. Mr. Ncall Matslnger lias been coaching tho performers and Mrs. X. Byrne Dough erty Is managing the affair. Swarthmore Tlio Swarthmore-Haverford Glee Club concort was held last evening In the draw ing rooms of tho -New Century Club, 124 South 12th street. This concert Is pre sented annually by tho combined glee clubs of Swarthmore nnd Haverford Col leges. Special features from tho Swarth moto club were a sletght-of-hand exhibi tion by Paul Gemmlll nnd a cornet solo by Boyd Barnard, the "musical wonder" of Swarthmore. West Philadelphia ISSUQ 99 North Philadelphia Mr. and Mrs. Herman Belber, of 28 13 North 29th street, gave a combined birth day and Washington party, in honor of their daughter. Miss Gertrude Belber, last Saturday evening. There wero more than 30 guests present. Mrs. Hannah Gelb, of 2942 Columbia avenue, announces the betrothal of her daughter. Miss Eva Gelb, to Mr. Jacob It, Friedman. A surprise birthday party was given to Mrs. Stelnhardt last week at the home of her daughter, Mrs. B. Davis, 2168 North Van Pelt street, by tho members of her card club. Mrs. Henry Rothschild, of 2223 Green street, and Mrs. M. Strauss, of 2010 Dia mond street, will spend several weeks in Atlantlo City. Mlsa Anna Calley and Miss Helen Hart have left for Indianapolis, Ind. Wilmington Mrs, A. Felix du Pont had Miss Frances Turner, of the Plains, Vn., nnd Miss Sarah Chichester, a student at Tomplo University, ns her guests over the week end. Miss Lydla Chichester left this week for New Orleans, La., to visit rela tives there for a few weeks. Before re turning homo sho will visit her parents at Rockviile, Md. Mrs, M. F. Corkran entertained at din ner on Saturday night at her home, 826 West street, In honor of her out-of-town guests, Jtrs. ts'lnn Prettyman Howell, Sir. James Lewis Howell, Miss Agnes Morri son, of Philadelphia, and Mrs. William T. Lawton and Miss Laura Sadtlor, of Bal timore. On Saturday night an Invitation muslcale was given at the New Century Club, with Mr. and Mrs. Howell nnd Miss Morrison as the soloists. - ' -- f.r-T.'.- , Northeast Philadelphia Tho Trea Amegos gave a party at the home of Miss Sadye Steinberg, 1332 North 7th street, on Sunday evening. Among those present were: Miss Henrietta Po land, MUs Lyllan Flerman, Mlsa MIna Pallace, Mlsa Lillian Tecosky, Mlsa Freda Smellow, Mlsa Lilllo Samuel. Miss Cecelia Brsner, Miss Bessie Bremen, Mr. Joseph Pursell, Mr. Harry Flelsher, Mr. Samuel Bernstein, Mr. Louis Friedman, Mr. Harry Balls, Mr. Rubin Freedman. Mr. William Ersner and Mr. Harry Algroo. Miss Rose Blcksteln, of 1728 North Marshall tret, will aoUrtatn at "600 ' and luncheon on Thursday afternoon. Vhen tfaer will l li eueta, What's poing Tonight Fifth annual exhibition Philadelphia ICennel Club, 23d and Chestnut street!. Leap Year nail. Mercantile Club. Rally, Hlmpson Oroya Camp Meeting- Aoao elation, Norrls Square United I'resbyturlan Church! 8 o'clock. Lutheran Social Upton, Downtown Club. Annual banquet Klmwood Avenuo Improve ment Association, 63d street and Klmwood avenue; 7 o'clock. Orand opera. Metropolitan opera House) 8 o'clock. Address on "Tlw Finances of the United States." by Senator John W. Weeks, of Mas- Bakuuoeiia, umui, Auvuei a;.ll O CJOCtf. , E?ri!.e"1. anniversary and banquet. Krakouer neth Elohlm.Deneflclal Association, Hotel Wal ton) 8 o' slock. Lecture under auspices of University Ex tension, on "llaoo Improvement," by Dr, S. C. SoTimucker, Wlthersuoon llallt 8 oclook. Ixwal option meeting-, at aermantown Boys' Club. St West Penn stret, 8 o'clock. Free. . l'rid!i?,,,' oT 011brt and Sullivan's "Plna f?,r"w 1'arlsh House of St. Ellzabth's Cath olic Church. 23d and Derks streets) TV clock. Novelty dance, under ausploes of Associated Courts. Pontlao and Robin Jlood. Foresters stree" ocloik?,,DUon m"' ",9 Boutb " Leap year danee. Dramatlo Club of the Happy Hollow Dramatic Association, Logan street and Wayne avenue; 8 o'clock. - Fortieth anniversary of Central M. K. Church, Frankford; 8 o'clock. ,.E,.m5lv1nU. !,' Society dinner, Bellevue Stratford; 7 o'clock. Leap year festival. Hotel Walton. Notices for the Society pate will ba accepted and printed In the livenlnc witr, du au sura nonces uiucn written on one kIJm uf fhtf i.iur. itiii.t ftliriieil In full. Ivllli full ail.lrku nn, uhca uolb(e tcleyiuoue number must be (lieu. Send H such communications to "Society Editor." Knln; Ledger, SOS Chentnut street. Unless these requirement va carried out M that ?erlttcutlou may be passUO. tho nolle U1 net be putiushcd. 22.a MISS JOSEPHINE BONNIWELL Miss Josephine B. Bonnlwell, the attract ive sister of Mr. Kugeno C. Bonnlwell, has a delightful contralto voice. Miss Bonnlwell was the principal soloist nt a benefit glvon last week for St. Joseph's Protectory. A charity danco and card party will bo held tomorrow evening at tho Normandle, 3Cth nnd Chestnut streets, under the direc tion of a committee consisting of Dr. May 13. Beeves. Dr. Sarah E. Craves. TV. Mitrv Wray, Miss Matilda Myers, Mrs. C. T. Jus tlco, Dr. Julia I. Hildebrand and Mrs. Joseph Justice, chairman. Tho proceeds will be for the benefit of tho American College and Hospital Dispensary of Neur opathy. Elaborate plans have been made for tho euchre and promenade to bo given In Hor ticultural Hall this evening for the benefit of the building fund of tho Church 01 uur iauy or tne itosary. 83d and Cal lowhlll streets. Every effort Is being ex pended to make it a brjlllant success, as In former years. The Bev. Richard Bran ton Is chairman of the committee which Is In charge of the arrangements for tho function. The door prlte 13 either a lady's or gentleman's solid gold watch. It has also been announced that tha gentlemen's first prlie will be a vlctrola, and tha ladles' first prize, a pleco of handwork of greo,t value. Mr, and Mrs. Philip Gallagher, of 6113 Market street, are receiving com-rntnia. tlons on the birth of a son on Saturday, Mrs. Harry L. Cranmer entertained her sewing circle at her home, 733 South 66th street, on Thursday evening. The guest of honor was Mrs. Mora Landls, of Pulaski, Va., mother of tlw hostess. South Philadelphia Mr. nnd Mrs. Joseph A. McNamee, of 803 South SJd street, are receiving con gratulatlons on tho birth of a son. Mrs. McNamee will be remembered as Mlsa Gertrude Hack, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hack, of 90 South 20th street Mr. and Mrs. Frederick A. Rlemann, of 2333 Bd street, have returned from a short trip to Road Ins and Hamburg, Pa, The regular monthly meeting of tha "Silent 15" was held nt the home of Mr David o. Smith, JJSt pakford street, yej. Mr. and Mrs. 131llott Curtlss, Dr. and Mrs. Edwnrd B. Dowhurst. Mr. Harold II. Knorr, Mr. nnd Mrs. Julian J. Keonan, Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. Austin Boyd. The committee In chariro of tho affair Is com posed of Mr. J. A. McKeon, Mr. F. 13 Sagendorph, Mr. Joseph M. Kelly and Mr. W. H. Evans. Last evening was the occasion of tho 35th wedding anniversary of Mr. nnd Mrs. Daniel T. Heonan, of 2213 South loth street, and It was celebrated In rather an elaborates stylo. Numorous relatives nnd friends of tho family wero present and a most enjoyable evonlng was spent. Among thoso present wero Mr. and Mrs. Danlol T. Hoenan, Jr., Mr. nnd Mrs. C. Straw bayer, Mr. and Mrs. William Heenan. Mr. Martin Heenan, Mini May Heenan, Miss Nellie Heenan, Miss Virginia O'Brloti, Miss Veno O'Brien and Mr. M. Heenan, of Syracuse, N. V. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander M. Garwood, of 030B Sherwood road, wero given a de lightful surprise party nt their homo Sat urday evening In honor of tholr 20th wed ding annlvorsary. Tho Jollity of the oc casion was grrntly IncroaBed when Mrs. Garwood appeared In her wedding gown. Among thoso present wero Mr. nnd Mrs. A. L. Jacoby, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Brooks, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Knabe, Mr. nnd Mrs. Frederick Klonket, Dr. and Mrs. Frank Krlbbs, Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Klnser, Miss Anna Pcarco and Miss Jean Krlbbs. The Philadelphia Branch of tho Alum nae Association of tho Moravian Semi nary hold Its annual luncheon today at the Bellevue-Stratford. Tho guests wero received by tho ofllccrs of tho association, who Include Mrs. Charles Doollttle, pres ident; Mrs. Herman Voshage, Mrs. Ed ward Quln Thornton, Mlsa Harrison Dun lap, Mrs. E. J. Sterr, vice presidents ; Miss Edna Itollman, recording secretary; Mrs. David Stout, corresponding secretary, and Mrs. Michael Do Long, treasuror. A birthday party was given by Miss Fannie Levin on Sunday evening nt her home, 3215 Arlington street. Miss Mary Linden, Miss Ethel Kapncr and Mr. Harry Cantor played selections on the piano, and Miss Elizabeth Johnson and Mr. Morris Goldstein gave vocal selections. Among those present were MIsi Rose Lovlck, Miss Mnry Linden, Miss Roso Frankel, Miss Faunlo Forman, Miss Reba Gorton, Miss Elizabeth Johnson, Miss Carrlo Stern, Miss Sadie Cantor, Miss Alice Rltche, Miss Reglna Mngazlnor, Miss Milllo Cnn tor, Miss Ethel Kapner, Miss Reba Gelt zer, Mls3 Flora Hendlor. Miss L. Harris. Mr. Milton Rosenfeld, Mr. David Rosen- feld, Mr. Isador Faggen, Mr. II. Myers, Mr. II. Streets, Mr. Herman Gllckman, Mr. Jesse Abramson, Mr. Joseph Wein berg, Mr. Charles Segal, Mr. Jobeph Gold berg. Mr. Lewis Rablnowltz, Mr. Herman Elsen, Mr. Harry Cantor, Mr. Morris Gold stein, Mr. Seymour Levin and Mr. Morey Levy. A delightful leap year dansant was held Friday evening under the auspices of tho Outing Club nt Peoples' Hall. Tho affair was attended by 45 members of tho club and their friends. The hall In which the affair was staged was attractively deco rated for tho occasion. After tho dance dinner was served. Among thoso present wero Jilr. Philip Lcof, Miss Sara Deshow, Mr. Nathan Silvorglade, Mlsa Esther Fcld man. Mr. Toll. Mr. Scharf, Miss Edith Dechlnn, Miss Sara Benjamin, Mr. Harry Goldman, Miss Hattlo Trelheiter, Miss Ida Cohen, Miss Ruby Cohen, Miss Kaslow, Mr. B. Rosenberg, Mr. Morris Blackmail, Miss Lillian Cohen, Mr. Dorfman, Mr. Louis Gechowskl, Miss Colla Hanopolsky, Mr. Philip Hanopolsky, Mr. David Gus, Mr. Joseph Gus, Mr. Max Caliner, Mr. Adolph Weiss, Mr. Joseph Robinson, Sir. Rochln, Mr. Morris Epstein, Miss Rose Gold. Miss Pauline Lcof, Miss Frances Leof, Miss Rose Leof, Miss Lillian Blu menthal, Miss Lena Llobman, Miss Sara Lerner, Miss A. Lukes, Mls.i Roso Lleb man and Miss Ida Dresner. A leap year and Washington party was given to Mr. Thomas Dougherty, of 5250 Larchwood avenuo. on Saturday evening by his parents. The evening was spent In a delightful manner. A number of vocal selections were given by Mr. Vin cent Cognn Sir. Bradley and Mr. Weld ing entertained with a sketch entitled "Blowing tho Balloon." Among tho guests were Miss Winifred Gorman. Miss Mae McGarvey, Miss Margaret Dougherty, Miss Katherino Lynch, Mlsa Anna Weld ing, Miss Jean Welding, Miss V. Ward, Miss Bessie McDermott, Sir. Vincent Cogan, Sir. Thomas Dougherty, Mr. James Dougherty, Sir. Thomas Bradley, Mr. Slar tin Bailey, Sir. William Nolan, Mr. James Welding, Sir. Ed G. Tltterton. of Now York, and Sir. and SIra C. Gorman. The first annual dance nf the Wasote Club, of West Philadelphia, was success fully held on Friday evening at the Knights of Columbus Hall, 38th and Mar ket streets. Aniong those present were Sir. Raymond Bohenn, Sir. Louis SIcCor inlck. Sir. Peter Kearney, Mr. B. Louis Sleriereau, Sir. Leo Werzel and Mr. Jo seph Creary. Tha Ladles' Night given by St. Monica's Michael Murphy and Sir. Orion Mlllaway. The guests at tho farewell party which was given by Sllss Rose Leksman, ofM2IH Green street, on Sunday ovenlng Included Sir. Edward Stone, Sir. John Koffman, Sir. Josoph Gasper, Sir. Solomon Platow skcy, Sir. Philip BIncnstock, Sir. Samuel Croso, Mr. Robert Loven, Sllss Elslo Cross, Sllss Lillian Dcachcr, Sllss Leah Conroy, Sllss Roso Sillier, Stlss Rosa Cos tello, Sllss Florence Jaffcry and Miss Jean Copper. A surprise party was given at the home of Sir. and Sirs. Edward Goldberg, 6717 Rodman btrcct, on Saturday ovenlng. In honor of Sirs. Goldberg. Tho houso was docoratcd In patriotic colors. Among thoso present woro Sir. nnd Sirs. E. SI. Bloomberg, Sir. nnd Sirs. E. Ltndeman, Sirs. I. Goldberg, Sir. and Sirs. I. Sabol, Stlss sryrtlo Goldberg, Sir. and Sirs. J. Brod, Sir. and Sirs. S. Strauss, Sir. and Sirs. A. Tollln, Sir. nnd Sirs. Braude, Sir. and Sirs. J. Sellers, Mr. and Sirs. H. W. Wyzanskl, Sir. and Sirs. A. Splelman and Sirs. L. B. Joseph. Frankford The eighth annual Slardt Gras opened last evening nt St. Joachim's School Hall, Church and Tenn streets, Frankford, and will continue until Tuesday ovenlng, March 7. The following aro tho namos of tho artistically decorated tables and of thoso In charge: Sense and Nonsenso Ta ble, Sllss Slary I. Toland; French Table, Sirs. John T. Nulty; Cakes, Sirs. Slarcclla Llney. Ice Cream, Sllss Mary Eagan; Siade !n America, Sirs. Thomas J, Eagan; Candy Table, Sirs. Hattlo McDonald; Ci gars and Soft Drinks, Sir. William J. -Toland. The aides will Include Sllss Allco Lynch, Sllss Slary Nutty, Sllss Slarlo Keo lan, Sllss Agnes SIcDonald, Sllss Nellie Bennett, Sllss Nelllo Cassldy, Sllss Helen Norrls, Sllss Anna Rush, Sllss Julia Qulnn, Sllss Sarah Qulnn, Sllss SInry Wronn, Sllss Isabel Toland, Sllss Slary Halferty, Mrs. SI. Whalen, Sirs. Stoore, Miss Mary Eni nls, Sllss Clara Beauregard, Sirs. John Qulnn, Sllss Slary Quirk, Sllss Naomi Da ley, Sllss Slary Golden, Sllss Bessie Nor rls, Sllss Anna SIcGoe, Sllss Isabella Tom Ilnson, Sllss Knthryno Mulholland, Slisa Slary Lynam nnd Miss Elizabeth Loyden. AMUSEMENTS B. F. Keith's Theatre CJinSTNUT AND TWELFTH STREETS BIG LAUGHING SHOW! HEADED BV JOE LEW WEBER & FIELDS (THEMSELVES) EEAL MONARCHS OF JOY Alan Brooks & Co. j Dolly Connolly & Percy Wenrtch; Olympli Den vail & Co.; Bert Mel rose) JameH & Betty Morgan. OTHER COMEDY FEATUHESI "Rvnorl Thls and NMt Week. Evgs. at 8:15 OJ1 UclU Matinee Tomorrow at S)1S Ktaw & Erlanser nnd George Tyler Present POLLYANNA The O lad Play, Spreading Good Cheer Best Beats $1.50 at Popular Matinee Tomorrow SPECIAL MATINEE TIIUIISDAY, 3 P. M. GRACE LA RUE COSTDS1E UEC1TAL OP BONOS IN ENGLISH. Direction ANPHEAS D1PPEL T.YRTP Topular Matinee Tomorrow Jd.,Lj nest Seats 11.50. Tonight. 8:15 An Incomparablo Stualcal Comedy lilt THE ONLY GIRL By Henry Blossom and Victor Herbert "She's a Peach" Press "Well wortre bearing and seeing." Publla Ledger. "A Great Success" Record FORREST Pop. Mat. Tomor. ZIEGPELD FOLLIES First Popular Matinee Tomorrow, OOo to J 1.59 ATiT?T.PTTr LAST SEVEN TIMEa SXJ1XJL ITli Tonight at 8:15. Mat. Thurs. FAREWELL APl'EAllANCES HEHB OP Mil. QnTTTTC'R'W ln Alfred Sutro's E. H. OUlXlJIiN DelUhtful Cjnedr "THE TWO VIRTUES" With MISS ALEXANDRA CAKLI8LB Next Week 'TUB NEW HENRIETTA." AMUSEMENTS Announcement Extraordinary A Remarkable Achievement NOW PLAYING MARIE DORO BILLIE BURKE MARY PICKFORD A TRIO OF STABS WHOSE SALARIES AGGRBOATB NEARLY $1,000,000 n , , MARKET ABOVB 16TH Stanlev marie doro KJJ(i.Xi.VjJ ta .'DIPLOMACY" PVioerrmf fif- 0PERA house VIltiaUlllb ijlj. Chestnut Bel. Uth Ot. FOURTH and LAST WEEK Of Durborough's Marvelous War Films "On tho Firing Line With Germans" FREE SOUVENIRS TODAY Seats S5o from 3 to a P. M. dally except Saturdays. After 6. '.'So and 60c. gallery, IBo Globe Theatre .fSSiS VJT1UJJC YJ.VHBVILLB Continuous fl A. M. to 11 P. M. 16c. I6o, S5q B, A. ROLFE Presents "Ye Old Tyme Halloween" BESSIE ADELE FOLSON iii "DCZ.-T&. OTUEn WELL-KNOW ACTS DOG SHOW KENNEL CLUB OF PHILADELPHIA, 1183 ENTRIES OF 69 BREEDS FEBRUARY JS-lt, 10 A. M. TO 10:J0 P, 1L U AND CHESTNUT ST3, Admission, 50c.; Children, J So. METROPOLITAN OPERA HOUSE. METROPOLITAN OPERA CO.. NEW TORH TOS8ltT Mme. SANS-GENE MME. FARRAR. CURTIS. MM MARTINELLI. AMATO. SBQUROLA. ALTHOUSB. ConiClm' POLAPCO. 8ea.ta.lJ00 CJuslWaL . Kaciet A n J,' CHESTNUT BEL, 18TH Arcadia billie burke In Palace m p b a a r 1M4 MARKET Mary Pickford "Poo UtU PfPrtn" Those pJaysfs are aKwiriujr ln ""ir'tfgt betsfiaya at uaajaa.1 admission. Vary trWjr Touts. THE STANLEY COMPANY Vltt-l i lv.iv Matlnea Tomorrow at 8:2 KWV&xwS. TWIN BEDS pest Seau tl at Popular Mttlnao Tomorrow WALNUT Wat, Today, 25c,50e Erg's. 5a to 1. no blahs. "MUTT & JEFF IN COLLEGE" NIXON .T Todar J-ARRHLL-TAT! Tonlaui at T & I WALKXR . TIsrv3 TOX CIRCUS. LEWIS t wumt ZKNC 4UHVUn. Wt-. .M..o.. AWAftF, FSV. American Arkio . k -n wi &U.iln Tuesday. Thursday BJ)Ta4ttid KniQkertKX&w , ' li i 1 l "1