Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 28, 1916, Night Extra, Page 11, Image 11

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Large Number of Society Women Will Attend Mon-
iuszko's Opera, "Verbum Nobile," to Be
Given in Aid of Poland
MANY of Hip smart sot nre Inter
ested In the larfjo Polish benefit
Which will ho Riven tonight In tho Met
ropolltnn Opera House, when Alonl
unr.ko's opera. "Vcrhuni Noblle," will
be Blven for tho first time In America.
Tho entire company will lie composed
e poisons born In Poland, althotiBh
they are now thoroURhly Americanized.
In the boxes will ho Padercwakl and his
rlfo and the iMayor and Mrs. Hmltli.
Tho principal parts will he taken by
Madame Knmlnlska OllRaltls, Moprnim;
, Mr. Thaddelis Gorcckl, tenor; Mr. Plotr
tvlio Karltone: Mr. V. Flganlnk. bass
hnrltone. and Mr. J. Kulmckl. bass barl- "c &l; '"I "'III olllclate. a small recep
bantonc. hi. tlfm f)), ,mmclllte fnmn,M ml ,rIllll
tone. There will bo nbout loO olccs ,mrtv w , , ,, , , f
In tho chorus. nruie-H parents. Green Gate. Mcrlnu.
mv. ttlt, CninmlUco nf Mm Cmpivl l"lor and Mrs. Laird will entertain
Tho Polish Committee of the l-raoi, , ,,,,. ,olnorl.m,. ,l;lll n, , u, ,.,,,
gency Aid has Just received the follow- , followed by h theatre patty. In honor of
jng letter from cx-Prcsldent William II. i Miss l.alid and her bridal p.uty.
Tuft, who Is the honorary chairman of
V. ii i. vi.iin' TJollof Viin.l- I Mrs' ' ,ie w ' City or gale a dinner
the Polish Mctlms Keller Mind. oll Snlm.,av ,,., nl ;e ,ad1 ,,,,,,, ,
"Tho conditions In Poland, hi ought Palm Ue.ich, to celebrate tho birthday of
about by tho present war, tuo so ills- J Mr- Clyo''
tresslnp that every American who can Mra. Alexander ,t. Cassatl will enter
at all afford to do some part to help tain at dinner this evening nt her town
relieve them should do so. I sincerely , hnUae -"- niltoiihoiisc snuare.
hope that you will bo supported In your Tc M.onil of (( (,r(1!1 ()f R,,8Cr)tll)11
efforts toward that end by tho people dances being given at the Sedgloy Chili
ef Philadelphia, and that your operatic by Mrs. l-'riitiklln McCma Wlrgmnn will
performance for Polish relief will bo u ' """ ",i,w lM l,xc"i'"v
great success." i . dancing class which ments on Mnn-
The patrons and patronesses Include . day evenings at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
i. ..., w ciilliiu iirnvnl ti-i ! ''"ndyii I.. Stewardson. of P.oscniont, In
Mrs. Georgo W. Chllds Drcsel. mis. cmlcH nlmmK )t! mt.mll01.s Ml.. ,, j,,.,.
Alexander nn Rensselaer, .Mrs. I heo- Sl;ll,v t, -IoviIi Mr. and .Mrs. Ileatly c.
dore Crnmp. Mrs. Joseph !. Hinnott, j Dulles. Mr. and Mrs. George Glbhs. Mr.
frs Edward T. Stoteshury, Mrs. John ' '""1 J'r. 'harlos SlnnlcUson and Mr. and
Cadwalader. Mrs. Henry Brluton Coxe. MrH- Jwwh "".
Mrs. AVIUIam H. Donncr, Mrs. John !
Combs, Mrs, Louis Wolf. Mrs. John II.
Mcl'adden, Mrs. Isaac T. Starr. Mrs.
Samuel Chew, Mrs. tin mini Morgan,
Mrs. C. C. Harrison, Mrs. C. Htirtmau
Kuhn. Mrs. A. J. Cassatt, Mrs. John
i it... ni. .., " ui,t
Wanamaker. -Mrs. Thomas .. Ashton.
Mrs. Samuel P. Wetherlll. Mrs. Arthur
Ton Mr. Archibald Harklle, Mr. Then-i
i dorc N. Klv. Mr. Samuel V. l.U. Mis. ,
, uqii. -. ". t-,.....i.. I
i A. S. Heckscher, Mrs. John Kenislo
' Mitchell, Mr. Clement i. N'cwbold, Mrs. ,
Hi Edward Drowning, -mis. iiunrge w- ""'
il u m.. witll-im Cllli Scull Mrs. '
JUL wltz, M,s' " ' ;"'" ,.",!.. ,
$1 Thomas Robins. Mrs. Denjnmln Millei. .
Mrs. Norman .mulma-uii. -his. mini . ,
'' Morgan. Mrs. .1. Willis Martin, Mrs.
John C. Grnoinu. Mrs. Ilarclay Warhur-
!, ton, Miss Charlotte Slter. Mrs. George
f Krit. Chandler. Mrs. Italph M. Town-
( send, Mrs. J. Sellers Bancroft, Mrs. !
! Bavard Ilenrv. Mrs. hMwiird Crozer, I
i B ,.,,, ' ,,. ,,,. H r
j Mrs. William It. W. Hentz. Mis. H. C. ,
' Madeira. Mrs. Leopold Stokowslil, -Mrs.
Cornelius Stevenson. Mrs. Kilwnrd K. ;
Howland Mrs. .1. Nornian Jackson. Mrs.
. luiHMiiu. .i ,,,,.., ,.
fw. Howard Pancoast. M s. llobeit ym ,
' Mosehzisker. Mrs. Jay Llpplncott. -Mrs. ,
' Earklle Henry, .Mrs. Kdgar M. Church, I
Mrs .Morris L. T'arrlsli. Mrs. J. P. Me- j
Nlehol. Mrs .1. Hamilton llarris, Mrs.
Edwin McCullough. Mrs. Mnwm Lisle,
Miss Henrietta Kly. Mrs. Allen Stock-
ton. Miss Sophie Norils, Mrs. Samuel
( . . .. , ,. -,! n i ..,. Mi. i !-.
W. Meek. Mrs. I'll 14. Price. Mis. Hm-
fill bert Clark. Mrs. Thomas c. tiuiuer ana ,
t Mrs. Edwin H. Vare.
" I
There seems to he no diminution or ;
entertaining at Mrs. Scott's Supper
Club, and on Saturday night many par- '
ties were given, among tlioso entertain- ,
Ing being Mrs. George Qulntard 11 or- '
wltz Mrs. Wulter Jeffords, Jlrs. Charles
'" '' . ... -.,,.u o Aini-inn
Custls Harrison. Jr.. Mis. Mai Ion
Dougherty. Mrs. Lewis Nellson, -Mrs.
Alfred E. Norrls, Mrs. J. II. Kvans Rob-
erts Mrs Henry II. Pease, Mrs. K.
Spencer Miller. 3d. Mrs. P. Williamson ;
Roberts, .Mrs. Alexander Sellers, Mrs.
ilarry Chapman Thayer. Mrs. Thomas
Earla White, Mrs. Samuel Megargee
Wright. Mrs. D. Bradeii Kyle. Mrs.
nittenhouse Jllller. Mrs. Horace Alien.
Heath Bannard, Edward Cassard. Mrs.
W. II. Tcvla Kuhn and Mrs. Alfred j
Reginald Allen. Tho Meyer Davis Or-i
chestra Is proving particularly popular
itt. t,i.n.,,ii..i,io thi ueiiKon the i
with Phlladelphlans this season, Die
, luciuuica ui-j on i. tub committee lu cliarge mourned air. J.
, sre always forthcoming. ! Crosby Brown, Mr. Charles W. Christ. Dr.
' I J. Howard Cloud. Mr. Henry H. Collins.
i Not content with their home-brand Jr.. Mr. Henry S. Drinker, Jr., Mr. ICd
; melodramatic movies a ""mber of C.ans. MTheoilorely, ,,r.
, fashionables from this city nnd Now Fnnrtshorne. Mr. C. H. I.udlngton. Dr.
York are whlllng away tho time at
Palm Bench by posing in a real reel-
tk.iii... ...i.i. i. .,ii,,, -in,- title. TliB
.1(1.1171. iiiii niw ..M...r. ...... ---
Island of Happiness." The lead is being
Jilayed by no less a. person than our
own attractive Mario Louise Wanii'
'maker that wns. now Mrs. Gurnee .
wmci uuii ivuo. .... i
Slfunn, and her cousin, "Brownie ai-t
burton, also Is in the cast. Paulino Diss- t
ton and Ethel Shields, also of our own I
city, are among tho "movie" nctorlnes,
nd there are about two dozen others
In the cast, Including Mr. and .Mrs.
Lawrence Armour, of Chicago; Mrs.
plermann Oelrlchs, Mr. and Mrs. D. It.
,a t. ' x, TT.i, 'kt, vnetr. Toiio I
and Roger R. Hill, of New otk, John ,
'IHmin aV Ufr r nlllO I'llTlOU tt tlVllH
C. King. Clarence Jones, Harry Dar-
llngton. Russell Colt, Charles Inman. J
Oeorge Harris. Elizabeth Bennett.
Margaret Bennett, Margaret Hancock,
Rosamond Lancaster. Louise Wise, Ade
laide Jones. Mary Snyder, Peggy Burg
win, Claire Bird, Elsie Rice, Mildred
YII-a U.l.l C.1.1. nml Aflt.ll'eil
The film Is to be shown at the Royal
iPolnclana, on the evening of March 6,
tho proceeds to go to the American
Ambulance Hospital, at Paris, and
fatter the performance a sealed vote Is
w be taken to determine the disposi
tion of the film. Unless every one
threes that it should be exhibited to the
fcneral public, It will be destroyed at
nee. Let us hope that there will bo
tno dissenting vote, as I for one should
tnoy viewing from my quarter seat lu
one of the picture palaces the antics of
those of us who are fortunate enough
to wear cool linens and sun hats while
there shiver In furs and galoshes, and.
th, such a good-looking cast and pic-
Wresque settings. I am quite sure the
pictures will be entrancing.
R&t the wedding of Mhu Mary Hall
tvu. daughter of Dr. and airs, warren
"" laird, and Mr Jomt j'aiiie i
fttzt. which will take place Wednesday
Laird, and Mr Jonn Jamei
afternoon nt-1 o'clock In (lie Memorial
Uiurclt of St. I'mil. oterhrook. Miss
Anno Claude Myers, of Washington, l.
C... sister nf tho lirldrmtmm, will he maid
nt honor, mid the lirlilestimlils will lie Miss
Militia (ioilotte f.'ilHi.n tlou tWlllim td .
ilen freeman, Miss Itc-lirrel A. I.ycelt. i
Miss Knthnrln r. Nowlmld, Mlsa tillzahotli j
I'. Kennedy mid Miss Frances i". Iredell.
n I'lainiieid. N. ,r. Mr. Myers will liiue
Mr. Howard D.iriip, of Xew York, for his
"est niati. anil hH tishors will he Mr
Kenneth R Mnxey. nf thilllmore. Mil :
Mr. .lohn .V. Kwmtzell and Mr. I.ewl
Uond. of Washington. M. C. ; Mr. Clnretiie
I'recmnn. Mr. William Henry Parker and
Mr. Wllllatn .Simpson. .Id., of this elty.
I'ollowinK the church ceiomonv, nt
wiiirit the Itev. William It. Turner, reeti.r
A class u first aid has heen organised
by Dr. .1. ?itiitnn Koltz, and inei'ts ut his
home, Ilcthlehem pike and Summit ave
nue. Chestnut Hill, on Monday evenings.
The class Is composed of ;i number of
young women prominent In Chestnut Hill
i .Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. I.ea. who nro
ct,tpy1B 1(1,r cw , U D(,voll, wl
i,..Ul. on Wednesday to spend a month at
the San Pe Club. In Smith Carolina. Their
d-iugliter. Miss Kath-rlue I.ea, who nl-
tends St. Marys School, at t'eeksklll, -V
v w Juln (llem al)oul u, ml(,ll(. ,)f lu
''"he Misses Williams and Mrs. Ralph
IVmherton will be at home this afternoon
nf 4 'c0ck at the IJurllngloii. No
canls have been sent out.
The Kennel Club will hold Its tlfth an-
.,)( ,ui( t.pstliut st'.t.etH .rllp ,..,,
.U i, ,ievott.,i to the Child Federation
Health Centre. The olllcers of tho club
arc: Mrs. John Slnnott. president; Mr.
Charles I!. Wood, first vice president;
Jr tohnt (UR)es socom, ,.,. ,.,.,.
,,,.,. Ml. oeorgc D. Wldener, third vice
pivsldeut, and Mr. .1. Chandler linrnaiil,
secretary and treasurer. The patronesses
Include Mrs. Alfred Stengel. Miss Alice
M mMW MrH (,nry c IJoyer Mrs
,,, ,. (jlark. Mrs. C. It. I.udlngton.
.Mrs. Norman .MacLeod, Mrs. Thomas
Robins and Mrs. Alexander II. Rice.
mUul o( , l)( ,,,,
).a,t, ,.Mlert.ln(,, llt ,,,.1,,, snturday
nfteriiiinn. Among those present were
-Miss Christine .lessup of I'pland. Pa.:
-Mrs. Giiscom. Miss Kl zabctli Dereuin,
... ,,..,,. shiiroiMs. m. rt.vnnifis.
j,.,s- ,, ungllsh Dallam, Jr., and Mrs..
Dr. and Mrs. Isaac II. Shelley arc re-
ccvjnfr congratulations upon the birth or
a little daughter on February 1!'. Mrs.
Shelley will ho remembered as Miss Jean
Aldiich Conrad.
The auditorium of the Jlanuracturers'
Club will present nn attractive ceue
"" afternoon, when the ISntertnlmiiciit
(.nltteo wl Rlve the ,.,, of n Herlus
(f ,mlHU..llcs Tlp rontrlbiitlng arUsts
will l Miss Gertrude Renuysoii, soprano;
.Mr. Hans Klndler, 'cellist; Mr. John F.
u,11I,t n K,I,B C,ark "'"'''.
Along the Main Line
MKRION Friends of Mr. Francis C.
Peqiilnot. of Hazlehurst avenue, will re
gret to learn that he Is seriously ill, hav
ing undergone an operation.
Norman Angel!
gave an Interesting talk Saturday night.
hi Roberts Hall, Haverford College, on
. Foreign Policy of America."
I Harli
jiarland C. Nicholson, Mr. Charles James
Ithoads. Dr. Isaao Sharpless and Mr. Par-
'er 5i. H iiuaius.
BRVN MAWR. Mr. Alfred M. Collins
will tell of his experiences in tho wlids
of South America In Assembly Hall,
-'l"r- """ ; "b- '""'
H,(m, a un,ber of pictures, which he se-
ed uurB ha travels, and a most en-
lightening evening Is expected.
-Mrs. KlUuhetli M. Levis will give a
Mfllilll jmi ly mm ctciiiiif. til. iii iii.iiid i.,ii
Lancaster avenue. There will be H guests
Mr. Julian W. Barnard, of Morris ave
nue, has returned from a visit to New
WAYNB The last of the slit subscript
Hon dances arranged by Mr. JIaurice C.
. a jr. WenUeM Schoc, a,i JJr.
.eees wlig given on Friday evening in tho
Saturday Club. About 100 guests were
present. The patronesses were Mrs. W.
C. Prew. Mrs. Palmer Hunter. Mrs. Roger
S. "Mitchell, Miss Fenhuore and Mrs. Fred
erick Ilallowell.
JLjss Mary Ainan, daughter of Jfr. and
.Mrs. George Ainan. spent the week-end
at West Point, where alio attended the
Hundredth Night Dance.
Chestnut Hill
The annual banquet of the Business
Men's Association will take place on Tues.
day, March 7. in Joslin Hall. Prominent
men have been secured to speak.
West Philadelphia
Jlrs. Simon Cameron Burnslde and Mrs.
David Porter Stoever gave an Informal
tea at their apartments, 11 H Spruce
street, on Friday afternoon. Among
those present were Miss Mary Urlftlth,
.Miss Julia Griffith. Mrs. Julian Keenan,
Mrs. Russell Keefer, Mrs. Frank Evans,
Mrs. Paxton, Miss Mary McArdle, Mrs. P.
F. Rotharmel. Mrs. J. Ralston Covert,
Mrs. T. I. McKvoy. Mrs. C Lincoln Fur
bush, Mrs, Henry C. Loughlln. Mre. Will
lam Loughlln, Mrs. Gregory Kelly, Mrs.
C. Illnchinan. Mrs. Cairn and Mrs. Kd
ward L. Perkins.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond U. Du Pell and
their son, James Du Pell, of Belular ter
race, spent the week-end with Mrs. Harry
W. Chairs, at her home In Wilmington.
Mr. and Mrs- Charles McGirr. of $3U
Vine street, are receiving congratulations
. b, th - a go- QMrS9 McGirr.
on the mrm UI BO"' ueun"' iu,-u"T'
Along the Reading j mss vjsk ' iBffi W JHlB 7
The Missionary Fund Committer if
Wyncote gave a benefit dance at Bccch
wood School, on Saturday evening. The
patronesses wore Mrs Horace G. Fet
teiolf. Mrs. Howard S. llckels. Mrs. J
Wesley Pullman. Mrs. Benjamin Sander-
s .Mrs. William T. I'rlngle and Mrs.
Charles A. Bobbins. Some of those ptesent
were Mr. Cooper Pullman. Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Spalding. Mr. anil .Mrs. .lames
Ileacock, .Mr. and Mrs. Newton Walker,
Miss Doiothea Jennings. Doctor Wallher,
Dr. John. Bowers, Mr. Joseph Cochran.
Miss Mildred Fetterolf. Miss Kllen Herk-
ness. Miss Clementine Pent. Miss Fiances
Bobbins, Miss Killtli Laiidell. Miss Yoder.
Mr. and .Mrs. Warren. Miss Lillian
Hunter. Miss Allele Polk. Mr. Percy
Sanderson, Mr. Itobert Schelne, Mr. Ilen
Jaiiiln Sanilersoii. .Mr. Sidney Sanderson.
Miss Marjorlo Kent. Miss Nan Kent. Mr.
John Scheetz. Mr. Henry Schcetz. Miss
Dnriitlieii Heading. Mr. Robert Itodeu.
Mr. Dayton Larzelere. Miss Harriet
Iteaser. Mr, English Gayley. Mr. Theo
dore Glenworth, 3d. Jlr. Ward Wheelock,
the Misses Wheelock. Mr. Carl Hubbard,
.Miss Mary Vlele. Miss Catherine Vleln.
.Miss Dorothy i.'anipbell. Miss Betty Camp
hell. .Miss Carpenter, Miss Rose and many
of the young girls who attend the Ueceh
wood School.
.Mr. A. J. Chauveau. nf Wyncoto road,
Jcnklntown, gave a smoker on Saturday
evening, at ills home.
.Mrs. Henry K. Depuy, of Jenklntown,
has Issued Invitations for a luncheon at
her home on Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel B. Wentz, accom
panied by their small daughter, Miss
Dolly Wentz, of The Orchard, Clielteti
Hills, are In Atlantic City. N. J., where
they have been spending soveral weeks.
Mr. and Jlrs. Wentz will return to their
home about tho first week In .March.
Mrs. Victor J. Mulford and her daugh
ter. Miss Mary Mulford, of Greenwood
avenue, Wyncote. left last week for At
lantic City. N. J . where they will spend
several weeks.
Mrs. J. Milton Cotton, of Old York road,
Jonklntowii. accompanied by her daughter,
Mrs. Bayard Hand, of Wilkes-Barre, Pa.,
left for Augusta, Ga., where they will
remain several weeks.
Miss Dorothy Rex. of ld York road,
Ahlngton. will return today from Vermont,
where she lias been the guest of friends
for the past three weeks and (uis been ex
tensively entertained, having had several
dinners given in her honor.
Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Springer, of
Lenox road. Jenklntown. accompanied liy
their daughter. Miss Vera Springer, have
left for the South, where they will spend
several weeks.
The Jenklntown Choral Society has
Issued Invitations for a moving picture
entertainment, on Wednesday evening,
March 1.1. nt the Jenklntown Auditorium,
on Old York Road.
Mrs. William Hannn Shelmerdlne. of
Gteenwooil avenue, Wyncote, accompanied
by her small son, William Shelmerdlne,
Jr., who bus Just recovered from a serious
attack of measles, will leave this week
for Atlantic City, N. J.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Helfrich, of Park
avenue, entertained at cards nt their
home on Saturday evening. A buffet
supper followed. There were Ifi guests
Miss June Harmer, of City line, will
entertain Miss Evelyn Clavey, of 415
Concord avenue, Wilmington, this week
A supper and theatre party will be given
for her on Friday by .Mr. and Mrs. James
T. Harmer. Tho guests will Include Miss
Dorothy Grninm, Mlsa Josephine Duulap,
Mr. Horace Fields, Mr. Harry S. Grllllth,
Mr. Wulter Clarke and Mr. John L. Stone.
.Mrs. William C. Watt and her daughter,
JIIss Eleanor de B. Watt, of the Morris
Apartments, are spending a fortnight in
Mr. and .Mrs. Gordon S. Carrigau, of"
521 Lincoln drive, have returned from
Atlantic City. N. J.
Mrs. Jams S. Francks, pf I'elliam
Court, has returned front a visit to Cam
den, S. C.
JIIss Frances Reed, of Cary Farms, Lex
ington. Mass., Is the guest of her Ulster,
Jlrs. William G. Shields, Jr.. 4W School
Jlrs. Preston K. Erdman. of 5922 Greene
street, and her daughter, Jtrs. Robert T.
JlcCracken, accompanied by her small
daughter, are spending several days in At
lantic City.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry William Jfende. of
419 West Hortter street, will give another
of their supper dances this evening.
Among those present will be Mhui Claudia
Rottner. Miss Blanche West. Jlr- and Jlrs.
Howard Borgenskl, Mr. and Jlrs. Andrew
Botto. Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Blackburn, Jlr.
and Mrs. Frederic Brown. Mr. and Sirs.
Milton Sllberstein, Dr. and Mrs. Norman
Payne. Mr. Raymond Jarvis, Mr. Walter
Jarvls and Mr. Frederlo Tyler.
Germantown men and women are proud
of the fact tliat Mr. George Alexander
West, organist and choirmaster of St.
Luke's Protestant Episcopal Church, has
ba awarded a prize of J 100 for his can
tata "Elysium." This prize was the first I
I - aowsv 3r-' s, ' Pfc- ' kyy.y
t " ' I, '
nwaidcd lu a competition open to com
posers of the rutted States.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Crawford Clark. Jr..
of New York, are being congratulated
upon the birth of a daughter on Saturday.
February 1L Mrs. Clark will be remem
bered as Miss Frances Stokes, daughter
of Mr. and Jlrs. P. C. Stokes, of German
town. JBs.s Margaret Breaker, of New York,
who returned from I'arls recently, has
been the guest of .Mrs. W. II. Thomas, on
Church lane.
Workmen aie tinny completing Hie
handsome Dutch Colonial house owned
by Jlr. J. .Morgan Lister. It Is situated
on Cps.il stieet, near Wlssahlckon, and
will be really for occupancy In the early
spring. Jfr. Lister ami his bride, who
was JIIss i:il.abeth JleCown. have gone
to the West Indies for several weeks.
The engagement has been announced
of Miss Florence D,, Bachrach. daughter
of Jlr. and-Jlrs. David Bacharach. of 4 IBS
North Broad street, to Jlr. Henry L. Lang.
The members of the Tioga Sewing Club
will lie entertained tomorrow afternoon
by Jlrs.. Allen Jloats at her home on East
Walnut lane, and tho guests will Include
Jlrs. Ralph Humphreys, Jlrs. ('. C. Clegg.
Jlrs. T. SI. Scholey, Mrs. Jtorrls Lawrence.
Miss Inez Donaldson, Jlrs. W. G. Glbbs,
Jlrs. Louis Illggard. Jlrs. Horace Davis.
Jlrs. Walter S. Bauer, .Mrs. Charles
Thompson. Jlrs. John O. Taxis Jlrs. Hay
nor Bowman, Jlrs. J. If. Chad wick. Jlrs
Wesley Flanagan. Jtiss Ida Drlpps, Mrs.
Julius Neufeld, Jlrs. Paul Yoight, Mrs.
Walter .Miller. Jlrs. Harvey Cressinan
and Mrs. George Crofton.
Miss Florence Williams gave a luncheon
on Saturday, when her guests Included
JIIss Dorothy Wardle. JIIss Lida Yerkes,
JIIss Katharine AVItte, Jlrs. May Taylor.
Miss Vorn Wclzcl, JIIss JIargueiite Wil
son. Jliss Edith JI. Lower, JIIss Aehsali
Gates, JIIss Vera Westcott and Miss
Emily Winkler.
Jfr. nnd Jlrs. G. Clarence Laudls have
returned from their wedding journey to
Bermuda nnd will bo nt homo at 6502
North 13th street. Mrs. Landls was JIIss
Elizabeth J. Deal, of 15tl Butler street.
North Philadelphia
.Mr. and Jlrs. Edward Woir. of '1323
North Broad street, have Issued Invita
tions for tho wedding of their daughter.
JIIss Helene Wolf, to Jlr Joseph C. Beck
man, of 3212 Diamond street, on Monday
evening, .March K, at ii o'clock, lu the
Bellevuo-Stratford. The brldo will have
Jlrs. Joseph JIoos as matron of honor,
JllhS Jlaigaret Mayer. Jliss Florence
Simon, JIIss Jlnthllde l.oeb, Jliss Ruth
Lelpzlger as bridesmaids and Jliss Jlai
garet Wolf as flower girl. Dr. .Morris
Beckuiau will be Ills brother's best man,
and the ushers will lie Jlr. David Beck
tnnii, Mr Eugeno Wolf, Jlr. Louis Stern.
Jlr. Henry Lang, Jlr. Lester Wolf and Jfr.
Lester Jlnyer. The service will be fol
lowed by a dinner and dance.
On Saturday afternoon JIIss Ruth Jlan
del, qf 3218 Diamond street, and JIIss
.Madeline Stroussa gave a bridge party
followed by a shower In honor of JIIss
Wolf nt tho homo of JIIss Mandel. Among
the guests were JIIss JIarJorle Abrahams,
JIIss Dorothy Selduer, of Baltimore, Jld. ;
JIIss .May Newman, JIIss Dorothy Gold
smith, Miss Helen Goldsmith, of Atlantic
City; Miss Allele Levi. Jliss Jlinnle Levi
and Miss Carolyn Schloss.
Jtiss Eleanor Erwln, of 105 Roclielle
avenue, Wlssahlckon. entertained at
bridge on Saturday afternoon, when her
guests were JIIss Elizabeth Jlu.Vllster,
Jlrs. I.udwlg Filbert. JIIss Hazel Craw
ford, JIIss Blanche Lester, Jliss Jtabel
Llnd, Jlrs. Joseph Donahue. Jliss Murian
Hill, Jtiss Mlklre.il Williamson, Jliss Anne
Johnstone and Jliss Gladys JIarter.
Mrs Benjamin Johnson, of 230 Osborn
street, will entertain at luncheon on Fri
day. Miss Anne Burwell, Jlrs. William
ration, Mrs. John B. Warrington and Jlrs.
Clarence C. Keever will be the guests.
Jlr. and Jtrs. John Barthold celebrated
the 10th anniversary of their wedding
with a leception at their home 427 Hermi
tage street last week. There were 60
guests present.
Miss Lottie Flynn and Miss Mary Tan
ter. of North 3th street, spent the week
end at Atlantic City.
Camden and Vicinity
The Phi Delta Sooitty of Haddou
Heights Is planning a large leap year
dance. .
Mr. and Mrs. W, S. Clement, of Had
dontleld. have returned from a Southern
Mrs. John A. Marker, president of the
Camden Women's Ciub, presided at the
preparednesa meeting held in Cooper
Square Library In the absence of Miss
Ellrabeth Cooper Reeve, who was ill,
n trrn --liilil'il
Tho marriage of Miss Frances X.
O'Neal, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
O'Neal, of Germantown, to Mr. ltussell IT.
HcrKeshelmer took nlaeo on Wednesday
evening at 7 o'clock In the Third Baptist I
I'hurch of Oermantown. The pastor, the
(lev. John Wallace Green. M. A , ortl
elated. The church was beautifully deco
rated wlfli palms. There were aliout BOO
guests present. The matron of honor was
Mrs. Vincent Clarke, a bride of but a
few months, and her husband, Mr. Vin
cent Clarke, ncted as best man. The
Ushers led the procession to the nllilr,
where the bride's father gave her In
marriage The reception after tho cere
mony was held at the homo of the bride,
Oii their return from their wedding trip In
March the young couple will occupy their
new boliFC. 4fl2l Sydenham street. Logan
Mr. Hergeshelnier Is in the olllce of the
president of the Philadelphia and Read
ing Railway
A pretty though extremely nulet wed
ding took place Saturday afternoon at
o'clock In the Church of the Immaculate
Conception, Grt mantown. when Miss Ho
stile Km ringer became tho bride of Mr.
Lambert A. Rehr. of Reading. The cere
mony was performed by the Rev. J. Koen
emberg. The bride was unattended and
the ceremony was witnessed by only the
families of the brldn and bridegroom and
their closest friends.
Immediately nftcr the ceremony, the
loung couple left for an extended trip
South, t'pon their return they will bo
given a loceptlnn belore leaving for
Reading to make their lioine.
Jlrs. William Wharton, of Jlaple ave
nue, will give a card parly this afternoon,
the proceeds to bo given to the Society
for tho Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.
Jlrs. John C. Hines, of JlcKlnley ave
nue, is visiting lu Atlantic City.
The High School basketball team en
tertnlned the Moravian College team, of
Bethlehem, at luncheon before tho game
on Saturday afternoon. Among the guests
were JIIss .Marlon Gaucher. Miss Dorothy
Wlmer, JIIss Dorothy Kohler. JIIss Jlll
dred Taylor, JIIss Nettle Greer. JIIss Edith
Bonsall. JIIss Helen limes, JIIss .Margaret
Dunn, JIIss Linda Walton. JIIss Catherine
Bloodsworth. JIIss Helen JtcCoach and
JIIss Cora JlcCully.
-Mr. and Jlrs. Lo Roy Smith, of North
Owen avenue, are receiving congratula
tions on the birth of n daughter.
Delaware County
Jlr. and Jtrs. Francis K. Delp, of Bruns
wick avenue. Drexel Hill, gave a supper
dance Saturday evening lu honor of the
birthday of their son, Francis K. Delp,
Jr. Among the guests were Jlr. and .Mrs.
Warren Hardman. Jlr. and Jlrs. Robert
Delp. JIIss Jlury Sklllen. JIIss .Mary O'Nell.'
JIIss Mnv Cress, JIIss Jeanuette .Cress,
JIIss Emily Pierce. JIIss Or.vllle Cappella,
JIIss Elizabeth Hurrar. JIIss Edith Saur
maii, .Mr. William Henry. Jlr. William
Cress. Jlr. de Forrest Willard KUIlllmr.
I Mr. John Hcnrettl, Jlr. Joseph Murphy,
' Jlr. James Welden. Jfr. Harry Slelnmetz,
Jlr. warren Hardicnii. Jlr. Charles Hardl
enn, Jlr. Charles T. II. Calrcra. Jlr. Hor
ace Debulst, Jlr. Illchaid Delp and Jlr.
Samuel Delp.
Jlr. nnd .Mrs. T. Ellwood Allison, of
Walllngford. are cruising on their house
boat in Florida waters.
Jlr. and .Mrs. William S. Jlaclntyre, of
I Jloyhui. nre enjoying a stay In Florida.
I Jlr. nnd Jlrs. Seymour Preston, of Jloy-
inn. aro entertaining Jlr. and Jlrs. II. W.
Bowman and JIIss Adily Fox, of Wur
rcnton, Vn.
Jlr. nnd .Mrs. N. I.. Rapelje have re
turned to their home in Brooklyn. N. v..
after spending a few days with .Mrs. Jo-
sepn u. Aionre, of Moore,
South Philadelphia
Jliss Bay Caplan, of 531 Jloore street,
gave a theatre party last week.
A turprise party was given In honor of
Jlr. JIaxwell Kramer, of 1333 South 10th
.treet. recently, by his parents. Dr. and
Jlrs. Kramer.
JIIss JInrgaret Parlsen and JIIss Sarah
'arisen, of fth and Watklns streets, spent
Inst week at Atlantic City.
Jfr. and .Mrs. Adolph .Sabinoon, of New
York, are visiting Jlr. and Jlrs. William
Douglass, of 328 Watklns street.
Jlr. Franklin B. Ackenbrend, of (ith and
Fltzwater streets, Is visiting .Mr. and Jlrs
Aaron Cameron, of Trenton, N. J.
Jfr. and Jtrs. Harry Goldberg, of 1531
South 10th street, entertained a number
of friends at their home latt evening
Mr. and Jtrs. Herman Wagner, of 2d
street and Snyder nveiuie, have returned
from Ilarrisburg. Pa., where they were
visiting Jlr. and .Mrs. George Woolman.
Jlrs. Benjamin Lanln, nf 41S Dickinson
street, left for Florida last week.
Jliss JIarle Hansen, of Pleasant Hill.
Torresdaie, was hostess at an attractive
leap-year party last week. The house was
beautifully decorated with spring flowers
and palms, and the guests were Miss Daisy
Cotton. Miss Doris Harris. JIIss I.ena
Batten. Jliss Pauline Axeurouth, Jliss
Cathryne Jleyers. Jliss Ethel aossner. Jlr.
Walter Strookblne, Jlr. Joseph Hasen, Mr.
Adrlen Hosen, Jlr. James Gossner and
Mr. Harry Ureulson.
What's Doing Tonight
Cake Cuttlne uf the l,ub(r New Year'e
AMOclation. 715 Snyder atenue; I o'clock.
Leap Year ball. Mercantile Club, Urued and
Maeter elreeti: o'cUwfc.
Dinner lo Pollc Captain William J. McFad
den. BsUI Walton: 3:30 o'clock.
Annual dinner. Preebyterlan, Social Union.
BlWvue-ttratford; 7:30 o'clock.
South Philadelphia Uuainu Men's Auo
clatlon, Broa.d and Federal etreeta; S o'clock.
Keanel Club of Philadelphia Dog Show. ;3J
and Chwlnut atreeta.
Cedar Avenue Improvement Aaeoclatlon an
nual election. 414 Baltimore avenue; a
Opera, for Poliab Kellff Fund. Metropolitan
Opera Rouse. :IS o'clock.
Kntertalmaeut for Presbyterian Deaconess
Bonuu Wltberiwoon Hall.
Lecture. "Tb Power and Pathos of Charles
niitMis." by Fred PauaHiu:. CathoUc Olriv
Utah iskhoel.
ilarul Oral. St Jucnim's School Hall,
Cantat. ''JosvmuVs stand. ' Peter's
i-atnoiio Church parish llotue, tin street sad
Olrsrd a venae.
Play. 'Tlw FootUtnters," St. John's Par
ish Bouse. Bali.
',li"l'ilH ' ' ' -'"'I
Madame Schumann-Heink Sings at Academy of Music
for Charity Many Other Entertainments
Marked the Passing Week
cital today nl the Academy of Musle
has been looked forwaid to with great
Interest by music lovers. The proceeds
of this nftci noon's affair will he given
to the Children's Homeopathic Hospital.
Attlnlltr fltA Itrtlt-mlnuntf tlt'.t Ml't fSpfit-A
( ,inan, Mrs. II. W. Autenrpllh. Mrs. How
ard P. Hoyle, Mrs. Joseph Sill Clark, Mrs,
Herbert L. Clark, Mrs. K. G Clhic. Mrs.
Michael DeLong. Mrs. Siimuel Dlller. Mrs.
John It. Duiigau. Mrs William D. Fdson,
Mrs. M. A. Kiiglenmit. Miss Mary Gabell.
MNs Grace G. Gieen. Mrs. Sarah .1 Grif
fith. Mrs. William It. Griggs. Mrs. Arthur
W. Guv. Mrs. Harry !. Hall. Miss Klla
Hodgson. .Mrs J It Hodgson, Jr.. Mrs
Harry S Hopper. Mrs i G. Ingram. .Mrs.
Charles P. Jaiden. Mrs. Itnrclay Johnson.
Mls Einiiin Kulh. Mrs. It. W. Cook. Mrs
W Gatdner Ciowell. Mrs. A. C Heritage.
Mrs Frank Kellc.v. Mrs Annii I. Laugh
tin, Miss Sarah Kolh, Mrs. Harrison I.
Laudls. Mrs. C. N LaTouirtte. Mrs. 1M
ward It. Marsh. Mrs. Henry Matthews.
Mrs. .1. Thomas Moore. Mrs. Charles Vic
tor Noel. Mrs Clement 1t. tlgden, Mrs.
Gilbert J. Palen. Mrs. C. S Untie. Mrs
T.uueri .1. i-aicn. .uif. . . r nunc. .,.-.
Monroe R.cst. .Mrs. Henry II. Sheip. Mrs.
Ernest 11. Smith. Mrs. George 14. Spotz.
Jlrs. C. E. Thompson. Jlrs. .1 It. Tlndall.
Mrs. L. II. Trotter. .Mrs. C. C. Voorhles.
.Mrs. T. P. Walker. .Mrs. II. L. Warner.
Mrs. C. Ilarry Wellor, .Mrs. Thomas II.
Wilson. .Mis. William A. Weaver. Jlrs.
George J. .elgler. Jr.. .Mrs. W. Hlglrr
Miller. Jlrs Tln-ndoro !'. .Miller. JIIss An
nie II Smith. Mrs. W. K. Smith and Jlrs.
II JI. Soulier.
An entertaining playlet, "Lady Clan
rarty." was given on Saturday evening
by the Cue Club, of the Walnut Lane
School, tu Association Hall. Germantown.
The very elllclent cast Included JIIss
Jlary Hewitt, JIIss ICdlth Eskesen, JIIss
Helen Kear, JIIss Helen Jtoss, JIIss
Martha Locke. JIIss Aline Ellers, JIIss
Evelyn Float. JIIss Caiolyn llaitmaii.
JIIss Julia Sleln. JIIss Jlary Burkmlller,
JIIss Louise Newell. JIIss Louise Amsdeti.
JIIss Olive Ecklcr,, JIIss Doiothy Fox.
JIIss Sylvan Gore. JIIss Loiilo Wood
ruff. JIIss Eveline Ellers. JIIss Sarah
Dougherty. JIIss Edith Boone and JIIss
.leanetto Blum.
The Drexel Hlddle Bible Classes' homo
at Lansdowne was tho scene of a pretty
alTalr on Wednesday evening, when Jlrs.
II. Frederick Wilson entei tallied In honor
JIIss Frances Patterson gave a dinner
Saturday night, when her guests were
Jliss Frances Sellers. .Miss Doiothy Cur
tis. JIIss Sara Townscnd. Jlr. George
Evans. Mr. Benjamin Jackson. .Mr. Charles
Jlcndlnhall and Mr. Edward Blsphain.
.Mrs. JI. F. Corkran. accompanied by
her daughter. .Miss Dorothy Corkran. and
her guest. Jliss Maude Morrison Wiggins,
of Philadelphia, have returned from West
Point Military Academy, wheie they at
tended a hop.
Mrs. Ilenrv Register, Jr., of Baltimore,
spent the week-end as the guest of -Mrs.
William Curtis Nesbltt.
Jleinbers nf the Junior Board of the
Home of Jlerclful Best gave a delightful
dance nnd frolic at the New Century Club
Satin day afternoon. The feature of the
affair was a dancing contest, and the
Judges Included .Miss Amy E. du Pont. Jlr.
John B. Bird and Jlr. George S. Capelle.
Jr. Mrs. Otlio Nowland, Jlrs. Lammot
du Pont. Jlrs. Itobert 11. Richards. .Mrs.
Charles L. Candee. Jlrs. Charles II. Gaw
throp and Jlrs. Josltih JIarvel poured tea.
and the aides Included Jtiss Barbara Van-
and tlie aides Included Jliss Barbara van-
degrlft. Miss Eleanor IvIo. Miss .Mary
Biggs, JIIss Katherine Boyd, Jliss Jlary
Purdy. Jliss .Madeline Owens, Jliss Eliza-
beth Kheward. JIIss Jlargaretta Rupert,
Jliss Jlaigaret Whlltaker and Jtrs. Hor
ace Lindsay. JIIss Elsie Pa Hereon had
charge of the affair.
.Mr. and Jlrs. L. Irving Handy and Jlrs.
Solomon Pels am registered at the Bel
haven, Ilthoboth, Del.
Jlr. and Jlrs. James F. Nlelds and Jlrs.
Henderson Weir have returned from a
week's trip to Quebec.
Jlr. and Jlrs. Otbo Nowland and Jliss
Louise Nowland, who are spending several
weeks at Palm Beach, will return this
Judge and Jtrs. T. Bayard Helsel have
gone to Palm Beach, Fla for a vacation.
Jlr. and Jlrs. II. P. Scott are spending
several weeks at Atlantic City. N. J.
Miss Amy T.. du Pont will show Glen
Avon Lady. Haxerford and some of her
other notables In the horse world at the
Devon Horse Show the last of Jlay.
JIIss Alice Bradford, who lias been
staying at St. Augustine, Fla has gone to
Charleston, S. C, before returning home.
Jlrs. Charles It. Jllller and Miss Jlarga
retta Jllllcr. who are touring in southern
California, will btart homo about the mid
dle of .March.
Notlcei for the Kocletj page will be
arrrpted ami printed In the I.renlnc
I edicr, but ali mirh notlcm must be
written on one tilde of the paper, mutt be
kimied In full, !h '"" uddrrs. nnd
when possible telephone numlirr must be
Srn'd nil Mull 'oimitiiiilrt!uii4 lo
"Society Kilimr." Ktrnhif J-edgrr, 80S
Chestnut street.
I'nlei tliee reiiulremriiU are carried
oul fci that lerlfleiitloii inu be pufcible.
the not I re will not he published.
Tomorrow Evening
The ladlea have only one chance In four
scare, and till l Ihe nlghi Come and see
the fun, tiul "wattti your alep."
More of those uonderful Haneltlne Ktchlnss
Kill be given a nay.
Appropriate Souvenirs
Itreervatlons can be made wllh the head
"CfT Keith's Theatre
The Monarchs of Laughter!
"TUBilSBbYBa dS JfKE (. AEl'BK
Alan Brooke L Co. : Dolly Connolly k Peroy
Wenrlch: OlyropU Deevall It Co.; Ilert Mel
rueo: Others.
CheStnilt St. Chestnut Hel. 11th St.
Of DurborouKh's Msnelous War ill roe
"On the Firing Line With Germans."
Seats 3So from 2 lo 6 P. M. daffy except
gaturd- After 0, -6c and SOc. Gallery, jse
W tUrVU b 24c. 0c. Ke. Mat Sat.
Rvcs. SAo to l.ao hJjbtr
Knickerbocker VKri!fci
jfati -ia jfTji fjW
Ill -
of her birthday and that of her sister-in-law,
Miss Ethyl H. Wilson, Pink deco
rations and pink carnations formed th
color scheme. The guests Inctuded Mr.
nnd Mrs. H. Frederick Wilson, Mlsa Ethyl
Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Hawks
ley. Miss It. Harriet Thompson, Mr. and
Mrs. P. K. McMenamln, Mr. and Strs. Vir
gil P. Rrown, Mr. and Mrs. Julius llcrold,
Miss Frances Sheldon, Miss Mary Will
iams. Miss Kmlly Williams. Miss Mabel
Small, Miss Florence Harris, Miss Flor
ence Simpler, Miss Clara Reber. MI"
Kdylbe Brown, Mr. William Allen, Mr,
Albert C. Parker, Mr. Ashford Richards,
Dr. Kdgar Kluiid. Mr. .1. W. Kcllcy, Mr
Harry Yarnall, Mr. G. A. Spalde, Mr.
James Vivian, Mr. Frank Allen, Mr. A.
Harris, Mr. .1. 15. Moore, Mr. Earl P.
Reese, Miss Lydla E. Hawkslcy, Mr. Ed
ward Major, .Mr. J. DoWItt Jobborn nnd
.Master Virgil Perry. Jr.
The class of 1903. of the Philadelphia
Girls' High School will give card parties
on Saturday nfternoon. March 2D, In five
sections of the city. Tho following mem-
ners nt (tie clnss will act as hostesses;
m..., t.- .. . t .... ti . ,.n . .
1L ; .14 West Sey-
inour street, Germantown; Miss Cecilia
Jli'.cue. 2015. .Master street; Miss Amle
Jf. Gergeson. 43ft Jtaster street. Miss
Amle K. Ferguson. 125 West Susquehanna
avenue, and JIls.o JInrgaret M. Bachtolh
2I2P Erie avenue. The proceeds of the
affair will he donated to the Alumni Asso
ciation of the school, to assist In the de
velopment of its new athletic field.
The annunl dance of the Phi Delta rl,
an organization composed of High School
girls, was held In the Indian Room of the
Hotel Wnllon last week, with 120 persons
participating. The room was tastefully
decorated wPh tho society's colors, and
most of the girls also wore the green and
The Engineers' Club of Drexel Institute,
class of 1015, held the annual banquet at
the Rlttcnhoueo on Saturday evening,
Jlrs. Theresa H. Jlousley. of 4246 North
Carlisle street, entertained In honor of
her 75th birthday at her home on Thurs
day. Among tho guests were Jlrs. F. H.
l.anard, JIIss Jlary Kaul, JIIss Annie
Lankan, JIIss Emma Lankan, Jlrs. H. I,.
Schmidt, Jlrs. JI. Rumpel, Jlrs. A. Eggart,
JIIss Annie Vaughn, Mrs. Robert Vaughn,
Jlrs. George Ilnland and Jlrs. Harry
Head Strikes Tree When Machine
Mnkes an Unexpected Turn
BETHLEHEM. Pa.. Feb. 28. Miss
Marlon Duffleld. of York, was seriously
Injured late yesterday on the Bethlehem
Nazareth pike. She has been tho guest
of Mr. and Jtrs. Harrison II. Fehr, Jr..
of Allcntown, and they were motorlnr
toward Bethlehem, when Mr. Fehr turned
his car out of the way to escape running
Into u party of coasters.
The sudden turn caused Miss Duflleld
to lean out of tho car and her head came
In contact ivtlli a tree, causing concus
sion of tho brain.
Flint Performances
In America of tho
Thurs Eve- Mar " nf
Elffhth ivirPv An Jl' 5'o l
I Symphony i"a -v Alt', Alar. J, atjJJ
I bat. t,'g., Mar. -J, at 8:
i-norai nnu Orchestral Forces of Over Ons
Thousand and the rollowlng Stololntn:
J-lorenco Illnklv. SoDrnno: Incss Harbour,
bopraiio: Adelaide rincher. Soprano: Jlari
gjjret Leyej. Contralto: Sueanna Drcum.
v??i, I'a,"be,rt "rphy. Tenor: rtelnal.
Ila"o Baritone; Clarence Whltehlll.
TlrKetH for these performances are sold out.
except the Amphitheatre.
KngllHli Version of tho Specht Analynln now
?,". Ha. ? J' llePI'- IU Cheslnut Street.
I'rlcM LT Cents.
p'Si SOTHERN ln A""d Sulro'
E. II. 0-J.iJ,UXVlN Dellghlful Comedy
wnn8AiriEXAXDnA cakusle
T,VT?TP Slatlnee Wednesday at 2:13
iJ11U,J 'l-O.MtlHT AT 8 :IS BHAUP
"She's a Peach" Press
Hy Henry ninanoni andVlctqr llerbert
FORREST Tonight at 8:10
Flrei Popular Matlnre Wednesday, 50c to J1.51)
Rvrtnrl Tllls B,1(l Nxl Week. Evg. at 8:15
IJIUclU Matinees Wed. and Hat. at 2:15
Klaiv Krlanger and George Tyler l'reeent
The (Had Play, 8m ia Oood Chetr
Heal 8eats $1 BO at Popular Wed. Matinees
tomorrow Mm0i SANS-GENE
AMATO. SE(ll'ltOI.A. Al.TIlOI'SE. Cond.. MR.
PU1.ACCO. Beats. I1UU Chesl.Wal. 4t'Jl. Race 8T
FEBRUARY ;'8-:'. to A. M. TO lOiJB P. IL
Adnilsilon.SOc. ; Children. He.
Het Heats 31 at Popular WED. MATINEES
Globe "Theatre'S
U1UUC V.l UDE VILLE ContlnuoiS -J
A. M. to 1 1 P, it; 10c, 18c. SSo
B. A. ROI.FE Preeents """"'
"Ye Old Tyme Halloween"
fWCrCM "nd and Last Weelc
rx.icauici BILLIE BURKE
n "P BOOT"
T-. 1 10c 1314 Market SOc
In the Unique Characterisation
Nest Week Monday, Tuesday k Wednesday
John llArrvmora In '-KEABLV A K-lv.i"
,,---. ..-, . . . .....
Tnurs., TI.. aat Charlotte Walker
In "The Trail o( the Lonesom PJne'
-l-l 4-VwJ.N tS:l)THIO; CANTWELL
Tonight at 7 i 0 I WALKUKi TINVd
VTQVilTr 11:15 sun. to Il:l p.13.
oLaniey marie doro
Id Burloa Holmes' Middles at Aauspoli -SoBiewhere
Ut. Prance" OVar Scsaest
AmPI'llRn U4 hlr th. Market 34
.. B1 -" Arvtas Stock to -rtBt
MatLneej Tuesday, Thursday and Saluriir.