EVENIKft LEfrftEftPfflLADELPHIA, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 26 101J u . u FINANCIAL NEWS ,HOW OF STRENGTH WAS SHORT; "" EARLY DEMAND SOON SATISFIED "side From Bullish Demonstrations in Reading, Amer ican Locomotive and Pacific Mail the Stock Market Was Heavy j High Points in Todau's Financial News With the exception of reserves all items in New York Clearing House statement showed increases today. Average loans were up $.15,510,000 i,nd demand deposits $26,267,000. Actual loans increased $t8,70t,000 and kmand deposits $31,273,000. Hescrves fell $13,014,000 in average and aittial $17,000,000. Week's bank clearings to per cent, above same week test year. Shatluck-Arizona declared 75-cent extra dividend in addition o regular quarterly of 50 cents. Further increases in steel prices expected. 'onaholdcrs of Algoma Central meet in London on March 2t to consider plan of reorganization. NHW YORK, Feb. 26. The show of strength which marked yesterday's trading was of short duration. ' itsldc of bullish demonstrations In Reading, American Locomotive and 1'nclflc -" ill the stock market In tho two hours of business today was heavy, with -jclis In supply from tho start nnd tho demand which was carried over from stcrday's upturn was filled within a few minutes after the opening. No one seemed to like the advance of Pacific Jlall, now on a $5 par basis, 23, making It equal In ranRc to Dethlehem Steel and General Motors, omlnlck & Domlnlck bought G000 Heading, and this buying was by far the best ,ituro of tho half day's dealings. Tho Increased distribution on Shattuck-Arlzona was peculiarly disappointing In (' 1 result. It was generally assumed that this Increased distribution foreshadows ' rger payments by Utah, Chlno nnd Anaconda, but the Important Interests In ' ioso companies, which must bo fully Informed of tho dividend Intention, did not .uem disposed to nccumulato any of thoso stocks and the manner In which they ted created a belief that tho situation genernlly was not as strong na It ! ppcared to bo on tho surface. Tho advance In American Locomotive was generally attributed to Kendal, ' operator who was credited to have made Immense profits In Bethlehem Steel t nd other war order stocks. i"! Peoria and Eastern Nut to Pay April 1 Hond Interest The directors of tho Peoria nnd Eastern Railway Company havo decided to 'iy no Interest on April 1 on tho $4,000,000 Income bonds. NARROW CHANGES IN CURB PRICES Business Was Quiet and .Quota tions Irregular Aetna 6 Only Active Spot NEW YORK. Feb. 26. Trading In the , .market for outside securities today was npomparattvcly quiet, although In a few of the specialties renewed activity de veloped at times. The general tone was Iriregular, although fluctuations In most Instances were narrow, Mldvale Steel eased on 14, while the rights, with rather free offering, sold down to a new low mark. Chevrolet Motor, after early heaviness, developed , strength on Increased purchased. Katho dlon Bronze rallied slightly after a S"-polnt loss. Tobacco products moved up over a point. Aetna Kxploslve was again active and a steady opening cased oft 9. Copper stocks were extremely quiet and "somewhat Irregular. There was a fair In quiry for Magma at a fractional change. OH issues were dull, with tho exception of the low-price shares, which ruled gen erally steady. Bonds were quiet and about unchanged. INDUSTRIALS, Illd Asked -Aetna 22i 23 Amer-nrltlsh llfg . .' 20 28 Atlantic aulC & W I S 8 29'4 30M ""do pfd 464 49 , Am Marconi 3 3Ti Baito Tube 55 r.i; do pfd 10014 1014 Ajar Ilubber Inr w 1 71 82 Canadian Car & Fdy 65 TO . do Pfd 83 , 88 Chevrolet Motor Tar 13 13614 Curtis Aeroplane 47 63 Cuban Cnne Sugar 60 50 4 Drlggs-Senbury 138 141 Kmersnn 13 12't Haskell & Darker Car 4it 48 Hendee Mfp 27 30 Inter Mer Marino 16 17 Inter Mer Marino pfd 68 72 .Kelley Sprlnctleld 70 714 ..Kathodlon llronzo pfd 16 18 Manhattan Transit 14 1 "a Maxim Munition 5 4 Mldvale Steel 64 M 64 U Otla Elevator 63 65 Peer!" Motor 2i 27 Poole Bnir and Mach 110 120 fit, Joseph I.ead is 1SU S S Kresge w 1 13 1.1 H Standard Motors 8 9 Submarine Moat v t n ctfs 36'i 36$i Triangle Film v t ctfs 4 4S -OPS Light & Heat 3H 34 do pref 6 64 White Motora w I 49 494 World Film 14 1TJ STANDARD OIL, SUBSIDIARIES. Pralrla 225 229 Illinois OH 186 188 Ohio Oil 234 236 S O of California 258 262 8 O of New Jersey 603 610 a O of New York jio 21 OTHER, OIL STOCKS. Sarnett Oil 124 iti Coaden OH 224 izi Chalmers Oil 7 8 Houston Oil 184 194 Midwest iteflnlng ; 60 62 Bapulpa J 124 124 MININO STOCKS. Atlanta 18 19 Cerro de 39 40 Butts C i Z v I ctfs 77 84 Hutt. N T 34 34 First National Copper 64 6 4 .Coldfleld Merger :. 16, 16 '!! Mining 44 4 .Howe Sound 54 64 Jim Dutler 93 ' 35 Jumbo Extension 11-16 14 Magma Coper 174 17t McKtnley-narragh 46 47 Mtnea of America 24 24 Ntplsslng Mines Co 6 4 6 4 Ban Toy 16 17 West End Con 73 76 West End Extension 1 ' 2 BONDS. Erie rlchts u Baltimore and Ohio 6s 1014 1014 Cerro de P 6a 119 151 Mldvale 6s w 1 99 994 COTTON FUTURES WEAK DESPITE MILL DEMAND New York Selling a Factor Cold in Eastern Belt NEW YORK. Feb. 26. The opening ,;tone on the Cotton Exchange this morning Was comparatively steady, with March up 3 points, June 3 points higher and other months 3 to E points lower. The trading was light In all options, with the exception of May, which dropped 4 points on the call because of heavy selling by few Orleans interests. The buying was scattered and after the call the entire market declined 3 to 7 points In sympathy With the weakness In New Orleans and on the continued pressure from the South. following the early weakness active covering developed around 11:45 for July "and prices regained virtually all of tho early loss sustained before 11 o'clock. Renewed, local selling later caused an a.pler feeling and In the second hour the undertone was nervous, with fluctuations irregular. Liverpool was several points better than due on late positions, but a shade lower oh March. The English market was quiet aprt Kteady. it was colder In the Eastern section of the cotton belt this morning With frost at the gulf stations, while higher temperatures were reported In the West and Southwest, Clear conditions prevailed. Marco ur JUly .... PHober JHttmber January t .... Ye, close, 11.13 11.34 11.66 .11.74 .11.11 .11.96 11. 30 Open, 11 16 11.36 11.53 11.71 11. It 11. 91 11 JO High. 11.10 11.40 11.60 11.11 11.96 11.95 Low. Close. 11.06 11.1 11.14 11.45 11.6S 11.10 11-91 11.33 11.61 11.71 11.8 11.91 11.10 Liverpool Cotton .UVTSHPOOL. Vsfy. It. Spot cotton ML ftuict today at one, point: advance, on '& baila of 7.TM far mid-upland. The MU wro 3000 fcalaa. including 4650 UM American. The imparts were JO. 000 ijjifca, Including 9800 txttoa Amerlea.ii. .The MtrfetA tor tuturtHi dostd. tjsruly steady. t 44Hm of 344 paJnU to an ad. J f 14 print- New York Bond Sales 1600 Adams Eicpress 4s.. 84 4 1000 Amer Aur dob 6s.. 9,4 4000 Amer Cot Oil Sn 97 1000 Ala Cent Cn 1024 211000 Atmlo-Krench 1, Ca. 94 4 2000 Amur Smelt Sen Us. Ill 11000 Amer Tel cvt 44s. .1064 1000 Amer Writ 1'ap 6s.. 70 3000 Atchison wen 4s 9(4 7000 do udj 4s 8S 2000 Atch Trans S t, 4.1. . 904 1000 Atlan Co Una 1st 4s 32 fiOOO Halt & Ohio 3 4s.. 93 20000 do 4s 91 'i 95000 do i'V 44s 974 3000 lleth Steel rfd 6s.. 102 2000 llrook It Tr 6s 1918.101 snoo llroolt L'n Elv 1st os.1014 6000 Hush Term lllds 4s. 88 3000 Can South 6s 10.1 6000 Cent 1'uc 1st 4s . . . 904 27000 Chill Copper 7s 1314 1000 Chcs & Ohio cv 44s. 874 4000 do 44s :.. 924 2000 Chi & Nwn 34s tl'i 8000 Chic & W Mich 6s... 83 25000 Chi II & Joint 4s. .. 984 1000 Chi 11 & CI Neb Is... 98 4 1000 Chi It & l) Iowa 4s. . 99 4 2000 CHI M & St 1- Ron 4h. 02 3600 do cv 6m 10114 1000 do cv 4 4s 1004 2000 do Ken 44h 1034 2000 Chi St I .11 &. f) 6s.. 102 4 1000 Col Industrial 5s 754 1C00 Comput Tub Cs sj 13000 I'umticrlaml Tel 5s.. 904 25000 Del A Hud 44s 1014 3000 do 4s 1016 1004 2000 ilo M 4s 37 2000 Den & Jllo Or 4s ... 78 JS222 !'cn "lo "r rfd 6s. 674 10000 Ills Secur Corn 5s... 72 3000 Erie conv Ser A 72 C500 Ilud & Mun In 6s.. 31 4000 Hud & .Man rfd 5s 74 4 6000 III Steel deb 44h... 314 5000 Indiana Steel 6a. ..1024 1000 III Central rfd 4s.. 67 4 1000 do 4s 1953 81, -?522 !ns Popper cv 6s.. 183 34000 Interll .Met 44s 734 31000 Interb It'T ref 6s.. 39 4 110000 Int .Mer Mnr it 4 4s 974 1000 Int Stm Tump et 5s 77 8000 Jnp new O S 44s. 764 .2922 J"lanese new 4 4s 83 4 13000 do 4 4s so 1000 Knn City So 1st 3s. 71 5292 KlnRS C" III Stli 4s 85 1000 I,iii-ka Steel ,'is 1923 394 2000 I.nkc Shorn em 3 4s 85 4 3000 I.k Sh deb 4s 1328 954 1000 1,1c Sh deb 4s 1931.. 344 2000 LIB li M T 5s 1024 3000 Ms & M T 7h 127 3000 Manhattan 4s 34 4000 .Minn & St I, 4s.. . 61 2000 Jt K & T 1st 4s.... 76 1600 do 2d 4s 41; 1000 M K & Okla 6s 60 J222 y." '"rifle 5s 1920. 884 1000 Mont I'ower 6s 97 16000 N Y Conn 14a 934 8000 Nat Tube 5s 1014 6000 ,V V C I, S ct 34s.. 86", .7222. X,VC V !.. 86J 84000 do 44s 354 28500 do 6s 114'i 3000 N V City 4s 1968... 984 1000 N Y City 44s '60 rn.1024 C000 do 44a 1363 1071. 16000 do 44s 1365 1074 6000 N Y O & W 1st 4s.. 824 2000 N Y Hvvy ref 4s.... 764 13000 do adj 5s 614 1000 N' Y State II 44s.. 116 26000 N Y Tel (ten 4 4s .. 984 6000 N'orf W Poch 4s. 89 4 2000 Norf t West 4s . . . 934 1700O Nor Pac prior 4s... 934 8000 Nor Pan sen 3s .. 664 12000 Pacific Tel 6s 1004 1000 I'oco Col 6s 89 4 1000 Penna. Ken ct 44s.. 1024 17000 Iteadlllff Ben 4s 954 1000 llepub Cuba 44s.. 84 1000 da 5s 1914 914 20000 Hep I Si S 6s 994 4000 Hwy Stl SpB 6s 1931 954 4000 St I, 1 M & S 4s.. 80 1000 St 1, 4 3 K con 4s. 70 11000 St 1.S8P sen ct 4s (94 4000 St 1. S V en 4s 634 12000 St I.oula Swn 1st 4s. 78 4 3000 Sparta 4s 314 6000 San A & Ar I' 1st 4s 67 lauu noutn lieu cs 101 2000 South Pao 4s 874 juuu ooum t'ac cv iinnn .in ,. . t nunnn Cm.th (i..... ...... auu... UW,. l.n J bill 10. 3000 South Hwy con 6s.. 103 3000 Third Ave new 4s.. 1000 Third Ave adj 6s. . 2000 Toklo 6s 7000 II S Steel 6s 12000 Union Pac 1st 4s.. evuw uii itn;o a r IB.,, u 3000 Va Car Chm Int Km q1 1000 Va Hwy 5s 984 SOOOWTiSt (AAA ,uu 1000 West bhore 4s 914 I,ow. 974 1024 94 1104 1064 70 94 4 87 904 32 93 914 97 102 100 4 1014 88 4 103 4 304 131 874 324 814 83 98 4 984 9 9 4 92 106 4 100 4 103 4 1024 754 8.1 99 4 1014 1004 97 78 57 4 714 72 304 744 914 102 4 57 4 86 183 73 4 994 97 4 77 76 83 4 86 71 85 994 854 95 4 94 4 1024 127 32 4 1.0 4 76 46 60 88 4 37 994 101 864 86 4 95 114 984 1024 107 1074 824 764 614 116 984 894 934 93 4 664 inAir Close. 84 4 974 97 4 1024 94 1104 1064 70 34 4 88 904 32 93 914 97 102 101 1014 88 4 1034 304 131 874 924 814 83 38 4 98 U 99 4 92 1064 100 4 103 4 102 4 754 83 99 4 1014 1004 97 7H 674 714 31 74 4 914 102 4 67 4 86 183 73 4 994 97 4 77 76 83 4 86 71 85 99 4 854 954 944 102 4 127 924 61 76 46 60 88 4 97 934 101 86 4 864 95 lit 98 4 102 4 107 1074 824 764 614 116 984 894 934 93 4 664 100 r mot lOU". 894 89 4 1024 102'i QRli OIL s 101 874 4s 884 f P 6s. 1044 en 4s.. 714 82 83 78 1014 97 4 43 llwy 5s 984 ash 1st 5s 1044 : Klectric 6s... 1034 . Md 1st 4s 724 ShnrA Am ai Li 95 4 Si 94 4 99 4 95 80 70 49U 63 4 78f 914 67 1004 87 4 88 1044 70 4 1024 82 83 774 104 4 974 43 99 914 1044 1034 724 914 954 si 94 4 994 954 80 70 4'ft 634 78 4 lv 88 4 1044 714 103 82 83 78 1044 974 43 99 984 1044 1034 724 914 Total sales, tl.630.000, compared with $1,. 013.000 lat Saturday! for rek, flt,'jl2,000i MARINE RATES ADVANCED NEW YORK, Feb. 26. Marine Insur ance rates to all South American ports are today 3 per cent., an advance of Vi to per cent, from the rates quoted yesterday. Rates to England and Euro, pean ports are 1 to IV3 per cent, accord ing1 to the boat, the cargo and the destina tion. These Increases are the result of re newed submarine activity and the fears of further captures by the German raider Moewe, now said to be lurking In South American waters. American Institute Bankers' Dinner The 15th annual banquet of Philadel phia Chapter, American Institute of Banking, will be held - In the Bellevue. Stratford Hote.l on Saturday evening, March 4. Covers have been provided for 354 members and guests. This will be the largest dinner ever given by a chap ter of the Institute. Joseph Wayne, Jr., president of the Qirard National Bank, will be the toast matitcr, and the other speakers will be John J. Arnold, vice president of the First National Bank, Chicago, who will dlsousa "Our Domestic and Foreign Re latlona"; the Rev. Charles Wesley Burns, pastor of the First Methodist Episcopal Church, of Germantown, who will talk about "A, Bit of Dry Toast," and Robert H. Bean, of Portland, Me., president of the American Institute of Banking. Stock and Bond Issue Approved COLUMBUS, O.. Feb. J6. The Public Utilities Commission has given its ap proval to the Kermlt Gas Company, of Want Virginia, to issue 9.000,000 common tok and 17.6Q0.0W lirst mortgage bonds to purchase the property of tha United Fuel Company, New York Stock Sales Ahtslca OoM Mines ... AltU-ChalmCM Mfe pf. Am As Chemical Am licet Sugar Am Drako 8 & F ...... Am Can Am Can pf Am Car & Fdy Am Coal rroducls. . . . Am Coal Products pf. Am Cotton Oil Am illdo A h pf Am icn Securities Am Mnsccd Am Locomotive Am T-ocomollvo pf. ... Am Smelt c Itef Am Smelt & Hcf pf... Am Smelt pf A Am Stool Foundries... Am Suear lief Co Am Tel & Tel Am Woolen tr rets.... Am Woolen pf (r rets.. Am 7-lnc I, & Sm Anaconda Cop M Atch Top &H V Haiti Loco Wks Ualtlmoro & Ohio Ilaltlmoro & Ohio pf... llalopllas Mlnlnc llrooklyn Hap Tr Urooklyn Union (las... llruns T ,V It It sec... Hutte & Superior Cal Petroleum Canadian I'aclITc Central Leather Central Leather pf Chandler Motor Car. . . Chesapeake ."t Ohio.... CI1II0 Copper Chlno Copper Chi M & St Paul Chi M & St Paul pf . . Chi & Northwestern.. Chi It I & Padllo Cot Fuel & Iron Comput-T-Itec Co.... Continental Can Consolidated (Jas Corn Products ltef . . . Corn Products Itef pf. Crucible Steel Deero It Co pf Detroit United llys .. Distill See Corpn Dome Mines Krle Krie lstpf Krlo I'd pf (Jen Chemical (ieneral Electric Goodrich UK Goodrich 1) V pf Granby Consol Urecni'-Cananca Croat Northern pf. . . . Ot Nor cfs for ore pf. liuscenhclm Expln ... Int Agricultural Int Paper Co Int Con Cor v t c sh. Int Consol Corp pf. .. Ins Con Copper Int Harv Corpn Int Harv N J Int Nickel vt cfs....'. Int M M cfs of dp... IntM M pf cfs of dp. Kan City Southern ... Kan City South pf ... Kcnnecott Copper Lack Mecl Co Lee Rubber & Tiro... Lehigh Valley Loose-Wiles Biscuit. .. Loose-W Ills 1st pf... Lorlllard P Co Louis & Nash Mackay Cos Mackay Cos pf Manhat Shirt Co pf . . Maxucll Motors Max Motors 1st pf... Max Motors ad pf ... Mexican Petroleum . . . Miami Copper Minn & St Louis .Mo Kan & Texas pf . . , Missouri Pacific , Mo Pac tr cfs Nat Cloak & Suit pf. . Nat Enam & S Co... Nat Enam & S pf. . . . Nat Lead Nat Lead pf Nev Ccn Cop N Y C & II B N ,Y Chi &. St L , N Y C & St I, lid Pf . , N Y . II & II N Y O & West , Norfolk & Western. . . . Northern Pacific Ont Silver Mln Pacific Mall Pacific Tel & Tel Pennsylvania It H Peoples (Jas Chi Philadelphia Co Pitts Coal Co XI Pressed S Car Pullman Co Quicksilver Ry Steel Sp Ray Con Copper Reading Reading 1st pf Reading 2d pf Republic I & S Rock Island Rock Island pf Seaboard Air Line pf. . Sears Hoe & Co Sbat Ariz Cop Southern Pacific South P R Sug pf..., Southern Ry Studebaker Co Tenn Copper Texas Co Third Avenue Union Pacific Union Pacific pf United Cigar Mfrs pf, United Cigar Storos. . . . United CigarS pf United Fruit Co U S Iml Alcohol United Rys Inv Co.... Un Rys Inv Co pf U S Really & Imp.... U S Rubber U S Rubber 1st pf.... U S Steel Corpn U S Steel Corpn pf... Union Bag & Paper.. Union Hag 4: P pf.... UtBn Copper Va-Caro Chem Va-Caro Chem pf Wabash ,.. Wabash pf A Wabash pf H West E & M Western Maryland . . . Western Union Tel... Wheel & 1-ake Erie. . . Willys Overland WooWojth F W 63 -W 10 - M 29 - JS 22 - H on - i 102 ! Net Hlh. LoVv. t.st. change. . 22! 22H 22X - H . 80Jf 80 SO - M . 03 OS 08 -H O0' 07,'f 08 -1 ioif 101H loin n . 02l( 015i 01H - iim iiw nuf .? . WW! 08 08 -W .105 HH l(Mf 2Jg llfijf 115! Ilftil - "l . f3!f 03 . 49 40 . 20" i 29 . 221, 22 .71", cm .invt 1112 VW.( !)SH 9SM -Df .112)4 112 112!i . 03 03 03 - )i . fi3 f3 63 - H 112,'f 112H 1I2H H 127JI 1275S 127M .. . 63H r,'2H 621a -1 . 09)5 09 09 , 81, 78 78 -3 , mi S7 S7 -IX 103U 103)f 103'f 103 104'S 104H -3U 87 Mt!f 801f - !f 70 70 70 h Hi 2 2 - H SOU 863J &Vi H 120H 120) i 129)a -1 . 10'-j lOJi H))5 H 02 Oll'i 00!$ -1 30 29' i 29) j - M 108! j 100)4 lDO'f 61 63H 63)5 - H 110'f llO.'i llO.'i H 01 02 23' 5 67! I 01 01 01 'f 23'i 60!3 01 01 02 H 23' i - H 60i - '.' 91 - ), PJS'i 128)5 128)5 121 4Vi ASH Nl)5 12; 18!f - H 13 -1 48)5 - J5 MH5 )i IS) i 43 48' 3 S014 .133)5 133'f 133M if . 22' 2l'f 21!f -1 0(1? 1 7C'f 06 S7 46 23.' j 30 62 '. 46 200 0(175 70)5 06 87 111',' 21' 3li!5 62i 46!f 290 lOO.'J Tl'i 00)5 - 70'3 -2U 06 87 -1)5 46'f -1 23J5 - .' 30 - M 62'f U 45' i )i !00 4 109H llilljj - ' rt) 70 -Vi 114)5 114)5 114)5 5 00 00 40!5 ACtH 120)5 120.U 00 40)5 H 120.' - H 43 - ii 21'i 21)3,-2)5 11 4- ). 17)1 M 733 - ii 46 - 55 0SU - !i 100)5 M 47 -1 15'f -1)5 07)5 -2'i 20)5 y, 00 A 64!5 - A 77)5 )5 50)5 - M 7S!5 75 17 -3 00 - )5 107)5 107)5 107)5 - .' . 44 43 . 2I!f 21J . 2155 21!f . 11 Wi . 1755 17H . 73' 5 73H . 4655 45 . 08!i OSU .110 100)3 . 48 47 . 10U 15U . 00 075s . 20H 25)t . GO 00 . 65' i 51U . 78' i 77)5 . 51 60'5 . 78'' 77J5 . 17 17 . 0.175 00 .122). SO), . 07) .110 04 J . 85' i . 49U 10-W . 3055 . 5 14 1225, 1225 25 Ml). SO) 5 - 55 07)5 110 07)3 111) (3!5 K,H 40 00)5 30 5 11 W 111 2515 07! 5 07) ( 115 105 10W 104 33 33 4!i 111 25 07 00' 5 115 10' 5 1 03)4 -1)4 Sfllj 40 00J5 yij 5 14 5 47 111 5 07 00' 5 115 10' 5 101 33i -454' - U - a - M - M -l' 07)5 28!,' 117 113 7 2375 37 57)5 103 42 32 l0' as 110 112!,' 52)1 -0 07)5 - )5 asu 1 110 -1 112),' - 51 22!,' 22)5 -1)5 J7 37 - ii 57 57 - )i 102)f 10251 - )5 41 - 55 31)5 i 55 - 55 10215 15 fi 30)1 - )1 2475 - )3 SO -f- H 43 43 - H 51)5 - Jj 51 75 35 -1)5 17-U5 -1 3SU J, 9SU - 75 109'1 - )i ao)i 4- ),- 111 -451 57 203 -2li CO) 5 H 13315 133)5 - ?1 8.3)5 KM 55 108 108 2 05 0)5 - J5 1151 1151 - 15 14a 142)1 -2i 148)5 14011 1401-i -aH 15 13)5 144 1 29)5 28 29)5 H 4555 4555 -1)5 51 51 - )1 107 1071 107)1 )1 8.351 8251 8275 5i llfi'l 11051 110)1 751 751 71 - )'. 2955 29 2955 4- )i 10255 4), 391,' .25)5 8155 43 43 52 3015 175 30)1 OO'l 100'1 20) j 140 57)5 203 G01J 134!1 83)5 10$ 05 i 1151 115i 40 M 41 aw 55 102)5 4)5 30'1 2475 70)1 43 43 51)5 35 174'5 38)1 0851 10911 20)1 141 57 203 00)1 8555 40 109 14 4311 20)1 05'i 20) i 88)5 3!f 83)5 40 109 14 43 20 0451 20)5 88 3)1 83H 40 100 14 43 20 0175 2055 88 3W -Ui - 55 55 55 M 207)1 20771 207)1 -251 121 121 121 ), Total salts, 211,800 shares, compared with 25K.U0O shares lost haturilari for utek, 1,830,. ZOO sharcit ht uctk, 3,003,000 shares. RAILROAD EARNINGS MISSOURI. KANSAS AND TEXAS. . 19 1 8 Increass Third viik February. S603.901 From Jul 1 20.93O.48S CANADIAN NOnTHBRN, Thirl week February. 1551,000 From July 1 18,591.300 TEXAS AND PACIFIC. Third week February. 1376,6: From July 1 i:.7S,3M WHEELINQ AND UKK ERIE. ???.?? 1179,091 JJ6.6SH 2!I, I6S S91.30S l.:09.758 1140. SOO t.3oi,:oo 813.4E9 505.3(7 January Kru Net Seven months gross Net Decrease. 8,095,968 1.976,470 1.914,992 1. 140. 764 GOVERNMENT BONDS is of 1930 registered 2s of 1930 coupon Panama 2s registered ....... Panama U 1931 reltered. . . Panama new 3s registered. . Panama new 3s coupon . .... 3s of 1918 registered. 2s of 1918 coupon ..,..,.... 4s of 1925 registered , 4 of 1925 coupon ......... Hld Asked. 91 .. 99 99 'i ..03 103 ..103); 103), ..102 10J ..103 .. ..H0J1 ..lltii 11) BANK CLEARINGS Bank clearing today compared with corre sponding day last two years: 11. . 1915. U14, Boston ..,8J2.13.063 J36.409.I21 $31.1J4:il0 BAR SILVER Bar sliver la London today wa quoted at 27d., off l.ltd, OommersUl bar Uver la New Tork u twt4 at Mm aU, a -t- LONDON MARKET : BY HEAVY SNOW Sweden Eases Gold Demand in Fear of Food and Goods Famine TALK ON TARIFF PLANS By FRANCIS V. HIRST Kdltor of The Kronomlst. London. Sfifdnl t'nMe In the Kventttg -crfocr LONDON', F4. 26. A heavy (mow Is BUBpcntllnR communlcntlon with tho prov. lncos niul liaa reduced stock oxclmtiBo activity. Oolil economic) nro tnkltiB a fresh turn now thnl tho Swedish I'nrllnment haB re llevctl tho Swcitlsh IUkshanlt of tho neces sity of ncccntltiR 11 ml coining pold. This notion hns been nilsltitorprctetl here. It Is partly to defend Sweden from German Bold nnd to force both Ocrmnny and tho Allies to cxclmtiRO Roorts for Roods, utner wlso Scandinavia fears a famlno of food nnd raw materia. s. Thus gold may loso Its sovereign power ns a remedy for n de preciating currency. I do not Interpret" Premier Asaulth's speech as n. refusal to consider any peaco terms. The repetition of the Guildhall formula must, be read In tho llRht of tho Dublin utterance quoted by C. 1'. Trcvel ynn, and which Mr. Asqulth hns explicitly recognized as still valid and operative. Peace, of course, Is unattainable till the German Government relinquishes Its an nexationist nmbltlons, but our Parlia mentary discussion of peace terms does not mnko negotiations moro dllllcult. The after-war tariff problcni grows In Interest. Tho firm free trade attltudo of 30 out of 33 directors of the Manchester Chamber of Oommcrco gives a pattso to tho protectionist agitation. Algernon Klrth, tho Premier's cousin, however, moves n protectionist resolution next woek nt tho annual meeting of tho chambers, but most ot the Hrltlsh chambers of com merce havo been protectionist for 10 years. They wero supporters of Joseph Chamberlain from tho moment of his con version to protectionism, nnd afford no Index to public opinion. Portugal's requisitioning of Interned German ships suggests nn cxnmplo which might bo followed by Italy and others. Portugal's trado with tho Portuguese colonies Is doubtless suffering from a shortngo of ships. NEW YORK BANK STATEMENT Heavy Increases in Loans, While Re serves Fell Sharply NKW YOIIIC, Feb. 2G. An Increase of $48,791,000 In nctual loans was reported by the banks for tho five-day week. He serves fell moro than 17 millions, wlillo deposits rose over 31 millions. Total loans wero $3,360,230,000. with total deposits of $3,437,924,000 nnd time deposits of $153,505,000. The nggregato reservo was $734,423,000. Details follow: C'lcnrltur House members, average: InprptiHp. I.o.-mn $35,510,000 IVpnxlW 26.2S7.000 Tlmo ili'lioslts 705,000 ItrsnrVi'S 13.014,030 neurit):; Houso members, actual: I.nans llfposlts ifpnsiiH Tllnn Hiwrvo DPlTt'HHC. 48,704,000 34.273.000 1,854.000 17,009,750 BANK BUSINESS BOOMING Philadelphia Second Only to New York in Point of Increase Continuing tho steady expansion recent Iy shown, bank clearings Increased 49 per cont. throughout the country this week. Philadelphia was second only to Now York In rate of gain, business show ing a jump of 63.3 per cent, over last year at this time. Tho total figures wero $3,952,077,660, against $!i,02l,S26,548 last week and $2,6.12,580,859 tho corresponding week last year: l- 1016. 1915. r.c. New Torlt. $1,550,341,073 31.122. 739. 031 74.3 90.821.480 41.6 98.111.327 22,590.045 3 38.0 222.633,791 4-15.0 linstnn. . Phllailel. . . Ilaltlmoro. fhh'nffo. . . St. I.nula. . Nw Orl'ns Seven rltles. 5 days.. 12.038, 836. 298 $1,632,433,134 61.8 Other cities, Cdiiys.. 578.224.381 491.072.36917.7 130.990.100 102,191.007 31.171.089 206,013. 7" 0.1.834.247 22.304.240 62.731.144 16,905.713 21.0 31.4 Total nil cities. 5 rinys.. $3. 217.069, 679 $2,123,506,603 61.6 All i-ltlca. ltlay... 735.916,981 629.076.38639.1 Total nil cities forweek. S3. 952.977.660 J2.662.580.889 49.0 FOREIGN EXCHANGE NKW YOItlC. Feb. 26. The foreign ex change market was somewhat Irregular. French exchange nnd sterling showed a better tone, whllo rubles, for some unex plained reason, were quoted about i point under the average figures of the week. German and Austrian exchange was dull and nominal. Stockholm was 5 to 10 points higher. Swiss cables shaded about lVj points, and Italian cxchntiRO de clined about 2 points. Quotations were ns follows: Demand sterling, 4.76 if, fj 4.76 9-16; cables, 4.77; franc cables. 5.86-; checks, 5.87; Telchsmarks, 73 3.16iJJl73,i ; lire cables, 6.70',i: checks, 6.71 Ui Swiss cables, 5.22 Wi checks, 5.25; Vienna, 12.75 nnd 12.80 unchanged. Stockholm, 27.90 nnd 28.10; pesetas, 19 nnd 19.05; guilders, 42 Vi nnd 4 2 ; rubles, 31 V4 and 31a. The murkct closed dull and f'aturoless at 4.75V4 for demand sterling and 4.77 for cables. Francs wore unchanged at 5.86 H for cables and 5.87 for checks. Itelchs marks were nominal at 73 3-16. RATES FOR MONEY New York Philadelphia Iloston , Chlrat'o commercial paper. adelphla. Z'.i&i per cent Call. Time. S22 2H3 3Vi0l 3', SIM 3,, 4 fi4ti ..... 3H04 4 M, three to ill months, Thll. LOCAL MINING STOCKS TON'OPAH STOCK8. Jim .Duller 94' MarNamara 02 Midway ,,, 14 Mlzpah Ext ..!.;.,.,... M .Montana ,.,.,. .24 Northern Star 14 lunopait iieimom ,,,,, Tonopah Kxtenslon ,, Tonop.ih MlnlnsT Rescue Kula , West End 18 6 06 .73 Ask. .95 .04 .16 .20 .25 .16 4 7-1 8 4 7-16 .75 .18 .04 .40 .03 .04 .08 .05 .07 .48 .85 .16 1.12 .18 .06 .08 .05 .03 .03 .20 1 85 finr.PiEi.n RmeKH Atlanta 18 Illue Hull ,,, ,03 llonth ,.,.,,,, ,39 Jlulldin 03 cod ,;;;; 03 4 omb Krac , , 06 Illamondtleld 11 II ,03 Ilalsy : 06 Florence ,ik Ooldlleld Consolidated ,..,!! .83 floldneld Merger " .15 Jumbo Ext 1.10 Kewanas ,,, 17 Oro 04 Hand Ken ...;;:;:!; sj Sliver Pick ..'.'. :5J , , . JIISCEM.ANEOUS. Kalrv Axteo 01 Klmberly oi Nevada Hill " ,9 Nevada Wonder 1.50 NEW YORK BUTTER AND EGGS e.rEW .X.0Ul?- Febi "UTTBIl. Market firm, with sharp advances. Herelpts. 776J packages. Extra creamery. 36JS'ic : hlrher scoring-. S7J7Wc! Statdalr" 3,36c. j Im. Itatlon creamery not quoted. ... " EOaa Market, firm. Ilecelpts, (0( cases Extra Orsts. 26Mc! first.. 24 26c; nearby whUe,,..U?V near. .browns, 2(027c.i mixed color, 24tJ2c; refrigerator best20201ic. High Prices for Spelter BOSTON, Ftb. 26 Almost 22 centa a pound has been paid within the, last fevH aaya ror prime western brands of spelter for the second time In history. The top figure at which busInejw.hiB been done was 21H cents a pound althoush 22H cents was asked on some Inquiries. This bus iness covered nearby requirements. Sales in Philadelphia Hlffh. 25 Am aas 122 6 Am Itwys ... 30 25 Huff & Suo t e 41 1 Cam Iron ... 46 10 Cam Htcei 81. 20 Ins Co N Am. 26 ',4 10 Pa Copper.. . 64 1510 I.k Sup Corp. tl'i 10 I.eh V Tr pfd 43tt 25 Nev cons ... 16H 164 t'A ft II .... 678 30 ln Salt Mfc.lOO 16 IM Steel .... 70 36 do rref ... 98-i 130 Phlta Co ... 42 40 l'hlla Klce .. 27't 100 111 T tr ttfs. 19i 29 l'hlla Tr ... 79 U 306 HoiKllnn 80H 10 Ho IM3 99 . 696 Ton Del Hi 740 Ton Mln ... 6!i lS.Un Tr 4J',i 10 U a I 90 1930 V B Steel ... 83 U 60 Cramp A Sons 73 Low. Close. 122 122 Net dure. 1 30 41 48 81 25 IS 64T4 IIW 43 ti UH 67 U 100 70 93U 42 27 i 19 U 79 80 99 44 H 43 90 82Ti 73 u 30 41 46 81 25H 64 11 tt 42 16 H 67 U 100 70 98 i 42 27 i 19 H 79 U 80 93 K 44 6- 43 4 90 82 73 u u 1 V, Tnlnl sales, R775 slmrei, compared with B210 shares biit Siitiirilnyi for week, 19,112 shiiresi lint week, r.'J.IHO shures. iiu.xus. Low. 81H 68 102s; 102 94- 90 102 100 09 84 96 Net Closiv chtte. 81 Illsh. $6000 Wee P Tr 4s 81 3600 tntst Ityn 4s.. 69 14000 l.ch N ca 4s.l03 2000 I, Vnl Rn 4 Us. 103 6000 I.k Hh 4s '31.. 94i 2000 IM ens 4a '43. 09 1000 do roii 4s.l02 1000 IM Md St 6S.10C 1000 PV & II t c 4s 09 3000 Phlla niee 4s. 84 7000 Head Ren 4s.. 05 3000 Span-Am t 6s. 102 1000 Hunll&W 1 Cs.100 800 Welsh Co 6s.. 97U 4000 York Ily 1st 6s 94 Increaso. Decrease. Tnlnl sales. Ml, 100, romnnren1 with S76.000 Inst Snturdnjl for week, Sl07,000f Inst ueek, $.111,000. 68 103 103 & 111 99 102. 108 U 99 84 96 .... 102 105 W 100 100 97 97 94 94 Local Bid and Asked Today Yesterday Hid. Ashed. Illd. Asked. liuff A Sua t e 39 40 39 40. do prnf 69 CO 69 f.0 Itrlll JO 30 39 36 38 Ilnldirln 105 105i 107 108 Cambria. Steel .81 81 81 81 KlectrlP Stornito .... 64 06 64 65 tlenernl Asnhnlt .... 36 36 35 36. do prof .." 72 -72 72 72 Keystone Tclephono.. 13 14 14 14 (In t c 1.1 14 14 14 do prof 09 70 . 09 70 I,nko Sup Corp 11 11 10 11 Lehigh Nnv 76 77 70 77 LehlBh Vnl 78 78 78 78 Lehlah Vnl Trans... 22 22 22 22 do pref 43 44,, 43 44, renna 67 57 57, 67 J'hlla Eleo 27 27I1i 27 27 Ji l'hlla Co 41i 42 41 4l 42 do 6 per cent pref. 37 39 37 39 . do 6 per cent pref.. 44 44 44 , 44 l'hlla It T 19 I9i 19 20 dote 19 19Ji 19 20,, Ilendlnc 80 80 79 79 Ton ltd 4 4 7-10 4 4 7-10 Ton Mln "i fii 6 13-16 0 Union Traction 43 44 43 44,, II () I 90 90v 90 90 II S Hteol 82; 82 83 83 York Itwy 104 11 10 11 do pref 37 38 37 38 Wm Crnmp t c 71 73 70 73 Financial Briefs STEEL BOOM SHOWS NO LET-UP M ALGOMA CONCERNS TO REORGAlfilj Lake Superior Responded to News With Moderate I, vanco on Lnpfil "RypIi micro AnfViniifn m i J . Handicapped by Lack of Cars ferrcd to Steelton or Snarown tii will take their places nt n.thh k Tho local stock market today w..l cccdlngly quiet with lnslgnlntLY '5 chanBes. KncournBln,r renorUof f". Sunerlor Corporation rarnlnn lift, Vf stocic a fraction further. Annou wns made that a mcctlt,B of fi the Ilrst marlKam 5 per cent " Bold bonds of tho AlRnma rw. 1 mlnnls, Limited, and SSS hoM? r?1' rlrst mort(raBo 5 per cent gold bnT tho AlBoma Central and Hud, Itallway Company will b0 held taL? on March 24. Tho purpose hut' nlflnr nlul nrn.n -, . l" COT A moro rapid pace than evor has been set by tho steel Industry. Rven tho re cent sharp advances In prices of products have not checked the buying. Also de mand has nBaln set In for pig Iron after nearly two months of stagnation, whllo producers do not seem nnxlous lo boII. They nro said to havo orders on their books which should take care of their pro duction ns far nhend ns next August. Tho best opinion ha . It that tho boom In Bteel will last for tho duration of tho war, de splto tho approach of dangerously high prlco levels. Predictions nro oven being freely mado that bars, plates nnd shapes will reach :t cents ,t pound within 00 days, nnd 5 cents at tho end of the year. A further ndvatico nlso Is foretold In Iron nnd steel pipe. It Is Interesting to noto In this con. nectlon how tho two big mergers recently effected will bring nbdut n. now nllgnment In the country'n steel Industry. Hereto fore thcro havo been two general desig nations, tho United States Steel corpora tion and tho so-called "Independents." Now with three big combinations In tho fleld tho remaining outside concerns form a relatively small proportion. Formerly tho steel corporation exceeded the output of all tho concerns combined In rnlis nnd wlro rods nnd did more than 10 per cent, of nil other classes of production. Just returned from nn Inspection of tho Pennsylvania Htcel plants, R a. Ornce, president of tho Ucthlehcm Corporation, says that tho Improvements In be mado nt thoso plnccs will not Interfere with the program of extensions for the llcthle. hem plant. If any of tho contemplated Improvements at tho latter nro trans- slder nnd npprovo a schemo of .?T ment prepared by a committee r,? p Ing the bondholders of 11, ""' provided for tho reorganization 'Tt companies and readjustment of ih.i.l latlons with each other. j Provision nlso will be nude fjfl modification and compromise of thH of tho holders of each class of bol"!' respect to tho mortgages rcspecthi, curlngthom. ' "'Wj- The nnthraclto Issues also dlsnla.J, firm tone. Lack of cars continue (vr' dlcap tho hard coal trade, wl h "n,w t land tho chief sufferer. The result i.' curtailment of production nt the collieS; Bomo of which havo been forced 16 tlally closo down, consequently the . for February Is unlikely to run 2 abend of that of tho corresponding S, In 1DIG. Nevertheless, prices have fully maintained. A steady ImnJ!.!?' ins been shown In tho bituminous nunV this week nnd quotations have adm5' Premiums nro being paid at plefJjoK PHILADELPHIA MARKETS In addition to tho regular annual 7 per cent, dividend, tho Imperial Tobacco Com pany, Ltd. has declared a bonus of 25 per cent, on tho ordinary shares. Copper exports from Atlantic ports for tho week ended February 2t, total 10,108 tons: slnco Februnry 1, 19,375 tons. Commercial failures this week In tho United States wore 407 against 428 last weok nnd 618 a year ago. The Bank of England reports th amount of currency notes outstanding as 93.005,327, against 93,157,317 last week The amount of gold held for the redemp tion of such notes remains at 28,500,000. Chandler Brothers & Co. say there has been the dally liquidation of moro or less foreign held stocks. They havo been nhsorbed without any serious decline In prices. Bids will be opened by the flnanco com mittee of Wilmington City Council on March 6 for tho sale of $105,000 worth of 4 Mi per cent, city bonds, of which $55,000 of the Issue will bo used to redeem water works bonds maturing this year and the remainder will be used for Improving tho fire and police signal system. Tho Chicago Itallway equipment report for year ended December 31, 1915, shows total undivided profits of $101,475, an In crease of $72,059 and total assets of $4,351,415. The gross earnings ot 37 railroads in the second week of February were $11,724,704, Increase. $1.354,000. Bradstreet's says: "Trade ns well nB In dustry stilt moves nt n brisk pace, prices continue to advance, delivery of raw and finished materials are complained of ns slow, railway trnfTlc Is congested, supplies of money nre plethoric, collections are good, and buyers of some lines, fearing In sufllclent supplies or still higher prices, havo put out orders for delivery." The Bank of Cuba has this week shipped $1,000,000 In the new Cuban coinage to Havana, $500,000 having been sent from Philadelphia and $500,000 from New York. RAILROADS SEEK EQUIPMENT M Inquiries Are Out for 15,000 Freight Cars, Despite High Prices Ballroads nil over the country have within the past week come Into the market for car equipment with greater force, and it Is said that today there nre In quiries for 15,000 freight cars, The high prices for steel and the Inability of the car manufacturers to make early deliver ies havo caused the abandonment of a number of other Inquiries. Tho "Wabash Pittsburgh Terminal Is In the market for 800 gondola cars, and the areat Northern for 500 refrigerator cars and' 25 olltank cars. The Chicago, Mil. waukee and St. Paul has ordered Its Mil waukee and Tacoma Bhops to build 260 automobile cars and 160 logging cars. This same road has asked prices on 100 steel flat cars. Du Pont Annual Report In Its Initial annual report the Ii I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., successor to the 13. I. du Pont de Nemours Powder Com pany, pays: Operations were conducted under the latter name during nine months of 1915, or until October 1. .Since that date the business has been under the present corporate name. The combined income account of the two companies In 1915 we compare with that of the 13. I. du Pont de Nemours Powder Company and Its subsidiaries In the previous year as follows: Year ending- Pec. 31 1916. Oross ...v.- m Net ..tl57.S40.757 Kit. adj. and proflt and loss on salt of real estate, securl- tl,H. etc Interest on bonds... Preferred dividends.. Common dividends.. Earn. cap. reore. & rep. by stock of new company Int., adjust. & dlvs. sub. co. stock Total deducted from net earnlm Surplus for year.... Accumulated surplus lo aaio SS3.4S0 1,716,032 Z4.136.C72 29, ItS. 71 E4.U0.8S3 1.449.80.1 1114. J!5.17,47 M0J.U3 135. 79 771.360 803,430 2.361.768 6.450 3,767,02$ 1.136,124 7,(11.413 J. ill. 117 Indicates credit to profit and loss. tAfter maklmr extraordinary adjustments. Including very larso amounts written ott on account of construction work for military purpose. DIVIDENDS DECLARED . N?.w.,Y.,,rk J"?1' Company. II, payable A pi 11 IS to stuck ot record March IS. Tata Towne Manufacturlna- Company. re uUr Quarterly IV Mr cant, payable April 1 to stock of record March 23. OUU-Wrnllia Company, reeular quartarly GRAIN AND FLOUR WHEAT. ItetplptH. 135.00.1 hush. Specula tion In the West wiih bearish nnd prices hero declined 4c, with demand only moderate. Quo tations: Car lots, In rxport plevutnr No. 2 red. spot nnd l-Vbrunry, Sl.10Wl.2t; No. 2 Southern red. 31.171.10; steamer No. 2 red. il.ldSf. l.ISi Nn. 3 red. J1.1C5C1.1S: rejected A, 31.1.1,.4iil.llii4; rejected II, J1.12W1.14. OOHN. ltecelnls, C710 bushels. Tlicro was llltln tradliiE and no Important chaneo In prices. Quntntlona: Oar lots for local trade, as to lorntlnn No. 3 yellow, 81 'A l2Vir. : steamer yellow, S05P81c; No. 3 yellow, 16H 77c: No. 4 yellow, 7170c; cob, per 70 pound"i, 78 OATS. Receipts, 18.180 bushels. Demand wns llcht and offerings" wero nmplc. Prices wero unchanprd. Quotations: Nn. 2 white. 64P54 Vjc.i Rtnndnrd white. 62M53c.: No. 3 white, Rl fEC2c. i No. 4 white, 4950c: snmplo oats, 4058470.; purlllcd oats, Bradert, 61'.4D3e. Fl.OUlt. Receipts. 8C0 bills, and 1.0.13,300 lbs. In sacks. TIutp was llttlo trading nnd prices wero reduced 10(f25c. per hbl., In sym pathy with tho downward movement of wheat. Quotations per 190 Ibfl. In wood: "Winter clear, $r.,10W5.r,r.; do., straight. JG.G5&C50; do., patent, JCOC..10: Kansas, clenr, Jule.aeka, J5 iD.35: do., HtrnlKht, Juto sneks. $r..40Cu1r.."0; do., patent, Jute sacks, J0.70lil0.90; sprlnir, Ilrst clear, jri.SOWB.GO: do.. ntralBht, J5.G0W 5. SO: do., patent. $r,(fi'0.25: do., favorite branda, $G.2liie7; city mills, choice und fnncy patent. $0.2557; city mills, reuular Krades Winter, clear, J5.40WB.B5: do,, straight, J5.C5 6.90: do., patent. J(iG.:i0. RYU I'l.ODR was In smallupply and steady but ciulet. Wo iunto $5.G0(u;r. per bbl., as to quality. PROVISIONS There wnn llttlo tnullnff, but values wero Mead lly held. Quotations ratified ns follows: City lifer, In sots, smoked nnd nlr-urlPd. 2IP uric.; Western beef, in sets, smoked. S-Kftatfc; city beef, knuckles and tenders, smoked nnd nlr-drled. lHdS'27c., Western beef, knuckles nnd tenders, smoked, '2ilii7c.t beef hams, Sli-H:.!): pork, family, SHJ.r.uC:;:.: hams. S. P. cured, loose. ir(tf Kic.; do., skinned loose. 10 (17c.; do., do., smoked. HYz W18 Uc; other hams, smoked, rlty cured, as to brand and nvcrnR-e. 1 H l"c. : hams, smoked. Western cured. H',H("17c; do., bolted. boneles9, 27c.! picnic shoulders. R. P. cured, loo3e, lO-Xc; do., smoked, llftt&lSttc.t belllei In pickle, nccordlnc to average, loose, l!Mii13c.: break fast bacon, ns to brand und nverapn. city cured, inline.: breakfast bacon. Western cured, inside.; lard. Western, refined. In tierces. llUc; do., do.. In tubs, HUc; do., puro city, kettle rendered. In tierces, ll'ic.i do., puro city kettle rendered, In tubs, llUc. REFINED SUGARS The market wns quiet, but Arm. Wo quote: Extra lino Kranulateil. C.25c; powdered, 6,35c; confectlonera' A, G.lCc. : soft grades, 5. CO 6.10c. DAIRY PRODUCTS CIIRESE. Tho market was quiet with am ple offerlncs at former rates. Quotations: New Vork. full cream, fancy, held. 18M0!Saic.; do., do., fair to Rood, held. 17'i ffl lS'.ic: do., part skims. Ilii(il6c. HUTTKlt. Receipts of fancy Btnck wero llffht nnd tho market ruled tlrm with solid packed creamery acaln !4c. hlsher. Follow Ine nro tho quotations: Western, fresh, solid packed creamery, fancy specials, 39c. :' extra. 37c; extra firsts, .15636c.; llrsts, 3233c; seconds, 28J?29c; ladles. 21023c: nearby prints, fancy, 40c; average extra, 3839c. : llrsts, 34U3Cc: seconds. 30W31c; special fancy brands of prints Jnbblnfc lit 43 46c. i:OOS. Thero wub a fair demand for desir able fresh ckcs, nnd tho market ruled firm under moderate offerlncs. Kollowlnc are the quotations: In free cuBes. nenrby extrn, 27c. per doz. ; nearby llrsts, J7.3S per standard case; nearby current receipts. J7.20 per caso; Western, extra llrsts. J7.35 per case; do., (lrsts. J7.20 per ense; Southern, per case, 50 ff7.20, as to quality; fancy selected esrea wero Jobblne at 29031c. per doz. POULTRY LIVE. Offerings of desirable stock wero moderate and Iho market ruled steady, but trade was uulet. Following ara tho quota tions: Fowls, ns to size and quality, ISWlTo. , roosters, 12013c: spring chickens, .soft meated. 19W20c; do., stnggy. 14j15c: tur keys. 20 $1 22c. ; ducks, us to size und qualfty, 18W20c; ueese, 1719c; pigeons, old per pair, 28 W :10c. ; do., young, per pair, 20022c. UKESSil-lD. Offerings of desirable stock wero moderate nnd tho market ruled steady, but trade wus quiet. Folowlng aro the quo tations: Fresh-killed, dry-packed Fowls, 12 to box. dry-pucked, fancy, selected. 20c; weighing 4 lbs. and over, apiece, lOVsc.i weighing 3!i lbs. nplece. ISWc.l welching 3 lbs, nplece. 18c; smaller Blzes. 16017c; fowls, In bbls., dry-picked, fancy, 4 lbs. and over, nplece, 19c: smaller sizes, 15018c: old roosters, dry-picked. 16c: chickens Jersey, fancy broilers. 24026c; other nearby fancy broilers. 22024c; Western broilers, weighing IVtitl lbs. uplece, 22024c: Northern Illinois chickens, fancy yellow, weighing? .4, Iba. and over In boxes, 21022c; exceptional lots higher. Northern Illinois, fancy, weighing 2J4 03H lbs.. In boxes. 18 019c; Northern Illinois, fancy, weighing 2H03V4 lbs,. In bbls., 170 18c; other Western, weighing 4 lbs. and over. In boxeB. 18019c; other Western, weighing 2V403H lbs.. In boxes, 16017c; other West, ern. weighing 2 H 03 lbs.,, In obis.. 16016c: Inferior. 14c: Canons, per lb. Weighing 80 is n. nnWn. !7ff028c: smaller sizes. 230 2Gc turkeys, fancy young hens and toms, 30c: do., fair to choice, 26028c: old toms. 25c; spring ducks, nearby, 18020c; do., west ern, fancy. 17018c; do., do., fair to good, 12 016c; geese, nearby, 16018c: do.. Western. 14016c: Bquabs, per dozen White, weighing 11 to 12 lbs. per dozen, J6. 1006. 60; white, weighing 9 to 10 lbs. per dozen, 85.5006; white, weighing lbs. per dozen, S4.6O06; white, weighing 7 lbs. per dozen. $404.25; white, weighing 60BH lbs. per dozen, 33.160 3.40; drk. J303.4O: small and No. 2, 110 1 80' FRESH FRUITS The market wus quiet and without Impor tant change. Quotations: Apples, per bbl. Jonathan, fancy. I3.2S03.75: do., fair to good. 12.6003; Wlnesap. 32.5004; llaldwln, J2. 6003. 25: lllack 'IV I if, J2.6O03; Grimes' Oolden, 12.6003; Ureenlng. $2.2502.75; York Imperial, $203: Hen Davis, $1.7502.25: other varieties, $1.6002.60: No. 2, $1.2501.60; up. ANNUAL ELECTIONS 2 COMMEKCI.W, TKU8T CIMII'ANV. Philadelphia. February 24th. 1116. At the Annual Election, held February 21st. 1916, tho following shareholders were elected Directors to serve for the term of (our years; Clement II. Newbold, Heward Grosser, Hamuel Ilea, William C. iJproul, Henry Tutnall. Charlemagne Tower, Sidney F. Tyler. The Hoard of Directors Is now composed a follows; i nomas uewm uuyier, C, Stuart Patterson, Sidney F. Tyler, Samuel T. llodlna, J. It. McAllister. William C. Sproul. Morris I,. Clothier, John It. Mason. John P. Crozer. K. W. Clark. Clement II. Newbold. Harry A. Uerwlnd. William II. Barnes. Caspar v aivriim. At a meeting of the Hoard, held today, th following officers wero elected for tha ensuing 'THOMA8 IJeWITT CUrLEn. President. ' JOHN II. MASON, Vice President. C. P. I.INEAWKAVEH. Vice President. II. W. HTBHFE3T. Treasurer. HAMUE1, A. CROZER. Secretary. MARK WIL.L.COX. Assistant Treasurer. ffENKV C OIHSON. Assistant Secretary. SAMUEL A- CUOZER, Secretary. it w. niddie. Arthur B. Newbold, Samuel Ilea. Horatio O. Lloyd, Henry Tatnall, Robert Iv. Cassatt. Charlemagne Tower, Charlton Yarnall, William M. Ilarrett, John Cadwalader, Howard S, Orabam. 1.. K. Johnsun, Seward I'russer, JJIKKCTOHV OF ACCODNTAMU CcrtUUd l'ubllo AccouaUnU LAWRENCE E. 11KOWN & CO. MIS B1JAL aaTATE TRUST UUL1DINO. BURNS & SPEAKMAW -ant ueurca. les, In bulk, per 100 lbs.. r.n i .. .. .'-' estcrn. per box. tl.26fi2i orineV." E7 per crnto, $2 JZ.6or;(ij Brniie 03: lemons, per box, i-r'5ir- I'oriO RICO, i r uox, i.dvp2; nranem w..,, .litangerlne'sKlSid'a'Vfjf"; aperrult. Flnriia. per critt. . vv, rvvm. $304; -' ;. :''cvin ire n an, .,,.i,..,.T' "7;r"iyJ;u" rarw. lie- ioVan.r cn'cod: pe"rcrate: $lr$ooi. '." Jersey, per bbl., J70S: dn Jitm ' iS." 4? $202.60: Btraw),oVrles7 Florida. perW2S frlgerntors. 20026c: open crates. lSOiT VEGETADLES '. Choice stock sold steady with offerlnn ... demnnd moderate. Quotations n$W lC0.1;. D.u,"!--.?nP"-lvs.i. -It.lSOUl "v. ivi inline, il.iitHBi jfj. u'-ii 101.10, .Whlto potatoes. jSi."S. Rose. 60ff70e.: No. I'Ki toes. New V rrn. S basket No. varieties. potatoes. jtrer. 60070c: No, 2, tntoes. Jersey, per basket No. i". 5IBC" No- 2. 1602GC. Sweet potatoes. vImSJS'E; iim., ii.BO0l.7S. Onona. per lOMi TWT No. 1. $202.35; No. 2. 76c.0tl.:s, c,iHt Danish, per ton $12016: do.. PlorWS hamper. $101.25; do.. South Carollu'Lv Y.HZjm1;'?' ';l"' c'lorlda.pcTCr.tt $1.6002.60. Spinach. Norfolk, per Vbl, ift $1.26. ICnle. Norfolk, per bbl., llblw Lettuce. Florida, per basket. $102.60: Si South Carolina, per basket, $182. Bmbi Florida, per basket. $1.7502.50. Pmi. nS da. per basket, $204. Peppers, FlorMt. hi cnrrler. $t.5O02.25. Eggplant. Florldjiw crate, $203. Tomatoes, Florida. Mr'curVr Fancy. $202.60: choice. ll.60OUi. Sub rooms, per 4-lb. basket. $101.40. -. FIVE-CENT DROP IN WHEAT PRICES Both May and July 'Sold Off. Receipts in the Northwests Were Larger 1 CHICAGO, Feb. 2C Irregularity char acterized tho trndlns In tho wheat market In the early dealings today. At tha star! May ranged from Jl.lOVs to J1.JIH. against $1.18 at tho close yesttrai; nnd July nt $1.15 to $1.15U, corapartJ with $1.15 nt tho end yesterday. Unle? renewed Belling May dropped to .17S and July to $1.14. Followlng'thti'thirj waa a rally and toward the end.ot tt first half hour May was $1.183i'aiia JulA $1.15i. Receipts In tho Northwest wert large. May Hhowed n loss of 5tf ctntjit tho closo nnd July 5, cents. ( Tho market at Liverpool opened tteadr, but lator eased. It was expected. In Great Britain that shipments fromiAus; tralla nnd Argentina would bo larier.u tonnage Is being obtained. It was bellered hero that this competition would it felt Tho receipts at Minneapolis nnd Dotal! today wero D93 cars, ngalnst 2!7 carat year ngo; nt Winnipeg 65G cars, aialnet 129 cars; at Chicago 266 cars. titM 51 cars, .3 Corn itarted easier, but had friends 0 tho buying sido nnd moved upward. Thl market at Liverpool was steady, but'tti demand was less active. The receipts hJ today wero 219 cara. ' Oats wero Irregular. There was sow buvlnir by commission houses. The re ceipts hero today wero 216 cars. Leading futures ranged as followi: Oats Mav ... July ... Lard May ... July ... It lbs May ... July ... I'ork May ... July ..., Ild, LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS rlllfAOO Feb. 26. HOGS. RrW wSooP market. To'lMSe. higher: bisj WJ butchers'. .ao0S.75i good i heavy, $) 8.76: rough heavy, $8.2008.45: 'lg,AjH 8.70: pigs. $6.8507.76! bulk, -""t CATTLB. Ilecelpts. 200: ra;'tll beeves. $6.6009.70: cow" and helf era- ' J 08.40; .tockens andfeeder.. ,8 Taans. ... laira.ov. ?'"" "vVi .leiirl native and western. $4.2508.69! lamDS. "E 11.50. n rMA.ri . . . . ... -mi Wheal open. mgn. iw. i-'u;a,V.Tk May 1.19V4 l.li 1.J3U J-JJn'H! July ...,: 1.16W 1.16 1.10H 1.U UJJ Corn (new delivery) ., ,,,u May 774 78W 7fU ,7Jj JIjJ Julv 77W 77 76 tHH 'J . 45H H 4 4j JIJ ,. 43H 43 41H lV1i,J .10.37 10,43 J2-25 IJ2-I5 nS'iil .10.62 10.62 10.50 '10.61 IIM'8 ,.11.60 11.52 11.37 11.45 tll.! .11.60 11.02 11.65 ll.il tH.W .20.82 20.90 20.67 20.75 ,.J1 !20!85 20.87 20.67 '20.70 tlMJf tAskc(L X M INVEST IN MORTGAGES AT 5.4 Recommended bj BEN. T. WELCH 1328 Chestnut St. SMI FOR SALE r.aR Ent?ine Plant In full operation. Physical "J""2i approximately $630,000. 250 """l ploye.1 This plant can ,V?JTniitl fne' manufacture of munition.. J opportunity. Adlreas D 19. " .$J l'ubllo ledger. it Charles J. Bender & Co? inueCTlCNT HUnU-J ! Member. Philadelphia Block J&M 42X CHESTNUTSL! ..ail. Al)VKBTISEMEJ5L3 IST th undersigned has been JVs .....i. audit, aettla du" '".jsTaH "h. Cmmpn.ttUh.Tit "-, Trust Company, coromi""-',, CHARLES ,'uy8.h. Court W'tSiEl !uompurJoU.Nof h.r.PntuMjW, lytha iaW udttor on tb. th fW Si part IM who Sav claims, ' an ft --- m.y appear r rS 5'Jfver comma- In won IJW f .,' Sfe; Hal mKB-'S "