I sv --ifUft"i- 14 EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1916. FINANCIAL NEWS STOCKS DECLINED FROM 4 TO 6 POINTS; SELLING WAVES FREQUENT IN SESSION Stop-Loss Orders Reached Automatically Rallies Were Frequent as Result of Support From Banking In terests, but They Were Short High Points in Today's Financial News Increased dividend expected an Utah, China and Calumet and Arizona Copper Companies. Order from foreign Government for 10,000,000 pounds of copper at 28 -.' cents per pound. Amended plan of rcorganua Hon of St. Louis and San Francisco announced. Surplus of Philadelphia banks increased $7,520,000 in week and loans moved up $1,',.',S,000. Stock and commodity markets weak, being aJccted by foreign news. May and July wheat at lowest point for the movement. N13V YORK, l'cli. 2S. In other times today's irmrliot movements would hnvo been toflitrdrd as tcnil panlcky, but the Street Iiiih become iieeustomed to wide flticttititloiiM and on tills nccottnt Iossch which were austulncd In many Issues today. rniiRliiK from t to 0 points, were regarded as the usual course ot pileo movements In the war market, which now exists. Many of the pools which had acquired extensive lines of specialties strtiRKlctl to maintain prices and retain their holding, but selling waves were frequent because of heavy liquidation of commission Iioiij-cm, automatically rcachhiK slop loss orders with which the market was honeycombed, and the execution of these stocks In turn caused further liquidation. After the early declines support wim put In the market by bankiliK interests, but these supporting orders were quickly tilled. In the afternoon u renewal of the Boiling caused further losses from those of the tlrst hour and facilitated covering of shorts on a fairly laifie scale. Rallies were frequent as a result of the support and this covering, but the rallies were not of Iuiir duration and were quickly followed by a resumption of the downward movement. Reading stood out conspicuous and almost alone as a strong feature. All through tho day there was constant demand for that stock, currying Its price up 2 points to above H'2. Other railroad stocks, like 1'iiioti Piielllo, St. Paul and Southern Pacific were in scant supply, but buyers were equally source. Tho Street and room were both disposed to attribute the unsettled market to tho charocter of the news from Verdun and to a tinner tone on the part of Germany In regard to the difference of tho submarine policy. Saturday's bank statement may have also attracted attention to the less favorable money situation and other factors were brought forward as contributing to the market depression. New York Stock Sales (IS OP. IasI close. Afo'U 1 Hold Mines. . ) Afcnka Hold Minos . . 221 AIIH-Ctmlmcrs Site-. 2071 Allh-Chnlmm Mfg f. M) Am As Chemical OS Am Ar Chemical tf . OH'i Am Heet Sugar ... . Am Can Am Can ff . . . . Am Car tt l'dj Am Car ft IMy pf. Am coal Products. Am Cotton Oil... Am llldo ft heather Am Hide ft 1, pf. .. Am lee Securities. .. Am Unseed. .. Am Unseed pr . . Am Locomotive. Am Malt t'orpn pr. Am Smelt ft Iter.... Am smelt ft itcf pf. Atu ''melt nf A .. . Am Smelt pf It ST'j Am Mmlf pf tin Am Mel foundries. . . XI ltlnh. 22 2S' 71) Itt US 1.7 OIU T,ow. 0 21' 27 78 (W US OP j oS 1I1H 110?,' lilt St. Louis and San Francisco Reorganization Plan An amended plan of reorganization is being issued by the reorganization managers of the St. t-ouls and San Francisco to meet the modification ordered by tho Public Service Commission of Missouri. 1'nder the amended plan old tlrst preferred will get $100 common, old second preferred $00 common and old com mon $82 In new common together with $fi0 prior Hen series "IV bonds, compared with the samo bonds and $12.r, $105 and $S" stock, respectively, under the old plan. Tho amended plan makes no change In securities to be received by holders of first and refunding fours. There Is no change in securities to be given to present holders of general lien lis. eycept the receipt of $"00 5 per cent, noii convcrtlblc income mortgage bonds, Instead of $550 p per cent, convertible Incomes under the November 1 plan. Larger Copper Dividends Expected In another week dividend meetings on the leading copper companies will bo held and it Is positively stated by those who shuuld know that tho example set by the Shattuck-Arlzona will be followed nnd that increnscd distributions will bo made on Utah and Chlno Copper and that later In the month Anaconda will follow With a substantia) extra dividend. Calumet and Arizona directors will hold a meeting In Chicago tomorrow to declare tho regular quarterly dividend. Tho last dividend was $l.'-'fi a share and that to bo declared tomorrow will be $1.75, With a possibility of $2, it is said. 10,000,000 Pounds of Copper Ordered Ono of the large foreign Governments has placed an order for 10,000,000 pounds of copper metal at 2SVi cents a pound. Deliveries arc to be made during the months of October, November nnd December. SULPLUS AND LOANS LARGER Local Individual Deposits Also In creased in Week Tho Philadelphia bank statement for the week ending today showed an in crease in surplus of $7,520,000 and of $1,448,000 in loans. Individual deposits increased $3,802,000. Details follow: Difference) prey. wk. J1.4SS.000 3.802.000 It. 000 2.3(14.(100 36S.000 t. 774, 000 3,108.000 l,CS8,00O 7.520.000 Feb. 28. '10 ...J479.731.000 ... 434.MO.O0O ... 10.619.000 1. 711. 000 18l.214.IIOO 21. 488. COO 140.053,000 77.605,000 62.548,000 1914, $23. ; February 1911. Jll.- I,oana Dept's (Ind) circulation Duo from bunks... Dep. of banks Kx clearlnc house.. Keaerves held Tteserves required. , Surplus Decrease. . Surplus under old form. March 2. 908,000: JIarch 3. 1913. J5, 966.000 26, 1912. J12.670.000; February 27. z?:,7(v. FOREIGN EXCHANGE NEW YORK. Feb. 28. Tho feature or the early foreign exchango was strength In Dutch exchange and In rubles. The first-mentioned rose to 42,j42?4. and rubles were quoted fully half a point high er, at 32Vl4i32i,i. Strength of Russian exchange was attributed to loan rumors. Sterling was steady, being quoted at 4.76V1 'or demand and 4.77 for cables. French exchange was a shade easier, at 8.86i 'for cables, and 5.S7W for checks. A slight fractional Improvement in relchs marka to 73 7-16 and 73, was set down to political considerations. Other quota tions were: Lire cables. 6.70; checks. 6.71 V4: Swiss cables, 5.23; checks, 5.:M; Vienna, 12.72 12.75 ; Stockholm. 28& 28.15; pesetas. 19019.05. In the late afternoon tho market be came very nulet and rates turned a shade easier. It was stated that the early high quotations for relchsmarks at 73 and 73?; were merely asking figures and that no business was transacted at that level. Quotations later were at 73. Sterling shaded 1-16, to 4.76 7-1604.76 for de mand, and 4.76 15-16M" for cables Francs were also a little easier, at 5.87 for cables and 5.87- for checks. RATES FOR MONEY Call XewTork W- Philadelphia '' Itoiton i . . .. . LCoammefcfaV paper.' three to six months, Phil adelphia. 3V,Sf4 per cent. Tim. r. 'J ft 4 4 . Mta " t BANK CLEARINGS Bank clearlnes today compared with corre spondlnc day lj..t two years: f Phtla J30.983.199 124. 591. 1(7 J3,60,40 Hoslon .21 506.898 18,538.204 22,483.319 New York.;fo:436.42a 283.733.237 234.108.740 Reserve Banks' Discount Rates -Days- Boa ton New York. . . Philadelphia.. Cleveland . . . Hlchmond . . Atlanta Chleaso St. Lauls . . . Mlnnea noils. . Kansas City.. J!j Dallas , . San Francisco 3 10 or Over 10 Over 30 less, up to 30. up to 60. 3 3 3 3 4 S'.i 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 Over 60 up to 90. 4 4 4 J 4 4H 4 4H Conv Acrlcul. Trade acceptances. Over 90. Up to 60, 60 to 90. modify. Boston 5 3H 3H i'.t Vw York. Philadelphia.. 4H 5 & i 5 S 5 4'i Cleveland Richmond . . Atlanta -... Cnicaffo . . St. Luls..,, Minneapolis. . Kansas City. Dallas 3ti 3 it 3H ?H 4 4 3!s i SH Uj to 30 days: over 30 to (0. 4 per cent.; over 60 to 90, 4 Is per cent., and over 90. S Br cant. Orders 20,000 Tons Bessemer Iron YOVNOSTOWK. O., Feb. 28 The Tounsjstown Sheet; and Tube Company lwis placed orders for 30,000 tons of Ilea me Iron with several Pittsburgh Inde pendent prdducers, paying J0 a ton, YouoKstoirn dlstrlet shipments to begin Immediately Decuuwi It Is the largest buyr of pig Iron In thin etlon, the txmuuuiy received a. concession pf 5Q ,.nta a tern. The ramtinnv has aL&n t.la., an order fur 5989 ton of Cray forging iron at ill SO a tun. j New York Bond Sales IllKll. $10000 Ailanis Hxprcss 4s.. 114 5no Alasl: Oolil r f i in. 103 4 I'UOO Anw .ur cv 5s 10:u 150UO Amcr Ai:r ikb 5s.. 1600 Amcr Hmelt Cs 110U 11ISO00 Anislo-rr b 5s 94 't 200000 Amer Tel clt 4s... tlU 20500 Atchison Ben 4s 94'4 0000 Atchison adj 4s S7H 5000 Atchison 5m 101 - 2000 Halt & Ohio 4b 917, 69500 Halt & Ohio cv 4ty.l 97 1000 Halt & O Swn 3hs !1'. 1000 H.-th Steel 1st 5s.. 101 5000 llctll Ktcul rfd 5s...l02'i 5000 Urool: It T 5s 1918.100'. 13000 Hush Term UliU Is. 84 .'.00 Cent Paclllc 3',is... 90 '-j 000 Cent Pur 1st 4s... 90, 5000 Cent It It N J 5s.. 117'', 22000 ChfH & Ohio cv 41is. S7. 2000 Chi Ot West 4s 72' 4000 Chi 11 i O Joint 4s. 9S, 10000 I'll! 11 Sc Q en 4h. 937, 3000 Chi It k Q 111 3H,s. 5 2000 Chl II 4: Q 111 Is 94, 3000 Chl M & S P urn Is 92 1000 Cn M ts S V cv HiM.lOO5. 4000 Chl M A M P f,l iUh 94 '', 1,000 llct IMIsnn 1st 5s...l01s4 2000 Krlo prior 4s 85'5 104 . 95', . 59 . 88 'i .180 "! syi 1000 (li'li Hire ib 5s. I'MIU jiihk vnl 48. . . 0000 J own. Cent ref 4s. 1000 do 5s looo Ins Copper cv lis. 13000 Intern .Met I'.ja.. 3000 Inter, II T rnf 0 23000 Inter Sler .Mur lbs 96I ?"'! ,io ci i'jh yu-i 1000 Inter Paper 5b 84 7000 im & Ot Nnr 1st 6s. !7V, 40oo inter Htm Pmn ct 5a 76', 13500 Japallese n lis 4's 77 9500 Jaiianese new 4tys. 83'4 10000 Kan City Mo 5s 92i 10000 Lacka iSU-el 5s 1923 99H 8000 do 5s 1950 93 'i 1000 r.k Sh deb 4s 1928.. 94 7-S 1000 Us li M T 7s I2S 1000 Mo Pac cv 5s 41 2000 do col 5s 1917 90 2000 Mont Power 5s 9(isi 1000 JC Y C res 3Hs 81 20000 N Y C & Jl 4 '4s ... 95 41000 do 6a 1131 11000 N Y City 4's 1960.102'i 25000 do 4iH 1965 lOT'.a 5000 N Y N II & It 6s. ..116 1000 N'orf & West 4s 93-i 2000 Nor Pac prior 4s... 93si 2000 Nor Pac ten 3s 6()i 1000 Ore Short I, ref 4s.. 9.1 (4 2000 Ore Hhort Line 5s...l07'I 6000 Pacific Tel 6s 100i 1000 Hradlns Ben 4s 95 4000 Hen lr H 5h 26000 Hock lslund 4s 32000 South Pac cv 4s 99t s 66500 do cv ret f p 5s. ..1404, .AAA .,,. r ... Jtnr 2000 do rfd 4s 8000South Rwy sen 4s.. 1000 do con 5s 8000 Third Ave new 4s. 3000 do adj 5a 6500 Toklo 6s 1000 i; a Gov 3s ree. .. 6000 U S Rubber 6s... 9000 U S Steel iilf... 3000 Union Pac 1st 4s. . 8000 Union Pac cv 4s.. . 26000 Un Uwys S F 4s. .. 3000 Va Car Chm 1st 5s. 7000 WaLash 1st (,. 11000 Wabash 2d 6s.. 90 ',, . 71 :'.35 . 8'. . 79 .1021 .102 104. . Hi . 93H . 43H . 99 14,', 4000 W N Y Pa 1st 6s.l04I 1000 West Mil 1st 4s T2V. 14000 West .Shore 4s 9Hj Low. 81'i lull's 102 Vi 97 110 9:1 ; 01 Ts 9 I'm 87h 101 Vi 91'. 90. 91 , 104 102'i 100 8Sai '4 H7i i?H Oh Ti 93 T, 91 92 100i 94 101 71 ts 85'i 104 '? 95U 69 88 i lhO '3. 091, 96 JJ 95 81 9T4 76(1 7 83 im 93 94 's 126'5 41 90 901! si ; 95 1134a 102S 107 ',5 115 93U 93ti CC, 9.1', 107 100 "4 95 ', 99'. 854 87 101'i 90i 71 I02i 82tJ 3'i 77 ' 102V 102', 104 97 ti 93t 43t 99 101 'i 93 V, 104. 72', 911, Close. 84H 103 '5 102 ',4 97 110', o:i, 91 ' 94 1, 87S im 91 97 91 '.4 104 102'i 100'i 88', 90 Vi 90 H ll7i 87t 98 937s 85 94t 92 100i 94', inii 85 'I 104'., 95'J 59 88 i 180 73', 99 tj 96 K 95t, 84 97 U 76S 76 83 92', 99 93 94 Ti 126ti 41 90 96 , tl 95 113 102 li 107H 11S,. 93'i 93 1 C6H S3t 107'i 100H 9.1 'i Ki? 87 : 104 H 901, 71 102 s. 82ti 83 ts 79 1021? 102 104 97V4 93l 43t4 99 134 'i 93 ts 104 sj 72 'J 91 'a PUBLIC UTILITIES The annual report of tlie'"Amerlcan Power and I,lght Company for the year ended December 31, 1916, gives a com bined statement of earnings of the Kan. sas Gas and Electric Company, Pacific sas Gas and Hlectrlc Company, Port land Gas and Coke Company, Paclfla Power and Light Company and South western Power and Light Company's sub sidiaries as follows: Gross, $7.26.096, against 16,958.333 In 1914; net, $3,454,243. against 3, 257.827 in 1914. In connection with Issuing Its annual report, the Amer ican Power and Light Company lias sent a letter to Its stockholders describing the terms on which they may subscribe to 6,984,300 of new bonds. The company offers Its preferred and common stock, and to holders of option warrants for Its com mon stock the privilege to subscribe after JIarch I and on or before Starch 15, for an amount of 6 per cent, gold debenture bonds equal to 50 per cent, of the par value of their respective holdings, as reg istered on the company's books, February 21, 1916. The subscription price is nay- able in 10 per cent. Installments. Am Siicar Itcf. . Am Siicar Kef pf- Am I'd f. Tel Am Tobacco Am Tobacco pf new. Am Woolen tr rctj . Am Woolen pf tr... Am Zinc 1, r-m. . . Vnarnndi Cop At. .. Am1 HcallMllon .. Aoocl.itPd Oil Ateli Top & S I-.. . Alfh Top .1 S r pf. llald Loco Work! liald 1,0111 Wks pf. . . Hall & Ohio Halt A Ohio pr lt.U011ll.1s Minim:.... Ilt'lhlcheni Slccl Ilrooklyn Itnp Tr llnuis T 5 It It sec. Untie & Silpctior. . . Hiitterlck Co L'al Petroleum .. . Cal I'cliolcum pf . Canadian Pacific. . , Central Leather Chandler Molor Chesapeake & Ohio Chile Copper Chlno Copper . . . . Clileaco & Alton. . . Chlc.iRO at West . CIiIimro Ot West pf Chl Mil & St P t hi Mil & Ht P pr. . Chl & Northwestern Chl It I A Pac Col Fuel & Iron. . . . Cot A Southern . . . Continental ("nn Consolidated (la? . . . Corn Produrts Itef. Corn Prod Iter pr Crucible Steel Crucible Slccl pf Delaware & Hudson . Del Lack & We.'t... Diamond Match Distill Sec Corpn Dome Mines Mice Storage Hat Krlo Krle 1st pr IVtl Mln & Sm pf. ... fteneral Klcctrlc (ieneral Motors pf. . . (iooflrloli II K tioodrlch II F pf. .. (iranby I'onvol . . .. (irecne-Cananea . . . (ireat Northern pr. . . (it Nor cts Tor oro pr. d'UECen K.ipln Illinois Cent Iut Acrlcultural Int Auricultural pr. . . Int Harv N j Int Harv N J pr. ... Int Con Cor v t c sh. Int Cnusol Corp pr... Int Paper Co Int Paper Co pr Insp Con Cop Int Nickel v t ch Int M M c or dp Int M M pr c or dp.. Kan 1 fly Southern r.7'( 117V 101 :,-2H w in '22 40! i 70 m, U-2 U2U H7s lor. f.'Ji. 11: 11 1L'7H 127-S 127'i l!l,1 mi 1M)'i 111.. OS ..us ..nil'. .. M' ,. 10 . . .I!) .. LI) . 0!) .. n:i . US'-.112'. mi .Hi!' 11 iWi U7H lr.o M lfl J I :ri-4 cr.'j or in1. in'1 1 S7 Kid ,VJ till- I17'j . ion . .w . on . 7.S . s7 . 0' . 70' i .UWi .102 KM'j .UMI'j . Ml'; . 7rt ns, 7S'-; S7 mi 10:1 10, ioi. Kill! sr.'j "o'-j llM'a .".I ll.4 7r.',- MS IV 1 102ti 101 hi 101t 100 It)2'i Clow. II 21 H 2R 7S 0.1 08 (ll'i .), 110 tin1. U7'f 1.V.I o2 034 111' j 2Mi Ul'i :i0'4 11s :t2i. in1- IVJ4 S7'i 100 .V lll'j 117'.. 127', IS0! rss 77 s.Vi O.'a I02li CURB MARKET WEAK; TRADING ACTIVE .470 I.m . KVi KV.i . 10' J Ill's IKIJs 00'i . ;io 20' j . 20' j 20 02'; 00 .lliil'i i07!j . .VI) 2 .U . ill III . 02 02' 1 ..' 2.')1. . o0.' .10'a . S S', 12?) 12!ii . :i.- nth' . 01 03Ji 12.S!,. 120 .127 120k- IS'j lS'H . i:i 12.1.! . 2N 27 . Mlli 708 i:t:t'i i:u4 2Vi 21.'a . II6J. 110' 3 . 70' j 70'-j .IlilW 11 .l.W MO). .220 210 . 100 100 -Wi I5S . 2,1 J, 2.'1? I 0,1 01 . :m :.',' rati .11 j . r2 r.i! j .100), lfif. 111 11;; . 70 70W lOOJii So1! "ll'j . t.vJ S.V, 10's ss 20lj 27' 3 flS'j 100 fil's 22'-j 1V1 an I2' ;ii!s 113' I 1011' 7o) j . t.iT S.l!i to?. vMl'-i 20' 1 27'i W) 1004 51S ,S0 01! i 22) 1 .1.1" H;i 12' :ii!J IW. 128!i 12S'a 120' Ill's lll'i 00 00 . 10' 1 -10' i .1205, 120 1.1 121 21U 2l .102JJ 1(W . 21'ii '2Hi . 0U 02 .100' 3 100' j I17'i 114' r 731i 11 17 1,1 47 1.1.'4" 07i 205g Kan City South pf. . . . 00 Kennerott Copper.. .. 5t'.j Laclede Has IOoU Lack Steel Co 77) i Lehlsh Valley 78' j Leo Itubber & Tire 50' j Llcsett & Myers 252! j I.005MV Ills 1st pf. ... 9i) Lorlllard P Co 1071-j Louts .t N'ash 122" a Mackay Cos MIM Mackay Cos pi 07! i May Dept Stores fim Maxwell Motors o:t'(' Max Motors 1st pL ... 8,115 Max Motors 2d pi 40 Mexican Petroleum. .. UWi Mexican Petroleum pr. 0915 17 30 .1 14 1 H 70) i 121 25 00! i 101, Minn & St Louis pf. .Miami Copper Mo Kan & Texas Mo Kan & Texas pf. Mbsourl Pacific. ... Mo Pacific tr els Montana Power National lllscult Nat Knam & S Co... National Lead Nov Con Cop New York Air Urako .1J2 17U 73'4' 10 40 4.1! 171, 1.1',' 07)5 2.Hi (1(1 a-it. 10.1 70'4' 7S' ) 252 S7 io:t 122 M) 07r4 52 0:a 87J5 4S5t' lOOJj 0S 10 30 lii'.'i 4)4' 4Ji 70 17'. :;n'4 27 70 l.'lOI. 20'S no 70) i IIIs. 140' i 210 10.1 44 '4' 23)3 01 3.V., fill' a 51 100 113 (IS 113! a M))3 4.1 120 41!, 21 102'i 20 00 100 114U 10), 72 !" 45 41 45 11! i 01 2I)3 (ill 527i 10.1 74 70! a 4U)f 252 S7 103 12I'k W) 07.' i 52 nO'4' M I34 OHj 9S 10 3l'i 5 13' ; in Mi m 17 40 27 70 l.'ll!i 21 no 72 lll4' 110'; 210 10.1 44 '4 23?4 0-1 :?, 51 51 100 113 OS 113' J SUJ-i 4.1 120 Prices Declined From 5 to 19 Points New Low for Midvale Rights N'l'W YOItU". Kcb. 28. Trading In Hie market for outside securities today was again fairly active but generally at the OMichio of values. The unfavorable war ncwa was largely Instrumental In develop ing it ftntber downward tendency, which extended almost throughout the entire lift, tlccllne.'! in some Instances wero from IS to 19 point!;, this generally being the case In some of the war Issued and oil Plucks. Poole 1'iinineorliiR and Machinery de clined more than 10 points. Aetna Kx plosive n point. Hnbninrlnc Itoat, on smalt offerliiKK, ensctt off 1 '.i ; Katbodlon Hroiue was nn exception. After moving up nboilt live point II tended about two. The motor stocks were reactionary; Chevrolet Motors declined three points: While Mo tors, IM Mnxlin Munitions: declined to a new low tnnrlt on more liberal nrrorliiRS. Mlihale Steel declined l'a, whllo the I'lHhtH on rallior heavy offerings touched new low math ; the bonds were mi cliatiRcd. Tobareo Products sold off mole titan n point, rnllylnr; LllKbtly. AJa;: Itub ber Hold -(dividend nt a small lrcr-ssinn: Hopkins and Allen's Arms were offered nt about In points under Ihe previous transactions. nil Klnc'cx i'fa.'teil ilinri)l.v. Pntlne Pipe Line decline-! ID points ; Illinois Pipe, 7; Buckeye Pipe. 3; Ohio Oil, 8, nnd Stand ard Oil of California, fl. Copper stocks were quiet and a sbnde easier, notwithstanding the blBbcr cables from abroad Honds wero comparatively- iUlt and fractionally lower, In sympathy with tho balance of tho list. IN'DCSTP.IAI.S. Arln.'i f"lor Am-llrltlsh Mfir Atliin (!ulf UV I M. do nrrt , Am Marconi AJnx IluhliiT Ttic v, I . . Ilnltn Tube tin pre! I'nunilliin Car ft IMy .. il.i rref Chevrolet Motor I'nr .. rubiin Cane SuKiir .,,. I'urtlss Ai'ronlatie .... DrliKS-Senlmry Ilinorson Ilnsliell ft Ilarlirr 1'ar . Itenilee MuniirecturliiR Inter Mcr Marin- .... ih nref Kclly-Siirlmtileld Knthoillon lirnnxe iiref M-inhnttnn Transit ... Maxim Munition Mlil vii I- Steel Otis Illovnlor IVciIcsh Motor Poole VJntr & Much . . S S Kri'sse w I Slanil Motors Submarine lit v I c ilfs Trlnnitle Film v t etfa . I'ntti'il Prollt Sharlnc . U H l.lttht & Heat I' S I.lBht & Heat lift! White Motors w 1 . ... World rilm STANPAIlt) OI III. I. ... S2'.l , . . ill . .. :i ... IB. ... Z1 ... CS'4 . r.i ... !! . . . li.l ... sn ...131 . ... IS'.i ... IS ..ian .. ii"; on Ills Ohio nil 8 O of California . S o of New Jersey H O of New York . OTHI'll Ilrnnett Oil I'nsrlen Oil I'hnlm.tr, fill ...... 115, Houston Oil 21 Jj I Mlilwest Itillnlns 102,4 MININR STOCKS 20 Haputpa i-.i?' Atlanta w i i..,rrn ,n Pnsro 100 t ISiitlf. I Uvt etfs I lutt Klrst . . . . 143i . . . . . . ... s .... IK ... l'a .... 4 4 .... RS'i . .., C:i L'l'i ton IT. s. Se' 'l I -'. .1H 4 i 44 1 '3 StJIISIUIAHIIlS. ISl I12S nor. 207 , STOCKS. IB'.i Asked. Stl'i 10 1 'i ; t:ti: in r,n 140 Xi'.i 47 :'.( isr, 71 o 211 1"4 4---i iin4 HS 211 11(1 13'J n 35'. 4'j 14 r 4!l 1?4 m 2.10 258 SIS 210 i2: 7 18 60 114,' l 10! 4' OK 45 4l'i 40 15'i 05i 2.1!i Oil KM 105 74)4' 70' i 40! i 2.12 S7 105 121?,' SO 07Ji 52 02)4 B4 11 0.14 OS 10 3.1 5 13i.i 4?' Mi ro 1 New York National Copper 120IJ 120 120 N Y N H & H... N Y C !c II K.... N Y 0 & West Nor Ohio Tr & L. . . Norfolk Western. . North American Northern Pacific Ont Silver Mln Pacific Mail Pacific Tel & Tel. . . IVnn ltallroad Peoples. Gas Chl... Philadelphia Co 41 07H 104 . 2SW . OS .110 . 70 GO .U2JS' II2J4' 22)J 37 57 102' i 24H 23 CO 0-IJi 10 IBJJ 141 13S!; 004' OO.'f I03 102 2S 27' i 70 70 110 1154 00 t 01!i 154 1311'' OO.U' 103 27H 70 115!t' 00 111K llHa 31U 1 IOJ'j 05 . 55 1021-i . 4'i . :soj' .. 08 247i .. SO .. 43 .. tm .110 8'i" 7'4' . IWi I1UI4 4 i Slj m 10)i 174 3S)i 55 170 RAILROAD EARNINGS SOUTHEUN RAILWAY, 1918. January sre KH Sovtn moatlM' grow . . Nt Tblrd waek February Friua July I IS.6S9.032 1.610.71 3,C4.(1S 11,770.10 J1.3U.S2S 43.I9C.13I CANADUN KOIlTIiBnN. IS. 016. 100 156 400 17.149 100 8,1:2. 0 January rui4 s.o monttn' jros NM. Incraa. 3836.019 103.994 t.W.tit 4.119.404 1182.147 3.9(1.(33 II4T 400 II 100 4 023.600 1,933,191 Pitts Coal Co N J Pitts Coal In i pf. . Pittibursh Steel pf Pressed .H Car Co . Pullman Co Quicksilver Ky Steel Sp Co.... Ity Steel Sp pf Hay C'oa Copper. . . Heading Itcaillns 2d pf Itepublte Iron & S. Itepublle I & S pf. . Hock Island Hock Island pr. . .. wns v 1st pr. St L i. S 2d pr. . Seaboard Air Line. . Sears Hoe & Co 174)5 snat ArU Cop 38)4 Sloss-Sher S lc 1 50 South Porto It Suear. . 172 South P It Suear pf. . .100!i 110 Southern Pacific 08?i 09)i bouthern Ity 20) j Southern By pr 58 Studebakcr Co J4i Tenn Copper 57 Tens Co 203 Teias Paclllc 7Jj Third Avenue 60)j Tln City RT 91 Union Hag & Paper-. . 7?i (Jnltea Clear stores. United Cigar Mfrs.. Union Pacific Union Pacific pf . . . . U SInd Alcohol USC1P F United Fruit Co U S Realty & Imp. . United Hy Inv Co. . United Itys Inv pf. . V S Rubber U S Rubber 1st pf. U S Steel Corp U S Steel Corp pf . Utah Securities .... Utah Copper Va-Caro Chem 40 Wabash 14 Wabash pf A 43 Wabash pf B 26 Wells Fargo Eip 125!' GH CVS 0!j 23' i 22 231i 30'4' 30!4' SF,H 57' 50' i r.0H 102J4 102?i 1021J 41 40! j 40,'a 3li; ' 20 20"-i 10.1 ;02 103 05 05 95 52 51 52 102!i 102 102 4!i 4'; 4't' 30! i 30 39 OSJj 08ij 0SH 24Ji 24), 24). S2)3 SO S2) 44H 43)- Uh 51 48)j 40)i 110): 110)4 4 4 u n W 8i OI4 ou 1GH 10i 170lj 171 m, 37). 5.1 53 20!t' 57 141?4' 135 5(1 55 170 110 08' j 10Ji 57 170 110 0S.H 10,' S7 13.8 55) i 2fflH 106'a IQ7H . mi . 59! i Ptl! i 83 7 00U' 05 Vi Oil 504 I 'I 4lt 50), 594 05 05 7S 7, 04' Ji 59U 59!f 13.3H 132Ji 132'i Sl-4- Ki'i 83Ji IIW- Hli'j H3 17 16?j 16i 142)4 I42)i 13S 451i 43)i 43)i 14)4 14 14 29) i 28),' .'7'i" 51 50)j 40) i 144 10) i 140 43)4 14 49)4' 107U 1071, 107)i 107)i rsz.'t M!4 Hill K2 11054 IWi U0)j 11G), int S3)i West E Jt M. . West E &M 1st pf.. Western Maryland. . . West Union Tel-. . Wheel & I, E 1st pf. . WUljs Overland Willjj p pf cf f p. Wooliotth V W Wi 70 . 2G)J . bS . 12)i 207X 207 10.3 1(XJ 181, 83H 45li 13)4 42)' 25JJ 125 04U 76W 20 88 11 IK 81 . 41 Vih 42).' 25)i 125 C2)i 76) i 24); 87J, 11 SOI 103 18 41 13) i 42)i 25!f 125 53)i 76H 24' 87Ji 11 204 103 21 120)( ll.t4 Jl9) Total al. 304 .SOU -.tain, compared with JS7, iharc Ut Monday. Ilolilllelil Memcr 15, Ilrcl.i MlninK ltowe Houinl Jim Hutler .lumlxi Kstenilon Itenwcntt Copper MuKina Copper MtneH of America Nliilsxlmr Mines Co San Toy We.it Knd 1 'on Went I'nd Extension 1IONDS. Uric ItlKhts llHlllmoro & Ohio 69 I'rrro 6s MUlvnto ls w I 12 12U 18 1!) 38 3S'a T H.. 3 34 fi i B 16., '',. 4'i 4'i 5U f.i 93 05 . I'm l' 17'.4 17 ', 44 47 2't, 2; B '.4 H 16 17 "B 78 I 2 i , 101 U 101 i 119 120Vj 99 99 Vi Financial Briefs Anglo-French Cs scored a new low rec ord, selling down to 9SV The last previous low point was In December at 93 Vk- Large bloel.a changed hands. T. I.. Alburgor. Jr., formerly with B. McCIaln trotters & Co., has associated himself with tho bond department of Fra zier & Co. For the year ended December 31, the trcyman-Hruton Company reports a sur plus after dividends of $611,372, an in crease of $72,449. The Studebalter corporation reports for the year ended December 31 last net profits available for dividends of $9,007, 425, against $4,441,966 In previous years. Net .les $56,539,006, against $43,444,223, and the profit and loss surplus on Decem ber 31 last waa $8,470,952, contrasted with $5, '.'05,819 on December 31, 1914. Tho Now York Subtreasury gained 52, 239,000 from banks on Saturday, making cash net gain sinco Friday of $2,764,000. Tho gross profits of the Holllger Gold Mines, Ltd., for the four weeks ended January 28 amounted to $174,996; work ing tost, $90,780 ; working cost per ton milled. $2,916; ore treated, 30,817 tons. This Is tho tlrst time In the company'a history that working costs have been reduced below $3 per ton. The Imperial Oil Company, the Cana dian subsidiary of the Standard Oil Com pany of New Jersey, declared a semi annual dividend of 4 per cent, on $22,000,000 capital stock. The preceding semiannual dividend was 6 per cent, on $11,000,000 stock. Since that declaration the company distributed a stock dividend of 100 per cent., bringing the capitaliza tion up to its present amount. Stockholders of the Scioto Valley Trac tion Company will meet March 8 for the purpose of authorizing the directors to take out of tho treasury $200,000 first preferred stock, issued September 22, 1908, and use it as originally planned. This will mean the purchase of stock of the Columbus Depot Company, which plans to erect an Interurban terminal building, costing about $300,000. DIVIDENDS KENNECOTT COPPER CORPORATION 120 Broadway, New York, February 1, 1910. DIVIDEND NO. I. The Board of Director! of the Kennecott Cop per Corporation haa this day declared a divi dend ot One Dollar (41.00) per hare, for the quarter ending- March 31, 101U, payable March ISl, ItllO, to stockholders of record at the claie of builness at 3 p. in., March 10. 1U1U. Trans fer books will close at 3 p. m., March 10, 1010, and reopen March 20, ID Its. at 10 a. m. UEN'NKCOTT COPI'KH COltl'OIIATION By c- T. ULRICH. Secretary. illE AMkIuCAn" UAH COui'AN tOl Market Street, Camden, N. J. ,, . , February IS. 1918. A quarterly dividend ot :?,. or $3.00 per hare, has been declared on the capital stock of thl company, payable March I. ID 10, to the stockholders ot record at 3 o'clock I. M.. February 18, HIS. Checks will be mailed. J. B. TOWNSEND. 3d. Treasurer, CAUTION NOTICE iXS A1X I'EUHONS AKK JIKBEUV"lJAiF tloned unalnst harborlnc or trusting: nny of the crew of the French steamship Tlbor from Nantes. Fraruw. A. Benteu. Master, as no debts of their contracting- will ba paid by th Master. Owners, or by KAB.N UNB 8TBAU8KII CO.. Aeents. 488 Bullitt B'da-. DIBKOTUKV OF At'4'OUNTANTH Certified VtibUaAeeouotants I.AWltHNCE. K. BROWN fc CO. 181 - UKAt. ESTATE THU8T Ut Il.DIi. BlUtNS fc BPBAKMAN Th Sours, I Sates in Philadelphia 17 in 2 . 6 220 50 t" BfiO eno 52 III in; 10 in 11 r 125 ir,n 2f. 75 nci; in tsn 1 2(10 r,2j KS5 1105 40 210 2355 103 477 8690 in All tns Am Can .... Am llwyn . . 1I0 pref . , . tin Id I .oro .. i.'ol I'ucl . . . .1 (I Itrlll ... i;nm steel .. Illoc Slor ... lieu Asphnlt. . tin nref .... Hunt II T pr Inn 1'n N Am Kc-iiii Cop l.alio H I'nrp. l.rhlRh ,S'.1V... Ili Vnl I'h V T prcf Miami I'oppcr I'ennn It It. . . Icnnn Steel. . iln prof . . . t'hlld l'o ilo ruin prcf riilla Ktcctrlr. ! H T tr ctfs llcnillnp liny t.'on .... Ho Itwy Tim Del Union Trnc. . t'nlt (Inn Im. IT S Plrr-I... Wclnli lllcc. . . HlBh. 19i til) .10 Sin 80' mi 351 i2 2G'j B4 1 nil tiifi -s'i t:I4. .15 r,7i . 8ji it 44.4 274 195 S2 21a 14 cm nn s 2'. i ii Low. 19i en nn ; tnt'i 42i 8n n M, 72 12 25 4 54 mfi 7H4 7n :!, ". us ; 41 '1 2 Jt 18J4 80 J 24 i 19. ! 43 4 Ml 81 'S r.i Cloi. I9H 60 30 97 102,, 36 '4 804 64 :ir, 72 i?l 54 ; 104 i!4 7fflt 43 35 57 70 OS 41 '4 . 2 7 '.4 ",. S2' 2'!l 1 9 4'i 4n' 89 82 64 Net chpte. 3 '4 T.f -i S4 111 sn flnc. ihg". Tnlnl Milr, SD,;:i nhnrc, rnmimrcil ttllli 10, 8.15 uliitrc lil( Alonilil', 1IO.VDH. lllBli. I.mv. linn Am ; r,i !:! fj 2000 Inlfr ltB 4fl 58 Si's iiHio I, N cii 4k.ii:i 11124 1006 I, V 1st cxt 4.1 M 94 I Ill) !. .... 91. 93 moo Pn ueti l'4H.in2'i I02'4 160(10 do cnu I', 4 1. inn 1054 -ono I'h Cn run (is. HI. 93 i 9000 do Isl 5..lnli lol'l 21000 I'lillii Klcr In. 81 84 nno .10 r ion ton 8nnn licnillntt bcii 4n l'SJi 95; loon Hpnii-Ain t 6a.ii2'i I02'4 6000 Htnnil (Inn 6s. ton inn 20on t'n Ity.i t r In. 7. "n toon fn Ity Inv 5n. 72'4 !! 1 inoo Welimtch 5.1.. 74 9. ' 500n York ily lit fm 4!4 94'- -UnrrctHe. Decrciiic. tCnsh paid. Tolnt nnlrii SIIO.OOO, rnmpnrcit llli 1,8(10 liiil Monday. !!., . , r.7i 1 1024 '4 94 n:i .... 102'. ' 1054 91 .. 101 4 H '4 SI 103.. ..... I02H ' 1 00 -, A4 76 72'i 97-k ..... 914. I- "n Local Bid and Asked Tnihi.v'B SnturiluVH Itlil. Ashed. Hid. AHke.l. ItitMnln in2, in:i lot 1 in. , ItiKf Mils t r :i9 4 tots 39 4 4(Ji(, iln prcf 59 li 60 5914 .60 Itrlll .1 (1 8(1 39 36 39 ('Hill Klcel HI 91' 81 I Mine Mtoriico 63Jj Ii4 'o 1.4'a 65'4 liclii'lill Anplmlt .... 3l.'1i 35 36 36 iln prcf Tl'.i 72 72 ,2'n Kl'VHlMli. Tel ISft II ISJ 14.. iln t r 13' II I3' 14 In prcf 69. 70 69 70 l,ale Supi'rlor Corp.. I04 II ll'i 1 1 "a l.ehl.th Nhv 76 77 7l!' i; I.elllBll Valley 76'.4 77 j 78 iKjj LehlBli Vnlley Tr.... 22 22''4 22 22',5i , d Prcf 13 43W 44 I'ennn BS4 57. 5. Cm"! I'hllr IClec 27 H 27 " 27 2,4 Phllll Co 40!, ll'i 41 42'i iln 5 per rent pc. . n7 33 37 39 ilo ti per cent pr. . II 11 'a H 44 'a Phlln It T ll'i 19 19U 19i iln t v 184 19 I9U 104 nendlli).- 82' 82 SO 80J, Tnntipall Helmont ... I'l 4n 4s 4'i Tnimpiih Mliilnu 61!" i'4 6 64 Union Traction 43 I3'n 4 3'. a 44. I'nlteil (las Imp S9'.i 89t 90. 90' II S HIim-1 82 82'rtl 824 8214 Vorli Itallivny to-; 11 in, II do pref 37 37 '4 37 38 Win Cramp t c 71 80 71 73 NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET XKW YOItK. Feb. 2S. At. the open ing this morning business In tho coffeo market was less active, but the undertone was steady. Klrst prices were unchanged to four pints higher, with sales on the call aggregating 3000 bags. Today's Saturday's opening. clone. t'Vhniary 7.68(u7.70 March 7.60 7.6Sf7.70 April 7.76W7.77 .May 7.80 7.83W7.84 June 7.88r(f7.89 July 7.71 7.92M7.94 AURllKt 7.07HC7.99 Seplember 8.03 8.02W8.03 October S.OJS. in November s.na'u's.in December 8.11 8. 14 8.12M8.14 January .1:1 Off 8. IS Hid. Gasoline Up in Cincinnati CINCINNATI, Feb. 28. Tank wagon garago gasoline advanced 2 cents to 23 here today. The Guaranteed . Mortgage i S recommended as an investment of un questioned stability, un affected by any condition, whether political or indus trial, which relieves the investor of all possible an noyance and trouble. Circulars on Request Philadelphia Company for . Guaranteeing Mortgages William It. Nicholson. President I.nnit 'title Ilullillng, l'hllndelpliln (31 INVESTMENT OFFERINGS We Iiuto prepared a list ot offerings. Including ltallroad, Vulillc Utility mid Industrial llondH which wo ran recom mend, Copy furnished on re quest, MELLOR & PETRY Members N. Y, & rhll. Stock Exchame 330 CO.MMKIICIAI. TIIUST IIL'ILDING To the Holders of tho First Mortgaga 5 Bonds of the Consolidated Gas Co. of the City of Pittsburgh On February 1, 1916, the Consolidated Oas Company of the City of IMttsburch made da fault In the payment of Interest on its I'lrst Slortsace Five I'er Cent. Bonds. In view of this default the unders:ned have been ap pointed a Committee to enforce the rlshts and conserve the interests of the bondholders. The I'ennsvlvunU Company for Insurances on Lives and Orantlnir Annuities, 617 Chestnut street, I'nlladelphta. haa been appointed Depository. A deposit azrecinent haa been prepared, of which an original ran be seen at the office of the Do. posltory and copies obtained on application to the Depository or to any member or the Committee, All holders of bonds are requested to deposit them with the Depository under the provisions ot tho agreement. Bach depositing bondholder will receive a certlAcate of Deposit In transferable form. Tho agreement makes careful provision for the withdrawal ot U" noslted aecurlttea In case the depositor Is nnt satisfied with such plan as the Committee nuj announce, or wun any cohosh wmen tne uom mlttra may And It necessary to InaUe In the provisions of tho agreement, CIIAnr.ES 8. W. PACKARD. Chairman; WILLIAM P. CJEST. THOMAS 8. OATKS, K, S. PAOB, U. HOWELL GM8WOLD. JR.. JAMES CROSBY BROWN. Committee. a. W. PEPPER. Counsel for the Committee. -E. L. UltAUTtOAM. Becretary. 617 Chestnut Street, Fblla. THE LEHIGH COAL AND NAVI GATION COMPANY Philadelphia, February 15, 1916. The annual meetlor ot the stockholders ot The Lehigh Coal and Navigation Com pany will be held at the office of the Com Piny. 437 Chestnut street. Philadelphia. Pa., on February S. 1810. at 11 o'clock A. M.. when and where au election wilt ba held for President and Board of Managers to serve for the ensuing yr. , Copies of the Annual Report can be had at (be Company's office on and after Feb ruary 21, 191U. HENRY tt PEASE, eecrtluy EATES MAY BECOME FIRMS RUMORS REGARDING READ?! Distributing the Big Surplus PitM-,,.. s of Consolidated Gas Bonds, Philarlplnh'. . Subsidiary, Form Protective Commit.PO 1 MONEY MANY Talk of Holder Co The recently resumed transfer ot for-clgn-bcld securities to thl nldo of tho At lantic lias MURgcstcd ' tho minds of pome bankers that the money Klttiallnn, though superficially extremely cany at present, may reflect In the not dlititnt future the foreign demand for funds so clearly evi dent. The bank stntcnicnts hero and lit Now York of late hnvo displayed a heavy expansion In the loan item. That tho movement of securities from abroad will be handled carefully goes without saying, nnd lodgment Is being found for thco stocks nnd bonds In tho hnuks and other financial Institutions throughout the coun try. Tho drnl.. in ensh Is ntiotbcr feature of the present sltuntlou nnd Is largely no counted for by the movement through tho Federal Itcserve Hank. There Is not like ly therefore to bo any great demand for new capital whllo the foreign selling con tinues, as the bargains to bo obtained nre too tempting to Investors, being ot the highest grade securities. According to dispatches, money rates throughout the West show little likelihood of any material change taking place for sonic time. Tho steady accumulation ot funds, as shown In deposits nt the largo banking institutions, together with tho In ci case In reserve rctnilrcuients, as occn slnnrd by the Federal Itcserve net, as well as the light demand from mercantile tines. Hhollld naturally tend to cnuse rates to remain as they nro for the next few months nt least, Western ndvlccs assert. With the exception of Heading, which again displayed marked strength, the local market was inclined to sag. Very opti mistic talk was heard on Heading. One rumor bad It that the company contem plated disposing of the conl and Iron com. pany and distributing tho cash thus ob tained to Its stockholders In the form of a bonus. It has also said that tho largo combined accumulated surplus, which amounted on June HO last to $3!),S21IUIT. might be distributed, wliilo still another story revived the tliiiu-worn rumor of re tiring the second preferred stock. A dc cllno of more than 8 points occurred in Haldwlu on a few sales, hut as the stock has not appeared on the local tape re cently It was regarded merely as an ad justment wltli ItH Xcw York price. At the close J. O. Drill broke more than S points, while Knpid Transit nnd others extended their previous declines fraction ally further. As the day drew to a close the whole list weakened further In sympathy with tho decline In Wall street. T.chlgh Valley, after rising a dollar, fell back beow .. .1 final, while Itap.d Transit ZM' dollar and Storage Ilattery 1 eadlng also reacted after aKj Philadelphia Company S8UM v ) regular. Pittsburgh holders of.i of the Consolidated (las Comnani .. burrli, a subsidiary of PiZffi.?' pany. on which Interes u.,.'P,ll H February I. have formed n. ,!r1 committee composed of A n n?b 1). Herbert Hosteller. John li iiicoiiore u. l'nini nnd li t n.,;" with the Safe Ueposit and Trust rw"'?' as depository. A committee forn? purpose was formed In Plillad.ir,t,w,9 the time the default In lntcrJ.il11"' .. """Wt Money in London l.ti.UO.. Feb. 28. -C0SC . l'a per cent.; discount rate rW'.'l n(, per cent.; three months', TiS cent. ''t B.A, &PUBLlC SERVHTV SECURITIES "77i; dependence of municipalU;,, on Public Service Cornorm;,.!.- the strength of their sccuritia" J . r." " i-.--"-" "t.s or certi.. public service companies afford tie opportunity for autstantial l'nvcitmaj yielding a high return. 5 Wc particularly recommena i cumulative bD prctcrred stock ol public fcrvicc company nettinj j present prices 6.42. J Balance earned 1915 over 3 tin, preferred requirements. 1 The company is paying 4 ci common, over ifo ecing earned. CI The properties are situated in J,I fercnt localities, thus aasurini itall'tj or income. CJ Detailed description on requeit Baker Aylirvg Co. La.id Title Bldg-Philadelphir. Jay Cooke secured the first National Bank Charter issued for tie First National Bank of Philadelphia. Among the original stockholders were such well-known men ai Robert B. Cabeen, Cabeen Co., dealers in Iron and Steel: Stephen A. Caldwell, Stokes, Caldwell & Co., Dry Goods, later President Fidelity Trust Company; Clarence H. and E. . Clark, E. AV, Clark ? Co., Bankers; O. 7. Davis, Davis fe? Binnie. Attorneyi-at-law. and President during organization; Thomas Drake, Retired Capitalist: J. Gillingham Fell. Coal and Iron Merchant; L, A. Godey, Godey's Lady's Bool; Amos R. .Little, Director Pennsylvania Railroad Co., Dry Goods Merchant; Morton McMichael, Sr Mayor of Philadelphia: Morton McMichael. Jr., Castier; Walter McMichael, Proprietor The North Amenem at that time: W. G. Moorhead. Jay Cooke & Co.; Joseph F. Page, Real Estate and Builder: Georje Philier, President of the First National. 1873-1904: . S. Russell, Cochran. Russell & Co.: George H. Stuart, Dry Goods Merchant; George F. Tyler. Iron and Coal Merchant: James A. Wright, Peter Wrijnt &? Sons, Steamship Agents. Many of these families still hold their original shares. The First National Bank ss ran W'Tff ' V r OF PHILADELPHIA 315 Chestnut St. lr- We beg to announce that we have opened an office in New York at 115 Broadway. The New York Office is connected by direct private telephone with our Philadelphia Office. Newhall, Churchman & Company Members Philadelphia Stock Exchange Stock Exchange Building US Broadway Philadelphia New York "frf rwiirnifi Interesting Facts and Figures Our rent compilation of facts and (Uurea rteardin tho following- comp el") lm had upon request: PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC CO, THE UNITED GAS IMPROVEMENT CO. LEHIGH COAL & NAVIGATION CO. Also Our Latest Circular, Untitled FEBRUARY INVESTMENT SUGGESTIONS REED A. MORGAN & CO. B&SJSJ & &S. eox W tSApBiaSSSSBJSJIBHIswf4OT nsnssanssaiMiaisi mi ii iminiiir LOGAN TRUST COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA 1431 CHESTNUT STREET CAPITAL. AUTHORIZED (1,000,000 PAID IN, $906,900 SURPLUS AND j UNDIVIDED PROFIT $380,000 Our Trust Company is organized to wye Infor ination on all fiduciary matters. Where this Company is made Executor, Trustee, etc., wins are prepared without charge and deposited lor safe keeping in our Vaults. ROWLAND COMLY frutiiitnt WILLIAM BRADWAV f, I ttt. fJkA