1 '" SIISffBffSSS!SSttKi "gWW T njVfrr otfl; rTr$-v Jlrvm 18 EVENING LEBOEE-PHILABELPITIA FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1916. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING BATES EVENING LEDGER Th!s STYLE TTPB (or tike this) One time , 1.1a per tins Three times one week ...,,,. 124c per line Slx times one neck .,....,, i. 10s prllne situations Wanted, three times one week, 10 cents per agate line per insertion. Place your order for three or frtore time3 and It will bo in- tcrted in the daily Public Ledger fit no additional cost. One or two lime rate for Eii t.rpoa. and Ptint.io Lrpnrn combined In in cents per Kate line, with the exception or Help Wanted and Situations Wanted, which' la IS centa per line. ron TYPE LIKE THIS (or like this) which la permitted In all classifications ex cept Help and Situations Wonted. Lost and Found, Personal, Bonrdlng and Rooms, add nvn crnts run agate line to any OF AtiOVH tiATns. There is a rlrujj store near your home that will accept Ledger want ads at ofllce rates. THE EVENING LEDGER MAtNTWNSn nlrlft censorship of all advertising to Its columns Recalls of this long-ntandlhg pollcv, the public his learned to plnro tho same confi dence In Ita advertising as the news. This Is particularly true or the Want Ads. Th,i Ledger Intends to safeguard the Interests of Its readers, so they can respond to box num. rr advertisers with a feeling of fullest security. If nt any time you have evidence thit a fcuslnees proposition, offer of omplovment. etc., mnde through the Ledger Is not legltl mate, or la of a doubtful character, call It to our attention at once. A thorough and Immediate Investigation will ho made. Please help tho Evening Ledger In Ita efforts to half LOST AND FOUND K7 Other Lost nnd I'nund Ails Mee Page I tlUI.I. TERRIER I.ost a white bull terrier, ears uncut, with slight s.ir on buck He. turn to Prof F E Schrlllng. 4100 Pine st . and receive reward HUFF Lost, a gray moleskin mufT nt Nlx on'a Colonial Theatre Pelt 22. between 1 nnd ft p. m Please phone Ocruwntnwn 21r7 FEAR?. 8TUD LOST, REWARD. .1 It IIOHJINIIKIM POPLAIl 1277 .1. YALLET Black wallet containing monev and Masonic papers, nlso envelope containing? business papers, bet II A o Sta. and Wlth erspoon llldg.. Wed nft bet 4 and 0 Ho ward for return to i; 56C Ledger Central PERSONALS BBW1NO MACHINES repaired nt our home. Phone Diamond 3725 HELP WANTED FEMALE Help Wanted Ails Ilrrrlvrd Too Late Classification Will he Pound on Page 2 for UOOKKKKPGn with knowledge of stenosrnphv wanted In Insurnnce office, must be quick and accurate, state experlente and salary ex pected. Address In own handwriting. 1) If, Ledger Centrnl CHILDNUHHi:. experienced, wanted to tal.n care of one child must have reference. P 217. Ledger Ofllce. C1IILDNUP.HE. experienced, capable of tnking charge of child 2'4 jearB old. ,U J11, Ledger Ofllce CLOTH WEAVERS wanted. Apply John nnd Jnmes Dobson. Inc . Klnnket Mills. Scott's lane. Falla of Schuv 11.111 COOK AND WAITRESS 17 and 16. while. Protestant, mother and daughter preferred Apply Cellar Hill Farm. Hcidlng, JPn. COOKING nnd downstairs work. Protestant. German or Swedish preferred, must be neat, honest, capable, refcrenie necessary, good home, 6 miles from Phllndelphl i. trollev and train connections, summer upent In Maine. II 332. Ledger Ofllie CORSETS Lady to sell from her home: profitable. C 12. Ledger OHloe very DRESSMAKER Waist fitter tn take charge of workroom In Inrgo dressmaking establishment; permanent posi tion antl good salary to one capable of copjlng French mod els: sood reference required. 1 I 'APrLY 2012 WALNUT ST. OlltU cook: white, for good wages general 920 S. houBevvork; good 48th at GIRLS wanted for yarn packing department: no experience required Apply S. U. & II W. Flelsher. Inc . 2Sth and Hamilton ats. GIRLS, experienced, over IB. on Jersea nnd bathing Bults lUslenlo Fleeced Underwear Co.. 241S N Howard OIRLS wanted, 16 or over, to work In wall aper factory. Apply nt once. Becker, mlth A Page. Water at anil Snder ave HOSIERY Knitters antl tnppera wanted on full automatic machines both Scott S. Will iams and Standard, stead work and pay good aa any. Apply Wallare-Wllson Hosiery o.. Orchard below Cnlt. Frankfort!. HOSIERY Experienced knitters and toppers: steady work, good pnv also learners, paid yhlta learning 1320 N. Lawrence JIOSI BR Y Experienced loopers wanted: always ' busy; pay good aa am Wnllate-W'llson llos lery Co.. Orchard below Unity. Frankford HOUSEKEEPER, joung colored girl. 16 per week. Call 1922 Spring Garden st HOUSE WORK English girl preferred, famllv of - adults, good cook, no washing, utiod wages to capable person, phone after 6 n m.. 36 J. Cynwjd Call 2616 llrjn Muvvr ave., Hats.; carfare paid HOUSEWORK Girl for general housework"! also girl for upstnlrs work and help with children. Apply 20 E. Waverly road, or phone Ogontl 507 HOUSEWORK Capable white girl for general housework In good home, no heater, im range. Phone Oermantovvn 2820, or call 234 W llortter at . Uermantovvn HOUSEWORK First class two In family, no wauhlng. Phone Ocrmuntovvn 878. or call 2 6 W Job n son s t , (I ermali town HOUSEWORK, experienced girl for family of three. Phone Ardmore 825 W IiAUNDKY Experienced girl on body ma chines to Iron white duck coats; wagea plecs work. Apply at once. 1029 Vine. 1LAID3 (2), of all worki wanted for small country Institution. Apply In person to Led cer Central, Saturday morning, at 9 o'clock: wagea. 8 16, MOTHER'S HELPER, settled whlfe woman"; suburbs closo to city.il 940, Ledger Central OPEltATORS Experienced" hemmera on Union special machine on men's knit Jerseys and bathing1 suits. Hygienic Fleeced Underwear Co . 2lf N. Howard. HEELERS AND TWISTERS WANTED. APPLY TO 3. B t n Vf. FI.EISHER, INC., 26TH AND HAMILTON BTS. PETEY What's a Broken Arm or So in an Afternoon of Skiing' V" AC0M6 Ali.R,GHT - SKUWG IS vS V ( IS GrJEATT 1('A C"EeTCA,V AOAN OFTT "B ETCt W W H C To UtE Jf . " OMLV J fHI HELPWANTED FEMALE Continued from Vrcctttlnp Column OPERATORS, exp on wash-top skirt, steady enpJoy .jtootl pay Seltxer Ilroa , 321 Market OPERATORS Exn. front makers on ladles' watst. MaxvveM A Polen. 1001 Fllbertst t SALESWOMEN Joseph tl Darlington Co.. require saleswomen In alllia. umbrellas and glovest permanent positions nt good aalarlea to rtuslltlcd appllcanta Applv auperlntendent, tiss t'h-atnut at , SHOtJs ilxpTleieed" help In packing room 31S N. 12th seventh lloor , SHOES Experienced tip fixers ,118 N 12th, seventh floor STENOGRAPHER, "slate nge. experience. If emplnjed, enlarj. speed, reply own hand writing P 2.10 Ledger Ofllce TELEPHONE OPERATORS WANTED ISrlght voting women lictweeti 18 and 22 venrs old, to take up telephone operating, no expeilente neceessry. salary paid while learning, pleasant work, permanent position Applv In person Itell Telephone Cnmpnnj. 408 Market t between 9 n m nnil tj p m tTpIsT for billing and filing. Applv between 12 and 1. P F. llrown . Co, 41 nnd 11 S Front at.; aalarv J. WAITING (lirPwantcd for waiting In private, fiunllv, reference required Apply 6407 Wajno nve . Ocrmnntnwn . WANTED An elderlv white woman for farm In itiuntrv. one who will appreciate good homo and small wogea. must hae refer ent e 2jos ltlttcnhnusesq A WOMAN wanted, of unquestioned rulturo nnd refinement, pleasing oppenranre, .10-4, vears nf ago, preference given to one who through misfortune or flrintu lal reverses finds It notessarv to enter business world Position does not require previous business experience or Invcsttmnt of an monev , good Income assured exceptional opportunity for qualified npplleartt right nwnj P 211, Ledger OfTIt e General pivi; titiiii riitiii: woMiJN In the Splrella t'nmptnv. lo take ihnrge of buslus (..ntriH In Philadelphia whole or pirt time will Im thornughtv trained and ns sls'nfl la building perm merit lucrative busi ness, no tnnvassi'r Applv b letter for np Bpolntment If.n I'lieslnul si . give phone COVt:P,NMn.VT poslilons open to wn-nen. $7' month Write Inimrdlitelv for free list. Franklin Inst . Iiept 71." M, ttirhester. .S. Y HELP WANTED MALE noir.KrtMAKr.us and itci.pr.tiM wantiip Apply John llalzlev Iron Works. 611 S Dela ware ave, HOY, brUht. lit jears. for Kensington mill office Address (n own handwriting. P 1224. Lrtd r Office , BOY Hi In H. tn lenm wholes lie drug bust n -ss muler.ite wages, stale referent e, sat- arv i mi i ted I' .'4, Lodger Ofllie. CIIAtTI'lll'It wanted exp. fo- Packard cars, must have lict Phlla ref Applv 1524 Pine st , bet 2 3 p m . (i & 7 a m . l'rlda. CLOTH M:.V:iiS wanted Appl.v John t .lames Iinlisnn Inc Itlnnket Mills. Hcott'a Line Falla id Sthuvlklll IHtAl'OIITHMAN lirge chandelier fnctorv: one ,u customed to this business familiar with different periods, for man good ability Mcadv pus , good h.iI Iteplv, stating age, exp. ref , silarv expci ted Add llllWAltl) CAI.IHYIll.l. CI' . JS U 1 5th st . New York IlHMTS.MI'.N WNTI'.! tlllSltlNINO Mll CMANICAL DHAFTSMIIN. ALSO IX'.TAII. nits, ihvi: iiNPHitir.xci: aoi: and salaiiy i:.pi:cti:i) m 70d, i.kihiiiu (ircicr bltl'OS Wholes lie house' wants good, stout bov or 'oung linn li, to li. to learn the business moderate wages, state reference. sal.ir txperted 11 26 J.edger)fl1e 1'ftONr CI.11IIK and linnkki-eper fnirnp irtment Imtpl outside cltv, give experbnee anl refer ences K 610. Ledger Central , (lARDIlNllll. to work nnd live on small int.. rtlii,,, nfinr llverlirnotc. one film nrl llnr wltli horses denlv position lor good man, slate ace and iil.ii es prevlouslj rntplir oil Jl 914 Lidger Cintrnl OAiti)i:s-i:it-ciiAi'rPECit - Capable single E 148. Led Cent iiinn, stlliurns, state wages lilllT IRONWORKERS o flrf-osrnpes Tohn llalrlev, nnd 614 grill work wanted Apply S Delaware ave MACHINISTS WANTED Applv John llxlrlev. fill . Delaware ave MACHINISTS wanted" Applv crane dept of Mlles-Hement-Pond Co . .Mifflin and Meadow STENOGRAPHER nnd tvpewrlter. voung num. prom lent on Heininginn tspeuriier ami win tn start a moil ani vvitn cnante or titi vante . must be good jienman D 111. Led Off STENOGRAPHER STATE AGE EXP. IF EMPLOYED SALARY SPEED REPLY OWN HANDWRITING P 2J1 I.ED OFF STRFCTI'RM. ENGINEER Wanted, vuiins man Inside anil outside work. In estimat ing ilett irtment of building material firm, must be good al figures nnd have Home knowledge of imilntnlcs, steadv position, with gootl chance for advantement , state age. etlut atltin experience, referent es and silarv expected P 21 . Ledger Off It e SHOES Experienced tip fixers Seventh floor" I16 N 121 h TAFFETA WEAVERS, "experienced, wanted", running .1 to 4 looms Apply Norfolk Silk Mills Inc. .Norfolk, Va, WANTED Jaonuanl box loom weavers, steady work assured Appl.v Norfolk SHI: Mills, Inc . Norfolk. Va. WANTED Draughtsman, cabinet woodwork. Gen W Smith & Co . 3907 Powelton nve YOl'NO MAN. not under 17 rnrs of age. for offtc antl errantl work of wholesale grocery house, must bo riulcl: nnd active or do not npp!v l22l Ledger Office YOl'NO M VN W'ldo-nwnke, strong nung mall wanted to measure, calculate antl keep an accurate lnenlor of storage tanks E 364 ledger Central riRST-CLASS" horlrontnl boring mill nnd chut Mug machine hands Apply American Engineering Co. Aramlneo nnd Cuintcrliml. General IIOOKKEEPER Established Phlla tlelphla concern has open a posi tion ns bookkeeper; good salary lo active, competent man who can Invest 12000; money guaranteed. M. 947. Ledirer Central SPECIAL AUTO MO RILE Instruction given, dav and night, by expert mechanics at tho oldest and original Auto School. Repairing In all Its branches. Tim ing. Wiring and i) Road Lessons at a Aery Email cost 011 NORTH nnOAD ST. P. PETZ. C20 NORTH nnOAD STREET 031 Robertson's Old Original Auto School. Teaches you how to repair and bow to drive nutoa. mi north nnon street rai lir.St.NESS SERVICE COMPAN'Y 1301 I.AND TITLE IIPILDING ROOKKEEPERS CLERKS with advertis ing experlente SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE ASSISTANT IIOOKKEEPER mid d. tall clerk, 10 eara" exjierlente E .'48. Ledger Central ASST IIOOKKEEPER. comptometer op tjp. lst. fnmwltlall of details E 646. I.ed Cen IIOOKKEEPER. tjplst. stenographer. II jears' liractlial experlente In auditing. syHtematlz illg orflce nnd credit managing, desirea a position with a reliable firm who wants an efficient antl capable vvnman worker, no ob jections to leaving city, If satlsfactor ref- erehce la exchanged J 441. Ledger Central IIOOKKEEPER D E . thnr exp.. exception ' ally gootl on details E 256. ledger Central. IIOOKKEEPER. cashier, el. rk. 10 tears' ex tellent exp , nceurate K 246, Ledger Cent. BOOKKEEPER D E . thor exp and capable. gootl references E 446. Ledger Central. IIOOKKEEPER. tsplst. general clerk. 8 years' exp capable dependable E 544. I.ed Cent 11USINESS woman of experience seeks office position of trust E 43. ledger Central CHII.DNPRSE or ehamberwork Vuung Alsa- tli. ref Room 205. 608 Chestnut, 10-12 u m CLERK and typist experienced, neat, con.pe" tent, heat refs.. 18 E 147. ledger Central CLERK, knowlcdgo Imnkkceplng, exp . depend able, references. E 146, ledger Central SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE Caiitfnii'rt from PrcetAtno Cofumit CLERK Willing, capable, experienced In Arnernl offlro work B 443, Ledger Central I'OOK Young Swedish glrTt experienced. Rood reference; city It 326, l-odgcr Office. I'OOK Compt Uerman Prot. woman, wishes posiuon: rers znus vvarnocs i COOIC or housework " best reference 4140 Lancaster nve. OKNKIIAI. IIOUanWOHK Ilenned colored woman- small family: sleep out reference !! .127. Ledger prflre dOVKItNIJSH, vis . desires engngemts : lang c0nvers. . conch for exams K 34B, Led. Lent limtSIlKP.nPllll or'nurse, nngllsh rnpahle careful, good manager: excellent reference 17 Ledger Branch, 8100 tlermnntnwnae IKHiHllKnfiPini and companionship with cul tured family i'none nermaniown n fibt'HBWOItk Mfd -aged woman assist light duties, good seamstress refJJ12S Irf'd Off LADY." Parisian, desires engagements French taught bv qulclt method nt moderntn rates .1 41, Ledger Central NFItSllUY iToVIHlNIMjr or "mother's helpr In refined fnmllv. prefers seashore In sum- iner. II 3H. ledger Office SlICItllTAUY STII.VOOItAPllP.n. llrvn Mavyr graduate, knowledge nf Herman nnd rrenui, fnmMlar with offlie work 15 146,I,ed Cent HTflNOOItAPIIIlIt nnd correspondent, expert. 7 vrs ' exper , onlv llrst-elnss position cons d posses exec nblUlv J7 4 4. Ledger Central HTftNOilltU'llCIl experlenied In'nll office tie tails eanabin. dependable, able to run. all machines Al references II .115. t-ed. lent RTIlNOdltAPIllIll lleflned voung Indv. sllght- I) exp. deslns pos 15 4(1. LrdgorjCentrnl HTIlNDOItAPllIllt. rapid tvplst, exp . romp . .depend , desires position 11 24i. Lerl tent STUNIKlHAPIIHIt. expert, deslren position bv hour. afternoon or evenlnc II 660. Led Cenl STi:Vil(IHAPIIi:it ,vmm Indv: neat, capable exp . refs . $0 I! 162 Ledger Central "fVPfT 2 v ears' experleni" willing, cipable desires position. Jn i: 117. ledger Central VlSiriS'd (IDVI'.ltVllSS -Ilenned Pnrlslenne voung ladv, willing, cool s unstress best rifenmns II H 4122 Walnut t . Phlla WOMAN who baa sueressfullv nnnaged a de partment store In a town or 100 onn seeks a Inrtli as naslstnnt to nisniiger or buver of tnllllnrrv or ladles' rendv-tn-wenr lines, high i lass r'-rerei res .1 71'. Ledger Central WOMAN, colored, wishes dav s work, cltv, sub urbs or washing home. 210." Sharswood YOt'Nll tlllllMAN WOMAN wishes to work jitul. washing or i leaning t' H.Ledger Off Afir.VCI WOMAN w into housework or cooking, conntrv tireferred Ills .Market st A WOMAN of ridlnniiMiit desires housekeeping for gentleman's home. 1I7 Ledger Jlfflee WIIHIli: can t get In much with n (lrst-clnss slonoanipher. booitkeepep or clerk This question has been asked bv business men quite frequentlv through the Cummer rial Department at Ledger Central Is the answer. "Miss Dein" Is able lo render vou valuable nsslstanre In locating Just the right kind nf help, without publicity, undue nn novniue. vvnste of time and energy. To. her our requirements at nine she has listed the quantitations of .vtning lldles seeking positions This servlte will benefit sou per- on.'ilh It Is rree to i.i;im;i,ii niiverusera Telephone Walnut or .Main SOiio, "Miss Dean," at once. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE ACCOPNTAVT-ntitiiMvI.EPER. first - el l nbllltv epi rlellie lindref 6112 Arch si ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT ASSISTANT Have luil some experlente In mnll-ordor work: can write enpv, prepire circular and booklet matter . locution Immilerlal. aged Ji. cinduite Temple fnlversltv Advirtlslng I Sihonl M b12. Ledger Office Al'DITOR. orflce and accountant mnnnger. fain wltlljrim nnd steel; E452. Led el ACDITINO lllg and little done by responsible man M 212.. Lodger Office RANK IIOOKKEEPER and general clerk de sires to make change three jears' bank ex perience four vears' tommerclal experlente, age .M.jiiarrletl E BS5. le-clger Central 1JOND SALESMAN Young man, i'S, gootl ad dress, graduate Wharton St hool. now with public utllltv mmpanv. desirea to sell bonds, eotlentrefertni t s E 161. Ledger Central IIOOKKEEI'ER Young man 21 wants posi tion as bookkeeper In smnll plite or rlerl eal work, some experlente. inodemto silarv E 35. Ledger Central IIOOKKEEPER. experlenied, ininpetent. will make change, best referetues. complete ohnrgo J 9 12, Lodger Centrnl HOOKKEEI'ING. small sets ami tempornrv w irk epetlaltj E4I0, Ledger Centrnl CHAFFFEl'R. thorouahtv reliable, nged 30 married prattlial. l sears' shop antl road exp rlence. tb sires situation Phone Dlcklll son 16M W ThiinuiH MrOIrr 111. UI 1 I. I I. Itll, I fUt,l III'-, IIIIIIH , ,lll' .1 driver, desires Immediate position, btst of references nf long standing C 127. Led Off I CHEF, wallir. chambermaid want positions; rel. ref Phone I.ocustHlb 1907 I'ltzvvnter CIVIL ENG . .1 vrs exp roatt Hewer, bulbllng construction; tvest ref K 261 ltlger Cent COLLEGE man -'1. 5 rs ' gootl business exp wants opportunltv J4. Ledger Central CREDIT MAN. treasurer or t nnflilcnttal mini of n corporation, has hnd 1J jears' experl- enee as an exetutlve C 101, Letlger OfflM DRAPGIITSMAN EXP ON HYDlfxCLlC PRESSES OR ROLLING MILLS. WISHES CHANGE OF POSITION E 147. LED CEN FOREMAN finisher In steel or wood, under stands enameling antl graining: l.'i venrs' experience: strlielj sober and reliable. E .11. Letlger Central GARDENER, married, wishes private place: lifetime exp.: tlioroughlv understands green housea outside work. Ai ref Ml N 19th GARDENER. St ott h married vvlsliee position on private plate ltl vears' experience in ull branches. E41S. Letlger Central. GARDENER, clngle middle nged' iffetlme ex" ptrlente on private plate, reftri-nie D 4, Ledger Oftlte. MAINTENANCE MAN on eleitrltal nnd auto mobile work, with In eurs" experlente, wishes similar lonueetloo with good, reliable rlrnij Er.VI.Leiger Central. MAN. with several vears' experience as an ex ecutlve. desires position of financial nature that renulres ability, efllclencs mill lllteg rliy. C 10X letlger orilte MAX Charge of purchases nnd supplies, book keeper: good correspondent; reference. L ISO I. Ledger llrnnch. 7th ami Oxford MAN AND WIFE. Engllslf Protestant, cxperf- ntetl butler nn'l took, desire positions In tlrst-class private family. E ;i."3. Letlger Cenl. MECHANICAL ENGINEER Young man. 6 jears' experience tn mnnufntture of machine shop protlucts. 2 jears experience In estl inntlna tleslgntng etc.. seeks cnnneitlnn. preferably as sutierlntendent or assist, super intendent. E 2,1. Letlger Central. OFFICE EXECFTIVE, manager, El jears' experience: thotoughly efficient accounting, credits antl lollettlons: sales; gratlu.ite Ev g School,L P.: mar d.age32. C 2J4.Letl off, OFriCE .MAXr nged 24 thorough responsible. 8 fears' experience auditing ami credits, capa ble of laktoff tomplete charge: excellent ere- tlentlabJTi.il. Ledger Central. OFFICE MANAGER Collego man. .12. wide business experience, wants pos. as executive, liciiillimint or salesman. E 54.1. I,e(l Cent, PORTER Young, sober, honest nntwRffiig colored man wishes position, store or ofllce; references. 1712 llnlntirttlge st. SALES MANAGER Sales .manager, used to technical products producing million. dollars per annum, desires rnnnectlt cion wnn I'liiiatieipmn manufacturer; references requested antl exchanged. M a 13, ceuger central. SALESMAN, at present emplojed. wishes con nection with manufacturer, will go to any territory, would consider handling corre. spondenco In sales department; age 30, per sonal interview solicited. E 240, Lett Cent. SALESMAN, acquainted with best depart ment store trade. East and West, wants position, best refs. as to character and ability Address J 446. Ledger Central. SALESMAN, emvloyed, desirea chance; local or travel; 12 jears' ex . good presence; edu cated, age 32, reference K Hi, t.ed. Cent. YOU! Are ybu content with your present surround ings? Would you ac cept a position that offered higher salary higher advance ment? Scores of young men and women have increased their income and bettered their situ ations through the "Want Ad" columns of the Ledger. Why not you? When you con sider that the Ledger reaches Philadelphia's prosperous business men, is it not obvious that a small, carefully written ad will bring results? Never were times so prosperous, and good positions so numerous, as NOW. Phone your ad to the Ledger. Walnut or Main 3000 "WWWSv , situations wai:tedmale Continued ioiii Prcorrtlitfl Column STENOGRAPHER General office work: expe- rlentetl, flrst-ilnes refs E 61, Ledger Cent STENOGRAPHER, emploveil. desires position 111 evening; best refen nces P222. Led Off STIH'CTl'ltAI, STEEL ormmentnl Iron nnd rilnforceil concrete engineer nnil esllmntor open for engage with company requiring the services nf At man Add M 701, Led pjf VALET, attentlint, refined vnunginati. refcr emis At 849. letlger Central VNTKD Position outside n.ilesman, 20 vrs prntlltnl lommerclal exp . salarv antl toni- tnlsslon preferred best ref D 19. Lot! Off WRITER, exp. wants position: Phlln refer- ( oners; work submitted n .161. Letlger Cent YOl'NO MAN. age II ambitious and Indus trlous desires position, n jears' attuil busi ness experlente In in inufncturlng, 6 jears ns manager, inpible of selling own productions tiv i orrespiiniieiice ami stint nation, arcurale 111 all tletafl work and costs, help handled sallsfactorllj . mathematics excellent, snlnry serontlirj to opportunltv E 266, Letlger Central YOUNG MAN24. with good clerlc-il" anil "in" sttle sales exptrlente, wishes position which promises a worth-while future E 249, I.edgerConlrnl YOl'NO MAN. 2(i. wls'hea to lenm wholes lit) business, gootl refyence D 3. Led office YOUNG MAN wants work of nny kind: evc- iilngs i- .in,. Longer unite ARLE ENERGETIC. RESOURCEFUL YOUNG MAN AGE W 9 YEARS' EXPERI ENCE AS OFFICE EXECUTIVE PUR CHASING AGENT AND DIRECTOR OF SALl'. WISHES CONNECTION. E 451. LEDGER CENTRAL. . SIX YEARS OF CORPORATION EXPERI ENCE AND A WHARTON SCHOOL EDU CTION ENAI1I.ES ME TO FILL A PLACE S IIOOKKEEPER AND ACCOUNTANT WHERE HIGH GRADE SERVICE IS RE QUIRED E 64.1 Ledger Central 1)1 YOU WANT "A RIGHT-HAND MAN voung bill experienced cnpable.consclentlous, i it refill of vour Interests, energetic, construc tive well educatetl. willing a man of ver satile usefulness, wanted a life work, bank ing house teference E 652. Ledger Central. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES WANTED Cooks, i hamhermaltls, vvnltresses. houseworl girls till nationalities; goodwages: liotitlvint, fte Call emplojment agenev. 412 W P. no st , Germnntown two squares west of Wiivne nve Phone Oermantovvn 1359 WANTED Cooks ch.imborimlds. ehlldnurses nnil housework girls, cook wonts position In Germantown, Chestnut Hill or In Frankford. Miss Rose Dougheru, 1.111 W Olrard nve .MISS MARY T MCCARTHY, 2107 Christian (Lot- 1191). supplies & wtintn lst-clasa Prot.. I ath mate nnd female help, all nationalities. WANTED At Episcopal Office. 312 S. 12th st.. c'Ks. cham'ds. wait's, nurses, ktch'm'ds. AUTOMOBILES For Rile USED CARS IIARGAINS I. S. ROWERS COMPAUY 24!i 247 North Uroad street DISTRIBUTORS COLE GRANT HUDSON'S Rt-bullt nnd guaranteed; phaeton nnd rtntlsters. equipped with electric lights anil atnrters f!OMHUY SCHWARTZ. 253 N. Rrnad st. 1IUP.MOIIILE Roadster, 1916, run less" than 5000 miles, Al condition. I. C. MOSER. 210 N.Itroatl st. KHIT ROADSTER, foi.1. gootl condition, fully equipped. 1"5 Phone Market 1920. LOCOMOIHLE. 1913 0-3S rontlster. A verv snappj'-looklng car. iqulppid with self-starter nnd eleetrlo lights, generator, etc . guaranteed samo aa now. price S1750. I.OCOMOniLE 2114 Market st. Locust 450. 11 A. JENKS. Mgr Exchange Car Dept. LOCOMOIHLE. 1914 fi 1R limousine nnd touring; complete elec trical equipment, thoroughly rebuilt, ro paluted, benrs new car guarantee, verj sutt nblo car for town or suburban work, sum nier or winter: price 13250. LOCOMOIHLE 2314 Market st. Locust 450. II. A. JENKS. Mgr. Exchange Car Dept, LIMOUSINE Suitable for funeral work or hiring of any kind nt nil prices, touring cars at a hie sac rifice, aa wo need the spaco these cara occupj LOCOMOniLTJ CO OF AMERICA. 2114 Market st. Locust 450. II A. JENKS. Mr Exchange Car Dept. .MARTIN 'lltUCK. solid tires. 1 ton .. " J200 Krlt touring, engine overhauled 250 1 landers runabout, like new 22.1 Mluhell runabout, flno inndltton 121 PHII.A AUTO PARTS CO. X21-21 North lllh Park HIS MERCER. 1913 5-passengcr tournbout, Al condition; price J900. LOCOMOIHLE 11. A. JENKS Jtgr. Exchange Car Dept. 2314 Market M. Locust 450. PACKARD. 1908 Excellent mechanical condi- tton. 7passenger touring, price 1450. I C. MOSER. ilti N. Ilrcnd St. PAIGE. 1916, ti-46, rlrst-ilass condition: driven 4000 miles, will sell reasonable, PhnnoJ.noUHt502 J Tmv part to huii.d or "" -1 REPAIR a car SCHOIIER. 3341-15 MARKET. tiEND Mil FREE RULLETIN OF USED CARS GORS)N AUTO EXCHANOE.238 N.J1ROAD CADILLAC. 1913, touring car. "overhauled and repainted, full equipment, price. 1760. AUTO SALES CORPORATION, 142 N. Iiroad st. CHEVROLET AOENCY Kerr's new garage. Bllfi G Irani ave. Storage. 5 up. FI1ANKMN CARS AI.l MODELS F. L PAXSON. 3430 Chestnut i it. AUTOMOBILES For finle Continued irom rrecedlno Column STUDnnAKnrt sr.DAtt Late model, fine rnndlton, elec tric lights and starter, has been little used nnd Is of fine appear ance and fine condition: can bo bought fty reasonable will bo demonstrated If Interested. w. p. irnitnutiT Ilrond nnd Unco eta. lti EXCELLENT SHAPE small car .. 1100 460 .100 276 276 476 .176 27S tiutuiv. smnii ttir RTiniEttAKEIt, "as." starter MAXWELL Touring FOIlll Touring I'nilD Itoadster oVEHt.AND Touring, starter STUDEHAHElt Hlx, starter K. -M. P. i;, m. r - PIIILADIiLPHIA HAI.E1 COIlPOllATION 50 Iiroad and callow mil bis llnnteil STOP. LOOK AND LISTEN! New garage opened : cars bought sold and exchanged, nccessotles. new and old: cour teous assistants, expert inet hnnlclans. tsj ot TM Phlla. Aiito Parts Co" 1 Ml S.' Itrrtad Phlla. WANTED OLD At'TOP Poll PUITS 82V2S NOllTII 1.1TH 8T OLD autos wanted nnj age or rondrn. prices. Dougherty, 184S N 10th. Ph Diamond 3122 WANTED OLD" Al'TOK FOtt Jl'NK 8.14 rfT ID ST PHONE PARK 0-,8 AUTO LIVERY AND GARAGES TO HIRE (open tiny and night), brand-new "pass touring car. with robes $1.2 ihr. . also brand-new 7-pnes limousine ?1 'inr , weti dings, funerals. Poplar HUT W 171.1 Olrard. PEIIOV GARAGE filP, FULTON AND GIRARD AVE. PHONE I1ELMONT Itnl AUTO REPAIRING 1 SPEEDOMETER TROURLE1 1 See HILLY, at his new location. .510 NORTH IIROAD ST. . CYLINDERS llEHORED. new " pistons nnd rings furnished weldings nnd brazing. II. n. Underwood S- Co.. in2.r Hamilton at.. Thlla. AUTO SUPPLIES FORD OWNERS GET YOUR CAR IX SHAPE FOR SPRING AT LITTLE COST Ford Wheels tlem rlms (eninpleto), $10 00 II D Shot). Absorbers 17 SO. reg. 116.00. llnllndiv Shot it Absorb Ji no. reg jio 00. Seat Covers flouring). 17 50, reg. Ill 00 Tire Covers. 76c . reg $1 oo Kevstone Grense (5 lbs ). h'.e , reg 11 2" All lljgrnde oils (6 gal cans) 12 50, reg. $3. PULLMAN TIRES Three reasons whv thev should be usetl on vour car ECONOMY SERVICE SAFETY ATGRIM'S. 2.14-n; N. IIROAD ST PACKARD. MITCHELL PULLMAN. PARTS Ilulck. Overland. Wlntnn. Pope-IInrt-ford Elmore. Kissel, Pennsjlvnnln, Reo, Appcraon, Sultan. Chalmers, Knox, llartrraft. etc ; magnetos colls, commuta tors, carburetors speedometers, windshields milliters, pos tanks springs wheels, muf flers, lamps, horns etc Slightly used TIRES nil sizes, vour own prices PI 1 1 LA AUTO PARTS CO 12l-21Nortli 13th Park1418 HEARINGS New Departure Scrvlco Sta. Tho Gwllllam Co. 1S14 Arch st.Phones Walnut 3407. Race .1002. AUTO TIRES PULLMAN TIRES Guaranteed toon miles. Compare prices. ORIM'S. 2.10 N. Proad st. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FLECTRIP-NITno GI.OnE manu facturers hive good opening for an active business man with xi.1 000 to Invest In plant. Address Inc in descent Light Manufacturers. M 842, Ledger Central. IIOOKKEEPER. established Phlla. concern has open n position na bookkeeper: good snlnry tn active, lompetent man who can Invest 2iiiiii: monev guaranteed. M 018. Letlger Ccnirnl. 16000 CASH TO INVEST, with services, by a voung business man, In a promising manu facturing business, either now- In operation, or to be started, ttiat can be mndo profitable by addltloniil capital and business experi ence; mfg of specialties pref. Address, with parties confidential. 13 242. Led. (Vnt PATENTS-ARTHUR E. PAIOB. T!4Wnlnut St., Phlla., mechanical nnd electrical engi neer; registered patent attorney, established here 10 jears: Inventions developed: patents, trademarks, cop rights secured and liti gated anywhere; rejected applications prose- .cuted: preliminary ndvlce free, 5800.000 SEASHORE PROPERTY: finest nn the Jersey coast 260 given tn tho man who has force enough to promote successfully, part of tho tract has everj- modern Improve ment, also hotels and cottages. W. C R., 1472 N 52tl st OWNER OF A SU1TARLE PROPERTY ON THE COAST OF MAINE wants a partner of experience to Join him In opening a bojs camp there nnd establishing n profitable season this summer Address Owner. E 458. I.edgerCentrnl WOULD A GOING MANUFACTURING FIRM DEALING IN FOOD PRODUCTS INTER EST YOU' INVESTMENT WITH OR WITHOUT SERVICES INVESTIGATE. CJ3 LEDGER OFFICE. A RARE OPPORTUNITY for one or two ener" getie. encerprisitiK miiniens iiiiyi in man an active part in a business established 40 years. Capital required, 115.000. For full particulars, ( 323, Ledger Ofllce LOANS NEGOTIATED on legacies. Inheri tances, estates, stocks, bond securities, ware house receipts, raw material, notes bills nnd accounts receivable L. N. ROSENriAUM. SO W'ali st.. New York. JtJII.IW.I. Ul '( ,ll,.- , ,.,- ,.. I'..,.... ii-ei." ,,, SI 00.000 linnds nf large Western mal cnm-'l panv, attraitlve commission basis, rcfer- inces E ,144. Ledger Centrab FOR SALE Chain of lunch rooms, city of the first class; opportunity for men of ubllltj; goud-paylng basis J 952I.cdgcr Central. 1T2.OOO CAPITAL needed for new manufac turing business; location nnd building with sufficient cuidtnl to equip plant already pledged Address E441, Ledger Central GARMENT MFR wanted tn locate nt Sen Isle City, N J., where Italian workers can tie hail all jeur: liitlut ementH. Charles K. Laudla. Jr . 2028 Chestnut st , Phlla , I'a DENTIST wanted, electric lights, heat service, great business centre, no charge for good will, reasonable. Yerger. 2100 S.Hroad sL PICTURE THEATRE. 12500. $1600 cash, mod ( rTosres location, no comp , crowded nightly: rial Iwforo buy. HARRIST. 201 N. Iiroad. $5 A MONTH secures Interest In growing or chard, will 0, producing before paid for HAHRYDAIU.lNaTON. 1 120.Chestnuta. GREAT opportunltj for lady or gentleman with 11000 in Inv est. P 227. Ledger Office HOTEL Otean City. for sale, near lieach. Id Letlger Office l,ootl following r PAINT mauufat luring plant and business for sale. mjtn. jum jiarKec..-iiim,, ti. "" ATLANTIC CITY Restaurant. Hoard walk, Upper Chelsea: cor ner. 2 stores, 32x80 floor spare: erj success, ful last jear. now nrfered long lease; Imme diate possession, will Improve, decorate, etc. HEAUTIFUL. OCEAN-FRONT Apartments and stores, flno neighborhood to draw from. Call, address MURRAY SUIT 2S13 HOARDWALK ' 28-ROOM HOARDING. ROOMING HOUSE furnished, centre of city. New York and Pacific aves., elegant summer furnished cot lnc.es and suitable apartments now ready lor 1910. Address ALUERTSON RENTAL AOENCY 1422 PACIFIC AVE. BUSINESS PEB80NAL9 EVENWO CLOTHB3 LATEST STYLL Fri.tunBP3 Bt:iT3 DELtV. CALLED TOIl nttSB CALL Oil PHONE POPLAIl 233 OPEN EVC-N1NQS TO titt.t. LKirVNEirs, ioth ftoirtAitn av nw cor FULL DP.ESS "stf ITS Cutawavs, Tuxedos fnd Sack Suits To hlro and made to order. .NEUBAunrt. Tim tailoti, in n. oth au JiCIl pnono, vbiiiuv .oto, SCPEnrLtJOPfl flAItl removed by electrolysis, the only permanent way. Eyebrows arched. MISS SMITH, 402 Keith. Theatre nidg. Miss Iloppe, tnlrdies'i facial massage, man leur'g. form Mint Arcade wlthMlss Smith. "CAST-OPF CLOTHINO WANTED Highest prices paid for gentlemen's (let our offer nnd be convinced Call, wrlto or phono Wnlnut 1663 DAVID S W. Cor 12th nnd Arch, Boom 12 pens and pen coats allrred and repaired re isnnnble prices: work manship guaranteed. Fend jioslnlnr phonoPel" mnnl2VFw CI! S .1 HOORI, S117 Arcn t. Will call and rIvo eatlmnte. PPLL DllEHS. TPXIiDO FROCK AND CtTT nway Suits to hire, nil new, stylish goods: large assortment SAMUEL COOPER. 1010 tllrnrd ave Phone Poplar 1142. DIAAlONDS Itof'OHT Dank reference. Atinrnlsemenl. It IIAIlftY W. SMITH. 71, RANSOM ST. CI. M.MS of nny description collected on per centngo nnvwnere Wo get your monev tat vou. AMCOSF AOENCY Irion Arch st DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY GIRLS wanted to learn dressmaking, chance of n lifetime, earn nn vou learn send for catalogue now. The McDowell Dressmaking School. 107 Denrkln Building, lllh ami Market streeis POTTER SCHOOL OF DRESSMAKING! DAILY AND EVENINO SESSIONS. 14 i. i ha avij. i'or lar mi. HEMSTITCHINO. 10 cents a yard all mats. rials. A. HE1CIIARD. 1111 ClIPSTNtlT ST. PICTORIAL REVIEW PATTERNS DRESSMAKER French desires engagements: terms reasonalde. evening gowns n spec . re- modeling 1108 Walnut Ph Walnut 6438. - u DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY HIGHEST nrlres liald for dlamnndn. Jewelry fy, 2 30 and piwn tickets for dlanitintls. Annft lo I '10 p m . WM. FLICK, Room .1.12, Ilurd nitig , corner inn nnti rnrstntii sis, FOR SALE A HEATER, exi client inndltton. sultnblo for 2 stv. bousti or garage D 6, Letlger Office. 13IL1.IAI1D, tiockef. 'd-hand tables, repairing, supplies Clark-Herd MfR. Co. 2121 N. Front. 13ILLIARD AND bowllnir nllevs: POCKET TAI1LES Also easy pavments. imuNS- WICK-11A1.KE-COLLEN IJIJlt uu 1WK Arcn CASH REGISTERS, new and factory rebuilt. New total adders as low na J.10 on easv monthly pajmonts. Call and see our 1010 models. All registers sold by ua fully guar, nnteed. THE NATIONAL CASH REGISIER CO., T.10 Chestnut st. DESKS, filing cabinets, eifes, telephone booths nnd office furniture nnd fixtures of overy de vcrlptlon; used, hut In fine condition, and very cheap; free delivery anvwhero. HUGHES, 11TII AND HU Tri'ONWOOD. DESKS, large assortment; nlso household fur niture Dullng t etitrnl Second-hand Furnl- turel'nmpinj-. 904-90ti-I4 Callow hill St. SAFES Fireproof, closing out slightly usedi nil sizes fc mikes. Ij bargnlns. 219N. Fourth STENCIL CUTTING MACHINE"!'" MARK- ing s iments; in gootl condition: bargain. W. II. Alexander Jtourse PhUndcIphln. tOV-CHICKF-RING UPRIGHT PIANO, cost $C00 new, others nt $73 nnd tsi payable 13 monthly, "ll or wrlto for completo Hats. HEl-c'E'S UPTOWN STORES Corner Uth and Thompson ats. $121-I.ESTEn. UPRIGHT PIANO, cost flr,0 new; others nt $140. $150 and $100; by prom inent mnkers nujahlo $3 monthly. Call or write for complete lists. HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES Corner Uth nnd Thompson sts $210-PHOMACKER PIANO, cost $110 new. $215 Heppe upright piano, cost $110 now. $211.1 Hl.islus upright pin no, coi-t $110 new. Several Heppo-made pianos with .1 sounding boards nt reductions of $7.1 and $100 below regular prices, pajinents $0 monthly and up. ward. Call or write for complete lists. HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES Corner Oth nnd Thompson sts $32.rAUTOMANUAI. PLATER-PIANO, cost SOW new: $17.1. plijer-plnno (Aeolian mnde): price $17.1 new, several pianola pianos nt re. tluctlons of $10 nnil $T1 below regular prices: slightly used and fullv guaranteed for 3 jears, terms $S monthly and upward. Call or write for complete lists. HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES Corner Oth nnd Thompson sta. $2f TO $T5 Several plano-plavera foutsldo at tachments), will tit any upright piano; pay. ments $8 monthly. Call or wrlto for complota llBtS HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES Corner Uth and Thompson sts 12!) r.O-VICTROLA VI nnd fl 10-tn. D. F. roc ordi; guaranteed to be In rerfect contlltlon: nn excellent outfit for ono who Is looking for a good machine nt a rcasonablo price: 60 cents weekly accepted: cnll or write for com fdeto descriptions und largo Illustrated cata. osucs. linPFE'S UPTOWN STORES Corner Oth and Thompson sts. LARGE HDISON TALKING MACHINE, with cabinet and 60 records, finished In beautiful quartered oak; cost new $SI: enn bo paid 73 ccntH weekly; nn excellent bargain; In good condition: write for completo list of bargains and speclnl tilal offer. HBPPE'S UPTOWN STORES Corner Ith and Thompson sts I1ILLIARD. POOL, combination, second-hand, bought, sold, rented exchanged, repairing; supplies Lnfe Keafer. American manufac turer. 329 Glrard ave BO CENTS WEEKLY BUYS A "VICTROLA Call or write for particulars. linPPE'S UPTOWN STORES Corner Uth nnd Thompson sta. HEATING MAKIN-KEI.SEY HEALTH HEAT Is bettor and chenper than steam or hot water. Purs fresh air with normal moisture. MAKIN KELSEY. 0 N. ISth st . Phlla. MACHINERY AND TOOLS YOCOM ANTI-FRICTION METAL for lining innchlno bearinga has the highest untl-frle-tinn qualities and meets the widest possible innge. IRON nnd IIRASS FOUNDRYS. 145 North Second JAMES YOCOM A SON POWER-PLANT EQUIPMENT Djnnmns motors, hollers, steam nnd oil en gines, pumps, air compressors. FRANK TOOMBY. Inc . 127 N. 3d St. HORIZONTAL UOILERS 3 72 In.xl8 ft . "Penna": 60 4 In. tubes 100 pounds pressure, cheap. Sejfert's. 43T N. 3d St. HAND SAW'S. Jigsaws band resavvs, circular resavva 12. 14. It,. 18. 20, 24 inch Jolnlets, NUTTALL. 1748 N 5th. M1LI.WRIGHTINO Planing find moving uitby ; shafting erected. CHARLES IIOND COMPANY. 620 Arch St. DYNAMOS, motors and machinery bought, sold antl rented, armatures repaired. Main 01. Market !0u.1 Ycarsley Co., 221 N. 3d st. " GAS. GASOLINE AND OIL ENGINES GAS AND OIL ENGINE CO . 45 N 7TII RT. TI.ANi:it. 26x8, double surfucer, now In use. rianing nun, atn antl 'nogn PIPE Second hand, all sizes Phlla. Second Hand Plpo Supply Co , 1003 N. 7lh at. Phone. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 131-VICTOn VICTROLA VI. Including 24 se. lections (12 10 In D F. records), this Instru. ent lias a double spring and ull the latest features. Including tho new concert sound box, and Is an excellent machine In every way: can be, paid for at tho rale of 73 cents weekly; call or wrlto for complete description and large Illustrated catalogues. HEPPE'S UPTJU'N STORE3 Corner Oth and Thompson sts. $S3 CIIIUKEItlNG UPRIGHT PIANO HOWARD VINCENT. MS N. 6TII. MUSICAL INSTIIUMENTS to",""romrrcccd(tA,Wl - "asw'p'rlv ,JfeIft.r!?''n'""W Msno WlnkelmSn'-a liYffflfggffS; vhti OLD GOLD OLD GOLD, ,0etwe-,"ilv?r'.,,!.lnvrn. plated .,7 sivie y-LUOJLLrcinrr'feflSetL'ire? CASH TAtD. FOR DIAMONrio -50r mUey f.'ir diamonds. JO-!!" Co. oth nnd ' Walnut su nell n. in. ii ritnt.T- tttt: . t-i -. . wrs$smwffikm PRINTING Shop. 1004 Chestnut St. Orin .riln,C C ' " evening ROOFING AND .IRON' AWKINrii W- W'K'i PAINT VOTonnTrr n'v-oleAv's.'vfiiT AS? y special price this week. OcV ,!.?& '"roi ll run 11VJ'.'!nJi..jVrlle "r circular r Im1" ' AMERICAN ROOPIN-n f-Vv ..,. -.. "" ' "' "" i STORE AND OFFICE FlXTTif OFFICE PARTITIONS. Ofnce ti.m."' made u(, eiietuti in jour order l, iV.4 "Q to get our estimate Phon," M jou can. WEISS MANPFACTURIXO rn 460-52 North 11th st TO' STORAGE CIlVTIMI'VITt,. -e.ToRAOE.. WAREllOUflii packing. Monxo siitrrpjn ' Rugs. Carpeta cleaned sen iVlJ i " . t Ji!iy'L-PirJLi -PhneK?y.?n'lJnS: FIDELITY FIREPROOF WAnF-ltounrT" 1811-1810 MARKET rt. Es ATLAS STORAGE WAtlt-lf. ii'iui - moving, nnckimr mAi- i.79wrii. PJnr!ngT62for catintate ft'K US8N& JIcCANN'S STORAGE HOUSE. 774 NTiT; n ;rMi.vl"K. P'rklng, shipping) into 1? Roththono Let us estimate " MOVINO nnd storage prnmptser'vlri i- 1 r.n csnmjt-free rn ,-..l west rifiM- M,?.Vncc!f sronAOBTO- wl-i? tp!J!!::1l nn,o rLANn8TinMA: 7260 Pianos nnilYurnlturo llvmfht'. STORAGE Moving 1,y auto 'vans racithTT e.ni,i,iiiK i,cvin urntners, Phono Poplnr 0024 !01S htfcr.rt WANTED ANTIQUE FURNITURE faTsecTlTftTthS' beds, broken jewelry gold, silver ei.tf.I5! . bought T15 Walnut IVahjut T0rj?mi''",'',' I1ROKEN JEWELRY, false fecth. olstnu ,i..; Coin books with prices I pay'milYcu He. j 'loss (Peopin's Store), 260 S Uth. Wit 4111 CAST-OFF ,CLOTllINO-Hlghest"pTlcer5iM for Indies' and men'a clothing, hats thtci. etc : phone Pop 3891 Hlackcr.jlll I Popuf-CAST-OI'C clothing bought: best price, raid or mens.gpod wTltorho lalSt c5"m. ryitNITURE bought for 'cash, parlorTTKunT house office furn . stork stores, will Vu 't! consult us beforo selling. Ennls. 211 S, (jj FURNrfurtE7 pianos, carpets, antiques; entlri or part houses bought for cash t noraitti! how Jnrge. J. Bernstein, fail nidrs '"" WILL HUY at right price 3 mntwjanj dl, rerlora' chairs antl directors' oblonr ni? hnganv tnl.le. Oriental or domestic rut. t 160. Ledger Centrnl " HIGHEST PRICES pild for dlnmontl.. old, gold, silver, platinum, fnlse teeth, alto tani tlekela 1300 Filbert st 2d floor front j ROOMS FOR RENT ARCH. 2ti.'.'l Desirable single nnd double rm prlv baths, well heated, $2 up. Sprues V.OJ.I IIROAD. H.. 2104 Nicely "turn. mom. !tt floor. electricity, steam heat, gentlemen jmttmi. HROAD, S .2515 Nicely furnished front room:' board optional Phone Dickinson 1131 TV rfi CHESTNUT. 2007 Desirable slnjlo roomi. with or without private bath. -, GIRARD AVI 1730 Second front nnd llnilt rooms; gentlemen bent, light, hath MASTER, I2iv-Newly furnished room for ten- .i.-ini-u. euinuein riu.urc rnnv, ; rnone. PARK AVE . 2107 rrlvate family will rrat U or 2 furnished rooms Dhmond 6845 J. ; M.'RUCE, 1120 Furnished rooms, donlle tnlt slngle. rensonable. Phone Wrnlnut 810. . SPRUCE. 1.117 Rooms, alngle or en suite: prL' bnths; prof, offices; stenm heat, electricity. IOTH. S. ".00- -Single room with orlvat bath nlsn suite. Phone Wnlnut 0114. l.VTII. N 07S Large sitting room fl; 3d floor back $2; conveniences: phone. i , , ;- COTH, S.. nil - Hnndsomelv furnished M-Bcot aurtny rooms: electric light. tiot-wnKr tieil: rcstrlctetlnclgbborliood private: phone. COTH. N , 207 Cheerfully furnished rooms for housekeeping, gas electric, linen, near ' L"t phone Relmont 400.1. 52d and Sansom I'urnlshMt Vi:.S'r IlIlAXt'II Rnnms. men onlv: melSI' Y. M. C. A. shower bnths, near Id ll tb J comrortH or home, l'nononei-: mnnt 4681 Key.. West IH.j LARGE ntl.ftnnr front, nlso 2 nlusant 3d-d floor front rooms furnished, will heatnl. nsi children: references Woodland 166J Ji TWO good rooms. r minutes' wait from Brtwij nnti cnestnut sts, in renneo nosse. n nw Letlger Central DESIRA11LE furnished vacancies, hoard s-J tlonal, well heated. Phono Poplar 31" .' ROOMS WANTED WANTED Room with privnto family In 1Vft3 Philadelphia: must be between 4Mh , Wnlnut nnd l'lne streets; references changed D 7. rodeer Office BOARDING onni,s.r- mni.,i! .TtHlan-nn.laVliipn. mtlffll. shigle,oiisulfe pj-lv ate .J2l4S SPItl'CE, 12311- IiHHIKAIII.il TllllllJ-rieAiiia FRONT ROOJI WITH 1IOAIIU 40T1I. N.. IB - Attractively lurnlshetl.'soiMj rooms; excellent table: niinne. Sulnirliati. WAYNE AVE.. 4562 (Germantown) IW1 hnnl-.l eenv In ,rnln nlld frOlley. CtlOOl nfi. . u . mm -..T nn.,.tu iii-n well heatelft .' -,"s ,.,,iiie, iib,,. .-.. " ..M,! exiellent tabic, ctmvenlent to Oermanto and Wnjne cars, nny ono looking for nomej comiort win prom ny c-aiuntt me -" BOARD WANTED j COLLEGE man and mother .want at "": 1 . ,j. Dtii.v i-nnnm inn linnrtl in iirisii. .U.:'H., bniisebnltl. W. Gin preferred P Hi, , UdOfLJ SANITARIUMS HEAUTIFUL location, special k'""' '" JI . er.e,,B el.lerlv. every COmfOrt. "Ur", w Itooklet Dr Randal City line, Chestnut " APARTMENTS Jj r..ii-A?Vv",bl0,.a,pXnuml to 4 rooms, soma furnished. i"J.,T 4 1 .. ..(.. ntiftnA a Drue si" ii-n. ninny '?'";" - " ., 1 1 BPRINO GARDEN, lOE",;phSlettSJi aitrereni nousesi whip . ' Tun mirrA nA-DTOTTlI? i"""-.', ITllZl JTl,iVXV011-J OlItAlU'A OPPOSITE FAIRMOUNT rfij Four lines of cars;, convenient to .innu A. .h. eit.., ull larse outslus f Culslno .iio'NlllAYtlNcIlL eennuinc 22d and Chestnut sU. sj A few desirable vacancJsJrftJ22.i TWO LARGE ROOMS. P"VB'?,7lnTi,niBS lilnhe.l. rnrllir. 14 W lldoWS alio SIM I j(Jf udjolulns hath. 1401 Oxford el. By C. A. VOIGHT HIB