G EVENING LEBGEllPHILxU)ELPHIA MONDAY, FEBRUARY 28. 1010 SMOKERS AND ALL TOBACCO USERS ASKED TO AID THE BELGIANS Nntlon-wlde Movement Begun to Raise Fund to Supply Comfort for the Men in the Trenches $50,000 A WEEK SOUGHT Smokers and nil users of tnbacro " Philadelphia nre belnir tinted today to KDond to a new charity fdr tlio relief f t the war-stricken Uelplann. While Pbitii delphla has contributed thousands of iloi Iftrs' worth of clothlnR and provision) t tho homeless Belelnn women and children this appeal Is to aid directly the soldier In tho trenches by pupplylng them vvi tobacco, which at the iieent time ' ie ' Uelglnn Oovermnent ii unable to get f..r them. tfor the purpose of telloMiiir tli- iff -lugs of the men In Hie ttcneliii lm been deprived of their nrru-tmivd . bacco, the HelKlnn Kiddlors' Tidi.-n I has Just been oiRnnl?pl under the i Vision of the ntptw.-i-- Club, a Urlti-I Ionization. The plan l t" send n pai-Unc-tobocco and clRarottrs tepreenllup n cent contribution to each of tho I'on i i JKlKlan (.otdlcis every week as lone i the War lasts. Tho package will contain SO good clRarcttes. a larso packet of ntnok Inir tobacco, a box of matches and n, return postcard. On tho postcard will bo tho tiamo nnd nddress of tho contributor of the package, which will mako It con venlent for the leciplent to thank the donor of the welcome Rift To this end It Is planned to ralso $30. 000 per week In America as lontr ns tho War lastn. While the amount seems large, when distributed nmotw; the millions of smokers In this country tho burden will be heavy on none Drexel f'o luii offered to act as re colvlnjr agent for all contributions In Philadelphia. All iliafts, checks and money orders bliotild be made payablo to the lielKlan Soldiers' Tobacco Fund and sent to Drexel & Co , Philadelphia. Every cent of the money contributed will be expended In tlio actual purchaso of tobacco and cigarettes to bo Hcnt to tho Belgian soldiers. The expenses of the club will bo borne entirely by the Overseas Club; the DrltNi. French nnd Belgian Governments have agreed that no custom duties shall bo charged on the tobacco, and the British and Belgian au thorities will undertake to convey tho to bacco t Hie firing lines fioo of charge. EMBARGO ON FREIGHT HOLDS UP COMMERCE; SOLUTION IS SOUGHT 1044 I.' M LICENSES ASKED: ONLY 17 "KICKS" AT SCKAYTOX No Witnesses Appear and Old Places Will Continue SC.RANTO.V. Pa., Krh. 28. Judges Ed wards and O'Neill broke all I .'cords in License Court here today. Thej, dis posed of the list of ion applications, CI being for new houses, bofore tho noon recess. A year ago temperances foiccs stormed the Courthouse. Today not a witness ap peared In any of the IT casus where re monstrances wcro (lied, tho court simply hearing statements of counsel for tho re monstrants. All old houses, not opposed, are to bo rcllcencd. Tho court will dis pose of tho petitions for now places later In the week. ( Il!l i MIKC u.n 1'reial. uhn iniut-c pica foi licl- Rirtll soldiers' lobacco fund. LANCASTER PIKEEREE"" TOLL PLAN BLOCKED Improvement Company and Highway Department Wen Fail to Agree on Price The State's plan tn freo tho fjuncuti i pike of toll Bated from Ovcrbrook to P-udi was blocked today when the Lancaster Avenue Improvement Company ami the .State Highway Department failed to nurco on a price for the company's holdings. Tlio company named Its price to th.- State at n ennferenee held today, but It v. is considered loo high. It ih r.greed that State engineers shall make an appraisement oi! the "onip.m 's property In tlio near future. The State, on receipt of appraisement, will moke a tccond offer to the company, naming tho sum stipulated In tliu engineers' report. Tile lompatiy Is in no way bound to ac cept tno oiler. The confcieme today was held between Stale Itlghuay 'ommissinner Cunningham and W. 11. D. Hall, representing the State, and Victor i:. Slather and Maskell Kwlng, representing the company, in the Bullitt Pudding When the State received an approinir- iion oi -.)U,uuu tor trei ing toll road", i committee of .Main Line residents, bend ed by Kdward JSok, petitioned tho High way Department to take steps toward freeing tlio Lancaster pike. The State wroto to tho company asking for an ap pointment today. Willi" the fuiiipniiv declined to iunk public the price it had n'-keil for its hold ings. It w.i.s said that it was sj.Io noil or 5300, 0U0. The State could not meet tills prlco and tho uppralnient plan us agreed upon. i Chamber of Commerce and P. K. ! R. Officials Confer and Seek Means to Relieve Conditions FEAR DELAY WILL GROW I The City's Freight Tie-up l oil enrs stalled in Philadelphia proper; 5700 cars in suburbs, just outside citv limits; total cars "tolled, 11,800. 1.000,000 bushels of KvvAn held tip al Oirnrd Point elevators. 700,000 bushels of grain on iail.s in citv tuvnitin; delivery. Total. 1.700,000 bushels. '17 ai of coastwise traffic m mtnic delivery to steamships. U cm nf export traffic held up. ii' ran of coal stalled and awult inu dclncry at Greenwich piers. 1'Hi curs of coal on tracks at i Wii-hmuton nvenuc. Mm than 2000 cars in city wnit inu tn he placed on private sidings, i i mini of Commerce and Pennsyha iii I:. i l mad ottlclala met today to confer in riKiird to tho freight embargo tho rail road imi Into force yesterday ns a result of tin iinpici cdentcd lle-up of freight cars In and about the cll with freight unload id nnd i iv ntlng delivery 'I be . iniiargo affects everything hut food supplies and Its full effect upon trnnie will not begin to be felt for u "l .molding to the railroad olllclals, ii'.mti Hie embargo dois tint, of course, .iilii. -hlpinents nlrendv undertaken and on ilulr way, o that the.se, will coutlnuo t" go fni-v. ni-il and conditions will K-eem norimil fur a while. Hut after u week, if loiidllloiis urn not cpiiekly improved, tlio full weight of the emlinrgo will lie felt. X. IJ. Colly, seen lury of tho I'lininber of Ciiiiiineree, --aid the emliaigo, lirmiwr n.-i-i"-no It inlght he. was noertlicless a ere limpoutiy setluick to tho iits commerce, "Here we hnvo been plugging to git extra business," lie said, "and now we have got It along come conditions of stalled cars and embargo which put the kibosh on nit our effort'- Here nrn 1,700. oi)0 bushels nf grain tied tip in the city." The first conference between the Cli-nii-lier of Commerce and Pcunlviinln Ituil road men wan held befoie noon and it whs announced that another confuienco would be held Into In the afternoon. Thoio was no representative of tlio interstate Com merce Commission bore for tlio confer ences, but Judge llnilan had written to tho Pennsj U.uil.i ami other lines asking liifm million .iliuiit I lie cinbaigo for tin; 1 tiM- of the i iiiinui.ion I Mr. Kelly ollcred suggestions to the ml' road men as to the lelief of conditions, and they agieed to consider them and le ply at the later conference of the day. It was me ranro-m wtilcii gave out tlio llrst definite tiguit - about the tie-up. There are Hliiii cars Mailed in Philadelphia prop er and 570u jtiht outside the city. Then arc 7nl cars loaded with material to bo sent on s)ii,s ; of tin-he, !I7 being enrs for toastwlse tialllc, and 531 for e.spoit traffic. WILLIAM GILLETTE TO ENTER MOVIES Will Act "Secret Service" and "Sherlock Holmes" for Es-sanay-V. L. S. E. Program Hy the Photoplay Editor Ken- actors havn been more unlven-nllv popular than William Gillette, and the announcement of his coming retirement wns hcatd with sincere regtet by I he lliealie-goliig public. Now Mr. tllllette has signed with tho Kssanny company in work for tho movies In his two gieat sue resses, "Sherlock Holmes" and "Secret i Service." i Many photoplay fans have wondered why "Shetloilt Holmes" wns not fllineil be fore this. Wo nil know lhl4 favorlto de lectho and his methods. It looks as if Mr. Ollletto controlled tho rights to this play, Mow-ever, now he will bo with us on the set ecu with his pipe, cap and tho In e liable Doctor Wnlsoll along. Mr. flllletle Is already nt worlc on tills pin? and It will be released shortlv. MZ JUi j I"" "- 1 I It. proilijLtlon It . l ll ifellKht "WOLF OF WALL ST." GETS LEASE OF LIBERTY! iilii li nwill iiml cnniimiu , Ileit .Mlrue In . , ., tt nn nrliriniil nmolij: Jnrpn and llett Mer- U. O. hllMrCniO Cnill'l c. , ' ! c.iti tniisi. il nfriritiB! Kihi-l ilupkliw. sons. ' "I'lciuc v Ollll Grahtl . linn Wimit entnoillnn: Itnmnti ntul Ainli Wl'li DnlllVilnr r,w.!i J nn om.ih inlhr nknlltiit . " "t Ll-," H'g Omniltlllnnt H llurk Trmiislt K in net. il liv Thomiis Inn .i iittii tutu or :' n. i 1'VI.AI I. Ml u..t Poor liri'e -t ll Mirl t Mi I, flint ttli- inn--' i i ihowll li ' J.lltle Mm i ai4ii:vim.i: 1TII .lir ntul Ililils. Allin llloolis ml mtniiim ' MlrillglltHHil Illlt DIMll Willi tlio eitntle weather cnmllllon willed lmc marked, and ate still tanking the present winter, the iiuestloti of heating and M-titllnting must, perforce, become a viliil one nlth eery llieatre or other place w here am onsldfrablo number nf people eoiign gale .Vdmlltedlv being either foo warm or loo cold in any playhouse must detinct from the patrons' capacity to enjoy the entertainment ; but above and beyond that Is tho fact that wind draughts are not only uncomfortable, but tcally dangerous to health. The fact that ventilation Is a science so closely minted to public health that It must he regarded as of Oist Importance in Hie cotistnietloti of any large building 111 xtlilili coticoiltses of people will assem ble, was taken Into coiislderatinii when the Stanley The.it in wns piojeitid mid was bnine in mind throughout Its construction. Lack of ptoper ventilation hns alwncs been one of the gtcatest aigiimcnts against the motion picttuo tlieatie, as well as against nil other places of popular public assembly, but in the tase nf the Stanley this nrgument has been most thoioiighly and completely o e'coiuc. THE SUNSHINE KlI) William Do Wolf (Topper enjoying- life at the Triangle Studios, where his father is mnkine; "Sun shine Had." take nn old Piiue Mutwl and two plus and produce n work nf mi ,she nppears In "l.ydki illlmorc" lit the t'edni' on Tues day, Valll Vnlll. star of "The Turmoil." and oilier illstlntlhc Mpiiii feature piittlies, tecelved 12 wrist watches for flirlMmns from ndmlreis In Kuglanit She mines id the Tioga nn Wednesdny. "The l-'rults of Desire" (onies tu the Crtinil today, with Itobeit Warwick, lie halls from l-'rlsco and Is a graduate of iii" i niversity or ( nliroinla. He pos sessed at one llino a beautiful h.irltono Milce and studied six years in Pails pro p.'irlng for tho opera. A severe cold left his singing nlco permanently impaired mid ho i etui ned to America dctci mined to take up a stago caicer. The Cheat." the Paramount pictuic produced by the Jesse I I.nsky Kcntuie Play Company, has icceicd no end of fnvornblu comment from every section of tlio country, it comes to tho IJIucblrd today. The llluchird photoplay of "Jen line I lore," with Mine. Sarah Ileinliaidt. will be shown at tho Harden Theatre on Tiu-s-il.i As a special attraction for the patrons of tho ltioad Street Casino tho popular film, "Tho liteuiw." with an nil-star cast of players and directed by D. W. nrlfllth, will bo shown matinee and night. Thurs day, March 2, Theatrical Baedeker Pf. Vs' rnrtniisT "ZIukMiI IVilllns r IPIf.. nii ln.i Clnlre, Anna Pennington ll"H Mlll lniin, t.oti Urrol. W, C. rieltls, IM Wjnn AVII1 West, lloro we find the pii-nrr liv .ToKrph Prbftn, lins nnd l.rrs by rhnnnliiK l'olloclj. llmnuM Wolf and (lent- lluiK ll" Hioi-ii by Louis lrirprh nnd l)io Stniutn-r. I.YItlC "Tlio Onlv illrl." it inuslrul intiutl hv Victor Herbert n ml lli-nrv lllopioin fonndeil on h llsbt pln of a few neusoni iiko, "Our Wheii." ADIJM'ltl "The Two Virtu's." with I! II Sotliern ami Alr-xainlr.i C.irllHle. A romeiii ! Alfn-il Hutni. In wlilili .Mr Knihem Inties It eiisv uM-r a fttnne "ttteriiry m.in." GAItnif'K "Twin Ite.Is." with liny Cm. A rurep, hv Salisbury riclil hihI Mnrcrnii Al-iyn, which ilmls with th' eotnlc ndn-n Hires lit ivnpln will) inlstnke llthel t "till' i iiimriments for tlielr own 1IIIOAD "I'olwinmi." with P.itrlela I'lilllnse l:flle Sh.innnn unit llerhelt lerr Tho ' ulml erl" oC the "Kltitl lumUs ' ilnln? tin "Bluil giinie" with Ki-ntlmi-niul thrmiUKh- lieHM WAl.NfT "Jliltt and Jeff," lllliltl fisher's rammn funny ph luru eliin inters tnitis tilnntnl onto the ntatie. with iiiusli.il lilin mtnss ami npproprtate setlincs I'HOTOI'l.AYM STANI,i:V 'niiiliimney." witli -Alnrle nn, A film iiil.iptiitluii nf nrttou's fiinintis pln of lev. unit inlrljfui .Miss Doro whs seen tere lo Mr h-asoM tn the alt-Htnr nvH.il with IWIIIam (illletii anil lllani'he ll.itiy ClIllhTM'T STItlJIIT IIPKItA IKJI'hi: On tin- llrln 1.1119 With the Ciermans th. .Ninth Aliuriian's war plrtuns. Hhowlng t pi s durlni; thi (linnan oRnivo uu.ilti-it ih- Ituiilans Altl'MllA All mil' 1'eirm with liilli- I'nl.iiMAl. I'leo i!iieoMie. xoinllt: tin I steiiMip protean in lor. Tracello Hn)tlitr a ml Iheir senl, lluiiliiir's Ksneop.-itcd Hlnir - i - f.ee Totlff Poo. a Chinese orrttitt Vb I r iill.l ami inmivinv. tn "Kmish Hliitr"! llenu nimit nn. I Artiolil In "The DArtrlne": lief i ml Ileltv Wheeler, romeillnit": tlie Crelah oin- linop lollInK' IV .iM iin-i Johnnv Hejtai li in ilnni line ltn 'Tlie Apple of Pans the 1'nnf' I'njloi riln I'nntwell ntul Wnlkpr, In --Th Cnbaret .sinsei aivt the ttiiUlliter'l Tiny s To i 'in us, Lewis mill White, licit I M" Xeno .lunlnn nnd '.Ma, rtrrolmts. umiti: II. l ltolfe In "Ve Old Tymo tlal. t.mepn llensle lolon ntul loninnhe. m dokuii .Mnrr.iy iieimcii. innnoioRisti (hi iioiini ntul Mimpnnv; Kins nun Hn'e tiinnni Hint; tin- Miile-omm. illlAMi - "l.ui h of n Totem tin? linn. I rnn i In II. llent, Trion's iIorh. Hllhcr nnil Nurllt. In '"I lie ll.'i-hdil Itov nnd a llnlil"i iiiimresl and C'ollette, In ".Vlfty Nonaeiifo"' (loriloii nml l)ii$. r.'ltilSS KiJYH I'lrst linlf nf the week. "Kin linlil ItlltteM.'' totneillnns, "Tho Illrl In th White Musk i Pot nml Wells: prank Jfor- reir i;u (iintzriis. ttiiiieie: laiinn miu i urion. , .Seiond lulf of the wielt. "Klnknlil Kilties" llnVliin and tlppon: l,eon Stone and Mil l.ei-r tliiiies ami i oinp.my. in "He I-'ouiiil Her"! KetinMl. nml Piiriev. The OIIette i MolTetl and I'lnlre Trio. WIl.tJAM I'MS'K- Morton nml Moore RtlgiMiK lllnlr. In "Mnrv 'Julio i"oiitrr" Selmeri out! llurl.e ilnncers: the llarnion Trla: .Mere illth nml his iioif. "Wnooxer ' HTOiMC KMc'Kllllltnf'Kim-"Mrs. Ice- ..f Hm I'llilmpe Paiih. The Knh kerlioi lie, piav , ers in Hits famous ronirih of rural life. A.MI.IIH'W 'Thollevi.il.' lis IMnunl t,n-i,e I The Arttne IMavers in this r-tniniT drain.! ullli Itutli ttotilm-oti ami 'Iimuko Ariltio i ! the Ic.iultift inles. iipui.i;sii-i: HLilON'T'f! nuinont'n Minstrel In travestlfi I on matters of current Interest. i Junar to Jail 3 WASIIINOTO.V. Pel.. , . tH.,i , ,J nine It... .....ii .., ,.... ... . !'a,M '- m " " iui stteel," won li Mgl.l III the rnlteit states sunrcmc loday against being sent to prison ,t .. for htMlng fiatldulently l,persun.1leiJ ." 4 tner ItepioselitalUe A. Mitchell Palm.r ,J , Slliitldshlirg. Pa. The cotitt ,..,' 1 A'.0."1"1,!1.'1.'1 V,'"!!'"."4' 'J".7."II',.,!,'." writ of cettloMri ret.,..n..., ,?.' m a'1 HIKI'e .IHI-lt JIUIIVVi VIIIIII.-III III. I.IKIU- ' -I'll Ills flftn9l ei.tim. I nrlontilst: He llllnril 11)1.1 l.s ri ml ,i 11. M ... ., .. I ierd( a .Moore nin- lilllnlt. Ill "lira lMiuin ' . . '" ",,Ml ,1,no l"0 court denlM 1 inn appllcalion or Hie rioveriiincnt to ha a mttiidale ksiipiI whlcli would have ..J Lamar to iirloti nt mice. Tho lciiuest of the Ilrltlsii l!ournnf 1 for tut early dctci initiation of thB B11'f Jt of Ig.mllus r. T. Mneoin. tlK."0S I tlerniiin spy who is i0slsllnK extradltu. 3 to Ureal 15rIK.lt.. was g.ameil by . 1 !np"l!' .in!'"' ''ne " "M r'"' !,rRume"1 j t llailly Hurt hy Auto Mne-ceiii-old Samuel ilasle, of IIm" Christian street, was run down bv nn I. tomobile iodii ,H chilMInn nnd Hutchln" sou slieets nnd badly Injured Hi, ,t. ,, may be finctiiied The drler of t,e -uT mobile was IMward l-'lne. of :r.n,1 Tan stieet. The bov was taken to thc'p.i;! sylMinla Ilnspltnl 1""1 mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmrii VICTORIA aiAUKET ST., AMOVE 9TJI CONTINUOUS ! A. I. TO 11 :1. P. M. IJIGIIT IN THB HEART OF THE SHOPPING DISTRICT m m m m n m TWO DAYS ONLY MONDAY and TUESDAY "A CALL TO ARMS- AGAINST WAR" '? To Nejrlect One's Liberty Is to Lose It. To Neglect One's Country Is to Perish With It. Plays Obtained Thru Stanley Booking Co. s 6 I 1 1' Hi Tannic Ward, who appears ut the l'ninhfoid cm Tuesday In "Tlio Client," , lias putchased a house at a cost of SuO.iinn in Hollywood, Cnl., and Intends to make I her permanent resldeneo there. I Accoiding to llttKli Ford. Pauline 1'inl- i liel. could inahe n foituno as a dinper If she ever decided to retiio from cellu loid activities, j.'onl declares that the 1'amous Playeis-Paramount Mar could ,rf?TsSralQig!p?- -f ,?fwmkJtiBW .jo,ruuVL i wiv Snv" '. PROMINENT OTOPLAY PRESCNTATIO IV J ft. lsrsfflr WwH EVENING LEDGER PHOTOPLAY CALENDAR ALHA3IBIIA APOLLO ARCADIA BELMONT BLUEBIRD MONDAV i:lJtV M()MIA M1MI.I r I CHAM. I'. SInry I'lekfnnl In Poor X.lttle lViiina Norma Talma lite. In Tin Mlsaliii; l.lnl-i nilllo Iltirke. In PeB5 il i:miv Mini I'l l,rnril, In 1'iinr l.mli- lvppln.1 rmiiile Ward. In Tho Cheat Mn ry I'lrk ford, in The rounUUno rnntilo Ward, The Cheat .M-'r I'lrk ford, in 1 lie Foundling; Jtury Plikford, hT" '1 he PoumllhiB BROAD ST. CASIXO CEDAR Alma Hanlon. in Tlie Sfuriet UouU .Arupj rickftird. In T I awn of a Tomorrow CENTURY Mlunon Andersun, In The Hill on tlio 1-Iosh Veil Oral. In JThe Primitive Strain Tuullne Krrilnrhk, In '.ydla tlllmuru i'ruiiris NelRon. In Love's Cruclblo i:iisi i M u l-i ' ii.itl In I'lilil I.I ih pi i.n I N.illl nlll. Ill lli r U, lit nf Honor Ilillli- liurke. In Miuljn Aibuikie. In The Keform Cuiulldnte L'urljl... Hliiikw-ell, In The Clarion Mil l(s)V l'KIII.W .Tt K1I.W nurrrmnri mSm SooBna Grmpomu Till: rnlloirliiE thrulrrs ulit.ilii llielr pliliireM tlirinuli (lie .srASLKV llnoliliiK Company, wldi li Is a Riiiiruntre of nirlj ; MintrliiEs of Iho flnekt nrodlicllolis. All pli Hires reiiewed before eibihltloil. Anlc for "hi i thrntre Iii ' "our loenuly ohtnlulnB picture, tliroimli the srAM.UV HuokliiB Compnny. ( lATn.VI, Chestnut St. Op. Hoiue JM run xoiiTir AucniCAwa GERMAN WAR PICTURES wnsr I'liit.ADCi.riiiA Uniiulns I'lilrlmiiks- Ilia IMi tun In th- 1'aiierH Trail' rs Velson. In Lnvt-'w Crm Pile ilillle liurke. In l'OBBJ .Mm Imi Arburklr, tu Tho Iteform Candidate IMuiund IlrceHo, in The Lure of lleurt's Donlru I J! t Tl HP,' PI) A l-ih. Morris. Passjinili V. ALHA 1.0KA m-i "" " - i:'. , ' K ' nLilimi.uiiii IU,, N,.a.ii,,i,i-i Pli tun - fflftrri" !iri!ni,s, Tifs ! Marv Pickford 1 - I'letura In the Papers Mnclyi" Arnuc-kle, In t'ho Iteform CuiiUIdrtlo Ilillle liurke. In P'-Bsy The Itusn -Mfirm-tito Clark, In clretnu rtreeu Vulli Valli. In Her Debt of Honor CHEST. ST. OP. HOUSE EUREKA FAIIUIOUNT FRANKF0RD 52D ST. The North Amerleun's (ifcrnian War Pictures ,Valaka Huratt. In The Boul of llroa.lway Peprl White, hi The Iron Claw Stary Plekfonl. In l'anrhon tho Crh ket Tho Xqrth AmerleRn'H Herman Wur Pictures Iioruthy (iiFli, In old Jlelilellieri: 'liuiles Kli-hinim, In Tho IfelBhta of Hllltiird Tho .Vorlli Amerleaii's 1 li rinan War t'h tures W lllinoi Farnuin. iii I lis Ilroken Law .Marifiiorlio I.i'hII.. in i nf Pnrdmount- ValMfca Su ral t. in The Immigrant Ida Kehnnll. hi Umlliio i'leturo In tho PaVmrs !?rr!n :'ohnon, In ljio Prlc-e of 1'onni itlllie liurke? hi " l'i-Kgy Paramount: ValekaTii" I'J" Lh Imnir"i't Constance Colli r In Tniisue of Jlen POOIt 1.1'lTl IT.I'I'INA" L1RPDTV HP.OAU AMI lnLRi I COLUMUIA MARIE EMPRESS in I.OVIl'S CIliS HOADH ' ARCADIA BILLIE BURKE in CHI'ITNl'T in:i.uv ic fii Logan Auditorium '"S'a,,. GRACE ELL1STON in Robert Warwick " i0' "The Angel of Piety Flat" OVERBROOK T.'i,,, Jane Gray bam Bernard pi:t!.v "iii.ai'k n:it I.UD oml irAVCtt- I'OHD AVE. in "I.r.T KATI DO IT' 1 in: cm: at riiArtu TAXtll.F." APOLLO Ifelen AVnlcott. in Tho Law's, Xnjuitli'e The Old Ilommtc.'iil h" CJui-Htlun The North Ami-riran's flennan War Pictures Italnll Kellurd. in The Precious Packet The North Amerlean's Certnau War Tlctures S.rn .K'on. hi Tho Iron will VI Ian Murlln. tu Over .Night .-li VXD TlinxtPFON MATIN!:- IJMIA MiltMX IM.MMMIi: In "MISSING I. INKS ,-l 111:1. N l(li In "Hnuuso lie l.oc-il ll'-i LOCUST His p. '-'Il AMI LOCI ,ST Mills. 1 -:;ii ,in, ;i :,MI. in. Iak 11 .hi, s. n:so. l.'n DOl'I'.I.AS CAIIllnNKS In line In the l',in-rs." 1 iiniiile Vlay r..;.i i UNsixiivxi! ave. mat.: i:vo,o:M. GARDEN CARLYLE BLACKWELL in "THE CLARION" BLUEBIRD .".'li!) NOitTH llllUVO ST Tho Victory of Virtue Val'Hka riurult. In rlio rmmlurant Tunny Ward, in The Cheat The Vi-lor of Virtue jnrpn crp Illzel Pawn. In aOIJl Ol. My Lady Im-us KARDEX far'Tg-'" "0ER3I.VXT0W X SSiSSS ' imi nn Helen Wow, In ulKAKl) Crow Curmnu (JliO'llE e,!!Jr? Kiraball Yomnt. In l"l""r' The Vtllowr Pomiport (iRAXD Rnhert Wnrwlek, In cumuli PralU of Denlre (iREAT XOKTllERX ""''p'Xy6' '" IMPERIAL netu IUrrUra.1.. In I RIS Mareuerlte Boom . tn . Th CpsUtrt JEFFERSON Clara Klnibull Voun, In . 'f h Yullow Pamport .1 I'M B 0 Tto Ulrl und tlw'iJiBW. II.I71.-I I.I My I.ii.J.. Sarah ri.-n,l,,H.i, i .feanno I lor,, Iilain-he Mk i in The Kuu-n i ALirmerli" i i The mi' -tm Hle I W( li-, In el let laiu- Harry Jtorey: Maklnir Ov.-r of Cleuffrey MannTng i Ullfrtsl LliPUH, pi , Affiullteil , , , Tip I li tpry of Inu- IB i in he K .,.i. in Ihu Has.-ininirlii i'lvi.n .Martin, pi Merely Slary Ann Alnrsiirrlte Know, in A Corner In Cutton . Miny Pli-kfoi-l.lu j Rua , .HI. Kiiu.- hi ' A Woman h Pnu-or ' William S. Hart, in Iletwcen Men lieiiinnii Thompson's The Old Homestead VMIIIatii l-'arnuni, tn Tile Ibu uf the Cross KoroUiy Donnelly. MndamB X Mary Mile Mlnter. Dimples Maelyii Arhuekle. In The Iteform Candidate The li lory of Virtu I ilnni he Hiveet. In The ItuvamulTlii Tho Ictory nf Virtue Jane flail. In rtupsrt nf llentxau Wllliitni l-Vrnum, In A buliller a Oath Tho North Ainerlenn's Oenuan War Pictures i'An..,, Castle, It, The Whirl nfLlfu Walthall: Tile StranEo" Cow of Alary I'aBe Charles .Murray. In 1'lrtoit Pa'e I'm, riniuifiif VirmniXi HU nn, I SI'hHCi: IIAAKAU in "Tin: ciikat" Mtovi: mai:ki:t i!::n . a .tin, in.-. (J HI), s, ! "It), i nl.lf 'il turr Iii ' THi: KOl'NDl.l.Mi ' Market St. Theatre x: MAiiKirr .sTitnirr i-oriHi: ua-iii.v in Tin: citii" cr .inALOuw Mi "CltAI'T" l:ery 'eilllila. BELMONT1,. i:kk ORPHEUM P',,o, IC1 Ul'.U I.oIk Mereillth, In 1 ho I'rerloUK pui-Uet Mary Plekfonl. In Tlio Poundltne Maiiilo Pealy, In Tlio llnndivomau ?i'!,tl? 'roum. In Th.. jCall of the Cumlierlanda Valll Valli. in Tho Turmoil f,W? ','l".,lhMl1 Vouns In I he Tel low PqHHport Hrtirv It. Care j. in V Ktilaht uf Hit) Ilumcs Ry l.ov ItedeenKsi fllllle IMrko. In Pery mm. iiurke Pegsy -"io i.irrlsia.H, In Tho Ci.Hn Cu. 'rill T'.lleeii. in Tho lukiunvii ilMV IViMaJruri, In riu- mikunlnu Flume L FAYETTE -i , Chapter 0 LEADER LIBERTV Vnlll Valll. In The Turmoil A Kulslii of th.- Kanre Iho Jtmuril Kraiil. Keeimu. in 'I la' 'owunl Mario IJmpren, In Love CrosaroaiU - V'l'oiv PaniiiMirt Uoroth iis,7hi licttyuf drays tone franeu X. fiuHhman. In Man ami a Houl Tbo Wpndrful Adventure A tlaaat of tiocitiy' Molllo Kinc. in A i otnan a Power Pauline l-'reilerl' !.. I I..dla mimore , Tl "" Mkatlnc Ulitk nilllo liurke. iu" Peggy Kdmund llreisi.. n Tlio l.ureof 1 feai t'a Desire An Adventure In tlio Autumn Woods Oforee Heban. In The pTrn of Pate Carlylo Ulaikwell, li Tlie Clarion Mary Plekfonl. In Little Pal In Wilfred Lucas. Acquitted fiKiree Italian in I he Pawn of Pate l;l Ittti, In l Iji.ly Incus LQCUST i.Mmuiid llreew, l.uroof ileart'a In The Delro LOOANjUJDITORUJM MARKET STREET Ills I'ljture In the Pa per a , l.uiilas I-'alrbunWu- Illi Trlanijlo flay I'lc-ture jn tSWiara Uraee i:iliton. In Hlick Fear ORIENT ORPHEUM OVERBROOK PALACE PARK PLAZA PRINCESS" REGENT Loulve LoyAly. n The Qrlp of Jealouay Hlanehe Jllnir. tiT""" Tlw Yankee Girl lli.len Ware, in jsv ret Lars cim Madlsan. In m A tioul i:iilav-(,t Douglaa Falrlanka; HI, PMun in the 1-ai.Ji" rm TBlro-itoe. In Tlw MlMlruf Link. I P-ctuji. in the l-dpefi Muriel tlitrlche. It Kennedy bqilare poustas Palrbanka: Ilia Pietura in the, Papers Japeflray. (n IM Katie J)a It Tna tjiirlno uf Ilupuiiie The Warnlns Mary I'Mtford. In Poor l.lltle PepplAa Titla fXllmore D?s;.,LS'rs.!': . .m. iii tu iMpere IflUll of Satan .Mary I'ickforii, in Poor MltuVewlua sl3Tm$5 Clark. Is V. Ildftarer Marie lUnpreiw. in '.ove'a CroaeroMij" Italph Kellanl.lii iheprecluu. f'aiket fiorolhy Donnelly. In Madame X The Iron Claw, Vo. 1 Her llre.trat Story Marie i;mpr. in ljv h CrQirua.l Wjllard Mdrk, In rne Cunciuerom Ira ft No. 1J The Yellow JUr Oraeo nillston, ti lllaek Pear The )! lor of Virtue -In no Oo II. In ItupHrtnf Henuaii "ffi". ;;iH.,ur nrh cron Prlnco'H Douhle p'-Jii'nif J,'a"iunilnThii" !?. CuniherlaiuU Ilpurn, Ppiprn, in ftelween Jlen CEDAR iii d:i.c I i iviary i itiviuivt iid'lll Ml i'i;i)lt r I'MIM.. 'IM"' I' p.ti.Miiot'vr TIlHATrtll V DAWN DC IOMOItIIC ' oifm tiu.l HJltMANIOWN AND i-ih:i.ti:.n .wns. 7rm iftlr Vlui, UUI IJI.AS PAIIIIIANKH In ins iMiTciti: in thi: papi:us" rkRIPWT '--u WOODI.A.NU avi: -'- - ujii Mut . . i:b FAIRMOUNT Ji.TH AMI i.lltAltll A i:. , pi: mm. wiirii:. hiii:i.uuv i.i:h'ii ami i i citllH.IITCi.s lll.i: in the l-'lrst Hplnjil.- nf I i in: inuN cj.aw" Blanche Ring PALACE Pill ll.lluil.lt I'tClM" III Til Ulltl u'l to I J. vnkui: FRANKFORD 4 rHAS'kir".sc.: Ull MAUKI.T bTUKI.T PI A M in 11 :tS P. M MARY PICKFORD in 1'DCllt I.I1TI.K I'IM'PINA" 1 P I I I? F" K" A -I'lTHit MAUUfcTSTS. L. U XV L IV rt , i;,x presmls VALESKA SURATT in "THE SOUL OF BROADWAY" IMPERIAL Theatre fi0n7s,w. 'rut .cu: pi.vs iicrisn: it vmtihcii.i: in thi: (sni:i.. swamp I'ltilD .MACi: In "I.dVl: WII.I, C'O.NQIER" MIKlll Broad Street" Casino "VSiS m vn.vr.i: . mi i v c.nimj 7 and o run scahlkt no ad ' comi:dh Alma Hanlon 1 '" "'d Houieatea.l Mary Pickford ' Till. MltAMii: CAsi; i KAXClKiV THi: I l'1111'KI'.'l ' il' MAltv i'.i:i: PARK T'iUKf."rdy. In 2 J "Vyoman in 47 , JI10 1'aivn of 1'atu U'llfrj-,1 .. .;.- nun- no Mllf-iilU Mute L'-.'iiau-ri v.k" :fin to ti me 52d St. "The Victory of Virtue" GERMANTOWN s ItlDCi: A ll UM'PIH.V ST. .Matllieu 1' 10 i:.--. C.3U to 11. Pllrfit.ioa.ir Pauline Frederick ';'.,, ;M'ouir PRINCESS .Wha, 111 Pccuv ui lillltMAN- iiwx avi: 'aim nun '..Lit. ltliii.li- isiiiit Iii "I ne 11 uMiiiuthii lli.l Mtr.i.ilini ' i'he Mtianvo I ai nf Mm', I'.iki ' till I.iiIsivIh 11118 MAHKUT .stim:i:t thi: ciiii,i) or thi: wim' IIII.I.V.S l.l'i'UV MM." 'I li liitl ami the- Culiu-' j:,er ThulfiiJ.iy Mary Sfllea .Mlnter, in Dimples Tlie Cheat IVanc-uH N'elnon. i,, '" HSU.? ,,""-' home Heroes JHIe.in. In Matrlnioiiy Mollie Kiiw. In A t uimin'H Pourer The Coda of rate Pnuslua Palrbanka: 1IU Picture In llio Papers V hat Will People V'ay? . Mollle Kinc-, in A woman's Pntvei ,.'. ""J' Woodruff, in 1 it lia Konlng X'lami srileojm Punean. In 1 lie Beurlet Iload Pra '-i fjKB'l N'eleon. In Crucible "'iS-L!!,'--"."- T si'iewoor t " MlaelneUnka' Mau JMckford. In J'oor Utile iieppiu Mary Plea ford. In Madame Uuttertly Itobtrt lilwoii pi For . Peeuii Ilarrtnnie, in a Woman' Pair Name Honor's Altar J&a',a WW.'SiXfli Jlaelyn Arhuekle. In Toe Keform Candidate JIary Plekfonl. In utile repr-tna Helen Ware. In hecret I,nvo df( The question lied CTrol Thn,r'.f lw et Wftre I.ueky BUI .f? -n.l?i "J. i"e foorU liarliaranilroy. in Tho Oval Diamond Mary Plrkfnrr) Poor l.ittlo IVppln in "lltS'ti8 Hnfet- '" ouiBiSteSAU.i lilrldae vVilffeopfo'li BHm ilarner f-s ADP .Vim MAKKI'.T IJ UUL sc, onn lilJHIAM. GIRARD 1. -.-7-0 OIIOAN' CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG in nn: Yi:i.i.nw paishpoht" ayi:mi: tiiratiii: 7TH AM) CilltAItD AVI! Trinnule 'nis ih:li:v waiiij in -i'iuiss ccimiiNTS' Weher A. rtt-l-N In I'lio W01..C of 1'rleltils RIALTO i:itMAvrou.' avi:. AT Tl I.I'HIIOCI MOLLIE KING in A WOMAN'S POWilll REGENT Lure of Ueart'i A Ueart'i jiVeir." Great Northern VIIJAIantn'a'.s BILLIE BURKE in ' PIMOY" iu.:t MAiiKivr sthi:i:t ffl'J.l.V 1 OI(' OfJOJ.V ANNA HELD in MVUAMH I..V PnESIUKNTK' RHRY MAltKHT FTm:r.T -'" m:i.ow tth stki:kt VALESKA SURATT in "THi: 1SIMIOP.ANT" ' CENTURY ,!n,H,Y.rrV'iS-YALt 1 "The Mill on tlie Floss." in 5 Acli I Featuring MIGNON ANDERSON StH'TII I P L A Z A lm0AD AXD "SrS-W "RED CIRCLE" I T nitniviT Susquehanna TTC?liiTfSAAv Fox FREDERICK PERRY in "THE FAMILY STAIN." 5 Parti MIKTJIIIAST I flllO IJnNi3INIrON nISHERWOOD Ilapplneks "".".''IHrrlscale. I Itonor-a Altar Pariule Ward. 1.7" ''ho Cheat '" Th Mali He t'ned to lie Pearl While, in jiueei i I KlrLe HULTO TrlTTlV 73? SAVOY f" SHERWOOD ,. ,An&a Ilelii jiauame (.a 1'j . Mll KlAir. In In swlilwte vWWaR.;,fc' Mlbr Kltur. In i wewata'a J'awer Man Anna I fad I t MwUdm la l'riUIlit KdtMr lwyo. lit IHsl a rto WallAH TIaCI i The UoUen Chance In 'ovtt The Iieniwiier -iiiiui triune Muie..l'etrova. In -.- -t-rket BehluU the &eiw The inn and the.Uauie ille Whlt M Mine. I'etrovu. in Tlie iioul Market OeraMIne Farrar.ln Temptation Florence Lalmlle. In riu Plve Paulta of no I?il.ft.Un tlobert lifaBoiinrrTv u Woman'. l-Jrlvan or ante IDIC TUPATDP MAnr.iiPRiTP QiNi'nw :.! MARY PICKFORD in .!------. 4 flrfV u Tin; I'l'STAHT" JEFFERSON "UTa 4TH AMI IIAI.TIMOlti: STRAND '"TU AND limARD AVR Howard Hall in "The Pitfall." 5 Act Special Drama. Other l.lsMMiruN ci.sui:iti:M.A' JUMBO AMI UAl'I'lll.S I hTitnirrs CI.VIIA KIJIHAM. YOCNtI In thi: vi:m.ow I'A.s.si'oiti- World J-nttttle SAVOY LAFAYETTE Uidtmptlonof ifeleue 2!fi' Itohfrt IMmoii. n Kor a A.oman'a Fair Name TlU'w-JiT " 2!H KHNSINO TON .vn VALLI VALLI in Tlltl Tl'HMOli." LEADER Muriel lletrlche, to Ktn-wJy .Square I. la tJlANLEY STRAND HUSaUEIIANNA TWOA iksassn- lite Doro. la Dlplcinjey Ramun willlaruii 'rWu Shalt Not Cc K-ra-trlte Clark, iei . . ' Z . - j in. I dar f.nli.',Jf. : .. n. R?WS..TIi ' T "... . bSIl Ml ry Iloland. In i Palm of &oe. ten SUeUta lla Three Mm. I.el Carter, in The Heart of Maryiaad tlie CuuiUwrland --" " inn, i 1. 1 YlrgluU lliouii,J. in t v iiaca Marurlte Clark, In heien Stetera iUrJ arte. Doro. tu lMtiou.y card Vivian Martin. Oter Ntebt Pranrle X. liihiJian. In Man and Ills rfoul JtuLyrt rlewnj. la l-'or a. Uomau'a I-'alr Name irar 3U.! Pickford. lo The Poumlling In T-t isar" hem If Parrs-, in aiully Stalu ljftW "& 'l3 HukW lu rue Piual CurUIn Merle Doro. la Dip Maaey Usto tbe Uabt vf war Love's Cnu, Marie lloro. In lln miaty Te Failure . IB T Woi Coaelan . C,llit Tuiiai " uf M" iaae Gray, In Jt Katirbu It I'ujuta , v i oilier i i tu idj uf ileii Harold Lkood U1HW JPHU Ltk T) Ida of (he Dour Iu Telleirrn. In Tlie Unknown Slarauerlte Snow. In A Corner In Cot toil Marie. Doro. In Diplomacy The Broken Coin (No. ttazarda of Helen KaW Xd. In . i-ueac Marie Doro.ln" inplontacj- T5SA5f6to I .Carli BlrHtmen in I 7- tue Cry vt Peace i Ice N all Valll In J'lii. Turmoil hri Kr iau. la B ,Ulf I I Cry of Peac UorotlwciUh. in Hetty oX arevaWo I'l. Hfor.l Dorothy Ula. Dorothy OLih. lu Old Ue-elUrg -lareuerlle CI art. li Mi, t and Men i sxotbi?.t, i saaaaa i . Mallle Klnr. In A o lan'a Power Marcuerlte Clark In I1 f und M. u l Patrova. in -f--0TiJIXj. KtlllTV-l'IIIST AND LANCAlsfKH A lACi: DENMAN THOMPSON'S Tin; uLli HUMU-TUAD " l.'U MAIIKI7T hTiti:in orld l-'liiu Curpoiaiion PreNeme Molly King ",,r)w,giV.--NW f J Q Q I7TII , VHNANOO HT Constance Collier '" 'fig op Paramount 1'ivilucltun FltO.NT fT AND ... ..,.,, illllAHD H"""- "SIMC HOUi: AM) llliill 'P:sffJll.y The Anlmaie.1 Weeklj" - After t lie J"! r T1IIJ HIHI AND THi: AMi:" ChapttrU John i'i:m.i:t'.s diuiam" ll STANLEY i,ARKr:'r abovi: KiTu MARIE DORO in ' DIPLOMACY" CONTINCllCS 11 :tr. A M to 11:13 1' M iiiiiiniiiii ini Weekly Programs Appear i:iei Mumla) '" Motion Picture Chart 1 Lu0T7 uSi? METRO PICTURES EXHIBITED IN ONT ONE THEATRE IN EACH LOCALITY DISTINCTIVE CBEATIONS Ak for Metro Pictures An Abeolute Quarantee of Quality Weekly Programs Appear Cirry Monday In Motion Picture Chart tlUlllUle Del. Spruce l.)S-""'n Hear the Kimball Organ TODAY AMI TOMOKKOW Ait doturea aecured thru Stanley wt PARAMOUNT PK TCRE HAZEL DAWN in "MY LADY INCOG" Wed. and Thum THr )'""" ' :. i I !